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preaching the Lord Jesus'and a great number believed, and turned unto the Lord. After that we read
Then tidings of these things came unto the ears of the church which was in Jerusalem: and they sent forth Barnabas, that he should go as far as Antioch.
preached the Lord Jesusand got people saved, they started Bible Studies and caused
a great number (to) turn unto the Lord (in obedience).
body of Christis the church, which is mainly non-preachers. The non-preachers serve the function of a back, legs, hands and more. Christ is the head and the pastor is like the neck, passing instructions from the head to the body. Most mission works of today suffer because they need people to do the jobs which are supposed to be done by the non-preachers. This includes things like soul-winning, providing the physical things like a meeting place and maintenance of the physical facilities, finances, helping with teaching, and more.
deep poverty. They
first gave their own selves to the Lord, and unto us by the will of God. The Bible indicates that some traveled with Paul to Corinth, which was an expensive city, to get jobs and support Paul while he preached the gospel and started a mission work.
And he began to speak boldly in the synagogue: whom when Aquila and Priscilla had heard, they took him unto them, and expounded unto him the way of God more perfectly.The Bible tells us that Aquila and Priscilla were tent-makers who helped to start churches in three cities. Even though neither of this couple was a preacher, they were able to correct the doctrine of Apollos, who was a world-traveling evangelist at the time. God wants all of His people to be sufficiently knowledgeable in the Bible that they can correct doctrinal error. Too many people rely upon the preacher for their doctrine when it should be based upon the word of God as taught by the Spirit of God.
profitable. Also, God used Mark to write one of our Gospel accounts, but only after he matured sufficiently.
Men of honest report(Acts 6:1-4). The first deacons were chosen to take care of the physical needs within the church while the preachers
will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word.
the wordwhile the deacons took care of the physical needs.
men of honest report. That is: their testimony in the world had to show control by God. They had to be honest, faithful and submissive to their God-given authority or they would not be
men of honest report. Another way of saying this is that their thinking had to be right. Another way of saying this is that their will had to be controlled by the
Holy Ghostor there would be times when they acted selfishly and sinful and such actions would prevent them from being
men of honest report.
full of the Holy Ghost. The Bible uses
Holy Ghostwhen it speaks about the Third person in the Trinity controlling things in this world and uses
Holy Spiritwhen it speaks about Him affecting our spirit and spiritual matters. Thus, this requirement was to have their life in this world fully controlled by the
Holy Ghostand we see this most often with how people respond to problems, stress and other situations which cause great emotional responses. Another way of saying this is that their emotional responses to problems in life had to be controlled by the
Holy Ghost.
full of wisdom. When people use the
wisdom of this worldthey are led into sin and reap the results of being a Biblical fool. Thus, this requirement was to have their thinking fully controlled Christ. Another way of saying this is that they had to have the
mind of Christ.
the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God, not just preachers.
the mysteries of Godand, according to 'The Great Commission', are responsible for teaching them to others.
Faithfulmeans 'full of faith all of the time'. We all must pass a test to prove that we are truly
faithful. John Mark flunked the test on the first missionary journey because he did not have enough true faith in Jesus Christ to get him through the circumstances. He quit and ran. If people are not faithful in their church attendance, personal Bible study, giving, lifestyle , then they will not be faithful when they get to the mission field.
labor of love. God promises eternal rewards to all saved people who are diligent in their service for God. With this promise, and similar promises, the pastor is to teach his people to trust the personal promises from God. The pastor is to emphasize that the promise is from God and, therefore, is reliable no matter where the person goes.
well done thou good and faithful servantbecause our labor produces a spiritual profit for God.
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.The word
firstimplies a
second. And, the phrase
and all these things shall be added unto youtells us the
second. If we seek to make money so that we can support the church then God will bless us but if we seek to make money so that we can have the lusts of the flesh then God will curse us. Once more, if we are working so that we can produce a spiritual profit for God then he can trust us with physical riches because we will know that having them is temporary. However, if we are not working to produce a spiritual profit for God then we will be blinded by the riches of this world.
But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
Apt to teach(2Timothy 2:24-26)
the servant of the Lord. A true Biblical steward is
the servant of the Lordeven when he is not a preacher. Look at the job of Joseph, Daniel, Mark, Luke, Philemon and many more examples in the Bible.
must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, In meekness. When God's people have this attitude towards those whom they work with they will rise in secular jobs just like out Bible examples did. God will be sure to give them greater influence if they have a Godly attitude but will oppose their rise if they refuse to have this attitude.
instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth. Even when teaching something about this world and about a secular job, the people often come with preconceived wrong ideas. Again, applying Biblical commands on the secular job will help us to advance in the secular job and allow us to do more for the kingdom of God. In everything. God's people are to remember that they are first a servant of God and striving to advance the kingdom of God. Everything else is secondary.
And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will. God's people need to always be aware of the possibly of their giving the gospel to people on the job and leading someone to true Biblical salvation. Yes, they are to do a job for their human boss and do the best they can in that boss. However, all of God's people need to always remember that they are truly a servant to God first and an employee of the company second. Their primary job is to truly represent God and show His love to all people including the lost who act hateful.
Tent Maker Ministry: Biblical examples which God's people are to consider following.
Aquila and Priscillahelped to start three (3) churches by working a job where the church was started, providing for the financial needs and doing whatever else they could do to help.
beloved physicianand is the example for medical missions and any other worker who goes to the mission field for a short time in order to help the work. All professionals are to consider following this example. For example, how many missions need help building a meeting place while construction workers are not busy but are in a different church. Pastors need to consider the possibility of raising support to send such workers to help in the mission work. Such mission trips are a good way to introduce young adults to the work of missions.
Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. No matter what your profession or job is, God wants you to use it to spread the gospel. 'Tent Maker Ministry' is about non-preachers using their own profession and job to do 'The Great Commission'. Only you can ask God how he wants you to do that. It is the job of non-preachers to train other non-preachers to do 'The Great Commission'. Yes, it must be done under the authority and direction of the church and pastor, but that does not remove our personal responsibility to do this part of 'The Great Commission'.