11/22/2023 - Detail Study of all sentences im Revelation
11/16/2023 - Detail Study of all sentences im Revelation 19 - 20
11/11/2023 - Detail Study of all sentences im Revelation 17 - 18
11/06/2023 - Detail Study of all sentences im Revelation 13 - 16
10/28/2023 - Detail Study of all sentences im Revelation 11 - 12
10/24/2023 - Detail Study of all sentences im Revelation 9 - 10
10/21/2023 - Detail Study of all sentences im Revelation 1 - 8
09/21/2023 - Add word definitions to all sentences of Revelation
07/17/2023 - Finished detail study of Acts 27,28
07/13/2023 - Finished detail study of Acts 25,26
07/09/2023 - Finished detail study of Acts 23,24
07/05/2023 - Finished detail study of Acts 21,22
06/29/2023 - Finished detail study of Acts 19,20 and all prior chapters.
06/07/2023 - Finished detail study of Acts 13,14.
05/23/2023 - Finished detail study of Acts 11,12.
05/17/2023 - Finished detail study of Acts 9,10.
04/21/2023 - Finished detail study of Acts 7,8.
04/05/2023 - Finished detail study of Acts 5,6.
03/25/2023 - Finished detail study of Acts 3,4.
03/14/2023 - Finished detail study of Acts 1,2.
02/24/2023 - Updated several Teaching books.
02/14/2023 - Finished the expanded summary for Matthew.
11/29/2022 - Not sure what happened to other entries in this history. I finished the expanded summary for Mark, Luke and John.
04/08/2022 - Added interpretation of most phrases in the rest of the Epistles except hebrews. Expanded Acts Study and Revelation Study.
02/28/2022 - Added interpretation of most phrases in Pauline Epistles to make the Summaries easier to understand. Also added word definitions to detail reports. Also, Addecd Significant Gospel Events, Significant New Testament Events, and other reference documents to the Doctrines Menu.
07/21/2021 - Finished detail study of Matthew 24 and provided links to the book titled: How to Study the Word of God.
05/24/2021 - Finished detail study of Matthew 20
02/15/2021 - Finished detail study of Matthew 13
01/19/2021 - Finished detail study of Matthew 11
12/30/2020 - Finished detail study of Matthew 9
12/19/2020 - Finished detail study of Matthew 8
12/08/2020 - Finished detail study of Matthew 7
11/17/2020 - Finished detail study of Matthew 5
10/17/2020 - Finished detail study of Matthew 3
09/15/2020 - Summarized each sentence in detail study in the Gospel of Matthew
08/17/2020 - Started detail study in the Gospel of Matthew
07/17/2020 - Finish detail study in the Gospel of Luke
06/19/2020 - Finish chapter 22 of detail study in the Gospel of Luke
06/06/2020 - Finish chapter 21 of detail study in the Gospel of Luke
05/30/2020 - Finish chapter 20 of detail study in the Gospel of Luke
05/24/2020 - Finish chapters 17-19 of detail study in the Gospel of Luke
05/08/2020 - Finish chapter 16 of detail study in the Gospel of Luke
05/02/2020 - Finish chapter 15 of detail study in the Gospel of Luke
04/30/2020 - Finish chapter 14 of detail study in the Gospel of Luke
04/26/2020 - Finish chapter 13 of detail study in the Gospel of Luke
04/22/2020 - Finish chapter 12 of detail study in the Gospel of Luke
04/12/2020 - Finish chapter 11 of detail study in the Gospel of Luke
04/04/2020 - Finish chapter 10 of detail study in the Gospel of Luke
03/30/2020 - Finish chapter 9 of detail study in the Gospel of Luke
02/12/2020 - Finish chapter 6 of detail study in the Gospel of Luke
01/31/2020 - Finish next through chapter 5 of detail study in the Gospel of Luke
11/4/2019 - Finish next two chapters of detail study in the Gospel of Luke
10/25/2019 - Finish first two chapters of detail study in the Gospel of Luke
7/13/2019 - Do summary for the Gospel of Luke
6/4/2019 - Several entries lost somehow. Finish Gospel of Mark and Teaching Mark . Started Gospel of Luke
9/10/2018 - Finish Gospel of John and Teaching John.
8/16/2018 - Finish gospel of John through Chapter 20.
6/09/2018 - Finish gospel of John Chapter 14 and added several messages
5/22/2018 - Finish gospel of John Chapter 9-12 and added several messages
1/19/2018 - Finish gospel of John Chapter 5-8 and added several messages
9/25/2017 - Completed Chapters 1-4 in gospel of John.
7/22/2017 - Created basic Book Studies for Gospels, Acts and Revelation from Bible divided by punctuation. Details to follow in future, God willing.
8/23/2016 - Finished adding word studies to study on Romans
5/14/16 - lost some entries of this Change History. Finished adding details like word studies to Book Study on 1Peter.
11/7/2015- Finished Book Study on Hebrews.
10/28/2015- Finished through Hebrews 11.
9/4/2015- Finished Hebrews 1-8.
8/24/2015- Finished Hebrews 1-4.
7/11/2015- Finished Book Study on James, started on Hebrews.
5/20/2015- Finished Book Study on 1Thessalonians.
4/25/2015- Added word definitions to 2Timothy 1-2.
2/2/2015- Finished 1Timothy Book Study, Started 1Thessalonians.
2/2/2015- Finished 2Corinthians Book Study, Started 1Timothy.
11/19/2014 - Finished 2Corinthians Chapter 6. Added page for Missionaries Supported including a link to the new PAME web site. Moved the PAME presentation to that new PAME site.
11/8/2014 - Finished adding Word Studies to Book Study on Colossians. Return to the Book Study on 2Corinthians.
10/3/2014 - Finished fourth chapter in the Book Study on 2Corinthians. Start adding Word Studies to Book Study on Colossians.
8/26/2014 - Finished 3chapters in the Book Study on 2Corinthians. Set-up for site to work on iPhone.
7/11/2014 - Started the Book Study on 2Corinthians. Added detail to Test of Maturity in 1Corinthians. Created a PDF Summary of Romans and a PDF Summary of 1Corinthians which skip all of the detailed analysis for those people who want to skip the details such as when teaching a class.
6/14/2014 - Finished the Book Study on Philippians. Do other misc updates.
6/4/2014 - Finished Chapter 3in Book Study on Philippians. Do other misc updates.
5/7/2014 - Finished Chapter 1 in Book Study on Philippians. Do other misc updates.
3/27/2014 - Finished adding details to the Book Study on Galatians. Started Book Study on Philippians. Do other misc updates.
3/4/2014 - Add to first 4 chapters of Book Study on Galatians. Add to several Subject Studies such as Bible Econ 101. Do other misc updates.
1/1/2014 - Finish Basic Study of 1Corinthians.
12/16/2013- Finish chapter 15 of Basic Study of 1Corinthians.
11/16/2013- Finish chapter 14 of Basic Study of 1Corinthians.
10/11/2013- Finish chapter 12 of Basic Study of 1Corinthians.
09/08/2013- Finish chapter 11 of Basic Study of 1Corinthians.
08/13/2013- Finish update Hermeneutics Lessons and create PDF versions.
07/10/2013- Update Hermeneutics Lessons for improvements found while teaching first class.
05/24/2013- Completed chapters 5-7 of Basic Study of 1Corinthians.
04/30/2013- Divided Basic Study of 1Corinthians into 4 web pages and completed Study of first 4 chapters.
03/26/2013- 6 week delay while moving to mission field of the Philippines. Completed first chapter of 1Corinthians and other minor changes.
02/12/2013- Added PDF menu and PDF format of all web pages.
01/19/2013- Added Help page and Hermeneutics Lessons.
11/25/2012 - Added the Index Menu, moved indexes to it, created the Index called "Verses on this Site", and created the Index called "Word Studies on this Site".
11/11/2012 - Finished detailed sentence notes for Romans. Also updated notes in Lord Jesus Christ Study, and other Studies, that are related to Romans.
01/07/2012 - Changed Menu structure found on all pages of the main site. Changed Menu structure found on all pages of the Bible site. Split the Book Study on Romans into 5web pages before adding detailed sentence notes.
12/31/2011 - Corrected formatting errors in Bible - Sentence format and in Bible - Punctuation format. Added notes to verses within the Word Study on Worship.
12/5/2011 - Added links to every verse that is within each page of various Word Study at the beginning of the Study. Now notes can be found by the Bible verse address or by how it is applies as shown in the Summary. Also completed the Book Study on Galatians.
11/15/2011 - Added links to every verse that is within each page of the Lord Jesus Christ Study at the beginning of the Study. Now notes can be found by the name or by the Bible verse address.
10/9/2011 - Reformatted Study on 1John. It was organized by sentence within verse and is now organized in Sentence-by-Sentence like other Book Studies.
9/5/2011 - Added Word Study for Gospel. This Study is not complete but will be added to over time. The Gospel Flowchart was also
sided. In addition, I separated part of Lord Jesus Christ - Verses to be a Subject Study called Relational Prepositions.
8/20/2011 - Completed Book Study on Ephesians to include every sentence within the epistle. Added link to each sentence within the chapter at the start of each chapter within the various Book Studies.
6/2/2011 - Completed Book Study on Colossians to include every sentence within the epistle.
4/17/2011 - Added Book Study on 2Thessalonians and changed some notes in Lord Jesus Christ in 2Thessalonians. This book is not about the 'Rapture' but about dealing with people who teach doctrinal error. People were teaching error about the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
3/15/2011 - Added Study of Proverbs 9(how to build a ministry) and additional note for 1John C4-S2. Added Book Study for 2Timothy. Changed links to point to Book Studies. Added incomplete Study on 'False Things According to the Bible'.
1/30/2011 - Added Book Study for 2Peter. Changed links to point to Book Studies.
1/1/2011 - Added Book Study for Philemon. Changed links to point to Book Studies.
12/16/2010 - Completed Sentence-by-Sentence section for Titus including an interpretation of each sentence and links to notes for this epistle in other studies.
11/30/2010 - Added Sentence-by-Sentence section (division by punctuation only) to other Book Studies.
11/16/2010 - Added Book Study for 1Peter. Changed links to point to Book Studies.
09/05/2010 - Added Book Study for 1John.
08/03/2010 - Added search function that allows limiting search to subsections of site.
07/25/2010 - Added Book Studies (Romans, 1Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Colossians and Titus) and Word Studies (Truth, Spirit and Worship).
07/01/2010 - Stopped using FrontPage and switched to Expressions Web. Used Cascading Menu from Aaron Prenot (Copyright (c) 2000 Aaron Prenot, www.webdevelopersjournal.com) and help from many other Web sources.
03/05/2010 - Changed Site structure, removed Search pages and turned off FrontPage Extensions.
02/21/2010 - Added Meta tags for search engines.
02/13/2010 - Fixed broken links within pages.
02/01/2010 - Initial Public launch of LJC1611KJV site.
Member of Tower Road Baptist Church, Abq., NM, U.S.A., 87121. Copyright 2009 Lord Jesus Christ in the 1611KJV. All rights reserved. Revised: