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False Things according the Bible

The Bible has a lot to say about False TeachersFalse ProphetsFalse christs  (antichrists)  and other false  things.

When I started doing Book Studies, I started with the smaller books.  After going through several of them I discovered that there was a lot said about the concept of religious leaders teaching falsehood as doctrine.  Therefore, I decided to consolidate what I found into a single document and reference it from the various places.  At this time, this document is a 'Work in Progress'.  I'm positive that there is much more in the Bible than is currently referenced by this document.  Further, the Bible uses terms like False TeachersFalse ProphetsFalse christsantichrists,  and other terms to describe different sources of false doctrine.  While I will attempt to point out differences in these titles, I will not claim that I have all of the details about each of these types of people (at this time).  When, and if, I feel that this document is complete, then I will remove these qualifications.

In the New Testament we find that the sin unto death  is for the church age.  We find this exact phrase in 1John 5:16; Romans 6:16.  We see this doctrine dealt with in: Acts 5; Romans 5; 1Corinthians 8:11-LJC and Galatians C3-S26.  If the reader studies the context of each of these references, and reads the associated notes, they will find that in each case this sin unto death  is because someone is doing a religious act while lying (or believing a lie) about the spiritual consequences of that act.  In addition, I have personally seen God physically kill four (4) people and spiritually kill the ministry of three (3) pastors (by permanently removing them from the pastorate).  In every case, the people were given at least two Bible references which literally told them that the religious doctrine that they were teaching was wrong.  In every case, they refused the let the law of the Lord  correct their doctrine.  They continued to preach and teach doctrinal error even after being shown, in the word of God,  that their doctrine could cause the children of God to receive the wrath of God.

The Bible tells us about things that are purely spiritual such as it tells us about God and God is a spirit.  There are many physical things that it tells us about.  Then there are things which form a 'bridge' between the spiritual and the physical.  A 'bridge' has three parts: the foundations which are within the ground on either side of the gap and the part which connects the two.  Thus, a Biblical 'bridge' has a part that is spiritual, a part that is physical and a part that connects the two.  When Satan tempted Jesus he quoted scripture but left out part of the scripture.  1John 4:1 tells us Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.  One way to identify a false prophet  is that he follows the spirit of Satan and quotes scripture while leaving out part.  He will proclaim 'You can't deny that what I say is in the Bible' to distract from the context and critical things that he leaves out.  In particular, Satan likes to get one of his ministers to proclaim one foundation of a Biblical 'bridge' and get another of his ministers to proclaim the other foundation of a Biblical 'bridge'.  He then has each denounce the other for ignoring the part that he proclaims, and uses that denouncement to get people to believe that he is 'fighting for the truth'.  People watching the fight don't notice that both are ignoring the connecting part of the Biblical 'bridge'.  Thus, God's people get sucked into believing a False Doctrine and suffering the consequence.  Those consequences can include death, which is why the Bible warns the church of a sin unto death.  One of the main things that we need to be careful of is verifying everything that we hear preached against the Bible and taking extra care to verify that what was said matched the context and full Biblical meaning of any passage which is quoted.


Places where the Bible describes Teachers.

True Teachers

Teacher  occurs in 1Chronicles 25:8; Habakkuk 2:18; John 3:2; Romans 2:20; 1Timothy 2:7; 2Timothy 1:11

Teachers  occurs in Psalms 119:99; Proverbs 5:13; Isaiah 30:20; 43:27; Acts 13:1; 1Corinthians 12:28-29; Ephesians 4:11; 1Timothy 1:7; 2Timothy 4:3; Titus 2:3; Hebrews 5:12.


False Teachers

The exact phrase of: false teachers  only occurs in 2Peter 2:1.  Please see the note for this verse in the Book Study on 2Peter  and in Lord Jesus Christ in 2Peter 2:1 about the details of that sentence.  In addition, antichrists,  are also false teachers.  Therefore, please consider that category along with this category.

Please see the note for 1Timothy 6:3-5 because it describes the character of false teachers.

These notes have a lot of information about the doctrinal error taught by false teachers  along with links to other places in the Bible which support tese claims.  Among other things, Peter tells us, about them, that they:

The note for Lord Jesus Christ in 2Peter 2:20  warns of the judgment which will come upon false teachers.

The note for 1Timothy 4:3, in the Study on Truth explains how false teachers are teaching the doctrines of devils.  This Study will also teach many other things about false teaching because the truth  is used to identify and correct false teaching.  For example, it point out that one way that the false is portrayed as truth  is to use wrong definitions of words including definitions from a dictionary which do not match the Bible definition.

The note for 2Peter 2:2 in the Study on Truth explains how false teachers cause the way of truth (to) be evil spoken of.

2Peter 3:17 warns us that we need to beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness.

In the Study on Adultery,  we see that false teachers...Have eyes full of adultery, and that cannot cease from sin...

The Word Study on Spirit  and the Study called God is a Spirit  both teach that 'Other Spirits' act like a spirit of antichrist  when they become a familiar spirit  because they cause men that use to teach error about God and His Holy Spirit.


Places where the Bible describes Prophets.

True Preacher

Preacher  occurs in Ecclesiastes 1:1-2, 12; 7:27; 12:8-10; 10:14; 1Timothy 2:7; 2Timothy 1:11; 2Peter 2:5.


False Preacher

The note for Lord Jesus Christ in Colossians 2:5  explains how All of Colossians 2 is warning against false religions and false religious leaders who beguiled  the people.

The book of Galatians was written to correct the error taught by false preachers.  As the note for Lord Jesus Christ in Galatians 3:13  explains, even Peter was deceived and convinced to preach false doctrine. Alls of the notes in Lord Jesus Christ in Galatians  should be considered because they show the problems caused by false preachers.

All of 2Timothy teaches about false preachers and their message and judgment as opposed to true preachers and their afflictions and rewards from our Lord.

The note for Lord Jesus Christ in 2Timothy 3:11  and note for Lord Jesus Christ in 2Timothy 4:11  tells us about the persecutions  that Paul suffered because of opposition from false preachers.  The note for Lord Jesus Christ in 2Timothy 4:8  deals with the reward of true preachers versus the punishment of false preachers.

The note for Lord Jesus Christ in 1Thessalonians 2:14  explains how the Jews persecuted those who told them the truth, including killing the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets.  They did it because they believed the doctrine of false prophets.  They also persecuted  Paul and his team and were Forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved.  As a result, they filled up their sins alway  with the result of the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost.  The same result will happen to all who follow false prophets.

The note for Lord Jesus Christ in 2Timothy 1:13  tells us that a true preacher will Hold fast the form of sound words  while a false preacher will get his authority elsewhere.  The note for Lord Jesus Christ in 1Peter 1:25  tells us But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you.  A false preacher and a false religious doctrine is always changing to try to get everyone's interest with something 'new'.  A true preacher will Hold fast the form of sound words (which) endureth for ever. The problem with a lot of what is preached today as 'Old Time Religion' is that it is only about 100 years old and is not what endureth for ever.


False Prophets

The phrase false prophets  does not occur in the Old Testament.  However, we do read about these people in: Jeremiah 14:14; Lamentations 2:14; Matthew 7:15; Matthew 24:11, Matthew 24:24; Mark 13:22; Luke 6:26; Acts 13:6; 1John 4:1; Revelation 16:13; 19:20; 20:10.  In addition, Peter mentions Balaam the son of Bosor  as one of these false prophets.  Yes, he was a prophet,  but he did not remain true  to God and he led God's people into error.  Thus, a prophet  can speak God's truth  and still be a false prophet.

The phrase false prophets  occur in Matthew 7:15; Matthew 24:11, Matthew 24:24; Mark 13:22; Luke 6:26; Acts 13:6; 2Peter 2:1; 1John 4:1; Revelation 16:13; 19:20; 20:10.

The note for Jeremiah 28:9 in the Study on Truth indirectly shows the difference in God's judgment of a true prophet  and a false prophet.

Also, the note for Micah 3:8 in the Study on Truth mentions that 'God spoke through Micah and warned of coming destruction, especially to the bad leaders and false prophets'.

The note for 2Chronicles 18:15 in the Study on Truth and the note for 1Kings 22:16 talks about a true prophet versus false prophets before King Ahab.

The notes for Lord Jesus Christ in Acts 13:10  and for 13:11  and for 13:12  deal with the false prophet  mentioned in Acts 13:6.  Here we are told that false prophets  pervert the right ways of the Lord.

The note for Lord Jesus Christ in 2Peter 2:15  warns of those people who have forsaken the right way, and are gone astray, following the way of Balaam the son of Bosor.

The note for 4:1 in the Book Study on 1John warns us about false spirits  and false prophets.  This note is one of several significant notes in this Book Study that deal with truth versus false religion and warn us about false prophets, false spirits, False christsantichrists  and how they affect the way we live.  The section for Light and Darkness also deals with this concept and John's comments on how these things affect how a person walks in this life.  Please follow the link to that Book Study and FIND (F) the word "false".  That will lead to over a dozen notes on this subject.

The entire epistle from Jude is warning about false prophets, even though that phrase is not used by Jude.  Please see the Book Study on Jude  and Lord Jesus Christ in Jude  as everything in both studies is relevant to understanding false prophets and false preachers.


False Apostles

False apostles  are only mentioned in 2Corinthians 11:13.  Please see that note.

The note for 2Corinthians 11:10 in the Study on Truth and the note for 12:6 and the note for 12:12 along with the note for Lord Jesus Christ in 2Corinthians 11:4  talk about a true apostle versus false apostles.  The note for Lord Jesus Christ in 2Corinthians 11:3  explains how they beguile  people.


Places where the Bible describes False christs  (antichrists).

An antichrist  is against the ministry of Christ  and offers an alternative that appears to be Christ.  The only way to understand an antichrists  is to first understand the Christ  that the antichrist  is opposing and trying to replace.  That means understanding what the Bible says about Christ  and how this role of the Son of God is different from other roles of the Son of God.  Click here for all of the Verses  that use Christ  and here for the Summary  on the name / role of Christ.

In addition to what is below, true Biblical antichrists,  are also false teachers.  Therefore, please consider that category along with this category.

Antichrist  occurs in 1John 2:18, 22; 4:3; 2John 1:7.  These are the only epistles which use this word and there are several notes about antichrist  in the Book Studies which can be reached through the prior links.  Please note: antichrist  is NOT  in Revelation. Revelation has the beast  True antichrists  deliberately mislabel Revelation's beast  as an antichrist  so that people don't look at them and don't question the error that they teach.

The note for 2:22 is in the Study on Lord Jesus Christ in 1John and deals with the difference between Christ  and an antichrist.  Several other notes in that study also deal with this subject from multiple considerations.  The several notes in this study should be looked at along with those in the Book Study on 1John, the Book Study on 2John, and Lord Jesus Christ in 2John for most of what the Bible and my notes say about antichrists.

The note for 4:1 in the Book Study on 1John warns us about false spirits  and false prophets.  This note is one of several significant notes in this Book Study that deal with truth versus false religion and warn us about false prophets, false spirits antichrists  and how they affect the way we live.  The section for Light and Darkness also deals with this concept and John's comments on how these things affect how a person walks in this life.  Please follow the link to that Book Study and FIND (F) the word "false".

The note for 4:3in the Book Study on 1John deals with the difference between the spirit  from God verses a spirit of antichrists.  It gives three easy ways to tell the spirit behind someone's doctrine (and provides the Biblical references).  This is another significant note with many links to other notes on the same subject.

The note for Lord Jesus Christ in 1John 1:7 tells us how to identify an antichrist.  These people live as if Jesus Christ  never came and lived in the flesh.

The term False Christ  is found in Luke 21:8; Matthew 24:4-5; Matthew 24:23-25; Mark 13:5-6 and Mark 13:21-22.  They are part of the 'Church Age' and as part of the great tribulation.

The note for Lord Jesus Christ in 2Corinthians 5:11  explains the error of the false doctrine that there will be no punishment for saved people at the judgment seat of Christ.

The note for Lord Jesus Christ in Hebrews 12:5  explains the error of false doctrine dealing with the chastening of the Lord.

Please also see the notes for 1Corinthians 15:20-23 which explain why Christ  had to be a literal physical man.


Other things in the New Testament that have false  attached to them.

The note for 1John 4:6 in the Study on Truth explains how we can tell the difference between the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.

The note for John 1:9 in the Study on Truth gives several verses which show the difference between the light of God and the false 'light' from Satan.

The note for Lord Jesus Christ in 2Peter 2:9  talks about the unjust  who follow a false doctrine.  The note for 1Timothy 4:3in the Study on Truth explains how false teachers are teaching the doctrines of devils.  The note for Lord Jesus Christ in 2Corinthians 5:11  explains the error of the false doctrine that there will be no punishment for saved people at the judgment seat of Christ.

Their books of 1Thessalonians and of 2Thessalonians deal with two different false doctrines about the return of Christ.  Notes for these false doctrines are found in Lord Jesus Christ in 1Thessalonians; Lord Jesus Christ in 2Thessalonians and the Book Study on 2Thessalonians.  (There is no Book Study on 1Thessalonians at this time.)

The note for Titus 2:11-14  (and similar verses in Titus 2) explain how we are to obey sound doctrine  and not false doctrine.  That note includes 9ways to tell is someone is obeying sound doctrine.

The note for Titus 3:10-11  (and similar verses in Titus 2) defines an heretick  and has notes and links to the 4 places where we find heresy  in the Bible.  That verse (and note) also tells us how to deal with an heretick.

The note for Ephesians 4:24 in the Study on Truth deals with the difference between true holiness  and the false 'holiness' of religion.

The note for 1Peter 5:12 in the Study on Truth deals with the difference between the true grace of God wherein ye stand  and a false 'grace' of religion.

The Word Study on Worship  has several notes about false worship.  Please follow the link to that Word Study and FIND (F) the word "false".

The note for Job 36:4 in the Study on Truth shows that a 'partial-true' is, in fact, false.

The note for Jeremiah 3:23in the Study on Truth deals with a true salvation  from God versus the false 'salvation' from false gods.  The note for LJC in Ephesians 4:5  is extensive with many Bible references and deals with the difference between true Biblical salvation  and the false 'salvation' from religion.

The note for Lord Jesus Christ in 2Corinthians 13:5  explains people are reprobates  unless they have Jesus Christ (active) in you.

The section for Light and Darkness in the Book Study on 1John deals with John's comments on a person who walks in the true light  of a personal relationship with God versus a person who walks in the false darkness  of religion.  Several other notes in the Book Study on 1John also deal with truth versus false religion and warn us about false prophets, false spirits and antichrists.  Please follow the link to that Book Study and FIND (F) the word "false".

The note for 17:27  shows the difference between trule seeking the Lord  and a false 'seeking' that is the result of religion.  This note is extensive with many Bible references.


False witness  occurs in Matthew 15:19; Matthew 19:18; Matthew 26:59-60; Mark 10:19; 14:56-57; Luke 18:20; Acts 6:13; Romans 13:9; 1Corinthians 15:15.

The Detailed Note, in the Book Study, for Acts 6:12-14 explains the false witness  against Stephen found in that chapter and the results of their lies as reports in the next two chapters of Acts.

The note for Lord Jesus Christ in 1Corinthians 15:15  shows how people take verses of the Bible out of context and use that error to support a lie.  In this chapter Paul is showing a religious error that was being taught in the church and claimed to be based upon the Bible.  That is the context of when Paul says that we are found false witnesses of God  if their error is true.  False witnesses claim that God's truth  is a lie.

The note for Lord Jesus Christ in 1Corinthians 15:3  is quite extensive and has many Bible references while dealing with the true gospel  versus the false gospel which is preached by many.

The note for Lord Jesus Christ in 2Timothy 1:8  tells us that the afflictions of the gospel  are part of the testimony of our Lord.

The note for Lord Jesus Christ in 1Peter 2:5  and the note for 1Peter 2:5  in the Book Study explain how our being an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ  is dependent upon our having a true personal relationship with the Son of God as opposed to the false relationship that comes through religion.

The note for Lord Jesus Christ in 1Corinthians 15:13  shows how false religion causes our faith (to be) vain.

The note for Proverbs 12:17 in the Study on Truth; the note for 12:19; the note for Jeremiah 5:1 and the note for Zechariah 8:16 compares the fruit of truth  and that of a false witness.


False accusation  occurs in Luke 19:8; 2Timothy 3:3;Titus 2:3; Study on 1Peter 3:16.

The note for the Book Study on 1Peter 3:16  and the note for Lord Jesus Christ in 1Peter 3:16  explains how people will make the just  suffer and will falsely accuse (their) good conversation in Christ  but when our Lord  judges they will be ashamed  while the just  will received rewards.

The note for Titus 2:3  (and similar verses in Titus 2) explain how church leaders are to act and how they are not to act including being not false accusers.

The note for Lord Jesus Christ in 1Thessalonians 2:19  explains how people could tell that Paul was true by his character and lifestyle .  People had made false accusations against Paul to try and discredit him so that they could take his place.  This note deals with how to tell true accusations from false accusations.


False brethren  occurs in 2Corinthians 11:26; Galatians 2:4.

The note for Lord Jesus Christ in 2Corinthians 12:8  explains the false pride of claiming that we have a thorn in the flesh  when we haven't been lifter up  by the lord like Paul was.  any claims of a thorn in the flesh  are really the consequence of persistent sin.

The note for Lord Jesus Christ in Galatians 2:4  explains how false brethren  came into the church to help false preachers  make up lies ...that they might bring us into bondage.


In addition, to what I have provided here, Thompson Chain Topics provides links for the word false  as: 'Accusations:  (general references to):  1Sa 1:14; Ne 6:7; Job 2:5; 22:6; Jer 37:13; Mt 5:11; 27:12; Lu 6:7; 1Pe 3:16.  See False; Witnesses.  Christs:  Mt 24:5,24; Mr 13:22.  See Antichrist.  Confidence:  See False; Trusts.  Doctrine:  Isa 32:6; Mt 16:12; Col 2:8; Heb 13:9.  See Teaching; False.  See Heresy.  See Seducers.  See Deceivers.  Economy:  See Parsimony.  Gods:  (General References to):  1Ch 16:26; Isa 2:8; Jer 2:11; 11:12; 16:20; Da 5:4; 1Co 8:5; 12:2; Ga 4:8.  Hopes:  Job 8:13; 11:20; 27:8; Ps 10:6; Pr 10:28.  See Expectation.  Profession of religion:  Ps 78:35-36; Pr 26:23; Isa 48:1; Eze 33:31-32; Mt 7:21; Mr 7:6; Lu 6:46; Tit 1:16; 1Jo 3:18.  See Hypocrisy.  Prophets:  general references to):  De 13:5; 18:22; Isa 9:15; Jer 2:8; 5:31; 14:14; 23:16; Eze 13:2; 22:28; Ho 9:7; Mic 3:5; Zep 3:4; Zec 13:3; Mt 7:15; 24:11; Mr 13:22.  See Ministers; Unfaithful.  Religion:  Characteristics of:  Ceremonialism:  Mr 7:4; Ac 15:10; Ga 4:9; 5:1; Col 2:20; Heb 9:10.  See Pharisaism.  False Profession:  Ps 78:35-36; Pr 26:23; Isa 48:1; Eze 33:31-32; Mt 7:21; Mr 7:6; Lu 6:46; Tit 1:16; 1Jo 3:18.  See Hypocrisy.  Legalism:  Mr 2:24; Lu 6:2; 13:14; Joh 5:10; Ac 15:5; 16:3; 21:20; 22:3; Ro 10:2; Ga 1:14.  See Judaizers.  See Pharisaism.  See Traditions.  Sanctimony, distinguishing marks of:  An Outward Show of Righteousness:  Isa 58:2.  Pharisaic Separation:  Isa 65:5.  Assumed Innocence:  Jer 2:35.  Religious Display:  Mt 6:5.  Hypocrisy:  Mt 23:14.  See Self-righteousness.  See Pride.  Shepherds:  (haracteristics of):  Insentiate and Pleasure-loving:  Isa 56:10-12.  Scatter the Flock:  Jer 23:2.  Lead the Sheep astray:  Jer 50:6.  Prey upon the Flock instead of feeding it:  Eze 34:2-3; Zec 11:17.  Hirelings forsake the Sheep:  Joh 10:12.  Teachers:  (warnings against):  Mt 5:19; 15:9; 1Ti 1:7; 4:2; 6:3; 2Ti 4:3; Tit 1:11; 2Pe 2:1.  See Doctrine; False.  Trusts:  General References to:  Ps 52:7; 146:3; Pr 11:28; 28:26; Isa 31:1; 47:10; Jer 17:5; 49:4; Am 6:1.  See False; Hopes.  See Self-confidence.  Trust in Man, warnings concerning:  Ps 118:9; 146:3; Isa 2:22; 30:2; 31:1,3; 36:6; Jer 17:5; Ho 5:13.  See Egypt.  See Mercenaries.  Trust in Riches, the folly of:  Job 31:24-25,28; Ps 52:7; Pr 11:28; 18:11; Mr 10:24; Lu 12:19-20; 1Ti 6:17.  See Riches, Earthly; Vain.  See Riches, Earthly; Fleeting.  Trust in Weapons vain:  1Sa 17:45; Ps 44:6; Ho 1:7; Hag 2:22.  Witnesses:  Warnings against:  Ex 20:16; 23:1; De 19:16; Pr 6:19; 12:17; 19:9; 24:28; 25:18; Mt 19:18; Ro 13:9.  See Slander.  Examples of:  Mt 28:15; Mr 14:56; Ac 6:11; 17:6; 25:7.  See Perjury.  See Falsehood.  See Lying, Examples of.  Worship (Idolatry):  Forbidden:  Ge 35:2; Ex 20:4; 34:17; Le 26:1; De 7:25; 11:16; 16:22; Ps 81:9; Isa 42:8; 1Jo 5:21.  See Iconoclasm.  Prophecies concerning the Overthrow of:  Isa 2:20; 17:8; Jer 51:47; Mic 5:13; Zec 13:2.  See Missions, World-wide.  Idols Characterized, as:  Insentiate:  De 4:28; Ps 115:4.  Perishable:  Isa 40:20.  Helpless:  Isa 45:20; Jer 10:5; Ac 14:18.  Unworthy of Worship of Intelligent Beings:  Ac 17:29.  Degrading:  Ro 1:22-23; 1Co 8:4; 12:2.  Examples of:  Ex 32:4; Nu 25:2; Jg 3:7; 1Ki 12:32; 16:31; 2Ki 17:12; 21:21; 2Ch 25:14; 28:2; Da 3:7; 5:23; Ac 17:16; Ga 4:8.  See False; Gods.  Making of Idols:  Isa 40:19; 44:10; 46:6; Jer 10:3; Eze 7:20; 16:17; 22:3; Da 3:1; Ho 8:4; 13:2; Hab 2:18; Ac 19:24; Ro 1:23.  Vanity of:  Jer 10:5,15; 50:38; 51:17; Da 5:23; Hab 2:18; Ac 17:29; 1Co 10:19.  FALSE GODS AND GODDESSES:  General References to:  1Ch 16:26; Isa 2:8; Jer 2:11; 11:12; 16:20; Da 5:4; 1Co 8:5; 12:2; Ga 4:8.  NAMES OF:  ASHTAROTH or ASHTORETH, a goddess of the Phoenicians:  Jg 2:13; 10:6; 1Sa 7:3; 31:10; 1Ki 11:33; 2Ki 23:13.  BAAL a god of Phoenicia and the Canaanitish Tribes:  Nu 22:41; Jg 2:11; 8:33; 1Ki 16:32; 18:19; 19:18; 2Ki 10:18,28; 21:3; 2Ch 24:7; Jer 2:8; 7:9; Ho 2:8.  BAAL-PEOR, a god of the Moabites:  Nu 25:3; De 4:3; Jos 22:17; Ps 106:28; Ho 9:10.  CHEMOSH, a god of the Moabites:  Nu 21:29; Jg 11:24; 2Ki 23:13; Jer 48:7.  DAGON, a god of the Philistines:  Jg 16:23; 1Sa 5:2; 1Ch 10:10.  DIANA, a goddess of the Ephesians:  Ac 19:24,28,35.  MOLECH, Moloch, or Milcom, a god of the Ammonites:  Le 18:21; 2Ki 23:10; Jer 32:35; Am 5:26; Ac 7:43.  OTHER OBJECTS OF WORSHIP:  The Golden Calf made by Aaron:  Ex 32:4; De 9:16; Ne 9:18; Ps 106:19; Ac 7:41.  The Golden Calves of Jeroboam, set up in Dan and Bethel:  1Ki 12:28; 2Ki 10:29; 17:16; 2Ch 11:15; 13:8; Ho 10:5.  Heavenly Bodies:  De 4:19; 17:3; 2Ki 17:16; 21:3; Job 31:26; Jer 8:2; 19:13; 44:17; Eze 8:16; Zep 1:5.  Teraphim, images, household gods:  Ge 31:19,34; Jg 17:5; 18:14; 1Sa 19:13; Ho 3:4.  Men Deified and Worshipped:  Ac 12:22; 14:11; 28:6.  Devils Worshipped:  Le 17:7; De 32:17; 2Ch 11:15; Ps 106:37; 1Co 10:20; Re 9:20; 13:4.  Brazen Serpent.:  See Serpent, Brazen.  PLACES DEVOTED TO IDOLATRY:  Idolatrous Altars:  1Ki 16:32; 18:26; Isa 27:9; 65:3; Ho 8:11; Ac 17:23.  Idolatrous Temples:  1Sa 5:2; 1Ki 12:31; 2Ki 5:18; 10:21; 2Ch 36:7; Da 1:2; Ac 19:27.  High Places:  Nu 22:41; 1Ki 11:7; 12:31; 2Ki 17:9,29; 18:4; 21:3; 23:5; 2Ch 11:15; 17:6.  Groves (Asherah or Asherim) places where shrines were located:  De 12:2; 16:21; Jg 6:25; 1Ki 14:15; 16:33; 2Ki 18:4; 21:3; 23:14; 2Ch 14:3; 17:6; Isa 17:8'.


Contact:  Webmaster@LJC1611KJV.com.  Member of Tower Road Baptist Church, Abq., NM, U.S.A., 87121.  Copyright 2009 Lord Jesus Christ in the 1611KJV.  All rights reserved. Revised: 02/07/25.