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Attitude of the Ten Versus Two

We've all sung the song that has' 'Twelve men went to spy on Canaan, ten were bad but two were good'.  People also have a general idea of the consequences.  What most people have not considered is what led to God's people following the wrong advice.  We can know this because so many of God's people are doing the same thing today.  God judges the heart (2Chronicles 1:11; Ecclesiastes 3:17; 1Corinthians 4:5), which is where we have our attitudes.  Therefore, our attitude that we hold onto when faced with a decision pretty much determines our outcome.  Therefore, our attitudes of our heart is one of the most critical things that we need to keep right (Proverbs 4:23).

  1. Numbers 13 - The 12 spies were sent.  10 look at their own physical inability and 2 looked at God's spiritual ability.
  2. Stop considering yourself and look at what God wants done.  God does not need your ability but He needs your availability.
  3. Numbers 11:1 - The people who were on the outside of the camp complained and the Lord sent fire to consume them.  Joshua, as assistant to Moses would be in the center of the camp.
  4. Get in the center of things by getting involved.  Those who hang on the outside are reluctant and try to hold people back instead of encouraging them to follow the leader.
  5. Numbers 11:4 - And the mixt multitude that was among them fell a lusting: and the children of Israel also wept again, and said, Who shall give us flesh to eat?
  6. Get sanctified and separated from the world in order to avoid temptation in your life.
  7. Numbers 11:5-7 - The people remembered a lie and said We remember the fish, which we did eat in Egypt freely.  No one gives a slave all that he wants to eat and makes it free. 
  8. Be honest.  After people leave home they naturally forget the things which caused them to leave and remember things which never were.  Record what your life is really like before you start serving God and record what it is like after you start serving God so that you have an honest record to help your memory.  The ten never kept a journal.  The two did.
  9. Not only that, but they continued with: But now our soul is dried away: there is nothing at all, beside this manna, before our eyes.  The manna could be cooked several different ways but they had to get creative in their cooking.
  10. The ten wanted traditions and the easy way and refused to be thankful for the new things that God brought into their life.  The two were willing to thank God and then try new things and use their brains with God's help to solve new problems.
  11. Numbers 11:10 - Then Moses heard the people weep throughout their families, every man in the door of his tent: and the anger of the LORD was kindled greatly; Moses also was displeased.
  12. The ten kept up their complaining and made everyone around themselves miserable.  The two might have complained at first but then shut up and dealt with life and reality.  ALL drinking and drug addiction is an attempt to escape reality.  The only cure for addiction is to build your relationship with God and to learn to pray and thank God daily.
  13. God gave them so much quail that it literally came out of their nose and they became sick from God giving them their desire.  Be careful what you ask from God because he may give it to you and you will finde that reality does not match your dreams.
  14. Numbers 11:15-end - Moses was overwhelmed with the problems that the people brought to him to solve.
  15. The tem wanted only the leader to solve their problems.  The two looked for their own solution and were willing to let others help them.  That trained them to become leaders instead of being a follower all of their life.
  16. Numbers 12 - Miriam and Aaron spake against the wife of Moses and used that to challenge the position of Moses as leader.  Joshua was the servant of Moses until God removed Moses and put Joshua in charge
  17. Stay in the position that God gives you and be happy there until God puts you into a place of leadership.  Joshua didn't become leader until they were going into a new land.  Don't try to take someone else's position but look to start a new ministry for God.
  18. Numbers 13 - Notice that they had these attitudes before they were sent to spy the land.  These attitudes always lead to failure.  However, God did not judge them until they rebelled and sought to return to their slavery and tried to kill the people who encouraged them to do right (Numbers 14:1-4, 9-10).
  19. Numbers 14:40-45 - After God had taken away the chance to enter the Promised Land, because of their rebellion and refusal to do it God's way, they tried to do it in their own power and failed.  Such people then claim that God failed to help them and that God's promises are not reliable.  When you hear such a claim then be sure that the person tried to do God's work their own way instead of using God's way (Proverbs 16:25).
  20. Numbers 14:22-25 - God literally tells us that the difference in results that were received by those who followed the ten bad spies, as opposed to those who followed the two good spies, was due to a difference in their spirit.

Does your spirit  follow God in faith when faced with an impossible  situation or does your spirit  refuse because of your own inability?


Contact:  Webmaster@LJC1611KJV.com.  Member of Tower Road Baptist Church, Abq., NM, U.S.A., 87121.  Copyright 2009 Lord Jesus Christ in the 1611KJV.  All rights reserved. Revised: 02/07/25.