Hermeneutics Questions and Answers
Sections within this document: Structure, Procedures, Basic Rules, Technical Rules, Knowledge of God, Prove, Test.
Hermeneutics Questions and Answers � Structure
- God does not make mistakes. Therefore, our Bible was written using proper language structure and contains no errors in language structure. In addition, not only did God write His word without error but God also preserved it without error so that we have a
perfect word of God
(2Samuel 22:31; Psalms 18:30) upon which to base our salvation and sanctification. What are the two main structural parts of language that God preserve in our Bible?
Every word
(Deuteronomy 8:3; Matthew 4:4, Luke 4:4)
jot and tittle
[punctuation] (Matthew 5:18; Luke 16:17)
- What larger structural part of language is composed from these two basic language structural parts and what is the word used in Isaiah 28 that tells us that God uses this larger part of language to teach us and to give us understanding? What is the technical meaning of this word in the original language and what part of language do we associate it with today?
- The word is
and the original language meant measuring line
. This matches the language structure called a sentence
because sentences are composed of words and punctuation with the punctuation telling us how to combine the meaning of the words in order to understand the message of the sentence. Written language is measured by punctuation and punctuation gives us sentences, NOT verses.
- Where is the evidence within the Bible that the verse format contains grammatical error and, therefore, cannot be from God because God does not make errors?
- Acts 21 ends with a comma, which is not the end of a sentence. Changing paragraphs in the middle of a sentence is grammatical error and, therefore, cannot be from God.
- When was the verse format added to the Bible and why did God allow it to remain?
- God had John finish the Bible with Revelation is about 100 AD. Then the verse format was first added in 200 AD, and again in 1500 as and again in 1600 as and possible more times until the verse format was accepted by men. God left it for the same reason that Jesus taught in parables (
Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of Heaven, but to them it is not given
Matthew 13:10-11). The lost religious person is led into doctrinal error while the saved, who learn from the Holy Ghost, are given true understanding.
- What is the main source of doctrinal error according to 1Corinthians?
- 1Corinthians 2:10-15tells us that God�s Holy Spirit reveals spiritual truth and the people who rely upon
wisdom are led into error because they reject the things of God.
- What is the difference between
the word of God
, the word of the Lord
and the word of Christ
The word of God
is everything within the true Bible including things like the lies from Satan that God recorded.
The word of the Lord
is a sub-set of the word of God
which consists of the commandments which we must obey and will be judged for based upon our level of obedience. The word of the Lord
is exactly the same for all saved people.
The word of Christ
is a sub-set of the word of God
which is used to tell us how to act within our personal relationship with God. God�s Holy Spirit may use the word of Christ
to tell one person to do one thing while telling another person to do differently. For example, Romans 14:5says Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind
, which allows for different persuasions
- What is the main rule for saying that something is part of
the word of the Lord
and is, therefore, something which must be believed and obeyed by all?
- Anything that is part of
the word of the Lord
must have two or three witnesses
in the Bible according to Deuteronomy 17:6; Deuteronomy 19:15; Matthew 18:16; 2Corinthians 13:1; 1Timothy 5:19; Hebrews 10:28 and Revelation 11:3. That means there must be at least two places where the Bible literally says something in order for us to demand that someone else obey it. Anything less is something that God is trying to get you personally to obey but not something for you to demand of someone else.
- How many interpretations of the word of God are there and how many applications?
- There is only one interpretation but unlimited number of applications. The interpretation is the same regardless of circumstances or personal considerations. However, the application of the interpretation often considers the people and circumstances involved, which give us many applications.
- Why is this difference important?
- 2Timothy 2:15says:
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
(Please see the Study called Dividing under the Hermey Menu item of ljc1611kjv.com for details.) When we divide
we Separating pre-defined units according to a precise procedure which produces a precise result which produce an exact result. The proper definition of divide
comes from mathematics but is applied to the Bible to show us the distinction between the single interpretation
and the many applications
. People who fail to make this distinction end up believing and teaching doctrinal error and will be ashamed
before all of Heaven at the judgment seat of Christ.
- Why is the difference important?
- Because one significant source of doctrinal error is when someone insists that an application is the single interpretation. Then, when another place is found, within the Bible, where the application does not match what the Bible says, people claim that there are errors, or
problem verses
in the Bible instead of admitting that their method of understanding is the source of the error.
Hermeneutics Questions and Answers � Procedures
- What are the steps in the Step-by-Step procedure found within Isaiah 28?
- Eliminate all doctrinal sources which justify our holding onto.
- Eliminate all doctrinal sources which keep us from our personal relationship with Jesus Christ which causes us to have a holy and righteous life.
- Make sure that you are saved and in submission to God�s authority in your personal life.
- Pass God�s Test of Spiritual Maturity so that God will teach you directly and not just through the church.
- Learn and understand precepts, which are truths which never change, such as what the character of God is and How God�s character differs from the character of devils who claim to be God.
- Learn the sequential method of Bible Study and be sure to always keep things within context.
- Learn to recognize symbols and how to use definitions from other languages to better understand a local text and the context within which a Bible lesson is presented.
- Refine prior methods to be able to separate truths which never change through the Bible from applications of those truths which are presented within a context within a particular part of the Bible.
- What is the proper way to find the definition of a Bible word?
- Proper Word Studies, within the Bible, require us looking at every place where the Bible uses the word. At each of those places we need to understand the context and make sure that the application of the word fits within the context where it is found. After we look at every place that the word is used, we look to see what is the same for every usage and what is different. What is the same in all places is the basic Bible definition and what varies from place to place is the multitude of applications of that basic definition.
- Why is it important to know that there is a difference between the Bible definition of words and definitions found in human written dictionaries?
- Devil motivated people and good people who lack knowledge try to teach the Bible using the wrong definitions of words which leads to doctrinal error and claims of conflicts within the Bible. However, God judges us for our obedience to what He actually wrote in His word, and not for the religious error that we are taught. Therefore, we need to know God�s true definitions of words in order to understand what we are to obey and to get God�s blessings and to avoid God�s punishments.
- Why is it important to understand that true Bible doctrines are the same everywhere within the Bible?
- God does not change. Therefore, what God teaches in true Bible doctrines does not change. Devil motivated people and proud ignorant people who wish to claim to be an authority claim that there are
problem verses
and other conflicts within the Bible. They blame God�s perfect word for their own error. When someone has believed a lie, we can search the Bible for every place that the doctrine is taught and find what is the same in every place and, thereby, teach the Bible truth and disprove the error. Without this method, we can only offer our opinion of what the Bible says to dispute the wrong opinion of what the Bible says and fail God�s command to prove
God�s truth.
- Why is it important to understand, and use, the time-sequential of the Bible?
- The history books tell us what happened and often the circumstances which someone was dealing with were created by people in an earlier time. Therefore, understanding the time-sequence helps us to understand the circumstances of what was recorded. It is important to understand what causes God to bless or punish His people so that we can get God�s blessings and avoid His punishment. However, since many people teach doctrinal error, we can be taught error if we do not truly understand what causes God to react like He does.
- Why else is it important to understand the time sequence of events within the Bible, especially when dealing with prophecy?
- Many things within the prophecies of the prophetic books can only be properly understood when we consider the cause of what God did. Also, many prophecies of future events are related to the sins that God�s people did and the punishment that God gave as a result. Since many people, especially lost and spiritually immature people, have a great interest in prophecy, there are many devil motivated liars making a lot of money by distorting the truth of Bible prophecies. God�s true preachers and teachers need to be able to protect God�s people by explaining the true prophecies, which requires understanding the context in which they were made.
- Why is it important to study many of the Bible books from beginning to end: in sequential order?
- Doctrinal books, such as the Pauline Epistles, present the doctrine in a particular order that God wants the doctrine taught in. For example, the Pauline Epistles all start with general concepts that anyone can understand and then applies these to general spiritual precepts and then narrows those to specific precepts which apply to the problem being addressed and then applies those spiritual precepts to specific things in this physical life and ends with commands which help us avoid problems and get God�s blessings. However, many preachers skip all of the support provided by God and go directly to the commands from God, which go against the wisdom of this world and our flesh. Then preachers get upset when God�s people refuse to obey an unsupported command that goes against all of their natural desires. When we follow God�s way and present the God given supporting concepts then God�s people are more likely to accept a command which goes against their natural desires.
- Why is it important to understand the structure of Bible sentences as dictated by the use of punctuation?
- Each punctuation mark has a unique usage within the Bible which tells us how the various phrases are attached to each other in order to deliver the message of the sentence. For example, a sentence is a single thought within written languages. People who interpret
break a single Bible thought (sentence) into multiple parts, which takes the message of the Bible out of context and uses the method that Satan used to tempt Jesus. Therefore, the punctuation directs our doing a proper analysis of the message of the sentence and avoids doctrinal error which comes from using a method of Satan.
- Why is it important to consider the context that a sentence is found within?
- Many times a sentence will make a statement which is dependent upon the rest of the chapter, or at least surrounding sentences, to completely understand what is being said. For example, a sentence taken out of the middle of a parable can be completely misconstrued without the rest of the context. In addition, the Bible records lies from Satan which, if taken out of context, can be represented as a truth from God. Therefore, it is critical that everything be considered within the context within which it is presented.
- How do we find the true message of a Bible book?
- First pray for help from God. Expect God�s Holy Spirit to show you new things every time that you seriously study your Bible.
- Next, read the book through several times just to get the overall picture of the message presented.
- Next, find the structural outline of each sentence as defined by the punctuation within each sentence.
- Next, analyze each phrase within the sentence and summarize each phrase. Then combine the phrases based upon the rules of punctuation in order to find the message of the sentence.
- After analyzing each sentence within the chapter, go back and add contextual considerations of each sentence.
- From the summary of each sentence develop the summary of each chapter and from the summaries of the chapters develop the summary of the Book.
- Go back over the entire Bible book and summaries looking for inconsistencies within the analysis and conflicts with true Bible doctrines. Correct any problems.
- Next, go back over the entire book and add detailed analysis based upon true Bible word definitions and true Bible doctrines while adding references to other Bible places which teach these things which never change within the Bible. Correct any problems.
- Compare what you have to the character of God as reported by the Bible and make sure that everything matches the character of the God of the Bible. Correct anything which goes against God�s character to make it match God�s character.
- Compare what you have to the religious traditions that you have been taught. Always allow the Bible to correct your religious traditions and expect some corrections. If there are none then you have not yet matured very much in your Bible Study or are ignoring what the Bible literally says or what God�s Holy Spirit is teaching you. Be ready to explain the corrections to your traditions as you deal with other saved people.
- Finally, look at what other commentators say. Look for anything that you have not considered but should have considered. Also, be ready to explain the error in what other commentators claim.
Hermeneutics Questions and Answers Basic Rules
- What is the first thing which we need to verify before reading or listening to what some Bible preacher / teacher says about the Bible?
- We need to check if they have a testimony of believing what the Bible literally says b obeying the commands of the Bible or do they 'correct' the Bible or make excuses for disobedience. Anyone who makes excuses for disobedience is to be treated as an agent of the doctrine of devils.
- What is to be our primary attitudes when reading and studying the Bible?
- God wrote what He meant and meant what he wrote. We are to believe what the Bible literally says.
- God�s word promises that God preserved His word to every generation for at least 1,000 generations. That means we are to trust what God preserved unto us and not go looking for some 'hidden knowledge' which will allow us to claim to have special revelation that is not generally available to all saved people.
- Since God is a Spirit, the main message and meaning if Bible messages are spiritual in perspective. That means that we must look for the spiritual meaning first.
- Since we are sinful by nature, we must expect the true Bible message to correct out natural attitudes and actions.
- Once our attitude is correct, what is the primary action that we need to do in order to properly understand the Bible?
- We must expect the Bible to tell us what to do and we must be willing to obey the commands found within the Bible. There are some things only learned through experience. Therefore, refusal to obey will stop our learning and understanding.
- What is God�s minimum requirement in order for us to be able to understand His word and teach others?
- We must personally pass God�s 'Test of Spiritual Maturity' so that God will teach us directly and not just through the church. Before we pass God�s test, all that we can teach others is what the church teaches us and if there is any error in what we learn, we have no way of correcting it. That is why so much doctrinal error is passed on within religious traditions.
- Once God starts teaching us personally, how does God expect us to learn?
- Proverbs 15:28 says:
The heart of the righteous studieth to answer: but the mouth of the wicked poureth out evil things.
2Timothy 2:15says: Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
We must do the disciplined activities of study
and not just read the Bible and pray. This means that we must follow disciplined procedures which are well developed for how to study
and includes using the proper methods of analysis which includes following proper rules of grammar and using correct word definitions.
- Grammar uses punctuation to control the structure of written language. What is the precedence of punctuation that is used within the Bible?
- We first look for Parenthesis and treat everything within them, even whole sentences, a part of the outer sentence. We then look for periods, question marks and/or exclamation marks which end sentences. We then look for colons which are the high-order dividers within a sentence. After that, semi-colons fit within the sections identified by colons and commas fit within the semi-colons.
- What is next in importance to proper understanding?
- Using God�s definitions for God�s words within the Bible. Much doctrinal error is based upon people using wrong word definitions.
- What is the next step?
- Verify what we get from our analysis to be sure that it fits within the context where it is found and within the precepts of the Bible.
- What do we do about claims that the 'original languages' or even that the English Bible corrects what is in the Bible that we have within other languages?
- 1John 5:13and other places within the Bible tell us that the main Bible which God will use to cause us to grow spiritually is the same Bible as He used to show us our need for salvation. The 1611 KJV was the seventh translation in English. Even though the prior translations were not perfect, God used them until God had men produce a better translation. Even then the errors only caused problems in
doctrines which most people did not understand and that did not really keep God�s people from learning to live holy and righteous lives. Therefore, the basic command is to trust what God gave you and, for the most part, regard people who claim to have a better translation
in another language to be proud representatives of devils.
- What is the first, last and always check on anything which we get from the Bible?
- Does it match the character of the God of the Bible? If no, then we have an error somewhere.
Hermeneutics Questions and Answers Technical Rules
- What is the most basic technical rule for understanding the Bible?
- God wrote what He meant and meant what He wrote. We are to believe what the Bible literally says unless the context makes it clear that the literal meaning is not to be used such as when we have a parable, obvious symbolism or some other identified figure-of-speech. If the literal meaning makes sense but there is also a matching sense from symbolism then the literal meaning is what is meant and the symbolic interpretation is an application which is valid only so long as it matches the underlying literal interpretation.
- What is the absolute rule for separating what all saved must believe from what is meant for our own understanding?
In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established
(Matthew 18:16 and 2Corinthians 13:1). Any rule that all saved are to obey will be literally said in at least two places within the Bible. If it is not literally said or is only literally said once then it might be something that God wants an individual to obey but is not to be pushed onto others.
- How does the Bible use the word
, especially within the New Testament?
- It doubles what was just said and makes the prior statement something that all saved are to obey.
- How does the 1611 KJV use the words
, thee
, thou
, thy
and thine
- All of these words were created for the 1611 KJV and are used to convey the meaning of
. God wants a personal
relationship with the saved and these words tell us about that personal
- What does the word
- Belongs to.
- What does it mean when an action verb ends in
of st
- This means that the action is to 'keep on keeping on happening'. This separates lifestyle actions from one-time events.
- When we see the word
connected to a role of God, what word is implied?
- The implied word is
. Thus, in Christ
really means in relationship to Christ
- When we compare the verse format to the sentence format, in the first couple of chapters of Ephesians and of Colossians, what is the obvious difference?
- The sentence format in these chapters, and in much of the rest of the Bible, all start with words which connect to the prior sentence while the verses do not. The sentence format encourages keeping things within context while the verse format encourages taking things out of context.
- What does the word
- It specifies a condition which must be fulfilled in order to receive the result of the condition.
- Where do we see the grammatical error which proves that the verse format is not from God?
- At the end of Acts 21.
Hermeneutics Questions and Answers Knowledge of God
- What part of the Bible tells us how to get the
knowledge of God
- Proverbs 2.
- What is the evidence that someone has true Biblical
knowledge of God
- True Bible
knowledge of God
(Proverbs 2:5) causes a visible change in the physical life of the person (who has the knowledge of God
) due to the spiritual working of the LORD
in and through their personal life.
- What does Biblical
give us?
- Biblical
shows us how things are related. This might be how different things within the Bible are related or how things which happen in this world are related to spiritual causes.
- How is Biblical
- Bible
gives us the ability to apply Bible knowledge and Bible understanding to the events and circumstances of life.
- What is the primary requirement for receiving true Biblical
knowledge of God
, understanding
and wisdom
- The right godly attitude that God gives these as he sees fit and that we can not demand them. We also need to be willing to be diligent, faithful and work hard in order to show God that we sincerely desire these spiritual gifts. However, our work does not force God to gtive them, it only proves our attitude.
- What is the first thing that our reference in proverbs 2 tells us that we need to
- The
fear of the LORD
. This is NOT a 'deep abiding respect' but is 'the absolute knowledge that God will hurt us beyond what we can imagine if we refuse to stop our sin'.
- Why is
the knowledge of God
added to fear of the LORD
- Because until we understand God�s holiness and righteousness and His reaction to beings who reject these attributes of God, we will not really learn what God is like.
- What does God give us as an additional spiritual gift if we make to effort to gain true Biblical
and understanding
- What additional blessing does Proverbs 2 promise to those who keep to God�s
- What happens to everyone, especially God�s children, who refuse to obey this proverb?
- Destruction.
Hermeneutics Questions and Answers Prove
- What do many people mistakenly believe provides proof?
- The way of persuasion. Many religious people are persuaded to follow doctrinal error while they believe that their religious leaders have
the things claimed.
- How is true
different from persuasion
convinces people to agree with you. However, proof
uses absolute rules which never change with circumstances and follow exact rules to provide a never-changing result. The main rules which are used to prove
are the rules of Mathematics and the rules of logic used in computer programming. Proving spiritual truths requires us showing that our claim always matches what God and the Bible says. For example, the true Biblical definition of Bible words is often different from what is found in dictionaries and requires our showing that our definition fits within every usage of that word within the Bible. People claim that the Bible definition of Jesus
is 'Savior'. Yet three times this name is applied to a man who is not the Son of God in human flesh and is not our 'Savior'. In addition, most Bible references to the name of Jesus
have nothing to do with true Biblical spiritual salvation.
- What is the basic standard to use when we prove that a spiritual claim is true or not?
- The
word of the Lord
, which is only a subset of the word of God
- What is the consequence to God�s people who claim to
a Bible claim and yet fail to do all that is required to meet God�s requirements to prove
a Bible claim?
- They will receive the judgment from God.
- Why do we need to
our beliefs from the Bible?
- Because there are many liars and false teachers teaching error. Believing error brings the judgment from God while proving God�s truth brings blessings from God.
- What are the main things required to
a Bible claim which most people fail to fully provide?
- Diligence, time and effort. Most people will look at some places where the Bible uses a word or teaches a doctrine and some will skim many of the Bible references. However, very few, especially very few preachers, will take the time to study every reference within the context to get a full understanding of every Bible reference.
- What is the primary result of people�s failure to
the things which they believe come from the Bible?
- They fail to
hold fast
to the things which God gave them. They lose those things when a big enough 'storm of life' hits them.
- Why does God put us through tests which
our dependence upon God?
- So that other people will know that God protects and preserves us and so that they will follow our example to receive the same protection and preservation.
- Why does God let us fail a test where we thought that we had
what we believe from the Bible?
- To show us our error in what we believe and in how we decided to believe what we believe. God wants us to correct our belief and our way of deciding what to believe
- Why does God require us to
or righteousness?
- To keep us from transgressing at future temptation after we have established a testimony and to show others how they are to have righteousness in their life.
Hermeneutics Class Midterm
- What must we always do before reading or studying the Bible if we want to be correct and why?
- Pray so that God�s Holy Spirit can show us what He wants us to learn from the Bible.
- What is the most basic concept which we must keep in mind as we interpret the Bible?
- God never creates error. All errors are due to the way that man interprets the Bible (using wrong rules of interpretation) or to his own error in applying the rules.
- What are the two main ways that we are to use to study the Bible?
- Sequentially
- Theologically
- What are the two words in Isaiah 28:9which match with these two methods and which method matches with each word?
- Precept = a doctrine that never changes and matches the doctrinal / Theological method of study.
- Line = a sentence that is read sequentially from the beginning of a Bible book to the end of the book and matches the chronological method of study.
- What are the two methods of sequential Bible study?
- Chronologically: in time sequence
- from the beginning to the end of a Bible book
- What are the two methods of theological Bible study?
- Doctrines are the same all across the Bible
- word definitions are the same all across the Bible
- The above procedures are to be used to find the interpretation of the Bible and also to find the applications. What is the major difference between the interpretation and the application?
- There is only one interpretation but unlimited number of applications.
- What is the main problem caused by people failing to recognize the differences between the interpretation and the application of the Bible?
- When someone insists that an application is the single interpretation we get doctrinal error and people claim that there are problems within the Bible when another application disagrees with the application which people believe is the single interpretation. They also claim that there are controversies, or
problem verses
or just refuse to deal with those places within the Bible instead of admitting that their method of understanding is the source of the error.
- What two main structural parts of language did God preserve in our Bible?
Every word
(Deuteronomy 8:3; Matthew 4:4, Luke 4:4)
jot and tittle
[punctuation] (Matthew 5:18; Luke 16:17)
- What larger structural parts of language is composed from the two parts in the prior sentence and what is the word used in Isaiah 28 that tells us that God uses it to teach us and to give us understanding? What is the technical meaning of this word in the original language and what part of language do we associate it with today?
- The word is
and the original language meant measuring line
. This matches the language structure called a sentence
because language is measured by punctuation and punctuation gives us sentences. Sentences are composed of words and punctuation, which our Bible tells us that God preserved.
- What is the doctrinally correct method of finding God�s definitions for Bible word?
- Study every place in the Bible where the word is used and be sure to understand the application of the word within each context. Then find what is the same within every application of the word. What is the same is the basic definition, which is the single interpretation of the word.
- What is the main rule for knowing that something is the Bible is part of the
word of the Lord
, and therefore something which all saved people must accept and obey?
in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established
. Anything which the Bible tells us and that we will be judged for obeying is said literally in at least two places. If it is not said literally or said only once then God may use that to tell you something you personally are to obey but it is not something for you to demand that others obey.
- Where is the evidence within the Bible that the verse format contains grammatical error and, therefore, cannot be from God Who does not make errors?
- Acts 21 ends with a comma, which is not the end of a sentence. Changing paragraphs in the middle of a sentence is grammatical error and, therefore, cannot be from God.
- What is the main source of doctrinal error according to 1Corinthians?
- 1Corinthians 2:10-15tells us that God�s Holy Spirit reveals spiritual truth and the people who rely upon
wisdom are led into error because they reject the things of God.
- What is the basic Bible doctrine associated with the name of
and what is the major doctrinal difference from our relationships which are through Jesus
and through Christ
- The Bible uses
to tell us about things associated with government such as laws and judgment. These things are applied to everyone the same way (God is no respecter of persons
). However, the Bible uses Jesus
and Christ
for our personal relationship with the Son of God and those relationships allow for differences from one person to another.
- What is the difference between the
kingdom of God
and the kingdom of Heaven
- The word
means 'belongs to'. The kingdom of Heaven
is the kingdom
that 'belongs to' Heaven
and is everything that is in Heaven
, which is God�s personal home. However, the kingdom of God
is the kingdom
that 'belongs to' God, which is His character put into everyone who belongs to Him.
- 1John 5:13has an
in it which gives us two reasons why God wrote His word. What are the two reasons and how do they apply to our understanding of the Bible?
that ye may know that ye have eternal life
� This tells us that we have eternal security because of God. Therefore we need to believe what His word tells us about that eternal life since, being eternal, it will not change.
that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.
� This tells us that the same word of God which He used to save us is to be the primary source of our spiritual growth.
- How do these two reasons, found in 1John 5:13for why God wrote the Bible, match the two reasons found in John 10:10 for Jesus coming?
- In John 10:10 Jesus said
I am come that they might have life
, which is salvation and the first reason why God wrote the Bible according to 1John 5:13. Jesus also said and that they might have it more abundantly
, with the abundant life
being the result of spiritual maturity, which is the second reason why God wrote the Bible according to 1John 5:13.
- How do these two reasons, found in 1John 5:13and John 10:10, match the two main commandments found in the 'Great Commission'?
- Salvation, which is the first reason in both of our verses, and is the result of
preach the gospel to every creature
. That is the command found at the end of the Gospel by Mark, which is part of the 'Great Commission'. The second part of our two verses matches the command to Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you
, which is another part of the 'Great Commission' which is found in the end of Matthew.
- Why did God put these two points in the same sentences of 1John 5:13and of John 10:10? That is: how do these apply to our understanding of the Bible?
- They are in a single sentence because they are part of the single reason why God sent His Son and why God wrote the Bible. Anyone who claims one while denying the other is calling God a liar because God�s word makes it clear that we can not have one without the other.
Member of Rochester Hills Baptist Church. Copyright 2009Lord Jesus Christ in the 1611KJV. All rights reserved. Revised:
Member of Tower Road Baptist Church, Abq., NM, U.S.A., 87121. Copyright 2009 Lord Jesus Christ in the 1611KJV. All rights reserved. Revised: