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Record Keeping

1Samuel 8:7 says: And the LORD said unto Samuel, Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee: for they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them.  When we refuse to do what the Bible tells us that God did and that God told His people to do, we are not rejecting the messenger who tells us what God's word says but are rejecting God.

As the following Bible references will show, when preachers refuse to record what God does in the ministry that God put them in charge of, they are refusing to follow God.  When they refuse to report to God's people what God does they are refusing to obey the command of God to testify of God's work.  When God's pastors refuse to record and regularly report what God does in the ministry that God put them in charge of they are not just risking losing a little financial support from supporting ministries, they are daring God to remove God's blessings and to bring judgment upon the preacher and the church.

Hebrews 13:17 says: Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.  Pastors must give account  to God for how well they teach God's people to thank God and praise God.  Children who say thank you  learned that by example and children who refuse to say thank you  also learned that by example.  If you do not have a regularly scheduled service to thank and praise God for how He works in your ministry and church your people will not learn to thank and praise God and the pastor will personally give account  to God for that failure.

Now before people get upset, we need to see that the Bible actually says this and that I am not giving my opinion but am reporting what God's word says.  Therefore, rejection of what the Bible says is a rejection of God's command and not a rejection of the messenger.

Forms of the word record  occur in the Bible 43times including:

Think about this.  Many people have been blessed by my testimony of how God has blessed my finances.  Many have been encouraged that they also can get God's blessings on their finances.  However, I would not be able to give that testimony if I did not keep accurate records of my finances.  It is the record which allows people to testify of God's working in their life.  Further, that testimony encourages others to live by faith.  The devil discourages God's people from keeping accurate records in order to destroy their testimony even while God works in their life so that the devil keeps God's people from helping others to live by faith.

Forms of the word book  occur in the Bible 196 times.  A book  holds multiple records in an organized fashion.  Most of these references speak about the book of the law,  or something similar, to reference the Bible; or the chronicles,  or something similar, to reference the testimony of how God deals with His people, or the book of (some prophet),  which shows us that God expects His preachers to keep notes on what God shows them within the Bible.  These Bible references including:

Forms of the word study  only occur 5 times in the Bible.  Many people make the mistake of believing that read  and study  are the same.  However, if they had the same meaning then we would not have two different words within the Bible.  In particular, if someone does not write down notes then they may read  with great intensity but they do not study.

One of the main reasons to write down what God shows us is because it uses a different part of our brain than when we just read.  By using more parts of our brain, we get a better understanding.  Even if we never plan on showing our notes to anyone else, we need to write them down because that action gives us better understanding.  In addition, true study  builds one lesson upon another.  When we keep notes, and use our own notes, God can show us similar things in different parts of the Bible.  That is a main way of finding patterns within the Bible.  When we have notes and get to another part of the Bible which has a similar pattern, God's Holy Spirit can remind us of where we saw something similar.  If we have notes then we can search them to find the similar pattern.  However, without notes we can not build, as effectively, on prior learning.  I always use my prior notes when I study the Bible and that is how I have so much on my web site and how I can show people patters which are repeated throughout the Bible.  None of the ministry which God gave to me would exist unless I started keeping notes in 2000.

In addition, to keeping records when we study,  God tells us to keep records for a memorial.  Forms of the word memorial  occur in the Bible 38 times in the Bible.

Forms of the word remember  occur in the Bible 214 times including:



Contact:  Webmaster@LJC1611KJV.com.  Member of Tower Road Baptist Church, Abq., NM, U.S.A., 87121.  Copyright 2009 Lord Jesus Christ in the 1611KJV.  All rights reserved. Revised: 01/04/25.