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Table of Miracles in the Old Testament

While I was studying for the document called Lord Jesus Christ, I searched for a Table of Miracles in the Gospels but could not find anything close to being complete and accurate.  Therefore (with prayer), I created that table.  Then to finish out the table, I created this table and the Miracles section of, the Significant Events in the New Testament.  However, unlike the Table of Miracles in the Gospels, these current Study is not the result of my direct personal study but are a compilation of information that I found elsewhere (from several sources).  If anyone can show any error in any of these tables or know of a miracle that I missed, please send an email with the correction.  

I pray that this table is helpful to many people's personal study as they try to compare scripture to scripture and get an accurate understanding of the Bible.  

Miracle.   Verse.  
Creation of the universe, including plants, animals and humans Genesis 1 and 2
Enoch’s translation Genesis 5:24
The flood Genesis 7and 8
Confusion of languages (tongues) at Babel Genesis 11:1-9
behold a smoking furnace, and a burning lamp  passes between Abraham's sacrifice to God Genesis 15:17
The conception of Isaac Genesis 17:17; Genesis 18:12; Genesis 21:2;
Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah Genesis 19:24
Lot's wife turned into a pillar of salt Genesis 19:26
The closing of the wombs of Abimelech's household Genesis 20:17-18
Birth of Isaac at Gerar Genesis 21:1
The opening of Hagar's eyes Genesis 21:19
The conception of Jacob and Esau Genesis 25:21
The opening of Rachel's womb Genesis 30:22
The burning bush not consumed Exodus 3:3
Aaron's rod changed into a serpent Exodus 4:3; Exodus 7:10-12
Aaron's rod restored Exodus 4:4
Hand made leprous Exodus 4:6-7
Aaron’s rod changed into a serpent Exodus 7:8-10
Water turned into blood Exodus 4:9, 30
The ten plagues of Egypt: waters become blood Exodus 7:13-25
The ten plagues of Egypt: frogs Exodus 8:1-15
The ten plagues of Egypt: lice Exodus 8:16-19
The ten plagues of Egypt: flies Exodus 8:20-32
The ten plagues of Egypt: murrain Exodus 9:1-7
The ten plagues of Egypt: boils Exodus 9:8-12
The ten plagues of Egypt: thunder and hail Exodus 9:13-35
The ten plagues of Egypt: locusts Exodus 10:1-20
The ten plagues of Egypt: darkness Exodus 10:21-29
The ten plagues of Egypt: death of the first-born Exodus 11:12-36
The pillar of cloud and fire Exodus 13;21-22; Exodus 14:19-20
Red Sea divided; Israel passes through Exodus 14:21-31
Pharaoh's army destroyed in Red Sea Exodus 14:23-30
Egyptians overwhelmed Exodus 14:26-28
Waters of Marah sweetened Exodus 15:23-25
Quails surround the camp Exodus 16:13
Manna sent daily, except on Sabbath Exodus 16:14-35
Water from the rock at Rephidim Exodus 17:5-7
The defeat of Amalek Exodus 17:9-13
Thundering and lightning on Mount Sinai plus the top of mountain was surrounded by thick cloud Exodus 19:16-20; Exodus 24:10,15-17; Deuteronomy 4:33
The transfiguration of the face of Moses Exodus 34:29-35
Fire from the Lord  consumed sacrifice Leviticus 9:24
Nadab and Abihu consumed for offering strange fire Leviticus 10:1-11
Some of the people consumed by fire at Taberah Numbers 11:1-3
Quails surround the camp Numbers 11:31
Miriam's leprosy Numbers 12:10-15
Moses prays for her and she is healed Numbers 12:10-15
The earth opens and swallows up Korah and his company Numbers 16:32-34; Deuteronomy 11:6-7
Fire at Kadesh Numbers 16:35-45
Plague at Kadesh Numbers 16:46-50
Aaron's rod budding at Kadesh Numbers 17:1-11
Water from the rock, smitten twice by Moses, Desert of Zin Numbers 20:7-11
God gives Israel victory over King Arad the Canaanite Numbers 21:1-3
God sends serpents to plague Israel because of their complaining Numbers 21:5-6
The brazen serpent in the Desert of Zin Numbers 21:8, 9
Balaam's donkey speaks Numbers 22:23-30
God causes a plague to kill 24,000 Israelites due to their worshipping pagan gods Numbers 25:1-9
The preservation of Moses Deuteronomy 34:7
The Jordan divided and Israel passed over dryshod near the city of Adam Joshua 3:14-17
The walls of Jericho fall down Joshua 6:6-20
Hailstorm Joshua 10:11
The sun and moon stayed Joshua 10:12-14
Fire from the Lord  consumed sacrifice Judges 6:21
Dew on Gideon's fleece Judges 6:37-40
135,000 Midianite army destroyed with only 300 men used by God Judges 7:16
Fire comes out of rock to consume the sacrifice of Manoah who was the father of Samson Judges 13:19-20
The strength of Samson Judges 14-16
Samson kills a lion barehanded Judges 14:6
Samson kills 30 Philistines Judges 14:19
Drinking water from rock at the hollow place Lehi JJudges 15:19
Samson carries away city gates Judges 16:3
Samson destroys temple Judges 16:30
Samson is miraculously given back his strength in order to punish the Philistines Judges 16:26-30
Fire from the Lord  consumed sacrifice Judges 13:19-20
Birth of Samuel (answered prayer) 1 Samuel 1
Dagon falls twice before the ark 1Samuel 5:1-12
Emerods on the Philistines 1Samuel 5:1-12
nursing cows leave calves to return the ark 1Samuel 6:7-14
Men of Beth-shemesh smitten for looking into the ark 1Samuel 6:19
Thunderstorm causes a panic among the Philistines at Eben-ezer 1Samuel 7:10-12
Thunder and rain in harvest at Gilgal 1Samuel 12:18
God delivers the Philistines, at the valley of Rephaim, into David's hands 2Samuel 5:23-25
Uzzah smitten for touching the ark at Perez-uzzah 2Samuel 6:6, 7
The plague in Israel 1Chronicles 21:14-26
Fire from the Lord  consumed sacrifice 2Chronicles 7:1
An unknown "man of God" from Judah declares, in Bethel, Jeroboam's pagan altar will be miraculously broken with its ashes scattered 1Kings 13:1-10
Jeroboam's hand withered because he arrested God's prophet 1Kings 13:4
Jeroboam's new altar destroyed at Bethel 1Kings 13:5
The prophet is enticed to disobey God by an old prophet and is killed by God 1Kings 13:11-33
Jeroboam's hand restored 1Kings 13:6
Drought 1Kings 17:1; James 5:17
Elijah Is fed by ravens 1Kings 17:6
Widow of Zarephath's meal and oil increased 1Kings 17:9-16; Luke 4:26
Widow's son raised from the dead 1Kings 17:17-24
Drought at Elijah's prayers 1Kings 17and 18
Fire at Elijah's prayers 1Kings 18:19-39
Rain at Elijah's prayers 1Kings 18:41-45
Elijah Is fed by an angel 1Kings 19:1-8
The Angel of the Lord kills 185,000 men in Sennacherib's army before they enter Jerusalem 1Kings 19:35
Ahaziah's captains consumed by fire near Samaria 2Kings 1:10-12
Jordan divided by Elijah near Jericho 2Kings 2:7-8
Elijah carried up into Heaven 2Kings 2:11
Jordan divided by Elisha near Jericho 2Kings 2:14
Waters of Jericho healed by Elisha's casting salt into them 2Kings 2:21, 22
Bears out of the wood destroy forty-two young men 2Kings 2:24
Water provided for Jehoshaphat and the allied army 2Kings 3:16-20
Midianites believe water is blood and are destroyed 2Kings 3:20-23
The widow's oil multiplied 2Kings 4:2-7
The Shunammite's son given, and raised from the dead at Shunem 2Kings 4:32-37
The deadly pottage cured with meal at Gilgal 2Kings 4:38-41
A hundred men fed with twenty loaves at Gilgal 2Kings 4:42-44
Naaman cured of leprosy, Gehazi afflicted with it 2Kings 5:10-27
The iron axe-head made to swim, river Jordan 2Kings 6:5-7
Ben Hadad's plans discovered.  Hazael's thoughts, etc 2Kings 6:12
Elisha Causes the eyes of his servant to be opened 2Kings 6:17
The Syrian army smitten with blindness at Dothan 2Kings 6:18
The Syrian army cured of blindness at Samaria 2Kings 6:20
God panics the Syrians 2Kings 7:6-7
Elisha's bones revive the dead 2Kings 13:21
Sennacherib's army destroyed 2Kings 19:35; Isaiah 37:36
Hezekiah healed 2Kings 20:7
Shadow of sun goes back ten degrees on the sun-dial of Ahaz 2Kings 20:9-11
David's census brings plague upon Israel 1Chronicles 21
Fire from heaven consumes Solomon's sacrifice at dedication of temple 2Chronicles 7:1
Uzziah struck with leprosy 2Chronicles 26:16-21
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego delivered from the fiery furnace Daniel 3:10-27
The Writing on the Wall Daniel 5:22-31
Daniel saved in the lions' den Daniel 6:16-23
Sea is made calm when Jonah thrown into it Jonah 1:15
Jonah is swallowed by whale for 3 days then vomited out on dry land.  Safely landed Jonah 1:17-2:10
Gourd grows to shade Jonah then dies Jonah 4:5-7
Gideon's fleece Judges 6:37-40
Hezekiah's cure Isaiah 38:21
The sea was calmed when Jonah was thrown into it Jonah 1:15
Jonah in the belly of the great fish Jonah 1:17; Jonah 2:10
Jonah's gourd Jonah 4:6-7

Contact:  Webmaster@LJC1611KJV.com.  Member of Tower Road Baptist Church, Abq., NM, U.S.A., 87121.  Copyright 2009 Lord Jesus Christ in the 1611KJV.  All rights reserved. Revised: 02/07/25.