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Personal Testimony.

I have written out a personal testimony, and spoken such, on several occasions.  God has done so many different things in my life and through my life that I have more of a testimony than most people want to hear.  Therefore, I usually only present parts of my testimony that relates best to the circumstances and people that I am testifying to.  Below are a couple of different testimonies that I kept a written copy of and that I delivered to others one time or another.

  Basic Testimony
  Proof of God in my Life
  Steward of Three Things
  After Accident
  My Tract

My Testimony of Salvation.

Please bear with me while I give the highlights of my search for TRUTH (the person of our Lord Jesus Christ),  and I promise to be as brief as possible.  However, there is a minimum amount of information required to receive true understanding and I will try to stick to that minimum.

A good part of what we are as people is based upon the things that we have been taught, the things that we have experienced and our reactions to those experiences and learning.  At least five times in my life the doctors have given up on me and said that I would not live.  Twice I have experienced death and been revived.  (Most people say that talking about a death experience is 'too much information', so I won't talk about it.)

When I was less than one year old, I had polio.  I now live with post-polio.  Therefore, attitudes that might have faded with time are renewed by my current struggles.  When I was one, the doctors told my parents that I would not live.  Then they said I would be stuck in a hospital bed all of my life.  Then it was a wheelchair.  Then it was crutches.  Then it was braces.  OK, I have had braces but I've hid them by making cowboy boots part of the braces and the boots hide the rest.  The last accident that I had was a result of the drive train locking on my motorcycle while I was on the freeway doing at least 70 mph.  [I don't admit more :-)]  I tried to put the bike into a slide but it bounced and flipped and I slammed into the cement at about a 45degree angle.  Several doctors who said they did not believe in God also said that I had a miracle.  They were openly astonished when I left Critical Care in 6 days.  Among other things, my back was compressed and my slipped disks were so far out of alignment that my left leg did not work at all.  Several well-known medical professionals with different specialties insisted that it was impossible for me to walk without back surgery.  I walked out of the hospital on a cane, without surgery, 8 days later.

So, I'm not a 'poster child' for the 'trust the experts' way of thinking.  I do not support anarchy but I very much believe in verifying claims, especially claims of 'absolute truth' based upon someone being an 'expert'.  (I've been told that an 'expert' is a 'has-been' (ex) under pressure (spurt) :-))

The first 12 years of my life consisted of constant operations, extremely painful therapy and sessions in the hospital.  There's nothing to break a 'do-gooder's' heart like a handicapped and hurting baby or child.  One of my major struggles was making these people let me do for myself so that I wouldn't end up crippled.  (A crippled person has an 'I can't' attitude that is not dependent upon any handicap.) So, a major part of my life was proving the 'experts' wrong when they said 'you can't'.

After I turned 12, I was (finally) released from supervised therapy and allowed to continue on my own.  Shortly after that, my brother told me 'religion is the opiate of the masses'.  I didn't know that he was quoting some famous philosopher; I just argued that he was wrong and his response was 'prove it'.  Well I started presenting the arguments from our religion and He said 'Hold it! You just proved that you're as dumb as a bird!' Huh? He went on with 'A stupid parrot can sit in a religion class and learn to repeat what the teacher says.  That doesn't make it right.  True proof has to come from outside of the religious tenants'.

We were raised in a very religious family that belonged to an international religion.  (It doesn't matter what that particular religion was, they all do as this one did.)  My dad was on a first-name basis with internationally known doctrinal leaders of this religion and I was able to ask several of them questions about doctrine.  1Thessalonians 5:21 says Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Part of how the Bible says to Prove all things  is to use 'hard questions' (1Kings 10:1; 2Chronicles 9:1).  The answers from the religious leaders all amounted to 'You can't understand the Bible.  God has to do what we say He has to do so just trust us.'

If you consider my experience for what was (essentially) my entire life at that point, you should be able to figure out how far that 'lead balloon' flew.  Again, I am not against 'experts'.  I am only against accepting their word without verifying it.  However, when the possible consequences of error include something like spending eternity in a 'Lake of Fire' (Revelation 19:20; 20:10, 14-15), anyone who does not verify what they are told is a Biblical 'fool'.  Further, being a Biblical 'fool' is not limited to the lost.  When saved people believe there are 'no tears in Heaven' and don't see what the Bible really says and then they refuse to stop their sinning; they prove themselves to be Biblical 'fools' who are heading for over 1,000 yearss of tears.  We need to consider potential consequences before we just accept the word of an 'expert'.

I did my own investigation and started by searched for proof that was outside of the religion's authority.  I settled upon consistency because we see consistency everywhere that the laws of true science and math are applied.  They are the same regardless of time in history, culture, language or anything else.  Men do not make up these rules but declare the rules that the Creator used in creation and then let men figure out.  Since the Creator was consistent in the rules that He used for creation, I figured that anything else that really came from the Creator (and not some liar) would also reflect His character and be consistent.  [The Bible makes it clear that God the Father and Jesus Christ  do not change (Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 13:8).  In addition, Proverbs 8 tells us that the same understanding  that God used to create everything (Scientific Method, Math, etc) is what He also used to write His Word.]

While many people claim that there are many gods/opinions that we have to listen to, that claim is pure foolishness.  I have over 30 years experience in system (computer) design, creation and maintenance.  The only way that the code (rules) of a system is consistent is if a single person designed, created and maintained the entire thing.  When others get involved, there is always inconsistency caused by the other person doing things their own way.  The laws of nature are consistent.  They do not change no matter what circumstances occur.  The laws of nature are all proven using math and the rules of math are consistent.  From the macro through the micro the evidence found in creation is consistent and all (claimed) inconsistencies are due to our lack of understanding or due to someone else (not God) causing the result found.  The main external evidence of the true God, that I found, is His consistency.  He tells His followers to also be consistent (faithful)  and the main evidence of a liar is their inconsistency.  Therefore, I searched for consistency.

I spent years searching the various religions and philosophies of this world and found that they all claimed one thing and lived something else when they were really put to the test.  For example, that is when I proved that the 'big bang' and 'evolution' violate the Scientific Method and are not true science but are tenants of a lying religion that calls itself science while requiring people to accept their claims by faith (not fact).  I could say more but will move on.

The result of my detailed search was a conclusion that all religions are of men and this world when they say 'trust our experts'.  Before I quit my search, I realized that most religions claim to have some book(s) from their God.  Since humans are inconsistent, I realized that the inconsistency could be from the people and not from the 'holy books'.  Therefore, I next searched the 'holy books' for consistency.  I found that the Bible is the only book in all of existence that not only is consistent but provides irrefutable proof that it is from God.  One example of this evidence is the prophecy within it.  Many sources (books, people, etc) claim to provide prophecy but all others have been proven wrong in one or more prophecies or their prophecies are so vague that people can claim thousands of different things fulfilled the prophecies.  However, the prophecies in the Bible are detailed and have proven to be 100% accurate and have been sufficient in number to eliminate any explanation other than direct control by God.

For example, thousands of years before Jesus was born it was prophesied that He would be a physical descendent of King David.  Then about 400 years before His birth the prophet of God said that he would be born in Bethlehem of Judea.  There is only one Bethlehem of Judea in all of the world and there is nothing unclear about this prophecy.  Further, after this prophecy was made all descendants of David were run out of the city and of the country.  Yet the prophecy was fulfilled (in detail) exactly as the prophecy said.  Every Christmas we have reminders of this proof and all of the other religions try to forcibly remove the evidence which shows that their religion is not from the true God.  Further, there is no way that Jesus could control where He was born unless He was, in fact, God.  Add to this the number of prophecies that He fulfilled, which could not be fulfilled by man's power, and we have a statistical probability that makes His claim to be God more reliable than some of the laws of nature.  I remind the reader that the Scientific Method and all true laws of nature rely upon this same type of statistical analysis for their proof.

After doing far greater analysis than related here, I concluded that the Bible consistently showed that it was the written Word of the Creator of the Universe.  However, I also knew that many 'Christian' religions disagreed with each other and that many claimed that inconsistencies existed within the Bible to hide the fact that those claims were misrepresenting the truths of the Bible.  Therefore, I determined to deliberately set aside all that I had been taught about the Bible and to read it for myself.  This is what I recommend that everyone do for themselves.  This is the only way to be sure that your true authority is the Bible and not some religion that misrepresents the Bible to some extent.  If you read my papers found at this web site, (Please see the Hermey page) you should see that I do not stick to the doctrine of any religion and provide evidence of doctrinal error within the doctrine of many religions.  However, you will not find me disagreeing with the literal translation of the Bible.  I would appreciate notice of anything that you find which appears to be disagreeing with the written KJV1611 Bible.  (However, I don't want to hear about how you or your religion disagrees with what I have there :-))

Most 'Christian' religions tell you that God has to take you to Heaven if you do what they say.  While they deny this truth, many (effectively) teach that God looses His free will when you do the right (according to their 'experts') religious thing.  What the Bible truly teaches is that God wants to have a personal relationship with each of us whereby we each retain our free will.  (Sin is from Satan and is addictive.  Sin and Satan take away our free will.  God never takes away free will.) I read the promises of God, obeyed His commandment about the act of faith and He made me His child.  While I put my trust in what the Bible said, it was not the Bible that saved me but the person of God Who does the saving.  (John 5:39 says Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.)  More of what I found in my search of the Bible can be found on the Web page called Salvation.

After becoming a child of God, I tried to tell others about the truth that I found.  Since I was in a religious family and attended a religious school and had religious activities several times a week, they were really upset with me proving that their religious doctrines disagreed with the Bible that they claimed as their foundation even though their true foundation was the religion's doctrine.  Since I didn't know anyone else who believed like I did, I shut up after receiving a certain amount of punishment.  From there I degraded to not praying, not reading my Bible and participating in the sins of the world.  I continued to slide further into sin until I was 28.  Everyone around me said that they didn't know anyone else who had such 'bad luck'.  The 'bad luck' was God's punishment for sin, but I was too far from God to understand this truth and I didn't have anyone near who could explain it.  This is why it is so critical for new believers to join a church that preaches and lives by the doctrine that 'God wrote what he meant and meant what He wrote in His Word'.

When I was 28 I got married.  My wife wanted to go to church and things were good when I let religion keep me as a 'good husband' but there were problems when I tried to put God's commandments before my wife's desires.  The short story is that 4 different doctors did independent medical studies and said that she committed felony abuse on me which caused permanent physical damage and caused me to bleed internally daily for over 10 years to the point that I could not climb 6 steps for several years.  I qualified for permanent Social Security disability and I ended up in the hospital going into a comma with the doctor telling me that I would not wake up.  When I did wake up, the doctor told me that I died and he had to revive me.  Then my 'good godly preacher' was there to tell me that 'if I just had enough faith then God would make my wife submit and these things would stop happening'.  By the way, lots of people condemn me because of what their religion tells them.  Such people have not verified their beliefs against the Bible because the Bible does not condemn me and at least 3people have received a judgment of death from God after they condemned me on this matter and refused to turn to what the Bible literally says (refused Biblical repentance).  Therefore, the reader is adviced to be very careful about criticizing a child of God based upon religious beliefs that they have not prayerfully verified against the Bible.

The Biblical truth is that it is not a question of if you have enough faith but the true critical factor is Whom your faith is in.  At that time my faith was in the preaching of the 'good godly preacher' and not in God.  I failed to personally verify what my 'expert' said against what God wrote in His Book.  When I disobeyed, I destroyed my personal relationship with my Lord, even though I was active in church.  The truth (of that time) was that God was trying to make me understand that as long as I let anyone (religion, wife, etc) tell me that I had to go against the literal written word of God.  He would let me suffer and possibly die.

I started improving as soon as I started making the word of God my true foundation.  As a result of this change, my wife transfered our house into her name alone and demanded that i leave with all of the bills related to the house.  When I prayed about it, my personal Lord told me to give her everything and rely upon Him.  So I did.  My health has consistent improved since then even though I still have permanent physical damage.  No one wants to go through the judgment that God has already brought upon my wife (since the divorce) for refusing to truly submit to His Word.

Many people have told me to not tell about my experiences because I sound bitter.  There is nothing wrong with hating  the things that God hates  such as doctrine which brings God's judgment upon His people.  That is not the same as being bitter against a person who hurt you.  The fact is that there are a great number of people suffering in America and around the world because God will not bless and protect them so long as they believe religious doctrine that disagrees with the literal written word of God.

Despite the protests from religious sources, I am trying to warn many people of the consequences of choosing to believe religious doctrine which disagrees with the literal written word of God.  I already mentioned 1Thessalonians 5:21 says 'Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.' Religious people claim to 'prove' their doctrine based upon less than 100% of the verses involved in that doctrine.  Their actions say that God wasted His time writing the rest of what He wrote on the subject.  I was determined to do what God meant by 'prove'.  That's why I spent an average of more than 20 hours/week on the study called 'Lord Jesus Christ' and studied through every book in the New Testament at least 24 times just to verify the results found in this Study.  (Try to find any other study where the author was as dilligent  [Hebrews 11:6])  It interprets EVERY place that the New Testament uses one of the major names of the Son of God.  As a Word document, it takes more than 1,300 pages, interprets over 4,000 verses and cross-references them to over 26,000 verses.  ('The Bible interprets the Bible.') One of the main purposes of this document is to show that there are NO conflicts within the Bible when we use God's methods to interpret the Bible.  There are many applications of any given passage, but only ONE true interpretation.

The first thing people need to understand is that true Biblical salvation is God's life in us which is proven by our obedience to God (Deuteronomy 30:20; Matthew 19:17; John 6:33; 17:3; 20:31; Romans 6:23; Colossians 3:3; 1John 5:11, 20).  However, God will not save us unless we agree to having a personal relationship with Him whereby He will change our life (Ephesians 2:10).  For example, when Peter walked on water and then started to drown and cried 'Lord, save me' (Matthew 14:28-32), he didn't want to hear about what would happen in eternity but wanted the circumstances of his life, at that exact moment, changed.  If God doesn't change the circumstances of our life, then He has not really saved us.

Let me illustrate.  'Good Godly' people will tell you that we are 'saved by faith'.  However, that is NOT what the Bible says.  Ephesians 2::8 says For by grace are ye saved through faith'.  Please notice that our verse says by graceGrace  is a personal gift from God.  But notice that the Bible says we must go through faith.  Imagine that we are in a burning building that had only one 'door' (John 10:7-9) and you are on fire.  Now imagine that I told you that there were people that would save your life if you went 'through' the 'door' and let them work on you.  You would die if you did nothing.  You would die if you went and stood 'by the door' (faith).  You would die if you tried to escape any other way.  You would even die if you went 'through' the 'door' but then refused to let your 'Saviour' do what He needed to save you.  That's why two people can hear the same gospel, do the same act of faith and only one get truly saved.  The other decided to 'change their own life' instead of letting God do it.  However, that's not the end.  We also need to consider another circumstance that I lightly mentioned.

This relates directly to all of my experience which I mentioned only a little of.  Think of a car.  You have the battery and a thick cable that goes to the starter.  The starter does all of the work to start the engine.  However, it can't do any work without a tiny bit of electricity from the ignition that comes over a skinny wire.  The ignition has NOTHING to do with the power required to start the engine.  Yet the starter can NOT do the work without permission from the ignition.  Likewise, God can not work in our lives without our free-will permission that is proved by our act of faith.  Satan and sin take away our free will.  Satan accuses God of acting like Satan.  When God truly acts in our life, He is so powerful that He 'takes over'.  In order to prove that Satan is a liar, we must provide God with the proof that of our own free will we asked Him to act in our life.  That is what the act of faith really is.  Our act doesn't 'force' God to act but provides proof that we used our own free will when we asked God to work in our lives.  The act of faith must come before God acts in order to prove that it is by our own free will.  There is much more at this web site.  I hope this is sufficient to give an idea of the type of 'proof' to be found there.

The testimony of my life is simple.  There are many liars in this world and many 'good godly people' who have been deceived by religion.  There is also God's truth which always matches the literal written word of God.  If we diligently seek the truth that is in God's written Word; plant that truth in our lives (through obedient faith ) and maintain and protect it as instructed by God's word; then we will receive the fruit (blessings) promised by God.  However, if we fail in any of these, we will lose God's blessings and can suffer permanent damage and possibly loose our life.  One of the main ways that God's people are missing out on God's blessings is by failing to do what God means by prove all things.  That is also why we fail to hold fast that which is good  ('that which is from God').  Many religions will give many definitions for the word saved  and tell people that there are many different ways to be saved.  However, the only way of salvation that God honors is His way of salvation  (John 14:6).  Likewise, many people will claim that there are many definitions of the word prove  and many different ways to prove  what the Bible says.  However, God will only honor His definition.  If we want to hold fast  to what God gives us, we must do what God means by prove all things.  At this web site I provide what I have found of God's way to prove all things.  I also provide the interpretation of several thousand verses which are cross-referenced to several 10s of thousands of verses.  These interpretations provide considerable evidence that these methods work and provide consistent, non-confliction, understanding of God's Word.

God wrote what he meant and meant what He wrote in His Word.  God Bless all who read this in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Proof of God in my Life.

1Thessalonians 5:21 says Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.

Many times in the Bible we see God causing His messenger to live the message He wanted them to deliver.  For example, Haggi had to marry an unfaithful woman that he ended up divorcing to show the Jews that God would divorce them.  God has also given me several experiences which relate to this word prove.

Lots of people claim that they know how to prove  something when they really don't.  Usually, they persuade many people to believe them and, like Hitler claimed, claim that the number of people who they persuaded constituted proof.  True proof requires using methods such as we find in Math and the Scientific Method.  Often, when people are corrected, their pride gets in the way and they insist that their wrong methods are right.  Such prideful error has significant consequences.  Unfortunately, they often cause problems, and even death, to other people who follow their wrong methods.

If you continue to follow the wrong methods then God's judgment will eventually come upon you and your family.  Many people were 'positive' that they had a good hold on their doctrine, until a particularly nasty 'storm of life' hit them.  Yes, they held  their doctrine but they did not hold fast  and the proof is in the results that come after a particularly nasty 'storm of life'.  They failed because they did not first do what God means when God says prove all things.

God will often send us a messenger to correct our doctrine before He allows the 'storm of life' to hit us.  Unfortunately, pride often keeps people from accepting correction.  Trying to stop God's messenger from correcting an error in your life will (often) also bring judgment.  We can see this throughout the Bible.  However, when people listen to God's message and accept God's correction, then they receive God's blessing instead of judgment.

When Goliath showed up Saul had already rejected God's message and was leading Israel into judgment.  When David offered to kill Goliath his older brother told the king to not listen because (he claimed) David was bragging.  However, it's not bragging to say how God has worked through your life.  (Please see the note for Romans C3S21 for every place in the Bible where the word boast  is used.)  God had used David to kill a lion and a bear with a sling before he challenged Goliath.  David's brothers couldn't claim that God had used them that way, even though they had training with a sling before David received it.  In fact, they were probably the brothers who taught David how to use a sling.  If the king had listened to David's brothers and not let David try to take Goliath, then all of Israel would have suffered.  However, the king allowed David to prove  his claims and Israel was blessed.  When two different people are claiming that the Bible says different things then you need to know God's method for proving  which answer is correct.

Unfortunately, doing things God's way takes diligent work and many people think God's requirements are too hard.  Hebrews 11:6 tells us But without faith it is impossible to please God  (and we) must believe that (God) is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.  People claim to live by faith  but this verse tells us that faith  requires us to diligently seek him.  Refusing to do what the Bible tells us to do because it is 'too hard' is refusing to live by faith  and it is also sin according to James 4:17.  Therefore, in order to avoid God's Judgment we must know God's standard and God's method for proving all things.

1Thessalonians 5:21 is a two-step process.  We can not hold fast that which is good  until after we do what God means by Prove all things.  In the Bible, that which is good  is that which  came from God (Matthew 19:16; Mark 10:17; Luke 18:18).  We are told to hold fast  in 1Thessalonians 5:21; 2Timothy 1:13; Hebrews 3:6; 4:14; 10:23; Revelation 2:25; 3:3.  In the context of every one of these verses we find great destruction promised to those who do not hold fast  and great reward to those who do hold fast.  In every case this instruction is given to the children of God.  Satan can't take the saved to Hell but he can take your children to Hell if he can convince you to sin by coming short of the glory of God  (Romans 3:23) and doing less than what God means by prove.  (Again, please see the Word Study called Prove for details on how to do this the Biblical way.)  Below are listed only a few of the life experiences which I have personally lived, and matched with Biblical doctrine, which taught me God's method to prove all things,  and the necessity of personally obeying this command from God.

Life Event: Polio.
Lesson: Experts aren't always right.
Bible truth: Peter taught doctrinal error. Galatians 2:11.

Several times in my life doctors believed the 'answers' that were given to them by people that they trusted and then gave those 'answers' as 'the only answer' without verifying that what they claimed was correct.  Neither did they verify that there was no other answer.  They were proved to be wrong when they said that I was dying and there was no hope for me to live.  When I was first diagnosed with polio, the doctors told my parents that I would not live and there was nothing they could do about it.  Then they said that I would never get out of a hospital bed.  Then it was a wheelchair, then crutches, then braces.  OK, I had to wear a modified brace consisting of cowboy boots with an orthotic in it most of my life.  I now have Post-Polio, but that does not change the fact that when I first had polio, it was the first of at least 5times that the doctors said I would not live.

In addition, to those events, the last time that I was in the hospital for any significant amount of time, it was because I had a motor cycle accident where I hit the freeway head first at more than 70 MPH.  (Please see My Tract below.).  My back was so far out of alignment that there was zero feeling and zero function in my left leg due to how severely the nerves were pinched.  The doctors all told me that it would be impossible for me to walk without back surgery and I told them 'Watch what my God can do!'.  I literally walked out of that hospital 8 days later and never have had back surgery.  I love proving 'experts' wrong.

Peter taught doctrinal error because he based that doctrinal error on what 'religious experts' said without verifying the doctrine with the Spirit of God and the word of God.  He was proved to be wrong.  Baptist preachers do the same today and many saved people are ready to 'take a stand on doctrine' that is Baptist but is not Biblical.  For example, (most?) present day Baptist foreign mission programs do not match Acts 1:8.  The practices of Baptist churches for at least 100 years restrict people from the foreign mission field that God tells to go.  They tell non-preachers and divorced people and others who are saved and serving God, but are not qualified to be pastors, that they can not be missionaries.  They do this because their 'experts' tell them that people must meet the Biblical qualifications for a pastor in order to be a missionary.  People who trust wrong answers from 'experts' suffered for doing that.

Life Event: Salvation.
Lesson: We must have a standard  that is outside of our religion and independent from it.
Bible truth: Seed  singular verses seeds  plural in Galatians 3:16.

'Parroting' religious answers does not prove anything and makes people arrogant over what will bring judgment from God.  Galileo used an independent outside standard.  The Catholic Church trusted their religious 'experts' and rejected the correct method to prove  things, which is the 'Scientific Method'.  They put a rope around Galileo's neck to shut his mouth and then claimed that they had 'proved that the world is flat'.  This is the same method used by many religious people to 'prove their doctrine', who then condemn Catholics for not verifying their doctrine against the Bible.  Romans 2 condemns people who judge another then do the same sin.  Their condemning others removes any claim of ignorance about their own sin.  Baptist who condemn other religious for not verifying their religious doctrine against the Bible, and then do the same with Baptist doctrine, bring God's judgment upon themselves.  I received personal salvation only after I rejected everything that religious 'experts' told me and I read the Bible for what it literally said and found out that what the Bible literally said was not what the 'religious experts' claimed.  More importantly, the way that they arrived at their conclusions was wrong.  We need the wisdom of God  and not the wisdom of man / this world  (religion) as explained in 1Corinthians chapters 1-3.

Life Event: Environment.
Lesson: Failure to prove  results in a 'world of hurt'.
Bible truth: God has repeatedly destroyed all but a remnant of His people for following doctrinal error.

In the neighborhood that I grew up in, people said 'Put up or Shut up' to let you know that they were about to put a world of hurt on you and they were not stupid enough to bring only a knife to a gun fight.  (Guns were used in the grade school in the early 1960s in that neighborhood.)  God's people cooked and ate their own babies according to the Bible when God brought judgment upon them for choosing religious doctrine over what the Bible literally says.  Babylon took captives 4 times because the people refuse to learn from warnings that God sent through true prophets and they refused to learn from their conquerors the first three times.  Baptist doctrinal error says 'No Tears in Heaven' while the Bible promises over 1,000 yearss of tears for some saved people.  If you don't prove  things the right way then you are daring God to give you a 'world of hurt'.  (Please see the Word Study called Prove for details on how to do this the Biblical way.)

Life Event: Achievements.
Lesson: The method used to prove  something must be matched to what is being proved.
Bible truth: Knowledgewisdom  and understanding  are three different spiritual gifts which require different methods to prove1Corinthians 12.

I include this one mainly because people keep asking me for credentials from a religious school or church, and those are the wrong creditentials for interpreting the Bible, which is what God gave to me as my life task.

I graduated from college with what was considered to be the best degree available from any university in the U.S., at that time.  I had a 3.9GPA in my major and the next highest person has a 3.5GPA.  This degree was in Computer Science and required people to use methods as rigorous and the Scientific Method and as used for math problems to 'prove' their answers.  This is different than the methods of 'persuasion' that are taught to preachers.

From there I went into a career which required me to constantly study complex systems and prove if my solution, or the solution from other professionals, was correct.  I worked with over 12 different groups of professionals and was always used as the tester when they need to be sure that the solution would never break no matter what someone did to it.  In addition, I created the 'standard of standards' for both ANSI and ISO.  I literally had an international reputation as the best in the world for saying how you had to prove something.  God gave me this ability so that He could then use it to show His people His standard for proving that they had Him working through their life.

The Pharisees challenged Jesus and claimed that their man-given religious recognitions proved that they represented God.  Jesus provided God's true witness  for His claims in John 5, 8, 10 and other places.  This was court acceptable proof like we will have to have at the judgment seat of Christ   (Romans 14:10; 2Corinthians 5:10-11).  His 3witnesses match the 3spiritual gifts:

Life Event: Death Experiences.
Lesson: Failure to do what God means by prove  can result in a worse judgment than death.
Bible truth: There is a sin unto death  Romans 6:16; 1John 5:16-17.

All of 1John is about how the things we do in this physical world proves whether we are really following the Spirit of God or the spirit of a devil.  Someone can be saved and claim to follow the Spirit of God but really be following the spirit of a devil.  The sin unto death  is the result of saved people who refuse to accept correction and keep following a devil while claiming to follow the Spirit of God.  1John and 2John both warn us about antichrists.  These are leaders in the church that teach it's OK to not obey some of the commandments from Christ or to not follow the example of Jesus about how to live in the flesh by the power of the Holy Spirit.  These are the people who would encourage you to do the sin unto death  of Romans 6:16 and 1John 5.  One way that they do this is by telling you that you don't have to do everything that the Bible requires in order to prove all things.

When I lived according to what these preachers told me to do, I had my guts literally ripped apart to the point that I bled to death.  I had a disease that caused me to bleed internally and I had a wife that 4 doctors (including the top court witness in the state) said was doing felony abuse.  I also had several 'good, Godly, fundamental, KJV 1611 only, Baptist preachers' telling me that I had no choice but to 'forgive and forget' what my wife was doing even while she refused to repent.  For 3.5years I bleed daily and to the point that I could not do a desk job for 2 of those years.  After the doctor told me that I died and had to be revived, I told her that she would no longer be able to demand that I live in disobedience to God.  A little while after that she transferred all of our assets out of both of our names and into her name only and then told me to get out.  God gave them several years to repent, but they did not do so and my wife, along with two of those preachers, have seen God bring a judgment unto death  into their lives.

God does not save someone who refuses to truly Biblically repent.  If a saved girl gets pregnant, God does not take away the pregnancy and restore her virginity when she asks for forgiveness.  God also does not demand us to go beyond Him and remove all of the consequences of sin for someone who refuses to repent and continues to sin.  Matthew 6 and Matthew 18 both say to forgive men their trespasses.  A trespasses  is totally different from a sin unto death.  I died when I submitted to the doctrinal error which demanded that I treat a sin unto death  like a trespasses.  These others suffered a judgment of death when they refused to have their doctrine corrected and continued to teach that we are to treat a sin unto death  like a trespasses.  However, two of them buried children, which to a parent can be worse than their own death.

Life Event: Bible Study which produced this web site.
Lesson: 'One man plus God is a majority'.
Bible truth: A prophet had to be 100% accurate Deuteronomy 18:22.

Here is the true evidence of God working through my life to provide true Biblical understanding  and to show people God's way  of getting God's understanding.

Every prior life event / point before this one basically showed that we have life threatening problems if we just accept some 'expert' whose credentials are given by an organization but they do not have actual results to back their claims.  This is especially true when they say something can't be done while denying the possible response of God to true Biblical faith.  But the true problem comes when we risk our soul  based upon what some religious person tells us and we do not verify their claims against the word of God with the help of the Spirit of God.  Most preachers tell you 'believe me' while I say 'prove me wrong'.  What is below is the true Biblical evidence that the way  to interpret the Bible that this site has comes from God.

All of the prior life events / points before this one really do not prove that the way  that I use comes from God.  The evidence below does.  However, it is my experience that people ignore or reject the evidence below without first receiving the evidence from all of the prior life events / points.  That is because many other people claim that the prior evidence is what proves that they are from God.  People are taught to look at the type of evidence that I provided and believe that it proves  what it indicates but can not actually prove.  Therefore, I presented the expected credentials, so that people would pay attention, before saying that they are not what we really need to look at.  Now I will tell you what to really look for and why this other criteria in what is needed.

The life events / points, which were mentioned prior to this point, basically substantiate that I really do know what I am talking about when I say that the following evidence is what is required to prove  that the method of testing / proving which I use really is required to trust the 'proof'  that people offer.  That is, many people are led into error because they believe false 'proof'.  Therefore, they need to know how to verify that the 'proof' that they are given is valid and that it actually proves  what it is claimed to prove.

While many people don't think about this, and it is a level of complexity beyond many people, verifying the method used to gather 'proof' can be more important than the actual 'proof' because if the method used is not correct, then the 'proof' is invalid no matter how compelling it might be.

Religious people have a number of reasons why they claim that you can't trust the Bible that God gave you.  These reasons include the obvious errors such as claims like 'that is an unfortunate translation', 'that is a problem verses', 'the KJV doesn't correct the Greek and Hebrew and you have to believe my translation of the original languages', 'I don't believe that', 'the truth must be what Baptist tradition / favorite preacher / our church / whatver man claims', and other errors which should be obvious to the functional brain.  It really is simple.  Either the Bible that had the promises you believed came from God and will support your claim of salvation in God's court, or it will not.  If it does then that same Bible had better be the same word of God that you are using for your sanctification and guild in your personal life of faith.  However, if the Bible of your salvation is no longer valid then you had better stop lying to yourself about being saved and use the rest of your life to fulfil every lust that your flesh desires.

Simply put: either the word of God that you trusted for salvation is also trust worthy for sanctification, or it is not trust worthy for either.  It is impossible for God to give us His Word and then make it good enough for salvation but not good enough for sanctification because sanctification of a saved person is easier to accomplish than salvation of a lost person is.  The saved already Trust God and His word to some extent.  The lost never have trusted God and His word.  Both salvation and sanctification require us to 'trust and obey' God and His Word.

The problem is that people look at the character of the person telling them their doctrine and forget that 'to err is human'.  It is not an attack on the character of these men to say that they did their best but came short of the glory of God  (Romans 3:23).  In particular, they used a method of interpretation that provided most of God's requirements for correct interpretation, but did not have all of those requirements for perfect interpretation.  The simple proof of this claim is the fact that none of these people deal with every verse and phrase of a book or name or subject that they study.  The fact is that they skip the verses and phrases which cause them problems.

With all of the evidence that I have already provided to show that I really know how to prove  things, I am telling you that the first requirement is that the claimed 'proof' needs to be vigorously verified for every permutation of every occurrence of what the 'proof' claims to show to be true.  It also needs to be applied to occurrences of different things which people claim are the same but are different.

A simple example is the Biblical usage of the name of Jesus.  People tell you that, in the Bible, Jesus  is 'God in human flesh'.  While that is true for 981 out of 983occurrences, it is not true for 2 of them.  Further, as explained elsewhere on this site, ignoring those 2 different occurrences is what led to people believing the doctrine of the true Biblical antichrists  found in 1John and 2John.  In addition, preachers regularly interchange Jesus  with Christ  and Jesus Christ  with Christ Jesus.  Therefore, true proof  of how the Bible uses the name of Jesus  requires showing how each of these names are used.  Only when someone has proven that their answer matches every occurrence of each of these cases can they say that they have proven  their claim.

The evidence that others are using unreliable testing methods is the fact that their published results skip occurrences.  Look at any study on a Bible book and you will find that there are parts (verses, etc) which are skipped.  Look at any study on words in the Bible, such as a study on Christ  or other names of God, and you will find that there are occurrences skipped.  I'm not talking about skipping rarely used names such as morning star,  but I am talking about their skipping places in the Bible which use the name that they claim to provide a study on.

In over 30 years as a professional, I was constantly used as the person who could prove  a claim that had to stand up under every test because I always did every test when that level of testing was required.  When there are souls  at stake, that level of testing is definitely demanded.  I found errors others didn't find because I was diligent  enough to do tests that others skipped.  Thus the evidence that my answers are reliable is the fact that I publish results for every occurrence found in the Bible on a given word, book, etc.  Yes, in some of my Book Studies I have not covered every phrase and word because I started out planning on giving a high-level interpretation of the New Testament and, after that was completed, provide the more detailed version in another pass.  However, God has given me more detail as I progressed with the results being that the Book Study on Romans took a year to produce but has over 16,000 links in it.

That is the level that I am proceeding through 1Corinthians.  I now have a new plan to switch back and forth between filling in missing details of Book Studies already done at a high-level and doing Book Studies on Books not yet started.  I expect this to take the rest of my life and pray that I will remain functional until I complete the job that God gave me.  Yes, people can complain that I have not started on a section of the Bible or that some work is still 'under construction', but you will not find me skipping so-called 'problem verses'.

Many people have opposed me and persuaded people to follow their error.  But that won't work for God and won't keep God from bringing a judgment upon you and your family.  This is especially true if you do a sin unto death,  like 3people (that I know of) already did.  Romans 6:16 says Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?  You want to be very careful about telling people to follow the wrong way to prove  their doctrine when I back this method with my life and God has already brought a judgment of death upon others who deliberately taught a different way.

  1. I have published my evidence where anyone can verify exactly what I said when they chose to oppose me.  None of the people who oppose me have published their opinions and I have heard them changing what they claim on many occasions.
  2. I have answered significant opposing claims.  Those who oppose me do not answer any of my evidence because they can not.
  3. I have covered every occurrence of a word or book studied to show that this way  from God always works.  I know of no other commentator who does the same and, as I have noted, they deliberately skip the evidence of their 'way of interpretation' failing.
  4. I have provided the scriptural basis of this God given perfect way  of interpretation.  While others have scripture to back part of the rules that they use, NO ONE  has provided any scriptural basis for 'interpretation by verses'.  That is because it does not exist.  The organization by verses was added in the 1400s and then changed to our current verse format in the 1500s.  God does not change.  In addition, God does not make errors.  Yet the verse format has one chapter ending in the middle of a sentence and the next chapter starting in the middle of that sentence.  Isaiah 28 was written over 2,000 years before our verse format and people understood that line upon line  meant 'sentence upon sentence'.

The main thing missing from most 'interpretations' of the Bible is God's perfect way  which requires us to interpret based upon the sentence structure, punctuation, and within the limits of general precepts  including full awareness of context.

I openly challenge any and all to prove that this method of interpretation produces any conflict with any other part of the Bible interpreted using the same method.  Yes, it very definitely conflicts, and corrects, interpretations that use other methods.  In pride, religious people choose their religious beliefs over what the Bible literally says, just like the people who crucified God's only begotten Son.  Bt doing so, they challenge God to bring a judgment of death upon themselves and all of their followers.

  1. Do you know  that you're saved because the lost world acknowledges the change that God birthed in your life or simply because some religion said you could 'know' it because you said a prayer?
  2. Do the traditions of your religion match what is found in Acts especially about the 'Great Commission'?
  3. Do you prove  your doctrine by studying it every place that it occurs in the Bible?
  4. Can you prove your doctrine from the Bible alone and with no reference to someone else's doctrine?
  5. When was the last time that you proved  each of these spiritual gifts in your personal life?

Steward of Three Things.

God has shown me that I am to be a Steward of three things that he gave to me to protect and preserve.  They are:

  1. His Foundation
  2. His Faith
  3. His Family
  1. God's Foundation
    1. God's Foundation is not just His Word but also His Way to use His Word.
    2. 1Corinthians 3:11 says For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.  Along with John 1:1, 14 we see that the Word  is our foundation.
    3. Ephesians 2:20 And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; The apostles and prophets  show us the Way  to apply what comes from Jesus Christ.

  2. God's Faith
    1. James 2:1 tells us that it is the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ.
    2. James 2:14-26 tells us that our faith  MUST produce works.
    3. The works  in James 2 and in Hebrews 11 show us God working through the person's life.  These works  are not what they would do on their own in the flesh.

  3. God's Family
    1. Ephesians 3:15-16 tells us that the whole family in Heaven and earth is named  after our Lord Jesus Christ.
    2. John 1:12 tells us But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his nameReceived  is past tense and means this is talking about saved people.  to become  is future tense which means we are not the sons of God  when we first get saved but must 'become' that after our salvation.

God taught me about these things through His working in my life.

  1. God's Foundation
    1. I got saved when my brother challenged me to prove what I believed and then told me that that I had proved that I was as dumb as a bird  when I quoted the religion teacher.
    2. Many preachers and teachers today claim to be leaders in God's church but base all of their doctrine on what someone else told them.  They prove that they are as immature as the people in Corinth when Paul wrote his first letter.
    3. 'Good godly preachers' have repeated 'Baptist doctrine' that came from Biblical antichrists  which resulted in saved people believing they could get away with a sin unto death.  God has killed the children of saved people because they believed someone who used God's Word the wrong Way.
    4. Hebrews 11:6 tells us that (God) is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.  I have been diligently seeking God in Bible Study for an average of at least 20 hours/week for over 10 years.  My Web Site has the interpretation that God has given me and it covers well over 1/2 of the New Testament.  It is cross-referenced to over 45,000 verses and shows that there are NO errors in the Bible, NO 'problem verses', NO conflicts and NO parts of the Bible which must be avoided.

  2. God's Faith
    1. The faith of our Lord Jesus Christ  is a miracle producing faith.  It requires us to:
      1. Actually DO not just believe.  Even God learned through experience.
      2. We must find out what the Bible really says that we have to do in order prove that we are giving God permission to work in our life.
      3. We MUST obey with an attitude that our actions do not force Him to work.  Neither do they tell Him when to work or how to work.  Our act of faith only proves the devil to be a liar when he accuses God of taking away our free will.
      4. We must praise and thank Him for whatever He does before He acts.
      5. We must recognize His actions and tell others about His actions after He works.
    2. Many people teach error about Biblical faith  but they will not back their mouth with their lives.  I do.
      1. Last accident:
        1. I had deacon bring tracts and a Bible while I was still in shock.
        2. After 6 days on 3opiates they reduced me to 1 opiate and let me wake up.  Hospital worker told about my praising God while out of my mind.
        3. Lost doctors said I had multiple miracles.
        4. Pentecostal told my I needed his evangelist to lay hands on me  but was not willing to have God do to his children what I had been through in order to prove his doctrine.
        5. Several top doctors told me it would be impossible for me to walk without back surgery which I never had.
        6. All Ortho doctors who see the evidence of the current condition of my back insist that I need major surgery NOW.
        7. They demand to know how I am getting by with NO pain medicine but stop listening when I start6 talking about a personal relationship with God.
      2. Protection while doing God's work
        1. Go into ghettos and to gang-bangers who are probably packing
        2. Ride bike thru Mexico when I knew no Spanish and had no map
        3. Used stops by Army to pass out tracts
        4. Get lost people in Mexico and Belize to find me Bible preaching churches and missionaries
        5. Move to new state 4 times not knowing where Bible preaching church is but go where God wants me within 24 hours
      3. Obedience:
        1. Suffered years of God's discipline while not in church
        2. Same while in church and giving 20% but letting wife come before God
        3. Blessed when obeyed from the heart  even though technically not doing the exact right thing
        4. Blessed when waited for God's answer after praying and before acting
    3. RU is not just for addicts.  It teaches what to do and how to do it but you MUST do the challenges.

  3. God's Family
    1. Families can do things that an individual can't.  They help you when you need it.  They provide love and companionship.  They help to straighten you out when you go wrong.  Mainly, they make propagation possible and reasonable.
    2. God's family is the church and people can not be right with God and do what God demands outside of the church.  After I got saved until I was 28 I was not in church and lost people commented on how much I was judged by God.
    3. I was not witnessing while out of church and that is true for almost everyone.  Even if I led someone to salvation, I could not disciple them outside of the church.
    4. The main purpose of a family is to help people grow up.  You spend many more years raising children than you spend having them.  No one wants a 30 year old who is in diapers.  God doesn't either.  I was judged by God for sitting in church and not growing up.  I resented going to church more than Sunday morning at that time.  I needed lots of prayers and counseling.  The same is true for lots of other people.
    5. Lots of people talk about how they love the church and fellowship.  lots of people want to give advice.  I don't understand why the Visitation programs are some of the most neglected ministries in the church.  I have led far more people to a profession while on church visitation than by any other means.

After Accident.

Dear friends in the Lord Jesus Christ:

I want to thank Antioch for the flowers, visits and, most especially, the prayers.  Many medical people have (directly or indirectly) said that I had a 'miracle'.  Many people have died from less of a crash and most people would have had brain damage.  [According to Bobby, that was never a possibility in my case because you have to have a brain before it can get damaged :-).]  Satan really hates it when you respond to his humanistic medical people that you received the miracle because you have a personal relationship with God as His child.  It's really hard for them to deny that God exists and that God changes things in this world when you use their own words to witness to them.

For those who haven't heard the details, I was traveling East on I696 when the rear wheel of my bike locked up unexpectedly.  When the bike was later picked up the clutch and other things worked OK so I have no idea why it locked up and really don't care why.  God allowed it.  The bike has been torn apart and is being sold as parts.

When it locked up, I was between groups of cars with lots of free pavement around me.  I think I was going 70-75mph, or whatever was the average speed of I-696.  I put the bike into a slide then it flipped and slammed me right into the pavement.  Word of advice: don't pick a fight with the freeway :-).

When I stopped rolling, all of the traffic had also stopped and I was able to crawl to the side of the freeway.  Someone called an ambulance and got my bike out of the way and traffic continued.  People kept asking me 'Are you OK?' and didn't seem to believe my answer of 'No!!'.  I broke 3ribs, broke a chip off the T-2 bone in my spine, separated my shoulder and received lots of road rash and bruises.  I was in the trauma ward for 5days and in Rehab for 8.  I am now at home recovering and still on pain meds.  I have been told that the ribs take 6-8 weeks to heal.  Well before then I expect to be off the pain meds and functioning as close to normal as possible, but I have no idea how long that will take.

This is the 4th time that I have put a bike down at high speeds (over 60 MPH).  The first three times, my system speeded up so that it seemed like time slowed down and I could consciously decide the best time to leave the bike, tuck into a ball and roll away.  That didn't happen this time.  It's not that things happened faster but that my system didn't speed up.  I rolled, but couldn't time when to leave the bike and didn't tuck into a ball before rolling and didn't just walk away.  I'm not scared to get back on a bike but when God causes that kind of a change in you and slaps you upside the head with a freeway doing 70, only a fool will return to prior behaviour without first praying about it.

Some people wonder why God would allow something like this to happen to His children.  Can you think of a better way to set-up an unbeliever so that they have to face a truth that they are actively denying? After what Our Lord went through, what's a little pain on our part if it serves to plant God's Word in someone's heart? Understand.  When I say 'a little pain', I woke up one night with every nerve on fire.  I felt every hair on my body (including the few on the top of my head where everyone thinks there are none).  A bald man doesn't loose any hair.  It just migrates to other parts of his body.  In addition, I was so confused that I didn't remember where I was or why (this is a known side effect of the pain meds I was given).  The confusion made the pain much worse.  It took me a while to remember that I was in the hospital because of an accident, but the room looked completely different and the pain was about 10 times more than any time before that.  It took some time after that for me to get help and a pain shot.

When I prayed about it and asked 'Why?', God let me know that what I felt was only a hint of what people will feel for eternity.  So a few hours, compared to eternity, is 'a little pain'.  The little time that I was conscious for, compared to 3days and 3nights (Matthew 12:40), is 'a little pain'.  If I remember it and use it to motivate me to obey God's personal order to each and every one of us ('go ye' [Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:15]), I will reap greater rewards in Heaven for eternity (1Corinthians 2:9).  Compared to eternal rewards, what's 'a little pain' here and now?

I am completely convinced that the prayers of God's people, as soon as they heard, minimized the trauma that I experienced.  In addition, all of the medical people kept telling me that I had 'an amazing rate of recovery', which I attribute (to a large part) to the ongoing prayers of God's people.  Thank you for praying.  With the possible exception of some cognitive consequences with memory and at the level of multi-tasking multiple complex logical tasks, I am expected to completely recover without any additional therapy.  I just need time and continuing what I am doing to recover.  All of this is due to the Lord blessing in many ways.

The Lord uses many people, including lost people, to tell us how to avoid consequences of our actions in this world.  Some people think avoiding all risks works, but we are promised problems in this life.  There are many reasons for that, but hiding from risk only end up with people not enjoying life.  Since we can't avoid risk, the best thing to do is to minimize possible consequences of when things go wrong.  I'm, not saying that it's OK for everyone to ride motorcycles, but no matter what we do we should seek the wisdom of experienced people to avoid the worst possible consequences.  So, even when I lived in a 'no helmet' state, I ALWAYS wore a helmet, jacket, gloves, boots, long pants, etc (even when crossing a desert at 115degrees).  I have a chip broken off the 'wing' of one of my vertebrate.  However, I'm sure that it would have been worse without the spine armor in the jacket that I wore.  I have a separated shoulder.  What would it have been without shoulder armor in the jacket? My boots were made from stingrays (about 10 times as tough as bull leather).  They were destroyed instead of my feet.  But mainly, my helmet had at least 12 hits.  That surely would have cracked my empty skull (thanks Bobby :-)).  I'm saying that the first way that the Lord protects His people is to have wise men give advice on avoiding consequences in this life.  The primary source of God's wisdom that we have is our pastor.  I don't claim to always listen, but I try to avoid being a complete fool and God honors that type of heart.

God also honors those who give glory to His name so that men can know that there is a vast difference between having a personal relationship with God and having religion.  You can believe what you want (our true beliefs are shown by our actions [James 2:14-26]) but I KNOW in my heart of hearts that God loves a big mouth witness and gives miracles to such people that are denied to the merely religious.  You have heard me say many times that God inhabits the praises of His people.  I am convinced that when circumstances go bad, that's the time to increase praise and not complain like lost or carnal saved people do.  One lady who transported me twice remembered me because of my 'positive attitude' when I was in so much pain that I didn't remember her.  That's Christ in us doing what we can't when we can't.  He opened the door to her heart so that she would accept a tract later.  As pastor says, people listen to our actions more than they listen to words.  However, I didn't do this on my own power or just start doing this.  God has been slowly preparing me for this time through years of a personal relationship that includes prayer and personal study of God's Word.  In addition, to that, I decided to deliberately remember how God blessed me so that I would always have a praise when pastor asks for praises.  When we are in so much pain that our brain isn't working right, we act like we have trained our subconscious brain to work.  When I regularly draw close to God so that Christ can work through me, He will still do that when my brain isn't working right.  I couldn't have a 'positive attitude' in those circumstances, but Christ could and He could show it through me.

There's a truth that God showed me a while ago.  People show you a glass that is ' full of water and ask if it is ' full or ' empty.  The truth is that it is completely full: ' is water and the other ' is air.  In this illustration, the water represents this physical world and the air represents the spiritual world.  The world tells us that we have a positive or a negative view depending upon how we see the water.  Pastor has taught us to look for the spiritual in all of life's events.  The 'positive attitude' that that lady saw was really a spiritual attitude based upon God making Romans 8:28 real in my heart.  If God hadn't made it real to me personally then I couldn't have acted like I did.

I hope I'm not coming across as preaching.  I just want people to know how I received my miracle and encourage them to try to do the same things because each of us will need personal miracles more than once in this life.

God bless each and every one of you.  Thanks for your prayers and encouragement.  Love in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Written on 7/2/2008.

My Tract.

Motorcycle Rider

A few years ago I had a motorcycle accident where I literally hit the freeway pavement head first at more than 70 MPH.  I had doctors and other medical people coming to see and talk with someone who had survived that type of accident.  Many denied the God of the Bible, yet they voluntarily said that I had undeniable multiple miracles in my life.

I was told that it was absolutely impossible for me to walk again without back surgery because my back was so damaged.  Less than 8 days later, I literally walked out of the hospital without surgery.  What's more, I don't even use prescription pain medicine.  Several years later a new MRI showed that my back is completely aligned (even if weakness still exists).

However, all of that doesn't prove anything, because the Devil can do miracles, and will do them to support a false doctrine.  What the Devil can't do is praise the true Lord Jesus Christ of the Bible, especially not while doing a false miracle.  He can praise a false Jesus or a false Christ, but not one Who has a character that matches what the Bible literally says about the Son of God.

For the first 6 days in the hospital, I was given so much pain medicine that I was not conscious.  After I was allowed to stay awake, I had to go for an X-Ray.  The lady who came to transport me to the X-Ray told me: 'Hey! I know you.  You're that guy who was in Critical Care praising God.' She was talking about the 6 days where I was literally 'out of my mind' with pain medicine.

So if it wasn't the Lord Jesus Christ of the Bible using my body to praise God, who was it?

After I was able to stay awake, but still in Critical Care, the man in the next bed told me that I needed his evangelist to come and touch me in order for me to get healed. 

I thought about asking him why he didn't do that since he was in the next bed.  Instead I told him that he saw multiple doctors come in and say that I had an undeniable miracle to be alive, another to have healed as quickly as I had healed, and another that I had a functional brain after hitting my head against the freeway 12 times at more than 70 mph.  Then I told him 'Let's pray for God to put your babies through just a little of what I went through and you can prove your doctrine by having your evangelist heal them.'

He refused my challenge.  You see, there are lots of people who want you to risk your life and eternal destiny on a doctrine that they refuse to trust enough to risk their own life.  I (the author) back what this tract says with my literal life.

I was raised in a very religious family with my Dad being on a first-name basis with national and international religious leaders.  When I was 12, my brother told me that 'Religion is the opiate of the masses.'  I said he was wrong and he said 'Prove it!'  I started quoting the religious leaders, and he told me 'Hold it! Any parrot can sit in a religion class and learn to repeat the lessons.  That doesn't prove that the lessons are right, it only proves that you're as dumb as a bird.'

Lots of religious people are 'as dumb as a bird' when it comes to their religious beliefs.  Lots of so-called 'Christian Religions' use the method used by the Devil when he tempted Jesus.  They quote part of the Bible while taking it out of context in order to pervert the true message from God into supporting their false doctrines.  However, 'God said what He meant and meant what He said'.  True doctrine matches the complete context within the Bible that it claims to be based upon.

Before I was truly Biblically saved, I had a religion but it would not get me miracles.

I now have undeniable proof of God working in my life.  The change came after I prayed for God to show me His truth, and then I read the Bible for what it literally says instead of what people told me that it says.  When I obeyed His command to 'trust and obey' Him in an ongoing personal relationship, instead of being religious, He saved me and changed my life.

One of the most important concepts in the Bible comes from Ephesians 5:31-32 where we are told that the proper relationship between a man and his wife is a picture of the relationship between Christ and the church.  That means it is an ongoing personal relationship and not just the result of a one-time religious act.  A marriage is more than a one time ceremony, and so is true Biblical salvation.

The Bible says ...there is none that seeketh after God.  (Romans 3:11) If you are reading this tract then it is God seeking you, not you seeking Him, and if you reject Him at this time, He does not have to seek you again.  So please prayerfully consider these truths which come from God's Word.

The Bible clearly teaches that we each broke God's Law: For all have sinned,  (Romans 3:23; 5:12); for sin is the transgression of the law  (1John 3:4).  It also clearly teaches that death is the result of sin: Wherefore, as by one man, sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned  (Romans 5:12); 'For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.  (Romans 6:23) It also teaches that those people who come before God with sin on their spiritual legal record will be part of the second death.  Revelation 21:8 states: But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

That's the bad news.  The good news is that God made a way for us to avoid the second death.  However, we have to do things God's way or He does not blot out  the legal record of your sin.  You see, the Bible tells us in Genesis 4:26; Psalms 116:13, 17; Acts 2:21; and Romans 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

However, religion tells us that this means to 'say a prayer to Jesus,' which is not true. The truth is that there is a spiritual war going on between God and the forces of evil. True salvation requires us to agree to change sides in this spiritual war.

We all start out supporting the forces of evil.  When we call upon the name of the Lord,  we are legally switching sides in this war and agreeing to stop supporting evil while starting to support God's side.  He gives us His Holy Spirit to show us what to do, how to do it, and what attitude to have while we do it.  By calling upon the Lord,  we are agreeing to an ongoing personal relationship with God where He is our personal Lord.  That means He judges if we obey Him and judges our level of obedience.  He determines the level of reward or punishment we receive based solely upon His judgment.

Since Jesus is God in human flesh, since He literally died to pay for our personal sin, and since He rose from the dead to prove that He conquered death and provides life, anything that He tells us to do is for our good and God's glory. 

However, just as a true marriage is an ongoing personal relationship, so also is true Biblical salvation an ongoing personal relationship.  I did not get miracles because I did some 'magical religious act.' I received miracles because I have an ongoing personal relationship with the God of Heaven who rewards His children who truly 'trust and obey' Him.  Yes, you need to have a time that you personally 'call upon the name of the Lord' so that the legal requirement is met.  However, you must also understand that you are starting an ongoing personal relationship with God whereby you agree to 'trust and obey Him.' If that is not the intent of your heart, He will not save you no matter what religious act you do.  If you truly want to be Biblically saved, then call upon the name of the Lord  with the understanding that you are agreeing to 'trust and obey' His personal commands to you.

If you receive the Lord as a result of this tract, then please send an email to 'Webmaster@LJC1611kjv.com'.

Thank you for reading this tract. God bless you.

Gerard Cotter

Contact:  Webmaster@LJC1611KJV.com.  Member of Tower Road Baptist Church, Abq., NM, U.S.A., 87121.  Copyright 2009 Lord Jesus Christ in the 1611KJV.  All rights reserved. Revised: 02/07/25.