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Born of God

We find the phrase born of God  only in 1John.  This epistle tells us the lifestyle of people who are truly born of God.  A short summary of these references is that people who are truly born of God:

Now, it is possible for someone to be truly saved and not have these things in their life because they have not spiritually matured since they received eternal life.  However, if someone claims to have been saved for years and still do not have these things as their lifestyle , then they need to check their claim of salvation and make sure that they have not deceived themselves by believing a religious doctrine which is not Biblical.

Having dealt with the summary, we need to look at the details and context of these references.

Every one of these references which tell us about people who are born of God  tells us about lifestyle changes.  Anyone who does not have these lifestyle changes either just received salvation or has a problem with their claim to be saved.  The Bible tells us to test and prove our claim of true Biblical salvation.  Therefore, everyone needs to examine their own life and be sure that they have these things in their life.

If you are sure that you are saved, why don't you ask God the check your lifestyle against this epistle so that God can increase your assurance? In addition, let God show you where you can improve your lifestyle .

If you have never accepted Jesus as your personal Lord for an ongoing personal relationship, why don't you do that now? He will give you assurance of going to Heaven when you die as well as improving your personal life in this world by giving you God's love, peace and more.

If you have made a profession but are not sure of your salvation, why don't you resolve to learn God's commandments found in the Bible so that you can obey them as a lifestyle ? If you are truly saved, obedience will give you the assurance that you desire.  If you were deceived and are not really saved then, just like God sent Peter to Cornelius, so also will God send someone to you to show you how to be truly saved.  However, it requires you to obey first.


Contact:  Webmaster@LJC1611KJV.com.  Member of Tower Road Baptist Church, Abq., NM, U.S.A., 87121.  Copyright 2009 Lord Jesus Christ in the 1611KJV.  All rights reserved. Revised: 02/07/25.