Interpretive Study of Revelation 21-22 Lord Jesus Christ in the 1611KJV
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Interpretive Study of Revelation 21-22

The Revelation of Jesus Christ

Chapter links:  12345678910111213141516171819202122God.

Revelation Chapter 21

links to sentences in this chapter: 
C21-S1 (Verse 1), C21-S2 (Verse 2), C21-S3 (Verse 3), C21-S4 (Verse 4), C21-S5 (Verse 5), C21-S6 (Verse 5), C21-S7 (Verse 6), C21-S8 (Verse 6), C21-S9 (Verse 6), C21-S10 (Verse 7), C21-S11 (Verse 8), C21-S12 (Verse 9), C21-S13 (Verse 10-13), C21-S14 (Verse 14), C21-S15 (Verse 15), C21-S16 (Verse 16), C21-S17 (Verse 16), C21-S18 (Verse 17), C21-S19 (Verse 18), C21-S20 (Verse 19), C21-S21 (Verse 19-20), C21-S22 (Verse 21), C21-S23 (Verse 22), C21-S24 (Verse 23), C21-S25 (Verse 24), C21-S26 (Verse 25), C21-S27 (Verse 26), C21-S28 (Verse 27)'. 
Chapter Summary:  God's plan for the saved to enjoy eternity.

  1. C21-S1 :  God creates a new heaven and a new earth.
  2. C21-S2 :  the holy city, new Jerusalem.
  3. C21-S3 :  the tabernacle of God is with men.
  4. C21-S4 :  God will end all causes and results of sorrow.
  5. C21-S5 :  God makes everything new.
  6. C21-S6 :  God personally verifies what has been reported in this chapter and book.
  7. C21-S7 :  God's entire plan from before creation is complete.
  8. C21-S8I am Alpha and Omega.
  9. C21-S9 :  God's promise to provide our spiritual desires in this life.
  10. C21-S10 :  God's promise to true overcomers.
  11. C21-S11 :  God's judgment of certain types of people.
  12. C21-S12 :  the start of the description of the next gift which God provided.
  13. C21-S13 :  the first of the details about that that great city, the holy Jerusalem.
  14. C21-S14 :  the description of the foundations.
  15. C21-S15 :  the angel had the ability to measure the city.
  16. C21-S16 :  It is massive.
  17. C21-S17 :  the length of the walls.
  18. C21-S18 :  the height of the walls.
  19. C21-S19 :  the materials used to build the city.
  20. C21-S20 :  the ornamentation of the foundations.
  21. C21-S21 :  the particular stones used to ornament the foundations.
  22. C21-S22 :  the composition of the gates and streets.
  23. C21-S23 :  God is the temple.
  24. C21-S24 :  there is no need of sun or moon.
  25. C21-S25 :  there will always be access.
  26. C21-S26 :  there will always be access.
  27. C21-S27 :  People will bring glory  in order to worship.
  28. C21-S28 :  Access will be limited.

Our chapter starts out telling us that God creates a new heaven and a new earth.  Then, the rest of the chapter describes The holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

C21-S1 (Verse 1)   God creates a new heaven and a new earth.

  1. Equivalent Section:  the creation.
    1. And I saw a new heaven and a new earth:
  2. Equivalent Section:  Why He makes it new.
    1. First Step:  the old were passed away.
      1. for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away;
    2. Second Step:  God restores the world to His initial design.
      1. and there was no more sea.

Our sentence starts with the word And,  which adds it to the prior chapter.  Both chapters need to be considered together for contextual reasons.  Our prior chapter told us about the 1,000 years reign of Christ.  This chapter adds what happens after that reign.

Our sentence has two Equivalent Sections with the First Equivalent Section telling us about a new creation and the Second Equivalent Section telling us why God created them.

In our First Equivalent Section we are told about a new heaven and a new earth.  Below, you can read where Dr. Jeff Wilson writes one opinion about the creation and i write an opposing opinion.  But, as written below, we do not find at least two references in The word of God  which literally tells the answer to this difference.  Therefore, we can agree to disagree on this matter.

With the above written, the important thing is not how God does what he does but the end result.  And, the equivalency of our sentence shows us that this a new heaven and a new earth  are totally different from what we know now.  The last phrase of: there was no more sea  makes that clear because oce and and seas currently cover the majority of the Earth surface.  So, people get into arguments about opinion ns which can not be proven conclusively, from The word of God,  and miss the important messages.  In this case, we see that God returns the new heaven and new earth  to His original design.

In his note, below, Dr. Jeff Wilson writes an opinion which i disagree with.  However, neither His opinion nor mine can be proven according to The word of God.  Therefore, the reader is free to form their own opinion or accept one of ours.  Dr. Jeff Wilson writes: 'But something else we must have an understanding of in v1 is the term 'passed away', what happens to the old heaven and earth. that phrase does not mean the existing earth or heavens of the present will be destroyed or annihilated, but instead it means they will pass from one condition to another, to change their state of existence to another state. Simply put the heavens and earth will be renovated, made anew, they will be changed, not destroyed, they will change from something old to something new'.  However, 1Corinthians 15 tells us about corruption  and incorruption.  In particular, 1Corinthians 15:50 says: neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.  The corrupt  world can not be made incorrupt  but is completely replaced.

Again, he references Isaiah 65:17; which says: For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind.  When something is converted, the former form is remembered, at least to some extent because part of it is still around.  However, when something is replaced, it is easier to forget the old because all of the old is gone.  And, we have the teaching of Jesus  with the parable of 'New cloth and old garment' (Matthew 9:16; Mark 2:21 and Luke 5:36).  That parable teaches that it is foolish to add new to the old.  In addition, he references Ecclesiastes 1:4; which says: One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever.  However, he is using the wrong definition for the phrase for ever.  It has a different meaning than the word everlasting  and includes 'what is apparently never ending'.  Revelation 14:9-11 says: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.  Again, Revelation 19:3 says: And her smoke rose up for ever and ever.  This smoke  is here on Earth and ends when The new heaven and new Earth  are created.  Continuing on, 20:4 says: The former things are passed away  and 20:5 says: Behold, I make all things new.  God does not remake the old but gets completely rid of the old and makes all things new.  That written, each of these references are indirect and we do not find at least two references in The word of God  which literally tells the answer to this difference.  Therefore, we can agree to disagree on this matter.

Yes, Dr. Jeff Wilson does reference the Greek dictionary, but we need to be careful about that, especially when people use it to correct the preserved word of God  in the English.  God did not preserve His word in Greek.  And, people claim that the Greek dictionary tells us that Jesus  means: 'saviour'.  But people use this to deny that The word of God  also tells us that God the father is our saviour,  and that God the Holy Spirit  is our saviour,  and that the Son God, as Christ,  is our saviour,  and that the Son God, as Lord,  is our saviour.  Each of these roles have a different role in our salvation just like God, a man and a woman have different roles in creating a baby.  You don't get a new baby unless all three do their part in the creation and you do not get true Biblical salvation unless all five roles of God do their part.  In addition, twice The word of God  says that Joshua, of the Old Testament, is Jesus.  Once, The word of God  says that Justus, a preacher's helper, is Jesus.  Our eternal salvation is not dependent upon either of those two men.  And, people preach doctrinal error based upon misinterpreting that Greek dictionary.  I have been paid as a professional interpreter and any true professional interpreter will tell you that you can not just take one word, from a dictionary of another language, and not consider all of the context where it is presented, and avoid all possibilities of error.  So, be careful about using the Greek Dictionary to correct what we literally read in our God-preserved English word of God.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'Here the Apostle John sees a new heaven and a new earth, they are new for the first ones have 'passed away'. Now to begin with we need to understand exactly what we are talking about here. I think we all realize the term 'earth' refers to this earth, this planet that we walk upon, but the word 'heaven' may confuse some of us. forif you recall we are presented with three heavens in the Bible, 1. first we have the atmospheric heaven, the sky around the earth, 2. second is the universal heaven where the sun, moon and stars abide, and then of course the third heaven 3. is where the Lord abides, but here in v1 the word 'heaven' only speaks of one or possibly two of those heavens. So which does v1 refer to? Well, if we think about it and consult the Word of God, we can eliminate one easily, for it can not be the third heaven, for God's abode will never undergo change for His house is perfect, unblemished by sin. But which heaven has been contaminated by sin? Remember, sin does not affect just one person, it affects all around him including his environment, so the one heaven that has to be referred to in v1 is the atmospheric heaven, where the devil's kingdom once stood, for was he not the prince and power of the air, and did not his demons fill that kingdom? this heaven was the closest to man and therefore contaminated and must be purged or cleansed.
Such passing away could also include the universal heaven for it seems to be tainted as well for we read in Job 15:15' the heavens are not clean in his sight'.Job 25:5 Behold even to the moon, and it shineth not; yea, the stars are not pure in his sight. Plus we will see evidence that the universal heavens of light will be needed no more in these last chapters of Revelation for God's glory will light the world (v23). So a new heaven here in v1 most likely means a new universe and a new atmosphere with a new earth within it.
But something else we must have an understanding of in v1 is the term 'passed away', what happens to the old heaven and earth. that phrase does not mean the existing earth or heavens of the present will be destroyed or annihilated, but instead it means they will pass from one condition to another, to change their state of existence to another state. Simply put the heavens and earth will be renovated, made anew, they will be changed, not destroyed, they will change from something old to something new. And how do I know that? Because the Bible tells me so!
First we see the promise of a new heaven and earth in Isa 65:17 for, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind., which correlates with v4, for the phrase passed away in that verse is translated from a different Greek word which means to be left behind, to depart, to actually pass away, meaning the former things of our lives, the bad things will be remembered no more, which I take as our memories of sin will be wiped away. We read of another promise of a new heaven and earth in'Isa 66:22 foras the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before me, saith the LORD, so shall your seed and your name remain. So God has said there will be a new heaven and new earth, but God also said in Ec 1:4 One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever. So how can the earth pass away and yet abide forever? We also know that God promised Israel they would dwell in the earth forever, Isa 60:21 thy people also shall be all righteous: they shall inherit the land for ever, the branch of my planting, the work of my hands, that I may be glorified. So does forever mean forever or not?
Well if we take God at His word and we do and if the earth is to abide forever, that means it in some way has an eternal existence. So If this earth is to remain how is there a new one and how does the old pass away? Well do we not have evidence in the Bible of God taking something old and making something new with it? Did not God make Adam out of the dust of the earth, and Eve from the body of Adam? Did not God, thru His grace and the blood of Christ and our faith placed in him change us from an old sinner to a new saint, a new creature? Now was we destroyed in that process? No. we were changed from the old man to the new. 2Co 5:17 therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. the same Greek word is used for 'passed away' in this verse as in Rev 21:1. When a sinner is saved he is changed, transformed, made new, yet he is still the same person isn't he? But his state and his standing before God are different. And this is just as the earth and heaven will be made new, just as a saved sinner is made new and the curse of sin removed so too will the curse be removed from the earth, it will be changed. the earth craves such a change just as lost souls crave salvation... Ro 822 forwe know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. 23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body. So how will creation be redeemed, purified, renovated, changed, made new? Well, the Apostle Peter sheds some light on this for us.
2Pe 3:3 Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, 4 And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. 5 for this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: 6 Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:
In v5 Peter is speaking of the creation, the heavens of old, the earth's surface changing to bring land masses about that would be inhabitable for animals and man. At first the earth was without form and was void, but God changed that during creation, something old was made new, not by destruction but by change.
In v6 Peter speaks of the great flood of Noah's time, a world overran with sin and violence was changed and made new by wiping out 99.9% of humanity with water. Following this, a new covenant was made, a new promise was given, yet the core of what the earth was remained the same, the planet as a whole was not destroyed or removed from existence, its surface was simply changed.
Now look at what Peter says in v7'2Pe 3:7 But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. After the Day of Judgment of the ungodly, after the Great White throne Judgment, the heavens and the earth are reserved unto fire. Now many might think that fire destroys and consumes, but does the lake of fire annihilate the souls within it, did it destroy the beast or false prophet that were cast alive into it, or the resurrected bodies of the damned? No, so such fire will not destroy the earth or the heavens, but instead the fire will purify, will cleanse them like the flood did. the earth and the heavens will be changed by fire and fervent heat (much like volcanic activity does now for land masses)
2Pe 3:10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens {skies} shall pass away (The same meaning as 'changed') with a great noise{exploding flammable gases}, and the elements shall melt {liquefy} with fervent heat, the earth also and the works{manmade things} that are therein shall be burned up. Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved {loosened from chains}, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness,12 Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat? 13 Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new {refreshed} heavens and a new {refreshed} earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. Fire will remake the surface of the earth, fire will purify the heavens, thus they shall be changed and loosed from the curse, much like what we read in Re 6:14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. this verse pictures the burning away of the heavenly atmosphere, but does not mean it is destroyed for a scroll when it is rolled up does not disappear, it is simply changed in shape. And such will the earth change shape when every mountain and every island are moved out of their places, when there shall be, as Rev 21:1 says, no more sea. Again this does not say there are no more seas, plural, but with such a change of the earth's surface everything will be reordered and made as God wishes. there will still be water, and I can only imagine there will still be oce and and seas, but not as we know them. the surface of the earth will be forever changed into something new, it will not disappear and something entirely new created, but instead the new will be formed from the old

Please see the notes for 1Corinthians C13S9; 2Corinthians 2:17 and Colossians C1S6 about the words see / sight. The New Testament definition is: 'perception of objects by the eye; view. this word is often used symbolically for spiritual understanding'.  Please also see the note for John 6:40-LJC  about the phrase see the Son.  Please also see the note for Acts 2:25 about the words foresee / foresaw.  Please also see the note for Romans C11S10 about the phrase works are seen of men.

Please see the note for Philippians 2:9-11 about the word heaven.  The New Testament definition is: 'According to the Jewish notion there were three heavens, (a) The firmament, as "fowls of the heaven" (Ge 2:19; 7:3,23; Ps 8:8, etc.), "the eagles of heaven" (La 4:19), etc. (b) The starry heavens (De 17:3; Jer 8:2; Mt 24:29). (c) "The heaven of heavens," or "the third heaven" is the home of God (De 10:14; 1Ki 8:27; Ps 115:16; 148:4; 2Co 12:2). The phrase "heaven and earth" is used to indicate the whole universe (Ge 1:1; Jer 23:24; Ac 17:24)'.  Please also see the note for 1Peter 1:2-LJC about the phrase things in Heaven.  Please also see the note for Matthew 3:2 about the phrase kingdom of heaven.  Please also see the note for Luke 3:21-22 about the phrase voice from heaven.  Please also see the note for Revelation 20:9 about the phrase fire from Heaven.  Please also see the note for Revelation 21:4 about 'no tears in heaven is a lie'.  Please also see the note for Hebrews 12:2-LJC about the phrase treasure in Heaven.  Please also see the Message called Laying up Treasure in Heaven.

Please see the note for Philippians 2:9-11 about the word earth.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: '(1.) In the sense of soil or ground, the translation of the word adamah'. In Ge 9:20 "husbandman" is literally "man of the ground or earth." Altars were to be built of earth (Ex 20:24). Naaman asked for two mules' burden of earth (2Ki 5:17), under the superstitious notion that Jehovah, like the gods of the heathen, could be acceptably worshipped only on his own soil. (2). As the rendering of 'erets, it means the whole world (Ge 1:2); the land as opposed to the sea (Ge 1:10). Erets also denotes a country (Ge 21:32); a plot of ground (Ge 23:15); the ground on which a man stands (Ge 33:3); the inhabitants of the earth (Ge 6:1; 11:1); all the world except Israel (2Ch 13:9). In the New Testament "The earth" denotes the land of Judea (Mt 23:35); also things carnal in contrast with things heavenly (Joh 3:31; Col 3:1-2)'.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 4:7 about the word earthen.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 5:1 about the word earthly.  Please also see the note for Luke 21:10-11 about the word earthquake.  Please also see the note for Luke 21:10-11 about the word earthquake.  Please also see the note for Revelation 1:4 about the phrase kings of the earth.  Please also see the note for Matthew 32-33 about the phrase Judge of all the earth.

Please see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word first.  Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'a. furst. See fare and for.  1. Advanced before or further than any other in progression; foremost in place; as the first man in a marching company or troop is the man that precedes all the rest. Hence,  2. Preceding all others in the order of time. Adam was the first man. Cain was the first murderer. Monday was the first day of January.  3. Preceding all others in numbers or a progressive series; the ordinal of one; as, 1 is the first number.  4. Preceding all others in rank, dignity or excellence. Demosthenes was the first orator of Greece. Burke was one of the first geniuses of his age. Give God the first place in your affections.  FIRST, adv. furst.  1. Before anything else in the order of time.  Adam was first formed, then Eve. 1Tim. 2.  2. Before all others in place or progression.  Let the officers enter the gate first.  3. Before anything else in order of proceeding or consideration. First, let us attend to the examination of the witnesses.  4. Before all others in rank. He stands or ranks first in public estimation.  At first, at the first, as the beginning or origin.  First or last, at one time or another; at the beginning or end.  And all fools and lovers first or last'.  Please also see the note for Hebrews 1:5-LJC about the word firstbegotten.  Please also see the note for Colossians 1:15 about the word firstborn.  Please also see the note for Romans C8S21 about the word firstfruits.  Please also see the note for John 20:1 about the phrase first day of the week.

Please see the note for James 1:10 about the word away.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Absent; at a distance; as, the master is away from home'.  Please also see the note for Romans C11S19 about the phrase cast away.  Please also see the note for Romans C11S1 about the phrase God will not cast away his people.  Please also see the note for John 6:67 about the phrase go away.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 5:17 about the phrase passed away.  Please also see the note for Matthew 19:3 about the phrase put away.

Please see the note for John 6:16-17 about the word sea.  Webster's 1828 dictionary defines this word as: 'A large bason, cistern or laver which Solomon made in the temple, so large as to contain more than six thousand gallons. this was called the brazen sea, and used to hold water for the priests to wash themselves. 1 Kings 7. 2 Chron. 4 2. A large body of water, nearly inclosed by land, as the Baltic or the Mediterranean; as the sea of Azof. Seas are properly branches of the ocean, and upon the same level. Large bodies of water inland, and situated above the level of the ocean, are lakes. the appellation of sea, given to the Caspian lake, is an exception, and not very correct. So the lake of Galilee is called a sea, from the Greek. 3. the ocean; as, to go to sea. the fleet is at sea, or on the high seas. 4. A wave; a billow; a surge. the vessel shipped a sea. 5. the swell of the ocean in a tempest, or the direction of the waves; as, we head the sea. 6. Proverbially, a large quantity of liquor; as a sea of blood. 7. A rough or agitated place or element. In a troubled sea of passion tost. Milton'.  Please also see the note for Hebrews 11:29 about the phrase Red Sea.  Please also see the note for John 21:1 about the phrase sea of Tiberias.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'a new. Re 21:5; Isa 65:17-19; 66:22; 2Pe 3:13 for. Re 20:11 and there. Re 13:1; Isa 27:1; 57:20; Da 7:3 exp: Ec 1:9'.

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C21-S2 (Verse 2)   the holy city, new Jerusalem.
  1. And I John saw the holy city,
  2. new Jerusalem,
  3. coming down from God out of heaven,
  4. prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

Our sentence starts with the word And,  which adds it to the prior sentence.  Both sentences need to be considered together for contextual reasons.  The prior sentence told us about a new heaven and a new earth.  This sentence adds the telling about The holy city, new Jerusalem  which God also prepares for His people.

Here John tells us about another new thing which God prepares for His people.  The phrase: prepared as a bride adorned for her husband  is John's best way to describe the beauty of in in a summary fashion.

We also see that it came from God out of heaven.  Therefore, it has no corruption nor any flaw because God does not allow such in Heaven.  I've never owned a new house but I've known a few people who have bought a new house.  All come with problems and flaws.  However, this new Jerusalem  will have neither.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'We now come to the third new thing which John calls the holy city, the New Jerusalem. What a magnificent sight John sees, for he does not approach this city to see it from upon a hill or spread out across a valley, he does not walk or travel to it, instead John sees this great city coming to him, descending from heaven above. this city comes down out of the sky with a mesmerizing brilliance about it. this city of light is beautiful, wondrous, awe inspiring. John describes it as a bride who has prepared herself for her husband, alluring, beautiful, breathtaking. It is adorned as a bride for this will be the home of Christ's bride, this will be the believer's eternal home, we have a reservation in this wonderful city of God! this is a sight to behold for this city has long been sought after, long anticipated, it is the very city Abraham looked for Heb 11:10 forhe looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God. this is the city, the mansions, the home for the bride of Christ, that Jesus went to prepare, Joh 14:1 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. 2 In my father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
Now the Bible does not specifically say If this city, as it descends from heaven, actually makes contact with the earth and settles somewhere or if it floats or levitates above the earth's surface. Harold Sightler thinks it becomes sort of a planetary satellite that orbits the new earth or is at least suspended above the surface, and I tend to agree with this thought for as we to look at the description that John gives us of this city, we see that its foundations, which are typically beneath the ground, are fully visible, John can see every detail about them' Re 21:14 And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb'.Re 21:19 And the foundations of the wall of the city were garnished with all manner of precious stones. this city seems to be in the heavens above the earth, and therefore we dwell not only in the new city but in the new heaven as well

There is more than one John  identified in The word of God.  This John  was the apostle and author of the Gospel of John; 1John; 2John and 3John.

Please see the notes for 1Corinthians C13S9; 2Corinthians 2:17 and Colossians C1S6 about the words see / sight. The New Testament definition is: 'perception of objects by the eye; view. this word is often used symbolically for spiritual understanding'.  Please also see the note for John 6:40-LJC  about the phrase see the Son.  Please also see the note for Acts 2:25 about the words foresee / foresaw.  Please also see the note for Romans C11S10 about the phrase works are seen of men.

Please see the note for Romans 7:12 about the word holy.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'Properly, whole, entire or perfect, in a moral sense.  Hence, pure in heart, temper or dispositions; free from sin and sinful affections'.  Please see the note for Luke 1:67-75 about the word holiness.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'The state of being holy; purity or integrity of moral character; freedom from sin; sanctity. Applied to the Supreme Being, holiness denotes perfect purity or integrity of moral character, one of his essential attributes'.  Please also see the Word Study on the Word Study on Holy Ghost.  Basically, since we have the indwelling Holy Spirit,  He is trying to make us holy  by teaching us how to act like God acts.  Please also see the note for John 7:39 about the phrase indwelling Holy Spirit.  Please also see the note for 1John 2:20 about the phrase Holy One.  Please also see the Minor Titles of the Son of God about this title.  Please also see the note for Matthew 4:5 about the phrase holy city.  There is a Biblical doctrinal difference between the use of the phrase Holy Ghost  and God's Holy Spirit,  with the Bible using Holy Ghost  when He affects this physical world and the Bible using Holy Spirit  when he affects spiritual things like our spirit.  Both are identifiers of the third Person within the Trinity.  The phrase Holy Ghost  only occurs within the New Testament.

Please see the note for Mark 11:19 about the word city.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'An area where many people live together and have a local government rule over them'.  Please also see the note for Romans C13S12 about the phrase city of refuge.  Please also see the note for Matthew 4:5 about the phrase holy city.

Please see the note for Galatians C1-S12 about Jerusalem.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'There is more than one holy city, but, usually, this phrase is used for Jerusalem or the New Jerusalem'.  In the Bible, this phrase is used only for Jerusalem or the New Jerusalem'.

Please see the note for John 19:31 about the words prepare / preparation.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'To make all things ready; to put things in suitable order; as, prepare for dinner'.

Please see the note for Philippians 2:9-11 about the word heaven.  The New Testament definition is: 'According to the Jewish notion there were three heavens, (a) The firmament, as "fowls of the heaven" (Ge 2:19; 7:3,23; Ps 8:8, etc.), "the eagles of heaven" (La 4:19), etc. (b) The starry heavens (De 17:3; Jer 8:2; Mt 24:29). (c) "The heaven of heavens," or "the third heaven" is the home of God (De 10:14; 1Ki 8:27; Ps 115:16; 148:4; 2Co 12:2). The phrase "heaven and earth" is used to indicate the whole universe (Ge 1:1; Jer 23:24; Ac 17:24)'.  Please also see the note for 1Peter 1:2-LJC about the phrase things in Heaven.  Please also see the note for Matthew 3:2 about the phrase kingdom of heaven.  Please also see the note for Luke 3:21-22 about the phrase voice from heaven.  Please also see the note for Revelation 20:9 about the phrase fire from Heaven.  Please also see the note for Revelation 21:4 about 'no tears in heaven is a lie'.  Please also see the note for Hebrews 12:2-LJC about the phrase treasure in Heaven.  Please also see the Message called Laying up Treasure in Heaven.

Please see the notes for John 3:29 and Matthew 9:15 about the words bride / bridegroom.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines these words as: 'frequently used in the ordinary sense (Isa 49:18; 61:10, etc.). the relation between Christ and his church is set forth under the figure of that between a bridegroom and bride (Joh 3:29). the church is called "The bride" (Re 21:9; 22:17). Compare parable of the Ten Virgins (Mt 25:1-13)'.

Please see the note for 1Timothy 2:9 about the word adorn.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'to make beautiful; to add to beauty by dress; to deck with external ornaments'.

Please see the note for 1Corinthians 3:9 about the words husband / husbandman / husbandry.  The New Testament definition, for the word husband,  is: 'A man contracted or joined to a woman by marriage.  It is his God given job to cause her to grow spiritually'.  Please use This link to see other, less important, 'Minor Titles of the Son of God' found within the Bible along with links to where the Bible uses those titles.  The title in this sentence is husband.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'I. Re 1:1,4,9  the holy. Re 3:12; Ps 48:1-3; 87:3; Isa 1:21; 52:1; Jer 31:23; Heb 11:10; 12:22; 13:14 exp: Ne 11:18.  coming. Re 21:10; Ga 4:25-26  as. Re 19:7-8; Ps 45:9-14; Isa 54:5; 61:10; 62:4; Joh 3:29; 2Co 11:2; Eph 5:25-27,30-32  General references. exp: Song 4:7'.

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C21-S3 (Verse 3)   the tabernacle of God is with men.
  1. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying,
  2. Behold,
  3. The tabernacle of God is with men,
  4. and he will dwell with them,
  5. and they shall be his people,
  6. and God himself shall be with them,
  7.  and be their God .

Our sentence starts with the word And,  which adds it to the prior sentence.  Both sentences need to be considered together for contextual reasons.  Our first two sentences told us about two new things which John saw.  This sentence is adding another new thing.  The closest thing to this, that we read in The word of God,  is that God visited Adam and Eve, in the garden, before they sinned.

The meaning of every phrase in our sentence is clear.  People should not need help understanding what is actually says.  What is important is the application of this sentence and Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about it in his note, below.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'It is within this new city that God will dwell with His people, who are the fourth new thing we see, the new inhabitants. God will dwell here in full fellowship with His people in this glorious city, believers will forever be in His glorious presence. this tabernacle, this dwelling place, of God will be inhabited by believers, God will dwell with mankind, man will be His and He will be our God. this was God's desire all along, for man to have unity and relationship and fellowship with Him, but sin always marred that bond. think about it, God walked with man in the Garden of Eden until man fell into sin. God then dwelt with Israel in the tabernacle and later the temple until sin caused Him to depart. Later still, the Lord Jesus came to this earth and tabernacled, dwelled, with man, as we read in Joh 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt {tabernacled} among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the father,) full of grace and truth. Yet once more sin intervened, Christ died for man's sin upon the cross. And now in this present age, God does not dwell in manmade temples but He dwells within believers themselves' Ac 7:48 Howbeit the most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands; as saith the prophet, 49 Heaven is my throne, and earth is my footstool: what house will ye build me? saith the Lord: or what is the place of my rest?... Ac 17:24 God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands;'
1Co 6:19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? 20 forye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's .
Eph 2:19 Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God;20 And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone;21 In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord:22 In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit.
Yet that indwelling is hindered by sin. But in the age of new things, man and God will dwell together once more, in peace, in harmony, we will be able to boldly approach the throne of God in person, to properly worship Him, serve Him in absolute perfection, because sin will be done away with, what a day that will be!
Now before we go too far looking at the new inhabitants of this city, I want to continue looking at John's description of the holy city, the new city, and deal with the new inhabitants later. So with that let's skip down to v9 where we begin to see a more in-depth description of the New Jerusalem

Please see the note for Galatians C3-S7 about the word hear.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'Perceiving by the ear.  This word is often used symbolically for hearing the spiritual message of the word of God and obeying that message'.  The New Testament definition, for the word heard  is: 'The past-tense form of hear'.  Please pay attention to the word 'obey' within this definition.  That is what most people refuse to do when the Bible says that they do not hear.  Please also see the note for James 2:5 about the word hearken.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'To listen closely'.  Please also see the note for Mark 4:9 about the phrase He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.  Please also see the note for Matthew 13:17 about the phrase have not heard.  Please also see the note for Mark 4:9 about the phrase ears to hear.  Please also see the note for Romans 2:13 about the word hearer.  The New Testament definition, for the word hearer  is: 'One who attends to what is orally delivered by another'.

Please see the note for 1Corinthians C14S11 about the word voice.  Webster's 1828 dictionary defines this word as: 'n. L. vox; voco. the sense of the verb is to throw, to drive out sound; and voice is that which is driven out. 1. Sound or audible noise uttered by the mouth, either of human beings or of other animals. We say, the voice of a man is loud or clear; the voice of a woman is soft or musical; the voice of a dog is loud or harsh; the voice of a bird is sweet or melodious. the voice of human beings is articulate; that of beasts, inarticulate. the voices of men are different, and when uttered together, are often dissonant. 2. Any sound made by the breath; as the trumpet's voice. 3. A vote; suffrage; opinion or choice expressed. Originally voice was the oral utterance of choice, but it now signifies any vote however given. Some laws ordain, and some attend the choice of holy senates, and elect by voice. I have no words; my voice is in my sword. 4. Language; words; expression. Let us call on God in the voice of his church. 5. In Scripture, command; precept. Ye would not be obedient to the voice of the Lord your God. Deut. 8. 6. Sound. After the fire, a still small voice. 1Kings 19. Canst thou thunder with a voice like him? Job. 40. the floods have lifted up their voice. Ps. 93. 7. Language; tone; mode of expression. I desire to be present with you now, and to change my voice. Gal. 4. 8. In grammar, a particular mode of inflecting or conjugating verbs; as the active voice; the passive voice.
VOICE, v.t. 1. to rumor; to report. It was voiced that the king purposed to put to death Edward Plantagenet. Little used. 2. to fit for producing the proper sounds; to regulate the tone of; as, to voice the pipes of an organ. 3. to vote
'.  Please also see the note for Luke 3:21-22 about the phrase voice from heaven  Please also see the note for Revelation 20:9 about the phrase fire from heaven.

Please see the note for Philippians 2:9-11 about the word heaven.  The New Testament definition is: 'According to the Jewish notion there were three heavens, (a) The firmament, as "fowls of the heaven" (Ge 2:19; 7:3,23; Ps 8:8, etc.), "the eagles of heaven" (La 4:19), etc. (b) The starry heavens (De 17:3; Jer 8:2; Mt 24:29). (c) "The heaven of heavens," or "the third heaven" is the home of God (De 10:14; 1Ki 8:27; Ps 115:16; 148:4; 2Co 12:2). The phrase "heaven and earth" is used to indicate the whole universe (Ge 1:1; Jer 23:24; Ac 17:24)'.  Please also see the note for 1Peter 1:2-LJC about the phrase things in Heaven.  Please also see the note for Matthew 3:2 about the phrase kingdom of heaven.  Please also see the note for Luke 3:21-22 about the phrase voice from heaven.  Please also see the note for Revelation 20:9 about the phrase fire from Heaven.  Please also see the note for Revelation 21:4 about 'no tears in heaven is a lie'.  Please also see the note for Hebrews 12:2-LJC about the phrase treasure in Heaven.  Please also see the Message called Laying up Treasure in Heaven.

Please see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word saith.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'lifestyle speaking.  A saying that never changes when said by God'.  Please also see the note for Romans 11:1 about the phrase I say.  The New Testament definition is: 'This phrase expresses a personal opinion, which usually follows the phrase'.  Bible authors uses this phrase when they introduces their own point into an ongoing discussion.  When Jesus  says this phrase, He is giving a personal command.  Please also see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word saith.  Please also see the note for Romans C10S28 about the word gainsaying.  Please also see the note for Matthew 26:1 about the word sayings (plural).  Please also see the notes for Romans C15S15 and 2Corinthians 2:17 about the word speak.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 3:12-14 about the word speech.  Please also see the notes for Ephesians C4S15 and 1Peter 2:1 about the phrase evil speaking.  The words speaketh  and saith  mean that the person 'keeps on keeping on doing the saying'.

Please see the note for Colossians C2S3 about the word behold.  Webster's 1828 Dictionary defines this word as: 'to fix the eyes upon; to see with attention; to observe with care. Behold the lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world. John 1. 2. In a less intensive sense, to look upon; to see. When he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived. Num. 21. BEHO'LD, v.i. to look; to direct the eyes to an object. And I beheld, and lo, in the midst of the throne, a lambdas it had been slain. Rev.5. 1. to fix the attention upon an object; to attend; to direct or fix the mind. Behold, I stand at the door and knock. Rev.3.word is much used in this manner for exciting attention, or admiration. It is in the imperative mode, expressing command, or exhortation; and by no means a mere exclamation'.  Please also see the note for Colossians 2:18-19 about the word hold.  Please also see the note for Luke 24:15 about the word holden.

Please see the note for 2Corinthians 5:1 about the word tabernacle.  Webster's 1828 dictionary defines this word as: 'A tent. Num.24. Matt.17. 2. A temporary habitation. 3. Among the Jews, a movable building, so contrived as to be taken to pieces with ease and reconstructed, for the convenience of being carried during the wanderings of the Israelites in the wilderness. It was of a rectangular figure, thirty cubits long, ten broad, and ten high. the interior was divided into two rooms by a vail or curtain, and it was covered with four different spreads or carpets. It is also applied to the temple. Ps.15. 4. A place of worship; a sacred place. 5. Our natural body. 2 Cor.5. 2 Pet. 1. 6. God's gracious presence, or the tokens of it. Rev.21. 7. An ornamented chest placed on Roman catholic altars as a receptacle of the ciborium and pyxis'.

Please see the note for Romans C7S24 about the word dwell.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'ppr. Inhabiting; residing; sojourning; continuing with fixed attention. DWELL'ING, n. Habitation; place of residence; abode. Hazor shall be a dwelling for dragons. Jer.49. 1. Continuance; residence; state of life. thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field. Dan.4'.  Please also see the note for John 7:39 about the phrase indwelling Holy Spirit.

Please see the note for Revelation 5:9 about the word people.  Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'n. L. populus.  1. the body of persons who compose a community, town, city or nation. We say, the people of a town; the people of London or Paris; the English people. in this sense, the word is not used in the plural, but it comprehends all classes of inhabitants, considered as a collective body, or any portion of the inhabitants of a city or country.  2. the vulgar; the mass of illiterate persons.  The knowing artist may judge better than the people.  3. the commonalty, as distinct from men of rank.  Myself shall mount the rostrum in his favor,  And strive to gain his pardon from the people.  4. Persons of a particular class; a part of a nation or community; as country people.  5. Persons in general; any persons indefinitely; like on in French, and man in Saxon.  People were tempted to lend by great premiums and large interest.  6. A collection or community of animals.  The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer. Prov.30.  7. When people signified a separate nation or tribe, it has the plural number.  Thou must prophesy again before many peoples. Rev.10.  8. In Scripture, fathers or kindred. Gen.25.  9. the Gentiles.  --To him shall the gathering of the people be. Gen.49.
PEOPLE, v.t. to stock with inhabitants. Emigrants from Europe have peopled the United States

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'a great. Re 10:4,8; 12:10  Behold. Re 7:15; Le 26:11-12; 1Ki 8:27; 2Ch 6:18; Isa 12:6; Eze 37:27; 43:7; Joh 1:14; 14:23; 2Co 6:16  they shall. Re 21:7; Ge 17:7-8; Jer 31:33; 32:38; Zec 13:9; 2Co 6:18; Heb 8:10; 11:16  God himself. Zec 8:8  General references. exp: Ex 29:45; Nu 9:16; Ps 37:29; 114:2; Jer 30:22'.

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C21-S4 (Verse 4)   God will end all causes and results of sorrow.
  1. Equivalent Section:  God will end all sorrow.
    1. First Step:  God will end crying.
      1. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes;
    2. Second Step:  God will end all sources of tears.
      1. and there shall be no more death,
      2. neither sorrow,
      3. nor crying,
      4. neither shall there be any more pain:
  2. Equivalent Section:  Why.
    1. for the former things are passed away.

Our sentence starts with the word And,  which adds it to the prior sentence.  Both sentences need to be considered together for contextual reasons.  Where our prior sentence told us that God will abide with men, and bring them joy.  This sentence adds that God will also end all causes and results of sorrow.

Now, lots of people like to quote this verse and many have been taught to use Satan's way of perverting The word of God,  and taking it out of context.  Our prior chapter ended telling us that everyone who was not saved was cast into the lake of fire.  And the first sentence of this chapter told us that God created a new heaven and a new earth.  So, at the point of this sentence, everyone who is left are saved or Heavenly beings and everyone is in Heaven.  No problem.  However, God can NOT wipe away all tears from their eyes  UNLESS PEOPLE IN HEAVEN ARE CRYING.  We have a very popular doctrine from devils  called: 'no tears in heaven'.  That doctrine calls this sentence, and The word of God.  lies.

The reason why devils push this doctrine is it assures people of 'eternal bliss' once they die and go to Heaven regardless of how they live.  But The word of God  tells us that judgment shall be according to his/her/their works  in: Deuteronomy 3:24; 1Samuel 8:8; Nehemiah 6:14; Psalms 28:4; Psalms 62:12; Proverbs 24:12; Proverbs 24:29; Jeremiah 25:14; Jeremiah 32:19; Jeremiah 50:29; Lamentations 3:64; Matthew 16:27; 1Corinthians 3:8; 2Corinthians 11:15; Ephesians 1:19; Colossians 1:29; 2Timothy 1:9; 2Timothy 4:14; Revelation 2:23; Revelation 18:6; Revelation 20:12; Revelation 20:13; Revelation 22:12.

Please also see the messages called Blessings According to Obedience and Reward According.

2Corinthians 5:10-11 says: For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad. Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men; but we are made manifest unto God; and I trust also are made manifest in your consciences.  Many have accepted the lie that The terror of the Lord  is only 'deep abiding respect' and that the word bad  does not mean bad.  They accept that our God, Who does not change (Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 13:8), and Who promises to bless obedience and punish disobedience all throughout The word of God,  changes His character for the judgment seat of Christ  and no longer punishes disobedience.  (Please see the Detailed Note for that sentence for more on the meaning of that sentence.)

Probably one of the most damning part of that doctrinal lie is that Isaiah 66:23-24 says: And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the LORD. And they shall go forth, and look upon the carcases of the men that have transgressed against me: for their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched; and they shall be an abhorring unto all flesh.  That works out to an average of more than twice a week.  We can not see people in Hell while we are in our flesh.  We will not see people in Hell after everyone is removed from there and cast into The lake of fire.  But people who are in heaven now will be doing this over twice a week.

I had a wife who lied and convinced me that she loved me.  She did this because she was convinced that I would earn a lot of money.  She told me (no exaggeration) that if I could not earn enough to spend all of the money that she wanted to spend then I was obliged to take out a million dollar life insurance policy and commit suicide in a way that allowed her to collect.  Four different doctors accused het of felony psychological abuse.  I lived with so much pain, from my guts being ripped up for ten years, that I needed constant prescription pain medicine.  After the first three years, I started bleeding internally every day, for forty months, and ended up in the emergency room where I died and they had to give me blood in order to revive me.  When my wife was told, her response was: 'I'll have to try harder and make sure that you stay dead next time'.  (I do not exaggerate.)  then she decided that my medical bills were too high and had a lawyer transfer all assets to her name alone and all debts to my name alone and then forced a divorce.  The divorce judge threatened to have her lawyer's law license jerked and said he would order all assets sold and all assets and debts split evenly.  I told him to let her have things her way and just order the divorce.

I was her third husband.  Her first husband divorced her because of the psychological abuse.  Her second husband endured multiple ulcers until he died from stomach cancer.  (I was too stupid to look into these things before marrying her).

After the divorce she found out that she could not live like she wanted and tried to get me to marry her again and become her personal slave again.  Six times I told her to study what The word of God  said about wives submitting to their husbands.  She tried to convince me to accept lies including 'A wife submitting to her husband means that he has to give her all of the money she wants to spend and do anything that she asks him to do include dying for her.  (I do not exaggerate)'.  After that, I told her to never contact me again.  She refused to submit to her God-given authority, her husband.  Forty months later her oldest boy, from a prior husband, dies from psychological abuse by his wife.  He also refused to submit to his God-given authority, Jesus Christ,  and she knew this.  When she saw her baby in a casket, as a saved mother, she asked God for assurance that her baby was saved and the answer from God literally broke a blood vessel in her mind.  She had a stroke and was crippled for the rest of her life.  Then she died and went to Heaven.  She now is in Heaven and going out an average of more than twice a week to see her son, whom she birthed, loved and raised, burning in Hell because he followed her example to refuse to submit to his God-given authority.

I do not write from some theory or from some religious doctrine which I was taught.  I write from years of personal experience.  These liars who claim that there are 'no tears in heaven' are pushing a doctrine from devils.  Anyone who truly consider what she is experiencing now, and will experience until after the great white throne  judgment, MUST realize that there really are ongoing tears in Heaven.

I have given Bible references for this truth.  I have written personal experience which backs the true doctrine from The word of God.  A none who continues to believe this lie from devils is either lost or will answer to their God at the judgment seat of Christ  for not only rejecting the truth from The word of God  but for also helping devils to spread this lie which is designed to get saved people to refuse to serve God with their personal life.

Please see the note for Luke 7:37-38 about the word wiped.  Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'pp. Rubbed for cleaning; cleaned by rubbing; cleared away; effaced'.

Please see the note for 2Corinthians C2S4 about the word tears.  Webster's 1828 dictionary defines this word as: 'Tears are the limpid fluid secreted by the lacrymal gland, and appearing in the eyes, or flowing from them. A tear, in the singular, is a drop or a small quantity of that fluid. Tears are excited by passions, particularly by grief. this fluid is also called forth by any injury done to the eye. It serves to moisten the cornea and preserve its transparency, and to remove any dust or fine substance that enters the eye and gives pain'.

Please see the note for 1Corinthians C12S13 about the word eye.  The New Testament definition for this word is: ' the organ of sight or vision; properly, the globe or ball movable in the orbit'.  Man written dictionary definitions, for this word, have multiple applications presented as definitions, which leads to doctrinal error when people use those applications to build Bible doctrine.  Please also see the note for John 12:45 about the phrase eyes to see.

Please see the note for Romans C6S4 about the words dead / death / die.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Physical death is separation of soul and spirit from body and the second death is eternal separation from God'.  Please also see the note for Revelation 2:11 about the phrase second death.  The New Testament definition, for this phrase, is: 'when the soul and spirit are permanently separated from God in the lake of fire'.

Please see the note for Philippians 2:27 about the word sorrow.  Webster's 1828 dictionary defines this word as: 'n. the uneasiness or pain of mind which is produced by the loss of any good. or of frustrated hopes of good, or expected loss of happiness; to grieve; to be sad. I rejoice not that ye were made sorry, but the ye sorrowed to repentance. I Cor. 7. Sorrowing most of all for the words which be spoke, that they should see his face no more. Acts 20'.

The word cried  is the past-tense form of the word cry.  Please see the note for Mark 1:3 about the word cry.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Loud notorious exclamation as a crying sin or warning'.

Please see the note for Acts 2:24 about the word pain.  The New Testament definition for this word is: ' An uneasy sensation in animal bodies, of any degree from slight uneasiness to extreme distress or torture, proceeding from pressure, tension or spasm, separation of parts by violence, or any derangement of functions. thus violent pressure or stretching of a limb gives pain; inflammation produces pain; wounds, bruises and incisions give pain'.

Please see the note for Acts 1:1 about the word former.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'having previously filled a particular role or been a particular thing'.

Please see the note for James 1:10 about the word away.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Absent; at a distance; as, the master is away from home'.  Please also see the note for Romans C11S19 about the phrase cast away.  Please also see the note for Romans C11S1 about the phrase God will not cast away his people.  Please also see the note for John 6:67 about the phrase go away.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 5:17 about the phrase passed away.  Please also see the note for Matthew 19:3 about the phrase put away.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'God shall. Re 7:17; Isa 25:8  no. Re 20:14; 22:3; Isa 25:8; Ho 13:14; 1Co 15:26,54-58; Heb 2:14-15  neither sorrow. Isa 30:19; 35:10; 60:20; 61:3; 65:18-19; Jer 31:13  the former. Re 21:1; Ps 144:4; Mt 24:35; 1Co 7:31; 2Co 6:17; 2Pe 3:10; 1Jo 2:17  General references. exp: Ps 37:29; Mt 5:4; 1Co 15:26'.

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C21-S5 (Verse 5)   God makes everything new.
  1. And he that sat upon the throne said,
  2. Behold,
  3. I make all things new.

Our sentence starts with the word And,  which adds it to the prior sentence.  Both sentences need to be considered together for contextual reasons.  Our prior sentence told us The former things are passed away.  This sentence tells us that God said: I make all things new.  He does not rebuild the old.  The prior sentence told us that the old is gone.  Yes, God transforms  people but not all things.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'In v5, we are given the all encompassing 6th new thing, the fact that God will make all things new, not just the specific things we are covering in these studies. God in His rightful place on the throne in the midst of the new city (which is confirmed in ch22) makes a plain statement, that it is He that makes all things new, and so He does, for we have a new heaven, a new earth, a new city, a new light, a new paradise, all prepared by God for those that God made new by the blood of Jesus Christ, who will get to experience all these new things and more in the kingdom of perfect newness. to quote John Phillips and I really like the wording of this' 'Most people like to move into a new home; one day we shall move into a brand new world. It will indeed be a splendid place in which to live, for God will lavish the genius of His creative imagination upon it and will furnish it from resources of His unlimited power.' that is the reason God commands John to write that these words are true and faithful because the statement 'Behold I make all things new' is full of truth and God is faithful to fulfill such a promise of newness. Also notice that as soon as the new heaven and earth are prepared, the new city descends from heaven, and once the new inhabitants are ushered into this new existence, God then says 'it is done'. He is finished making, preparing, this new perfect place for a new perfect people'.

Please see the note for Colossians C1S3 about the word throne.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'a royal chair or seat of dignity (De 17:18; 2Sa 7:13; Ps 45:6); an elevated seat with a canopy and hangings, which cover it. It denotes the seat of the high priest in 1Sa 1:9; 4:13, and of a provincial governor in Ne 3:7; Ps 122:5. the throne of Solomon is described at length in 1Ki 10:18-20'.

Please see the note for Colossians C2S3 about the word behold.  Webster's 1828 Dictionary defines this word as: 'to fix the eyes upon; to see with attention; to observe with care. Behold the lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world. John 1. 2. In a less intensive sense, to look upon; to see. When he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived. Num. 21. BEHO'LD, v.i. to look; to direct the eyes to an object. And I beheld, and lo, in the midst of the throne, a lambdas it had been slain. Rev.5. 1. to fix the attention upon an object; to attend; to direct or fix the mind. Behold, I stand at the door and knock. Rev.3.word is much used in this manner for exciting attention, or admiration. It is in the imperative mode, expressing command, or exhortation; and by no means a mere exclamation'.  Please also see the note for Colossians 2:18-19 about the word hold.  Please also see the note for Luke 24:15 about the word holden.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'that sat. Re 4:2,9; 5:1; 20:11  Behold. Isa 42:9; 43:19; 2Co 5:17  General references. exp: Lu 5:38'.

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C21-S6 (Verse 5)   God personally verifies what has been reported in this chapter and book.
  1. Equivalent Section: The command given to John from God.
    1. And he said unto me,
    2. Write:.
  2. Equivalent Section:  Why God gave the command.
    1. for these words are true and faithful.

Our sentence starts with the word And,  which adds it to the prior sentence.  Both sentences need to be considered together for contextual reasons.  In the prior sentence we see that God said that He makes all things new  to replace the things which were passed away.  He does not rebuild but does a complete replacement.  Then God adds this sentence where He commands John to write down that what He just said, in the prior sentences, is true and faithful.  And God does not just say that the message is true and faithful,  but God commands John to write that these words are true and faithful.  Therefore, anyone who challenges the words in the prior sentences is challenging the authority of God when he made a point of saying that these words are true and faithful.

Dr. Jeff Wilson wrote about this sentence in the note for the prior sentence.

Please see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word saith.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'lifestyle speaking.  A saying that never changes when said by God'.  Please also see the note for Romans 11:1 about the phrase I say.  The New Testament definition is: 'This phrase expresses a personal opinion, which usually follows the phrase'.  Bible authors uses this phrase when they introduces their own point into an ongoing discussion.  When Jesus  says this phrase, He is giving a personal command.  Please also see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word saith.  Please also see the note for Romans C10S28 about the word gainsaying.  Please also see the note for Matthew 26:1 about the word sayings (plural).  Please also see the notes for Romans C15S15 and 2Corinthians 2:17 about the word speak.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 3:12-14 about the word speech.  Please also see the notes for Ephesians C4S15 and 1Peter 2:1 about the phrase evil speaking.  The words speaketh  and saith  mean that the person 'keeps on keeping on doing the saying'.

Please see the note for Romans 4:23-25 about the word written.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'a retained record which can be used for judgment in a court of law'.  Please also see the notes for Romans C15S13; 2Corinthians 1:13-14; Galatians C3-S12; John 20:31-LJC about the word write  Please also see the note for Luke 6:3 about the phrases have ye not read  and it is written'.

Please see the note for Colossians 2S2 about the word word.  The New Testament definition is: 'a single component part of human speech or language'.  However, The word of God  is the holy scriptures and in the English language, it is only the KJV-1611.  Please also see the notes for Romans C10S22 and Word in 1John about the phrase word of God.  Please also see the note for John 1:1 for an extensive note explaining the differences, and similarities, between the capitalized and the non-capitalized word word.  When a Bible reference uses an uppercase word, it is referring to Jesus Christ.  The uppercase makes this a formal name of the Son of God.  However, while the exact definition is different, the properties are spiritually similar to the lowercase word.  Please also see the note for 1Thessalonians 1:8 about the phrase word of the Lord.  Please note that The word of the Lord  is a sub-set of The word of GodThe word of God  contains all of God's written truth including recording the lies of Satan.  The word of the Lord  is that part of The word of God  which will be used to judge us.  The lies from Satan are not included within the word of the Lord.

Please see the notes for 1Corinthians C1S3; 2Corinthians C1S17; Galatians C3S27; Ephesians 6:23-LJC; Philippians 1:25-26 and 2Timothy C1S2 about the word faith.  The New Testament definition is: 'an action word that is based upon a belief in a promise found within the Bible with the action dictated by the Bible and the understanding that our action does not force God to act nor determines when or how God acts but proves that of our own free will we are giving God permission to act in and through our life to do what He promised within His Word'.  Please also see the note for the Word Study on Faith about the word faithful.  The New Testament definition is: 'Firm in adherence to the truth and to the duties of religion.  Full of faith, trustful, and not simply trustworthy.  being true to oneself, to one's nature, to any promise given, and to any trust committed'.  Please also see the note for Hebrews 3:1-LJC about Christ Jesus is faithful.  Please also see the notes for Romans 4 and James 2:21-LJC about Abraham's faith.  Please also see the note for 2Timothy C1S2 about the phrase faith: unfeigned.  Please also see the note for 2Peter 2:3 about the word feign.  Please also see the note for Romans C10S12 about the phrase faith makes us not ashamed.  Please also see the note for Ephesians C1S2 about the phrase just shall live by faith.  Please also see the note for Romans C11S6 about the phrase just shall live by his faith.  Please also see the note for Romans C3S29 about the phrase justification by faith.  Please also see the note for Romans C3S25 about Law and faith.  Please also see the note for Romans C9S28 about live / walk by faith.  Please see the note for James 2:14 for links to every verse in the New Testament where the words faith and works  contained within the same verse.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'Write. Re 1:11,19 exp: Hab 2:2; Re 14:13.  These. Re 19:9 exp: Re 22:6.  General references. exp: Lu 5:38'.

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C21-S7 (Verse 6)   God's entire plan from before creation is complete.
  1. And he said unto me,
  2. It is done.

Our sentence starts with the word And,  which adds it to the prior sentence.  Both sentences need to be considered together for contextual reasons.  The prior sentence told us that God commanded John to: Write: for these words are true and faithful.  Our sentence is added to the prior, which also makes this sentence true and faithful.

1Corinthians 2:7-9 says: But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory: Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.  Before creation, God planned everything.  God knew that some people would love him  and some would not.  Therefore, this entire life in physical existence is designed to, first, separate those who love God from those who will not love God.  Of those who love God, there is a secondary test for how much people will love God with everlasting rewards given according  to the level of love displayed by our works.

In addition to these separations, we also read that God's plan included things which God ordained...unto our glory.  These are what God hath prepared for them that love him.  Thus, in this sentence, God is saying that His entire plan is complete.  Wherever anyone ends up, that is where they will spend the rest of eternity.  Whatever everlasting rewards that we receive, in this life and for our works,  that is the position and possessions that we will have for the rest of eternity.  There are no more changes after this point.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: ''It is done', God's word and plan perfectly fulfilled, echoing what Jesus said on the cross when his work on earth ended, 'It is finished'. God the Creator, the beginning of all things, all creation, is the end. Like the alphabet, from the first letter, alpha, to the last, omega, God was before, during and will be after all this takes place, when this phase of God's plan is done, which He plainly states and then eternity rolls on. And with such a statement we are given the promise that God will wholly satisfy us throughout eternity for He will freely quench any thirst we have, freely supply any need that we may have, v6' I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. this statement also echoes the words of Christ' Joh 4:14 But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life. there will be an abundant supply for every believer of only what God can supply, we will never thirst again, never be in need, never want again, the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want, shall not thirst, which is severely contrasted with the never ending, never quenched thirst that nonbelievers experience in eternal torment; remember the words of Lazarus the rich man who was cast into hell in Lu 16:24 And he cried and said, father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame. So we see we will finally be a satisfied people, perfectly and freely satisfied and filled and eternally sustained with the goodness of God'.

Please see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word saith.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'lifestyle speaking.  A saying that never changes when said by God'.  Please also see the note for Romans 11:1 about the phrase I say.  The New Testament definition is: 'This phrase expresses a personal opinion, which usually follows the phrase'.  Bible authors uses this phrase when they introduces their own point into an ongoing discussion.  When Jesus  says this phrase, He is giving a personal command.  Please also see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word saith.  Please also see the note for Romans C10S28 about the word gainsaying.  Please also see the note for Matthew 26:1 about the word sayings (plural).  Please also see the notes for Romans C15S15 and 2Corinthians 2:17 about the word speak.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 3:12-14 about the word speech.  Please also see the notes for Ephesians C4S15 and 1Peter 2:1 about the phrase evil speaking.  The words speaketh  and saith  mean that the person 'keeps on keeping on doing the saying'.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'It is. Re 16:17  General references. exp: Re 22:13'.

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C21-S8 (Verse 6) .
  1. I am Alpha and Omega,
  2. The beginning and the end.

Everything starts and ends with God and he is in complete control of everything.  Many people wonder why God allows 'bad things to happen to them'.  We do not order God around.  What we consider to be 'bad' is almost always a test which gives us opportunities to receive everlasting rewards.  Therefore, God does not consider such to be bad but is His way of giving us such rewards.

all of creation begins with God and ends with God.  Each of our personal lives begin with God and end with God.  There are many couples who do their part but do not receive children because God does not provide the spirit.  And, God determines when our life is over and when our spirit will leave our body and take our soul with it.  I have died and been revived twice.  God determined that i was not finished with my course at that time (Acts 20:24; 2Timothy 4:7).

Dr. Jeff Wilson wrote about this sentence in the note for the prior sentence.

The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia defines the word Alpha and Omega  as: '(Alpha and Omega = A and O): the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet, hence, symbolically, "beginning and end"; in Revelation "The Eternal One" in Re 1:8 of the father, in Re 21:6 and Re 22:13 of the Son. Compare theodoret, Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica, iv. 8: "We used alpha down to omega, i.e. all." A similar expression is found in Latin (Martial, v.26). Compare Aretas (Cramer's Catenae Graecae in New Testament) on Re 1:8 and Tertullian (Monog, 5): "So also two Greek letters, the first and last, did the Lord put on Himself, symbols of the beginning and the end meeting in Him, in order that just as alpha rolls on to omega and omega returns again to alpha, so He might show that both the evolution of the beginning to the end is in Him and again the return of the end to the beginning." Cyprian, Testim, ii.1; vi.22, iii.100, Paulinus of Nola Carm. xix.645; xxx.89; Prudentius, Cathem., ix.10-12. In Patristic and later literature the phrase is regularly applied to the Son. God blesses Israel from 'aleph to taw (Le 26:3-13), but curses from waw to mem (Le 26:14-43). So Abraham observed the whole law from 'aleph to taw. Consequently, "Alpha and Omega" may be a Greek rendering of the Hebrew phrase, which expressed among the later Jews the whole extent of a thing.  J. E. Harry'.

Please see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word Alpha.  The Morrish Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'The first letter of the Greek Alphabet, and which also signifies the numeral 1. A title or character of God and of Christ, which points to His eternity as 'The beginning,' 'The first,' the I AM. Re 1:8; 21:6; 22:13. "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end," or "The first and the last;" which is similar to a passage in Isa 41:4: "I Jehovah, the first, and with the last; I am he."'.  Please also see the Significant Gospel Events Study for the Minor Titles of the Son of God.

Please see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word Omega.  The Morrish Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'The last letter of the Greek alphabet: with Alpha, the first letter, it is descriptive of Jehovah as the beginning and the ending of all purpose concerning man'.  Please also see the Significant Gospel Events Study for the Minor Titles of the Son of God.

Please see the note for John 1:1 about the word beginning.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'First entering upon; commencing; giving rise or original; taking rise or origin'.  Forms of this word are used, in this book, in: 1:8; 3:14; 10:7; 21:6; 22:13.  Please also see the Significant Gospel Events Study for the Minor Titles of the Son of God.

Please see the note for 2Corinthians 11:15 about the word end.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines end as: 'in Heb 13:7, is the rendering of the unusual Greek word ekbasin, meaning "outcome", i.e., death. It occurs only elsewhere in 1Co 10:13, where it is rendered "escape."'.  Forms of this word are used, in this book, in: 1:8; 2:26; 3:14; 21:6; 22:13.  Please also see the Significant Gospel Events Study for the Minor Titles of the Son of God.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'I am. Re 1:8,11,17; 22:13  General references. exp: Re 22:13'.

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C21-S9 (Verse 6)   God's promise to provide our spiritual desires in this life.
I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely

This promise is for this life.  Now, some might claim that it is for eternity, and I won't argue with them.  However, those saved people who refuse to partake of it here in this life will not mature spiritually and such will not receive certain blessings in eternity.  Now you can argue about if some spiritual baby will participate in eternity.  But, all you are doing is proving thatyou want to argue about what can not be proven and God tells us to not do that.  When you argue about Bible things which can not be proven, you are only displaying your spiritual immaturity.  No, God wants us to partake of this in this life so that we will receive more help for our spiritual life.  Water is the most basic need of life after air and both of those are used symbolically for the influence of God's Holy Spirit / Ghost.  God wants all of His children to seek help with their spiritual life, in this physical life, from His Holy Ghost.  When you admit that you need ssuch help, that is when you are truly spiritually athirst.  And when you get yourself in that spiritual position, God promises that he will let you personally spiritually drink from The fountain of the water of life freely.

Dr. Jeff Wilson wrote about this sentence in the note for 21:6.

Please see the note for 2Corinthians 5:5 about the word give.  The New Testament definition is: 'ppr. Bestowing; confering; imparting; granting; delivering. GIV'ING, n. the act of confering'.  Please see the note for 2Corinthians 9:8-11 about the words gave  and given.  The New Testament definition for the words gave  and given  are: 'the past-tense form of the word give'.  Please see the note for 2Corinthians 9:7 about the word giving.  The New Testament definition of giving  is: 'the ongoing form of the word give'.  Please see the note for 2Corinthians 9:7 about the word giveth.  The New Testament definition of giveth  is: 'a life-style of giving'.  Please see the note for 2Corinthians 9:7 about the word giver.  The New Testament definition of the word giver  is: 'the person who gives'.  Please also see the note for 1Corinthians C14S19 about the phrase giving of thanks.

Please see the notes for Romans C12S18 and 1Corinthians C4S13 about the word thirst.  The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia defines this word as: 'One of the most powerful natural appetites, the craving for water or other drink. Besides its natural significance, thirst is figuratively used of strong spiritual desire. the soul thirsts for God (Psalms 42:2; 63:1). Jesus meets the soul's thirst with water of life (John 4:13 ff; Joh 6:35; 7:37). It is said of the heavenly bliss, they shall hunger no more; neither thirst any more (Revelation 7:16-17; compare Isaiah 49:10)'.

Please see the note for James 3:11 about the word fountain.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'source of water'.  The main application for this phrase is: 'source of drinking water'.

Please see the note for Luke 3:16 about the word water.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'The basic liquid of life.  It is used symbolically for more than one meaning.  Consideration of the context is required in order to determine the usage in any Bible reference'.  Please also see the note for John 4:10 about the phrase living waters.  Please also see the note for John 7:38 about the phrase rivers of living water.

Please see the Doctrine of Life about the words lifelivealive  and lively.  The New Testament definition, for the word the word life,  is: 'The cause of all movement, both physically and spiritually.  Physical life ends (is mortal).  Spiritual life is immortal'.  The New Testament definition, for the word the word live,  is: 'the verb form of life'.  The New Testament definition, for the word the word alive,  is: 'Having life'.  The New Testament definition, for the word the word lively,  is: 'Living and energetic'.  In addition, the New Testament definition, for the phrase everlasting life.  is: 'Spiritual life which has a beginning but no end'.  Please also see the Message called Labor for Everlasting Life.  Please see the note for 3:25 about the word live  that note has links to several other places where the doctrine of this word is discussed.  Please see the note for Romans C10S15 about the phrase belief changes life.  Please also see the note for 1Corinthians C6S16.  Please also see the note for about the phrase kingdom of God rejected by lifestyle sins.  Please also see the note for Revelation 13:8-LJC about the phrase book of life.  Please see the note for Romans C9S28 about live / walk by faith.  Please see the note for Romans C11S6 about The just shall live by his faith.  Please see the note for Colossians C3S4 about Christ lives through us.  Please use This link to see other, less important, 'Minor Titles of the Son of God' found within the Bible along with links to where the Bible uses those titles.  This title is eternal life.

Please see the note for 1Corinthians C7S29 about the word free.  The New Testament definition for this word is: ' Being at liberty; not being under necessity or restraint, physical or moral; a word of general application to the body, the will or mind, and to corporations'.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'I will. Re 7:17; 22:17; Isa 12:3; 55:1-3; Joh 4:10,14; 7:37-38  the fountain. Ps 36:9; Jer 2:13; Joe 3:18  freely. Ho 14:4; Ro 3:24; 8:32; 1Co 2:12; 3:5,12,21; 1Jo 5:4-5  General references. exp: Re 22:13'.

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C21-S10 (Verse 7)   God's promise to true overcomers.
  1. First Step:  the requirement to receive the blessing.
    1. He that overcometh shall inherit all things;
  2. Second Step:  the results of receive the blessing.
    1. and I will be his God,
    2. and he shall be my son .

Our sentence starts with the word And,  which adds it to the prior sentence.  Both sentences need to be considered together for contextual reasons.  .  .  .

This sentence promises that our Lord Jesus Christ  will be his God, and he shall be my son.  In order to truly receive the character of God (be my son),  and to inherit all of the spiritual promises, the saved person must truly have a lifestyle of overcoming.

There are twenty eight references to the word overcome  in the Significant New Testament Events Study.  Every one of those references also includes a small note about what is required for us to overcome  and many of the references includes promises to those people who truly overcome  the world, the flesh and the doctrines of devils  in this life.  However, none of those promises are given to saved people who fail to overcome  the world, the flesh and the doctrines of devils  in this life.

Paul has three preachers that he called his sons  in the ministry.  He trained more than those three, but they were the only ones reported, in the Bible, to receive his character in the ministry.  At conception, a child becomes the physical son  (or daughter) of the parents.  But they do not have the character of the parents.  That is an ongoing job of the parents that, usually, continues even after the child moves out of the home of the parents.

Devil-motivated people deliberately confuse this distinction and claim that the promises of God, which are dependent upon becoming a true son of God,  can be claimed by anyone who makes a profession.  That is a lie which will not be honored by God.  John 14:8-10 says: Philip saith unto him, Lord, shew us the father, and it sufficeth us. Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the father? Believest thou not that I am in the father, and the father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.  We must be like our Lord Jesus Christ  and let God truly dwell  in us and do His work through us if we want to be a true Biblical son of God.  This is because, as God dwells  in us and do His work through us, we become like Him.  People who have been married for a long time become like each other.  Likewise, people who let God dwell  in them and do His work through them become like God in their character.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'Here we see we are also an overcoming people, which has some glorious repercussions. We are only an overcoming people because we have accepted the Overcomer, the Lord Jesus, who overcame sin, death, Satan and hell by His death, burial and resurrection. the book of Revelation mentions these overcomers quite a bit' Re 2:7 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; to him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.
Re 2:11 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death.
Re 2:17 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; to him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.
Re 2:26 And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations:
Re 3:5 He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my father, and before his angels.
Re 3:12 Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name.
Re 3:21 to him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my father in his throne.
Martyrs' Re 12:11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. 1Jo 5:1 Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and every one that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him. 2 By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God, and keep his commandments. 3 for this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous. 4 forwhatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. 5 Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?
1Jo 4:4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.
We actually see many hints of what is in store for the overcomer in these verses, but notice what else the overcomer is blessed with, in v7 it says the overcomer will inherit all things, for we are heirs of God, joint heirs with Christ; Jesus is the preeminent Son, the only begotten Son, but we, the new inhabitants, are also counted as the children of God because we are overcomers thru Christ. Ro 8:14 foras many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. 15 forye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, father.16 the Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: 17 And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.
Ga 4:7 Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ. Now what this inheritance of all things from God consists of we do not fully know, but we do know the heavens are his throne, the earth his foot stool and Jerusalem the city of the great King (Mat 5:34-35), but the awesome thing is God will be our God and we will be counted as His sons. Because the phrase He uses in v7 clearly says 'my son'. Talk about being like Christ, we will be loved and cherished as Christ by God, treated as His true Son, honored, rewarded, privileged, no wonder we can cry Abba father! What a time that will be, we will be counted as fully God's and God will be counted as fully ours. think about it, 1st God gave His Son to us, as we read in John 3:16, 2nd God gave us His Spirit, Lu 11:13 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him? And 3rd in this time of new things, God gives himself to us, for He will be our God, dwelling with us, present with us, and we will inherit what is His: all things. Total Perfection. that is what is in store for overcomers, but v8 gives us a brief reminder of what is in store for those who are not overcomers thru Christ, but who are instead overcome by sin

Please see the note for 2Peter 2:19 about the word overcome.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'To conquer; to vanquish; to subdue; as, to overcome enemies in battle. 2. to surmount; to get the better of; as, to overcome difficulties or obstacles'.  The word overcometh  is: : 'A lifestyle of overcoming.  That is' they overcome  the temptations of this world and never go back to them'.

Please see the note for 1Timothy 4:16 about the word heir.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'The person who succeeds, or is to succeed another in the possession of anything of value.  Spiritually, the saved who receive rewards from God, in Heaven, are also called heirs'.  Please also see the note for Luke 10:25 about the word inherit.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'To take by descent from an ancestor; to take by succession, as the representative of the former possessor'.  Please also see the note for Galatians C3-S20 about the word inheritance.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'what the heirs receive'.  Please use This link to see the 'Minor Titles of the Son of God' found within the Bible along with links to where the Bible uses those titles.  The related title is heir.  In Luke 10:25-37; Mark 10:17-25; and Luke 18:18-27 Jesus  explained about inheriting eternal life.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'overcometh. Re 2:11,17,25  inherit. 1Sa 2:8; Pr 3:35; Isa 65:9; Mt 19:29; 25:34; Mr 10:17; 1Co 3:21-23; 1Pe 1:3-4; 3:9 exp: Isa 60:21.  all things. or, these things.  and I. Re 21:3; Zec 8:8; Ro 8:15-17; Heb 8:10; 1Jo 3:1-3  General references. exp: Ps 37:29; Jer 32:38; Ga 3:26'.

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C21-S11 (Verse 8)   God's judgment of certain types of people.
  1. Equivalent Section: Who is judged this way by God.
    1. But the fearful,
    2. and unbelieving,
    3. and the abominable,
    4. and murderers,
    5. and whoremongers,
    6. and sorcerers,
    7. and idolaters,
    8. and all liars,
    9. shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone:.
  2. Equivalent Section:  the results of their judgment.
    1. which is the second death.

Our sentence starts with the word But.  The word but  always provides a contrast between what precedes it and what follows it.  The prior sentence told us about saved people who overcometh.  That preceded this word but  and our current sentence tells us what happened to the people who are opposite on the spiritual scale.  We are not told about those in-between within these two sentences.  In addition, the sentence after that changes subjects.  Therefore, these two sentences stand as a single unit of doctrine.  With that written, we need to recognize that most people preach or teach this sentence without consideration of the prior.  However, if God wanted us to do that, He would not have had John start this sentence with the word But.

The Word Studies, below, provide details on all of the words in this sentence.  Most people who object to this sentence actually object to the message of this sentence.  They want to make excuses for certain people and demand that God submit to their doctrinal preferences because they do not want to upset the people they know with the truth and with the command to 'Grow up spiritually'.

Now, with that written, we need to consider the first paragraph in the note for this sentence.  Remember that the prior sentence gave us one extremeans this sentence gives us the other extreme.  And, we are not told about those in-between within these two sentences.  A baby is fearful  of manythings.  However, God does not condemn them unless they refuse to mature spiritually.  And, we are all unbelieving  about certain things until we grow enough, spiritually, to understand that God does not explain everything and certain things God does not explain until we mature to a certain level spiritually.  It is called 'Progressive Revelation' in our personal life.  We do not explain sex to a three-year-old child.  Likewise, God does not explain certain things until we mature to a certain level.

Therefore, this sentence only applies to those people who are always fearful  of everything, even to the point of refusing to trust our Lord Jesus Christ  for their everlasting salvation.  We are talking about people who refuse to truly trust God to handle any circumstance of life which makes them fearful.  Tothose who have trusted Him for their true Biblical salvation and who are still fearful,  He says 'Grow up spiritually'.

Again, God does not send saved people to Hell simply because they have trouble believing certain true spiritual doctrines.  Like we saw in the prior paragraph, God tells those people to 'Grow up spiritually'.

Now, with the exception of the phrase: all liars,  I don't think that there is anyone who claims to be honest and truthful who would also claim that people whose lifestyles match the rest of the words, in our First Equivalent Section, are not Hell-bound sinners.  However, we must also acknowledge that many people, who claim to be currently saved, were once one of those types of sinners.  God does forgive people who truly Biblically repent, accept our Lord Jesus Christ  as their personal Lord  and let Him change their lifestyle to get rid of that former lifestyle.

When we return to the phrase: all liars,  we need to consider John 8:44; which says: Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.  Someone who refuses to stop lying, after they claimed to be saved, proves that they still serve Satan and their so-called profession is, probably, also another lie.

This brings us to the last phrase of our First Equivalent Section, which says: shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone.  Only those people who truly fulfill one of the exceptions listed above will avoid this fate.

With that, we see that our Second Equivalent Section is very short and clear.  Thus, the equivalency makes the First Equivalent Section a definition of The second death.  Please see the Word Studies, below, for links to where else we find the phrase: The second death.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'None of these will exist in the new heaven and new earth, for they are cast out, eternally separated from God. Now they do receive a prepared place, but it was not originally meant for them, as this place was prepared for the devil and his angels, yet their rejection of Christ sent them here, and in the lake of fire there is only death, it is not 'no more' but it is ever-present: eternal death, eternal pain, eternal sorrow, eternal tears and eternal flame, all those have not passed away where the unforgiven sinners are. fortunately we see no such thing of sin, evil, wickedness, or curse, no worldly corruption or satanic influence in the new earth, the new heaven, the new city or the new inhabitants, for ONLY the redeemed of all ages who are now in perfect form are here. 2Pe 3:13 Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. Not unrighteousness.
And now we come to the question we ran upon earlier, who are all these redeemed people in the new city and new earth, who is where, and so forth? Well, we know for sure there is a home for the bride of Christ, the church, in the new city, and that seems to be the majority of the population of the New Jerusalem for the city itself is referred to as the bride, but that does not mean there will be no correspondence or going back and forth between the new city and new earth by those specific believers, in fact, part of our responsibilities may be serving God upon the earth or reigning over parts of it as we will see in ch22. But at any rate the church will most definitely have a home in the new city. Maybe we will summer on the earth and winter in the city, if seasons even exist then.
I also think the Jews will have a specific honor during this time (specifically the Old Testament saints), for their lineage will continue according to God's promise, as we see in Isa 66:22 foras the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before me, saith the LORD, so shall your seed and your name remain. Israel will be a nation of redeemed people during this time, redeemed and resurrected people, and possibly even a raptured people who are not part of the church' let me explain that'
{In preaching this I used an example of different colored jelly beans, so you, the reader, will have to imagine a bowl filled with white and black jelly be and to begin with'}
1. {white and black jelly be and only in the bowl} in the present age before the rapture of the church there are believers (white) and nonbelievers (black) on the earth
2. after the rapture {remove white ones} only unbelievers (black) are left and the Day of the Lord and the Great Tribulation take place. Now during this time some of those living on the earth come to faith, such as Jews being converted due to realizing that Jesus was the Messiah, some due to the 144,000 and the two witnesses evangelizing the world. We call the believers of this time tribulation saints {add red jelly beans}. Now many of those converted will be martyred by the antichrist and his forces, they too will go to heaven {remove some red but not all}, but others of the tribulation saints will make it all the way thru to the Second Coming of Christ.
3. {red and black be and are only in the bowl now}At the end of the tribulation when the Lord Jesus comes back with his saints, the armies of the antichrist are vanquished, {possibly all unbelievers killed or possibly some remain ' remove most of the black} and humanity gets yet another chance under the millennial reign of Christ and the first resurrection, this is a time that humanity will once again prosper and produce offspring {from the tribulation saints - the red beans} who must decide for themselves whether to accept or reject King Jesus, those that believe will be millennial believers (add green jelly beans) as opposed to being nonbelievers (black) who will side with Satan when he is released after the 1000 year reign to wage war one last time.
4. {red, black, green are now in the bowl} After the 1000 year millennial reign, Satan is cast into the lake of fire, the great white throne judgment occurs and all who are not written in the Lamb's book of life, the unbelievers {all black removed} are cast in the lake as well, but this leaves people still upon the earth, only believers that have come thru the millennial reign, the millennial believers {green and red only left}.
What happens to these believers? for something must be done with them before God purges the earth with fire and makes all things new? Are they raptured or given glorified bodies at this time? Are they removed from the earth for a moment while God renovates the earth and then dispersed once more across the world but now in glorified bodies, for remember, there is no sin and no curse, no corruption anymore? Are they (The green only) possibly in a state as Adam and Eve were before the fall? Unfortunately we are not told the answer to this in Scripture or at least I have not ran upon such an answer, it is one of those things we have to wait and see about. But we do know there will be people on the new earth other than of Jewish descent, for Israel will be established and other new nations will be formed, different areas on the earth will be populated by different peoples, all believers, we see this in Re 21:24 And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light;' Re 21:26 And they shall bring the glory and honour of the nations into it. (ref Ps 68:29) these are not nations like today, for again the new earth is only populated by glorified beings or at least beings in a perfect state on a perfect earth. One of these nations is Israel, and the other nations could be made of the tribulation saints, the martyred saints, the millennial saints, Old Testament non-Jewish saints, saints that are not part of the church/bride but of the church age. these nations could also include those children that died before the age of accountability. We just don't know.
Maybe this lends to a deeper meaning to what God told Abraham in Ge 17:1 And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect. 2 And I will make my covenant between means thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly. 3 And Abram fell on his face: and God talked with him, saying, 4 As for me, behold, my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations. 5 Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee. 6 And I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make nations of thee, and kings shall come out of thee. 7 And I will establish my covenant between means thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee. 8 And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God.
Whatever happens and whoever all these peoples are, we can rest assured that they know Jesus and we will be there with them, and we will have all eternity to figure out all these questions.
1Co 2:9 But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him..
Isa 64:4 forsince the beginning of the world men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither hath the eye seen, O God, beside thee, what he hath prepared for him that waiteth for him

Please see the note for Romans C11S25 about the word fear.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'A painful emotion or passion excited by an expectation of evil, or the apprehension of impending danger. Fear expresses less apprehension than dread, and dread less than terror and fright. the force of This passion, beginning with the most moderate degree, may be thus expressed, fear, dread, terror, fright. Fear is accompanied with a desire to avoid or ward off the expected evil. Fear is an uneasiness of mind, upon the thought of future evil likely to befall us. the saved are commanded to "fear the Lord"'.  Please see the Study called The Fear of the Lord.  Please also see the note for Matthew 10:26 about the phrase fear them not.  Please also see the note for John 6:19 about the word afraid.

There is an extremely popular doctrinal error which claims that the fear of the lord  means 'deep abiding respect'.  The true Biblical definition is: 'The absolute assurance that God will hurt us more than we can imagine if we continue in sin'.  This doctrinal error causes many of God's children to suffer the wrath of God in this life and to lose many everlasting rewards.  Please also see Colossians 3:8 about children of wrath.

Please see the note for Romans C10S15 about the word believe.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'To credit upon the authority or testimony of another; to be persuaded of the truth of something upon the declaration of another, or upon evidence furnished by reasons, arguments, and deductions of the mind, or by other circumstances, than personal knowledge. When we believe upon the authority of another, we always put confidence in his veracity. When we believe upon the authority of reasoning, arguments, or a concurrence of facts and circumstances, we rest our conclusions upon their strength or probability, their agreement with our own experience, etc.  true Biblical belief  causes us to act upon that belief  and any claimed belief  that does not lead to matching action is a lie.  Many people confuse faith  and belief.  Before people act, they have a belief  but that belief  does not turn into true faith  until the people act upon it.  Thus, we need to tell people the true gospel, which requires them to act upon their claimed belief'.  Please also see the note for John 3:16 about the word believeth.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'a lifestyle belief.  This is opposed to what people call belief but what they have does not stay with them'.  Please also see the notes for John 6:42 and John 12:40 about the phrase believe on / believe in.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'This identifies an ongoing spiritual relationship'.  Please also see the notes for Romans 3:26-LJC and John 20:31-LJC about the phrase believe in Jesus / Christ.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'The start of a spiritual relationship with Jesus  and / or Christ'.  Please also see the note for John 8:30 about the phrase belief, non-saving.  Please also see the note for Romans C10S15 about the phrase belief (true) changes life.  Please also see the notes for Romans C4S21 about the word unbelief.

Please see the note for Mark 13:14-16 about the word abomination.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Ongoing sinful wickedness; what is unfit to be presented in the service of God'.

Please see the note for John 8:44 about murder.  The New Testament definition is: 'The heart desire to end the life of another person'.  In addition, a murderer.  is: 'a person who plans a murder (1John 3:4)'.  Please also see the Section called Jesus and the Ten Commandments in the Significant Gospel Events Study for links to other places in the Bible where God talked about the commandment: Thou shalt not kill.

Please see the note for Revelation 17:1 about the word whore.  Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'WHORE, n. Hore. G. the correct orthography is hore. A harlot; a courtesan; a concubine; a prostitute.
WHORE, v.i. supra. to have unlawful sexual commerce; to practice lewdness.
WHORE, v.t. to corrupt by lewd intercourse. Little used
'.  Please also see the note for Ephesians 5:5 about the words whoremonger / whoremaster.  Please also see the note for 1Corinthians 6:15 about the word harlot.

Please see the note for Acts 8:9 about the word sorcery.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Magic; enchantment; witchcraft; divination be the assistance of evil spirits, or the power of commanding evil spirits. Adder's wisdom I have learn'd to fence my ears against the sorceries'.  Please also see the note for Acts 13:6 about the word sorcerer.

Please also see the note for 1Corinthians 5:9-10 about idolaters.  The New Testament definition, of the word idolater,  is: 'A worshiper of idols; one who pays divine honors to images, statues, or representations of anything made by hands; one who worships as a deity that which is not God'.  Please also see the note for 1Corinthians 8:1 about idols.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'An idol is anything which we give a greater value than our ongoing personal relationship with God'.  Please also see the note for Galatians C5S20 about idolatry.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'Excessive attachment or veneration for anything, or that which borders on adoration. This includes the worship of idols, images, or anything made by hands, or which is not God'.  1Corinthians 8, deals with idols  and how they affect our testimony and influence of other men.  1Corinthians 10 deals with how idols  affect our relationship with God.  1Corinthians 12 deals with how idols  demonstrate a lack of true knowledge from God.

Please see the note for Galatians C1-S15 about the word liar.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'A person who knowingly utters falsehood; one who declares to another as a fact what he knows to be not true, and with an intention to deceive him.  Please also see lie'.

Please see the note for Luke 5:1 about the word lake.  The New Testament definition, for the wordlack,  is: 'A large and extensive collection of water contained in a cavity of the earth'.  Please also see the note for Revelation 19:20 about the phrase lake of fire.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'Every being (devil or human) who rejects the Lord Jesus Christ  as their personal Lord  will spend eternity in the lake of fire'.

Please see the note for Luke 24:32 about the word burn.  Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'The primary sense is, to rage, to act with violent excitement. 1. to consume with fire; to reduce to ashes by the action of heat or fire; frequently with up; as, to burn up wood. 2. to expel the volatile parts and reduce to charcoal by fire; as, to burn wood into coal. Hence, in popular language, to burn a kiln of wood, is to char the wood. 3. to cleanse of soot by burning; to inflame; as, to burn a chimney; an extensive use of the word. 4. to harden in the fire; to bake or harden by heat; as, to burn bricks or a brick kiln. 5. to scorch; to affect by heat; as, to burn the clothes or the legs by the fire; to burn meat or bread in cookery. 6. to injure by fire; to affect the flesh by heat. 7. to dry up or dissipate; with up; as, to burn up tears. 8. to dry excessively; to cause to wither by heat; as, the sun burns the grass or plants. 9. to heat or inflame; to affect with excessive stimulus; as, ardent spirits burn the stomach. 10. to affect with heat in cookery, so as to give the food a disagreeable taste. Hence the phrase burnt to. 11. to calcine with heat or fire; to expel the volatile matter from substances, so that they are easily pulverized; as, to burn oyster shells, or lime-stone. 12. to affect with excess of heat; as, the fever burns a patient. 13. to subject to the action of fire; to heat or dry; as, to burn colors. to burn up, to consume entirely by fire. to burn out, to burn till the fuel is all consumed.
BURN, v.i. to be on fire; to flame; as, the mount burned with fire. 1. to shine; to sparkle. O prince! O wherefore burn your eyes? 2. to be inflamed with passion or desire; as, to burn with anger or love. 3. to act with destructive violence, as fire. Shall thy wrath burn like fire? 4. to be in commotion; to rage with destructive violence. the groan still deepens and the combat burns. 5. to be heated; to be in a glow; as, the face burns. 6. to be affected with a sensation of heat, pain or acidity; as, the heart burns. 7. to feel excess of heat; as, the flesh burns by a fire; a patient burns with a fever. to burn out, to burn till the fuel is exhausted and the fire ceases.
BURN, n. A hurt or injury of the flesh caused by the action of fire. 1. the operation of burning or baking, as in brickmaking; as, they have a good burn

Please see the note for James 3:6 about the word fire.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'The primary sense is, to rage, to act with violent excitement. It is also An extremely painful type of injury that is used by God to cleanse and purify. This word is often used symbolically for different purposes which all result in something being consumed'.  Please also see the note for Romans C12S18 about the phrase coals of fire.  Please also see the note for Revelation 20:9 about the phrase fire from Heaven.  Please also see the note for Revelation 19:20 about the phrase lake of fire.

Please see the note for Luke 17:28-29 about the word brimstone.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'an inflammable mineral substance found in quantities on the shores of the Dead Sea. the cities of the plain were destroyed by a rain of fire and brimstone (Ge 19:24-25). In Isa 34:9 allusion is made to the destruction of these cities. this word figuratively denotes destruction or punishment (Job 18:15; Isa 30:33; 34:9; Ps 11:6; Eze 38:22). It is used to express the idea of excruciating torment in Re 14:10; 19:20; 20:10'.

Please see the note for 1Peter 2:4-5 about the word stone.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'he same composition as a rock or a pebble but with a size between them'.  Please also see the note for Luke 17:28-29 about the word brimstone.  Please also see the note for Ephesians 2:20 about the phrase corner stone.  Please also see the note for Luke 17:2 about the word millstone.  Please also see the note for 1Corinthians C3S13 about the phrase precious stones.  Please see the Minor Titles of the Son of God in the Significant Gospel Events Study for the title of stone.

Please see the note for 1Peter 1:7 about the word precious.  Webster's 1828 dictionary defines this word as: 'Of great price; costly; as a precious stone. 2. Of great value or worth; very valuable. She is more precious than rubies. Prov.3. 3. Highly valued; much esteemed. the word of the Lord was precious in those days; there was no open vision. 1 Sam.3. 4. Worthless; in irony and contempt. Precious metals, gold and silver, so called on account of their value'.

Please see the note for Romans C6S4 about the words dead / death / die.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Physical death is separation of soul and spirit from body and the second death is eternal separation from God'.  Please also see the note for Revelation 2:11 about the phrase second death.  The New Testament definition, for this phrase, is: 'when the soul and spirit are permanently separated from God in the lake of fire'.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'The fearful. De 20:8; Jg 7:3; Isa 51:12; 57:11; Mt 8:26; 10:28; Lu 12:4-9; Joh 12:42-43; 1Pe 3:14-15; 1Jo 5:4-5,10  and the. Re 22:15; Mal 3:5; 1Co 6:9-10; Ga 5:19-21; Eph 5:5-6; 1Ti 1:9-10; Heb 12:24; 13:4; 1Jo 3:15  and idolaters. 1Co 10:20-21  and all. Re 2:2; Pr 19:5,9; Isa 9:15; Joh 8:44; 2Th 2:9; 1Ti 4:2; 1Jo 2:22  the lake. Re 19:20; 20:14-15  which is. Re 20:14  General references. exp: Ge 19:28; Ex 20:14; Le 19:31; Pr 2:18; Isa 34:9; Mt 25:25; 26:70'.

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C21-S12 (Verse 9)   the start of the description of the next gift which God provided.
  1. And there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues,
  2. and talked with me,
  3. saying,
  4. Come hither,
  5. I will shew thee the bride,
  6. The Lamb's wife.

Our sentence starts with the word And,  which adds it to the prior sentence.  Both sentences need to be considered together for contextual reasons.  The prior sentence finished the doctrine which came before this sentence within this chapter.  This sentence adds another subject which continues through the end of the chapter.  Everything before this sentence, in this chapter, was telling us about things which God planned and provided for those who love and serve Him.  This sentence starts a detailed description of the last thing which John reports and which God provided for those people who love and serve Him.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes, in his note below, that the angel is not actually showing The Lamb's wife,  but is showing where she will live for the rest of eternity.  What he writes is correct.

I, personally, believe that this angel was one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues  in order to show that these angels are not just destructive.  They do whatever God requires them to do.

Our sentence tells us that The Lamb's wife  will live there with our Lord Jesus Christ.  However, 21:24 says: And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it: and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour into it.  In addition, 21:26 says: And they shall bring the glory and honour of the nations into it.  Notice that the nations of them which are save  will enter that city but not live there.  Once again, we see that there are saved people who are not part of the bride / Lamb's wife.  Yes, this includes Old Testament Jews but is not limited to them because they consist of one nation  and our references use the plural form of nations.  They will consist of people who were saved, during the 'Church Age' but who refused to let God work in and through their life so that they became righteous  and became part of the bride / Lamb's wife.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'Again the city is not the actual bride, but it's the city of the Bride of Christ. the phrasing here has to do with the time of John's writing, for a city was often identified with or by its inhabitants. that is why the angel calls it the Lamb's wife, the Bride of Christ, for this city will be the bride's home, the home of all saved believers, which to my cloudy understanding, will then leave the renovated earth for the non-church Jews to inhabit'.

Please see the note for Matthew 15:34 about the word seven.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'This number occurs frequently in Scripture, and in such connections as lead to the supposition that it has some typical meaning. On the seventh day God rested, and hallowed it (Ge 2:2-3). the division of time into weeks of seven days each accounts for many instances of the occurrence of this number. this number has been called the symbol of perfection, and also the symbol of rest. "Jacob's seven years' service to Laban; Pharaoh's seven fat oxen and seven lean ones; the seven branches of the golden candlestick; the seven trumpets and the seven priests who sounded them; the seven days' siege of Jericho; the seven churches, seven spirits, seven stars, seven seals, seven vials, and many others, sufficiently prove the importance of this sacred number" (see Le 25:4; 1Sa 2:5; Ps 12:6; 79:12; Pr 26:16; Isa 4:1; Mt 18:21-22; Lu 17:4). the feast of Passover (Ex 12:15-16), the feast of Weeks (De 16:9), of Tabernacles (De 13:15), and the Jubilee (Le 25:8), were all ordered by seven. Seven is the number of sacrifice (2Ch 29:21; Job 42:8), of purification and consecration (Le 27:34,34; 8:11,33; 14:9,51), of forgiveness (Mt 18:21-22; Lu 17:4), of reward (De 28:7; 1Sa 2:5), and of punishment (Le 26:21,24,28; De 28:25). It is used for any round number in such passages as Job 5:19; Pr 26:16,25; Isa 4:1; Mt 12:45. It is used also to mean "abundantly" (Ge 4:15,24; Le 26:24; Ps 79:12'.  Please also see the note for Luke 10:1 about the word seventy.

Please see the notes for 1Corinthians C13S1; Significant Gospel Events; Significant New Testament Events about the word angel.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Literally, a messenger; one employed to communicate news or information or do a job for God'.  Please also see the note for Jude 1:7 about the word archangel.

Please see the note for 4:18 about the word full.  The New Testament definition is: 'Replete; having within its limits all that it can contain'.  Please see the note for Romans 1:29 about the word fill.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Properly, to press; to crowd; to stuff. Hence, to put or pour in, till the thing will hold no more'.

Please see the note for Revelation 5:8 about the word vial.  Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'n. L. phiala. A phial; a small bottle of thin glass, used particularly by apothecaries and druggists.  Samuel took a vial of oil, and poured it on his head.  1Sam. 10.  Vials of God's wrath, in Scripture, are the execution of his wrath upon the wicked for their sins. Rev. 16'.

Please see the note for Revelation 1:10 about the word last.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'That which comes after all the others.  Our Lord Jesus Christ  is Last  because He will end this creation'.  Please also see the note for Luke 16:9 about the word everlasting.

Please see the note for Mark 3:10 about the word plague.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'a "stroke" of affliction, or disease. Sent as a divine chastisement (Nu 11:33; 14:37; 16:46-49; 2Sa 24:21). Painful afflictions or diseases, (Le 13:3,5,30; 1Ki 8:37), or severe calamity (Mr 5:29; Lu 7:21), or the judgment of God, so called (Ex 9:14)'.

Please see the note for Matthew 22:15 about the word talk.  Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'to converse familiarly; to speak, as in familiar discourse, when two or more persons interchange thoughts. I will buy with you, sell with you, talk with you; but I will not eat with you. In Aesop's time When all things talk'd, and talk'd in rhyme. I will come down and talk with thee. Num.11. Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way? Luke 24. 2. to prate; to speak impertinently. 3. to talk of, to relate; to tell; to give account. Authors talk of the wonderful remains of Palmyra. the natural histories of Switzerland talk much of the fall of these rocks, and the great damage done. So shall I talk of thy wondrous works. Ps.119. 4. to speak; to reason; to confer. Let me talk with thee of thy judgments. Jer.12. to talk to, in familiar language, to advise or exhort; or to reprove gently. I will talk to my son respecting his conduct.
TALK, n. tauk. Familiar converse; mutual discourse; that which is uttered by one person in familiar conversation, or the mutual converse of two or more. Should a man full of talk be justified? Job 11. In various talk th' instructive hours they past. 1. Report; rumor. I hear a talk up and down of raising money. 2. Subject of discourse. this noble achievement is the talk of the whole town. 3. Among the Indi and of North America, a public conference, as respecting peace or war, negotiation and the like; or an official verbal communication made from them to another nation or its agents, or made to them by the same

Please see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word saith.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'lifestyle speaking.  A saying that never changes when said by God'.  Please also see the note for Romans 11:1 about the phrase I say.  The New Testament definition is: 'This phrase expresses a personal opinion, which usually follows the phrase'.  Bible authors uses this phrase when they introduces their own point into an ongoing discussion.  When Jesus  says this phrase, He is giving a personal command.  Please also see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word saith.  Please also see the note for Romans C10S28 about the word gainsaying.  Please also see the note for Matthew 26:1 about the word sayings (plural).  Please also see the notes for Romans C15S15 and 2Corinthians 2:17 about the word speak.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 3:12-14 about the word speech.  Please also see the notes for Ephesians C4S15 and 1Peter 2:1 about the phrase evil speaking.  The words speaketh  and saith  mean that the person 'keeps on keeping on doing the saying'.

Please see the note foMatthew 8:29 about the word hither.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'To this place; used with verbs signifying motion; as, to come hither; to proceed hither; to bring hither'.

Please see the note for Colossians 2S8 about the word shew.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'The Biblical spelling for the word show, which means: to exhibit or present to the view of others'.

Please see the notes for John 3:29 and Matthew 9:15 about the words bride / bridegroom.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines these words as: 'frequently used in the ordinary sense (Isa 49:18; 61:10, etc.). the relation between Christ and his church is set forth under the figure of that between a bridegroom and bride (Joh 3:29). the church is called "The bride" (Re 21:9; 22:17). Compare parable of the Ten Virgins (Mt 25:1-13)'.

Please see the note for Colossians C3S13 about the words wife / wives.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Webster's 1828 dictionary defines wife as: '1. the lawful consort of man; a woman who is united to man in the lawful bonds of wedlock; the correlative of husband. the husband of one wife. 1 Timothy 3. Let every one of you in particular, so love his wife even as himself, and let the wife see that she reverence her husband. Ephesians 5.' Easton's Bible Dictionary defines WIFE as: 'The ordinance of marriage was sanctioned in Paradise (Ge 2:24; Mt 19:4-6). Monogamy was the original law under which man lived, but polygamy early commenced (Ge 4:19), and continued to prevail all down through Jewish history. the law of Moses regulated but did not prohibit polygamy. A man might have a plurality of wives, but a wife could have only one husband. A wife's legal rights (Ex 21:10) and her duties (Pr 31:10-31; 1Ti 5:14) are specified. She could be divorced in special cases (De 22:13-21), but could not divorce her husband. Divorce was restricted by our Lord to the single case of adultery (Mt 19:3-9). the duties of husbands and wives in their relations to each other are distinctly set forth in the New Testament (1Co 7:2-5; Eph 5:22-33; Col 3:18-19; 1Pe 3:1-7)'.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'which. Re 15:1-7; 16:1-17  the Lamb's. Re 21:2; 19:7'.

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C21-S13 (Verse 10-13)   the first of the details about that that great city, the holy Jerusalem.
  1. Equivalent Section:  John was carried in his spirit  to see the future city.
    1. And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain,
    2. and shewed me that great city,
    3. The holy Jerusalem,
    4. descending out of heaven from God,
    5. Having the glory of God :.
  2. Equivalent Section:  the first impressions of the city.
    1. First Step:  the walls were like diamonds letting interior light shine through them.
      1. and her light  was like unto a stone most precious,
      2. even like a jasper stone,
      3. clear as crystal;.
    2. Second Step:  the general description of the walls.
      1. And had a wall great and high,
      2.  and had twelve gates,
      3. and at the gates twelve angels,
      4. and names written thereon,
      5. which are  The names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel:.
  3. Equivalent Section:  the general description of the gates in the walls.
    1. First Step:  three gates in each wall.
      1. On the east three gates;
    2. Second Step:  three gates in each wall.
      1. on the north three gates;
    3. Third Step:  three gates in each wall.
      1. on the south three gates;
    4. Fourth Step:  three gates in each wall.
      1. and on the west three gates.

Our sentence starts with the word And,  which adds it to the prior sentence.  Both sentences need to be considered together for contextual reasons.  The prior sentence started the description of that great city, the holy Jerusalem.  This sentence adds the first of the details about it which we are told.

Please realize that God does not reveal this city until only saved people and angels are left.  Satan, devils and the lost don't even get to see it much less defile it in any way.

Our sentence has three Equivalent Section.  With the third Equivalent Section not needing explanation, the Second Equivalent Section needs a little explanation and the First Equivalent Section needs the most explanation.  In the Second Equivalent Section, we read that the walls were like a jasper stone, clear as crystal.  I've read that this is another name for a diamond.  Names change over time and between languages.  Therefore, the most important part of this description is: clear as crystal  and the only stone, that I know of, which can fir that description is a diamond.

Our Second Equivalent Section also tells us that the city had twelve gates  and those gates had The names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel.  Our next sentence also tells us that The city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.  This, symbolically, lets us know that the wife of God  and The wife of the lamb.  live in the city while other saved people live outside of it.

With that understanding in mind, we can now deal with our First Equivalent Section.  The First Equivalent Section of our sentence tells us that John was carried away in the spirit.  As explained in the Word Study on Spirit (Use link in sentence outline), God can move (or stop movement of) men and other beings.  Here, we see that John was taken into the future to see what will be.  It is my belief that God enabled this angel to do so.  If Satan could go into the future and see it, he probably would not have rebelled.  If devils could see the future, and how prophecy is completed., they would give their prophets the true interpretation of prophecy.  Only God's prophets receive true prophecy and what they do receive in incomplete.  However, one of the main differences between prophets of God and false prophets is that God's prophets are100% accurate for what they prophecy.  Please see Significant Gospel Events; Significant New Testament Events for their sections on Prophecy Fulfilled.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'The angel carries John away to stand atop a great and high mountain where John gets a wonderful unobstructed view of the holy city descending from heaven.
The city shines brightly with the glory of God, His shekinah glory that illuminates all around, just as His glory shone in the tabernacle and the temple as well as Mt Sinai. this shining glory signifies God's presence, that He is present with His people. the light of the sparkling city is described like a precious stone, like a jasper or diamond, clear as crystal, bedazzling and brilliant. this city sparkles and gleams, (Re 21:23 And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.), the light that shines from Christ, whose countenance is as the sun (Rev 1:16), is refracted and reflected throughout the city thus entirely lighting the enormous metropolis. Like a radiant crystal chandelier, light shines forth from this holy city in all directions.
John sees that this city is surrounded by a great wall, which speaks of protection, for its inhabitants will have nothing to fear for God is with them, this wall is penetrated by 12 gates, and a guardian angel stands at each one, and upon these gates are written the names of the 12 tribes of Israel, one name for each gate. John also sees that this wall around the city forms a shape in the form of a large square, and there are 3 gates on each side of the square, north, east, south and west, with sections of wall in between each one

Please see the note for Acts 3:2 about the word carried.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Past-tense form of the word carry'.  Please also see the note for Acts 5:9 about the words carry / carrying.

Please see the note for James 1:10 about the word away.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Absent; at a distance; as, the master is away from home'.  Please also see the note for Romans C11S19 about the phrase cast away.  Please also see the note for Romans C11S1 about the phrase God will not cast away his people.  Please also see the note for John 6:67 about the phrase go away.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 5:17 about the phrase passed away.  Please also see the note for Matthew 19:3 about the phrase put away.

Please see the note for John 6:3 about the word mountain.  The New Testament definition is: 'A large mass of earth and rock, rising above the common level of the earth or adjacent land, but of no definite altitude.  The word is applied to a single elevation, or to an extended range.'.  The word of God  usually uses the word mount  for a single point of elevation.    Please also see the note for Matthew 17:1-LJC about the phrase Mount of Transfiguration.  Please also see the note for John 8:1 about the phrase Mount of Olives / Mount of Olivet.

Please see the note for Colossians 2S8 about the word shew.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'The Biblical spelling for the word show, which means: to exhibit or present to the view of others'.

Please see the note for Mark 11:19 about the word city.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'An area where many people live together and have a local government rule over them'.  Please also see the note for Romans C13S12 about the phrase city of refuge.  Please also see the note for Matthew 4:5 about the phrase holy city.

Please see the note for Romans 7:12 about the word holy.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'Properly, whole, entire or perfect, in a moral sense.  Hence, pure in heart, temper or dispositions; free from sin and sinful affections'.  Please see the note for Luke 1:67-75 about the word holiness.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'The state of being holy; purity or integrity of moral character; freedom from sin; sanctity. Applied to the Supreme Being, holiness denotes perfect purity or integrity of moral character, one of his essential attributes'.  Please also see the Word Study on the Word Study on Holy Ghost.  Basically, since we have the indwelling Holy Spirit,  He is trying to make us holy  by teaching us how to act like God acts.  Please also see the note for John 7:39 about the phrase indwelling Holy Spirit.  Please also see the note for 1John 2:20 about the phrase Holy One.  Please also see the Minor Titles of the Son of God about this title.  Please also see the note for Matthew 4:5 about the phrase holy city.  There is a Biblical doctrinal difference between the use of the phrase Holy Ghost  and God's Holy Spirit,  with the Bible using Holy Ghost  when He affects this physical world and the Bible using Holy Spirit  when he affects spiritual things like our spirit.  Both are identifiers of the third Person within the Trinity.  The phrase Holy Ghost  only occurs within the New Testament.

Please see the note for Galatians C1-S12 about Jerusalem.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'There is more than one holy city, but, usually, this phrase is used for Jerusalem or the New Jerusalem'.  In the Bible, this phrase is used only for Jerusalem or the New Jerusalem'.

Please see the note for Mark 15:32 about the word descend.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'To move or pass from a higher to a lower place; to move, come or go downwards; to fall; to sink; to run or flow down; applicable to any kind of motion or of body'.

Please see the note for Philippians 2:9-11 about the word heaven.  The New Testament definition is: 'According to the Jewish notion there were three heavens, (a) The firmament, as "fowls of the heaven" (Ge 2:19; 7:3,23; Ps 8:8, etc.), "the eagles of heaven" (La 4:19), etc. (b) The starry heavens (De 17:3; Jer 8:2; Mt 24:29). (c) "The heaven of heavens," or "the third heaven" is the home of God (De 10:14; 1Ki 8:27; Ps 115:16; 148:4; 2Co 12:2). The phrase "heaven and earth" is used to indicate the whole universe (Ge 1:1; Jer 23:24; Ac 17:24)'.  Please also see the note for 1Peter 1:2-LJC about the phrase things in Heaven.  Please also see the note for Matthew 3:2 about the phrase kingdom of heaven.  Please also see the note for Luke 3:21-22 about the phrase voice from heaven.  Please also see the note for Revelation 20:9 about the phrase fire from Heaven.  Please also see the note for Revelation 21:4 about 'no tears in heaven is a lie'.  Please also see the note for Hebrews 12:2-LJC about the phrase treasure in Heaven.  Please also see the Message called Laying up Treasure in Heaven.

Please see the note for Romans C15S14 about the word glory.  There is a lot of information about this word in that note.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Brightness, splendor, luster'.  The New Testament for the word glorified  is: 'past-tense form of the word glory'.  The New Testament for the word glorifying  is: 'applying the word glory in an ongoing manner'.  The New Testament for the word Glorious  is: 'Illustrious; of exalted excellence and splendor; resplendent in majesty and divine attributes; applied to God'.  Please also see the note for Matthew 17:1 about the phrase Jesus Christ return in glory.  Please also see the Minor Titles of the Son of God to see the title of: hope of glory.  All true Biblical hope  is based in Him.  Think about what was revealed in the 'Mount of transfiguration'.

Please see the Doctrinal Study called Light And Darkness about the words Lightdarklightningdarkness,  and the phrase light and darkness.  The New Testament definition, for the word Light,  is: 'According to the science of physics, this physical reality is composed of matter and energy with most things being either matter or energy.  Light is unique in that it is both matter and energy.  Symbolically, that means that light represents this physical reality (matter), and the spiritual reality (energy).  Both are affected by God's light'.  Please also see the note for Hebrews 6:4 about the word enlightened.  Please see the note for Psalms 119:16 about the word delight.  True delight  is one of the effects of God's light.  Please also see the note for John 11:9-LJC about the phrase Jesus is our light.

Please see the note for Mark 4:16-17 about the word likewise.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'like and wise. In like manner; moreover'.  Please also see the note for Philippians 2:5-8 about about the words like  and likeness.  Please also see the note for Matthew 7:24-25 about the word liken.  Please also see the note for Romans 15:5 about the word likeminded.

Please see the note for 1Peter 2:4-5 about the word stone.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'he same composition as a rock or a pebble but with a size between them'.  Please also see the note for Luke 17:28-29 about the word brimstone.  Please also see the note for Ephesians 2:20 about the phrase corner stone.  Please also see the note for Luke 17:2 about the word millstone.  Please also see the note for 1Corinthians C3S13 about the phrase precious stones.  Please see the Minor Titles of the Son of God in the Significant Gospel Events Study for the title of stone.

Please see the note for 1Peter 1:7 about the word precious.  Webster's 1828 dictionary defines this word as: 'Of great price; costly; as a precious stone. 2. Of great value or worth; very valuable. She is more precious than rubies. Prov.3. 3. Highly valued; much esteemed. the word of the Lord was precious in those days; there was no open vision. 1 Sam.3. 4. Worthless; in irony and contempt. Precious metals, gold and silver, so called on account of their value'.

Please see the note for 1Peter 1:7 about the word precious.  Webster's 1828 dictionary defines this word as: 'Of great price; costly; as a precious stone. 2. Of great value or worth; very valuable. She is more precious than rubies. Prov.3. 3. Highly valued; much esteemed. the word of the Lord was precious in those days; there was no open vision. 1 Sam.3. 4. Worthless; in irony and contempt. Precious metals, gold and silver, so called on account of their value'.

Please see the note for Revelation 4:3 about the word jasper.  Smith's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'a precious stone frequently noticed in Scripture. It was the last of the twelve inserted in the high priest's breastplate:  Ex 28:20; 39:13.  and the first of the twelve used in the foundations of the new Jerusalem:  Re 21:19.  The characteristics of the stone as far as they are specified in Scripture:  Re 21:11.  are that it "was most precious," and "like crystal;" we may also infer from:  Re 4:3.  That it was a stone of brilliant and transparent light. the stone which we name "jasper" does not accord with this description. there can be no doubt that the diamond would more adequately answer to the description in the book of Revelation'.

We find forms of the word clear  in: Genesis 24:8; Genesis 24:41; Genesis 44:16; Exodus 24:10; Exodus 34:7; Numbers 14:18; 2Samuel 23:4; Psalms 51:4; Song 6:10; Isaiah 18:4; Amos 8:9; Zechariah 14:6; 2Corinthians 7:11; Revelation 21:11; Revelation 21:18; Revelation 22:1.  Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'adv. 1. Plainly; evidently; fully; as, the fact is clearly proved. 2. Without obstruction; luminously; as, to shine clearly. 3. With clear discernment; as, to understand clearly. 4. Without entanglement, or confusion. 5. Plainly; honestly; candidly. Deal clearly and impartially with yourselves. 6. Without reserve, evasion or subterfuge'.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Open; free from obstruction or foreign matter; unmixed'.  Please also see the note for Mark 8:25 about the word clearly.

Please see the note for Revelation 4:6 about the word crystal.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: '(Eze 1:22, with the epithet "terrible," as dazzling the spectators with its brightness). the word occurs in Re 4:6; 21:11; 22:1. It is a stone of the flint order, the most refined kind of quartz. the Greek word here used means also literally "ice." the ancients regarded the crystal as only pure water congealed into extreme hardness by great length of time'.

Please see the note for Acts 9:25 about the word wall.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'Cities were surrounded by walls, as distinguished from "unwalled villages" (Eze 38:11; Le 25:29-34). they were made thick and strong (Nu 13:28; De 3:5). Among the Jews walls were built of stone, some of those in the temple being of great size (1Ki 6:7; 7:9-12; 20:30; Mr 13:1-2). the term is used metaphorically of security and safety (Isa 26:1; 60:18; Re 21:12-20). (See Fence.)'.  Forms of this word are also used, in this book, in: 21:14; 21:15; 21:17; 21:18; 21:19.

Please see the note for Luke 2:42 about the word twelve.  Morrish Bible Dictionary defines NUMBERS AS SYMBOLS as: 'TWELVE. Completeness administratively, that is, in what is set forth or displayed manward. (The first most divisible of the earlier numbers.) there were twelve patriarchs, ancestors of the twelve tribes, who are commemorated in the twelve loaves on the table, the twelve stones in the breastplate and twelve names on the shoulders of the high priest; the twelve stones taken out of Jordan, and the twelve stones placed in the bed of the river; also in the woman with a crown of twelve stars. Re 12:1. through the twelve apostles the Lord fed the hungry multitudes. the twelve apostles will sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes. Mt 19:28. the new Jerusalem will have twelve foundations for its walls with the names of the twelve apostles; it will have twelve gates, consisting of twelve pearls, with the names of the twelve tribes inscribed, the gates will be attended by twelve angels. Re 21:12-21. there are twelve hours in the day, in which the children of light may walk. Joh 11:9. the flexibility of administrative perfection may be seen in: Six-twos: Two apostles in each of the six companies sent to preach. Two-sixes: Six loaves in each of the two rows of showbread. three-fours: Four rows of three names each on the breastplate. Four- threes: three gates on each of the four sides of the new Jerusalem'.  Please also see the note for John 6:67 about the phrase twelve disciples / apostles.

Please see the note for Luke 13:23-24 about the word gate.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'A large door which gives entrance into a walled city, a castle, a temple, palace or other large edifice. It differs from door chiefly in being larger.  In addition, it was where important transactions were conducted and is used, symbolically, for where we go for eternity'.  Please also see the note for Matthew 16:18 about the phrase gates of Hell.  Forms of this word are also used, in this book, in: 21:15; 21:21; 21:25; 22:14.

Please see the notes for 1Corinthians C13S1; Significant Gospel Events; Significant New Testament Events about the word angel.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Literally, a messenger; one employed to communicate news or information or do a job for God'.  Please also see the note for Jude 1:7 about the word archangel.

Please see the note for Philippians 2:9-11 about the word name.  The New Testament definition is: 'How a person is identified including their power and authority'.  Please also see the note for 1Corinthians C1S4 about the phrase the name.    Please also see the note for Acts 1:23 about the word surname.  The New Testament definition is: 'In scripture this means an additional or added name, not a family name, as the word now implies'.  Please also see the note for 1Peter 4:14-LJC about the phrase name of Christ.  Please also see the note for Luke 13:35 about the phrase name of the Lord.  Please also see the Lord Jesus Christ Overview for the doctrine of the names/roles of the Son of God.

Please see the note for Romans 4:23-25 about the word written.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'a retained record which can be used for judgment in a court of law'.  Please also see the notes for Romans C15S13; 2Corinthians 1:13-14; Galatians C3-S12; John 20:31-LJC about the word write  Please also see the note for Luke 6:3 about the phrases have ye not read  and it is written'.

Please see the note for Matthew 24:29 about the word tribe.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'A family, race or series of generations, descending from the same progenitor and kept distinct, as in the case of the twelve tribes of Israel, descended from the twelve sons of Jacob'.

Please see the note for Galatians C4-S1 about the word child.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Someone who has less physical or spiritual maturity than the speaker. This word has considerable latitude of meaning in Scripture. Thus, Joseph is called a child at the time when he was probably about sixteen years of age (Ge 37:3); and Benjamin is so called when he was above thirty years (Ge 44:20)'.  Please also see the note for Galatians C3S9 about the phrase children of Abraham.  The New Testament definition is: 'The Jews claimed to be children of Abraham but Jesus said that the true children of Abraham would have his faith'.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 3:7-8 about the phrase children of Israel.  Please also see the note for Romans C8S14; God in RomansRomans C4S12 and 1Peter 2:1 about the phrase children of God.  Please also see the note for Galatians 4:19-20 about the phrase my little children.  Please also see the note for Mark 2:19 about the phrase children of the bridechamber.  Please also see the note for Colossians 3:8 about the phrase children of disobedience.  The New Testament definition is: 'Saved people who live a life of disobedience to God'.  Please also see the note for Colossians 3:8 about the phrase children of wrath.

Please see the note for Luke 1:16 about the word Israel.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'the name conferred on Jacob after the great prayer- struggle at Peniel (Ge 32:28), because "as a prince he had power with God and prevailed." It is used for Jacob only when He was being spiritual. It is also used for the Jews who truly served God'.  Please see the note for John 1:54 about the word Israelite.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'A spiritual Jew'.  Please also see the note for Hebrews 11:9 about the word Jacob.  Please also see the note for John 7:3 about the word Jewry / Judaea / Judea / Judah.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 3:7-8 about the phrase children of Israel.  Please also see the note for Romans C11S30 about the phrase all Israel shall be saved.

Please see the note for Matthew 2:1 about the word east.  The Morrish Bible Dictionary definition for this word is: 'Several words are used to express the East, which imply 'going forth,' 'rising,' 'that which is before,' having reference to the sun and its rising. Nearly all the references in scripture to the East or to other quarters are of course reckoned from Palestine; so that 'children of the East,' 'men of the East,' point out Assyria, Babylon, etc'.

Please see the note for Matthew 8:11 about the word west.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'In strictness, that point of the horizon where the sun sets at the equinox, or any point in a direct line between the spectator or other object, and that point of the horizon; or west is the intersection of the prime vertical with the horizon, on that side where the sun sets. West is directly opposite to east, and one of the cardinal points. In a less strict sense, west is the region of the hemisphere near the point where the sun sets when in the equator. thus we say, a star sets in the west, a meteor appears in the west, a cloud rises in the west. 2. A country situated in the region towards the sun-setting, with respect to another. thus in the United States, the inhabitants of the Atlantic states speak of the inhabitants of Ohio, Kentucky or Missouri, and call them people of the west; and formerly, the empire of Rome was called the empire of the West, in opposition to the empire of the East, the seat of which was Constantinople'.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'he carried. Re 1:10; 4:2; 17:3; 1Ki 18:12; 2Ki 2:16; Eze 3:14; 8:3; 11:1,24; 40:1-3; Ac 8:39; 2Co 12:2-4  that. Re 21:2; Eze 40; 48:15-22
The glory. Re 21:22-23; 22:5; Isa 4:5; 60:1-2,19-20; Eze 48:35 exp: Zec 2:5; Ro 5:2.  her. Re 21:19; Eze 1:26; 28:13-14,16  clear. Re 21:18; 4:6; 22:1; Job 28:17; Eze 1:22
a wall. Re 21:17-20; Ezr 9:9; Ne 12:27; Ps 51:18; 122:7 exp: Eze 40:5.  twelve gates. Re 21:21,25; Isa 54:12; 60:18; Eze 48:31-34  twelve angels. Mt 18:10; Lu 15:10; 16:22; Heb 1:14  and names. Re 7:4-8; Nu 2:2-32; Ac 26:7  General references. exp: Ex 39:14; Eze 48:31.
General references. Eze 48:31-34

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C21-S14 (Verse 14)   the description of the foundations.
  1. And the wall of the city had twelve foundations,
  2. and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb .

Our sentence starts with the word And,  which adds it to the prior sentence.  Both sentences need to be considered together for contextual reasons.  The prior two sentences gave us the broad picture of that great city, the holy Jerusalem.  The sentences ongoing in this chapter add to that basic description.  This sentence adds the description of the foundations.

Now, the following is speculation on my part and people can disagree if they want to.  The gates  to the city allow people to enter and meet with God.  The Old Testament true leaders and prophets, like Moses, king David, Solomon, Isaiah and others, show us how to reach God, be saved by Him and serve Him.  (We are saved by believing the promises of God, like Abraham did, and receiving an ongoing personal relationship with Him, like Abraham had.)  We have all of the Old Testament through the Jews, who are identified by the twelve tribes.  Meanwhile, the apostles tell us about Jesus Christ, Who is our true foundation (1Corinthians 3:11; Ephesians 2:20).  They wrote the Gospels or taught the authors of the Gospels.  (Paul taught Luke and Peter taught Mark.)  And, they wrote, or taught the authors, of all of the epistles.  And all of the New Testament is teaching us about our Lord Jesus Christ,  Who is our true foundation with Him using the apostles to deliver the New Testament to us.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'Under this wall that surrounds the city are massive foundations, which speak of permanence, for where the tent or tabernacle could be easily uprooted and moved because they had no foundation, this city shall not be moved, shall not fall, for its foundations are mighty, strong and eternal. Upon these 12 foundations are written the names of the 12 apostles.
Notice we have 12 and 12, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 apostles, for a total of 24. Do you remember the 24 elders that were gathered around the throne that represented believers of all ages?, Well once more we see such symbolism in these written names, 12 for the Old Testament believers, the 12 tribes, and 12 for the church age believers, the 12 apostles that helped lay the groundwork for the church. Both Old and New Testament saints are represented in this holy city, the saints of the Old and New covenants are united in this city, we are all brought together in the Lord, where there is neither Jew nor Gentile but instead one family. Now that's what John sees from a distance, but in v15, the angel that is speaking to him allows John to approach the city and the angel then measures this massive city and gives John the dimensions'

Please see the note for Acts 9:25 about the word wall.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'Cities were surrounded by walls, as distinguished from "unwalled villages" (Eze 38:11; Le 25:29-34). they were made thick and strong (Nu 13:28; De 3:5). Among the Jews walls were built of stone, some of those in the temple being of great size (1Ki 6:7; 7:9-12; 20:30; Mr 13:1-2). the term is used metaphorically of security and safety (Isa 26:1; 60:18; Re 21:12-20). (See Fence.)'.

Please see the note for Mark 11:19 about the word city.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'An area where many people live together and have a local government rule over them'.  Please also see the note for Romans C13S12 about the phrase city of refuge.  Please also see the note for Matthew 4:5 about the phrase holy city.

Please see the note for Luke 13:23-24 about the word gate.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'A large door which gives entrance into a walled city, a castle, a temple, palace or other large edifice. It differs from door chiefly in being larger.  In addition, it was where important transactions were conducted and is used, symbolically, for where we go for eternity'.  Please also see the note for Matthew 16:18 about the phrase gates of Hell.

Please see the note for Luke 2:42 about the word twelve.  Morrish Bible Dictionary defines NUMBERS AS SYMBOLS as: 'TWELVE. Completeness administratively, that is, in what is set forth or displayed manward. (The first most divisible of the earlier numbers.) there were twelve patriarchs, ancestors of the twelve tribes, who are commemorated in the twelve loaves on the table, the twelve stones in the breastplate and twelve names on the shoulders of the high priest; the twelve stones taken out of Jordan, and the twelve stones placed in the bed of the river; also in the woman with a crown of twelve stars. Re 12:1. through the twelve apostles the Lord fed the hungry multitudes. the twelve apostles will sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes. Mt 19:28. the new Jerusalem will have twelve foundations for its walls with the names of the twelve apostles; it will have twelve gates, consisting of twelve pearls, with the names of the twelve tribes inscribed, the gates will be attended by twelve angels. Re 21:12-21. there are twelve hours in the day, in which the children of light may walk. Joh 11:9. the flexibility of administrative perfection may be seen in: Six-twos: Two apostles in each of the six companies sent to preach. Two-sixes: Six loaves in each of the two rows of showbread. three-fours: Four rows of three names each on the breastplate. Four- threes: three gates on each of the four sides of the new Jerusalem'.  Please also see the note for John 6:67 about the phrase twelve disciples / apostles.

Please see the note for 1Corinthians C3S12 about the word foundation.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'The basis of an edifice; The basis of an edifice; that part of a building which lies on the ground; usually a wall of stone which supports the edifice. Also, the basis or ground work, or any thing; that on which any thing stands, and by which it is supported. The basis of true Christian life is the relationship with Christ; usually a wall of stone which supports the edifice'.  God used the twelve apostles  to give us the doctrine and faith of the New Testament.  God honored those twelve apostles  by naming the foundations  after them because it is the doctrine and faith, which they delivered, that allows people to go into the city of God.

Please see the note for Philippians 2:9-11 about the word name.  The New Testament definition is: 'How a person is identified including their power and authority'.  Please also see the note for 1Corinthians C1S4 about the phrase the name.    Please also see the note for Acts 1:23 about the word surname.  The New Testament definition is: 'In scripture this means an additional or added name, not a family name, as the word now implies'.  Please also see the note for 1Peter 4:14-LJC about the phrase name of Christ.  Please also see the note for Luke 13:35 about the phrase name of the Lord.  Please also see the Lord Jesus Christ Overview for the doctrine of the names/roles of the Son of God.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'foundations. Re 21:19-21; Isa 54:11; Heb 11:10  and in. Re 18:20; Mt 10:2-4; 16:18; 1Co 3:10-11; Ga 2:9; Eph 2:20; 3:5; 4:11; Jude 1:17  General references. exp: Lu 22:29'.

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C21-S15 (Verse 15)   the angel had the ability to measure the city.
  1. And he that talked with me had a golden reed to measure the city,
  2. and the gates thereof,
  3. and the wall thereof.

Our sentence starts with the word And,  which adds it to the prior sentence.  The sentences ongoing in this chapter add to that basic description.  The prior two sentences gave us the broad picture of that great city, the holy Jerusalem.  This sentence adds that the angel has a measuring reed and the next sentence adds the measured length.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'Now back in Rev ch11 John was commanded to measure the temple of God in the earthly Jerusalem, Re 11:1 And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein. 2 But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months. If you recall such measuring symbolized God laying claim to that temple, it was His, and that's what we see here, this city is the city of God, His dwelling place with His people, His throne is here, His glory is here, His presence is here, so the whole, the entire city, the city and its inhabitants, belong to Him, so this measuring signifies God's ownership of such. God measures it because it is His, He has the rights to it. And with the measuring done we are then given the dimensions of this massive city''.

Please see the note for Matthew 22:15 about the word talk.  Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'to converse familiarly; to speak, as in familiar discourse, when two or more persons interchange thoughts. I will buy with you, sell with you, talk with you; but I will not eat with you. In Aesop's time When all things talk'd, and talk'd in rhyme. I will come down and talk with thee. Num.11. Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way? Luke 24. 2. to prate; to speak impertinently. 3. to talk of, to relate; to tell; to give account. Authors talk of the wonderful remains of Palmyra. the natural histories of Switzerland talk much of the fall of these rocks, and the great damage done. So shall I talk of thy wondrous works. Ps.119. 4. to speak; to reason; to confer. Let me talk with thee of thy judgments. Jer.12. to talk to, in familiar language, to advise or exhort; or to reprove gently. I will talk to my son respecting his conduct.
TALK, n. tauk. Familiar converse; mutual discourse; that which is uttered by one person in familiar conversation, or the mutual converse of two or more. Should a man full of talk be justified? Job 11. In various talk th' instructive hours they past. 1. Report; rumor. I hear a talk up and down of raising money. 2. Subject of discourse. this noble achievement is the talk of the whole town. 3. Among the Indi and of North America, a public conference, as respecting peace or war, negotiation and the like; or an official verbal communication made from them to another nation or its agents, or made to them by the same

Please see the note for 1Corinthians C3S13 about the word gold.  Webster's 1828 dictionary defines this word as: 'A precious metal of a bright yellow color, and the most ductile and malleable of all the metals. It is the heaviest metal except platina; and being a very dense, fixed substance, and not liable to be injured by air, it is well fitted to be used as coin, or a representative of commodities in commerce. Its ductility and malleability render it the most suitable metal for gilding. It is often found native in solid masses, as in Hungary and Peru; though generally in combination with silver, copper or iron. 2. Money. forme, the gold of France did not seduce-- 3. Something pleasing or valuable; as a heart of gold. 4. A bright yellow color; as a flower edged with gold. 5. Riches; wealth. Gold of pleasure, a plant of the genus Myagrum. GOLD, a. Made of gold; consisting of gold; as a gold chain'.

Please see the note for Luke 7:24 about the word reed.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: '(1.) "Paper reeds" (Isa 19:7; R.V., "reeds"). Heb 'aroth, properly green herbage growing in marshy places. (2.) Heb kaneh (1Ki 14:15; Job 40:21; Isa 19:6), whence the Gr. kanna, a "cane," a generic name for a reed of any kind. the reed of Egypt and Palestine is the Arundo donax, which grows to the height of 12 feet, its stalk jointed like the bamboo, "with a magnificent panicle of blossom at the top, and so slender and yielding that it will lie perfectly flat under a gust of wind, and immediately resume its upright position." It is used to illustrate weakness (2Ki 18:21; Eze 29:6), also fickleness or instability (Mt 11:7; comp. Eph 4:14). A "bruised reed" (Isa 42:3; Mt 12:20) is an emblem of a believer weak in grace. A reed was put into our Lord's hands in derision (Mt 27:29); and "they took the reed and smote him on the head" (30). the "reed" on which they put the sponge filled with vinegar (Mt 27:48) was, according to John (Joh 19:29), a hyssop stalk, which must have been of some length, or perhaps a bunch of hyssop twigs fastened to a rod with the sponge. (See Cane.)'.

Please see the note for John 3:34 about the word measure.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'This word specifies a way to figure proportional values.  The whole extent or dimensions of a thing, including length, breadth and thickness. It is applied also to length or to breadth separately. It can also specify a quantity or value such as when applied to money'.  Please see the note for John 6:7 for various Biblical measurements.

Please see the note for Mark 11:19 about the word city.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'An area where many people live together and have a local government rule over them'.  Please also see the note for Romans C13S12 about the phrase city of refuge.  Please also see the note for Matthew 4:5 about the phrase holy city.

Please see the note for Luke 13:23-24 about the word gate.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'A large door which gives entrance into a walled city, a castle, a temple, palace or other large edifice. It differs from door chiefly in being larger.  In addition, it was where important transactions were conducted and is used, symbolically, for where we go for eternity'.  Please also see the note for Matthew 16:18 about the phrase gates of Hell.

Please see the note for Acts 9:25 about the word wall.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'Cities were surrounded by walls, as distinguished from "unwalled villages" (Eze 38:11; Le 25:29-34). they were made thick and strong (Nu 13:28; De 3:5). Among the Jews walls were built of stone, some of those in the temple being of great size (1Ki 6:7; 7:9-12; 20:30; Mr 13:1-2). the term is used metaphorically of security and safety (Isa 26:1; 60:18; Re 21:12-20). (See Fence.)'.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'a golden. Re 11:1-2; Ex 40:3-5; Eze 41:1-5; Zec 2:1'.

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C21-S16 (Verse 16)   It is massive.
  1. Equivalent Section:  All sides have equal measurements.
    1. And the city lieth foursquare,
    2. and the length is as large as the breadth:
  2. Equivalent Section:  the length measured.
    1. and he measured the city with the reed,
    2. twelve thousand furlongs.

Our sentence starts with the word And,  which adds it to the prior sentence.  The sentences ongoing in this chapter add to that basic description.  The prior sentences told us that the angel had the ability to measure the city.  This sentence adds the measured length.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'We can see this is no normal city, it is gigantic, even if we are conservative in our approximations, it is larger than any city we have ever known. First John says it is foursquare, meaning it is equal on all sides, speaking of its perfection, nothing is out of order or balance. John also points out that the height is equal to the length and breadth, which gives us the distinct impression of two possible geometric forms the city can take, it is either in the shape of a cube or a pyramid, (The Holy of holies was also a perfect cube).
The length, breadth and height of the city are 12,000 furlongs, a furlong of that day and time was approximately 600 feet long, so calculating the breadth, length and height of this city turns out to be around 1500 miles each. 1500 miles long, deep, and high. Such a city would reach from Maine to Florida and from the Atlantic seaboard to 600 miles west of the Mississippi River. Just the base of this city would cover over a half of the United States. there is plenty of room for believers of all ages. Now that is a city, and again it might even be suspended in air, talk about all things made new, all things are possible with God!

Please see the note for Mark 11:19 about the word city.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'An area where many people live together and have a local government rule over them'.  Please also see the note for Romans C13S12 about the phrase city of refuge.  Please also see the note for Matthew 4:5 about the phrase holy city.

Please see the note for Galatians C1-S15 about the word lie.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'Used for repose, as in lie down.  Also used for an intentional violation of the truth.  Please also see liar'.  The th,  in the word lieth,  makes this a 'life-style lying'.

Please see the note for Revelation 20:9 about the word breadth.  Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'n. bredth. the measure or extent of any plain surface from side to side; a geometrical dimension, which, multiplied into the length, constitutes a surface; as, the length of a table is five feet, and the breadth, three; 5x3=15 feet, the whole surface'.

Please see the note for John 3:34 about the word measure.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'This word specifies a way to figure proportional values.  The whole extent or dimensions of a thing, including length, breadth and thickness. It is applied also to length or to breadth separately. It can also specify a quantity or value such as when applied to money'.  Please see the note for John 6:7 for various Biblical measurements.

Please see the note for Luke 7:24 about the word reed.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: '(1.) "Paper reeds" (Isa 19:7; R.V., "reeds"). Heb 'aroth, properly green herbage growing in marshy places. (2.) Heb kaneh (1Ki 14:15; Job 40:21; Isa 19:6), whence the Gr. kanna, a "cane," a generic name for a reed of any kind. the reed of Egypt and Palestine is the Arundo donax, which grows to the height of 12 feet, its stalk jointed like the bamboo, "with a magnificent panicle of blossom at the top, and so slender and yielding that it will lie perfectly flat under a gust of wind, and immediately resume its upright position." It is used to illustrate weakness (2Ki 18:21; Eze 29:6), also fickleness or instability (Mt 11:7; comp. Eph 4:14). A "bruised reed" (Isa 42:3; Mt 12:20) is an emblem of a believer weak in grace. A reed was put into our Lord's hands in derision (Mt 27:29); and "they took the reed and smote him on the head" (30). the "reed" on which they put the sponge filled with vinegar (Mt 27:48) was, according to John (Joh 19:29), a hyssop stalk, which must have been of some length, or perhaps a bunch of hyssop twigs fastened to a rod with the sponge. (See Cane.)'.

Please see the note for Luke 2:42 about the word twelve.  Morrish Bible Dictionary defines NUMBERS AS SYMBOLS as: 'TWELVE. Completeness administratively, that is, in what is set forth or displayed manward. (The first most divisible of the earlier numbers.) there were twelve patriarchs, ancestors of the twelve tribes, who are commemorated in the twelve loaves on the table, the twelve stones in the breastplate and twelve names on the shoulders of the high priest; the twelve stones taken out of Jordan, and the twelve stones placed in the bed of the river; also in the woman with a crown of twelve stars. Re 12:1. through the twelve apostles the Lord fed the hungry multitudes. the twelve apostles will sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes. Mt 19:28. the new Jerusalem will have twelve foundations for its walls with the names of the twelve apostles; it will have twelve gates, consisting of twelve pearls, with the names of the twelve tribes inscribed, the gates will be attended by twelve angels. Re 21:12-21. there are twelve hours in the day, in which the children of light may walk. Joh 11:9. the flexibility of administrative perfection may be seen in: Six-twos: Two apostles in each of the six companies sent to preach. Two-sixes: Six loaves in each of the two rows of showbread. three-fours: Four rows of three names each on the breastplate. Four- threes: three gates on each of the four sides of the new Jerusalem'.  Please also see the note for John 6:67 about the phrase twelve disciples / apostles.

Please see the note for John 6:19 about the word furlong.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'a stadium, a Greek measure of distance equal to 606 feet and 9 inches (Lu 24:13; Joh 6:19; 11:18; Re 14:20; 21:16)'.  Please also see the note for John 6:7 about measurements.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'four square. the square form of this city probably denotes its stability; while its vast dimensions, being 1,500 miles on each side, are emblematical of magnificence, and of its capability of containing all the multitude of inhabitants which should ever enter it, however immense or innumerable. Eze 48:17-18,20,35  twelve. Eze 48:8-19'.

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C21-S17 (Verse 16) The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal

This sentence is redundant.  It repeats what the prior sentence told us only says it a different way in case someone missed what was said in the prior sentence.

Please see the note for Revelation 20:9 about the word breadth.  Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'n. bredth. the measure or extent of any plain surface from side to side; a geometrical dimension, which, multiplied into the length, constitutes a surface; as, the length of a table is five feet, and the breadth, three; 5x3=15 feet, the whole surface'.

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C21-S18 (Verse 17)   the height of the walls.
  1. And he measured the wall thereof,
  2. an hundred  and forty  and four cubits,
  3.  according to the measure of a man,
  4. that is,
  5. of the angel.

Our sentence starts with the word And,  which adds it to the prior sentence.  The sentences ongoing in this chapter add to that basic description.  The prior two sentences gave us the length of the walls.  This sentence adds the height.

Dr. Jeff Wilson wrote about this sentence in the note for 21:16.

Please see the note for John 3:34 about the word measure.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'This word specifies a way to figure proportional values.  The whole extent or dimensions of a thing, including length, breadth and thickness. It is applied also to length or to breadth separately. It can also specify a quantity or value such as when applied to money'.  Please see the note for John 6:7 for various Biblical measurements.

Please see the note for Acts 9:25 about the word wall.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'Cities were surrounded by walls, as distinguished from "unwalled villages" (Eze 38:11; Le 25:29-34). they were made thick and strong (Nu 13:28; De 3:5). Among the Jews walls were built of stone, some of those in the temple being of great size (1Ki 6:7; 7:9-12; 20:30; Mr 13:1-2). the term is used metaphorically of security and safety (Isa 26:1; 60:18; Re 21:12-20). (See Fence.)'.

Please see the note for Hebrews 3:17 about the word forty.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'This number is symbolically associated with the judgment of God'.

Please see the note for Luke 12:25 about the word cubit.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'A word derived from the Latin cubitus, the lower arm.  It is difficult to determine the exact length of This measure, from the uncertainty whether it included the entire length from the elbow to the tip of the longest finger, or only from the elbow to the root of the hand at the wrist.  Please see the note for John 6:7 for various Biblical measurements'.

Please see the note for Philippians 2:1 about the word accord.  The New Testament definition is: 'Agreeing; harmonizing; when two notes are in a music chord, they move together, up or down, to the next note'.  Please also see the note for Matthew 16:27 about the phrase according to his works.  Please also see the Messages called Reward According and Reward According to His Own Labour for the application of these verses in the life of the believer.

Please see the notes for 1Corinthians C13S1; Significant Gospel Events; Significant New Testament Events about the word angel.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Literally, a messenger; one employed to communicate news or information or do a job for God'.  Please also see the note for Jude 1:7 about the word archangel.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'an. Re 7:4; 14:3'.

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C21-S19 (Verse 18)   the materials used to build the city.
  1. Equivalent Section:  the walls were made of diamond.
    1. And the building of the wall of it was  of jasper:
  2. Equivalent Section:  the city was made of pure gold.
    1. and the city  was pure gold,
    2. like unto clear glass.

Our sentence starts with the word And,  which adds it to the prior sentence.  The sentences ongoing in this chapter add to that basic description.  The prior sentences gave us the measurements of the walls.  This sentence adds the materials used to build the city.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'Now that John gets a closer view of the city, he gives further details of the walls, foundations and the gates. John says the walls, like the city itself in v11, are of jasper, clear as crystal, reflective, sparkling, dazzling, they are 144 cubits high, 1 cubit equals about 18 inches, so the walls compared to the city are fairly small, being only 216 to 250 feet high, but its not like the city needs protection for it has God within it, Zec 2:5 forI, saith the LORD, will be unto her a wall of fire round about, and will be the glory in the midst of her. So these mighty walls of jasper with the names of the 12 tribes, are penetrated by 12 gates that are made out of a single apparently very large pearl, these are the pearly gates that only the pure and just, only believers, can enter in. these Pearly gates, are representative of the suffering, the wounding and the death of the Lord Jesus which allows believers entry into this holy city, the faith they place in Him that places their name in the book of life.
And then John describes the city as something that's hard to imagine and even harder to describe, for the city proper and its streets are made of gold, pure gold, but gold that is clear as crystal, clear as transparent glass, which again allows the light of God's glory to pass thru and thus illuminate the entire city. God's glory shines in every corner and facet of the city. And so all within it will feel the warmth of God's presence, all will have His glory upon them. And then as the light of God's glory passes thru the 12 foundations that supports the city and its walls, that are decorated with all sorts of different colored precious stones, I can imagine that light is split into all sorts of different colored lights, from a divine radiance to a holy rainbow, an everlasting reminder of God' promises. What a remarkable sight, such a massive display of power and majesty, of holiness and divinity and beauty, and we will dwell in its midst with God.
But then something catches John's attention, he notices something is missing in this city'

Please see the note for 1Corinthians C3S13 about the word gold.  Webster's 1828 dictionary defines this word as: 'A precious metal of a bright yellow color, and the most ductile and malleable of all the metals. It is the heaviest metal except platina; and being a very dense, fixed substance, and not liable to be injured by air, it is well fitted to be used as coin, or a representative of commodities in commerce. Its ductility and malleability render it the most suitable metal for gilding. It is often found native in solid masses, as in Hungary and Peru; though generally in combination with silver, copper or iron. 2. Money. forme, the gold of France did not seduce-- 3. Something pleasing or valuable; as a heart of gold. 4. A bright yellow color; as a flower edged with gold. 5. Riches; wealth. Gold of pleasure, a plant of the genus Myagrum. GOLD, a. Made of gold; consisting of gold; as a gold chain'.

Please see the note for Acts 9:25 about the word wall.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'Cities were surrounded by walls, as distinguished from "unwalled villages" (Eze 38:11; Le 25:29-34). they were made thick and strong (Nu 13:28; De 3:5). Among the Jews walls were built of stone, some of those in the temple being of great size (1Ki 6:7; 7:9-12; 20:30; Mr 13:1-2). the term is used metaphorically of security and safety (Isa 26:1; 60:18; Re 21:12-20). (See Fence.)'.

Please see the note for Revelation 4:3 about the word jasper.  Smith's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'a precious stone frequently noticed in Scripture. It was the last of the twelve inserted in the high priest's breastplate:  Ex 28:20; 39:13.  and the first of the twelve used in the foundations of the new Jerusalem:  Re 21:19.  The characteristics of the stone as far as they are specified in Scripture:  Re 21:11.  are that it "was most precious," and "like crystal;" we may also infer from:  Re 4:3.  That it was a stone of brilliant and transparent light. the stone which we name "jasper" does not accord with this description. there can be no doubt that the diamond would more adequately answer to the description in the book of Revelation'.

Please see the note for Mark 4:16-17 about the word likewise.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'like and wise. In like manner; moreover'.  Please also see the note for Philippians 2:5-8 about about the words like  and likeness.  Please also see the note for Matthew 7:24-25 about the word liken.  Please also see the note for Romans 15:5 about the word likeminded.

Please see the note for Romans C14S27 about the word pure.  The New Testament definition for this word is: '100%'.

Please see the note for Mark 11:19 about the word city.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'An area where many people live together and have a local government rule over them'.  Please also see the note for Romans C13S12 about the phrase city of refuge.  Please also see the note for Matthew 4:5 about the phrase holy city.

Please see the note for Revelation 21:11 about the word clear.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Open; free from obstruction or foreign matter; unmixed'.  Please also see the note for Mark 8:25 about the word clearly.

Please see the note for James 1:23 about the word glass.  The New Testament definition for this word is: ' All of the dictionaries speak about the material. However, the usage within the Bible is: mirror'.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'was of. Re 21:11,19  like. Re 21:11,21  General references. exp: 1Ki 6:30'.

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C21-S20 (Verse 19)   the ornamentation of the foundations.
And the foundations of the wall of the city  were garnished with all manner of precious stones

Our sentence starts with the word And,  which adds it to the prior sentence.  The sentences ongoing in this chapter add to that basic description.  The prior two sentences gave us the measurements and materials used to build the city.  This sentence adds the ornamentation of the foundations.

Dr. Jeff Wilson wrote about this sentence in the note for 21:18.

Please see the note for 1Corinthians C3S12 about the word foundation.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'The basis of an edifice; The basis of an edifice; that part of a building which lies on the ground; usually a wall of stone which supports the edifice. Also, the basis or ground work, or any thing; that on which any thing stands, and by which it is supported. The basis of true Christian life is the relationship with Christ; usually a wall of stone which supports the edifice'.

Please see the note for Acts 9:25 about the word wall.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'Cities were surrounded by walls, as distinguished from "unwalled villages" (Eze 38:11; Le 25:29-34). they were made thick and strong (Nu 13:28; De 3:5). Among the Jews walls were built of stone, some of those in the temple being of great size (1Ki 6:7; 7:9-12; 20:30; Mr 13:1-2). the term is used metaphorically of security and safety (Isa 26:1; 60:18; Re 21:12-20). (See Fence.)'.

Please see the note for Mark 11:19 about the word city.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'An area where many people live together and have a local government rule over them'.  Please also see the note for Romans C13S12 about the phrase city of refuge.  Please also see the note for Matthew 4:5 about the phrase holy city.

Please see the note for 1Peter C1S4 about the word manner (singular).  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'The method or way of performing or executing'.  That definition is different from the word manners  (plural), even though it is derived from the singular.  Please see the note for 1Corinthians C15S30 about the word manners (plural).

Please see the note for Luke 11:25 about the word garnish.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Adorned; decorated; embellished. 1. Furnished. 2. Warned; notified'.

Please see the note for 1Peter 1:7 about the word precious.  Webster's 1828 dictionary defines this word as: 'Of great price; costly; as a precious stone. 2. Of great value or worth; very valuable. She is more precious than rubies. Prov.3. 3. Highly valued; much esteemed. the word of the Lord was precious in those days; there was no open vision. 1 Sam.3. 4. Worthless; in irony and contempt. Precious metals, gold and silver, so called on account of their value'.

Please see the note for 1Peter 2:4-5 about the word stone.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'he same composition as a rock or a pebble but with a size between them'.  Please also see the note for Luke 17:28-29 about the word brimstone.  Please also see the note for Ephesians 2:20 about the phrase corner stone.  Please also see the note for Luke 17:2 about the word millstone.  Please also see the note for 1Corinthians C3S13 about the phrase precious stones.  Please see the Minor Titles of the Son of God in the Significant Gospel Events Study for the title of stone.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'The foundations. Job 28:16-19; Pr 3:15; Isa 54:11-12  General references. exp: 1Ki 6:30'.

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C21-S21 (Verse 19-20)   the particular stones used to ornament the foundations.
  1. Step: .
    1. The first foundation  was jasper;
  2. Step: .
    1. The second,
    2. sapphire;.
  3. Step: .
    1. The third,
    2. a chalcedony;.
  4. Step: .
    1. The fourth,
    2. an emerald;.
  5. Step: .
    1. The fifth,
    2. sardonyx;.
  6. Step: .
    1. The sixth,
    2. sardius;.
  7. Step: .
    1. The seventh,
    2. chrysolite;.
  8. Step: .
    1. The eighth,
    2. beryl;.
  9. Step: .
    1. The ninth,
    2. a topaz;.
  10. Step: .
    1. The tenth,
    2. a chrysoprasus;.
  11. Step: .
    1. The eleventh,
    2. a jacinth;.
  12. Step: .
    1. The twelfth,
    2. an amethyst.

Our sentence starts with the word And,  which adds it to the prior sentence.  The sentences ongoing in this chapter add to that basic description.  The prior sentence told us that precious stones  were used to ornament the foundations.  This sentence adds the descriptions of the particular stones.  The reader can search commentators for more details on these stones if they want.  The names of some stones change with thin and language differences.

Dr. Jeff Wilson wrote about this sentence in the note for 21:18.

Please see the note for 1Corinthians C3S12 about the word foundation.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'The basis of an edifice; The basis of an edifice; that part of a building which lies on the ground; usually a wall of stone which supports the edifice. Also, the basis or ground work, or any thing; that on which any thing stands, and by which it is supported. The basis of true Christian life is the relationship with Christ; usually a wall of stone which supports the edifice'.

Please see the note for Revelation 4:3 about the word jasper.  Smith's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'a precious stone frequently noticed in Scripture. It was the last of the twelve inserted in the high priest's breastplate:  Ex 28:20; 39:13.  and the first of the twelve used in the foundations of the new Jerusalem:  Re 21:19.  The characteristics of the stone as far as they are specified in Scripture:  Re 21:11.  are that it "was most precious," and "like crystal;" we may also infer from:  Re 4:3.  That it was a stone of brilliant and transparent light. the stone which we name "jasper" does not accord with this description. there can be no doubt that the diamond would more adequately answer to the description in the book of Revelation'.

Please see the note for Matthew 15:34 about the word seven.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'This number occurs frequently in Scripture, and in such connections as lead to the supposition that it has some typical meaning. On the seventh day God rested, and hallowed it (Ge 2:2-3). the division of time into weeks of seven days each accounts for many instances of the occurrence of this number. this number has been called the symbol of perfection, and also the symbol of rest. "Jacob's seven years' service to Laban; Pharaoh's seven fat oxen and seven lean ones; the seven branches of the golden candlestick; the seven trumpets and the seven priests who sounded them; the seven days' siege of Jericho; the seven churches, seven spirits, seven stars, seven seals, seven vials, and many others, sufficiently prove the importance of this sacred number" (see Le 25:4; 1Sa 2:5; Ps 12:6; 79:12; Pr 26:16; Isa 4:1; Mt 18:21-22; Lu 17:4). the feast of Passover (Ex 12:15-16), the feast of Weeks (De 16:9), of Tabernacles (De 13:15), and the Jubilee (Le 25:8), were all ordered by seven. Seven is the number of sacrifice (2Ch 29:21; Job 42:8), of purification and consecration (Le 27:34,34; 8:11,33; 14:9,51), of forgiveness (Mt 18:21-22; Lu 17:4), of reward (De 28:7; 1Sa 2:5), and of punishment (Le 26:21,24,28; De 28:25). It is used for any round number in such passages as Job 5:19; Pr 26:16,25; Isa 4:1; Mt 12:45. It is used also to mean "abundantly" (Ge 4:15,24; Le 26:24; Ps 79:12'.  Please also see the note for Luke 10:1 about the word seventy.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'sapphire. Ex 28:17-21; 29:10-14  General references. exp: 1Ki 6:30.
General references. exp: 1Ki 6:30

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C21-S22 (Verse 21)   the composition of the gates and streets.
  1. Equivalent Section:  the composition of the gates.
    1. First Step:  What they were made of.
      1. And the twelve gates  were twelve pearls;
    2. Second Step:  All were made the same.
      1. every several gate was of one pearl:.
  2. Equivalent Section:  the composition of the streets.
    1. and the street of the city  was pure gold,
    2. as it were transparent glass.

Our sentence starts with the word And,  which adds it to the prior sentence.  The sentences ongoing in this chapter add to that basic description.  The prior sentence told us about the foundations.  This sentence adds the composition of the gates and streets.

Dr. Jeff Wilson wrote about this sentence in the note for 21:18.

Please see the note for Luke 2:42 about the word twelve.  Morrish Bible Dictionary defines NUMBERS AS SYMBOLS as: 'TWELVE. Completeness administratively, that is, in what is set forth or displayed manward. (The first most divisible of the earlier numbers.) there were twelve patriarchs, ancestors of the twelve tribes, who are commemorated in the twelve loaves on the table, the twelve stones in the breastplate and twelve names on the shoulders of the high priest; the twelve stones taken out of Jordan, and the twelve stones placed in the bed of the river; also in the woman with a crown of twelve stars. Re 12:1. through the twelve apostles the Lord fed the hungry multitudes. the twelve apostles will sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes. Mt 19:28. the new Jerusalem will have twelve foundations for its walls with the names of the twelve apostles; it will have twelve gates, consisting of twelve pearls, with the names of the twelve tribes inscribed, the gates will be attended by twelve angels. Re 21:12-21. there are twelve hours in the day, in which the children of light may walk. Joh 11:9. the flexibility of administrative perfection may be seen in: Six-twos: Two apostles in each of the six companies sent to preach. Two-sixes: Six loaves in each of the two rows of showbread. three-fours: Four rows of three names each on the breastplate. Four- threes: three gates on each of the four sides of the new Jerusalem'.  Please also see the note for John 6:67 about the phrase twelve disciples / apostles.

Please see the note for Luke 13:23-24 about the word gate.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'A large door which gives entrance into a walled city, a castle, a temple, palace or other large edifice. It differs from door chiefly in being larger.  In addition, it was where important transactions were conducted and is used, symbolically, for where we go for eternity'.  Please also see the note for Matthew 16:18 about the phrase gates of Hell.

Please see the note for Matthew 7:6 about the word pearl.  The American Tract Society Dictionary defines this word as: 'Pearls were ranked by the ancients among the most precious substances, Re 17:4, and were highly valued as ornaments for women. their modest splendor still charms the Orientals, and a string of pearls is a favorite decoration of eastern monarchs. the kingdom of heaven is compared to a goodly pearl, so superior to all others that the pearl merchant sold all others that he could obtain for it the highest price, Mt 13:45-46. the gates of heaven are described as consisting of pearls; "every several gate was one pearl," Re 21:21. the Savior forbade his apostles to cast their pearls before swine, Mt 7:6; that is, to expose the precious truths of the gospel unnecessarily to those who reject them with scorn and violence.
Pearls are a stony concretion in a species of oyster, found in the Persian gulf, on the coast of Ceylon, Java, Sumatra, etc., and in smaller quantities in various other places in both hemispheres. It is not known whether the pearl is a natural deposit, or the consequence of disease, or of the lodging of some foreign body, as a grain of sand, within the shells. the pearl oyster grows in clusters, on rocks in deep water; and is brought up by trained divers, only during a few weeks of calm weather in spring. the shell itself yields the well-known "mother of pearl

Please see the note for Luke 10:10-11 about the word street.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'The street called "Straight" at Damascus (Ac 9:11) is "a long broad street, running from east to west, about a mile in length, and forming the principle thoroughfare in the city." In Oriental towns streets are usually narrow and irregular and filthy (Ps 18:42; Isa 10:6). "It is remarkable," says Porter, "that all the important cities of Palestine and Syria Samaria, Caesarea, Gerasa, Bozrah, Damascus, Palmyra, had their 'straight streets' running through the centre of the city, and lined with stately rows of columns. the most perfect now remaining are those of Palmyra and Gerasa, where long ranges of the columns still stand.", through Samaria, etc'.

Please see the note for Mark 11:19 about the word city.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'An area where many people live together and have a local government rule over them'.  Please also see the note for Romans C13S12 about the phrase city of refuge.  Please also see the note for Matthew 4:5 about the phrase holy city.

Please see the note for Romans C14S27 about the word pure.  The New Testament definition for this word is: '100%'.

Please see the note for 1Corinthians C3S13 about the word gold.  Webster's 1828 dictionary defines this word as: 'A precious metal of a bright yellow color, and the most ductile and malleable of all the metals. It is the heaviest metal except platina; and being a very dense, fixed substance, and not liable to be injured by air, it is well fitted to be used as coin, or a representative of commodities in commerce. Its ductility and malleability render it the most suitable metal for gilding. It is often found native in solid masses, as in Hungary and Peru; though generally in combination with silver, copper or iron. 2. Money. forme, the gold of France did not seduce-- 3. Something pleasing or valuable; as a heart of gold. 4. A bright yellow color; as a flower edged with gold. 5. Riches; wealth. Gold of pleasure, a plant of the genus Myagrum. GOLD, a. Made of gold; consisting of gold; as a gold chain'.

Please see the note for James 1:23 about the word glass.  The New Testament definition for this word is: ' All of the dictionaries speak about the material. However, the usage within the Bible is: mirror'.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'The twelve. Re 21:12; 17:4; Mt 13:45-46  every several. this may denote, that every thing will be superlatively glorious, beyond all comparison with anything ever seen on earth.  pure. Re 21:18; 17:4; 18:16; 22:2; 1Ki 6:20; Isa 60:17-18  as it. Re 21:11,18  General references. exp: 1Ki 6:30; Eze 48:31'.

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C21-S23 (Verse 22)   the absence of a temple.
  1. Equivalent Section:  What John noticed.
    1. And I saw no temple therein:
  2. Equivalent Section:  Why.
    1. for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it.

Our sentence starts with the word And,  which adds it to the prior sentence.  The sentences ongoing in this chapter add to that basic description.  The prior sentence told us about the gates and streets.  This sentence adds the absence of a temple.

Notice that God the father (Lord God Almighty)  and God the Son (Lamb)  make up the temple.  Now, how two living Beings become the building (The temple)  is something I can not explain and I doubt if anyone else can five a reasonable explanation of it.  We must just accept this by faith.

This verse shows that The Lord God Almighty  and The Lamb  are separate but the same.  That is, they are two persons in the Trinity (father amp; Son), yet both are the temple of it.  The Trinity, of course, is one of those things that the Bible clearly teaches which hum and don't have the mental capacity to understand fully or explain.  Every other time in Revelation that Almighty  is used it is talking about the Son of God.  This teaches that they are equal in power.

Some commentators say that this verse doesn't really mean what it literally says.  Back in 21:9 we read that the angel said Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb's wife.  The angel then showed John the new Jerusalem, but never actually said that The bride  was the new Jerusalem.  The bride  was in the new Jerusalem,  which John reported seeing.

However, this sentence is composed differently.  Therefore, it need to be interpreted differently.  Here we are literally told for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it.  Further, the equivalency, within the sentence, makes the message of the two phrases the same.  The Second Equivalent Section tells us why the First Equivalent Section is true.

While many have a hard time accepting that God will literally be the temple  in the new Jerusalem, we need to remember that a virus would have an easier time understanding Calculus than we will have understanding some of the things of God.  Also, throughout history, most people who have tried to correct  some literal part of the Bible that they didn't understand and later were proven to be fools.  They just did not have understanding which was developed later and tried to explain what they did not understand.

Many commentators explain this by claiming that we will have instant communion with God and there won't be any need for people to take a sacrifice to a temple, therefore there won't be any need to have a temple.  However, all through Revelation we have seen beings gather to worship God and Hebrews 10:25 tells us Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together..  Yes, that verse was talking about assembling to encourage each other in this sinful world but I believe that we will still need to assemble ourselves together  for worship and thankfulness in the new Jerusalem.  Further, in Philippians 2:17 Paul tells us ...if I be offered upon the sacrifice and service of your faith..  So part of our sacrifice and service  is the expression of our faith  and all through Revelation we have seen faith as beings worshipped God for the accomplishment of something that He was about to start to do.  I believe that even in the new Jerusalem  we will be acting by faith (Hebrews 11:6).  Further, Philippians 4:18 reminds us that some sacrifices are done just to please God like most people give gifs to express love.  And, Hebrews 13:15 tells us that praise to God  and The fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name  are considered to be sacrifice.  There is no reason to assume that such will end in the new Jerusalem.  Therefore, there are valid reasons to believe that a temple will be needed and that it will, somehow, be God Himself.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'John does not see a temple, a place where people gather to worship God, a place where worship is focused, instead God and the Lamb are the temple, God is the focus of worship, all are gathered to Him to honor Him. this shows us that the presence of God is not confined to one specific place or building in heaven, where some believers would be close to God and others far away, but instead with there being no temple we see that anyone will have full and free access to God at all times, for He will be among us, not in a walled house or building, but in our midst and all around. All will be equally ever close to God, for there are no buildings, no meeting places, no churches to meet and worship for God as our new temple will be all an in all and we in Him.
No More: Something we should take note of here is how John, when he is not sure how to describe what he sees, uses the absence of things to describe this heavenly place, think about it, in v1 he says there is no more old earth or old heavens, there is no sea, in v4 there are no more tears for there is no more death, sorrow, crying, or pain in this new city. Here in v22 there is no temple for God is the temple, later in v23 there is no need of the sun or moon, for as v25 says there is no night, we see the same stated in ch22:5 with an addition of there being no need of candles, or the sun or moon. In v27 of ch21 there are no defilers or abominations or liars, for in ch22:3 there is no more curse, no more sin, no ore evil, no more disobedience. What a way to describe heaven, John can't limit the goodness that he sees with words that fall short of a glorious description so he simply says these things are no more, they are gone, absent, and that makes heaven all the better for it.
Now, since God and the Lamb are the temple, since they are ever present, and their glory continually shines forth, in such a presence we will have no need of the sun or moon for we who are in the city will be illuminated by God's glory, the 5th new thing, the new light

Please see the notes for 1Corinthians C13S9; 2Corinthians 2:17 and Colossians C1S6 about the words see / sight. The New Testament definition is: 'perception of objects by the eye; view. this word is often used symbolically for spiritual understanding'.  Please also see the note for John 6:40-LJC  about the phrase see the Son.  Please also see the note for Acts 2:25 about the words foresee / foresaw.  Please also see the note for Romans C11S10 about the phrase works are seen of men.

Please see the note for 1Corinthians 3:16 about the word temple.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'first used of the tabernacle, which is called "The temple of the Lord" (1Sa 1:9). In the New Testament the word is used figuratively of Christ's human body (Joh 2:19,21). Believers are called "The temple of God" (1Co 3:16-17). the Church is designated "an holy temple in the Lord" (Eph 2:21). Heaven is also called a temple (Re 7:5). We read also of the heathen "temple of the great goddess Diana" (Ac 19:27).
This word is generally used in Scripture of the sacred house erected on the summit of Mount Moriah for the worship of God. It is called "The temple" (1Ki 6:17); "The temple [R.V., 'house'] of the Lord" (2Ki 11:10); "thy holy temple" (Ps 79:1); "The house of the Lord" (2Ch 23:5,12); "The house of the God of Jacob" (Isa 2:3); "The house of my glory" (Isa 60:7); an "house of prayer" (Isa 56:7; Mt 21:13); "an house of sacrifice" (2Ch 7:12); "The house of their sanctuary" (2Ch 36:17); "The mountain of the Lord's house" (Isa 2:2); "our holy and our beautiful house" (Isa 64:11); "The holy mount" (Isa 27:13); "The palace for the Lord God" (1Ch 29:1); "The tabernacle of witness" (2Ch 24:6); "Zion" (Ps 74:2; 84:7). Christ calls it "my father's house" (Joh 2:16)
'.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 6:16 about the phrase temple of God.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 6:16 about the phrase temple of the Lord.  Please also see the note for Mark 15:38 about the phrase veil of the Temple.

Please see the note for Revelation 4:8-LJC about the word Almighty.  The definition from the Morrish Bible Dictionary for this word is: 'The learned are not agreed as to the derivation of the word shaddai and its signification: some giving it as 'all bountiful,' others 'all sufficient,' 'all mighty,' etc. this is not at all surprising, for any name of God must be above mere human learning or definition, yet it was the ground of faith to those who had the revelation. the name first occurs in Ge 17:1; God said to Abraham "I am the Almighty God." this links it with the Patriarchs: it is the name by which God was known to them; and except to them, and in Job where it occurs very often, it is seldom found in the O.T. the title 'The Almighty' without the name of God being added, occurs first in Jacob's address to his twelve sons before he died: the blessings upon Joseph were to be by "'The Almighty,' . . . . blessings of Heaven above, blessings of the deep that lieth under, blessings of the breasts and of the womb." Ge 49:25. Balaam uses the name in Nu 24:4; Naomi also in her lamentations. Ru 1:20-21. See also Ps 68:14; 91:1; Isa 13:6; Eze 1:24; 10:5; Joe 1:15. In the N.T. the name Lord Almighty occurs in 2Co 6:18 in a quotation from Jeremiah, and a few times in the Revelation, but only once as 'The Almighty' in Re 1:8: "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty." On the whole it is clear that the name was one of special relationship with the Patriarchs as that of Jehovah was with Israel . this is plainly declared: "I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob by the name of GOD ALMIGHTY; but by my name JEHOVAH was I not known to them." Ex 6:3. that of father is now the revealed name of God by which Christians know Him, being brought by the work of Christ and through the operation of the Spirit into the relationship of children, and of sons. See Joh 20:17; 1Jo 3:1; Ga 4:4-5. the name Almighty will appear again when God works out his purposes in power and judgement. It was revealed in connection with promises made in time, as father is in connection with eternal counsels. the four living creatures cry day and night "Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come." Re 4:8. See also Re 21:22'.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 10:3-6 about the word might.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'I saw. Re 21:4-5; 1Ki 8:27; 2Ch 2:6; 6:18; Isa 66:1; Joh 4:23  the Lord. Re 1:8; 4:8; 11:17; 15:3; 16:7,14; 19:15 exp: 2Co 6:18.  The Lamb. Joh 2:19-21; 10:30; Col 1:19; 2:9; Heb 9:1-12  General references. exp: 1Co 13:10'.

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C21-S24 (Verse 23)   there is no need of sun or moon.
  1. Equivalent Section:  What was not needed.
    1. And the city had no need of the sun,
    2. neither of the moon,
    3. to shine in it:.
  2. Equivalent Section:  Why.
    1. for the glory of God did lighten it,
    2. and the Lamb is the light thereof.

Our sentence starts with the word And,  which adds it to the prior sentence.  The sentences ongoing in this chapter add to that basic description.  The prior sentence explained why there was not temple.  This sentence adds why there is no need of sun or moon.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: '(ref v11) God's glory and the Lamb who is the Light, whose countenance is as the sun, who shone upon the mount of transfiguration, who shone as John watched him walk among the seven golden candlesticks, whose light will shine upon us in glory. Jesus described himself as the light of the world and we read in Joh 1:4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.5 And the light shineth in darkness; in this new city it is Jesus, who not only shone on those who were in spiritual darkness and guided them to salvation, but who now emits a physical light that lights the entire city, Re 22:5 And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light:.
We read in Isa 60:19 the sun shall be no more thy light by day; neither for brightness shall the moon give light unto thee: but the LORD shall be unto thee an everlasting light, and thy God thy glory. 20 thy sun shall no more go down; neither shall thy moon withdraw itself: for the LORD shall be thine everlasting light, and the days of thy mourning shall be ended. And notice in the next verse that the nations of the saved, the believers upon the earth (for that is all that is left) walk in that light of the Lamb as they bring praise and glory and honor to the holy city

Please see the note for Mark 11:19 about the word city.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'An area where many people live together and have a local government rule over them'.  Please also see the note for Romans C13S12 about the phrase city of refuge.  Please also see the note for Matthew 4:5 about the phrase holy city.

Please see the note for Philippians 4:19 about the word need.  Webster's 1828 dictionary defines this word as: 'To compel, to lack; to require, as supply or relief'.  Please also see the note for Romans C13S8 about the phrase must needs.

Please see the note for Matthew 5:45 about the word sun.  Fausset's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'Ge 1:14 translated "let there be luminaries," literally, "light bearers". Genesis only tells what the sun, moon, and stars are in relation to the earth. When the mists were dispelled, and the seas confined within bounds, the heavenly bodies assumed their natural functions, marking days and nights, seasons and years, and God appoints the sun to rule the day and the moon the night. "Let them be for signs," as eclipses, portents of extraordinary events (Mt 2:2; Lu 21:25) and divine judgments (Joe 2:30; Jer 10:2; Mt 24:29), and indicating the four quarters of the heavens (Ps 50:1) and also the changes in the weather; "and for seasons, days, and years." the sun regulated the length of the Israelite year by the recurrence of Pentecost at a fixed agricultural season, namely, when the grain was ripe'.  This word is used symbolically for: 'Our Lord Jesus Christ  providing: wisdom, understanding, knowledge, guidance and related gifts which are regarded as being intellectual'.

Please see the note for Mark 13:24-25 about the word moon.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'Reflects the light of the Sun. Similarly, the saved are to reflect the spiritual light of our "Lord Jesus Christ". It is used, symbolically, for the wife of Jacob'.  Please also see the note for Colossians C2S9 about the phrase new moon.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'The first day of the lunar month was observed as a holy day. It symbolically represented someone getting saved and starting to reflect the light of our "Lord Jesus Christ'.

Please see the note for Matthew 5:16 about the word shine.  Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'to emit rays of light; to give light; to beam with steady radiance; to exhibit lightness or splendor; as, the sun shines by day; the moon shines by night. Shining differs from sparkling, glistening, glittering, as it usually implies a steady radiation or emission of light, Whereas the latter words usually imply irregular or interrupted radiation. this distinction is not always not always observed, and we may say, the fixed stars shine, as well as they sparkle. But we never say the sun or the moon sparkles. 2. to be bright; to be lively and animated; to be brilliant. Let thine eyes shine forth in their full luster. Denham. 3. to be unclouded; as, the moon shines'.  The word shineth.  means: 'An ongoing lifestyle shining'.

Please see the note for Romans C15S14 about the word glory.  There is a lot of information about this word in that note.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Brightness, splendor, luster'.  The New Testament for the word glorified  is: 'past-tense form of the word glory'.  The New Testament for the word glorifying  is: 'applying the word glory in an ongoing manner'.  The New Testament for the word Glorious  is: 'Illustrious; of exalted excellence and splendor; resplendent in majesty and divine attributes; applied to God'.  Please also see the note for Matthew 17:1 about the phrase Jesus Christ return in glory.  Please also see the Minor Titles of the Son of God to see the title of: hope of glory.  All true Biblical hope  is based in Him.  Think about what was revealed in the 'Mount of transfiguration'.

Please see the Doctrinal Study called Light And Darkness about the words Lightdarklightningdarkness,  and the phrase light and darkness.  The New Testament definition, for the word Light,  is: 'According to the science of physics, this physical reality is composed of matter and energy with most things being either matter or energy.  Light is unique in that it is both matter and energy.  Symbolically, that means that light represents this physical reality (matter), and the spiritual reality (energy).  Both are affected by God's light'.  Please also see the note for Hebrews 6:4 about the word enlightened.  Please see the note for Psalms 119:16 about the word delight.  True delight  is one of the effects of God's light.  Please also see the note for John 11:9-LJC about the phrase Jesus is our light.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'The city. Re 21:11; 22:5; Isa 24:23; 60:19-20  for. Re 21:11; 18:1; Isa 2:10,19,21; Hab 3:3; Mt 16:27; Mr 8:38; Joh 17:24; Ac 22:11  the Lamb. Lu 2:32; Joh 1:4,9,14,18; 5:23  General references. exp: Ex 33:18; Pr 4:18; 1Co 13:10'.

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C21-S25 (Verse 24)   there will always be access.
  1. Equivalent Section:  People not living in the city will use it for light.
    1. And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it:
  2. Equivalent Section:  they will enter to worship.
    1. and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour into it.

Our sentence starts with the word And,  which adds it to the prior sentence.  The sentences ongoing in this chapter add to that basic description.  The prior sentence told us that the glory of God provided light in the city.  This sentence adds that people outside of the city also used that light.

Many people preach and teach that everyone will live in the new Jerusalem.  However, this sentence proves that claim to be a lie.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'Believers all over the new earth, representatives of all peoples, who will form new nations or groupings of people, will have free access to the city, kings of godly nations and godly peoples will ever pay homage to the Lamb and to God. Israel will flourish. Peoples of the new earth and the new heaven will not be barred from entering the city, or going back and forth, for there will be free communication and transportation between the city and earth, between heaven and earth, between God and man, at all times, for the gates of pearl are only shut at night, but the fact is, there is no night there, no darkness, no shadow, only the light of the glory of God who watches over and dwells eternally with man. All the faithful will bring glory and honor to God, for He has taken away all sorrow, all sin, all darkness, all fear.
No More Sea: If you recall, we read earlier that there will be no more sea, which I take as a literal body of water, but this could also be symbolic of God removing all the negative things that are related to the sea. forThe sea can represent danger, peril and fear; think of the crossing of the Red Sea, of Noah's flood, of the tale of Jonah, those waters were dangerous and lethal. the sea also symbolizes distress, unrest, agitation and commotion for it is never still and constantly restless and in motion, yet in this new city there is peace and rest and safety and eternal security in the presence of God. the sea could also represent division and separation, barriers and boundaries, for the seas separate many peoples and lands, but in glory there is no separation between man or God, they are perfectly united. the sea may also symbolize secrets and mysteries for much is hidden beneath its surface, but much will be revealed in heaven. And even in the Bible, the sea is full of powerful storms, representing the storms of life, the struggles one undertakes to keep their head above water, storms where the light is clouded out and all that is left is cold dank darkness. But none of that is in the new city, not in New Jerusalem for there is no more sea, all that has passed away, been changed into something better, its opposite or its absence. And because all those harmful and depressing and discouraging things are removed the kings and nations of that day will praise God all the more for it. they will walk forever in the light and give God praise for it. In addition to all that, they will honor God for there is no more defilement, no evil, none that worketh abominations or lies left upon the earth, evil, sin, corruption, darkness, Satan and demonic influences are no more {which is distinctly different than 'passed away' in v1}

Please see the note for Romans 1:5 about the word nation.  The New Testament definition is: 'A body of people inhabiting the same country, or united under the same sovereign or government'.

Please see the note for Philippians 1:19-20 for links to every place in that epistle where we find the word salvation  along with definitions from three different dictionaries and links from other commentators.  The New Testament definition is: 'to exclude.  When used spiritually, it means to exclude from the damned by having God's life in you.  When used physically, it means to exclude from what is endangering physical life'.  As we see in the Bible and in this book, our continuing spiritual growth, and our sanctification  is part of true Biblical salvation.  Please see the note for Main Menu item for Salvation about the word save.  Please also see the notes for 2Thessalonians 2:13-LJC and Hebrews 12:2-LJC about the phrase salvation through sanctification.  Please also see the note for John 8:30 about the phrase non-saving belief  Please also see verses in the New Testament.  Summary on the name / role of Saviour.  Please also see the note for James 1:21 about the phrase save your soul.

Please see the notes for Romans C8S1 and Ephesians C4S1 about the word walk.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'taking small repeated steps.  This word is used symbolically for the small things which we do regularly in our life without thinking about those things'.  Please also see the note for Romans C9S28 about the phrase live / walk by faith.  The word walketh  means: 'ongoing lifestyle walking'.

Please see the Doctrinal Study called Light And Darkness about the words Lightdarklightningdarkness,  and the phrase light and darkness.  The New Testament definition, for the word Light,  is: 'According to the science of physics, this physical reality is composed of matter and energy with most things being either matter or energy.  Light is unique in that it is both matter and energy.  Symbolically, that means that light represents this physical reality (matter), and the spiritual reality (energy).  Both are affected by God's light'.  Please also see the note for Hebrews 6:4 about the word enlightened.  Please see the note for Psalms 119:16 about the word delight.  True delight  is one of the effects of God's light.  Please also see the note for John 11:9-LJC about the phrase Jesus is our light.

Please see the note for verses in the New Testament and Summary on the name / role of king.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'The head of government for a nation whose character defines the character of the kingdom'.  The difference between a lowercase king  and an uppercase King  is that the lowercase is applied to any being who is not God and the uppercase is only applied to the Son of God  by the word of God.  Please also see the note for Revelation 1:4 about the phrase kings of the earth.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'People who have kingdoms in this world'.  Please also see the note for John 18:33-LJC about the phrase King of the Jews.  Please also see the note for Revelation 17:14 about the phrase King of kings.  Please see the notes for Galatians 5:20; Doctrinal tudy about the phrase The kingdom of God.nbsp; The New Testament definition is: 'God's character in us'.  Please also see the note for Ephesians 5:5 about the phrase kingdom of Christ.  Please also see the note for 1Corinthians C6S16 about the phrase kingdom of God rejected by lifestyle sins.  Please also see the note for note for Matthew 3:2 about the phrase kingdom of heaven.  Please also see the note for John 18:33-LJC about the phrase King of the Jews.  Please also see the note for Revelation 14:14-LJC about the phrase King of kings.

Please see the note for Philippians 2:9-11 about the word earth.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: '(1.) In the sense of soil or ground, the translation of the word adamah'. In Ge 9:20 "husbandman" is literally "man of the ground or earth." Altars were to be built of earth (Ex 20:24). Naaman asked for two mules' burden of earth (2Ki 5:17), under the superstitious notion that Jehovah, like the gods of the heathen, could be acceptably worshipped only on his own soil. (2). As the rendering of 'erets, it means the whole world (Ge 1:2); the land as opposed to the sea (Ge 1:10). Erets also denotes a country (Ge 21:32); a plot of ground (Ge 23:15); the ground on which a man stands (Ge 33:3); the inhabitants of the earth (Ge 6:1; 11:1); all the world except Israel (2Ch 13:9). In the New Testament "The earth" denotes the land of Judea (Mt 23:35); also things carnal in contrast with things heavenly (Joh 3:31; Col 3:1-2)'.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 4:7 about the word earthen.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 5:1 about the word earthly.  Please also see the note for Luke 21:10-11 about the word earthquake.  Please also see the note for Luke 21:10-11 about the word earthquake.  Please also see the note for Revelation 1:4 about the phrase kings of the earth.  Please also see the note for Matthew 32-33 about the phrase Judge of all the earth.

Please see the note for Romans C15S14 about the word glory.  There is a lot of information about this word in that note.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Brightness, splendor, luster'.  The New Testament for the word glorified  is: 'past-tense form of the word glory'.  The New Testament for the word glorifying  is: 'applying the word glory in an ongoing manner'.  The New Testament for the word Glorious  is: 'Illustrious; of exalted excellence and splendor; resplendent in majesty and divine attributes; applied to God'.  Please also see the note for Matthew 17:1 about the phrase Jesus Christ return in glory.  Please also see the Minor Titles of the Son of God to see the title of: hope of glory.  All true Biblical hope  is based in Him.  Think about what was revealed in the 'Mount of transfiguration'.

Please see the note for Romans C12S8 about the word honour.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'To revere; to respect; to treat with deference and submission, and perform relative duties to'.  Please also see the note for Romans C12S8 about the word dishonour.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'Reproach; disgrace; ignominy; shame; whatever constitutes a stain or blemish in the reputation'.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'The nations. Re 22:2; De 32:43; Ps 22:27; Isa 2:2; 52:15; 55:5,10; 66:12,18; Jer 4:2; Zec 2:11; 8:22-23; Ro 15:10-12,16,26  walk. Isa 2:5  the kings. Ps 72:10-11; Isa 60:3-10,13; 66:11-12  General references. exp: Ps 102:15; Zec 8:22'.

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C21-S26 (Verse 25)   there will always be access.
  1. Equivalent Section:  Gates always open.
    1. And the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day:
  2. Equivalent Section:  Why.
    1. for there shall be no night there.

Our sentence starts with the word And,  which adds it to the prior sentence.  The sentences ongoing in this chapter add to that basic description.  The prior sentence told us that people will enter the city to worship.  This sentence adds that they will always have access.

Dr. Jeff Wilson wrote about this sentence in the note for the prior sentence.

Please see the note for Luke 13:23-24 about the word gate.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'A large door which gives entrance into a walled city, a castle, a temple, palace or other large edifice. It differs from door chiefly in being larger.  In addition, it was where important transactions were conducted and is used, symbolically, for where we go for eternity'.  Please also see the note for Matthew 16:18 about the phrase gates of Hell.

Please see the note for Matthew 25:10 about the word shut.  Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'to close so as to hinder ingress or egress; as, to shut a door or gate; to shut the eyes or the mouth. 2. to prohibit; to bar; to forbid entrance into; as, to shut the ports of the kingdom by a blockade. Shall that be shut to man, which to the beast Is open? Milton. 3. to preclude; to exclude. But shut from every shore. Dryden. 4. to close, as the fingers; to contract; as, to shut the hand'.  Please please note that the word in our sentence is: shutteth,  which is: 'a lifestyle shutting'.  Men and devils might shut spiritual door for a short time, such as when the leaders of the Church of Jerusalem tried to shut the door of salvation to Gentiles by claiming that someone had to be circumcised and become a Jew in order to be spiritually saved.  But, as the New Testament teaches us, our Lord Jesus Christ  worked around them and opened the door of salvation to Gentiles.  Likewise, the phrase shutteth, and no man openeth  means that when our Lord Jesus Christ  permanently closes a door, no one is going to open it again.  For example, the message of the books called Left Behind is doctrinal error.  After the 'Rapture', no one received the indwelling Holy Spirit  and true salvation is only given to people who obey the Mosaic Law.

Please see the note for Luke 1:5 about the word day.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'The Jews reckoned the day from sunset to sunset (Le 23:32). It was originally divided into three parts (Ps 55:17). "The heat of the day" (1Sa 11:11; Ne 7:3) was at our nine o'clock, and "The cool of the day" just before sunset (Ge 3:8). Before the Captivity the Jews divided the night into three watches, (1) from sunset to midnight (La 2:19); (2) from midnight till the cock-crowing (Jg 7:19); and (3) from the cock-crowing till sunrise (Ex 14:24). In the New Testament the division of the Greeks and Romans into four watches was adopted (Mr 13:35). (See Watches.) the division of the day by hours is first mentioned in Da 3:6,15; 4:19; 5:5. this mode of reckoning was borrowed from the Chaldeans. the reckoning of twelve hours was from sunrise to sunset, and accordingly the hours were of variable length (Joh 11:9).  The word "day" sometimes signifies an indefinite time (Ge 2:4; Isa 22:5; Heb 3:8, etc.). In Job 3:1 it denotes a birthday, and in Isaiah 2:12; Acts 17:31; 2Timothy 1:18; the great day of final judgment'.  The New Testament definition, of the phrase last day  is: '(end of the) Church Age.  Please see the Sections on Minor Titles of the Son of God in the Doctrinal Study called Significant Gospel Events for the titles of day star  and the dayspring. However, in the life of the individual, it can be used for the day that he dies'.  Please see the note for Hebrews 3:13 about the word today. The New Testament definition is: 'obey immediately'.  Please also see the note for Matthew 26:55 about the word daily.  Please also see the notes for Philippians 1:6-LJC and 1Thessalonians 5:2 about the phrase day of.  Please also see the note for 1Thessalonians 5:2 about the phrase day of the Lord.  Please also see the note for John 20:1 about the phrase first day of the week.

Please see the note for John 11:10 about night.  The New Testament definition is: 'The time of darkness within a day'.  That note also lists various symbolic usages of this word.  Please also see the note for Matthew 25:6 about the word midnight.  This was naturally the closing of the day, for God called the light 'day'.  Please also see the note for John 20:19 about the word evening.  Please also see Mark 4:35 about the phrase the even.  Please also see Mark 11:11 about the word eventide.  Please also see the note for Matthew 25:6 about the word midnight.  Please also see the note for 1Thessalonians 5:2 about the phrase the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.  Please see the note for John 20:19 about the phrase evening.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'The period from sunset till night'.  Please see the note for Mark 4:35 about the phrase The even.  Today, the phrase the even,  would be called 'sunset' and would be considered to be a particular part of evening.  Please also see the note for Luke 1:5 about the word day.  Please also see the note for John 21:4 about the word morning.  Please also see the note for Matthew 25:6 about the word midnight.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'The gates. Isa 60:11  for. Re 22:5; Isa 60:20; Zec 14:7  General references. exp: Eze 48:31'.

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C21-S27 (Verse 26)   People will bring glory  in order to worship.
And they shall bring the glory and honour of the nations into it

Our sentence starts with the word And,  which adds it to the prior sentence.  The sentences ongoing in this chapter add to that basic description.  The prior sentence told us that everyone will have access to worship all of the time.  This sentence adds that people will bring glory  in order to worship.

Dr. Jeff Wilson wrote about this sentence in the note for 21:24.

Please see the note for Romans C15S14 about the word glory.  There is a lot of information about this word in that note.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Brightness, splendor, luster'.  The New Testament for the word glorified  is: 'past-tense form of the word glory'.  The New Testament for the word glorifying  is: 'applying the word glory in an ongoing manner'.  The New Testament for the word Glorious  is: 'Illustrious; of exalted excellence and splendor; resplendent in majesty and divine attributes; applied to God'.  Please also see the note for Matthew 17:1 about the phrase Jesus Christ return in glory.  Please also see the Minor Titles of the Son of God to see the title of: hope of glory.  All true Biblical hope  is based in Him.  Think about what was revealed in the 'Mount of transfiguration'.

Please see the note for Romans C12S8 about the word honour.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'To revere; to respect; to treat with deference and submission, and perform relative duties to'.  Please also see the note for Romans C12S8 about the word dishonour.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'Reproach; disgrace; ignominy; shame; whatever constitutes a stain or blemish in the reputation'.

Please see the note for Romans 1:5 about the word nation.  The New Testament definition is: 'A body of people inhabiting the same country, or united under the same sovereign or government'.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'The glory. Re 21:24'.

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C21-S28 (Verse 27)   Access will be limited.
  1. Equivalent Section:  Who will not be allowed to enter.
    1. And there shall in no wise enter into it anything that defileth,
    2. neither  whatsoever worketh abomination,
    3. or  maketh a lie:.
  2. Equivalent Section:  Who will be allowed to enter.
    1. but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life.

Our sentence starts with the word And,  which adds it to the prior sentence.  The sentences ongoing in this chapter add to that basic description.  The prior sentence told us how people would come to worship.  This sentence adds the restrictions which will apply.

We must be in The Lamb's book of life  to get into Heaven.  This is the Lamb  that was slain but also is now revealed as Jesus Christ  and as Lord.  Those that call this Lamb  Lord Lord  and do not the things that He says are on vary shaky ground about their salvation (Matthew 7:21-22; Matthew 25:11; Luke 6:46; Luke 13:25).  In Revelation 1:18 He tells us I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.  As I've told many lost person, you're aren't getting out of Hell  or out of death  except through Him (John 14:6).  In Revelation 3:1-5 He told the church I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead for I have not found thy works perfect before God thou hast a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments; and they shall walk with me in white: for they are worthy He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my father, and before his angels.  We hear faith  preached all of the time but people use a wrong definition for faith.  As James 2 says, faith without works is dead.  The God of the Bible believes in Put up or shut up.  True Biblical faith  puts up works  to back the claim of faith.  True Biblical faith  has no worry about the Lamb  counting them as those who hast a name that thou livest, and art dead.  True Biblical faith  has no worry about the Lamb  blotting out his name out of the book of life.  We get lots of arguments about the salvation of these unjust  (Matthew 5:45; Luke 16:8; Luke 16:10; Luke 18:6; Luke 18:11; Acts 24:15; 1Corinthians 6:1; 1Peter 3:18; 2Peter 2:9; Revelation 22:11).  The Bible teaches a couple of very simple things:

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'Only those who are written in the Lamb's book of life can enter in, and since these events of new things happen after the 2nd resurrection (unto damnation) and all evil and sin have been cast into the lake of fire, those are the only ones left, the ones that have their name written in the book! the city and the earth are only inhabited by the faithful'.

Please see the note for 1Corinthians C1S12 about the word wisdom.  Webster's 1828 dictionary defines this word as: 'n. s as z. G. See Wise. 1. the right use or exercise of knowledge; the choice of laudable ends, and of the best means to accomplish them. this is wisdom in act, effect, or practice. If wisdom is to be considered as a faculty of the mind, it is the faculty of discerning or judging what is most just, proper and useful, and if it is to be considered as an acquirement, it is the knowledge and use of what is best, most just, most proper, most conducive to prosperity or happiness. Wisdom in the first sense, or practical wisdom, is nearly synonymous with discretion. I differs somewhat from prudence, in this respect; prudence is the exercise of sound judgment in avoiding evils; wisdom is the exercise of sound judgment either in avoiding evils or attempting good. Prudence then is a species, of which wisdom is the genus. Wisdom gained by experience, is of inestimable value. It is hoped that our rulers will act with dignity and wisdom; that they will yield every thing to reason, and refuse every thing to force. 2. In Scripture, human learning; erudition; knowledge of arts and sciences. Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians. Acts 7. 3. Quickness of intellect; readiness of apprehension; dexterity in execution; as the wisdom of Bezaleel and Aholiab. Exodus 31. 4. Natural instinct and sagacity. Job 39. 5. In Scripture theology, wisdom is true religion; godliness; piety; the knowledge and fear of God, and sincere and uniform obedience to his commands. this is the wisdom which is from above. Psalm 90. Job 28. 6. Profitable words or doctrine. Psalm 37. the wisdom of this world, mere human erudition; or the carnal policy of men, their craft and artifices in promoting their temporal interests; called also fleshly wisdom. 1 Corinthians 2. 2 Corinthi and 1. the wisdom of words, artificial or affected eloquence; or learning displayed in teaching. 1 Corinthians 1 and 2 '.  Please also see the notes for Romans C16S23 and 1Corinthians C1S12 about the word wise.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'people who exercise true wisdom'.

Please see the note for John 10:9 about the word enter.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'to leave one place and go into another place'.

Please see the notes for 1Corinthians 3:17 and James 3:6 about the word defile.  Webster's 1828 dictionary defines this word as: 'to make unclean; to render foul or dirty; in a general sense. 2. to make impure; to render turbid; as, the water or liquor is defiled. 3. to soil or sully; to tarnish; as reputation, etc. He is among the greatest prelates of the age, however his character may be defiled by dirty hands. they shall defile thy brightness. Ezek. 28. 4. to pollute; to make ceremonially unclean. that which dieth of itself, he shall not eat, to defile himself therewith. Lev. 22. 5. to corrupt chastity; to debauch; to violate; to tarnish the purity of character by lewdness. Schechem defiled Dinah. Gen. 34. 6. to taint, in a moral sense; to corrupt; to vitiate; to render impure with sin. Defile not yourselves with the idols of Egypt. Ezek. 20. He hath defiled the sanctuary of the Lord. Numb. 19'.  Please also see the note for Psalms 119 about the word undefiled.

Please see the notes for Romans C9S8; 1Corinthians C3S13; 2Corinthians 4:8-12; Galatians C2-S10 and Philippians 1:1 about the word works.  The New Testament definition for this word is: ' In a general sense, to move, or to move one way and the other; to perform'.  Please also see the note for Romans C11S10 about the phrase works are seen of men.  Please also see the note for Psalms 119:23 about the phrase according to works.  Please also see the note for Philippians 3:2 about the phrase evil workers.  Please also see the note for Hebrews 4:12 about the phrase evil heart.  Please also see the note for Romans 8:1-LJC about the phrase judged by works.Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 6:1 about the word workers.  Please also see the note for Matthew 10:9-10 about the word workman.

Please see the note for Mark 13:14-16 about the word abomination.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Ongoing sinful wickedness; what is unfit to be presented in the service of God'.

Please see the note for Galatians C1-S15 about the word lie.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'Used for repose, as in lie down.  Also used for an intentional violation of the truth.  Please also see liar'.  The th,  in the word lieth,  makes this a 'life-style lying'.

Please see the note for Romans 4:23-25 about the word written.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'a retained record which can be used for judgment in a court of law'.  Please also see the notes for Romans C15S13; 2Corinthians 1:13-14; Galatians C3-S12; John 20:31-LJC about the word write  Please also see the note for Luke 6:3 about the phrases have ye not read  and it is written'.

Please see the note for Luke 3:4 about the word book.  the New Testament definition for this word is: 'A general name of every literary composition which is printed; but appropriately, a printed composition bound; a volume. the name is given also to any number of written sheets when bound or sewed together, and to a volume of blank paper, intended for any species of writing, as for memorandums, for accounts, or receipts.  1. A particular part of a literary composition; a division of a subject in the same volume.  2. A volume or collection of sheets in which accounts are kept; a register of debts and credits, receipts and expenditures'.  Please also see the note for Revelation 13:8-LJC about the phrase book of the life.

Please see the Doctrine of Life about the words lifelivealive  and lively.  The New Testament definition, for the word the word life,  is: 'The cause of all movement, both physically and spiritually.  Physical life ends (is mortal).  Spiritual life is immortal'.  The New Testament definition, for the word the word live,  is: 'the verb form of life'.  The New Testament definition, for the word the word alive,  is: 'Having life'.  The New Testament definition, for the word the word lively,  is: 'Living and energetic'.  In addition, the New Testament definition, for the phrase everlasting life.  is: 'Spiritual life which has a beginning but no end'.  Please also see the Message called Labor for Everlasting Life.  Please see the note for 3:25 about the word live  that note has links to several other places where the doctrine of this word is discussed.  Please see the note for Romans C10S15 about the phrase belief changes life.  Please also see the note for 1Corinthians C6S16.  Please also see the note for about the phrase kingdom of God rejected by lifestyle sins.  Please also see the note for Revelation 13:8-LJC about the phrase book of life.  Please see the note for Romans C9S28 about live / walk by faith.  Please see the note for Romans C11S6 about The just shall live by his faith.  Please see the note for Colossians C3S4 about Christ lives through us.  Please use This link to see other, less important, 'Minor Titles of the Son of God' found within the Bible along with links to where the Bible uses those titles.  This title is eternal life.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'there. Le 13:46; Nu 5:3; 12:15; Ps 101:8; Isa 35:8; 52:1; 60:21; Joe 3:17; Mt 13:41; 1Co 6:9-10; Ga 5:19-21; Eph 5:5; Heb 12:14  worketh. Re 17:4-5  or maketh. Re 21:8; 22:14-15  they. Re 3:5; 13:8; 20:12,15; Php 4:3 exp: Ps 69:36.  General references. exp: Nu 26:53'.

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Revelation Chapter 22

links to sentences in this chapter: 
C22-S1 (Verse 1), C22-S2 (Verse 2), C22-S3 (Verse 3-4), C22-S4 (Verse 5), C22-S5 (Verse 6), C22-S6 (Verse 7), C22-S7 (Verse 8), C22-S8 (Verse 8), C22-S9 (Verse 9), C22-S10 (Verse 10), C22-S11 (Verse 11), C22-S12 (Verse 12), C22-S13 (Verse 13), C22-S14 (Verse 14), C22-S15 (Verse 15), C22-S16 (Verse 16), C22-S17 (Verse 16), C22-S18 (Verse 17), C22-S19 (Verse 17), C22-S20 (Verse 17), C22-S21 (Verse 17), C22-S22 (Verse 18-19), C22-S23 (Verse 20), C22-S24 (Verse 20), C22-S25 (Verse 20), C22-S26 (Verse 20), C22-S27 (Verse 21)'.
Chapter Summary:

  1. C22-S1 :  John saw the river of life  in The holy city, new Jerusalem.
  2. C22-S2 :  What else John saw in The holy city, new Jerusalem.
  3. C22-S3 :  God will eliminate the curse on creation.
  4. C22-S4 :  Major changes in day-night cycle.
  5. C22-S5 :  We can have true Biblical faith  in the prophecies from God because they are based upon His character.
  6. C22-S6 :  the warning from our Lord Jesus Christ.
  7. C22-S7 :  John was a personal witness to all in this Bible book.
  8. C22-S8 :  John's reaction to what he witnessed.
  9. C22-S9 :  Worship no one but God.
  10. C22-S10 :  leave this book of prophecy open to true understanding.
  11. C22-S11 :  Let everyone continue with their spiritual attitudes and God will judge them.
  12. C22-S12 :  the last promise from our Lord Jesus Christ.
  13. C22-S13 :  Our Lord Jesus Christ  starts and ends everything.
  14. C22-S14 :  Blessings for eternity.
  15. C22-S15 :  Who is excluded.
  16. C22-S16 :  Our Lord Jesus Christ  is the true author of this book of revelation.
  17. C22-S17 :  Our Lord Jesus Christ  generated and fulfilled these prophecies.
  18. C22-S18 :  the second invitation to true Biblical salvation.
  19. C22-S19 :  Command for others to offer of true Biblical salvation.
  20. C22-S20 :  Offer of true Biblical salvation given to a specific group of people.
  21. C22-S21 :  Offer of true Biblical salvation to take the gift freely.
  22. C22-S22 :  the testimony and warning from our Lord Jesus Christ.
  23. C22-S23 :  the last warning from Lord Jesus Christ.
  24. C22-S24Amen.
  25. C22-S25 :  John's prayer for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ.
  26. C22-S26The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.
  27. C22-S27Amen.

Our chapter starts by telling us things which God has reserved for those saved people who truly serve Him.  Next, we are assured that all prophecy, especially this book, comes from our Lord Jesus Christ  using angels and John as His messengers.  Only God can give true detailed prophecies.  We are assured that these prophecies are faithful and true  because they come from God and not from some fallible man.  And, following that assurance, we are given the first, of three in this chapter, warnings that our Lord Jesus Christ  will come quickly  ('suddenly and unexpectedly').  Therefore, we need to be prepared for Him to show up without warning and end our life followed by judgment for how we live.

John adds his testimony that he was a personal witness to all that is found in this book.  He does not report anything unless he personally saw or heard it.  After that, we are warned to worship God and no one else.  Only God gives us the blessings which are true blessings.  And, John is told to leave the understanding of these prophecies open because the is limited time for the church to act on them.  Those who do his commandments  will be blessed and the disobedient will be cursed.

Again, we have testimony from our Lord Jesus Christ  that he is the true author of this book.  Therefore, based upon His being God, we should believe it and avoid the judgment prophesied for Satan, all devils and all lost people.  Following that warning, we read the invitation to receive God's true Biblical salvation from several sources along with promised blessings for those people who do act upon God's invitation.  Following that, we have a warning against altering God's message along with the final warning that lost people have limited time to act upon God's invitation to true Biblical salvation.

Our chapter ends with what I wrote at the beginning.  This book is a single revelation  that Jesus Christ  is Lord Jesus Christ.  He is the source of all blessings and of all judgments.  Therefore, anyone who ignores His role in everything is a fool.

C22-S1 (Verse 1)   John saw the river of life  in The holy city, new Jerusalem.
  1. And he shewed me a pure river of water of life,
  2. clear as crystal,
  3. proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb .

Our sentence starts with the word And,  which adds this chapter to the prior chapter.  Both chapters need to be considered together for contextual reasons.  Both are telling us what God has prepared for the rest of eternity.

Genesis 41:40; Psalms 9:4; Proverbs 20:8 and Matthew 19:28 are where we read the phrase: in the throne.  This phrase is used and to expression the power and authority of the king.  when this verse says that this river of water of life  came out of the throne of God and of the Lamb, it is talking about it literally coming from the throne.  Beyond that, it is symbolically saying that it comes from the power and authority that is shared equally by God and the Lamb.

Our physical bodies are supposedly composed of some high percentage of water and the water literally saturates our bodies.  Even so, God's life  will saturate all of the saved but will not completely consume it.  We will retain enough of our individuality to remain the people that we are, just able to use all of God's life  that is in us.  All through the Bible and through our personal experiences we have seen that God does not take away our free will.  Even saturated with God's life, we will still have our soul (mind will and emotions) that makes us unique people and human.

In addition, we see that this river of water of life  is pure  and clear as crystal, which is the same thing said two different ways and makes it a basis for doctrine.  We can rely upon this to be absolute.  Further, since it is a river, there is plenty for all.  Finally, since it comes from The throne of God and of the Lamb,  it represents the power and authority of the king, and a king's character determines the laws and kind of kingdom that he has.  We can expect this river of water of life  to give us the character of God and of the Lamb,  which is pure  ('100% holy') and will not harm us.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'Two things are shown to us here, first we see that God's throne is in the new city (see also v3b), God is the central focus point of the city, from Him issues forth His never ending light, His glory. And in addition to that light from His throne a never ending river issues forth, for here the angel shows the Apostle John a crystal clear river, a pure river, with no pollution whatsoever, springing forth not from some basin or reservoir of water, but proceeding out from the throne of God and of the Lamb. this river contains the water of life, of God given life. Nothing can live without water, water sustains life, and here this holy water comes forth from the throne of the sovereign God and the Lamb, from the Creator and sustainer of life. the life this water gives is everlasting which should remind us of Re 21:6 And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. the waters from the throne will never run dry, will be given freely, there shall be no thirst in heaven, for God will be with His people and His people will be with Him, and He will generously and abundantly supply any and all needs.
This river that comes from God and the Lamb is also symbolic of the Holy Spirit and how He proceeds forth from the father and the Son to give eternal life to the faithful believer, Joh 7:38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. 39 (But this spake he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive'. In addition to that this pure river also symbolizes prosperity and pleasure which will be in abundance in heaven'
Ps 1:3 And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.
Ps 36:8 they shall be abundantly satisfied with the fatness of thy house; and thou shalt make them drink of the river of thy pleasures.
Ps 46:4 there is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the most High.
Joe 3:18 And it shall come to pass in that day, that the mountains shall drop down new wine, and the hills shall flow with milk, and all the rivers of Judah shall flow with waters, and a fountain shall come forth of the house of the LORD, and shall water the valley of Shittim. Thus we see this crystal clear river flowing thru the crystal-like city, shining and sparkling as it goes due to the light of God and the Lamb, the waters filled with sustaining, eternal life, and the best part is all are welcome to come and freely drink of it. And then my guess is as this river exits the city it creates a great wonderful waterfall as it falls to the earth in spectacular, sparkling fashion. What a sight to see!
Now along the banks of this river we see even more evidence of its life giving, prosperous and pleasurable properties, for on both sides of the waters we see the tree of life, not just a single tree like we find in the first paradise, but more like orchards of them'

Please see the note for Colossians 2S8 about the word shew.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'The Biblical spelling for the word show, which means: to exhibit or present to the view of others'.

Please see the note for Romans C14S27 about the word pure.  The New Testament definition for this word is: '100%'.

Please see the note for Revelation 8:10 about the word river.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: '(1.) Heb 'aphik, properly the channel or ravine that holds water (2Sa 22:16), translated "brook," "river," "stream," but not necessarily a perennial stream (Eze 6:3; 31:12; 32:6; 34:13).  (2.) Heb nahal, in winter a "torrent," in summer a "wady" or valley (Ge 32:23; De 2:24; 3:16; Isa 30:28; La 2:18; Eze 47:9).  These winter torrents sometimes come down with great suddenness and with desolating force. A distinguished traveller thus describes his experience in this matter:, "I was encamped in Wady Feiran, near the base of Jebel Serbal, when a tremendous thunderstorm burst upon us. After little more than an hour's rain, the water rose so rapidly in the previously dry wady that I had to run for my life, and with great difficulty succeeded in saving my tent and goods; my boots, which I had not time to pick up, were washed away. In less than two hours a dry desert wady upwards of 300 yards broad was turned into a foaming torrent from 8 to 10 feet deep, roaring and tearing down and bearing everything upon it, tangled masses of tamarisks, hundreds of beautiful palmtrees, scores of sheep and goats, camels and donkeys, and even men, women, and children, for a whole encampment of Arabs was washed away a few miles above me. the storm commenced at five in the evening; at half-past nine the waters were rapidly subsiding, and it was evident that the flood had spent its force." (Comp. Mt 7:27; Lu 6:49.)  (3.) Nahar, a "river" continuous and full, a perennial stream, as the Jordan, the Euphrates (Ge 2:10; 15:18; De 1:7; Ps 66:6; Eze 10:15).  (4.) Tel'alah, a conduit, or water-course (1Ki 18:32; 2Ki 18:17; 20:20; Job 38:25; Eze 31:4).  (5.) Peleg, properly "waters divided", i.e., streams divided, throughout the land (Ps 1:3); "The rivers [i.e., 'divisions'] of waters" (Job 20:17; 29:6; Pr 5:16).  (6.) Ye'or, i.e., "great river", probably from an Egyptian word (Aur), commonly applied to the Nile (Ge 41:1-3), but also to other rivers (Job 28:10; Isa 33:21).  (7.) Yubhal, "a river" (Jer 17:8), a full flowing stream.  (8.) 'Ubhal, "a river" (Da 8:2)'.

Please see the note for Luke 3:16 about the word water.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'The basic liquid of life.  It is used symbolically for more than one meaning.  Consideration of the context is required in order to determine the usage in any Bible reference'.  Please also see the note for John 4:10 about the phrase living waters.  Please also see the note for John 7:38 about the phrase rivers of living water.

Please see the Doctrine of Life about the words lifelivealive  and lively.  The New Testament definition, for the word the word life,  is: 'The cause of all movement, both physically and spiritually.  Physical life ends (is mortal).  Spiritual life is immortal'.  The New Testament definition, for the word the word live,  is: 'the verb form of life'.  The New Testament definition, for the word the word alive,  is: 'Having life'.  The New Testament definition, for the word the word lively,  is: 'Living and energetic'.  In addition, the New Testament definition, for the phrase everlasting life.  is: 'Spiritual life which has a beginning but no end'.  Please also see the Message called Labor for Everlasting Life.  Please see the note for 3:25 about the word live  that note has links to several other places where the doctrine of this word is discussed.  Please see the note for Romans C10S15 about the phrase belief changes life.  Please also see the note for 1Corinthians C6S16.  Please also see the note for about the phrase kingdom of God rejected by lifestyle sins.  Please also see the note for Revelation 13:8-LJC about the phrase book of life.  Please see the note for Romans C9S28 about live / walk by faith.  Please see the note for Romans C11S6 about The just shall live by his faith.  Please see the note for Colossians C3S4 about Christ lives through us.  Please use This link to see other, less important, 'Minor Titles of the Son of God' found within the Bible along with links to where the Bible uses those titles.  This title is eternal life.

Please see the note for Revelation 21:11 about the word clear.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Open; free from obstruction or foreign matter; unmixed'.  Please also see the note for Mark 8:25 about the word clearly.

Please see the note for Revelation 4:6 about the word crystal.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: '(Eze 1:22, with the epithet "terrible," as dazzling the spectators with its brightness). the word occurs in Re 4:6; 21:11; 22:1. It is a stone of the flint order, the most refined kind of quartz. the Greek word here used means also literally "ice." the ancients regarded the crystal as only pure water congealed into extreme hardness by great length of time'.

Please see the note for John 15:26-7 about the word proceed.  Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'to move, pass or go forward from one place to another; applied to persons or things. A man proceeds on his journey; a ship proceeds on her voyage. this word thus used implies that the motion, journey or voyage had been previously commenced, and to proceed is then to renew or continue the motion or progress. 2. to pass from one point, stage or topic to another. the preacher proceeds from one division of his subject, and the advocate from one argument, to another. 3. to issue or come as from a course or fountain. Light proceeds from the sun; vice proceeds from a depraved heart; virtuous affections proceed from God. 4. to come from a person or place. Christ says, "I proceeded forth and came from God." John 8. 5. to prosecute any design. He that proceeds on other principles in his inquiry into any sciences, posts himself in a party. 6. to be transacted or carried on. He will, after his sour fashion, tell you, What hath proceeded worthy note to-day. Not now in use. 7. to make progress; to advance. 8. to begin and carry on a series of actions or measures. the attorney was at a loss in what manner to proceed against the offender. in this sense, the word is often followed by against. 9. to transact; to act; to carry on methodically. From them I will not hide My judgments, how with mankind I proceed. 10. to have a course. this rule only proceeds and takes place, when a person cannot of common law condemn another by his sentence. 11. to issue; to be produced or propagated. From my loins thou shalt proceed. 12. to be produced by an effectual cause. All created things proceed from God.'. the New Testament definition for this word is: 'This word incorporates a series of sets which move us from one place to another'.

Please see the note for Colossians C1S3 about the word throne.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'a royal chair or seat of dignity (De 17:18; 2Sa 7:13; Ps 45:6); an elevated seat with a canopy and hangings, which cover it. It denotes the seat of the high priest in 1Sa 1:9; 4:13, and of a provincial governor in Ne 3:7; Ps 122:5. the throne of Solomon is described at length in 1Ki 10:18-20'.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'A pure. Ps 36:8; 46:4; Isa 41:18; 48:18; 66:12; Eze 47:1-9; Zec 14:8; Joh 7:38-39  water. Re 7:17; 21:6; Ps 36:9; Jer 2:13; 17:13; Joh 4:10-11,14  clear. Re 21:11  proceeding. Re 3:21; 4:5; 5:6,13; 7:10-11,17; Joh 14:16-18; 15:26; 16:7-15; Ac 1:4-5; 2:33  General references. exp: Ps 78:15; Isa 41:18'.

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C22-S2 (Verse 2)   What else John saw in The holy city, new Jerusalem.
  1. Equivalent Section:  Where the tree was.
    1. In the midst of the street of it,
    2. and on either side of the river,
    3.  was there the tree of life,
    4. which bare twelve  manner of fruits,
    5.  and yielded her fruit every month:.
  2. Equivalent Section:  Why it was there.
    1. and the leaves of the tree  were for the healing of the nations.

Some trees propagate through their roots.  Therefore, this tree of life  could be the same tree which is on both sides of The river of life.  (The word the  means: 'there is only one and here it is'.)  However, the word the  can also be applied to the title of: tree of life,  and not to the tree itself.  That means: 'there is only one type of tree which produces God's life, and here it is'.  Either interpretation is acceptable and the difference is not worth arguing about.  The point is that it received water from the pure river of water of life...proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.  That is The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.

Galatians 5:22-23 says: But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.  That is nine fruit.  Our New Testament also mentions: fruit unto life eternalfruit unto holinessfruit worthy of repentance,  and fruits of righteousness.  I, personally, believe that the fruit unto life eternal  i9s also the fruit unto holiness.  If so, this gives us twelve kinds of fruit  found in the New Testament and every one of them come from the life of God  and bring spiritual healing.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'These trees are found in the medi and of the street and on each side of the crystal river. Now we remember the tree of life in the Garden of Eden, as it was forbidden to Adam and Eve once they had eaten of the Tree of knowledge of good and evil, for had they eaten of the fruit of the tree of life after their sin, they would have lived forever in a sinful state, and so would have all of their offspring. But God fixed that problem of sin thru the atonement offered thru the Lord Jesus and so here in the new city, the inhabitants, the overcomers, believers, are permitted to eat of these trees of life once more as promised by Christ' Re 2:7 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; to him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God. the privilege of eating from these trees is one of the manythings overcomers will inherit ('all things' 21:7).
We also see that these trees have a perpetual harvest, 12 manners of fruit for 12 months of the year; from the river there is a never ending supply of life giving water and from these trees a never ending supply of fruit, thus the river and these trees signify abundant life in the new paradise, Joh 10:10 ' I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. Remember it was upon a tree that Christ gave his life so that we might have our sins cleansed and forgiven once we believe upon Him and are thus gratned everlasting, eternal life in heaven, and I think these trees of life and the river will be an ever present reminder of what Christ done to make all that possible, for upon the tree we find the fruit of life, and at the base of the tree, flows a river of life, just as we look upon the tree of Calvary, we find life thru Christ that hung upon the cross who was the firstfruits of the resurrection of life, and from the base of the cross, a river of his precious blood flows in order to wash us, cleanse us, purify us of all sin so that we might have everlasting life.
Notice also that the leaves of the trees of life are used for the healing of the new nations (v2c). Now what can this mean, for in this new earth there is no sickness, no pain, no sorrow, no curse, so what meaning does this 'healing of nations' carry? Well, it does not mean that the nations are in some sort of hurt or harm or downfall and are in need of healing or repair or discipline, but instead the leaves of the trees of life are used to contribute to the life and health of these new nations, just as the fruit and the waters of the river bestow life so do these leaves but on a larger scale than the mere individual. these leaves are for the nations. Nothing is wasted, all is used to give and sustain glorious pure perfect life. these leaves are not to cure some disease or sickness or sin in the nations for these things are no more, but instead these leaves are more like a spiritual vitamin to sustain and preserve the health of the nations, because we see in the very next verse there is no more curse'

Please see the note for John 20:19 about the word midst.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'In the middle'.

Please see the note for Luke 10:10-11 about the word street.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'The street called "Straight" at Damascus (Ac 9:11) is "a long broad street, running from east to west, about a mile in length, and forming the principle thoroughfare in the city." In Oriental towns streets are usually narrow and irregular and filthy (Ps 18:42; Isa 10:6). "It is remarkable," says Porter, "that all the important cities of Palestine and Syria Samaria, Caesarea, Gerasa, Bozrah, Damascus, Palmyra, had their 'straight streets' running through the centre of the city, and lined with stately rows of columns. the most perfect now remaining are those of Palmyra and Gerasa, where long ranges of the columns still stand.", through Samaria, etc'.

Please see the note for Revelation 8:10 about the word river.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: '(1.) Heb 'aphik, properly the channel or ravine that holds water (2Sa 22:16), translated "brook," "river," "stream," but not necessarily a perennial stream (Eze 6:3; 31:12; 32:6; 34:13).  (2.) Heb nahal, in winter a "torrent," in summer a "wady" or valley (Ge 32:23; De 2:24; 3:16; Isa 30:28; La 2:18; Eze 47:9).  These winter torrents sometimes come down with great suddenness and with desolating force. A distinguished traveller thus describes his experience in this matter:, "I was encamped in Wady Feiran, near the base of Jebel Serbal, when a tremendous thunderstorm burst upon us. After little more than an hour's rain, the water rose so rapidly in the previously dry wady that I had to run for my life, and with great difficulty succeeded in saving my tent and goods; my boots, which I had not time to pick up, were washed away. In less than two hours a dry desert wady upwards of 300 yards broad was turned into a foaming torrent from 8 to 10 feet deep, roaring and tearing down and bearing everything upon it, tangled masses of tamarisks, hundreds of beautiful palmtrees, scores of sheep and goats, camels and donkeys, and even men, women, and children, for a whole encampment of Arabs was washed away a few miles above me. the storm commenced at five in the evening; at half-past nine the waters were rapidly subsiding, and it was evident that the flood had spent its force." (Comp. Mt 7:27; Lu 6:49.)  (3.) Nahar, a "river" continuous and full, a perennial stream, as the Jordan, the Euphrates (Ge 2:10; 15:18; De 1:7; Ps 66:6; Eze 10:15).  (4.) Tel'alah, a conduit, or water-course (1Ki 18:32; 2Ki 18:17; 20:20; Job 38:25; Eze 31:4).  (5.) Peleg, properly "waters divided", i.e., streams divided, throughout the land (Ps 1:3); "The rivers [i.e., 'divisions'] of waters" (Job 20:17; 29:6; Pr 5:16).  (6.) Ye'or, i.e., "great river", probably from an Egyptian word (Aur), commonly applied to the Nile (Ge 41:1-3), but also to other rivers (Job 28:10; Isa 33:21).  (7.) Yubhal, "a river" (Jer 17:8), a full flowing stream.  (8.) 'Ubhal, "a river" (Da 8:2)'.

Please see the note for Mark 11:13 about the word tree.  Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'n. 1. the general name of the largest of the vegetable kind, consisting of a firm woody stem springing from woody roots, and spreading above into branches which terminate in leaves. A tree differs from a shrub principally in size, many species of trees growing to the eighth of fifty or sixty feet, and some species to seventy or eighty, and a few, particularly the pine, to a much greater eighth. Trees are of various kinds; as nuciferous, or nut-bearing trees; bacciferous, or berry-bearing; coniferous, or cone-bearing, etc. Some are forest-trees, and useful for timber or fuel; others are fruit trees, and cultivated in gardens and orchards; others are used chiefly for shade and ornament. 2. Something resembling a tree, consisting of a stem or stalk and branches; as a genealogical tree. 3. In ship-building, pieces of timber are called chess-trees, cross-trees, roof-trees, tressel-trees, etc. 4. In Scripture, a cross. --Jesus, whom they slew and hanged on a tree. Act.10'.  Please also see the note for Romans C11S28 about the phrase olive / olive tree.

Please see the Doctrine of Life about the words lifelivealive  and lively.  The New Testament definition, for the word the word life,  is: 'The cause of all movement, both physically and spiritually.  Physical life ends (is mortal).  Spiritual life is immortal'.  The New Testament definition, for the word the word live,  is: 'the verb form of life'.  The New Testament definition, for the word the word alive,  is: 'Having life'.  The New Testament definition, for the word the word lively,  is: 'Living and energetic'.  In addition, the New Testament definition, for the phrase everlasting life.  is: 'Spiritual life which has a beginning but no end'.  Please also see the Message called Labor for Everlasting Life.  Please see the note for 3:25 about the word live  that note has links to several other places where the doctrine of this word is discussed.  Please see the note for Romans C10S15 about the phrase belief changes life.  Please also see the note for 1Corinthians C6S16.  Please also see the note for about the phrase kingdom of God rejected by lifestyle sins.  Please also see the note for Revelation 13:8-LJC about the phrase book of life.  Please see the note for Romans C9S28 about live / walk by faith.  Please see the note for Romans C11S6 about The just shall live by his faith.  Please see the note for Colossians C3S4 about Christ lives through us.  Please use This link to see other, less important, 'Minor Titles of the Son of God' found within the Bible along with links to where the Bible uses those titles.  This title is eternal life.

Please see the note for John 12:17 about the word bare.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'to expose completely with no cover nor obscuring of view'.

Please see the note for Luke 2:42 about the word twelve.  Morrish Bible Dictionary defines NUMBERS AS SYMBOLS as: 'TWELVE. Completeness administratively, that is, in what is set forth or displayed manward. (The first most divisible of the earlier numbers.) there were twelve patriarchs, ancestors of the twelve tribes, who are commemorated in the twelve loaves on the table, the twelve stones in the breastplate and twelve names on the shoulders of the high priest; the twelve stones taken out of Jordan, and the twelve stones placed in the bed of the river; also in the woman with a crown of twelve stars. Re 12:1. through the twelve apostles the Lord fed the hungry multitudes. the twelve apostles will sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes. Mt 19:28. the new Jerusalem will have twelve foundations for its walls with the names of the twelve apostles; it will have twelve gates, consisting of twelve pearls, with the names of the twelve tribes inscribed, the gates will be attended by twelve angels. Re 21:12-21. there are twelve hours in the day, in which the children of light may walk. Joh 11:9. the flexibility of administrative perfection may be seen in: Six-twos: Two apostles in each of the six companies sent to preach. Two-sixes: Six loaves in each of the two rows of showbread. three-fours: Four rows of three names each on the breastplate. Four- threes: three gates on each of the four sides of the new Jerusalem'.  Please also see the note for John 6:67 about the phrase twelve disciples / apostles.

Please see the note for 1Peter C1S4 about the word manner (singular).  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'The method or way of performing or executing'.  That definition is different from the word manners  (plural), even though it is derived from the singular.  Please see the note for 1Corinthians C15S30 about the word manners (plural).

Please see the note for 1Corinthians C9S10 about the word fruit.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'The word is used symbolically for effect or consequence.  It is new life or the offspring of any type of life'.  Please also see the note for Romans C8S21 about the word firstfruits.  Please also see the note for James 3:18 about the phrase fruit of righteousness.  In Matthew 12:34-37 and Luke 6:44-45; Jesus  tells us how our fruit  will be used to judge us.

Please see the note for Mark 13:28-29 about the words leaf / leaves.  The New Testament definition, for these words, is: 'In botany, leaves are used for perspiration and inhalation in plants. They usually shoot from the sides of the stems and branches, but sometimes from the root'.

Please see the note for 1Corinthians C12S29 about the word heal.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'To cure of a disease or wound and restore to soundness, or to that state of body in which the natural functions are regularly performed; as, to heal the sick'.  Please also see the note for Acts 27:34 about the word health.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'That state of an animal or living body, in which the parts are sound, well organized and disposed, and in which they all perform freely their natural functions. In This state the animal feels no pain'.

Please see the note for Romans 1:5 about the word nation.  The New Testament definition is: 'A body of people inhabiting the same country, or united under the same sovereign or government'.

Please note: I include references from the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, such as below, but do not change them into links because, while over 90% are reliable, there are some which lead to doctrinal error.  Therefore, the reader needs to beware of them and prayerfully verify ant such link before accepting it.  For example, in the note below, we read: 'Rather, the definite article not being in the original, "a tree of life;" for there were three trees; one in the street, and one on each side of the river'.  However, in my note above, I explain the use of 'Rather, the definite article of the word the'.  Therefore, their 'correction' is not needed and is, in fact, wrong.  I have proven that there are no errors in our English KJV-1611 if people use God's way of interpreting with the help of God's Holy Spirit.  Therefore, reject ALL attempts to correct the English KJV-1611.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'The midst. Re 22:1; 21:21; Eze 47:1,12  the tree of life. Rather, the definite article not being in the original, "a tree of life;" for there were three trees; one in the street, and one on each side of the river. Re 22:14; 2:7; Ge 2:9; 3:22-24; Pr 3:18  healing. Re 21:24; Ps 147:3; Isa 6:10; 57:18-19; Jer 17:14; Eze 47:8-11; Ho 14:4; Mal 4:2; Lu 4:18; 1Pe 2:24  General references. exp: Pr 3:18'.

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C22-S3 (Verse 3-4)   God will eliminate the curse on creation.
  1. Equivalent Section:  the elimination.
    1. And there shall be no more curse:
  2. Equivalent Section:  Why.
    1. First Step:  God is there.
      1. but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it;
    2. Second Step:  God's servants shall serve  God.
      1. and his servants shall serve him:.
  3. Equivalent Section:  Parts of sentence below are steps. 
    1. First Step:  People will see God's face.
      1. And they shall see his face;
    2. Second Step:  People will be identified as belonging to God.
      1. and his name  shall be in their foreheads.

Our sentence starts with the word And,  which adds it to the prior sentence.  Both sentences need to be considered together for contextual reasons.  The prior sentence told us about what God will provide to heal all problems.  This sentence adds that God's servants  will serve God with His character, which increases His influence.

Our sentence has three Equivalent Sections with the First Equivalent Section telling us that God will eliminate the curse on creation.  Our Second Equivalent Section tells us why the curse is eliminated.  We read that: his servants shall serve him.  Adam and Eve were supposed to serve God.  In stead, they sinned and caused sin to enter the world and bring, with it, the curse on all of creation.  Genesis 3:8 tells us that The LORD God (was) walking in the garden in the cool of the day.  He only visited them.  But, our current sentence tells us that, in the future, The throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it (The city).  God will not just visit but will abide with His servants.

Our Second Equivalent Section starts with the word but.  The word but  always provides a contrast between what precedes it and what follows it.  The prior Equivalent Section told us that there shall be no more curse  and referenced that the curse came because of sin.  As explained, God did not abide  with Adam and Eve.  Our Second Equivalent Section tells us that God will abide  with His servants.  That will eliminate the possibility of needing another curse.

The third Equivalent Section tells us how God makes sure that there is no more need for the curse in the future.  We read that: they shall see his face.  Even obedient children don't do wrong when they know that their parents are watching and we read, earlier in this book, that God got rid of all of the rebels.  In addition, we read that his name shall be in their foreheads.  This is like a military person wearing a uniform only stronger.  Again, non-rebels will do all they can to avoid bring shame on their identification.  Thus, with this attitude assured and with these helps for all of God's servants,  God will assure that there will be no future need for a curse.

Revelation 14:9-11 said that those who were identified with, and worshipped, The beast receive his mark in his forehead, or in his handRevelation 13:17 says And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.  So the mark  or name  in his forehead  allowed them to do business in his kingdom.  This is one of the reasons that God's name shall be in their foreheads.  I don't know all off the reasons that God puts His name shall be in their foreheads, but I believe this is one of them.

Now, what I have to say after here is pure speculation.  We know from several places in the Bible, including many in this epistle, that God matches judgment (other than salvation) to works.  We also know that some people will have lots of works  and some will have hardly any (possibly none) and that most people will be somewhere between the extremes.  One thing that many people express concern about is what we will do for eternity.  I can well imagine God telling some 'You wanted to lay around and not serve me in the flesh.  That is what you will have for eternity'.  I can also imagine God telling others 'You loved to serve me in the flesh.  That is what you will have for eternity'.  You do what you want but I am thoroughly convinced that my eternity is directly related to my service here in this life.  I am going to serve based upon that belief.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'In v3 we see these new residents are a united people, a people united with each other but more importantly united with God. God will dwell in their midst, His dwelling place is with these people, they are called His people, God claims them as His own and they in turn fully accept Him and revere and honor Him as their God. thus we have perfect worship in perfect unity with a perfect relationship between a perfect God and His now perfect people. In v4 we see these people will have a perfect disposition'
Heaven would not be heaven if any of these existed there, but thanks be to God, death, sorrow, crying and pain are 'passed away', or as the Greek meaning for that phrase in v4 are 'left behind', (which differs from the same phrase in v1 which means changed), these troubling things truly are no more. No more death, no more disease, no more loss, no more fear, instead the new inhabitants are given life, life eternal, security, and assurance. No sorrow, no sadness, no disappointment, no depression, instead it will be joy unspeakable and literally full of glory, there will be praising and shouting and singing. Happiness and euphoria will abound. there will be no reason to shed tears or cry in heaven. Isa 25:8 He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord GOD will wipe away tears from off all faces; and the rebuke of his people shall he take away from off all the earth: for the LORD hath spoken it. 'Isa 35:10 And the ransomed of the LORD shall return, and come to Zion with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads: they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away. I once thought that we would remember this world and the lost and our failures and sin against God, but I think I have changed my mind on that, for even though I think we will be able to recall such things, those memories will be so small and insignificant now that we can see things how God sees them that we will not be bothered by such small moments that have disappeared in the past, instead we will be focused on the Lamb, on eternity, on service to God, on our new responsibilities, so the new inhabitants will not dwell on such negative memories but will instead focus on all the good ones and glorious ones revealed to us of how great God is. Isa 65:17 for, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind. Also we see there will be no pain, no sickness, no hurt, physical or emotional, no more heartache, no suffering of any sort, no need of medications, health insurance or doctors or hospitals, no health problems whatsoever, my wife Michelle as a nurse practitioner, will be out of a job, for the new inhabitants will dwell in the presence of the Great Physician. the city's residents will exist in a perfect state with a perfect attitude and disposition, with a mind set like that of Christ's, with an understanding of how God views all things, for no negatives will exist in heaven

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'We read of the beginning of the curse in Ge 3:14 And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. 16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee. 17 And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;18 thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field; 19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.
That was the beginning of the curse but here in v3 we come to the end of the curse, the curse is no more! Glorious day! We have mentioned this fact over and over, but no more curse means no more sin, no more hindrances, no more broken fellowship, no more being out of the perfect will of God. Instead there will be perfect sinlessness and perfect holiness. Harold Sightler writes' 'Sin has wrought havoc in this world both in the human family, in the animal kingdom, as well as the physical earth. Paul speaks of the earth in Romans ch8, groaning and travailing, awaiting that day when it too shall be liberated and released from the curse of the fall of Adam'John sees that the Holy City has no mark, no scar, no evidence of the curse of sin'When we get to the Holy City, one thing is for sure, there is nothing in the Holy city to remind us of sin. the ravage, and the ruin, and the curse of it, and the hurt of it, the grief of it, the bereavement of it, there will be nothing in heaven that will ever remind you of the curse of sin.' EVER AGAIN!
There is no more curse in the new paradise, but God is there, ruling, overseeing, reigning, and is available and accessible to each and everyone for He is ever present with His people because His throne is there in the New City, the Lamb abides in the new city with His bride, and notice the last part of v3 and his servants shall serve him, His servants, that's us, are serving Him. We will have jobs, duties, responsibilities in the new earth. Remember Adam tended the garden, had dominion over it, and in like fashion so shall we; but what this service entails we do not know. God leaves that information absent, but we shall know when we get there, and what a joy it will be to serve the perfect God perfectly with no hindrances or mishaps in a perfect environment.
Mt 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.
1Co 13:12 fornow we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
1Jo 3:2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.
Something we have never done, only dreamed about, yet at this time we will get to see His face and live, the face of God, the face of the one who so loved the world, the face that spoke all into existence, the face of the Almighty, of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of Israel, the God of salvation, the face of our Savior. We will look into his loving and compassionate eyes, we will see his smile, hear His voice, smell His scent, taste His reward, feel His touch, we shall see the face of the Triune God, we shall stand before God. there will be full recognition of who God is, thus completing the perfect relationship and unity of us with Him.
Also like what God done for the 144,000 Jews during the days of the tribulation we will bear His name, God's name, His mark of ownership and family, in our foreheads.
We are His, He claims us as His own, His bride, His servant, His children, we now forever belong together with God!

Please see the note for Galatians C1-S4 about the word curse.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'pp.   or a. 1. Doomed to destruction or misery: the city shall be accursed. John   6. 2. Separated from the faithful; cast out of the church; excommunicated. I could wish myself accursed from Christ. 3. Worthy of the curse; detestable; execrable. Keep from the accursed thing. Josh. 6. Hence, 4. Wicked; malignant in the extreme'.

Please see the note for Colossians C1S3 about the word throne.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'a royal chair or seat of dignity (De 17:18; 2Sa 7:13; Ps 45:6); an elevated seat with a canopy and hangings, which cover it. It denotes the seat of the high priest in 1Sa 1:9; 4:13, and of a provincial governor in Ne 3:7; Ps 122:5. the throne of Solomon is described at length in 1Ki 10:18-20'.

Please see the notes for Romans C16S21 and 2Timothy C1-S2 about the word serve.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'To work for; to bestow the labor of body and mind in the employment of another'.  Please also see the note for Philippians 2:17 about the word service.  Please also see the notes for Romans C14S4; 1Corinthians C7S27 and Ephesians C6S4 about the word servant.  The New Testament definition is: 'To command another to help or to cry for help, hence to pray (Ge 4:26)'.

Please see the note for 2Corinthians 4:6 about the word face.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'The power, position, authority and presence of the being that is presented to us'.

Please see the note for Philippians 2:9-11 about the word name.  The New Testament definition is: 'How a person is identified including their power and authority'.  Please also see the note for 1Corinthians C1S4 about the phrase the name.    Please also see the note for Acts 1:23 about the word surname.  The New Testament definition is: 'In scripture this means an additional or added name, not a family name, as the word now implies'.  Please also see the note for 1Peter 4:14-LJC about the phrase name of Christ.  Please also see the note for Luke 13:35 about the phrase name of the Lord.  Please also see the Lord Jesus Christ Overview for the doctrine of the names/roles of the Son of God.

Please see the note for Revelation 7:3 about the word forehead.  The New Testament definition is: 'The part of the face which extends from the hair on the top of the head to the eyes. Used symbolically for: Impudence; confidence; assurance; audaciousness. Also, the forehead is made the seat of boldness of speech and act (Eze 3:7- 9). This is one of the places where "The mark of the beast" will be put to show their rebellion against God'.  Please use This link to see the 'Minor Titles of the Son of God' found within the Bible along with links to where the Bible uses those titles.  The title in this sentence is head.

Please see the note for Colossians C1S4 about the word head.  The New Testament definition for word head  is: 'The uppermost part of the human body, or the foremost part of the body of prone and creeping animals.  Used spiritually for the most important part of anything'.  Please see the note for 1Corinthians 11:3-LJC about the phrase Christ: the head of.  Please also see the note for 2:9 about the word Godhead.  The New Testament definition for the word Godhead  is: 'Godship; deity; divinity; divine nature or essence; applied to the true God'.  Please also see the note for Revelation 7:3 about the word forehead.  The New Testament definition for the word forehead  is: 'The part of the face which extends from the hair on the top of the head to the eyes. Used symbolically for: Impudence; confidence; assurance; audaciousness.  Also, the forehead is made the seat of boldness of speech and act (Eze 3:7- 9). This is one of the places where "the mark of the beast" will be put to show their rebellion against God'.  Please use This link to see the 'Minor Titles of the Son of God' found within the Bible along with links to where the Bible uses those titles.  The title in this sentence is head.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'there. Re 21:4; De 27:26; Zec 14:11; Mt 25:41; Ge 3:10-13; Eze 37:27  but. Re 7:15-17; 21:22-23; Ps 16:11; 17:15; Isa 12:6; Eze 48:35; Mt 25:21; Joh 14:3; 17:24  his. Re 7:15; Joh 12:26
they. Eze 33:18-20,23; Job 33:26; Ps 4:6; Isa 33:17; 35:2; 40:5; Mt 5:8; Joh 12:26; 17:24; 1Co 13:12; Heb 12:14; 1Jo 3:2-3  and his. Re 3:12; 14:1  General references. exp: 1Co 13:10

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C22-S4 (Verse 5)   Major changes in day-night cycle.
  1. Equivalent Section:  Elimination of things no more needed.
    1. First Step:  Elimination of night.
      1. And there shall be no night there;
    2. Second Step:  Elimination of need for sources of light.
      1. and they need no candle,
      2. neither light of the sun;.
    3. Third Step:  Why.
      1. for the Lord God giveth them light:
  2. Equivalent Section:  the results.
    1. and they shall reign for ever and ever.

Our sentence starts with the word And,  which adds it to the prior sentence.  Both sentences need to be considered together for contextual reasons.  The prior told us about the elimination of the curse.  This sentence adds the elimination of all need for sources of light.

I imagine that we will also no longer need to sleep.  That is one of the main reasons for a night cycle every day.  And, people who need to sleep less can accomplish more that those who require more sleep.  In addition, things can happen outside of our control while we are asleep.  With the elimination of the need for sleep, God's servants  can always remain in control of the things which they are responsible for.

We see here that The Lord God giveth them light.  This not only enables God's servants  to see, but it also gives them Godly understanding of why they need to do things God's way.  (All throughout The word of God  we see the word light  associated with spiritual understanding and we see the word darkness  associated with spiritual error due to a lack of true spiritual understanding.)

The Second Equivalent Section tells us that: they shall reign for ever and ever.  That is, God's servants  shall reign for ever and ever.  And, this is due to everything we read in the First Equivalent Section.  Without these things, God's servants  could not reign  in continuous righteousness.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'This reminds us of Re 21:23 And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof. 24 And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it: and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour into it. 25 And the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day: for there shall be no night there. In the new paradise there will be an eternal day, there will be no night, no darkness, no children of darkness, no forces of darkness, no things done in darkness, no deeds of evil done by lovers of darkness for there is only the light of the Lord God, the glory of God and the Lamb who is the light of the new world.
And in this never ending day, in the new heaven and new earth, in the new city and new paradise we will have a new reign and new dominion as we serve the Lord in utter perfection for all eternity, v5'and they shall reign for ever and ever.
Ro 5:17 forif by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ. As Adam and Eve were given dominion over the earth, so shall we be given rights and responsibilities to reign, we will serve, we will reign, we will live eternally at the feet of the one who was pierced for us. And much like the millennial reign I believe some will be given authority over the nations, some a few, some many, their authority and service and rank will depend upon one's faithfulness and obedience during this present age. Great will be the reward, great will be the honor, great will be the day we serve and reign with our Lord and savior for all eternity. What a time of all things made new!
With v5 we come to the end of the descriptions given to the Apostle John of all things made new. John has gotten to see people, places, things and events that no other person has, he had the privilege to pen down the descriptions of what he witnessed for future generations to study and glean from his words the wondrous things that await those who have believed upon the Lord Jesus. And now with the pictures of heaven behind us we come to the final closing remarks of the book, beginning with v6

Please see the note for John 11:10 about night.  The New Testament definition is: 'The time of darkness within a day'.  That note also lists various symbolic usages of this word.  Please also see the note for Matthew 25:6 about the word midnight.  This was naturally the closing of the day, for God called the light 'day'.  Please also see the note for John 20:19 about the word evening.  Please also see Mark 4:35 about the phrase the even.  Please also see Mark 11:11 about the word eventide.  Please also see the note for Matthew 25:6 about the word midnight.  Please also see the note for 1Thessalonians 5:2 about the phrase the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.  Please see the note for John 20:19 about the phrase evening.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'The period from sunset till night'.  Please see the note for Mark 4:35 about the phrase The even.  Today, the phrase the even,  would be called 'sunset' and would be considered to be a particular part of evening.  Please also see the note for Luke 1:5 about the word day.  Please also see the note for John 21:4 about the word morning.  Please also see the note for Matthew 25:6 about the word midnight.

Please see the note for Philippians 4:19 about the word need.  Webster's 1828 dictionary defines this word as: 'To compel, to lack; to require, as supply or relief'.  Please also see the note for Romans C13S8 about the phrase must needs.

Please see the note for Luke 8:16 about the word candle.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'The Hebrew word denotes properly any kind of candle or lamp or torch. It is used as a figure of conscience (Pr 20:27), of a Christian example (Mt 5:14- 15), and of prosperity (Job 21:17; Pr 13:9)'.  Please also see the note for Mark 4:21 about the word candlestick.

Please see the Doctrinal Study called Light And Darkness about the words Lightdarklightningdarkness,  and the phrase light and darkness.  The New Testament definition, for the word Light,  is: 'According to the science of physics, this physical reality is composed of matter and energy with most things being either matter or energy.  Light is unique in that it is both matter and energy.  Symbolically, that means that light represents this physical reality (matter), and the spiritual reality (energy).  Both are affected by God's light'.  Please also see the note for Hebrews 6:4 about the word enlightened.  Please see the note for Psalms 119:16 about the word delight.  True delight  is one of the effects of God's light.  Please also see the note for John 11:9-LJC about the phrase Jesus is our light.

Please see the note for Matthew 5:45 about the word sun.  Fausset's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'Ge 1:14 translated "let there be luminaries," literally, "light bearers". Genesis only tells what the sun, moon, and stars are in relation to the earth. When the mists were dispelled, and the seas confined within bounds, the heavenly bodies assumed their natural functions, marking days and nights, seasons and years, and God appoints the sun to rule the day and the moon the night. "Let them be for signs," as eclipses, portents of extraordinary events (Mt 2:2; Lu 21:25) and divine judgments (Joe 2:30; Jer 10:2; Mt 24:29), and indicating the four quarters of the heavens (Ps 50:1) and also the changes in the weather; "and for seasons, days, and years." the sun regulated the length of the Israelite year by the recurrence of Pentecost at a fixed agricultural season, namely, when the grain was ripe'.  This word is used symbolically for: 'Our Lord Jesus Christ  providing: wisdom, understanding, knowledge, guidance and related gifts which are regarded as being intellectual'.

Please see the note for 2Corinthians 5:5 about the word give.  The New Testament definition is: 'ppr. Bestowing; confering; imparting; granting; delivering. GIV'ING, n. the act of confering'.  Please see the note for 2Corinthians 9:8-11 about the words gave  and given.  The New Testament definition for the words gave  and given  are: 'the past-tense form of the word give'.  Please see the note for 2Corinthians 9:7 about the word giving.  The New Testament definition of giving  is: 'the ongoing form of the word give'.  Please see the note for 2Corinthians 9:7 about the word giveth.  The New Testament definition of giveth  is: 'a life-style of giving'.  Please see the note for 2Corinthians 9:7 about the word giver.  The New Testament definition of the word giver  is: 'the person who gives'.  Please also see the note for 1Corinthians C14S19 about the phrase giving of thanks.

Please see the notes for 1Corinthians C13S9; 2Corinthians 2:17 and Colossians C1S6 about the words see / sight. The New Testament definition is: 'perception of objects by the eye; view. this word is often used symbolically for spiritual understanding'.  Please also see the note for John 6:40-LJC  about the phrase see the Son.  Please also see the note for Acts 2:25 about the words foresee / foresaw.  Please also see the note for Romans C11S10 about the phrase works are seen of men.

The phrase ever and ever  has the same application as the word everlasting  except that it seems to never end as opposed to actually never ending.  Please see the note for Luke 16:9 about the word everlasting.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'ever and lasting. Lasting or enduring for ever; eternal; existing or continuing without end; immortal'.  Please see the note for 1:6 for links to where this phrase and this word are used in this Bible book.

Please see the note for Romans C6S12 about the word reign.  Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'v.i. rane. L. regno, a derivative of rego, regnum. 1. to possess or exercise sovereign power or authority; to rule; to exercise government, as a king or emperor; or to hold the supreme power. George the third reigned over Great Britain more than fifty years. Behold, a king shall reign in righteousness. Is. 32. 2. to be predominant; to prevail. Pestilent diseases which commonly reign in summer or autumn. 3. to rule; to have superior or uncontrolled dominion. Romans 6. this word is never applied to the exercise of supreme power by a legislative body or the executive administration, in the United States.
REIGN, n. rane. L. regnum. 1. Royal authority; supreme power; sovereignty. He who like a father held his reign. 2. the time during which a king, queen or emperor possesses the supreme authority. the Spanish armada was equipped to invade England in the reign of queen Elizabeth. Magna Charta was obtained in the reign of king John. 3. Kingdom; dominion. Saturn's sons received the threefold reign of heav'n, of ocean, and deep hell beneath. 4. Power; influence. 5. Prevalence
'.  The note in Romans has links to every place where this word is used in the New Testament along with a short note on each application.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'no night. Re 18:23; 21:22-25; Ps 36:9; 84:11; Pr 4:18-19; Isa 60:19-20  and they. Re 3:21; 11:15; Da 7:18,27; Mt 25:34,46; Ro 5:17; 2Ti 2:12; 1Pe 1:3-4  General references. exp: Pr 4:18; 1Co 13:10'.

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C22-S5 (Verse 6)   We can have true Biblical faith  in the prophecies from God because they are based upon His character.
  1. Equivalent Section:  What the angel told John.
    1. And he said unto me,
    2. These sayings  are faithful and true :
  2. Equivalent Section:  God is the source of all true prophecy.
    1. and the Lord God of the holy prophets sent his angel to shew unto his servants the things which must shortly be done.

Our sentence starts with the word And,  which adds it to the prior sentence.  Both sentences need to be considered together for contextual reasons.  The prior sentence tells us how the character of God will change all of creation.  This sentence adds that we can have true Biblical faith  in the prophecies from God because they are based upon His character.

As seen in the general notes about Prophecies, in the Significant Gospel Events and the Significant New Testament Events; this sentence tells us that ALL prophecy, found in The word of God,  is faithful and true.  In addition, 2Timothy 3:16-17 says: All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.  That means that all of these prophecies are backed by the character of God.  Any perversion of them is an attack on the character of God.

Our sentence has two Equivalent Sections with the First Equivalent Section giving John a message of assurance for him to write down to give all of God's people this assurance.  As faithful,  these sayings  (prophecies) can always be relied upon.  As true,  these sayings  (prophecies) are never wrong.  Anyone who claims otherwise proved themselves to be a liar and a minister of devils.

Our Second Equivalent Section tells us that God used his angel to shew unto his servants  the prophecies which we are given in The word of God.  The word angel  occurs 117 times in the Old Testament and most are telling us how they acted as messengers from God to God's people.  In the case of true Biblical prophets,  they were shown The things which must shortly be done  with God's sense of time being totally different from ours.  (2Peter 3:8 says: But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.  God also sent messages to other of His people, using angels,  but they did not prophesy.

We also read that God sent prophecy to The holy prophets.  This matches 2Peter 1:21; which tells us: For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.  God used holy men of God  like we use a pen to write our name.  The pen puts down the ink but we do the writing.  Likewise, holy men of God  wrote down God's word but God did the writing.  In addition, God always uses only people who are holy.  Any so-called prophet who is not holy  is representing a devil.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'Again the angel that has been speaking with John tells the apostle that all he has seen and heard are faithful and true, the visions and statements are the coming reality, they will come to pass, the angel affirms the authenticity of what John has been privileged to see, and even explains that God sent him(The angel) to show these things that must shortly or quickly come to pass, first to John who would in turn show them to the servants, the followers, the believers of God, to even us of this day, thru the written word, so all would be aware of what would shortly take place. And with that idea of things that must shortly be done, what main event must now come to pass? the angel gives us the answer by quoting the Lord Jesus in v7''.

Please see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word saith.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'lifestyle speaking.  A saying that never changes when said by God'.  Please also see the note for Romans 11:1 about the phrase I say.  The New Testament definition is: 'This phrase expresses a personal opinion, which usually follows the phrase'.  Bible authors uses this phrase when they introduces their own point into an ongoing discussion.  When Jesus  says this phrase, He is giving a personal command.  Please also see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word saith.  Please also see the note for Romans C10S28 about the word gainsaying.  Please also see the note for Matthew 26:1 about the word sayings (plural).  Please also see the notes for Romans C15S15 and 2Corinthians 2:17 about the word speak.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 3:12-14 about the word speech.  Please also see the notes for Ephesians C4S15 and 1Peter 2:1 about the phrase evil speaking.  The words speaketh  and saith  mean that the person 'keeps on keeping on doing the saying'.

Please see the notes for 1Corinthians C1S3; 2Corinthians C1S17; Galatians C3S27; Ephesians 6:23-LJC; Philippians 1:25-26 and 2Timothy C1S2 about the word faith.  The New Testament definition is: 'an action word that is based upon a belief in a promise found within the Bible with the action dictated by the Bible and the understanding that our action does not force God to act nor determines when or how God acts but proves that of our own free will we are giving God permission to act in and through our life to do what He promised within His Word'.  Please also see the note for the Word Study on Faith about the word faithful.  The New Testament definition is: 'Firm in adherence to the truth and to the duties of religion.  Full of faith, trustful, and not simply trustworthy.  being true to oneself, to one's nature, to any promise given, and to any trust committed'.  Please also see the note for Hebrews 3:1-LJC about Christ Jesus is faithful.  Please also see the notes for Romans 4 and James 2:21-LJC about Abraham's faith.  Please also see the note for 2Timothy C1S2 about the phrase faith: unfeigned.  Please also see the note for 2Peter 2:3 about the word feign.  Please also see the note for Romans C10S12 about the phrase faith makes us not ashamed.  Please also see the note for Ephesians C1S2 about the phrase just shall live by faith.  Please also see the note for Romans C11S6 about the phrase just shall live by his faith.  Please also see the note for Romans C3S29 about the phrase justification by faith.  Please also see the note for Romans C3S25 about Law and faith.  Please also see the note for Romans C9S28 about live / walk by faith.  Please see the note for James 2:14 for links to every verse in the New Testament where the words faith and works  contained within the same verse.

Revelation 3:14 tells us that our Lord Jesus Christ  is The faithful and true witnessRevelation 19:11 tells us that His title is Faithful and True  and our current sentence tells us that the words of the prophecy which reveals Jesus Christ  as Lord  of all are also faithful and true.  Please use the link in the sentence outline, above, to access the Word Study on true.  Please see the note below about the word faithful.

Please see the note for Romans 7:12 about the word holy.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'Properly, whole, entire or perfect, in a moral sense.  Hence, pure in heart, temper or dispositions; free from sin and sinful affections'.  Please see the note for Luke 1:67-75 about the word holiness.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'The state of being holy; purity or integrity of moral character; freedom from sin; sanctity. Applied to the Supreme Being, holiness denotes perfect purity or integrity of moral character, one of his essential attributes'.  Please also see the Word Study on the Word Study on Holy Ghost.  Basically, since we have the indwelling Holy Spirit,  He is trying to make us holy  by teaching us how to act like God acts.  Please also see the note for John 7:39 about the phrase indwelling Holy Spirit.  Please also see the note for 1John 2:20 about the phrase Holy One.  Please also see the Minor Titles of the Son of God about this title.  Please also see the note for Matthew 4:5 about the phrase holy city.  There is a Biblical doctrinal difference between the use of the phrase Holy Ghost  and God's Holy Spirit,  with the Bible using Holy Ghost  when He affects this physical world and the Bible using Holy Spirit  when he affects spiritual things like our spirit.  Both are identifiers of the third Person within the Trinity.  The phrase Holy Ghost  only occurs within the New Testament.

Please see the notes for Luke 1:76; Romans C16S33; Romans C12S5 and Jude about the word prophet.  In addition, false prophets are covered in the Study called False things according to the Bible.  The most popular religious definition for this word is: 'someone who foretells the future'.  However, that definition tends to limit the thinking of people to only those statements when, actually, the majority of their message was doctrinal.  Please also see the note for John 1:45 about the phrase law and the prophets.  Please also see the links for Prophecies and Prophecies Fulfilled in the Gospel Significant Events Study and the New Testament Significant Events Study.

Please see the notes for 1Corinthians C13S1; Significant Gospel Events; Significant New Testament Events about the word angel.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Literally, a messenger; one employed to communicate news or information or do a job for God'.  Please also see the note for Jude 1:7 about the word archangel.

Please see the note for Colossians 2S8 about the word shew.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'The Biblical spelling for the word show, which means: to exhibit or present to the view of others'.

Please see the notes for Romans C16S21 and 2Timothy C1-S2 about the word serve.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'To work for; to bestow the labor of body and mind in the employment of another'.  Please also see the note for Philippians 2:17 about the word service.  Please also see the notes for Romans C14S4; 1Corinthians C7S27 and Ephesians C6S4 about the word servant.  The New Testament definition is: 'To command another to help or to cry for help, hence to pray (Ge 4:26)'.

Please see the note for Romans 3:23 about the word short.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Not long; not having great length or extension; as a short distance; a short ferry; a short flight; a short piece of timber'.  Please also see the note for Mark 13:20 about the word shorten.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'These. Re 19:9; 21:5  the holy. Re 18:20; Lu 1:70; 16:16; Ac 3:18; Ro 1:2; 1Pe 1:11-12; 2Pe 1:21; 3:2  sent. Re 1:1; Da 3:28; 6:22; Mt 13:41; Ac 12:11; 2Th 1:7  which. Re 22:7; Ge 41:32; 1Co 7:29; 2Pe 3:8-9'.

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C22-S6 (Verse 7)   the warning from our Lord Jesus Christ.
  1. Equivalent Section:  Pay attention or you will miss out.
    1. Behold,
    2. I come quickly:.
  2. Equivalent Section:  Here is how to be blessed.
    1. blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book.

Our sentence starts the warning with: Behold, I come quickly.  If God's people aren't paying attention, they will be caught by surprise.  It is possible they will be caught in sin.  And even those saved people who are not caught in sin might not lay up treasure in Heaven  (Hebrews 12:2-LJC; Laying up Treasure in Heaven) to the level that God makes available.  Once our Lord Jesus Christ  comes, it is too late to lay up more treasure in Heaven.

We see the phrase come quickly  in: Revelation 3:11; Revelation 22:7; Revelation 22:12; Revelation 22:20.  Every one of these is a warning to God's people to be prepared for the sudden and unexpected 'Rapture'.  Each reference promises a different blessing.

Our sentence says: blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book.  Lots of people like to 'claim' this promise.  However, the word keepeth  means; 'a lifestyle of keeping'.  Most saved people don't even understand The prophecy of this book,  much less have 'a lifestyle of keeping them'.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'Behold I come quickly. From the moment the last days began during the age of the apostles all the way down thru time to the present day, all true followers have been awaiting the Lord's return, his imminent return. Christ promised he would come again, he would come to retrieve his bride, the church, in the event we call the rapture. that is the next main event on God's calendar and it could happen at any time. And quick will be the Lord's return, in a twinkling of an eye will he snatch us away. the church will be whisked away before anyone is aware of what happened and the Day of the Lord and the tribulation will begin. And in our studies we have seen that those events that follow the rapture will also only take a short while to happen, for a period of around 40 years for the Day of the Lord transpires that then leads up to the 7 years of the Great Tribulation. All of these events happening on a relatively pretty short time scale, so in one sense the coming of Christ during the rapture will be quick.
In another sense this saying of Behold I come quickly also means that it will be a short while before he comes, but some may say 'its been over 2000 years since Jesus made that promise that he would come quickly', and they would be right, yet we must take into account that time has no bearing on God, millennia flash by God in an instant and then a moment could last 1000 years, so in God's perspective, time has no meaning. So I believe the term quickly used here is used to speak not only of the speed at which all these prophesied events will take place, but it also speaks of how soon, how imminent their happening truly is. Both applications are biblically valid.
But continuing on, lets notice what the angel says, that while believers are to be watching and waiting for the speedy, imminent return of the Lord, the angel also relates to us that the person who keeps or guards or holds sacred the sayings of this book, the one who clings to and has hope in the prophecies of this Book of Revelation, and is thus prepared for Christ's return, a person that does so is truly blessed or happy, blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book. the person who reads and studies and tries to grasp the realities of what is to come: the dire situations of the lost sinner and a sinful world, the wonders that await the faithful believer, the one that takes this prophecy seriously and to heart, that meditates upon the majesty of heaven and the Lamb and has believed upon the name of Jesus, happy is he, blessed is he. We had the same benediction at the beginning of this book Re 1:3 Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand. If one is truly prepared to meet God, he will be full of happiness and joy unspeakable. And we see that John is a happy and blessed man now, for so overcome by awe and excitement and adoration by what he has seen, he once again falls at the feet of the angel and begins to worship

Please see the note for Colossians C2S3 about the word behold.  Webster's 1828 Dictionary defines this word as: 'to fix the eyes upon; to see with attention; to observe with care. Behold the lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world. John 1. 2. In a less intensive sense, to look upon; to see. When he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived. Num. 21. BEHO'LD, v.i. to look; to direct the eyes to an object. And I beheld, and lo, in the midst of the throne, a lambdas it had been slain. Rev.5. 1. to fix the attention upon an object; to attend; to direct or fix the mind. Behold, I stand at the door and knock. Rev.3.word is much used in this manner for exciting attention, or admiration. It is in the imperative mode, expressing command, or exhortation; and by no means a mere exclamation'.  Please also see the note for Colossians 2:18-19 about the word hold.  Please also see the note for Luke 24:15 about the word holden.

Please see the note for Matthew 5:25 about the word quickly.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Speedily; with haste or celerity. 2. Soon; without delay'.

Please see the notes for Galatians C3-S10 about the word bless.  In particular, please see the note for Galatians which explains why the commonly accepted dictionary definition is wrong.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'receiving, or wishing another to receive, the spiritual good from God which produces spiritual joy even while it might make us less happy in the flesh'.

Please see the note for 1Timothy 5:22 about the word keep.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'To hold; to retain in one's power or possession; not to lose or part with'.  Please also see the note for Matthew 8:33 about the word kept.  The word kept  is the past-tense form of the word keep.  The word keepeth  is 'life-style keeping'.  Please also see the note for Matthew 28:3-4 about the word keeper.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'One who retains anything or anyone in custody'.  Please also see the note for 1John 5:2 about the phrase keep his commandments.

Please see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word saith.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'lifestyle speaking.  A saying that never changes when said by God'.  Please also see the note for Romans 11:1 about the phrase I say.  The New Testament definition is: 'This phrase expresses a personal opinion, which usually follows the phrase'.  Bible authors uses this phrase when they introduces their own point into an ongoing discussion.  When Jesus  says this phrase, He is giving a personal command.  Please also see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word saith.  Please also see the note for Romans C10S28 about the word gainsaying.  Please also see the note for Matthew 26:1 about the word sayings (plural).  Please also see the notes for Romans C15S15 and 2Corinthians 2:17 about the word speak.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 3:12-14 about the word speech.  Please also see the notes for Ephesians C4S15 and 1Peter 2:1 about the phrase evil speaking.  The words speaketh  and saith  mean that the person 'keeps on keeping on doing the saying'.

Please see the notes for Luke 1:76; Romans C16S33; Romans C12S5 and Jude about the word prophet.  In addition, false prophets are covered in the Study called False things according to the Bible.  The most popular religious definition for this word is: 'someone who foretells the future'.  However, that definition tends to limit the thinking of people to only those statements when, actually, the majority of their message was doctrinal.  Please also see the note for John 1:45 about the phrase law and the prophets.  Please also see the links for Prophecies and Prophecies Fulfilled in the Gospel Significant Events Study and the New Testament Significant Events Study.

Please see the note for Luke 3:4 about the word book.  the New Testament definition for this word is: 'A general name of every literary composition which is printed; but appropriately, a printed composition bound; a volume. the name is given also to any number of written sheets when bound or sewed together, and to a volume of blank paper, intended for any species of writing, as for memorandums, for accounts, or receipts.  1. A particular part of a literary composition; a division of a subject in the same volume.  2. A volume or collection of sheets in which accounts are kept; a register of debts and credits, receipts and expenditures'.  Please also see the note for Revelation 13:8-LJC about the phrase book of the life.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'I come. Re 22:10,12,20; 3:11  blessed. Re 22:9; 1:3 exp: Re 20:6; 22:14'.

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C22-S7 (Verse 8)   John was a personal witness to all in this Bible book.
  1. And I John saw these things,
  2. and heard  them .

Our sentence starts with the word And,  which adds it to the prior sentence.  Both sentences need to be considered together for contextual reasons.  The prior sentence gave us a warning from our Lord Jesus Christ.  This sentence is adding John's testimony of being a first-hand personal witness.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'John is so awed by all he been witness to he just has to worship and so he falls before the angel. But the angel forbids it''.

There is more than one John  identified in The word of God.  This John  was the apostle and author of the Gospel of John; 1John; 2John and 3John.

Please see the notes for 1Corinthians C13S9; 2Corinthians 2:17 and Colossians C1S6 about the words see / sight. The New Testament definition is: 'perception of objects by the eye; view. this word is often used symbolically for spiritual understanding'.  Please also see the note for John 6:40-LJC  about the phrase see the Son.  Please also see the note for Acts 2:25 about the words foresee / foresaw.  Please also see the note for Romans C11S10 about the phrase works are seen of men.

Please see the note for Galatians C3-S7 about the word hear.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'Perceiving by the ear.  This word is often used symbolically for hearing the spiritual message of the word of God and obeying that message'.  The New Testament definition, for the word heard  is: 'The past-tense form of hear'.  Please pay attention to the word 'obey' within this definition.  That is what most people refuse to do when the Bible says that they do not hear.  Please also see the note for James 2:5 about the word hearken.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'To listen closely'.  Please also see the note for Mark 4:9 about the phrase He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.  Please also see the note for Matthew 13:17 about the phrase have not heard.  Please also see the note for Mark 4:9 about the phrase ears to hear.  Please also see the note for Romans 2:13 about the word hearer.  The New Testament definition, for the word hearer  is: 'One who attends to what is orally delivered by another'.

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C22-S8 (Verse 8)   John's reaction to what he witnessed.
  1. And when I had heard and seen,
  2. I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel which shewed me these things.

Our sentence starts with the word And,  which adds it to the prior sentence.  Both sentences need to be considered together for contextual reasons.  Our prior sentence told us that John was a first-hand personal witness to everything written in this Bible book.  This sentence adds his reaction to all that he was shown.  And, many people react in a similar way to someone showing them spiritual truth that is well beyond anything that they realized before.  Our next sentence tells us the proper response that a spiritual leader should have.  Unfortunately, many spiritual leaders react differently.  Some just accept church members following them as if their religious opinions came directly from the mouth of God.  Some go farther and become true antichrists.  Then we have Satan's two beasts  who take this even further.  Thus we have a sliding scale of responses and the only way that a true religious leader can avoid such error is to react like the angel in the next sentence.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence in the note for the prior sentence.

Please see the note for Galatians C3-S7 about the word hear.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'Perceiving by the ear.  This word is often used symbolically for hearing the spiritual message of the word of God and obeying that message'.  The New Testament definition, for the word heard  is: 'The past-tense form of hear'.  Please pay attention to the word 'obey' within this definition.  That is what most people refuse to do when the Bible says that they do not hear.  Please also see the note for James 2:5 about the word hearken.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'To listen closely'.  Please also see the note for Mark 4:9 about the phrase He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.  Please also see the note for Matthew 13:17 about the phrase have not heard.  Please also see the note for Mark 4:9 about the phrase ears to hear.  Please also see the note for Romans 2:13 about the word hearer.  The New Testament definition, for the word hearer  is: 'One who attends to what is orally delivered by another'.

Please see the notes for 1Corinthians C13S9; 2Corinthians 2:17 and Colossians C1S6 about the words see / sight. The New Testament definition is: 'perception of objects by the eye; view. this word is often used symbolically for spiritual understanding'.  Please also see the note for John 6:40-LJC  about the phrase see the Son.  Please also see the note for Acts 2:25 about the words foresee / foresaw.  Please also see the note for Romans C11S10 about the phrase works are seen of men.

Please see the note for 1Timothy 3:6 about the word fall.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'To drop from a higher place; to descend by the power of gravity alone. Rain falls from the clouds; a man falls from his horse; ripe fruits fall from trees; an ox falls into a pit. I beheld Satan as lightning fall from Heaven. Luke 10. 2. to drop from an erect posture. I fell at his feet to worship him. Rev. 19'.  The words fell  and fallen  are the past-tense forms of the word fall.

Please see the note for Luke 1:76 about the word feet.  The New Testament definition is: 'The plural of foot.  This word is often used symbolically for how the foot is used'.  Please see the note for Matthew 4:5 about the word foot.  Please also see the note for Matthew 18:28 about the phrase trodden under foot.  Please also see the note for Matthew 18:28 about the phrase trodden under foot.  Please also see the note for Hebrews 1:13 about the word footstool.

Please see the notes for 1Corinthians C13S1; Significant Gospel Events; Significant New Testament Events about the word angel.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Literally, a messenger; one employed to communicate news or information or do a job for God'.  Please also see the note for Jude 1:7 about the word archangel.

Please see the note for Colossians 2S8 about the word shew.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'The Biblical spelling for the word show, which means: to exhibit or present to the view of others'.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'I fell. Re 19:10,19'.

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C22-S9 (Verse 9)   Worship no one but God.
  1. Equivalent Section:  Do not worship angels not any other being.
    1. Then saith he unto me,
    2. See  thou do it not:.
  2. Equivalent Section:  Why.
    1. for I am thy fellowservant,
    2. and of thy brethren the prophets,
    3. and of them which keep the sayings of this book:
  3. Equivalent Section:  What to do.
    1. worship God .

Our sentence has two Equivalent Sections.  The First Equivalent Section tells us to not worship angels not any other being.  That is spiritual fornication.  The saved have a covenant ('spiritual contract') relationship with God.  Just like sex is restricted to the marriage relationship, so also is worship restricted to the salvation relationship with God.  We are ordered to not have sex with anyone that we are not legally married to.  Likewise, true worship is restricted to the salvation relationship.  Others have aform of worship, but it is not true worship which God's Holy Spirit  perfects for the truly saved.

The first, of the Ten Commandments, is: I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. thou shalt have no other gods before me.  (Exodus 20:2-3; Deuteronomy 5:6-7).  The Roman Catholic Church tells people to pray to 'their Mary and their saints' who are supposed to represent them before God the father.  However, a lawyer / advocate appeared before  the king to represent the person.  Thus, the Roman Catholic Church tells people to deliberately and continuously disobey the first, of the Ten Commandments.  In addition, 1John 2:1-2 says: My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the father, Jesus Christ the righteous: And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.  He does not appear before  God the father but sits next to Him in the throne of God.  And, we can show a similar error for all other religions.  Devils are behind all religions except the true religion of The word of God.  And, devils all want worship in any form which they can get it.  Therefore, they all teach their religious followers to worship beings other than the one true God.

By the way, the word saith,  in the First Equivalent Section, means: 'an ongoing lifestyle saying'.  This commandment is one we are to obey for our entire life and into eternity.

In our Second Equivalent Section, we are told why this commandment is true.  The angel says that angels, and all spiritual beings are no better than the prophets nor anyone who truly serve God ( keep the sayings of this book).  All serve God and God Himself is the only Being who is greater according to God's spiritual measurement.  Therefore, the only beings who are lesser are devils and all who refuse to serve God.

In our third Equivalent Section, we are told what we are to do.  Worship includes: 'recognizing the true spiritual value of another being'.  More than one preacher has recognized that 'True worship includes worth-ship.  That is, recognizing the worth of God to you personally'.  When we truly worship God,  We are reminding ourselves of all that He is and of all that he does and of all that He promised to us in The word of God.  Thus, all of His character, attributes and promises are at the front of our minds when we need help.  However, in The word of God  we also read about men, wrongly, worshipping other men and devils and false religions.  We also read about men refusing to worship God.  When they do that, they are hurting themselves because they cutting themselves off from the greatest source of help in this physical world.  And, i write this based upon personal experience.  As I have testified more than once on this web site and in person, I have had multiple times when medical personnel have said that I had undeniable multiple miracles.  When lost worldly experts recognize the working of God in a person's life, God's help can not be denied.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'Don't worship me says the angel, for I am your fellow servant, a brother in arms. the angel states that he also serves God, just as John does, along with the other prophets God has commissioned, and notice one other group the angel mentions he is allied with, 'and of them which keep the sayings of this book', just as v7 spoke of, the angel is allied with those that are prepared by heeding these prophecies. the angel serves on the side of those who serve God, who are prepared to meet God, so he instructs John once more to not worship him but to worship God, worship the Lord, worship your Savior, worship Christ. then the angel follows that statement with even more instruction'.

Please see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word saith.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'lifestyle speaking.  A saying that never changes when said by God'.  Please also see the note for Romans 11:1 about the phrase I say.  The New Testament definition is: 'This phrase expresses a personal opinion, which usually follows the phrase'.  Bible authors uses this phrase when they introduces their own point into an ongoing discussion.  When Jesus  says this phrase, He is giving a personal command.  Please also see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word saith.  Please also see the note for Romans C10S28 about the word gainsaying.  Please also see the note for Matthew 26:1 about the word sayings (plural).  Please also see the notes for Romans C15S15 and 2Corinthians 2:17 about the word speak.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 3:12-14 about the word speech.  Please also see the notes for Ephesians C4S15 and 1Peter 2:1 about the phrase evil speaking.  The words speaketh  and saith  mean that the person 'keeps on keeping on doing the saying'.

Please see the notes for 1Corinthians C13S9; 2Corinthians 2:17 and Colossians C1S6 about the words see / sight. The New Testament definition is: 'perception of objects by the eye; view. this word is often used symbolically for spiritual understanding'.  Please also see the note for John 6:40-LJC  about the phrase see the Son.  Please also see the note for Acts 2:25 about the words foresee / foresaw.  Please also see the note for Romans C11S10 about the phrase works are seen of men.

Please see the note for Matthew 11:16-17 about the word fellow.  Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'n. Heb. to tie or connect, to be joined or associated. 1. A companion; an associate. In youth I had twelve fellows, like myself. Each on his fellow for assistance calls. 2. One of the same kind. A shepherd had one favorite dog; he fed him with his own hand, and took more care of him than of his fellows. 3. An equal. Awake, O sword, against my shepherd, and against the man that is my fellow, saith Jehovah of hosts. Zech. 13. 4. One of a pair, or of two things used together and suited to each other. Of a pair of gloves, we call one the fellow of the other. 5. One equal or like another. Of an artist we say, this man has not his fellow, that is, one of like skill. 6. An appellation of contempt; a man without good breeding or worth; an ignoble man; as a mean fellow. Worth makes the man, and want of it the fellow. 7. A member of a college that shares its revenues; or a member of any incorporated society. 8. A member of a corporation; a trustee'.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 8:23 about the word fellowhelper.  Please also see the note for Philippians 4:3 about the word fellowlabourers.  Please also see the Please see the note for Philippians 1:3-7 about the word fellowship.  Please also see the Message called Fellowship in the Gospel for the application of these verses in the life of the believer.

Please see the notes for Romans C16S21 and 2Timothy C1-S2 about the word serve.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'To work for; to bestow the labor of body and mind in the employment of another'.  Please also see the note for Philippians 2:17 about the word service.  Please also see the notes for Romans C14S4; 1Corinthians C7S27 and Ephesians C6S4 about the word servant.  The New Testament definition is: 'To command another to help or to cry for help, hence to pray (Ge 4:26)'.

Please see the notes for 1Corinthians C6S10 and Galatians C1-S1 about the word brother.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'A human male born of the same father and mother'.  Please also see the note for Romans C12S8 about the word brotherly.  Please also see the note for Matthew 1:2 about the word brethren.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Spiritually used for God's people: the Jews and the people are saved, baptized and active members of the church'.

Please see the notes for Luke 1:76; Romans C16S33; Romans C12S5 and Jude about the word prophet.  In addition, false prophets are covered in the Study called False things according to the Bible.  The most popular religious definition for this word is: 'someone who foretells the future'.  However, that definition tends to limit the thinking of people to only those statements when, actually, the majority of their message was doctrinal.  Please also see the note for John 1:45 about the phrase law and the prophets.  Please also see the links for Prophecies and Prophecies Fulfilled in the Gospel Significant Events Study and the New Testament Significant Events Study.

Please see the note for 1Timothy 5:22 about the word keep.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'To hold; to retain in one's power or possession; not to lose or part with'.  Please also see the note for Matthew 8:33 about the word kept.  The word kept  is the past-tense form of the word keep.  The word keepeth  is 'life-style keeping'.  Please also see the note for Matthew 28:3-4 about the word keeper.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'One who retains anything or anyone in custody'.  Please also see the note for 1John 5:2 about the phrase keep his commandments.

Please see the note for Luke 3:4 about the word book.  the New Testament definition for this word is: 'A general name of every literary composition which is printed; but appropriately, a printed composition bound; a volume. the name is given also to any number of written sheets when bound or sewed together, and to a volume of blank paper, intended for any species of writing, as for memorandums, for accounts, or receipts.  1. A particular part of a literary composition; a division of a subject in the same volume.  2. A volume or collection of sheets in which accounts are kept; a register of debts and credits, receipts and expenditures'.  Please also see the note for Revelation 13:8-LJC about the phrase book of the life.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'See. Re 19:10; De 4:19; Col 2:18-19; 1Jo 5:20 exp: 1Th 5:15; Heb 12:25.  worship God. Re 4:10; 9:20; 14:7; 15:4; Ex 34:14; 2Ki 17:36; Ps 45:11; Mt 4:9; Lu 4:7; Joh 4:22-23  General references. exp: Ex 20:3'.

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C22-S10 (Verse 10)   leave this book of prophecy open to true understanding.
  1. Equivalent Section:  Don't close off understanding.
    1. And he saith unto me,
    2. Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book:
  2. Equivalent Section:  Why.
    1. for the time is at hand.

Our sentence starts with the word And,  which adds it to the prior sentence.  Both sentences need to be considered together for contextual reasons.  Our prior sentence told us to worship God  and no other being.  This sentence adds that true understanding of the prophecy is available (at hand).  However, since this is added to the prior sentence, only those saved people who truly worship God  are given true understanding through God's Holy Spirit.  Lost and carnal people do not truly worship God.  Therefore, they are not given true understanding and fall for every wrong and perverted interpretation of The word of God  and, especially, of prophecy.

The phrase seal not  means: 'don't hide the true meaning'.  The note for Romans C11S29 has a link to every place where we find the word mystery  in the New Testament along with a short note for each reference saying how the word in used in context where it is found.  A true Biblical mystery  is: 'a spiritual truth which God hides until God chooses to reveal it'.  God used Paul to reveal several mysteries.  And, as Dr. Jeff Wilson writes in his note, below, at the time of Daniel, God hid the spiritual meaning of the prophecy.  But, John is told to not hide the spiritual meaning because The time is at hand.  And, since so much of this book tells us things similar to what Daniel was told to hide, God is using the true meaning of this book, along with other things, to reveal things which were previously hid, such as end-times prophecies.  And, as our sentence says, now is the time for God's Holy Spirit  to reveal these prophecies but only to those saved people who use God's way to interpret The word of God  with the help of God's Holy Spirit.  And, anyone using any other way is deliberately led into error.  Therefore, we need to be careful what we accept as Biblical truth.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'The angel makes it very clear that the Book of Revelation is not a sealed book, this is not like what was told to the prophet Daniel' Da 12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. '9 And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. the book of Daniel was a sealed book, sealed until the end times, its understanding shrouded in mystery and prophecy, but now if you notice, there has been much preaching and teaching from the book of Daniel, for in this time of what I believe are the last days, the end times, the seal of Daniel's book has been opened, wisdom and understanding of that book has grown and grown at a very rapid pace, we have even used it to help us understand some of what transpires in this book.
But John is clearly told not to seal this book for as we have already said that the man who keeps the sayings of this book, that studies it, reads it, hears it, blessed is he. If he could not read it how would he be blessed? If it was closed how could he think upon it? And do you want to know the number one reason why this book is not to be sealed? It is because it is the book of the revelation or the unveiling of the Lord Jesus Christ (Rev1:1). this book speaks of Christ, his dealing with the churches, his return, his victory, his marriage, his judgment, his reign, his eternity, so we are not to hide it but to proclaim it! Preach it to encourage believers! Preach it to convict the unrighteous! Preach it to honor and glorify the Lord, for He is coming quickly and everyone must be prepared to meet their maker! Because as v11 points out, when the end times are over however a man is found to be, in whatever spiritual state he is in, so shall he remain for all eternity'

Please see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word saith.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'lifestyle speaking.  A saying that never changes when said by God'.  Please also see the note for Romans 11:1 about the phrase I say.  The New Testament definition is: 'This phrase expresses a personal opinion, which usually follows the phrase'.  Bible authors uses this phrase when they introduces their own point into an ongoing discussion.  When Jesus  says this phrase, He is giving a personal command.  Please also see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word saith.  Please also see the note for Romans C10S28 about the word gainsaying.  Please also see the note for Matthew 26:1 about the word sayings (plural).  Please also see the notes for Romans C15S15 and 2Corinthians 2:17 about the word speak.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 3:12-14 about the word speech.  Please also see the notes for Ephesians C4S15 and 1Peter 2:1 about the phrase evil speaking.  The words speaketh  and saith  mean that the person 'keeps on keeping on doing the saying'.

Please see the note for 1Corinthians C9S5 about the word seal.  The New Testament definition for this word is: ' 'n. L. sigillum. 1. A piece of metal or other hard substance, usually round or oval, on which is ingraved some image or device, and sometimes a legend or inscription. this is used by individuals, corporate bodies and states, for making impressions on wax upon instruments of writing, as an evidence of their authenticity. the king of England has his seal and his privy seal. Seals are sometimes worn in rings'.

Please see the notes for Luke 1:76; Romans C16S33; Romans C12S5 and Jude about the word prophet.  In addition, false prophets are covered in the Study called False things according to the Bible.  The most popular religious definition for this word is: 'someone who foretells the future'.  However, that definition tends to limit the thinking of people to only those statements when, actually, the majority of their message was doctrinal.  Please also see the note for John 1:45 about the phrase law and the prophets.  Please also see the links for Prophecies and Prophecies Fulfilled in the Gospel Significant Events Study and the New Testament Significant Events Study.

Please see the note for Luke 3:4 about the word book.  the New Testament definition for this word is: 'A general name of every literary composition which is printed; but appropriately, a printed composition bound; a volume. the name is given also to any number of written sheets when bound or sewed together, and to a volume of blank paper, intended for any species of writing, as for memorandums, for accounts, or receipts.  1. A particular part of a literary composition; a division of a subject in the same volume.  2. A volume or collection of sheets in which accounts are kept; a register of debts and credits, receipts and expenditures'.  Please also see the note for Revelation 13:8-LJC about the phrase book of the life.

Please see the note for Revelation 1:3 about the word time.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'The fourth dimension of this physical reality'.  Please also see the note for Hebrews 3:13 about the word today.  Please also see the note for Galatians C4-S17 about the word birthday.  Please also see the note for Luke 1:5 about the word day.  Please also see the notes for Philippians 1:6-LJC and 1Thessalonians 5:2 about the phrase day of.  Please also see the note for 1Thessalonians 5:2 about the phrase day of the Lord.  Please also see the note for John 20:1 about the phrase first day of the week.  Please also see the note for Mark 2:28-LJC about the phrase Good Friday.

Please see the note for 1Corinthians C12S12 about the word hand.  That note has the definition from Webster's 1828 Dictionary and also uses that definition to show why we can't use definitions from men's dictionaries when looking for the Biblical meaning of words.  The New Testament for this word is: 'In man, the extremity of the arm, consisting of the palm and fingers, connected with the arm at the wrist; the part with which we hold and use any instrument. Spiritually, It is used as the symbol of human action'.  Please also see the note for Matthew 18:28 about the phrase laid hands.  Please also see the Doctrinal Study on Doctrine of God about the phrase hand of God  and the phrase The right hand of God  Please also see the note for Luke 1:38 about the word handmaid.  The New Testament definition, for this phrase, is: 'a female slave'.  Please also see the note for Matthew 3:1-2 about the phrase at hand.  This phrase is defined as: 'it will happen very soon'.  Please also see the note for Mark 13:11 for the word beforehand.  The New Testament definition of this phrase is: 'In a state of anticipation or preoccupation'.  Please see the note for 1John 1:1-3 about the word handle.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Touched; treated; managed'.  The word handwriting  is: 'writing done with a personal hand'.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'he saith. Re 22:12-13,16,20  Seal. Re 5:1; 10:4; Isa 8:16; Da 8:26; 12:4,9; Mt 10:27  for. Re 1:3; Isa 13:6; Eze 12:23; Ro 13:12; 2Th 2:3; 1Pe 4:7'.

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C22-S11 (Verse 11)   Let everyone continue with their spiritual attitudes and God will judge them.
  1. Equivalent Section: The first wrong attitude.
    1. He that is unjust,
    2. let him be unjust still:.
  2. Equivalent Section:  the second wrong attitude.
    1. and he which is filthy,
    2. let him be filthy still:.
  3. Equivalent Section:  the first right attitude.
    1. and he that is righteous,
    2. let him be righteous still:.
  4. Equivalent Section:  the second right attitude.
    1. and he that is holy,
    2. let him be holy still.

Please notice that all of these attitudes are lifestyle attitudes.  People who have not settled into a lifestyle attitude are still flexible and we can reason with them.  However, once a person has settled into a lifestyle attitude, is almost impossible to get them to change.  So, God tells us the leave them alone and spend our time dealing with people who are still flexible.

In the past, people told me that we should not send out missionaries but we should have everyone stay here until 100% of Americ and were saved.  I told those people that there are lost Americ and who refuse to listen.  They insisted that it did not matter, send no missionaries until all Americas are saved.  And, that will never happen.  Some devil motivated person convinced them that the way of Satan was greater than obeying The word of God.

in this sentence we read four lifestyle attitudes which are almost impossible to change.  God is telling us to not waste our time trying to convert such.  Starting in the next sentence, we see the start of God's final invitation.  Our job is to take God's invitation to all who will listen and not waste our time on closed minds.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'Once the end comes, when one leaves this world, they will leave one of two ways, saved or unsaved. If he is unjust he will remain unjust, if he is filthy he will remain filthy as he wallows in torment in the lake of fire, but on the other hand if one has been justified by the Lord Jesus then he will be counted righteous and remain eternally so, he will be counted holy and remain eternally holy. Here we see that Jesus is a divider of men, for he will separate the wheat from the tares, the sinner from the saved, just as he separated the faithful thief and the condemned thief on the cross. that is why it is so important to be ready, to keep these words, to be prepared and to be sure that others are prepared as well. Why?'.

Please see the note for 2Peter 2:9-LJC about the word unjust.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'These people may or may not be saved but have a testimony of opposing the Lord and His justice.  These are the people who follow false doctrines and heresies'.  Please see the note for Romans C7S16 about the word just.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'Conformed to rules of justice.  In a spiritual sense, righteous; influenced by a regard to the laws of God; or living in exact conformity to the divine will'.  Please also see the note for Romans 3:20 about the word justify.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'To prove or show to be just.  In a spiritual sense, God applies the blood of Jesus Christ to the legal record of sin and “blots out” that legal record'.  Please also see the note for Luke 23:41 about the word justly.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'In conformity to law, justice or propriety'.Please also see the note for Romans C3S29 about the phrase justification by faith.  The New Testament definition, for this phrase, is: 'having the sins on my legal record in Heaven blotted out and replaced by the righteousness from Jesus Christ'.  Please also see the notes for Ephesians C1S2 and Romans C11S6 about the phrase the just shall live by his faith.  Please also see the note for Romans C9S28 about the phrase live / walk by faith.  Please also see the note for 2Timothy C1S2 about the phrase faith: unfeigned.  Please also see the note for Romans C10S12 about the phrase faith makes us not ashamed.  Please also see the Minor Titles of the Son of God to see the titles of: JustJust One,  and Holy One.

Please see the note for 2Corinthians 7:1 about the word filthiness.  the New Testament definition is: 'The state of being filthy. 2. Foulness; dirtiness; filth; nastiness. Carry forth the filthiness out of the holy place. 2Chron. 29 the word of God uses this word for spiritual sin or spiritually motivated sin'.  Please see the note for 1Corinthians C4S13 about the word filth.  As explained in that note, the word of God uses this word mainly for spiritual sin.  Please see the note for Psalms 119 about the word defile.  Please also see the note for Mark 9:25 about the word foul.

Please see the note for Romans C1S10 and Galatians C2-S16 about the words righteous / righteousness.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'doing the right thing, as defined by God, the right way and at the right time with the right purpose'.  Please also see the note for James 3:18 about the phrase fruit of righteousness.  Please also see the note for Romans C4S7 about the phrase imputeth righteousness.  Please also see the notes for Romans 3:5 and Romans C1S16 about the word unrighteousness.  Please also see the note for Romans C2S5 about the phrase obeying unrighteousness.

Please see the note for Romans 7:12 about the word holy.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'Properly, whole, entire or perfect, in a moral sense.  Hence, pure in heart, temper or dispositions; free from sin and sinful affections'.  Please see the note for Luke 1:67-75 about the word holiness.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'The state of being holy; purity or integrity of moral character; freedom from sin; sanctity. Applied to the Supreme Being, holiness denotes perfect purity or integrity of moral character, one of his essential attributes'.  Please also see the Word Study on the Word Study on Holy Ghost.  Basically, since we have the indwelling Holy Spirit,  He is trying to make us holy  by teaching us how to act like God acts.  Please also see the note for John 7:39 about the phrase indwelling Holy Spirit.  Please also see the note for 1John 2:20 about the phrase Holy One.  Please also see the Minor Titles of the Son of God about this title.  Please also see the note for Matthew 4:5 about the phrase holy city.  There is a Biblical doctrinal difference between the use of the phrase Holy Ghost  and God's Holy Spirit,  with the Bible using Holy Ghost  when He affects this physical world and the Bible using Holy Spirit  when he affects spiritual things like our spirit.  Both are identifiers of the third Person within the Trinity.  The phrase Holy Ghost  only occurs within the New Testament.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'that is unjust. Re 16:8-11,21; Ps 81:12; Pr 1:24-33; 14:32; Ec 11:3; Eze 3:27; Da 12:10; Mt 15:14; 21:19; 25:10; Joh 8:21; 2Ti 3:13  and he that. Re 22:3; 7:13-15; Job 17:9; Pr 4:18; Mt 5:6; Eph 5:27; Col 1:22; Jude 1:24  General references. exp: 1Co 14:38'.

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C22-S12 (Verse 12)   the last promise from our Lord Jesus Christ.
  1. First Step:  'Rapture' will happen suddenly and unexpectedly.
    1. And,
    2. behold,
    3. I come quickly;.
  2. Second Step:  Judgment, with reward or punishment, will happen right after the 'Rapture' .
    1. and my reward  is with me,
    2. to give every man according as his work shall be.

Our sentence starts with the word And,  which adds it to the prior sentence.  Both sentences need to be considered together for contextual reasons.  Our prior sentence told is to leave people alone who are set in a particular lifestyle.  This sentence adds the promise of judgment for all saved.  It also adds the promise of reward for those saved people who are truly serving our Lord Jesus Christ.  However, the doctrines of devils,  which claims 'no tears in Heaven' and 'no punishment, only loss of rewards', are both proven to be lies by the phrase; according as his work shall be.

Now, devil-motivated liars will claim that this sentence does not promise punishment.  However, that is a lie.  The phrase according as his work shall be  means that people who do what God calls bad  will receive bad.  And, God does not wipe away all tears until after 1,000 years after the 'Rapture' when the only people left, to have their tears wiped away, are saved people in Heaven.

We see the phrase come quickly  in: Revelation 3:11; Revelation 22:7; Revelation 22:12; Revelation 22:20.  Every one of these is a warning to God's people to be prepared for the sudden and unexpected 'Rapture'.  In addition, every one of these references give us a different requirement for receiving rewards at the judgment seat of Christ.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'Once more the statement quoted from Christ, be ready for he is coming quickly. One will not have time to change their ways, their soul, their destination if they wait for the trumpet to sound, by then it will be far too late. And notice how this verse speaks of Jesus' return, for he brings his reward with him, reward for his church, reward for his followers. He brings to them new life, resurrection, a glorified body, a mansion in heaven, the marriage of the Lamb, the marriage supper celebration, the judgment seat of Christ where further rewards are granted, a millennial reign and a new heaven and new earth. With Christ comes eternal reward, eternal treasure, and eternal blessings, why is that? Its because he is''.

In our sentence, we read the basis of our own personal judgment.  We read the word according,  in the same verse as the word work,  in 43 verses of the Bible, 21 verses of the New Testament and, in Revelation, in: 2:23; 18:6; 20:12; 20:12 and 22:12.  Devils have convinced many people that all of these places in The word of God  lie and that they will be rewarded for a life of sin.  If you believe that lie then you are a Biblical fool who deserved the punishment that will be given for more that 1,000 years in Heaven.

Please see the note for Colossians C2S3 about the word behold.  Webster's 1828 Dictionary defines this word as: 'to fix the eyes upon; to see with attention; to observe with care. Behold the lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world. John 1. 2. In a less intensive sense, to look upon; to see. When he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived. Num. 21. BEHO'LD, v.i. to look; to direct the eyes to an object. And I beheld, and lo, in the midst of the throne, a lambdas it had been slain. Rev.5. 1. to fix the attention upon an object; to attend; to direct or fix the mind. Behold, I stand at the door and knock. Rev.3.word is much used in this manner for exciting attention, or admiration. It is in the imperative mode, expressing command, or exhortation; and by no means a mere exclamation'.  Please also see the note for Colossians 2:18-19 about the word hold.  Please also see the note for Luke 24:15 about the word holden.

Please see the note for Matthew 5:25 about the word quickly.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Speedily; with haste or celerity. 2. Soon; without delay'.

Please see the note for 1Corinthians C9S26 about the word reward.  Webster's 1828 dictionary defines this word as: 'n. 1. Recompense, or equivalent return for good done, for kindness, for services and the like. Rewards may consist of money, goods or any return of kindness or happiness. the laborer is worthy of his reward. 1Tim. 5. Great is your reward in Heaven. Matt. 5. Rewards and punishments presuppose moral agency, and something voluntarily done, well or ill; without which respect, though we may receive good, it is only a benefit and not a reward. 2. the fruit of men's labor or works. the dead know not anything, neither have they any more a reward. Eccles. 9. 3. A bribe; a gift to pervert justice. Deut. 27. 4. A sum of money offered for taking or detecting a criminal, or for recovery of anything lost. 5. Punishment; a just return of evil or suffering for wickedness. Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked. Ps. 91. 6. Return in human applause. Matt. 6. 7. Return in joy and comfort. Ps. 19'.

Please see the note for 2Corinthians 5:5 about the word give.  The New Testament definition is: 'ppr. Bestowing; confering; imparting; granting; delivering. GIV'ING, n. the act of confering'.  Please see the note for 2Corinthians 9:8-11 about the words gave  and given.  The New Testament definition for the words gave  and given  are: 'the past-tense form of the word give'.  Please see the note for 2Corinthians 9:7 about the word giving.  The New Testament definition of giving  is: 'the ongoing form of the word give'.  Please see the note for 2Corinthians 9:7 about the word giveth.  The New Testament definition of giveth  is: 'a life-style of giving'.  Please see the note for 2Corinthians 9:7 about the word giver.  The New Testament definition of the word giver  is: 'the person who gives'.  Please also see the note for 1Corinthians C14S19 about the phrase giving of thanks.

Please see the note for Philippians 2:1 about the word accord.  The New Testament definition is: 'Agreeing; harmonizing; when two notes are in a music chord, they move together, up or down, to the next note'.  Please also see the note for Matthew 16:27 about the phrase according to his works.  Please also see the Messages called Reward According and Reward According to His Own Labour for the application of these verses in the life of the believer.

Please see the notes for Romans C9S8; 1Corinthians C3S13; 2Corinthians 4:8-12; Galatians C2-S10 and Philippians 1:1 about the word works.  The New Testament definition for this word is: ' In a general sense, to move, or to move one way and the other; to perform'.  Please also see the note for Romans C11S10 about the phrase works are seen of men.  Please also see the note for Psalms 119:23 about the phrase according to works.  Please also see the note for Philippians 3:2 about the phrase evil workers.  Please also see the note for Hebrews 4:12 about the phrase evil heart.  Please also see the note for Romans 8:1-LJC about the phrase judged by works.Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 6:1 about the word workers.  Please also see the note for Matthew 10:9-10 about the word workman.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'I come. Re 22:7; Zep 1:14 exp: Re 3:11.  and my. Re 11:18; Isa 3:10-11; 40:10; 62:11; 1Co 3:8,14; 9:17-18  to give. Re 20:12; Mt 16:27; Ro 2:6-11; 14:12 exp: Jer 32:19.  General references. exp: Ro 2:6; 1Co 14:38; Ga 6:5'.

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C22-S13 (Verse 13)   Our Lord Jesus Christ  starts and ends everything.
  1. I am Alpha and Omega,
  2. The beginning and the end,
  3. The first and the last.

Our sentence says the same thing three different ways.  If someone can not understand one way then they should be able to understand one of the other three ways.

All three ways tell us that our Lord Jesus Christ  started creation and He will end creation and He will be in control of everything in-between for all saved people.  On a personal level, He starts our true spiritual life (salvation) he ends it and judges us for how we live between the start and the end of our spiritual life in this physical reality.  Not only that, but this sentence follows the sentence which told us about the end of our physical life and judgment.  Both sentences are said by our Lord Jesus Christ.  Therefore, we need to understand His involvement in all of our spiritual life and that we will be judged for all of it.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'He is the omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, omni-temporal God. He was before all things, he created all things, he is among all things, and he will always be, so''.

The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia defines the word Alpha and Omega  as: '(Alpha and Omega = A and O): the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet, hence, symbolically, "beginning and end"; in Revelation "The Eternal One" in Re 1:8 of the father, in Re 21:6 and Re 22:13 of the Son. Compare theodoret, Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica, iv. 8: "We used alpha down to omega, i.e. all." A similar expression is found in Latin (Martial, v.26). Compare Aretas (Cramer's Catenae Graecae in New Testament) on Re 1:8 and Tertullian (Monog, 5): "So also two Greek letters, the first and last, did the Lord put on Himself, symbols of the beginning and the end meeting in Him, in order that just as alpha rolls on to omega and omega returns again to alpha, so He might show that both the evolution of the beginning to the end is in Him and again the return of the end to the beginning." Cyprian, Testim, ii.1; vi.22, iii.100, Paulinus of Nola Carm. xix.645; xxx.89; Prudentius, Cathem., ix.10-12. In Patristic and later literature the phrase is regularly applied to the Son. God blesses Israel from 'aleph to taw (Le 26:3-13), but curses from waw to mem (Le 26:14-43). So Abraham observed the whole law from 'aleph to taw. Consequently, "Alpha and Omega" may be a Greek rendering of the Hebrew phrase, which expressed among the later Jews the whole extent of a thing.  J. E. Harry'.

Please see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word Alpha.  The Morrish Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'The first letter of the Greek Alphabet, and which also signifies the numeral 1. A title or character of God and of Christ, which points to His eternity as 'The beginning,' 'The first,' the I AM. Re 1:8; 21:6; 22:13. "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end," or "The first and the last;" which is similar to a passage in Isa 41:4: "I Jehovah, the first, and with the last; I am he."'.  Please also see the Significant Gospel Events Study for the Minor Titles of the Son of God.

Please see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word Omega.  The Morrish Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'The last letter of the Greek alphabet: with Alpha, the first letter, it is descriptive of Jehovah as the beginning and the ending of all purpose concerning man'.  Please also see the Significant Gospel Events Study for the Minor Titles of the Son of God.

Please see the note for John 1:1 about the word beginning.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'First entering upon; commencing; giving rise or original; taking rise or origin'.  Forms of this word are used, in this book, in: 1:8; 3:14; 10:7; 21:6; 22:13.  Please also see the Significant Gospel Events Study for the Minor Titles of the Son of God.

Please see the note for 2Corinthians 11:15 about the word end.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines end as: 'in Heb 13:7, is the rendering of the unusual Greek word ekbasin, meaning "outcome", i.e., death. It occurs only elsewhere in 1Co 10:13, where it is rendered "escape."'.  Forms of this word are used, in this book, in: 1:8; 2:26; 3:14; 21:6; 22:13.  Please also see the Significant Gospel Events Study for the Minor Titles of the Son of God.

Please see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word first.  Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'a. furst. See fare and for.  1. Advanced before or further than any other in progression; foremost in place; as the first man in a marching company or troop is the man that precedes all the rest. Hence,  2. Preceding all others in the order of time. Adam was the first man. Cain was the first murderer. Monday was the first day of January.  3. Preceding all others in numbers or a progressive series; the ordinal of one; as, 1 is the first number.  4. Preceding all others in rank, dignity or excellence. Demosthenes was the first orator of Greece. Burke was one of the first geniuses of his age. Give God the first place in your affections.  FIRST, adv. furst.  1. Before anything else in the order of time.  Adam was first formed, then Eve. 1Tim. 2.  2. Before all others in place or progression.  Let the officers enter the gate first.  3. Before anything else in order of proceeding or consideration. First, let us attend to the examination of the witnesses.  4. Before all others in rank. He stands or ranks first in public estimation.  At first, at the first, as the beginning or origin.  First or last, at one time or another; at the beginning or end.  And all fools and lovers first or last'.  Please also see the note for Hebrews 1:5-LJC about the word firstbegotten.  Please also see the note for Colossians 1:15 about the word firstborn.  Please also see the note for Romans C8S21 about the word firstfruits.  Please also see the note for John 20:1 about the phrase first day of the week.

Please see the note for Revelation 1:10 about the word last.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'That which comes after all the others.  Our Lord Jesus Christ  is Last  because He will end this creation'.  Please also see the note for Luke 16:9 about the word everlasting.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'General references. Re 1:8,11; 21:6; Isa 41:4; 44:6; 48:12'.

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C22-S14 (Verse 14)   Blessings for eternity.
  1. Blessed  are they that do his commandments,
  2. that they may have right to the tree of life,
  3. and may enter in through the gates into the city.

Now, I have never heard this preached and, as far as I know, no commentator has dealt with this sentence.  The phrase: and may enter in through the gates into the city  is referencing the holy city, new Jerusalem,  according to the context.  Therefore, this is after the great white throne  judgment, when I had understood that there were only saved left.  Yet, our next sentence deals with unsaved people who are distinguished from the saved and blessed who have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.  This sentence clearly says who is blessed.  However, I can not explain the time and all that will be happening at that time.  I have reviewed well over thirty commentators and none of them deal with this issue of when this applies other than to say that this is a general division between the obedient and the disobedient.  And, while that is definitely true, those comments ignore how we have these types of people our side of the new Jerusalem,  which only comes down after the great white throne  judgment.  So, I imagine, we will have to ask Godafter we get to Heaven.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'Blessed and happy and fortunate are those who obey him, who follow him, who heed his instructions, who place their faith in him and are saved by grace, for because of such salvation one will be granted the right to partake of the tree of life in the new city of Holy Jerusalem, happy is he who is allowed to enter in thru the gates of pearl by way of the only Way, the Lord Jesus, to cometh unto the father who dwells in that city of lights. forJesus said in Joh 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the father, but by me. What a time of happiness it will be for all who enter in! Ps 133:1 Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! Because the alternative will be''.

Please see the notes for Galatians C3-S10 about the word bless.  In particular, please see the note for Galatians which explains why the commonly accepted dictionary definition is wrong.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'receiving, or wishing another to receive, the spiritual good from God which produces spiritual joy even while it might make us less happy in the flesh'.

Please see the note for Romans 7:8 about the word commandment.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'a mandate; an order or injunction given by authority; charge'.  Please note that a commandment  is not always written down and often comes through the human person that God has placed in authority over us.  Please see the note for Psalms 119:4 for the use of the word commandment  within this Psalm and considerations from several other places within the Bible.  Please see the note for Romans C7S11 about the word commandment.  Please see the Doctrinal Study on the use Ten Commandments for links to where they are dealt with in the word of God.  Please use This link to see the 'Ten (10) Commandments' and references to them in the New Testament.  Please also see the note for 1John 5:2 about the phrase keep his commandments.

Please see the note for Mark 11:13 about the word tree.  Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'n. 1. the general name of the largest of the vegetable kind, consisting of a firm woody stem springing from woody roots, and spreading above into branches which terminate in leaves. A tree differs from a shrub principally in size, many species of trees growing to the eighth of fifty or sixty feet, and some species to seventy or eighty, and a few, particularly the pine, to a much greater eighth. Trees are of various kinds; as nuciferous, or nut-bearing trees; bacciferous, or berry-bearing; coniferous, or cone-bearing, etc. Some are forest-trees, and useful for timber or fuel; others are fruit trees, and cultivated in gardens and orchards; others are used chiefly for shade and ornament. 2. Something resembling a tree, consisting of a stem or stalk and branches; as a genealogical tree. 3. In ship-building, pieces of timber are called chess-trees, cross-trees, roof-trees, tressel-trees, etc. 4. In Scripture, a cross. --Jesus, whom they slew and hanged on a tree. Act.10'.  Please also see the note for Romans C11S28 about the phrase olive / olive tree.

Please see the Doctrine of Life about the words lifelivealive  and lively.  The New Testament definition, for the word the word life,  is: 'The cause of all movement, both physically and spiritually.  Physical life ends (is mortal).  Spiritual life is immortal'.  The New Testament definition, for the word the word live,  is: 'the verb form of life'.  The New Testament definition, for the word the word alive,  is: 'Having life'.  The New Testament definition, for the word the word lively,  is: 'Living and energetic'.  In addition, the New Testament definition, for the phrase everlasting life.  is: 'Spiritual life which has a beginning but no end'.  Please also see the Message called Labor for Everlasting Life.  Please see the note for 3:25 about the word live  that note has links to several other places where the doctrine of this word is discussed.  Please see the note for Romans C10S15 about the phrase belief changes life.  Please also see the note for 1Corinthians C6S16.  Please also see the note for about the phrase kingdom of God rejected by lifestyle sins.  Please also see the note for Revelation 13:8-LJC about the phrase book of life.  Please see the note for Romans C9S28 about live / walk by faith.  Please see the note for Romans C11S6 about The just shall live by his faith.  Please see the note for Colossians C3S4 about Christ lives through us.  Please use This link to see other, less important, 'Minor Titles of the Son of God' found within the Bible along with links to where the Bible uses those titles.  This title is eternal life.

Please see the note for John 10:9 about the word enter.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'to leave one place and go into another place'.

Please see the note for Luke 13:23-24 about the word gate.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'A large door which gives entrance into a walled city, a castle, a temple, palace or other large edifice. It differs from door chiefly in being larger.  In addition, it was where important transactions were conducted and is used, symbolically, for where we go for eternity'.  Please also see the note for Matthew 16:18 about the phrase gates of Hell.

Please see the note for Mark 11:19 about the word city.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'An area where many people live together and have a local government rule over them'.  Please also see the note for Romans C13S12 about the phrase city of refuge.  Please also see the note for Matthew 4:5 about the phrase holy city.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'Blessed. Re 22:7; Ps 106:3-5; 112:1; 119:1-6; Isa 56:1-2; Da 12:12; Mt 7:21-27; Lu 12:37-38; Joh 14:15,21-23; 15:10-14; 1Co 7:19; Ga 5:6; 1Jo 3:3,23-24; 5:3 exp: Ps 1:1; 32:1; Mt 5:3.  may have. Joh 4:12; 1Co 8:9; 9:5 (Gr)  to the. Re 22:2; 2:7  and may. Re 21:27; Joh 10:7,9; 14:6  General references. exp: Le 26:3; De 11:27; 32:47; Lu 11:28'.

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C22-S15 (Verse 15)   Who is excluded.
  1. For without  are dogs,
  2. and sorcerers,
  3. and whoremongers,
  4. and murderers,
  5. and idolaters,
  6. and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.

This sentence was dealtwith in the note for the prior sentence.

In the prior note, I explained a problem w3ith figuring out the time of that sentence and this sentence.  However, it is possible that the prior sentence is speaking about the time after God sends down the new Jerusalem  and this sentence is giving a general statement without a time limit.  That would eliminate the time problem which I saw.  But, I can not insist that this difference in time is doctrinally correct.  Therefore, the reader is allowed to believe whatever that wish about the time consideration of these two sentences.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'These are the outcasts, those that dwell in outer darkness, those that have been told to depart for they are strangers to the house of God. How sad it is for them, but it does not have to be, not yet, for there is still time for them to choose to be saved in our present day, they still have time to repent and seek forgiveness because as Jesus has said in v16''.

Please see the note for Philippians 3:2 about the word dog.  The American Tract Society Dictionary defines this word as: 'Were held in great contempt by the Jews, but were worshipped, as well as cats, by the Egyptians. Among the Jews, to compare a person to a dog was the most degrading expression possible, 1Sa 17:43; 24:14; 2Sa 9:8. the state of dogs among the Jews was the same that now prevails in the East, where, having no owners, they run about the streets in troops, and are fed by charity or caprice, or live on such offal as they can pick up. As they are often on the point of starvation, they devour corpses, and in the night even attack living men, Ps 59:6,14-15; 1Ki 14:11. In various places in Scripture the epithet "dogs" is given to certain classes of men, as expressing their insolent rapacity, Mt 7:6; Ps 22:16; Php 3:2, and their beastly vices, De 23:18; 2Pe 2:22; Re 22:15'.

Please see the note for Acts 8:9 about the word sorcery.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Magic; enchantment; witchcraft; divination be the assistance of evil spirits, or the power of commanding evil spirits. Adder's wisdom I have learn'd to fence my ears against the sorceries'.  Please also see the note for Acts 13:6 about the word sorcerer.

Please see the note for Revelation 17:1 about the word whore.  Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'WHORE, n. Hore. G. the correct orthography is hore. A harlot; a courtesan; a concubine; a prostitute.
WHORE, v.i. supra. to have unlawful sexual commerce; to practice lewdness.
WHORE, v.t. to corrupt by lewd intercourse. Little used
'.  Please also see the note for Ephesians 5:5 about the words whoremonger / whoremaster.  Please also see the note for 1Corinthians 6:15 about the word harlot.

Please see the note for John 8:44 about murder.  The New Testament definition is: 'The heart desire to end the life of another person'.  In addition, a murderer.  is: 'a person who plans a murder (1John 3:4)'.  Please also see the Section called Jesus and the Ten Commandments in the Significant Gospel Events Study for links to other places in the Bible where God talked about the commandment: Thou shalt not kill.

Please also see the note for 1Corinthians 5:9-10 about idolaters.  The New Testament definition, of the word idolater,  is: 'A worshiper of idols; one who pays divine honors to images, statues, or representations of anything made by hands; one who worships as a deity that which is not God'.  Please also see the note for 1Corinthians 8:1 about idols.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'An idol is anything which we give a greater value than our ongoing personal relationship with God'.  Please also see the note for Galatians C5S20 about idolatry.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'Excessive attachment or veneration for anything, or that which borders on adoration. This includes the worship of idols, images, or anything made by hands, or which is not God'.  1Corinthians 8, deals with idols  and how they affect our testimony and influence of other men.  1Corinthians 10 deals with how idols  affect our relationship with God.  1Corinthians 12 deals with how idols  demonstrate a lack of true knowledge from God.

Please see the Doctrinal Study on Love about the word love.  The New Testament definition, of the word love,  is: 'True Biblical love is an attribute of God.  It is doing what is necessary for the other person to received good, especially spiritual cleansing and everlasting reward. This is done without any consideration of cost to self and not consideration of any response by the other and requires a willingness to even bring short-term pain, to self, if that is what is required in order to bring the ultimate long-tern good. The world calls lust love'.  Please see the Doctrinal Study on Love about the word beloved  and the phrase beloved Son.  Often, that phrase is applied to Jesus.  The New Testament definition, of the word beloved,  is: 'be and loved, from love. Greatly loved; dear to the heart'.  Many people preach, and teach, the doctrinal error that true Biblical charity  is actually true Biblical love.  Please see the note for 1John C3S26 about the phrase love one another.  Please see the note for Matthew 19:19 about the phrase love thy neighbour.  Please also see the note for Romans 13:8 about the phrase law and love.  Please see the note for 1John C4S13 about the phrase perfect love.

Please see the note for Galatians C1-S15 about the word liar.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'A person who knowingly utters falsehood; one who declares to another as a fact what he knows to be not true, and with an intention to deceive him.  Please also see lie'.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'without. Re 9:20-21; 21:8,27; 1Co 6:9-10; Ga 5:19-21; Eph 5:3-6; Col 3:6 exp: Le 13:46.  dogs. Php 3:2 exp: Ps 22:16.  sorcerers. Re 9:21; 18:23; Isa 47:9,12; 57:3; Mal 3:5; Ac 8:11; 13:6-11  whoremongers. Re 17:1-6  whosoever. Re 21:8,27; 1Ki 22:8,21-23; Isa 9:15-16; Jer 5:31; Joh 3:18-21; 8:46; 2Th 2:10-12 exp: Mt 7:24.  General references. exp: Ex 20:23; 22:18; Pr 2:18; Mic 5:12'.

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C22-S16 (Verse 16)   Our Lord Jesus Christ  is the true author of this book of revelation.
I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches

This is another sentence which I can not remember anyone ever preaching.  Since our Lord Jesus Christ  has sent mine angel to testify unto you,  He is the true author.  The angel  is: 'The messenger' who has a job to deliver the original message without altering it in any way.  Think about if someone calls you on the phone and the function of the phone in that conversation.  That is the function of God's 'The messenger' in delivering this Revelation.  And, the 'The messenger' includes John and all of the angels  who delivered the messages and sights to John for him to relay to us.

Lord Jesus Christ  commanded His 'The messengers' to testify unto you these things in the churches.  That is where He has His message delivered.  People who are not part of a local church are almost guaranteed to be led into doctrinal error.  We are commanded to be part of a local church to help other saved people and to be helped to avoid doctrinal error and other problems.

We need to recognize that only God can produce detailed prophecies which are 100% accurate when they are fulfilled.  I have read other prophecies and NO other so-called prophecy passes this test of detailed accuracy.  In addition, God reveals much about prophecies not yet fulfilled, but always hides one or more critical details so that we can identify false prophets who claim to know the full fulfillment before God has actually fulfilled to prophecy.  This book of prophecy could only be written by God using His 'The messengers' much like we use a pen to write our name.  Yes, the pen puts down the ink but we do the writing.  Likewise, men put down the ink but God does the writing (2Peter 1:21).

Please see the Sections on Prophecies and Prophecy Fulfilled in the Doctrinal Studies called Significant Gospel Events and Significant New Testament Events.  All of those were given and fulfilled by God and no man can come close to God for such detailed accuracy.  This is one of the reasons why we know that the English KJV was preserved by God.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'Jesus has sent his angel, his messenger, to testify the faithful and true words of this prophecy, not only to John but to the churches, to the world, to all those who will give an ear down thru the ages. Jesus as God has done this to benefit mankind.
And once more he establishes his claim of divinity, by stating he is the root of David, meaning that he was before David in eternity past, that he created the lineage of David and all mankind by divine power, but that when Jesus was incarnated, when God became flesh, that flesh was a blood descendant of David, so Jesus was also of David's royal line, and now at the end of this book, we have seen the Lord Jesus sit upon the throne of David and now upon the throne of God and he now lights the new city for Christ is the bright and morning star, a star that will never fade, never go down, for this will be a time of eternal day.
And so because of all this, of Jesus coming and setting things right, of being in his rightful place of preeminence, because of the anticipation of getting to be forever with the Lord, notice what the Spirit, the Comforter that has been sent to believers upon the earth in the age of grace, says along with the church, the bride of Christ'

Please see the notes for 1Corinthians C13S1; Significant Gospel Events; Significant New Testament Events about the word angel.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Literally, a messenger; one employed to communicate news or information or do a job for God'.  Please also see the note for Jude 1:7 about the word archangel.

Please see the note for Galatians 5:3 about the word testify.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'To make a statement which is intended to be used in a court of law if necessary'.  Please see the note for Psalms 119 about the words testimony / testimonies.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'statements that are used in a court of law to judge the legality of someone's actions. these require first-hand experience because anything else would be rumor and not legal to present in court'.  Please also see the note for Matthew 19:21 about the phrase testimonies of the LORD.  Please also see the Message called Testimony of God.

Please see the note for 1Corinthians 11:22 about the word church.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'a called out assembly of baptized believers'.  Please also see the note for 2Thessalonians 1:4 about the phrase church(es) of God.  The commonly accepted definition is 'a called out assembly of baptized believers' with most of the disagreement over people including buildings in the definition and people adding or denying different definitions for a 'universal church'.  Please also see the note for Hebrews 12:18-24 about the word churches (plural).  Please also note that 1Thessalonians gives us 'The Doctrine of the Church'.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'I Jesus. Re 22:6; 1:1  to testify. Re 22:20,1,11; 2:7,11,17,29; 3:6,13,22  General references. exp: Ps 89:4; Re 2:28'.

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C22-S17 (Verse 16)   Our Lord Jesus Christ  generated and fulfilled these prophecies.
  1. I am the root and the offspring of David,
  2.  and the bright and morning star.

This sentence is the same principal, but different application, of what we read in 22:13Lord Jesus Christ  is the beginning and the end of everything that comes from God including this prophecy.  As The root of David,  He chose king David to be the physical ancestor of Christ.  As The offspring of David,  He physically became Christ  when God's Holy Ghost  impregnated Mary.

The phrase: bright and morning star  also is referred to as the day star  and the dayspring.  (Please see the Sections on Minor Titles of the Son of God in the Doctrinal Study called Significant Gospel Events.)  Symbolically, our Lord Jesus Christ  is referred to the star  ('planet') which is seen rising just before dawn.  He is the One who brings in the age of God's light to this world and in our personal lives.

Dr. Jeff Wilson wrote about this sentence in the note for the prior sentence.

Please see the notes for Romans C11S22; Romans C14S27 and 1Timothy 6:10 about the word root.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'The original or cause of anything'.  Please also see the Significant Gospel Events Study for the Minor Titles of the Son of God.

Please see the note for Acts 17:28 about the word offspring.  Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'n. off and spring. 1. A child or children; a descendant or descendants, however remote from the stock. Act. 17. Rev. 22. 2. Propagation; generation. 3. Production of any kind'.

In the Bible, we see that king David  was: 'The most important king in Jewish history.  He was given many promises because of his personal relationship with God.  The most important promise given to him was that Christ  would be a physical descendent of his'.  Please see the Verses in the New Testament about the phrase Son of David.  Please also see the note for Luke 1:26-27 about the phrase house of David.

Please see the note for Matthew 17:5 about the words bright / brightness.  Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'BRIGHT, a. brite. Heb. to shine. 1. Shining; lucid; luminous; splendid; as a bright sun or star; a bright metal. 2. Clear; transparent; as liquors. 3. Evident; clear; manifest to the mind, as light is to the eyes. 4. Resplendent with charms; as a bright beauty; the brightest fair. 5. Illuminated with science; sparkling with wit; as the brightest of men. 6. Illustrious; glorious; as the brightest period of a kingdom. 7. In popular language, ingenious; possessing an active mind. 8. Promising good or success; as bright prospects. 9. Sparkling; animated; as bright eyes'.

2Peter 1:19 and Revelation 22:16 tell us that our Lord Jesus Christ  is the morning star.  Thus, the person identified in the prior sentence is promised an ongoing personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ.

Please see the note for Matthew 2:2 about the word star.  The Morrish Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'From the account given of this star it is evident that it was one specially sent for the nativity, for it not only appeared to the Magi in the East, but guided them from Jerusalem to Bethlehem, and 'stood over' where the young child was. Faith in the power of God dispels all difficulty as to the star. Mt 2:1-10. there were traditions that God would raise up a deliverer, and the Magi may have heard of the O.T. prophecies as to Messiah; but whether this be so or not, God, who provided the star, sent the Magi to find out the King of the Jews, and instructed them not to return to Herod'.  The phrase morning star  is found in: Job 38:7; Revelation 2:28; and Revelation 22:16.  It is a minor title for our Lord Jesus Christ  Please see the note and link above for that.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'I am. Re 5:5; Isa 11:1; Zec 6:12; Mt 22:42,45; Ro 1:3-4; 9:5  the bright. Re 2:28; Nu 24:17; Mt 2:2,7-10; Lu 1:78; 2Pe 1:19  General references. exp: Ps 89:4; Re 2:28'.

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C22-S18 (Verse 17)   the second invitation to true Biblical salvation.
  1. And the Spirit and the bride say,
  2. Come.

Our sentence starts with the word And,  which adds it to the prior sentence.  Both sentences need to be considered together for contextual reasons.  Our last sentence told us two titles for our Lord Jesus Christ  which told us that he generated and fulfilled prophecy and that He, personally, brings in a new day of God's light.  As such, He offers true Biblical salvation.  Now, our current sentence tells us that that offer is also extended by God's Holy Spirit  and by The bride.

Other places in this book call The bride  The wife.  But that is after The marriage supper of the Lamb.  She is called The bride  before that event.  Thus, this is a current invitation because once The marriage supper of the Lamb  happens, it is too late to come  to God's invitation to true Biblical salvation.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'Come! Jesus said 'I come quickly', and now the Holy Spirit cries Come! Come now Lord! come and take your rightful reign, come and take your rightful place, come and receive your deserved honor and glory and praise! Along with the Spirit the cries of the church's hearts ring out, Come! Come Lord Jesus. the bride yearns for her bridegroom, wishing to be joined in eternal union. Come, take us away from all this sin and death and decay! And even further goes forth the cry from those who hear the words of this book and keeps them, Come! Says all!
And then mid-verse the invitation goes out, the invitation of the gospel to those who have not received Christ as of yet, come ye sinner, come ye stranger, come ye unbeliever and receive the Lord Jesus before he does come so your thirst will be quenched by never ending living waters, come and receive Christ so that you too may freely partake of the river of life in the new city. Come before its everlasting too late!
And that is why v18 and 19 are so important, because any alteration to these faithful and true words could alter the eternal destination of a man's soul

Please see the notes for John 3:29 and Matthew 9:15 about the words bride / bridegroom.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines these words as: 'frequently used in the ordinary sense (Isa 49:18; 61:10, etc.). the relation between Christ and his church is set forth under the figure of that between a bridegroom and bride (Joh 3:29). the church is called "The bride" (Re 21:9; 22:17). Compare parable of the Ten Virgins (Mt 25:1-13)'.

Please see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word saith.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'lifestyle speaking.  A saying that never changes when said by God'.  Please also see the note for Romans 11:1 about the phrase I say.  The New Testament definition is: 'This phrase expresses a personal opinion, which usually follows the phrase'.  Bible authors uses this phrase when they introduces their own point into an ongoing discussion.  When Jesus  says this phrase, He is giving a personal command.  Please also see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word saith.  Please also see the note for Romans C10S28 about the word gainsaying.  Please also see the note for Matthew 26:1 about the word sayings (plural).  Please also see the notes for Romans C15S15 and 2Corinthians 2:17 about the word speak.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 3:12-14 about the word speech.  Please also see the notes for Ephesians C4S15 and 1Peter 2:1 about the phrase evil speaking.  The words speaketh  and saith  mean that the person 'keeps on keeping on doing the saying'.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'The Spirit. Re 22:16; Isa 55:1-3; Joh 16:7-15 exp: Ac 11:12.  The bride. Re 21:2,9  Come. Isa 2:5 exp: Nu 10:29; Mt 11:28.  General references. exp: Ps 78:15; Pr 8:4; 9:4; Mt 22:9; Joh 4:29'.

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C22-S19 (Verse 17) .  The command to all to offer true Biblical salvation to everyone.
  1. And let him that heareth say,
  2. Come.

Our sentence starts with the word And,  which adds it to the prior sentence.  Both sentences need to be considered together for contextual reasons.  Our prior sentence told us about an invitation to true Biblical salvation from The Spirit and the bride.  This sentence adds a command to all who truly understand spiritual truth in the Bible to also offer true Biblical salvation to everyone.

Our sentence uses the phrase: him that heareth  to identify 'anyone and everyone who has a lifestyle of hearing spiritual truth from God'.

Dr. Jeff Wilson wrote about this sentence in the note for the prior sentence.

Please see the note for Galatians C3-S7 about the word hear.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'Perceiving by the ear.  This word is often used symbolically for hearing the spiritual message of the word of God and obeying that message'.  The New Testament definition, for the word heard  is: 'The past-tense form of hear'.  Please pay attention to the word 'obey' within this definition.  That is what most people refuse to do when the Bible says that they do not hear.  Please also see the note for James 2:5 about the word hearken.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'To listen closely'.  Please also see the note for Mark 4:9 about the phrase He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.  Please also see the note for Matthew 13:17 about the phrase have not heard.  Please also see the note for Mark 4:9 about the phrase ears to hear.  Please also see the note for Romans 2:13 about the word hearer.  The New Testament definition, for the word hearer  is: 'One who attends to what is orally delivered by another'.

Please see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word saith.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'lifestyle speaking.  A saying that never changes when said by God'.  Please also see the note for Romans 11:1 about the phrase I say.  The New Testament definition is: 'This phrase expresses a personal opinion, which usually follows the phrase'.  Bible authors uses this phrase when they introduces their own point into an ongoing discussion.  When Jesus  says this phrase, He is giving a personal command.  Please also see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word saith.  Please also see the note for Romans C10S28 about the word gainsaying.  Please also see the note for Matthew 26:1 about the word sayings (plural).  Please also see the notes for Romans C15S15 and 2Corinthians 2:17 about the word speak.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 3:12-14 about the word speech.  Please also see the notes for Ephesians C4S15 and 1Peter 2:1 about the phrase evil speaking.  The words speaketh  and saith  mean that the person 'keeps on keeping on doing the saying'.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'let him that heareth. Ps 34:8; Isa 2:3,5; 48:16-18; Jer 50:5; Mic 4:2; Zec 8:21-23; Joh 1:39-46; 4:29; 1Th 1:5-8  General references. exp: Ps 78:15; Pr 8:4; 9:4; Mt 22:9; Joh 4:29'.

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C22-S20 (Verse 17)   Offer of true Biblical salvation given to a specific group of people.
And let him that is athirst come

Our sentence starts with the word And,  which adds it to the prior sentence.  Both sentences need to be considered together for contextual reasons.  The prior sentence was a command for God's people to extend God's invitation to true Biblical salvation.  This sentence adds an invitation to a specific group of people.

The only thing which we need more than water, in order to live, is air.  Air is used symbolically, in The word of God,  for God's Holy Spirit.  Water is used symbolically, in The word of God,  for the basic substance of physical life.  Thus, our sentence is saying: 'Anyone who truly wants a good physical life needs to come to God and spend that life serving God'.  We are all going to die some day and the only thing which we will personally tale with our spirit is our soul.  However, we will meet whatever treasure that we sent ahead to Heaven.  Therefore, the best use of physical life is to lay up treasure in Heaven (Hebrews 12:2-LJC; Laying up Treasure in Heaven).

Dr. Jeff Wilson wrote about this sentence in the note for 22:17.

Please see the notes for Romans C12S18 and 1Corinthians C4S13 about the word thirst.  The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia defines this word as: 'One of the most powerful natural appetites, the craving for water or other drink. Besides its natural significance, thirst is figuratively used of strong spiritual desire. the soul thirsts for God (Psalms 42:2; 63:1). Jesus meets the soul's thirst with water of life (John 4:13 ff; Joh 6:35; 7:37). It is said of the heavenly bliss, they shall hunger no more; neither thirst any more (Revelation 7:16-17; compare Isaiah 49:10)'.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'let him that is athirst. Re 21:6; Isa 55:1; Joh 7:37  General references. exp: Ps 78:15; Pr 8:4; 9:4; Mt 22:9; Joh 4:29'.

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C22-S21 (Verse 17)   Offer of true Biblical salvation to take the gift freely.
  1. And whosoever will,
  2. let him take the water of life freely.

Our sentence starts with the word And,  which adds it to the prior sentence.  Both sentences need to be considered together for contextual reasons.  Our prior sentence extended God's offer to a specific group of people.  This sentence adds that the offer is to accept it freely.

The offer of true Biblical salvation is given freely but comes with an expectation of obedience to our Lord Jesus Christ.  This is probably the most attacked doctrine from The word of God.  If Satan can keep people from truly becoming saved, then none of the other doctrines truly matter.

Devils pervert this doctrine two main ways.  First, they deny that God says that the offer can be accepted freely.  They get people to add religious requirements such as the early Jerusalem Church kept insisting that all people had to be circumcised.  After God proved that doctrine wrong, they still insisted on it for all Jews.

The second way, that religious people pervert this doctrine, is to claim that God requires nothing more than people making a profession.  They say that professing people can 'claim' all blessings while ignoring God's requirements for receiving those blessings.  The Biblical truth is that the initial offer is free but it comes with a requirement to obey afterwards.  Without that requirement, devil-motivated people would lie and claim to accept free salvation while doing all they can to support devils in the spiritual war.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence in the note for 22:17.

Please see the note for Luke 3:16 about the word water.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'The basic liquid of life.  It is used symbolically for more than one meaning.  Consideration of the context is required in order to determine the usage in any Bible reference'.  Please also see the note for John 4:10 about the phrase living waters.  Please also see the note for John 7:38 about the phrase rivers of living water.

Please see the Doctrine of Life about the words lifelivealive  and lively.  The New Testament definition, for the word the word life,  is: 'The cause of all movement, both physically and spiritually.  Physical life ends (is mortal).  Spiritual life is immortal'.  The New Testament definition, for the word the word live,  is: 'the verb form of life'.  The New Testament definition, for the word the word alive,  is: 'Having life'.  The New Testament definition, for the word the word lively,  is: 'Living and energetic'.  In addition, the New Testament definition, for the phrase everlasting life.  is: 'Spiritual life which has a beginning but no end'.  Please also see the Message called Labor for Everlasting Life.  Please see the note for 3:25 about the word live  that note has links to several other places where the doctrine of this word is discussed.  Please see the note for Romans C10S15 about the phrase belief changes life.  Please also see the note for 1Corinthians C6S16.  Please also see the note for about the phrase kingdom of God rejected by lifestyle sins.  Please also see the note for Revelation 13:8-LJC about the phrase book of life.  Please see the note for Romans C9S28 about live / walk by faith.  Please see the note for Romans C11S6 about The just shall live by his faith.  Please see the note for Colossians C3S4 about Christ lives through us.  Please use This link to see other, less important, 'Minor Titles of the Son of God' found within the Bible along with links to where the Bible uses those titles.  This title is eternal life.

Please see the note for 1Corinthians C7S29 about the word free.  The New Testament definition for this word is: ' Being at liberty; not being under necessity or restraint, physical or moral; a word of general application to the body, the will or mind, and to corporations'.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'let him take. Isa 12:3; Joh 4:10,14  freely. Ro 3:24; 1Co 2:12  General references. exp: Ps 78:15; Pr 8:4; 9:4; Mt 22:9; Joh 4:29'.

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C22-S22 (Verse 18-19)   the testimony and warning from our Lord Jesus Christ.
  1. Equivalent Section:  the warning about adding to The word of God.
    1. For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book,
    2. If any man shall add unto these things,
    3. God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:.
  2. Equivalent Section:  the warning about taking away from The word of God.
    1. And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy,
    2. God shall take away his part out of the book of life,
    3. and out of the holy city,
    4. and  from the things which are written in this book.

Our sentence starts with the word For,  and gives us the reason why the prior invitations are true.  The prior invitations come directly from God or indirectly from God through Godly people.  Therefore, any altering is a direct attack on God's offer and God's character.  It is a claim to have more authority and power than God.  That is what directly caused Satan and one third of the angels to get kicked out of heaven and be destined to spend the rest of eternity in the lake of fire.

Our sentence starts with the phrase: For I testify unto every man that heareth the word.  This means that: 'Our Lord Jesus Christ  is giving a legally binding testimony to anyone and everyone who has a lifestyle of listening to spiritual truth from God and the word of God'.  The warnings apply to everyone but only people with this attitude will listen to the warning.  So when someone ignores the warning, he is simply proving that he is a foolish spiritually blind religious person (Matthew 15:14; Luke 6:39).  If such people will not listen to God then they probably will not listen to us.  The best thing is to leave them alone and concentrate on ministering to people who are willing to truly receive spiritual help.

As already explained multiple times, true prophecy  can only come from God.  Therefore, The words of the prophecy of this book  can only come from God and altering them in any way is a direct attack on God's offer and God's character.  It is a claim to have more authority and power than God.

The equivalency of this sentence means that the two Equivalent Sections are giving the same message in different ways.  The common message is a warning about what will happen to anyone who alters the message from God.  Yes, the details of the message are different but the basic message is the same.  So, one Equivalent Section talks about shall add unto these things  while the other Equivalent Section talks about shall take away from the words.  In both cases, we have a warning about altering The words of God.  And, this is not just the message from God but this sentence uses the literal word of words.  God not only preserved His word ('message') but He also preserved every word  and preserved every punctuation mark ('jot and tittle').

In addition to the differences mentioned above, we see that there is a difference in God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book  and God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.  Now, it is easy to misunderstand that second phrase.  It does not say 'God shall take away his name' but says God shall take away his part.  Our part  is the rewards that we lay up in Heaven by serving God.  Thus, this is not saying that he will lose everlasting salvation but is only saying that he will lose rewards.  Such a saved person will not be part of The bride,  they will not return to rule with Christ  for 1,000 years and they will not be allowed to live in The new Jerusalem.  In addition, they will not receive rewards promised in The word of God,  even if they fulfill other requirements for receiving such rewards.

Therefore, we really see the same testimony and type of warning in both Equivalent Sections, even though the details differ.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'Now there is a distinct difference between ignorance, which we all have concerning the word of God, where we do not fully understand or clearly see the meaning of what is written, there is a difference between that and trying our best to teach it and out right rebellion to God's word where one deliberately alters it, either by adding to it or taking away from it. foreither way of such deliberate alteration will bring severe judgment and punishment upon the one who would so willfully twist the word of God. to one who would add to it, like adding the book of Mormon or other cultish addendums, to even altering the translation in an unscriptural way, will bring the severe judgments of Revelation down upon the head of one so bold and so stupid. And if one takes away from the book, his name will not appear in the book of life or in the new city, nor will he partake of all the blessings spoken of here. But we know no such true believer would ever dare do such a thing, to not purposely, not intentionally, and God knows the heart, alter God's word in such a way, we do know it would take a reprobate unbeliever, a blasphemer, an unsaved person to do such a thing, so who is spoken of here that would subtract from God's word is not saved to begin with, and so never had their name written in the book of life, was never a receiver of the promises of God. And so with that warning, the Lord Jesus leaves with one last reminder''.

Please see the note for Galatians 5:3 about the word testify.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'To make a statement which is intended to be used in a court of law if necessary'.  Please see the note for Psalms 119 about the words testimony / testimonies.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'statements that are used in a court of law to judge the legality of someone's actions. these require first-hand experience because anything else would be rumor and not legal to present in court'.  Please also see the note for Matthew 19:21 about the phrase testimonies of the LORD.  Please also see the Message called Testimony of God.

Please see the note for Galatians C3-S7 about the word hear.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'Perceiving by the ear.  This word is often used symbolically for hearing the spiritual message of the word of God and obeying that message'.  The New Testament definition, for the word heard  is: 'The past-tense form of hear'.  Please pay attention to the word 'obey' within this definition.  That is what most people refuse to do when the Bible says that they do not hear.  Please also see the note for James 2:5 about the word hearken.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'To listen closely'.  Please also see the note for Mark 4:9 about the phrase He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.  Please also see the note for Matthew 13:17 about the phrase have not heard.  Please also see the note for Mark 4:9 about the phrase ears to hear.  Please also see the note for Romans 2:13 about the word hearer.  The New Testament definition, for the word hearer  is: 'One who attends to what is orally delivered by another'.

Please see the note for Colossians 2S2 about the word word.  The New Testament definition is: 'a single component part of human speech or language'.  However, The word of God  is the holy scriptures and in the English language, it is only the KJV-1611.  Please also see the notes for Romans C10S22 and Word in 1John about the phrase word of God.  Please also see the note for John 1:1 for an extensive note explaining the differences, and similarities, between the capitalized and the non-capitalized word word.  When a Bible reference uses an uppercase word, it is referring to Jesus Christ.  The uppercase makes this a formal name of the Son of God.  However, while the exact definition is different, the properties are spiritually similar to the lowercase word.  Please also see the note for 1Thessalonians 1:8 about the phrase word of the Lord.  Please note that The word of the Lord  is a sub-set of The word of GodThe word of God  contains all of God's written truth including recording the lies of Satan.  The word of the Lord  is that part of The word of God  which will be used to judge us.  The lies from Satan are not included within the word of the Lord.

Please see the notes for Luke 1:76; Romans C16S33; Romans C12S5 and Jude about the word prophet.  In addition, false prophets are covered in the Study called False things according to the Bible.  The most popular religious definition for this word is: 'someone who foretells the future'.  However, that definition tends to limit the thinking of people to only those statements when, actually, the majority of their message was doctrinal.  Please also see the note for John 1:45 about the phrase law and the prophets.  Please also see the links for Prophecies and Prophecies Fulfilled in the Gospel Significant Events Study and the New Testament Significant Events Study.

Please see the note for Luke 3:4 about the word book.  the New Testament definition for this word is: 'A general name of every literary composition which is printed; but appropriately, a printed composition bound; a volume. the name is given also to any number of written sheets when bound or sewed together, and to a volume of blank paper, intended for any species of writing, as for memorandums, for accounts, or receipts.  1. A particular part of a literary composition; a division of a subject in the same volume.  2. A volume or collection of sheets in which accounts are kept; a register of debts and credits, receipts and expenditures'.  Please also see the note for Revelation 13:8-LJC about the phrase book of the life.

The New Testament definition forthe word add  is: 'The mathematical function.  Ignoring either side of the word add  changes what is said into doctrinal error'.  Please also see the note for Luke 12:31 about the word added.  The New Testament definition forthe word is: 'Past-tense of the function add'.

Please see the note for Mark 3:10 about the word plague.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'a "stroke" of affliction, or disease. Sent as a divine chastisement (Nu 11:33; 14:37; 16:46-49; 2Sa 24:21). Painful afflictions or diseases, (Le 13:3,5,30; 1Ki 8:37), or severe calamity (Mr 5:29; Lu 7:21), or the judgment of God, so called (Ex 9:14)'.

Please see the note for Romans 4:23-25 about the word written.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'a retained record which can be used for judgment in a court of law'.  Please also see the notes for Romans C15S13; 2Corinthians 1:13-14; Galatians C3-S12; John 20:31-LJC about the word write  Please also see the note for Luke 6:3 about the phrases have ye not read  and it is written'.

Please see the note for Luke 3:4 about the word book.  the New Testament definition for this word is: 'A general name of every literary composition which is printed; but appropriately, a printed composition bound; a volume. the name is given also to any number of written sheets when bound or sewed together, and to a volume of blank paper, intended for any species of writing, as for memorandums, for accounts, or receipts.  1. A particular part of a literary composition; a division of a subject in the same volume.  2. A volume or collection of sheets in which accounts are kept; a register of debts and credits, receipts and expenditures'.  Please also see the note for Revelation 13:8-LJC about the phrase book of the life.

Please see the note for James 1:10 about the word away.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Absent; at a distance; as, the master is away from home'.  Please also see the note for Romans C11S19 about the phrase cast away.  Please also see the note for Romans C11S1 about the phrase God will not cast away his people.  Please also see the note for John 6:67 about the phrase go away.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 5:17 about the phrase passed away.  Please also see the note for Matthew 19:3 about the phrase put away.

Please see the Doctrine of Life about the words lifelivealive  and lively.  The New Testament definition, for the word the word life,  is: 'The cause of all movement, both physically and spiritually.  Physical life ends (is mortal).  Spiritual life is immortal'.  The New Testament definition, for the word the word live,  is: 'the verb form of life'.  The New Testament definition, for the word the word alive,  is: 'Having life'.  The New Testament definition, for the word the word lively,  is: 'Living and energetic'.  In addition, the New Testament definition, for the phrase everlasting life.  is: 'Spiritual life which has a beginning but no end'.  Please also see the Message called Labor for Everlasting Life.  Please see the note for 3:25 about the word live  that note has links to several other places where the doctrine of this word is discussed.  Please see the note for Romans C10S15 about the phrase belief changes life.  Please also see the note for 1Corinthians C6S16.  Please also see the note for about the phrase kingdom of God rejected by lifestyle sins.  Please also see the note for Revelation 13:8-LJC about the phrase book of life.  Please see the note for Romans C9S28 about live / walk by faith.  Please see the note for Romans C11S6 about The just shall live by his faith.  Please see the note for Colossians C3S4 about Christ lives through us.  Please use This link to see other, less important, 'Minor Titles of the Son of God' found within the Bible along with links to where the Bible uses those titles.  This title is eternal life.

Please see the note for Romans 7:12 about the word holy.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'Properly, whole, entire or perfect, in a moral sense.  Hence, pure in heart, temper or dispositions; free from sin and sinful affections'.  Please see the note for Luke 1:67-75 about the word holiness.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'The state of being holy; purity or integrity of moral character; freedom from sin; sanctity. Applied to the Supreme Being, holiness denotes perfect purity or integrity of moral character, one of his essential attributes'.  Please also see the Word Study on the Word Study on Holy Ghost.  Basically, since we have the indwelling Holy Spirit,  He is trying to make us holy  by teaching us how to act like God acts.  Please also see the note for John 7:39 about the phrase indwelling Holy Spirit.  Please also see the note for 1John 2:20 about the phrase Holy One.  Please also see the Minor Titles of the Son of God about this title.  Please also see the note for Matthew 4:5 about the phrase holy city.  There is a Biblical doctrinal difference between the use of the phrase Holy Ghost  and God's Holy Spirit,  with the Bible using Holy Ghost  when He affects this physical world and the Bible using Holy Spirit  when he affects spiritual things like our spirit.  Both are identifiers of the third Person within the Trinity.  The phrase Holy Ghost  only occurs within the New Testament.

Please see the note for Mark 11:19 about the word city.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'An area where many people live together and have a local government rule over them'.  Please also see the note for Romans C13S12 about the phrase city of refuge.  Please also see the note for Matthew 4:5 about the phrase holy city.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'testify. Re 22:16; 3:14; Eph 4:17; 1Th 4:6  heareth. Re 1:3  If. De 4:2; 12:32; Pr 30:6; Mt 15:6-9,13  God. Re 14:10-11; 15:1; 16:1; 19:20; 20:10,15; Le 26:18,24-25,28,37  General references. exp: De 4:2.
take. Re 2:18; Lu 11:52  God. Re 3:5; 13:8; Ex 32:33; Ps 69:28  out of the book of life. or, from the tree of life. Re 22:2  and out. Re 21:2,22-27  and from. Re 22:12; 1:3; 2:7,11,17,26; 3:4-5,12,21; 7:9-17; 14:13  General references. exp: De 4:2

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C22-S23 (Verse 20)   the last warning from Lord Jesus Christ.
  1. He which testifieth these things saith,
  2. Surely I come quickly.

The phrase: He which testifieth these things  is a direct reference to 22:16.  There we saw that the true author of this book, and ofg all true prophecy, is our Lord Jesus Christ.  He is Who will come quickly.  ('suddenly and unexpectedly') in the 'Rapture'.  The word Surely  tells us; 'have absolutely no doubt about this truth'

We see the phrase come quickly  in: Revelation 3:11; Revelation 22:7; Revelation 22:12; Revelation 22:20.  Every one of these is a warning to God's people to be prepared for the sudden and unexpected 'Rapture'.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'And John adds his amen to such a promise, he will come quickly, the world will be left in ruins, many will die and be lost forever, but others will be saved, and the plan and purpose of the plan of salvation fulfilled. So even though all this evil will transpire, every believer has the urgent prayer in their heart, come Lord Jesus.
And John ends with a benediction to us all'

Please see the note for Galatians 5:3 about the word testify.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'To make a statement which is intended to be used in a court of law if necessary'.  Please see the note for Psalms 119 about the words testimony / testimonies.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'statements that are used in a court of law to judge the legality of someone's actions. these require first-hand experience because anything else would be rumor and not legal to present in court'.  Please also see the note for Matthew 19:21 about the phrase testimonies of the LORD.  Please also see the Message called Testimony of God.

Please see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word saith.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'lifestyle speaking.  A saying that never changes when said by God'.  Please also see the note for Romans 11:1 about the phrase I say.  The New Testament definition is: 'This phrase expresses a personal opinion, which usually follows the phrase'.  Bible authors uses this phrase when they introduces their own point into an ongoing discussion.  When Jesus  says this phrase, He is giving a personal command.  Please also see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word saith.  Please also see the note for Romans C10S28 about the word gainsaying.  Please also see the note for Matthew 26:1 about the word sayings (plural).  Please also see the notes for Romans C15S15 and 2Corinthians 2:17 about the word speak.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 3:12-14 about the word speech.  Please also see the notes for Ephesians C4S15 and 1Peter 2:1 about the phrase evil speaking.  The words speaketh  and saith  mean that the person 'keeps on keeping on doing the saying'.

Please see the note for Matthew 5:25 about the word quickly.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Speedily; with haste or celerity. 2. Soon; without delay'.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'which. Re 22:18  Surely. Re 22:7,10,12  General references. exp: Heb 10:37'.

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C22-S24 (Verse 20) Amen

This Amen  provides the second saying that is needed to let us know that the doctrine of what was just written is something that all saved are to accept.  Please also see the note for Revelation 3:14 because we are told that a title for our Lord Jesus Christ  is: The Amen.  Please also see the Significant Gospel Events  for this, and other, Minor Titles of the Son of God.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'Amen. Re 1:18;.  General references. exp: Heb 10:37'.

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C22-S25 (Verse 20)   John's prayer for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ.
  1. Even so,
  2. come,
  3. Lord Jesus .

Our sentence uses the title of: Lord Jesus,  which is only used in this sentence, within this book, and only used thirty one times in the new Testament and only used sifter the resurrection.  This title tells us that; 'The literal physical man named Jesus controls God's kingdom, makes laws for us to obey and judges us for our obedience and disobedience'.  He is coming as King of kings and Lord of lords  to rule and reign this Earth for 1,000 years.  This is speaking about His second coming.

Dr. Jeff Wilson wrote about this sentence in the note for 22:20.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'General references. exp: Heb 10:37'.

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C22-S26 (Verse 20) The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all

Our chapter ends with what I wrote at the beginning.  This book is a single revelation  that Jesus Christ  is Lord Jesus Christ.  He is the source of all blessings and of all judgments.  Therefore, anyone who ignores His role in everything is a fool.

Dr. Jeff Wilson wrote about this sentence in the note for 22:20.

Please see the note for Romans C4S5 about theword grace.  The word grace  is usually presented as 'God's riches at Christ Expense'.  However, that obviously does not fit in James 1:11.  So while that is the main application within the Bible, the true definition is: 'that which makes the source look good'.  We are given God's grace  for the expressed purpose of making God look good.  In addition, the New Testament definition of the word gracious  is: 'Favorable; kind; friendly; as,the envoy met with a gracious reception'.  Please see the note for Galatians C5S4 about the phrase fallen from grace.  Please see the note for Galatians C6S18 about the phrase grace through Christ.  Please see the note for 11:5 about the phrase election of grace.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'General references. Re 1:4; Ro 1:7; 16:20,24; 2Co 13:14; Eph 6:23-24; 2Th 3:18 exp: Heb 13:25'.

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C22-S27 (Verse 21) Amen

This Amen  provides the second saying that is needed to let us know that the doctrine of what was just written is something that all saved are to accept.  Please also see the note for Revelation 3:14 because we are told that a title for our Lord Jesus Christ  is: The Amen.  Please also see the Significant Gospel Events  for this, and other, Minor Titles of the Son of God.

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Contact:  Member of Tower Road Baptist Church, Abq., NM, U.S.A., 87121.  Copyright 2009 Lord Jesus Christ in the 1611KJV.  All rights reserved. Revised: 02/07/25.