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Why Bible School?

Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 says Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.

  1. To be Prepared to Serve God.
    1. 2Kings 6:1-7 tells about the sons of the prophets, who were Bible School students.  In the Bible, the word son  is used for a person who receives the character of the father person.  Jesus was called the Son of God  because He had the same character as God the Father.  John 1:12 says But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.  The to become  means that it is a future event after we received him.  This means that we must receive the character of God after our initial profession.  These sons of the prophets  were in Bible School because that was the best place to learn the character of the prophets.  While all saved have equal access to God, successful preachers and teachers have learned better than most saved people how to get God's blessings on their life.  Today, Bible School is the best place to meet and get to know the preachers who are serving God the most and getting the most blessings from God.  Bible School students have the best chance of learning what really works when it comes to getting the character and blessings of God.
    2. 2Kings 6:1-7 also tells how the sons of the prophets  saw God work a miracle through Elisha.  Bible School students have the best chance of learning the personal testimony of godly men.  Frankly, what people preach and what they live are often different even if the only difference is that a lot of personal details get left out of preaching.  However, those personal details often make a major difference in another understanding all that goes on and in being motivated to do the same.  About the only other people who have a better chance of knowing the personal details of a testimony are other preachers. Most of them had to finish Bible School before they became a preacher and got to know preachers on a personal basis.  For example, I can teach how to get God to bless your finances, but people who see me handle money God's way have a better understanding of what I do and how I do it.  These preachers can talk about personal soul-winning but traveling with them and seeing them remember that they are not just another tourist helps students understand personal evangelism.
    3. Not only do Bible School students get to know preachers and teachers in a more personal way, but they get to know other Bible School students.  Those other students are going to be some of the most important people in the ministry in the future.  However, the time to make friends with them is before they are famous.
    4. People in America joke about women going to Bible School to get a M R S degree.  However, the fact is that Bible School is the best place to meet other godly young people and get to know them in an environment that does not have assumptions made at the start of the relationship.  For example, Tata had been introduced to a woman by Pastor Gootlay and everyone understands that he needs a wife and understood that at the introduction.  In Bible School men and women can meet, go soul winning, discuss classes teachers and other activities without the assumption that someone is interested in another as a potential mate.  Bible School is the most low-pressure environment that exists for meeting potential godly mates and for making godly friends.
    5. 2Corinthians 12:17-19: Paul tells this church that he and Titus brought them the Gospel and did not seek any financial support from the church members while they did it.  Paul wrote we speak before God in Christ: but we do all things, dearly beloved, for your edifying.  Almost all teachers and staff took their jobs so that they could edify  the students.  Most could have sought different jobs which paid more but they took their position as a ministry to God's people and, most importantly, to the people who have the potential of being the leaders of God's people in the future.  You don't get this kind of edifying environment even in the church setting.  Bible School students should get to know the staff and teachers with the understanding that they have dedicated their lives to preparing the students so that the student has the best chance of being chosen  by God.  It is easy to thing that they are demanding too much but the fact is that few are chosen  and they want the students to have the best chance of being one of the few
    6. Bible School gives students access to many things like books owned by other people, computers, training on using these things and on how to do research.  Bible School students have access to helps that non-students don't have.
  2. To be Chosen  to Serve God.
    1. Matthew 22:14 says For many are called, but few are chosen.  Having a call  does not mean that we will be chosen.  Just as we must pass tests in school, so also must we pass God's test in order to be chosen.
    2. Matthew 22:1-5: Many of the people in this parable were not chosen because when they were invited they did not take time to prepare but spent their time getting involved in other things.  Then when the time came to answer the call, they were too busy  with other things to respond.
    3. Matthew22:6: Some of the people in this parable were led into error and became the enemies of God.  They started out as friends but were turned into enemies because they were deceived.  No one would kill the servants of a king unless they honestly believed they would get away with that action.  Instead of using their relationship with the king to get to know him better, they spent their time dealing with his enemies, some of whom were liars who claimed to be friends while actually turning the friends of the king against him.  Look at 1Corinthians, 1Thessalonians, 2Thessalonians and many other places where we read about ministers of Satan going into the churches of God and leading saved people into doctrinal error.  Without proper training most people will believe these subtle liars and be led into doctrinal error which will bring the judgment of God upon them.  Remember that the Bible warns about children of wrath  who were saved but disobedient children of God.  These people made a deadly mistake because they failed to learn what their king was truly like.  Many people in America, and in the Philippines, are saved and yet suffer the judgment of God in their personal life because they do not know the character of God like they should and are led into doctrinal error even while they think they are safe.  The Bible warns that another might come and preach another Jesus, another Christ and/or another Lord and that you might be led into error if you don't take the time to learn about the true One.
    4. Matthew 22:10-13: Many answered the call  but one who refused to be properly prepared was punished.  There are many preachers and preacher wives who are having a terrible time in the ministry because they did not properly prepare.  He did not have the right robe and some people get through Bible School but fail to dress themselves in the character of Christ.  Bible School helps to prepare people for the ministry but does not guarantee preparation.  That is done on a personal level with God.  However, the Bible School environment, ministries, classes, fellowship and other things are all designed to help the student do the best possible job of personal preparation.  Bible School is designed to help students become like Christ
    5. Matthew 20:16: So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen.  This is the end of another parable on the kingdom of Heaven.  The people who went into the field last received more per hour than those who went in first because the last worked based upon a hope  of what is right  while the first worked based upon faith  in a promise of a certain wage.  Bible School prepares you for a career with NO promise of a certain wage but only gives a hope  that God will provide what is right.  For those who are chosen, this career promises greater rewards, even if most of them are spiritual in nature.
    6. 2Corinthians 8:1-2 tells us that the churches of Macedonia  received the grace of God  and were recorded in the Bible after they passed a great trial of affliction  that they went through with the abundance of their joy.  Part of the thing which Bible School tries to do is to prepare the student to pass this test from God.  No one receives certain blessing from God until after they pass His test.  People must pass God's test in order to be chosen, even if they were called
    7. 2Corinthians 9:3-5 Paul sent men to help the people be prepared and to not wait until the last minute.  First-year students got into trouble because they waited until the last minute and then couldn't meet the deadline.  One of the most profitable industries in America is online education.  People have to pay their money up front and then most lose their money because they do not have enough self-discipline to do the work by the deadline.  Like these men that Paul sent, the staff at Bible School help the students do the work on time and at a quality level which will prepare them for God's test and let them be chosen.  Extremely few can prepare on their own.  This industry makes money because most people believe they are part of the few who can prepare themselves without other help.  This is pride.  While a few can do it, most fail.  I did it and it took me 13years to get to the mission field.  Even if someone can prepare themselves without outside help, it will take them far longer than if they use the help provided by God.
  3. To be Able to Serve God.
    1. The Great Commission  (in Matthew 28:20) requires Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you.  The promise of and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world  is added after people obey what came before it by the and.  A lot of saved people wonder 'Why isn't God with me and helping me?' when it is a simple matter of their not obeying.  Often, they have not obeyed because they have not learned what to obey.  Bible School students have the best chance of learning what the commandments of God are that they need to obey.  You can not teach to others what you have not learned yourself.
    2. This command was given to all saved people, not just to preachers.  Aquila and Priscilla knew their doctrine well enough to correct doctrinal error preached by a traveling evangelist.  Church preaching, Sunday school and even the discipleship class do not cover the depth of understanding required to do this.  Bible School is designed to provide this depth of Bible understanding.  Because of this, EVERYONE who can should go to Bible School to get training that you can't get elsewhere and that is hard to get on your own.  Other degrees teach you how to do things.  Bible School teaches you how to live your life with a godly purpose.  Remember our first verse which told us Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.  Bible School teaches all students how to do this and helps even people who go into other professions.
    3. Look at Joseph, Daniel, David, Job, Luke and others in the Bible who were not in the full-time ministry and yet their early training in the Bible made a major difference in their life and profession.  The fact is that everyone can benefit in their life and profession from learning the things taught in Bible School.  It is not just for people who feel that they have a call  to full-time ministry.  Hebrews 11:6 says: But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.  These non-preachers were faithful  and were rewarded by God in their profession.  Bible School helps a person build habits of being faithful in Bible Study, prayer and witnessing.  These things can be learned elsewhere but rarely are learned as well as in Bible School and the better you do at them, the better your life will be.
    4. In addition, that verse says that God rewards the diligent.  People who quit Bible School prove that they are not diligent  and cause God to withhold their reward.  Likewise, the reward is proportional to the diligence put into study.  The more effort put into study before graduation the easier time people have when they get into the ministry.
    5. Luke 14:28-30 says: For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it? Lest haply, after he hath laid the foundation, and is not able to finish it, all that behold it begin to mock him, Saying, This man began to build, and was not able to finish.  There is a preacher that I met who started a mission but found he had trouble coming up with messages as often as he needed them.  Several preachers have started works and find their people leaving after getting saved because they have a hard time preaching anything other than salvation and basic doctrines.  Their people go to cults and other churches to learn more than the basics.  Bible School prepares the student for teaching more than the basics and for finding other godly teaching which goes beyond the basics.  It doesn't just teach certain subjects but teaches the student how to find more.  Being able to get more to feed God's people is part of the cost of a ministry and someone who can't do that, after starting a ministry, is counted as a Biblical fool.
    6. Hebrews 13:17: says: Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.  People who go into the ministry must give account  for the souls  in their ministry.  There are children in the Philippines who are taught to be beggars.  It is not their fault but the fault of their parents when they become beggars and refuse to get a job.  Likewise, people that God calls into the ministry who fail to be properly prepared will not be able to teach God's people how to get the blessings of God.  Their people will be saved spiritual beggars and God will tell the ministers that it is their fault that God's people are spiritual beggars.  God wants His people to be rich in spiritual blessings.  Bible School not only teaches people how to get God's blessings but also tries to teach how to show others how to get the blessings.  It's not about begging for a fins and not about learning how to fish but about how to teach others to be successful fishermen.


Contact:  Webmaster@LJC1611KJV.com.  Member of Tower Road Baptist Church, Abq., NM, U.S.A., 87121.  Copyright 2009 Lord Jesus Christ in the 1611KJV.  All rights reserved. Revised: 02/07/25.