Lord Jesus Christ in the 1611KJV
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Have you become a child of the God of the Bible?

Please note that many religious people claim lots of different ways to be 'the only way to be saved'.  It is absolutely impossible for all of those claims to be right.  Lots of religions claim that their doctrine comes from the Bible, but with all of the contradictions it should be obvious that many are lies.  Biblical truth will give you the Bible references so that you can verify what is claimed.  Unfortunately, in an effort to avoid rejection by people who refuse to make the required effort to verify what they believe, many people who present the truth present less than what God requires in order for people to truly understand what God requires.  Therefore, even this is the short version, it provides many more Bible references than what can be found elsewhere.  This is so that the reader does not end up with a partially true belief due to inadequate information.  May God bless your search for true Biblical salvation.

Many people find this question strange and some even find it offensive.  But, if you think about it, the only reason that someone truly gets offended by an honest question is when it points out that what the person wants to go on believing is not the truth but is, in fact, a comfortable lie.  We can not receive the truth while holding onto a lie but in order to let go of the lie we must first admit that we believed the lie and admitting such makes us feel foolish.  So the person can suffer the consequence of being a fool or they can suffer the embarrassment of finding out that they believed a lie and then correct the situation.  Either way, to some extent they ' suffer'.

However, if someone asks you about some truth that you believe, you might wonder why the truth is not obvious to them and might see it as an opportunity to show the truth.Regardless of that choice, you would not be mad at them for what should be perceived as a request for information.  Thus, the reaction to a question like this reveals whether the person honestly believes that they believe the truth or whether they subconsciously realize that they are holding onto a lie.

Therefore, I hope we can put the ' anger reaction' to the side and deal honestly with this question upon the basis that we are honestly searching for the truth.  Further, it is expected that the reader accepts that God used men to write His Word (2 Peter 1:21) just as we use a pen to write our name.  Certainly, the Judge of all the earth (Genesis 18:25) will not be forced to accept something written by man as the Law He uses when he judges (Revelation 20:11-15; Romans 14:10; 2Corinthians 5:10-11).  In that consideration, we will continue with what God wrote in His word and not with some man's or some religion's opinion.

John 1:12-13  But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:  Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

When a girl child is born, she is not a woman but must become a woman.  When a boy child is born, he is not a man but must become a man.  Thus we see that if God gives people power to become the sons of God they can not be born a son of God or they would not have to become the sons of God.  People who think they have been a child of God all their life believe the truth.  However, their god is not the God of the Bible.  (A true child of the God of the Bible puts what God wrote in His Bible as a higher authority of truth than any other authority.)  Jesus told some very religious people Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.  He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him.  When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it (John 8:44).  We all have spoken more than one lie in our life and have been angry enough to want to kill someone.  (God counts the desire in our heart as sin.)  Only a self-deluded fool would deny this truth which was spoken by the Son of God.  According to this verse, when we speak lies we show that the devil is our father (god).  We did not do anything to become a child of the devil but were born that way.  The lie (that people believe who believe they have been a child of God all of their life) is that their true god is the lying Devil who claims to be the God of the Bible.  However, the Devil and the true God of the Bible have totally different characters.  We can tell who is our true God/ father by the character that he gives us.  David tells us in Psalms 58:3 The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies and again Psalms 51:5 says , I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.  Therefore, the children of the Devil speak lies and do iniquity and sin while the children of the God of the Bible stop their sinning.  While many would deny this simple truth from God's Word, the wise will not waste time and energy on anger but will want to know why God says that this is true and what they need to do about it in their own life before they are judged by the Judge of all the earth (Genesis 18:25).

The truth is that Adam and Eve were created without sin but when they sinned they brought sin and death upon us all (Romans 5:12-14 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:').  We are born with a sin nature and as children of the devil.  Further, this verse says for that all have sinned.  The word for means here's why.  This verse says that the fact that all have sinned is why we know that as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men.  Our sin nature is part of what we inherit from our parents just like we inherit a probability to get fat or weak eyes or any of many other things that keep us from being perfect.  While we inherit this nature, the honest man admits that he personally has chosen to sin and that everyone he knows has willfully sinned and only those who have been deceived deny this truth that all have sinned

We read about Adam bringing sin into the world in Genesis 2.  Genesis 2:16-17 says And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:  But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.  We have here the first law of God and 1John 3:4 tells us Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.  We die because we break God's Law that has a death penalty, which is what Romans 5 was telling us.  Now many people might protest that they didn't break God's Law, but look at the sentence in Genesis 2:16-17.  They did not eat from an apple tree but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  A formalized set of knowledge is called a tree of knowledge and religion is the formalize set of knowledge of good and evil.  Cain was a religious man who worshipped God according to his own knowledge of good and evil.  God rejected his sacrifice and told him he had to worship God's way (Genesis 4:1-8) and the answer of religion was to murder the man who worshipped God's way.  Religion has done this ever since including putting the Son of God on a cross.  Thus what religion tells us to do actually results in getting us God's judgment of eternity in the Lake of Fire (Revelation 19:20; 20:10, 14-15).

I have many relatives that think they are not religious but claim to be ' Agnostic' and believe in Evolution.  Evolution is one of the tenants of a lying religion.  It claims to be science but true science rejects things which have not been proven by the Scientific Method (and Evolution has not been proven this way).  When someone holds their unproven belief even when it contradicts observable facts, that is a religious belief and I have other papers available which show that Evolution is scientifically and mathematically impossible.  However, even when shown the evidence that I have, believers in Evolution hold to their belief and, thereby, prove that they are holding it by faith, which is the basic definition of a religion.  Someone who believes that something is a fact based upon the scientific method will let it go if shown that what they believe is not a fact.  (The U.S.  Supreme Court has agreed that Humanism is a religion and Humanism is the basic belief system supporting Evolution.)  The self-proclaimed ' Atheist' and ' Agnostic' only have Evolution to explain where we all came from.  They can't explain where everything else came from (like whatever supposedly blew up in the ' Big Bang' or who lit the match).They are (in truth) believing in the religion of Humanism and are as religious as the rest of us.  We all are religious to some extent.  Since we all believe in something, we can not choose if we believe but only choose what we put our faith into.  Since the Bible is the only source of truth in the world which contains verifiable proof of coming from a supernatural being (the true God), I choose to put my faith into it.  Therefore, we will return to the Bible and not deal with the question of authority any further.

The sin of Adam and Eve started with Satan questioning God's Word in Genesis 3:1.  Isaiah 14:12-21 tells us that the Devil decided to do things his way instead of doing them God's way and was kicked out of Heaven as a result.  Elsewhere we are told that God prepared judgment for the Devil and all who follow him.  Rebelling didn't work for the Devil, but he promised Eve ye shall be as gods (Genesis 3:5).    That lie meant that man could tell God ' I know good and evil and what I know is as good as what God knows (and wrote in His Word)'.  Rebellion didn't work for the Devil.  It didn't work for Adam and Eve (or any other person) because we all die and we can't keep God from killing us.  Think for a minute.  Imagine someone who ends up in front of a hanging judge charged with a crime that carries a death penalty and there is irrefutable evidence against them.  Instead of accepting an offered plea bargain, they insist upon going to court and demand that the judge use their rules instead of his written law.  How long do you honestly believe that they would live?  That's what religion tells men to do when they are judged by the Judge of all the earth (Genesis 18:25).This is a Judge Who locks people into a Lake of Fire for eternity.  Someone who thinks they can force the Creator of the sun to judge them according to their own rules and not by His written Law is what the Bible calls a fool (Psalm 14:1; 53:1).

The promise of Satan and of religion is that you can tell God that He has to accept what you (or your religion) ' knows' is good and evil.  God answers with death and a promise of the second death which is to be cast into the lake of fire according to Revelation 20:14 and 21:8.  If we do not wish to be cast into the lake of fire we must be one of those who hath part in the first resurrection according to Revelation 20:6.  This leads to the question of ' How do we personally become one of those who hath part in the first resurrection?'  In John 11:25-26 we read Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die.  Believest thou this?  The person of Jesus Christ is the resurrection.  To be part of the first resurrection and to avoid being cast into the lake of fire we have to receive him which requires that we believeth in (Jesus Christ) / believe on his name according to this verse and our first verse (John 1:12-13).  (Notice that John 1:12-13 says that received him and have power to become the sons of God is even with believe on his name.  When two sides of a balancing scale are even they are equal.  Thus, to believe on his name is equal to received him and have power to become the sons of God.) 

We already saw with Cain and Satan that religion has wrong ways to do the things of God, which result in our being punished.  Therefore, we need to do what God's Law / Word tells us that He means by believeth in (Jesus Christ) / believe on his name if we want to receive him, become(one of)  the sons of God and have eternal life.

1John 5:13 says These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.

Notice that this verse says that it was written to you that believe on the name of the Son of God.  Therefore, it is telling us two (and within the verse) important things that we receive when we receive him / become (one of) the sons of God.  The first is that God promised that ye may know that ye have eternal life.  Please notice that this promise is made to ye.  Lots of religious people complain about words in the Bible like yeYe means each and every one of you personally.  The God of the Bible wants a personal relationship with His children.  Religion wants to replace that personal relationship with ceremony or anything else that is not personal.  However God wants us to know that He is making this promise to us personally even if everyone around us goes to Hell.  (Hell is God ' short-term' holding place where He puts people hoping that they adjust their attitude before He judges how badly they will hurt for all eternity in the Lake of Fire.)  Further, this verse tells us that this promise is based upon what I written unto you.  We already agreed that God wrote the Bible using men like we use a pen to write our name.  Religion lies and says that man wrote the Bible and / or preserved it.  However, God isn't bound by anything written by man.  Therefore, the only Bible that will do any of us any good is the one that God bound Himself to.  That is the God written and God preserved word of God, which is the 1611 KJV for people who think in the English language.  Further, the Bible written by God is a spiritual contract with man and He chose to bind Himself to the promises He put into His Bible.  He is not bound to anything in some twisted perversion that men write and call a ' bible'.

Since this promise is based upon what I written unto you and God says that we can know, we can be 100% sure of this promise if we do what God means by believe on the name of the Son of God / receive him.  This is not based upon some religious act which can only give a hope so promise.  However, there is a second important part of this verse following the and.  Religion is from the Devil and He will do anything to get us to not obey God.  He will cause us to question God's Word like he did to Eve in the Garden (Genesis 3:1).  Satan will get us to add to God's Word like Eve did in the Garden (Genesis 3:3).  Satan will leave out part of the Bible while quoting it like he did when tempting Jesus (Matthew 4:1-11; Luke 4:1-13).  Thus, Satan led religious people will try to leave out one side or the other of this and in this verse.  The two sides of this verse match (John 10:10) where Jesus told us 'I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.  John 10:10 is in a section where Jesus is explaining how He, and what He gives, is different than religion and what it gives.  Religion promises life but skips the life more abundantly.  Lots of people want the life but don't want the life more abundantly.  When we examine what follows the and in 1John 5:13 we read that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.  Notice that this verse has a promise that is limited to you that believe on the name of the Son of God.  Religion tells us to claim that we already believed on the name of the Son of God when we made our initial profession, but this claim is wrong.  In the Bible, believe is an action verb like ' run' is an action verb.  If someone is told to ' run' and they replied with ' I already ran', they would be instructed to ' run again'.  Thus, the part of this verse that follows the and tells us to believe on the name of the Son of God over and over again based upon the same word of God that God has written unto you and that He used to lead you to your initial profession.  As we believe on the name of the Son of God over and over again, we increase God's life in us which results in life more abundantly.

When we look back at our initial sentence of John 1:12-13 we see Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God as the second half of this sentence.  Notice that this phrase says that we are born' of God which is tied into John 3 and many other places that we are told that we must be born again.  Further, this phrase means that true salvation is God's life in us.Since this phrase follows a colon, it is equivalent to the first half where we are told that to have God's life in us we must received him and become(one of)  the sons of God.  Romans 8:14 tells us that the sons of God follow the Spirit of God which ties right back into the second half of 1John 5:13 which tells us that we must continue to believe on the name of the Son of God.

Let me clear up some possible confusion.  I have given a few verses and showed how they interact so that people will see that this comes from the Bible.  Further, there are more verses which express the same concepts in other ways, but let me put it in a non-Biblical manner which some might understand easier.  Then this explanation can be compared to the verses supplied and people can see the same concepts within the Bible verses.

When a child is born, the life that it has comes from the parents.  A man must plant living seed in a woman to receive a living baby.  Within that living seed are parts of life that we call DNA.  5,000 years after a person dies we can dig up their bones and identify their parents by this DNA.  Thus, it is a ' permanent' part of life.

The child that is born is the same life as was in the seed which the man planted, but his relationship with that life changes at birth.  A godly man has an ongoing relationship with his child and teaches them how to live (walk, talk, read, worship God, etc).  The child can decide to end this relationship by moving far away and severing contact.  Their severing the relationship ends any enhancement to their life from the father but they can never change their DNA.  Further, they can loose the enhancement to their life, and claim that they ' lost their life' even though they still live and still have the same DNA.  I know a person who says he ' lost his life' because he became a quadriplegic after becoming an adult.  Most of us can understand this expression.

As I said, Biblical salvation is God's life in us and the Bible says there are two parts to that salvation: the permanent (life) and the enhancement (life more abundantly).  While many deny this truth, the Bible does have verses which support losing salvation (God's enhancement of His life in us).  ALL of those verses are supporting losing the enhancement (life more abundantly) and are to be understood in the exact same way as a living quadriplegic claiming ' I lost my life'.  Thus, one of the lies from religion is that ' losing your salvation' means losing all of God's life in you (including the permanent part) and not just the ' enhancement' (life more abundantly [ John 10:10]).  Additionally, another lie from religion is that we can receive salvation (God's life in us) and go to Heaven while refusing all of the ' enhancement' (life more abundantly [ John 10:10]).  Religion claims that if you do some religious thing (like say the ' prayer of salvation') then God has no choice but to take you to Heaven even if you spend the rest of your life in sin.  However, their god is the Devil.  We all know that ' slam bam thank you mum' (let me plant my seed and then abandon all responsibility for any resulting life) is of the Devil.  The true God of the Bible does not abandon His life.  He also does not take away our free will.  Ephesians 2:10 says for we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus.  Lots of ' soul winners' have been taught to leave out this verse but it is critical to proper understanding.  The word for means ' here's why'.  When we ask God to save us He has a choice of saying ' yes' or ' no'.  The publican and the Pharisee both prayed (Luke 18:9-14) but only one received a ' yes'.  When we ask God for His salvation, God looks at our heart to see if we will let Him do His workmanship which makes us created in Christ Jesus (act like the Christ of the Bible).  Further, God knows if we are lying (saying one thing with our mouth and meaning something else in our heart).  Unless He is convinced that we really will let Him do His workmanship, of our own free will, He answers our prayer with NO.  That's one of the reasons why we have so many people claimint to be ' saved' while they are living like the Devil (and are probably religious bastards [ Hebrews 12:8]).  They are fools who have believed a religious lie.

By the way, I used seed in my example because the Bible calls the word of God the seed which gives us 'life and 'life more abundantly (John 10:10; 1John 5:13).  I said earlier that if we throw away either side of an and, we do not have our result of that and.  No one can receive God's salvation (life / eternal life) while they refuse the second half (life more abundantly / believe on the name of the Son of God).

Thus far we have seen that we are all born children of the Devil and are sinners by nature.  We have seen that sin is the transgression of the law (1John 3:4) and that violating God's Law carries a penalty of death and of the second death, which is eternity in the Lake of Fire (Revelation 20:14 and 21:8).  We have seen that God will set aside this judgment if we receive him (which requires that we believeth in (Jesus Christ) / believe on his name).  When we receive him, we get God's life in us, but only if we are also are willing to receive life more abundantly which is His workmanship and His workmanship will cause us to stop our sinning and cause us to act like the Christ of the Bible.

Going on, we can see how God deals with other considerations and how the Devil's religious lies twist God's truth into lies.  We already saw the difference between ' permanent life' and the ' enhanced / increased life'.  This concept also applies to God's law and also needs to be understood in order to defeat the error and lies that come from Satan.

We already saw 1John 3:4 which tells us Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.  The context of 1John 3 links sin to the law.  When we are dealing with Law, we need to realize that there are two parts to every violation of Law: the deed and the charge in the legal system.  Someone who has diplomatic immunity can not be charged (' have immunity') in the legal system.  Therefore, even if they kill someone (do the deed of sin) they have not broken the Law because they can not be charged in the legal system.  Only ' of what is required to violate the law has been done.  That concept is what John is dealing with in 1John 3:9 where we read Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.  Basically, the true children of God can't do anything that is so bad that God will have to bring criminal charges against them in His Great White Throne judgment system.  God will kill them and take them to Heaven first.  People are led into error by following the methods of the Devil and taking part of this sentence out of context in order to build an erroneous doctrine.  Notice that our sentence tells us why we cannot sin when it says for (here's why) his seed remaineth in him and he is born of God.  John is saying that we can not stop being God's children.  He is not saying that we can not do the deeds of sin because 1John 1 teaches otherwise and 1John 1:10 says If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.  Therefore, the children of God must be able to not commit sin while still doing the deeds of sin.  This is only possible if God refuses to charge His children (in His Great White Throne judgment system) for the sins that they do.  This is known as immunity.  However, such immunity does not remove punishment and damnation from God's children at the Judgment Seat of Christ.

When we become God's children He removes us from His legal system called the great White throne judgment of Revelation 20.  Consider Colossians 2:13-15 which tells us And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses; Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.  These verses tell us that God is Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us.  When we were not a child of God and we sinned, God had angels handwriting charges against us for the ordinances that we violated.  There has to be a recorded charge for a court to bring judgment.  When we get saved, God uses the blood of Jesus Christ to Blot out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us.  God also gives us diplomatic immunity so that no more charges will be brought (against His children), as 1John 3:9 told us.  When we do the deeds of sins (1John 1) God deals with us as His children not as criminals.  Romans 14:10-12 and 2Corinthians 5:10-11 tell us 'we [saved] shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.  The saved are judged in a different legal system and by a different set of laws.  While Satan can not affect that judgment, he uses religion to teach God's children lies so that they do not receive rewards and are punished.  That religious error, and resulting punishment, needs to be considered (at least at a very high level).

The things that I say after this point are dealt with more extensively in the study called Lord Jesus Christ and other documents.  Therefore, I will only mention the truths without providing the support in this document.

One lie of the Devil is that there are ' no tears in Heaven'.  God does not wipe away all tears from their [people saved during the Church Age] eyes until Revelation 21:4.  This is over 1,000 yearss after saved people living today get to Heaven and other verses in the Bible make it clear that these tears will average more than once per week for over 1,000 yearss.  This is important to know because when we get saved we agree for God to put His righteousness into our life.  Romans 10:10 tells us For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.  I can walk up to a stage but I am not unto it unless I get on it.  Unless we get on God's righteousness (we have none of our own) and let it take us where God wants us (away from the sin in our lives), we have not believed unto righteousness.  It was also pointed out that believeth (personal belief) is an action verb whereby we act upon God's promises.Romans 3:10 tells us As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one.  God provides His righteousness to saved people (Ephesians 2:10) and we believeth unto righteousness when we act on God's righteousness which causes us to stop our sinning.  Certainly God's righteousness will not lead us into sin.  Further, Romans 6:16 and 1Peter 2:24 tell us that we are to obey / live unto righteousness.  If we keep the vow that we make to get saved, and let God's righteousness lead us to stop our sinning, then we don't have to worry about tears in Heaven.  It is those who believe Satan's lie that they can hold onto their sin with the only punishment being in this world that are going to have tears in Heaven for over 1,000 yearss.

Another lie of Satan is that we will all have mansions in Heaven.  (The operative word is ' all'.)  The only time that Jesus mentioned mansions is at a meeting where He deliberately excluded over 90% of His church and then only guaranteed a place to those who were there.  Yes there are mansions in Heaven and yes we can have one but we must 'lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven' (Matthew 6:19-21; 19:21; Luke 6:44-49; 12:15-34; 2Corinthians 4:1-7).  When we do religious deeds for righteousness that is what the Bible calls wood, hay, stubble (2Corinthians 3:11-20).  When we let God work through our lives, that is what the Bible calls gold, silver, precious stones.  Therefore, those who receive mansions in Heaven have let God work through their life a great amount.  Those who do not let God work through their lives are not promised a lot of what religion says that God has to give them.  The truth is that the Bible indicates that many will be homeless in Heaven.  But, If we keep the vow that we make to get saved, and let God work through our lives, then we don't have to worry about being homeless in Heaven.

Having dealt with the two extremes of results possible too saved people, we need to lightly touch on what God expects of people here in this life after he initially saves them.

Ephesians 5:32 tells us that the relationship between a husband and wife is a picture of the relationship between 'Christ and the church.  Just as a man expects a life-long personal relationship with a woman when he receives her in marriage, so also does our God expects a life-long personal relationship with anyone that He saves.  Imagine the type of relationship a man will have if he tells a woman that he wants the advantages of marriage but doesn't want anyone to know that they are married.  Now imagine the same relationship after the man pays for a big wedding celebration where he announces to many people that they are married.  In the Bible, baptism is like the wedding ceremony whereby we are identified with the death, burial and resurrection of Christ and where we publicly declare our plan to follow Him and be like Him (Romans 6).  Mark 8:38 and Luke 9:26 say For whosoever shall be ashamed of me and of my words, of him shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he shall come in his own glory, and in his Father's, and of the holy angels.  If we do not get baptized, we prove that we are ashamed of the Son of God and loose a lot of the blessings of our relationship with Him.

Acts 2:21 and Romans 10:13 tell us For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.  When we call upon Him as Lord we are recognizing His right to judge us and punish us but are also believing His promise to love us and correct us as children.  When we do the acts of sin, He will correct us, as any loving parent will, but He will no longer bring charges against us in His criminal system.  However, many are led into the error of saying a prayer and then not joining His family, which is a church of people who believe that God wrote what he meant and meant what He wrote in His Word.  They're like a man claiming to be married when he said vows before a justice of the peace and then shook the woman's hand and walked away instead of living with her.  God knows our heart and when we say one thing and mean another, God calls us liars.  If we truly call upon the name of the Lord we will act upon that vow and join God's side in the spiritual warfare between God and the Devil.  Those who do not live their vow have no right to call themselves saved or Christian.  Those who do live their vow have the evidence that can be seen by the lost world which proves that they are really a Christian.

If you are not living your vow then you need to start living it so that God doesn't have to punish you.  If you never lived it then there is a good chance that you believed a lie and that God never truly saved you.  If you have never been truly Biblically saved then you can be if you believed God's promises and, from your heart, truly mean to live your vow.  We call upon the name of the Lord in prayer by making a legally binding vow to God.  He wants us to agree:

  1. We are sinners who broke His law and earned an eternity in hell and the Lake of Fire
  2. That His punishment is just even if we don't want to receive our just punishment
  3. That we believe His written Word that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
  4. That we want to believeth in Jesus and call upon the name of the Lord.  We believe that He died to pay for our personal sins and we believe God's promise to count His death as payment for our personal sins if we receive him as our personal Lord for a life-long relationship.  We accept that the Bible means act upon the promises of God when it says believe.

When we truly become children of the God of the Bible, He gives us His Holy Spirit to live in us (Acts 2) and keep us and to pass to us the things of God that come through Christ.  These blessings include instructions on how to live so that we will stop our sinning and bring glory to His name.  The Bible teaches that those who truly believe, as the Bible means believe, will have an ongoing personal relationship with Christ , they will be baptized and will join a church of like faith (the family of God).  The Bible also teaches saved people to have daily prayer and study (not just reading) of the Bible to help us to personally become like Christ.  The Bible also warns that there are many liars and deceived people who claim what they don't live.  The Bible calls those who claim to be saved but live like the Devil unjust people.  In particular, 2 Peter 2 warns us to not be like this and summarizes with 2 Peter 2:21 which says For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them.  God deliberately makes it unclear as to whether these people are saved or not but does clearly warn everyone to not be like this.  Ask any veteran who has been shot at in war what their feelings are about a traitor as opposed to an honest enemy.  We are in a spiritual battle and God warns the unjust that it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them.

Please live your claim.

Contact:  Webmaster@LJC1611KJV.com.  Member of Tower Road Baptist Church, Abq., NM, U.S.A., 87121.  Copyright 2009 Lord Jesus Christ in the 1611KJV.  All rights reserved. Revised: 02/07/25.