Interpretive Study of Psalms 119.
Chapter theme: Applying God's word throughout a life.
Please see the Word Definitions section for several words used throughout this Psalm.
God's Way to Study His Word:
In 2Timothy 2:15 we read: Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth
. The true definition of the word dividing
is: 'a Mathematical function whereby we separate pre-defined units according to a precise procedure which produces a precise result'. However, while most people understand that 'there is one interpretation but many applications of The word of God
', they fail to separate the procedures of each. And, as a result, they fail to separate the 'one interpretation of The word of God
' from the 'many applications of The word of God
'. This leads to many errors which people blame on the perfect word of God
instead of their using the wrong procedure.
The result, of men using the wrong way, is that men claim that there are errors and conflicts in God's word. In Isaiah 28; God tells us how to understand His word. In addition, God preserved the message of His word; He preserves every word of His sentences (gp); and God preserves every punctuation mark {jot and title
(Matthew 5:18; Luke 16:17)} of His sentences. Therefore, God preserved what He wanted us to understand and God told us how to understand His word so that we have no errors and no conflicts. Unfortunately, for at least one hundred and fifty (150) years, men have been taught to use the wrong way to interpret God's word instead of using God's way.
In Isaiah 55:9 we are told For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts
. Thus, God warns us that our ways are wrong and that using God's way
produces better results, which have no errors and no conflicts.
In addition, 1Corinthians 2:14 tells us: But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned
. Therefore, we can not properly understand the spiritual word of God
using man's way. We must use God's way to understand God's preserved word of God
. And, the basics of God's way is to understand His preserved word of God
using the sentence format and true Biblical definitions for Bible words.
This Study follows the Biblical Way to understand God's Word. It applies precepts
('truths that never change for any circumstance'). It then goes through the epistle sentence-upon-sentence (line upon line
[Isaiah 28 ]). This is different from the ways of men which use verse-upon-verse or some other method which generates errors. God's sentence-upon-sentence method also pays attention to what 'The word of God' tells us that God preserved, which are the true Biblical meanings of words and the Biblical usage of punctuation. (These two are the components of sentences and do not give us verses.) 'The word of God' tells us that God preserved punctuation (one jot or one tittle
) in Matthew 5:18 and Luke 16:17. And 'The word of God' tells us that God preserved every word
when he wrote: Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God
(Deuteronomy 8:3; Matthew 4:4 and Luke 4:4).
The summary of the epistle comes from the summary of each chapter and each chapter summary within that book. Every chapter summary comes from the summary of each sentence within that chapter. And, the sentence summaries come from analysis using the punctuation and true word definitions, as explained in the note for each sentence. In addition, each sentence note considers the contextual considerations. As a result, we have what God literally had written and see that there are no conflicts even when we consider the smallest part of a sentence compared to the entire Bible book. God is consistent from the start of a Bible book to the end and is consistent in His doctrines and word definitions across the entire Bible. What we have is an integrated whole (single) message, with no errors and no conflicts. This particular book Study is part of a detailed analysis of the entire New Testament which shows this truth.
Other than cults, all claims of errors and conflicts are based upon the New Testament. This Study is part of a series which interprets the preserved word of God
using God's way and proving that there are no errors, nor any conflicts, if we obey God and use His way to interpret His word. And, this series concentrates on the New Testament, since that is the basis of these lies about the perfect word of God
I have read, or at least skimmed, every book which has been written in the last hundred and fifty (150) years and which claims to teach people how to study and understand The word of God
. In every case, they use a method which comes from man and do not use God's way (Isaiah 55:8) to study and understand The word of God
. And, while there are variations from one man-written method to another man-written method, every one of them ends up with problems. The end result of those problems is that people blame God's perfect word for their own problems and either turn to a man-written 'bible' or skip verses. (By skipping the interpretation of certain verses, they can hide the conflict which their method has produced.)
Now, many people find that the Detail Studies to be overwhelming because those Studies have everything required to prove that there are NO errors in The perfect word of God
. This summary level is easier to understand for most people. At the same time, if someone has an argument with what is presented here, the matching Detail Study provides all of the proof required in order to show that what is here matches exactly what God wrote in His word. Again, this is not a matter of my opinion versus their opinion. I have over thirty (30) years' experience as a professional Systems Analyst with an international reputation for accuracy in how to prove things. And, this series of books are the result of using recognized methods of analysis to prove what God actually wrote. This series does not present a religious opinion. Therefore, a religious opinion, which was arrived at from using wrong methods, is not superior to a true analysis of what God wrote.
People have looked for over twenty (20) years and failed to find any other work that covers everything this series cover. In addition, no one has found any other work which covers the level of detail found in the Detail Studies. Further, the Detail Studies literally have several million Bible references to support the interpretation provided and to show that The perfect word of God
is consistent all across it for word definitions and doctrines. Again, no one has found any other work which has this quantity of Bible references supporting what is presented. I do not write this to brag but to inform the reader the depth of study which supports what is presented in this series.
Let any who disagree show their method and the results of their method and try to explain how their method, which produces errors, is greater that God's way
which produces no errors and no conflicts.
Chapter theme: Applying God's word throughout a life.
links to Sections in this Psalm:
ALEPH: General preparation for life: God's commandment and plan that all are to keep.BETH: personal preparation for life.
GIMEL: personal recognition of the results of choices made in life.
DALETH: Recognition of personal powerlessness and of God's power.
HE: personal directions in the path of life to follow.
VAU: personal equipping for spiritual battle.
ZAIN: Daily prayer at the end of the day after starting spiritual battles.
CHETH: Daily mourning preparation for spiritual battle.
TETH: Learning from errors.
JOD: Daily preparation of the battle veteran.
CAPH: Learning to endure so that you have a personal testimony of God saving when your own strength fails.
LAMED: Learning to keep our eye on the spiritual when defeated in the physical.
MEM: Rewards of staying faithful through the worst.
NUN: Turning eyes to spiritual things and ignoring the physical.
SAMECH: Turning heart to spiritual things and ignoring the physical.
AIN: Evening prayer of saint after he has personally faced death.
PE: mourning prayer of saint after he has personally faced death.
TZADDE: Look to heaven and prepare for judgment.
KOPH: personal worship of the righteous Judge.
RESH: Prayer for mercy when judged.
SCHIN: Reflect upon a Godly life when at the end of it.
TAU: Prayer of life: to prayer all of life and especially at the end.
links to sentences in this chapter:
C119-S1 (Verse 1), C119-S2 (Verse 2), C119-S3 (Verse 3), C119-S4 (Verse 4), C119-S5 (Verse 5), C119-S6 (Verse 6), C119-S7 (Verse 7), C119-S8 (Verse 8), C119-S9 (Verse 9), C119-S10 (Verse 9), C119-S11 (Verse 10), C119-S12 (Verse 11), C119-S13 (Verse 12), C119-S14 (Verse 13), C119-S15 (Verse 14), C119-S16 (Verse 15), C119-S17 (Verse 16), C119-S18 (Verse 17), C119-S19 (Verse 18), C119-S20 (Verse 19), C119-S21 (Verse 20), C119-S22 (Verse 21), C119-S23 (Verse 22), C119-S24 (Verse 23), C119-S25 (Verse 24), C119-S26 (Verse 25), C119-S27 (Verse 26), C119-S28 (Verse 27), C119-S29 (Verse 28), C119-S30 (Verse 29), C119-S31 (Verse 30), C119-S32 (Verse 31), C119-S33 (Verse 32), C119-S34 (Verse 33), C119-S35 (Verse 34), C119-S36 (Verse 35), C119-S37 (Verse 36), C119-S38 (Verse 37), C119-S39 (Verse 38), C119-S40 (Verse 39), C119-S41 (Verse 40), C119-S42 (Verse 41), C119-S43 (Verse 42), C119-S44 (Verse 43), C119-S45 (Verse 44), C119-S46 (Verse 45), C119-S47 (Verse 46), C119-S48 (Verse 47), C119-S49 (Verse 48), C119-S50 (Verse 49), C119-S51 (Verse 50), C119-S52 (Verse 51), C119-S53 (Verse 52), C119-S54 (Verse 53), C119-S55 (Verse 54), C119-S56 (Verse 55), C119-S57 (Verse 56), C119-S58 (Verse 57), C119-S59 (Verse 58), C119-S60 (Verse 59), C119-S61 (Verse 60), C119-S62 (Verse 61), C119-S63 (Verse 62), C119-S64 (Verse 63), C119-S65 (Verse 64), C119-S66 (Verse 65), C119-S67 (Verse 66), C119-S68 (Verse 67), C119-S69 (Verse 68), C119-S70 (Verse 69), C119-S71 (Verse 70), C119-S72 (Verse 71), C119-S73 (Verse 72), C119-S74 (Verse 73), C119-S75 (Verse 74), C119-S76 (Verse 75), C119-S77 (Verse 76), C119-S78 (Verse 77), C119-S79 (Verse 78), C119-S80 (Verse 79), C119-S81 (Verse 80), C119-S82 (Verse 81), C119-S83 (Verse 82), C119-S84 (Verse 83), C119-S85 (Verse 84), C119-S86 (Verse 85), C119-S87 (Verse 85), C119-S88 (Verse 86), C119-S89 (Verse 87), C119-S90 (Verse 88), C119-S91 (Verse 89), C119-S92 (Verse 90), C119-S93 (Verse 91), C119-S94 (Verse 92), C119-S95 (Verse 93), C119-S96 (Verse 94), C119-S97 (Verse 95), C119-S98 (Verse 96), C119-S99 (Verse 97), C119-S100 (Verse 97), C119-S101 (Verse 98), C119-S102 (Verse 99), C119-S103 (Verse 100), C119-S104 (Verse 101), C119-S105 (Verse 102), C119-S106 (Verse 103), C119-S107 (Verse 103), C119-S108 (Verse 104), C119-S109 (Verse 105), C119-S110 (Verse 106), C119-S111 (Verse 107), C119-S112 (Verse 108), C119-S113 (Verse 109), C119-S114 (Verse 110), C119-S115 (Verse 111), C119-S116 (Verse 112), C119-S117 (Verse 113), C119-S118 (Verse 114), C119-S119 (Verse 115), C119-S120 (Verse 116), C119-S121 (Verse 117), C119-S122 (Verse 118), C119-S123 (Verse 119), C119-S124 (Verse 120), C119-S125 (Verse 121), C119-S126 (Verse 122), C119-S127 (Verse 123), C119-S128 (Verse 124), C119-S129 (Verse 125), C119-S130 (Verse 126), C119-S131 (Verse 127), C119-S132 (Verse 128), C119-S133 (Verse 129), C119-S134 (Verse 130), C119-S135 (Verse 131), C119-S136 (Verse 132), C119-S137 (Verse 133), C119-S138 (Verse 134), C119-S139 (Verse 135), C119-S140 (Verse 136), C119-S141 (Verse 137), C119-S142 (Verse 138), C119-S143 (Verse 139), C119-S144 (Verse 140), C119-S145 (Verse 141), C119-S146 (Verse 142), C119-S147 (Verse 143), C119-S148 (Verse 144), C119-S149 (Verse 145), C119-S150 (Verse 146), C119-S151 (Verse 147), C119-S152 (Verse 148), C119-S153 (Verse 149), C119-S154 (Verse 150), C119-S155 (Verse 151), C119-S156 (Verse 152), C119-S157 (Verse 153), C119-S158 (Verse 154), C119-S159 (Verse 155), C119-S160 (Verse 156), C119-S161 (Verse 157), C119-S162 (Verse 158), C119-S163 (Verse 159), C119-S164 (Verse 160), C119-S165 (Verse 161), C119-S166 (Verse 162), C119-S167 (Verse 163), C119-S168 (Verse 164), C119-S169 (Verse 165), C119-S170 (Verse 166), C119-S171 (Verse 167), C119-S172 (Verse 168), C119-S173 (Verse 169), C119-S174 (Verse 170), C119-S175 (Verse 171), C119-S176 (Verse 172), C119-S177 (Verse 173), C119-S178 (Verse 174), C119-S179 (Verse 175), C119-S180 (Verse 176)'.All Psalms were originally songs and were written to help us praise God.
Many commentators make a big deal about the sections of this Psalm being identified by the letters of the Hebrew alphabet and that the 8 verses, which follow the section title for each group, all starting with that letter in the Hebrew language. The problem is that this Psalm, like all of the Bible and most non-poetry documents, was written in sentences and paragraphs. That is the format that our Bible tells us that God will use to teach us knowledge
and to make us understand
. (Please see the lessons under the Hermey Menu item for more details.) the format of 8 verses is often used to distract from the greater message of this Psalm by having people concentrate on the format instead of the content of each section within this Psalm.
This Psalm was used to provide basic instructions for life and was taught in early childhood to start children on the right path to find, and obey, God. The spiritual message of this Psalm is far more important than the mechanics of the teaching method used. However, many commentators miss the major point while concentrating on the minor point. Thus, they are used to lead people from what God really wants His people to know, while claiming to lead people in God's way to true Godly blessings
Please concentrate on the spiritual message of this Psalm before worrying about any other use of this Psalm.
If you look at the titles that are assigned to each section (letter of Jewish alphabet), you will see a relationship between the phases of life and the sections of this Psalm. This Psalm starts with instructions that are for when we are starting our spiritual life and the second last section of this Psalm is instructions for the end of our life. The very last section is a summary and instructions for all of life. The sections in-between the first and last sections match the different phases of life as we progress from being young to being old. Thus, this Psalm that was used to teach the alphabet also taught instructions from God on how to live the various phases of life. Like the parables, these spiritual instructions were hidden in plain sight. Those people who considered the spiritual things of God received spiritual instructions and those people who only considered the physical things of life only learned their alphabet.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this Psalm as: 'A.M. 3560. B.C. 444.
(Title.) this Psalm, which was probably composed by Ezra, is another of the alphabetical Psalms: it consists of twenty-two parts, answering to the number of the Hebrew letters; every part being divided into eight verses, and each verse beginning with that letter which forms the title of the part; that is, the first part of eight verses with Aleph, the second with Beth, etc. It is an elegant, important, and useful composition; the chief subjects of which are the excellence of God's laws, and the happiness of those who observe them'.
Sentence summary:
ALEPH: General preparation for life: God's commandment and plan that all are to keep.
This section provides general instructions that are to be given for having a Godly life. It matches the last section of this Psalm which sums up all of the instructions of this Psalm and also gives instructions for all of life. Thus, while the first section provides the introduction for life, and the last section summarizes the commands for life, the other sections are aimed at different phases of life and provide more details for each phase. If people get the general instructions in these two outer sections, even if they miss the inner instructions, they will be far better off than those people who ignore all of these instructions. Thus, the wise person prayerfully considers the meaning of this first section and remembers the lessons from here so that they can apply them all of their life.
Our sentences tell us:
- Sentence 1 says, for us to stay
in order to beblessed
by God. - Sentence 2 tells us what keep and seek in order to be
by God. - Sentence 3 says,
do no iniquity
in order to beblessed
by God. - Sentence 4 says, to keep the broad principles from God which never change regardless of what
circumstances we find ourselves in (
). - Sentence 5 says, to choose paths of life which will help us to obey God's
. - Sentence 6 tells us the result of obeying the prior sentence and warns us that disobedience will result in God making us
before all of heaven and before men of this Earth. - Sentence 7 says, learn God's
righteous judgments
so that we can properlypraise
God. - Sentence 8 says, that God will not
forsake (us) utterly
if wekeep (God's ) statutes
These all combine to provide the instructions for all of life in this opening section. If we review these instructions every day of our life, and try to obey them every day of our life, there can be no doubt of God blessing us because of all of the other promises found within His Word.
- 119:1
'Stop our sinning'in the way
'as we follow the path of life that we are on'- we do this by walking in the law of the LORD 'trust and obey instead of demanding liberty and rights'.
'small repeated steps. What we do in our everyday life.'Law
encompassing all of the other words in this Psalm for various parts of the law.- Proverbs 14:12 and Proverbs 16:25 tell us differently (There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.).
- 119:2
= 'statements that are used in a court of law to judge the legality of someone's actions'. These are the things which God did in response to actions by His saints. We can rely upon God doing the same for
= 'To go in search or quest of; to look for; to search for by going from place to place'- Heart = mind, will and emotions
- 119:3
= lifestyle sins.ways
= 'how to get from one place to another'. God'sways
are how to get God's blessings while avoiding sin.- 119:4
= 'a mandate; an order or injunction given by authority; charge'. These include what comes through out God-given authorities such as pastors, parents and government officials.precepts
= 'truths and laws which never change regardless of circumstances'.diligent
= 'Steady application in business of any kind; constant effort to accomplish what is undertaken; exertion of body or mind without unnecessary delay or sloth; due attention; industry; assiduity.'- 119:5
= 'written laws. What is written in God's word'. my ways
= 'how I choose to try to reach my goals.'- 119:6
after doing the prior sentences of this Psalm.ashamed
= 'abashed or confused by guilt or a conviction of some criminal action or indecorous conduct, or by the exposure of some gross errors or misconduct, which the person is conscious must be wrong, and which tends to impair his honor or reputation'. If it doesn't happen here it will happen at thejudgment seat of Christ
for saved people.respect
= 'To view or consider with some degree of reverence; to esteem as possessed of real worth'.respect unto all thy commandments
= Without this attitude we will not do the prior sentences. Remember that commandments include what comes through out God-given authorities such as pastors, parents and government officials.- 119:7
= not before.I shall have learned thy righteous judgments
= 'Comparison of actions and attitudes, which a person displays, to the statutes and commandments of a rightful authority. Judgment results in reward of the obedient and punishment of the disobedient with the amount of reward or punishment determined by the judge'. God'sjudgments
are alwaysrighteous
= 'Honesty; integrity in principle or practice; conformity to rectitude and justice in social dealings.'- Our
(recognition of God's true attributes) require us to haveuprightness of heart
. - 119:8
O forsake me not utterly
is based upon our keeping the vow ofI will keep thy statutes
. The colon in this sentence makes these two phrases equivalent. this vow is based upon our recognizing and understanding what came before it. When God's people feel that God hasforsaken
them, they can be sure that they failed some post of this Psalm that came before this last sentence.
BETH: personal preparation for life.
Anyone who is going to take a journey makes some preparations. Some people make better preparations than others make but all make some preparations. Those people who claim to make no preparations actually decide to accept whatever happens, which are the preparations of a Biblical fool. All of us had some physical maturity at the time of our personal salvation. At some point, people who have some spiritual awareness realize that salvation is a journey through life with God. Once saved people realize that fact, the wisest make the best preparations for that journey with God. Our section, which is the first section on how to deal with the various phases of life, tells us what preparations to make if we wish to be wise about this life. That is: this section tell us how to prepare for a wise walk with God through life. Subsequent sections within this Psalm are sequenced to match the general sequences of life that most people can experience. This is true until the very last section which summarizes the experiences of a Godly life. Therefore, this section not only gives us preparations for life, but it also provides the basics for what we will need in later sequences of this Psalm as it matches our journey through life that is to be made with the help of God.
Our sentences tell us:
- Sentence 9 asks the main question of life. We have to clean out the sin before God add in blessings.
- Sentence 10 answers the prior question.
- Sentence 11 says, how to do that answer.
- Sentence 12 says, preparation made to enable obedience.
- Sentence 13 recognizes that God is greater and seeks God's guidance.
- Sentence 14 tells us the first reason why God should teach people His
. - Sentence 15 tells us the second reason why God should teach people His
. - Sentence 16 tells us the future actions to be done after God
teaches me thy statutes
. - Sentence 17 tells us further actions to be done after God
teaches me thy statutes
If we do not make wise preparations then we will not have all that we need later in life. In addition, without wisdom we will bind ourselves to things that will drag us down and interfere with our successful completion of our personal course
of life.
- 119:9
- This sentence is titled 'Asks the main question of life'. Our entire life will be judged by God after we die. Our eternal punishment or reward is based upon the choices we make in this life. The most important choice is to accept God's salvation. However, the Biblical definition of salvation includes sanctification and other things that God does in our life after our initial profession. If we do not clean up how we live our life, after receiving initial salvation, then we will lose the blessings from God and receive punishment instead.
- One of the most important choices that we make on a regular basis (several times a day) is how we are going to choose among the options available to us. We can:
- choose based upon our feelings.
- Do a short mental analysis so that we can lie to ourselves about how we choose and then choose according to out feelings.
- Pray and then choose according the feelings that 'come from the spirit'.
- Do an analysis and trust our intellect which has been trained by the wisdom of this world (1Corinthians).
- Ask a friend and submit to them.
- Refuse to make a decision and accept whatever happens.
- Pray for God's wisdom and search the Bible and then, if needed, seek Godly counsel.
- Do something else.
is: 'How we get from our present condition/place in life to the time that we face the judgment of God upon our life'. There are many ways that will lead us to error. Therefore, we need to know how to choose the right way. - When we
something we get rid of anything that makes it dirty or defiled. Thus, we need to get rid of any way which will end up making us dirty or defiled. By choosing the right way, we can avoid a lot of temptations. One of the most important things to recognize in this sentence is the need to cleanse. If we fail to recognize our basic sin nature, and the resulting need to cleanse everything, then our basic nature will lead us into sin and defilement. - 119:9
- This is the second sentence within this verse. By emphasizing the '8 verses per section of this Psalm', people emphasize the structure and distract people from the message of this Psalm. In addition, this encourages people to use a non-Godly way to interpret the Bible since God's word instructs us to use the sentence format. Please pay attention to the message and not get distracted by the format.
- Basically, our sentence is telling us 'Use God's Word to decide the way that you will cleanse your life and make spiritually clean decisions'.
- We are all sinners but we do not all do the same sin. One person might have a problem with covetousness while another has a problem with pride. Since different sins make us 'dirty' in different ways, we need different ways to cleanse ourselves. As a result, the answer that one person receives, when they take heed thereto according to (God's ) word, will often be different from the answer that another person receives.
- When most people have a decision to make they start trying to figure out the answer instead of first deciding the way to determine the correct answer. That's how cons make fools of people. They put some attractive result in front of people to keep their attention occupied while they do something sneaky where the person is not looking. However, someone who first decides how to choose will not be distracted by a attractive, but wrong, result. Think of Jacob rejecting Leah in order to get Rachel.
- If we look at God's Word and follow God's instructions about how to look at various situations in life before we look at the situation itself, then we can avoid getting distracted by the temptation. Once we avoid the temptation, we can then see the consequences and avoid them. However, it is not enough to know how to look at situations but we must obey God's instructions (taking heed) or we will be judged a 'greater fool' because we knew what to do but failed to do it.
- 119:10
- Here we see that God wants us to start with getting our attitude right. Within that, God wants us to seek Him personally (thee). That is, get our mind, will and emotions meditating on the person of God and His character and His holiness. By doing that, we will realize how 'dirty' our life is and that will lead us to cleanse our way.
- The word
is defined as: 'a mandate; an order or injunction given by authority; charge'. Please note that a commandment is not always written down and often comes through the human person that God has placed in authority over us. - Please notice that in our sentence the Psalmist is requesting that God restrict his actions when he says
let me not wander
. Therefore, God is not violating his free will when God grants this prayer request and restricts his attitudes and actions. - The phrase
with my whole heart
is summed up as 'personal worship of the righteous Judge'. This phrase means 'with all of the control that I have over my mind, my will and my emotions I am going to seek God personally'. We need to get our attitude right before we can expect help from God. - 119:11
- This sentence is titled 'Preparation made to enable obedience' in the section outline. Once more we see a past-tense action (have I hid in mine heart). We also see a past-tense motivation, which came before the past-tense action, and that motivation was to control future actions (that I might not sin against thee). Thus, we see that true Biblical wisdom requires us to consider future consequences of our actions when we are deciding what to do. If our actions of today cause us to be more tempted to sin in the future, then we should not do those actions. However, if we can do something today that will help us to do right in the future then a Biblically wise person will do that action.
- The word
speaks of something that is always there even when not seen. In addition, the phrase hid in mine heart lets us know that God's word is to always help control the way that we think, the way that we make decisions and the way that we react emotionally to the circumstances of life (in my heart). Further, we control these things short-term and God combines all of our short-term decisions to create our long-term soul. Thus, the truly Biblically wise person has God's word as the primary influence on the creation of their soul. - We must carefully, and prayerfully, consider all of the sentences within this section as a minimum to truly obeying this sentence.
- 119:12
- The first Section of our sentence is personal (
) worship ofJEHOVA God
. We need to recognize the difference between God and us before our heart is prepared to receive what God will teach us because God's ways are different from out ways. If we do not start with personal worship, then we will reject what God teaches us even if we claim to accept God's truth. - After the Psalmist has recognized the attributes of God and worshipped God, he requests that God teach me thy statutes. Knowledge of God's statutes, and obedience of them, is required to avoid God's power being used to punish us. These things are also required in order to receive God's wisdom and have it applied to our life. Remember, our section is telling us how to prepare for a life walking with God. The first three chapters of 1Corinthians explain how
The wisdom of man and the wisdom of this world
go in the opposite direction fromThe wisdom of God
. Therefore, unless we receive the wisdom of God through God teaching us His personal (thy) statutes, we will go the opposite direction from receiving the blessings of God. Therefore, both of these Equivalent Sections are required parts of a preparation for a life of walking with God. - 119:13
- This verse recognizes that God is personaly
. Therefore, God canbless
us but will only do so if we obey Him. As a result, the Psaom requeststeach me thy statutes
so that the reader will know how to beblessed
. - 119:14
- This sentence is titled 'The first reason why God should teach people His statutes'. Please notice that our sentence is in the past-tense (
have I declared
). We not only have to recognize God's judgments of thy mouth, but we must declare them before we can expect to learn God's statutes the way that God wants us to learn them. The difference being that when we learn God's statutes God's way we also get understanding. When we learn them any other way we memorize the words but do not understand the significance. This is because some things are only learned through experience. When we experience declaring all the judgments of God's mouth, people question and challenge us about them. As we seek answers from God, God also gives us understanding. Judgments
are the end result of God comparing our attitudes and actions to His statutes and causing us to 'reap what we sow'. Satan always makes sin look good by hiding the ultimate results of that sin. Therefore, we must recognize the ultimate results, and the relationship between those results and our initial sin, in order to see God's judgment upon that sin. Further, it is only after we see this relationship that we can understand why God says what he does in His statutes. Finally, it is only after we understand all of these things that we can see the relationship between the way of thy (God's ) testimonies, as our next sentence says, and the source statutes and our obedience or disobedience.- Next we must consider the phrase
with my lips
. This goes against the doctrine called 'lifestyle Evangelism' which claims that if we keep our mouth shut then our 'lifestyle ' will be a sufficient witness. While I can say much against this lie from Satan, the thing we see in this sentence is that we will not get the blessings promised within this section unless we use our lips to declare all the judgments of thy mouth. - The other thing to note here is the use of the words
. The word of God has all the judgments of (God's ) mouth, even though we do not hear them with our ears. However, if someone does not physical hear what we say then we have not truly used our lips within the range of their hearing. That is: the one word emphasizes our producing physically heard words while the other word allows for words which are written down. - Next we must consider the phrase all the judgments of thy mouth. The word
makes this 'God's personal mouth', which is found in what the Bible literally says. The religious person declares what their religious leader says, which may or may not be exactly what God says. However, even when it is what God says, God wants us to search His word and verify what we are told along with getting it directly from God's Holy Spirit instead of an indirect message that comes through someone else. Yes, God uses men to direct us to the truth but God always wants us to verify our beliefs with Him by using the Word of God as interpreted by God's Holy Spirit. - One last thing to note here is the word all. Many people have their favorite parts of the Bible and, if not careful, we can skip parts of the Bible. Part of a proper Bible Study is to go sequentially through books of the Bible, and be sure that we hit them all before starting over. This is the only way that we can be sure to cover all.of the phrase
I have rejoiced in the way of thy testimonies
. - Our attitude that we have when we are taught something has a major impact upon how well we learn. God's
are how someone else was blessed by God and what they did in order to get those blessings. Since God does not change, we can expect to receive similar blessings if we do the same things as the other person did. In this sentence, to Psalmist recognizes that having God's blessings gives as good of a life as the richest person in the world can expect to have. This is someone who rejoices in the way of (God's ) testimonies even while alone or even when speaking to others outside of church. - Please notice that he rejoiced
in the way
, which is: 'a method of getting from one place to another by numerous repetitions on the same small movement'. He did not rejoice in the results nor in anything else which we normally think is a reason to rejoice. He rejoiced inThe way
because he knew that God would show him how to continue to receive God's blessings and avoid God's punishments. Thus, he was not looking at a one-time result but atThe way
to get many desirable results. - Next we see that he rejoiced in was God's testimonies. The word
is plural and not singular. Thus, he sawThe way
that is common to all of God'stestimonies
and not just the circumstances of a singular testimony. In addition, the wordtestimonies
are 'statements which are used in a court of law to judge the legality of someone's actions'. Thus, he understood the way that God was going to determine his reward or punishment when he was judged as a child of God. Therefore, the focus of his rejoicing was on how he could affect his eternal results and not how to get something in this world. - 119:15
- This sentence and the next tell us what he will do after God teaches him God's statutes. It is important to know what we want to achieve before we start an effort or there is a good chance that we will become discouraged and quit before we reach the goal.
- Please notice that the two phrases of our sentence have two different action verbs. The first phrase uses the words
will meditate
to express an ongoing action while the second phrase uses the wordhave
to express that he will 'obtain and retain' ongoing respect. - Please note that our sentence is the third usage of the word
within this section. This is the main subject of this entire section and, since God does not change (Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 13:8), God'sways
and God'sprecepts
do not change. Therefore, our sentence is telling us two ways that the Psalmist will apply his mind to the things which God has given to man which do not change. By doing these actions, he can learn how these never-changing things from God were applied to other people and be confident that they will be applied to his life the same way. - Everybody wants to know the future. However, most people are too lazy to apply the effort which our sentence tells us to apply to our own life. In stead, most people want someone to give them the answer, with no effort on their part, and that is one of the main reasons why so many people believe foolishness and will reap the consequence for being a Biblical fool.
- 119:16
- Notice that the verb of the First Equivalent Section is delight. Notice that the verb of the Second Equivalent Section is not forget. Both of these are actions which we do with our brain. That is why this sentence tells us how we are to keep our thinking right. Also, these actions come after God teaches me thy statutes. When God teaches we know more, and have greater understanding, than when others teach us. It is this greater understanding which allows us to delight because we can understand the results of obedience in a way that we could not understand before God taught us. It is getting the resulting blessings which cause is to delight.
- In our Second Equivalent Section we see the Psalmist promise I will not forget thy word. God's statutes are in His word. We cannot continue to delight in what we forget. By the same token, we will not put in the work to remember unless we delight in what we are trying to remember. Thus, the equivalency should be obvious.
GIMEL: Recognize that our choices in life make us responsibile for the results which we receive.
Part of our preparation for this journey through life is the realization that we will have to make decisions and that those decisions have consequences. God gives us each a free will and refuses to take away our choice no matter how foolish we act nor what the consequences of our choices are. Therefore, the wise person seeks God's advice before making decisions because all decisions affect the rest of our life. Yes, some decisions have more obvious effects, but often the decisions without obvious effects actually have the most profound results.
Our sentences tell us:
- Sentence 18 requests the aid of God based upon the recognition that we are God's personal (
. - Sentence 19 Why we should desire God's aid.
- Sentence 20 recognizes that we can not look to other people for guidance because
I am a stranger in the earth
. - Sentence 21 says, how strongly we feel the need for God's guidance.
- Sentence 22 recognizes the consequence of following the wrong motivation when making decisions.
- Sentence 23 requests aid in avoiding wrong decisions and aid in avoiding their consequences.
- Sentence 24 recognizes that people who affect our life will fight our decisions to follow God.
- Sentence 25 says, how to endure the reproaches of people who affect our life.
These all combine to provide the instructions for how to prepare to make wise decisions in this life. We do not know what decisions we will have to make. We can't know what information we will need to have but we can know that we will have to make decisions based upon incomplete and inadequate knowledge. We can get upset about the reality of life or we can recognize that this is God's deliberate plan that will, repeatedly, put us into situations where we have to seek God's guidance or suffer the consequence of making foolish decisions.
Pay attention to how often this section uses the personal pronouns of thy
and thou
. Erroneous religious doctrine that these words have the same meaning as you
And try to replace our personal relationship with a religious non-personal one. First they deny the words which are personal. Then they deny to doctrines which are personal. Then they claim that religious doctrine replaces the authority of God and His word. Then they claim the authority to replace God's doctrines with doctrines from devils. The road to disaster starts with people believing: 'It doesn't really matter if someone changes the definition of a word which God has preserved' (Deuteronomy 8:3; Matthew 4:4 and Luke 4:4).
- 119:17
- This sentence is titled 'Request God's aid based upon the recognition that we are God's personal servant'. People who are not personally serving God with their life can not 'claim' this promise.
Deal bountifully
: 'request for many blessings'.with thy servant
: 'only those who personally serve God qualify'.that I may live, and keep thy word
: 'Why God should fulfill this request'.- 119:18
- This sentence is titled 'Why we should desire God's aid'.
Open thou mine eyes
: 'Let me see things from a spiritual perspective'.that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law
: 'Why God should give this perspective'.- 119:19
- This sentence is titled 'Recognizes that we can not look to other people for guidance'.
I am a stranger in the earth
: 'we are to be in the world but not of the world (John 17:14)'.hide not thy commandments from me
: 'Don't hide your personal; commandments so that I can obey them and be personally blessed'.- 119:20
- This sentence is titled 'personal longing to know God's personal
'. My soul breaketh for the longing
: 'How our personal way of thinking, way of making decisions and emotional reactions are to be controlled'.that it hath unto thy judgments at all times
: 'God's personaljudgments
are to control the reactions of our soul'.- 119:21
- This sentence is titled 'Recognizes the consequence of following the wrong motivation when making decisions'.
Thou hast rebuked the proud that are cursed
: 'God personally curses and rebukes some proud people'.which do err from thy commandments
: 'Whom God curses and rebukes'. This does not include the lost since the context of this Psalm is dealing only with the saved.- 119:22
- This sentence is titled 'Why God should aid us'.
Remove from me reproach and contempt
: 'The specific aid requested'.for I have kept thy testimonies
: 'The justification for requesdting aid'.- 119:23
- This sentence is titled ''.
- : ' '.
- : ' '.
- This sentence is titled ''.
- : ' '.
- : ' '.
These all combine to provide the instructions for how to prepare to make wise decisions in this life. We do not know what decisions we will have to make. We can't know what information we will need to have but we can know that we will have to make decisions based upon incomplete and inadequate knowledge. We can get upset about the reality of life or we can recognize that this is God's deliberate plan that will, repeatedly, put us into situations where we have to seek God's guidance or suffer the consequence of making foolish decisions.
DALETH: Recognition of personal powerlessness and of God's power.
(Almost?) everyone starts out their saved life sure that God is going to give them lots of victories. Yes, they may stumble a little bit but God is going to be right there to keep them from falling into any significant sin. Then reality strikes in the form of the world, our flesh or of a devil motivated person. Not only that, but most of us have to mess up several times and we keep claiming the verse that says For a just man
fillet seven times, and reset up again.
(Proverbs 24:16) even when it is about the 7,000th time of 'stumbling'. Eventually, the wise saved person realizes that it is their own pride that is messing them up and that they will continue to 'stumbling' so long as they have pride
. This section is the prayer of a saved person who has finally realized that they need God to lift them up out of the mud and stop 'rising' based upon their own abilities and their own pride.
Starting in Sentence 29 we have a step-by-step procedure for getting out of the problems caused by pride. That is: remove the lies and accept the truth. Then always keep your eyes on the results of your actions and chose the way to good results. Then keep your eyes on how God worked in the life of others and follow the attitudes and actions of people who received the results that you want to have. Then pursue God's commandments as fast as you can.
Our sentences tell us:
- Sentence 26 recognizes that pride has put us into our predicament and then seeks true lasting uplifting from God.
- Sentence 27 confesses the error of
my ways
and seeks correction. - Sentence 28 seeks ability to avoid further error and promises testimonies based upon that
. - Sentence 29 confesses that this is not a one-time problem but is a lifestyle problem.
- Sentence 30 requests real correction.
- Sentence 31 claims real repentance.
- Sentence 32 confesses new choices in how to
walk by faith
. - Sentence 33 says, what the believer will do after receiving God's help.
After starting on our journey we realize that things are never as simple as they appeared during preparations. Someone has to be knocked down often enough and hard enough to make them really consider how much they really need to stop depending on self and start truly depending upon God. This section is the result of someone getting their eyes opened the hard way because pride prevented learning these lessons the simple way.
There are certain things only learned through experience. Usually, understanding
requires experience of the consequences that come from doing wrong. The Psalmist is no longer a novice on this journey and they now understand
things that they did not understand
before. Now the Psalmist is willing to take the extra effort to be careful and try to remain righteous
- 119:2
- This sentence is titled ''.
- : ' '.
- : ' '.
- 119:2
- This sentence is titled ''.
- : ' '.
- : ' '.
- 119:2
- This sentence is titled ''.
- : ' '.
- : ' '.
- 119:2
- This sentence is titled ''.
- : ' '.
- : ' '.
- 119:2
- This sentence is titled ''.
- : ' '.
- : ' '.
- 119:2
- This sentence is titled ''.
- : ' '.
- : ' '.
- 119:2
- This sentence is titled ''.
- : ' '.
- : ' '.
- 119:2
- This sentence is titled ''.
- : ' '.
- : ' '.
in this action we see certain action verbs. 2Corinthians 5:10 says: For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.
this reference does not say that we are not going to be judged for our claims, nor for our thoughts, nor for our feelings bit for our actions (done
). Our section tells us about actions which prove our claims. Those actions are:
: (119:33) -keep it (The way)
: (119:34) -thy law
: (119:34) - 'watch in detail and over time'.make me to go...delight
: (119:35) - 'watch in detail and over time': make me find pleasure in obedience.devoted to thy fear
: (119:38) - 'actively avoiding anything which brings punishment'.fear
: (119:39) - 'actively associate punishment with things which bring God'sreproach
: (119:40) - 'desired to the level which causes action'.
Word Definitions:
How certain words are used within this Psalm. Proper understanding of these words is critical to getting the true meaning of this Psalm.
This Psalm says a lot about the law of God that is found within the word of God. It also uses several words which deal with a specific part of God's law. These words each have specific meanings and are deliberately chosen by God to be used where He used them. They are not interchangeable. (See true meaning of every word
in Deuteronomy 8:3; Proverbs 30:5; Matthew 4:4; Luke 4:4). However, because they are similar (all related to the law of God), they are often confused and used by people interchangeably. Our Psalm promises us several blessings for doing certain things with these different parts of God's law. However, if we do what God said to do, but apply it to the wrong part of God's law, we may very well not get the blessing promised. Therefore, if is important to understand the differences in the definitions of these words which are critical to understanding this Psalm and to getting the blessings promised within this Psalm.
Please note: many of these words are used several hundred times throughout the Bible. While I skimmed every usage of these high-volume words within the Bible, and looked at dictionary definitions, I can not say that I did a detailed analysis of each and every verse within the New Testament as required to truly understand the context. Such detailed analysis is required for the entire Bible to truly define a word as used by the Bible. Therefore, the 'definitions' seen below are actually 'New Testament definitions' and only tell how these words are used within this Psalm. While these 'definitions' are probably good for every usage within the Bible, I can not guarantee that 100%. What I do warranty these 'definitions' for is their usage within this Psalm. Also, please note that each word includes a link to a sentence note within this Psalm. That sentence note will also have other considerations such as links to notes within other Studies on this site. Thus, there are aids for the reader to do further study on their own.
: is used in Psalms 119 to mean 'a mandate; an order or injunction given by authority; charge'. Please note that a commandment
is not always written down and often comes through the human person that God has placed in authority over us.
1John 5:2 plainly says for us to keep his (God's) commandments
. The note for that verse has links to about 30 other verses which tell us the same thing. Forms of the word commandment
occur 920 times in 839 verses of the Bible, 724 times in 620 verses of the Old Testament and occur in 47 verses of Psalms. Within Psalms 119 We find this word in: our current sentence, 6; 10; 19; 21; 32; 35; 47; 48; 60; 66; 73; 86; 96; 98; 115; 127; 131; 138; 143; 151; 166; 172; 176. With this many occurrences within this Psalm, it should be obvious that this word is central to the message of this Psalm. Webster's 1828 dictionary defines commandment
as: 'n. 1. A command; a mandate; an order or injunction given by authority; charge; precept. Why do ye transgress the commandment of God
. Matt. 15. This is the first and great commandment
. Matt. 22. A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another
. John 13. 2. By way of eminence, a precept of the Decalogue, or moral law, written on tables of stone, at Mount Sinai; one of the ten commandments. Ex. 34. 3. Authority; coercive power'. Many people think they only have to keep 'The 10 commandments' and even then they are ignorant of all that Jesus
taught was involved in keeping
'The 10 commandments' like God expects us to keep
them. However, the 'The 10 commandments' are only like the table-of-contents within a book and if the reader looks at only the links already provided in this note they will see many more commandments
from God which go well beyond what most people believe that the 'The 10 commandments' require. We are to spend our lifetime learning and obeying all of God's commandments
that are written it the Bible and know that even then, there will be some that we failed to obey properly. By the way, please note that this verse says Thou hast commanded us to keep thy precepts
. It does not say to keep
the 'The 10 commandments'. Please see the Doctrinal Study on the use Ten Commandments for links to where they are dealt with in the word of God
. Please use This link to see the 'Ten (10) Commandments' and references to them in the New Testament.
: is used in Psalms 119 to mean 'Comparison of actions and attitudes, which a person displays, to the statutes
and commandments
of a rightful authority. Judgment
results in reward of the obedient and punishment of the disobedient with the amount of reward or punishment determined by the judge'. We find this word, in this Psalm, in: 7; 13; 20; 30; 39; 43; 52; 62; 66; 75; 84; 102; 106; 108; 120; 121; 137; 149; 156; 160; 164; 175. Please also see the notes for Romans C14S16 and 2Corinthians 5:10 about the judgment Seat of Christ
(Romans 14:10; 2Corinthians 5:10-11). Please also see the note for 1Corinthians 1:10 about the word judge
. Please also see the note for 2Thessalonians 1:9-LJC about the phrase judgment without mercy
. Please also see the note for 1Corinthians C4S5 about the phrase we are to judge
. Please also see the note for 1Corinthians 4:5 about the phrase judge nothing
. Please also see the note for Romans 8:1-LJC about the phrase judged by works
. Please also see the note for Ephesians C5S6 about the phrase judgment by us
. Please also see the Section called: 'Minor Titles of the Son of God' in the Doctrinal Study called: Significant Gospel Events. Please also see the note for Romans C2S2 about the word judgment
: is used to for 'Comparison of actions and attitudes, which a person displays, to the statutes and commandments of a rightful authority. Judgment results in reward of the obedient and punishment of the disobedient with the amount of reward or punishment determined by the judge'. Several other words, used in this Psalm, deal with legal concepts. Please see the note for sentence 1 for links to every verse in the Bible that uses the law of the Lord
along with a short note on each verse. We find this word, in this Psalm, in: 1; 18; 29; 34; 44; 51; 53; 55; 61; 70; 72; 77; 85; 92; 97; 109; 113; 126; 136; 142; 150; 153; 163; 165; 174. As said in that note, these verses give us a pretty solid basis for what the Bible means by law of the Lord
, even if they do not exhaustively study every reference within the Bible. Please also see the note for Revelation 13:8-LJC about the phrase book of the life
. Please also see the Doctrinal Study called God's Laws for the New Testament about the phrase kinds of laws that apply to us today
. Remember that in the Gospels we read about lawyers
(Matthew 22:35; Luke 7:30; 10:25; 11:45-46; 11:52; 14:3) who made their entire career from Biblical law
Forms of the word precept
occur 35 times in 29 verses of the Bible, occur 33 times in 27 verses of in the Old Testament and occur 21 times in Psalms, all of which are in this particular Psalm. Within Psalms 119 We find this word in: our current verse, 15; 27; 40; 45; 56; 63; 69; 78; 87; 93; 94; 100; 104; 110; 128; 134; 141; 159; 168; 173. Webster's 1828 dictionary defines precept
as: 'n. L. proeceptum, from proecipio, to command; proe, before, and capio, to take. 1. In a general sense, any commandment or order intended as an authoritative rule of action; but applied particularly to commands respecting moral conduct. the ten commandments are so many precepts for the regulation of our moral conduct. No arts are without their precepts. 2. In law, a command or mandate in writing'. This definition is inadequate as it does not give a clear distinction between the definition of this word and the definition of similar wards which are used within our current Psalm. God does not change. Therefore, God has a one-to-one relationship between words used in the Bible and their meaning. While similar words in this Psalm are more specific in meaning, the true Biblical definition of precept
is: 'A general concept of right and wrong that never changes for any reason or circumstance, but which also has many applications with the particular application changing depending upon circumstances'.
The New Testament definition forthe word precepts
is: 'A general concept of right and wrong that never changes for any reason or circumstance, but which also has many applications with the particular application changing depending upon circumstances'. God tells us to apply precepts
even before we consider the context of a Bible verse and the true meaning within the context is limited to what is defined by precepts
. Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'n. L. proeceptum, from proecipio, to command; proe, before, and capio, to take. 1. In a general sense, any commandment or order intended as an authoritative rule of action; but applied particularly to commands respecting moral conduct. the ten commandments are so many precepts for the regulation of our moral conduct. No arts are without their precepts. 2. In law, a command or mandate in writing'.
: is used in Psalms 119 to mean 'an act of the legislature commanding or prohibiting something; a positive law'. The '10 Commandments' are the best known examples of Biblical statutes
Forms of the word statute
only occur in the Old Testament and occur 167 times in 166 verses there. They occur 29 times in 28 verses of Psalms. Within Psalms 119 We find this word in: 119:5; 8; 12; 16; 23; 26; 33; 48; 54; 64; 68; 71; 80; 83; 112; 117; 118; 124; 135; 145; 155; 171. Webster's 1828 dictionary defines statute
as: ' L., to set. 1. An act of the legislature of a state that extends its binding force to all the citizens or subjects of that state, as distinguished from an act which extends only to an individual or company; an act of the legislature commanding or prohibiting something; a positive law. Statutes are distinguished from common law. the latter owes its binding force to the principles of justice, to long use and the consent of a nation. the former owe their binding force to a positive command or declaration of the supreme power. Statute is commonly applied to the acts of a legislative body consisting of representatives. In monarchies, the laws of the sovereign are called edicts, decrees, ordinances, rescripts, etc. 2. A special act of the supreme power, of a private nature, or intended to operate only on an individual or company. 3. the act of a corporation or of its founder, intended as a permanent rule or law; as the statutes of a university'. We also see that Thompson Chain Topics has links of: 'General References to: Ex 15:26; Le 26:46; De 4:5; 16:12; 1Ki 3:14; Ps 19:8; 119:12,54. See Commandments. Perpetual, given to Israel. Le 23:14,31; 24:3,9; Nu 18:11; 19:21'.
Please notice how often the word statute
is used in this Psalm. This word is one part of God's law, which is the main theme of this Psalm. That is: God's people are blessed by God only when they 'trust and obey' God's law in the manner stated within this Psalm. One erroneous doctrine that a lot of saved people believe is that they can deliberately violate God's law, ask for forgiveness
, and have God wipe out all of the consequences of their sin. This erroneous doctrine is one of the main reasons that the most often spoken prayer request if about health problems. If people would take this verse to heart they would have a lot better health. I personally have received many healings from God and had other saved people admit amazement at what they witnessed. However, better than healing is avoiding the problem in the first place. That is what this verse is requesting God's help in doing.
Please notice in the definition above that statutes
are positively said and written down. Thus, what people call God's statutes
must be literally written in God's Word. In addition, we need to pay attention to the word thy
. These statutes
are God's personal statutes
, which are found literally written in God's Word. These personal statutes
of God do not include the additions and deletions done by man and religion. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'An act of the legislature commanding or prohibiting something; a positive law'.
: is used in Psalms 119 to mean 'statements that are used in a court of law to judge the legality of someone's actions. These require first-hand experience because anything else would be rumor and not legal to present in court'. Please see the note for sentence 2 for links to where this word is used within this Psalm. God's testimonies
give us reliable evidence of how God has acted in the past and how God will act towards us. They are the basis for our acts of obedience, or disobedience, which will be judged by God when we personally face Him in judgment.
Forms of the word way
occurring 125 times in 120 verses of Psalms. Within Psalms 119 We find this word in: 119:1; 3; 5; 9; 14; 15; 26; 27; 29; 30; 32; 33; 37; 39; 59; 101; 104; 112; 119; 128; 168. Basically, we can say that the Biblical definition of way
, especially as used in Psalms 119, is: 'How we get from our present condition/place in life to the time that we face the judgment of God upon our life'. Please also see the note for 1Corinthians C4S17 about the use of the word way
The most often used words in this Psalm are: ME (89), MY (64), HAVE (59), WORD (38), LAW (25), of (25), LORD (24). Here we see that this Psalm is telling us how to apply the LORD's
and the LORD's
to ourselves (me
and my
ALEPH: General preparation for life: God's commandment and plan that all are to keep.
This section provides general instructions that are to be given for having a Godly life. It matches the last section of this Psalm which sums up all of the instructions of this Psalm and also gives instructions for all of life. Thus, while the first section provides the introduction for life, and the last section summarizes the commands for life, the other sections are aimed at different phases of life and provide more details for each phase. If people get the general instructions in these two outer sections, even if they miss the inner instructions, they will be far better off than those people who ignore all of these instructions. Thus, the wise person prayerfully considers the meaning of this first section and remembers the lessons from here so that they can apply them all of their life.
Our sentences tell us:
- Sentence 1 says, for us to stay
in order to beblessed
by God. - Sentence 2 tells us what keep and seek in order to be
by God. - Sentence 3 says,
do no iniquity
in order to beblessed
by God. - Sentence 4 says, to keep the broad principles from God which never change regardless of what
circumstances we find ourselves in (
). - Sentence 5 says, to choose paths of life which will help us to obey God's
. - Sentence 6 tells us the result of obeying the prior sentence and warns us that disobedience will result in God making us
before all of heaven and before men of this Earth. - Sentence 7 says, learn God's
righteous judgments
so that we can properlypraise
God. - Sentence 8 says, that God will not
forsake (us) utterly
if wekeep (God's ) statutes
These all combine to provide the instructions for all of life in this opening section. If we review these instructions every day of our life, and try to obey them every day of our life, there can be no doubt of God blessing us because of all of the other promises found within His Word.
- 119:1
'Stop our sinning'in the way
'as we follow the path of life that we are on'- we do this by walking in the law of the LORD 'trust and obey instead of demanding liberty and rights'.
'small repeated steps. What we do in our everyday life'.Law
encompassing all of the other words in this Psalm for various parts of the law.- Proverbs 14:12 and Proverbs 16:25 tell us differently (There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death).
- 119:2
= 'statements that are used in a court of law to judge the legality of someone's actions'. These are the things which God did in response to actions by His saints. We can rely upon God doing the same for
= 'To go in search or quest of; to look for; to search for by going from place to place'- Heart = mind, will and emotions
- 119:3
= lifestyle sins.ways
= 'how to get from one place to another'. God'sways
are how to get God's blessings while avoiding sin.- 119:4
= 'a mandate; an order or injunction given by authority; charge'. These include what comes through out God-given authorities such as pastors, parents and government officials.precepts
= 'truths and laws which never change regardless of circumstances'.diligent
= 'Steady application in business of any kind; constant effort to accomplish what is undertaken; exertion of body or mind without unnecessary delay or sloth; due attention; industry; assiduity'.- 119:5
= 'written laws. What is written in God's word'. my ways
= 'how I choose to try to reach my goals'.- 119:6
after doing the prior sentences of this Psalm.ashamed
= 'abashed or confused by guilt or a conviction of some criminal action or indecorous conduct, or by the exposure of some gross errors or misconduct, which the person is conscious must be wrong, and which tends to impair his honor or reputation'. If it doesn't happen here it will happen at thejudgment seat of Christ
for saved people.respect
= 'To view or consider with some degree of reverence; to esteem as possessed of real worth'.respect unto all thy commandments
= Without this attitude we will not do the prior sentences. Remember that commandments include what comes through out God-given authorities such as pastors, parents and government officials.- 119:7
= not before.I shall have learned thy righteous judgments
= 'Comparison of actions and attitudes, which a person displays, to the statutes and commandments of a rightful authority. Judgment results in reward of the obedient and punishment of the disobedient with the amount of reward or punishment determined by the judge'. God'sjudgments
are alwaysrighteous
= 'Honesty; integrity in principle or practice; conformity to rectitude and justice in social dealings'.- Our
(recognition of God's true attributes) require us to haveuprightness of heart
. - 119:8
O forsake me not utterly
is based upon our keeping the vow ofI will keep thy statutes
. The colon in this sentence makes these two phrases equivalent. this vow is based upon our recognizing and understanding what came before it. When God's people feel that God hasforsaken
them, they can be sure that they failed some pst of this Psalm that came before this last sentence.
C119-S1 (Verse 1) First general way to get
blessingsfrom God.
Blessed are the undefiled in the way,
who walk in the law of the LORD
This sentence is part of the section called ALEPH; which provides general instructions that are to be given for having a Godly life. The note for this section of the Psalm tells how all of these sentences fit together to do this and provides the context for the section. This is the first of three sentences which open this Psalm and tell us the general principles for how to be blessed
by God. Notice that the first thing said is that we are to be undefiled
('Stop our sinning') in the way
('as we follow the path of life that we are on') and we do this by walking in the law of the LORD
('trust and obey instead of demanding liberty and rights'). With this opening God is separating those saved people who He will bless
from those who He will not bless
. You see, a lot of people will refuse this first requirement and insisted that there is 'another way' to get God's blessings
, but Proverbs 14:12 and Proverbs 16:25 tell us differently (There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
Forms of the word bless
occur 527 times in 463 verses of the Bible, occur 112 times in 104 verses of the New Testament and occur 102 times in 93 verses of Psalms. Within Psalms 119 we find blessed
in this sentence, the next sentence and verse 12. Please note that Psalms says almost as much as all of the New Testament. Many people claim that blessed
means that we will be made happy. However, the truth is that many spiritual blessings
do not make us happy in the flesh. Read the 'Beatitudes' (Matthew 5). Another example is that the Bible says that The Son of man must suffer many things
(Matthew 16:21; Mark 8:31; 9:12; Luke 9:22; 17:25; Hebrews 2:10). Yet Hebrews 12:2 says, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
thus, we see that Jesus
was blessed
for the things that He suffered
and that blessings
do not always make us 'happy'. Therefore, we can say that: 'True Biblical blessings always produce spiritual good and, sometimes, produce physical good'. please see how this definition matches, somewhat, the following and how it corrects the following in some ways. Please also see The note for Romans C12S9 for links to verses within Romans which use forms of the word bless
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'receiving, or wishing another to receive, the spiritual good from God which produces spiritual joy even while it might make us less happy in the flesh'.
Webster's 1828 dictionary defines bless
as: 'v.t. pret. and ppr. blessed or blest. 1. to pronounce a wish of happiness to one; to express a wish or desire of happiness. And Isaac called Jacob and blessed him. Gen.28. 2. to make happy; to make successful; to prosper in temporal concerns; as, we are blest with peace and plenty. The Lord thy God shall bless thee in all thou doest. Deut. 15. 3. to make happy in a future life. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. Rev.14. 4. to set apart or consecrate to holy purposes; to make and pronounce holy. And God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it. Gen.2 5. to consecrate by prayer; to invoke a blessing upon. And Jesus tok the five loaves and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven he blessed them. Luke 9. 6. to praise; to glorify, for benefits received. Bless the Lord, of my soul, and all that is within me. Ps.103. 7. to praise; to magnify; to extol, for excellencies. Ps.104. 8. to esteem or account happy; with the reciprocal pronoun. The nations shall bless themselves in him. Jer.4. 9. to pronounce a solemn prophetical benediction upon. Gen.27. Deut. 33. 10. in this line of Spenser, it may signify to throw, for this is nearly the primary sense. His sparkling blade about his head he blest. Johnson supposes the word to signify to wave or brandish, and to have received this sense from the old rite of blessing a field, by directing the hands to all parts of it. Bless in Spenser for bliss, may be so written, not for rhyme merely, but because bless and bliss are from the same root'. Please note that the several applications (definitions?) found in this entry from Webster's do not all match a single core definition. This is the way that The wisdom of this world
(see the Book Study on 1Corinthians) operates, which is the opposite of The wisdom of God
. Our 'never changing' God uses a single definition with multiple applications which all match the single core definition. This definition is where most people get that blessed
means 'happy', which I've already explained is not always true.
We also see that Easton's Bible Dictionary says that blessed
means '(1.) God blesses his people when he bestows on them some gift temporal or spiritual (Ge 1:22; 24:35; Job 42:12; Ps 45:2; 104:24,35): (2.) We bless God when we thank him for his mercies (Ps 103:1-2; 145:1-2). (3.) A man blesses himself when he invokes God's blessing (Isa 65:16), or rejoices in God's goodness to him (De 29:19; Ps 49:18). (4.) One blesses another when he expresses good wishes or offers prayer to God for his welfare (Ge 24:60; 31:55; 1Sa 2:20). Sometimes blessings were uttered under divine inspiration, as in the case of Noah, Isaac, Jacob, and Moses (Ge 9:26-27; 27:28-29,40; 48:15-20; 49:1-28; De 33). the priests were divinely authorized to bless the people (De 10:8; Nu 6:22-27). We have many examples of apostolic benediction (2Co 13:14; Eph 6:23-24; 2Th 3:16,18; Heb 13:20-21; 1Pe 5:10-11). (5.) Among the Jews in their thank-offerings the master of the feast took a cup of wine in his hand, and after having blessed God for it and for other mercies then enjoyed, handed it to his guests, who all partook of it. Ps 116:13 refers to this custom. It is also alluded to in 1Co 10:16, where the apostle speaks of the "cup of blessing."' please note that he stuck with Biblical applications and, while accurate, they do not provide a single core definition.
We also see that International Standard Bible Encyclopedia says that blessed
means '(barakh): this word is found more frequently in the Old Testament than in the New Testament, and is used in different relations. (1) It is first met in Ge 1:22 at the introduction of animal life upon the earth, where it is written, "And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply," etc. the context furnishes the key to its meaning, which is the bestowal of good, and in this particular place the pleasure and power of increase in kind. thus, it is generally employed in both Testaments, the context always determining the character of the bestowal; for instance (where man is the recipient), whether the good is temporal or spiritual, or both. Occasionally, however, a different turn is given to it as in Ge 2:3 the King James Version, where it is written, "And God blessed the seventh day, and hallowed it." Here the good consists in the setting apart and consecrating of that day for His use. (2) In the foregoing instances the Creator is regarded as the source of blessing and the creature the recipient, but the order is sometimes reversed, and the creature (man) is the source and the Creator the recipient. In Ge 24:48, for example, Abraham's servant says, "I bowed my head, and worshipped Yahweh, and blessed Yahweh, the God of my master Abraham," where the word evidently means to worship God, to exalt and praise Him. (3) there is a third use where men only are considered. In Ge 24:60, her relatives "blessed Rebekah, and said unto her, Our sister, be thou the mother of thousands often thousands" (The King James Version "millions"), where the word expresses the wish or hope for the bestowal of the good designated. there are also instances where such a blessing of man by man may be taken in the prophetic sense, as when Isaac blessed Jacob (Ge 27:4,27), putting himself as it were in God's place, and with a sense of the Divine concurrence, pronouncing the good named. Here the word becomes in part a prayer for, and in part a prediction of, the good intended. Balaam's utterances are simply prophetic of Israel's destiny (Nu 23:9-10,11,23 margining 24). Although these illustrations are from the Old Testament the word is used scarcely differently in the New Testament; "The blessing of bread, of which we read in the Gospels, is equivalent to giving thanks for it, the thought being that good received gratefully comes as a blessing"; compare Mt 14:19 and Mt 15:36 with 1Co 11:24 (Adeney, HDB, I, 307). James M. Gray'. Once more we see applications instead of a single core definition for blessed
Please also see the notes for Galatians C3-S10 about the word bless
. The New Testament definition is: 'receiving, or wishing another to receive, the spiritual good from God which produces spiritual joy even while it might make us less happy in the flesh'.
The reader is certainly welcome to do a full Bible Word Study and send a correction to the definition above. However, as illustrated by these dictionary definitions, anything less than a full Bible Word Study will, probably, result in less than an accurate definition.
The word undefiled
only occurs in:
- our current sentence: tells us that we are to
walk undefiled
if we want to beblessed
by God. - Song 5:2: says that
. - Song 6:9: says that truly saved and serving people, those called God's
in this book, areundefiled
. - Hebrews 7:26: says that
. - Hebrews 13:4: says
Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge
. Thus, wedefile
ourselves with sex outside of marriage. - James 1:27: defines
Pure religion and undefiled before God
. - 1Peter 1:4: tells us that saved (and serving) are promised
an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you
Webster's 1828 dictionary defines undefiled
as: 'Not defiled; not polluted; not vitiated'. The Treasure of Scriptural Knowledge provides additional links of: '2Ki 20:3; 2Ch 31:20-21; Job 1:1,8; Eze 11:20; Ho 14:9; Joh 1:47; Ac 24:16; Lu 1:6; 2Co 1:12; 1Th 4:1-2; Tit 2:11-12'. Webster's 1828 dictionary defines defile
as: 'v.t. 1. to make unclean; to render foul or dirty; in a general sense. 2. to make impure; to render turbid; as, the water or liquor is defiled. 3. to soil or sully; to tarnish; as reputation, etc. He is among the greatest prelates of the age, however his character may be defiled by dirty hands. They shall defile thy brightness. Ezek. 28. 4. to pollute; to make ceremonially unclean. That which dieth of itself, he shall not eat, to defile himself therewith. Lev. 22. 5. to corrupt chastity; to debauch; to violate; to tarnish the purity of character by lewdness. Schechem defiled Dinah. Gen. 34. 6. to taint, in a moral sense; to corrupt; to vitiate; to render impure with sin. Defile not yourselves with the idols of Egypt. Ezek. 20. He hath defiled the sanctuary of the Lord. Numb. 19.
DEFILE, v.i. L. A thread. to march off in a line, or file by file; to file off. DEFILE, n. A narrow passage or way, in which troops may march only in a file, or with a narrow front; a long narrow pass, as between hills, etc'. Webster's 1828 dictionary defines defiled
as: 'Made dirty, or foul; polluted; soiled; corrupted; violated; vitiated'. forms of the word defile
occur 127 times in 119 verses of the Bible, occur 27 times 23 verses of in the New Testament and, in Psalms, occur in 74:7; 79:1; 106:39 and our current sentence. In these verses we learn that people can defile
themselves and holy things belonging to God. At the start of this note it was said that to be undefiled
we must 'Stop our sinning'. We do this by walking in the law of the LORD
, which is only possible if we maintain our personal relationship with God that is in Christ.
Please also see the note for James 3:6 about the word defiled
and links to every place in the New Testament where we find any form of this word. The New Testament definition is: 'To make impure'.
Forms of the word walk
occur 413 times in 390 verses of the Bible, occur 113 times 106 verses of in the New Testament and occur 33 times in Psalms. Within Psalms 119 We find this word in: our current sentence, 31 and 45. Webster's 1828 has a large definition for walk
, but we can simply say that the definition is 'a method of getting from one place to another by numerous repetitions on the same small movement'. Thus, a person who starts every day of his life with a time of private prayer and personal worship of God can say that his prayer is part of his daily walk
with God. We also see that Thompson Chain Topics provides links of: 'Of Believers: Before God: Ge 17:1; 1Ki 2:4; 2Ki 20:3; Ps 56:13; 116:9. Characteristics of: New Life: Ro 6:4; 8:1. Faith: 2Co 5:7. Spirituality: Ga 5:16. Consistency: Eph 4:1. Love: Eph 5:2. Caution: Eph 5:15; Col 2:6. Illumination: 1Jo 1:7. Christlikeness: 1Jo 2:6. Walking in Truth: Ps 26:3; 86:11; 2Jo 1:4; 3Jo 1:3. Sinful: De 29:19; Jer 7:24; Eph 2:2; Php 3:18; 1Pe 4:3; 2Pe 2:10; 3:3; Jude 1:18'.
The word law
: is used in Psalms 119 to mean 'The general category that encompasses all of the other legal words that are used within this Psalm'. Please see the Word Definitions section for all of the other words that are involved in God's law
While there are a lot more references to The law of the LORD
than the verses which use that exact phrase, looking at those verses gives us a good general understanding of what we are to walk in
. This exact phrase occurs in:
- 2Kings 10:31 says,
But Jehu took no heed to walk in the law of the LORD God of Israel with all his heart: for he departed not from the sins of Jeroboam, which made Israel to sin.
Jehu brought the judgment of God upon those who followed him. - 1Chronicles 16:40 tells us about king David doing what he could to assure that God's people did
according to all that is written in the law of the LORD
. - 1Chronicles 22:12 is part of king David's charge to Solomon and says
Only the LORD give thee wisdom and understanding, and give thee charge concerning Israel, that thou mayest keep the law of the LORD thy God.
Here we see that it takeswisdom and understanding
from God in order tokeep the law of the LORD thy God
. - 2Chronicles 12:1 says,
And it came to pass, when Rehoboam had established the kingdom, and had strengthened himself, he forsook the law of the LORD, and all Israel with him.
Rehoboam brought the judgment of God upon his followers. - 2Chronicles 17:9 is talking about Jehoshaphat and how he
walked in the first ways of his father David, and sought not unto Baalim
. Our verse saysAnd they taught in Judah, and had the book of the law of the LORD with them, and went about throughout all the cities of Judah, and taught the people.
God blessed the people who followed Jehoshaphat. - 2Chronicles 31:3-4 says,
He appointed also the king's portion of his substance for the burnt offerings, to wit, for the mourning and evening burnt offerings, and the burnt offerings for the sabbaths, and for the new moons, and for the set feasts, as it is written in the law of the LORD. Moreover he commanded the people that dwelt in Jerusalem to give the portion of the priests and the Levites, that they might be encouraged in the law of the LORD.
this is talking about Hezekiah and God's people were blessed when they followed him. - 2Chronicles 34:14 says,
And when they brought out the money that was brought into the house of the LORD, Hilkiah the priest found a book of the law of the LORD given by Moses.
this is talking about Josiah and God's people were blessed when they followed him. - 2Chronicles 35:26 says,
Now the rest of the acts of Josiah, and his goodness, according to that which was written in the law of the LORD,
this is talking about Josiah and God's people were blessed when they followed him. - Ezra 7:10 says,
For Ezra had prepared his heart to seek the law of the LORD, and to do it, and to teach in Israel statutes and judgments.
God's people were blessed when they followed Ezra. - Nehemiah 9:3 says,
And they stood up in their place, and read in the book of the law of the LORD their God one fourth part of the day; and another fourth part they confessed, and worshipped the LORD their God.
As part of getting out of the captivity, Nehemiah got God's people to return to obeyingThe law of the LORD their God
. - Psalms 1:2 says,
But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.
this is part of the first Psalm, which provides the basic way to get God'sblessings
. - Psalms 19:7 says,
The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.
Here we see the power ofThe law of the LORD
and we see the results promised if we obey it. - Psalms 119:1 is our current sentence.
- Isaiah 5:24 says,
Therefore as the fire devoureth the stubble, and the flame consumeth the chaff, so their root shall be as rottenness, and their blossom shall go up as dust: because they have cast away the law of the LORD of hosts, and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.
this section tells us the result that God's people will have if theycast away the law of the LORD
. - Isaiah 30:9 says,
that this is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of the LORD:
this tells us that we arerebellious people, lying children
when wewill not hear the law of the LORD
. - Jeremiah 8:8 says,
How do ye say, We are wise, and the law of the LORD is with us? Lo, certainly in vain made he it; the pen of the scribes is in vain.
Obviously, this was said to people who claimed one thing while they lived another. - Amos 2:4 says,
Thus, saith the LORD; forthree transgressions of Judah, and for four, I will not turn away the punishment thereof; because they have despised the law of the LORD, and have not kept his commandments, and their lies caused them to err, after the which their fathers have walked:
this tells us that when God's peoplehave not kept his commandments, and their lies caused them to err
, they havedespised the law of the LORD
. - Luke 2:23-24 says,
(As it is written in the law of the Lord, Every male that openeth the womb shall be called holy to the Lord;) and to offer a sacrifice according to that which is said in the law of the Lord, A pair of turtledoves, or two young pigeons.
this lets us know that even in birth, Jesus keptThe law of the Lord
. - Luke 2:39 says,
And when they had performed all things according to the law of the Lord, they returned into Galilee, to their own city Nazareth.
Here we see that Mary and Joseph keptThe law of the Lord
What we see consistently is that God's people who 'trust and obey' The law of the Lord
bring blessings upon themselves and their followers. God's people who do not 'trust and obey' The law of the Lord
bring God's judgment upon themselves and their followers. Further, we saw that to 'trust and obey' The law of the Lord
required having wisdom and understanding
from God. This is because The law of the Lord
encompasses other terms found in this Psalm such as precepts
, statutes
, commandments
, judgments
, and God's testimonies
. Thus, The law of the Lord
is more than just a bunch of rules for us to follow. Please see the Doctrinal Study called God's Laws for the New Testament provides the true Biblical doctrine about the word law
and how the true doctrine applies to saved people of today.
Please also see The note for Romans 8:1 and The note for Ephesians 4:1 for links to verses within Romans which use forms of the word walk
. Please also see The note for Romans C9-S28 for how the saved are to live / walk by faith
Please see notes later in this first section for definitions and links to verses which use the words just mentioned, and which are included within The law of the Lord
. Within this Psalm, we find law
in verses: our current sentence, 18; 29; 34; 44; 51; 53; 55; 61; 70; 72; 77; 85; 92; 97; 109; 113; 126; 136; 142; 150; 153; 163; 165; 174. Please see how this definition matches, somewhat, the following and how it corrects the following in some ways. Please also see The note for Romans C3S31 for the kinds of Biblical laws
which apply to the saved today.
Please see the Word Definitions section for links to where the word way
is used within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. It is used in Psalms 119 to mean: 'How we get from our present condition/place in life to the time that we face the judgment of God upon our life'. The New Testament definition is: 'How to get to Heavenand receive God's blessings. Yes, we get to Heaven by being saved but we need to walk in his ways
, after initial salvation, in order to receive any blessings in Heaven'.
Please use This link for all of the verses within the New Testament that use word Lord
and This link for the Summary on the name / role of Lord
as found within the New Testament. This role is used for: 'Anything to do with law, judgment or government'.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'Blessed. Ps 1:1-3; 32:1-2; 112:1; 128:1; Mt 5:3-12; Lu 11:28; Joh 13:17; Jas 1:25; Re 22:14 exp: Ps 106:3; Isa 56:2; Mt 11:6.
undefiled. or, perfect, or sincere. 2Ki 20:3; 2Ch 31:20-21; Job 1:1,8; Joh 1:47; Ac 24:16; 2Co 1:12; Tit 2:11-12
walk. Eze 11:20; Ho 14:9; Lu 1:6; 1Th 4:1-2
General references. exp: Lu 11:28'.
C119-S2 (Verse 2) Second general way to get
blessingsfrom God.
Blessed are they that keep his testimonies,
and that seek him with the whole heart
This sentence is part of the section called ALEPH; which provides general instructions that are to be given for having a Godly life. The note for this section of the Psalm tells how all of these sentences fit together to do this and provides the context for the section. This is the second of three sentences which open this Psalm and tell us the general principles for how to be blessed
by God. It tells us what to keep and seek in order to be blessed
by God.
Please see the note above for the use of the word bless
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. In that note the word bless
was defined as: 'receiving, or wishing another to receive, the spiritual good from God which produces spiritual joy even while it might make us less happy in the flesh'. In addition, please note that blessed
is past tense while that keep...and that seek
are present tense. God knows who will do the things of this Psalm, and God knows when we reach the point in our life where we will 'trust and obey'. That's when God gives us the ability to 'trust and obey', which is part of the past tense blessing
that we have when we actually do 'trust and obey'. However, before we reach the point in our life where we are willing to 'trust and obey', God would be wasting his blessing
by giving us an ability that we refuse to use because God never takes away our free will. If we do not willingly choose to 'trust and obey', then God does not force us to do so. However, He also does not waste His blessing by giving it to people who will refuse to use the blessing
Within our sentence, the word that
lets us know that these blessings
are conditional and given to the saved people who fulfill God's conditions and not given to people who do not meet God's conditions. I already mentioned one of the conditions when I saved that 'people must be saved' in order to get these blessings. That is true because our sentence has two action words which tell us God's requirements in order to receive these blessings
. However, the lost do not have the spiritual ability to fulfill these action words, in the way that is required by God. Neither do the back-slidden saved person because these action words require depending upon the direct help from God's Holy Spirit and if we're like a small child who refuses the help of their parent, we're going to mess up.
Our action words are keep
and seek
. 1Thessalonians 5:21 says, Prove all things; hold fast that which is good
. The Study called Prove deals with this verse and explains why people who hold
onto a Bible truth lose it and the results of that truth when they go through one of the worst storms of life. The simple reason is that they held
unto the truth but failed to apply the qualifier of fast
. Likewise, when we look at these action words of keep
and seek
, we need to understand that God expects us to do these actions 'with our whole heart', or we will not receive the blessings
. In addition, please note the use of the word his
and the use of the word him
within this sentence. These words are a refer-back to The LORD
of our first sentence. If someone is keeping
and seeking
from any source other that The LORD
, then they will not fulfill the requirements of this sentence.
Please see the note for Psalms 119:145 for links to the 6 times in this Psalm where we read the phrase whole heart
. That sentence is the start of a section that is summed up as 'personal worship of the righteous Judge'. All 8 sentences in that section tell, in detail, us how to worship with my whole heart
. Reformers Unanimous defines the soul
as 'a combination of the mind, will and emotions'. What my study in the Bible has led me to conclude is that our heart
is used for the same thing with our heart
being the short time version that we control and our soul
being the long time version that God puts together from the sum of all of our short time decisions within our heart
. Thus, we directly control our heart
but only indirectly control our soul
Forms of the word keep
occur 469 times in 454 verses of the Bible, occur 384 times in 369 verses of in the Old Testament and occur 58 times in Psalms. Within Psalms 119 We find this word in:
- Our current sentence, 88; 129 and 146 say that we are to
keep (The LORD's) testimonies
. - 4; 63; 69; 100 and 134 say that we are to
keep thy precepts diligently
. - 5; 8 and 145 say that we are to
keep thy statutes
. - 33 say that we are to
keep the way of thy statutes
. - 17; 57 and 101 say that we are to
keep (God's ) word
. - 34; 44 and 136 say that we are to
keep (God's ) law
. - 60 and 115 say that we are to
keep (God's ) commandments
. - 106 says, that we are to
keep (God's ) righteous judgments
With this action word occurring 22 times within this single Psalm, it obviously is an important action that we are to do with the word of God, which is the main subject of this particular Psalm. Please notice that every one of these things that we are to keep
are items which we can be judged for within a court. We are in a spiritual battle. Think of the military use of the word keep
. The military have to actively fight when they are attacked and they have to send out patrols to make sure that the enemy has not snuck into the territory that the keep
is responsible to protect. Failure on the part of the people in the keep
will result in criminal charges in court. Thus, we have the perspective of this action word within this Psalm.
The New Testament definition for this word is: 'To hold; to retain in one's power or possession; not to lose or part with; as, to keep a house or a farm; to keep any thing in the memory, mind or heart'.
Please see the note for Matthew 28:3-4 about the word keeper
. Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'of anything. 1. One who retains in custody; one who has the care of a prison and the custody of prisoners. 2. One who has the care of a park or other inclosure, or the custody of beasts; as the keeper of a park, a pound, or of sheep. 3. One who has the care, custody or superintendence of anything. In Great Britain, the keeper of the great seal, is a lord by his office, and one of the privy council. All royal grants, commissions and charters pass through his hands. He is constituted lord-keeper by the delivery of the great seal. the keeper of the privy seal is also a lord by his office, and a member of the privy council'. Please also see the note for 1Timothy 5:22 about the word keep
. Please see the note for 1John about the phrase keep his commandments
. The New Testament definition is: 'To hold; to retain in one's power or possession; not to lose or part with; as, to keep a house or a farm; to keep anything in the memory, mind or heart. 2. to have in custody for security or preservation'.
Thompson Chain Topics provides links to other verses which are: 'The Commandments: Ex 20:6; De 4:40; 6:17; 10:13; 26:18; Jos 22:5; 1Ki 2:3; 6:12; 8:58; 11:38; 2Ki 17:13; 1Ch 28:8; 29:19; Ps 78:7; Eze 44:24; Mt 19:17; 1Jo 5:3; Re 14:12. The Law: De 17:19; Jos 23:6; 1Ch 22:12; Pr 28:7. Thyself: De 4:9; 23:9; Pr 4:23; Ac 15:29; 1Ti 5:22; Jas 1:27; 1Jo 5:21; Jude 1:21'.
Our current sentence tells us to keep (The LORD's) testimonies
. Again, with the use of The LORD
, we know that this is something that will come up when we face God in our personal judgment. Please also see The note for 1John 5:2 for links to verse which tell us that we are to keep (God's ) commandments
Forms of the word testimony
occur 112 times in 109 verses of the Bible, occur 80 times in 78 verses of in the Old Testament and occur 32 times in verses of Psalms. Within Psalms 119 We find this word in: our current sentence; 14; 22; 24; 31; 36; 46; 59; 79; 88; 95; 99; 111; 119; 125; 129; 138; 144; 146; 152; 157; 167; 168. Webster's 1828 dictionary defines testimony
as: 'n. L. testimonium. A solemn declaration or affirmation made for the purpose of establishing or proving some fact. Such affirmation in judicial proceedings, may be verbal or written, but must be under oath. Testimony differs from evidence; testimony is the declaration of a witness, and evidence is the effect of that declaration on the mind, or the degree of light which it affords. 1. Affirmation; declaration. these doctrines are supported by the uniform testimony of the fathers. the belief of past facts must depend on the evidence of human testimony, or the testimony of historians. 2. Open attestation; profession. Thou for the testimony of truth hast borne Universal reproach. 3. Witness; evidence; proof of some fact. Shake off the dust under your feet, for a testimony against them. Mark 6. 4. In Scripture, the two tables of the law. Thou shalt put into the ark the testimony which I shall give thee. Ex.25. 5. the book of the law. He brought forth the king's son--and gave him the testimony. 2 Kings 11. 6. the gospel, which testifies of Christ and declares the will of God. 1 Cor. 2. 2 Tim.1. 7. the ark. Ex.16. 8. the word of God; the Scriptures. The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple Ps.19. 9. the laws or precepts of God. "I love thy testimonies." "I have kept thy testimonies." 10. that which is equivalent to a declaration; manifestation. Sacrifices were appointed by God for a testimony of his hatred of sin. 11. Evidence suggested to the mind; as the testimony of conscience. 2 Cor.1. 12. Attestation; confirmation'. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Statements that are used in a court of law to judge the legality of someone's actions. these require first- hand experience because anything else would be rumor and not legal to present in court'.
We also see that Nave's Topical Bible provides links of: 'LEGAL: EVIDENCE: LAWS CONCERNING: Ex 20:16; 23:1,7; Le 5:1; 24:14; Nu 35:30; De 17:6-7; 19:15-21; Pr 24:28; Mt 18:16; 19:18; Heb 10:28. SELF-CRIMINATING: Jos 7:19-21. WITNESS: General scriptures concerning: Le 5:1; Pr 18:17. Qualified by oath: Ex 22:11; Nu 5:19,21; 1Ki 8:31-32. By laying hands on the accused: Le 24:14. Two necessary to establish a fact: Nu 35:30; De 17:6; 19:15; Mt 18:16; Joh 8:17; 2Co 13:1; 1Ti 5:19; Heb 10:28. Required to throw the first stone in executing the sentence: De 13:9; 17:5-7; Ac 7:58. To thetransfer of land: Ge 21:25-30; 23:11,16-18; Ru 4:1-9; Jer 32:9-12,25,44. Tomarriage: Ru 4:10-11; Isa 8:2-3. In corruptible: Ps 15:4. Corrupted by money: Mt 28:11-15; Ac 6:11,13. RELIGIOUS: 1Ch 16:8-9; Ps 9:11; 18:49; 26:6-7; 119:27,172; 145:11-12; Isa 12:4-6; 32:4; 43:10; 44:8; 45:24; Jer 51:10; Mt 5:15; 10:32; Mr 4:21; 5:16,19-20; Lu 8:16,38-39; 12:8-9; 24:48; Joh 4:28-30,39,41-42; 15:27; Ac 1:8,22; Ro 10:9-10; 1Co 1:5-6; 12:3; 13:1; Eph 5:19; Php 3:7-14; 1Ti 6:12-13; 2Ti 1:8; Heb 2:3,12; 1Pe 3:15; 5:1; Re 12:11. EXEMPLIFIED: Job 19:25-27; Ps 16:5-9; 18:2-3,35-36; 22:22; 23; 26:12; 27:1-6,13; 28:6-8; 30:1-6; 34:1-4,8-9; 35:28; 40:1-3,9; 54:7; 57:7-9; 62:1-2; 66:16-20; 71:15-18,24; 73:23-26,28; 77:12; 89:1; 91:2-13; 116:1-14; 119:13,26-27,46,67,71; 145:4-7,10-12; Da 4; Joh 9:17,30-33; Ac 2:4-11; 3:15; 4:18-20; 5:31-32; 13:31; 22; 26:12-23; 1Co 15:15; 2Co 4:13-14; 5:1; Ga 2:20; Php 3:4-14; 2Ti 1:12; 4:7-8; Tit 1:1-2; 3:3-7; 1Pe 5:12; 2Pe 1:16; 1Jo 1:1-4'.
Please notice that this definition starts out tying testimony
to court proceedings and the applications that are included (within the definition), also show emphasis legal proceedings and the word of appropriate witnesses within those proceedings. The links from Nave's Topical Bible also show the application to legal proceedings and the requirement for a witness to meet proper requirements before they are allowed to testify
. For example, the testimony
of Satan will not be allowed to be heard at the judgment seat of Christ
(Romans 14:10; 2Corinthians 5:10-11).
We also know that when someone testifies
in church they are supposed to give a legally binding statement of how God worked in or through their personal life or through the life of someone that they are qualified to speak for. Since God does not (usually) do things for us that we can do for ourselves, we usually have to get into an impossible situation before God works so the there is no question of it being God who did the impossible. When I had my last motorcycle accident I had a Muslim, a Jew and a liberal Christian doctor each (independently) tell me that I had 'undeniable multiple miracles'. They had medical test results from before and after the 'undeniable miracles' and modern medicine declared that the changes, which the tests showed, were 'medically impossible'.
When we look in the Bible at the testimonies
of God's saints, we see them doing what is impossible if we rely upon our flesh. Thus, we get an idea of what is meant by testimonies
. within this Psalm. God lets His people get into 'impossible' situations and then He gets them out of those situations after they 'trust and obey' God.
When we put these two words together we see that we are to actively fight against the work of devils which would spiritual corrupt the testimonies
of The LORD
working in the lives of His saints who received miracles after they 'trusted and obeyed' God. This is because devils don't want God's people following Godly examples on how to get the blessings
of God in their life. We also see that God's people need to 'patrol' the area (ministry) that God gave to them to keep
so that God's enemies don't sneak into the area by corrupting The Lord's testimonies
and getting God's people to believe that they can get God's blessings
some way other than 'trusting and obeying' God. Please see the Word Definitions section for how this word differs from other words involved in God's law
Forms of the word seek
occur 309 times in 291 verses of the Bible, occur 255 times in 210 verses of in the Old Testament and occur 40 times in 36 verses of Psalms. Within Psalms 119 We find this word in: our current sentence, 45; 155 and 176. Webster's 1828 dictionary defines seek
as: ' v.t. pret and pp. sought, pronounced sawt. L. sequor, to follow; for to seek is to go after, and the primary sense is to advance, to press, to drive forward, as in the L. peto. 1. to go in search or quest of; to look for; to search for by going from place to place. The man asked him, saying, what seekest thou? And he said, I seek my brethren. Gen. 37. 2. to inquire for; to ask for; to solicit; to endeavor to find or gain by any means. The young lions roar after their prey, and seek their meat from God. Ps. 104. He found no place for repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears. Heb. 12'. Once more we see that we are to seek him with the whole heart
that we might have a closer personal relationship with The LORD
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'To go in search or quest of; to look for; to search for by going from place to place'. Please also see The note in 2Timothy called 'The S and P's of 2Timothy 1'.
Finally, we see forms of the word heart
occur 975 times in 895 verses of the Bible, occur 805 times in 733 verses of in the Old Testament and occur 135 times in 131 verses of Psalms. Within Psalms 119 We find this word in: our current sentence, 7; 10; 11; 32; 34; 36; 58; 69; 70; 80; 111; 112; 145; 161. The dictionary definitions are useless as they concentrate on the physical organ. Please see the notes for Romans C10S6; 2Corinthians C2S4 and Colossians C2S1 about the word heart
. As mentioned there: we can say, basically, that the heart
, in the Bible, is dealing with 'how we think with our mind
and how we make the decisions of our will
and how we react emotionally to the circumstances of life', just like Reformers Unanimous says, that our soul
does. That brings up the obvious question of 'What is the Biblical difference between our heart
and our soul
They are both dealing with the same thing but where our heart
deals with issues over a short period of time, our soul
deals with them over a long period of time. Look at any stock chart and you will see a movement (up or down) over a long period of time that is different from the movement over a short period of time. The long-term movement might be in the same direction, but at a different degree, as the short-term movement or they might be opposite. The same is true for our heart
and our soul
. The Bible tells us to keep
both. Thus, we need to check how we are doing over the short-term and also check how we are doing over the long-term.
In addition, to those verses, please see The note for Galatians C6-S6 for 'The LORD looketh on the heart' and The note for Ephesians C4-S8 for links to verses which deal with a 'wicked heart'. Please also see the note for Psalms 119:145 for links to sentences in this Psalm which use the word heart
. That sentence is the start of a section that is summed up as 'personal worship of the righteous Judge'. We see this Psalm tells us to turn our heart
towards God and the various verses which use the word heart
tell us how to do that.
The New Testament definition for this word is: 'While this word is used for a physical part of the body, in the Bible, it is always used for the spiritual meaning. Our heart controls the same things as our soul only where the soul deals with the long term the heart deals with the short term and we control our heart directly while the soul is the accumulated actions of our heart. Both are the way we think (mind), the way we emotionally respond to circumstances (emotions) and the method we use to make decisions (will)'.
We also see that Thompson Chain Topics has links of: 'Centre of Life: Hence should be Carefully Guarded: Pr 4:23. Determines Character: Pr 23:7; Mt 6:18. The Source of Evil: Mt 15:18. Controls Speech: Lu 6:45. Source of Faith: Ro 10:10. Evil, Characteristics of: Stubbornness: Ec 8:11. Madness: Ec 9:3. Depravity: Jer 17:9. Extortion and excess: Mt 23:25. Fountain-head of all evil: Mr 7:21. Source of unbelief and covetousness: Heb 3:12; 2Pe 2:14. Read by Christ: Pr 15:11; Jer 20:12; Mt 12:25; 22:18; Mr 2:8; Lu 6:8; 11:17; 16:15; Joh 2:25; Ac 15:8. Renewed: De 5:29; 2Ch 11:16; Ne 9:8; Ps 57:7; Jer 24:7; Eze 11:19; 36:26; Lu 8:15. (Giving the Whole Heart to God): In Love: De 6:5; 30:2. In Obedience: Ps 119:2,34. In Trust: Pr 3:5. In Prayer: Jer 29:13. In Repentance: Joe 2:12; Mt 22:37; Ac 8:37. Hardness of: (Condemned): Ps 95:8; Pr 28:14; 29:1; Isa 42:25; Ro 2:5; Heb 3:13. Sinful: (Characteristics of): Stubbornness: Ec 8:11. Madness: Ec 9:3. Depravity: Jer 17:9. Extortion and excess: Mt 23:25. Fountain-head of all evil: Mr 7:21. Source of unbelief and covetousness: Heb 3:12; 2Pe 2:14'.
We also see that Nave's Topical Bible has links of: '(Seat of the affections) RENEWED: De 30:6; Ps 51:10; Eze 11:19; 18:31; 36:26; Ro 2:29; Eph 4:23; Col 3:10. Regenerated: Joh 3:3,7. Graciously affected of God: 1Sa 10:26; 1Ch 29:18; Ezr 6:22; 7:27; Pr 16:1; 21:1; Jer 20:9; Ac 16:14. Strengthened: Ps 27:14; 112:8; 1Th 3:13. Enlightened: 2Co 4:6. Tested: 1Ch 29:17; Ps 7:9; 26:2; Pr 17:3; Jer 11:20; 12:3; 20:12; 1Th 2:4; Heb 11:17; Re 2:2,10. It should render to God obedience: De 10:12; 11:13; 26:16; 1Ki 2:4; Ps 119:112; Eph 6:6. Faith: Ps 27:3; 112:7; Ac 8:37; Ro 6:17; 10:10. Trust: Pr 3:5. Love: Mt 22:37. Fear: Ps 119:161; Jer 32:40. Fidelity: Ne 9:8. Zeal: 2Ch 17:16; Jer 20:9. It should seek God: 2Ch 19:3; 30:19; Ezr 7:10; Ps 10:17; 84:2. Be joyful: 1Sa 2:1; Ps 4:7; 97:11; Isa 65:14; Zec 10:7. Upright: Ps 97:11; 125:4. Clean: Ps 51:10; 73:1. Pure: Ps 24:4; Pr 22:11; Mt 5:8; 1Ti 1:5; 2Ti 2:22; Jas 4:8; 1Pe 1:22. Sincere: Lu 8:15; Ac 2:46; Eph 6:5; Col 3:22; Heb 10:22. Repentant: De 30:2; Ps 34:18; 51:17. Devout: 1Sa 1:13; Ps 4:4; 9:1; 27:8; 77:6; 119:10,69,145. Wise: 1Ki 3:9,12; 4:29; Job 9:4; Pr 8:10; 10:8; 11:29; 14:33; 23:15. Tender: 1Sa 24:5; 2Ki 22:19; Job 23:16; Ps 22:14; Eph 4:32. Holy: Ps 66:18; 1Pe 3:15. Compassionate: Jer 4:19; La 3:51. Lowly: Mt 11:29. The UNREGENERATE. Is full of iniquity: Ge 6:5; 8:21; 1Sa 17:28; Pr 6:14,18; 11:20; Ec 8:11; 9:3; Jer 4:14,18; 17:9; Ro 1:21. Loves evil: De 29:18; Ps 95:10; Jer 17:5. Is a fountain of evil: Mt 12:34. Is wayward: 2Ch 12:14; Ps 101:4; Pr 6:14; 11:20; 12:8; 17:20; Jer 5:23; Heb 3:10. Blind: Ro 1:21; Eph 4:18. Is double (duplicity): 1Ch 12:33; Ps 12:2; Ho 10:2; Jas 1:6,8; Pr 28:14; Isa 9:9; 10:12; 46:12. Is hard: Ps 76:5; Eze 2:4; 3:7; 11:19; 36:26; Mr 6:52; 10:5; 16:14; Joh 12:40; Ro 1:21; 2:5. Is deceitful: Jer 17:9. Is proud: 2Ki 14:10; 2Ch 25:19; Ps 101:5; Pr 18:12; 28:25; Jer 48:29; 49:16. Is subtle: Pr 7:10. Is sensual: Eze 6:9; Ho 13:6; Ro 8:7. Is worldly: 2Ch 26:16; Da 5:20; Ac 8:21-22. Is judicially hardened: Ex 4:21; Jos 11:20; Isa 6:10; Ac 28:26-27. Is malicious: Ps 28:3; 140:2; Pr 24:2; Ec 7:26; Eze 25:15. Is impenitent: Ro 2:5. Is diabolical: Joh 13:2; Ac 5:3. Is covetous: Jer 22:17; 2Pe 2:14. Is foolish: Pr 12:23; 22:15; Ec 9:3. UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES DESCRIPTIVE of the SEA't of the AFFECTIONS: De 5:29; 6:5-6; 1Sa 16:7; 1Ch 28:9; 2Ch 12:14; Ps 22:26; 34:18; 51:10,17; 57:7; 112:7; Pr 4:23; 14:30; 15:13-15; 16:1; 20:9; Jer 17:1,9-10; Mt 5:8; 9:4; 12:33; 15:18-20; 23:26; Mr 7:21; Ac 8:22; Ro 2:5,14-16; Heb 3:8,15. In STANCES OF HARDENED HEARTS. Pharoah: Ex 4:21; 7:3,13,22; 8:15,32; 9:12. Sihon: De 2:30. King of Canaan: Jos 11:20. Others: 1Sa 6:6. KNOWN to GOD: De 31:21; 1Sa 16:7; 2Sa 7:20; 1Ki 8:39; 1Ch 28:9; Job 11:11; 16:19; 31:4; Ps 1:6; 44:21; 51:10; 94:11; 139:1-12; Pr 5:21; 16:2; 21:2; Isa 66:18; Jer 12:3; 17:10; Eze 11:5,19-21; 36:25-26; Lu 16:15; Ac 1:24; 15:8; Ro 8:27; 1Co 3:20; Heb 4:12; Re 2:23 CHANGE OF. In STANCES OF: Saul: 1Sa 10:9. Solomon: 1Ki 3:11-12. Saul of Tarsus: Ac 9:1-18'.
Thus, we see the second set of requirements that God says we must meet if we want to be blessed
by The LORD
. Here we see two action verbs that we must do and each of these action verbs include qualifiers which limit how we do these actions if we are to be blessed
by The LORD
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'keep. Ps 119:22,146; 25:10; 105:45; De 6:17; 1Ki 2:3; Pr 23:26; Eze 36:27; Joh 14:23; 1Jo 3:20
seek. Ps 119:10; De 4:29; 2Ch 31:21; Jer 29:13
General references. exp: Lu 11:28'.
C119-S3 (Verse 3) Additional requirement to get
blessingsfrom God.
- Equivalent Section: What the blessed person does not do.
They also do no iniquity:
.- Equivalent Section: What the blessed person does do.
they walk in his ways
This sentence is part of the section called ALEPH; which provides general instructions that are to be given for having a Godly life. The note for this section of the Psalm tells how all of these sentences fit together to do this and provides the context for the section. This is the third of three sentences which open this Psalm and tell us the general principles for how to be blessed
by God. It tells us to do no iniquity
in order to be blessed
by God.
The They
is obviously referring to the people already described in the first two verses. The also
means 'in addition to these other traits but not added on'. That is, if someone really does what is said in the first two verses, and doesn't just pretend to do those things, then they will do the things of this verse and if they are not doing the things of this verse then they are not really doing the things of the first two verses. Thus, the actions of this verse are the results of doing the actions of the first two verses.
The first action of this verse is: no iniquity
. Forms of the word iniquity
occur 334 times in 314 verses of the Bible, occur 313 times in 294 verses of in the Old Testament and occur 62 times in 60 verses of Psalms. Within Psalms 119 we find this only word in our current verse and verse 133. Webster's 1828 dictionary defines iniquity
as: 'n. L. iniquities; in and oequitas, equity. 1. Injustice; unrighteousness; a deviation from rectitude; as the iniquity of war; the iniquity of the slave trade. 2. Want of rectitude in principle; as a malicious prosecution originating in the iniquity of the author. 3. A particular deviation from rectitude; a sin or crime; wickedness; any act of injustice. Your iniquities have separated between you and your God. Is.59. 4. Original want of holiness or depravity. I was shapen in iniquity. Ps.51'. Please also see the note for James 3:6about this word. The New Testament definition is: 'lifestyle sin', which is different from the word sin
, which can be a one-time occurrence. The word sin
is defined s: 'a violation of God's law'.
While I'm sure lots of people find the definition from Webster's 1828 to be adequate, I prefer the definition which I have found to work every place that I find the word iniquity
in the Bible. My definition is: 'ongoing lifestyle sins'. Please also see the notes for Romans C7S26 and especially Sin in 1John about the word iniquity
. The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'A violation of Gods law'. Please also see the note for Matthew 9:10 about the word sinner
. Basically, if someone is honestly doing the things of the first two verses hen God will let them know about repetitive sin before it becomes a lifestyle sin. Yes, we all sin. However, someone who is obeying the first two verses will also stop repetitive sin when God makes them aware of their doing the repetitive sin.
Thompson Chain Topics provides links for iniquities
as: 'Job 14:17; Job 15:16; Ps 40:12; Ps 41:6; 53:1; 90:8; 130:3; Isa 5:18; Isa 59:2; 64:6; Jer 2:22; Jer 30:14; Eze 9:9; Ho 14:1; Mic 2:1; Mic 7:19 ;Mt 23:28; 24:12; Ro 6:19'.
The second action of this verse is: they walk in his ways
. Since these two phrases are Equivalent, they provide polar-opposites of each other. That is: someone who is walking
in 'lifestyle sins' can not be walking in God's ways
Likewise, someone who is truly walking in God's ways
will do sins but they will not let those sins become 'lifestyle sins'.
Please see the notes for Romans 8:1 and Ephesians 4:1 for links to verses and good sized noted on the use of the word walk
. Please also see the notes for Romans C9-S28 for how we are to live / walk by faith
. Basically, when we walk
we take many repetitive small steps. The person described here is concentrating on obeying God in the little things, and making sure that they obey in all of the 'little things of life', and they are leaving the 'big things of life' for God to take care of.
Please see the Word Definitions section for links to where the word way
is used within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. The New Testament definition is: 'How to get to Heavenand receive God's blessings. Yes, we get to Heaven by being saved but we need to walk in his ways
, after initial salvation, in order to receive any blessings in Heaven'.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'General references. 1Jo 3:9; 5:18 exp: Lu 11:28'.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S4 (Verse 4)
Thou hast commanded us to keep thy precepts diligently.
This sentence is part of the section called ALEPH; which provides general instructions that are to be given for having a Godly life. The note for this section of the Psalm tells how all of these sentences fit together to do this and provides the context for the section. This sentence gives us the scriptural basis for people obeying the first three sentence within this Psalm. It tells to keep the broad principles from God which never change regardless of what circumstances we find ourselves in (precepts
). A lot of 'good people' get led into error by obeying what someone tells them is in the Bible, but which isn't really there. We need to verify every claim that something is in the Bible and make sure that what we were told was not taken out of context and that it was interpreted correctly. The most basic way to do this is to always pray for God's guidance before searching the Bible and firmly believe that 'The Spirit of God uses the word of God to show the child of God what is the will and the wait of God'.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge has links related to this verse of: 'De 4:1; 5:29-33; 6:17; 11:13; 12:32; 28:1-14; 30:16; Jos 1:7; Jer 7:23; Mt 28:20; Joh 14:15,21; Php 4:8-9; 1Jo 5:3'. While there are many other verses related to this verse, these provide enough references for people to see that this verse is telling us truth.
The word Thou
means 'You personally'. Since this is a personal command
from God, it is something that we will have to answer for how well we obeyed it when we face God in judgment. Also, the word thy
means 'Your personal'. A lot of religious people will be shocked to find out that the precepts
and commandments
which they kept were not those which came from God personally (are literally written in the Bible) but actually belong to some man or religion because the precept
or commandment
was an interpretation of what the Bible says and not what is actually written there. A simple example is the claim that women are to never wear pants.
Please also see the notes for Romans C7-S11 and for 1John 5:2 for links to verses which use of the word commandment
. Many people think they only have to keep 'The 10 commandments' and even then they are ignorant of all that Jesus
taught was involved in keeping
'The 10 commandments' like God expects us to keep
them. However, the 'The 10 commandments' are only like the table-of-contents within a book and if the reader looks at only the links already provided in this note they will see many more commandments
from God which go well beyond what most people believe that the 'The 10 commandments' require. We are to spend our lifetime learning and obeying all of God's commandments
that are written it the Bible and know that even then, there will be some that we failed to obey properly. By the way, please note that this verse says Thou hast commanded us to keep thy precepts
. It does not say to keep
the 'The 10 commandments'.
Please see the Word Definitions for the use of the word commandment
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. However, God never gives a command
which goes against His written Word. The New Testament definition is: 'a mandate; an order or injunction given by authority; charge'. Please note that a commandment
is not always written down and often comes through the human person that God has placed in authority over us.
Please see the Word Definitions for the use of the word keep
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. The New Testament definition is: 'To hold; to retain in one's power or possession; not to lose or part with; as, to keep a house or a farm; to keep anything in the memory, mind or heart. 2. to have in custody for security or preservation'.
Please see the note for Matthew 28:3-4 about the word keeper
. Please see the note for 1John about the phrase keep his commandments
Think of a castle full of armed and armored soldiers who are aware that they are in a war and are constantly patrolling the area assigned to them to be sure that the enemy isn't sneaking in. Such a castle and men is called a keep
and we are in a never-ending spiritual war. In order to keep God's precepts diligently
. we must be diligent
. In looking for any doctrinal error creeping into our thinking.
Please see the Word Definitions about the word precept
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'A general concept of right and wrong that never changes for any reason or circumstance, but which also has many applications with the particular application changing depending upon circumstances'.
Forms of the word diligent
occur 57 times in 51 verses of the Bible, occur 37 times in the Old Testament and occur in Psalms in 37:10; 64:6; 77:6 and our current sentence. Webster's 1828 dictionary defines diligent
as: 'a. L. 1. Steady in application to business; constant in effort or exertion to accomplish what is undertaken; assiduous; attentive; industrious; not idle or negligent; applied to persons. Seest thou a man diligent in his business? He shall stand before kings: Proverbs 22. 2. Steadily applied; prosecuted with care and constant effort; careful; assiduous; as, make diligent search. The judges shall make diligent inquisition. Judges 19'.
Within our verse we see that we are to be very diligent
to keep
God's precepts
('general rules of right and wrong') but that the particular way that we keep
them (The application of religious rules) can vary with circumstances so long as that method is within God's way
('direction for pleasing God').
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'General references. De 4:1,9; 5:29-33; 6:17; 11:13,22; 12:32; 28:1-14; 30:16; Jos 1:7; Jer 7:23; Mt 28:20; Joh 14:15,21; Php 4:8-9; 1Jo 5:3 exp: Ex 7:6; Le 18:4; 19:37; De 8:1; Lu 11:28'.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S5 (Verse 5)
O that my ways were directed to keep thy statutes!
This sentence is part of the section called ALEPH; which provides general instructions that are to be given for having a Godly life. The note for this section of the Psalm tells how all of these sentences fit together to do this and provides the context for the section. Our sentence says to choose paths of life which will help us to obey God's statutes
. In order to do this God has to direct
us because, as 1Corionthi and 2:14 says: But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
this is part of the first three chapters of 1Corionthians; which teach us that The wisdom of man / this world
is the exact opposite of The wisdom of God
. Therefore, without the help of God's Holy Spirit
, we will not discern
what we are to do or how we are to walk in
This life in order to keep (God's ) statutes
in this sentence we see the Psalmist confess his natural sin nature which wants to go against the way of God. Galatians 5:17 ays For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.
We also see similar prayers in other plases within the Bible. This prayer will not be fully fulfilled in the lives of saved people until theu get to heaven. However, by setting this goal at the beginning of our walk with God, we will get closer to it within this world, and will avoid some punishment for sin, and become more like Jesus
, which results in greater blessings here and in eternity, and we will have a greater position and reward when we get to heaven. Therefore, even though this goal is not achievable in this life, the striving for it produces great rewards.
Please see the Word Definitions section for links to where the word way
is used within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. The New Testament definition is: 'a method of getting from one place to another by numerous repetitions on the same small movement'.
Please see the note for 1Thessalonians 3:11 about the word direct
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Straight; right; as, to pass in a direct line from one body or place to another. It is opposed to crooked, winding, oblique. It is also opposed to refracted; as a direct ray of light'. Thus, the psalmist is desiring that his ways
would to directly to obeying God's statutes
Please see the Word Definitions for the use of the word keep
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. The New Testament definition is: 'To hold; to retain in one's power or possession; not to lose or part with; as, to keep a house or a farm; to keep anything in the memory, mind or heart. 2. to have in custody for security or preservation'.
Please see the note for Matthew 28:3-4 about the word keeper
. Please see the note for 1John about the phrase keep his commandments
Please see the Word Definitions section about how the word statutes
.The New Testament definition for this word is: 'An act of the legislature commanding or prohibiting something; a positive law'. .
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'General references. Ps 119:32,36,44-45,131,159,173; 51:10; Jer 31:33; Ro 7:22-24; 2Th 3:5; Heb 13:21 exp: De 8:1; Lu 11:28'.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S6 (Verse 6) the result of obeying the prior sentence.
Then shall I not be ashamed,
when I have respect unto all thy commandments
This sentence is part of the section called ALEPH; which provides general instructions that are to be given for having a Godly life. The note for this section of the Psalm tells how all of these sentences fit together to do this and provides the context for the section. The note for this section of the Psalm tells how all of these sentences fit together to do this and provides the context for the section. Our sentence tells us the result of obeying the prior sentence and warns us that disobedience will result in God making us ashamed
before all of heaven and before men of this Earth. The word then
means 'at that time'. The context of our sentence makes 'that time' to be when my ways (are) directed to keep (God's ) statutes
. In addition, the when
of our second phrase makes the second phrase happening at the same time. That is, when I have respect unto all thy commandments
Then shall I not be ashamed
and my ways (shall be) directed to keep (God's ) statutes
What is implied by our sentence is that we do things which should, and in the future will, make us ashamed
. Therefore, the best way to reduce our personal shame is to get respect unto all thy commandments
. Further, we need to pay attention to the word all
. Many people have respect unto (some of God's ) commandments
but fall short of the word all
. Often this is due to ignorance of the commandments
which are in the Bible. In addition, the word thy
makes these personal commandments
from God and ones that we will have to answer for, even if we are ignorant of them.
Please see the notes for Romans C5S2 about the word ashamed
. Within Psalms 119 We find the word ashamed
in: our current sentence, 46; 78; 80; 116. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Effected by shame; abashed or confused by guilt or a conviction of some criminal action or indecorous conduct, or by the exposure of some gross errors or misconduct, which the person is conscious must be wrong, and which tends to impair his honor or reputation'. Please see the note for Romans C10S12 about the phrase faith makes us not ashamed
. Pleasealso see the note for Romans 10:11 for references where the Bible tells us that our belief
/ faith
makes us not ashamed
. In addition, the note for Romans 6:21 provides the definition from Webster's 1828 . One of the simplest ways to understand how the Bible uses this word is to look at 2Timothy 2:15 where we see that our Lord Jesus Christ
will have people before all of the beings in heaven when He makes them ashamed
for not rightly dividing the word of truth
. Thus, the results aren't as bad as being lost but the people we will spend eternity with will know how we acted and they will know for all of eternity. In other words: 'Don't do that!'.
Forms of the word respect
occur 38 times in the Bible, occur 26 times in the Old Testament and in Psalms in 40:4; 74:20; our current verse, 119:6; 15, 117; 138:6. Webster's 1828 dictionary defines respect
as: 'n. L. respectus. 1. Regard; attention. 2. that estimation or honor in which men hold the distinguished worth or substantial good qualities of others. It expresses less than reverence and veneration, which regard elders and superiors; whereas respect may regard juniors and inferiors. Respect regards the qualities of the mind, or the actions which characterize those qualities. Seen without awe, and serv'd without respect. 3. that deportment or course of action which proceeds from esteem; regard; due attention; as, to treat a person with respect. These same men treat the sabbath with little respect. 4. Good will; favor. The Lord had respect to Abel and his offering. Gen. 4. 5. Partial regard; undue bias to the prejudice of justice; as the phrase, respect of persons. 1Peter 1. James 2. Prov. 24. 6. Respected character; as persons of the best respect in Rome. 7. Consideration; motive in reference to something. Whatever secret respects were likely to move them 8. Relation; regard; reference; followed by of, but more properly by to. They believed but one Supreme Deity, which, with respect to the benefits men received from him, had several titles'. Thompson Chain Topics has links of: 'Due to the Aged: Le 19:32; Job 32:6; Pr 23:22; 1Ti 5:1-2. See Gray Hairs: Due to Parents: Ex 20:12; Le 19:3; De 27:16; Pr 1:8; 20:20; 30:17; Isa 45:10; Mt 15:4; Eph 6:2; 1Ti 5:4. See Filial Obedience: Due to Religious Leaders: Php 2:29; 1Th 5:13; 1Ti 5:17; Heb 13:7. Due to Rulers: Ex 22:28; 1Sa 24:6; Ec 10:20; Ac 23:5; Ro 13:1; 1Pe 2:17; Jude 1:8. See Rebellion'. In addition, Nave's Topical Bible has links of: 'To the aged: Le 19:32. Torulers: Pr 25:6. Toan army: Lu 14:10. Toone another: Ro 12:10; Php 2:3; 1Pe 2:17'. Please also see the note for Philippians 4:11 about this word. The New Testament definition is: 'to hold in high honor and value'.
is used in Psalms 119 to mean 'a mandate; an order or injunction given by authority; charge'. Please see the Word Definitions for the use of the word commandment
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. Please see the Doctrinal Study on the use Ten Commandments for links to where they are dealt with in the word of God
. Please use This link to see the 'Ten (10) Commandments' and references to them in the New Testament. Please also see the note for 1John 5:2 about the phrase keep his commandments
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'shall I. Ps 119:31,80; Job 22:26; Da 12:2-3; 1Jo 2:28; 3:20-21
I have. Ps 119:128; Joh 15:14; Jas 2:10
General references. exp: De 6:25; 8:1; 11:32; Lu 11:28'.
C119-S7 (Verse 7) Commitment to personal worship.
I will praise thee with uprightness of heart,
when I shall have learned thy righteous judgments
This sentence is part of the section called ALEPH; which provides general instructions that are to be given for having a Godly life. The note for this section of the Psalm tells how all of these sentences fit together to do this and provides the context for the section. Our sentence says to learn God's righteous judgments
so that we can praise
God, in a personal manner (thee
), with uprightness of heart
. According to our sentence, we can not praise
God or we can not do it with uprightness of heart
until after we shall have learned thy righteous judgments
. As mentioned elsewhere, the word shall
means 'This absolutely, positively will happen'. Thus, until we have learned thy (God's personal) righteous judgments
, it is absolutely impossible for us to praise
God, in a personal manner (thee
), with uprightness of heart
. Further, if we don't do this praise
, then we don't get the blessings that only come after we obey God in this manner. Therefore, it is important for us to learn (God's personal) righteous judgments
A very important part of understanding this sentence is to have a proper definition of the word judgment
. The word judgment
: is used in Psalms 119 to mean 'Comparison of actions and attitudes, which a person displays, to the statutes
and commandments
of a rightful authority. Judgment
results in reward of the obedient and punishment of the disobedient with the amount of reward or punishment determined by the judge'. Please also see the note for Romans C2S2 about the word judgment
. Please see the Word Definitions section for how this word differs from other words involved in God's law
Now, while that definition is accurate, what can be more important, in order to understand this sentence, is the application. God tells us what to do with His statutes
, precepts
, and other things. We then obey or disobey those commandments from God to varying degrees at times within our life. After that, God applies judgments
upon our attitudes and actions. That is, God does the definition provided above and we end up with reward or punishment. When certain attitudes or actions always end up with rewards, or punishments, from God regardless of what person has those attitudes or actions, we can know that these are God's judgments
. We can also look in God's word to see what judgments
God applies to certain attitudes and actions. However, until we learn God's righteous judgments
, and receive the resulting blessings, we can not truly raise thee (God personally) with uprightness of heart
because the uprightness of heart
requires us to have personal experience to back up our praise
In our First lesson on Hermeneutics, we learn that we must have three different witnesses
in our life when we face God in judgment. These witnesses
are the same ones that Jesus
gave in the Gospel of John to prove that He had God working in His personal life and that His message and ministry came from God. In addition, these witnesses
must be acceptable in the court of God. Since Jesus
, as the Son of God, had to prove that He had God working in His personal life, so must we. The basic Biblical method to get that evidence is explained in the lesson titled Application of God's Word to our personal Life. In that lesson we see that the First Step is to 'Start each day with personal worship and reading God's Word'. That is what our first phrase of our current sentence is
promising to do. The I will praise thee with uprightness of hear
is 'personal worship'.
Our second phrase implies another action by the Psalmist which might not be obvious to some people. Our Psalmist says when I shall have learned
. In order to learn
something we must study
. True study
requires action and effort that is well beyond reading. If we do not add study
to our mourning reading of the Bible then we heed to do it later in the day. Please notice the phrase when I shall have
. This means that we did not have the knowledge of these things before we put in the effort to study
and that we will not know about God's personal righteous judgments
until after we study
. In addition, the when
makes it clear that we can not praise thee with uprightness of heart
until after we study
and learn the right way to do so.
Forms of the word praise
occur 314 times in 269 verses of the Bible, occur 279 times in 236 verses of in the Old Testament and occur 189 times in 153 verses of Psalms. Within Psalms 119 we only find this word in: our current sentence, 164; 171; 175. Webster's 1828 dictionary defines praise
as: 'n. s as z. L. pretium. 1. Commendation bestowed on a person for his personal virtues or worthy actions, on meritorious actions themselves, or on anything valuable; approbation expressed in words or song. Praise may be expressed by an individual, and in this circumstance differs from fame, renown, and celebrity, which are the expression of the approbation of numbers, or public commendation. When praise is applied to the expression of public approbation, it may be synonymous with renown, or nearly so. A man may deserve the praise of an individual, or of a nation. There are men who always confound the praise of goodness with the practice. 2. the expression of gratitude for personal favors confered; a glorifying or extolling. He hath put a new song into my mouth, even praise to our God. Ps.40. 3. the object, ground or reason of praise. He is thy praise, and he is thy God. Deut.10. PRAISE, v.t. L. tollo, extollo; pretium. 1. to commend; to applaud; to express approbation of personal worth or actions. We praise not Hector, though his name we know Is great in arms; 'tis hard to praise a foe. 2. to extol in words or song; to magnify; to glorify on account of perfections or excellent works. Praise him, all his angels, praise ye him, all his hosts. Ps.148. 3. to express gratitude for personal favors. Ps.138. 4. to do honor to; to display the excellence of. All thy works shall praise thee,O LORD. Ps.145'. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Commendation bestowed on a person for his personal virtues or worthy actions, on meritorious actions themselves, or on anything valuable; approbation expressed in words or song. True praise recognizes what a being has actually done or their personal character. False praise attributes to them what is not theirs to possess'. Please see the note for Romans C15-S9 for links to every verse in the Bible which use the phrase praise the Lord
We also see that Thompson Chain Topics has links of: 'To God, Enjoined: In Song: Ps 9:11. With Musical Instruments: Ps 33:2. Universal: Ps 67:3; Isa 42:12. Perpetual: Heb 13:15. Four-fold Reason for: 1Pe 2:9. See Glorifying God. See Singing. Examples of: 2Ch 5:13; 20:22; 31:2; Ps 35:28; 51:15; 119:164; Isa 12:1; 61:3; Lu 2:20; 19:37; 24:53; Ac 2:47; 16:25. See Glorifying God. heavenly: See New; Song. Ps 148:2; Lu 2:13-14; Re 4:8; 5:11-12; 7:11-12; 11:17; 14:3; 19:5. Nature's: Ps 65:13; 69:34; 98:8; 148:3; Isa 44:23; 49:13; 55:12. Revelation: See Nature's; Revelation. Unceasing: Ps 35:28; 71:6,14; 104:33; 145:1; Re 4:8; 5:13. Sacrifices of: Ps 107:22; 116:17; Jer 17:26; 33:11; Jon 2:9; Heb 13:15. See Praise. See thanksgiving'.
We also see that Nave's Topical Bible has links of: 'Song of Moses, after the passage through the Red Sea: Ex 15:1-19. Of Miriam: Ex 15:21. Of Deborah, after defeating the Canaanites: Jg 5. Of Hannah: 1Sa 2:1-10. Of David: . Celebrating his deliverance from the hand of Saul: 2Sa 22: . On bringing the ark of the covenant to Zion: 1Ch 16:8-36: . At the close of his reign: 1Ch 29:10-19. The chorus when Solomon brought the ark of the covenant into the temple: 2Ch 5:13. Psalms of, for God's goodness to Israel: Ps 46; 48; 65; 66; 68; 76; 81; 85; 98; 105; 124; 126; 129; 135; 136. See the Scriptures below forGod's goodness to righteous men: Ps 23; 34; 36; 91; 100; 103; 107; 117; 121. See printed scriptures below forGod's goodness to individuals: Ps 9; 18; 22; 30; 40; 75; 103; 108; 116; 118; 138; 144. ForGod's attributes: Ps 8; 19; 22; 24; 29; 33; 47; 50; 65; 66; 76; 77; 92; 93; 95; 96; 97; 98; 99; 104; 111; 113; 114; 115; 134; 139; 147; 148; 150. UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES RELATING TO: Ge 14:20; Ex 15:1-2; De 10:21; Jg 5:3; 2Sa 22:4; 1Ch 16:31,33-34,36; 23:30; 2Ch 7:3; Ne 9:5-6; Job 36:24; Ps 7:17; 8:2; 9:11; 18:3; 21:13; 22:22-23,25; 24:7-10; 26:12; 28:6-7; 30:4; 32:11; 33:1-3; 34:1-3; 35:18,28; 41:13; 42:4; 43:3-4; 47:1,6-7; 48:1; 50:23; 51:15; 52:9; 56:10,12; 57:7-9; 61:8; 63:3-6; 65:1; 66:1-2,4,8; 67:3-4; 68:4,26,32-34; 69:30,34; 70:4; 71:8,14-15,22; 75:1; 79:13; 81:1; 84:4; 86:12; 89:5,52; 92:1-3; 95:1-2,6-7; 96:1-4,7-9; 97:12; 98:4-6; 99:3,5,9; 100; 101:1; 103:20-22; 104:33-34; 105:1-5; 106:1,48; 107:8-9,15,21,31-32; 108:1-3; 109:30; 111:1,10; 113:1-2; 115:18; 116:12-14,17-19; 117; 118:15,28-29; 119:7,62,108,164,171-172,175; 134:1-2; 135:1-3,19,21; 136; 138:1-2; 140:13; 144:1-2,9; 145; 146; 147; 148; 149; 150; Isa 12; 24:14-16; 25:1; 35:10; 38:18-19; 42:10-12; 43:21; 49:13; 51:3; 52:7-10; 61:3; Jer 31:7; 33:11; Da 2:20,23; 4:37; Jon 2:9; Mt 26:30; Mr 14:26; Lu 1:46-55,67-75; 2:20; 17:15-16; 19:37-38; 24:52-53; Ac 2:46-47; 4:24; 16:25; Ro 11:36; 16:27; 1Co 14:15; 15:57; Eph 1:3; 3:20-21; 5:19; Php 4:20; 1Ti 1:17; Heb 2:12; 13:15; Jas 5:13; 1Pe 1:3; 2:9; 4:11; 5:11; 2Pe 3:18; Jude 1:25; Re 1:6; 14:7. In HEAVEN: Ne 9:6; Job 38:7; Ps 103:20-21; 148:2,4; Isa 6:3; Eze 3:12; Lu 2:13-14; 15:7,10; Re 1:6; 4:8-11; 5:9-14; 7:9-12; 11:16-17; 14:2-3; 15:3-4; 19:1-7'.
We also see that Torrey's Topical Textbook has links of: 'God is worthy of: 2Sa 22:4. Christ is worthy of: Re 5:12. God is glorified by: Ps 22:23; 50:23. offered to Christ: Joh 12:13. Acceptable through Christ: Heb 13:15. IS DUE to GOD ON ACCOUN't OF: His majesty: Ps 96:1,6. His glory: Ps 138:5; Eze 3:12. His excellency: Ex 15:7; Ps 148:13. His greatness: 1Ch 16:25; Ps 145:3. His holiness: Ex 15:11; Isa 6:3. His wisdom: Da 2:20; Jude 1:25. His power: Ps 21:13. His goodness: Ps 107:8; 118:1; 136:1; Jer 33:11. His mercy: 2Ch 20:21; Ps 89:1; 118:1-4; 136. His loving-kindness and truth: Ps 138:2. His faithfulness and truth: Isa 25:1. His salvation: Ps 18:46; Isa 35:10; 61:10; Lu 1:68-69. His wonderful works: Ps 89:5; 150:2; Isa 25:1. His consolation: Ps 42:5; Isa 12:1. His judgment: Ps 101:1. His counsel: Ps 16:7; Jer 32:19. Fulfilling of His promises: 1Ki 8:56. Pardon of sin: Ps 103:1-3; Ho 14:2. Spiritual health: Ps 103:3. Constant preservation: Ps 71:6-8. Deliverance: Ps 40:1-3; 124:6. Protection: Ps 28:7; 59:17. Answering prayer: Ps 28:6; 118:21. The hope of glory: 1Pe 1:3-4. All spiritual blessings: Ps 103:2; Eph 1:3. All temporal blessings: Ps 104:1; 136:25. The continuance of blessings: Ps 68:19. IS OBLIGATORY UPON: Angels: Ps 103:20; 148:2. Saints: Ps 30:4; 149:5. Gentiles: Ps 117:1; Ro 15:11. Children: Ps 8:2; Mt 21:16. High and low: Ps 148:1,11. Young and old: Ps 148:1,12. Small and great: Re 19:5. All men: Ps 107:8; 145:21. All creation: Ps 148:1-10; 150:6. Is good and comely: Ps 33:1; 147:1. SHOULD BE OFFERED: With the understanding: Ps 47:7; 1Co 14:15. With the soul: Ps 103:1; 104:1,35. With the whole heart: Ps 9:1; 111:1; 138:1. With uprightness of heart: Ps 119:7. With the lips: Ps 63:3; 119:171. With the mouth: Ps 51:15; 63:5. With joy: Ps 63:5; 98:4. With gladness: 2Ch 29:30; Jer 33:11. With thankfulness: 1Ch 16:4; Ne 12:24; Ps 147:7. Continually: Ps 35:28; 71:6. During life: Ps 104:33. More and more: Ps 71:14. Day and night: Re 4:8. Day by day: 2Ch 30:21. Forever and ever: Ps 145:1-2. Throughout the world: Ps 113:3. In Psalms and hymns, etc: Ps 105:2; Eph 5:19; Col 3:16. Accompanied with musical instruments: 1Ch 16:41-42. Is a part of public worship: Ps 9:14; 100:4; 118:19-20. SAINTS SHOULD: Show forth: Isa 43:21; 1Pe 2:9. Be endued with the spirit of: Isa 61:3. Render, under affliction: Ac 16:25. Glory in: 1Ch 16:35. Triumph in: Ps 106:47. Express their joy by: Jas 5:13. Declare: Isa 42:12. In vite others to: Ps 34:3; 95:1. Pray for ability to offer: Ps 51:15; 119:175. Posture suited to: 1Ch 23:30; Ne 9:5. CALLED the:. Fruit of the lips: Heb 13:15. Voice of praise: Ps 66:8. Voice of triumph: Ps 47:1. Voice of melody: Isa 51:3. Voice of a Psalm: Ps 98:5. Garment of praise: Isa 61:3. Sacrifice of praise: Heb 13:15. Sacrifices of joy: Ps 27:6. Calves of the lips: Ho 14:2. The heavenly host engage in: Isa 6:3; Lu 2:13; Re 4:9-11; 5:12. Exemplified: Melchizedek, Ge 14:20. Moses, etc. Ex 15:1-21. Jethro, Ex 18:10. Israelites, 1Ch 16:36. David, 1Ch 29:10-13; Ps 119:164. Priests and Levites, Ezr 3:10-11. Ezra, Ne 8:6. Hezekiah, Isa 38:19. Zacharias, Lu 1:64. Shepherds, Lu 2:20. Simeon, Lu 2:28. Anna, Lu 2:38. Multitudes, Lu 18:43. Disciples, Lu 19:37-38. The Apostles, Lu 24:53. First Converts, Ac 2:47. Lame man, Ac 3:8. Paul and Silas, Ac 16:25'.
Forms of the word uprightness
occur 87 times in 83 verses of the Bible, occur 86 times in 82 verses of in the Old Testament (all but 1 verse) and occur 31 times in 30 verses of Psalms. Within Psalms 119, we find this word only in our current sentence and 137. That sentence starts the section labeled as 'Look to heaven and prepare for judgment'. That section tells us how to be sure that our heart
is upright
. Webster's 1828 dictionary defines uprightness
as: 'n. 1. Perpendicular erection. 2. Honesty; integrity in principle or practice; conformity to rectitude and justice in social dealings. The truly upright man is inflexible in his uprightness'. We see that Thompson Chain Topics has links of: 'Ps 7:10; 32:11; 37:37; 49:14; 64:10; 97:11; 112:4; Pr 2:7,21; 10:9; 14:11; 28:6'. And, we also see that Torrey's Topical Textbook has links of: 'God is perfect in: Isa 26:7. God has pleasure in: 1Ch 29:17. God created man in: Ec 7:29. Man has deviated from: Ec 7:29. SHOULD BE IN: Heart: 2Ch 29:34; Ps 125:4. Speech: Isa 33:15. Walk: Pr 14:2. Judging: Ps 58:1; 75:2. Ruling: Ps 78:72. The being kept from presumptuous sins is necessary to: Ps 19:13. With poverty, is better than sin with riches: Pr 28:6. With poverty, is better than folly: Pr 19:1. TheY WHO WALK IN, Fear God: Pr 14:2. Love Christ: Song 1:4. Countenanced by God: Ps 11:7. Delighted in by God: Pr 11:20. Their prayer delighted in by God: Pr 15:8. Prospered by God: Job 8:6; Pr 14:11. Defended by God: Pr 2:7. Upheld in it by God: Ps 41:12. Recompensed by God: Ps 18:23-24. Find strength in God's way: Pr 10:29. Obtain good from God's work: Mic 2:7. Obtain light in darkness: Ps 112:4. Guided by integrity: Pr 11:3. Walk surely: Pr 10:9. Direct their way: Pr 21:29. Kept by righteousness: Pr 13:6. Scorned by the wicked: Job 12:4. Hated by the wicked: Pr 29:10; Am 5:10. Abominated by the wicked: Pr 29:21. Persecuted by the wicked: Ps 37:14. Praise is comely for: Ps 33:1. A blessing to others: Pr 11:11. The truly wise walk in: Pr 15:21. The way of, is to depart from evil: Pr 16:17. TheY WHO WALK IN, SHALL: Possess good things: Pr 28:10. Have nothing good withheld: Ps 84:11. Dwell in the land: Pr 2:21. Dwell on high and be provided for: Isa 33:16. Dwell with God: Ps 15:2; 140:13. Be blessed: Ps 112:2. Be delivered by righteousness: Pr 11:6. Be delivered by their wisdom: Pr 12:6. Be saved: Pr 28:18. Enter into peace: Ps 37:37; Isa 57:2. Have dominion over the wicked: Ps 49:14. Have an inheritance for ever: Ps 37:18. A characteristic of saints: Ps 111:1; Isa 26:7. Saints should resolve to walk in: Ps 26:11. The WICKED: Have not, in heart: Hab 2:4. Leave not the path of: Pr 2:13. Do not act with: Mic 7:2,4. Pray for those who walk in: Ps 125:4. Reprove those who deviate from: Ga 2:14'.
Please see the note for 119:2 about the word heart
. The New Testament definition is: 'how we think with our mind
and how we make the decisions of our will
and how we react emotionally to the circumstances of life'. Please also see the note for Psalms 119:145 for links to sentences in this Psalm which use the word heart
. That sentence is the start of a section that is summed up as 'personal worship of the righteous Judge'. We see this Psalm tells us to turn our heart
towards God and the various verses which use the word heart
tell us how to do that.
Forms of the word learn
occur 63 times in 60 verses of the Bible, occur 35 times in 33 verses of in the Old Testament and nobly occur in Psalms 106:35; our
current sentence, 119:71; and 73 within Psalms. Please notice that 3 of these are in Psalms 119. Webster's 1828 dictionary defines learn
as: 'v.t. lern. 1. to gain knowledge of; to acquire knowledge or ideas of something before unknown. We learn the use of letters, the meaning of words and the principles of science. We learn things by instruction, by study, and by experience and observation. It is much easier to learn what is right, than to unlearn what is wrong. Now learn a parable of the fig tree. Matt. 24. 2. to acquire skill in anything; to gain by practice a faculty of performing; as, to learn to play on a flute or an organ. The chief art of learning is to attempt but little at a time. 3. to teach; to communicate the knowledge of something before unknown. Hast thou not learned me how to make perfumes? this use of learn, is found in respectable writers, but is now deemed inelegant as well as improper.
LEARN, v.i. lern. 1. to gain or receive knowledge; to receive instruction; to take pattern; with of. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly - Matt. 11. 2. to receive information or intelligence'. Please also see the note for 1Corinthians 14:31 about the words learn
and unlearn
Forms of the word righteous
occur 555 times in 510 verses of the Bible, occur 411 times in 383 verses of in the Old Testament and occur 133 times in 130 verses of Psalms. Within Psalms 119 We find this word in: our current sentence, 40; 62; 106; 123; 137; 138; 142; 144; 160; 164; 172. Webster's 1828 dictionary defines righteous
as: 'a. ri'chus. 1. Just; accordant to the divine law. Applied to persons, it denotes one who is holy in heart, and observant of the divine commands in practice; as a righteous man. Applied to things, it denotes consonant to the divine will or to justice; as a righteous act. It is used chiefly in theology, and applied to God, to his testimonies and to his saints. The righteous, in Scripture, denote the servants of God, the saints. 2. Just; equitable; merited. And I thy righteous doom will bless'. Reformers Unanimous provides a simple, but effective, definition of righteous
as: 'doing the right thing the right (God's ) way'. We also see that Nave's Topical Bible has links of: 'MISCELLANY OF MINOR SUB-TOPICS: Compared with: the sun: Jg 5:31; Mt 13:43. Stars: Da 12:3. Lights: Mt 5:14; Php 2:15. Mount Zion: Ps 125:1-2. Lebanon: Ho 14:5-7. Treasure: Ex 19:5; Ps 135:4. Jewels: Mal 3:17. Gold: Job 23:10; La 4:2. Vessels of gold and silver: 2Ti 2:20. Stones of a crown: Zec 9:16. Living stones: 1Pe 2:5. Babies: Mt 11:25; 1Pe 2:2. Little children: Mt 18:3; 1Co 14:20. Obedient children: 1Pe 1:14. Members of the body: 1Co 12:20,27. Soldiers: 2Ti 2:3-4. Runners in a race: 1Co 9:24; Heb 12:1. Wrestlers: 2Ti 2:5. Good servants: Mt 25:21. Strangers and pilgrims: 1Pe 2:11. Sheep: Ps 78:52; Mt 25:33; Joh 10. Lambs: Isa 40:11; Joh 21:15. Calves of the stall: Mal 4:2. Lions: Pr 28:1; Mic 5:8. Eagles: Ps 103:5; Isa 40:31. Doves: Ps 68:13; Isa 60:8. Thirsting deer: Ps 42:1. Good fish: Mt 13:48. Dew and showers: Mic 5:7. Watered gardens: Isa 58:11. Unfailing springs: Isa 58:11. Vines: Song 6:11; Ho 14:7. Branches of a vine: Joh 15:2,4-5. Pomegranates: Song 4:13. Good figs: Jer 24:2-7. Lilies: Song 2:2; Ho 14:5. Willows by the water courses: Isa 44:4. Trees planted beside rivers: Ps 1:3. Cedars in Lebanon: Ps 92:12. Palm trees: Ps 92:12. Green olive trees: Ps 52:8; Ho 14:6. Fruitful trees: Ps 1:3; Jer 17:8. Corn (grain): Ho 14:7. Wheat: Mt 3:12; 13:29-30. Salt: Mt 5:13. Access of, to God: Ps 31:19-20; Isa 12:6. Few: Mt 7:14; 22:14. Relation of, to God: Le 20:24-26. Righteous and wicked, circumstances of, contrasted: Job 8; Ps 17:14-15. At the judgment. See JUDGMENT, the: [JUDGMENT]. Fellowship of. See FELLOWSHIP: [FELLOWSHIP]. Hatred toward. See PERSECUTIONS: [PERSECUTION]. Joy of. See JOY: [JOY]. Perseverance of. See PERSEVERANCE: [PERSEVERANCE]
CONTRASTED WITH the WICKED. See WICKED, DESCRIBED: [WICKED (PEOPLE)]. See WICKED, CONTRASTED WITH the RIGHTEOUS: [WICKED (PEOPLE)]: DESCRIBED: Ex 33:16; 1Sa 13:14; Ezr 10:3; Ps 1:1-2; 4:3; 15; 24:3-5; 37:26,30-31; 64:10; 84:7; 87:5-6; 112; 119:1-3; Pr 2:9-12; 4:18; 13:5; 25:26; Isa 33:15-16; 51:1; 54:13; 60:21; 62:12; 63:8; Jer 31:12-14,33-34; Eze 18:5-9; 44:9; Zec 3:2,7-8; Mt 5:3-10,13-16; 7:16-20,24-27; 12:50; 13:23,38; 19:14; Mr 10:14-15; Lu 6:45; 18:16-17; Joh 3:21; 8:31-32,39,42,47; 10:4-5,27; 13:35; 15:14; Ac 2:38,47; 8:36-37; 10:47; 11:23-24; 18:7-8; Ro 1:6-7; 6; 8:5-6,9,14-16,29,35-39; 9:8; 15:14; 16:19; 1Co 1:2,26-27,30; 2:12-13; 6:9-11; 15:48-49; 2Co 1:12; 4:1-2; 5:17,21; Ga 5:22-26; Eph 1:1,4-7; 2:1,4-6,10,13-14,19-22; 3:17-19; 4:13-16,22-32; 5:8; Php 2:15; 3:3,7-11; 4:8; Col 1:9-13; 2:7; 3:3; 1Th 1:3; 5:4-5,27; 2Ti 2:19,21-25; Phm 1:5-6; Heb 3:1,6; 1Pe 2:5,9-10; 4:1-2; 2Pe 1:1; 1Jo 2:3,5-6,12-15; 3:2-3,6-7,9,14,18-19; 4:7; 5:1; 2Jo 1:9; Re 1:6; 14:4-5; 17:14: See WICKED, DESCRIBED: [WICKED (PEOPLE)]: PROMISES TO, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED: Ge 15:1; 22:17; Ex 23:22; Le 26:5-6,10; De 28:1-13; 33:27; 1Sa 2:9; 2Ch 16:9; Ezr 8:22; Job 5:11-27; 8:4-7,20-21; 11:15-20; 22:21-30; 36:7-12; Ps 4:3; 5:12; 15:2-5; 23:6; 25:10-14; 28:8; 29:11; 32:6-8,10; 33:18-19; 34:9-10,15,17; 37:3-5,9,18,23-29,34; 41:1-2; 50:15; 55:22; 58:11; 62:8; 65:4; 73:24; 81:10; 84:11; 85:9; 91:1,3-7,9-12; 94:17-18; 97:10-11; 111:5; 112:6; 121:3-8; 125:1-3; 128; 145:18-21; Pr 1:33; 2:21; 3:1-10,25-26; 10:3; 12:2; 14:26; 15:29; 16:7; 21:21; 28:25; 29:25; Ec 7:18; 8:5; Isa 4:5-6; 11:6-9; 25:8; 26:3; 33:16,21-22,24; 35:10; 40:10-11,29,31; 41:10-11,13; 43:2; 44:2-3; 49:9-12; 50:7-9; 51:11; 54; 56:2-8; 57:1-2; 58:8-14; 59:20-21; 64:4; 65:13-14,17-25; 66:13-14; Jer 17:7-8; Eze 18:5-9,19-20; 34:11-17,22-31; Da 12:1-3; Ho 6:3; Na 1:7; Hag 1:13; 2:4-5; Zec 3:7; Mal 3:12,16-18; 4:2-3; Mt 5:3-12; 7:7-8; 8:11; 10:28-32; 13:43; 18:10,19-20; 19:29; 24:21-22; 25:21,33-34,46; 28:20; Mr 3:35; 8:35; 9:41; 10:21,29-30; 11:23-24; 13:13,27; Lu 3:17; 6:20-23; 10:20; 11:9-10; 12:7,32; 16:22-25; 18:29-30; 20:35-36; 21:18,27-28; 22:29-30; 23:43; Joh 3:15-18,36; 4:14; 5:24,29; 6:39-40; 8:12,51; 9:31; 10:27-29; 12:25-26; 13:36; 14:1-3,12-21,23; 16:33; 17:2,22,24; Ac 10:4,31; 20:32; 26:18; Ro 2:7,10; 5:9-11,17; 6:22-23; 8:14-18,28,32-39; 9:33; 10:9,11-13; 13:11; 1Co 1:8-9; 2:9; 3:21-23; 6:2-3; 8:3; 13:10-12; 15:48-57; 2Co 1:20-22; 4:14-15,17; 7:1; Ga 3:29; 6:8-9; Eph 1:18; 2:7; 6:8; Php 4:7,19; Col 1:5,12; 3:4,24; 1Th 2:12; 3:12-13; 4:15-18; 5:9-11; 2Th 1:5-7; 2:13-14; 1Ti 1:16; 4:8; 2Ti 1:12; 2:10-12,19; 4:8; Tit 2:11-14; 3:7; Heb 1:14; 2:10,15; 4:9,15-16; 6:10,16-20; 9:15,28; 10:34-36; 11:16; 12:22-23,28; 13:5-6; Jas 1:5,12,25; 2:5; 4:8; 1Pe 1:2-5; 2:5-6,9-10; 3:9-12; 4:13; 5:4,6-7,10; 2Pe 1:4,10-11; 2:9; 1Jo 1:7,9; 2:17,25,28; 3:2,22; 5:13; Re 1:6; 2:7,10-11,17,26-28; 3:4-5,10,12,21; 7:3-4,9-17; 11:12,18; 14:1-5,13; 16:15; 20:4-6; 21:3-7,24; 22:4-5,7,12,14: See ADOPTION: [ADOPTION]. See AFFLICTION, COMFOR't IN: [AFFLICTIONS AND ADVERSITIES]. See GOD, PRESERVER: [GOD]. See GOD, PROVIDENCE OF: [GOD]. See BACKSLIDER: [BACKSLIDERS]. See OBEDIENCE: [OBEDIENCE]. See PENITENT, PROMISES TO: [PENITENT]
UNITY OF, WITH CHRIST: Joh 6:51-57; 14:20; 15:1-11,19; 17:21-23,26; Ro 8:1,10; 12:5; 1Co 6:13-20; 10:16-17; 12:12-13,27; 2Co 5:17,21; 11:2; 13:5; Ga 2:20; Eph 5:30,32; Col 1:27; 2:6-7; 1Pe 4:13; 1Jo 2:6,24,28; 3:6,24; 4:13; 5:12,20; 2Jo 1:9; Re 19:7-9; 21:9: See ADOPTION: [ADOPTION]. See COMMUNION: [COMMUNION]. See FELLOWSHIP: [FELLOWSHIP]'.
In addition, to the above, the note for Romans 3:5 provides links to every verse which uses the word unrighteousness
along with a small note on each verse. The verses which use forms of the word righteous
are in addition to those which use unrighteous
. The note for Romans 1:29 is part of the summary of Romans 1. That note provides the definition from Webster's 1828 and shows the relationship between unrighteousness
and several other sins. The note for Romans 1:18-19 provides links to the 50 times in 41 verses of Romans that forms of the word righteous
are used. The note for Romans C2-S5 tells us about obeying unrighteousness
. The note for Romans 4:6-7 tells us about imputed righteousness
. The note for Ephesians 4:7-LJC tells us about righteousness of the Law
It should be obvious that there is a lot on this subject within the Bible and also on this web site.
Please see the Word Definitions section about the word judgment
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'a mandate; an order or injunction given by authority; charge'.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'I will. Ps 119:171; 9:1; 86:12-13; 1Ch 29:13-17
when. Ps 119:12,18-19,27,33-34,64,73,124; 25:4-5,8-10; 143:10; Isa 48:17; Joh 6:45
thy righteous judgments. Heb. judgments of thy righteousness. Ps 119:138'.
C119-S8 (Verse 8) God will not
forsake (us) utterlyif we
keep (God's ) statutes.
- Equivalent Section: Vow that is the basis of hope.
I will keep thy statutes:
.- Equivalent Section: Hoped for result of vow.
O forsake me not utterly
This sentence is part of the section called ALEPH; which provides general instructions that are to be given for having a Godly life. The note for this section of the Psalm tells how all of these sentences fit together to do this and provides the context for the section. This sentence is the main prayer ofThis opening section.
Please see the Word Definitions for the use of the word keep
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. The New Testament definition is: 'To hold; to retain in one's power or possession; not to lose or part with; as, to keep a house or a farm; to keep anything in the memory, mind or heart. 2. to have in custody for security or preservation'.
Please see the note for Matthew 28:3-4 about the word keeper
. Please see the note for 1John about the phrase keep his commandments
Please see the Word Definitions section for links to where this word is used within this Psalm. God's statutes
are the written part of His law
. God's statutes
do not encompass everything else that is in God's law
but represent the minimum requirement to avoid major punishment. In addition, when we keep
God's statutes
, we can't mess up even once. According to our sentence, this is the minimum to avoid having God forsake me...utterly
One of the principles that Reformers Unanimous teaches is that if we stay on the edge we will fall. The only safety is getting as far from the edge as is possible. If we really want to avoid having God forsake me...utterly
, we will find this minimum line and then do our best to move as far from it, and closer to our Lord's testimonies
as we possibly can get. This sentence is the last in our first section which tells us, in general, how to prepare for life and tells us the things that we need to do regularly (daily) if we want to have a successful life. Our last sentence gives us a 'Do Not Pass!!' point with a very clear warning of the possible consequence if we do go beyond that line.
We also need to deal with a doctrinal error that causes many of God's people to feel as if God forsook
them. You see, God's people have heard I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee
(Hebrews 13:5) preached and ignored the context which requires the child of God to be righteous
. The belief also ignores the fact that God gave each of us a free will and will literally let someone go to the lake of fire
before He takes away their free will. Therefore, the child of God can forsake
God. However, any child of God who does that will be believing lies and telling them (or they would not forsake
God). Therefore, even though they forsook
God, they believe the lie that God forsook
What we actually see in this sentence is a prayer that means 'God will you please do whatever is necessary to correct or kill me before I get to the point that I believe that You utterly forsook
Forms of the word forsake
occur 66 times in 65 verses of the Bible, occur 62 times in 61 verses of in the Old Testament and occur in Psalms 27:9-10; 37:8; 28; 38:21; 71:9; 18; 89:30; 94:14; 119:8; 53; 138:8 within Psalms. Please notice that this word is used only one other time within Psalms 119. Webster's 1828 dictionary defines forsake
as: 'v.t. pret. forsook; pp. forsaken. See Seek. 1. to quit or leave entirely; to desert; to abandon; to depart from. Friends and flatterers forsake us in adversity. Forsake the foolish, and live. Prov. 9. 2. to abandon; to renounce; to reject. If his children forsake my law, and walk not in my judgments - Ps. 89. Cease from anger, and forsake wrath. Ps. 37. 3. to leave; to withdraw from; to fail. In anger, the color forsakes the cheeks. In severe trials, let not fortitude forsake you. 4. In scripture, God forsakes his people, when he withdraws his aid, or the light of his countenance'.
Forms of the word utterly
occur 101 times in 96 verses of the Bible, occur 96 times in 93 verses of in the Old Testament and occur in Psalms 37:24; 73:19; 89:33; our current sentence and 119:43 within Psalms. Please notice that this word is used only one other time within Psalms 119. Webster's 1828 dictionary defines utterly
as: 'adv. to the full extent; fully; perfectly; totally; as utterly tired; utterly debased; utterly lost to all sense of shame; It is utterly vain; utterly out of my power'.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'I will. Ps 119:16,106,115; Jos 24:15
O forsake. Ps 119:116-117,176; 38:21-22; 51:11; Php 4:13'.
BETH: personal preparation for life.
Anyone who is going to take a journey makes some preparations. Some people make better preparations than others make but all make some preparations. Those people who claim to make no preparations actually decide to accept whatever happens, which are the preparations of a Biblical fool. All of us had some physical maturity at the time of our personal salvation. At some point, people who have some spiritual awareness realize that salvation is a journey through life with God. Once saved people realize that fact, the wisest make the best preparations for that journey with God. Our section, which is the first section on how to deal with the various phases of life, tells us what preparations to make if we wish to be wise about this life. That is: this section tell us how to prepare for a wise walk with God through life. Subsequent sections within this Psalm are sequenced to match the general sequences of life that most people can experience. This is true until the very last section which summarizes the experiences of a Godly life. Therefore, this section not only gives us preparations for life, but it also provides the basics for what we will need in later sequences of this Psalm as it matches our journey through life that is to be made with the help of God.
Our sentences tell us:
- Sentence 9 asks the main question of life. We have to clean out the sin before God add in blessings.
- Sentence 10 answers the prior question.
- Sentence 11 says, how to do that answer.
- Sentence 12 says, preparation made to enable obedience.
- Sentence 13 recognizes that God is greater and seeks God's guidance.
- Sentence 14 tells us the first reason why God should teach people His
. - Sentence 15 tells us the second reason why God should teach people His
. - Sentence 16 tells us the future actions to be done after God
teaches me thy statutes
. - Sentence 17 tells us further actions to be done after God
teaches me thy statutes
If we do not make wise preparations then we will not have all that we need later in life. In addition, without wisdom we will bind ourselves to things that will drag us down and interfere with our successful completion of our personal course
of life.
- 119:9
- This sentence is titled 'Asks the main question of life'. Our entire life will be judged by God after we die. Our eternal punishment or reward is based upon the choices we make in this life. The most important choice is to accept God's salvation. However, the Biblical definition of salvation includes sanctification and other things that God does in our life after our initial profession. If we do not clean up how we live our life, after receiving initial salvation, then we will lose the blessings from God and receive punishment instead.
- One of the most important choices that we make on a regular basis (several times a day) is how we are going to choose among the options available to us. We can:
- choose based upon our feelings.
- Do a short mental analysis so that we can lie to ourselves about how we choose and then choose according to out feelings.
- Pray and then choose according the feelings that 'come from the spirit'.
- Do an analysis and trust our intellect which has been trained by the wisdom of this world (1Corinthians).
- Ask a friend and submit to them.
- Refuse to make a decision and accept whatever happens.
- Pray for God's wisdom and search the Bible and then, if needed, seek Godly counsel.
- Do something else.
is: 'How we get from our present condition/place in life to the time that we face the judgment of God upon our life'. There are many ways that will lead us to error. Therefore, we need to know how to choose the right way. - When we
something we get rid of anything that makes it dirty or defiled. Thus, we need to get rid of any way which will end up making us dirty or defiled. By choosing the right way, we can avoid a lot of temptations. One of the most important things to recognize in this sentence is the need to cleanse. If we fail to recognize our basic sin nature, and the resulting need to cleanse everything, then our basic nature will lead us into sin and defilement. - 119:9
- This is the second sentence within this verse. By emphasizing the . '8 verses per section of this Psalm', people emphasize the structure and distract people from the message of this Psalm . In addition, this encourages people to use a non-Godly way to interpret the Bible since God's word instructs us to use the sentence format. Please pay attention to the message and not get distracted by the format.
- Basically, our sentence is telling us 'Use God's Word to decide the way that you will cleanse your life and make spiritually clean decisions'.
- We are all sinners but we do not all do the same sin. One person might have a problem with covetousness while another has a problem with pride. Since different sins make us 'dirty' in different ways, we need different ways to cleanse ourselves. As a result, the answer that one person receives, when they take heed thereto according to (God's ) word, will often be different from the answer that another person receives.
- When most people have a decision to make they start trying to figure out the answer instead of first deciding the way to determine the correct answer. That's how cons make fools of people. They put some attractive result in front of people to keep their attention occupied while they do something sneaky where the person is not looking. However, someone who first decides how to choose will not be distracted by a attractive, but wrong, result. Think of Jacob rejecting Leah in order to get Rachel.
- If we look at God's Word and follow God's instructions about how to look at various situations in life before we look at the situation itself, then we can avoid getting distracted by the temptation. Once we avoid the temptation, we can then see the consequences and avoid them. However, it is not enough to know how to look at situations but we must obey God's instructions (taking heed) or we will be judged a 'greater fool' because we knew what to do but failed to do it.
- 119:10
- Here we see that God wants us to start with getting our attitude right. Within that, God wants us to seek Him personally (thee). That is, get our mind, will and emotions meditating on the person of God and His character and His holiness. By doing that, we will realize how 'dirty' our life is and that will lead us to cleanse our way.
- The word
is defined as: 'a mandate; an order or injunction given by authority; charge'. Please note that a commandment is not always written down and often comes through the human person that God has placed in authority over us. - Please notice that in our sentence the Psalmist is requesting that God restrict his actions when he says
let me not wander
. Therefore, God is not violating his free will when God grants this prayer request and restricts his attitudes and actions. - The phrase
with my whole heart
is summed up as 'personal worship of the righteous Judge'. This phrase means 'with all of the control that I have over my mind, my will and my emotions I am going to seek God personally'. We need to get our attitude right before we can expect help from God. - 119:11
- This sentence is titled 'Preparation made to enable obedience' in the section outline. Once more we see a past-tense action (have I hid in mine heart). We also see a past-tense motivation, which came before the past-tense action, and that motivation was to control future actions (that I might not sin against thee). Thus, we see that true Biblical wisdom requires us to consider future consequences of our actions when we are deciding what to do. If our actions of today cause us to be more tempted to sin in the future, then we should not do those actions. However, if we can do something today that will help us to do right in the future then a Biblically wise person will do that action.
- The word
speaks of something that is always there even when not seen. In addition, the phrase hid in mine heart lets us know that God's word is to always help control the way that we think, the way that we make decisions and the way that we react emotionally to the circumstances of life (in my heart). Further, we control these things short-term and God combines all of our short-term decisions to create our long-term soul. Thus, the truly Biblically wise person has God's word as the primary influence on the creation of their soul. - We must carefully, and prayerfully, consider all of the sentences within this section as a minimum to truly obeying this sentence.
- 119:12
- The first Section of our sentence is personal (
) worship ofJEHOVA God
. We need to recognize the difference between God and us before our heart is prepared to receive what God will teach us because God's ways are different from out ways. If we do not start with personal worship, then we will reject what God teaches us even if we claim to accept God's truth. - After the Psalmist has recognized the attributes of God and worshipped God, he requests that God teach me thy statutes. Knowledge of God's statutes, and obedience of them, is required to avoid God's power being used to punish us. These things are also required in order to receive God's wisdom and have it applied to our life. Remember, our section is telling us how to prepare for a life walking with God. The first three chapters of 1Corinthians explain how
The wisdom of man and the wisdom of this world
go in the opposite direction fromThe wisdom of God
. Therefore, unless we receive the wisdom of God through God teaching us His personal (thy) statutes, we will go the opposite direction from receiving the blessings of God. Therefore, both of these Equivalent Sections are required parts of a preparation for a life of walking with God. - 119:13
- This sentence is titled 'God is greater than we are'. That is why we are commanded to seek God's guidance. Our sentence tells us to do this by learning God's personal
. - 119:14
- This sentence is titled 'The first reason why God should teach people His statutes'. Please notice that our sentence is in the past-tense (
have I declared
). We not only have to recognize God's judgments of thy mouth, but we must declare them before we can expect to learn God's statutes the way that God wants us to learn them. The difference being that when we learn God's statutes God's way we also get understanding. When we learn them any other way we memorize the words but do not understand the significance. This is because some things are only learned through experience. When we experience declaring all the judgments of God's mouth, people question and challenge us about them. As we seek answers from God, God also gives us understanding. Judgments
are the end result of God comparing our attitudes and actions to His statutes and causing us to 'reap what we sow'. Satan always makes sin look good by hiding the ultimate results of that sin. Therefore, we must recognize the ultimate results, and the relationship between those results and our initial sin, in order to see God's judgment upon that sin. Further, it is only after we see this relationship that we can understand why God says what he does in His statutes. Finally, it is only after we understand all of these things that we can see the relationship between the way of thy (God's ) testimonies, as our next sentence says, and the source statutes and our obedience or disobedience.- Next we must consider the phrase
with my lips
. This goes against the doctrine called 'lifestyle Evangelism' which claims that if we keep our mouth shut then our 'lifestyle ' will be a sufficient witness. While I can say much against this lie from Satan, the thing we see in this sentence is that we will not get the blessings promised within this section unless we use our lips to declare all the judgments of thy mouth. - The other thing to note here is the use of the words
. The word of God has all the judgments of (God's ) mouth, even though we do not hear them with our ears. However, if someone does not physical hear what we say then we have not truly used our lips within the range of their hearing. That is: the one word emphasizes our producing physically heard words while the other word allows for words which are written down. - Next we must consider the phrase all the judgments of thy mouth. The word
makes this 'God's personal mouth', which is found in what the Bible literally says. The religious person declares what their religious leader says, which may or may not be exactly what God says. However, even when it is what God says, God wants us to search His word and verify what we are told along with getting it directly from God's Holy Spirit instead of an indirect message that comes through someone else. Yes, God uses men to direct us to the truth but God always wants us to verify our beliefs with Him by using the Word of God as interpreted by God's Holy Spirit. - One last thing to note here is the word all. Many people have their favorite parts of the Bible and, if not careful, we can skip parts of the Bible. Part of a proper Bible Study is to go sequentially through books of the Bible, and be sure that we hit them all before starting over. This is the only way that we can be sure to cover all.of the phrase
I have rejoiced in the way of thy testimonies
. - Our attitude that we have when we are taught something has a major impact upon how well we learn. God's
are how someone else was blessed by God and what they did in order to get those blessings. Since God does not change, we can expect to receive similar blessings if we do the same things as the other person did. In this sentence, to Psalmist recognizes that having God's blessings gives as good of a life as the richest person in the world can expect to have. This is someone who rejoices in the way of (God's ) testimonies even while alone or even when speaking to others outside of church. - Please notice that he rejoiced
in the way
, which is: 'a method of getting from one place to another by numerous repetitions on the same small movement'. He did not rejoice in the results nor in anything else which we normally think is a reason to rejoice. He rejoiced inThe way
because he knew that God would show him how to continue to receive God's blessings and avoid God's punishments. Thus, he was not looking at a one-time result but atThe way
to get many desirable results. - Next we see that he rejoiced in was God's testimonies. The word
is plural and not singular. Thus, he sawThe way
that is common to all of God'stestimonies
and not just the circumstances of a singular testimony. In addition, the wordtestimonies
are 'statements which are used in a court of law to judge the legality of someone's actions'. Thus, he understood the way that God was going to determine his reward or punishment when he was judged as a child of God. Therefore, the focus of his rejoicing was on how he could affect his eternal results and not how to get something in this world. - 119:15
- This sentence and the next tell us what he will do after God teaches him God's statutes. It is important to know what we want to achieve before we start an effort or there is a good chance that we will become discouraged and quit before we reach the goal.
- Please notice that the two phrases of our sentence have two different action verbs. The first phrase uses the words
will meditate
to express an ongoing action while the second phrase uses the wordhave
to express that he will 'obtain and retain' ongoing respect. - Please note that our sentence is the third usage of the word
within this section. This is the main subject of this entire section and, since God does not change (Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 13:8), God'sways
and God'sprecepts
do not change. Therefore, our sentence is telling us two ways that the Psalmist will apply his mind to the things which God has given to man which do not change. By doing these actions, he can learn how these never-changing things from God were applied to other people and be confident that they will be applied to his life the same way. - Everybody wants to know the future. However, most people are too lazy to apply the effort which our sentence tells us to apply to our own life. In stead, most people want someone to give them the answer, with no effort on their part, and that is one of the main reasons why so many people believe foolishness and will reap the consequence for being a Biblical fool.
- 119:16
- Notice that the verb of the First Equivalent Section is delight. Notice that the verb of the Second Equivalent Section is not forget. Both of these are actions which we do with our brain. That is why this sentence tells us how we are to keep our thinking right. Also, these actions come after God teaches me thy statutes. When God teaches we know more, and have greater understanding, than when others teach us. It is this greater understanding which allows us to delight because we can understand the results of obedience in a way that we could not understand before God taught us. It is getting the resulting blessings which cause is to delight.
- In our Second Equivalent Section we see the Psalmist promise I will not forget thy word. God's statutes are in His word. We cannot continue to delight in what we forget. By the same token, we will not put in the work to remember unless we delight in what we are trying to remember. Thus, the equivalency should be obvious.
C119-S9 (Verse 9)
Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way?
This sentence is part of the section called BETH; which provides instructions for the preparation to have a Godly life. The note for this section of the Psalm tells how all of these sentences fit together to do this and provides the context for the section, which basically says that we need to get our attitude correct as the first thing. This sentence poses a question so that the next two sentences can answer it and provide the initial instruction needed.
This sentence is titled 'Asks the main question of life'. Our entire life will be judged by God after we die. Our eternal punishment or reward is based upon the choices we make in this life. The most important choice is to accept God's salvation. However, the Biblical definition of salvation
includes sanctification
and other things that God does in our life after our initial profession. Each saved person decides for themselves what type of sanctification
they are willing to receive and how much of each type. For example, one person might be great at avoiding sins that others see but neglect their personal private prayer life. Thus, each of us makes our own choices and our personal judgment will reveal the result of those life choices.
One of the most important choices that we make on a regular basis (several times a day) is how we are going to choose among the options available to us. We can:
- choose based upon our feelings.
- Do a short mental analysis so that we can lie to ourselves about how we choose and then choose according to out feelings.
- Pray and then choose according the feelings that 'come from the spirit'.
- Do an analysis and trust our intellect which has been trained by the
wisdom of this world
(1Corinthians). - Ask a friend and submit to them.
- Refuse to make a decision and accept whatever happens.
- Pray for God's
and search the Bible and then, if needed, seek Godly counsel. - Do something else.
In our first verse (119:1) we saw links to all of the places where way
is used in this Psalm. We also saw this word used three times already within this Psalm and those sentences told us why we need to cleanse (our) way
. Basically, we can say that the Biblical definition of way
, especially as used in Psalms 119, is: 'How we get from our present condition/place in life to the time that we face the judgment of God upon our life'. As shown in the choices that are listed above, there are many ways
that will lead us to error. In addition, with each of us having a sinful nature, we will choose the wrong way
if we do not cleanse
When we cleanse
something we get rid of anything that makes it dirty or defiled. Thus, in order to cleanse our way
, we need to get rid of any way
for making a decision which will end up making us dirty or defiled. Our next sentence tells us how to do this and this entire section (BETH) is about choosing the right way
to make a decision before we even come to the decision. If we wait until we have a decision to make, the temptations will distract us and keep us from considering how to make a decision before we make the decision. If we determine our way
to make the decision, and choose God's way
then options which include sin are excluded and we avoid a lot of temptations.
One of the most important things to recognize in this sentence is the need to cleanse
. If we fail to recognize our basic sin nature, and the resulting need to cleanse
everything, then our basic nature will lead us into sin and defilement.
The word wherewithal
is only found here and in Matthew 6:31. Webster's 1828 dictionary defines wherewithal
as: 'adv. See Withal. where, with, and all. the same as wherewith'. A more useful definition would be 'What are you going to do the job with that will work wherever you look (in all circumstances) and for all decisions of life'. Only God's Word satisfies that criteria and we see that said in the answer to this question which is presented in the next sentence.
Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides links related to this sentence as: 'shall. Ps 25:7; 34:11; Job 1:5; 13:26; Pr 1:4,10; 4:1,10-17; 5:7-23; 6:20-35; 7:7; Ec 11:9-10; 12:1; Lu 15:13; 2Ti 2:22; Tit 2:4-6. by taking. Ps 119:11,97-105; 1:1-3; 19:7-11; 78:4-8; De 6:6-9; 17:18; Jos 1:7; Joh 15:3; 2Ti 3:15-17; Jas 1:21-25. General references. exp: Pr 2:11; 6:22. See also on exp: De 4:15 Take ye. 2Ki 10:31 took no heed. 2Ch 34:3 while he. Ne 13:3 when they. Ps 17:4 word. Ps 19:7 converting. Ps 39:1 I said. Ps 71:17 thou hast. Ps 103:18 remember. Pr 1:4 to the. Pr 2:1 hide. Pr 23:26; 2Co 7:1 let. Jer 3:4 the guide. Joh 17:17 Sanctify. 2Ti 2:21 purge. 2Ti 2:22 youthful. 2Ti 3:16 for instruction. Heb 2:1 the more'.
Forms of the word clean
occur 458 times in 358 verses of the Bible, occur 378 times in 283 verses of in the Old Testament and, in Psalms, only in 18:20; 24; 19:9; 12; 24:4; 51:2; 7; 10;; 73:1; 13; 77:8; and our current sentence. Webster's 1828 dictionary defines cleanse
as: ', v.t. 1. to purify; to make clean; to remove filth, or foul matter of any kind, or by any process whatever, as by washing, rubbing, scouring, scraping, purging, ventilation, etc.; as, to cleanse the hands or face to cleanse a garment; to cleanse the bowels; to cleanse a ship; to cleanse an infected house. 2. to free from a foul or infectious disease; to heal. Lev. 14:4, 8; Mark 1:42. 3. to free from ceremonial pollution, and consecrate to a holy use. Numb. 8:15; Exek. 43:20. 4. to purify from guilt. 1 John 1:7. 5. to remove; as, to cleanse a crime'.
Please see the Word Definitions section for links to where the word way
is used within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible.
the New Testament definition is: 'a method of getting from one place to another by numerous repetitions on the same small movement'.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'shall. Ps 25:7; 34:11; Job 1:5; 13:26; Pr 1:4,10; 4:1,10-17; 5:7-23; 6:20-35; 7:7; Ec 11:9-10; 12:1; Lu 15:13; 2Ti 2:22; Tit 2:4-6
by taking. Ps 119:11,97-105; 1:1-3; 19:7-11; 78:4-8; De 6:6-9; 17:18; Jos 1:7; Joh 15:3; 2Ti 3:15-17; Jas 1:21-25
General references. exp: Pr 2:11; 6:22'.
C119-S10 (Verse 9)
by taking heed thereto according to thy word.
This sentence is part of the section called BETH; which provides instructions for the preparation to have a Godly life. The note for this section of the Psalm tells how all of these sentences fit together to do this and provides the context for the section, which basically says that we need to get our attitude correct as the first thing. This sentence is titled 'Answer to the prior question'. Obviously, the prior sentence and note must be understood before this answer can be applied to the prior question. Basically, our sentence is telling us 'Use God's Word to decide the way
that you will cleanse
your life and make spiritually clean
decisions'. Please note: we are all sinners but we do not all do the same sin. One person might have a problem with covetousness while another has a problem with pride. Since different sins make us 'dirty' in different ways, we need different ways to cleanse
ourselves. As a result, the answer that one person receives, when they take heed thereto according to (God's ) word
, will often be different from the answer that another person receives.
As mentioned in the prior note, when most people have a decision to make they start trying to figure out the answer instead of first deciding the way
to determine the correct answer. That's how cons make fools of people. They put some attractive thing in front of people to keep their attention occupied while they do something sneaky where the person is not looking. If a person is aware of the distraction, and chooses to ignore it, then they can catch the con doing the sneaky trick.
That is what our sentence is telling us to do. If we look at God's Word and follow God's instructions about how to look at various situations in life before we look at the situation itself, then we can avoid getting distracted by the temptation. Once we avoid the temptation, we can then see the consequences and avoid them. However, it is not enough to know how to look at situations but we must obey God's instructions (taking heed
) or we will be judged a 'greater fool' because we knew what to do but failed to do it. That makes us a 'greater fool' than the person who did not know what to do. (Please see Romans 2.)
Please notice that taking heed
is an action which is based upon an attitude. God judges our heart
. That is where our attitudes come from and we need to get our attitude in line with God's attitude as the first step of cleansing our way
. Once we get out attitude in line with God, we need to pay close attention to what God's Holy Ghost
tells us through God's word (either preached to us of through personal study). This is not what people would naturally expect to be the way to cleanse our way
. (See 1Corinthians 2:14).
The note above has verses from Treasury of Scripture Knowledge which are related to this taking heed
. Forms of the word heed
occur 80 times in the Bible, occur 45 times in the Old Testament and occur only in this sentence and in 39:1 within Psalms. Within Psalms 39 we find out how to do this action verb. Webster's 1828 dictionary defines heed
as: 'v.t. to mind; to regard with care; to take notice of; to attend to; to observe. With pleasure Argus the musician heeds
HEED, n. Care; attention. With wanton heed and giddy cunning. 1. Caution; care; watch for danger; notice; circumspection; usually preceded by take. Take heed of evil company. Take heed to your ways. Amasa took no heed to the sword that was in Joab's hand. 2 Sam.20. 2. Notice; observation; regard; attention; often preceded by give. The preacher gave good heed. Eccles.12. Neither give heed to fables. 1 Tim.1. Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed. Heb.2. 3. Seriousness; a steady look'. We also see that Thompson Chain Topics has links of: 'Mt 6:1; 18:10; 24:4; Mr 4:24; 13:9,33; Lu 8:18; 11:35; 12:15; 21:8; 1Co 3:10; 10:12; Col 4:17; 1Ti 4:16; 2Pe 1:19. See Watchfulness. See Keep; thyself'.
The word to
is defined as: 'Noting motion towards a place, state or condition' (Webster's 1828 ). Combining this with the word there
we get: here are the motions towards the place of Godly cleansing'. Thus, our sentence is not telling us how to get clean but is telling us what to do in order to find out how to get clean. This distinction is important especially when we consider that we are to walk by faith
. There are certain things, especially within the Bible, that we can not understand until after we do them. So the Bible tells us to do certain things and people think 'that will not make me spiritually clean'. Their thought is correct. However, in the process of obeying the Biblical command to do 'that will not make us spiritually clean', we learn what to do to become 'spiritually clean'. In addition, we learn the lesson in a way that will stick with us and help us more than any other way of learning the lesson. The fact is that when we are obedient, God often does not give us what we ask for but gives us what we need. Further, God refuses to give us what we need until we are obedient. Therefore, even though this is an indirect way of getting what we need, we must obey this command or we will end up in error.
Please see the note for Philippians 2:1 about the word accord
. The New Testament definition is: 'Agreeing; harmonizing; when two notes are in a music chord, they move together, up or down, to the next note'. Please also see the note for Matthew 16:27 about the phrase according to his works
. Please also see the Messages called Reward According and Reward According to His Own Labour for the application of these verses in the life of the believer.
Please see the note for Colossians 2:4 for extensive links and other information about the word word
. The New Testament definition is: 'a single component part of human speech or language'. However, The word of God
is the holy scriptures and in the English language, it is only the KJV-1611. The Word (capitalized): is Jesus
according to John 1:1. Please see the note for 1Thessalonians 1:8 about the word of the Lord
. Please see the notes for Romans C10S22 and Word in 1John about the phrase word of God
. The phrase every word
is explained in Romans C13S12; stated in Deuteronomy 8:3; Proverbs 30:5; Matthew 4:4; Matthew 18:16; Luke 4:4. We find forms of the word word
, in this chapter, in verses: 9; 11; 16; 17; 25; 28; 38; 41; 42; 43; 49; 50; 57; 58; 65; 67; 74; 76; 81; 82; 89; 101; 103; 105; 107; 114; 116; 123; 130; 133; 139; 140; 147; 148; 154; 158; 160; 161; 162; 169; 170; 172.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'my whole. Ps 119:2,34,58,69; 78:37; 1Sa 7:3; 2Ch 15:15; Jer 3:10; Ho 10:2; Zep 1:5-6; Mt 6:24; Col 3:22; 1Jo 2:15
O let me. Ps 119:21,118,133,176; 23:3; 125:5; 143:8-10; Pr 2:13; 21:16; Isa 35:8; Eze 34:6; 2Pe 2:15-22
General references. exp: Pr 2:11; Joh 7:17'.
C119-S11 (Verse 10) How to get directions from God.
- Equivalent Section: How I seek God.
With my whole heart have I sought thee:
.- Equivalent Section: the request based upon how I seek God.
O let me not wander from thy commandments
This sentence is part of the section called BETH; which provides instructions for the preparation to have a Godly life. The note for this section of the Psalm tells how all of these sentences fit together to do this and provides the context for the section, which basically says that we need to get our attitude correct as the first thing. Our first three sentences are telling us that wise preparation starts by cleaning out the sin that we have in our life. However, our flesh tries to get us to ignore or down-play some sin. If we get the attitude found in the First Equivalent Section, then we will do the command found in the Second Equivalent Section. However, if we do not use our whole heart
, then we will wander from thy (God's personal) commandments
This sentence is titled 'How to do the prior answer' or 'How to take heed thereto according to thy word
'. Here we see that God wants us to start with getting our attitude right. Within that, God wants us to seek Him personally (thee
). That is, get our mind, will and emotions meditating
on the person of God and His character and His holiness. By doing that, we will realize how 'dirty' our life is and that will lead us to cleanse our way
Please see the note for Psalms 119:145 for links to the 6 times in this Psalm where we read the phrase whole heart
. That sentence is the start of a section that is summed up as 'personal worship of the righteous Judge'. All 8 sentences in that section tell, in detail, us how to worship with my whole heart
. Reformers Unanimous defines the soul
as 'a combination of the mind, will and emotions'. What my study in the Bible has led me to conclude is that our heart
is used for the same thing with our heart
being the short time version that we control and our soul
being the long time version that God puts together from the sum of all of our short time decisions within our heart
. Thus, we directly control our heart
but only indirectly control our soul
. As a result, when our sentence says With my whole hear
, it means 'with all of the control that I have over my mind, my will and my emotions'.
Once we understand the attitude then we need to look at the actions which result from that attitude. Notice first that he sought thee
(God personally). This is not being active in a religion but is a personal walk with God on a consistent (With my whole heart
) basis. Please see the Study called personal Application for more on this concept.
Please see the note for 119:2 about the word heart
. The New Testament definition is: 'how we think with our mind
and how we make the decisions of our will
and how we react emotionally to the circumstances of life'. Please also see the note for Psalms 119:145 for links to sentences in this Psalm which use the word heart
. That sentence is the start of a section that is summed up as 'personal worship of the righteous Judge'. We see this Psalm tells us to turn our heart
towards God and the various verses which use the word heart
tell us how to do that.
Please see the note for 119:2 for where this Psalm uses the word seek
along with the Webster's 1828 definition and other links. Sought
is the past-tense form of seek
. Forms of the word sought
occur 170 times in 165 verses of the Bible, occur 98 times in 93 verses of in the Old Testament and occur in Psalms in 34:4; 37:36; 77:2; 78:34; 86:14; 111:2; our current sentence and 94. The New Testament definition is: to go after, and the primary sense is to advance, to press, to drive forward'. Thus, we are to have, in our past, pressed hard after' personal knowledge of God (thee
) and a relationship with Him so that we could know and obey God's commandment
. (Obviously, we must could know and obey God's commandment
before we can wander from
it or avoid wandering from
The word let
was the action verb used in Creation. Thus, our sentence is a prayer for God to use that power to keep us from wandering from God's commandment
. Thus, we have a prayer for God to use His power to keep us living a hol6y and righteous life.
Please see the note for 1Timothy 5:13 about the word wander
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'To travel about without a certain course'.
is used in Psalms 119 to mean 'a mandate; an order or injunction given by authority; charge'. Please see the Word Definitions for the use of the word commandment
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'Thy word. Ps 119:97; 1:2; 37:31; 40:8; Job 22:22; Pr 2:1,10-11; Isa 51:7; Jer 15:16; Lu 2:19,51; Col 3:16
that I. Ps 19:13 exp: Ps 119:125.
General references. exp: Pr 2:11; 6:22'.
C119-S12 (Verse 11) Preparation required before doing the prior sentences.
Thy word have I hid in mine heart,
that I might not sin against thee
This sentence is part of the section called BETH; which provides instructions for the preparation to have a Godly life. The note for this section of the Psalm tells how all of these sentences fit together to do this and provides the context for the section, which basically says that we need to get our attitude correct as the first thing. This sentence is titled 'Preparation made to enable obedience' in the section outline. Once more we see a past-tense action (have I hid in mine heart
). We also see a past-tense motivation, which came before the past-tense action, and that motivation was to control future actions (that I might not sin against thee
). Thus, we see that true Biblical wisdom requires us to consider future consequences of our actions when we are deciding what to do. If our actions of today cause us to be more tempted to sin in the future, then we should not do those actions. However, if we can do something today that will help us to do right in the future then a Biblically wise person will do that action.
There has been much preached on this sentence and I will not try to match all of that preaching. However, I will mentioned that the word hid
speaks of something that is always there even when not seen. In addition, the phrase hid in mine heart
lets us know that God's word
is to always help control the way that we think, the way that we make decisions and the way that we react emotionally to the circumstances of life (in my heart
). Further, we control these things short-term and God combines all of our short-term decisions to create our long-term soul
. Thus, the truly Biblically wise person has God's word
as the primary influence on the creation of their soul
One thing which is often neglected when this sentence is preached is the context of this Psalm and of the BETH section. The first sentence tells us the end result we are to be seeking if we truly obey this sentence. The second sentence, within this section, tells us the preparation we must do before we can obey this sentence. The remaining sentences, within our section, tell us the resulting change we should see within our life if we truly do this sentence. People who do not get these results probably are not truly obeying this sentence. Therefore, the true Bible student will carefully, and prayerfully, consider all of the sentences within this section as a minimum to truly obeying this sentence. With that said, it is also recommended that the reader also consider the associated notes in order to have a better understanding of the sentences within this section.
One last thing to note is that our sins are against God personally (thee
). Therefore, it should be obvious that it is foolish to offend the God who we are asking to bless us.
Please see the note for Colossians 2:4 for extensive links and other information about the word word
. The New Testament definition is: 'a single component part of human speech or language'. However, The word of God
is the holy scriptures and in the English language, it is only the KJV-1611. The Word (capitalized): is Jesus
according to John 1:1. Please see the note for 1Thessalonians 1:8 about the word of the Lord
. Please see the notes for Romans C10S22 and Word in 1John about the phrase word of God
. The phrase every word
is explained in Romans C13S12; stated in Deuteronomy 8:3; Proverbs 30:5; Matthew 4:4; Matthew 18:16; Luke 4:4
Please see the note for 119:2 about the word heart
. The New Testament definition is: 'how we think with our mind
and how we make the decisions of our will
and how we react emotionally to the circumstances of life'. Please also see the note for Psalms 119:145 for links to sentences in this Psalm which use the word heart
. That sentence is the start of a section that is summed up as 'personal worship of the righteous Judge'. We see this Psalm tells us to turn our heart
towards God and the various verses which use the word heart
tell us how to do that.
Please see the note for Romans C7S26 about the word sin
. The New Testament definition is: 'The voluntary departure of a moral agent from a known rule of rectitude or duty, prescribed by God; any voluntary transgression of the divine law, or violation of a divine command; a wicked act; iniquity. Sin is either a positive act in which a known divine law is violated, or it is the voluntary neglect to obey a positive divine command, or a rule of duty clearly implied in such command'.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'Blessed. 1Ti 1:11; 6:15
teach. Ps 119:26-27,33,64,66,68,71-72,108,124; 25:4-5; 86:11; 143:10; Lu 24:45; Joh 14:26; 1Jo 2:27'.
C119-S13 (Verse 12) God is greater than we are. Seek God's guidance.
- Equivalent Section: Acknowledge God's greatness.
Blessed art thou,
.- Equivalent Section: Ask for guidance.
teach me thy statutes
This sentence is part of the section called BETH; which provides instructions for the preparation to have a Godly life. The note for this section of the Psalm tells how all of these sentences fit together to do this and provides the context for the section, which basically says that we need to get our attitude correct as the first thing. Part of that attitude correction is to worship God, and recognize our proper place in our relationship to Him, before we ask anything of God.
Please see the word definitions below about the word bless
and the word LORD
. reportedly, the all-capitalized word of LORD
is used for 'Jehovah' in the original language. The reader can do their own research on this name as it is associated with lots of controversy such as one group claiming that it only applies to God the father and other people references verses which deal with the suffering of Jesus Christ
while using the name of 'Jehovah'. However, all of those arguments tend to distract from the true doctrine found here. The Psalmist is worshipping the LORD
and recognizing that His power and authority are far above that of the Psalmist. Most of the people arguing about the significance of this name fail to do the same. However, a wise person will prepare for life like the Psalmist does in this sentence and section.
Next please notice the use of the word thou
. This makes the worship directed at the LORD
personally and not at any other being who claims to represent the LORD
. Too many religions claim that people are to worship the LORD
only by going through them. Others claim that people, during the time from Moses to the 'Church Age' could only approach God through the priests. Our sentence and section teach otherwise. Yes, for formal and united worship and sacrifice, God required them to go through the priests, but, as seen here, God always was available for a personal relationship.
Now that we have dealt with the First Equivalent Section, we can proceed to the Second Equivalent Section. These two are equivalent because they both require our recognizing that God is much higher, much more powerful and much wiser that we are. God's statutes
go against what we believe from the world and our flesh. Therefore, unless we recognize these attributes of God, we will not accept His correcting our own cherished beliefs. Likewise, unless we acknowledge these truths about God, we will not truly worship
. Therefore, acknowledging these truths about God is a required prerequisite of the actions found within each of our Equivalent Sections.
After the Psalmist has recognized the attributes of God and worshipped
God, he requests that God teach me thy statutes
. Knowledge of God's statutes
, and obedience of them, is required to avoid God's power being used to punish us. These things are also required in order to receive God's wisdom and have it applied to our life. Remember, our section is telling us how to prepare for a life walking with God. The first three chapters of 1Corinthians explain how the wisdom of man
and the wisdom of this world
go in the opposite direction from the wisdom of God
. Therefore, unless we receive the wisdom of God
through God teaching us His personal (thy
) statutes
we will go the opposite direction from receiving the blessings of God. Therefore, both of these Equivalent Sections are required parts of a
preparation for a life of walking with God.
Please see the note for Psalms 119:1 for the use of the word bless
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. In that note the word bless
was defined as: 'receiving, or wishing another to receive, the spiritual good from God which produces spiritual joy even while it might make us less happy in the flesh'.
Please use This link for all of the verses within the New Testament that use word Lord
and This link for the Summary on the name / role of Lord
as found within the New Testament. This role is used for: 'Anything to do with law, judgment or government'.
Please see the note for 1Corinthians C12S27 about the word teach
. The New Testament definition is: ' to instruct; to inform; to communicate to another the knowledge of that of which he was before ignorant'.
Please see the Word Definitions section for links to where the word statutes
is used within this Psalm. The New Testament definition is: 'an act of the legislature commanding or prohibiting something; a positive law'.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'I declared. Ps 119:46,172; 34:11; 37:30; 40:9-10; 71:15-18; 118:17; Mt 10:27; 12:34; Ac 4:20'.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S14 (Verse 13)
With my lips have I declared all the judgments of thy mouth.
This sentence is part of the section called BETH; which provides instructions for the preparation to have a Godly life. The note for this section of the Psalm tells how all of these sentences fit together to do this and provides the context for the section, which basically says that we need to get our attitude correct as the first thing. This sentence is titled 'The first reason why God should teach people His statutes
'. Our next sentence provides the second reason and should be considered along with this reason. In addition, since these sentences are providing reasons why God should teach me thy statutes
, as requeested in the prior sentence, that prior sentence, and the related note, should be considered along with this sentence and note.
Please notice that our sentence is in the past-tense (have I declared
). We not only have to recognize God's judgments of thy mouth
, but we must declare
them before we can expect to learn God's statutes
the way that God wants us to learn them. The difference being that when we learn God's statutes
God's way we also get understanding. When we learn them any other way we memorize the words but do not understand the significance. This is because some things are only learned through experience. When we experience declaring all the judgments of thy mouth
, people question and challenge us about them. As we seek answers from God, God also gives us understanding.
are the end result of God comparing our attitudes and actions to His statutes
and causing us to 'reap what we sow'. Satan always makes sin look good by hiding the ultimate results of that sin. Therefore, we must recognize the ultimate results, and the relationship between those results and our initial sin, in order to see God's judgment
upon that sin. Further, it is only after we see this relationship that we can understand why God says what he does in His statutes
. Finally, it is only after we understand all of these things that we can see the relationship between The way of thy (God's ) testimonies
, as our next sentence says, and the source statutes
and our obedience or disobedience.
Next we must consider the phrase With my lips
. This goes against the doctrine called 'lifestyle Evangelism' which claims that if we keep our mouth shut then our 'lifestyle ' will be a sufficient witness. While I can say much against this lie from Satan, the thing we see in this sentence is that we will not get the blessings promised within this section unless we use our lips
to declare all the judgments of thy mouth
The other thing to note here is the use of the words lips
and mouth
. The word of God has all the judgments of (God's ) mouth
, even though we do not hear them with our ears. However, if someone does not physical hear what we say then we have not truly used our lips
within the range of their hearing. That is: the one word emphasizes our producing physically heard words while the other word allows for words which are written down.
Next we must consider the phrase all the judgments of thy mouth
. The word thy
makes this 'God's personal mouth', which is found in what the Bible literally says. The religious person declares
what their religious leader says, which may or may not be exactly what God says. However, even when it is what God says, God wants us to search His word and verify what we are told along with getting it directly from God's Holy Spirit instead of an indirect message that comes through someone else. Yes, God uses men to direct us to the truth but God always wants us to verify our beliefs with Him by using the Word of God as interpreted by God's Holy Spirit.
One last thing to note here is the word all. Many people have their favorite parts of the Bible and, if not careful, we can skip parts of the Bible. Part of a proper Bible Study is to go sequentially through books of the Bible, and be sure that we hit them all
before starting over. This is the only way that we can be sure to cover all
Please see the note for Mark 7:7 about the word lips
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'The border of the mouth. Also used metaphorically for an edge or border, as of a cup (1Ki 7:26), a garment (Ex 28:32), a curtain (Ex 26:4), the sea (Ge 22:17), the Jordan (2Ki 2:13). To "open the lips" is to begin to speak (Job 11:5); to "refrain the lips" is to keep silence (Ps 40:9; 1Pe 3:10). the "fruit of the lips" (Heb 13:15) is praise, and the "calves of the lips" thank- offerings (Ho 14:2). To "shoot out the lip" is to manifest scorn and defiance (Ps 22:7)'. We find this word, within this chapter, in: 171.
Please see the note for 1Corinthians 1:11 about the word declare
. The New Testament definition is: 'Made known; told explicitly; avowed; exhibited; manifested; published; proclaimed; recited'.
Please see the Word Definitions section about the word judgment
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'a mandate; an order or injunction given by authority; charge'.
Please see the note for Luke 1:64 about the word mouth
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'The aperture in the head of an animal, between the lips, by which he utters his voice and receives food. In a more general sense, the mouth consists of the lips, the gums, the insides of the cheeks, the palate, the saliva glands, the uvula and tonsils. It is sometimes used in Scripture for speaker, Ex 4:16; Jer 15:19'.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'rejoiced. Ps 119:47,72,77,111,127,162; 19:9-10; 112:1; Job 23:12; Jer 15:16; Mt 13:44; Ac 2:41-47'.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S15 (Verse 14) Second reason why God should teach people His
I have rejoiced in the way of thy testimonies,
as much as in all riches
This sentence is part of the section called BETH; which provides instructions for the preparation to have a Godly life. The note for this section of the Psalm tells how all of these sentences fit together to do this and provides the context for the section, which basically says that we need to get our attitude correct as the first thing. With this sentence we see a declaration of having changed our attitude to the correct attitude before we ask God to teach me thy statutes
The notes for the prior sentences within this section show how important it is to consider the context in order to properly understand the sentences within this section. This is also true for this sentence and the note for the prior sentence is especially important as it provides the first reason, with this sentence being the second reason. That note explains the context for this sentence. That is: the Psalmist got his attitudes and actions correct before asking God to teach me thy statutes
. Anyone who has done any teaching knows that different people in a class receive the lesson at different levels and that the attitudes of the student s often more important than their ability to learn. Further, as someone who always did well in school, I can state for a fact that doing things, like refreshing our memory about related subjects, help us to pick up more in class. Thus, what the Psalmist did in preparation helped him to get the most out of the lesson when God agreed to teach me thy statutes
. In addition, the last two sentences tell us what the Psalmist pl and upon doing as a result of God teaching him God's statutes
. Our reasons for learning also have a big impact upon how well we learn. When we are learning something so that we can accomplish a task or reach a goal we are going to pick up far more than when we are taking a lesson just out of curiosity. Thus, we see that every sentence in this section is related to our effectively learning God's statutes
and that the Psalmist wants God to teach him those because they are how a young man cleanse his way
Having considered the context, we can now look at the details of our sentence. Here we see to phrases with the first phrase telling us what the Psalmist has done in
preparation (have rejoiced
) and the second phrase saying how much he did this. From the word definitions, below, we see that he 'experienced joy and gladness in a high degree; he exhilarated with lively and pleasurable sensations; he exulted'. This is not someone who has trouble staying awake in church. It is also not someone who sings the songs but can't tell what words he sang. Nor is it someone who can't say what the message was about an hour after the service. Further, this is not a 'Sunday mourning believer' but is someone who rejoices in the way of (God's ) testimonies
even while alone or even when speaking to others outside of church.
Next, please notice that he rejoiced
in The way
, which is: 'a method of getting from one place to another by numerous repetitions on the same small movement'. He did not rejoice
in the results nor in anything else which we normally think is a reason to rejoice
. He rejoiced in the way
because he knew that God would show him how to continue to receive God's blessings and avoid God's punishments. Thus, he was not looking at a one-time result but at the way
to get many desirable results.
Next we see that The way
that he rejoiced
in was God's testimonies
. The word testimonies
is plural and not singular. Thus, he saw The way
that is common to all of God's testimonies
and not just the circumstances of a singular testimony
. In addition, we must note that what he rejoiced
in was 'statements that are used in a court of law to judge the legality of someone's actions'. Thus, he understood The way
that God was going to determine his reward or punishment when he was judged as a child of God. Therefore, the focus of his rejoicing
was how he could affect his eternal results and not how to get something in this world.
This brings us to our second phrase of: as much as in all riches
. The phrase as much as
tells us that he put the same value on knowing how to affect his eternal results as he, and most people, would give to receiving all of the riches
that they could ever desire in this world. He was not ignoring the desires of this world, but he also was not emphasizing them to the point of, effectively, ignoring eternal results.
Please see the notes for Romans C12S8; Galatians C4-S24 and Philippians 4:4-LJC about the word rejoice
. The acrostic of 'Jesus, Others, You' tells us the priorities we must keep within our life if we are to experience true joy
. Please also see the note for 1Corinthians 13:4-7 for links from Treasury of Scripture Knowledge about when we should rejoice
and when we should rejoice not
. We find forms of the word rejoice
occurring 286 times in 266 verses of the Bible, 77 times in 70 verses of the New Testament, and in Philippians, in: 1:18; our current sentence; 2:16; 2:17; 2:18; 2:28; 3:1; 3:3; 4:4 and 4:10. Webster's 1828 dictionary defines rejoice
as: 'To experience joy and gladness in a high degree; to be exhilarated with lively and pleasurable sensations; to exult'.
Please see the Word Definitions section for links to where the word way
is used within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible.
the New Testament definition is: 'a method of getting from one place to another by numerous repetitions on the same small movement'.
Please also see the note for Psalms 119:2 for the use of the word testimony
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. The New Testament definition is: 'statements that are used in a court of law to judge the legality of someone's actions'.
Please see the notes for Romans C11S35 and Colossians C1S6 about the word riches
. The New Testament definition is: 'Wealth; opulence; affluence; possessions of land, good or money in abundance. Riches do not consist in having more gold and silver, but in having more in proportion than our neighbors'.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'meditate. Ps 119:23,48,78,97,131,148; 1:2; Jas 1:25 exp: 1Ti 4:15.
have respect. Ps 119:6,117'.
C119-S16 (Verse 15) Future actions to be done after God
teaches me thy statutes.
I will meditate in thy precepts,
and have respect unto thy ways
This sentence is part of the section called BETH; which provides instructions for the preparation to have a Godly life. The note for this section of the Psalm tells how all of these sentences fit together to do this and provides the context for the section, which basically says that we need to get our attitude correct as the first thing. That starts with the battle for our mind and how we think about things within this life.
The prior sentences told us how the Psalmist prepared so that God could teach me thy statutes
. This sentence and the next tell us what he will do once God does teach me thy statutes
. It is important to know what we want to achieve before we start an effort or there is a good chance that we will become discouraged and quit before we reach the goal. In our sentence we see that the Psalmist wants God to teach me thy statutes
so that he can meditate
and have respect
. (Please see the word definitions below for these words.) In order for someone to do either of these mental actions, he must first know what these actions are applied to. Therefore, they follow God teaching him (God's ) statutes
and are also the purpose for the Psalmist seeking this teaching
Please notice that the two phrases of our sentence have two different action verbs. The first phrase uses the words will meditate
to express an ongoing action while the second phrase uses the word have
to express that he will 'obtain and retain' ongoing respect
. (Please see the word definitions below for the words meditate
and respect
and then consider how these action verbs apply to these words.)
Please note that our sentence is the third usage of the word way
within this section. This is the main subject of this entire section and, since God does not change (Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 13:8), God's ways
and God's precepts
do not change. Therefore, our sentence is telling us two ways that the Psalmist will apply his mind to the things which God has given to man which do not change. By doing these actions, he can learn how these never-changing things from God were applied to other people and be confident that they will be applied to his life the same way. Everybody wants to know the future. However, most people are too lazy to apply the effort which our sentence tells us to apply to our own life. In stead, most people want someone to give them the answer, with no effort on their part, and that is one of the main reasons why so many people believe foolishness and will reap the consequence for being a Biblical fool.
Please see the note for 1Timothy 4:15 about the word meditate
. The New Testament definition is: 'Close or continued thought; the turning or revolving of a subject in the mind; serious contemplation'.
Please see the general note in the Definitions at the start of this Study about the word precept
. The New Testament definition is: 'A general concept of right and wrong that never changes for any reason or circumstance, but which also has many applications with the particular application changing depending upon circumstances'.
Please see the note for Philippians 4:11 about the word respect
. The New Testament definition is: 'To regard; to have regard to in design or purpose'. Please see the notes for Acts 10:34; Romans 2:11; Ephesians 6:9; Colossians 3:25 and James 2:1; Romans 14:10-LJC; Romans C7S3 and Romans C10S13 about the phrase respecter of persons
Please see the Word Definitions section for links to where the word way
is used within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible.
the New Testament definition is: 'a method of getting from one place to another by numerous repetitions on the same small movement'.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'delight. Ps 119:14,24,35,47,70,77,92; 40:8; Ro 7:22; Heb 10:16-17 exp: Jer 6:10.
not forget. Ps 119:11,83,93,109,141,176; Pr 3:1; Jas 1:23-24'.
C119-S17 (Verse 16) Further actions to be done after God
teaches me thy statutes.
- Equivalent Section: Seek the right pleasures.
I will delight myself in thy statutes:
.- Equivalent Section: Keep the right guide for life.
I will not forget thy word
This sentence is part of the section called BETH; which provides instructions for the preparation to have a Godly life. The note for this section of the Psalm tells how all of these sentences fit together to do this and provides the context for the section, which basically says that we need to get our attitude correct as the first thing. This sentence states how we are to keep our thinking right.
Notice that the verb of the First Equivalent Section is delight
. Notice that the verb of the Second Equivalent Section is not forget
. Both of these are actions which we do with our brain. That is why this sentence tells us how we are to keep our thinking right. Also, these actions come after God teaches me thy statutes
. When God teaches
we know more, and have greater understanding, than when others teach us. It is this greater understanding which allows us to delight
because we can understand the results of obedience in a way that we could not understand before God taught us. It is getting the resulting blessings which cause is to delight
In our Second Equivalent Section we see the Psalmist promise I will not forget thy word
. God's statutes
are in His word
. We can not continue to delight
in what we forget
. By the same token, we will not put in the work to remember unless we delight
in what we are trying to remember. Thus, the equivalency should be obvious.
Forms of the word delight
occur 85 times in 82 verses of the Bible and occur 24 times in the book of Psalms. Within Psalms 119 We find this word in: 119:16; 119:24; 119:35; 119:47; 119:70; 119:77; 119:92; 119:143 and 119:174. Webster's 1828 dictionary defines delight
as: 'A high degree of pleasure, or satisfaction of mind; joy. His delight is in the law of the Lord. Ps. 1. 2. that which gives great pleasure; that which affords delight. Titus was the delight of human kind. I was daily his delight. Prov. 8. Delight is a more permanent pleasure than joy, and not dependent on sudden excitement.
DELIGHT, v.t. 1. to affect with great pleasure; to please highly; to give or afford high satisfaction or joy; as, a beautiful landscape delights the eye; harmony delights the ear; the good conduct of children, and especially their piety, delights their parents. I will delight myself in thy statutes. Ps. 119. 2. to receive great pleasure in. I delight to do thy will. Ps. 40:8.
DELIGHT, v.i. to have or take great pleasure; to be greatly pleased or rejoiced; followed by in. I delight in the law of God after the inward man. Rom. 7'. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'A high degree of pleasure, or satisfaction of mind; joy. His delight is in the law of the Lord. Ps. 1. 2. That which gives great pleasure'. Please also see the following note about this word: Romans 7:22.
Please see the Word Definitions section for links to where the word statutes
is used within this Psalm. The New Testament definition is: 'an act of the legislature commanding or prohibiting something; a positive law'.
Forms of the word forget
occur 64 times in 61 verses of the Bible and occur 23 times in 22 verses of the book of Psalms. Within Psalms 119 We find this word in: 119:16; 119:83; 119:61; 119:93; 119:109; 119:139; 119:141; 119:153 and 119:176. Webster's 1828 dictionary defines forget
as: ', v.t. pret. forgot. forgat, obs. 1. to lose the remembrance of; to let go from the memory. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits. Ps. 103. 2. to slight; to neglect. Can a woman forget her sucking child? Yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee. Is. 49'. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'To lose the remembrance of; to let go from the memory. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits. Ps. 103. 2. To slight; to neglect'. Please also see the following notes about forms of this word:Philippians 3:13; Hebrews 6:10; Hebrews 13:2; Hebrews 13:16; James 1:24; James 1:25. The word forgot
is 'The past-tense of the word forget
Please see the note for Colossians 2:4 for extensive links and other information about the word word
. The New Testament definition is: 'a single component part of human speech or language'. However, The word of God
is the holy scriptures and in the English language, it is only the KJV-1611. The Word (capitalized): is Jesus
according to John 1:1. Please see the note for 1Thessalonians 1:8 about the word of the Lord
. Please see the notes for Romans C10S22 and Word in 1John about the phrase word of God
. The phrase every word
is explained in Romans C13S12; stated in Deuteronomy 8:3; Proverbs 30:5; Matthew 4:4; Matthew 18:16; Luke 4:4
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'Deal. Gemol, "reward" thy servant: let him have the return of his faith and prayers. from this word is derived the name of Gymel, gimmel, the third letter of the alphabet, which is prefixed to every verse in this part: this is a stroke of the Psalmist's art and ingenuity. Ps 119:65,124,132; 13:6; 116:7; Joh 1:16; 2Co 9:7-11; Php 4:19
I may live. Ro 8:2-4; Eph 2:4-5,10; Tit 2:11-12; 1Jo 2:29; 5:3-4'.
GIMEL: Recognize that our choices in life make us responsibile for the results which we receive.
Part of our preparation for this journey through life is the realization that we will have to make decisions and that those decisions have consequences. God gives us each a free will and refuses to take away our choice no matter how foolish we act nor what the consequences of our choices are. Therefore, the wise person seeks God's advice before making decisions because all decisions affect the rest of our life. Yes, some decisions have more obvious effects, but often the decisions without obvious effects actually have the most profound results.
Our sentences tell us:
- Sentence 18 requests the aid of God based upon the recognition that we are God's personal (
. - Sentence 19 Why we should desire God's aid.
- Sentence 20 recognizes that we can not look to other people for guidance because
I am a stranger in the earth
. - Sentence 21 says, how strongly we feel the need for God's guidance.
- Sentence 22 recognizes the consequence of following the wrong motivation when making decisions.
- Sentence 23 requests aid in avoiding wrong decisions and aid in avoiding their consequences.
- Sentence 24 recognizes that people who affect our life will fight our decisions to follow God.
- Sentence 25 says, how to endure the reproaches of people who affect our life.
These all combine to provide the instructions for how to prepare to make wise decisions in this life. We do not know what decisions we will have to make. We can't know what information we will need to have but we can know that we will have to make decisions based upon incomplete and inadequate knowledge. We can get upset about the reality of life or we can recognize that this is God's deliberate plan that will, repeatedly, put us into situations where we have to seek God's guidance or suffer the consequence of making foolish decisions.
Pay attention to how often this section uses the personal pronouns of thy
and thou
. Erroneous religious doctrine that these words have the same meaning as you
And try to replace our personal relationship with a religious non-personal one. First they deny the words which are personal. Then they deny to doctrines which are personal. Then they claim that religious doctrine replaces the authority of God and His word. Then they claim the authority to replace God's doctrines with doctrines from devils. The road to disaster starts with people believing: 'It doesn't really matter if someone changes the definition of a word which God has preserved' (Deuteronomy 8:3; Matthew 4:4 and Luke 4:4).
- 119:17
- This sentence is titled 'Request God's aid based upon the recognition that we are God's personal servant'. People who are not personally serving God with their life can not 'claim' this promise.
Deal bountifully
: 'request for many blessings'.with thy servant
: 'only those who personally serve God qualify'.that I may live, and keep thy word
: 'Why God should fulfill this request'.- 119:18
- This sentence is titled 'Why we should desire God's aid'.
Open thou mine eyes
: 'Let me see things from a spiritual perspective'.- that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law: 'Why God should give this perspective'.
- 119:19
- This sentence is titled ''.
- : ' '.
- 119:20
- This sentence is titled ''.
- : ' '.
- : ' '.
- 119:21
- This sentence is titled ''.
- : ' '.
- : ' '.
- 119:22
- This sentence is titled ''.
- : ' '.
- : ' '.
- 119:23
- This sentence is titled ''.
- : ' '.
- : ' '.
- 119:24
- This sentence is titled ''.
- : ' '.
Deal bountifully with thy servant,
that I may live,
and keep thy word
.Open thou mine eyes,
that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law
.- Equivalent Section: Recognize our position as a saved person.
I am a stranger in the earth:
.- Equivalent Section: Plead for guidance.
hide not thy commandments from me
.- C119-S21 is our current sentence and tells us how our
desires to obey God'sjudgments
but has to fight ourflesh
at the start of life's journey. - C119-S26 says:
My soul cleaveth unto the dust: quicken thou me according to thy word.
this verse, and section of the Psalm, speak of the struggle that a person has dealing with the consequences of following the desires of theflesh
instead of obeying God's Holy Spirit. - C119-S9 says:
My soul melteth for heaviness: strengthen thou me according unto thy word.
this verse is in the same section as the prior verse and doubles the warning of the consequences to oursoul
when we follow the leadings of ourflesh
. It tells us that God'sword
is all that canstrengthen
when we weaken it by doing wrong. - C119-S82 says:
My soul fainteth for thy salvation: but I hope in thy word.
this verse, and the section that it is in, speaks about when the Psalmist wore down, full of despair and asking God when relief will come. Think about the times that senior saints take comfort in the book of Job. We will all face times of testing within our life and will receive greater strength, and wisdom, after we pass the test. - C119-S113 says:
My soul is continually in my hand: yet do I not forget thy law.
in this section of the Psalm, the Psalmist has passed the test and now knows how trials. He knows that more trials will come but also realizes that he must follow God'slaw
in all trials if he wants to pass the test. - C119-S133 says:
thy testimonies are wonderful: therefore doth my soul keep them.
in this section of the Psalm, the Psalmist has faced death and, as a result, has a changed prayer life. Here we see the Psalmist start his mourning prayer with praise to God for Histestimonies
. - C119-S71 says:
My soul hath kept thy testimonies; and I love them exceedingly.
in this section of the Psalm, the Psalmist is reviewing his life while he prepares to face the judgment of God. Here we see him acknowledge the end result of a life spent keeping God'stestimonies
. - C119-S79 says:
Let my soul live, and it shall praise thee; and let thy judgments help me.
this is part of a death-bed prayer of a Godly saint who is looking forward to eternity after spending his life serving God. Thou hast rebuked the proud that are cursed,
which do err from thy commandments
.- First Step: Requests aid in avoiding wrong decisions.
Remove from me reproach and contempt;
.- Second Step: Why.
for I have kept thy testimonies
.- Equivalent Section: Attacked by government.
Princes also did sit and speak against me:
.- Equivalent Section: Respond spiritually.
but thy servant did meditate in thy statutes
.- Sentence 26 recognizes that pride has put us into our predicament and then seeks true lasting uplifting from God.
- Sentence 27 confesses the error of
my ways
and seeks correction. - Sentence 28 seeks ability to avoid further error and promises testimonies based upon that
. - Sentence 29 confesses that this is not a one-time problem but is a lifestyle problem.
- Sentence 30 requests real correction.
- Sentence 31 claims real repentance.
- Sentence 32 confesses new choices in how to
walk by faith
. - Sentence 33 says, what the believer will do after receiving God's help.
- Equivalent Section: the results of pride.
My soul cleaveth unto the dust:
.- Equivalent Section: the cure for pride.
quicken thou me according to thy word
.- Equivalent Section: Confess sinful way.
I have declared my ways,
and thou heardest me:
.- Equivalent Section: Request to be taught right way.
teach me thy statutes
.- Equivalent Section: Make the request.
Make me to understand the way of thy precepts:
.- Equivalent Section: Make the promise.
so shall I talk of thy wondrous works
.- Equivalent Section: Describe time of need.
My soul melteth for heaviness:
.- Equivalent Section: Describe help requested.
strengthen thou me according unto thy word
.- Equivalent Section: Request for correction.
Remove from me the way of lying:
.- Equivalent Section: Request for help to do right.
and grant me thy law graciously
.- The first sentence, of our section, confessed the results of pride and trying to live in the power of the flesh.
- The second sentence declared and intention to submit to God's way of living.
- The third sentence requested understanding so that the Psalmist would give honest testimony.
- The fourth sentence recognized that God provides
through Hisword
. - Now, our current sentence requests God to remove the
of the sin which caused his problems. - Our next sentence talks about following God's
instead of theway
of sin. - The sentence after that promises consistency in following God's
and requests blessings for doing so. - Our final sentence promises what the Psalmist will do after God makes the required changes in him.
- Equivalent Section: the agreement.
I have chosen the way of truth:
.- Equivalent Section: the action to be taken.
thy judgments have I laid before me
.- Equivalent Section:.
I have stuck unto thy testimonies:
- Equivalent Section: Each phrase below has equal importance.
put me not to shame
.I will run the way of thy commandments,
when thou shalt enlarge my heart
.- Sentence 34 seeks not just
but seeksThe way of thy statutes
so that they have direction even when there is nostatute
. - Sentence 35 seeks
so that obedience can bewith my whole heart
and not just keeping 'The letter of the law'. - Sentence 36 is a prayer for help overcoming the flesh in order to do right.
- Sentence 37 is a prayer for a changed
. - Sentence 38 is a prayer for a changed lifestyle .
- Sentence 39 is a prayer to be made unmovable (
) in the service of God. - Sentence 40 requests a changed testimony.
- Sentence 41 is a prayer for personal
. keep
: (119:33) -keep it (The way)
: (119:34) -thy law
: (119:34) - 'watch in detail and over time'.make me to go...delight
: (119:35) - 'watch in detail and over time': make me find pleasure in obedience.devoted to thy fear
: (119:38) - 'actively avoiding anything which brings punishment'.fear
: (119:39) - 'actively associate punishment with things which bring God'sreproach
: (119:40) - 'desired to the level which causes action'.- First Step: Learn God's laws.
Teach me,
The way of thy statutes;
.- Second Step: Always obey this way.
and I shall keep it unto the end
.- Step: Each phrase below has equal importance.
Give me understanding,
and I shall keep thy law;
.- Step: Each phrase below has equal importance.
I shall observe it with my whole heart
.Make me to go in the path of thy commandments;
for therein do I delight
.Incline my heart unto thy testimonies,
and not to covetousness
.Turn away mine eyes from beholding vanity;
and quicken thou me in thy way
.Stablish thy word unto thy servant,
who is devoted to thy fear
.- Equivalent Section:.
Turn away my reproach which I fear:
for thy judgments are good
.- Equivalent Section:.
- Equivalent Section: Each phrase below has equal importance.
I have longed after thy precepts:
.quicken me in thy righteousness
.- Sentence 42 requests the
that only come after spiritual growth that follows our initial profession. - Sentence 43 requests help dealing with doctrinal error.
- Sentence 44 requests help in the worst conditions of life.
- Sentence 45 promises obedience after help is received.
- Sentence 46 promises to stop following religious rules and live according to
thy precepts
. - Sentence 47 promises bold testifying.
- Sentence 48 promises to
delight myself in thy commandments
. - Sentence 49 promises personal worship based upon God's
. Let thy mercies come also unto me,
even thy salvation,
according to thy word
.- Equivalent Section:.
So shall I have wherewith to answer him that reproacheth me:
for I trust in thy word
.And take not the word of truth utterly out of my mouth;
for I have hoped in thy judgments
.- Equivalent Section:.
And I will walk at liberty:
for I seek thy precepts
.I will speak of thy testimonies also before kings,
and will not be ashamed
.And I will delight myself in thy commandments,
which I have loved
.- Step: Each phrase below has equal importance.
My hands also will I lift up unto thy commandments,
which I have loved;
.and I will meditate in thy statutes
.- Sentence 50 says, that the Psalmist is praying to God, but also reminding himself of God's promises.
- Sentence 51 says, that the Psalmist is reminding himself of God's working in his life in the past.
- Sentence 52 says, that the Psalmist is reminding himself of his past faithfulness to encourage himself to continue to be faithful.
- Sentence 53 says, that the Psalmist is reminding himself of the warnings and rewards found in God's Word.
- Sentence 54 says, that the Psalmist is reminding himself of the consequences to the lost.
- Sentence 55 says, that the Psalmist is reminding himself of how he encouraged himself in the past.
- Sentence 56 says, that the Psalmist is reminding himself to remain consistent.
- Sentence 57 says, that keeping God's
is what produces the good life which can become boring. Remember the word unto thy servant,
upon which thou hast caused me to hope
.- Equivalent Section:.
This is my comfort in my affliction:
for thy word hath quickened me
.- Equivalent Section:.
The proud have had me greatly in derision:
yet have I not declined from thy law
.- Step: Each phrase below has equal importance.
I remembered thy judgments of old,
.and have comforted myself
.I have remembered thy name,
in the night,
and have kept thy law
.This I had,
because I kept thy precepts
.- Sentence 58 says, that the Psalmist starts each day with personal worship and renewed vows.
- Sentence 59 says, that the Psalmist requests renewed
. - Sentence 60 says, that the Psalmist reminds himself of past thoughts and actions which worked.
- Sentence 61 says, that the Psalmist reminds himself to react instantly.
- Sentence 62 says, that the Psalmist reminds himself to trust God no matter what circumstances he finds himself in.
- Sentence 63 says, that the Psalmist reminds himself to end his day in thanksgiving.
- Sentence 64 says, that the Psalmist keeps right companions.
- Sentence 65 says, that the Psalmist reminds himself to see the evidence of God that is all around him daily.
- Equivalent Section:.
- Equivalent Section: Each phrase below has equal importance.
Thou art my portion,
.I have said that I would keep thy words
.- Equivalent Section:.
I intreated thy favour with my whole heart:
be merciful unto me according to thy word
.I thought on my ways,
and turned my feet unto thy testimonies
.I made haste,
and delayed not to keep thy commandments
.- Equivalent Section:.
The bands of the wicked have robbed me:
but I have not forgotten thy law
.I am a companion of all them that fear thee,
and of them that keep thy precepts
.- Equivalent Section:.
- Equivalent Section: Each phrase below has equal importance.
The earth,
is full of thy mercy:
.teach me thy statutes
.- Sentence 66 praises God because He
hast dealt well with thy servant
. - Sentence 67 says, to seek
good judgment and knowledge
. - Sentence 68 says, to realize the good of correction.
- Sentence 69 says, that God is always
. - Sentence 70 says, to do right no matter how others attack you.
- Sentence 71 says, to do right no matter what reward evil seems to get.
- Sentence 72 says, that correction teaches us to avoid the need for correction.
- Sentence 73 says, that God's law is better than wealth.
Thou hast dealt well with thy servant,
according unto thy word
.- Equivalent Section:.
Teach me good judgment and knowledge:
for I have believed thy commandments
.- Equivalent Section:.
Before I was afflicted I went astray:
but now have I kept thy word
.- Step: Each phrase below has equal importance.
Thou art good,
and doest good;
.teach me thy statutes
.- Equivalent Section:.
The proud have forged a lie against me:
but I will keep thy precepts with my whole heart
.Their heart is as fat as grease;
but I delight in thy law
.It is good for me that I have been afflicted;
that I might learn thy statutes
.- Sentence 74 acknowledges the importance of understanding basic things.
- Sentence 75 says, that the Psalmist encourages those who really serve God.
- Sentence 76 acknowledges that God's
is for our good. - Sentence 77 asks for help in seeking comfort from God.
- Sentence 78 asks for God's
tender mercies
. - Sentence 79 asks for correction for those that need it.
- Sentence 80 asks for influence with God's people.
- Sentence 81 asks for help in remaining
. - Equivalent Section:.
Thy hands have made means fashioned me:
- Equivalent Section: Each phrase below has equal importance.
give me understanding,
that I may learn thy commandments
.They that fear thee will be glad when they see me;
because I have hoped in thy word
.I know,
that thy judgments are right,
and that thou in faithfulness hast afflicted me
I pray thee,
thy merciful kindness be for my comfort,
according to thy word unto thy servant
.- Equivalent Section:.
- Equivalent Section: Each phrase below has equal importance.
Let thy tender mercies come unto me,
that I may live:
.for thy law is my delight
.- Equivalent Section:.
- Equivalent Section: Parts of sentence below are steps.
Let the proud be ashamed;
for they dealt perversely with me without a cause:
.but I will meditate in thy precepts
.Let those that fear thee turn unto me,
and those that have known thy testimonies
.Let my heart be sound in thy statutes;
that I be not ashamed
.- Sentence 82 says, that the Psalmist is looking for
thy salvation
to help hissoul
, but only hashope
at this time. - Sentence 83 says, that the Psalmist can no longer see assurance and hope in God's Word.
- Sentence 84 says, that nobody notices the Psalmist or his problems.
- Sentence 85 says, that the Psalmist begs for death.
- Sentence 86 says, that the Psalmist asks when relief will come.
- Sentence 87 says, that the Psalmist testifies against his persecutors.
- Sentence 88 says, that the Psalmist looks for God to fulfill His Word.
- Sentence 89 says, that the Psalmist testifies of his own faithfulness in the worst situation.
- Sentence 90 says, that the Psalmist Begs to be lifted up so that he can testify of God.
- Equivalent Section:.
My soul fainteth for thy salvation:
but I hope in thy word
.Mine eyes fail for thy word,
When wilt thou comfort me?
.For I am become like a bottle in the smoke;
yet do I not forget thy statutes
.The proud have digged pits for me,
which are not after thy law
.- Equivalent Section:.
All thy commandments are faithful:
- Equivalent Section: Parts of sentence below are steps.
they persecute me wrongfully;
help thou me
.They had almost consumed me upon earth;
but I forsook not thy precepts
.Quicken me after thy lovingkindness;
so shall I keep the testimony of thy mouth
.- Sentence 91 says, that the basis of our faith is
settled...for ever
. - Sentence 92 says, that the earth is evidence of God's
faithfulness is unto all generation
. - Sentence 93 says, that all of creation obeys God.
- Sentence 94 says, that the Psalmist survived as long as he did only because
thy law had been my delights
. - Sentence 95 says, that the Psalmist was
with God'sprecepts
. - Sentence 96 says, that future salvation is completely dependent upon God.
- Sentence 97 says, that the Psalmist will
consider thy testimonies
when threatened byThe wicked
. - Sentence 98 says, that the Psalmist
has seen an end of all perfection
(God's work). For ever,
thy word is settled in heaven
.- Equivalent Section:.
Thy faithfulness is unto all generations:
- Equivalent Section: Each phrase below has equal importance.
thou hast established the earth,
and it abideth
.- Equivalent Section:.
They continue this day according to thine ordinances:
for all are thy servants
.Unless thy law had been my delights,
I should then have perished in mine affliction
.- Equivalent Section:.
I will never forget thy precepts:
for with them thou hast quickened me
.- Step: Each phrase below has equal importance.
I am thine,
save me;
.for I have sought thy precepts
.- Equivalent Section:.
The wicked have waited for me to destroy me:
but I will consider thy testimonies
.- Equivalent Section:.
I have seen an end of all perfection:
but thy commandment is exceeding broad
.- Sentence 99 says, that the Psalmist remembers the source of everything spiritual that he has.
- Sentence 100 says, that the Psalmist remembers what has kept him going.
- Sentence 101 tells us the rewards of faithfulness in regards to enemies.
- Sentence 102 tells us the rewards of faithfulness in regards to other saved people.
- Sentence 103 tells us the rewards of faithfulness in regards to religious doctrines.
- Sentence 104 tells us the rewards of faithfulness in regards to our testimony.
- Sentence 105 tells us the rewards of faithfulness in regards to blessings.
- Sentence 106 tells us the rewards of faithfulness in regards to encouragement.
- Sentence 107 tells us the rewards of faithfulness in regards to things of this world.
- Sentence 108 tells us the rewards of faithfulness in regards to direction from God.
- Equivalent Section:.
Thou through thy commandments hast made me wiser than mine enemies:
for they are ever with me
.- Equivalent Section:.
I have more understanding than all my teachers:
for thy testimonies are my meditation
.I understand more than the ancients,
because I keep thy precepts
.I have refrained my feet from every evil way,
that I might keep thy word
.- Equivalent Section:.
I have not departed from thy judgments:
for thou hast taught me
.yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth!
.- Equivalent Section:.
Through thy precepts I get understanding:
therefore I hate every false way
.- Sentence 109 says, that the Psalmist has reset the source of his view on life.
- Sentence 110 says, that the Psalmist reaffirms his personal vows to God.
- Sentence 111 says, that the Psalmist acknowledges his physical condition and looks to his source for overcoming those problems.
- Sentence 112 says, that the Psalmist asks God to accept what he can do to serve God.
- Sentence 113 says, that the Psalmist reminds himself of the balance in life.
- Sentence 114 says, that the Psalmist reviews the situation and solution.
- Sentence 115 says, that the Psalmist reminds himself of his eternal reward.
- Sentence 116 says, that the Psalmist Vows to fight even while dying.
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet,
and a light unto my path
.I have sworn,
and I will perform it,
that I will keep thy righteous judgments
.- Equivalent Section:.
I am afflicted very much:
- Equivalent Section: Each phrase below has equal importance.
quicken me,
according unto thy word
I beseech thee,
The freewill offerings of my mouth,
and teach me thy judgments
.- Equivalent Section:.
My soul is continually in my hand:
yet do I not forget thy law
.- Equivalent Section:.
The wicked have laid a snare for me:
yet I erred not from thy precepts
.- Equivalent Section:.
Thy testimonies have I taken as an heritage for ever:
for they are the rejoicing of my heart
.I have inclined mine heart to perform thy statutes alway,
even unto the end
.- Sentence 117 says, how to keep our mind in tune with God.
- Sentence 118 reminds us that God is our only protection.
- Sentence 119 warns us to beware of our companions.
- Sentence 120 is a prayer that God will direct our choices.
- Sentence 121 is a prayer for God's support.
- Sentence 122 recognizes the consequence of accepting error.
- Sentence 123 recognizes the consequence of turning from God.
- Sentence 124 recognizes the consequence of personal judgment by God.
- Equivalent Section:.
I hate vain thoughts:
but thy law do I love
.- Equivalent Section:.
Thou art my hiding place and my shield:
I hope in thy word
.- Equivalent Section:.
- Equivalent Section: Each phrase below has equal importance.
Depart from me,
ye evildoers:
.for I will keep the commandments of my God
.- Equivalent Section:.
- Equivalent Section: Each phrase below has equal importance.
Uphold me according unto thy word,
that I may live:
.and let me not be ashamed of my hope
.- Equivalent Section:.
- Equivalent Section: Each phrase below has equal importance.
Hold thou me up,
and I shall be safe:
.and I will have respect unto thy statutes continually
.- Equivalent Section:.
Thou hast trodden down all them that err from thy statutes:
for their deceit is falsehood
.- Equivalent Section:.
Thou puttest away all the wicked of the earth like dross:
therefore I love thy testimonies
.My flesh trembleth for fear of thee;
and I am afraid of thy judgments
.- Sentence 125 confesses the actions of that day and prays for protection as a result.
- Sentence 126 prays for God to make up any shortfall in the actions of his life.
- Sentence 127 confesses that his best understanding is still less than God has available.
- Sentence 128 begs for mercy and correction.
- Sentence 129 requests understanding so that he can explain God's actions to others.
- Sentence 130 confesses that only God can do the work even though God works through our lives.
- Sentence 131 confesses how precious God's
are. - Sentence 132 confesses the source of what is
. - Equivalent Section:.
I have done judgment and justice:
leave me not to mine oppressors
.- Equivalent Section:.
Be surety for thy servant for good:
let not the proud oppress me
.Mine eyes fail for thy salvation,
and for the word of thy righteousness
.Deal with thy servant according unto thy mercy,
and teach me thy statutes
.I am thy servant;
- Step: Each phrase below has equal importance.
give me understanding,
that I may know thy testimonies
.- Equivalent Section:.
- Equivalent Section: Each phrase below has equal importance.
It is time for thee,
to work:
.for they have made void thy law
.Therefore I love thy commandments above gold;
- Step: Each phrase below has equal importance.
above fine gold
.Therefore I esteem all thy precepts concerning all things to be right;
and I hate every false way
.- Sentence 133 praises God for His
. - Sentence 134 praises God for His
. - Sentence 135 confesses need for personal
. - Sentence 136 prays for personal
. - Sentence 137 prays for personal light for the steps of the day.
- Sentence 138 prays for personal protection.
- Sentence 139 prays for personal fellowship.
- Sentence 140 prays for personal compassion on the lost.
- Equivalent Section:.
Thy testimonies are wonderful:
therefore doth my soul keep them
.The entrance of thy words giveth light;
it giveth understanding unto the simple
.- Equivalent Section:.
- Equivalent Section: Each phrase below has equal importance.
I opened my mouth,
and panted:
.for I longed for thy commandments
.Look thou upon me,
and be merciful unto me,
as thou usest to do unto those that love thy name
.- Equivalent Section:.
Order my steps in thy word:
and let not any iniquity have dominion over me
.- Equivalent Section:.
Deliver me from the oppression of man:
so will I keep thy precepts
.Make thy face to shine upon thy servant;
and teach me thy statutes
.Rivers of waters run down mine eyes,
because they keep not thy law
.- Sentence 141 praises God for being a
righteous judge
. - Sentence 142 praises God for giving us a
righteous testimony
. - Sentence 143 recognizes how the saint has personally obeyed God.
- Sentence 144 recognizes how the saint has personally had a Godly attitude.
- Sentence 145 is a prayer to humbles self.
- Sentence 146 praises God for His
everlasting righteousness
. - Sentence 147 confesses right action during
trouble and anguish
. - Sentence 148 affirms trust and obedience for rest of life.
Righteous art thou,
and upright are thy judgments
.My zeal hath consumed me,
because mine enemies have forgotten thy words
.- Equivalent Section:.
Thy word is very pure:
therefore thy servant loveth it
.- Equivalent Section:.
I am small and despised:
yet do not I forget thy precepts
.Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness,
and thy law is the truth
.- Equivalent Section:.
Trouble and anguish have taken hold on me:
yet thy commandments are my delights
.- Equivalent Section:.
The righteousness of thy testimonies is everlasting:
- Equivalent Section: Each phrase below has equal importance.
give me understanding,
and I shall live
.- Sentence 149 begs for God to listen.
- Sentence 150 remembers salvation and our agreement with God at that time.
- Sentence 151 recounts early mourning rising to start the day with God.
- Sentence 152 recounts evening prayer.
- Sentence 153 begs for an audience based upon
thy lovingkindness
. - Sentence 154 confesses difference from most people.
- Sentence 155 confesses personally drawing
to theLord
. - Sentence 156 confesses personal knowledge that God does not change.
- Equivalent Section: Request made.
- First Step: How I prepared to make the request.
I cried with my whole heart;
.- Second Step: Who I made the request to.
hear me,
.- Equivalent Section: My submission is given so that I can have my request.
I will keep thy statutes
.I cried unto thee;
- Step: Each phrase below has equal importance.
save me,
and I shall keep thy testimonies
.- Equivalent Section:.
- Equivalent Section: Each phrase below has equal importance.
I prevented the dawning of the mourning,
and cried:
.I hoped in thy word
.Mine eyes prevent the night watches,
that I might meditate in thy word
.- Equivalent Section:.
Hear my voice according unto thy lovingkindness:
- Equivalent Section: Each phrase below has equal importance.
quicken me according to thy judgment
.- Equivalent Section:.
They draw nigh that follow after mischief:
they are far from thy law
.- Step: Each phrase below has equal importance.
Thou art near,
.and all thy commandments are truth
.Concerning thy testimonies,
I have known of old that thou hast founded them for ever
.- Sentence 157 prays for God to remember human weakness.
- Sentence 158 prays for the Son of God to be personal advocate.
- Sentence 159 reminds God of how others didn't obey like the saint did.
- Sentence 160 prays for God's
tender mercies
. - Sentence 161 reminds God of personal trust and obedience while personally persecuted.
- Sentence 162 reminds God of personal care for lost.
- Sentence 163 reminds God of personally seeking God's way of life.
- Sentence 164 reminds God of personal faith in God's Word.
- Equivalent Section:.
- Equivalent Section: Each phrase below has equal importance.
Consider mine affliction,
and deliver me:
.for I do not forget thy law
.- Equivalent Section:.
- Equivalent Section: Each phrase below has equal importance.
Plead my cause,
and deliver me:
.quicken me according to thy word
.- Equivalent Section:.
Salvation is far from the wicked:
for they seek not thy statutes
.- Equivalent Section:.
- Equivalent Section: Each phrase below has equal importance.
Great are thy tender mercies,
.quicken me according to thy judgments
.Many are my persecutors and mine enemies;
yet do I not decline from thy testimonies
.- Step: Each phrase below has equal importance.
I beheld the transgressors,
and was grieved;
.because they kept not thy word
.- Equivalent Section:.
Consider how I love thy precepts:
- Equivalent Section: Each phrase below has equal importance.
quicken me,
according to thy lovingkindness
.- Equivalent Section:.
Thy word is true from the beginning:
and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever
.- Sentence 165 says, that his
currentlystandeth in awe of thy word
. - Sentence 166 says, that he currently rejoice at thy word.
- Sentence 167 says, that he currently loves God's law.
- Sentence 168 says, that he currently praises God
Seven times a day
. - Sentence 169 says, that he currently has God's peace.
- Sentence 170 says, that he currently obeys God and puts his
in God. - Sentence 171 says, that he has kept God's testimonies with his mind, will and emotions.
- Sentence 172 says, that he has
kept thy precepts and thy testimonies
. - Equivalent Section:.
Princes have persecuted me without a cause:
but my heart standeth in awe of thy word
.I rejoice at thy word,
as one that findeth great spoil
.- Equivalent Section:.
I hate and abhor lying:
but thy law do I love
.- Equivalent Section:.
Great peace have they which love thy law:
and nothing shall offend them
I have hoped for thy salvation,
and done thy commandments
.My soul hath kept thy testimonies;
and I love them exceedingly
.- Equivalent Section:.
I have kept thy precepts and thy testimonies:
for all my ways are before thee
.- Sentence 173 is a prayer request to receive God's
. - Sentence 174 is a
for God'sdeliverance
. - Sentence 175 promises to
God when the Psalmist learns the right way to do it. - Sentence 176 promises to testify of God's Word.
- Sentence 177 prays for God's help based upon obedience to God's
. - Sentence 178 is a confession of regularly seeking God's
and God'slaw
. - Sentence 179 confesses that the life of our
is based upon God'sjudgments
. - Sentence 180 prays for God to restore the Psalmist any time that he has
gone astray like a lost sheep
. - Equivalent Section:.
- Equivalent Section: Each phrase below has equal importance.
Let my cry come near before thee,
.give me understanding according to thy word
.- Equivalent Section:.
Let my supplication come before thee:
deliver me according to thy word
.My lips shall utter praise,
when thou hast taught me thy statutes
.- Equivalent Section:.
My tongue shall speak of thy word:
for all thy commandments are righteousness
.Let thine hand help me;
for I have chosen thy precepts
.- Step: Each phrase below has equal importance.
I have longed for thy salvation,
.and thy law is my delight
.- Step: Each phrase below has equal importance.
Let my soul live,
and it shall praise thee;
.and let thy judgments help me
.I have gone astray like a lost sheep;
seek thy servant;
for I do not forget thy commandments.
C119-S18 (Verse 17) Request God's aid based upon the recognition that we are God's personal (
This sentence is in the section called GIMEL. The theme of this section is that we need to recognize that our choices in life make us responsible for the results which we receive. This sentence starts this section and the sentences which follow it have more details related to the prayer request found within this sentence. Notice that our sentence has three phrases with the first phrase being the request and the next two phrases stating two promised results if God grants the request. The next three sentences give greater detail to the second phrase, which is the first promise. The last four sentences of this section provide details to the last phrase, which is the second promise. Thus, our sentence encompasses the rest of this section.
In our first phrase the Psalmist asks God to deal with him in 'great abundance'. Now, we should agree that most people would be happy to pray this prayer. However, they are taking it out of context if they do not include the rest of this sentence and the more detailed sentence of this section. In addition, we need to recognize that this section is the first after the preparation (BETH) section. Therefore, this section deals with the first experience in life as a saved person. When people are first saved they are full of hope and looking for all of the blessings and know very little about the 'bad' things in life. However, even while not knowing what life will bring a saved person can start out with the commitment to do things God's way so that they will receive the most help and the greatest blessings.
Our second phrase (that I may live
) has more details in the next three sentences. Notice that all three are requests for guidance from God with God showing him wondrous things
, thy commandments
, and thy judgments
. The wondrous things
, are to motivate him to continue to obey. God's personal (thy
) commandments
are to give him direction while dealing with the circumstances of life. God's personal (thy
) judgments
are to let him know the positive and negative results which he will have depending on his level of obedience to God's personal (thy
) commandments
. These three things are the main things which we are to use and guides on how to live.
Our third phrase starts with the word and
, because it is added to the second phrase. The truth is that if someone does not keep the details of the second phrase then they will never keep the third phrase. Someone might keep thy (God's personal) word
for a short time without having all of the second phrase, but they will quickly turn from God or revert to just obeying religious rules, which are not keep thy (God's personal) word
With that in mind, we can now look at how the last four sentences relate to our last phrase. C119-S22 acknowledges the result received by those who do err from thy commandments
. Thus, it is our motivation to keep thy (God's personal) word
. The next sentence deals with discouragement which results from not receiving the expected result after obeying in faith. While more spiritually mature people can deal with these things, and later sections in this Psalm talk about how that more spiritually mature person does so, at this relatively new saved person such disappointment can be devastating. Therefore, the Psalmists prays to avoid it at this point in his spiritual life. The next sentence speaks about how to deal with false accusations because, when someone first starts to live for God, Satan has people attack them and try to cripple them before they get stronger. Our last sentence deals with keep thy (God's personal) testimonies
because they tell us how God dealt with others and how we can expect God to deal with us. Of course, God's personal testimonies
are in His word
Thus, we see how this sentence introduces the rest of this section.
Please see the notes for Romans C14S4; 1Corinthians C7S27 and Ephesians C6S4 about the word servant
. The New Testament definition is: 'A person, male or female, that attends another for the purpose of performing menial offices for him, or who is employed by another for such offices or for other labor, and is subject to his command'. please also see the notes for Romans C14S4; 1Corinthians C7S27 and Ephesians C6S4 about the word serve
. please also see the note for Philippians 2:17 about the word service
. Please also see the Doctrine of Life. Please see the notes for Hebrews 1:8-LJC and Philippians 1:27-LJC about the phrase life everlasting
. Please see the note for Romans C10S15 about the phrase belief changes life
. Please also see the note for 1Corinthians C11S34 about the phrase sleep is physically dead but spiritually alive
. Please also see the note for Colossians C3S4 about the phrase Christ lives through us
. Please also see the note for Ephesians C1S2 about the phrase just shall live by faith
. Please also see the note for Romans C11S6 about the phrase just shall live by his faith
. Please also see the note for Romans C9S28 about the phrase live / walk by faith
Please see the Word Definitions for the use of the word keep
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. The New Testament definition is: 'To hold; to retain in one's power or possession; not to lose or part with; as, to keep a house or a farm; to keep anything in the memory, mind or heart. 2. to have in custody for security or preservation'.
Please see the note for Matthew 28:3-4 about the word keeper
. Please see the note for 1John about the phrase keep his commandments
Please see the note for Colossians 2:4 for extensive links and other information about the word word
. The New Testament definition is: 'a single component part of human speech or language'. However, The word of God
is the holy scriptures and in the English language, it is only the KJV-1611. The Word (capitalized): is Jesus
according to John 1:1. Please see the note for 1Thessalonians 1:8 about the word of the Lord
. Please see the notes for Romans C10S22 and Word in 1John about the phrase word of God
. The phrase every word
is explained in Romans C13S12; stated in Deuteronomy 8:3; Proverbs 30:5; Matthew 4:4; Matthew 18:16; Luke 4:4
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'Open. Heb. Reveal. Isa 29:10-12,18; 32:3; 35:5; Mt 13:13; 16:17; Joh 9:39; Ac 26:18; 2Co 3:14-18; 4:4-6; Eph 1:17-18; Re 3:18
wondrous. Ps 119:96; Ho 8:12; 2Co 3:13; Heb 8:5; 10:1
General references. exp: Pr 20:12; Lu 24:45'.
C119-S19 (Verse 18) Why we should desire God's aid.
This sentence is in the section called GIMEL. The theme of this section is that we need to recognize that our choices in life make us responsible for the results which we receive. Here the Psalmist request God to let him behold wondrous things out of thy law
. We naturally are drawn towards wondrous things
. Thus, this is a prayer for God to make His law attractive to us so that we will want to follow it. We always need to get our attitude right before we can get our actions right and keep our actions right.
In the first phrase of this sentence, the Psalmist requests that God Open thou mine eyes
. That is: 'Let me see things from a spiritual perspective'. 1Corinthians 2:14 tells us: But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned
. This is why most people find in hard to read and understand the Bible. Even if someone is saved and has the indwelling Holy Spirit, they do not receive help in understanding the Bible until they request it. Therefore, the Psalmist first requests God's help in seeing God's law from a spiritual perspective (Open thou mine eyes
) then expresses the reason for that request (that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law
). This reason is so that he is motivated to obey God's law and so that he can help other to also be motivated to obey God's law. Since the motivation for this request is not wrong (James 4:3), he can expect God to fulfill his request.
In addition, to basic understanding, the prayer request to behold wondrous things
requires us understanding the long-term blessings which come from obeying God's word in general and, even more, from obeying God's word exactly as written in specific places. Of course, the phrase thy law
represented all of the Bible at the time that the Psalmist wrote. Therefore, this is applicable to all of the expanded Bible available to us tday.
Please see the promises listed in the Significant Events in the Gospels and the promises in the Significant Events in the New Testament for promises blessings when we keep God's law.
This prayer request is in keeping with the rest of this section in that the Psalmist is asking God to provide all of his needs so that he does not have to turn to the world in order to get his needs met. As mentioned in the general note for this section, the Psalmist is getting ready to start on the journey called life. As a wise person, he prepares properly before starting so that he does not fail to complete the journey that God has prepared for him personally. As the saying goes: 'failure to plan is planning to fail'.
Please see the note for 1Corinthians C12S13 about the word eye
. The New Testament definition is: 'The organ of sight or vision'.
Please see the note for Colossians C2S3 about the word behold
. The New Testament definition is: 'To fix the eyes upon; to see with attention; to observe with care'.
Please see the note for 2Corinthians 12:12 about the word wonder
. The New Testament definition is: 'That emotion which is excited by novelty, or the presentation to the sight or mind, of something new, unusual, strange, great, extraordinary, or not well understood; something that arrests the attention by its novelty, grandeur or inexplicableness'.
Please see the note for Psalms 119:1 for the use of the word law
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. In this sentence the word law
is applied in a way to mean all of God's word. At the time that this Psalm was written the book of Job and the first five books were probably all that was written and accepted as God's word.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: '
a stranger. Ps 39:12; Ge 47:9; 1Ch 29:15; 2Co 5:6; Heb 11:13-16; 1Pe 2:11
hide. Ps 119:10; Job 39:17; Isa 63:17; Lu 9:45; 24:45'.
C119-S20 (Verse 19) Recognizes that we can not look to other people for guidance.
This sentence is in the section called GIMEL. The theme of this section is that we need to recognize that our choices in life make us responsible for the results which we receive. When we are a stranger
we don't think like the people around us. We have different perceptions and, often, different motivations and goals. When the Psalmist says: I am a stranger in the earth
, he is acknowledging that he is not like the lost people who are the majority of people in the earth
. Therefore, he has a different way of thinking with different motivations and goals than the majority of people in the earth
have. As a result, he can not look to them for advice on how to deal with the problems of life not can He follow their way of life. Since, as a saved person, he has different motivations and goals, he must seek his guidance from a different source.
That is what we see in our Second Equivalent Section. He is asking God for guidance when he says hide not thy commandments from me
. Implied within this request is his agreement ot obey God's commandments
, which are more than just the laws of God. Our Second Equivalent Section is equivalent to the First Equivalent Section in that his agreement to obey the commandments
from God are becaise he is a stranger in the earth
and can not get guidance from The earth
As a child of God, we are no longer like the natural man
because we now have the indwelling Holy Spirit Who teaches us to think like God thinks. Like Isaiah 55:8 says: For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.
therefore, our changed way of thinking makes us a stranger in the earth
. With this truth realized, the Psalmist recognizes the need for daily instruction from God. God's word has God's commandments
, but we don't always realize that the instruction which we need is in God's word and sometimes, even when we realize that instruction is there, we have trouble finding the instruction. Thus, while the phrase is hide not thy commandments from me
, it could also be thought of as: ' Please help me to find the command which applies to my situation'.
Please see the notex for 1Peter 1:1-LJC and 1Timothy 5:9-10 about the word strangers
. The New Testament definition is: ' Both the O.T. and the N.T. saints were and are strangers upon earth. David said, "I am a stranger with thee, and a sojourner, as all my fathers were." Ps 39:12. they "confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth." Heb 11:13. the same is true of the saints now. 1Pe 2:11. their citizenship is in heaven, and this earth is no longer their home or their rest'.
Please see the notes for 2Corinthians 5:1 and Philippians 2:9-11 about the word earth
. The New Testament definition is: 'In the sense of soil or ground'.
is used in Psalms 119 to mean 'a mandate; an order or injunction given by authority; charge'. Please see the Word Definitions for the use of the word commandment
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'soul. Ps 119:40,131,174; 42:1; 63:1; 84:2; Pr 13:12; Song 5:8; Re 3:15-16
at all times. Ps 106:3; Job 23:11-12; 27:10; Pr 17:17'.
C119-S21 (Verse 20) personal longing to know God's personal
My soul breaketh for the longing that it hath unto thy judgments at all times.
This sentence is in the section called GIMEL. The theme of this section is that we need to recognize that our choices in life make us responsible for the results which we receive. This sentence says why we need God's guidance.
We are triune beings with a body
, soul
and spirit
. Many people have problems understanding the difference between our soul
and our spirit
. Our spirit
is our innermost being which is attached to our body
at conception and causes death of the body
when our spirit
leaves it. our soul
is defined as: 'The long-term result of the short-term actions of our heart
in deciding how we will think, how we will act emotionally to circumstances of life and how we will decide the issues of life'. Please see the Message called Body, Soul and Spirit Salvation for more details on this doctrine.
Our Psalm says that the reason (for
) why my soul breaketh
is The longing that it hath unto thy judgments
. While the spirit
of the saved has longing that it hath unto thy judgments
, their flesh
is still sinful and lusts
in the opposite direction. (For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.
[Galatians 5:17 ]). Therefore, with the two parts of our being pulling our soul
in opposite directions, soul breaketh
as it tries to go opposite directions at the same time and it is The longing...unto thy judgments
which causes the ongoing breaking
away from the desires of our flesh
A short Word Study of how soul
is used in this Psalm gives us a small view of the flow and changes found within this Psalm.
Returning to the context, we see that this sentence is part of the preparation for life which includes considering the long-term consequences of our decisions. God's judgments
show us those long-term consequences, whether they are good or bad. Thus, the only way to break
from the desires of our flesh
is for our soul
to continuously desire to look at (longing
) the long-term consequences which God brings (judgments
) based upon our decisions in life.
The th
in the word breaketh
means that our soul
'keeps on keeping on breaking'. This is a lifestyle breaking
with the word break
defined as: 'to destroy, crush, weaken, or impair'. Thus, we see that My soul breaketh
means: 'I have a lifestyle of trouble in my thinking, the decisions of my will and my emotional responses to the circumstances of life'. That is why the saved person needs the help of God on a constant basis.
Please see the note for Romans C13S1 about the word soul
. Please also see the note for C119-S26 which shows every place in this Psalm where this word is used and how the usage matches the changes found within this Psalm. The New Testament definition is: 'The long-term result of the short-term actions of our heart
in deciding how we will think, how we will act emotionally to circumstances of life and how we will decide the issues of life'. Please also see the note for James 1:21 about the phrase save your soul
Please see the Word Definitions section about the word judgment
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'a mandate; an order or injunction given by authority; charge'.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'rebuked. Ps 119:78; 138:6; Ex 10:3; 18:11; Job 40:11-12; Isa 2:11-12; 10:12; Eze 28:2-10; Da 4:37; 5:22-24; Mal 4:1; Lu 14:11; 18:14; Jas 4:6; 1Pe 5:5
cursed. Ps 119:10,110,118; De 27:15-26; 28:15; 30:19; Ne 9:16,29; Isa 42:24; 43:28; Jer 44:9-11,16,28-29; Ga 3:13 exp: Ps 37:22'.
C119-S22 (Verse 21) Recognizes the consequence of following the wrong motivation when making decisions.
This sentence is in the section called GIMEL. The theme of this section is that we need to recognize that our choices in life make us responsible for the results which we receive. In this sentence the Psalmist has recognized the consequence of the sin of pride
. Implied is that he will try to avoid that sin.
Here we see the consequence of the sin of pride
, which means
that we have a way of identifying proud
people and even when pride
comes into our own life. Such people do err from thy commandments
. The word err
means that this was not a mistake but a deliberate decision because the proud
person was sure that there must be a mistake in God's commandments
. When someone believer that they know better than God, and can disobey God's commandments
. and get a better result, they are full of pride
in this sentence we see that the wise person recognizes pride
and determines to avoid it as he prepares for a life of serving God.
Please see the note for Titus 2:15 about the word rebuke
. The New Testament definition is: 'To chide; to reprove; to reprehend for a fault; to check by reproof'.
Please see the note for Galatians C1-S4 about the word curse
. The New Testament definition is: 'Doomed to destruction or misery'. The word accursed
is similar the word curse
. The difference is that something which is accursed
has that state permanently While a curse
can be removed. Further, When someone is accursed
, they spread the curse
to everything associated with them like leprosy did.
Please see the note for Hebrews 9:7-10 about the word error
. The New Testament definition is: 'A wandering or deviation from the truth; a mistake in judgment, by which men assent to or believe what is not true. Error may be voluntary, or involuntary'.
is used in Psalms 119 to mean 'a mandate; an order or injunction given by authority; charge'. Please see the Word Definitions for the use of the word commandment
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'Remove. Ps 119:39,42; 39:8; 42:10; 68:9-11,19-20; 123:3-4; 1Sa 25:10,39; 2Sa 16:7-8; Job 16:20; 19:2-3; Heb 13:13
for I have. Ps 37:3,6; 1Pe 2:20; 3:16-17; 4:14-16'.
C119-S23 (Verse 22) Why God should aid us.
This sentence is in the section called GIMEL. The theme of this section is that we need to recognize that our choices in life make us responsible for the results which we receive. While the prayer request of: Remove from me reproach and contempt
might not seem to be a request for aid, the fact is that reproach and contempt
can drive people to sin as they try to avoid these things on their own.
All saved people came from a life of sin. The prior life of sin had consequences. One of the things which frustrates newly saved people is that they are trying to live right but still suffering consequences. As one preacher said: 'You spent a life-time planting that field of weeds so don't expect to rip them all out in one night'. When I was dealing with poison ivy, if it was left alone it would kill a tree. When you cut the vine, you had to be fully covered because any of the liquid from the vine was poisonous. You also had to bury the vine because if you burned it the smoke carried the oil and if enough of it got into your lungs, you could die. In addition, you had to dig out the root or it would grow back and you had to be sure that the root was completely dry and dead before burying it. Then, after you removed it, you had to go back for at least two more years to remove new plants which came up from the seed.
Some sins are like that. However, if God removes the consequences then we don't have to work so hard. While lots of people want God to do this, He only does it for people who truly dedicate their life to His service. In this section of the Psalm the Psalmist has made that dedication and is preparing for a life of service.
When we look at the phrase I have kept thy testimonies
, the first thing to notice is that these are God's personal (thy) testimonies
. That is, the Psalmist searched the Bible for the record of how God kept His promises (testimonies
) in the past, and did the same thing (kept
) as the prior people did to get God's promises. We can rely upon this method because God does not change (Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 13:8). When we do what God tells us to do we must walk by faith
, which means trusting God to keep His promises His way and in His time. We also need to be aware that there is always a testing time which proves that we are relying upon God and are not doing some religious thing believing that our action forces God to give us a promise. Thus, when the Psalmist writes I have kept thy testimonies
, that phrase is past-tense. When he writes Remove from me reproach and contempt
, that phrase is future-tense. Therefore, he is in the time of testing and waiting on God to keep the promises. Testing is always part of preparation for a life-time of service thus, we see one of the things which we need to expect to go through during our time of preparation.
The final thing to note is that our second phrase starts with the word for
. That word means: 'here's why'. People who have not kept thy testimonies
can not claim the promises of God. We have a false gospel which preaches 'name it and claim it'. That is: 'Name any promise that is in the Bible, or that you think should be in the Bible, and claim it because God has no choicer but to give it to you after you claim it'. Anyone who is truly saved, and has even a basic understanding of the character of God, should realize that such a preaching is a lie and from Satan. Until a saved person can claim I have kept thy testimonies
, they have no Biblical claim on any of the promises within the Bible other than basic salvation.
In the word definitions, below, we see the definitions of the words reproach and contempt
. It should be obvious that these are the natural results of a life of sin and, as mentioned at the start of this note, all saved people were saved from a life of sin. Some people, such as Hitler, will never lose the reproach and contempt
which their life earned. However, there is a famous Christian song writer who started out as a murderer and slaver, then became a slave, then received salvation and his life was so changed that he is mainly remembered as a Christian song writer. The only reason that his former life is remembered is for the testimony of how God changes lives after people receive true salvation. With that said, what we need to recognize in this sentence is the promise that God will Remove reproach and contempt
from the life of the saved person but only after they have let God change their life and after they have passed the test of faith. That is what is meant by for I have kept thy testimonies
. While we are going through the test, as the Psalmist was at the time which motivated this section of GIMEL; we need to keep in mind the promise of God and remember that the time of testing will end and that we will receive the promise if we pass the test.
Please see the note for 1Timothy 3:7 about the word reproach
. The New Testament definition is: 'To censure in terms of opprobrium or contempt'.
We find forms of the word contempt
in the Bible in: Es 1:18; Job 12:21; Job 31:34; Ps 107:40; Psalms 119:22; Psalms 123:3-4; Proverbs 18:3; Isaiah 23:9; Daniel 12:2; Malachi 1:7; Malachi 1:12; Malachi 2:9; 2Corinthians 10:10. Webster's 1828 dictionary defines this word as: 'The act of despising; the act of viewing or considering and treating as mean, vile and worthless; disdain; hatred of what is mean or deemed vile. this word is one of the strongest expressions of a mean opinion which the language affords. Nothing, says Longinus, can be great, the contempt of which is great. 2. the state of being despised; whence in a scriptural sense, shame, disgrace. Some shall awake to everlasting contempt. Daniel 7. 3. In law, disobedience of the rules and orders of a court, which is a punishable offense'.
Torrey's Topical Textbook provides links for this word as: 'Sin of: Job 31:13-14. Folly of: Pr 11:12. A characteristic of the wicked: Pr 18:3; Isa 5:24; 2Ti 3:3. FORBIDDEN TOWARDS: Parents: Pr 23:22. Christ's little ones: Mt 18:10. Weak brethren: Ro 14:3. Young ministers: 1Co 16:11. Believing masters: 1Ti 6:2. The poor: Jas 2:1-3. Self-righteousness prompts to: Isa 65:5; Lu 18:9,11. Pride and prosperity prompt to: Ps 123:4. Ministers should give no occasion for: 1Ti 4:12. Of ministers, is a despising of God: Lu 10:16; 1Th 4:8. ToWARDS the CHURCH: Often turned into respect: Isa 60:14. Often punished: Eze 28:26. Causes saints to cry unto God: Ne 4:4; Ps 123:3. The WICKED EXHIBI't TOWARDS: Christ: Ps 22:6; Isa 53:3; Mt 27:29. Saints: Ps 119:141. Authorities: 2Pe 2:10; Jude 1:8. Parents: Pr 15:5,20. The afflicted: Job 19:18. The poor: Ps 14:6; Ec 9:16. Saints sometimes guilty of: Jas 2:6. Exemplified: Hagar, Ge 16:4. Children of Belial, 1Sa 10:27. Nabal, 1Sa 25:10-11. Michal, 2Sa 6:16. Sanballat, etc. Ne 2:19; 4:2-3. False teachers, 2Co 10:10'.
Please also see the note for Psalms 119:2 for the use of the word testimony
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. The New Testament definition is: 'statements that are used in a court of law to judge the legality of someone's actions'.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'Princes. Ps 2:1-2; 1Sa 20:31; 22:7-13; Lu 22:66; 23:1-2,10-11 exp: Ps 119:161.
thy servant. Ps 119:15
C119-S24 (Verse 23) Recognize that people will fight our decision to serve God.
This sentence is in the section called GIMEL. The theme of this section is that we need to recognize that our choices in life make us responsible for the results which we receive. Some of those decisions might cause us to have trouble with devil motivated government officials. However, as our current sentence tells us, we are to meditate in thy statutes
Our First Equivalent Section tells us that when we prepare to serve God, we may very well end up in trouble with the government, especially when the government is led by devil motivated people. A simple example is a Communistic government, which goes against God's order which is to every man according to his work
(Deuteronomy 3:24; 1Samuel 8:8; Nehemiah 6:14; Psalms 28:4; Psalms 62:12; Proverbs 24:12; Proverbs 24:29; Jeremiah 25:14; Jeremiah 32:19; Jeremiah 50:29;
Lamentations 3:64; Matthew 16:27; 1Corinthians 3:8; 2Corinthians 11:15; Ephesians 1:19; Colossians 1:29; 2Timothy 1:9; 2Timothy 4:14; Revelation 2:23; Revelation 18:6; Revelation 20:12; Revelation 20:13; Revelation 22:12). The simple definition is:'reward or punishment matching spiritual works'.
In addition to the above, Revelation 18:3-7 tells us that the harlot, and all who serve the false church, will be cursed: (Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works
Our sentence tells us to meditate in thy statutes
when government officials speak against us
. This means that we are to 'Continually and seriously contemplate the commandments or declaration of God which declare His power'. We are to submit to all God-given authority unless their commands go directly against what God's word says in at least two places. When they do that they have removed themselves from God's authority and no longer have the authority to demand that we submit to their commands. However, government officials still have the authority of man and we are told If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.
(Romans 12:18). Since corrupt government authorities are mainly worried about their image of power, we are to avoid challenging that image in any way while we obey God even in the areas which go against the command of corrupt government officials. We are to 'Continually and seriously contemplate the commandments or declaration of God which declare His power' and remember that God has the ultimate power. Therefore, God can remove those government officials, God can limit their power to hurt His people, God can cause them to not notice the disobedience or God can allow those government officials to persecute and even kill His children. Regardless of what God allows, Part of our meditation
is the fact that our eternal rewards are increased in proportion to the amount which we suffer for God's kingdom in this world. In addition, those government officials are increasing the level of eternal punishment which they will receive if they don't get saved. Therefore, our meditation
should keep our hearts focused on God and not allow anything done by man change our dedication to God.
One thing to be aware of is that when a Second Equivalent Section starts with the word but
, it is the polar opposite of the First Equivalent Section. What this means is that even when government officials did sit and speak against me
we are to avoid saying anything against them. In stead, we are to pray for their salvation while we keep in mind that the ultimate power and judgment belongs to God.
Please see the note for 1Corinthians C2S5 about the word prince
. The New Testament definition is: 'One of the highest levels of rulers but not the very highest level'.
Please see the note for Romans 11:1 about the phrase I say
. The New Testament definition is: 'This phrase expresses a personal opinion, which usually follows the phrase'. Bible authors uses this phrase when they introduces their own point into an ongoing discussion. When Jesus
says this phrase, He is giving a personal command. Please also see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word saith
. Please also see the note for Romans C10S28 about the word gainsaying
. Please also see the note for Matthew 26:1 about the word sayings (plural)
. Please also see the notes for Romans C15S15 and 2Corinthians 2:17 about the word speak
. Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 3:12-14 about the word speech
. Please also see the notes for Ephesians C4S15 and 1Peter 2:1 about the phrase evil speaking
. The words speaketh
and saith
mean that the person 'keeps on keeping on doing the saying'.
Please see the notes for Romans C14S4; 1Corinthians C7S27 and Ephesians C6S4 about the word servant
. The New Testament definition is: 'A person, male or female, that attends another for the purpose of performing menial offices for him, or who is employed by another for such offices or for other labor, and is subject to his command'. please also see the notes for Romans C14S4; 1Corinthians C7S27 and Ephesians C6S4 about the word serve
. please also see the note for Philippians 2:17 about the word service
Please see the note for 1Timothy 4:15 about the word meditate
. The New Testament definition is: 'Close or continued thought; the turning or revolving of a subject in the mind; serious contemplation'.
Please see the Word Definitions section for links to where the word statutes
is used within this Psalm. The New Testament definition is: 'an act of the legislature commanding or prohibiting something; a positive law'.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'testimonies. Ps 119:16,77,92,143,162; Job 27:10; Jer 6:10
my counsellers. Heb. men of my counsel. Ps 119:97-100,104-105; 19:11; De 17:18-20; Jos 1:8; Pr 6:20-23; Isa 8:20; Col 3:16; 2Ti 3:15-17
General references. exp: Pr 6:22'.
C119-S25 (Verse 24)
Thy testimonies also are my delight and my counsellors.
This sentence is in the section called GIMEL. The theme of this section is that we need to recognize that our choices in life make us responsible for the results which we receive. Our sentence tells us how to endure the reproaches of people who affect our life. Our section started speaking about God's law
, then went onto God's commandments
, God's judgments
, God's testimonies
, God's statutes
, and, once more God's testimonies
. If the reader looks at the definitions of these words they will see a progression from the most abstract and general (law
) to the most specific application (testimonies
) with the exception that testimonies
appeared before statutes
because God's testimonies
provide the
practical example which is required in order to fully understand God's statutes
. In addition, God's testimonies
also appear in the
last sentences of this section (our current sentence) because, once we understand all of the various levels of abstract and general rules, God's testimonies
give us the application of those rules and provide the next level of understanding.
If the reader considers the word definitions, below, they should see that this sentence means: 'The way that God consistently and faithfully applies all parts of His laws and rules causes me to have a high degree of pleasure, or satisfaction of mind because they advice me how to live in this life so that I get the greatest blessings from God, especially the eternal blessings which I will have for all of eternity'.
If the reader will truly consider this interpretation, they should understand this sentence.
Please also see the note for Psalms 119:2 for the use of the word testimony
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. The New Testament definition is: 'statements that are used in a court of law to judge the legality of someone's actions'.
Please see the note for Psalms 119:16 about the word delight
. The New Testament definition is: 'A high degree of pleasure, or satisfaction of mind'.
Please see the note for Romans C11S38 about the word counselor
. The New Testament definition is: ' Any person who gives advice; but properly one who is authorized by natural relationship, or by birth, office or profession, to advice another in regard to his future conduct and measures'.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'testimonies. Ps 119:16,77,92,143,162; Job 27:10; Jer 6:10
my counsellers. Heb. men of my counsel. Ps 119:97-100,104-105; 19:11; De 17:18-20; Jos 1:8; Pr 6:20-23; Isa 8:20; Col 3:16; 2Ti 3:15-17
General references. exp: Pr 6:22'.
DALETH: Recognition of personal powerlessness and of God's power.
(Almost?) everyone starts out their saved life sure that God is going to give them lots of victories. Yes, they may stumble a little bit but God is going to be right there to keep them from falling into any significant sin. Then reality strikes in the form of the world, our flesh or of a devil motivated person. Not only that, but most of us have to mess up several times and we keep claiming the verse that says For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again.
(Proverbs 24:16) even when it is about the 7,000th time of 'stumbling'. Eventually, the wise saved person realizes that it is their own pride that is messing them up and that they will continue to 'stumbling' so long as they have pride
. This section is the prayer of a saved person who has finally realized that they need God to lift them up out of the mud and stop 'rising' based upon their own abilities and their own pride.
Starting in Sentence 29 we have a step-by-step procedure for getting out of the problems caused by pride. That is: remove the lies and accept the truth. Then always keep your eyes on the results of your actions and chose the way to good results. Then keep your eyes on how God worked in the life of others and follow the attitudes and actions of people who received the results that you want to have. Then pursue God's commandments as fast as you can.
Our sentences tell us:
After starting on our journey we realize that things are never as simple as they appeared during preparations. Someone has to be knocked down often enough and hard enough to make them really consider how much they really need to stop depending on self and start truly depending upon God. This section is the result of someone getting their eyes opened the hard way because pride prevented learning these lessons the simple way.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S26 (Verse 25) the results and cure for pride.
This sentence is in the section called DALETH. The theme of this section is that all true power comes from God. Our flesh and pride wants us to feel powerful but we need to recognize that we are truly powerless and that only by letting God working in and through us is anything permanent accomplished. The general note gave a sumary of each sentence in this section. Only what is done spiritually will last because we leave all of the physical when we die. Only God working through our life accomplishes anything spiritual which is added to our heavenly account. Our current sentence opens this section of the Psalm and recognizes the results of pride and the only true cure for pride.
The general note for this section (use the link in the prior paragraph) explains the general themeans context of this sentence and the next seven (7) sentences. (The eight (8) sentences comprise the section called Daleth
). As explained there, this sentence is telling us how the word of God helps the person who is suffering the consequences of relying upon themselves. Our First Equivalent Section tells us the consequence of this attitude for the child of God and our Second Equivalent Section tells us the solution to this condition. The equivalency tells us that there is only one solution and that is the Second Equivalent Section.
In our First Equivalent Section we read: My soul cleaveth unto the dust
. This could be said to be: 'Spiritually I feel almost dead'. The world, our flesh and devils tell us that there must be another solution to our problem than what God offers. They have us trying many different things which might work for a short time but eventually fail to provide a permanent solution. Only God's word making us spiritually alive / revived (quicken
) provides any long lasting relief. God's word would provide a permanent solution but our own sinful nature causes us to start living in pride again, which then requires a new quickening
. Thus, our solution, in the Second Equivalent Section, must be applied repeatedly. This is why we need to prayerfully study God's word
on a daily basis.
In our First Equivalent Section, the th
, in the word cleaveth
, means that this is a lifestyle cleaving
. The word cleave
is used for: 'separating and for sticking strongly together'. The word dust
is used symbolically for 'very low and useless condition'. There are times when we can feel that we are in this condition even if we aren't. Further, God will cause His child to feel this way if the child's pride is making them useless to God even while they might be useful in the world. Of course, the spiritual is more important than the physical. Therefore, God can, and at times will, make the child of God realize their spiritual condition in overwhelming feelings so that they will take their focus off the physical and concentrate on their spiritual needs.
As already mentioned, this condition is caused by a spiritual problem. Therefore, only a spiritual solution will truly work and the word quicken
identifies the spiritual solution. In addition , the word thou
means 'God personally'. Only God can truly quicken
us and He does so as part of our ongoing personal relationship with Him. Therefore, the solution found in our Second Equivalent Section will not work for the lost nor will it work for saved people who refuse to return to God in true repentance because they are relying upon themselves when they should rely on God.
Please see the note for Romans C13S1 about the word soul
. Please also see the note for C119-S26 which shows every place in this Psalm where this word is used and how the usage matches the changes found within this Psalm. The New Testament definition is: 'The long-term result of the short-term actions of our heart
in deciding how we will think, how we will act emotionally to circumstances of life and how we will decide the issues of life'. Please also see the note for James 1:21 about the phrase save your soul
Please see the note for Romans C12S7 about the word cleave
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'To stick; to adhere; to hold to'.
We find forms of the word dust
occurring 109 times in 103 verses of the Bible and 7 times in the New Testament. The Morrish Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'Small particles of matter found on the ground, out of which man was formed, to whom it was said, "Dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return." Ge 2:7; 3:19. "The first man is of the earth, earthy." 1Co 15:47. It is used as a symbol of weakness: "he remembereth that we are dust." Ps 103:14. to 'lick the dust' is figurative of defeat. Ps 72:9. to 'cast dust upon the head' was a sign of grief. Eze 27:30; Re 18:19. to 'shake the dust off the feet' on leaving a city where the servants of Christ had been rejected, was leaving them to judgement: not even the dust of their city should be presented before the messengers' Master. Mt 10:14; Ac 13:51. Similarly dust was cast or shaken into the air by men in great indignation. Ac 22:23'.
Nave's Topical Bible provides references for the word dust
as: 'Man made from: Ge 2:7; 3:19; 23; Ec 3:20. Casting of, in anger: 2Sa 16:13. Shaking from feet: Mt 10:14; Ac 13:51. Put on the head in mourning: Jos 7:6; 1Sa 4:12; 2Sa 1:2; 15:30; Job 2:12; 42:6'.
Thompson Chain Topics provides references for the word dust
as: 'Man made from: Ge 2:7; 3:19; 18:27; Job 10:9; 34:15; Ps 103:14; Ec 12:7. Thrown or Shaken off in Anger: Mt 10:14; Ac 13:51. Placed on the Head as a Sign of Grief: Jos 7:6; Job 2:12; La 2:10; Eze 27:30; Re 18:19'.
Please see the notes for Romans C8S11; Ephesians C2S1; Colossians C2S8 and 1Peter 3:18-LJC about the word quicken
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'being made spiritually alive and responsive to the Spirit of God in our physical life'.
Please see the note for Philippians 2:1 about the word accord
. The New Testament definition is: 'Agreeing; harmonizing; when two notes are in a music chord, they move together, up or down, to the next note'. Please also see the note for Matthew 16:27 about the phrase according to his works
. Please also see the Messages called Reward According and Reward According to His Own Labour for the application of these verses in the life of the believer.
Please see the note for Colossians 2:4 for extensive links and other information about the word word
. The New Testament definition is: 'a single component part of human speech or language'. However, The word of God
is the holy scriptures and in the English language, it is only the KJV-1611. The Word (capitalized): is Jesus
according to John 1:1. Please see the note for 1Thessalonians 1:8 about the word of the Lord
. Please see the notes for Romans C10S22 and Word in 1John about the phrase word of God
. The phrase every word
is explained in Romans C13S12; stated in Deuteronomy 8:3; Proverbs 30:5; Matthew 4:4; Matthew 18:16; Luke 4:4
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'soul. Ps 22:15; 44:25; Isa 65:25; Mt 16:23; Ro 7:22-24; Php 3:19; Col 3:2
quicken. Ps 119:37,40,88,93,107,149,156,159; 71:20; 80:18; 143:11; Ro 8:2-3 exp: Ps 119:154.
according. De 30:6; 2Sa 7:27-29
General references. exp: Ps 44:25'.
C119-S27 (Verse 26) Confess error and search for correct way.
This sentence is in the section called DALETH. The theme of this section is that all true power comes from God. Our flesh and pride wants us to feel powerful but we need to recognize that we are truly powerless and that only by letting God working in and through us is anything permanent accomplished. The general note gave a sumary of each sentence in this section. Our current sentence recognizes the need to acknowledge our sins and our sinful attitudes before asking God to forgive and fix us. God refuses to forgive the unrepentant. Therefore, we must truly repent before we get anything from God.
Everyone in life have places they want to go to. They might be physical, spiritual, financial, or some other category. In order to get from where
someone is at to where they want to be, they must determine the way
that they are going to do that. Some ways
appear to be good to our natural sinful flesh. And, while these work in the short-time, they bring long-term disasters. God's ways
appear as if they will not work. In addition, they usually have a teat at their start which makes them appear to cause hurt. However, they bring long-term success.
In our First Equivalent Section the Psalmist confesses to following the ways
of the flesh and acknowledges that God hearest
('continuously hears') the confession of a contrite and
repentant heart. We have to admit that we are going the wrong way
before we will change our direction.
In the Second Equivalent Section the Psalmist asks God to teach me
'The details of God's personal laws'. We must apply 'God's personal laws' to our life, and obey them in spirit as well as in letter, if we want God's blessings on our life. We need
to know 'The details of God's personal laws' before we can meditate on them and figure out how to apply then to our personal life in different circumstances which we find ourselves in. The rest of this section tells how the Psalmist intends to proceed after this step but they must accomplish this step before the can do the rest of this section.
Please see the note for 1Corinthians 1:11 about the word declare
. The New Testament definition is: 'Made known; told explicitly; avowed; exhibited; manifested; published; proclaimed; recited'.
Please see the Word Definitions section for links to where the word way
is used within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible.
the New Testament definition is: 'a method of getting from one place to another by numerous repetitions on the same small movement'.
Please see the note for Galatians C3-S7 about the word hear
. The New Testament definition for this word is: ' Perceiving by the ear. This word is often used symbolically for hearing the spiritual message of the word of God'. Please also see the note for James 2:5 about the word hearken
. The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'To listen closely'. Please also see the note for Mark 4:9 about the phrase He that hath ears to hear, let him hear
. Please also see the note for Matthew 13:17 about the phrase have not heard
. Please also see the note for Mark 4:9 about the phrase ears to hear
. Please also see the note for Romans 2:13 about the word hearer
. The New Testament definition, for the word hearer
is: 'One who attends to what is orally delivered by another'.
Please see the note for 1Corinthians C12S27 about the word teach
. The New Testament definition is: ' to instruct; to inform; to communicate to another the knowledge of that of which he was before ignorant'.
Please see the Word Definitions section for links to where the word statutes
is used within this Psalm. The New Testament definition is: 'an act of the legislature commanding or prohibiting something; a positive law'.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'declared. Ps 119:106; 32:5; 38:18; 51; Pr 28:13
teach. Ps 119:12; 25:4,8-9; 27:11; 86:11; 143:8-10; 1Ki 8:36 exp: Ps 25:5; 119:33,64,68,108,124'.
C119-S28 (Verse 27) Request for more detail and promise to react properly.
This sentence is in the section called DALETH. The theme of this section is that all true power comes from God. Our flesh and pride wants us to feel powerful but we need to recognize that we are truly powerless and that only by letting God working in and through us is anything permanent accomplished. The general note gave a sumary of each sentence in this section. Our first sentence acknowledged the consequence of following our natural sinful ways
. Our second sentence confessed that the Psalmist followed his natural sinful ways
and asked God to teach him the most general way
that God says to go. Our current sentence asks God to teach him the still abstract ways
but ways
that are more specific than the prior sentence talked about. .
In our sentence the Psalmist asks to understand the way of thy precepts
. You can see the definition of precepts
below. The important concept for this context is that precepts
are applications of God's statutes
within this physical reality. Thus, we are going from the most general and abstract to the less general and abstract.
Next we need to realize that he is asking to understand the way of thy (God's personal) precepts
. These were established by God and no man, angel or any other being has the power to eliminote or change them. Therefore, since they are absolute and unchangeable, we must live with them.
Next we need to realize that he is asking to understand the way of thy precepts
. The way
is how God's precepts
work. This is not just learning a single precepts
but learning how to recognize and figure out all of God's precepts
. There may be some of God's precepts
that the Psalmist doesn't know about, but he is asking for the ability to figure them out any time that he encounters one.
Next we need to realize that he is asking to understand the way of thy precepts
. This is not just being able to repeat what someone else told him but the ability to explain the precept
, and its application, to others in any circumstance when the precept
would be applicable.
The final thing to consider, in our First Equivalent Section, is the word make
. It takes time to make
something while it takes relative no time to give
. The Psalmist understands that fulfilling his request will take time and he is agreeing to dedicate all of the time which will be required in order for him to receive his request.
Our Second Equivalent Section starts with the word so
. Here, the Psalmist is promising to talk
in direct proportion to the amount of understanding
which he receives.
Next realize that he requested to understand the way of thy precepts
and, as a result, promised to talk of thy wondrous works
. This lets us know that we can not understand, and talk of
God's works
until after we understand the way of thy precepts
. For example, we can not talk of
creation until after we understand the true scientific principal and natural laws. As an application of this truth, people who claim to be scientists and talk about evolution being scientific are ignorant liars. They do not truly understand the scientific principal and the true scientific method or they would know that claiming that evolution is scientific is a lie. However, people who truly understand the scientific principal and the true scientific method can use them to show the truth of 'Creationism'.
Please see the note for 1Corinthians C14S2 about the word understand
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'understood. under and stand. the sense is to support or hold in the mind. to have just and adequate ideas of; to comprehend; to know; as, to understand a problem in Euclid; to understand a proposition or a declaration'.
Please see the Word Definitions section for links to where the word way
is used within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible.
the New Testament definition is: 'a method of getting from one place to another by numerous repetitions on the same small movement'.
Please see the general note in the Definitions at the start of this Study about the word precept
. The New Testament definition is: 'A general concept of right and wrong that never changes for any reason or circumstance, but which also has many applications with the particular application changing depending upon circumstances'.
We find forms of the word talk
occurring 80 times in 79 verses of the Bible and 20 times in 19 verses of the New Testament. Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'to converse familiarly; to speak, as in familiar discourse, when two or more persons interchange thoughts.: I will buy with you, sell with you, talk with you; but I will not eat with you.: In Aesop's time: When all things talk'd, and talk'd in rhyme.: I will come down and talk with thee. Num.11.: Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way? Luke 24.: 2. to prate; to speak impertinently.: 3. to talk of, to relate; to tell; to give account. Authors talk of the wonderful remains of Palmyra.: the natural histories of Switzerland talk much of the fall of these rocks, and the great damage done.: So shall I talk of thy wondrous works. Ps.119: 4. to speak; to reason; to confer.: Let me talk with thee of thy judgments. Jer.12.: to talk to, in familiar language, to advise or exhort; or to reprove gently. I will talk to my son respecting his conduct.
TALK, n. tauk. Familiar converse; mutual discourse; that which is uttered by one person in familiar conversation, or the mutual converse of two or more.: Should a man full of talk be justified? Job 11.: In various talk th' instructive hours they past.: 1. Report; rumor.: I hear a talk up and down of raising money.: 2. Subject of discourse. this noble achievement is the talk of the whole town.: 3. Among the Indi and of North America, a public conference, as respecting peace or war, negotiation and the like; or an official verbal communication made from them to another nation or its agents, or made to them by the same'.
Please also see the note for Romans 11:1 about the phrase I say
. The New Testament definition is: 'This phrase expresses a personal opinion, which usually follows the phrase'. Bible authors uses this phrase when they introduces their own point into an ongoing discussion. When Jesus
says this phrase, He is giving a personal command. Please also see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word saith
. Please also see the note for Romans C10S28 about the word gainsaying
. Please also see the note for Matthew 26:1 about the word sayings (plural)
. Please also see the notes for Romans C15S15 and 2Corinthians 2:17 about the word speak
. Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 3:12-14 about the word speech
. Please also see the notes for Ephesians C4S15 and 1Peter 2:1 about the phrase evil speaking
. The words speaketh
and saith
mean that the person 'keeps on keeping on doing the saying'.
Please see the note for 2Corinthians 12:12 about the word wonder
. The New Testament definition is: 'That emotion which is excited by novelty, or the presentation to the sight or mind, of something new, unusual, strange, great, extraordinary, or not well understood; something that arrests the attention by its novelty, grandeur or inexplicableness'.
Please see the notes for Romans C9S8; 1Corinthians C3S13; Galatians C2-S10 and Philippians 1:1 about the word works
. Please see the note for Romans C3S27 about the phrase law of works
. Please see the note for Philippians 3:2 about the phrase evil workers
. Please see the note for Romans C11S10 about the phrase works are seen of men
. Please see the note for Romans 8:1-LJC about the phrase judged by works
. The basic Biblical definition of work
is: 'to move, or to labor'.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'so shall I talk. Ps 71:17; 78:4; 105:2; 111:4; 145:5-6; Ex 13:14-15; Jos 4:6-7; Ac 2:11; Re 15:3
General references. exp: Ps 25:4'.
C119-S29 (Verse 28) Request for strength when oppressed and depressed.
This sentence is in the section called DALETH. The theme of this section is that all true power comes from God. Our flesh and pride wants us to feel powerful but we need to recognize that we are truly powerless and that only by letting God working in and through us is anything permanent accomplished. The general note gave a sumary of each sentence in this section. In the prior sentences of our section, the Psalmist has confessed and forsaken his error. Now, in our current sentence, he confesses the need for help as he starts a new way of living. The problem might be from the world or from his own flesh or from a devil, but he is feeling weak and is seeking strength from the proper source so that he will have help continuing on the new path.
Quite often, even physically, we have strength to continue doing the familiar but starting a new repeated action quickly gets our muscles tired because they are not used to the new action. The same can be shown to be true mentally and emotionally. Therefore, we should not be surprised to find this truth also applies to ourselves spiritually.
In our First Equivalent Section the Psalmist confesses his need and does so in specific words. Look at the word definitions, below, and see that the word heaviness
matches what people call depression and the results of oppression. He is feeling this way as a result of his prior sin of pride and going the wrong way. We need to remember the 'Law of Sowing and Reaping'. When we first change our way
from the way
of sin to God's way
, we still have to reap the results of the prior sin. This is why many people repent
and then get upset when they don't get immediate relief from the consequences of their sin. Some people make the mistake of returning to their sin, feeling like their repenting
makes no difference. However, if they do as this sentence tells us to do, after time they will get relief. The fact is that this section tells us the only way to get such relief.
In addition the meaning of heaviness
, we need to consider that the Psalmist says that it is in his soul
('innermost being') that he feels this heaviness
. That makes it something that is constantly with him but he can not identify a specific cause of the feeling. Thus, we see how to separate this feeling from the results of a specific cause.
The final important word, of our First Equivalent Section, is melteth
. Our Second Equivalent Section is a request for strength, which lets us know that the Psalmist feels that he doesn't have enough strength to even retain his form as an upright and active man (melteth
). In addition, since this word is melteth
and not melt
, this feeling keeps coming back every time that he strengthens himself. Thus, he acknowledges his need for ongoing strengthening from God because God can continue to strengthen us even when we can no longer strengthen ourselves.
As already mentioned, our Second Equivalent Section is a request for
strength. Whe4n we consider that this request is attached to a confession in the soul
, we can understand that this is a request for soul strengthening. Thus, we see that it is God's word
that strengthens
our soul
. Many people go to the world in the form of alcohol, drugs, psychiatrists, religion and other things which all work for a short time but ultimately fail. Only God's word
, applied on a daily basis, provides a true and lasting solution to this condition.
One last thing to note is the word according
, which is defined as: 'Agreeing; harmonizing when two notes are in a music chord, they move together, up or down, to the next note'. If people want daily and consistent help then they must apply God's word
to their soul
. on a daily
and consistent basis. People who are inconsistent in applying God's word
to their soul
are not following the command of this sentence and only have their own selves for the results which they receive.
Please see the note for Romans C13S1 about the word soul
. Please also see the note for C119-S26 which shows every place in this Psalm where this word is used and how the usage matches the changes found within this Psalm. The New Testament definition is: 'The long-term result of the short-term actions of our heart
in deciding how we will think, how we will act emotionally to circumstances of life and how we will decide the issues of life'. Please also see the note for James 1:21 about the phrase save your soul
We find forms of the word melt
in: Exodus 15:15; Exodus 16:21; Joshua 2:11; Joshua 5:1; Joshua 7:5; Joshua 14:8; Judges 5:5; 1Samuel 14:16; 2Samuel 17:10; Psalms 22:14; Psalms 46:6; Psalms 58:7-8; Psalms 68:2; Psalms 97:5; Psalms 107:26; Psalms 112:10; Psalms 119:28; Psalms 147:18; Isaiah 13:7; Isaiah 19:1; Isaiah 34:3; Isaiah 40:19; Isaiah 64:2; Jeremiah 6:29; Jeremiah 9:7; Ezekiel 21:7; Ezekiel 22:20-22; Amos 9:5; Amos 9:13; Nahum 1:5; Nahum 2:10; 2Peter 3:10; 2Peter 3:12. Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'to dissolve; to make liquid; to liquefy; to reduce from a solid to a liquid or flowing state by heat; as, to melt wax, tallow or lead; to melt ice or snow. 2. to dissolve; to reduce to first principles. 3. to soften to love or tenderness. Forpity melts the mind to love. 4. to waste away; to dissipate. In general riot melted down thy youth. 5. to dishearten. Josh.14.
MELT, v.i. to become liquid; to dissolve; to be changed from a fixed or solid to a flowing state. And whiter snow in minutes melts away. 1. to be softened to love, pity, tenderness or sympathy; to become tender, mild or gentle. Melting with tenderness and mild compassion. 2. to be dissolved; to lose substance. --And what seem'd corporal, Melted as breath into the wind. 3. to be subdued by affliction; to sink into weakness. My soul melteth for heaviness--strengthen thou me. Ps.119. 4. to faint; to be discouraged or disheartened. As soon as we heard these things, our heart melted. Josh.2'.
Please see the note for Romans C9S1 about the word heaviness
. Webster's 1828 dictionary defines this word as: 'n. hev'iness. Weight; ponderousness; gravity; the quality of being heavy; as the heaviness of a body. 1. Sadness; sorrow; dejection of mind; depression of spirits. Heaviness in the heart of man maketh it stoop. Prov.12. Ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season ye are in heaviness, through manifold temptations. 1 Pet.1. 2. Sluggishness; torpidness; dullness of spirit; languidness; languor; lassitude. What means this heaviness that hangs upon me? 3. Weight; burden; oppression; as, the heaviness of taxes. 4. that which it requires great strength to move or overcome; that which creates labor and difficulty; as the heaviness of a draught. 5. thickness; moistness; deepness; as the heaviness of ground or soil. 6. thickness; moistness; as of air'.
Please see the note for 2Corinthians C1S6 about the word strength
. The New Testament definition for this word is: ' that property or quality of an animal body by which it is enabled to move itself or other bodies'.
Please see the note for Philippians 2:1 about the word accord
. The New Testament definition is: 'Agreeing; harmonizing; when two notes are in a music chord, they move together, up or down, to the next note'. Please also see the note for Matthew 16:27 about the phrase according to his works
. Please also see the Messages called Reward According and Reward According to His Own Labour for the application of these verses in the life of the believer.
Please see the note for Colossians 2:4 for extensive links and other information about the word word
. The New Testament definition is: 'a single component part of human speech or language'. However, The word of God
is the holy scriptures and in the English language, it is only the KJV-1611. The Word (capitalized): is Jesus
according to John 1:1. Please see the note for 1Thessalonians 1:8 about the word of the Lord
. Please see the notes for Romans C10S22 and Word in 1John about the phrase word of God
. The phrase every word
is explained in Romans C13S12; stated in Deuteronomy 8:3; Proverbs 30:5; Matthew 4:4; Matthew 18:16; Luke 4:4
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'soul. Ps 22:14; 107:26; Jos 2:11,24
melteth. Heb. droppeth.
strengthen. Ps 27:14; 29:11; De 33:25; Isa 40:29,31; Zec 10:12; Eph 3:16; Php 4:13'.
C119-S30 (Verse 29) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called DALETH. The theme of this section is that all true power comes from God. Our flesh and pride wants us to feel powerful but we need to recognize that we are truly powerless and that only by letting God working in and through us is anything permanent accomplished. The general note gave a sumary of each sentence in this section. Please notice that we have a step-by-step procedure for how to get out of being depressed and defeated and returning to successfully serving God. Our procedure is:
Thus, we see a step-by-step procedure for turning our life around when we are suffering undesirable consequences from our sins.
The equivalency of our sentence strongly ties together the two actions of our sentence which are: Remove from me the way of lying
and grant me thy law
. We will not receive God's law
so long as we hold onto The way of lying
. Also, if we give up The way of lying
, then we must receive God's law
or we will go back to The way of lying
Notice that the Psalmists asks for God to grant me thy law graciously
. God does not have to do this and any time that He does so it is by His grace
. We can do nothing to earn God teaching us and we need to recognize His grace
when He does teach us.
Please see the Word Definitions section for links to where the word way
is used within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible.
the New Testament definition is: 'a method of getting from one place to another by numerous repetitions on the same small movement'.
Please also see the note for Psalms 119:1 for the use of the word law
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. God will judge us according to His law
. Therefore, this sentence is a request to know how to avoid violating God's law
Please see the note for Romans C4S5 about theword grace
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'that which makes the giver look good. God gives us grace so that He will receive glory in return when we make God look good to this world'. Please also see the notes for Galatians C5S4 and Galatians C6S18 about the phrase grace through Christ
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'Remove. Ps 119:37,104,128,163; 141:3-4; Pr 30:8; Isa 44:20; Jer 16:19; Jon 2:8; Eph 4:22-25; 1Jo 1:8; 2:4; Re 22:15
grant me. Ps 119:5; Jer 31:33-34; Heb 8:10-11'.
C119-S31 (Verse 30) Agreement to follow God's
wayinstead of the
wayof sin.
This sentence is in the section called DALETH. The theme of this section is that all true power comes from God. The general note gave a sumary of each sentence in this section. In addition, the note for the prior sentence gave another step-by-step procedure. In that procedure, our current sentence is a statement of what the Psalmist did in order to truly change the way
that he lived.
At the start of this section we see the Psalmist is depressed and decides to do something about his condition. He tried the wrong ways and now is willing to change and follow God's ways. Our flesh and pride wants us to feel powerful but that is a lie. We need to recognize that we are truly powerless and that only by letting God working in and through us is anything permanent accomplished. The prior sentences in our section told how the Psalmist found God's way. Our current sentence states the decision to follow God's way and how the Psalmist will do that decision.
By saying I have chosen the way of truth
, the Psalmist is not saying that he has truth
but that he has The way
to find it. In addition, the equivalency in our sentence lets us know that the results (thy judgments
) come directly from The way of truth
. (This is an application of God's 'Law of Sowing and Reaping'.) that is, the Psalmist looked at the results of God's judgments
and chose The way
that gave him the results that he wanted to experience. The note for this sentence, in the Word Study on Truth, gives us several words which are used in this Psalm and are related to thy judgments
. That note also has links to many places in this Psalm where those words are used and where we can learn their application within this Psalm. Only by looking at all of those details did the Psalmist fulfill his claim that thy judgments have I laid before me
We can receive good results only from following The way of truth
, which means doing the same thing that the Psalmist did. We will receive bad results if we fail to follow The way of truth
. Read again this section starting from the start (119:25). What we see is that the Psalmist confesses the results which he experienced when he failed to follow The way of truth
. Because of those results, he decided to follow The way of truth
. We also see that this decision started with the prayer to God to quicken thou me according to thy word
. He sought spiritual life (quicken
) directly from God's Holy Spirit applying God's word
to his life.
Simply put: God's judgments
are the direct cause of the results that people get in their life. Since the results from thy judgments
are what we receive in our life, we need to pay attention to what we do and to how we do things which result in certain judgments
from God coming into our life. Yes, those judgments
are the direct cause of our results, but everything starts by our following The way of truth
or our failing to follow it. Therefore, our own decisions cause certain results in our life. As a result, we must learn and follow The way of truth
if we want good results (God's blessings) in our personal life.
Please also see the note for 2Peter 2:2; which is the only other place in the Bible where we see the exact phrase of: The way of truth
. There we are told that people who follow their pernicious ways
will speak evil of...The way of truth
In our Second Equivalent Section we read thy judgments have I laid before me
. This lets us know that thy judgments
are equivalent to (a direct result of) if we have chosen the way of truth
or rejected it. This sentence is telling us to pay attention to God's judgments
. The way
that the Bible tells us that God's people received good judgments
is The way of truth
. The way
that the Bible tells us that God's people received bad judgments
is going in a way that rejects The way of truth
Please see the note for 2Timothy 2:4 about the words chosen
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Past-tense form of choose'. Please see the note for Philippians 1:22 about the word choose
. The New Testament definition forit is: 'To pick out; to select; to take by way of preference from two or more things offered; to make choice of'.
Please see the Word Definitions section for links to where the word way
is used within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible.
the New Testament definition is: 'a method of getting from one place to another by numerous repetitions on the same small movement'.
Please see the Word Definitions section about the word judgment
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'a mandate; an order or injunction given by authority; charge'.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'chosen. Ps 119:29,111,173; Jos 24:15; Pr 1:29; Lu 10:42; Joh 3:19-21; 8:45; 1Pe 2:2; 2Jo 1:4
thy judgments. Ps 119:24,52; De 11:18-20'.
C119-S32 (Verse 31) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called DALETH. The theme of this section is that all true power comes from God. Our flesh and pride wants us to feel powerful but we need to recognize that we are truly powerless and that only by letting God working in and through us is anything permanent accomplished. The general note gave a summary of each sentence in this section. The note for C119-S30 gave the context of each of these sentences and showed how they are a step-by-step procedure. Our current sentence is the third step in the recovery process and the seventh step in the overall procedure.
In our First Equivalent Section we see the verb of stuck
. That is the past-tense of the word stick
('To adhere; to hold to by cleaving to the surface, as by tenacity or attraction; as, glue sticks to the fingers; paste sticks to the wall') with the implication of this action being ongoing with the intent that it last for a lifetime. The definition of the word testimony
is given below and the word testimonies
is the multiple form of the word testimony
. That is: the Psalmist has determined to find all of the ways that God has worked in someone's life, based upon evidence that 'will be used in a court of law to judge the actions of a person' and how their attitudes and actions resulted in the blessings and help from God. In addition, the Psalmist also vowed to pay attention to how their attitudes and actions resulted in the curse and punishment from God. The Psalmist is going to stick
with these testimonies
so that he can also receive the blessings and help from God by following the right way
. He knows that these ways
are how to get the results that he desires. He also recognizes that God's testimonies
include how God cursed certain people because of their attitudes and actions. Therefore, these will also stick
with the Psalmist so that he can avoid God's curse and punishment.
In our Second Equivalent Section we see the Psalmist direct this request to God using His name of LORD
(in Hebrew, JEHOVAH). The King James recognizes the difference between the use of this name for God the father and other names for God by using all capital letters for this particular name which identifies certain character attributes of God. In particular, the Bible uses this name to recognize that God has more power and authority than any other being. This name emphasizes that God is all powerful and that no being can challenge His authority. The reader is welcome to study different names for God, which give us different attributes of God and is part of the doctrine of God. However, the application, in our current sentence, is that thy (God's personal) testimonies
of the LORD
can not be challenged by any being. In addition, since God never changes (Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 13:8), God's personal testimonies
will never change. Therefore, we can use them for instructions on how to live and get God's blessings while avoiding God's curse and punishment. This is how the Psalmist will avoid returning to the place he was at when this section of the Psalm was started.
Please notice the last phrase of our sentence which is: put me not to shame
. 2Timothy 2:15 says: Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
thus, if we are not rightly dividing the word of truth
then God will make us ashamed
. Therefore, our last phrase is a request for God to help the Psalmist to rightly divide the word of truth
. This requires him to actually study the word of truth (Bible)
in order to actually find God's personal testimonies
and find out how to apply them to his own life. Once he finds these testimonies
, he also needs God's help to apply them or he will end up ashamed
. Thus, our sentence is actually talking about an ongoing life of study
and application of God's personal testimonies
Please also see the note for Psalms 119:2 for the use of the word testimony
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. The New Testament definition is: 'statements that are used in a court of law to judge the legality of someone's actions'.
Please use This link for all of the verses within the New Testament that use word Lord
and This link for the Summary on the name / role of Lord
as found within the New Testament. This role is used for: 'Anything to do with law, judgment or government'.
Please see the notes for Romans C5S2 about the word ashamed
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'abashed or confused by guilt or a conviction of some criminal action or indecorous conduct, or by the exposure of some gross errors or misconduct, which the person is conscious must be wrong, and which tends to impair his honor or reputation'. Please see the note for Romans 10:11 for references where the Bible tells us that our belief
/ faith
makes us not ashamed
. In addition, the note for Romans 6:21 provides the definition from Webster's 1828 . One of the simplest ways to understand how the Bible uses this word is to look at 2Timothy 2:15 where we see that our Lord Jesus Christ
will have people before all of the beings in heaven when He makes them ashamed
for not rightly dividing the word of truth
. Thus, the results aren't as bad as being lost but the people we will spend eternity with will know how we acted and they will know for all of eternity. In other words: 'Don't do that!'.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'stuck. Ps 119:48,115; De 4:4; 10:20; Pr 23:23; Joh 8:31; Ac 11:23
put me. Ps 119:6,80; 25:2,20; Isa 45:17; 49:23; Jer 17:18; Ro 5:5; 1Jo 2:28'.
C119-S33 (Verse 32) Each phrase below has equal importance.
This sentence is in the section called DALETH. The theme of this section is that all true power comes from God. Our flesh and pride wants us to feel powerful but we need to recognize that we are truly powerless and that only by letting God working in and through us is anything permanent accomplished. The general note gave a summary of each sentence in this section. The note for C119-S30 gave the context of each of these sentences and showed how they are a step-by-step procedure. Our current sentence tells us the final step which the Psalmist has determined to continue to do so that he does not get back to the place, in his life, where he was at when he started this section of this Psalm.
Please notice that the action verb, of our first phrase, is: run
. This is: 'to do the action of walk
with the greatest speed possible'. The word walk
is defined as: 'small repeated steps' with the main Biblical application being 'The little things that we do in our everyday life' (Please also see the note for Romans C9S28 about the phrase live / walk by faith
.) thus, our first phrase is a promise to hurry and apply the directions from God to every small thing in his everyday life. In Luke 16:10; Jesus
tells us: He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much
. Thus, the Psalmist agrees with the instruction from Jesus
and is going to faithfully
apply the instructions from God (His personal testimonies
) in the little (least
) things of his life so that he will also be faithful in much
(The large things in life).
Next, we need to pay attention to the definition of the word commandments
. The Psalmist might not get everything right all of the time, but he was going to be sure to get right the things which would lose God's protection and provision. It was loosing God's protection and provision which got him to the place that he was at the start of this section. In 1Corinthians 5:5 Paul instructed the church to deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh
. We do not have to do such a grievous sin to lose God's protection and provision. Therefore, the Psalmist is not just trying to avoid grievous sin but trying to avoid any sin which would cause him to lost God's protection and provision.
Our last phrase is: when thou shalt enlarge my heart
. The word when
tells us the time that this will occur. The word thou
means: 'God personally'. The phrase enlarge my heart
means: 'cause me to have more care for other people'. The truth is that it is usually our taking a selfish perspective which results in depression and defeat. Even though we feel overwhelmed by our personal problems, we need to first look to God, then obey God and then use God's help to help others if we wish to avoid depression and defeat.
Please see the Word Definitions section for links to where the word way
is used within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible.
the New Testament definition is: 'a method of getting from one place to another by numerous repetitions on the same small movement'.
is used in Psalms 119 to mean 'a mandate; an order or injunction given by authority; charge'. Please see the Word Definitions for the use of the word commandment
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible.
We find forms of the word enlarge
in: Genesis 9:27; Exodus 34:24; Deuteronomy 12:20; Deuteronomy 19:8; 1Chronicles 4:10; Psalms 119:32; Isaiah 54:2; Amos 1:13; Micah 1:16; Matthew 23:5. Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'To make greater in quantity or dimensions; to extend in limits, breadth or side; to expand in bulk. Every man desires to enlarge his possessions; the prince, his dominions. and the landholder, his farm. the body is enlarged by nutrition, and a good man rejoices to enlarge the sphere of his benevolence. God shall enlarge Japhet. Gen.9. 1. to dilate; to expand; as with joy or love. O ye, Corinthians, our mouth is open to you, our heart is enlarged. 2. to expand; to make more comprehensive. Science enlarges the mind. 3. to increase in appearance; to magnify to the eye; as by a glass. 4. to set at liberty; to release from confinement or pressure. 5. to extend in a discourse; to diffuse in eloquence. They enlarged themselves on this subject. In this application, the word is generally intransitive. 6. to augment; to increase; to make large or larger, in a general sense; a word of general application. Toenlarge the heart, may signify to open and expand in good will; to make free, liberal and charitable.
ENL`ARGE, v.i. enlarj. to grow large or larger; to extend; to dilate; to expand. A plant enlarges by growth; an estate enlarges by good management; a volume of air enlarges by rarefaction. 1. to be diffuse in speaking or writing; to expatiate. I might enlarge on this topic. 2. to exaggerate'.
Please see the note for 119:2 about the word heart
. The New Testament definition is: 'how we think with our mind
and how we make the decisions of our will
and how we react emotionally to the circumstances of life'. Please also see the note for Psalms 119:145 for links to sentences in this Psalm which use the word heart
. That sentence is the start of a section that is summed up as 'personal worship of the righteous Judge'. We see this Psalm tells us to turn our heart
towards God and the various verses which use the word heart
tell us how to do that.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'run. Song 1:4; Isa 40:31; 1Co 9:24-26; Heb 12:1
enlarge. Ps 119:45; 18:36; 1Ki 4:29; Job 36:15-16; Isa 60:5; 61:1; Lu 1:74-75; Joh 8:32,36; 2Co 3:17; 6:11; 1Pe 2:16
General references. exp: Ps 119:5; Joh 8:36'.
HE: personal directions in the path of life to follow.
Once God lifts us out the predicament that our pride put us into, the wise person seeks direction from God before going out and messing up again. Remember, the prior section prayed for understanding
. This section seeks to use that understanding
Our sentences tell us:
There are certain things only learned through experience. Usually, understanding
requires experience of the consequences that come from doing wrong. The Psalmist is no longer a novice on this journey and they now understand
things that they did not understand
before. Now the Psalmist is willing to take the extra effort to be careful and try to remain righteous
in this action we see certain action verbs. 2Corinthians 5:10 says: For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.
this reference does not say that we are not going to be judged for our claims, nor for our thoughts, nor for our feelings bit for our actions (done
). Our section tells us about actions which prove our claims. Those actions are:
C119-S34 (Verse 33) Parts of sentence below are steps.
This sentence is in the section called HE. The theme of this section is that we need to learn to avoid problems by learning to be righteous
. Our current sentence starts out asking for the abstract precept
('law that never changes regardless of circumstances'), which is way of thy statutes
. Please notice that there are many statutes
, but only one way
The many statutes
deal with different circumstances and tell us what to do in each circumstance. Once we learn The way of thy statutes
, we can figure out how to do
even if there is not a specific statute
for the particular circumstance which we find ourselves in. When you are teaching a little child how to clean a room, you must stand over them and tell them each thing that needs to be put into order and how to put that thing into order. Bt the time that the child becomes a teen, they should be able to clean a room without someone telling them each thing that needs to e corrected and how to correct it. Galatians 3:23-26 says: But before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed. Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster. forye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.
the truly saved are supposed to use guidance from God's Holy Spirit
to understand how to do
regardless of the circumstances. The guidance from The word of God
, which is used by God's Holy Spirit
, is The way of thy statutes
Please see the note for 1Corinthians C12S27 about the word teach
. The New Testament definition is: ' to instruct; to inform; to communicate to another the knowledge of that of which he was before ignorant'.
Please use This link for all of the verses within the New Testament that use word Lord
and This link for the Summary on the name / role of Lord
as found within the New Testament. This role is used for: 'Anything to do with law, judgment or government'.
Please see the Word Definitions section for links to where the word way
is used within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible.
the New Testament definition is: 'a method of getting from one place to another by numerous repetitions on the same small movement'.
Please see the Word Definitions section for links to where this word is used within this Psalm. . .
Please see the Word Definitions for the use of the word keep
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. The New Testament definition is: 'To hold; to retain in one's power or possession; not to lose or part with; as, to keep a house or a farm; to keep anything in the memory, mind or heart. 2. to have in custody for security or preservation'.
Please see the note for Matthew 28:3-4 about the word keeper
. Please see the note for 1John about the phrase keep his commandments
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'Teach. Ps 119:12,26-27; Isa 54:13; Joh 6:45 exp: Ps 25:5; 86:11.
I shall keep. Ps 119:8,112; Mt 10:22; 24:13; 1Co 1:7-8; Php 1:6; 1Jo 2:19-20,27; Re 2:26'.
C119-S35 (Verse 34) Parts of sentence below are steps.
This sentence is in the section called HE. The theme of this section is that we need to learn to avoid problems by learning to be righteous
. Our current sentence tells us the
prerequisite for our being able to keep thy law
and to observe it with my whole heart
without some human person telling us what to do in each circumstance.
Please see the note for Psalms 119:145 for links to the 6 times in this Psalm where we read the phrase whole heart
. That sentence is the start of a section that is summed up as 'personal worship of the righteous Judge'. All 8 sentences in that section tell, in detail, us how to worship with my whole heart
. Reformers Unanimous defines the soul
as 'a combination of the mind, will and emotions'. What my study in the Bible has led me to conclude is that our soul
is used for the same thing as our heart
. However, our heart
being the short time version that we control and our soul
being the long time version that God puts together from the sum of all of our short time decisions within our heart
. Thus, we directly control our heart
but only indirectly control our soul
Romans 10:1-3 says: Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved. forI bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge. forthey being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.
We have the same problem today, especially in America. They love to shout 'Amen!!' and 'be slain in the spirit' and have all kinds of zealous responses, regardless of the particular 'faith' that they claim to follow. Romans 3:9-18 says: ...And the way of peace have they not known: there is no fear of God before their eyes.
this section accurately describes most people in America who claim to be saved. Their actions show that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge
because they do not pursue The way of peace
and their ongoing life of sin proves that There is no fear of God before their eyes
even while their emotional response to preaching proves their zeal
. This is because they refuse teaching
even while they love preaching
. And, understanding
is the result of ongoing teaching
, but not of preaching
If someone does not believe what I just wrote, let them look at the statistics of churches closing as opposed to numbers of ones opening. Let them look at the statistics of missionaries leaving the field as opposed to numbers of missionaries going to the field. Compare the numbers of people involved in outreach programs as opposed to claimed membership. Look at the money given to missions as opposed to the amount spent on maintenance and staff. And, while I could go on, these things should be sufficient to make the point.
. . . . . . . .
Please see the Word Definitions for the use of the word keep
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. The New Testament definition is: 'To hold; to retain in one's power or possession; not to lose or part with; as, to keep a house or a farm; to keep anything in the memory, mind or heart. 2. to have in custody for security or preservation'.
Please see the note for Matthew 28:3-4 about the word keeper
. Please see the note for 1John about the phrase keep his commandments
Please also see the note for Psalms 119:1 for the use of the word law
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Please see the note for 119:2 about the word heart
. The New Testament definition is: 'how we think with our mind
and how we make the decisions of our will
and how we react emotionally to the circumstances of life'. Please also see the note for Psalms 119:145 for links to sentences in this Psalm which use the word heart
. That sentence is the start of a section that is summed up as 'personal worship of the righteous Judge'. We see this Psalm tells us to turn our heart
towards God and the various verses which use the word heart
tell us how to do that.
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
'' 1828 hasThe Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'Give me. Ps 119:73; 111:10; Job 28:28; Pr 2:5-6; Joh 7:17; Jas 1:5; 3:13-18 exp: 2Ch 1:10; Ps 119:144.
I shall. De 4:6; Mt 5:19; 7:24; Jas 1:25; 2:8-12; 4:11
observe. Ps 119:10,58,69
General references. exp: Le 19:37.
C119-S36 (Verse 35) Parts of sentence below are steps.
This sentence is in the section called HE. The theme of this section is that we need to learn to avoid problems by learning to be righteous
. Our current sentence. . . .
Please see the note for Psalms 119:16 about the word delight
. The New Testament definition is: 'A high degree of pleasure, or satisfaction of mind'.
is used in Psalms 119 to mean 'a mandate; an order or injunction given by authority; charge'. Please see the Word Definitions for the use of the word commandment
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible.
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'Make me. Ps 119:27,36,173; Eze 36:26-27; Php 2:13; Heb 13:21
The path. Ps 23:3; Pr 3:17; 4:11,18; 8:20; Isa 2:3; 48:17
therein. Ps 119:16; Isa 58:13-14; Ro 7:22; 1Jo 5:3'.
C119-S37 (Verse 36) Each phrase below has equal importance.
This sentence is in the section called HE. The theme of this section is that we need to learn to avoid problems by learning to be righteous
. Our current sentence. . . .
Please see the note for 119:2 about the word heart
. The New Testament definition is: 'how we think with our mind
and how we make the decisions of our will
and how we react emotionally to the circumstances of life'. Please also see the note for Psalms 119:145 for links to sentences in this Psalm which use the word heart
. That sentence is the start of a section that is summed up as 'personal worship of the righteous Judge'. We see this Psalm tells us to turn our heart
towards God and the various verses which use the word heart
tell us how to do that.
Please also see the note for Psalms 119:2 for the use of the word testimony
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. The New Testament definition is: 'statements that are used in a court of law to judge the legality of someone's actions'.
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
Please see the note for 119:2 about the word heart
. The New Testament definition is: 'how we think with our mind
and how we make the decisions of our will
and how we react emotionally to the circumstances of life'. Please also see the note for Psalms 119:145 for links to sentences in this Psalm which use the word heart
. That sentence is the start of a section that is summed up as 'personal worship of the righteous Judge'. We see this Psalm tells us to turn our heart
towards God and the various verses which use the word heart
tell us how to do that.
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'Incline. Ps 51:10; 141:4; 1Ki 8:58; Jer 32:39; Eze 11:19-20
and not to. Ps 10:3; Ex 18:21; Eze 33:31; Hab 2:9; Mr 7:21-22; Lu 12:15; 16:14; Eph 5:3; Col 3:5; 1Ti 6:9-10,17; Heb 13:5; 2Pe 2:3,14
General references. exp: Ps 119:5'.
C119-S38 (Verse 37) Parts of sentence below are steps.
This sentence is in the section called HE. The theme of this section is that we need to learn to avoid problems by learning to be righteous
. Our current sentence. . . .
Please see the note for Colossians C2S3 about the word behold
. The New Testament definition is: 'To fix the eyes upon; to see with attention; to observe with care'.
Please see the notes for Romans C8S11; Ephesians C2S1; Colossians C2S8 and 1Peter 3:18-LJC about the word quicken
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'being made spiritually alive and responsive to the Spirit of God in our physical life'.
Please see the Word Definitions section for links to where the word way
is used within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible.
the New Testament definition is: 'a method of getting from one place to another by numerous repetitions on the same small movement'.
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'Turn. Heb. Make to pass. Nu 15:39; Jos 7:21; 2Sa 11:2; Job 31:1; Pr 4:25; 23:5; Isa 33:15; Mt 5:28; 1Jo 2:16
quicken. Ps 119:25,40 exp: Ps 80:18; 143:11.
General references. exp: Pr 4:25; 23:31'.
C119-S39 (Verse 38) Each phrase below has equal importance.
This sentence is in the section called HE. The theme of this section is that we need to learn to avoid problems by learning to be righteous
. Our current sentence. . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Please see the notes for Romans C14S4; 1Corinthians C7S27 and Ephesians C6S4 about the word servant
. The New Testament definition is: 'A person, male or female, that attends another for the purpose of performing menial offices for him, or who is employed by another for such offices or for other labor, and is subject to his command'. please also see the notes for Romans C14S4; 1Corinthians C7S27 and Ephesians C6S4 about the word serve
. please also see the note for Philippians 2:17 about the word service
Please see the note for Colossians 2:4 for extensive links and other information about the word word
. The New Testament definition is: 'a single component part of human speech or language'. However, The word of God
is the holy scriptures and in the English language, it is only the KJV-1611. The Word (capitalized): is Jesus
according to John 1:1. Please see the note for 1Thessalonians 1:8 about the word of the Lord
. Please see the notes for Romans C10S22 and Word in 1John about the phrase word of God
. The phrase every word
is explained in Romans C13S12; stated in Deuteronomy 8:3; Proverbs 30:5; Matthew 4:4; Matthew 18:16; Luke 4:4
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'Stablish. Ps 119:49; 2Sa 7:25-29; 2Co 1:20
who is devoted. Ps 103:11,13,17; 145:19; 147:11; Jer 32:39-41'.
C119-S40 (Verse 39) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called HE. The theme of this section is that we need to learn to avoid problems by learning to be righteous
. Our current sentence. . . .
Please see the Word Definitions section for links to where the word way
is used within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible.
the New Testament definition is: 'a method of getting from one place to another by numerous repetitions on the same small movement'.
Please see the Word Definitions section about the word judgment
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'a mandate; an order or injunction given by authority; charge'.
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'Turn. Ps 119:22,31; 39:8; 57:3; 2Sa 12:14; 1Ti 3:7; 5:14; Tit 2:8
for thy. Ps 119:20,43,75,123,131; 19:9; De 4:8; Isa 26:8; Ro 2:2; Re 19:2'.
C119-S41 (Verse 40) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called HE. The theme of this section is that all we need to learn to avoid problems by learning to be
. Our current sentence. . . .
Please see the notes for Romans C8S11; Ephesians C2S1; Colossians C2S8 and 1Peter 3:18-LJC about the word quicken
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'being made spiritually alive and responsive to the Spirit of God in our physical life'.
Please see the general note in the Definitions at the start of this Study about the word precept
. The New Testament definition is: 'A general concept of right and wrong that never changes for any reason or circumstance, but which also has many applications with the particular application changing depending upon circumstances'.
Please see the note for Colossians C2S3 about the word behold
. The New Testament definition is: 'To fix the eyes upon; to see with attention; to observe with care'.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'VAU Ps 119:58,76-77,132; 69:16; 106:4-5; Lu 2:28-32
General references. exp: Ge 49:18'.
VAU: personal equipping for spiritual battle.
With new understanding
, the Psalmist now seeks to be better equipped than he was when starting this journey. When the Psalmist started out he thought he was walking with God
but since discovered that his walk was in the company of other believers. Now he realizes that God wants him to walk with God even when that means leaving the company of other believers. He needs to depend wholly and completely on God to walk this new path. That means no longer relying upon others for support. As a result, the Psalmist needs to be equipped with everything that he will need because there probably won't be another believer around to supply what he forgot to bring. Thus, this is the time of resupply.
Our sentences tell us:
This section starts out requesting God's personal help and equipping for spiritual battle that is now better understood than when the journey of salvation was first started. After the requests we see several promises. The Psalmists now knows what battles he will face and is preparing for those specific battles. In the beginning preparation was for battle in general because the Psalmist did not know any specifics at that time. Now he knows the specifics and prepares for those specifics.
1828 hasC: add to Teaching Outline Home Start of ChapterC119-S42 (Verse 41) Each phrase below has equal importance.
This sentence is in the section called VAU. The theme of this section is getting equipped to walk with God even while surrounded by unbelievers and to having other believers for support. Our current sentence. . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Please see the note for Philippians 2:1 about the word accord
. The New Testament definition is: 'Agreeing; harmonizing; when two notes are in a music chord, they move together, up or down, to the next note'. Please also see the note for Matthew 16:27 about the phrase according to his works
. Please also see the Messages called Reward According and Reward According to His Own Labour for the application of these verses in the life of the believer.
Please see the note for Colossians 2:4 for extensive links and other information about the word word
. The New Testament definition is: 'a single component part of human speech or language'. However, The word of God
is the holy scriptures and in the English language, it is only the KJV-1611. The Word (capitalized): is Jesus
according to John 1:1. Please see the note for 1Thessalonians 1:8 about the word of the Lord
. Please see the notes for Romans C10S22 and Word in 1John about the phrase word of God
. The phrase every word
is explained in Romans C13S12; stated in Deuteronomy 8:3; Proverbs 30:5; Matthew 4:4; Matthew 18:16; Luke 4:4
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'So shall. Ps 3:2; 42:10; 71:10-11; 109:25; Mt 27:40-43,63
have wherewith, etc. or, answer him that reproacheth me in a thing. 2Sa 16:7-8; 19:18-20
for I trust. Ps 119:49,74,81; 56:4,10-11; 89:19-37; 2Sa 7:12-16; 1Ch 28:3-6; Ac 27:25'.
C119-S43 (Verse 42) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called VAU. The theme of this section is getting equipped to walk with God even while surrounded by unbelievers and to having other believers for support. Our current sentence. . . .
Please use This link for all of the verses within the New Testament that use word Lord
and This link for the Summary on the name / role of Lord
as found within the New Testament. This role is used for: 'Anything to do with law, judgment or government'.
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Please see the note for Colossians 2:4 for extensive links and other information about the word word
. The New Testament definition is: 'a single component part of human speech or language'. However, The word of God
is the holy scriptures and in the English language, it is only the KJV-1611. The Word (capitalized): is Jesus
according to John 1:1. Please see the note for 1Thessalonians 1:8 about the word of the Lord
. Please see the notes for Romans C10S22 and Word in 1John about the phrase word of God
. The phrase every word
is explained in Romans C13S12; stated in Deuteronomy 8:3; Proverbs 30:5; Matthew 4:4; Matthew 18:16; Luke 4:4
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'take not. Ps 119:13; 50:16; 51:14-15; 71:17-18; Isa 59:21; Eph 1:13; Jas 1:18
for I have. Ps 119:52,120,175; 7:6-9; 9:4,16; 43:1; 1Pe 2:23'.
C119-S44 (Verse 43) Parts of sentence below are steps.
This sentence is in the section called VAU. The theme of this section is getting equipped to walk with God even while surrounded by unbelievers and to having other believers for support. Our current sentence. . . .
Please see the Word Definitions section about the word judgment
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'a mandate; an order or injunction given by authority; charge'.
The word utterly
is used only in this sentence and verse 8; within this chapter. Webster's 1828 dictionary defines utterly
as: 'adv. to the full extent; fully; perfectly; totally; as utterly tired; utterly debased; utterly lost to all sense of shame; It is utterly vain; utterly out of my power'.
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Please see the note for Colossians 2:4 for extensive links and other information about the word word
. The New Testament definition is: 'a single component part of human speech or language'. However, The word of God
is the holy scriptures and in the English language, it is only the KJV-1611. The Word (capitalized): is Jesus
according to John 1:1. Please see the note for 1Thessalonians 1:8 about the word of the Lord
. Please see the notes for Romans C10S22 and Word in 1John about the phrase word of God
. The phrase every word
is explained in Romans C13S12; stated in Deuteronomy 8:3; Proverbs 30:5; Matthew 4:4; Matthew 18:16; Luke 4:4
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'So shall. the language of this verse is very emphatic. Perfect obedience will constitute a large proportion of heavenly happiness to all eternity; and the nearer we approach to it on earth, the more we anticipate the felicity of heaven.
keep. Ps 119:33-34; Re 7:15; 22:11 exp: 1Ch 28:8.
General references. exp: Ps 119:5'.
C119-S45 (Verse 44)
So shall I keep thy law continually for ever and ever.
This sentence is in the section called VAU. The theme of this section is getting equipped to walk with God even while surrounded by unbelievers and to having other believers for support. Our current sentence. . . .
Please see the note for Psalms 119:1 for the use of the word law
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. Please also see the note for Psalms 119:2 for the use of the word keep
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'And I will. Ps 119:133; Lu 4:18; Joh 8:30-36; Jas 1:25; 2:12; 2Pe 2:19
at liberty. Heb. at large. Ps 119:32
for I seek. Ps 119:19,71,94,148,162; Pr 2:4-5; 18:1; Ec 1:13; Joh 5:39; Eph 5:17
General references. exp: Ps 119:5'.
C119-S46 (Verse 45) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called VAU. The theme of this section is getting equipped to walk with God even while surrounded by unbelievers and to having other believers for support. Our current sentence. . . .
Please see the general note in the Definitions at the start of this Study about the word precept
. The New Testament definition is: 'A general concept of right and wrong that never changes for any reason or circumstance, but which also has many applications with the particular application changing depending upon circumstances'.
Please see the note for Psalms 119:2 for the use of the word seek
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'will not. Mr 8:38; Ro 1:16; Php 1:20; 2Ti 1:8,16; 1Pe 4:14-16; 1Jo 2:28
General references. exp: Ge 47:10'.
C119-S47 (Verse 46) Each phrase below has equal importance.
This sentence is in the section called VAU. The theme of this section is getting equipped to walk with God even while surrounded by unbelievers and to having other believers for support. Our current sentence. . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Please see the note for Romans 11:1 about the phrase I say
. The New Testament definition is: 'This phrase expresses a personal opinion, which usually follows the phrase'. Bible authors uses this phrase when they introduces their own point into an ongoing discussion. When Jesus
says this phrase, He is giving a personal command. Please also see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word saith
. Please also see the note for Romans C10S28 about the word gainsaying
. Please also see the note for Matthew 26:1 about the word sayings (plural)
. Please also see the notes for Romans C15S15 and 2Corinthians 2:17 about the word speak
. Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 3:12-14 about the word speech
. Please also see the notes for Ephesians C4S15 and 1Peter 2:1 about the phrase evil speaking
. The words speaketh
and saith
mean that the person 'keeps on keeping on doing the saying'.
Please see the note for Psalms 119:2 for the use of the word testimony
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. Please see the note for Psalms 119:6 for the use of the word ashamed
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. .
Please see the notes for Romans C5S2 about the word ashamed
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'abashed or confused by guilt or a conviction of some criminal action or indecorous conduct, or by the exposure of some gross errors or misconduct, which the person is conscious must be wrong, and which tends to impair his honor or reputation'. Please see the note for Romans 10:11 for references where the Bible tells us that our belief
/ faith
makes us not ashamed
. In addition, the note for Romans 6:21 provides the definition from Webster's 1828 . One of the simplest ways to understand how the Bible uses this word is to look at 2Timothy 2:15 where we see that our Lord Jesus Christ
will have people before all of the beings in heaven when He makes them ashamed
for not rightly dividing the word of truth
. Thus, the results aren't as bad as being lost but the people we will spend eternity with will know how we acted and they will know for all of eternity. In other words: 'Don't do that!'.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'I will delight. Ps 119:16,24; 112:1; Joh 4:34; Php 2:5; 1Pe 2:21
which. Ps 119:48,97,127,140,167,174; 19:7-10; Job 23:11-12; Ro 7:12,16,22'.
C119-S48 (Verse 47) Each phrase below has equal importance.
This sentence is in the section called VAU. The theme of this section is getting equipped to walk with God even while surrounded by unbelievers and to having other believers for support. Our current sentence. . . .
Please see the note for Psalms 119:16 about the word delight
. The New Testament definition is: 'A high degree of pleasure, or satisfaction of mind'.
is used in Psalms 119 to mean 'a mandate; an order or injunction given by authority; charge'. Please see the Word Definitions for the use of the word commandment
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible.
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'hands. Ps 10:12; Eze 44:12; Mic 5:9
unto thy. Mt 7:21; Joh 13:17; 15:14; Jas 1:22-25
and I will. Ps 119:15; 1:2 exp: Ps 119:117'.
C119-S49 (Verse 48) Parts of sentence below are steps.
This sentence is in the section called VAU. The theme of this section is getting equipped to walk with God even while surrounded by unbelievers and to having other believers for support. Our current sentence. . . .
is used in Psalms 119 to mean 'a mandate; an order or injunction given by authority; charge'. Please see the Word Definitions for the use of the word commandment
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible.
Please see the note for 1Timothy 4:15 about the word meditate
. The New Testament definition is: 'Close or continued thought; the turning or revolving of a subject in the mind; serious contemplation'.
Please see the Word Definitions section for links to where the word statutes
is used within this Psalm. The New Testament definition is: 'an act of the legislature commanding or prohibiting something; a positive law'.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: '
ZAIN: Daily prayer at the end of the day after starting spiritual battles.
Now that the Psalmist has survived his initial battles, and is an experienced spiritual warrior who is better prepared, the devil changes tactics. Now he must remain faithful
during boring duty when only the routine happens and it is hard to remain diligent. Now is a time when there are constant 'little battles' that don't really seem to require God's intervention and people wonder if God left them because it seems like God doesn't answer prayer. However, without this time we could not prove our faithfulness
. In this section we are reminded of the tactics used to remain faithful
, diligent
, and consistent, which is the only way to pass this test.
Our sentences tell us:
When life becomes predictable and seems to be boring that is when we need to be extra careful to remain on guard, faithful and diligent in the things that our flesh
tells us we can lighten up on. This is the test of faithfulness
that so many people fail after winning other types of great victories.
C119-S50 (Verse 49) Each phrase below has equal importance.
This sentence is in the section called ZAIN. The theme of this section is remaining faithful and diligent even when it seems like we are doing fine without God's daily presence. Our current sentence. . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Please see the notes for Romans C14S4; 1Corinthians C7S27 and Ephesians C6S4 about the word servant
. The New Testament definition is: 'A person, male or female, that attends another for the purpose of performing menial offices for him, or who is employed by another for such offices or for other labor, and is subject to his command'. please also see the notes for Romans C14S4; 1Corinthians C7S27 and Ephesians C6S4 about the word serve
. please also see the note for Philippians 2:17 about the word service
Please see the note for Colossians 2:4 for extensive links and other information about the word word
. The New Testament definition is: 'a single component part of human speech or language'. However, The word of God
is the holy scriptures and in the English language, it is only the KJV-1611. The Word (capitalized): is Jesus
according to John 1:1. Please see the note for 1Thessalonians 1:8 about the word of the Lord
. Please see the notes for Romans C10S22 and Word in 1John about the phrase word of God
. The phrase every word
is explained in Romans C13S12; stated in Deuteronomy 8:3; Proverbs 30:5; Matthew 4:4; Matthew 18:16; Luke 4:4
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S51 (Verse 50) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called ZAIN. The theme of this section is remaining faithful and diligent even when it seems like we are doing fine without God's daily presence. Our current sentence. . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Please see the notes for Romans C8S11; Ephesians C2S1; Colossians C2S8 and 1Peter 3:18-LJC about the word quicken
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'being made spiritually alive and responsive to the Spirit of God in our physical life'.
Please see the note for Colossians 2:4 for extensive links and other information about the word word
. The New Testament definition is: 'a single component part of human speech or language'. However, The word of God
is the holy scriptures and in the English language, it is only the KJV-1611. The Word (capitalized): is Jesus
according to John 1:1. Please see the note for 1Thessalonians 1:8 about the word of the Lord
. Please see the notes for Romans C10S22 and Word in 1John about the phrase word of God
. The phrase every word
is explained in Romans C13S12; stated in Deuteronomy 8:3; Proverbs 30:5; Matthew 4:4; Matthew 18:16; Luke 4:4
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S52 (Verse 51) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called ZAIN. The theme of this section is remaining faithful and diligent even when it seems like we are doing fine without God's daily presence. Our current sentence. . . .
Please see the note for Psalms 119:1 for the use of the word law
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S53 (Verse 52) Parts of sentence below are steps.
This sentence is in the section called ZAIN. The theme of this section is remaining faithful and diligent even when it seems like we are doing fine without God's daily presence. Our current sentence. . . .
Please see the Word Definitions section about the word judgment
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'a mandate; an order or injunction given by authority; charge'.
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Please use This link for all of the verses within the New Testament that use word Lord
and This link for the Summary on the name / role of Lord
as found within the New Testament. This role is used for: 'Anything to do with law, judgment or government'.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S54 (Verse 53)
Horror hath taken hold upon me because of the wicked that forsake thy law.
This sentence is in the section called ZAIN. The theme of this section is remaining faithful and diligent even when it seems like we are doing fine without God's daily presence. Our current sentence. . . .
Please see the note for Psalms 119:1 for the use of the word law
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. . .
The word forsake
is used only in this sentence and verse 8; within this chapter. Webster's 1828 dictionary defines forsake
as: 'v.t. pret. forsook; pp. forsaken. See Seek. 1. to quit or leave entirely; to desert; to abandon; to depart from. Friends and flatterers forsake us in adversity. Forsake the foolish, and live. Prov. 9. 2. to abandon; to renounce; to reject. If his children forsake my law, and walk not in my judgments - Ps. 89. Cease from anger, and forsake wrath. Ps. 37. 3. to leave; to withdraw from; to fail. In anger, the color forsakes the cheeks. In severe trials, let not fortitude forsake you. 4. In scripture, God forsakes his people, when he withdraws his aid, or the light of his countenance'.
. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S55 (Verse 54)
Thy statutes have been my songs in the house of my pilgrimage.
This sentence is in the section called ZAIN. The theme of this section is remaining faithful and diligent even when it seems like we are doing fine without God's daily presence. Our current sentence. . . .
Please see the Word Definitions section for links to where the word statutes
is used within this Psalm. The New Testament definition is: 'an act of the legislature commanding or prohibiting something; a positive law'.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S56 (Verse 55) Each phrase below has equal importance.
This sentence is in the section called ZAIN. The theme of this section is remaining faithful and diligent even when it seems like we are doing fine without God's daily presence. Our current sentence. . . .
Please use This link for all of the verses within the New Testament that use word Lord
and This link for the Summary on the name / role of Lord
as found within the New Testament. This role is used for: 'Anything to do with law, judgment or government'.
Please see the note for Psalms 119:1 for the use of the word law
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S57 (Verse 56) Each phrase below has equal importance.
This sentence is in the section called ZAIN. The theme of this section is remaining faithful and diligent even when it seems like we are doing fine without God's daily presence. Our current sentence. . . .
Please see the general note in the Definitions at the start of this Study about the word precept
. The New Testament definition is: 'A general concept of right and wrong that never changes for any reason or circumstance, but which also has many applications with the particular application changing depending upon circumstances'.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterCHETH: Daily mourning preparation for spiritual battle.
Supposedly the experienced soldier finds a war zone to be short times of instantly appearing complete terror that come at unpredictable moments within abject boredom that drives people stir crazy. The survivors know this and start each day preparing for that suddenly appearing moment of terror. The expect it at any moment and end their day with thankfulness when it did not appear that day. The young and inexperienced, who might not survive the sudden terror, think that these daily routines are excessive and not really required. The experienced survivor knows better and very carefully does his routine every day.
Our sentences tell us:
In the time between battles many people make the mistake of lowering their guard and their standards. Survivors make a routine of things that keep them ready for the next surprise battle.
1828 hasC: add to Teaching Outline Home Start of ChapterC119-S58 (Verse 57) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called CHETH. The theme of this section is to remain diligent. We must prepare daily for spiritual battle even when it does not come because when it does come, it will be sudden and unexpected. When it comes we will have no time to prepare if we are not already prepared. Our current sentence. . .
Please use This link for all of the verses within the New Testament that use word Lord
and This link for the Summary on the name / role of Lord
as found within the New Testament. This role is used for: 'Anything to do with law, judgment or government'.
Please see the Word Definitions for the use of the word keep
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. The New Testament definition is: 'To hold; to retain in one's power or possession; not to lose or part with; as, to keep a house or a farm; to keep anything in the memory, mind or heart. 2. to have in custody for security or preservation'.
Please see the note for Matthew 28:3-4 about the word keeper
. Please see the note for 1John about the phrase keep his commandments
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
Please see the note for Romans 11:1 about the phrase I say
. The New Testament definition is: 'This phrase expresses a personal opinion, which usually follows the phrase'. Bible authors uses this phrase when they introduces their own point into an ongoing discussion. When Jesus
says this phrase, He is giving a personal command. Please also see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word saith
. Please also see the note for Romans C10S28 about the word gainsaying
. Please also see the note for Matthew 26:1 about the word sayings (plural)
. Please also see the notes for Romans C15S15 and 2Corinthians 2:17 about the word speak
. Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 3:12-14 about the word speech
. Please also see the notes for Ephesians C4S15 and 1Peter 2:1 about the phrase evil speaking
. The words speaketh
and saith
mean that the person 'keeps on keeping on doing the saying'.
Please see the note for Colossians 2:4 for extensive links and other information about the word word
. The New Testament definition is: 'a single component part of human speech or language'. However, The word of God
is the holy scriptures and in the English language, it is only the KJV-1611. The Word (capitalized): is Jesus
according to John 1:1. Please see the note for 1Thessalonians 1:8 about the word of the Lord
. Please see the notes for Romans C10S22 and Word in 1John about the phrase word of God
. The phrase every word
is explained in Romans C13S12; stated in Deuteronomy 8:3; Proverbs 30:5; Matthew 4:4; Matthew 18:16; Luke 4:4
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S59 (Verse 58) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called CHETH. The theme of this section is to remain diligent. We must prepare daily for spiritual battle even when it does not come because when it does come, it will be sudden and unexpected. When it comes we will have no time to prepare if we are not already prepared. Our current sentence. . .
Please see the note for Philippians 2:1 about the word accord
. The New Testament definition is: 'Agreeing; harmonizing; when two notes are in a music chord, they move together, up or down, to the next note'. Please also see the note for Matthew 16:27 about the phrase according to his works
. Please also see the Messages called Reward According and Reward According to His Own Labour for the application of these verses in the life of the believer.
Please see the note for Psalms 119:145 for links to the 6 times in this Psalm where we read the phrase whole heart
. That sentence is the start of a section that is summed up as 'personal worship of the righteous Judge'. All 8 sentences in that section tell, in detail, us how to worship with my whole heart
. Reformers Unanimous defines the soul
as 'a combination of the mind, will and emotions'. What my study in the Bible has led me to conclude is that our heart
is used for the same thing with our heart
being the short time version that we control and our soul
being the long time version that God puts together from the sum of all of our short time decisions within our heart
. Thus, we directly control our heart
but only indirectly control our soul
Please see the note for 119:2 about the word heart
. The New Testament definition is: 'how we think with our mind
and how we make the decisions of our will
and how we react emotionally to the circumstances of life'. Please also see the note for Psalms 119:145 for links to sentences in this Psalm which use the word heart
. That sentence is the start of a section that is summed up as 'personal worship of the righteous Judge'. We see this Psalm tells us to turn our heart
towards God and the various verses which use the word heart
tell us how to do that.
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Please see the note for Colossians 2:4 for extensive links and other information about the word word
. The New Testament definition is: 'a single component part of human speech or language'. However, The word of God
is the holy scriptures and in the English language, it is only the KJV-1611. The Word (capitalized): is Jesus
according to John 1:1. Please see the note for 1Thessalonians 1:8 about the word of the Lord
. Please see the notes for Romans C10S22 and Word in 1John about the phrase word of God
. The phrase every word
is explained in Romans C13S12; stated in Deuteronomy 8:3; Proverbs 30:5; Matthew 4:4; Matthew 18:16; Luke 4:4
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S60 (Verse 59) Each phrase below has equal importance.
This sentence is in the section called CHETH. The theme of this section is to remain diligent. We must prepare daily for spiritual battle even when it does not come because when it does come, it will be sudden and unexpected. When it comes we will have no time to prepare if we are not already prepared. Our current sentence. . .
Please see the Word Definitions section for links to where the word way
is used within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible.
the New Testament definition is: 'a method of getting from one place to another by numerous repetitions on the same small movement'.
Please also see the note for Psalms 119:2 for the use of the word testimony
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. The New Testament definition is: 'statements that are used in a court of law to judge the legality of someone's actions'.
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S61 (Verse 60) Each phrase below has equal importance.
This sentence is in the section called CHETH. The theme of this section is to remain diligent. We must prepare daily for spiritual battle even when it does not come because when it does come, it will be sudden and unexpected. When it comes we will have no time to prepare if we are not already prepared. Our current sentence. . .
is used in Psalms 119 to mean 'a mandate; an order or injunction given by authority; charge'. Please see the Word Definitions for the use of the word commandment
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible.
Please see the note for Psalms 119:2 for the use of the word keep
within this Psalm.
Please see the note for Matthew 28:3-4 about the word keeper
. Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'of anything. 1. One who retains in custody; one who has the care of a prison and the custody of prisoners. 2. One who has the care of a park or other inclosure, or the custody of beasts; as the keeper of a park, a pound, or of sheep. 3. One who has the care, custody or superintendence of anything. In Great Britain, the keeper of the great seal, is a lord by his office, and one of the privy council. All royal grants, commissions and charters pass through his hands. He is constituted lord-keeper by the delivery of the great seal. the keeper of the privy seal is also a lord by his office, and a member of the privy council'. Please also see the note for 1Timothy 5:22 about the word keep
. Please see the note for 1John about the phrase keep his commandments
. The New Testament definition is: 'To hold; to retain in one's power or possession; not to lose or part with; as, to keep a house or a farm; to keep anything in the memory, mind or heart. 2. to have in custody for security or preservation'.
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S62 (Verse 61) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called CHETH. The theme of this section is to remain diligent. We must prepare daily for spiritual battle even when it does not come because when it does come, it will be sudden and unexpected. When it comes we will have no time to prepare if we are not already prepared. Our current sentence. . .
Please see the note for Psalms 119:1 for the use of the word law
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Please see the note for Psalms 119:16 about the word forget
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'To lose the remembrance of; to let go from the memory. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits. Ps. 103. 2. To slight; to neglect'. The word forgot
is the past-tense form of the word forget
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S63 (Verse 62)
At midnight I will rise to give thanks unto thee because of thy righteous judgments.
This sentence is in the section called CHETH. The theme of this section is to remain diligent. We must prepare daily for spiritual battle even when it does not come because when it does come, it will be sudden and unexpected. When it comes we will have no time to prepare if we are not already prepared. Our current sentence. . .
Please see the Word Definitions section about the word judgment
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'a mandate; an order or injunction given by authority; charge'.
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S64 (Verse 63) Each phrase below has equal importance.
This sentence is in the section called CHETH. The theme of this section is to remain diligent. We must prepare daily for spiritual battle even when it does not come because when it does come, it will be sudden and unexpected. When it comes we will have no time to prepare if we are not already prepared. Our current sentence. . .
Please see the general note in the Definitions at the start of this Study about the word precept
. The New Testament definition is: 'A general concept of right and wrong that never changes for any reason or circumstance, but which also has many applications with the particular application changing depending upon circumstances'.
Please see the Word Definitions for the use of the word keep
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. The New Testament definition is: 'To hold; to retain in one's power or possession; not to lose or part with; as, to keep a house or a farm; to keep anything in the memory, mind or heart. 2. to have in custody for security or preservation'.
Please see the note for Matthew 28:3-4 about the word keeper
. Please see the note for 1John about the phrase keep his commandments
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S65 (Verse 64) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called CHETH. The theme of this section is to remain diligent. We must prepare daily for spiritual battle even when it does not come because when it does come, it will be sudden and unexpected. When it comes we will have no time to prepare if we are not already prepared. Our current sentence. . .
Please see the notes for 2Corinthians 5:1 and Philippians 2:9-11 about the word earth
. The New Testament definition is: 'In the sense of soil or ground'.
Please see the note for 1Corinthians C12S27 about the word teach
. The New Testament definition is: ' to instruct; to inform; to communicate to another the knowledge of that of which he was before ignorant'.
Please see the Word Definitions section for links to where the word statutes
is used within this Psalm. The New Testament definition is: 'an act of the legislature commanding or prohibiting something; a positive law'.
Please use This link for all of the verses within the New Testament that use word Lord
and This link for the Summary on the name / role of Lord
as found within the New Testament. This role is used for: 'Anything to do with law, judgment or government'.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterTETH: Learning from errors.
Our sentences tell us:
Only two of these verses directly mention correction (I was afflicted
). However, all of them speak of lessons learned from being corrected by God. Even the best of us need correction at times and this section tells how a spiritually mature saint responds to God's correction.
C119-S66 (Verse 65) Each phrase below has equal importance.
This sentence is in the section called TETH. The theme of this section is to accept God's correction. We all mess up from time to timeans, when God corrects us, we need to realize that He does it in love. Our current sentence. . .
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Please see the notes for Romans C14S4; 1Corinthians C7S27 and Ephesians C6S4 about the word servant
. The New Testament definition is: 'A person, male or female, that attends another for the purpose of performing menial offices for him, or who is employed by another for such offices or for other labor, and is subject to his command'. please also see the notes for Romans C14S4; 1Corinthians C7S27 and Ephesians C6S4 about the word serve
. please also see the note for Philippians 2:17 about the word service
Please see the note for Philippians 2:1 about the word accord
. The New Testament definition is: 'Agreeing; harmonizing; when two notes are in a music chord, they move together, up or down, to the next note'. Please also see the note for Matthew 16:27 about the phrase according to his works
. Please also see the Messages called Reward According and Reward According to His Own Labour for the application of these verses in the life of the believer.
Please use This link for all of the verses within the New Testament that use word Lord
and This link for the Summary on the name / role of Lord
as found within the New Testament. This role is used for: 'Anything to do with law, judgment or government'.
Please see the note for Colossians 2:4 for extensive links and other information about the word word
. The New Testament definition is: 'a single component part of human speech or language'. However, The word of God
is the holy scriptures and in the English language, it is only the KJV-1611. The Word (capitalized): is Jesus
according to John 1:1. Please see the note for 1Thessalonians 1:8 about the word of the Lord
. Please see the notes for Romans C10S22 and Word in 1John about the phrase word of God
. The phrase every word
is explained in Romans C13S12; stated in Deuteronomy 8:3; Proverbs 30:5; Matthew 4:4; Matthew 18:16; Luke 4:4
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S67 (Verse 66) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called TETH. The theme of this section is to accept God's correction. We all mess up from time to timeans, when God corrects us, we need to realize that He does it in love. Our current sentence. . .
Please see the note for 1Corinthians C12S27 about the word teach
. The New Testament definition is: ' to instruct; to inform; to communicate to another the knowledge of that of which he was before ignorant'.
is used in Psalms 119 to mean 'a mandate; an order or injunction given by authority; charge'. Please see the Word Definitions for the use of the word commandment
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible.
Please see the Word Definitions section about the word judgment
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'a mandate; an order or injunction given by authority; charge'.
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The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S68 (Verse 67) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called TETH. The theme of this section is to accept God's correction. We all mess up from time to timeans, when God corrects us, we need to realize that He does it in love. Our current sentence. . .
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Please see the note for Colossians 2:4 for extensive links and other information about the word word
. The New Testament definition is: 'a single component part of human speech or language'. However, The word of God
is the holy scriptures and in the English language, it is only the KJV-1611. The Word (capitalized): is Jesus
according to John 1:1. Please see the note for 1Thessalonians 1:8 about the word of the Lord
. Please see the notes for Romans C10S22 and Word in 1John about the phrase word of God
. The phrase every word
is explained in Romans C13S12; stated in Deuteronomy 8:3; Proverbs 30:5; Matthew 4:4; Matthew 18:16; Luke 4:4
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S69 (Verse 68) Parts of sentence below are steps.
This sentence is in the section called TETH. The theme of this section is to accept God's correction. We all mess up from time to timeans, when God corrects us, we need to realize that He does it in love. Our current sentence. . .
Please see the note for 1Corinthians C12S27 about the word teach
. The New Testament definition is: ' to instruct; to inform; to communicate to another the knowledge of that of which he was before ignorant'.
Please see the Word Definitions section for links to where the word statutes
is used within this Psalm. The New Testament definition is: 'an act of the legislature commanding or prohibiting something; a positive law'.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S70 (Verse 69) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called TETH. The theme of this section is to accept God's correction. We all mess up from time to timeans, when God corrects us, we need to realize that He does it in love. Our current sentence. . .
Please see the general note in the Definitions at the start of this Study about the word precept
. The New Testament definition is: 'A general concept of right and wrong that never changes for any reason or circumstance, but which also has many applications with the particular application changing depending upon circumstances'.
Please see the note for Psalms 119:145 for links to the 6 times in this Psalm where we read the phrase whole heart
. That sentence is the start of a section that is summed up as 'personal worship of the righteous Judge'. All 8 sentences in that section tell, in detail, us how to worship with my whole heart
. Reformers Unanimous defines the soul
as 'a combination of the mind, will and emotions'. What my study in the Bible has led me to conclude is that our heart
is used for the same thing with our heart
being the short time version that we control and our soul
being the long time version that God puts together from the sum of all of our short time decisions within our heart
. Thus, we directly control our heart
but only indirectly control our soul
Please see the note for 119:2 about the word heart
. The New Testament definition is: 'how we think with our mind
and how we make the decisions of our will
and how we react emotionally to the circumstances of life'. Please also see the note for Psalms 119:145 for links to sentences in this Psalm which use the word heart
. That sentence is the start of a section that is summed up as 'personal worship of the righteous Judge'. We see this Psalm tells us to turn our heart
towards God and the various verses which use the word heart
tell us how to do that.
Please see the Word Definitions for the use of the word keep
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. The New Testament definition is: 'To hold; to retain in one's power or possession; not to lose or part with; as, to keep a house or a farm; to keep anything in the memory, mind or heart. 2. to have in custody for security or preservation'.
Please see the note for Matthew 28:3-4 about the word keeper
. Please see the note for 1John about the phrase keep his commandments
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The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S71 (Verse 70) Parts of sentence below are steps.
This sentence is in the section called TETH. The theme of this section is to accept God's correction. We all mess up from time to timeans, when God corrects us, we need to realize that He does it in love. Our current sentence. . .
Please see the note for Psalms 119:16 about the word delight
. The New Testament definition is: 'A high degree of pleasure, or satisfaction of mind'.
Please see the note for 119:2 about the word heart
. The New Testament definition is: 'how we think with our mind
and how we make the decisions of our will
and how we react emotionally to the circumstances of life'. Please also see the note for Psalms 119:145 for links to sentences in this Psalm which use the word heart
. That sentence is the start of a section that is summed up as 'personal worship of the righteous Judge'. We see this Psalm tells us to turn our heart
towards God and the various verses which use the word heart
tell us how to do that.
Please see the note for 119:2 about the word heart
. The New Testament definition is: 'how we think with our mind
and how we make the decisions of our will
and how we react emotionally to the circumstances of life'. Please also see the note for Psalms 119:145 for links to sentences in this Psalm which use the word heart
. That sentence is the start of a section that is summed up as 'personal worship of the righteous Judge'. We see this Psalm tells us to turn our heart
towards God and the various verses which use the word heart
tell us how to do that.
Please see the note for Psalms 119:1 for the use of the word law
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. . .
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The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S72 (Verse 71) Parts of sentence below are steps.
This sentence is in the section called TETH. The theme of this section is to accept God's correction. We all mess up from time to timeans, when God corrects us, we need to realize that He does it in love. Our current sentence. . .
Please see the Word Definitions section for links to where the word statutes
is used within this Psalm. The New Testament definition is: 'an act of the legislature commanding or prohibiting something; a positive law'.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S73 (Verse 72)
The law of thy mouth is better unto me than thousands of gold and silver.
This sentence is in the section called TETH. The theme of this section is to accept God's correction. We all mess up from time to timeans, when God corrects us, we need to realize that He does it in love. Our current sentence. . .
Please see the note for Psalms 119:1 for the use of the word law
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterJOD: Daily preparation of the battle veteran.
There comes a time when we all start to get old. We're still too young to quit or die but we no longer have the energy and ability that we used to have. Our most valuable asset is our experience and whatever wisdom that we may have gained while acquiring that experience. No longer at the front of the battle, like a couple of sections earlier, this is the daily routine of a veteran who is valued for their leadership and experience.
Our sentences tell us:
Notice that the Psalmist is now turning his thoughts to others and his influence upon God's people. This is in keeping with someone who now longer needs help at the hottest point of battle but who now has to make sure that the next generation is prepared to take over the battle.
1828 hasC: add to Teaching Outline Home Start of ChapterC119-S74 (Verse 73) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called JOD. The theme of this section is to accept God's correction. We all mess up from time to timeans, when God corrects us, we need to realize that He does it in love. Our current sentence. . .
is used in Psalms 119 to mean 'a mandate; an order or injunction given by authority; charge'. Please see the Word Definitions for the use of the word commandment
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible.
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The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S75 (Verse 74) Parts of sentence below are steps.
This sentence is in the section called JOD. The theme of this section is to accept God's correction. We all mess up from time to timeans, when God corrects us, we need to realize that He does it in love. Our current sentence. . .
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Please see the note for Colossians 2:4 for extensive links and other information about the word word
. The New Testament definition is: 'a single component part of human speech or language'. However, The word of God
is the holy scriptures and in the English language, it is only the KJV-1611. The Word (capitalized): is Jesus
according to John 1:1. Please see the note for 1Thessalonians 1:8 about the word of the Lord
. Please see the notes for Romans C10S22 and Word in 1John about the phrase word of God
. The phrase every word
is explained in Romans C13S12; stated in Deuteronomy 8:3; Proverbs 30:5; Matthew 4:4; Matthew 18:16; Luke 4:4
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S76 (Verse 75) Each phrase below has equal importance.
This sentence is in the section called JOD. The theme of this section is to accept God's correction. We all mess up from time to timeans, when God corrects us, we need to realize that He does it in love. Our current sentence. . .
Please see the Word Definitions section about the word judgment
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'a mandate; an order or injunction given by authority; charge'.
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S77 (Verse 76) Each phrase below has equal importance.
This sentence is in the section called JOD. The theme of this section is to accept God's correction. We all mess up from time to timeans, when God corrects us, we need to realize that He does it in love. Our current sentence. . .
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Please see the notes for Romans C14S4; 1Corinthians C7S27 and Ephesians C6S4 about the word servant
. The New Testament definition is: 'A person, male or female, that attends another for the purpose of performing menial offices for him, or who is employed by another for such offices or for other labor, and is subject to his command'. please also see the notes for Romans C14S4; 1Corinthians C7S27 and Ephesians C6S4 about the word serve
. please also see the note for Philippians 2:17 about the word service
Please see the note for Philippians 2:1 about the word accord
. The New Testament definition is: 'Agreeing; harmonizing; when two notes are in a music chord, they move together, up or down, to the next note'. Please also see the note for Matthew 16:27 about the phrase according to his works
. Please also see the Messages called Reward According and Reward According to His Own Labour for the application of these verses in the life of the believer.
Please see the note for Colossians 2:4 for extensive links and other information about the word word
. The New Testament definition is: 'a single component part of human speech or language'. However, The word of God
is the holy scriptures and in the English language, it is only the KJV-1611. The Word (capitalized): is Jesus
according to John 1:1. Please see the note for 1Thessalonians 1:8 about the word of the Lord
. Please see the notes for Romans C10S22 and Word in 1John about the phrase word of God
. The phrase every word
is explained in Romans C13S12; stated in Deuteronomy 8:3; Proverbs 30:5; Matthew 4:4; Matthew 18:16; Luke 4:4
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S78 (Verse 77) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called JOD. The theme of this section is to accept God's correction. We all mess up from time to timeans, when God corrects us, we need to realize that He does it in love. Our current sentence. . .
. Please also see the Doctrine of Life. Please see the notes for Hebrews 1:8-LJC and Philippians 1:27-LJC about the phrase life everlasting
. Please see the note for Romans C10S15 about the phrase belief changes life
. Please also see the note for 1Corinthians C11S34 about the phrase sleep is physically dead but spiritually alive
. Please also see the note for Colossians C3S4 about the phrase Christ lives through us
. Please also see the note for Ephesians C1S2 about the phrase just shall live by faith
. Please also see the note for Romans C11S6 about the phrase just shall live by his faith
. Please also see the note for Romans C9S28 about the phrase live / walk by faith
Please see the note for Psalms 119:16 about the word delight
. The New Testament definition is: 'A high degree of pleasure, or satisfaction of mind'.
Please see the note for Psalms 119:1 for the use of the word law
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. . .
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. . . . . . . . . . .
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S79 (Verse 78) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called JOD. The theme of this section is to accept God's correction. We all mess up from time to timeans, when God corrects us, we need to realize that He does it in love. Our current sentence. . .
Please see the general note in the Definitions at the start of this Study about the word precept
. The New Testament definition is: 'A general concept of right and wrong that never changes for any reason or circumstance, but which also has many applications with the particular application changing depending upon circumstances'.
Please see the note for Psalms 119:6 for the use of the word ashamed
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Please see the note for 1Timothy 4:15 about the word meditate
. The New Testament definition is: 'Close or continued thought; the turning or revolving of a subject in the mind; serious contemplation'.
Please see the notes for Romans C5S2 about the word ashamed
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'abashed or confused by guilt or a conviction of some criminal action or indecorous conduct, or by the exposure of some gross errors or misconduct, which the person is conscious must be wrong, and which tends to impair his honor or reputation'. Please see the note for Romans 10:11 for references where the Bible tells us that our belief
/ faith
makes us not ashamed
. In addition, the note for Romans 6:21 provides the definition from Webster's 1828 . One of the simplest ways to understand how the Bible uses this word is to look at 2Timothy 2:15 where we see that our Lord Jesus Christ
will have people before all of the beings in heaven when He makes them ashamed
for not rightly dividing the word of truth
. Thus, the results aren't as bad as being lost but the people we will spend eternity with will know how we acted and they will know for all of eternity. In other words: 'Don't do that!'.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S80 (Verse 79) Each phrase below has equal importance.
This sentence is in the section called JOD. The theme of this section is to accept God's correction. We all mess up from time to timeans, when God corrects us, we need to realize that He does it in love. Our current sentence. . .
Please also see the note for Psalms 119:2 for the use of the word testimony
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. The New Testament definition is: 'statements that are used in a court of law to judge the legality of someone's actions'.
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The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S81 (Verse 80) Parts of sentence below are steps.
This sentence is in the section called JOD. The theme of this section is to accept God's correction. We all mess up from time to timeans, when God corrects us, we need to realize that He does it in love. Our current sentence. . .
Please see the note for 119:2 about the word heart
. The New Testament definition is: 'how we think with our mind
and how we make the decisions of our will
and how we react emotionally to the circumstances of life'. Please also see the note for Psalms 119:145 for links to sentences in this Psalm which use the word heart
. That sentence is the start of a section that is summed up as 'personal worship of the righteous Judge'. We see this Psalm tells us to turn our heart
towards God and the various verses which use the word heart
tell us how to do that.
Please see the Word Definitions section for links to where this word is used within this Psalm. Please see the note for Psalms 119:6 for the use of the word ashamed
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterCAPH: Learning to endure so that you have a personal testimony of God saving when your own strength fails.
in this section we see the Psalmist wore down, full of despair and asking God when relief will come. Think about the times that senior saints take comfort in the book of Job. Part of our section says They had almost consumed me upon earth
. This is a tough and proven saint who has endured much but now finds that God has given them a test of their enduring faith. This is when people ark God to kill them and end the test because death is preferable to what they are enduring. However, many saints never get spiritual to really be put through this test and those who do go through it receive a testimony and reward that only a few saints enjoy for eternity.
Our sentences tell us:
We see the desperate situation of the Psalmist presented in detail, yet the section ends with a promise to testify of God when relief comes.
Please see the notes for Romans C5S2 about the word ashamed
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'abashed or confused by guilt or a conviction of some criminal action or indecorous conduct, or by the exposure of some gross errors or misconduct, which the person is conscious must be wrong, and which tends to impair his honor or reputation'. Please see the note for Romans 10:11 for references where the Bible tells us that our belief
/ faith
makes us not ashamed
. In addition, the note for Romans 6:21 provides the definition from Webster's 1828 . One of the simplest ways to understand how the Bible uses this word is to look at 2Timothy 2:15 where we see that our Lord Jesus Christ
will have people before all of the beings in heaven when He makes them ashamed
for not rightly dividing the word of truth
. Thus, the results aren't as bad as being lost but the people we will spend eternity with will know how we acted and they will know for all of eternity. In other words: 'Don't do that!'.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
1828 hasC: add to Teaching Outline Home Start of ChapterC119-S82 (Verse 81) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called CAPH. The theme of this section is learning to endure hardship so that you have a testimony of God providing even when we get into desperate conditions. If God does not let us get into situations where it is obvious to everyone that we can't get ourselves out then there is no proof that God did it when we get out of the situation. Our current sentence. . .
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Please see the note for Romans C13S1 about the word soul
. Please also see the note for C119-S26 which shows every place in this Psalm where this word is used and how the usage matches the changes found within this Psalm. The New Testament definition is: 'The long-term result of the short-term actions of our heart
in deciding how we will think, how we will act emotionally to circumstances of life and how we will decide the issues of life'. Please also see the note for James 1:21 about the phrase save your soul
Please see the note for Colossians 2:4 for extensive links and other information about the word word
. The New Testament definition is: 'a single component part of human speech or language'. However, The word of God
is the holy scriptures and in the English language, it is only the KJV-1611. The Word (capitalized): is Jesus
according to John 1:1. Please see the note for 1Thessalonians 1:8 about the word of the Lord
. Please see the notes for Romans C10S22 and Word in 1John about the phrase word of God
. The phrase every word
is explained in Romans C13S12; stated in Deuteronomy 8:3; Proverbs 30:5; Matthew 4:4; Matthew 18:16; Luke 4:4
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S83 (Verse 82) Each phrase below has equal importance.
This sentence is in the section called CAPH. The theme of this section is learning to endure hardship so that you have a testimony of God providing even when we get into desperate conditions. If God does not let us get into situations where it is obvious to everyone that we can't get ourselves out then there is no proof that God did it when we get out of the situation. Our current sentence. . .
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Please see the note for Romans 11:1 about the phrase I say
. The New Testament definition is: 'This phrase expresses a personal opinion, which usually follows the phrase'. Bible authors uses this phrase when they introduces their own point into an ongoing discussion. When Jesus
says this phrase, He is giving a personal command. Please also see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word saith
. Please also see the note for Romans C10S28 about the word gainsaying
. Please also see the note for Matthew 26:1 about the word sayings (plural)
. Please also see the notes for Romans C15S15 and 2Corinthians 2:17 about the word speak
. Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 3:12-14 about the word speech
. Please also see the notes for Ephesians C4S15 and 1Peter 2:1 about the phrase evil speaking
. The words speaketh
and saith
mean that the person 'keeps on keeping on doing the saying'.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S84 (Verse 83) Parts of sentence below are steps.
This sentence is in the section called CAPH. The theme of this section is learning to endure hardship so that you have a testimony of God providing even when we get into desperate conditions. If God does not let us get into situations where it is obvious to everyone that we can't get ourselves out then there is no proof that God did it when we get out of the situation. Our current sentence. . .
Please see the Word Definitions section for links to where the word statutes
is used within this Psalm. The New Testament definition is: 'an act of the legislature commanding or prohibiting something; a positive law'.
Please see the note for Psalms 119:16 about the word forget
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'To lose the remembrance of; to let go from the memory. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits. Ps. 103. 2. To slight; to neglect'. The word forgot
is the past-tense form of the word forget
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S85 (Verse 84)
How many are the days of thy servant?
This sentence is in the section called CAPH. The theme of this section is learning to endure hardship so that you have a testimony of God providing even when we get into desperate conditions. If God does not let us get into situations where it is obvious to everyone that we can't get ourselves out then there is no proof that God did it when we get out of the situation. Our current sentence. . .
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Please see the notes for Romans C14S4; 1Corinthians C7S27 and Ephesians C6S4 about the word servant
. The New Testament definition is: 'A person, male or female, that attends another for the purpose of performing menial offices for him, or who is employed by another for such offices or for other labor, and is subject to his command'. please also see the notes for Romans C14S4; 1Corinthians C7S27 and Ephesians C6S4 about the word serve
. please also see the note for Philippians 2:17 about the word service
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S86 (Verse 84)
when wilt thou execute judgment on them that persecute me?
This sentence is in the section called CAPH. The theme of this section is learning to endure hardship so that you have a testimony of God providing even when we get into desperate conditions. If God does not let us get into situations where it is obvious to everyone that we can't get ourselves out then there is no proof that God did it when we get out of the situation. Our current sentence. . .
Please see the Word Definitions section about the word judgment
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'a mandate; an order or injunction given by authority; charge'.
. . . . . . . . . .
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The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S87 (Verse 85) Each phrase below has equal importance.
This sentence is in the section called CAPH. The theme of this section is learning to endure hardship so that you have a testimony of God providing even when we get into desperate conditions. If God does not let us get into situations where it is obvious to everyone that we can't get ourselves out then there is no proof that God did it when we get out of the situation. Our current sentence. . .
Please see the note for Psalms 119:1 for the use of the word law
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. . .
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The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S88 (Verse 86) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called CAPH. The theme of this section is learning to endure hardship so that you have a testimony of God providing even when we get into desperate conditions. If God does not let us get into situations where it is obvious to everyone that we can't get ourselves out then there is no proof that God did it when we get out of the situation. Our current sentence. . .
is used in Psalms 119 to mean 'a mandate; an order or injunction given by authority; charge'. Please see the Word Definitions for the use of the word commandment
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible.
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S89 (Verse 87) Parts of sentence below are steps.
This sentence is in the section called CAPH. The theme of this section is learning to endure hardship so that you have a testimony of God providing even when we get into desperate conditions. If God does not let us get into situations where it is obvious to everyone that we can't get ourselves out then there is no proof that God did it when we get out of the situation. Our current sentence. . .
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Please see the notes for 2Corinthians 5:1 and Philippians 2:9-11 about the word earth
. The New Testament definition is: 'In the sense of soil or ground'.
Please see the general note in the Definitions at the start of this Study about the word precept
. The New Testament definition is: 'A general concept of right and wrong that never changes for any reason or circumstance, but which also has many applications with the particular application changing depending upon circumstances'.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S90 (Verse 88) Parts of sentence below are steps.
This sentence is in the section called CAPH. The theme of this section is learning to endure hardship so that you have a testimony of God providing even when we get into desperate conditions. If God does not let us get into situations where it is obvious to everyone that we can't get ourselves out then there is no proof that God did it when we get out of the situation. Our current sentence. . .
Please see the notes for Romans C8S11; Ephesians C2S1; Colossians C2S8 and 1Peter 3:18-LJC about the word quicken
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'being made spiritually alive and responsive to the Spirit of God in our physical life'.
Please see the Word Definitions for the use of the word keep
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. The New Testament definition is: 'To hold; to retain in one's power or possession; not to lose or part with; as, to keep a house or a farm; to keep anything in the memory, mind or heart. 2. to have in custody for security or preservation'.
Please see the note for Matthew 28:3-4 about the word keeper
. Please see the note for 1John about the phrase keep his commandments
Please also see the note for Psalms 119:2 for the use of the word testimony
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterLAMED: Learning to keep our eye on the spiritual when defeated in the physical.
Our Psalmist has reached the point of despair as far as finding relief from the physical situation that he is in. When it seems like God isn't listening and there is no relief coming, then the true saint accepts that this is how it is going to be. The true saint accepts that their physical situation will not change and stops worrying about it. In stead, they start looking to the spiritual, and looking to heaven and what they will have when relieved from this physical burden. The Psalmist starts this looking at spiritual things by reviewing eternal spiritual truths found in the Bible and put there by other men who lived through the same things that the Psalmist is going through.
Our sentences tell us:
Here we see the details of what to look at when there is nothing left in this physical life to look forward to.
1828 hasC: add to Teaching Outline Home Start of ChapterC119-S91 (Verse 89) Each phrase below has equal importance.
This sentence is in the section called LAMED. The theme of this section is learning to keep our eye on the spiritual when we are defeatedin the physical. We are in a spiritual war but it can be easy to forget that truth. Therefore, God allows situations whuch encourage us to stop looking at the physical and look to the spiritual for our encouragement. Our current sentence. . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Please see the note for Colossians 2:4 for extensive links and other information about the word word
. The New Testament definition is: 'a single component part of human speech or language'. However, The word of God
is the holy scriptures and in the English language, it is only the KJV-1611. The Word (capitalized): is Jesus
according to John 1:1. Please see the note for 1Thessalonians 1:8 about the word of the Lord
. Please see the notes for Romans C10S22 and Word in 1John about the phrase word of God
. The phrase every word
is explained in Romans C13S12; stated in Deuteronomy 8:3; Proverbs 30:5; Matthew 4:4; Matthew 18:16; Luke 4:4
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S92 (Verse 90) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called LAMED. The theme of this section is learning to keep our eye on the spiritual when we are defeatedin the physical. We are in a spiritual war but it can be easy to forget that truth. Therefore, God allows situations whuch encourage us to stop looking at the physical and look to the spiritual for our encouragement. Our current sentence. . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Please see the notes for 2Corinthians 5:1 and Philippians 2:9-11 about the word earth
. The New Testament definition is: 'In the sense of soil or ground'.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S93 (Verse 91) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called LAMED. The theme of this section is learning to keep our eye on the spiritual when we are defeatedin the physical. We are in a spiritual war but it can be easy to forget that truth. Therefore, God allows situations whuch encourage us to stop looking at the physical and look to the spiritual for our encouragement. Our current sentence. . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Please see the notes for Romans C14S4; 1Corinthians C7S27 and Ephesians C6S4 about the word servant
. The New Testament definition is: 'A person, male or female, that attends another for the purpose of performing menial offices for him, or who is employed by another for such offices or for other labor, and is subject to his command'. please also see the notes for Romans C14S4; 1Corinthians C7S27 and Ephesians C6S4 about the word serve
. please also see the note for Philippians 2:17 about the word service
Please see the note for Philippians 2:1 about the word accord
. The New Testament definition is: 'Agreeing; harmonizing; when two notes are in a music chord, they move together, up or down, to the next note'. Please also see the note for Matthew 16:27 about the phrase according to his works
. Please also see the Messages called Reward According and Reward According to His Own Labour for the application of these verses in the life of the believer.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S94 (Verse 92) Each phrase below has equal importance.
This sentence is in the section called LAMED. The theme of this section is learning to keep our eye on the spiritual when we are defeatedin the physical. We are in a spiritual war but it can be easy to forget that truth. Therefore, God allows situations whuch encourage us to stop looking at the physical and look to the spiritual for our encouragement. Our current sentence. . .
Please see the note for Psalms 119:16 about the word delight
. The New Testament definition is: 'A high degree of pleasure, or satisfaction of mind'.
Please see the note for Psalms 119:1 for the use of the word law
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S95 (Verse 93) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called LAMED. The theme of this section is learning to keep our eye on the spiritual when we are defeatedin the physical. We are in a spiritual war but it can be easy to forget that truth. Therefore, God allows situations whuch encourage us to stop looking at the physical and look to the spiritual for our encouragement. Our current sentence. . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Please see the note for Psalms 119:16 about the word forget
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'To lose the remembrance of; to let go from the memory. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits. Ps. 103. 2. To slight; to neglect'. The word forgot
is the past-tense form of the word forget
Please see the general note in the Definitions at the start of this Study about the word precept
. The New Testament definition is: 'A general concept of right and wrong that never changes for any reason or circumstance, but which also has many applications with the particular application changing depending upon circumstances'.
Please see the notes for Romans C8S11; Ephesians C2S1; Colossians C2S8 and 1Peter 3:18-LJC about the word quicken
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'being made spiritually alive and responsive to the Spirit of God in our physical life'.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S96 (Verse 94) Parts of sentence below are steps.
This sentence is in the section called LAMED. The theme of this section is learning to keep our eye on the spiritual when we are defeatedin the physical. We are in a spiritual war but it can be easy to forget that truth. Therefore, God allows situations whuch encourage us to stop looking at the physical and look to the spiritual for our encouragement. Our current sentence. . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Please see the general note in the Definitions at the start of this Study about the word precept
. The New Testament definition is: 'A general concept of right and wrong that never changes for any reason or circumstance, but which also has many applications with the particular application changing depending upon circumstances'.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S97 (Verse 95) This sentence has equivalent sections.
Please also see the note for Psalms 119:2 for the use of the word testimony
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. The New Testament definition is: 'statements that are used in a court of law to judge the legality of someone's actions'.
This sentence is in the section called LAMED. The theme of this section is learning to keep our eye on the spiritual when we are defeatedin the physical. We are in a spiritual war but it can be easy to forget that truth. Therefore, God allows situations whuch encourage us to stop looking at the physical and look to the spiritual for our encouragement. Our current sentence. . .
. . . . . . . . . .
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. . . . . . . . . . .
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S98 (Verse 96) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called LAMED. The theme of this section is learning to keep our eye on the spiritual when we are defeatedin the physical. We are in a spiritual war but it can be easy to forget that truth. Therefore, God allows situations whuch encourage us to stop looking at the physical and look to the spiritual for our encouragement. Our current sentence. . .
is used in Psalms 119 to mean 'a mandate; an order or injunction given by authority; charge'. Please see the Word Definitions for the use of the word commandment
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterMEM: Rewards of staying faithful through the worst.
After giving up on seeing relief in this physical world and after reviewing eternal spiritual truths, our Psalmist now looks at his own life from a spiritual perspective.
Our sentences tell us:
Now we see true Biblical joy
. The Psalmist is still in the same conditions which caused him to despair a couple of sections previously. Yet here we can see the joyful praise that is strictly from changing the perspective that is used to view the situation which the Psalmist is in.
C119-S99 (Verse 97)
O how love I thy law!
This sentence is in the section called MEM. The theme of this section is the rewards of staying faithful through the worst physical conditions. After giving up on seeing relief in this physical world and after reviewing eternal spiritual truths, our Psalmist now looks at his own life from a spiritual perspective. . Our current sentence. . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S100 (Verse 97)
it is my meditation all the day.
This sentence is in the section called MEM. The theme of this section is the rewards of staying faithful through the worst physical conditions. After giving up on seeing relief in this physical world and after reviewing eternal spiritual truths, our Psalmist now looks at his own life from a spiritual perspective. . Our current sentence. . .
Please see the note for Psalms 119:1 for the use of the word law
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S101 (Verse 98) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called MEM. The theme of this section is the rewards of staying faithful through the worst physical conditions. After giving up on seeing relief in this physical world and after reviewing eternal spiritual truths, our Psalmist now looks at his own life from a spiritual perspective. . Our current sentence. . .
is used in Psalms 119 to mean 'a mandate; an order or injunction given by authority; charge'. Please see the Word Definitions for the use of the word commandment
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible.
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S102 (Verse 99) This sentence has equivalent sections.
Please also see the note for Psalms 119:2 for the use of the word testimony
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. The New Testament definition is: 'statements that are used in a court of law to judge the legality of someone's actions'.
This sentence is in the section called MEM. The theme of this section is the rewards of staying faithful through the worst physical conditions. After giving up on seeing relief in this physical world and after reviewing eternal spiritual truths, our Psalmist now looks at his own life from a spiritual perspective. . Our current sentence. . .
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. . . . . . . . . . .
Please see the note for 1Corinthians C12S27 about the word teach
. The New Testament definition is: ' to instruct; to inform; to communicate to another the knowledge of that of which he was before ignorant'.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S103 (Verse 100) Each phrase below has equal importance.
This sentence is in the section called MEM. The theme of this section is the rewards of staying faithful through the worst physical conditions. After giving up on seeing relief in this physical world and after reviewing eternal spiritual truths, our Psalmist now looks at his own life from a spiritual perspective. . Our current sentence. . .
Please see the Word Definitions for the use of the word keep
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. The New Testament definition is: 'To hold; to retain in one's power or possession; not to lose or part with; as, to keep a house or a farm; to keep anything in the memory, mind or heart. 2. to have in custody for security or preservation'.
Please see the note for Matthew 28:3-4 about the word keeper
. Please see the note for 1John about the phrase keep his commandments
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
Please see the general note in the Definitions at the start of this Study about the word precept
. The New Testament definition is: 'A general concept of right and wrong that never changes for any reason or circumstance, but which also has many applications with the particular application changing depending upon circumstances'.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S104 (Verse 101) Each phrase below has equal importance.
This sentence is in the section called MEM. The theme of this section is the rewards of staying faithful through the worst physical conditions. After giving up on seeing relief in this physical world and after reviewing eternal spiritual truths, our Psalmist now looks at his own life from a spiritual perspective. . Our current sentence. . .
Please see the Word Definitions section for links to where the word way
is used within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible.
the New Testament definition is: 'a method of getting from one place to another by numerous repetitions on the same small movement'.
Please also see the note for Psalms 119:2 for the use of the word keep
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Please see the note for Colossians 2:4 for extensive links and other information about the word word
. The New Testament definition is: 'a single component part of human speech or language'. However, The word of God
is the holy scriptures and in the English language, it is only the KJV-1611. The Word (capitalized): is Jesus
according to John 1:1. Please see the note for 1Thessalonians 1:8 about the word of the Lord
. Please see the notes for Romans C10S22 and Word in 1John about the phrase word of God
. The phrase every word
is explained in Romans C13S12; stated in Deuteronomy 8:3; Proverbs 30:5; Matthew 4:4; Matthew 18:16; Luke 4:4
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S105 (Verse 102) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called MEM. The theme of this section is the rewards of staying faithful through the worst physical conditions. After giving up on seeing relief in this physical world and after reviewing eternal spiritual truths, our Psalmist now looks at his own life from a spiritual perspective. . Our current sentence. . .
Please see the Word Definitions section about the word judgment
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'a mandate; an order or injunction given by authority; charge'.
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S106 (Verse 103)
How sweet are thy words unto my taste!
This sentence is in the section called MEM. The theme of this section is the rewards of staying faithful through the worst physical conditions. After giving up on seeing relief in this physical world and after reviewing eternal spiritual truths, our Psalmist now looks at his own life from a spiritual perspective. . Our current sentence. . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Please see the note for Colossians 2:4 for extensive links and other information about the word word
. The New Testament definition is: 'a single component part of human speech or language'. However, The word of God
is the holy scriptures and in the English language, it is only the KJV-1611. The Word (capitalized): is Jesus
according to John 1:1. Please see the note for 1Thessalonians 1:8 about the word of the Lord
. Please see the notes for Romans C10S22 and Word in 1John about the phrase word of God
. The phrase every word
is explained in Romans C13S12; stated in Deuteronomy 8:3; Proverbs 30:5; Matthew 4:4; Matthew 18:16; Luke 4:4
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S107 (Verse 103) Each phrase below has equal importance.
This sentence is in the section called MEM. The theme of this section is the rewards of staying faithful through the worst physical conditions. After giving up on seeing relief in this physical world and after reviewing eternal spiritual truths, our Psalmist now looks at his own life from a spiritual perspective. . Our current sentence. . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S108 (Verse 104) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called MEM. The theme of this section is the rewards of staying faithful through the worst physical conditions. After giving up on seeing relief in this physical world and after reviewing eternal spiritual truths, our Psalmist now looks at his own life from a spiritual perspective. . Our current sentence. . .
Please see the Word Definitions section for links to where the word way
is used within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible.
the New Testament definition is: 'a method of getting from one place to another by numerous repetitions on the same small movement'.
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Please see the general note in the Definitions at the start of this Study about the word precept
. The New Testament definition is: 'A general concept of right and wrong that never changes for any reason or circumstance, but which also has many applications with the particular application changing depending upon circumstances'.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterNUN: Turning eyes to spiritual things and ignoring the physical.
Now that the Psalmist has been encouraged and found true Biblical joy
, he is ready to go back out and join the battle again. He is still in the same physical situation where he could die at any time. We see this in the verses of this section. However, he is no longer letting the physical problems keep him from serving God every way that he can.
Our sentences tell us:
Here we see true revival. Yes, he still has the problems that he has had for the last few sections. However, he got his joy
back in the prior section and he has gotten back in touch with the source of his spiritual life and he is now ready to return to the battle.
C119-S109 (Verse 105) Each phrase below has equal importance.
This sentence is in the section called NUN. The theme of this section is keeping our eyes on the spiritual and ignoring physical conditions. This is how God wants us to battle for Him in this world. . Our current sentence. . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Please see the note for Colossians 2:4 for extensive links and other information about the word word
. The New Testament definition is: 'a single component part of human speech or language'. However, The word of God
is the holy scriptures and in the English language, it is only the KJV-1611. The Word (capitalized): is Jesus
according to John 1:1. Please see the note for 1Thessalonians 1:8 about the word of the Lord
. Please see the notes for Romans C10S22 and Word in 1John about the phrase word of God
. The phrase every word
is explained in Romans C13S12; stated in Deuteronomy 8:3; Proverbs 30:5; Matthew 4:4; Matthew 18:16; Luke 4:4
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S110 (Verse 106) Each phrase below has equal importance.
This sentence is in the section called NUN. The theme of this section is keeping our eyes on the spiritual and ignoring physical conditions. This is how God wants us to battle for Him in this world. . Our current sentence. . .
Please see the Word Definitions for the use of the word keep
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. The New Testament definition is: 'To hold; to retain in one's power or possession; not to lose or part with; as, to keep a house or a farm; to keep anything in the memory, mind or heart. 2. to have in custody for security or preservation'.
Please see the note for Matthew 28:3-4 about the word keeper
. Please see the note for 1John about the phrase keep his commandments
Please see the note for Psalms 119:7 for the use of the word judgment
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S111 (Verse 107) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called NUN. The theme of this section is keeping our eyes on the spiritual and ignoring physical conditions. This is how God wants us to battle for Him in this world. . Our current sentence. . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Please see the note for Philippians 2:1 about the word accord
. The New Testament definition is: 'Agreeing; harmonizing; when two notes are in a music chord, they move together, up or down, to the next note'. Please also see the note for Matthew 16:27 about the phrase according to his works
. Please also see the Messages called Reward According and Reward According to His Own Labour for the application of these verses in the life of the believer.
Please see the notes for Romans C8S11; Ephesians C2S1; Colossians C2S8 and 1Peter 3:18-LJC about the word quicken
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'being made spiritually alive and responsive to the Spirit of God in our physical life'.
Please see the note for Colossians 2:4 for extensive links and other information about the word word
. The New Testament definition is: 'a single component part of human speech or language'. However, The word of God
is the holy scriptures and in the English language, it is only the KJV-1611. The Word (capitalized): is Jesus
according to John 1:1. Please see the note for 1Thessalonians 1:8 about the word of the Lord
. Please see the notes for Romans C10S22 and Word in 1John about the phrase word of God
. The phrase every word
is explained in Romans C13S12; stated in Deuteronomy 8:3; Proverbs 30:5; Matthew 4:4; Matthew 18:16; Luke 4:4
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S112 (Verse 108) Each phrase below has equal importance.
This sentence is in the section called NUN. The theme of this section is keeping our eyes on the spiritual and ignoring physical conditions. This is how God wants us to battle for Him in this world. . Our current sentence. . .
Please see the note for 1Corinthians C12S27 about the word teach
. The New Testament definition is: ' to instruct; to inform; to communicate to another the knowledge of that of which he was before ignorant'.
Please see the Word Definitions section about the word judgment
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'a mandate; an order or injunction given by authority; charge'.
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S113 (Verse 109) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called NUN. The theme of this section is keeping our eyes on the spiritual and ignoring physical conditions. This is how God wants us to battle for Him in this world. . Our current sentence. . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Please see the note for Romans C13S1 about the word soul
. Please also see the note for C119-S26 which shows every place in this Psalm where this word is used and how the usage matches the changes found within this Psalm. The New Testament definition is: 'The long-term result of the short-term actions of our heart
in deciding how we will think, how we will act emotionally to circumstances of life and how we will decide the issues of life'. Please also see the note for James 1:21 about the phrase save your soul
Please see the note for Psalms 119:16 about the word forget
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'To lose the remembrance of; to let go from the memory. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits. Ps. 103. 2. To slight; to neglect'. The word forgot
is the past-tense form of the word forget
Please see the note for Psalms 119:1 for the use of the word law
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S114 (Verse 110) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called NUN. The theme of this section is keeping our eyes on the spiritual and ignoring physical conditions. This is how God wants us to battle for Him in this world. . Our current sentence. . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Please see the note for Hebrews 9:7-10 about the word error
. The New Testament definition is: 'A wandering or deviation from the truth; a mistake in judgment, by which men assent to or believe what is not true. Error may be voluntary, or involuntary'.
Please see the general note in the Definitions at the start of this Study about the word precept
. The New Testament definition is: 'A general concept of right and wrong that never changes for any reason or circumstance, but which also has many applications with the particular application changing depending upon circumstances'.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S115 (Verse 111) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called NUN. The theme of this section is keeping our eyes on the spiritual and ignoring physical conditions. This is how God wants us to battle for Him in this world. . Our current sentence. . .
Please see the note for 119:2 about the word heart
. The New Testament definition is: 'how we think with our mind
and how we make the decisions of our will
and how we react emotionally to the circumstances of life'. Please also see the note for Psalms 119:145 for links to sentences in this Psalm which use the word heart
. That sentence is the start of a section that is summed up as 'personal worship of the righteous Judge'. We see this Psalm tells us to turn our heart
towards God and the various verses which use the word heart
tell us how to do that.
Please see the notes for Romans C12S8; Galatians C4-S24 and Philippians 4:4-LJC about the word rejoice
. The acrostic of 'Jesus, Others, You' tells us the priorities we must keep within our life if we are to experience true joy
. Please also see the note for 1Corinthians 13:4-7 for links from Treasury of Scripture Knowledge about when we should rejoice
and when we should rejoice not
. We find forms of the word rejoice
occurring 286 times in 266 verses of the Bible, 77 times in 70 verses of the New Testament, and in Philippians, in: 1:18; our current sentence; 2:16; 2:17; 2:18; 2:28; 3:1; 3:3; 4:4 and 4:10. Webster's 1828 dictionary defines rejoice
as: 'To experience joy and gladness in a high degree; to be exhilarated with lively and pleasurable sensations; to exult'.
Please also see the note for Psalms 119:2 for the use of the word testimony
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. The New Testament definition is: 'statements that are used in a court of law to judge the legality of someone's actions'.
. . . . . . . . . .
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. . . . . . . . . . .
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S116 (Verse 112) Each phrase below has equal importance.
This sentence is in the section called NUN. The theme of this section is keeping our eyes on the spiritual and ignoring physical conditions. This is how God wants us to battle for Him in this world. . Our current sentence. . .
Please see the note for 119:2 about the word heart
. The New Testament definition is: 'how we think with our mind
and how we make the decisions of our will
and how we react emotionally to the circumstances of life'. Please also see the note for Psalms 119:145 for links to sentences in this Psalm which use the word heart
. That sentence is the start of a section that is summed up as 'personal worship of the righteous Judge'. We see this Psalm tells us to turn our heart
towards God and the various verses which use the word heart
tell us how to do that.
Please see the Word Definitions section for links to where the word way
is used within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible.
the New Testament definition is: 'a method of getting from one place to another by numerous repetitions on the same small movement'.
Please see the Word Definitions section for links to where the word statutes
is used within this Psalm. The New Testament definition is: 'an act of the legislature commanding or prohibiting something; a positive law'.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterSAMECH: Turning our heart to spiritual things.
Our Psalmist has renewed his joy and his vows. He has been revived and picked up his armor again. He is returning to the battle but now he has experienced the failure of his personal faith. Now, as he goes into battle, he reminds himself of his total dependence upon God and what it takes for him to retain the ongoing support of God.
Our sentences tell us:
Here we see the battle-scarred veteran returning to battle. He no longer has pretentions or illusions and he is going to do what God says is right and leave the consequences to God.
1828 hasC: add to Teaching Outline Home Start of ChapterC119-S117 (Verse 113) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called SAMECH. The theme of this section is turning our heart to spiritual things. . . Our current sentence. . .
Please see the note for Psalms 119:1 for the use of the word law
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Please see the note for 2Timothy 2:4 about the words chosen
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Past-tense form of choose'. Please see the note for Philippians 1:22 about the word choose
. The New Testament definition forit is: 'To pick out; to select; to take by way of preference from two or more things offered; to make choice of'.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S118 (Verse 114) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called SAMECH. The theme of this section is turning our heart to spiritual things. . . Our current sentence. . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Please see the note for Colossians 2:4 for extensive links and other information about the word word
. The New Testament definition is: 'a single component part of human speech or language'. However, The word of God
is the holy scriptures and in the English language, it is only the KJV-1611. The Word (capitalized): is Jesus
according to John 1:1. Please see the note for 1Thessalonians 1:8 about the word of the Lord
. Please see the notes for Romans C10S22 and Word in 1John about the phrase word of God
. The phrase every word
is explained in Romans C13S12; stated in Deuteronomy 8:3; Proverbs 30:5; Matthew 4:4; Matthew 18:16; Luke 4:4
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S119 (Verse 115) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called SAMECH. The theme of this section is turning our heart to spiritual things. . . Our current sentence. . .
is used in Psalms 119 to mean 'a mandate; an order or injunction given by authority; charge'. Please see the Word Definitions for the use of the word commandment
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible.
Please see the Word Definitions for the use of the word keep
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. The New Testament definition is: 'To hold; to retain in one's power or possession; not to lose or part with; as, to keep a house or a farm; to keep anything in the memory, mind or heart. 2. to have in custody for security or preservation'.
Please see the note for Matthew 28:3-4 about the word keeper
. Please see the note for 1John about the phrase keep his commandments
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S120 (Verse 116) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called SAMECH. The theme of this section is turning our heart to spiritual things. . . Our current sentence. . .
. Please also see the Doctrine of Life. Please see the notes for Hebrews 1:8-LJC and Philippians 1:27-LJC about the phrase life everlasting
. Please see the note for Romans C10S15 about the phrase belief changes life
. Please also see the note for 1Corinthians C11S34 about the phrase sleep is physically dead but spiritually alive
. Please also see the note for Colossians C3S4 about the phrase Christ lives through us
. Please also see the note for Ephesians C1S2 about the phrase just shall live by faith
. Please also see the note for Romans C11S6 about the phrase just shall live by his faith
. Please also see the note for Romans C9S28 about the phrase live / walk by faith
Please see the notes for Romans C5S2 about the word ashamed
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'abashed or confused by guilt or a conviction of some criminal action or indecorous conduct, or by the exposure of some gross errors or misconduct, which the person is conscious must be wrong, and which tends to impair his honor or reputation'. Please see the note for Romans 10:11 for references where the Bible tells us that our belief
/ faith
makes us not ashamed
. In addition, the note for Romans 6:21 provides the definition from Webster's 1828 . One of the simplest ways to understand how the Bible uses this word is to look at 2Timothy 2:15 where we see that our Lord Jesus Christ
will have people before all of the beings in heaven when He makes them ashamed
for not rightly dividing the word of truth
. Thus, the results aren't as bad as being lost but the people we will spend eternity with will know how we acted and they will know for all of eternity. In other words: 'Don't do that!'.
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Please see the note for Philippians 2:1 about the word accord
. The New Testament definition is: 'Agreeing; harmonizing; when two notes are in a music chord, they move together, up or down, to the next note'. Please also see the note for Matthew 16:27 about the phrase according to his works
. Please also see the Messages called Reward According and Reward According to His Own Labour for the application of these verses in the life of the believer.
Please see the note for Colossians 2:4 for extensive links and other information about the word word
. The New Testament definition is: 'a single component part of human speech or language'. However, The word of God
is the holy scriptures and in the English language, it is only the KJV-1611. The Word (capitalized): is Jesus
according to John 1:1. Please see the note for 1Thessalonians 1:8 about the word of the Lord
. Please see the notes for Romans C10S22 and Word in 1John about the phrase word of God
. The phrase every word
is explained in Romans C13S12; stated in Deuteronomy 8:3; Proverbs 30:5; Matthew 4:4; Matthew 18:16; Luke 4:4
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S121 (Verse 117) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called SAMECH. The theme of this section is turning our heart to spiritual things. . . Our current sentence. . .
Please see the note for Philippians 4:11 about the word respect
. The New Testament definition is: 'To regard; to have regard to in design or purpose'. Please see the notes for Acts 10:34; Romans 2:11; Ephesians 6:9; Colossians 3:25 and James 2:1; Romans 14:10-LJC; Romans C7S3 and Romans C10S13 about the phrase respecter of persons
Please see the Word Definitions section for links to where the word statutes
is used within this Psalm. The New Testament definition is: 'an act of the legislature commanding or prohibiting something; a positive law'.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S122 (Verse 118) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called SAMECH. The theme of this section is turning our heart to spiritual things. . . Our current sentence. . .
Please see the Word Definitions section for links to where the word statutes
is used within this Psalm. The New Testament definition is: 'an act of the legislature commanding or prohibiting something; a positive law'.
Please see the note for Hebrews 9:7-10 about the word error
. The New Testament definition is: 'A wandering or deviation from the truth; a mistake in judgment, by which men assent to or believe what is not true. Error may be voluntary, or involuntary'.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S123 (Verse 119) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called SAMECH. The theme of this section is turning our heart to spiritual things. . . Our current sentence. . .
Please see the Word Definitions section for links to where the word way
is used within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible.
the New Testament definition is: 'a method of getting from one place to another by numerous repetitions on the same small movement'.
Please also see the note for Psalms 119:2 for the use of the word testimony
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. The New Testament definition is: 'statements that are used in a court of law to judge the legality of someone's actions'.
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
Please see the notes for 2Corinthians 5:1 and Philippians 2:9-11 about the word earth
. The New Testament definition is: 'In the sense of soil or ground'.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S124 (Verse 120) Parts of sentence below are steps.
This sentence is in the section called SAMECH. The theme of this section is turning our heart to spiritual things. . . Our current sentence. . .
Please see the note for Psalms 119:7 for the use of the word judgment
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. .
. .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterAIN: Evening prayer of saint after he has personally faced death.
Now we see the Psalmist at rest between battles. He is ready to lay down for the night and ends his day with prayer and thanksgiving. Part of his prayers of thanksgiving is for the understanding
that only comes through the things that God has allowed him to experience.
Our sentences tell us:
We hear that we should pray in the mourning and at night for a minimum and that we really should pray more often. However, it seems that most of us can't make that a regular part of our life until we personally struggle with death. Then nightly prayers are an almost automatic part of the saint's life without them even making a great effort to build the habit.
1828 hasC: add to Teaching Outline Home Start of ChapterC119-S125 (Verse 121) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called AIN. The theme of this section is to rest between battles. When we are ready to lay down for the night, we are to end our day with prayer and thanksgiving. Part of our prayers of thanksgiving is for the understanding that only comes through the things that God has allowed us to experience. . . Our current sentence. . .
Please see the Word Definitions section about the word judgment
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'a mandate; an order or injunction given by authority; charge'.
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S126 (Verse 122) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called AIN. The theme of this section is to rest between battles. When we are ready to lay down for the night, we are to end our day with prayer and thanksgiving. Part of our prayers of thanksgiving is for the understanding that only comes through the things that God has allowed us to experience. . . Our current sentence. . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Please see the notes for Romans C14S4; 1Corinthians C7S27 and Ephesians C6S4 about the word servant
. The New Testament definition is: 'A person, male or female, that attends another for the purpose of performing menial offices for him, or who is employed by another for such offices or for other labor, and is subject to his command'. please also see the notes for Romans C14S4; 1Corinthians C7S27 and Ephesians C6S4 about the word serve
. please also see the note for Philippians 2:17 about the word service
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S127 (Verse 123) Each phrase below has equal importance.
This sentence is in the section called AIN. The theme of this section is to rest between battles. When we are ready to lay down for the night, we are to end our day with prayer and thanksgiving. Part of our prayers of thanksgiving is for the understanding that only comes through the things that God has allowed us to experience. . . Our current sentence. . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Please see the note for Colossians 2:4 for extensive links and other information about the word word
. The New Testament definition is: 'a single component part of human speech or language'. However, The word of God
is the holy scriptures and in the English language, it is only the KJV-1611. The Word (capitalized): is Jesus
according to John 1:1. Please see the note for 1Thessalonians 1:8 about the word of the Lord
. Please see the notes for Romans C10S22 and Word in 1John about the phrase word of God
. The phrase every word
is explained in Romans C13S12; stated in Deuteronomy 8:3; Proverbs 30:5; Matthew 4:4; Matthew 18:16; Luke 4:4
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S128 (Verse 124) Each phrase below has equal importance.
This sentence is in the section called AIN. The theme of this section is to rest between battles. When we are ready to lay down for the night, we are to end our day with prayer and thanksgiving. Part of our prayers of thanksgiving is for the understanding that only comes through the things that God has allowed us to experience. . . Our current sentence. . .
Please see the notes for Romans C14S4; 1Corinthians C7S27 and Ephesians C6S4 about the word servant
. The New Testament definition is: 'A person, male or female, that attends another for the purpose of performing menial offices for him, or who is employed by another for such offices or for other labor, and is subject to his command'. please also see the notes for Romans C14S4; 1Corinthians C7S27 and Ephesians C6S4 about the word serve
. please also see the note for Philippians 2:17 about the word service
Please see the note for 1Corinthians C12S27 about the word teach
. The New Testament definition is: ' to instruct; to inform; to communicate to another the knowledge of that of which he was before ignorant'.
Please see the Word Definitions section for links to where the word statutes
is used within this Psalm. The New Testament definition is: 'an act of the legislature commanding or prohibiting something; a positive law'.
Please see the note for Philippians 2:1 about the word accord
. The New Testament definition is: 'Agreeing; harmonizing; when two notes are in a music chord, they move together, up or down, to the next note'. Please also see the note for Matthew 16:27 about the phrase according to his works
. Please also see the Messages called Reward According and Reward According to His Own Labour for the application of these verses in the life of the believer.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S129 (Verse 125) Parts of sentence below are steps.
This sentence is in the section called AIN. The theme of this section is to rest between battles. When we are ready to lay down for the night, we are to end our day with prayer and thanksgiving. Part of our prayers of thanksgiving is for the understanding that only comes through the things that God has allowed us to experience. . . Our current sentence. . .
Please see the notes for Romans C14S4; 1Corinthians C7S27 and Ephesians C6S4 about the word servant
. The New Testament definition is: 'A person, male or female, that attends another for the purpose of performing menial offices for him, or who is employed by another for such offices or for other labor, and is subject to his command'. please also see the notes for Romans C14S4; 1Corinthians C7S27 and Ephesians C6S4 about the word serve
. please also see the note for Philippians 2:17 about the word service
Please also see the note for Psalms 119:2 for the use of the word testimony
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. The New Testament definition is: 'statements that are used in a court of law to judge the legality of someone's actions'.
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S130 (Verse 126) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called AIN. The theme of this section is to rest between battles. When we are ready to lay down for the night, we are to end our day with prayer and thanksgiving. Part of our prayers of thanksgiving is for the understanding that only comes through the things that God has allowed us to experience. . . Our current sentence. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Please see the note for Psalms 119:1 for the use of the word law
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. . .
Please see the notes for Romans C9S8; 1Corinthians C3S13; Galatians C2-S10 and Philippians 1:1 about the word works
. Please see the note for Romans C3S27 about the phrase law of works
. Please see the note for Philippians 3:2 about the phrase evil workers
. Please see the note for Romans C11S10 about the phrase works are seen of men
. Please see the note for Romans 8:1-LJC about the phrase judged by works
. The basic Biblical definition of work
is: 'to move, or to labor'.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S131 (Verse 127) Parts of sentence below are steps.
This sentence is in the section called AIN. The theme of this section is to rest between battles. When we are ready to lay down for the night, we are to end our day with prayer and thanksgiving. Part of our prayers of thanksgiving is for the understanding that only comes through the things that God has allowed us to experience. . . Our current sentence. . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
is used in Psalms 119 to mean 'a mandate; an order or injunction given by authority; charge'. Please see the Word Definitions for the use of the word commandment
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S132 (Verse 128) Parts of sentence below are steps.
This sentence is in the section called AIN. The theme of this section is to rest between battles. When we are ready to lay down for the night, we are to end our day with prayer and thanksgiving. Part of our prayers of thanksgiving is for the understanding that only comes through the things that God has allowed us to experience. . . Our current sentence. . .
Please see the Word Definitions section for links to where the word way
is used within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible.
the New Testament definition is: 'a method of getting from one place to another by numerous repetitions on the same small movement'.
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Please see the general note in the Definitions at the start of this Study about the word precept
. The New Testament definition is: 'A general concept of right and wrong that never changes for any reason or circumstance, but which also has many applications with the particular application changing depending upon circumstances'.
PE: mourning prayer of saint after he has personally faced death.
Just like our prior section showed a changed evening prayer life, so also does the true saint have a changed mourning prayer life. Also, he does not have to remind himself to take time to pray like he used to have to do. The aches and pains from spiritual battle affecting our physical life are his mourning reminders. He remembers how he said just a 'surface prayer that was not from the heart' before he received one particular source of ache and pain. He remembers the despair and despondency on mournings when his personal worship and personal request for God's aid was less than it should have been. He also remembers the personal doubt when he failed to daily remind himself of God's promises and the fact that while God's time isn't the same as our time, God is always faithful
. He uses this mourning prayer to prepare for the battles that he will face that day.
Our sentences tell us:
Here we see the Psalmist review the types of situations he will possibly face that day and we see his prayer for personal help from God in every detail of his upcoming day.
1828 hasC: add to Teaching Outline Home Start of ChapterC119-S133 (Verse 129) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called PE. The theme of this section is to start the day in prayer, especially while in spiritual battles. When we wake up sore and still weary and suffering from the prior days battles, we are to be encouraged to make our prayer is more and from the heart. This type of prayer is deeper than the prayer we made when first learning to pray daily. . . Our current sentence. . .
Please see the note for 2Corinthians 12:12 about the word wonder
. The New Testament definition is: 'That emotion which is excited by novelty, or the presentation to the sight or mind, of something new, unusual, strange, great, extraordinary, or not well understood; something that arrests the attention by its novelty, grandeur or inexplicableness'.
Please see the Word Definitions for the use of the word keep
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. The New Testament definition is: 'To hold; to retain in one's power or possession; not to lose or part with; as, to keep a house or a farm; to keep anything in the memory, mind or heart. 2. to have in custody for security or preservation'.
Please see the note for Matthew 28:3-4 about the word keeper
. Please see the note for 1John about the phrase keep his commandments
Please see the note for Psalms 119:1 for the use of the word law
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Please also see the note for Psalms 119:2 for the use of the word testimony
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S134 (Verse 130) Parts of sentence below are steps.
This sentence is in the section called PE. The theme of this section is to start the day in prayer, especially while in spiritual battles. When we wake up sore and still weary and suffering from the prior days battles, we are to be encouraged to make our prayer is more and from the heart. This type of prayer is deeper than the prayer we made when first learning to pray daily. . . Our current sentence. . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Please see the note for Colossians 2:4 for extensive links and other information about the word word
. The New Testament definition is: 'a single component part of human speech or language'. However, The word of God
is the holy scriptures and in the English language, it is only the KJV-1611. The Word (capitalized): is Jesus
according to John 1:1. Please see the note for 1Thessalonians 1:8 about the word of the Lord
. Please see the notes for Romans C10S22 and Word in 1John about the phrase word of God
. The phrase every word
is explained in Romans C13S12; stated in Deuteronomy 8:3; Proverbs 30:5; Matthew 4:4; Matthew 18:16; Luke 4:4
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S135 (Verse 131) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called PE. The theme of this section is to start the day in prayer, especially while in spiritual battles. When we wake up sore and still weary and suffering from the prior days battles, we are to be encouraged to make our prayer is more and from the heart. This type of prayer is deeper than the prayer we made when first learning to pray daily. . . Our current sentence. . .
is used in Psalms 119 to mean 'a mandate; an order or injunction given by authority; charge'. Please see the Word Definitions for the use of the word commandment
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible.
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S136 (Verse 132) Each phrase below has equal importance.
This sentence is in the section called PE. The theme of this section is to start the day in prayer, especially while in spiritual battles. When we wake up sore and still weary and suffering from the prior days battles, we are to be encouraged to make our prayer is more and from the heart. This type of prayer is deeper than the prayer we made when first learning to pray daily. . . Our current sentence. . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S137 (Verse 133) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called PE. The theme of this section is to start the day in prayer, especially while in spiritual battles. When we wake up sore and still weary and suffering from the prior days battles, we are to be encouraged to make our prayer is more and from the heart. This type of prayer is deeper than the prayer we made when first learning to pray daily. . . Our current sentence. . .
The action verb of iniquity
is found only word in our current verse and verse 3. Webster's 1828 dictionary defines iniquity
as: 'n. L. iniquities; in and oequitas, equity. 1. Injustice; unrighteousness; a deviation from rectitude; as the iniquity of war; the iniquity of the slave trade. 2. Want of rectitude in principle; as a malicious prosecution originating in the iniquity of the author. 3. A particular deviation from rectitude; a sin or crime; wickedness; any act of injustice. Your iniquities have separated between you and your God. Is.59. 4. Original want of holiness or depravity. I was shapen in iniquity. Ps.51'. Please also see the note for James 3:6about this word. The New Testament definition is: 'lifestyle sin', which is different from the word sin
, which can be a one-time occurrence. The word sin
is defined s: 'a violation of God's law'.
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Please see the note for Colossians 2:4 for extensive links and other information about the word word
. The New Testament definition is: 'a single component part of human speech or language'. However, The word of God
is the holy scriptures and in the English language, it is only the KJV-1611. The Word (capitalized): is Jesus
according to John 1:1. Please see the note for 1Thessalonians 1:8 about the word of the Lord
. Please see the notes for Romans C10S22 and Word in 1John about the phrase word of God
. The phrase every word
is explained in Romans C13S12; stated in Deuteronomy 8:3; Proverbs 30:5; Matthew 4:4; Matthew 18:16; Luke 4:4
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S138 (Verse 134) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called PE. The theme of this section is to start the day in prayer, especially while in spiritual battles. When we wake up sore and still weary and suffering from the prior days battles, we are to be encouraged to make our prayer is more and from the heart. This type of prayer is deeper than the prayer we made when first learning to pray daily. . . Our current sentence. . .
Please see the Word Definitions for the use of the word keep
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. The New Testament definition is: 'To hold; to retain in one's power or possession; not to lose or part with; as, to keep a house or a farm; to keep anything in the memory, mind or heart. 2. to have in custody for security or preservation'.
Please see the note for Matthew 28:3-4 about the word keeper
. Please see the note for 1John about the phrase keep his commandments
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
Please see the general note in the Definitions at the start of this Study about the word precept
. The New Testament definition is: 'A general concept of right and wrong that never changes for any reason or circumstance, but which also has many applications with the particular application changing depending upon circumstances'.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S139 (Verse 135) Parts of sentence below are steps.
This sentence is in the section called PE. The theme of this section is to start the day in prayer, especially while in spiritual battles. When we wake up sore and still weary and suffering from the prior days battles, we are to be encouraged to make our prayer is more and from the heart. This type of prayer is deeper than the prayer we made when first learning to pray daily. . . Our current sentence. . .
Please see the notes for Romans C14S4; 1Corinthians C7S27 and Ephesians C6S4 about the word servant
. The New Testament definition is: 'A person, male or female, that attends another for the purpose of performing menial offices for him, or who is employed by another for such offices or for other labor, and is subject to his command'. please also see the notes for Romans C14S4; 1Corinthians C7S27 and Ephesians C6S4 about the word serve
. please also see the note for Philippians 2:17 about the word service
Please see the note for 1Corinthians C12S27 about the word teach
. The New Testament definition is: ' to instruct; to inform; to communicate to another the knowledge of that of which he was before ignorant'.
Please see the Word Definitions section for links to where the word statutes
is used within this Psalm. The New Testament definition is: 'an act of the legislature commanding or prohibiting something; a positive law'.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S140 (Verse 136) Each phrase below has equal importance.
This sentence is in the section called PE. The theme of this section is to start the day in prayer, especially while in spiritual battles. When we wake up sore and still weary and suffering from the prior days battles, we are to be encouraged to make our prayer is more and from the heart. This type of prayer is deeper than the prayer we made when first learning to pray daily. . . Our current sentence. . .
Please see the note for Psalms 119:1 for the use of the word law
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. Please also see the note for Psalms 119:2 for the use of the word keep
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterTZADDE: Look to heaven and prepare for judgment.
If sudden death doesn't take us then the saint of God eventually comes to the time that he realizes that death can come at any time. Thus, he reviews his life and makes ready because none of us know the exact time that death will come. However, we all know that death is coming and the prudent experienced saint prepares. Here we see the prudent and experienced saint preparing for personal judgment.
Our sentences tell us:
None of us know when we will die. However, we all will die and face judgment. Therefore, the prudent make sure they are always ready to face that judgment with no further opportunity to prepare than the current moment.
1828 hasC: add to Teaching Outline Home Start of ChapterC119-S141 (Verse 137) Each phrase below has equal importance.
This sentence is in the section called TZADDE. The theme of this section is that death can come at any timeans, for some saved people, this truth becomes so real that it is constant in their life and all of their decisions. This section deals with how the prudent saint prepares for death and eventual judgment. . . . Our current sentence. . .
verse 7and this sentence are the only places, within this chapter, where we find the word upright
. Webster's 1828 dictionary defines uprightness
as: 'n. 1. Perpendicular erection. 2. Honesty; integrity in principle or practice; conformity to rectitude and justice in social dealings. The truly upright man is inflexible in his uprightness'.
Please see the Word Definitions section about the word judgment
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'a mandate; an order or injunction given by authority; charge'.
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The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S142 (Verse 138)
Thy testimonies that thou hast commanded are righteous and very faithful.
This sentence is in the section called TZADDE. The theme of this section is that death can come at any timeans, for some saved people, this truth becomes so real that it is constant in their life and all of their decisions. This section deals with how the prudent saint prepares for death and eventual judgment. . . . Our current sentence. . .
is used in Psalms 119 to mean 'a mandate; an order or injunction given by authority; charge'. Please see the Word Definitions for the use of the word commandment
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible.
Please also see the note for Psalms 119:2 for the use of the word testimony
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. The New Testament definition is: 'statements that are used in a court of law to judge the legality of someone's actions'.
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The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S143 (Verse 139) Each phrase below has equal importance.
This sentence is in the section called TZADDE. The theme of this section is that death can come at any timeans, for some saved people, this truth becomes so real that it is constant in their life and all of their decisions. This section deals with how the prudent saint prepares for death and eventual judgment. . . . Our current sentence. . .
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Please see the note for Psalms 119:16 about the word forget
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'To lose the remembrance of; to let go from the memory. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits. Ps. 103. 2. To slight; to neglect'. The word forgot
is the past-tense form of the word forget
Please see the note for Colossians 2:4 for extensive links and other information about the word word
. The New Testament definition is: 'a single component part of human speech or language'. However, The word of God
is the holy scriptures and in the English language, it is only the KJV-1611. The Word (capitalized): is Jesus
according to John 1:1. Please see the note for 1Thessalonians 1:8 about the word of the Lord
. Please see the notes for Romans C10S22 and Word in 1John about the phrase word of God
. The phrase every word
is explained in Romans C13S12; stated in Deuteronomy 8:3; Proverbs 30:5; Matthew 4:4; Matthew 18:16; Luke 4:4
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S144 (Verse 140) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called TZADDE. The theme of this section is that death can come at any timeans, for some saved people, this truth becomes so real that it is constant in their life and all of their decisions. This section deals with how the prudent saint prepares for death and eventual judgment. . . . Our current sentence. . .
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Please see the notes for Romans C14S4; 1Corinthians C7S27 and Ephesians C6S4 about the word servant
. The New Testament definition is: 'A person, male or female, that attends another for the purpose of performing menial offices for him, or who is employed by another for such offices or for other labor, and is subject to his command'. please also see the notes for Romans C14S4; 1Corinthians C7S27 and Ephesians C6S4 about the word serve
. please also see the note for Philippians 2:17 about the word service
Please see the note for Colossians 2:4 for extensive links and other information about the word word
. The New Testament definition is: 'a single component part of human speech or language'. However, The word of God
is the holy scriptures and in the English language, it is only the KJV-1611. The Word (capitalized): is Jesus
according to John 1:1. Please see the note for 1Thessalonians 1:8 about the word of the Lord
. Please see the notes for Romans C10S22 and Word in 1John about the phrase word of God
. The phrase every word
is explained in Romans C13S12; stated in Deuteronomy 8:3; Proverbs 30:5; Matthew 4:4; Matthew 18:16; Luke 4:4
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S145 (Verse 141) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called TZADDE. The theme of this section is that death can come at any timeans, for some saved people, this truth becomes so real that it is constant in their life and all of their decisions. This section deals with how the prudent saint prepares for death and eventual judgment. . . . Our current sentence. . .
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Please see the note for Psalms 119:16 about the word forget
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'To lose the remembrance of; to let go from the memory. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits. Ps. 103. 2. To slight; to neglect'. The word forgot
is the past-tense form of the word forget
Please see the general note in the Definitions at the start of this Study about the word precept
. The New Testament definition is: 'A general concept of right and wrong that never changes for any reason or circumstance, but which also has many applications with the particular application changing depending upon circumstances'.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S146 (Verse 142) Each phrase below has equal importance.
This sentence is in the section called TZADDE. The theme of this section is that death can come at any timeans, for some saved people, this truth becomes so real that it is constant in their life and all of their decisions. This section deals with how the prudent saint prepares for death and eventual judgment. . . . Our current sentence. . .
Please see the note for Psalms 119:1 for the use of the word law
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. . .
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The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S147 (Verse 143) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called TZADDE. The theme of this section is that death can come at any timeans, for some saved people, this truth becomes so real that it is constant in their life and all of their decisions. This section deals with how the prudent saint prepares for death and eventual judgment. . . . Our current sentence. . .
Please see the note for Psalms 119:16 about the word delight
. The New Testament definition is: 'A high degree of pleasure, or satisfaction of mind'.
is used in Psalms 119 to mean 'a mandate; an order or injunction given by authority; charge'. Please see the Word Definitions for the use of the word commandment
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible.
. . . . . . . . . .
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The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S148 (Verse 144) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called TZADDE. The theme of this section is that death can come at any timeans, for some saved people, this truth becomes so real that it is constant in their life and all of their decisions. This section deals with how the prudent saint prepares for death and eventual judgment. . . . Our current sentence. . .
. Please also see the Doctrine of Life. Please see the notes for Hebrews 1:8-LJC and Philippians 1:27-LJC about the phrase life everlasting
. Please see the note for Romans C10S15 about the phrase belief changes life
. Please also see the note for 1Corinthians C11S34 about the phrase sleep is physically dead but spiritually alive
. Please also see the note for Colossians C3S4 about the phrase Christ lives through us
. Please also see the note for Ephesians C1S2 about the phrase just shall live by faith
. Please also see the note for Romans C11S6 about the phrase just shall live by his faith
. Please also see the note for Romans C9S28 about the phrase live / walk by faith
Please also see the note for Psalms 119:2 for the use of the word testimony
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. The New Testament definition is: 'statements that are used in a court of law to judge the legality of someone's actions'.
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The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterKOPH: personal worship of the righteous Judge.
After reviewing our own life and getting spiritually clean, the prudent saint enters God's judgment hall with worship. This is done before death so that if God wishes, He can make us aware of what we need to correct before entering for final judgment. Thus, we see a confession of worship for the righteous judge.
Our sentences tell us:
C119-S149 (Verse 145) the first step in worshipping God with our
whole heart.
This sentence is in the section called KOPH. The theme of this section is that after reviewing our own life and getting spiritually clean, the prudent saint enters God's judgment hall with worship. This is done before death so that if God wishes, He can make us aware of what we need to correct before entering for final judgment. Thus, we see a confession of worship for the righteous judge. Our current sentence. . .
This sentence is the start of a section that is summed up as 'personal worship of the righteous Judge'. All 8 sentences in this section tell, in detail, us how to worship with my whole heart
. Reformers Unanimous defines the soul
as 'a combination of the mind, will and emotions'. What my study in the Bible has led me to conclude is that our heart
is used for the same thing with our heart
being the short time version that we control and our soul
being the long time version that God puts together from the sum of all of our short time decisions within our heart
. Thus, we directly control our heart
but only indirectly control our soul
Look at the graph of price changes for a financial investment. In that graph we see long term movement up and down. We also see short term movement that is separate from the long term movement. Both short term and long term can be moving in the same direction or they can be moving in opposite directions. The long term is a result of the sum of all short term movements. This is also a picture of the relationship between our heart
and our soul
As the circumstances of life happen to us, we decide to turn towards God or towards the world, the flesh and the devil. As explained for the first three chapters of 1Corinthians (Please see that Study for details), the wisdom of God
and the wisdom of this world / man
are polar opposites. When we follow one of these two, the other says that we are doing foolishness
. Thus, when faced with the circumstances of life, we choose to follow the wisdom of God
or the wisdom of this world / man
. We can not follow both. When we try to follow one with our emotions (or mind or will) and follow the other with a different part of our heart
, we end up conflicted within ourselves. Thus, our phrase of whole heart
means with all three parts of our heart
in unity and without being conflicted within yourself.
We find the phrase whole heart
only in: Psalms 9:1; 111:1; 119:2; 10; 34; 58; 69; 145; 138:1; Isaiah 1:5; Jeremiah 3:10; 24:7; 32:41. Please notice that 6 out of 13 verses are within our current Psalm and that all are in Psalms, Isaiah or Jeremiah. The other three verses within Psalms all start a Psalm that provides details on how to do the phrase I will praise the LORD with my whole heart
. Please at lease read those short Psalms as the details found in them match the details found within this section and they will help the reader understand the details of this section.
In addition, to the verses where we see the phrase whole heart
, we find that forms of the word heart
occur 833 times in 765 verses of the Bible, occur 727 times in 666 verses of in the Old Testament and occur 125 times in 121 verses of Psalms. Within Psalms 119 we find the word heart
, when the phrase whole heart
is not used, in: 7; 11; 32; 36; 70; 80; 111; 112; 161. The difference between these verses and the ones that use the phrase whole heart
is the amount of intensity that is expressed. The context of each of these sentences must be examined to tell why a particular sentence did not require the intensity that is expressed when the Psalmist used the phrase whole heart
Both Isaiah and Jeremiah prophesied at a time that Israel as a nation, and most people within the nation, were conflicted within themselves and tried to serve God with their mind (words) but served the world, the flesh and the devil with their will and their emotions. Unfortunately, we also see this going on a lot today. Please also read at least the verses, if not the sections, within
Isaiah and Jeremiah to understand the consequence of internal conflict and of not having our whole heart
turned towards God.
Easton's Bible Dictionary says about the heart
that: 'According to the Bible, the heart is the centre not only of spiritual activity, but of all the operations of human life. "Heart" and "soul" are often used interchangeably (De 6:5; 26:16; comp. Mt 22:37; Mr 12:30,33), but this is not generally the case.
The heart is the "home of the personal life," and hence a man is designated, according to his heart, wise (1Ki 3:12, etc.), pure (Ps 24:4; Mt 5:8, etc.), upright and righteous (Ge 20:5-6; Ps 11:2; 78:72), pious and good (Lu 8:15), etc. In these and such passages the word "soul" could not be substituted for "heart."
The heart is also the seat of the conscience (Ro 2:15). It is naturally wicked (Ge 8:21), and hence it contaminates the whole life and character (Mt 12:34; 15:18; comp. Ec 8:11; Ps 73:7). Hence the heart must be changed, regenerated (Eze 36:26; 11:19; Ps 51:10-14), before a man can willingly obey God.
The process of salvation begins in the heart by the believing reception of the testimony of God, while the rejection of that testimony hardens the heart (Ps 95:8; Pr 28:14; 2Ch 36:13). "Hardness of heart evidences itself by light views of sin; partial acknowledgment and confession of it; pride and conceit; ingratitude; unconcern about the word and ordinances of God; inattention to divine providences; stifling convictions of conscience; shunning reproof; presumption, and general ignorance of divine things."'.
We see that Thompson Chain Topics has links for heart
of: 'Centre of Life: Hence should be Carefully Guarded: Pr 4:23. Determines Character: Pr 23:7; Mt 6:18. The Source of Evil: Mt 15:18. Controls Speech: Lu 6:45. Source of Faith: Ro 10:10. Evil, Characteristics of: Stubbornness: Ec 8:11. Madness: Ec 9:3. Depravity: Jer 17:9. Extortion and excess: Mt 23:25. Fountain-head of all evil: Mr 7:21. Source of unbelief and covetousness: Heb 3:12; 2Pe 2:14. The Whole: Imaginations. Read by Christ: Pr 15:11; Jer 20:12; Mt 12:25; 22:18; Mr 2:8; Lu 6:8; 11:17; 16:15; Joh 2:25; Ac 15:8. Known to God. Renewed: De 5:29; 2Ch 11:16; Ne 9:8; Ps 57:7; Jer 24:7; Eze 11:19; 36:26; Lu 8:15. Resurrection. Whole: (Giving the Whole Heart to God): In Love: De 6:5; 30:2. In Obedience: Ps 119:2,34. In Trust: Pr 3:5. In Prayer: Jer 29:13. In Repentance: Joe 2:12; Mt 22:37; Ac 8:37. Hardness of: (Condemned): Ps 95:8; Pr 28:14; 29:1; Isa 42:25; Ro 2:5; Heb 3:13: Stubbornness: Ec 8:11. Madness: Ec 9:3. Depravity: Jer 17:9. Extortion and excess: Mt 23:25. Fountain-head of all evil: Mr 7:21. Source of unbelief and covetousness: Heb 3:12; 2Pe 2:14'.
We see that Nave's Topical Bible has links for heart
of: '(Seat of the affections) RENEWED: De 30:6; Ps 51:10; Eze 11:19; 18:31; 36:26; Ro 2:29; Eph 4:23; Col 3:10 Regenerated. Joh 3:3,7. Graciously affected of God. 1Sa 10:26; 1Ch 29:18; Ezr 6:22; 7:27; Pr 16:1; 21:1; Jer 20:9; Ac 16:14. Strengthened. Ps 27:14; 112:8; 1Th 3:13. Enlightened. 2Co 4:6. Tested. 1Ch 29:17; Ps 7:9; 26:2; Pr 17:3; Jer 11:20; 12:3; 20:12; 1Th 2:4; Heb 11:17; Re 2:2,10. It should render to God obedience. De 10:12; 11:13; 26:16; 1Ki 2:4; Ps 119:112; Eph 6:6. Faith. Ps 27:3; 112:7; Ac 8:37; Ro 6:17; 10:10. Trust. Pr 3:5. Love. Mt 22:37. Fear. Ps 119:161; Jer 32:40. Fidelity. Ne 9:8. Zeal. 2Ch 17:16; Jer 20:9. It should seek God. 2Ch 19:3; 30:19; Ezr 7:10; Ps 10:17; 84:2. Be joyful. 1Sa 2:1; Ps 4:7; 97:11; Isa 65:14; Zec 10:7. Upright. Ps 97:11; 125:4. Clean. Ps 51:10; 73:1. Pure. Ps 24:4; Pr 22:11; Mt 5:8; 1Ti 1:5; 2Ti 2:22; Jas 4:8; 1Pe 1:22. Sincere. Lu 8:15; Ac 2:46; Eph 6:5; Col 3:22; Heb 10:22. Repentant. De 30:2; Ps 34:18; 51:17. Devout. 1Sa 1:13; Ps 4:4; 9:1; 27:8; 77:6; 119:10,69,145. Wise. 1Ki 3:9,12; 4:29; Job 9:4; Pr 8:10; 10:8; 11:29; 14:33; 23:15. Tender. 1Sa 24:5; 2Ki 22:19; Job 23:16; Ps 22:14; Eph 4:32. Holy. Ps 66:18; 1Pe 3:15. Compassionate. Jer 4:19; La 3:51. Lowly. Mt 11:29 HE UNREGENERATE. Is full of iniquity. Ge 6:5; 8:21; 1Sa 17:28; Pr 6:14,18; 11:20; Ec 8:11; 9:3; Jer 4:14,18; 17:9; Ro 1:21. Loves evil. De 29:18; Ps 95:10; Jer 17:5. Is a fountain of evil. Mt 12:34. See DEPRAVITY. [DEPRAVITY OF MAN]. Is wayward. 2Ch 12:14; Ps 101:4; Pr 6:14; 11:20; 12:8; 17:20; Jer 5:23; Heb 3:10. Blind. Ro 1:21; Eph 4:18. Is double (duplicity). 1Ch 12:33; Ps 12:2; Ho 10:2; Jas 1:6,8; Pr 28:14; Isa 9:9; 10:12; 46:12. Is hard. Ps 76:5; Eze 2:4; 3:7; 11:19; 36:26; Mr 6:52; 10:5; 16:14; Joh 12:40; Ro 1:21; 2:5. Is deceitful. Jer 17:9. Is proud. 2Ki 14:10; 2Ch 25:19; Ps 101:5; Pr 18:12; 28:25; Jer 48:29; 49:16. Is subtle. Pr 7:10. Is sensual. Eze 6:9; Ho 13:6; Ro 8:7. Is worldly. 2Ch 26:16; Da 5:20; Ac 8:21-22. Is judicially hardened. Ex 4:21; Jos 11:20; Isa 6:10; Ac 28:26-27. Is malicious. Ps 28:3; 140:2; Pr 24:2; Ec 7:26; Eze 25:15. Is impenitent. Ro 2:5. Is diabolical. Joh 13:2; Ac 5:3. Is covetous. Jer 22:17; 2Pe 2:14. Is foolish. Pr 12:23; 22:15; Ec 9:3 UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES DESCRIPTIVE of the SEA't of the AFFECTIONS. De 5:29; 6:5-6; 1Sa 16:7; 1Ch 28:9; 2Ch 12:14; Ps 22:26; 34:18; 51:10,17; 57:7; 112:7; Pr 4:23; 14:30; 15:13-15; 16:1; 20:9; Jer 17:1,9-10; Mt 5:8; 9:4; 12:33; 15:18-20; 23:26; Mr 7:21; Ac 8:22; Ro 2:5,14-16; Heb 3:8,15
INSTANCES OF HARDENED HEARTS. Pharoah. Ex 4:21; 7:3,13,22; 8:15,32; 9:12. Sihon. De 2:30. King of Canaan. Jos 11:20. Others. 1Sa 6:6. KNOWN to GOD. De 31:21; 1Sa 16:7; 2Sa 7:20; 1Ki 8:39; 1Ch 28:9; Job 11:11; 16:19; 31:4; Ps 1:6; 44:21; 51:10; 94:11; 139:1-12; Pr 5:21; 16:2; 21:2; Isa 66:18; Jer 12:3; 17:10; Eze 11:5,19-21; 36:25-26; Lu 16:15; Ac 1:24; 15:8; Ro 8:27; 1Co 3:20; Heb 4:12; Re 2:23. CHANGE OF. In STANCES OF. Saul. 1Sa 10:9. Solomon. 1Ki 3:11-12. Saul of Tarsus. Ac 9:1-18'.
Please see the Word Definitions for the use of the word keep
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. The New Testament definition is: 'To hold; to retain in one's power or possession; not to lose or part with; as, to keep a house or a farm; to keep anything in the memory, mind or heart. 2. to have in custody for security or preservation'.
Please see the note for Matthew 28:3-4 about the word keeper
. Please see the note for 1John about the phrase keep his commandments
Please see the Word Definitions section for links to where this word is used within this Psalm.
Please see the note for Galatians C3-S7 about the word hear
. The New Testament definition for this word is: ' Perceiving by the ear. This word is often used symbolically for hearing the spiritual message of the word of God'. Please also see the note for James 2:5 about the word hearken
. The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'To listen closely'. Please also see the note for Mark 4:9 about the phrase He that hath ears to hear, let him hear
. Please also see the note for Matthew 13:17 about the phrase have not heard
. Please also see the note for Mark 4:9 about the phrase ears to hear
. Please also see the note for Romans 2:13 about the word hearer
. The New Testament definition, for the word hearer
is: 'One who attends to what is orally delivered by another'.
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The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S150 (Verse 146) Parts of sentence below are steps.
This sentence is in the section called KOPH. The theme of this section is that after reviewing our own life and getting spiritually clean, the prudent saint enters God's judgment hall with worship. This is done before death so that if God wishes, He can make us aware of what we need to correct before entering for final judgment. Thus, we see a confession of worship for the righteous judge. Our current sentence. . .
Please see the Word Definitions for the use of the word keep
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. The New Testament definition is: 'To hold; to retain in one's power or possession; not to lose or part with; as, to keep a house or a farm; to keep anything in the memory, mind or heart. 2. to have in custody for security or preservation'.
Please see the note for Matthew 28:3-4 about the word keeper
. Please see the note for 1John about the phrase keep his commandments
Please also see the note for Psalms 119:2 for the use of the word testimony
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. . .
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The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S151 (Verse 147) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called KOPH. The theme of this section is that after reviewing our own life and getting spiritually clean, the prudent saint enters God's judgment hall with worship. This is done before death so that if God wishes, He can make us aware of what we need to correct before entering for final judgment. Thus, we see a confession of worship for the righteous judge. Our current sentence. . .
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Please see the note for Colossians 2:4 for extensive links and other information about the word word
. The New Testament definition is: 'a single component part of human speech or language'. However, The word of God
is the holy scriptures and in the English language, it is only the KJV-1611. The Word (capitalized): is Jesus
according to John 1:1. Please see the note for 1Thessalonians 1:8 about the word of the Lord
. Please see the notes for Romans C10S22 and Word in 1John about the phrase word of God
. The phrase every word
is explained in Romans C13S12; stated in Deuteronomy 8:3; Proverbs 30:5; Matthew 4:4; Matthew 18:16; Luke 4:4
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S152 (Verse 148) Each phrase below has equal importance.
This sentence is in the section called KOPH. The theme of this section is that after reviewing our own life and getting spiritually clean, the prudent saint enters God's judgment hall with worship. This is done before death so that if God wishes, He can make us aware of what we need to correct before entering for final judgment. Thus, we see a confession of worship for the righteous judge. Our current sentence. . .
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Please see the note for 1Timothy 4:15 about the word meditate
. The New Testament definition is: 'Close or continued thought; the turning or revolving of a subject in the mind; serious contemplation'.
Please see the note for Colossians 2:4 for extensive links and other information about the word word
. The New Testament definition is: 'a single component part of human speech or language'. However, The word of God
is the holy scriptures and in the English language, it is only the KJV-1611. The Word (capitalized): is Jesus
according to John 1:1. Please see the note for 1Thessalonians 1:8 about the word of the Lord
. Please see the notes for Romans C10S22 and Word in 1John about the phrase word of God
. The phrase every word
is explained in Romans C13S12; stated in Deuteronomy 8:3; Proverbs 30:5; Matthew 4:4; Matthew 18:16; Luke 4:4
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S153 (Verse 149) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called KOPH. The theme of this section is that after reviewing our own life and getting spiritually clean, the prudent saint enters God's judgment hall with worship. This is done before death so that if God wishes, He can make us aware of what we need to correct before entering for final judgment. Thus, we see a confession of worship for the righteous judge. Our current sentence. . .
Please see the notes for Romans C8S11; Ephesians C2S1; Colossians C2S8 and 1Peter 3:18-LJC about the word quicken
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'being made spiritually alive and responsive to the Spirit of God in our physical life'.
Please see the Word Definitions section about the word judgment
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'a mandate; an order or injunction given by authority; charge'.
Please see the note for Galatians C3-S7 about the word hear
. The New Testament definition for this word is: ' Perceiving by the ear. This word is often used symbolically for hearing the spiritual message of the word of God'. Please also see the note for James 2:5 about the word hearken
. The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'To listen closely'. Please also see the note for Mark 4:9 about the phrase He that hath ears to hear, let him hear
. Please also see the note for Matthew 13:17 about the phrase have not heard
. Please also see the note for Mark 4:9 about the phrase ears to hear
. Please also see the note for Romans 2:13 about the word hearer
. The New Testament definition, for the word hearer
is: 'One who attends to what is orally delivered by another'.
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Please see the note for Philippians 2:1 about the word accord
. The New Testament definition is: 'Agreeing; harmonizing; when two notes are in a music chord, they move together, up or down, to the next note'. Please also see the note for Matthew 16:27 about the phrase according to his works
. Please also see the Messages called Reward According and Reward According to His Own Labour for the application of these verses in the life of the believer.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S154 (Verse 150) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called KOPH. The theme of this section is that after reviewing our own life and getting spiritually clean, the prudent saint enters God's judgment hall with worship. This is done before death so that if God wishes, He can make us aware of what we need to correct before entering for final judgment. Thus, we see a confession of worship for the righteous judge. Our current sentence. . .
Please see the note for Psalms 119:1 for the use of the word law
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S155 (Verse 151) Parts of sentence below are steps.
This sentence is in the section called KOPH. The theme of this section is that after reviewing our own life and getting spiritually clean, the prudent saint enters God's judgment hall with worship. This is done before death so that if God wishes, He can make us aware of what we need to correct before entering for final judgment. Thus, we see a confession of worship for the righteous judge. Our current sentence. . .
is used in Psalms 119 to mean 'a mandate; an order or injunction given by authority; charge'. Please see the Word Definitions for the use of the word commandment
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible.
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S156 (Verse 152) Each phrase below has equal importance.
This sentence is in the section called KOPH. The theme of this section is that after reviewing our own life and getting spiritually clean, the prudent saint enters God's judgment hall with worship. This is done before death so that if God wishes, He can make us aware of what we need to correct before entering for final judgment. Thus, we see a confession of worship for the righteous judge. Our current sentence. . .
Please also see the note for Psalms 119:2 for the use of the word testimony
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. The New Testament definition is: 'statements that are used in a court of law to judge the legality of someone's actions'.
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
RESH: Prayer for mercy when judged.
No matter how good our life is, we all need God's mercy
. This section not only confesses the need for personal mercy
but also recognizes that God requires a changed life from those who He gives mercy
to. Our section begs for mercy
while confessing to have the required changed life.
Our sentences tell us:
When we are facing personal judgment and begging for mercy
, we need to have some basis for our request. Satan has no basis and, therefore, will not receive any mercy
. Neither can people expect to receive mercy
when they have devoted their life to the world, their flesh and the way of the devil.
Teaching Outline
Home Start of ChapterC119-S157 (Verse 153) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called RESH. The theme of this section is a prayer for mercy when judged. No matter how good our life is, we all need God's mercy
. This section not only confesses the need for personal mercy
but also recognizes that God requires a changed life from those who He gives mercy
to. Our section begs for mercy
while confessing to have the required changed life. Our current sentence. . .
Please see the note for Psalms 119:1 for the use of the word law
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Please see the note for Psalms 119:16 about the word forget
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'To lose the remembrance of; to let go from the memory. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits. Ps. 103. 2. To slight; to neglect'. The word forgot
is the past-tense form of the word forget
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S158 (Verse 154) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called RESH. The theme of this section is a prayer for mercy when judged. No matter how good our life is, we all need God's mercy
. This section not only confesses the need for personal mercy
but also recognizes that God requires a changed life from those who He gives mercy
to. Our section begs for mercy
while confessing to have the required changed life. Our current sentence. . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Please see the note for Philippians 2:1 about the word accord
. The New Testament definition is: 'Agreeing; harmonizing; when two notes are in a music chord, they move together, up or down, to the next note'. Please also see the note for Matthew 16:27 about the phrase according to his works
. Please also see the Messages called Reward According and Reward According to His Own Labour for the application of these verses in the life of the believer.
Please see the notes for Romans C8S11; Ephesians C2S1; Colossians C2S8 and 1Peter 3:18-LJC about the word quicken
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'being made spiritually alive and responsive to the Spirit of God in our physical life'.
Please see the note for Colossians 2:4 for extensive links and other information about the word word
. The New Testament definition is: 'a single component part of human speech or language'. However, The word of God
is the holy scriptures and in the English language, it is only the KJV-1611. The Word (capitalized): is Jesus
according to John 1:1. Please see the note for 1Thessalonians 1:8 about the word of the Lord
. Please see the notes for Romans C10S22 and Word in 1John about the phrase word of God
. The phrase every word
is explained in Romans C13S12; stated in Deuteronomy 8:3; Proverbs 30:5; Matthew 4:4; Matthew 18:16; Luke 4:4
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S159 (Verse 155) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called RESH. The theme of this section is a prayer for mercy when judged. No matter how good our life is, we all need God's mercy
. This section not only confesses the need for personal mercy
but also recognizes that God requires a changed life from those who He gives mercy
to. Our section begs for mercy
while confessing to have the required changed life. Our current sentence. . .
Please see the note for Psalms 119:2 for the use of the word seek
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. Please see the Word Definitions section for links to where this word is used within this Psalm. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S160 (Verse 156) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called RESH. The theme of this section is a prayer for mercy when judged. No matter how good our life is, we all need God's mercy
. This section not only confesses the need for personal mercy
but also recognizes that God requires a changed life from those who He gives mercy
to. Our section begs for mercy
while confessing to have the required changed life. Our current sentence. . .
Please see the notes for Romans C8S11; Ephesians C2S1; Colossians C2S8 and 1Peter 3:18-LJC about the word quicken
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'being made spiritually alive and responsive to the Spirit of God in our physical life'.
Please see the Word Definitions section about the word judgment
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'a mandate; an order or injunction given by authority; charge'.
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Please see the note for Philippians 2:1 about the word accord
. The New Testament definition is: 'Agreeing; harmonizing; when two notes are in a music chord, they move together, up or down, to the next note'. Please also see the note for Matthew 16:27 about the phrase according to his works
. Please also see the Messages called Reward According and Reward According to His Own Labour for the application of these verses in the life of the believer.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S161 (Verse 157) Parts of sentence below are steps.
This sentence is in the section called RESH. The theme of this section is a prayer for mercy when judged. No matter how good our life is, we all need God's mercy
. This section not only confesses the need for personal mercy
but also recognizes that God requires a changed life from those who He gives mercy
to. Our section begs for mercy
while confessing to have the required changed life. Our current sentence. . .
Please also see the note for Psalms 119:2 for the use of the word testimony
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. The New Testament definition is: 'statements that are used in a court of law to judge the legality of someone's actions'.
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S162 (Verse 158) Parts of sentence below are steps.
This sentence is in the section called RESH. The theme of this section is a prayer for mercy when judged. No matter how good our life is, we all need God's mercy
. This section not only confesses the need for personal mercy
but also recognizes that God requires a changed life from those who He gives mercy
to. Our section begs for mercy
while confessing to have the required changed life. Our current sentence. . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Please see the note for Colossians 2:4 for extensive links and other information about the word word
. The New Testament definition is: 'a single component part of human speech or language'. However, The word of God
is the holy scriptures and in the English language, it is only the KJV-1611. The Word (capitalized): is Jesus
according to John 1:1. Please see the note for 1Thessalonians 1:8 about the word of the Lord
. Please see the notes for Romans C10S22 and Word in 1John about the phrase word of God
. The phrase every word
is explained in Romans C13S12; stated in Deuteronomy 8:3; Proverbs 30:5; Matthew 4:4; Matthew 18:16; Luke 4:4
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S163 (Verse 159) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called RESH. The theme of this section is a prayer for mercy when judged. No matter how good our life is, we all need God's mercy
. This section not only confesses the need for personal mercy
but also recognizes that God requires a changed life from those who He gives mercy
to. Our section begs for mercy
while confessing to have the required changed life. Our current sentence. . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Please see the note for Philippians 2:1 about the word accord
. The New Testament definition is: 'Agreeing; harmonizing; when two notes are in a music chord, they move together, up or down, to the next note'. Please also see the note for Matthew 16:27 about the phrase according to his works
. Please also see the Messages called Reward According and Reward According to His Own Labour for the application of these verses in the life of the believer.
Please see the general note in the Definitions at the start of this Study about the word precept
. The New Testament definition is: 'A general concept of right and wrong that never changes for any reason or circumstance, but which also has many applications with the particular application changing depending upon circumstances'.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S164 (Verse 159) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called RESH. The theme of this section is a prayer for mercy when judged. No matter how good our life is, we all need God's mercy
. This section not only confesses the need for personal mercy
but also recognizes that God requires a changed life from those who He gives mercy
to. Our section begs for mercy
while confessing to have the required changed life. Our current sentence. . .
Please see the note for Psalms 119:7 for the use of the word judgment
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Please see the note for Colossians 2:4 for extensive links and other information about the word word
. The New Testament definition is: 'a single component part of human speech or language'. However, The word of God
is the holy scriptures and in the English language, it is only the KJV-1611. The Word (capitalized): is Jesus
according to John 1:1. Please see the note for 1Thessalonians 1:8 about the word of the Lord
. Please see the notes for Romans C10S22 and Word in 1John about the phrase word of God
. The phrase every word
is explained in Romans C13S12; stated in Deuteronomy 8:3; Proverbs 30:5; Matthew 4:4; Matthew 18:16; Luke 4:4
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
SCHIN: Reflect upon a Godly life when at the end of it.
We now come to the last section in our review before facing God in judgment. The next / last section is like the first and a prayer to be used all throughout life. In the prior section the Psalmist reviewed his past life and what he will have to answer when facing God. Now he reviews his current life. Many people run a good race in life only to mess up at the very end. We already saw the Psalmist vow to keep doing right even at the moment of death. Now he reviews his current life to be sure that he is keeping that vow.
Our sentences tell us:
We need to regularly review our current life and verify that we are still doing as we learned to do after God corrected us the last time.
Please see the general note in the Definitions at the start of this Study about the word precept
. The New Testament definition is: 'A general concept of right and wrong that never changes for any reason or circumstance, but which also has many applications with the particular application changing depending upon circumstances'.
C119-S165 (Verse 160) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called SCHIN. The theme of this section is to reflect upon a Godly life when at the end of it. We must review our current life if we are truly going to be ready to face God and His judgment. Many people run a good race in life only to mess up at the very end. At the end of our life we must review our current life to be sure that we are still keeping all of the vows which we made to God. Our current sentence. . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Please see the note for Colossians 2:4 for extensive links and other information about the word word
. The New Testament definition is: 'a single component part of human speech or language'. However, The word of God
is the holy scriptures and in the English language, it is only the KJV-1611. The Word (capitalized): is Jesus
according to John 1:1. Please see the note for 1Thessalonians 1:8 about the word of the Lord
. Please see the notes for Romans C10S22 and Word in 1John about the phrase word of God
. The phrase every word
is explained in Romans C13S12; stated in Deuteronomy 8:3; Proverbs 30:5; Matthew 4:4; Matthew 18:16; Luke 4:4
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S166 (Verse 161) Each phrase below has equal importance.
This sentence is in the section called SCHIN. The theme of this section is to reflect upon a Godly life when at the end of it. We must review our current life if we are truly going to be ready to face God and His judgment. Many people run a good race in life only to mess up at the very end. At the end of our life we must review our current life to be sure that we are still keeping all of the vows which we made to God. Our current sentence. . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Please see the note for 1Corinthians C2S5 about the word prince
. The New Testament definition is: 'One of the highest levels of rulers but not the very highest level'.
Please see the notes for Romans C12S8; Galatians C4-S24 and Philippians 4:4-LJC about the word rejoice
. The acrostic of 'Jesus, Others, You' tells us the priorities we must keep within our life if we are to experience true joy
. Please also see the note for 1Corinthians 13:4-7 for links from Treasury of Scripture Knowledge about when we should rejoice
and when we should rejoice not
. We find forms of the word rejoice
occurring 286 times in 266 verses of the Bible, 77 times in 70 verses of the New Testament, and in Philippians, in: 1:18; our current sentence; 2:16; 2:17; 2:18; 2:28; 3:1; 3:3; 4:4 and 4:10. Webster's 1828 dictionary defines rejoice
as: 'To experience joy and gladness in a high degree; to be exhilarated with lively and pleasurable sensations; to exult'.
Please see the note for Colossians 2:4 for extensive links and other information about the word word
. The New Testament definition is: 'a single component part of human speech or language'. However, The word of God
is the holy scriptures and in the English language, it is only the KJV-1611. The Word (capitalized): is Jesus
according to John 1:1. Please see the note for 1Thessalonians 1:8 about the word of the Lord
. Please see the notes for Romans C10S22 and Word in 1John about the phrase word of God
. The phrase every word
is explained in Romans C13S12; stated in Deuteronomy 8:3; Proverbs 30:5; Matthew 4:4; Matthew 18:16; Luke 4:4
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S167 (Verse 162) This sentence has equivalent sections.
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
This sentence is in the section called SCHIN. The theme of this section is to reflect upon a Godly life when at the end of it. We must review our current life if we are truly going to be ready to face God and His judgment. Many people run a good race in life only to mess up at the very end. At the end of our life we must review our current life to be sure that we are still keeping all of the vows which we made to God. Our current sentence. . .
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S168 (Verse 163)
Seven times a day do I praise thee because of thy righteous judgments.
This sentence is in the section called SCHIN. The theme of this section is to reflect upon a Godly life when at the end of it. We must review our current life if we are truly going to be ready to face God and His judgment. Many people run a good race in life only to mess up at the very end. At the end of our life we must review our current life to be sure that we are still keeping all of the vows which we made to God. Our current sentence. . .
Please see the note for 7 about the word praise
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Commendation bestowed on a person for his personal virtues or worthy actions, on meritorious actions themselves, or on anything valuable; approbation expressed in words or song. True praise recognizes what a being has actually done or their personal character. False praise attributes to them what is not theirs to possess'.
Please see the note for Psalms 119:1 for the use of the word law
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. Please see the note for Psalms 119:7 for the use of the word praise
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S169 (Verse 164) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called SCHIN. The theme of this section is to reflect upon a Godly life when at the end of it. We must review our current life if we are truly going to be ready to face God and His judgment. Many people run a good race in life only to mess up at the very end. At the end of our life we must review our current life to be sure that we are still keeping all of the vows which we made to God. Our current sentence. . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S170 (Verse 165) Each phrase below has equal importance.
This sentence is in the section called SCHIN. The theme of this section is to reflect upon a Godly life when at the end of it. We must review our current life if we are truly going to be ready to face God and His judgment. Many people run a good race in life only to mess up at the very end. At the end of our life we must review our current life to be sure that we are still keeping all of the vows which we made to God. Our current sentence. . .
is used in Psalms 119 to mean 'a mandate; an order or injunction given by authority; charge'. Please see the Word Definitions for the use of the word commandment
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible.
Please see the note for Psalms 119:1 for the use of the word law
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S171 (Verse 166) Parts of sentence below are steps.
This sentence is in the section called SCHIN. The theme of this section is to reflect upon a Godly life when at the end of it. We must review our current life if we are truly going to be ready to face God and His judgment. Many people run a good race in life only to mess up at the very end. At the end of our life we must review our current life to be sure that we are still keeping all of the vows which we made to God. Our current sentence. . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Please see the note for Psalms 119:1 for the use of the word law
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S172 (Verse 167) This sentence has equivalent sections.
Please also see the note for Psalms 119:2 for the use of the word testimony
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. The New Testament definition is: 'statements that are used in a court of law to judge the legality of someone's actions'.
This sentence is in the section called SCHIN. The theme of this section is to reflect upon a Godly life when at the end of it. We must review our current life if we are truly going to be ready to face God and His judgment. Many people run a good race in life only to mess up at the very end. At the end of our life we must review our current life to be sure that we are still keeping all of the vows which we made to God. Our current sentence. . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
Please see the general note in the Definitions at the start of this Study about the word precept
. The New Testament definition is: 'A general concept of right and wrong that never changes for any reason or circumstance, but which also has many applications with the particular application changing depending upon circumstances'.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
TAU: Prayer of life: this is to be to prayed all of life and especially at the end.
We now come to the last section of this Psalm. Here the Psalmist reviews the prayer that should have been/was with him all of his life as the constant theme of his life. Throughout this Psalm we have seen this prayer answered different ways as the Psalmist changed to different levels of spiritual maturity throughout his life.
Our sentences tell us:
This entire Psalm has been about God's Word and the various things that are part of God's law or the results of God's law. When we obey God's law God's way we receive God's blessings. When we disobey in any fashion, such as obeying with the wrong motivation, we lose God's blessings and may even receive God's punishment. We will each eventually stand before God for personal judgment of our life. This Psalm is designed to teach us how to get the best results from that personal judgment.
Home Start of ChapterTeaching Outline
Home Start of ChapterC119-S173 (Verse 168) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called TAU. The theme of this section is the prayer of life: this is to be to prayed all of life and especially at the end. This entire Psalm has been about God's Word and the various things that are part of God's law or the results of God's law. When we obey God's law God's way we receive God's blessings. When we disobey in any fashion, such as obeying with the wrong motivation, we lose God's blessings and may even receive God's punishment. We will each eventually stand before God for personal judgment of our life. This Psalm is designed to teach us how to get the best results from that personal judgment. Our current sentence. . .
Please see the Word Definitions section for links to where the word way
is used within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible.
the New Testament definition is: 'a method of getting from one place to another by numerous repetitions on the same small movement'.
Please see the note for 1Corinthians C12S27 about the word teach
. The New Testament definition is: ' to instruct; to inform; to communicate to another the knowledge of that of which he was before ignorant'.
Please also see the note for Psalms 119:2 for the use of the word testimony
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. The New Testament definition is: 'statements that are used in a court of law to judge the legality of someone's actions'.
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
Please see the note for Philippians 2:1 about the word accord
. The New Testament definition is: 'Agreeing; harmonizing; when two notes are in a music chord, they move together, up or down, to the next note'. Please also see the note for Matthew 16:27 about the phrase according to his works
. Please also see the Messages called Reward According and Reward According to His Own Labour for the application of these verses in the life of the believer.
Please see the note for Colossians 2:4 for extensive links and other information about the word word
. The New Testament definition is: 'a single component part of human speech or language'. However, The word of God
is the holy scriptures and in the English language, it is only the KJV-1611. The Word (capitalized): is Jesus
according to John 1:1. Please see the note for 1Thessalonians 1:8 about the word of the Lord
. Please see the notes for Romans C10S22 and Word in 1John about the phrase word of God
. The phrase every word
is explained in Romans C13S12; stated in Deuteronomy 8:3; Proverbs 30:5; Matthew 4:4; Matthew 18:16; Luke 4:4
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S174 (Verse 169) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called TAU. The theme of this section is the prayer of life: this is to be to prayed all of life and especially at the end. This entire Psalm has been about God's Word and the various things that are part of God's law or the results of God's law. When we obey God's law God's way we receive God's blessings. When we disobey in any fashion, such as obeying with the wrong motivation, we lose God's blessings and may even receive God's punishment. We will each eventually stand before God for personal judgment of our life. This Psalm is designed to teach us how to get the best results from that personal judgment. Our current sentence. . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Please see the note for Philippians 2:1 about the word accord
. The New Testament definition is: 'Agreeing; harmonizing; when two notes are in a music chord, they move together, up or down, to the next note'. Please also see the note for Matthew 16:27 about the phrase according to his works
. Please also see the Messages called Reward According and Reward According to His Own Labour for the application of these verses in the life of the believer.
Please see the note for Colossians 2:4 for extensive links and other information about the word word
. The New Testament definition is: 'a single component part of human speech or language'. However, The word of God
is the holy scriptures and in the English language, it is only the KJV-1611. The Word (capitalized): is Jesus
according to John 1:1. Please see the note for 1Thessalonians 1:8 about the word of the Lord
. Please see the notes for Romans C10S22 and Word in 1John about the phrase word of God
. The phrase every word
is explained in Romans C13S12; stated in Deuteronomy 8:3; Proverbs 30:5; Matthew 4:4; Matthew 18:16; Luke 4:4
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S175 (Verse 170) Each phrase below has equal importance.
This sentence is in the section called TAU. The theme of this section is the prayer of life: this is to be to prayed all of life and especially at the end. This entire Psalm has been about God's Word and the various things that are part of God's law or the results of God's law. When we obey God's law God's way we receive God's blessings. When we disobey in any fashion, such as obeying with the wrong motivation, we lose God's blessings and may even receive God's punishment. We will each eventually stand before God for personal judgment of our life. This Psalm is designed to teach us how to get the best results from that personal judgment. Our current sentence. . .
Please see the note for Mark 7:7 about the word lips
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'The border of the mouth. Also used metaphorically for an edge or border, as of a cup (1Ki 7:26), a garment (Ex 28:32), a curtain (Ex 26:4), the sea (Ge 22:17), the Jordan (2Ki 2:13). To "open the lips" is to begin to speak (Job 11:5); to "refrain the lips" is to keep silence (Ps 40:9; 1Pe 3:10). the "fruit of the lips" (Heb 13:15) is praise, and the "calves of the lips" thank- offerings (Ho 14:2). To "shoot out the lip" is to manifest scorn and defiance (Ps 22:7)'.
Please see the note for 7 about the word praise
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Commendation bestowed on a person for his personal virtues or worthy actions, on meritorious actions themselves, or on anything valuable; approbation expressed in words or song. True praise recognizes what a being has actually done or their personal character. False praise attributes to them what is not theirs to possess'.
. . . . . . . . . . . .
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S176 (Verse 171) This sentence has equivalent sections.
This sentence is in the section called TAU. The theme of this section is the prayer of life: this is to be to prayed all of life and especially at the end. This entire Psalm has been about God's Word and the various things that are part of God's law or the results of God's law. When we obey God's law God's way we receive God's blessings. When we disobey in any fashion, such as obeying with the wrong motivation, we lose God's blessings and may even receive God's punishment. We will each eventually stand before God for personal judgment of our life. This Psalm is designed to teach us how to get the best results from that personal judgment. Our current sentence. . .
is used in Psalms 119 to mean 'a mandate; an order or injunction given by authority; charge'. Please see the Word Definitions for the use of the word commandment
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible.
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Please see the note for Romans 11:1 about the phrase I say
. The New Testament definition is: 'This phrase expresses a personal opinion, which usually follows the phrase'. Bible authors uses this phrase when they introduces their own point into an ongoing discussion. When Jesus
says this phrase, He is giving a personal command. Please also see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word saith
. Please also see the note for Romans C10S28 about the word gainsaying
. Please also see the note for Matthew 26:1 about the word sayings (plural)
. Please also see the notes for Romans C15S15 and 2Corinthians 2:17 about the word speak
. Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 3:12-14 about the word speech
. Please also see the notes for Ephesians C4S15 and 1Peter 2:1 about the phrase evil speaking
. The words speaketh
and saith
mean that the person 'keeps on keeping on doing the saying'.
Please see the note for Colossians 2:4 for extensive links and other information about the word word
. The New Testament definition is: 'a single component part of human speech or language'. However, The word of God
is the holy scriptures and in the English language, it is only the KJV-1611. The Word (capitalized): is Jesus
according to John 1:1. Please see the note for 1Thessalonians 1:8 about the word of the Lord
. Please see the notes for Romans C10S22 and Word in 1John about the phrase word of God
. The phrase every word
is explained in Romans C13S12; stated in Deuteronomy 8:3; Proverbs 30:5; Matthew 4:4; Matthew 18:16; Luke 4:4
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S177 (Verse 172) Parts of sentence below are steps.
This sentence is in the section called TAU. The theme of this section is the prayer of life: this is to be to prayed all of life and especially at the end. This entire Psalm has been about God's Word and the various things that are part of God's law or the results of God's law. When we obey God's law God's way we receive God's blessings. When we disobey in any fashion, such as obeying with the wrong motivation, we lose God's blessings and may even receive God's punishment. We will each eventually stand before God for personal judgment of our life. This Psalm is designed to teach us how to get the best results from that personal judgment. Our current sentence. . .
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Please see the general note in the Definitions at the start of this Study about the word precept
. The New Testament definition is: 'A general concept of right and wrong that never changes for any reason or circumstance, but which also has many applications with the particular application changing depending upon circumstances'.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S178 (Verse 173) Parts of sentence below are steps.
This sentence is in the section called TAU. The theme of this section is the prayer of life: this is to be to prayed all of life and especially at the end. This entire Psalm has been about God's Word and the various things that are part of God's law or the results of God's law. When we obey God's law God's way we receive God's blessings. When we disobey in any fashion, such as obeying with the wrong motivation, we lose God's blessings and may even receive God's punishment. We will each eventually stand before God for personal judgment of our life. This Psalm is designed to teach us how to get the best results from that personal judgment. Our current sentence. . .
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Please see the note for Psalms 119:16 about the word delight
. The New Testament definition is: 'A high degree of pleasure, or satisfaction of mind'.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S179 (Verse 174) Parts of sentence below are steps.
This sentence is in the section called TAU. The theme of this section is the prayer of life: this is to be to prayed all of life and especially at the end. This entire Psalm has been about God's Word and the various things that are part of God's law or the results of God's law. When we obey God's law God's way we receive God's blessings. When we disobey in any fashion, such as obeying with the wrong motivation, we lose God's blessings and may even receive God's punishment. We will each eventually stand before God for personal judgment of our life. This Psalm is designed to teach us how to get the best results from that personal judgment. Our current sentence. . .
Please see the note for Psalms 119:1 for the use of the word law
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. . .
Please see the note for 7 about the word praise
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Commendation bestowed on a person for his personal virtues or worthy actions, on meritorious actions themselves, or on anything valuable; approbation expressed in words or song. True praise recognizes what a being has actually done or their personal character. False praise attributes to them what is not theirs to possess'.
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. Please also see the Doctrine of Life. Please see the notes for Hebrews 1:8-LJC and Philippians 1:27-LJC about the phrase life everlasting
. Please see the note for Romans C10S15 about the phrase belief changes life
. Please also see the note for 1Corinthians C11S34 about the phrase sleep is physically dead but spiritually alive
. Please also see the note for Colossians C3S4 about the phrase Christ lives through us
. Please also see the note for Ephesians C1S2 about the phrase just shall live by faith
. Please also see the note for Romans C11S6 about the phrase just shall live by his faith
. Please also see the note for Romans C9S28 about the phrase live / walk by faith
Please see the note for Psalms 119:1 for the use of the word law
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. Please see the note for Psalms 119:7 for the use of the word praise
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. Please see the note for Psalms 119:7 for the use of the word judgment
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible. . .
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The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
Home Start of ChapterC119-S180 (Verse 175) Parts of sentence below are steps.
This sentence is in the section called TAU. The theme of this section is the prayer of life: this is to be to prayed all of life and especially at the end. This entire Psalm has been about God's Word and the various things that are part of God's law or the results of God's law. When we obey God's law God's way we receive God's blessings. When we disobey in any fashion, such as obeying with the wrong motivation, we lose God's blessings and may even receive God's punishment. We will each eventually stand before God for personal judgment of our life. This Psalm is designed to teach us how to get the best results from that personal judgment. Our current sentence. . .
Please see the notes for Romans C14S4; 1Corinthians C7S27 and Ephesians C6S4 about the word servant
. The New Testament definition is: 'A person, male or female, that attends another for the purpose of performing menial offices for him, or who is employed by another for such offices or for other labor, and is subject to his command'. please also see the notes for Romans C14S4; 1Corinthians C7S27 and Ephesians C6S4 about the word serve
. please also see the note for Philippians 2:17 about the word service
is used in Psalms 119 to mean 'a mandate; an order or injunction given by authority; charge'. Please see the Word Definitions for the use of the word commandment
within this Psalm and considerations from other places within the Bible.
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Please see the note for Psalms 119:16 about the word forget
. The New Testament definition for this word is: 'To lose the remembrance of; to let go from the memory. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits. Ps. 103. 2. To slight; to neglect'. The word forgot
is the past-tense form of the word forget
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: ''.
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