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Hermeneutics Lesson 08

God is not a Communist but a Capitalist.  Reward is given only to those who let God work through their life.

Isaiah 28:3-6 says The crown of pride, the drunkards of Ephraim, shall be trodden under feet: And the glorious beauty, which is on the head of the fat valley, shall be a fading flower, and as the hasty fruit before the summer; which when he that looketh upon it seeth, while it is yet in his hand he eateth it up.  In that day shall the LORD of hosts be for a crown of glory, and for a diadem of beauty, unto the residue of his people, And for a spirit of judgment to him that sitteth in judgment, and for strength to them that turn the battle to the gate.

Communism became popular in the end of the 1800s and first half of the 1900s.  There are supposedly only 3countries still following communism, but the truth is that 'Socialism', as practiced in many countries, is actually a form of 'Communism'.  People have noted that all of the points of the 'Communist Manifesto' have been implemented into law in the US.  While a lot of professing Christians want to blame other people, God says that it is my people, which are called by my name  (2Chronicles 7:17) because they want to skip over God's command to humble themselves  (let God correct their doctrine) and go straight to 'Pray!, pray!, pray!'.

Communism has entered the doctrine of many (most?) 'good godly Bible believing fundamental believers'.  The simplest evidence is the popularity of all of the church songs where we sing about having a mansion.  Everybody expects a mansion , even though the Bible does not promise one to everyone.  In fact, it is impossible for everyone to get one.  Yes, some people will get one, but it will be a very small percentage of the millions who will be saved.  The belief that everyone will get a mansion  is a lie from Satan that comes through Biblical antichrists,  who are in pulpits today.  This lie is designed to remove a God given motivation for letting God (Christ) live and work through out lives.

We see, in our verse from Isaiah, that God says that a crown of glory, and for a diadem of beauty  are promised to the residue of his people  and not to everyone.  We also see that God says that many shall be trodden under feet  and that a fading flower  is promised to the religious leaders (The crown of pride)  and to those people who follow their error.

Simply put: The majority of the people believed the lies from religious leaders and went into captivity.  Only a few were the residue  who believed in God's judgment  and sought personal strength  from God so that they could turn the battle to the gate.  The gate  was where the worldly leaders were.  The residue  fought against the lie that was popular with worldly leaders and with backslidden religious leaders and with God's people who sought the flesh.  Today that most popular lie is called socialism, which is really disguised Communism.  This lie was accepted into church doctrine in the early 1900s.  God's doctrine uses the basic principal of true Capitalism.  The people who believe the lie of a Communistic Heaven are going to be hurt by God for preaching error in place of His truth.

We are now going to get into popular doctrinal error which permeates through much that is actually professed by many believers.  People will be resistant to the truth and try to justify holding onto the error with excuses like 'I don't hold to that error but I can't upset people who do'.  Ezekiel 33 teaches about the watchman  and how God will punish the people living in sin but hold the watchman  responsible for the blood of the people that he fails to warn.  Another popular excuse is 'It's a small thing'.  1Corinthians 5:6 and Galatians 5:9 tell us A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.  Our 'little thing' that supports doctrinal error causes the entire church to turn to doctrinal error.

Look at how small the percentage of church membership is involved in the soul winning ministry.  This small number of people involved is because, while the majority claim to believes in soul winning, they do not believe that they personally have to be personally involved.  They are not motivated enough to stop doing the activities of the flesh in order to make time to do soul winning.  While they could do soul winning while doing other things, the truth is that very few people do personal soul winning who do not participate in church sponsored soul winning.  That is because they are too busy thinking about this world to take the time to think about souls.  Their heart is like the seed that fell among the weeds.

The main reason that this happens is because they have been convinced that doing or not doing soul winning will not really make that big of a difference in how they live for eternity.  They have been convinced that all saved will be in eternal bliss from the second that they die and for ever after that.  They conclude that any rewards beyond that are mere trinkets that won't make that big of a difference for eternity.  This is the philosophy of Communism.  It is also Socialism.  It is ultimately a lie from the devil.

The error of believing this lie removes God's main motivation for us to work for Him in this life.  Satan has several lies which convince people that they will lose nothing, or lose very little, if they are not personally obedient to soul winning.  You can deny that most people who claim to be saved believe this lie, but the evidence says otherwise.  The percentage of church members who are not personally involved in soul winning indicates how many believe this error.  The fact is that people engage in soul winning from a hospital bed.  While you might not be one of these people, you still have the responsibility to correct this err when others believe it.  Ezekiel 33 warns the person who knows the truth but does not warn their fellow believer who believes error.

The Biblical truth about a mansion.

One of the problems that we have today is the doctrinal error that comes from Communism.  Many people have been convinced that every saved person will have a mansion.  Once you have that lifestyle then any rewards from God can only be trinkets in comparison.  We see this because people love to sing 'Mansion over the Hilltop', and other songs about getting a mansion,  even while refusing to do what God requires to get it.  This doctrinal error promises reward to people who do nothing to earn it.  Yes, Jesus did say that there were many mansions,  but He did not promise one to everyone.  'Mansion over the Hilltop' encourages people to be lazy and not serve their Lord because people believe they are promised a mansion, even if they do nothing to earn it.  The song promises reward without payment.

Jesus deliberately excluded over 90% of His church from the only meeting where He mentioned mansions  and then only promised a place  to all in attendance.  Each one of those people went on to experience a martyr's death.  Based upon this, we should expect that over 90% of church members will not receive mansions.  This is especially true for people who join the church and never do any ministry or let God use their lives to spread His gospel to others.

The Book Study on 2Timothy deals with this error to some extent.  2Timothy 3:12-13 tells us Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.  But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.  The word shall  means 'it absolutely, positively will happen'.  If it does not happen, then the person is not living godly in Christ JesusGalatians 5:11 tells us that this persecution  is because people preach...the offence of the cross.  But the evil men and seducers,  of 2Timothy, tell us enticing lies including that we can have all of the rewards of Heaven without paying what God requires, such as suffering persecution.

Bottom line: If you personally do not suffer persecution  at some point in your life then you do not live godly in Christ Jesus.  There is a good chance that God counts you in with the evil men and seducers,  even though you are saved.  Even though you are not evil,  you are still a seducer  if you claim the blessings of God while not doing the work of God.  You seduce  others into not doing the work of God.

Galatians 6:7-8 gives us the 'Law of Sowing and Reaping'.  (Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.  For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.)  Someone who claims to be saved while he soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption,  not a mansion.  Communism claims that we can reap  what someone else sowed.  This is calling God's 'Law of Sowing and Reaping' a lie.

The Book Study on Romans explains justification.  Basically, many people believe only one half of the true Biblical doctrine on justification.  Yes, God justifies  us when we are first saved but then our changed life justifies  His saving us while refusing salvation to others who will not let Him change their lives.  It also teaches that part of our justifying  His saving us is using our life to being Him glory  while we are in the flesh.  Simply put: if God gets no glory  from our life in the flesh then we do not have the justification  for God saving us and Romans teaches that we are really lost.  Also, as taught there, the amount of reward which we receive in Heaven is directly proportional to the amount of glory  which He receives while we are in the flesh.

The Book Study on Romans also has considerable explanation about how the error of believing in a 'positional salvation' which denies all responsibilities of a personal relationship.  A personal relationship requires us to actively do things to build and maintain it.  This belief that everyone will get a mansion is part of a 'salvation' that claims we have everything because we got into the position of salvation (said a prayer, etc) and do not have any further responsibilities that are part of our salvation.

1Corinthians 9:24 says Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize?  According to Communism, everyone gets a prize and it calls this verse a lie.  We are not all getting a 'mansion in Heaven'.

I have showed you several places where the philosophy of Communism, and Socialism, go directly against what the Bible literally teaches.  After showing that these philosophies are wrong, I will show you what the Bible says is correct.

The parables about the pounds and the penny.

The 'Parable of the Pounds' is in Matthew 20:1-16 and Luke 19.  The 'Parable of the Talents' is in Matthew 25.  In both of these parables we see variable rewards and punishment for those people who claim to be saved.

In the 'Parable of the Pounds' Jesus said that 1 pound was given to each of 10 servants.  One servant returned 10 pounds from the single given to him and was rewarded by being made ruler over 10 cities.  One servant returned 5pounds from the single given to him and was rewarded by being made ruler over 5cities.  One servant returned 1 pound and had that 1 taken from him.  As for the rest, Jesus said But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.  Since slay  means death,  these people received the second death  and went to the lake of fire.  Thus, we see that 70% of the people claiming to be saved are judged as lost by God.  Further, we see that all of those people who produced nothing for God are judged as lost by God.  Therefore, this promise that 'We will all get a mansion in Heaven even if we do nothing for God during our life' leads to 70% being Biblical bastards  (Hebrews 12:8).

The 'Parable of the Talents' follows the 'Parable of the Ten Virgins' within the same chapter of Matthew.  All of the virgins had a lamp.  That means they all claimed to be saved.  However, only those with oil  were allowed in.  In the Bible, oil  is used to represent the Holy Spirit.  People who truly have the Holy Spirit have Him change their life and work through their life to do the work of God.  There was light  that came from their lamp.  The virgins with no light  that came from their lamp  were refused entrance, which means they went to Hell.  Thus, while it is in a separate parable, we have the same lesson about people going to the lake of fire  when they claim to be saved but do not let the Holy Spirit work through their life.

Continuing on to the 'Parable of the Talents', we see that the Lord gave different talents  to different people.  We also see that those people who used their talents  to bring an increase to God were rewarded while the person who did not bring an increase to God was cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Now, many people believe the error that outer darkness  represents Hell.  However, outer  is part of the same place as inner  since the er  on the end of the word means 'more to'.  Further, darkness  is not limited to Hell in the Bible but we see several places where saved people are in darkness.  People have fancy religious arguments, which do not have Bible backing them and which go against what the Bible actually teaches.

Revelation 21:23 says And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.  Now you put a single light in the center of a large area and the people closer to the center will have more light than those people on the outside.  The people on the outside will be in outer (relative) darkness  and not in absolute darkness.  The outer darkness  is actually teaching that for all eternity people will be as close the Jesus, or as far away, as their life proves that they want to be.  Once more we have eternal proportional rewards that are taught as being an absolute.

There are many more places in the Bible which teach about eternal proportional rewards.  I could go on but these two examples should be sufficient.  There are two significant problems which these parables bring out.

The first problem that we have is that people have been taught doctrinal error and then try to interpret the Bible to support what they have been taught instead of what God actually wrote.  Many times I have shown people Bible truths which go against what they have been taught, and goes against what 'great preachers' have said and what they have believed most of their saved life.  Many reject what the Bible literally says in order to hold onto what religion taught them.  A few study and pray about it for a day to several months.  The ones who quickly reject eventually get the judgment of God.  The people who struggle and study and pray claim to be blessed by God after they accept that the Bible literally says.

Time and again we see God bringing judgment upon His people for this error of choosing what religion teaches instead of what the Bible literally says.  It is directly linked to the sin unto death.  This error was why Peter was withstood...to the face  (Galatians 2).  When the Council of Jerusalem (Acts 15) determined that Gentiles did not have not have to keep the religious part of the Mosaic Law, they then failed to correct the prophets and preachers coming out of their church.  Acts 21:20 reports Thou seest, brother, how many thousands of Jews there are which believe; and they are all zealous of the law:  and required Paul to keep the religious part of the Mosaic Law right after they praised God for working in Paul's life in a way that God did not work in anyone else's life.  This doctrinal error that the church officials let grow ended up getting Paul's head chopped off and the Roman Army killing all of the people teaching this error along with their followers, the Temple destroyed, and much hardship coming upon all Jews.

The second error being taught here is that we can ignore God's conditional requirements and 'claim' all of the rewards of a spiritually mature martyr while living a life that does all we can to promote the flesh and Hell.  Look at the spiritual maturity level of the average person claiming to be saved.  Look at the Book Study on 1Corinthians and see the sins they had and the evidence of spiritual maturity which they failed to have.  This is true for most of our church members and some of these things are true for many of our church leaders.  Paul said that having these sins and lacking these evidences of spiritual growth made them babes.  Do you really think God will be happy with you when He accuses you of keeping His people in diapers and sucking a spiritual bottle? There is pain and effort involved in all forms of growth.  When we promise people all of the rewards of maturity while they forgo pain, effort and growth, we retard them.

The parable of the workers: faith  versus hope.

There is a lot of doctrinal error taught about Biblical faith  including that it is against works.  However, James 2 tells us differently.  Rather than deal with all of the error, we will go with the truth.  Think of a car starter.  There is a large cable that supplies the power from the battery which is used to start the car engine.  There is also a small wire from the key which provides a little power in order to let the starter know that it has permission to start the engine.  The power from the key has nothing to do with the power used to start the engine, and yet that little power is required or the engine will not start.  Also, if the wire from the key is disconnected from the starter, turning the key will do nothing.  This is our picture of true Biblical faith.

Basically, God's Holy Spirit shows us a promise of God in His Word.  All of God's promises to sinful men include something that we have to do in order to prove that, of our own free will, we are giving God permission to work in our life.  (We must 'turn the key' and God provides the power to do the spiritual work.) True Biblical faith is an action word even though the required action does not cause the spiritual result that we receive.  The same action by us does not produce any spiritual result unless it is 'attached to the motor'.  That is, the action must be specifically done to give God permission to work in and through our life.  The action done for any other purpose is like cutting the wire from the key to the starter.  In that condition, our action does nothing.

Hope,  on the other hand, is like faith  with one critical difference.  Hope  is also an action word but our action is not based upon a promise of God but is based upon the character of God.  (Please see the parable in Matthew 20:1-16 where the labourers  hired for a penny a day  represent faith  and the labourers  hired for whatsoever is right  represent hope).  God did not promise Abraham righteousness,  but Genesis 15:6; Romans 4:3; Galatians 3:6 and James 2:23 all tell us Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.  We know from the context of these verses that Abraham proved that he believed God  by doing acts of faith / hope.  So even though he was not promised righteousness,  God added it to Abraham's account because part of God's character is that He gives additional blessings to those people who live by faith.  There are 144 permutations of hope  in 135verses of the Bible.  The best known are probably Romans 8:24-25 which tell us For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for? But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.  This tells us that the hope of righteousness,  in Romans 8:24-25, will not be seen  in this life but that we have this hope  because we are doing the required actions through the Spirit.  Our hope of righteousness  is part of the grace  mentioned in the prior sentence of Romans 8.

So, with both faith  and hope  we are doing actions for the specific reason of giving God permission to work in our life.  With faith  we have a promise found in the Bible and with hope  we are relying upon the character of God.  In both cases we may not see the results in this life but we prove our belief by doing the actions required.  The more we do without seeing results in this life, the greater our eternal rewards.  Also, the less acts of faith  and hope  that we do in this life, the less eternal rewards that we receive.

Variableness in spiritual gifts and spiritual rewards including our inheritance.

This doctrinal truth is taught in Romans 12 and 1Corinthians 12.  In Romans 12 we read according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith...For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office: So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.  Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith; or...or...  This section clearly states that saved people get different measures, different offices, different spiritual gifts, different proportions, etc.  1Corinthians 12 teaches the same thing only in greater detail.  Malachi 3:6 and Hebrews 13:8 tell us that God does not change.  Therefore, there are going to be different offices, gifts, etc also in Heaven and different people will be doing different jobs.

We see this truth about God in all of the variableness within His creation from different kinds of animals to the variableness found even in 'identical twins'.

The note for Ephesians 5:5 in the Lord Jesus Christ Study has an explanation of the variableness of an inheritance.  Think about anyone that you know of that received an inheritance which was split between heirs, especially when the inheritance was specified in a will.  They did not all get the same things.  Also, if one heir was closer to the dead person than another heir, the closer one received preferential treatment in almost all cases.  Look at Jacob and Esau, Isaac and his half brothers and the consistent Biblical tradition of giving one a double portion.  Yes, that person received greater responsibilities, but they also received greater inheritance.

Now we come back to the mansion.  A mansion  isn't that you have larger housing that others or warehouses would be called mansions.  A mansion  is when you have much better housing than most others around you have.  That also means that the other people have to have much less housing.  The people with mansions  in Heaven are going to be the leaders with greater rewards and greater responsibilities because they proved themselves faithful to God and got closer to Christ while they were in this life.

All through the Bible and through life we see God provide variableness with the greatest spiritual rewards going to those people who chose to do the most to be obedient and draw close to God.  Our never-changing God will do the same with eternal rewards and positions.

Homeless in Heaven and the naked bride.

I have only heard one preacher who had enough Bible knowledge and spiritual fortitude to preach about people being Homeless in Heaven.  I have yet to hear anyone preach about being a 'naked bride'.

We find bride  used 14 times in the Bible:

Revelation 21:9 told us that the bride  is the Lamb's wifeRevelation 19:7-8 says Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.  And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.  Notice that the bride  is not clothed in the righteousness  of God but she should be arrayed in...the righteousness of saints.  This is consistent with what we have seen with every verse where the Bible uses bride.  God gives righteousness  to those saved people who let Him work through their life and whose life gives God glory.  This righteousness  is the righteousness of saints.  As Jeremiah said, if we do not let God give us righteousness  then we will be a 'naked bride' and will be rejected and not receive anything that is given to the true bride  such as being part of the 1,000 years reign of Christ.

With all of these verses shown here, and with the prior points about a mansion  it should be obvious that the person who makes it into Heaven but has no righteousness  will be in outer darkness  and have no 'home', even though they did make it to Heaven.

Our eternal retirement plan is a 401k.

I have heard several preachers proclaim the partial truth that 'God's retirement is literally Out-Of-This-World'.  That claim is true because even the people who come back to this world with Christ will be doing so based upon an inheritance  that they received in Heaven.  However, after that preachers then go on to (directly or indirectly) claim that we should serve God because we love Him and in thanksgiving for the wonderful retirement that we all will receive regardless of what we do for Him.  Yes, many preach that only preachers will get one crown  and only people who do something else will get another crown.  However, to hear them tell it, the only variableness in rewards is if, and how many, crown  someone will receive.

That does not match all that has been presented in this lesson.  I have literally heard several people claim the message of  'OK, so I won't get a crown.  I won't be able to participate in the ceremony where everyone throws them back at the feet of Jesus.  I will pout in my mansion while others go to that one ceremony and after that we will all be the same.  I get to enjoy all this world has to offer for the cost of giving up one boring ceremony.'

Many preachers have said 'I can't believe anyone would say that.' Then they act like their claim made me a liar and eliminated the feelings of these other people.  But anyone who goes door-knocking to any extent has met several people who have this attitude.  The people with this attitude are the ones who meet you at the door with a cigarette and beer and you have to shout over the rock or country music.  When you ask them about their being ready to meet God they claim 'I'm OK.  I said a prayer with a soul winner years ago and made sure that I had a mansion next to Peter.'

The truth that we have seen in all of the verses mentioned, and in many other places within the Bible, is that God gives rewards proportional to what we let Him do through our lives in this world.  We find treasure  used 16 times in the New Testament and several of those are places where Jesus said thou shalt have treasure in Heaven.  He would not tell us to personally (thouhave treasure in Heaven  unless we needed it.  With a 401k, if you don't put anything in, you have nothing for your retirement.  If you put it in and then pull it back out, you have nothing for your retirement.  We need to have treasure in Heaven  by letting God work through our life to spread His gospel and to give Him glory.  We then need to 'leave it there' by not asking God to bless us physically because we let Him work through our life.  When we ask Him to bless us spiritually so that we can do more for Him, that's different than when we are asking for physical blessings.  Sometimes, he has to fix the physical in order to let us do the spiritual.  However, we should be just as willing to spread the gospel from a hospital bed as we are to spread it while on vacation.  (I've personally done both multiple times.)

When we personally stand before God we will personally answer for what we teach God's people.  If we fail to warn them and let them go on believing that that God is a communist, then God will tell us that we failed as a watchman  and will hold us responsible for the blood of those not warned and for the loss of rewards that His people suffered because they believed the lie that our 'Heavenly Retirement Plan' was other than a 401k.

I have warned you.  God will not hold me responsible.  What will you do with this message from God?


Contact:  Webmaster@LJC1611KJV.com.  Member of Tower Road Baptist Church, Abq., NM, U.S.A., 87121.  Copyright 2009 Lord Jesus Christ in the 1611KJV.  All rights reserved. Revised: 02/07/25.