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Called to be Saints

Romans 1:7 says: To all that be in Rome, beloved of God, called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Matthew 22:14 says: For many are called, but few are chosen.

God choses who is actually a saint  but His criteria is based upon spiritual maturity. For us to become a saint  the goal that God gives to every person who is saved. However, we must grow up  spiritually in order to achieve this Biblical title.

In many parts of the world, people think that everyone born in a country that is called 'a Christian country' is a Christian.  Many people believe that they are Christian  when they join a religion that is called 'a Christian religion'.  They would agree that people who do not meet this requirement are not truly Biblical Christians.  Others believe they are Christian  when they are baptized by a church which claims to be 'a Christian religion'.  They would agree that people who do not meet this requirement are not truly Biblical Christians.  Most people who claim to read their Bible think that they are Christians  as soon as they are saved.  Most Bible preaching preachers would also agree with this.  They would agree that people who do not meet this requirement are not truly Biblical Christians.  However, all of these definitions can not be correct. The fact is that God defines the word Christian in the Bible and God's definition is more than being saved.  In addition, this is one of several Biblical words which reveal a level of spiritual maturity.  This is important to know because God makes certain promises to more spiritually mature people than He does to saved but spiritually immature people.

The devil motivates people to claim to be what they are not for several reasons, all of which end up making God look bad.

God has different words in the Bible which describe a person's relationship with God.  These words are:

  1. Lost
  2. Child of God
  3. Carnal child of God
  4. Church member
  5. disciple
  6. Son
  7. Christian
  8. Saint

In addition, to these words, the Bible has words for positions within the church which people associate with spiritual maturity because people are supposed to be spiritually mature before receiving these positions.  However, 1John 4:1 warns: Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.  We will not go into these words about positions but will warn that the Devil has people claim these positions.  They are liars just like the devil.  Therefore, do not assume that a person has any level of spiritual maturity just because they claim to have some position or title.  Always try the spirits whether they are of God.  This means that we must test repeatedly until we are very confident with the honesty and level of spiritual maturity which the person claims.  Doubt all spiritual claims until you have personally verified the claim. Bible definitions of these words.

  1. Lost - 'This is our initial state when we are born'.  We are all born selfish and self-centered.  We all want things to go our own way and not obey God.  A child will fuss when there is nothing wrong because it wants all of its mother's attention
  2. Child of God - 'Any person who is truly Biblically saved is a child of God'.
  3. Carnal child of God - 'This is someone who is truly Biblically saved but who is living like a lost person'.  The title carnal Christian  is a lie from the Devil and is never accepted by God.  This will be explained in a moment but God's true children need to know the consequences of being carnal.
  4. Church member - 'You must be Biblically baptized before becoming a church member'.
  5. Disciple - A disciple is a 'taught child of God who has a disciplined life of learning'.  They pray and read their Bible daily as a minimum.  They also study and meditate on God's word so that it can affect their daily walk of life.
  6. Christian - 'A saved person whose daily life displays control by Christ'.
  7. Son - 'Someone who has received the character of their father'.
  8. Saint - 'a spiritually mature saved person who is actively involved in the ministry of the church'.

There is a lot more which can be said about each of these Bible words which describe the spiritual maturity of saved people.  The important thing to realize is that you can not claim  the blessings of a certain level until you reach that level.  The greatest blessings are reserved for saved people who are not only called to be saints  but have reached that level of spiritual maturity.  Such people are capable of going anywhere and doing the ministry of a missionary even if they are alone.

Are you even a child of God? If not, then none of these blessings will be given to you and you will spend eternity in the lake of fire  with devils.

Are you capable of being a missionary and willing to go anywhere God wants to send you? If not, will you ask God to help you become spiritually mature enough to receive all of God's blessings?


Contact:  Webmaster@LJC1611KJV.com.  Member of Tower Road Baptist Church, Abq., NM, U.S.A., 87121.  Copyright 2009 Lord Jesus Christ in the 1611KJV.  All rights reserved. Revised: 02/07/25.