Lord Jesus Christ in the 1611KJV
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Significant Gospel Events.

Sections in this Study:

Significant Events Reported only Once Within the Gospels;
Prophecy Fulfilled;
Non-Prophecy Godly Knowledge;
Minor Titles of the Son of God;
Jesus and the Ten Commandments;
Jesus and Devils;

Several commentators have lists of the Harmony of the Gospels, or subsets of the Harmony of the Gospels, such as where miracles are reported within the Gospel accounts.  However, as I started studying the gospels and looking at the available reference documents which were available, I found that all available reference material was incomplete and, worse, contained some errors.  Therefore, I created several reference documents which I believe are more reliable and which others have verified are more reliable than what is available elsewhere.

The events in the early ministry of Jesus  can not, for the most part, be put into an absolute time sequence because none of the Gospel accounts are in an absolute time sequence.  In addition, none of the Gospel accounts provide us with enough information to put the events of the early ministry in an absolute time sequence.  However, once Jesus  headed to Jerusalem for the last time before His crucifixion, we can put events into an absolute time sequence,  Therefore, events of the later ministry are not, necessarily, in this document but can be found in the Gospel Time Sequence document.

There are certain categories of events, such as miracles, which are reported in other documents and, usually, are not reported in another document even if the event could be reported in other categories from the one where it is reported.  If everything were reported everywhere it is possible, there would be a lot of duplication.  Therefore, if you do not find what you are looking for in this document, then click on the Doctrines Main Menu item and search the other documents accessed from that web page.

While the references within this document are mainly links to the detail notes for various Gospel accounts, this document is not limited to linking exclusively to the Gospels.  There are references to the Old Testament within the New Testament.  The links to those Old Testament references can be found in the detail note within the particular Book Study on the Gospel account.  However, when something is reported in more than one Gospel account and also has Old Testament references, such as the fulfillment of prophecy, the links to the Old Testament might also be provided in this document.  In spite of the references found here, in most cases, the reader must go to the detailed note for the Gospel account to find such references.  Therefore, please do not think that this document has all of the references available for a given incident.  This document is only a high-level reference document.  As a result, it is important to use the links provided to go to the more detailed notes in order to find the detailed references.


  1. Please note that the miracles, which are recorded within the gospels, are listed in the Table of Miracles in the Gospels document.  That document also has the links to those events within the appropriate book studies and the notes within the Book Studies provide the details and related links for each miracle.
  2. John ends his Gospel with And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.  (John 21:25).  Therefore, even the record, found in all of the Gospel accounts, is incomplete as there are miracles, done by Jesus  which were not put into a written record.


  1. The reports of the ministry of Jesus,  before His going to Jerusalem for the last time, can not be put into an exact time sequence since we are not given enough information to do so.  However, we can do a little better with the reports of the early life of Jesus.  There is not a lot of information about His early life.  But, in General, Matthew 1:1-17 occur first in time.  Then we have Luke 1 occur in time.  Matthew 1:18-25 occurs during the time of Luke 1:39-80, but we can not be more exact on the timing of those events than what is reported here.
  2. Luke 2:1-38 occurs next in the time sequence.  Then Matthew 2: with Matthew 2:21-23 being the same event as Luke 2:39.  The rest of Luke 2 (Luke 2:40-52) occurs before Matthew 3; Luke 3; Mark 1 and John 1 all start telling us about the ministry of John the Baptist.  All of the Gospel writers consider that event to be the true beginning of the ministry of Jesus.
  3. The birth of Jesus  is prophesied as reported in Matthew 1:18-21 and Luke 1:26-38.
  4. The birth of Jesus  is recorded in Matthew 1:18-25; Luke 2:1-20; John 1:1-5 and John 1:9-14.  Each of these presentations take a different perspective.  John presents the spiritual view.  Matthew presents the legal view and his genealogy traces through Joseph, who is the adoptive father of Jesus  but not the physical father.  Luke presents the physical view and his genealogy traces through Mary, who is the physical mother of Jesus  but is not recognized under Jewish Law because she is female.  Each Gospel author reveals the perspective of his Gospel with this opening event.
  5. The genealogy of Jesus  is reported in Matthew 1:1-16 and Luke 3:23-38.  Matthew gives His legal genealogy, which comes through Joseph while Luke gives His physical genealogy, which comes through Mary.
  6. John 1:15; John 1:29-36; presents the witness from John the Baptist that Jesus  was/is the Son of God.  Please use this link provided to see the full Study on John the Baptist including links to notes which deal with every place in the Bible where he is named.
  7. Mark 1 reports many of the same things as Matthew 3 and 4.
  8. Mark 2 reports many of the same things as Matthew 9 and Luke 5.
    • Matthew 9:1-8; Mark 2:1-12 and Luke 5:17-26   tell us about Jesus  returning home with His first four disciples.  There Jesus  cures a man who was sick of the palsy.  (From the dictionary definitions, palsy  sounds a lot like polio, which still can not be cured today.)  Jesus  also used this miracle to challenge the claim by the Pharisees and scribes  to have greater authority when speaking for God and when teaching doctrine.  Please see the note for Luke 5:17 for a detailed analysis of this incident which is reported in three Gospel accounts.
    • Matthew 9:2; Mark 2:6; Luke 5:21 and John 8:3 all report that the scribes and the Pharisees started to accuse Jesus  of blasphemy Other earlier places we are told that they reacted poorly but these are the first reports of this accusation.
    • In Matthew 9:9-13; Mark 2:13-15 and Luke 5:27-32 we read about the call of Matthew as a disciple who would become an apostle.  Matthew gave a party, to celebrate his call and to introduce his friends the Jesus.  As a result of that feast, Matthew 9:10-13; Mark 2:15-17 and Luke 5:30-32 we read about how Jesus  and His disciples eat and drink with publicans and sinners.  As a further result of this, the scribes and Pharisees  questioned Jesus  about not keeping their traditions.
    • In Matthew 9:14-17; Mark 2:18-22 and Luke 5:33-39 we read about the disciples of John  asking a similar, but different question and asking it for a different reason and with a different attitude.  As a result, they received a different type of answer.
    • In Matthew 9:15; Mark 2:19 and Luke 5:34 we read about 'the children of the bride-chamber'.
    • In Matthew 9:16-17; Mark 2:21-22 and Luke 5:36-39 we read two parables which Jesus  gave to explain the differences between the old religion of the scribes and Pharisees  as compared to the religious attitudes that were expected in the New Testament Church.  Please also see the Table of Parables in the New Testament for these parables.
    • Matthew 12:1-8; Mark 2:23-28 and Luke 6:1-5 report that Jesus  and His disciples pick and eat corn on the Sabbath day.  Those accounts also have the accusation by the Pharisees that Jesus hand His disciples violated the Law about the Sabbath.  The answer from Jesus  includes the fact that the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath.
  9. Mark 3 reports many of the same things as Matthew 10 and Luke 6.
  10. Mark 4 reports things which are found in different chapters of Matthew and Luke.
  11. Mark 5 reports many of the same things as Matthew 8 and Luke 8.
    • Matthew 8:28-34; Mark 5:1-20 and Luke 8:26-39 tell us about Jesus  freeing the mad man of Gadara from many devils.  There was actually a second man, according to Matthew, but he wasn't important enough for Mark nor Luke to mention.
    • Matthew 9:18-26; Mark 5:21-43 and Luke 8:40-56 tells us about Jesus  raised the daughter of Jairus from the dead.  Please see the notes for each sentence within this account for contextual considerations and links to related Studies, except the link to the Study called the Miracles in the Gospels; which is here.  Please see the note for Luke 8:51 for a step-by-step sequence of events in the last part of this miracle.  The sequence of earlier events is straight-forward and do not need a special outline.
    • Matthew 9:20-22; Mark 5:25-34 and Luke 8:43-48 tell about the healing of the woman with an issue of blood while Jesus,  and a throng of people, were on the way to heal the daughter of Jairus.
  12. Mark 6 reports many of the same things as Matthew 13 and 14 and several places in Luke.
    • Matthew 13:54-58 and Mark 6:1-6 tell us about Jesus  teaching near His home and the people refusing to believe.  Their unbelief restricted the works He could do there.
    • In Matthew 13:55 and Mark 6:3 and Luke 4:22 they said Is not this the carpenter's son? is not his mother called Mary? and his brethren, James, and Joses, and Simon, and Judas?
    • Matthew 13:54-58 and Mark 6:4 and Luke 4:14-31 and John 4:43-45 all tell about Jesus  making the declaration that: a prophet hath no honour in his own country.  These reports may be for different (but similar) incidents.
    • Mark 6:7-13 gives an account which of the twelve being commissioned to be sent out to preach.  We read about their return in Mark 6:30-31.  We also have the account of the twelve being commissioned to be sent out as reported in Matthew 10; Mark 3:14-19 and Luke 9:1-6.  However, only Mark 6:7-13 tell us about them being sent out before the crucifixion.  Here we see Jesus  giving power to the twelve  and sending them out to heal the sick, cast out devils and to preach repentance6:30-31 has their report after they returned and is the only place in the Gospel of Mark where they are called apostles.  A similar account is found in the Gospel of Luke in Luke 10:1-24.  There, Jesus  sent out seventy.
    • Matthew 14:1-12 and Mark 6:14-29 and Luke 9:7-9 report the beheading of the John the Baptist.  Please use the link provided to see the full Study on John the Baptist, including links to notes which deal with every place in the Bible where he is named.  Luke 9:7-9 tell us that the head of the local civil government confused Jesus  with John the Baptist.
    • In Matthew 14:12 and Mark 6:29 we are told that the disciples of John the Baptist buried his body then went to Jesus.  Some of these may have been the disciples of Jesus  who had been the disciples of John the Baptist before and these may have included some disciples of John the Baptist who now became disciples of Jesus.
    • Either way, after Jesus  received the news, He took all of them to a desert place by ship.  (Matthew 14:13 and Mark 6:30-32; Luke 9:10 and John 6:1-3) in order to morn the death of John the Baptist, but the people followed them and refused to give them time to mourn his death.
    • The people followed them and they were denied a time alone to morn.  (Matthew 14:13 and Mark 6:33 and Luke 9:11.)
    • When the people followed, Jesus...was moved with compassion toward them, because they were as sheep not having a shepherd and he began to teach them many things  and he healed their sick.  (Matthew 14:14 and Mark 6:34 and Luke 9:11.)  Please also see the Table Of Miracles for references to other places where the Gospels tell us that Jesus  did many miracles without naming the specifics.
    • After this Jesus  fed the 5,000 men.  (Matthew 14:15-21 and Mark 6:35-44; Luke 9:12-17 and John 6:5-13.)
    • Then Jesus  went across the sea again for a time alone with His disciples.  (Matthew 14:23-34 and Mark 6:45-53 and John 6:15-21.)  However, the people followed Him again and that was when He rebuked them for following only to get bread.  This is when he told them I am the bread of life  and most were offended by the spiritual truth and stopped following.
    • Mark 6:54-56; Matthew 14:34-36 and John 6:22-71 report Jesus  returning to His home region after feeding the 5,000 men and walking on the water.  However, the account in John's Gospel includes many details and teachings not reported in other Gospel accounts.  This Gospel also reports the people of Gennesaret seeking Jesus  for healing, even while they rejected His teaching.
  13. Matthew 15 and Mark 7 tell us pretty much the same thing with the account at the end of Matthew 15 being put into the start of Mark 8.
  14. Matthew 16 and Mark 8 tell us pretty much the same thing.
  15. Matthew 17; Mark 9 and Luke 9 tell us pretty much the same thing. 
  16. In Luke 6:20-49 we have a short version of the 'Sermon on the Mount', which is also called the 'Beatitudes' and is the basic doctrine that the church is to follow.  The longer version is in Matthew Chapters 5-7.  There are also several parables in this section.  In addition, Luke 6:32-37 tells us why we should obey the 'Beatitudes'.  Following those sentences, in the remainder of the chapter, are parables which also teach attitudes required if we are to obey the 'Beatitudes'.
  17. In Matthew 10:24-25 and Luke 6:40 we read The disciple is not above his master: but every one that is perfect shall be as his master.
  18. In Matthew 7:3-5 and Luke 6:41-42 we read the 'Parable of the Beam and Mote'.  It is also found in the Table Of Parables in the NT.
  19. In Luke 7:11-17 we are told about Jesus  raised the widow's son from the dead.  In addition, Luke 8:41-42, 49-58 we read about Jesus  raising the daughter of Jatius.  Further, John 11 tells about Jesus  raising Lazarus from the dead.
  20. In Matthew 7:21-22 and Luke 6:46 we read about people calling Jesus  Lord, Lord.
  21. In Matthew 7:24-29 and Luke 6:47-49 we read the 'Parable of the House on Rock and Sand'.  It is also found in the Table Of Parables in the NT.
  22. In Matthew 7:16-20; Matthew 12:33 and Luke 6:43-45 we read the 'Parable of the Good Tree and Corrupt Fruit'.  It is also found in the Table Of Parables in the NT.
  23. In Matthew 8:5-13 and Luke 7:1-10 we are told that Jesus  healings the centurion's servant.
  24. In Matthew 11:2-6 and Luke 7:17-23 we are told that John the Baptist sent from prison and asked Jesus  if He was the Christ.
  25. In Matthew 11:4-5 and Luke 7:21 we are told about Jesus  healed the diseased and cast out devils as proof He is Christ  for John the Baptist's disciples.
  26. In Matthew 11:7-15 and Luke 7:24-30 we are told about Jesus  telling the crowd what God thought about John the Baptist.
  27. In Matthew 11:16-19 and Luke 7:30-35 we are told about Jesus  asking But whereunto shall I liken this generation?
  28. In Matthew 11:20-24 and Luke 10:13-15 Jesus  says Woe!  to the people who had received the most evidence that He was God's Messiah / Christ  and, yet, still refused to believe.  Thus, we have a contrast in the attitudes, and resulting judgment by God, between those who believed and obeyed as opposed to those who refused to believe and obey.
  29. Matthew 2:5-6 and John 7:41-42 let us know that Jews, who were alive at the time of the Gospels, knew the truth about where Christ would be born.
  30. Luke 10:16 has the precept about God's judgment based upon how people accept or reject His messenger.  We see similar messages in Matthew 6:24; Luke 16:13 and Luke 18:9-14.
  31. In Matthew 6:24-34 and Luke 12:22-40 Jesus  gives a doctrinal discourse on trusting God for our daily needs.
  32. In Matthew 12:29; Mark 3:27 and Luke 11:21-22, we read the 'Parable about Robbing a Strong Man's House'.
  33. In Matthew 12:30 and Luke 11:23, we read that Jesus  said: He that is not with me is against me: and he that gathereth not with me scattereth.
  34. In Luke 11:39-52 and Matthew 23, Jesus  says Woe!  to different groups of religious leaders because they taught religious rules which went against the commandments of God which are found in the word of God.
  35. Matthew 24:32-44 and Mark 13:26-37 and Luke 21:29-38 give the 'Parable of the Fig Tree' and the command to watch.  This is a commandment for today.
  36. In Luke 12:39 and Matthew 24:43-44, we read the 'Parable to Watch for the Thief'.  It is also found in the Table of Parables in the NT.
  37. In Luke 12:42-48 and Matthew 24:45-51, we read the 'Parable of the Wise Steward'.  It is also found in the Table of Parables in the NT.
  38. In Luke 12:54-57 and Matthew 16:2-3, we read the 'Parable of Clouds and Wind'.  It is also found in the Table of Parables in the NT.
  39. In Luke 13:20-21 and Matthew 13:33, we read the '`Parable of Leaven'.  It is also found in the Table of Parables in the NT.
  40. In John 11:32 we see that Mary fell down at his feet  as in worship to show that she regarded Jesus  to be 'God in human flesh'.  We see similar worship by others in Mark 5:22 and Mark 7:25 and Revelation 1:17-21.
  41. The 'Eight Sayings from the Cross' are in the note for John 19:26.

Significant Events Reported only Once Within the Gospels

Some of the other sections of this document also report events which occur only once but those events fit within those other categories such as the Prophecies Section.  I tried to avoid duplication and, therefore, did not put those Bible references in more than one section of this document.  As a result, please check all of this document to find all of the one-time events reported.  (In general, the event will be identified with the minimum number of Bible references.)  In particular, the arrest, trials, crucifixion and resurrection all have different events reported in different Gospels.  The sequences for these events are presented in separate sections and the one-time reports of those events are in those sections.  Further, the events of John 21 are only reported in that Gospel.  Therefore, please see those sections for the one-time events related to those categories.

In addition to those considerations, there are places where a sentence or a phrase is used in only one of the Gospels.  While those sentences or phrases may be doctrinally significant, I did not always include such things in this Section.  (an example is the fact that Luke 4:1 says Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan.)  The various Book Studies will contain these details.

Please also see the Table of Miracles in the Gospels and the Table of Parables in the New Testament for one-time events.

  1. Pretty much everything in Matthew 2 is unique to that Gospel.  Sequence wise, everything in Matthew 2 occurs between the first and second phrases of Luke 2:39.
  2. Matthew 2:1-12 tells us about the appearance of the wise men.
  3. Matthew 2:13-23 reports the trip to Egypt and the return from Egypt by Joseph, Mary and Jesus.
  4. Matthew 11:12-13 tell us: And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.  For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John.  This message is not found elsewhere.
  5. Matthew 11:28-30 is only found in Matthew and tell us: Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.  For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
  6. In Matthew 13:10-17 the disciples asked Jesus  Why speakest thou unto them in parables?  and Jesus answered them.  This question and answer are unique to this part of this Gospel.
  7. In Matthew 15:3-6 is not reported anywhere else.  Here, we read that Jesus  said that the scribes and Pharisees  transgress the commandment of God by your tradition.
  8. In Matthew 16:13-20 and Mark 8:27-30 and Luke 9:18-20, Peter confesses that Jesus  is the Christ.  Only in Matthew 16:17-19, do we read that Jesus  said: Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.  And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.  This makes the disciples, who became apostles, to have the legal authority as ambassadors for the kingdom of Heaven.
  9. Matthew 17:24-27 tells us about the government officials demanding tribute  which they were not entitled to receive.  In spite of that fact, Jesus  did a miracle to produce the money and told Peter to pay the tribute.  This lets us know that government officials are ministers of God  even when they are being corrupt.  In addition, it lets us know that the example from Jesus  is to not waste time arguing with corrupt officials, over non-spiritual matters, but spend our time serving the kingdom of God.
  10. Matthew 18:10-14 is unique to this Gospel.  It teaches about the protection that God places on little children that are 'younger than the age of accountability'.  They have guardian angels  in Heaven who get them protection from God.  And even if God allows something to happen to the child, Matthew 18:7 warned us: Woe unto the world because of offences!.
  11. Matthew 23:8, through pretty much the end of the chapter has no great section in the other Gospel accounts which match it.  There are some references in the other Gospel accounts which match some sentences, or phrases, of this chapter but, in General, it is unique.
  12. Matthew 25:31-46 gives us the 'Sheep and Goat Judgment'.
  13. Matthew 27:3-10 tells us about the end of Judas Iscariot before returning to the message about Pilate dealing with Jesus.
  14. Only Matthew 27:34 tells us that Jesus  was offered vinegar to drink mingled with gall: and when he had tasted thereof, he would not drink.  Please see the note for this reference, in the Book Study on the Gospel of Matthew, for the explanation.
  15. Likewise, Mark 15:23 says: they gave him to drink wine mingled with myrrh: but he received it not.  This may be the same as the prior reference from Matthew as some wine  is actually vinegar  and it is possible that myrrh  and gall  are two different names for the same thing.
  16. Only Matthew 27:51-53 tells us that many bodies of the saints which slept arose, And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.
  17. Only Matthew 27:62-66 tells us that the Jewish leaders requested a watch  on the sepulchre.
  18. Matthew 28:2 tells us that Mary Magdalene runneth, and cometh to Simon Peter and (John) and saith unto them, They have taken away the Lord out of the sepulchre, and we know not where they have laid him.  The entire account of Jesus  dealing with Mary Magdalene is mainly found in the Gospel of John.
  19. After this we have the report in Matthew 28:3-10 which tells us that Peter and John inspected the sepulchre  and then went away again unto their own home.  They, apparently, later returned to the upper room later the same day because they were there when Jesus  appeared there later that same day.
  20. Matthew 28:9-10 tells us that Jesus  met the other women and gave them a similar message as the angel gave to them at the sepulchre.  This appearance was after He dealt with Mary Magdalene.  Please see the note for John 20:17 for the explanation of this truth.
  21. In Matthew 28:11-18 we have the account of Jesus  dealing with Mary Magdalene in a personal way.
  22. Matthew 28:11-15 tells us that the watch  had left and went to the Jewish leaders with the true account of the resurrection.  They paid the watch,  and assured their safety, so long as the watch  supported the fraudulent claim that they spread.  This appears to happen during the day while the disciples were busy with other things.
  23. Matthew 28:16 tells us: Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them.  After that Matthew doesn't tell us any more events which fit into the sequence but ends his Gospel with his portion of the 'Great Commission'.  I believe it is impossible to say exactly when this happened but, since it was supposed to take some time to go to Galilee, I believe it was after the first day of the resurrection of Jesus.

  24. Mark 3:7-12 tell us in general how Jesus  handled His early ministry.
  25. Mark 3:20-21 tell us that Jesus  became so popular and had so many people demanding miracles from Him that He, and the disciples, so that they could not so much as eat bread.
  26. In the prior section, called Harmony; we saw the commissioning of the twelve.  That section also has the three accounts of Jesus  giving power to the twelve  and sending them out to heal the sick, cast out devils and to preach repentanceMark 6:30-31 has their report after they returned.
  27. Mark 8:22-26 tells about Jesus  healing a blind man in a way that is not reported elsewhere.
  28. Mark 14:51-52 tells about Mark being there when Jesus  was arrested.
  29. In Mark 15:16-20 we read several details about the soldiers mocking Jesus  which are not in the other Gospels.
  30. Only in Mark 15:42-47 are we told that Pilate was surprised that Jesus  died as quickly as He did.  Once He declared it is finished,  there was no more need for Him to stay in this physical world.  Therefore, he gave up the ghost.
  31. Mark 16:9 tells Now when Jesus was risen early the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene.  to see a young man sitting on the right side, clothed in a long white garment.  Therefore, this event occurs before other events reported in the other Gospels such as when Jesus  met the other women and gave them a similar message as the angel gave to them at the sepulchre.

  32. Everything in Luke 1 is unique to that chapter with the exception that the birth of Jesus  is prophesied as reported in Matthew 1:18-21 and Luke 1:26-38.
  33. Luke gives his reason for writing this Gospel in Luke 1:1-4.  His Gospel is not in a time-sequence order but an order which gives understanding.
  34. The announcement of the birth of John the Baptist is reported in Luke 1:5-22.
  35. The announcement of the miracle of Elizabeth (mother of John the Baptist) becoming pregnant is reported in: Luke 1:7-13.
  36. Luke 1:11-17 have the message from the angel of the Lord.  The angel is telling Zacharias of the role (position) that the Lord  has appointed John the Baptist to have.  Luke 1:18-20 have the question from Zacharias to the angel and the consequence of questioning the message from God is found in Luke 1:20-22 and Luke 1:62-64.
  37. Luke 1:23-25 tells us that God kept His promise to the parents of John the Baptist and Elizabeth became pregnant with John the Baptist.
  38. Luke 1:39-56. tells us that Mary travels to the house of Elisabeth and stays until after the birth of John the Baptist.  We also have prophecy and other things reported in this Bible reference.
  39. In Luke 1:41-45 John the Baptist does the job of a prophet while still in the womb and lets God reveal to his mother the truths that she says in those sentences.  That truth could only come from God and she says that she knew it because: the babe leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost.
  40. In Luke 1:46-55 has the personal worship of Mary which was spoke in response to the statements from Elizabeth.
  41. In Luke 1:57-79 tells us about the birth of John the Baptist and the results of his birth.  This section is clearly a single unit, and needs to be understood as such, because every sentence, after the first, starts with the word And,  which adds it to the prior sentences all the way back to Luke 1:57.
  42. In Luke 1:67-79 tells us that: Zacharias was filled with the Holy Ghost, and prophesied.
  43. In Luke 1:80 tells us that John the Baptist grew up in the deserts.  This sentence is the only thing said about his childhood.
  44. Everything in Luke 2 is unique to that chapter with the exception that the birth of Jesus  is recorded in Matthew 1:18-25; Luke 2:1-20; John 1:1-5 and John 1:9-14.  Each of these presentations take a different perspective.  Therefore, while not unique in message, what is in Luke 2 is unique in perspective.
  45. The circumcision and naming of Jesus  is reported in Luke 2:21.
  46. The presentation of Jesus  at the Temple is reported in Luke 2:22-38.
  47. Luke 2:39 tells us: And when they had performed all things according to the law of the Lord, they returned into Galilee, to their own city Nazareth.  Luke's report skips over their travelling to Egypt, as reported in Matthew 2:13-23.
  48. Luke 2:41-50 tell about the time when Jesus  only twelve years old  but He stayed in the Temple and astonishing the learned men (doctors)  while discussing doctrine as an equal.
  49. Luke 2:51-52 tells us the only report that we have on the childhood of Jesus.
  50. Luke 4:16-30 tells us about Jesus  starting His ministry in Nazareth, which was the town where He lived with His family.  When He taught in the synagogue on the sabbath day, He told the people that a prophecy in Isaiah was fulfilled in that day.  The people understood that He was saying that He fulfilled the prophecy.  Since it was a prophecy about the Messiah / Christ,  They understood that He was declaring that He was the Messiah / Christ,  They reacted by trying to kill Him.  While His ministry in Nazareth is also reported by Matthew and Mark, they do not include the details of this incident.
  51. Luke 5:16 is the only place to report: And he withdrew himself into the wilderness, and prayed.
  52. In Luke 7:41-47 we read the 'Parable of the Two Debtors'.  It is also found in the Table Of Parables in the NT.
  53. Matthew 26:6-16 and Mark 14:3-9; Luke 7:36-50 and John 12:1-11 tell us about the time that Jesus  and His disciples ate a meal at the house of Simon the leper and Mary Magdalene anointed Jesus  for His death.  The perspective that Luke presents is unique to his Gospel and the things said to Simon are only recorded in Luke's Gospel.
  54. In Luke 8:1-3, we read that Jesus  went about inviting people to His kingdom and, like any true king, He had people traveling with Him and taking care of His physical needs.
  55. In Luke 8:4-5, we read that Jesus  cast seven devils out of Mary Magdalene.
  56. Luke 9:7-9 tell us that the head of the local civil government confused Jesus  with John the Baptist.
  57. Luke 9:32 tells us that Peter, James and John fell asleep during the incident called the 'Mount of Transfiguration'.  While Matthew and Mark also tell us about the incident, neither of them tell us about the disciples falling asleep.
  58. Luke 9:51-62 tell us about people doing wrong religious actions because of wrong beliefs.  Luke tells us that these were done when the time was come that he should be received up.  That is, when He was traveling to Jerusalem for the last time.  However, Luke is not putting his incidents in strict time sequence but reports them when they support the point he is making.  We see this in the fact that future chapters report things which occur in time before the things reported in the end of this chapter.  However, the theme of this chapter is; 'The Twelve Receive Spiritual Maturity' and these incidents are used by Jesus  to teach the twelve what not to do and what attitudes to not hold onto.
  59. In Luke 10:30-37 we read the 'Parable of The good Samaritan'.
  60. Luke 10:1-20 tell us that Jesus  appointed other seventy also, and sent them two and two before his face into every city and place, whither he himself would come .  While this is similar to what He did with the twelve, it is a separate incident involving different disciples.  In Luke 10:17 reports the return of the seventy.  Luke 10:18-24 has the response from Jesus  to the report from the seventy.  Here we literally read that Jesus  thanked God the Father for giving different responses to people based upon the level of their faith in action.  Then, Luke 10:22 and Matthew 11:27 tell us that the only way to truly receive anything from God the Father is to go through the Son of God.
  61. In Luke 10:38-42 we read that Martha complained to Jesus  about her sister Mary spending time to learn about Jesus  and His doctrine instead of helping with housework.  Jesus  told Martha: Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.  Here we see that drawing close to God is more important than any responsibility that we have in this world.
  62. In Luke 11:1-4, we read that the disciples asked Lord, teach us to pray.  The answer from Jesus  is what people call 'the Lord's prayer' but what is truly 'the example prayer'.
  63. In Luke 11:5-8, we read parable called 'The Friend at Midnight'.
  64. In Luke 11:27-28, we have a woman saying how blessed His mother, Mary, was.  This is the first recorded worship of Mary.  Jesus  answers with: Yea rather, blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it.  This is our true evidence that we belong to God.
  65. In Luke 11:37-44, we have an account of a certain Pharisee besought (Jesus) to dine with him.  This led to Jesus  giving a lesson on the difference between external physical cleanliness and the spiritual internal cleanliness.  Jesus  then says But woe unto you, Pharisees!  and gives three different examples on how they were clean externally but truly dirty internally.
  66. In Luke 11:27-28, we have a woman saying how blessed His mother, Mary, was.  This is the first recorded worship of Mary.  Jesus  answers with: Yea rather, blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it.  This is our true evidence that we belong to God.
  67. In Luke 11:45-52, we read that one of the lawyers who were at the dinner said: Master, thus saying thou reproachest us also.  In response, Jesus  gave a similar, but different, condemnation of the lawyers.
  68. In Luke 12:1-13, Luke reports doctrine that Jesus  taught to His disciples.  Luke 12:1  reports circumstances which are unique to this Gospel.  Luke 12:2-9 reports pretty much the same thing as Matthew 10:26-33 and pretty much the same thing as Mark 8:15-21, but the time and circumstances of all three reports are different.  Therefore, what we have here is doctrine which was taught more than once, which shows the importance of these doctrines.  Different places in the Gospel by Mark report some of the doctrines which are reported in these sections of Luke and Matthew, but Mark does not report them as a single unit.  Please see the notes for each sentence in the Book Study on the Gospel of Luke for matching references to the message in that particular sentence.
  69. Luke 12:13-14 tell us about someone wanting Jesus to settle a dispute over an inheritance.  The answer from Jesus  shows that this request upset Jesus.  But, then Luke 12:15 is the start on a doctrinal lesson that continues through the end of the chapter and warns us about covetousness.
  70. In Luke 13:1-5, we read that Jesus  said that God would not protect the religious people who refused to truly Biblically repent.
  71. In Luke 13:6-9, we read the 'Parable of the Barren Fig Tree'.  It is also found in the Table of Parables in the NT.
  72. In Luke 13:10-17, we read that Jesus  healed a woman who had a spirit of infirmity  for eighteen years.
  73. In Luke 13:22-30 we have teaching from Jesus  about there being few who are truly saved and that many religious people will be shocked at being declared to be lost.  Parts of this section are also reported in different places within Matthew's Gospel but Matthew does not put all of these teachings in a single group like Luke does.
  74. Luke 13:25-27 is a parable that many do not recognize as a parable.  However, since it is 'an Earthly story with a Heavenly meaning', it is, in fact, a parable.  This is the 'Parable of the Rejected Claims'.  Matthew 7:21-23 gives us a matching teaching but not as a parable.  In addition, Matthew 25:41-46 gives a similar teaching but is a different time and applied to a different group of people.
  75. Finally, in Luke 13:31-35 The Pharisees tried to scare Jesus away from Jerusalem but He was not scared.  Instead, Jesus  pronounced judgment that would come upon Jerusalem because of the crucifixion.
  76. Luke 23:8-12 tells us that Pilate sent Jesus  to Herod to be judged.  This account is only in Luke's Gospel and Herod did not do the judgment for Pilate although Herod and his men did abuse Jesus.
  77. Luke 23:36-37 is the only place where we are told that the soldiers mocked Jesus  while He was on the cross.  Other reports of the soldiers mocking Him were before the crucifixion.
  78. Only Luke 23:39-43 tells us about one of the thieves repenting and being saved.

  79. John 1:9-14 tells us the prophesied testimony of Jesus.
  80. John 1:19-28 is the testimony of John the Baptist.
  81. John 1:29-36 is the witness from John the Baptist that Jesus  was/is the Son of God.
  82. John 1:29 tells us that John the Baptist prophesied that Jesus  would taketh away the sin of the world.
  83. The first miracle done by Jesus  is reported in John 2:1-11.
  84. John 2:17-18 tells us that The disciples believe prophecy and the religious leaders demand a sign.
  85. John 2:19-20 tells us that Jesus  answered that He would be in the grave three days and three nights.
  86. John 2:23-25 tells us that this happened when Jesus  was in Jerusalem at the Passover and many had a false belief.
  87. Nicodemus questions Jesus  as reported in John 3:1-21.
  88. John 3:22-24 tells us that the disciples of Jesus  baptized in Judaea before John the Baptist was cast into prison.
  89. John 3:25-36 tells us that the disciples of John the Baptist question him and he says He must increase, but I must decrease.
  90. Jesus  announces the start of the 'Church Age' tells us how we are to worship God and gives us an example of how to win the lost.  This is probably the first time that Jesus  personally won non-Jews (Samaritans).  This is   reported in John 4.
  91. John 4:46-54 tells us that Jesus  cures the nobleman's son of Capernaum.
  92. John 5:1-14 tells us that Jesus  returns to Jerusalem for a feast and heals the impotent man at the pool.
  93. John 5:16-47: tells us that the Jews try to kill Jesus  for healing on the sabbath.  He gives a doctrinal answer.
  94. John 6:22-58 tells us that the people chase Jesus and He rebukes them for only following because of bread and miracles. He explains that He is the bread of life  and they must eat Him.  Many murmur as a result.  This is taught in the synagogue of Capernaum.
  95. John 7:1-9 tells us that the brethren of Jesus  did not believe and challenged Him to go to Jerusalem for the feast of tabernacles, knowing that the Jews wanted to kill Him.
  96. John 7:10-44 tells us that Jesus  went up to the feast in secret and argues authority for doctrine.  Many believed He was Christ and many rejected.
  97. John 7:45-53 tells us that the officers of the chief priests and Pharisees would not arrest Jesus  the officers of the chief priests and Pharisees would not arrest.
  98. John 8:1-12 tells us that Jews accuse a woman of adultery.
  99. John 8:13-30 tells us that the Jews accuse Jesus  of blasphemy and He answers with the common people listening.
  100. John 8:31-58 tells us that Jesus  instructs those Jews which believed on him  and they argue and reject instruction.
  101. John 9:1-14 tells us that Jesus  heals a man born blind.  The Jews cast the man out of the Temple for refusing to lie about JesusJesus  tells the Jews: If ye were blind, ye should have no sin: but now ye say, We see; therefore your sin remaineth.
  102. John 10:1-23 gives us the doctrine of the door and of the good shepherd at Jerusalem the feast of the dedication.
  103. John 10:24-39 tells us that the Jews ask Jesus  if He is the Christ.
  104. John 10:40-42 tells us that Jesus  escapes and went beyond Jordan.
  105. Jesus  raised Lazarus from the dead as reported in John 11:1-44.
  106. John 11:45-53 tells us that he chief priests and the Pharisees plotted the death of Jesus  as a result of His raising Lazarus.  This was before the last Passover.
  107. Jesus  arrived at Bethany as reported in John 12:1.
  108. John 12:34-60 tells us that many believed and many rejected because Jesus  said He would be lifted up from the earth  and they believed Christ abideth for ever.
  109. Jesus  washed the feet of the apostles as reported in John 13:1-11.
  110. Jesus  gave the apostles His last discourse as reported in John 13:31-17:26.
  111. John : tells us that Jesus  .  .
  112. John 14:1-4 tells us that Jesus  prepares a place for the saved in Heaven.
  113. John 14:6-21 tells us that Jesus  is the way, the truth, and the life  and the promises and requirements as a result.
  114. John 14:22-31 tells us how Jesus  will manifest in the world and the reward of people who let Him use their life.
  115. John 15:1-27 tells us that Jesus  said: I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman  and tells us our responsibilities.
  116. John 16:1-16 tells us about the Comforter  and why the saved need Him.
  117. John 16:17-33 tells us that true witness in this world will have sorrow but also have help.
  118. John 17:1-26 is the true Lord's prayer.
  119. John 18:8-9 tells us that Jesus answered...let these go their way.  It was the disciples whom were to be let go.  We are told that this fulfilled scripture.
  120. John 18:10 tells us that the servant, whose ear was cut off, was named Malchus.  Please see the note in the Book Study on the Gospel of John for comments from commentators about this event.
  121. John 18:12-24 tells us that Jesus  is taken before Annas the high priest.
  122. John 18:15 tells us that John followed Jesus  just like Peter did.
  123. John 18:15-18 and John 18:25-27 give us details about the stumbling of Peter which are not in the other Gospels.  In addition, John 18:15-18 also tells us that John followed with Peter and that John was the person who got Peter into the high priest's house.
  124. John 18:19-23 has questioning of Jesus  which was done by the high priest and which is only recorded in John.  This questioning was done either was before or after the seeking of false witnesses recorded in Matthew 26:59-61 and in Mark 14:55-59.
  125. Only John 18:22 reports that: one of the officers which stood by struck Jesus with the palm of his hand, saying, Answerest thou the high priest so?  This action by the guard is in response to the question of John 18:19 and the answer of John 18:20-21.  We see a similar action by others in Matthew 26:67-68; Mark 14:65 and Luke 22:63-64; however that was different men and at a different time.
  126. John 18:25-26 tells us about Peter's third denial.  What is unique to John's Gospel is the identification of the person who asked the third time.
  127. John 18:29-39  Jesus  was sent to Pilate for a judgment of death since it was not lawful for the Jews to give a death sentence.  Pilate asks for a specific charge against Jesus.  We also have the discussion between Pilate and the Jewish religious leaders which is not reported elsewhere.
  128. Only in John 18:34 do we read that Pilate asked Jesus  if He was a (lower-case) king,  which meant 'a human king on this Earth'.
  129. Only in John 18:34 do we read that Jesus  asked Pilate if he believed that Jesus  was the King of the Jews.  In the other Gospels we only read that Jesus  repeated his answer back to him.
  130. John 19:1-5 tells us about the Roman soldiers mocking and scourging Jesus  between times when Pilate tried to release Him.  This is different from what happens after Pilate condemns Jesus  to be crucified.
  131. John 19:7 tells us that, after Pilate told the crowd Take ye him, and crucify him: for I find no fault in him  they replied with: We have a law, and by our law he ought to die, because he made himself the Son of God  John 19:8-9 then tells us that When Pilate therefore heard that saying, he was the more afraid; And went again into the judgment hall, and saith unto Jesus, Whence art thou?  This led to a discussion between Pilate and Jesus  that is only recorded in John's Gospel.
  132. In John 19:8-12 Pilate finally realized that Jesus  was more than 'just a human man' but it was too late for his personal salvation.
  133. In John 19:15 the chief priests answered, We have no king but Caesar.  They deliberately used a lower-case king  in response to the question from Pilate of Shall I crucify your King?  Pilate used an upper-case King,  which was a difference which the religious rulers understood but deliberately perverted their answer.
  134. In John 19:31-37 we are told about the Jewish religious leaders requesting that Pilate have the legs of the crucified broken so that they would die quicker and be taken off the crosses before the sabbath.  This reference in John tells us that the legs of Jesus  were not broken but that His side was pierced, in order to fulfill scripture.
  135. How Jesus  dealt with Mary Magdalene in a personal way, as recorded in John 20:10-18 are only found in that Gospel.
  136. John 20:24-25 tells us that Thomas refused to believe.  Then John 20:26 tells us Jesus  returned after eight days  and dealt with Thomas.
  137. All of the events found in John 21 are only found in that Gospel.
  138. In Matthew 14:28-32 we read about Peter walking on water.
  139. Matthew 15:12-15, we read that the disciples told Jesus  that He had offended the Pharisees.  The response from Jesus  included: Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind.  That is: 'Ignore them.  Their offence is not important'.  Yet, as Matthew 17:24-27 tells us, government officials were trying to collect a fee that they could not legally charge.  However, Jesus  first made sure that Peter understood that the charge was illegal and then told him: Notwithstanding, lest we should offend them, go thou to the sea, and cast an hook, and take up the fish that first cometh up; and when thou hast opened his mouth, thou shalt find a piece of money: that take, and give unto them for me and thee.  Governments were created by God and the Bible tells us that members of the government are ministers of God,  even when they do wrong.  Therefore, Jesus  respected their authority.  However, the Pharisees had no legitimate authority and only were able to command people because the people did not stand up to them.  Even when they had Jesus  crucified, they had to get the people to back them and, when the people did that, the people brought a curse from God upon themselves and their children.  Thus, what we see here is that Jesus  respected legitimate God-given authority, even when it was being abusive.  However, He also refused to respect self-appointed authority.


Please see the note for Galatians 4:24 about the word allegory  and the explanation of how it is different from a parable.  Please see the note for Mark 3:22 for a couple of good Bible definitions for the word parable.

  1. Please see the Table of Parables in the Old Testament.
  2. Please see the Table of Parables in the New Testament.


  1. General

  2. Specific
  3. Matthew





The prophecies about the suffering and death and resurrection of God's Messiah / Christ  are an excellent example of how God fulfills prophecies.  No one, including all of the religious leaders who lived at the time of Jesus,  understood earlier prophecies about the suffering and death and resurrection of God's Messiah / Christ  even though the prophecies were in the Old testament.  Even so, no religious leader completely understands any unfulfilled prophecy of today.  At least part of the details are hid from all men, by God, until after the fulfillment of the prophecy.  Anyone who claims otherwise proves that they represent a devil.

Please also check the Prophecy Fulfilled section since sometimes the prophecy and the fulfillment are put into a single note.  Please also look at other sections, such as Harmony; for some prophecies such as prophecies for the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

    Return of Christ - Second coming
  1. In Luke 1:39-56 Mary, the mother of Jesus  visited Elisabeth, the mother of John the Baptist.  At that time, John the Baptist leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost  (Luke 1:41).  Elisabeth then prophesied and, in response, Mary also prophesied.
  2. In Luke 1:67-79, Zacharias, the father of John the Baptist, prophesied after his speech was returned.  He prophesied about God keeping His promises to Israel and about what John the Baptist would do.  These prophesies about Israel will not be fulfilled until after the return of Christ  to rule this world.
  3. In John 1:29 John the Baptist prophesies that Jesus  will taketh away the sin of the world.
  4. In Luke 3:5-6 John the Baptist gives a symbolic prophesy about how Jesus  will change the way that God's people interact with God.
  5. Matthew 3:10; Mark 1:8; Luke 3:15-17 and John 1:33 have the prophecy from John the Baptist that Jesus  shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost.  Matthew and Luke also tell us: Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly purge his floor, and will gather the wheat into his garner; but the chaff he will burn with fire unquenchable.  Please see the Book Studies on those Gospels for more details on these prophecies.
  6. In Mark 2:19-20; Jesus  prophesied the coming future 'Church Age' and that members of the true church would fast after His ascension.
  7. In Matthew 12:29; Mark 3:27 and Luke 11:21-22, we read: No man can enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house.  This was a prophecy that Jesus  would bind  Satan and lead captivity captive  (Ephesians 4:8) when He took all of the Old Testament saints from Paradise to Heaven after His resurrection.  Matthew 27:51-53 tells us that God gave evidence that this was fulfilled.
  8. Luke 19:41-44 prophesies the destruction of Jerusalem and of the Temple in Jerusalem.  In addition, Matthew 24:1-2; Mark 13:1-2 and Luke 21:5-6 also prophesy the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem.
  9. In Matthew 12:39-40; Matthew 16:21-28; Matthew 17:9; Matthew 17:22-23; Matthew 20:17-19; Matthew 26:2; Matthew 26:31-32; Matthew 27:62-63; Mark 8:31-32; Mark 9:9; Mark 9:31; Mark 10:32-34; Mark 14:18-21; Mark 14:27-28; Luke 9:21-27; Luke 9:43-45; Luke 18:31-33; John 2:19; John 2:22; John 3:14; John 8:28; John 10:11-19 John 12:32-33 and John 18:32, Jesus  prophesied His own betrayal, persecution, death and resurrection.  Please see the Prophecy Fulfilled section for where these prophecies were fulfilled.  Please also see the Section called Appearances of Jesus Christ After the Resurrection for more references about on resurrection.
  10. Matthew 20:20-28 and Mark 10:35-41 tell us about James, John and their mother coming to Jesus  and asking to sit on His right hand and left hand in the kingdom.  As part of this incident. Jesus  prophesies their future suffering and death.
  11. In John 6:62; John 12:24; John 16:20 and John 16:22-23; John 16:16 and John 16:22 Jesus  prophesied the future results of His death, resurrection and ascension.
  12. Matthew 9:17; Mark 2:22 and Luke 5:37-39 we read the parable called: 'New Wine in Old Bottles'.  This parable is also a prophecy about the church after the resurrection with the new wine into old bottles  representing the saved church in Jerusalem refusing to give up religious traditions and the new wine into new bottles  representing the true doctrine of the New Covenant.  Please see the note for the sentence in the Book Study on Matthew for the explanation of this prophecy.
  13. All of Matthew 10:17-23; Matthew 24:1-25:30; Mark 13 and Luke 21:8-36 are dealing with prophecies of future events.
  14. Matthew 12:25-27 talks about 'the unforgivable sin'.  As part of that discourse, Jesus  prophesies that future Jews would judge that generation for their sin against God.
  15. Matthew 13:24-30 and Matthew 13:36-43, we read the 'Parable of the Wheat and Tares'.  This parable teaches about how Jesus Christ  will judge people in the future and how He will separate the truly saved from lost people who claim to be saved.
  16. Matthew 13:31-32; Mark 4:30-34 and Luke 13:18-19, we read the 'Parable of the Mustard Seed'.  This parable teaches about how God will completely remove the curse on the earth and restore nature to like it was before Adam and Eve sinned.  Then we also see this truth in Isaiah 11:6 and Isaiah 65:25.
  17. In Matthew 13:43, we read that: Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father.  This will happen after God makes a new Heaven and new Earth.
  18. In Matthew 13:47-50, we read that the kingdom of heaven is like unto a net.  This is a parable about the4 judgment just before the end of the world.
  19. In Luke 13:32 Jesus  gave a prophecy to king Herod when He sent the message: Behold, I cast out devils, and I do cures to day and to morrow, and the third day I shall be perfected.  The part of the message where Jesus  said what He was doing at that time proved that He used the power of God and also proved that His prophecy would come true by the power of God.  The phrase the third day I shall be perfected  prophesied His power and position when He rose from the dead.
  20. Luke 13:32 says: Behold, your house is left unto you desolate: and verily I say unto you, Ye shall not see me, until the time come when ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.  This prophecy was fulfilled when the Jews were driven out of Jerusalem and the Arabs were allowed to take over and create their 'holy place' on the site of the Temple.  In addition, the phrase ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord  means that no Jew will personally (ye)  see their Messiah / Christ  until they are willing to accept Jesus  as their personal King.
  21. The prophecy in Luke 17:22-31 are dealing with prophecies about the Rapture and the phrase the days of the Son of man  is used for 'the time of the Rapture'.  These prophecies are similar, but different, from the prophecies about the great tribulation,  which were mentioned above.  Please see the notes for these sentences within the Book Study on the Gospel of Luke for explanation, contextual considerations and links to other related Bible references.  In addition, the note for Matthew 24:42-LJC should be read for application to us according to Jesus.  In addition, 1Thessalonians 5:6 tells us that this warning also applies to saved today.  The different day of,  in the Bible, have very significant different doctrinal meanings and most people, especially prophecy preachers, use the wrong definitions for these various day of.  Please also see the note for 1Thessalonians 5:2  for a list of the different day of  and their true doctrinal meanings.
  22. Matthew 12:40; Matthew 26:61; Matthew 27:40; Matthew 27:63; Mark 14:58; Mark 15:29; John 2:19; John 2:20 all tell us that Jesus  would be in the grave three days and three nights.
  23. We find the forms phrase of: sit on (the/my) right hand,  in relationship to God the Father, in: Matthew 22:42; Mark 10:37; Mark 10:40; Mark 12:36; Luke 20:42; Luke 22:69; Acts 2:34; Hebrews 1:13.  These reference tell us that Jesus Christ  will be made ruling Lord.  The phrases King of kings  and Lord of lords  are the application of this truth when they are applied to Jesus Christ.  we find the forms of phrase: King of kings,  applied to Jesus Christ,  in: Daniel 2:37; 1Timothy 6:15; Revelation 17:14; Revelation 19:16.  We find the forms phrase of: Lord of lords  in: Psalms 136:3; 1Timothy 6:15; Revelation 17:14; Revelation 19:16.  These reference tell us that Jesus Christ  will be made ruling Lord.
  24. In Matthew 16:28; Mark 9:1 and Luke 9:27 Jesus  prophesied the experience called 'Transfiguration of Jesus Christ'.
  25. In John 10:15 and John 10:17 Jesus  prophesied that He would lay down my life.  We read that this was fulfilled in Matthew 27:50; Mark 15:37; Luke 23:47 and John 19:30.
  26. In Matthew 21:1-3; Mark 11:1-2 and Luke 19:29-30 Jesus  prophesied that the disciples would find a colt tied, whereon never man sat.  This is a fulfillment of prophecies found in Zechariah 9:9 and in Genesis 49:10.  In addition, Jesus  r5iding into Jerusalem is a fulfillment of Psalms 148 which show us how they praised Jesus  as He entered Jerusalem and the people thought that He would give then the kingdom.  In addition, we are told that the colt  was with its mother, which was an ass.  In the note for John 12:14-15 are links to Old Testament sentences which provide prophecy for this event and other related Old Testament sentences.  Basically, godly people rode an ass  while worldly and ungodly people rode a horse..  Please see the note for this sentence in the Book Study on the Gospel of Mark for the details which prove that this is a prophecy.  In addition, the next two sentences contain further prophecies because Jesus  knew what the man would ask and how he would respond even though Jesus  was not sure which man would ask and respond.  (Otherwise He would have given the man's name.)  Therefore, Jesus  could only say these exact things through prophecy.
  27. In John 12:31 Jesus  said that everything was completed which had to be done before the day of the Lord  could come.  Please see the notes for 1Thessalonians 5:2 and Philippians 1:6-LJC which list several references where the Bible talks about various day of  (day of the Lord  day of Christ   day of Jesus Christ  etc.).  Each of those days  have different doctrinal meanings and many people are led into error by not recognizing this difference.
  28. In John 12:32 Jesus  announced His future crucifixion and the resulting salvation of many people.
  29. In John 12:31-32 Jesus  announced the start of the Church Age with salvation and judgment.  This included the judgment of this world  and that the prince of this world be cast out  because Jesus Christ  would take over and rule and reign.  The prophecy also told of His crucifixion and that He would draw all men unto me.
  30. In John 12:37-41 we are told that the people rejected Jesus  in spite of all of the miracles and other evidences which he provided.  This was prophesied by Isaiah.
  31. In John 13:18 Jesus  said that the judgment of Judas would be different from the judgment of the remaining disciples.
  32. In John 13:31 Jesus  said that nothing could stop the fulfillment of the prophecy that God the Father would be glorified and that Jesus  would be glorified in God the Father.
  33. In John 14:16-18 Jesus  promised and prophesied the saved would receive the indwelling Holy Spirit.
  34. Matthew 23:34-35 says: I send  is future tense, not past tense.  The equivalent phrase in Luke (Luke 11:49-51) is: I will send.  Therefore, this is a prophecy of future events in the New Testament and not a reference to past events of the Old Testament.
  35. Matthew 26:13 and Mark 14:9 tell us: Wheresoever this gospel's shall be preached throughout the whole world, this also that she hath done shall be spoken of for a memorial of her..  This was well before any of the New Testament was written and what is written in the new Testament is the basis for this gospel (that is) preached.
  36. Matthew 26:17-20; Mark 14:12-17 and Luke 22:7, we read about Jesus  sending disciples to prepare a room for the last Supper.  Before He sent them, He told them exactly what they would find, and the man to follow and the reaction of the owner of the house where they followed to man to.
  37. Jesus  reveals Judas as his betrayer as reported in Matthew 26:21-25; Mark 14:18-20; Luke 22:21; John 13:10; John 13:18-19; John 13:21-31Luke 22:3 tells us Then entered Satan into Judas surnamed Iscariot, being of the number of the twelve.  Thus, we know that Satan was also involved.  We also have references to this event in Psalms 41:9; 69:1-4; 6-8; 19-21; 25-26; 109:6; 8; Matthew 10:4; 17:22; 20:18; 26:2; 21; 23; 24; 45; 46; 48; 49; 27:3; 4; 26:24; Mark 3:19; 14:10; 11; 18; 21; 41; 42; 44; Luke 9:44; 22:4; 6; 21; 22; 48; John 6:64; 71; 12:4; 13:2; 11; 18; 21; 18:2; 5; 21:20; Acts 1:16-20; 1Corinthians 11:23.  In addition, Psalms 109:4-20 is a prophecy about Judas Iscariot.  In John 13:19 Jesus  says: Now I tell you before it come, that, when it is come to pass, ye may believe that I am he.  Thus, He gave this prophecy of His betrayal so that people would know that He was God's Messiah / Christ.  Please remember that Luke 24:25-26 says Then he said unto them, O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken: Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into his glory?  Therefore, Jesus  prophesied His betrayal so that they would search the scripture and know that He was God's Messiahs / Christ,  and understand that He would rise from the dead.  While we can not know all of the details on unfulfilled prophecy before it is fulfilled, we should understand it enough to believe that God will keep His promises even while hiding exactly how He will do so.
  38. Matthew 10:17-23 and John 15:20 present the prophecy by Jesus  that true preachers of God's word would be persecuted.
  39. In Matthew 20:19; Jesus  prophesized that He would be scourged.Matthew 27:26; Mark 15:15 and John 19:1 report that this prophecy was fulfilled.
  40. Jesus  prophesied His ascension in John 12:28.
  41. Jesus  prophesied that the dead would rise from their graves in John 5:28-29.
  42. Matthew 26:17-19; Mark 14:13 and Luke 22:8 tell us that Jesus  prophesied exactly what the disciples would find when they went into the city to prepare to eat the passover.  The three (3) sentences following these references tell us that this prophecy was fulfilled exactly as Jesus  had prophesied.
  43. Jesus  prophesied that all of the disciples would be offended because of Jesus in Matthew 26:33-35 and Mark 14:27.
  44. Jesus  prophesied that Peter would deny knowing Jesus in Matthew 26:34; Mark 14:29-31; Luke 22:31-34; John 13:37-38 and John 16:32.
  45. In John 16:2 Jesus  prophesied that the disciples would be rejected and killed by people who thought themselves to be the children of God.
  46. In John 16:7 Jesus  prophesied the coming of the Holy Ghost.
  47. In John 16:8-15 Jesus  prophesied the ministry of the Holy Ghost.
  48. In John 16:20 Jesus  prophesied of future tribulation  and the solution to it.
  49. In John 16:32 Jesus  prophesied that the disciples would all be scattered.
  50. Jesus  prophesied the judgment of all men by Himself in John 5:26-30.
  51. In Matthew 26:45-46 and Mark 14:42 Jesus  prophesied the arrival of Judas Iscariot and the mob to arrest Him just before they came and before the other disciples realized that the mob was coming.
  52. In Matthew 8:11 and Luke 13:28-29, Jesus said that God (in response) would take the Kingdom of Heaven from the Jews and give it to Gentiles.
  53. Jesus  prophesied His return to Heaven in John 7:33 and John 13:33.  We see this prophecy fulfilled in Luke 24:51 and Acts 1:9.
  54. John 21:18Jesus  prophesied the type of death that Peter would experience.
  55. In Mark 10:39-40 Jesus  prophesied the future suffering of James and John.
  56. The 'Parable of the Hirelings Killing the Heir', found in Matthew 21:33-46; Mark 12:2-11 and Luke 20:9-19; is a prophecy by Jesus  about how the chief priests, and the scribes, and the elders  would have Him killed.
  57. In Matthew 9:16-17; Mark 2:21-22 and Luke 5:36-39 we read two parables which Jesus  gave to explain the differences between the old religion of the scribes and Pharisees  as compared to the religious attitudes that were expected in the New Testament Church.  These parables were actually prophetic of the changes which the New Testament would bring in.  Please see the note for Luke 5:36-39 for a detailed explanation of these parables and their prophetic aspects.
  58. In Matthew 23:37-39 and Luke 13:34-35 Jesus  prophesied the destruction of Jerusalem because they rejected Him and crucified Him.
  59. Luke 23:27-31 tell us that many people disagreed with the Jewish religious leaders and that Jesus  gave them a prophecy of future judgment upon the Jews.

Prophecy Fulfilled

  1. General

  2. Specific
    1. Matthew 1:18 is a fulfillment of Psalms 2:7 and Isaiah 7:14.
    2. Matthew 1:22-23 is a fulfillment of Isaiah 7:14.
    3. Matthew 2:1; Matthew 2:5; Luke 2:4; Luke 2:11 fulfill the prophecy about the birth of Christ  found in Psalms 132:11; Isaiah 11:1; Jeremiah 23:5 and Micah 5:2.  In addition, John 7:42 lets us know that many Jews knew this prophecy.
    4. Matthew 2:14-15 fulfills the prophecy of Numbers 24:8 and Hosea 11:1.  It is also related to, and some claim also fulfills a prophecy, in Exodus 4:22.
    5. Matthew 2:17-18 fulfills the prophecy of Jeremiah 31:15.
    6. Matthew 2:19-20 fulfills the prophecy of Jeremiah 30:10.
    7. The ministry of John the Baptist, in Matthew 3:1-12; Mark 1:1-8; Luke 3:1-20 and John 1:6 is presented as a quote of Isaiah 40:3 and a reference to Malachi 3:1 and to Malachi 4:5.
    8. The temptation of Jesus,  by Satan, (Matthew 4:1-11 and Mark 1:12-13 and Luke 4:1-13) proved that the prophecies of Isaiah 11:1-5; Isaiah 42:1; Isaiah 61:1; Zechariah 12:10 were fulfilled.  Please see the Book Studies on the Gospels for more details on this truth.
    9. Matthew 10:17-18 and Mark 13:9 have the prophecy that men will deliver you up to the councils, and they will scourge you in their synagogues; And ye shall be brought before governors and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them and the Gentiles.  We read about this happening in: Acts 5:42; Acts 16:22; Acts 16:37; Acts 18:17; Acts 21:32; Acts 22:19.
    10. In Matthew 11:4-5 and Luke 7:21 we are told about Jesus  healed the diseased and cast out devils as proof He is Christ  for the disciples of John the Baptist.
    11. In Matthew 11:13 and Luke 16:16 we are told that the Old Testament ended with John the Baptist.
    12. In Matthew 11:20-24 and Luke 10:13-15 Jesus  says Woe!  to the people who had received the most evidence that He was God's Messiah / Christ  and, yet, still refused to believe.
    13. In Matthew 11:25-30 and Luke 10:22 Jesus  prophesies that He will rule the world.
    14. In Matthew 12:15-21 we are told that Jesus  fulfilled Isaiah 42:1-4 and that section also indicated that He will also fulfill the rest of Isaiah 42.
    15. In Matthew 17:1-8; Mark 9:2-8 and Luke 9:28-36 we find the fulfillment of the prophesy that some of the disciples would be at the 'mount of transfiguration'.  We read about this prophecy, that Jesus  made, in Matthew 16:28; Mark 9:1 and Luke 9:27.
    16. In Matthew 13:14-15 we are told that Jesus  speaking to people in parables is a fulfillment of the prophecy found in Psalms 49:4 and in Isaiah 6:9-10.  And,while Matthew directs us to Isaiah, we also find the same doctrine in Ezekiel 12:2.
    17. In Matthew 13:34-35 and Mark 4:33 we are told that Jesus  speaking to people in parables is a fulfillment of the prophecy found in Psalms 49:4 and in .Psalms 78:2.
    18. Jesus  prophesied that the dead would rise from their graves in John 5:28-29.  This was fulfilled in Matthew 27:51-53.  This is also when He fulfilled the prophecy of Mark 3:27.
    19. In John 10:15 and John 10:17 Jesus  prophesied that He would lay down my life.  We read that this was fulfilled in Matthew 27:50; Mark 15:37; Luke 23:46 and John 19:30.
    20. We find the fulfillment of Jesus  prophesying that Peter would deny knowing Jesus in Matthew 26:74-75 and Mark 14:68-72 and Luke 22:60-61 and John 18:27.
    21. In Matthew 20:19; Jesus  prophesized that He would be scourged.  This prophecy was fulfilled in Matthew 27:26; Mark 15:15 and in John 19:1.
    22. Matthew 27:54-60; Mark 15:37; Luke 23:46 and John 19:33 through John 19:37 all tell us that Jesus  literally physically died and fulfilled the prophecies of Exodus 12:46; Numbers 9:12; Psalms 22:14; Psalms 22:16-17; Psalms 34:20 and Zechariah 12:10.
    23. Lazarus was in the grave four (4) days and he stinketh.  (John 11:39).  He saw corruption  but Jesus  did not because Jesus  was in the grave only three days and three nights  (Matthew 12:40; Matthew 26:61; Matthew 27:40; Matthew 27:63; Mark 14:58; Mark 15:29; John 2:19; John 2:20 all tell us that Jesus  would be in the grave three days and three nights.  We are told about this prophecy being fulfilled in Matthew 28; Mark 16; Luke 24 and John 20.
    24. In Matthew 26:32 and Mark 14:28, Jesus,  prophesied His actions after He rose when He said I will go before you into Galilee  (Tiberias).
    25. Matthew 26:33-35; Mark 14:29-31; Luke 22:31-34; John 13:37-38 and John 16:32 present the prophecy by Jesus  that Peter, and the rest, would deny knowing Jesus or otherwise be offended and scatter.  Matthew 26:56 and Mark 14:50 say Then all the disciples forsook him, and fled.  In addition, Peter's denial is in Matthew 26:69-75; Mark 14:66-72; Luke 22:56-62 and John 18:17, 25-27.
    26. Matthew 26:67-68 and Mark 14:65 and Luke 22:63-65 report that We read that the religious leaders abused Jesus  and then had their servants and guards do the same.  John 18:22 also reports abuse but it was a different incident.  In Matthew 27:30 and Mark 15:16-20 we are told that the Roman soldiers did the same.  This is a fulfillment of the prophecy, from Jesus,  found in Mark 10:34 and Luke 18:32.  This also fulfills Old Testament prophecies found in Job 16:9-10; Job 30:9-14; Psalms 22:6-7; Psalms 22:13; Psalms 35:15-16; Psalms 35:25; Psalms 69:7-12; Isaiah 49:7; Isaiah 50:6-7; Isaiah 52:14; Isaiah 53:3; Lamentations 52:14; Micah 5:1; Zechariah 13:7.
    27. In Matthew 26:46 and Mark 14:42 Jesus  prophesied the arrival of Judas Iscariot and the mob to arrest Him just before they came and before the other disciples realized that the mob was coming.  In Matthew 26:47; Mark 14:43; Luke 22:47 and John 18:3 we see this prophecy fulfilled.
    28. Matthew 26:19; Mark 14:16 and Luke 22:13 fulfill the prophecy which immediately preceded these references in each associated Gospel.  Jesus  told His disciples exactly what they would find in such detail that was only possible with the power of God through prophecy.
    29. Matthew 27:45; Luke 23:44 and Mark 15:33 tells us that there was darkness over the whole land (from the sixth hour) until the ninth hour.  It was prophesied in: Psalms 105:28; Isaiah 50:3; Joel 2:31; Amos 5:18; Amos 8:9-10 and Habakkuk 3:11.  In addition, it is related to one of the plagues on Egypt found in Exodus 10:21-23.  Further, it foreshadows Revelation 6:12 and Revelation 8:12.
    30. Luke 24:3-7; Matthew 28:2-4 and Mark 16:3-4 tell us that the women entered the sepulchre, did not find Jesus,  but were met by angels who told them that He is not here, but is risen: remember how he spake unto you when he was yet in Galilee, Saying, The Son of man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise again.  Thus, the angels reminded the women of the prophecy after it was fulfilled.  In addition, The section called Appearances of Jesus Christ After the Resurrection for more references about on resurrection.
    31. There is reason to believe that Revelation 6:15-17 and Revelation 9:6 will fulfill the prophecies of Matthew 24:15-22 and Luke 23:27-31.  Please see the notes for this reference in the Book Study on Luke for the explanation.
    32. In the prior section (Prophecies), we saw where the phrase: sit on (the/my) right hand,  is used in relationship to God the Father.  And, we saw that this phrase is only applied to Jesus Christ.  In addition, we saw that the application is in the Bible references which declare Him to be: King of kings  and Lord of lords.  Although He is not acting within those roles yet, we see that this prophecy was declared to be fulfilled in Matthew 28:18.

    33. Mark 15:46 fulfills the prophecy of Isaiah 59:9.

    34. In Luke 1:32-33 the angel promises that Jesus  will fulfill God's promise that Christ  would be a physical descendent of king David.  Please see the Prophecy Fulfilled Section for the links to the fulfillment of this prophecy.
    35. Isaiah 40:3 and Malachi 3:1 prophesied that God would send His messenger  before God sent His Christ  and the purpose of God's messenger  would be to prepare God's people to receive God's Christ.  This prophecy was fulfilled in John the Baptist.  All of the Bible references to John the Baptist, with accompanying notes, are found in the Study called John the Baptist.  The note for Luke 3:4, in the Lord Jesus Christ Study, has links to other places in the Gospels where we see this prophecy fulfilled and other links to related Bible references.
    36. Luke 4:16-30 record Jesus  saying that He fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah 61:1-3.
    37. Luke 23:34; Mark 15:24 and John 19:23 tell us that the soldiers parted the clothes of Jesus  among themselves as prophesied in Psalms 22:18.
    38. Luke 24:44-46 tell us that Jesus  said: all things must be fulfilled  which were in Old Testament prophecy and that He did fulfill all of the prophecy.  Thus, His resurrection fulfilled prophecy.  Please see the notes for these references in the Book Study on the Gospel of Luke for more details.

    39. In John 2:17 we are told that Jesus  fulfilled the prophesy found in Psalms 69:9.
    40. In John 2:22 we are told that Jesus  fulfilled the prophesy found in the sentences before it.  Please see the sentence, and related notes, in the Book Study on the gospel of John for more links to references about this prophecy.
    41. In John 6:45 we are told that Jesus  fulfilled a prophesy found in Isaiah 2:3; Isaiah 54:13; Jeremiah 31:33-34 and Micah 4:2.
    42. John 10:35-36 tells us that Jesus  said: If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken; Say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God?  Here, Jesus  quotes Psalms 82:6 and tells them the accepted doctrine that Christ  would be the Son of God  (Psalms 2:2; Psalms 2:6-12; Isaiah 11:2-5; Isaiah 42:1; Isaiah 42:3; Isaiah 49:1-3; Isaiah 49:6-8; Isaiah 55:4; Isaiah 61:1-3; Jeremiah 1:5).
    43. In Matthew 21:1-17 and Mark 11:1-17 and Luke 19:29-44 and John 12:12-16 talk about the time that Jesus  entered Jerusalem in triumph and the people cried Hosanna to the Son of David: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest  (Matthew 21:9).  This is a fulfillment of Psalms 148 which show us how they praised Him.
    44. In Matthew 21:6-7; Mark 11:7; Luke 19:35 and John 12:14-15 we are told that Jesus  fulfilled a prophesy found in Zechariah 9:9 when He sat on the colt of an ass to enter Jerusalem.  Then, as He entered, Psalms 148 was fulfilled by the way that the people praised Jesus as He entered Jerusalem.  In addition, Matthew 21:1-3; Mark 11:1-2 and John 12:14-15 tell us that Jesus  prophesied that the two disciples would find the ass  in the exact conditions which they found it in.
    45. In John 12:23 Jesus  acknowledges fulfillment of prophecy.
    46. In John 12:37-43 we are told that Jesus  hid Himself from the Jews because they refused to believed our report  as prophesied by Isaiah 53:1.
    47. In John 15:25 we are told that Jesus  fulfilled a prophesy found in Psalms 7:4; Psalms 35:19; Psalms 69:4 and Psalms 109:3.  Those prophesied that judgment would come on They hated me without a cause.
    48. In John 17:12 and John 18:8-9 we are told that Jesus  fulfilled a prophesy that those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition.  No commentator, that I found, could say exactly which scripture this fulfilled.  The best that I could find was Deuteronomy 33:3 or Ezekiel 34.  However, in addition to those verses, there are 25 places in the Old Testament which use the words Lord  and preserve  and promises that the Lord  will preserve  those people who dedicate their life to His service.  Please see the note for John 17:12 for those references.
    49. In John 18:8-9 we are told that Jesus  commands His arrestors in order to fulfill prophecy.
    50. In John 18:31-32 we are told that the Jews demanded death by crucifixion to fulfill the prophecy by Jesus  that he would die this way.
    51. In John 16:16 Jesus  told His disciples A little while, and ye shall not see me: and again, a little while, and ye shall see me, because I go to the Father.  His death fulfilled the first part of this prophecy (A little while, and ye shall not see me).  (Please see the section on Harmony; above, for those references.)  John 20:19 fulfills the second part of this prophecy (and again, a little while, and ye shall see me, because I go to the Father).  The Chapter Summary notes for Chapters 20 within the Book Study on the Gospel of John show the sequence of events which proves that Jesus  had already gone to the Father.
    52. John 21:18Jesus  prophesied the type of death that Peter's would experience.  This was fulfilled before John wrote his Gospel because John gives us the true interpretation of the prophecy.
    53. John 21 is a fulfillment of the prophecy found in Matthew 26:32 and Mark 14:28.
    54. The Third Equivalent Section of John18 8-9: fulfills the prophecy of John 17:12.
    55. John 17:12 gives a prophecy from Jesus  that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition.  it is fulfilled in the Third Equivalent Section of John18 8-9:.
    56. In Joel 2:28-32; we are told that God gave us better promises.  In John 16:7; Jesus  tells us that this will happen right after he goes away.  In Acts 2:14-21; at Pentecost, Peter says that these prophecies were fulfilled.
    57. In Revelation 5:8-14 we read about Jesus Christ,  God's Lamb,  receive the fulfillment of the prophecy, from John 7:5; that Jesus Christ  would be glorified.

    58. In Acts 2 we see the fulfillment of the prophecy from John the Baptist that Jesus  shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost.

Non-Prophecy godly Knowledge

  1. Matthew 9:4; Mark 2:8 and Luke 5:22 tell us that Jesus  knew the thoughts of the religious leaders who were there to criticize Him.
  2. John 7:19 says Did not Moses give you the law, and yet none of you keepeth the law?  As explained in the note for this sentence within the Book Study on the Gospel of John, Jesus  would not only have to know the personal sins of each person who was there but He would also have to know the Mosaic Law well enough to know how each of them violated it.  Therefore, while not obvious, this sentence proved to the Jews that Jesus  knew the Mosaic Law very well even though their religion taught them that such knowledge was impossible without a formal education.  In addition, this sentence is evidence that Jesus  is God because He knew the personal sins of each person who was there.  As the Judge of all the earth  (Genesis 18:25; Jesus  would have been very careful to not accuse anyone falsely because to do so would make Him unrighteous,  which God never is.  In addition, an accusation from Him could result in an unjust punishment and God is never unjust.
  3. In John 11 we have the account of Jesus  raising Lazarus from the dead.  In this account we are told Then said Jesus unto them plainly, Lazarus is dead,  in John 11:14; which was before He went to where Lazarus was at.  Then John 11:17 tells us that Jesus  found what He knew He would find.  Therefore, we see that Jesus  knew what could only be known by God and this account eliminates any claim that Jesus  might have made a mistake and proven that He was less than God.
  4. Matthew 21:1-3; Mark 11:1-4 and Luke 19:30-31 all tell us that Jesus  sent two disciples to get a colt that was tied where He sent them.  He also knew that He had other disciples that were there and how they would react.
  5. Matthew 26:36-44; Luke 22:41-44 and Mark 14:35-36 tell us what Jesus  prayed in private, and how angels ministered to Him, while the disciples slept.  Obviously, only God, in the form of Jesus  or the form of the Holy Spirit, could have given them the knowledge of what Jesus  prayed.
  6. In Luke 7:39 we read when the Pharisee which had bidden him saw it, he spake within himself, saying.  As the account goes on, we read that Jesus  knew what he thought without any indication that the Pharisee revealed his inner thoughts.
  7. In Luke 7:46 we read And Jesus said, Somebody hath touched me: for I perceive that virtue is gone out of me.  So, the question becomes, how did Jesus  perceive that virtue is gone out of me?  How did He perceive  this fact?
  8. Luke 22:43-44 describe the agony of Jesus  while he prayed alone in the garden.  Yet, none of this is described ad being displayed later when he is before men.  The only way that Luke, or other men, could know these things is by God's Holy Ghost  revealing them because Jesus  kept them secret from men.

Minor Titles of the Son of God

The Bible is directly or symbolically talking about Christ  every place that we find the Bible using Rock  (Exodus 17:6; 33:21-22; Numbers 20:8, 10-11; 24:21; Deuteronomy 8:15; 32:4, 13, 15, 18, 30-31, 37; Judges 1:36; 6:20-21, 26; 7:25; 13:19; 15:8, 11, 13; 20:45, 47; 21:13; 1Samuel 2:2; 14:4; 23:25; 2Samuel 21:10; 22:2-3, 32, 47; 23:3; 1Chronicles 11:15; 2Chronicles 25:12; Nehemiah 9:15; Job 14:18; 18:4; 19:24; 24:8; 28:9; 29:6; 39:1, 28; Psalms 18:2, 31, 46; 27:5; 28:1; 31:2-3; 40:2; 42:9; 61:2; 62:2, 6-7; 71:3; 78:16, 20, 35; 81:16; 89:26; 92:15; 94:22; 95:1; 105:41; 114:8; Proverbs 30:19; Song 2:14; Isaiah 2:10; 8:14; 10:26; 17:10; 22:16; 32:2; 42:11; 48:21; 51:1; Jeremiah 5:3; 13:4; 18:14; 21:13; 23:29; 48:28; 49:16; Ezekiel 24:7-8; 26:4, 14; Amos 6:12; Obadiah 1:3; Matthew 7:24-25; 16:18; 27:60; Mark 15:46; Luke 6:48; 8:6, 13; Romans 9:33; 1Corinthians 10:4; 1Peter 2:8).  There is considerable amount of new insight to be gained by studying each and every one of these verses in their context while realizing that they are talking about Christ.

  1. Adam:  1Corinthians 15:45.  Please also see the Words Index about this word.
  2. Advocate:  1John 2:1.
  3. Almighty:  Revelation 1:8.  Please also see the Words Index about this word.
  4. Alpha and Omega:  Revelation 1:8; Revelation 22:13.
  5. Amen:  Revelation 3:14.
  6. Ancient of days:  Daniel 7:22.
  7. Angel:  Please also see the Words Index about this word.
    Angel of God:  Genesis 48:16; Isaiah 63:9; Zechariah 1:12
    Angel of the Lord:  Judges 13:8; Zechariah 1:12.
  8. Anointed:  Psalms 45:7; Acts 10:38.  Please also see the Words Index about the word anoint.
  9. Apostle of our profession:  Hebrews 3:1.  Please also see the Words Index about this word.
  10. Apple tree:  Song 2:3.
  11. Arm:  Isaiah 51:9-10; Isaiah 59:16; Isaiah 63:12.
  12. Author and finisher of our faith:  Hebrews 12:2.
  13. Babe:  Luke 2:12;Luke 2:16.
  14. Beginning:  Colossians 1:18.  Please also see the Words Index about this word.
    Beginning and end:  Revelation 22:13
    Beginning of the creation of God:  Revelation 3:14.
  15. Begotten:  Please also see the Words Index about this word.
    Begotten of the Father:  John 1:14
    First Begotten:  Hebrews 1:6; Revelation 1:5
    Only Begotten:  John 1:18; John 3:16; John 3:18; Hebrews 11:17; 1John 4:9.
  16. beloved:  Song 1:14; Song 1:16; Song 2:3-17; Song 4:16; Song 5:1-16; Song 5:1-10; Song 6:1-3; Song 7:9-13; Song 8:5; Song 8:14; Isaiah 5:1.  Please also see the Words Index about this word.
  17. blessed and only Potentate:  1Timothy 6:15.  Please also see the Words Index about the word bless.
  18. Bishop:  1Peter 2:25.
  19. Branch:  Isaiah 11:1; Zechariah 3:8; Jeremiah 33:15.
  20. Bread:  John 6:48; John 6:51.  Please also see the Words Index about this word.
  21. Bridegroom:  Matthew 9:15; Matthew 25:1; Matthew 25:10.  Please also see the Words Index about this word.
  22. bright and morning star:  Revelation 22:16.
  23. Brother:  Mark 3:35; Hebrews 2:11.  Please also see the Words Index about the word brethren.
  24. Builder:  Zechariah 6:13.
  25. Captain:  Joshua 5:14.
  26. Carpenter:  Matthew 13:55; Mark 6:3.
  27. Child:  Isaiah 9:6.  Please also see the Words Index about this word.
  28. Chosen of God:  Matthew 12:18; Luke 23:35.
  29. Christ:  Please see this Menu link to find notes and links to every place where the major titles for the Son of God are found within the New Testament including this one.
  30. Commander:  Isaiah 55:4.
  31. cornerstone:  Matthew 21:42; Mark 12:10; Luke 20:17; Acts 4:11; 1Peter 2:7.
  32. Covenant of the people:  Isaiah 42:6.
  33. Creator:  Ecclesiastes 12:1; Isaiah 40:28; Isaiah 43:15; Romans 1:25; 1Peter 4:19.  Please also see the Words Index about the word create.
  34. David:  Jeremiah 30:9.
  35. dayspring from on high:  Job 38:12; Luke 1:78.
  36. Deliverer:  2Samuel 22:2; Psalms 18:2; Psalms 40:17; Psalms 70:5; Psalms 144:2; Romans 11:26.
  37. Dew:  Hosea 14:5.
  38. Door:  John 10:1-10.  Please also see the Words Index about this word.
  39. Eliakim the son of Hilkiah (servant over the house of a Godly king):  Isaiah 22:20.
  40. Eternal Life:  1John 5:20John 11:25; Life in 1John.
  41. Emmanuel:  Matthew 1:22-23
  42. Everlasting Father:  Isaiah 9:1.  Please also see the Words Index about the word father.
  43. Faithful and true witness:  Revelation 1:5; Revelation 3:14.
  44. First and last:  Revelation 1:8.  Please also see the Words Index about the words faith  and true  and witness.
  45. Firstborn:  Psalms 89:27; Matthew 1:25; Luke 2:7; Romans 8:29; Colossians 1:15; Colossians 1:18; Hebrews 11:28; Hebrews 12:23.  Please also see the Words Index about this word.
  46. Firstfruits:  1Corinthians 15:20; 1Corinthians 15:23.  Please also see the Words Index about this word.
  47. Fountain:  Zechariah 13:1.
  48. Forerunner:  Hebrews 6:20
  49. Friend:  Song 5:16.  Please also see the Words Index about this word.
  50. Gift of God:  John 4:10.  Please also see the Words Index about the word gift.
  51. Glory of the Lord:  Isaiah 40:20.  Please also see the Words Index about the word glory  and see below about Lord.
  52. God:  Isaiah 45:15; Isaiah 54:5; Matthew 1:23; John 1:1; John 5:18; John 10:33.  Please also see the table for God  that is within every Book Study.
  53. Good teacher:  Mark 10:17.
  54. Head:  1Corinthians 11:3.  Please also see the Words Index about this word.
    head of all principality and power:  Colossians 2:10
    head of the body:  Colossians 1:18; Colossians 2:19; Ephesians 4:15
    head of the church:  Colossians 1:18; Ephesians 1:22; Ephesians 5:23
    head of the corner:  Matthew 21:42; Mark 12:10; Luke 20:17; Acts 4:11; 1Peter 2:7
    head of every man:  1Corinthians 11:3
    head of all things:  Ephesians 1:22; Hebrews 1:2.
  55. Heir: 
    heir of all things:  Hebrews 1:2
    heir of the world:  Romans 1:4.
  56. High Priest of our profession:  Hebrews 3:1
  57. Holy:  Please also see the Words Index about this word.
    Holy One of God:  1John 2:20 has links to every reference in the Bible.
    Holy Servant:  Acts 4:27; Acts 4:30
    Holy thing:  Luke 1:35.
  58. Hope:  1Timothy 1:1.  Please also see the Words Index about this word.
    Hope of glory:  Colossians 1:27.
  59. horn of salvation:  Luke 1:69.
  60. Husband:  Isaiah 54:5; 2Corinthians 11:2; Revelation 21:2.  Please also see the Words Index about this word.
  61. I AM:  Please see the note for John 8:58 to find links to every place in the Bible where this title is applied to God.
  62. image of the invisible God:  2Corinthians 4:4; Colossians 1:15.  Please also see the Words Index about the word image.
  63. Immanuel:  Isaiah 7:14.
  64. Immortal, invisible:  1Timothy 1:17.  Please also see the Words Index about the word immortality.
  65. Israel:  Isaiah 49:3
    Consolation of Israel:  Luke 2:25.  The context actually make this part of the role of Christ.
    Glory to Israel:  Luke 2:32.
  66. Jesus:  Please see this Menu link to find notes and links to every place where the major titles for the Son of God are found within the New Testament including this one.
  67. Judge:  Please also see the Words Index about this word.
    Judge of all:  Hebrews 12:23
    Judge of the earth:  Genesis 18:25; Psalms 2:10; Psalms 92:4
    Judge of Israel:  Numbers 25:5; 1Chronicles 17:6; Micah 5:1
    Judge of quick and dead:  Acts 10:42
    Judge of widows:  Psalms 68:5.
  68. just man:  Matthew 27:19
  69. King:  Please see this Menu link to find notes and links to every place where the major titles for the Son of God are found within the New Testament including this one.
    King of glory:  Psalms 24:7-10
    King of Zion:  Psalms 2:6; Zechariah 9:9; John 12:15
    King over all of the earth:  Zechariah 14:9
    King, eternal:  1Timothy 1:17.
  70. Lamb:  Please see this Menu link to find notes and links to every place where the major titles for the Son of God are found within the New Testament including this one.
  71. Lawgiver:  Isaiah 33:22.  Please also see the Words Index about the word law.
  72. Leader and commander:  Isaiah 55:4.
  73. life:  John 14:6.  Please also see the Words Index for many links related to this word and to the word live.
  74. Light:  John 1:7; John 1:8; John 12:46.  Please also see the Words Index about this word.
    Light, everlasting:  Isaiah 60:20
    Light of the Gentiles:  Isaiah 42:6
    Light of the world:  John 8:12; John 9:5
    Light, true:  John 1:9; 1John 2:8.
  75. Lily of the valleys:  Song 2:1.
  76. Lion of the tribe of Judah:  Revelation 5:5.  Please also see the Words Index about the word Judah.
  77. Living:  Please also see above about the word life.
    Living bread:  John 6:51
    Living stone:  1Peter 2:4.
  78. Lord:  Please see this Menu link to find notes and links to every place where the major titles for the Son of God are found within the New Testament including this one.
    Lord of hosts:  Psalms 24:10; Isaiah 54:5
    Lord of our righteousness:  Jeremiah 23:6; Jeremiah 33:16
    Lord strong and mighty:  Psalms 24:8
    Lord, your Holy One:  Isaiah 3:15
    Lord, your redeemer:  Isaiah 43:14.
  79. Man: 
    Man:  Acts 2:22; Acts 7:31
    Man, Christ Jesus:  1Timothy 2:5
    Man of God's right hand:  Psalms 80:17
    Man of sorrows:  Isaiah 53:3.
  80. Master:  There are 55 occurrences of this title in the Gospels.  Please also see the Words Index about this word.
  81. Mediator:  1Timothy 2:5; Hebrews 9:15.  Please also see the Words Index about this word.
  82. Melchizedek / Melchisedec:  Genesis 14:18; Psalms 110:4; Hebrews 7:1.  Please also see the Words Index about this word.
  83. Merciful and faithful:  Hebrews 2:17.  Please also see the Words Index about these words.
  84. Messenger of the Covenant:  Malachi 3:1.  Please also see the Words Index about these words.
  85. Messiah / Messiahs:  Please see the Words Index about this word.
  86. Mighty God:  Isaiah 9:6.
  87. Mighty one of Jacob:  Isaiah 49:26.
  88. minister of the sanctuary, and of the true tabernacle:  Hebrews 8:2.  Please also see the Words Index about these words.
  89. Morning star:  2Peter 1:19; Revelation 22:16.
  90. Nazarene:  Matthew 2:23.
  91. Offspring of David:  Please see the Prophecy Fulfilled Section for the links to the fulfillment of this prophecy.
  92. only wise God our Saviour:  Jude 1:20.  Please also see the Words Index about these words.
  93. Peace, our:  Ephesians 2:14.  Please also see the Words Index about the word peace.
  94. Pearl of great price:  Matthew 13:6.
  95. Physician:  Matthew 9:12.
  96. Priest:  Zechariah 6:13
    High priest:  Please see the note for Hebrews 4:14.
  97. Prince:  Please also see the Words Index about this word.
    Prince and Saviour:  Acts 5:31
    Prince of life:  Acts 3:15
    Prince of peace:  Isaiah 9:6
    Prince of the kings of the earth:  Revelation 1:5.
  98. Prophet:  Luke 24:19; Acts 3:22-23; Please also see the Words Index about this word and please also see the other sections of this document.
  99. Propitiation:  Romans 3:25; 1John 2:2; 1John 4:10.  Please also see the Words Index about this word.
  100. Rabbi:  Matthew 23:8; John 1:38; John 1:49; John 3:2; John 6:25.
  101. Rabboni:  John 20:16.
  102. Ransom for all:  1Timothy 2:6.
  103. Redeemer:  Job 19:25Psalms 19:14; Psalms 78:35; Proverbs 23:11; Isaiah 41:14; Isaiah 43:14; Isaiah 44:6; Isaiah 44:24; Isaiah 47:4; Isaiah 48:17; Isaiah 49:7; Isaiah 49:26; Isaiah 54:5; Isaiah 54:8; Isaiah 59:20; Isaiah 60:16; Isaiah 63:16; Jeremiah 50:34.  Please also see the Words Index for related words.
  104. Redemption:  1Corinthians 1:30.  Please also see the Words Index for related words.
  105. Resurrection and the life:  John 11:25.  Please also see the Words Index about this word.
  106. Righteous:  Psalm 85:13.  Please also see the Words Index about this word.
    Righteous branch:  Jeremiah 23:5
    Righteous judge:  2Timothy 4:8
    Righteous One:  Isaiah 53:11; Acts 7:52; Acts 11:14.
  107. Rock:  Please see the Words Index about this word.
    Rock of offence:  Isaiah 8:14; 1Peter 2:8.
  108. Root:  Please see the Word Index about this word.
    Root of David:  Revelation 22:16
    Root of Jesse:  Isaiah 11:10; Romans 15:12.
  109. Rose of Sharon:  Song 2:1.
  110. Ruler:  Please also see the Words Index about this word.
    Ruler in Israel:  Micah 5:2
    Ruler of the kings of the earth:  Revelation 1:5.
  111. Sacrifice:  Ephesians 5:2.  Please also see the Words Index about this word.
  112. Salvation:  Luke 2:30.
  113. Sanctification:  1Corinthians 1:30.  Please also see the Words Index about this word.
  114. Sanctuary:  Isaiah 8:4.
  115. Saviour:  God the Father, God the Holy Ghost and God the Son as Lord,  and as Jesus,  and as Christ,  are all Saviour  with each having a different role in spiritual conception and spiritual growth.  Please see this Menu link to find notes and links to every place where the major titles for the Son of God are found within the New Testament including this one.
  116. Sceptre out of Israel:  Numbers 24:17.
  117. Second man:  1Corinthians 15:47.
  118. Seed of woman:  Genesis 3:15.  Please also see the Words Index about these words.
  119. Servant:  Isaiah 42:1; Matthew 12:18.  Please also see the Words Index about this word.
    Servant of rulers:  Isaiah 49:7.
  120. Sharp sword:  Isaiah 49:2.  Please also see the Words Index about the word sword.
  121. Shepherd:  Psalms 23:1; Psalms 80:1; Song 1:7-; Isaiah 40:11; Ezekiel 34:11-16; Ezekiel 34:23-24; Ezekiel 37:24; Zechariah 13:7; John 10:1-5; John 10:11-16; 1Peter 2:25.  Please also see the Words Index about this word.
    Shepherd, Chief:  1Peter 5:4
    Shepherd, great:  Hebrews 13:20
    Shepherd of Israel:  Psalms 80:1
    Shepherd of souls:  1Peter 2:25.
  122. Shiloh:  Genesis 49:10.
  123. Shoot:  Isaiah 11:1.
  124. Son / Son of God / Son of man / Son of David:  Please see this Menu link to find notes and links to every place where the major titles for the Son of God are found within the New Testament including this one.
    Son of the Blessed:  Mark 14:61
    Son of the Highest:  Luke 1:32-33
    Son of Man:  Daniel 7:13
    Son of the gods:  Daniel 3:25.
  125. Star out of Jacob:  Numbers 24:17.  Please also see the Words Index about the word Jacob.
  126. Stone:  Please see the Words Index about this word.
    Stone, corner:  Please see the note for Ephesians 2:20.  Also in Matthew 21:42; 1Peter 2:6; 1Peter 2:7.
    Stone of stumbling:  Isaiah 8:14; 1Peter 2:8
    Stone, tried:  Isaiah 28:16
    stone, living:  1Peter 2:4.
  127. Sun of righteousness:  Malachi 4:2.  Please also see the Words Index about the word righteousness.
  128. Teacher:  John 3:2.  Please also see the Words Index about this word.
  129. True God:  Jeremiah 10:10; John 17:3; 1Thessalonians 1:9; 1John 5:20.
  130. Truth:  Please see the Word Study on Truth; John 14:6.
  131. Vine:  John 15:1; John 15:5.  Please also see the Words Index about this word.
  132. wall of fire:  Zechariah 2:5.
  133. Way:  John 14:6.  Please also see the Words Index about this word.
  134. `
  135. Wise God:  1Timothy 1:17.  Please also see the Words Index about this word.
  136. Witness:  Isaiah 55:4; Revelation 1:5; Revelation 3:14.  Please also see the Words Index about this word.
  137. Wonderful:  Isaiah 9:6.
  138. Word:  Please also see the Words Index about this word.
    Word of God:  John 1:1; John 1:14
    Word of life:  1John 1:1.

Jesus and the Ten Commandments.

The greatest commandment  is not one of the 'Ten Commandments' but is the basis od them.  It is: Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.  This is the first and great commandment.  And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.  On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.  (Deuteronomy 6:5; Deuteronomy 10:12; Deuteronomy 30:6; Matthew 22:34-40; Mark 12:28-33; Luke 10:27).

The 'Ten Commandments' are:
  1. I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.  Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
  2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.
  3. Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.
  4. Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.  Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it
  5. Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.
  6. Thou shalt not kill.
  7. Thou shalt not commit adultery.
  8. Thou shalt not steal.
  9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.
  10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's.

Jesus and Devils.

  1. Please note that the miracles, which are recorded within the gospels, are listed in the Table of Miracles in the Gospels document.  Many places where Jesus  dealt with devils He also did miracles.  Therefore, many of these references are the same.
  2. Please also note that, when the same incident is reported in more than one Gospel account, in will be listed, in this table, under the first Gospel account and not repeated for the other Gospel accounts.

  3. The verses in Matthew which tell us about Jesus  dealing with devils:  They are: Matthew 4:1, Matthew 4:5, Matthew 4:8, Matthew 4:11, Matthew 4:24, Matthew 7:22, Matthew 8:16, Matthew 8:28, Matthew 8:31, Matthew 8:33, Matthew 9:32, Matthew 9:33, Matthew 9:34, Matthew 10:1, Matthew 10:8, Matthew 10:25, Matthew 11:18, Matthew 12:22, Matthew 12:24, Matthew 12:26, Matthew 12:27, Matthew 12:28, Matthew 12:43, Matthew 15:22, Matthew 16:23, Matthew 17:18, Matthew 25:41.  Many of these are listed within this section for the various applications.
  4. In Matthew 4:1; 5; 8; 11; Luke 4:2-3; Luke 4:5-6; Luke 4:13 Jesus  was tempted by Satan.
  5. Satan  is named in: Matthew 4:10; Matthew 12:26; Matthew 16:23; Mark 1:13; Mark 3:23; Mark 3:26; Mark 4:15; Mark 8:33; Luke 4:8; Luke 10:18; Luke 11:18; Luke 13:16; Luke 22:3; Luke 22:31; John 13:27.
  6. In Matthew 4:24; Matthew 9:32-33; Matthew 15:22; Mark 7:26, Mark 7:29-30; Mark 9:24-25; 16:9; Luke 8:2; Luke 9:41-42; Luke 11:14-15 and Luke 13:32; Jesus  healed many that had devils.
  7. In Matthew 7:22; 13:39; 25:41; Luke 8:12; John 8:44 Jesus  identified the devil as the source of corrupt doctrine.
  8. In Matthew 8:16; Matthew 8:28; 31; Matthew 8:33; Matthew 17:18; Mark 1:23-25; Mark 1:32; Mark 1:34; Mark 1:39; Mark 3:11; Mark 3:12; Mark 5:12; Mark 5:15-16; Mark 5:18; Luke 4:1; Luke 4:33; Luke 4:35; Luke 4:41; Luke 8:27-30; Luke 8:33; Luke 8:35-36; Luke 8:38; Jesus  healed many that had devils and told the devils to keep their peace and not reveal that He was the Son  of God.
  9. Matthew 8:28-34; Mark 5:1-20 and Luke 8:26-39, we read that Jesus  freed the mad man of Gadara (and another man) from many devils.
  10. In Matthew 9:32-33; Matthew 10:25; 12:24-37; Mark 3:22-30; Luke 11:14-26 and Luke 11:14, we read that Jesus  cast out a dumb devil.  This then led to the Pharisees claiming that He used the power of Beelzebub to cast out devils.
  11. In Matthew 9:34; 12:22; 24; 27-28; Mark 3:22; Luke 11:15-26; 18-20; John 7:20; John 8:48-49; John 8:52; John 10:20-21 people accused Jesus  of using the power of devils.
  12. In Matthew 10:8; Mark 3:15; 6:13; 9:38; 16:17; Luke 9:1; 49; 10:17-18; Jesus  gave His disciples power to cast out devils.
  13. In Matthew 11:18 and Luke 7:33 people accused John the Baptist of having a devil.
  14. In Matthew 12:22 Jesus  cast out a devil that made the man blind and dumb.
  15. In Matthew 12:24-27; Mark 3:22-30 and Luke 11:15-26 we are told that the Pharisees or other people claimed that Jesus  did His miracles by the power of Beelzebub.  Following that accusation we have the doctrinal rebuttal from Jesus.  This incident was also referenced by Jesus  in Matthew 10:25.
  16. In Matthew 12:43-45 and Luke 11:24-26 tell That Jesus  warned that having a devil leave a possessed person, and not having the person saved with the indwelling Holy Spirit,  leaves them open to repossession and that will include multiple devils.
  17. In Matthew 17:17-18; Mark 9:19 and Luke 9:41 we see that Jesus  was upset with the faithless and perverse generation.  Yet, He did not let His upset keep Him from casting out a devil.

  18. The verses in Mark which tell us about Jesus  dealing with devils:  They are: Mark 1:13, Mark 1:23, Mark 1:26, Mark 1:27, Mark 1:32, Mark 1:34, Mark 1:39, Mark 3:11Mark 3:15, Mark 3:22, Mark 3:23, Mark 3:26, Mark 4:15, Mark 3:30, Mark 5:2, Mark 5:8, Mark 5:12, Mark 5:13, Mark 5:15, Mark 5:16, Mark 5:18, Mark 6:7, Mark 6:13, Mark 7:25-26, Mark 7:29, Mark 8:33, Mark 7:30, Mark 9:38, Mark 16:9, Mark 16:17.  Many of these are listed within this section for the various applications.
  19. In Mark 1:25, and other places, we read that And Jesus rebuked him (the devil), saying, Hold thy peace, and come out of him.  What we see here is that Jesus  refused to accept the endorsement of devils.  Likewise, we are to refuse the endorsement of anyone who is not righteous.

  20. The verses in Luke which tell us about Jesus  dealing with devils:  They are: 4:2, 4:3, 4:5, 4:6, 4:13, 4:33, 4:35, 4:36, 4:41; 6:18, 7:33, 8:2, 8:12, 8:27, 8:29, 8:30, 8:33, 8:35, 8:36, 8:38, 9:1, 9:42, 9:49, 10:18, 10:17, 11:14, 11:15, 11:18, 11:18, 11:19, 11:20, 11:24, 13:16 13:11, 13:32, 22:3, 22:31.  Many of these are listed within this section for the various applications.
  21. In Luke 4:29-36 we read that Jesus  cast out an unclean devil.  This may be the first time that He did this since the people were all amazed, and spake among themselves, saying, What a word is this!  for with authority and power he commandeth the unclean spirits, and they come out.  We are told the fame of him went out into every place of the country round about.  Thus, Jesus  had a reputation for commanding devils after this time.
  22. In Luke 8:29 we are told that an unclean spirit  is a devil.  Please see Matthew 10:1; Matthew 12:43; Mark 1:23; Mark 1:26; Mark 1:27; Mark 3:11; Mark 3:30; Mark 5:2; Mark 5:8; Mark 5:13; Mark 6:7; Mark 7:25; Luke 4:33; Luke 4:36; Luke 6:18; Luke 8:29; Luke 9:42 and Luke 11:24-26 in the Word Study on Spirit for details on these verses.
  23. In Luke 10:18-24, we read the response from Jesus  to the report from the seventy whom He had sent out to preach the Gospel.  When they returned, they were rejoicing  because even the devils are subject unto us through thy name
  24. In 13:11, we are told that a woman had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years.  The note for this sentence, in the Word Study on Spirit, explains how this is different from an other Gospel account where a man had an infirmity.  That note also explains why this phrase shows us that a devil caused the infirmity.

  25. The verses in John which tell us about Jesus  dealing with devils:  They are: John 6:70; John 7:20; John 8:44; John 8:48-49; John 8:52; John 10:20-21; John 13:2; John 13:27.  Many of these are listed within this section for the various applications.
  26. in John 6:70; John 13:2 Jesus  says that Judas Iscariot has a devil.  In John 13:27 and Luke 22:3 we are told that Satan  entered him.
  27. In John 13:2 we are told the devil having now put into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, to betray him.  Since Judas chose to do this, and since God does not take away our free will, Jesus  warned Judas, and the other disciples, of the consequence but did not prevent this action.  If we chose to give ourselves to the service and / or the doctrines of devils  (1Timothy 4:1), then God will not stop us.

  28. Although this document is supposed to be for the Gospels, I don't have a better place to put these links right now.  The Old Testament mentions devils  in: Leviticus 17:7; Deuteronomy 32:17; 2Chronicles 11:15; Psalms 106:37.

  29. Although this document is supposed to be for the Gospels, I don't have a better place to put these links right now.  The New Testament, outside of the Gospels, mentions devils  in: Acts 10:38; Acts 13:10; 1Corinthians 10:20; 1Corinthians 10:21; Ephesians 4:27; Ephesians 6:11; 1Timothy 3:6; 1Timothy 3:7; 1Timothy 4:1; 2Timothy 2:26; Hebrews 2:14; James 2:19; James 3:15; James 4:7; 1Peter 5:8; 1John 3:8; 1John 3:8; 1John 3:10; Jude 1:9; Revelation 2:10; Revelation 9:20; Revelation 12:9; Revelation 12:12; Revelation 16:14; Revelation 18:2; Revelation 20:2; Revelation 20:10.

Contact:  Webmaster@LJC1611KJV.com.  Member of Bible Baptist Church in La Carlota, Philippines.  Copyright 2009 Lord Jesus Christ in the 1611KJV.  All rights reserved. Revised: 08/10/21.