Interpretive Study of Mark's Gospel - Summary
Gospel theme: Jesus
is our Example Servant.
God's Way to Study His Word:
In 2Timothy 2:15 we read: Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth
. The true definition of the word dividing
is: 'a Mathematical function whereby we separate pre-defined units according to a precise procedure which produces a precise result'. However, while most people understand that 'there is one interpretation but many applications of The word of God
', they fail to separate the procedures of each. And, as a result, they fail to separate the 'one interpretation of The word of God
' from the 'many applications of The word of God
'. This leads to many errors which people blame on the perfect word of God
instead of their using the wrong procedure.
The result, of men using the wrong way, is that men claim that there are errors and conflicts in God's word. In Isaiah 28; God tells us how to understand His word. In addition, God preserved the message of His word; He preserves every word of His sentences; and God preserves every punctuation mark (jot and title
) of His sentences. Therefore, God preserved what He wanted us to understand and God told us how to understand His word so that we have no errors and no conflicts. Unfortunately, for at least one hundred and fifty (150) yeare, men have been taught to use the wrong way to interpret God's word instead of using God's way.
In Isaiah 55:9 we are told For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts
. Thus, God warns us that our ways are wrong and that using God's way
produces better results, which have no errors and no conflicts.
In addition, 1Corinthians 2:14 tells us: But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned
. Therefore, we can not properly understand the spiritual word of God
using man's way. We must use God's way to understand God's preserved word of God
. And, the basics of God's way is to understand His preserved word of God
using the sentence format and true Biblical definitions for Bible words.
This Study follows the Biblical Way to understand God's Word. It applies precepts
('truths that never change for any circumstance'). It then goes through the Gospel sentence-upon-sentence (line upon line
[Isaiah 28 ]). This is different from the ways of men which use verse-upon-verse or some other method which generates errors. God's sentence-upon-sentence method also pays attention to what 'The word of God' tells us that God preserved, which are the true Biblical meanings of words and the Biblical usage of punctuation. (These two are the components of sentences and do not give us verses.) the 'The word of God' tells us that God preserved punctuation (one jot or one tittle
) in Matthew 5:18 and Luke 16:17. And 'The word of God' tells us that God preserved every word
when he wrote: Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God
(Deuteronomy 8:3; Matthew 4:4 and Luke 4:4).
The summary of the Gospel comes from the summary of each chapter and each chapter summary within that book. Every chapter summary comes from the summary of each sentence within that chapter. And, the sentence summaries come from analysis using the punctuation and true word definitions, as already explained. As a result, we have what God literally had written and see that there are no conflicts even when we consider the smallest part of a sentence compared to the entire Bible book. God is consistent from the start of a Bible book to the end and is consistent in His doctrines and word definitions across the entire Bible. What we have is an integrated whole (single) message, with no errors and no conflicts. This particular book Study is part of a detailed analysis of the entire New Testament which shows this truth.
Other than cults, all claims of errors and conflicts are based upon the New Testament. This Study is part of a series which interprets the preserved word of God
using God's way and proving that there are no errors, nor any conflicts, if we obey God and use His way to interpret His word. And, this series concentrates on the New Testament, since that is the basis of these lies about the perfect word of God
I have read, or at least skimmed, every book which has been written in the last hundred and fifty (150) years and which claims to teach people how to study and understand The word of God
. In every case, they use a method which comes from man and do not use God's way (Isaiah 55:8) to study and understand The word of God
. And, while there are variations from one man-written method to another man-written method, every one of them ends up with problems. The end result of those problems is that people blame God's perfect word for their own problems and either turn to a man-written 'bible' or skip verses. (By skipping the interpretation of certain verses, they can hide the conflict which their method has produced.)
Now, many people find that the Detail Studies to be overwhelming because they have everything required to prove that there are NO errors in The perfect word of God
. This summary level is easier to understand for most people. At the same time, if someone has an argument with what is presented here, the matching Detail Study provides all of the proof required in order to show that what is here matches exactly what God wrote in His word. Again, this is not a matter of my opinion versus their opinion. I have over thirty (30) years’ experience as a professional Systems Analyst with an international reputation for accuracy in how to prove things. And, this series of books are the result of using recognized methods of analysis to prove what God actually wrote. This series does not present a religious opinion. Therefore, a religious opinion, which was arrived at from using wrong methods, is not superior to a true analysis of what God wrote.
People have looked for over twenty (20) years and failed to find any other work that covers everything this series cover. In addition, no one has found any other work which covers the level of detail found in the Detail Studies. Further, the Detail Studies literally have several million Bible references to support the interpretation provided and to show that The perfect word of God
is consistent all across it for word definitions and doctrines. Again, no one has found any other work which has this quantity of Bible references supporting what is presented. I do not write this to brag but to inform the reader the depth of study which supports what is presented in this series.
Let any who disagree show their method and the results of their method and try to explain how their method, which produces errors, is greater that God's way
which produces no errors and no conflicts.
Overview of Mark's Gospel
Gospel theme: Jesus
is our Example Servant.
Chapter links: 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; God.
Other people have written all kinds of commentaries on this epistle. You can find many disagreements between these commentaries. The commentaries that teach doctrinal error ignore the context as they try to justify their doctrine. Such action is motivated by devils and the resulting doctrinal error can bring the judgment of God upon His people instead of the blessings that God wants to give. 1John 4:1 tells us “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.” the commentaries which do base their comments upon what is actually written, with consideration of context and proper methods of interpretation, will agree on doctrine even while presenting different views of that doctrine.
There are devil motivated liars claiming that there are conflicts between this Gospel account and the accounts by other Gospel writers. However, the reader needs to realize that such claims are lies and the detailed Studies presented on this web site prove that fact. The claimed errors and conflicts are all due to the claimant using the wrong way to interpret The word of God
. We need to acknowledge that God does not produce errors. Yes, there are errors in the perverted documents written by men which claim to be a bible, but they are not the true The word of God
. And God will not use those perversions to judge us. God will use the true word of God
. Therefore, that is what we need to truly study. And, what this Study, and this entire Web Site, deal with is the true word of God
Now think. If someone takes half of a sentence out of the context of any document, and then claimed that what they took out of context proved that the original document was a lie, the truth is not that the original document was wrong but their wrong handling of the document produced the error. And, this truth applies to any written document in any language. Likewise, someone using such methods to deliberately pervert The word of God
does not show that The word of God
has errors. The general rules for reading written documents also apply to The word of God
. However, there are devil motivated people who deliberately tell lies and pervert the message of The word of God
. Therefore, starting with the first chapter of this Gospel, I will note many places where liars try to pervert the truth. And, as part of that effort, this Study presents the context of every part of this Gospel, it also provides references and comparisons where similar accounts are presented in other Gospel accounts and those similarities and differences are explained. In addition, links are provided to allow the reader to access other places in The word of God
where the doctrines of this Gospel are also presented in other places.
The different Gospel accounts give us different details with the differences being due to various writers having different purposes for writing their particular Gospel. This is not a conflict just like any case where more than one person attends an event and each tell different things about the event. In addition, some people claim that there are conflicts due the time sequences being different in different Gospel accounts. For example, some people claim that there is a conflict over a question of if Jesus
called His disciples before or after he preached in the synagogue and astonished the people with His doctrine. However, there is no reason to insist that this happened only once. It is quite reasonable to believe that He did this more than once, especially because many lessons need to be repeated before people accept them. Therefore, there is no real conflict even if it might appear to be so to people who are looking to criticize God and His word.
Below is a quick summary of each chapter in this Gospel account. This gives the readers high-level view of this Gospel and shows how each chapter supports the message from the author. Following that summary is a summary of each chapter with the first section containing references to where other Gospel accounts report the same incidents as Mark reports. This allows the reader to compare the various reports. And, in general, the notes for Matthew's Gospel explain the differences between the various Gospels with most of the differences due to the different perspectives that each Gospel author presents.
For example, Matthew was a government employee. While most claim that Matthew's Gospel presents Jesus
as God's King
, Matthew actually tells us how Jesus
fulfilled the requirements of the Mosaic law. As a government employee, Matthew would be concerned with matters of the law. However, Mark was a preacher's servant and Mark presents Jesus
as the example perfect servant. Servants are, usually, not concerned with matters of law but are concerned with making their masters happy. Thus, Mark ignores most matters of law while Matthew is more concerned with the perspective of a master and less with the perspective of a servant. At the same time, Luke is The beloved physician
(Colossians 4:14). Luke presents Jesus
as a literal physical man and gives us the doctrine of His humanity. As a typical man, there are times that Jesus
would be concerned with matters of the law but most of the time those concerns would not affect most men. At the same time, most men are concerned with the concerns of other men and how those concerns affect their life. Thus, while most men have similar concerns as a servant, the way that they viewed those concerns would often be different from the view of a servant.
John's Gospel is the most different from the others because John presents Jesus
as the Son of God
and gives us a spiritual perspective. His Gospel account is usually different because most men most of the time, unfortunately, ignore spiritual concerns.
The notes for the Gospel of Matthew most often have the comparison of the different reports of the same incident and explain the differences due to different perspectives being presented. In addition to the different perspectives, there are times when the same thing was done more than once such as each of us eating every day. Therefore, there can be differences in the details, without causing conflicts, due to different authors reporting similar, but different, incidents.
As already written, I present these references and, according to the research by others, I present a more accurate and
complete cross-reference than what can be found anywhere else. In addition, between the general considerations just presented, and the notes given in the Detail Studies, I explain all so-called conflicts and so-called errors. There are no errors not are there any conflicts in The word of God
. All such conflicts and errors are due to people using the wrong methods to interpret The word of God
or their using the wrong methods to compare different reports found in The word of God
. Often, their errors are due to their refusal to consider the differences in perspective by the authors and by their refusal to consider contextual requirements. That is, they use methods which would be completely rejected if applied to any other document, especially if applied to any other book of the law
. (We are told that The word of God
is a book of the law
Nineteen (19) times.)
Following the cross-reference section, in each Chapter Summary, is a summary of every sentence, and of most phrases, which are in the chapter. Also included are some links to relevant reference documents but most of the links to related Bible references are left for the notes given in the Detail Studies. And, in general, there are more references to help the student understand this Gospel than they will find anywhere else.
John Mark was a youth during the ministry of Jesus
. He was in the garden when Jesus
was arrested but escaped when the guards tried to seize him (Mark 14:51-52). While he was a disciple, he did not end up as an apostle nor even as a preacher but was the servant of pastors and missionaries. God using him to write one of the Gospels shows us that no saved person is so unimportant that they can get away with not serving God. And, as a servant, Mark understands the lessons which he presents here because he personally learned and lived them.
Mark went on the first missionary trip with Paul and Barnabas but left when things became rough. Paul and Barnabas split when the second missionary trip was scheduled because Barnabas wanted to take Mark but Paul refused because spiritual immaturity caused Mark to leave the first trip and Paul did not believe that Mark was mature enough for the job. However, later in life, Mark matured to the point that Paul wrote: Take Mark, and bring him with thee: for he is profitable to me for the ministry.
(2Timothy 4:11). Thus, we see that a certain level of spiritual maturity is required in order to do certain jobs. And, even if someone messes up, they can still be useful after they mature further.
Mark (person)
is only mentioned here and in Acts 12:12; Acts 12:25; Acts 15:37; Acts 15:39. However, he also wrote the Gospel of Mark.
A already mentioned, the theme of this Gospel is: 'Jesus is the example servant'. As will be explained in more detail, later in this Overview, Mark's Gospel concentrates on what Jesus
did before His death and resurrection. That was when He was acting as a literal physical man. He had set aside His own power as Lord God
before His conception and did not take it back until after His death. After His resurrection, He was using His role of Lord Jesus
, with all of His power and authority as Lord God
. Therefore, we see Him acting differently after His resurrection than He did before His death. That is why the Study called Jesus used the Power of the Holy Ghost is relevant to most of this Gospel. In addition, things found in the Studies called Significant Gospel Events and What Did Jesus Do? are strongly related to most of this Gospel. Please review those Studies and be aware of what they say, as well as using the links found in them to see other Biblical references which relate to the accounts presented in this Gospel. Forfurther references, the Study called Table of Miracles in the Gospels lists every miracle reported by Mark, in his Gospel, along with references where the same, or a similar, miracle is reported in the other Gospels.
Please be sure to look in every sentence outline for links (words that are underlined and in red or blue). When links are found, please be sure to use the links to get further support in understanding the detail doctrine of that sentence. When following such links, please be sure to go to the start of such Studies to get general information, definitions, applications and links to other places within the Bible which have the same application as the original sentence.
As already mentioned, the many occurrences of the word and
, within this Gospel, show us how important it is to consider context when trying to understand this Gospel. The fact is that God is a God of order
. (1Corinthians 14:40 says: Let all things be done decently and in order
.) God does what he commands us to do. Therefore, the doctrine presented within the Gospel is presented in the order that God commanded. With that acknowledged, we should consider the order of this Gospel. The simplest way to do that is to look at the themes of each chapter in the order in which they occur. Those themes are:
- The start of the ministry by
- The religious leaders start their doctrinal fights with
- Religious traditions versus truth from the Son of God.
- Produce a profit for your Lord.
- Belief determines our level of blessings.
- Keep doing the ministry in spite of discouragement.
- Searching for rest while in the ministry.
- Starting the show-down.
- Lessons in spiritual maturity.
- Eternal spiritual rewards versus temporary physical rewards.
- A fruitful religion versus a show religion.
- Correction of popular doctrinal error.
- Prophecy of future events.
- The 'Last Supper' and Betrayal by the Jews.
- The trial and crucifixion.
- The resurrection and return to heaven.
Most people agree that Mark's Gospel shows us how Jesus is the example servant. As shown in the other Gospels, especially to Gospel of John; Jesus
acted as God's messenger and servant from the start of His ministry through His crucifixion and death. He set aside His personal power and authority as Lord God
before His conception and did not take it back until after Satan had taken Him to Hell. God is always righteous and did not force Himself into Satan's domain. However, after Satan took Him into his domain, Jesus
took back His own personal power and authority as Lord God
, defeated Satan and all of the devils together, led captivity captive
(Judges 5:12; Psalms 68:18; Ephesians 4:8). and rose as Lord Jesus
(Luke 24:3). After that He never acted like a servant again.
When we read Mark 16; we see the smallest account of the actions of Jesus
, after His resurrection, among all of the Gospel accounts. After the resurrection, Jesus
never let anyone treat Him as anything less than Lord God
. Since the message of Mark's Gospel is 'Jesus is the example servant', all of Mark's message comes from before the resurrection. Therefore, his chapter on things which happened after the resurrection only finishes accounts of things which happened earlier. In that chapter, Mark gives us hardly anything that is not found in other gospel accounts and even what he does report has far less details than what we receive from the other authors. This supports the themeans the fact that all of the relevant examples were from when Jesus
was acting as 'just a human man' and before He took back His power and authority as Lord God
Another consideration is that the name of Jesus
is used 97 times in 93 verses of this Gospel. That is far more usage than any of the other names / titles for the Son of God within Mark's Gospel. Doctrinally, the name of Jesus
is used to teach us 'The Doctrine of the Humanity of the Son of God'. This, obviously, supports out theme for this Gospel. The next most often name / title used is Son
. This word is used 41 times in 38 verses. Doctrinally, the name of son
is used to teach us that 'a son receives the character of his father'. As the Son of God
, He teaches us the character of God. As the Son of God
, He teaches us the way that a man is supposed to act, which supports the theme of this Gospel. In addition, all uses of the word son
support the definition and the main doctrinal application of this word is that, as sons of God
, we are to receive the character of God. The use of the word son
, within this Gospel, teaches us how to apply this truth to our personal life.
While I could go on with other examples, I hope that the reader gets the point that there are many details within this Gospel which can be examined and the analysis will, repeatedly, support the theme of this Gospel.
Alright, once we understand the overall theme, we need to see how the various chapters support this themeans how the order found in this Gospel is important.
Chapter 1 tells us about the start of His ministry including God sending John the Baptist to prepare the way and God giving Him disciples who would later become His apostles. Any type of ministry for God needs to start with God's preparation, approval and help. Thus, we see the first chapter giving us the example of starting our own service to God.
Chapter 2 tells us about Jesus
ministering in His home region and the Bible tells us to start our service to God at home where we can get help and instruction. Jesus
did not need instruction from anyone but God the father, and He constantly prayed for that. However, He did get help as
our second chapter tells us.
In Chapter 3 we see the conflict starting with religious people and with
neighbours and with family who regarded Jesus
as 'just a human man'. This is when Jesus
emphasizes that His main identity is with His ministry and service to God the father. He makes it clear that His relationship to family and home is secondary to His ministry. Then we see Him moving farther from home in order to do the ministry that God has given to Him. This also is a phase that all of God's servants will go through as they mature past the need for physical support from home.
In Chapter 4 we see a theme of 'Produce a prophet for your Lord'. The prior chapter showed us conflicts that Jesus
had in His home region because those people heard
the messages of tradition. Because of that, they rejected truth from God's Word (Jesus
). They became unprofitable servants
. As a result, Jesus
has moved on to people who are willing to listen to the truth and is warning them not to make the same doctrinal error that the people in His home region made. Likewise, the servant of God will have people tell them that their duty is at homeans that they need to keep serving there even while the people at home rejected the message from God that comes through the servant. Serving the wrong master will cause us to become unprofitable servants
While this does not happen to everyone, it does happen to many of God's servants. Unfortunately, many of them compromise with tradition in order to stay in the comfort of theri home. I'm not saying that everyone will have the same problem as Jesus
had, but many of God's servants will. When that happens, they need to move to where God can use them and where the people are willing to listen to the man of God. This is what we see happening starting in the Fourth Chapter and we see warnings from Jesus
related to the error which He left in the prior chapter.
related to our general theme of Jesus
being our example servant, we see that those chapters taught that the true servant of God
must put his master (God) before all other considerations. Of course, this ultimately led to Jesus
going to the cross in obedience to God the father. As many places in the Bible teach us, Jesus
was willing to suffer and die in this physical world in order to receive a greater reward in eternity. This is the example and motivation that he provides for all true servants of God.
In Chapter 5 we see Jesus
serving the people that God sent Him to by healing them and casting out devils and teaching them. While the people mainly sought Him out for the healing and casting out of devils, Jesus
always included teaching because that was His main ministry. He did the rest in order to draw people to His teaching. God's servants will also have to do similar things and people will complain that the people only come for the 'freebies'. Yes, that will be true and most will politely listen to the preaching and teaching while privately ignoring what is said. However, some will be listening and whether we realize who they are, or not, the true servant of God keeps on serving God regardless of visible results. That is what we see in the Sixth Chapter where even Jesus
was dragged down by disappointment. However, as His example shows us, we must keep on in spite of disappointment.
As the summary of Chapter 6 tells us, Jesus
went through a time of discouragement in order to show us how to deal with these times in our own life. Please see the summary, at least, of that chapter for more details.
Chapter 7 tells us about Jesus
looking for a rest. God's people need to take a rest from time to time or they can 'burn out'. This is especially true after a big spiritual battle, or other causes, lead to experiences of many disappointments like Jesus
had in the prior chapter. However, the people would not let Him have a rest and even chased Him around the lake of Gennesaret, twice, when He took a boat across the lake to try and have a time alone with His disciples. In this chapter Jesus
shows us how to deal with demanding people in the ministry when He responded with compassion. This type of response definitely requires the help of God, especially when we are in the worst of circumstances.
Starting in Chapter 8 we see Jesus
preparing for the big religious battle which will lead to His crucifixion. Please notice that He did not hide nor complain nor did any of the things which we are prone to do. Even though He knew the end result, He did all that He could to prepare. He also did what He could to help His disciples prepare. He also made sure that He always did what was right and acted openly. He did preach and teach using parables and explain the parables to His disciples while not explaining them to His enemies. However, if any of His enemies had been willing to become a true disciple, He would have been willing to explain the parables to them also.
In Chapter 8 we saw Jesus
openly declaring the basic difference between following Him, through a personal relationship with Him, and trusting in religion. Once He has clearly shown that difference, he does not pick any religious fight, but He also does not walk away from a fight started by others. When they start it, He finishes it by showing them their error. He does not follow that by deliberately showing their further error until much closer to the crucifixion. Then, He only does it after the religious leaders make it clear that they will never truly repent and be saved. Even then, He only does it for the benefit of others who are listening and he only does it to discourage others from following a doctrinal error which will lead them to be permanently damned in the lake of fire
(Romans 1:3-LJC).
After we understand the changes in how Jesus
dealt with people, in Chapter 8, we can then understand how He concentrated more on teaching His own disciples while He still had time before the crucifixion. After the resurrection, He was Lord Jesus
, and no longer providing an example of how to live in this flesh using the power of the Holy Ghost. Therefore, He is concentrating on doing that now, for His disciples, and not dealing with the lost religious crowd unless they start an attack. Thus, Chapter 9 starts the special doctrinal lessons for the special disciples. With this example, we see that godly leaders are supposed to train their own replacement in the ministry. Moses trained Joshua but he did not train his replacement and the Bible reports the difference in the results after each of their deaths. Therefore, it is important for godly leaders to understand the example which starts in this chapter.
Chapter 9 starts with the 'Mount of Transfiguration', which only the inner-most three disciples were allowed to attend. Thus, we see Jesus
starting to create leaders even among His special disciples. Then we see Jesus
cast out a devil which His disciples couldn't, which taught them that they still had more spiritual maturing to do. Likewise, we all have more spiritual maturing to do as long as we are still physically alive. After this Jesus
asks questions which led Peter to declare Thou art the Christ
. After this declaration we see Jesus
giving them much more of meat
doctrine. By this, and the lesson from 1Corinthians; we see that we must make sure that people can handle meat
doctrine before we give it to them.
One thing that is easy to forget is that God promised blessings in this physical world to the Jewish nation. Now, in Chapter 10; Jesus
is telling His disciples to suffer in the physical world in order to receive eternal spiritual rewards. There is a foolish argument about when the church started and it is tied into God allowing abortion to exist in this physical world. Both abortion and that argument deny the difference between conception and birth. Life starts at conception and birth does not happen until later. This is true for all forms of life. At birth, life is brought out into this world. By applying that truth to this chapter, and by seeing Jesus
urging His disciples to strive for the promises made to the church, we can conclude that he has already caused the church to have spiritual life, even though the birth of the church will not happen until Pentecost.
The chapter summary for Chapter 10 provides more details on these lessons which definitely are to be applied to the 'Church Age'. There Jesus
taught His disciples to seek 'Eternal spiritual rewards' instead of 'temporary physical rewards'. This is very definitely a 'Church Age' teaching which is quite different from the traditional Jewish religious teaching. For example, it does not depend upon physical sacrifices made at the Temple.
Moving on to Chapter 11 we see the lessons turn to 'A fruitful religion versus a show religion'. Of course, the fruit
is spiritual in nature. The summary of Chapter 11 is extensive and should be read for the four examples which Mark provides and how those examples show us how to have true spiritual fruit
in our own personal heavenly account. Even today, there is too much emphasis on worldly religious activity and oo little explanation on how to have true spiritual fruit
When we get to Chapter 12 we see Jesus
shut the mouth of every religious group. After this they know that they will never win a doctrinal argument with Him and turn to plotting His death instead of arguing. This is also where we see Jesus
prophesy the condemnation of the religious leaders. One of the main lessons of this chapter is that it is easy for God's people to stop doing their own part to maintain an ongoing personal relationship with God and, instead, only do the outward religious forms. Such a change in attitude is what brings God's condemnation on His own people.
Many people claim that 'God is the God of the second chance, third chance, etcetera to the unlimited number of chances'. Our chapter shows that God gives His people many chances but not 'an unlimited number of chances'.
In addition to answering, and correcting, the doctrinal errors presented by various religious leaders, Chapter 12 also presents the account about 'The Widow's Two Mites'. This account corrects doctrinal error believed in regards to our religious giving. However, in spite of the lesson, many of God's people still believe the doctrinal error, even today.
Now, when we come to Chapter 13; we have prophecy about future events. Prophecy always excites the lost and carnal because they hope that they can plan how to avoid an unavoidable fate while they refuse to obey God. The main message of this chapter, to the saved, is to expect to be hated, betrayed, persecuted and even killed by the lost and carnal. However, expect great reward in Heaven when these things happen.
In addition, the message that the saved need to listen to is: And when ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars, be ye not troubled: for such things must needs be; but the end shall not be yet
. There are too many people who claim to be saved and are looking for the 'Rapture' (The end
) .because of wars and rumours of wars
. And, instead of serving their God and working for His kingdom, they expect to reap
eternal bliss without putting any effort. In stead of reaping punishment, for their carnal sinful lives, they expect rewards. This prophecy was given to help the saved to warn the lost about their future if they don't get saved. It was not given to provide the saved an excuse for refusing to serve God the way that the prior chapters emphasized that God expects.
Moving on to Chapter 14; we read about 'The 'Last Supper' and Betrayal by the Jews'. One of the main lessons that we find there was that Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus
because a religious doctrine, which he believed all of his life, was proven to be wrong. Rather than letting the Word of God correct his religious beliefs, he ended up condemning himself. Then we see others fail to do as they bragged what they would do, which warns us against personal pride. Yet, in spite of all this, Jesus
gives us the sacrament of Communion. The main purpose of it is to remind us of what he did to save us and to remind us that we will face Him in judgment for how well we obeyed Him or disobeyed Him. This sacrament should always put our focus on the eternal and remove it from this temporary physical world.
In Chapter 15 we have 'The trial and crucifixion of Jesus'. There are many lessons on how to deal with being wrongly accused, persecuted, and even killed. The Chapter Summary provides many links to where matching accounts can be found in the other Gospels. The reader is urged to read all of those accounts for the many applications to our own experiencing similar mistreatments.
As explained in the Summary for Chapter 16; Mark is only finishing up ongoing accounts and this chapter does not have any real examples from Jesus
on how to live in this flesh using the Power of the Holy Ghost. Nor does it have lessons on how to be a servant. As of the Resurrection, Jesus
has taken back all of His power and authority as Lord
and, therefore, is no longer operating in the role that He had for all prior chapters. The only real application, which I see here, is that if we spend our life serving God, as Jesus
did, then we can expect a great reward after our own resurrection from the dead.
Hopefully, this high-level summary of the various chapters shows the reader how the details of this Gospel support the theme of this Gospel. Hopefully, this review also encourages the reader to read and study deeper in order to find the help that this Gospel offers to the truly saved as they live their life in this sinful world.
Word Counts for the Gospel of Mark
Below are the counts of the words most often found in the Gospel of Mark, not including minor words like the
and a
. The most often found words can, but not always, indicate the theme of a passage such as a paragraph, chapter or Bible Book. As seen below, most of the 'most often used words' are ones which we often overlook as insignificant connecting words. The exceptions in this Gospel are: Jesus
, God
, Son
, and disciple
. This gospel is known for telling us that 'Jesus
is our Example Servant'. Since we must be a disciple
, in order to be a true servant
of God
, these word counts do, somewhat, support the reported theme of this Gospel.
HIM (361), theM (216), SAID (137), WHEN (106), YE (105), MAN (88), INTO (87), HAD (83), JESUS (78), ALL (73), OUT (72), WERE (69), AS (63), ON (61), theRE (61), CAME (60), YOU (57), FROM (56), WHICH (56), BY (55), COME (52), ONE (52), HAVE (51), SAY (51), SAYING (49), WHAT (49), ME (48), UP (48), WENT (48), GOD (47), NO (47), SAITH (46), this (46), DO (42), theIR (42), MANY (41), thINGS (41), MY (40), SON (38), DISCIPLES (37), IF (35), WILL (35), AWAY (33), HER (32), SAW (32), SHE (31), ABOUT (28), AGAIN (28), HOW (28), SHOULD (28).
As already mentioned, the minor words like the
and a
were not included in those Word Counts. However, we need to note that this Gospel uses the word and
1286 times in 594 verses. That fact should make it clear that all of this Gospel is connected and that context is a very important consideration when we are trying to get the correct interpretation of any part of this Gospel. Basically, the common practice of looking at a part of a Bible book, without considering the message of the entire book, will lead to error if we use that practice with this Gospel.
Chapter 1 Summary:
Theme: the Start of the Ministry of Jesus
Mark 1:1-8; Matthew 3:1-12; Luke 3:1-20; John 1:6-8; John 1:15 and John 1:19-28 introduce John the Baptist
. Please use this link to see the full Study on John the Baptist; including links to notes which deal with every place in the Bible where he is named. Those links are presented by Gospel and sequentially.
The baptism of Jesus
is reported in Mark 1:9-11; Matthew 3:13-17; Luke 3:21-22 and John 1:32. At that time, God spoke in an audible voice from heaven, which is in the Table of Miracles. In addition, the baptism is followed by His temptation by Satan. This section is a
fulfillment of Isaiah 11:1-5 and Peter refers to it in 2Peter 1:17. The note for Mark 1:9-11 explains the differences in the reports of each Gospel account.
We read about a voice from heaven
in: 2Samuel 22:14; Daniel 4:31; Joel 3:16; Matthew 3:17; Mark 1:11; Luke 3:21-22; Luke 9:35; John 12:28; Acts 11:9; 2Peter 1:18; Revelation 10:4; Revelation 10:8; Revelation 11:12; Revelation 14:2; Revelation 14:13; Revelation 16:17; Revelation 18:4.
The temptation of Jesus
is reported in: Matthew 4:1-11; Matthew 16:1; Matthew 19:3; Matthew 22:18; Matthew 22:35; Mark 1:13; Mark 8:11; Mark 10:2; Mark 12:15; Luke 4:1-13; Luke 10:25; Luke 11:16; Luke 20:23; John 8:6; Hebrews 2:18; Hebrews 4:15. We see that we can be tempted
in: 1Corinthians 7:5; 1Corinthians 10:13; Galatians 6:1; 1Thessalonians 3:5; Hebrews 11:37; James 1:13-14. This temptation proves that Isaiah 11:1-5 was prophesying about Jesus
and Peter refers to it in 2Peter 1:17. In addition, the note for Luke 4:1 gives a comparison of the details provided in each of the three Gospel accounts about this event.
begins His ministry, and starts it in Galilee, as reported in Mark 1:14-15; Matthew 4:12-17; Luke 4:14-15. We are told that He causes a miraculous draught of fishes at this time. (Please see the Table of Miracles for more miracles.) Mark also tells us that John the Baptist was put into prison just before He started His ministry. Matthew starts his account with a prophecy from Isaiah 9:1-2. In addition, Luke 4:16-30 (ministry in Nazareth) appears as if it is a continuation of Luke 4:14-15. However, Luke 4:22 makes it clear that the ministry in Nazareth happened after the ministry in Capernaum.
We are told that John the Baptist was put into prison in Mark 1:14-15; Matthew 4:12 and Luke 3:20.
Mark 1:16-20; Matthew 4:18-22; Luke 5:1-11; Luke 5:27-29 and John 1:37-51 present the call of the first four (4) disciples, who would become apostles, by Jesus
. As part of the call, Jesus
causes a miraculous catch of fishes (Matthew 4:17-22; Mark 1:14-20 and Luke 5:1-11). Please see the Table Of Miracles about this, and similar, miracles. Luke 5:27-29 gives the call to Matthew. Please see the note for Matthew 4:18 for an explanation of how the accounts found in the three Gospels fit together.
Mark 1:21-38; Matthew 4:23-25 and Luke 4:15-40 present the beginning of the ministry of Jesus
after He choose His first four disciples. Please see the note: He had already started a ministry but this was when He started teaching the disciples who would take over the ministry.
Matthew 4:12-17; Matthew 8:5-17; Matthew 17:22-23; Mark 1:21-38; Mark 2:1-12; Mark 9:33-49; Luke 4:31-44 and Luke 7:1-10; John 2:12-16; John 4:46 and John 6:16-71 all tell the accounts about the ministry of Jesus
in Capernaum at different times. Capernaum is a city of Galilee like Nazareth is. Jesus
began His ministry in Nazareth and
travelled back and forth between it and Capernaum and the Gospel accounts aren't exact about the time sequence of His travels. However, after the people of Nazareth tried to kill Him (Luke 4:28-30), He went to Capernaum (Matthew 4:12-17; Luke 4:28-30). That is also where He called His first four disciples (Matthew 4:18-22; Mark 1:16-20; Luke 5:1-11; Luke 5:27-29). When the people of Capernaum failed to believe that Jesus
was God's Messiah / Christ
, He cursed them (Matthew 11:23; Luke 10:17).
Mark 1:28 and Luke 4:15 both tell us that Jesus
was glorified
at the start of His ministry and before He started teaching that their traditional religious beliefs held errors.
In Matthew 8:14-15; Mark 1:29-31; and in Luke 4:38-39; we are told about Jesus
and the disciples going to the home of Peter and Andrew where they found Peter's mother-in-law sick and where Jesus
healed her. from this account we see that the proper response to receiving a gift from God, such as healing, is to serve Him. Please also see the Table of Miracles in the Gospels about this, and similar, miracles. The account in Matthew tells about Jesus
doing different things before this event. It is possible that these are two different, but similar, events. It is also possible that Jesus
did everything related in all Gospel accounts with Matthew choosing to tell us about certain activities and Mark and Luke choosing to tell about other activities. We can not say with certainty which is true but we can say that these different reports do not constitute a conflict.
In Mark 1:32-34; Mark 1:39; Mark 3:10-11; Matthew 4:23; Matthew 8:16-17; Matthew 12:15; Matthew 14:14; Matthew 14:35-36; Matthew 15:30-31; Matthew 15:12; Luke 4:40-41; Luke 6:18-19 we are told that Jesus
healed many diseased and possessed by devils. In Mark 1:40-45 and Luke 4:31-37 He cured a demoniac. In Mark 1:23-28 He healed a leper. Please see the Table of Miracles and the Section called Jesus and Devils in the Significant Gospel Events Study. and Jesus used the Power of the Holy Ghost.
Mark 1:35-37 says, that Jesus
started His day alone in prayer before doing ministry. We also read that Jesus
prayed in Matthew 14:19; Matthew 19:13; Matthew 26:36-44; Mark 6:46; Mark 14:32-39; Luke 1:10; Luke 3:21; Luke 5:16; Luke 6:12; Luke 9:18; Luke 9:28; Luke 9:29; Luke 11:1 and Luke 22:40-46.
Mark 1:38-45; Matthew 4:23-25 and Luke 4:42-44 tell us how Jesus
expanded His ministry to the region around His home town. (It is best to assume that these reports were for several times.) While He did this, we read that He preached in their synagogues throughout all Galilee, and cast out devils
. Then, in Mark's account, we read that He healed a leper. Meanwhile, Matthew lists several other diseases which he healed. All of these were done to prove to the people that His message came from God.
In Mark 1:40-45; Matthew 8:1-4 and Luke 5:12-14; Jesus
cures a single man of leprosy. The account here in Mark, and the account in Luke, may be the same incident but the account in Matthew is definitely a different, but similar account. In addition, Luke 17:11-19 gives the account of Jesus
healing ten (10) lepers. Please see the note for Luke 5:12 for a detailed analysis of this, and similar, miracles of curing leprosy. Please also see the Table of Miracles in the Gospels about this, and similar, miracles.
Please see the Study called Miracles in the Gospels about the miracles recorded in this chapter. Please also see the Study called Significant Gospel Events for where the accounts of this chapter are related to accounts of other Gospels.
Mark starts his Gospel (The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God
), by telling us about John the Baptist, who was used by God to introduce Jesus
as the prophesied Christ, the Son of God
. Thus, Mark based his Gospel on scripture and fulfillment of prophecy. Pretty much everyone agrees that John the Baptist is the last Old Testament prophet (Matthew 11:13). Jesus
said that he came in the spirit of Elijah (Matthew 11:14; Matthew 17:11-12; Mark 9:12-13) and that his main job was to introduce Jesus
After that introduction, Mark tells us how Jesus
was baptized by John the Baptist and was then tested by Satan. With this we see that God proves the type of person that His ministers are at the start of their ministry. As Jesus
begins His ministry, Mark reports that John the Baptist was put into prison. This pretty much removes him from consideration in this Gospel so that we concentrate on the account of what Jesus
did. As with many other things in his Gospel, Mark makes a quick statement about things which affected Jesus
, but then moves back to telling us what Jesus
did. Thus, we see that Mark wants us to keep our focus on Jesus
and what He did.
At the start of the ministry of Jesus
, Mark reports the call of the first four disciples by Jesus
. (They would later become the apostles.) His ministry concentrated on teaching spiritual truth and He did the most concentrated teaching of His twelve disciples, eleven of whom became His apostles. Therefore, Mark introduces their call of these first four before moving on to their training and involvement in the ministry of Jesus
Starting in Mark 1:21; we are told about the ministry of Jesus
after He had the first four disciples with Him. Mark tells us that Jesus
started His ministry in His home city. The Bible tells us to start or own ministry at our home.
As part of the start of His ministry, we are told about Jesus
doing miracles. These are the signs
that the Jews were taught to look for to verify that someone was truly a prophet of God. John reports turning water into what was reported as wine and the other Gospel writers report Jesus
casting out a devil. (Please see the Significant Gospel Events for links to where Jesus
dealt with devils.) thus, different details are reported while the message remains the same. Jesus
backed His message with the God-required evidence that He preached truth from God.
The next thing that Mark tells us about is when Jesus
and the first four disciples going to the home of Peter and Andrew where they found Peter's mother-in-law sick. Please see the notethat they lived as extended families, which is different from what most people do today. When they found her sick, Jesus
healed her and she got up to serve them. Lots of people want healing but they are not willing to serve God's kingdom. Many times I have seen God take the attitude of 'Why should I be bothered?' when He often will heal those who have proven that they will continue to work for God's kingdom. No, this is not an absolute rule, but it happens in the majority of times, especially when God does not have a greater reason for keeping His servant sick like how He left Paul with a thorn in the flesh
(2Corinthians 12:7).
In the evening, after Peter's mother-in-law fed them, Mark tells us that people flocked the house so that Jesus
could heal them and cast out devils. Then, in the early morning and a great while before day
, Jesus
went out alone to pray. We see Him do this quite often and should follow His example in this habit.
While Jesus
was praying, His disciples came and told Him that All men seek for thee
. Unfortunately, they sought His miracles and not His teaching. Therefore, Jesus
took the first four disciples and went to other cities and owns in the same region doing the same as He had done in His home city. Here we have the example of expanding our ministry to those further from home, especially when people only pretend to listen to the teaching of truth.
Please see the related notes in the Detail Study for links to related Bible references, word definitions and more.
- C1-S1 : Tell what this Gospel is about.
- The phrase
The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ
means: 'This is the good news that belongs toJesus Christ
'. Please see the start of the Chapter Summary for references to the same incident found in other Gospel accounts. - The phrase
The Son of God
means: 'He shows us the character of God the father'. - The phrase
As it is written in the prophets
means: 'This Gospel is based upon scripture'. - The phrase
Behold, I send my messenger before thy face
is a quote of Isaiah 40:3 and is a reference to Malachi 3:1. - The phrase
which shall prepare thy way before thee
means: 'The purpose of John the Baptist was to be the herald of God's King and Christ'. When religious leaders and people rejected the message from John the Baptist, they did not reject the messenger but rejected God the father because He was the true author of the message.
- The phrase
- C1-S2 : says:
The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight
. This particular sentence is a quote of Isaiah 40:3 and a reference to Malachi 3:1. - C1-S3 : the ministry of John the Baptist.
- The phrase
John did baptize in the wilderness
means: 'John did not seek a position in the established religious community but went where others were not willing to go'. - The word
means: 'True Biblical repentance is not just changing our religious activities but it is changing our basic belief and using that change to further change our attitudes and actions'. The wordremission
means: 'not making us suffer the just punishment for our sins'. The phraseand preach the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins
means: 'John preached that people had to change their belief, and the resulting actions, if they wanted to avoid the just punishment of their sins. And, they had to publicly be identified with this change (baptism
)'. Luke 3:7-14 identifies some of the specific types of change in behavior which were demanded by John before he would baptize someone.
- The phrase
- C1-S4 : the performance of John the Baptist.
- The phrase
And there went out unto him all the land of Judaea
means: ''This was the common religious Jewish people. - The phrase
and they of Jerusalem
means: 'These were the people who thought themselves to be the most religious and accepted by God'. - The phrase
and were all baptized of him in the river of Jordan
means: 'All types of peoplerepented
in order to bebaptized
by John'. - The phrase
confessing their sins
means: 'They did this our loud so that others could hear'. Imagine religious services demanding the same today. And, yet, people who would refuse to do the same consider themselves as better and more accepted by God than the Jews of that day were.
- The phrase
- C1-S5 : the testimony of John the Baptist.
- The phrase
And John was clothed with camel's hair, and with a girdle of a skin about his loins; and he did eat locusts and wild honey
means: 'This was the example that John the Baptist lived before the people'. This was a stark, and deliberate, difference from the lives of the religious leaders of that day with the high priest living in a palace and other religious leaders also trying to show their physical possessions as a supposed sign of approval by God. - The phrase
And preached, saying, there cometh one mightier than I after me, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to stoop down and unloose
means: 'This was the main message that John the Baptist delivered'. Notice that this message, especially when combined with the lifestyle , was a deliberate contrast to what was preached and lived by the religious leaders today. Now consider the young people in Bible Schools today and see how many wanted to go to a wilderness and live in poverty so that they can preach to the unreached people as opposed to those who want to be on the staff of a large church and live the life of the religious leaders.
- The phrase
- C1-S6 : the prophecy of John the Baptist.
- The phrase
I indeed have baptized you with water
means: 'John the Baptist had people, symbolically, identified with a changed life'. Water is 'The basic liquid of life' and is used symbolically inThe word of God
for the life we live in this physical world which shows our relationship with God. John the Baptist dealt with the symbols in this physical world. - The phrase
but he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost
means: 'Jesus Christ
will get people identified with a relationship with God which brings a true change in how they live'.
- The phrase
- C1-S7 : the introduction of
. Please see the start of the Chapter Summary for references to the same incident found in other Gospel accounts.- The phrase
And it came to pass in those days
means: 'This is when it happened'. This was before the start of the public ministry ofJesus
. - The phrase
that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee
means: 'Jesus
did what was required by God, in this physical world, regardless of the cost'. Check out the distance and consider how long and how much effort was required to walk that distance. - The phrase
and was baptized of John in Jordan
means: 'Jesus
was identified withrepentance
andremission of sins
'. He did not need these for Himself but He publicly showed the end result of His ministry before He started the ministry.Jesus
providedremission of sins
for us but we are also required to trulyrepent
- The phrase
- C1-S8 : the introduction of the Trinity. Please see the start of the Chapter Summary for references to the same incident found in other Gospel accounts.
- Our sentence is one of many references, in
The word of God
, where we see all three persons of the Trinity mentioned. People leave the truth and turn to Islam because they do not know, and believe, the doctrine of the Trinity. - The phrase
And straightway coming up out of the water
means: 'This is a direct result ofJesus
obeying and doing what was required by God the father'. Many people want the promises of God but are not willing to do what God requires in order to receive those promises. Please see the Section called: Promises in the Significant New Testament Events Study for Bible references to other promises from God which are available during the 'Church Age'. - The phrase
he saw the heavens opened, and the Spirit like a dove descending upon him
means: 'This is the sign that God the father gave to John the Baptist'. Please see the Section called: Prophecy Fulfilled in the Significant Gospel Events Study for Bible references to other prophecies from God. In particular, God the father gave this prophecy to John the Baptist so that John could identify God'sChrist
. - The phrase
And there came a voice from heaven, saying
means: 'God the father spoke in an audible voice'. God did the same for Moses, when giving the Mosaic Law, but we rarely read about other times when times when God did the same. - The phrase
Thou art my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased
means: 'God the father showed His approval at the start of the ministry ofJesus
and just before His testing'. Many people misunderstand, and complain about, the testing of God. However, as we see in the life ofJesus
, God tests His people when He wants them to pass the test and when He wants to prove to men that the person is God's servant.
- Our sentence is one of many references, in
- C1-S9 : the testing of
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
And immediately the Spirit driveth him into the wilderness
means: 'The testing by God is directly linked to the start of a true ministry for God'. God wants to prove to us, and to others, that we are a true servant of God who is willing to suffer in the flesh in order to receive spiritual blessings.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C1-S10 : Details of the test. Please see the start of the Chapter Summary for references to the same incident found in other Gospel accounts.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
he was there in the wilderness forty days
means: 'Jesus
was where there were no other people for the time that God uses for testing (forty days
)'. - The phrase
tempted of Satan
means: 'This is who testedJesus
'. Lots of people like to claim that Satan tests them but, often, it is a lower-level devil, or their own lustful flesh, which is actually doing the testing. - The phrase
and was with the wild beasts
means: 'These frighten many people butJesus
was not afraid of them'. - The phrase
and the angels ministered unto him
means: 'The helpers ofJesus
, during His testing, were angels'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C1-S11 : Starting the next phase of Mark's account. Please see the start of the Chapter Summary for references to the same incident found in other Gospel accounts.
- The word
means 'after we understand what was written earlier'. That is: after we understand what was just said about proving that the ministry ofJesus
was from God the father. - The phrase
Now after that John was put in prison
means: 'This happened after the ministry of John the Baptist was, essentially, completed'. Matthew 11:13 and Luke 16:16 tell us thatThe law and the prophets were until John
. ('The Old Testament ended and the New Testament started'.) - The phrase
Jesus came into Galilee
means: 'This was whereJesus
started His ministry'. - The phrase
preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God
means: 'This is the good news that we can have God's character in us'. A king puts his character on his kingdom. Satan's kingdom is evil because Satan is evil. The truekingdom of God
is holy because God is holy. Our next sentence says:The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel
. Matthew 12:28 says:But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you
. Thekingdom of God
is an essential part of the 'Church Age'. God gives us the indwellingHoly Spirit
so that He can change us to make our character like God's character, which is what is required in order for us to become true Biblicalsons of God
(John 1:12-13). Many people confuse thekingdom of God
and thekingdom of heaven
. However, thekingdom of heaven
is: 'everything that belongs to Heaven'. That was not whatJesus
was offering. He was offering the New Testament - The phrase
And saying, the time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand
means: 'The conception ofkingdom of God
had happened and the time (birth) of it would soon be'. Thekingdom of God
is spiritually alive. Therefore, it needed a conception and a birth and those are two different events. - The phrase
repent ye, and believe the gospel
means: 'This is what is mandatory for someone to truly receiveThe kingdom of God
- The word
- C1-S12 : the call of Peter and Andrew. Please see the start of the Chapter Summary for references to the same incident found in other Gospel accounts.
- The word
means 'after we understand what was written earlier'. That is: after we understand what was just said about the start of the ministry ofJesus
. From the very beginning, He sought people to not only save but to also teach true doctrine. - The phrase
as he walked by the sea of Galilee
means: 'This tells us where this event happened'. Please see the note in the Detail Study for references where this event is also reported in other Gospel accounts. - The phrase
he saw Simon and Andrew his brother casting a net into the sea
means: 'Jesus
saw them working. God never uses a lazy person. When God created Adam, God gave Adam a job. Work is a basic requirement, from God, for all people'. - The phrase
for they were fishers
means: 'This is the work that Andrew and Peter were doing'. The invitation fromJesus
, in our next sentence, is directly related to what they were already doing. God uses people within the area that He made them able to do work.
- The word
- C1-S13 : the promise to Peter and Andrew.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. As explained in the note for the prior sentence, this invitation is directly attached to work that they were already doing - The phrase
And Jesus said unto them
means: 'This invitation came fromJesus
'. It did not come from religion, nor from Mommy, nor from Daddy, nor from anyone else. Unless the invitation comes fromJesus
, it will not be honored by God and the person will not have the spiritual gift which is required to truly do the spiritual work. - The phrase
Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men
means: 'Jesus
kept their work similar but changed the object of the work and the results of the work'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C1-S14 : the response to Peter and Andrew.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
straightway they forsook their nets
means: 'They did it immediately'. People who do not respond immediately can lose their invitation or find their gift and spiritual results dramatically reduced. - The phrase
and followed him
means: 'They acted on their decision'. Many people make a decision while at the altar but fail to act upon the decision. That loses the blessing and can even result in punishment from God.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C1-S15 : the call of James and John.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
when he had gone a little farther thence
means: 'Jesus
walked a little further to call James and John'. Peter, James and John became the 'inner circle' of the disciples who became the head apostles. While Andrew was the first saved disciple, he did not have what it took to be a leader. And, yet, every time that we read about Andrew, he is leading someone toJesus
. This shows us that, no matter what position we have in the ministry, we all can work in the kingdom of God. - The phrase
he saw James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother
means: 'Jesus
saw, and called, the other two disciples who became part of His 'inner circle''. - The phrase
who also were in the ship mending their nets
means: 'They were also busy when they were called into the ministry'. In formation from other Gospel accounts indicate that all four of these men had been disciples before they were called into the ministry, as we read here. Please see the Doctrinal Study called Sequence of Gospel Events for more on the time sequence of events.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C1-S16 : the response of James and John.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
straightway he called them
means: 'Jesus
wasted no time calling them once the time was right'. When it seems as if God is taking a long time to do something, we can be sure that the time is not yet right for God the do whatever He will do. - The phrase
and they left their father Zebedee in the ship with the hired servants
means: 'James and John came from a relatively wealthy family because their father hadhired servants
working on his ship'. Peter and Andrew did not havehired servants
working on their ship. Therefore, they were relatively poor. While worldly riches matter to men, that makes no difference to God. Their relative wealth made no difference whenJesus
called them. - The phrase
and went after him
means: 'Once more we see that the people who received the greatest blessings from God responded immediately and with no other consideration'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C1-S17 : Ministry starts at home. Please see the start of the Chapter Summary for references to the same incident found in other Gospel accounts.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
they went into Capernaum
means: 'This was their home town. This happened several times on several different days'. Devil-motivated liars claim that there is an error because the details of what is reported to happen on one day are different from the details of what is reported to happen on another day. Do the details of what you often do sometimes change from one event to another? Does your admitting to a difference make you a liar? Do you see how these liars deceive the foolish and non-thinking people? - The phrase
and straightway on the sabbath day he entered into the synagogue
means: 'Jesus
went to where thee people were willing to hear aboutThe word of God
'. - The phrase
and taught
means: 'He did not preach'. There is a doctrinal error which claims that: 'All true teaching is actually preaching and anyone who teaches without preaching is teaching a doctrine of Satan'.Teaching
are two different functions which produce two different results. Consider what the people who make the above claim are actually saying aboutJesus
and we will move on.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C1-S18 : the reaction to the teaching by
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The word
means: 'spiritual or religious teaching'. This matches the prior sentence which our current sentence is added to. The wordastonished
means: 'Amazed; confounded with fear, surprise, or admiration'. The phrasethey were astonished at his doctrine
means: 'The teaching fromJesus
was totally different from what they normally heard but it still made sense'. - The phrase
for he taught them as one that had authority
means: 'This is why'.Jesus
taught them exactly whatThe word of God said
and not the errors claimed by religion. What's more, He did not claim that someone else was responsible for His doctrine but took full personal responsibility for what he taught. . - The phrase
and not as the scribes
means: 'The scribes always claimed that their teaching came from some famous dead teacher whom the people could not question'. If the people rejected the doctrine, they ended up rejecting what their entire culture accepted without question. Thus, the scribes taught without taking responsibility for what they taught.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C1-S19 : tells us about a challenge from a devil controlling a man. Please see Table Of Miracles in the Gospels for links to every miracle which is reported in a Gospel account. In every case, the miracle is a physical example of the doctrine which surrounds it. In this miracle, the devil was comfortable with the doctrinal error which was taught in the synagogue (church) and complained about
coming in and teaching the truth.Jesus
cast out the devil, just like truth will cast out doctrinal error. And, the devil objected, just like people who like their sin object to someone teaching Bible truth.Jesus
had started preaching:The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel
(1:15). Now He is giving the doctrine ofThe kingdom of God
and backing His doctrine with the demonstratedauthority
of this event. When we see reports like this within the Gospel accounts, we need to be sure to consider the context so that we properly interpret what is being demonstrated.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
there was in their synagogue a man with an unclean spirit
means: 'The devil had the possessed man take him to the synagogue (church)'. - The phrase
and he cried out, Saying, Let us alone
means: 'The devil objected to truth and toJesus
upsetting his comfortable place'. Devils, and people comfortable with their sin, object to God-caused change. Such change is never comfortable. - The phrase
what have we to do with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth?
means: 'The true doctrine fromJesus
has no place in the lies from religion'. Please notice that the devil included the phraseof Nazareth
. The devil was emphasizing His humanity with a hope that the people would ignore His Deity. Likewise, religion emphasizes the physical with the hope that people will ignore the spiritual sin.
- C1-S20 says:
art thou come to destroy us?
the wordthou
means: 'you personally'. The wordus
is a plural identifier and means more than just the devil who was speaking. When people let a devil control them, that person also is destroyed by God when they are sent to Hell. - C1-S21 : tells us that the devil identified
as Deity. Please see the Doctrinal Study called Significant Gospel Events for the section called: Minor Titles of the Son of God. In this case, the title is:The Holy One of God
. Please also consider the next sentence, which starts with the wordAnd
, to see the reaction ofJesus
to being identified by a devil.- The phrase
I know thee who thou art
means: 'The devil knew whoJesus
was personally (thou
) and Whom He continued to be (art
)'. - The phrase
The Holy One of God
means: 'Jesus
would destroy them because He wasHoly
and devils are the opposite of holy'. This devil chose this particular character attribute because it was what opposed the devil the most.
- The phrase
- C1-S22 : the response from
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The word
means: 'To check or restrain, to chasten; to punish; to afflict for correction, to silence'. The phraseJesus rebuked him, saying
means: 'Jesus
made the devil shut his mouth and stop talking'. Here we seeJesus
refuse to accept an endorsement by a devil. He did not want the people thinking that His doctrine was in any way acceptable to a devil. Please pay attention to the context where we read thatJesus
was making a point that His doctrine was different from what was traditionally preached and that what was traditionally preached made the devil feel welcome and comfortable in the synagogue (church). The example is that we are to not compromise with doctrinal error but to rebuke it and shut the mouths of beings which preach doctrinal error. Please also see the Doctrinal Study called What Did Jesus Do? for more examples fromJesus
on how we are to act in this sinful world and flesh. - The phrase
Hold thy peace, and come out of him
means: 'This was the command fromJesus
to the devil'. Every time that we read aboutJesus
dealing with devils, He kicked them out of possessed people. Please also see the Doctrinal Study called Significant Gospel Events for the Section labeled: Jesus and Devils.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C1-S23 : the reaction of the devil.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
when the unclean spirit had torn him
means: 'Here we read the primary attitude of a devil and of devil motivated people'. If they can't have their way, then they try to destroy everything. - The phrase
and cried with a loud voice
means: 'Devils and people teaching doctrinal error try to drown out the message of truth with aloud voice
'. - The phrase
he came out of him
means: 'The devil had to obeyJesus
because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world
(1John 4:4)'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C1-S24 : the reaction of the people.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
they were all amazed, insomuch that they questioned among themselves, saying
means: 'This was their reaction'.Jesus
did what no other man could do and what was not even heard of in their religious traditions. Be careful of people who confuse this time with another time whenJesus
preached in the same synagogue and the people reacted differently. The difference is not a conflict but shows us that the reports are for two different times. - The phrase
What thing is this?
means: 'The people could not understand the power ofJesus
because they regarded Him as 'just another typical man' and not as God in human flesh'. Unfortunately, most religious people make the same mistake.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C1-S25 says:
what new doctrine is this?
Please notice that the people who witnessed the event also realized that the power over devils was directly related to thedoctrine
taught. - C1-S26 : Why the people understood that
had anew doctrine
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. That is: the people understood that the doctrine was backed by theauthority
. - The phrase
with authority commandeth he even the unclean spirits, and they do obey him
means: 'The people recognized theauthority
, at this time'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C1-S27 : the results of this act by
. Please see the start of the Chapter Summary for references to the same incident found in other Gospel accounts.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
immediately his fame spread abroad throughout all the region round about Galilee
means: 'The gossips had a field day'. They all spread what they witnessed, or what someone else said that they witnessed. However, most of the people ignored Hisauthority
when it came to the religious traditions and doctrine which they clung to.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C1-S28 : the action after the synagogue. Please see the start of the Chapter Summary for references to the same incident found in other Gospel accounts.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
forthwith, when they were come out of the synagogue
means: 'This next event happened right after the worship service (church)'. - The phrase
they entered into the house of Simon and Andrew, with James and John
means: 'This is where they went and who went in the group'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C1-S29 :
is told about the need for another miracle.- The word
means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction. - The phrase
But Simon's wife's mother lay sick of a fever
means: 'They arrived at the house expecting one thing but experiencing another thing'. As a side note, Peter had a wife and a mother-in-law. This goes against the claimed doctrine of the Catholic Church about Peter being the first pope and all priests, including the popes, not being married. - The phrase
and anon they tell him of her
means: 'They immediately toldJesus
about her being sick'. Most likely they were expecting to get a meal. However, the woman who was mainly in charge of fixing meals was sick. That meant their expectations would probably not be met.
- The word
- C1-S30 :
heals her.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
he came and took her by the hand
means: 'Jesus
dealt with her personally'. - The phrase
and lifted her up; and immediately the fever left her
means: 'Jesus
healed her'. - The phrase
and she ministered unto them
means: 'Since she was better, she insisted on doing her own job'. When we truly serve God, we can expect Him to help us to do the job that He gives us to do. - This is another example of what God provides to those people who truly accept and serve
The kingdom of God
. Earlier in our chapter we were told thatJesus
preached:The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel
. Now, He is demonstrating the blessings which accommodateThe kingdom of God
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C1-S31 : the reaction of other Jews to the miracle from
. Please see the start of the Chapter Summary for references to the same incident found in other Gospel accounts.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
And at even, when the sun did set
means: 'This is the time of day when people did this action'. - The phrase
they brought unto him all that were diseased, and them that were possessed with devils
means: 'People brought their problems toJesus
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C1-S32 : All who came.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
all the city was gathered together at the door
means: 'Everybody brought their problems toJesus
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C1-S33 : the reaction by
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
he healed many that were sick of divers diseases, and cast out many devils
means: 'Jesus
solved all of their problems'. - The phrase
and suffered not the devils to speak, because they knew him
means: 'Jesus
refused to let devils claim that they were supporting Him'. He did not allow them to claim the lie by claiming that they knew Who He was and that they had a prior private relationship with him.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C1-S34 :
started His day in solitary prayer. Please see the start of the Chapter Summary for references to the same incident found in other Gospel accounts.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
in the morning, rising up a great while before day
tells us whenJesus
did this. - The phrase
he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed
tells us whatJesus
did. This is reported because we are to follow His example.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C1-S35 : the disciples followed
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
Simon and they that were with him followed after him
means: 'This was beforeJesus
changed his name to Peter'. at this point in his life, Peter was more concerned with the demands of other men than he was of the desires of God and his own spiritual maturity.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C1-S36 : the disciples told
why they followed him.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
when they had found him, they said unto him, All men seek for thee
tells us why they soughtJesus
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C1-S37 : the next step by
. Please see the start of the Chapter Summary for references to the same incident found in other Gospel accounts.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
he said unto them
means: 'This is the answer fromJesus
'. - The phrase
Let us go into the next towns, that I may preach there also
means: 'This is whatJesus
planned to do next'. - The phrase
for therefore came I forth
means: 'This is whyJesus
left Heaven and became a human being'. Notice thatJesus
was not concerned with the desires of other men but He spent His life concentrating on doing the will of God the father.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C1-S38 :
extended His ministrythroughout all Galilee
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
he preached in their synagogues throughout all Galilee, and cast out devils
means: 'Jesus
did the same ministry everywhere'. While most men make a distinction between the people that they know and others, God does not. That difference is why more preachers want to get on the staff of a church in their own culture instead of going where the Gospel has never been preached. In this section, we see thatJesus
was more concerned with the spiritual needs of lost men than he was with His own physical comfort. - Just as today, in the days of
, there were many people whodeparted from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils
(1Timothy 4:1). It is important to pay attention to the context which tell us WhyJesus
cast out the devils. WhenJesus
cast out devils, it was a physical demonstration of His correcting doctrinal error and the context gives the doctrinal error that he was correcting at the time. For example, Mark reports that, at the start of His ministry,Jesus
astonished the people with His doctrine (C1-S18) because it was different than what the scribes taught and He spokewith authority
. The scribes did not haveauthority
but quoted religious traditions and other religious teachers.Jesus
cast out their false doctrine and, as a physical example, also cast out a devil with devils being the authors of false doctrines. In addition, Mark adds (And
) the next sentence which tells us aboutJesus
healing a man who wasa leper
. God usedleprosy
, as a physical example, to symbolically show the people the spiritual consequence of accepting doctrinal error. Thus, this sentence tells us aboutJesus
correcting the cause of doctrinal error and the next sentence tells us about Him fixing the results of doctrinal error.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C1-S39 :
adds healing to His ministry. Please see the start of the Chapter Summary for references to the same incident found in other Gospel accounts.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
there came a leper to him
means: 'Leprosy was a blood disease and used by God, symbolically, to teach the people that their spiritual life (blood
) was corrupt'. Our chapter is telling us about the difference between spiritually corrupt doctrine of religion and the spiritually pure doctrine fromJesus
. Thus, this miracle is a physical example of whatJesus
was offering to the people spiritually. - The phrase
beseeching him
means: 'This man was begging for relief'. - The phrase
and kneeling down to him, and saying unto him
means: 'He humbled himself before God'. When we want a miracle from God, we must also humble ourselves. - The phrase
If thou wilt, thou canst make me clean
means: 'He confessed his need and whatJesus
could do about it'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C1-S40 :
does the miracle.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
Jesus, moved with compassion
means: 'WhyJesus
healed him'. This is the main reason why we get any miracle, or blessing, from God. God does not have to give such to us. - The phrase
put forth his hand, and ouched him, and saith unto him
means: 'This is the physical action thatJesus
did'. In other miracles,Jesus
did a different action. Therefore, it is not the physical action but the person Who provides The miracle. - The phrase
I will; be thou clean
means: 'Jesus
decided to do this (I will
). And, He did it for this person personally (thou
)'. We can not demand a miracle from God simply because we did a religious act, such as having a so-called religious healer touch us. All spiritual healing is a result of our ongoing personal relationship with God. - This miracle is a symbolic representation of
making usclean
by changing our life and removing the sin from our life. So long as there is even a residue, the sin can return and we are not truly and completelyclean
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C1-S41 says:
And as soon as he had spoken, immediately the leprosy departed from him, and he was cleansed
. This is how this miracle was done. Other miracles were done different ways. - C1-S42 :
instructs the man.- The word
means 'made very narrow'.Jesus
made His instructions very explicate and left no room for misunderstanding. The phrasehe straitly charged him, and forthwith sent him away
means: 'Jesus
told him exactly what to do and old him to do it immediately'. - The phrase
And saith unto him
means: 'Jesus
made sure that the man understood clearly what he was to do'. - The phrase
See thou say nothing to any man
means: 'Jesus
did not want the priests to hear roomer but to receive a direct testimony'. - The phrase
but go thy way, shew thyself to the priest
means: 'This man was commanded to personally (thy way
) obey this command'. - The phrase
and offer for thy cleansing those things which Moses commanded
means: 'He was told to obey the Mosaic Law since it was still in effect at this time'. - The phrase
for a testimony unto them
means: 'This is whyJesus
gave this command'.
- The word
- C1-S43 : the man disobeyed his
.- The word
means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction. Like many people of today, they want blessings from God while refusing to obey explicate and personal commands from God. - The phrase
he went out, and began to publish it much, and to blaze abroad the matter
means: 'This man did the opposite of what he was personally commanded to do'. Many people disobey because they are sure that they know better than God or better than their God-given leaders. However, they do not know all of the consequences of their actions such as what we read in the rest of this sentence. - The phrase
insomuch that Jesus could no more openly enter into the city
means: 'Jesus
could no longer go where most of the people were'. This man made it harder forJesus
to reach the people and harder for the people to reachJesus
. In addition, he did not take a witness to the priests as he was commanded. In addition, it is possible that he did not bring the sacrifice to the temple as commanded, which means that he did not thank God the father as commanded. - The phrase
but was without in desert places: and they came to him from every quarter
means: 'Jesus
had to meet people in the country'. This made it less likely that people who wanted blessings but were not willing to make an effort were less likely to go toJesus
. However, it also made it harder for those people who were less capable to go.
- The word
Chapter 2 Summary:
Theme: the Religious Leaders Start their Doctrinal Fights with Jesus
Mark 2:1-12; Matthew 9:1-8 and Luke 5:17-26 tell us about Jesus
returning home with His first four disciples. There Jesus
cures a man who was sick of the palsy
. (From the dictionary definitions, palsy
sounds a lot like polio, which still can not be cured today.) Jesus
also used this miracle to challenge the claim by the scribes
to have greater authority when speaking for God and when teaching doctrine. Please see the note for Luke 5:17 for a detailed analysis of this incident which is reported in three Gospel accounts.
We are first told that the scribes and the Pharisees started to accuse Jesus
of blasphemy
in Mark 2:6; Matthew 9:2; Luke 5:21 and John 8:3. Other earlier places we are told that they reacted poorly but these are the first reports of this accusation.
In Mark 2:13-15; Matthew 9:9 and Luke 5:27-29 we read about how Jesus
and His disciples eat and drink with public and and sinners
. This is at the house of Matthew right after he was commanded follow me
. and as a direct result of that command. Thus, we see that the expected result of following Jesus
is to use everything that God gave us in order to do our obedience to Jesus
. Please see the note for this verse, in the Lord Jesus Christ Study, for other considerations. As a result of this, The scribes and Pharisees murmured against his disciples
and Jesus
answered them about He, and His disciples
, not keeping their traditions. Matthew 9:13; Mark 2:17 and Luke 5:32 all tell us that Jesus
. said: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance
and He said this to the rich religious leaders. Since The poor
were the ones to believe The gospel
, and the rich religious leaders were the ones to demand that He be crucified for preaching the gospel
, we can see why this phrase says what it does. God gave us each a free will and does not force His truth on anyone but warns all that they will reap what they sow.
In Mark 2:15-17; Matthew 9:9-13 and Luke 5:30-32 we read about how Jesus
and His disciples eat and drink with public and and sinners
. This is at the house of Matthew right after he was commanded follow me
. and as a direct result of that command. Thus, we see that the expected result of following Jesus
is to use everything that God gave us in order to do our obedience to Jesus
. Please see the note for this verse, in the Lord Jesus Christ Study, for other considerations. As a result of this, The scribes and Pharisees murmured against his disciples
and Jesus
answered them about He, and His disciples
, not keeping their traditions. Matthew 9:13; Mark 2:17 and Luke 5:32 all tell us that Jesus
. said: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance
and He said this to the rich religious leaders. Since The poor
were the ones to believe The gospel
, and the rich religious leaders were the ones to demand that He be crucified for preaching the gospel
, we can see why this phrase says what it does. God gave us each a free will and does not force His truth on anyone but warns all that they will reap what they sow.
In Mark 2:18-22; Matthew 9:14-17; and Luke 5:33-39 we read about The disciples of John
asking a similar, but different question and asking it for a different reason and with a different attitude. As a result, they received a different type of answer. They were sincerely seeking doctrinal truth where the scribes and the Pharisees
were looking to make an accusation. As a result, The disciples of John
received a totally different type of answer and they received teaching with their answer. Please see the general note for this chapter for links to where this event is mentioned in other Gospels.
In Mark 2:19; Matthew 9:15 and Luke 5:34 we read about 'The children of the bride-chamber'.
In Mark 2:21-22; Matthew 9:16-17 and Luke 5:36-39 we read two parables which Jesus
gave to explain the differences between the old religion of The scribes and Pharisees
as compared to the religious attitudes that were expected in the New Testament Church. Please also see the Table of Parables in the New Testament for these parables.
In Mark 2:23-28 Matthew 12:1-8; and Luke 6:1-5 we are told how certain of the Pharisees
asked Behold, why do they on the sabbath day that which is not lawful?
What they called not lawful
were their own religious rules which they added to God's word. These accounts also have the answer from Jesus
which includes the fact that The Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath
Please see the Study called Miracles in the Gospels about the miracles recorded in this chapter. Please also see the Study called Significant Gospel Events for where the accounts of this chapter are related to accounts of other Gospels. Please also see the Table of Parables in the New Testament for links to where parables in this chapter are related to parables in the other Gospels. Please also see the Doctrinal Study called: What Did Jesus Do? for references to this chapter and other Bible references where doctrine similar to this chapter is reported.
In the beginning of our chapter, we read about Jesus
returning home with His first four disciples. There He healed a man sick of the palsy
. This caused certain of the scribes and the Pharisees
to reason in their hearts, (thinking) Why doth this man thus speak blasphemies?
Note: Jesus
did not speak blasphemies
. Here we see the religious people judging Him because He did not keep their religious attitudes and actions which violate the commandments and spirit of the Bible. We see a similar thing today with religious people condemning Bible believers of 'hate speech' when they say that God, in the Bible, calls certain things sin. It is nothate speech' to speak the truth about what God wrote and what will be punished by God giving a warning is actually 'love speech'.
Please note that palsy
made people very weak and crippled them. In the context of this healing, we read that the religious leaders insisted that people had to keep their traditional religious doctrines, even though those doctrines kept God's people spiritually weak and spiritually crippled them. For example, God wanted His people to take His Gospel to the whole world. They were to use the blessings from God to attract others to a relationship with God. In stead, the religious leaders taught that they received blessings from God because they were better than other people. They taught that if God's people took God's truth to other people then they would no longer be better than other people. Thus, God's people were taught to exclude others so that they could remain better than others. And, this religious lie led to false pride and made God's people spiritually weak and spiritually crippled them. Therefore, Jesus
was trying to correct this doctrine and this miracle of healing is a physical example of what Jesus
was trying to do spiritually with His doctrine.
This healing by Jesus
is the start of the disagreement between Jesus
and the religious leaders. This also resulted in the scribes and the Pharisees starting to accuse Jesus
of blasphemy
. Even though they did not have the power to do miracles, they assumed the authority to command Jesus
and tell Him when and how to do miracles. In addition, their own teaching taught them that only a man with a message from God could do these types of miracles and, therefore, rejecting his message was actually rejecting a message from God. However, like most religious people since the sin by Adam, they assumed that their religious training and position gave them greater authority than even God had.
The religious leaders not only claimed that they had authority with no evidence to back their claim, they also denied the evidence that Jesus
provided to prove His authority. In addition, they ignored and denied the importance of the positive results that Jesus
produced when compared to the negative results that their own doctrines produced.
Next, we read about the call of Matthew as a disciple who would become an apostle. While many believe that all twelve were called at the same time, our accounts tell a different story. There can certainly be an argument that Jesus
prayed all night once, and knew whom He would call after that single session of prayer. However, that does not preclude there being time gaps between the call of the first and the call of the last of the twelve. In addition, Jesus
prayed all night and named the twelve as special disciples all at the same time, but that is a different event from His calling each of them to be disciples at first.
After the call of Matthew, we read about how Jesus
and His disciples eat and drink with public and and sinners
. It should also be noted that this report follows/is part of the report in Luke that Matthew threw a big party as a result of being called as a disciple. Thus, this complaint (by the religious people about whom Jesus
and His disciples associated with) is probably as a result of that party. What we see is that Matthew was more concerned about the lost state of his friends than he was in observing their religious prejudices. Apparently, Matthew's main concern was introducing his friends to Jesus
and trying to get them truly saved. We also have an example of how the newly saved should act while they still have many lost friends. We have the answer from Jesus
when He says: They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.
thus, we see that people must realize their lost state, and truly repent, before they can be truly saved.
Next, we read about The disciples of John
asking a similar, but different question and asking it for a different reason and with a different attitude. They were sincerely seeking doctrinal truth where the scribes and the Pharisees
were looking to make an accusation. As a result, The disciples of John
received a totally different type of answer and they received teaching with their answer.
Last in this chapter, we are told how certain of the Pharisees
asked Behold, why do they on the sabbath day that which is not lawful?
because the disciples of Jesus
plucked corn, in a field, to eat on a Sabbath. The Pharisees
had picked a fight over their religious rules which were not Biblical. This particular difference in the source of true religious authority is what eventually led to the crucifixion. This account (as told in all of the Gospels) has the answer from Jesus
which includes the fact that The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath
and that The Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath
To sum it up, this chapter is giving us many examples of the religious leaders claiming that their doctrine, which was based upon religious traditions, was greater than the doctrine of Jesus
which was based upon the true interpretation of scripture and which produced miracles and other evidences of approval by God the father. Probably the main lesson of this chapter is that we need to carefully examine the evidence which supports any doctrine which is preached to us. And, we need to be sure that any religious tradition, which we accept, also had true evidence of acceptance by God.
- C2-S1 :
returned to Capernaum. Please see the start of the Chapter Summary for references to the same incident found in other Gospel accounts.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
again he entered into Capernaum, after some days
means: 'Jesus
returned home after an evangelistic trip'. - The phrase
and it was noised that he was in the house
means: 'All of the gossips started talking and let everyone know that He was there'. God's people need to realize that gossips are always watching them.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C2-S2 :
preached.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
straightway many were gathered together
means: 'People were there demanding attention and not lettingJesus
even have a little time to rest'. - The phrase
insomuch that there was no room to receive them, no, not so much as about the door
means: 'The house was full and the street was full and all around the house was full of people'. - The phrase
and he preached the word unto them
means: 'While this was inconvenient,Jesus
used the opportunity to preach'. We need to also keep a right attitude about rude people who make our life inconvenient.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C2-S3 : A man was brought for
to heal.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
they come unto him, bringing one sick of the palsy
means: 'He had a disease similar to polio'. He was obviously crippled since he had to be carried by four friends. He couldn't even hobble along with the help of one or two friends. This is used symbolically to represent the spiritual results of religion. - The phrase
which was borne of four
means: 'His friends had faith inJesus
and took him toJesus
'. This is what all of God's people are supposed to do.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C2-S4 : the friends broke up the roof.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
when they could not come nigh unto him for the press
means: 'There were so many gossips and spectators that it was hard for true workers to approachJesus
'. But, as our sentence says, the true workers did not let this stop them. Your church may be full of such people but you are to not let that stop you from working for God. - The phrase
they uncovered the roof where he was
means: 'This is how they got around all of the non-workers'. Imagine someone doing this to your house. True workers for God are willing to make a personal sacrifice in order to serve God. - The phrase
and when they had broken it up, they let down the bed wherein the sick of the palsy lay
means: 'The true workers do whatever is required to get the true job completed'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C2-S5 : How
reacted.- The phrase
When Jesus saw their faith
means: 'It was not his faith which was demonstrated'. Too many people want to blame the lost and the spiritually weak when spiritual results are not realized. Of course, such people have no faith or weak faith. The spiritually strong need to put their own faith to work. - The phrase
he said unto the sick of the palsy
means: 'Jesus
talked to the man in need because of the faith of his friends'. - The phrase
Son, thy sins be forgiven thee
means: 'Ason
has the character of the father.Jesus
expected this man to receive His character. And, that starts with forgiveness of sins, which produces true salvation'.
- The phrase
- C2-S6 : the scribes wrongly accuse.
- The word
means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction. WhileJesus
was providing true salvation, the religious critics were criticizing. - The phrase
there were certain of the scribes sitting there
means: 'There were the so-called religious experts'. Matthew and Mark tell us about thescribes
while Luke tells us about thePharisees
. They were, obviously, both there but Matthew and Mark told us about one group while Luke told us about the other group. Each mentioned the group that was important to their perspective and there is nothing wrong with their not mentioning the other group. This is not an error and does not constitute an conflict. - Since the people showed up immediately (
C2-S2) whenJesus
came home, the scribes and Pharisees had to be there waiting for His return. There would not have been enough time for them to hear in Jerusalem and walk from there if they waited in Jerusalem for His return. Therefore, they were waiting for an opportunity to attack Him like they did in this incident. Their actions were premeditated. - The phrase
and reasoning in their hearts
means: 'They were using their natural sinful heart (Jeremiah 17:9)'. - The phrase
Why doth this man thus speak blasphemies?
means: 'They were falsely accusingJesus
based upon their religious traditions which they added toThe word of God
and which actually went againstThe word of God
- The word
- C2-S7 says:
who can forgive sins but God only?
means: this question is correct. Their error was refusing to believe thatJesus
was God'sChrist
and 'God in human flesh' even though He had already fulfilled enough Old Testament signs to prove that He was both - C2-S8 :
challenges their wrong reasoning.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
immediately when Jesus perceived in his spirit that they so reasoned within themselves
means: 'Jesus
perceived this in His human spirit since our sentence uses a lowercase word'. There are times when we realize a truth but can not explain how we know it. Supposedly, this is related to understanding body language or something else. While there were times thatJesus
realized something because He was and is 'God in human flesh', this was not one of those times, according to our sentence. - The phrase
he said unto them, Why reason ye these things in your hearts?
means: 'Jesus
challenged them about their thoughts which came from lifestyle convictions (your hearts
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C2-S9 :
reasoned with them. Afool
takes the attitude of: 'I know what I believe!! Don't confuse me with the facts!'. A reasonable person is 'Reason able. They can give a valid reason for what they believe and they are able to accept a valid reason that proves that what they believe is wrong'. In this incident, there are religious people prove that they are not reasonable and that they were Biblicalfools
.- The phrase
Whether is it easier to say to the sick of the palsy
means: 'Jesus
gives them a choice between two actions which both require the power of God'. The religious people know this truth. They also know thatJesus
has already been doing many miracles and proving that He was God'sChrist
and 'God in human flesh'. However, their pride kept them from accepting the truth. - The phrase
Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Arise, and take up thy bed, and walk?
is the two things thatJesus
gave them to choose from. However, since everyone there knew that both options required the power of God, whenJesus
did the one He also proved that He could do the other. And, their accusation was wrong and a lie from devils.
- The phrase
- C2-S10 : the answer from
.- The word
means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction.Jesus
was reasoning with them. Now He will switch to a demonstration which they can not deny. - The phrase
that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins
means: 'Jesus
is going to give a demonstration which they can not deny and which will prove that He is God in human flesh and able to forgive sins'. - The phrase
(he saith to the sick of the palsy,)
means: 'Jesus
changed who He was speaking to'. - The phrase
I say unto thee, Arise, and take up thy bed, and go thy way into thine house
means: 'This is the commandment which, when obeyed, proved all of the claims ofJesus
- The word
- C2-S11 : the reaction to the miracle.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
And immediately he arose, took up the bed, and went forth before them all
means: 'The man obeyedJesus
and proved thatJesus
had completely healed him'. - The phrase
insomuch that they were all amazed, and glorified God
means: 'This is the reaction of the people who were witnesses to the miracle'. - The phrase
saying, We never saw it on this fashion
means: 'Jesus
demonstrated far more than they expected to see'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C2-S12 : Where the next account happens. Please see the start of the Chapter Summary for references to the same incident found in other Gospel accounts.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
he went forth again by the sea side
means: 'WhereJesus
went next'. - The phrase
and all the multitude resorted unto him, and he taught them
means: 'What He did'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C2-S13 :
calls Matthew.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
as he passed by, he saw Levi the son of Alphaeus sitting at the receipt of custom
means: 'This identifies the person called byJesus
'. Other Gospel accounts identify him other ways but there are no conflicts due to the differences. - The phrase
and said unto him, Follow me
means: 'Jesus
gave this command'. Please see the note in the Detailed Study for links to other places whereJesus
gave this command.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C2-S14 says:
And he arose and followed him
. Obviously, Matthew obeyed the call. In addition, our next two sentences start with the wordAnd
, which means that they are added to this sentence.Jesus
ended up going to Matthew's house to meet his friends. Therefore, this command of:follow me
is not just physically following the other person but is living your life like the other person lives their life. - C2-S15 :
ate with the common man. Please see the start of the Chapter Summary for references to the same incident found in other Gospel accounts.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
it came to pass, that, as Jesus sat at meat in his house
means: 'This is the time and condition when Matthew introduced his friends toJesus
'. - The phrase
many public and and sinners sat also together with Jesus and his disciples
means: 'Jesus
was not the religious snob that the religious leaders were but would accept anyone'. - The phrase
for there were many, and they followed him
means: 'This is true soul winning. It is not just getting people to make a profession. It is getting them to trulyfollow Jesus
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C2-S16 : the scribes and Pharisees look for an excuse to make an accusation.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
when the scribes and Pharisees saw him eat with public and and sinners
means: 'This was the condition which they used as an excuse to attackJesus
'. This is what God ordered His people to do and also what the religious leaders claimed would bring judgment from God and could even send people to Hell. - The phrase
they said unto his disciples
means: 'They did not have enough guts to talk directly toJesus
after He proved them to be doctrinally wrong when He healed the man with palsy'. - The phrase
How is it that he eateth and drinketh with public and and sinners?
means: 'They wanted to know whyJesus
did not keep their additions to God's law as if their additions had the same, or greater, authority as God's law'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C2-S17 :
answered their accusation. Please see the start of the Chapter Summary for references to the same incident found in other Gospel accounts.- The phrase
When Jesus heard it
means: 'Jesus
answered them'. Notice that He did not let them attack His relatively new disciples but protected them while they were still relatively spiritually immature. - The phrase
he saith unto them
means this is the parable of: 'Physician needed or not needed'. Please see the Doctrinal Study called: Table of Parables in the New Testament for links to other places where this parable is found and for links to other parables. - The phrase
They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick
means: 'You fools think that you aren't spiritually sick but these others admit their true spiritual condition'. - The phrase
I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance
means: 'Jesus
would not save them but would savesinners
- The phrase
- C2-S18 : Other disciples questioned
. Please see the start of the Chapter Summary for references to the same incident found in other Gospel accounts.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
The disciples of John and of the Pharisees used to fast
means: 'Here we have two different religious groups doing the same activity'. - The phrase
and they come and say unto him, Why do the disciples of John and of the Pharisees fast, but thy disciples fast not?
means: 'They have a legitimate question'. However, the answer fromJesus
, in the next few sentences, lets us know that the reason for a religious activity can be more important than the actual doing of it. Doing a religious activity for the wrong reason does not get blessings from God and can even lead to problems.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C2-S19 :
answers with an analogy. Please see the start of the Chapter Summary for references to the same incident found in other Gospel accounts.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
And Jesus said unto them
means: 'Jesus
answered them with a question to make them think about the answer'. - The phrase
Can the children of the bridechamber fast, while the bridegroom is with them?
By God's command, the Jewish male was to give his new bride a one-year honeymoon where he concentrated on her happiness and avoided business which would distract him. Since babies can be born in nine months,The children of the bridechamber
would be newborn babies and, no, they can notfast
in their first three months of life.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C2-S20 :
explains the analogy. This sentence says:as long as they have the bridegroom with them, they cannot fast
. As just explained, this is their first three months of life. - C2-S21 :
prophesies the future.- The word
means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction. - The phrase
The days will come, when the bridegroom shall be taken away from them, and then shall they fast in those days
means: 'People get older and when they are older they can fast'. - This is also a prophecy about the future of the church. Please also see the Study called Significant Gospel Events for links to other Prophecies.
- The word
- C2-S22 : this is 'The parable of: New cloth and old garment'. Please see the Doctrinal Study called: Table of Parables in the New Testament for links to other places where this parable is found and for links to other parables. Please see the start of the Chapter Summary for references to the same incident found in other Gospel accounts.
- The phrase
No man also seweth a piece of new cloth on an old garment
means: 'We are told toput on Christ
in Romans 13:14 and Galatians 3:27 '. The phraseput on
and the wordscloth / garment
are used, symbolically, for what the world sees of our life. They could not have the changed life under the Mosaic law because it requires having the indwellingHoly Spirit
. (The changed life is symbolically represented by thenew cloth
. Theold garment
symbolically represents the life seen in this world by people keeping the Mosaic Law.)Jesus
is telling them that God would not add theNew Testament
to theOld Testament
but that theNew Testament
would replace theOld Testament
. This truth is ignored by Roman Catholics, Jehovah's Witnesses, Seventh Say Adventists and all other religions which claim to be Christian while clinging to parts of Old Testament Law. - The phrase
else the new piece that filled it up taketh away from the old, and the rent is made worse
means: 'If you try to add theNew Testament
to theOld Testament
then people would turn even further from obeying God than they were doing in the days ofJesus
'. And, we see this is true with religions, such as the Roman Catholic Church, which try to do that.
- The phrase
- C2-S23 : this is 'The parable of: New wine in old bottles'. Please see the Doctrinal Study called: Table of Parables in the New Testament for links to other places where this parable is found and for links to other parables. Please see the start of the Chapter Summary for references to the same incident found in other Gospel accounts.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The word
is used symbolically for the type of spirit a person has (Ephesians 5:18). The wordbottles
is used symbolically for the container of the spirit, which is a religious person. The phraseno man putteth new wine into old bottles
means: 'No one is putting God'sHoly Spirit
in a person who clings to their old legal religion'. - The phrase
else the new wine doth burst the bottles
means: 'God'sHoly Spirit
will force people to stop relying upon their old religious laws and traditions'. - In the version from Matthew, we read:
else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out, and the bottles perish
. Thesin unto death
(1John 5:16 and Romans 6:16) is refusing to accept correction from God's word when our religious traditions go against whatThe word of God
literally says twice. And, the version in Luke gives the same warning. Now, these are not conflicts. Without a doubt,Jesus
said all that was reported with each Gospel writer choosing how much to repeat. Matthew and Luke included the warning because of their perspectives while Mark felt that servants would not need the warning in order to obey. - The phrase
and the wine is spilled, and the bottles will be marred
means: 'Such people will reject the leading of God'sHoly Spirit
and their religion willbe marred
'. - The phrase
but new wine must be put into new bottles
means: 'God'sHoly Spirit
must be put into a new type of relationship with God'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C2-S24 : Account of the next incident.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
it came to pass, that he went through the corn fields on the sabbath day
means: 'These are the circumstances of the next doctrinal fight'. Matthew and Luke report the same things with no significant differences. There should be no basis for any complaint of differences. - The phrase
and his disciples began, as they went, to pluck the ears of corn
means: 'This is what they did'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C2-S25 : the challenge from the Pharisees.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
The Pharisees said unto him
means: 'This time they are askingJesus
directly because their prior attempt to bypass him, and go to His disciples, did not work'. - The phrase
Behold, why do they on the sabbath day that which is not lawful?
means: 'Is the question that they askedJesus
'. However, what they claimed to benot lawful
was, in fact,lawful
under God's law. They had tried to claim that their additions to God's law had the same authority as God's law. We see the same attitude today with people writing their own perverted bibles and trying to claim that their perversions have the same authority as God's preserved word. However, God will not use their perversions when He judges us andJesus
also rejected their perversions for judging what was trulylawful
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C2-S26 :
gives His answer from scripture.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
he said unto them
means: 'Jesus
reminds them of their own history and their reverence for king David'. They did not dare criticize king David and, yet, they could not continue their religious argument without doing that. - The phrase
Have ye never read what David did, when he had need, and was an hungred, he, and they that were with him?
means: 'Jesus
reminds them of the historical need and that more than king David were involved'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C2-S27 : says:
How he went into the house of God in the days of Abiathar the high priest, and did eat the shewbread, which is not lawful to eat but for the priests, and gave also to them which were with him?
this was the historical record thatJesus
reminded them of. - C2-S28 :
gives doctrine based upon scripture.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
he said unto them
means: 'Jesus
explained the true doctrine'. - The phrase
The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath
means: 'This is why God createdThe sabbath
'. It is for man's comfort and not to control the man. - The phrase
Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath
means: 'Jesus
, as a literal physical human being, can change the laws ofThe sabbath
'. That is the only commandment of the 'The Commandments', which was dropped for the New Testament. Please also see the Study called Significant Gospel Events for Jesus and the Ten Commandments.
- Our sentence starts with the word
Chapter 3 Summary:
Theme: Religious Traditions Versus Truth from the Son of God.
Please see the Study called Miracles in the Gospels about the miracles recorded in this chapter. Please also see the Study called Significant Gospel Events for where the accounts of this chapter are related to accounts of other Gospels. Please also see the Table of Parables in the New Testament for links to where parables in this chapter are related to parables in the other Gospels. Please also see the Doctrinal Study called: What Did Jesus Do? for references to this chapter and other Bible references where doctrine similar to this chapter is reported.
Mark 3:1-6; Matthew 12:9-13 and Luke 6:6-11 all tell the account about Jesus
healing a man of a withered hand
on the sabbath. This is a continuation of the account which ended the prior chapter. (Our first sentence starts with the word And
.) In the prior chapter the scribes and Pharisees
picked three doctrinal fights with Jesus
. In every case Jesus
. proved them wrong. In the first two cases He left it at that. Now, He is going to push back and show the general public that their doctrine is wrong. That is what the first account of this chapter is about.
Mark 3:6-8 and Luke 6:11 tell us that the Pharisees, with the Herodians
started to try to destroy Jesus
starting at this time.
Mark 3:7-12 tell us in general how Jesus
handled His early ministry.
Mark 3:9-21; Matthew 12:15-23 and Luke 6:17-49 tell about Jesus
healing, teaching and casting out devils.
In the middle of the account of Jesus
healing, teaching and casting out devils, Mark tells about the twelve being named and ordained in Mark 3:13-19; Matthew 10:2-4 and Luke 6:13-16. However, they were not commissioned and sent out until Matthew 10; Mark 6:7-11 and Luke 9:13-16. Thus, we see a progression in their training.
Mark 3:20-21 tell us that Jesus
became so popular and had so many people demanding miracles from Him that He, and the disciples, so that they could not so much as eat bread
When Jesus
healed people and cast out devils, the scribes and Pharisees claimed that Jesus
cast out devils by the power of Beelzebub. We read this in Mark 3:22-30; Matthew 12:24 and Luke 11:15-26. These are probably different incidents because each Gospel account names a different group making the claim and Matthew 10:25 occurs before Matthew 12:24. Matthew 10:25 indicates that this claim had been done previously, lending support to the belief that this false claim happened multiple times. As a result, Jesus
warns them about the 'unforgivable sin'. The account in Matthew has the most details about the disagreement while the account in Luke as the most details about the instructions to the people from Jesus
. Please see the note for Matthew 12:25-LJC for more about this dispute. In spite of the harassment, Jesus
did not stop His ministry for God.
In Mark 3:22-30; Matthew 12:24 and Luke 11:15-66 we are told that the Pharisees or other people claimed that Jesus
did His miracles by the power of Beelzebub. Following that accusation we have the doctrinal rebuttal from Jesus
. This incident was also referenced by Jesus
. This incident was also referenced by Jesus
in Matthew 10:25.
Mark 3:31-35 and Matthew 12:46-50 tell us about the mother and brethren of Jesus
showing up and wanting to interrupt His ministry so that they could to talk to Him.
Our chapter starts with the Pharisees continuing their dispute with Jesus
about the Jewish religious rules that went beyond what the Bible says about the sabbath. The religious leaders picked this fight because, just prior to this account in Matthew 12:1-8; Mark 2:23-28 and Luke 6:1-5; Jesus
and His disciples had picked corn to eat on a sabbath and Jesus
had rejected the claim that they had violated God's Law. However, instead of causing people to leave Jesus
, with their criticism, they saw people flock to Him from all over all of the lands of the Jews.
withdrew but the Pharisees followed because people flocked to Him. However, instead of fighting with them, Jesus
healed people and cast out devils. While doing this ministering, Jesus
. called and commissioned the twelve with special power and jobs. Mark names all of them at this point, and if people are not paying attention, they might think that they were all called as a single event. However, Mark already us told about the first four (Peter, Andrew, James and John) being called and then Matthew being called. In addition, the commissioning happened at a later time from the calling. Therefore, Mark is only telling us what happened and is not providing the sequence according to time.
In the accounts of Jesus
healing, teaching and casting out devils, we find some differences in the details presented, in the various Gospel accounts. However, there are no conflicts. In the account from Matthew, we have a scriptural reference to explain why Jesus
withdrew instead of fighting the Pharisees. In Luke, we have Luke's version of the 'Beatitudes'. According to Mark (3:20-21), after naming the twelve, Jesus
returned to the town and was so mobbed by people that His friends though He was crazy to put up with it. That was when the Pharisees decided to attack His reputation in order to try and destroy part of His popularity.
As a result of the popularity of Jesus
, the scribes claimed that Jesus
cast out devils by the power of Beelzebub. As a result of their claim, Jesus
warned them about the 'unforgivable sin'. Matthew and Mark are telling us the doctrine which Jesus
used to teach the Pharisees of their doctrinal error. The account in Matthew has the most details about that teaching. Meanwhile, in Luke, we read instructions on how the righteous are to respond differently from the religious hypocrites. Luke ignores the Pharisees, and teaching given to them, while he concentrates on the teaching given to the common people. What we see here is that, in spite of the harassment, Jesus
did not stop His ministry for God.
The end of the chapters in Matthew and Mark tell us about the mother and brethren of Jesus
showing up and wanting to talk to Him. He made it clear that His spiritual family were more important than His physical family. In Luke 14:26 and John 12:25 we see Jesus
teach that we are to obey the same doctrine.
- C3-S1 :
sees a need in the synagogue. Please see the start of the Chapter Summary for references to the same incident found in other Gospel accounts.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. This sentence and chapter are added to the prior chapter where the religious leaders started doctrinal fights withJesus
because He rejected their additions to God's law. - The phrase
he entered again into the synagogue
tells us whereJesus
went. - The phrase
and there was a man there which had a withered hand
tells us the circumstance whichJesus
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C3-S2 : the Jews looked for a chance to accuse
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
they watched him
means: 'The scribes and Pharisees were watching howJesus
would deal with the circumstance'. Please see the Doctrinal Study called What Did Jesus Do? about many examples of how He handled conflict. - The phrase
whether he would heal him on the sabbath day
means: 'They knew that the heart ofJesus
was to help people'. However, they had set up a circumstance where He would be breaking their religious additions to God's law if He helped this man. - The phrase
that they might accuse him
means: 'This is why they watched'. Like many religious people, they were more interested in controlling the lives of other people than they were is truly helping people.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C3-S3 :
deals with the need.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
he saith unto the man which had the withered hand
means: 'Jesus
told the man with a problem to be a public display'. - The phrase
Stand forth
lets us know thatJesus
would not hide but would make the religious fight well-known since the religious leaders decided to start the fight in public.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C3-S4 :
challenges the basis of wrong religious rules.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
he saith unto them
means: 'Jesus
asked the religious leaders this question in front of all of the people'. - The phrase
Is it lawful to do good on the sabbath days, or to do evil?
means: 'Jesus
phrased His question to expose their hearts'. It they said it was lawful, then the people who knew that they had set up the circumstance would know that they had a complaint aboutJesus
doing something that they admitted was lawful. If they said that it was not lawful, then they claimed that God's law went against the known character of God. That claim would destroy their credibility.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C3-S5 says:
to save life, or to kill?
adds these more extreme results to show the people what happens if you take the doctrine of the religious people to the extreme. The people knew that God gives life and that devils kill. Therefore, if they say that it is lawful tokill
, then they prove that their doctrine is from a devil. However, if they say that it is lawful tosave life
, then they prove that the circumstances which they set up go against a basic purpose of God's law. - C3-S6 says:
But they held their peace
. They had enough sense to realize that no matter how they answered, they would reveal their own evil hearts. - C3-S7 :
was angry atThe hardness of their hearts
.- The phrase
when he had looked round about on them with anger
means: 'Jesus
looked at each person to see where their heart was. As the next phrase says,Jesus
was angry at the evil hearts of people who were supposed to represent a loving God'. - The phrase
being grieved for the hardness of their hearts
means: 'They hadhard hearts
because of their own religious attitudes and actions'. God never hardens someone's heart until after they have done it to themselves more than once and they make it clear that they refuse to make their heart like God's heart. - The phrase
he saith unto the man, Stretch forth thine hand
means: 'Jesus
publicly demonstrated His heart and the true heart of God the father'. It is right to reveal sinful motivations which are designed to lead people into error and sin.
- The phrase
- C3-S8 :
healed the man.- The phrase
he stretched it out
means: 'The man had to act in true Biblicalfaith
before he received his miracle'. He had to know that doing this would make the religious leaders his enemies because he participated inJesus
turning the tables on the religious leaders and revealing their hearts instead of them makingJesus
look like a sinner. - The phrase
and his hand was restored whole as the other
means: 'He received his miracle'.
- The phrase
- C3-S9 : the Jews sought to
destroy him
over their wrong religious rules. Any time you get religious people joining up with political people to fight against someone, you can be sure that they are controlled by a devil. Please see the start of the Chapter Summary for references to the same incident found in other Gospel accounts.- The phrase
The Pharisees went forth
means: 'These were the self-appointed religious leaders of the day'. - The phrase
and straightway took counsel with the Herodi and against him
means: 'They joined with the strongest political party of the day to work together againstJesus
'. - The phrase
how they might destroy him
means: 'This was their goal'.
- The phrase
- C3-S10 :
took His disciples out of the city. Please see the start of the Chapter Summary for references to the same incident found in other Gospel accounts.- The word
means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction. - The phrase
Jesus withdrew himself with his disciples to the sea
means: 'Jesus
chose to avoid the fight'. Please see the Study called What Did Jesus Do? for this, and links to many other places in the Gospel accounts, whereJesus
lived our example of how to deal with problems in our flesh and in this world. - The phrase
and a great multitude from Galilee followed him, and from Judaea, And from Jerusalem, and from Idumaea, and from beyond Jordan; and they about Tyre and Sidon, a great multitude
means: 'People from all over followedJesus
'. The political and religious leaders thought that, by destroyingJesus
, they would control things. And they did while God collected evidence that they could not dispute about their sinful hearts. Then, God had the bigger political people, in Rome, to destroy those fools. - The phrase
when they had heard what great things he did, came unto him
means: 'The people came toJesus
in order to see and receive miracles'.
- The word
- C3-S11 :
wanted a safe place to speak to the people. Please see the start of the Chapter Summary for references to the same incident found in other Gospel accounts.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
he spake to his disciples
means: 'Jesus
told His helpers how to deal with a problem'. - The phrase
that a small ship should wait on him because of the multitude
means: 'This gaveJesus
a speaking platform'. The people were there for miracles and felt that they would get a miracle if they touched Him and didn't consider that He decided who received a miracle or not. - The phrase
lest they should throng him
means: 'Jesus
knew why they were there. He didn't get upset with their wrong purpose but controlled their behavior while teaching to those people who would listen'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C3-S12 : Why
needed safety.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. That is,Jesus
had so many people coming to Him that He needed a stage to speak from. - The phrase
he had healed many
means: 'Jesus
gave many what they came for so that the crowds would keep coming'. I've heard many speak against fulfilling worldly desires in order to draw a crowd and preach to them. But that is whatJesus
is doing here. No, you do not neglect preaching the truth but using this method is OK becauseJesus
used it to draw the crowd. - The phrase
insomuch that they pressed upon him for to touch him
means: 'Jesus
put up with physical discomfort in order to reach many with God's Gospel'. - The phrase
as many as had plagues
means: 'These were the people who were most desperate and also were the greatest danger to society if not cured'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C3-S13 :
was recognized by devils.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
unclean spirits
means: 'These are devils'. - The phrase
when they saw him, fell down before him, and cried
means: 'They recognized His greater power and authority'. - The phrase
saying, thou art the Son of God
means: 'They testified of the truth'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C3-S14 says: . This is the same as was reported in Mark 1:25. Please see that note for why
responded this way. - C3-S15 :
took some disciples aside.Mark 3:7-12 tell us in general how
handled His early ministry.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
he goeth up into a mountain
means: 'This is whereJesus
went'. The equivalent account in Luke tells us that He went there to pray all night before selecting the twelve (12) who were supposed to become apostles. We also have a matching account in Matthew and all three (3) gospels make it clear thatJesus
chose the twelve (12) after the religious leaders started their doctrinal fight withJesus
. - The phrase
and calleth unto him whom he would
means: 'Jesus
called whom God the father told Him to choose'. - The phrase
and they came unto him
means: 'They came when called'. This is the basic requirement to be used by God.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C3-S16 : Who
choose as future apostles.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The word
is part of God's legal system and means: 'Spiritually and legally appointed; instituted; established; invested with ministerial or pastoral functions; settled'. The phrasehe ordained twelve
means: 'Jesus
gave these twelve (12) special rights, responsibilities and powers in His church'. We already saw that the Old Testament ended when John the Baptist was removed.Jesus
started His church, and the New Testament, already but the birth (coming out into the world) will not happen until after His return to Heaven and God'sHoly Ghost
is given. at this time, these twelve (12) are being prepared for future ministry. - The phrase
that they should be with him, and that he might send them forth to preach, and to have power to heal sicknesses, and to cast out devils
means: 'These are their special rights, responsibilities and powers thatJesus
gave to them'. - The phrase
And Simon he surnamed Peter; And James the son of Zebedee, and John the brother of James; and he surnamed them Boanerges, which is, the sons of thunder
means: 'These three were the 'inner circle' with special privileges'. - The phrase
And Andrew, and Philip, and Bartholomew, and Matthew, and thomas, and James the son of Alphaeus, and thaddaeus, and Simon the Canaanite
means: 'These were the rest except Judas'. - The phrase
And Judas Iscariot, which also betrayed him
means: 'He is separated out because of his betrayal and the results of that betrayal'. Please notice that, at this time, Judas was treated like all of the others. - The phrase
and they went into an house
means: 'This shows that beingordained
did not change them any significant amount. Receivingpower, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon (them)
is what made the major difference in their ministry'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C3-S17 : the house was mobbed.
Mark 3:7-12 tell us in general how
handled His early ministry.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
The multitude cometh together again
means: 'This often becomes a problem when God is blessing a ministry'. If it is not handled properly, the result can be loss of God's blessings. - The phrase
so that they could not so much as eat bread
means: 'They were so busy ministering to others that they did not have time for basic meals'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C3-S18 : the reaction of friends.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
when his friends heard of it
means: 'This is when they reacted'. - The phrase
they went out to lay hold on him
means: 'This is how they reacted'. - The phrase
for they said, He is beside himself
means: 'This is why they reacted'. They thoughtJesus
was not thinking right because He let God'sHoly Spirit
guide His life and not natural thinking. We will receive a similar reaction if we truly let God'sHoly Spirit
guide our life.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C3-S19 : the reaction of the scribes.
Mark 3:7-12 tell us in general how
handled His early ministry.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
The scribes which came down from Jerusalem said
means: 'This lie was said by more than one group and more than one time'. Please see the summary note above, and the Detail note, for references to other times and reports. - The phrase
He hath Beelzebub
means: 'They claimed thatJesus
used the power of Satan when He used to power of God'sHoly Ghost
'. As a result of their claim,Jesus
warned them about the 'unforgivable sin'. Many people, today, try to claim that the 'unforgivable sin' is something else such as being divorced. Others claim that this sin can not be done today. A related, but different sin, is thesin unto death
(1John 5:16 and Romans 6:16), which is refusing to letThe word of God
correct the doctrines of your religious traditions. - The phrase
and by the prince of the devils casteth he out devils
means: 'They claimed thatJesus
used the power ofThe prince of the devils
to permanentlycast out devils
'. In the sentences which follow this sentence, we read the answer fromJesus
, which shows how foolish such a claim is.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C3-S20 :
responds to the reactions.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
he called them unto him, and said unto them in parables
means: 'Jesus
called the people who came to hear Him and taught them in parables'. Please see the Table of Parables in the New Testament for links to this parable and other Parables in the Gospels. Parables must be understood spiritually because they, usually, use symbolic language to deliver a spiritual message. (The following parable is different in that it is easy to understand but the, related, prophecy is not easy to understand.) And, the result of this action, by the religious leaders, isJesus
warning about 'The unforgivable sin' And, as already explained, many people believe doctrinal error about it. Therefore, this entire section requires the help of God'sHoly Ghost
in order to properly understand it. - The phrase
How can Satan cast out Satan?
means: 'This question starts this teaching byJesus
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C3-S21 : the error in their thinking.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand
means: 'This is a precept which is applied to the prior sentence'.Satan
is not just a devil but is also the head of a kingdom. His power is not just his own but also includes all of the devils and people in his kingdom. Thus, whenJesus
speaks of akingdom
, in this sentence, it is a direct reference to when He saidSatan
, in The prior sentence.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C3-S22 : Second example of their error.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand
means: 'This is the same precept applied in a more personal way'. Satan'shouse
, at this time, was Hell andJesus
robbed him and took away the keys to Hell (Revelation 1:18) after He was crucified and taken to Hell by devils. Thus,Jesus
destroyed the power of Satan'shouse
. - The phrase
if Satan rise up against himself, and be divided, he cannot stand, but hath an end
gives us the conclusion of the claim by the religious leaders. Thus,Jesus
showed how foolish their claim was.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C3-S23 : Conclusion of their error.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
if Satan rise up against himself, and be divided
means: 'This is what the religious leaders claimed was happening whenJesus
cast out devils'. - The phrase
he cannot stand, but hath an end
means: 'This is the only possible conclusion of their argument'. Since Satan, obviously, had not stopped working, their claim is proven to be impossible.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C3-S24 (Mark 3:27) says:
No man can enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house
. Mark 3:27; Matthew 12:29 and Luke 11:21-22 are all a prophecy of whatJesus
will do to Satan after His crucifixion and after devils takeJesus
into Hell. The devils did not understand this prophecy before it was fulfilled and no one can completely understand any true Biblical prophecy before it is fulfilled. Please see the Sections called: Prophecies and Prophecy Fulfilled in the Significant Gospel Events Study for Bible references to other prophecies found in the Gospel accounts. Please see the note in the Detail Study for more on this particular prophecy. - C3-S25 : is a warning about the 'Unforgivable Sin'. Be careful about what you accept about this sin. Many people teach a doctrine which makes other sins, such as
, the 'Unforgivable Sin'.- The word
means: 'Jesus
has verified the doctrine of this sentence and we are to verify what we believe about this doctrine'. - The phrase
I say unto you
means: 'This comes directly from God in human flesh and is directly following a prophecy on the defeat of Satan and all devils'. - The phrase
All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men
means: 'These are violations of God's law'. - The phrase
and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme
means: 'These are lies told against God and His word'. - The phrase
But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness
means: 'This is the exception to the prior phrases'. Notice that this is very specific and the last phrase clarifies this phrase even more. This phrase includes more than the last phrase, but this sin is limited to claiming that God'sHoly Ghost
acts like a devil or claiming that God'sHoly Ghost
makes people act like a devil. - The phrase
but is in danger of eternal damnation
means: 'This means being sent toThe lake of fire
for eternity'. - The phrase
Because they said, He hath an unclean spirit
means: 'This tells us why someone would receiveeternal damnation
'. Some claim that only people who lived in Gospel time could do this sin but that is because they are trying to reconcile this warning with the doctrinal error which claims that anyone can receive salvation at any time regardless of how many times they hardened their heart. That is a lie from devils. Everyone is promised one chance for salvation but no one is promised unlimited chances for salvation. And, God's word says:And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man
(Genesis 6:3).
- The word
- C3-S26 : Mark 3:31-35 and Matthew 12:46-50 tell us about the mother and brethren of
showing up and wanting to interrupt His ministry so that they could to talk to Him.- The phrase
There came then his brethren and his mother
means: 'They were His physical family'. - The phrase
and, standing without, sent unto him, calling him
means: 'They were demanding His attention'.
- The phrase
- C3-S27 :
is told of their demand.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
The multitude sat about him, and they said unto him
means: 'People heard the demands and passed on the message based upon the belief thatJesus
had not heard it'. - The phrase
Behold, thy mother and thy brethren without seek for thee
means: 'This was the message'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C3-S28 :
rejects their demand.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
he answered them, saying
means: 'Jesus
answered with the question of this sentence'. - The phrase
Who is my mother, or my brethren?
means: 'This question was designed to make people think about what was claimed'. A lot of times we are deceived because we accept what is claimed without really thinking about the claim.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C3-S29 :
says that the spiritual family are our true family.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
he looked round about on them which sat about him, and said
means: 'Jesus
made a show of looking at the people who were listening to His teaching'. - The phrase
Behold my mother and my brethren!
means: 'Jesus
claimed that the people who listen to His doctrine, and accept it, were His spiritual family'. The Bible, indirectly, lets us know that the physical family ofJesus
, with the exception of His mother, rejected His Deity and His doctrine until after the resurrection. Therefore, they were lost at this time. Thus, we see that physical relationship has no claim on spiritual relationships.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C3-S30 :
says how to be part of His spiritual family.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. That is:Jesus
considered His spiritual family more important than His physical family. - The phrase
whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and my sister, and mother
means: 'We mustdo the will of God
in order to be part of the family of God'. Seriously consider this for everyone who claims to be saved because they did some religious ace such as said a prayer but refused to ever obey.
- Our sentence starts with the word
Chapter 4 Summary:
Theme: Produce a Profit for your Lord.
in this chapter we see Jesus
teaching with several parables. Mark 4:11-12 says: Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables
. In this chapter, we see Jesus
making a distinction on how He teaches people based upon their relationship to God the father and to Him as 'God in human flesh'. In the prior two chapters told us about Jesus
dealing with religious leaders and His physical family, all of whom rejected who He really was. In this chapter, we see Mark concentrating on reporting how Jesus
dealt with His true disciples.
Please note that, in Mark 4:11-12; Jesus
also repeated the message of Isaiah 6:9-10; Isaiah 42:17-19 and Isaiah 44:18-10. In this sentence, Jesus
says: lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them
. Think about that. We do not seek God when we are lost and unless God seeks us, we will not be saved. Many deceived people claim that a lost person can got to God at any time. They claim that someone can reject God all of their life and make a death-bed profession that gets them saved
and ' mansion next door to Peter in Heaven'. Our sentence proves that claim to be a lie. Our sentence tells us that Jesus
deliberately excluded certain people from true salvation.
Please see the Doctrinal Studies called: Table of Parables in the New Testament; Miracles in the Gospels; Significant Gospel Events and What Did Jesus Do? for where the accounts of this chapter are related to accounts of other Gospels.
Mark 4:1-20; Matthew 13:1-23 and Luke 8:2-15 tell us the 'Parable of the Sower' with the explanation of it, as given by Jesus
, in the note for Mark 4:11-12. That note also includes how to understand parables. In addition, the notes in the Book Study on Matthew explain the minor differences in the reports of the three Gospel accounts. Those notes also explain why those differences do not constitute a conflict.
Mark 4:21-23; Matthew 5:14-16; Luke 8:16-18 and Luke 11:33-36 tell us the 'Parable of the Candlestick'.
Mark 4:24-25; Matthew 7:2 and Luke 8:18 tells us to take heed how you measure
along with a parable to teach that lesson. This warning tells us to have spiritual things at the highest priority of our life.
Mark 4:26-29 give us the 'Parable of the Seed Growing in Secret'. This is a parable which teaches us about The kingdom of God
Mark 4:30-32; Matthew 13:31-32 and Luke 13:18-19 give us the 'Parable of the Mustard Seed'. This is the second parable, within our chapter, which teaches us about The kingdom of God
Mark 4:33-34 tells us that Jesus
only taught the people in parables. Please see the notes for those sentences to understand why He did this.
Mark 4:35-41 and Luke 8:22-25 tell us that Jesus
was asleep in the boat when a storm came up and the disciples woke Him to calm the storm. This was a test to see if they would apply the teaching that He just finished giving to them. A similar, but different, incident is also reported in: Mark 6:45-56. Please also see the Miracles in the Gospels; which provides links to all miracles which are reported in the Gospels.
In addition, Matthew 8:23-27 is another similar, but different, incident. That trip was to The country of the Gergesenes
and this trip is from The country of the Gadarenes
, therefore, these reports are two different incidents. We need to pay close attention to the context in order to avoid doctrinal error.
There is a precept that is stated in other chapters but which is applied here, and which is easily missed and often denied. I can't remember ever hearing it preached on. Our entire chapter is teaching on The kingdom of Heaven
. All everlasting rewards that the saved receive in The kingdom of Heaven
are based upon this precept. The precept is found in Matthew 13:12; Mark 4:25 and Luke 8:18 and says: For he that hath, to him shall be given: and he that hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he hath.
All throughout this chapter Jesus
has been teaching the general people in parables and then explaining the parables to His disciples in private. He was trying to make them think about the spiritual application of everything. Then when he let them experience a physical storm, they were afraid instead of thinking about the spiritual application of faith. They said to Him: Master, carest thou not that we perish?
However, they could not perish because it was not the time for Jesus
to die and he was with them.
By starting out with the Parable of the Sower, Jesus
is letting people know that different people will receive His teaching different ways and the way that people receive the teaching determines the effect of that teaching on their personal life. Then he gives the parable of the candlestick
, which should have instructed His disciples to let the light
, which they receive from Him, shine through their life to bring spiritual light
to all who are around them. Then Jesus
warns His disciples to Take heed what ye hear
. If we listen to the wrong thing then we will be led into doctrinal error, sin and worse consequences. Following that is the teaching on The kingdom of God
, which is the main thing that true disciples are supposed to hear
. By the way, Jesus
says He that hath ears to hear, let him hear
in 4:8; 4:23; and 7:16. Out of the three times that Mark reports Jesus
saying this phrase, two of the times are in this chapter. When we consider the rest of this chapter, that is a critical warning.
With all teaching from the word of God, true believers are supposed to meditate on the truth and see how it applies to their own personal life. In the last section of this chapter we see that the disciples failed to do that. This account is included in this chapter as a warning to us to properly meditate and apply the truths which we are taught by the word of God if we want to hear well done, thou good and faithful servant
and not be rebuked by Jesus
, like these disciples were.
There is an eternal precept given within this chapter which is easily missed. I can't remember ever hearing it preached on. At the start of the teaching on The kingdom of God
, we are told: For he that hath, to him shall be given: and he that hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he hath.
this warning is also given in the parables of the pounds
(Luke 19) and of the talents
(Matthew 25). In those parables the person who did not return a profit to their lord, after their lord told them to work for a profit in His kingdom, lost the single pound
/ talent
that they had. (Obviously, especially with the context, these parables are warning to the saved about how we will be judged by our Lord
.) the pound
/ talent
was given to the person who produced the greatest profit for their Lord. Therefore, those parables should also be considered with what it taught in this chapter in order to fully understand the message of this chapter.
The single theme that runs throughout this chapter is that we need to do our best to produce the greatest profit for our Lord that we can before we face His judgment of our life. Every parable in this chapter can be applied to this theme.
- C4-S1 :
continues His teaching. Please see the start of the Chapter Summary for references to the same incident found in other Gospel accounts.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, this chapter is added to the prior chapter and both need to be considered to be in context in order to get the true meaning of what Mark reports. In the prior two chapters,Jesus
dealt with everyone, including people who rejected the truth of Who He really was. Now,Jesus
is dealing only with people who have not made a decision about Him and people who are His true disciples. - The phrase
he began again to teach by the sea side
means: 'Jesus
has now taken His ministry out to the country. He is no longer ministering in the city and in the synagogue'. - The phrase
and there was gathered unto him a great multitude
means: 'Jesus
still had lots of people coming to hear Him teach'. - The phrase
so that he entered into a ship, and sat in the sea
means: 'Jesus
got a teaching platform because the size of the crowd required it'. - The phrase
and the whole multitude was by the sea on the land
means: 'The people were together but could no longer mobJesus
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C4-S2 :
started the Parable of the Sower. I've heard a lot of wrong preaching about this parable and especially about the people represented by thestony ground
and the seed whichfell among thorns
. Some people argue that these two groups must be lost and some argue that they must be saved. And, the truth is that we can not say if they are lost or saved. However, we can say that any people who are represented by these two groups are heading for more than 1,000-year of tears in Heaven, if they are truly saved.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, we need to consider whatJesus
did so that people could receive His teaching along with what He taught them. - The phrase
he taught them manythings by parables
means: 'Jesus
to teach because He had a mixed crowd with some being disciples and some being unbelievers'. Please see the Table of Parables in the New Testament for links to this parable and other Parables in the Gospels. - As already mentioned, the explanation of this parable, as given by
, is in the note for Mark 4:11-12. That note also includes how to understand parables. In addition, the notes in the Book Study on Matthew explain the minor differences in the reports of the three Gospel accounts. Those notes also explain why those differences do not constitute a conflict. - As is often preached, and is explained in the notes just mentioned, the different types of ground symbolically
represent the different types of
that people have. The different results symbolically represent the different spiritual results which people produce after hearing the Gospel. While many people argue about what this parable says about salvation, it is not given to tell us about salvation. It was given to teach us the spiritual results which are produced from different types ofhearts
which are in people. It was given to encourage the listeners to have the type ofheart
which is represented by thegood ground
because that type of person is not only saved but can also expect to receive everlasting rewards when they get to Heaven. All of the arguments about salvation, based upon this parable, come from devils with the purpose of distracting people from the true message of the parable. - The word
means: 'spiritual or religious teaching'. The phraseand said unto them in his doctrine
means: 'What follows is the teaching fromJesus
'. - The phrase
Hearken; Behold
means: 'Listen up and pay close attention'. - The phrase
there went out a sower to sow
means: 'This was a job that all understood because their entire culture was closely linked to farming'. - The phrase
And it came to pass, as he sowed
means: 'This was one of the results which the sower received from his work'. - The phrase
some fell by the way side
means: 'This was the hard ground where people walked'. - The phrase
and the fowls of the air came and devoured it up
means: 'The birds ate what was easy food to them'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C4-S3 : the results of
stony ground
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise,Jesus
is adding another result and all results need to be considered together. - The phrase
some fell on stony ground, where it had not much earth
means: 'The different type of ground produced a different result'. - The phrase
and immediately it sprang up, because it had no depth of earth
means: 'There were immediately apparent results'. Almost everybody wants to see this result from their efforts. But we need to consider the rest of the sentence and be thankful to God when He delays our receiving the desired results. - The phrase
But when the sun was up, it was scorched
means: 'When one plant is a lot taller than all surrounding plants, it is never in shade and receives more sun than the plants around it and more than is good for it'. (The wordscorch
means: 'To be burnt on the surface; to be parched; to be dried up'.) - The phrase
and because it had no root, it withered away
means: 'This is why it had this result'. Please see the notes, in the Detailed Study, for more on the symbolic meaning of words and phrases in this parable.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C4-S4 : the results of
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise,Jesus
is adding another result and all results need to be considered together. - The phrase
some fell among thorns
means: 'The different type of ground produced a different result'. - The phrase
and the thorns grew up, and choked it
means: 'The resulting plants had competition from thethorns
'. - The phrase
and it yielded no fruit
means: 'They could not producefruit
because of the competition'
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C4-S5 : the results of
good ground
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise,Jesus
is adding another result and all results need to be considered together. - The phrase
other fell on good ground
means: 'The different type of ground produced a different result'. - The phrase
and did yield fruit that sprang up and increased; and brought forth, some thirty, and some sixty, and some an hundred
means: 'This is the result that God is looking for and that God rewards'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C4-S6 says:
And he said unto them, He that hath ears to hear, let him hear
. The note for the Detailed Study has links to many other places whereThe word of God
tells us the same thing. We are being commanded to understand this parable spiritually, if we are capable of doing so. - C4-S7 : the disciples ask for clarification.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, . - The phrase
when he was alone
means: 'The disciples learned to wait until the right time before asking for clarification'. Many of God's children need to learn patience. - The phrase
they that were about him with the twelve asked of him the parable
means: 'There were more thanThe twelve
who askedJesus
about the parable and received His explanation. However, this was not until most had left and the only people who remained were workers in His ministry'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C4-S8 :
explains why He teaches in parables.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise,Jesus
answered their question only because they asked at the right time and asked the right way. - The phrase
he said unto them
means: 'Jesus
gave this answer'. This is a paraphrase of Isaiah 6:9-10 and other places in the Bible. Please see the note in the Detail Study for more Bible references. - The phrase
Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God
means: 'Those people who are true disciples and who serveThe kingdom of God
are allowed to learn themysteries
of it'. Notice that this is not a direct answer to the question which was asked. In stead,Jesus
first told them why He spoke in parables. - The phrase
but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables
means: 'Jesus
deliberately told them the truth in a way that they could not understand because they had not, yet, made a personal commitment to serveThe kingdom of God
'. Thus, we have two reasons whyJesus
spoke in parables. In this manner, He hid the truth from one group of people while also revealing the truth to another group of people. - The phrase
That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand
means: 'The lost and carnal can claim that they see and hear but they can not understand because they are using the wrong method to try to understand (1Corinthians 2:14)'. - The phrase
lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them
are absolutely incredible and flat out denied by many people.Jesus
said that God did not want to save these people. Realize the truth of that statement and we will move on.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C4-S9 says:
And he said unto them, Know ye not this parable?
the answer is an obvious YES! and this question was asked as a lead into the next question. - C4-S10 says:
and how then will ye know all parables?
This question was added to the prior question but this one is the important question because we are supposed to use the following answer to learn the way to understand parables. Unfortunately, most people appear to not be able to do that. As can be seen in the following sentences, a parable uses symbolic language and an example of something in this physical world in order to teach a spiritual lesson. However, what many people misunderstand is that words can have different symbolic meanings in different places of the Bible. The true symbolic meaning must come from the context. In this case, theseed on the wayside
is understood to represent the religious leaders of the prior chapter who had devils giving them their doctrine and causing them to reject truth. And, theseed on the good ground
represented the disciples who were sticking around and working in the ministry. And, theseed on the other two types of Ground
represented the people who came to hear but refused to serve in the ministry. - C4-S11 says:
The sower soweth the word
. Thus, theseed
symbolically representedThe word of God
. - C4-S12 :
explains the first condition.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, this sentence is adding to the explanation of the parable. - The phrase
these are they by the way side
means: 'This is the type of heart represented by thewayside
'. - The phrase
where the word is sown
means: 'They heard the Gospel'. - The phrase
but when they have heard, Satan cometh immediately, and taketh away the word that was sown in their hearts
means: 'They hardened their heart (wayside
) so thatThe word
could not produce spiritual life'. And, a devil makes to quickly forget what they heard.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C4-S13 :
explains the second condition.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, this sentence is adding to the explanation of the parable. - The phrase
these are they likewise which are sown on stony ground
means: 'This is the type of heart represented by thestony ground
'. - The phrase
who, when they have heard the word, immediately receive it with gladness
means: 'They're ready to shout and holler and have a good spiritual time'. - The phrase
And have no root in themselves, and so endure but for a time
But, don't look for them when it is time to work or when faithfulness is required. - The phrase
afterward, when affliction or persecution ariseth for the word's sake, immediately they are offended
means: 'These people claim that they are offended by someone or something other than God's word revealing their sinful heart'. However, regardless of their claims, God knows the truth. And, they are known by being in church for a little while and then disappearing. Such people never truly help to build the ministry.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C4-S14 :
explains the third condition.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, this sentence is adding to the explanation of the parable. - The phrase
these are they which are sown among thorns
means: 'This is the type of heart represented by theseed which are sown among thorns
'. - The phrase
such as hear the word
means: 'They hear the Gospel'. - The phrase
And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in
means: 'This type of heart is concentrated on things of this physical world to the point that there is no time, nor other resources, to devote to true spiritual growth'. - The phrase
choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful
means: 'These other things preventThe word
from producing true spiritual growth'. Therefore, it can not reproduce because all types of life must become grown before it starts to reproduce (produce fruit
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C4-S15 :
explains the last condition.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, this sentence is adding to the explanation of the parable. - The phrase
these are they which are sown on good ground
means: 'This is the type of heart represented by thegood ground
'. - The phrase
such as hear the word, and receive it
means: 'They hear the Gospel like all of the other types. The difference is the added phrase of:and receive it
'. These people letThe word
change their life. Thus, it is not hearing the Gospel that matters but what truly matters is what we let it do in our heart. - The phrase
and bring forth fruit, some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some an hundred
means: 'They produce new spiritual life'. Anyone who claims to be in this group, but is not a soul winner, is deceiving themselves.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C4-S16 :
poses a rhetorical question. Please see the start of the Chapter Summary for references to the same incident found in other Gospel accounts.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise,Jesus
is adding another lesson about how the truly saved and serving should also be producing spiritual light. - The phrase
he said unto them
means: 'Jesus
said this'. This sentence, and the next two sentences, are the parable of: 'Lighted candle not hid'. It is also in Matthew 5:15-16;Luke 8:16 and Luke 11:33-36. While the basic parable is the same in every case, the application of the parable is different in each reference. Different applications are not a conflict. - The phrase
Is a candle brought to be put under a bushel, or under a bed?
means: 'God did not give you His spiritual light for you to hide it'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C4-S17 says:
and not to be set on a candlestick?
this is added to the prior sentence. - C4-S18 :
explains the meaning of His question.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true - The phrase
there is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested
means: 'God will reveal everything that people think they kept hid when He judges them'. God records everything including the motivations of our heart. The only thing that will not be revealed is sin that saved people completely confess and letJesus
from their life (1John 1:9). - The phrase
neither was anything kept secret, but that it should come abroad
means: 'This is another way of saying the same thing'. WhenThe word of God
says something literally at least twice, it is part of God's law and more reliable than gravity.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C4-S19 says:
If any man have ears to hear, let him hear
. This is a repeat of C4-S6. Please see the note above for details. - C4-S20 : the blessings of hearing spiritual things. Please see the start of the Chapter Summary for references to the same incident found in other Gospel accounts.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, this sentence is adding further instructions for us to pay attention to spiritual messages. - The phrase
he said unto them
means: 'Jesus
said this'. This sentence, and the next sentence, tell us why we need to always pay attention to what is happening around us spiritually. - The phrase
Take heed what ye hear
is almost the same as what is reported in Luke 8:18. There we read thatJesus
said:Take heed how ye hear
, as part of a parallel sentence to this sentence. We should believe thatJesus
said both things with Mark reporting one of them and Luke reporting the other. The phraseTake heed
means: 'pay close attention'. The phrasewhat ye hear
means: 'what you personally listen to, spiritually, and let influence your life'. The phrasehow ye hear
means: 'The attitude you personally have about spiritual messages from God'. All of these are warnings and our next phrase tells us why we want to obey these warnings. - The phrase
with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you
means: 'If you give mercy, God will give you mercy. If you refuse mercy, God will refuse to give you mercy. The same is true for grace, blessings and all of the other things which come from God'. - The phrase
and unto you that hear shall more be given
means: 'If we pay attention to the spiritual message from God, and obey it, then we will receive greater rewards, in Heaven, than anything that we sacrifice, here on Earth, in order to obey God'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C4-S21 : An eternal precept.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The phrase
he that hath, to him shall be given: and he that hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he hath.
is also taught in Matthew 7:2 and Luke 8:18 and 'The Parable of the Pounds' (Luke 19:11-27) and 'The Parable of the Talents' (Matthew 25:14-30) and other places inThe word of God
. Basically, those saved people who bring a spiritual profit to God during their life here, will receive a reward in Heaven that is greater than anything that they had to do here. However, saved people who do not bring God a spiritual profit will lose even the spiritual gift that they had in this life. They will be eternal paupers.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C4-S22 : the
kingdom of God
is related to the Parable of the Sower. Please also see the Table of Parables in the New Testament for this parable and other parables found in the Gospels.- The phrase
he said
means: 'Jesus
said this'. This sentence must be understood spiritually with the realization thatJesus
said this. Religion tries to give us the wrong definition forThe kingdom of God
and, thereby, gets us to misunderstand whatJesus
is telling us. The immediate prior context isJesus
telling us the rewards given to saved people who obey God'sHoly Spirit
and bring a spiritual profit to God. The greater context of the chapter, and chapter theme, is: 'Produce a profit for your Lord'. We can only do this by obeying God'sHoly Spirit
and letting Him spiritually grow us as He uses our life to build a spiritual profit for God. Religion confusesThe kingdom of God
withThe kingdom of Heaven
. However, they are two different things withThe kingdom of Heaven
being 'The things which belong to (of
) Heaven' and the rest of our sentence telling us howThe kingdom of God
changes us. - The phrase
So is the kingdom of God
means: 'This sentence is telling us howThe kingdom of God
works in our life'. The true Biblical definition ofThe kingdom of God
is: 'God's character in you today and the 1,000 years reign ofChrist
in the future'. You can only receive this after you receiveJesus
as your personalLord
and then become a trueson of God
(John 1:12-13) by letting God'sHoly Spirit
mature you spiritually. - The phrase
as if a man should cast seed into the ground
means: 'This is the physical example that shows us what happens spiritually'. Just asa man should cast seed into the ground
, so also does God 'cast HisHoly Spirit
into our heart when we receiveJesus
as our personalLord
'. - The phrase
And should sleep, and rise night and day
means: 'The man is not aware of what God is doing to change that seed, in the ground, into a living plant'. Likewise, no person is aware of what God is doing in the heart of the newly saved person to change the seed (word of God
) into a spiritually living person who has a changed life and serves God'skingdom
. . - The phrase
and the seed should spring and grow up
means: 'This is the result that should happen'. Likewise, true salvationshould
result in a visibly changed life which displays the character of God to the world. - The phrase
he knoweth not how
means: 'The man does not know how a seed is changed into a living plant'. The same is true spiritually. Men understand some of how things work and they have learned to manipulate the results, but they do not understand all that goes on just like people can change the stations on a TV but they do not know everything technical about the TV. Likewise, religious people can manipulate whatThe word of God
tells us about spiritual matters but they can not truly understand how the spiritual works with their natural reasoning (1Corinthians 2:14). Only God'sHoly Spirit
can give us true spiritual understanding.
- The phrase
- C4-S23 : the earth does its part.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. That is: this sentence explains how things are done physically and, symbolically, explains how thenew life
happens spiritually. - The phrase
The earth bringeth forth fruit of herself
means: 'This is whatThe earth
does and me4n are still trying to understand this process. Part of their problem is their denial of the spiritual nature of all life. They are trying to duplicate the creation of life while ignoring the true force of life, which is spiritual. That is, their efforts are like someone trying to create a new type of light bulb which produces light with no source of power. And, most religious people are trying to do the same thing spiritually. They claim that if someone obeys their spiritual rules, then they can have the spiritual results without the power of God'sHoly Spirit
'. - The phrase
first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear
means: 'Physical, and spiritual, life grows in phases'. Many people claim that anyone who has made a profession, or that did their religious act, is a 'Christian'. However, that is a popular lie from a devil and does not match true doctrine fromThe word of God
, nor does it agree with the meaning of this phrase. Our phrase tells us that there phases in growth but religion claims: 'I was instantlyborn again
!!'. Can anyone identify a true form of life that has no gestation period? Please see the Messages called: Spiritual Maturity Levels according to the Bible and Test of Spiritual Maturity for more on this doctrine. The truth, according toThe word of God
, and according to our phrase, is that true spiritual life grows in phases and God wants us to spiritually mature to the point that He can use us anywhere and any way that He wants. Most people who claim to be saved never mature enough to leave their spiritual nursery.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C4-S24 : the man reaps the reward.
- The phrase
when the fruit is brought forth
means: 'When the plant produces true new life'. This is symbolic of a child of God truly leading someone to salvation or causing another child of God to spiritually mature. The wordfruit
is used symbolically for: 'new life'. But,fruit
is not harvested until it is mature. Therefore, this phrase includes the time for the spiritual;fruit
to mature. - The phrase
immediately he putteth in the sickle
means: 'This is the time of harvest'. This is when God adds to the spiritual account of the soul winner and true teacher. - The phrase
because the harvest is come
means: 'This is the reason why'. God adds to someone's spiritual account because He promised to do so.
- The phrase
- C4-S25 :
poses another question. Please see the start of the Chapter Summary for references to the same incident found in other Gospel accounts.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, this parable is to be considered along with the prior parable in order to understandThe kingdom of God
. - The phrase
he said
means: 'Jesus
said this'. This sentence must be understood spiritually with the realization thatJesus
said this. Religion tries to give us the wrong definition forThe kingdom of God
and, thereby, get us to misunderstand whatJesus
is telling us. This sentence is the start of 'The Parable of the Mustard Seed'. It is also found in Matthew 13:31 and Luke 13:18-19. The exact wording is different in each of the Gospel accounts but the message is exactly the same. This shows that God lets His authors express His message in their own words as long as they deliver all of His message and nothing more. - The immediately prior context is another parable on
The kingdom of God
. The greater context of the chapter, and chapter theme, is: 'Produce a profit for your Lord'. We can only do this by obeying God'sHoly Spirit
and letting Him spiritually grow us as He uses our life to build a spiritual profit for God. Religion confusesThe kingdom of God
withThe kingdom of Heaven
. However, they are two different things withThe kingdom of Heaven
being 'The things which belong to (of
) Heaven' and the rest of our sentence telling us howThe kingdom of God
changes us. Thus, this parable is telling us another way that the truly saved and serving will be changed by havingThe kingdom of God
in their heart. - The phrase
Whereunto shall we liken the kingdom of God?
means: 'Following is a picture (liken
) of howThe kingdom of God
changes the life of the truly saved'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C4-S26 says:
or with what comparison shall we compare it?
. Here we read thatJesus
states the question another way. - C4-S27 :
answers His own question by giving another analogy.- The phrase
It is like a grain of mustard seed
means: 'He is comparingThe kingdom of God
to amustard seed
'. - The phrase
which, when it is sown in the earth, is less than all the seeds that be in the earth
means: 'The kingdom of God
, when people first get saved, is very small and even can seem to not exist'. - The word
means the following phrases are continuing the subject of the prior phrases while changing direction. - The phrase
when it is sown
means: 'WhenThe word of God
into the heart of a person by their acceptance ofJesus
as their personalLord
'. - The phrase
it groweth up, and becometh greater than all herbs
means: 'The kingdom of God
grows to become the greatest thing in the saved and serving person's life'. - The phrase
and shooteth out great branches
means: 'Such a person has several great outreach ministries'. - The phrase
so that the fowls of the air may lodge under the shadow of it
means: 'Everyone feels welcome and spiritually protected in their ministry'. Many people make the mistake of claiming that this phrase only, symbolically, refers to devils. But birds like doves do not represent devils. No lost and saved are to feel protected from devils while under the protection of a truly godly ministry.
- The phrase
- C4-S28 :
continued to use this method to teach. Please see the start of the Chapter Summary for references to the same incident found in other Gospel accounts.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, We were told a few of the parables but we are to know that there were many more told byJesus
but not reported in the Gospel accounts. - The phrase
with many such parables spake he the word unto them
means: 'Jesus
continued to use this method but all of His teaching was aboutThe word of God
did not get involved in the latest political discussion nor gossip nor anything else which is a popular subject of social groups. - The phrase
as they were able to hear it
means: 'Jesus
taught what people were able to receive and did not teach things which were beyond their spiritual ability to understand'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C4-S29 :
refused to teach with another method.- The word
means the following phrases are continuing the subject of the prior phrases while changing direction. - The phrase
without a parable spake he not unto them
means: 'Jesus
refused to teach spiritual things which could be understood with natural reasoning'. He wanted the lost and carnal to understand their need for spiritual help from God. - The phrase
and when they were alone, he expounded all things to his disciples
means: 'Jesus
made sure that the saved and serving people understood the spiritual truths'. The same is still true today. If you want to understand more fromThe word of God
, then increase your obedience and service. Some things can only be understood after we experience them. Ask any mother if a virgin girl can truly understand pregnancy and birth while they remain a virgin.
- The word
- C4-S30 :
tests their understanding. Mark 4:35-41 and Luke 8:22-25 tell us about this test. Two similar, but different, incidents are also reported in: Matthew 8:23-27 and Mark 6:45-56.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise,Jesus
had been teaching spiritual lessons. Therefore, He added a test so that the disciples would know how well they learned the main spiritual lesson. - The phrase
The same day
means: 'The test came right after all of the teaching'. More than one preacher has noted that a time of testing almost always follows a time of spiritual victory. A wise saved person pays attention to the spiritual lesson during the time of victory so that he is prepared for the test. God's spiritual test is always related to the prior spiritual lesson. Mark tells us that the test was onThe same day
as what he reported before the test. Luke reports:Now it came to pass on a certain day
because what Luke reports, before this test, is not what Mark reports and what Luke reports, before this test, was on a different day. Please remember that none of the Gospel writers are reporting in a time sequence order. Therefore, even though Mark and Luke report different things before this test, that difference does not constitute a conflict nor is either reporting in error. - The phrase
when the even was come
means: 'This is the time of day when the test started'. It is sunset. They are tired from working all day. They feel good and are ready to relax and let down their guard. - The phrase
he saith unto them, Let us pass over unto the other side
means: 'Jesus
told them what to do'. He did not tell them that this was the start of a test. What He told them to do was not unusual, especially for professional fishermen who lived next to the sea. They had done this many times before.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C4-S31 :
separates the disciples for the test.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, when you drop what is said on either side of the wordand
, you change themessage from God's word. - The phrase
when they had sent away the multitude
means: 'Mark is telling us that they finished the current task before starting the next task'. - The phrase
they took him even as he was in the ship
means: 'Jesus
was tired from teaching all day. However, He got into the ship with them'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C4-S32 says:
And there were also with him other little ships
. We are not told, but it would appear as if those in the other ships did not go through this test. There are times when God tests us but other saved people do not go through the same test. This is due to our personal relationship with God and God having a unique plan for our life. We need certain spiritual lessons that others do not need. - C4-S33 : the test starts.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, We need to remember thatJesus
commanded them to get into the ship and to go across the sea. When someone is going through a test, it is easy to believe that they did some sin or are out of the will of God. However, that was not true for these disciples and it often is not true for other saved and serving children of God. - The phrase
there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship
means: 'This was the test'. - The phrase
so that it was now full
means: 'This is the extent of God's test. Luke tells us:and they were filled with water, and were in jeopardy
'. As often is the case, the differences in the reports between different Gospel accounts adds to our understanding and does not cause a conflict.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C4-S34 : the test is given.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, the two sentences combined tell us the circumstances of the test. - The phrase
he was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow
means: 'Jesus
was not being tested and He was not bothered by the test'. - The phrase
and they awake him
means: 'The disciples reacted correctly by going toJesus
'. We always want to go toJesus
when we have trouble. However, what they said, afterthey awake him
, was wrong. When we go toJesus
, we always want to have the right attitude. - The word
means: 'teacher'. They failed to consider Him as: 'God in human flesh'. The phraseand say unto him, Master
means: 'They not only failed to recognize His true nature, but they also refused to give Him credit for His loving care'. - The phrase
carest thou not that we perish?
means: 'They believed a falsehood because they viewed it from a wrong perspective'. Yes, from the physical perspective, they were going toperish
. From the spiritual perspective, they were going to see God do a miracle. When God puts us through a test, we need to keep the right perspective if we want to pass the test. - They could not
was in the ship. In addition, He was asleep and, therefore, not afraid. He had said:Let us go over unto the other side of the lake
. Therefore, as 'God in human flesh', they should have trusted that they would make it. In addition, He had spent the day teaching that God's disciples need to have faith in God when God put them into a physically impossible situation. However, as most people when put them into a physically impossible situation, they forgot the spiritual lessons. Now, before anyone criticizes them, remember that they did not have the indwellingHoly Spirit
, which we have.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C4-S35 :
stops the test.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, this sentence, and the next sentence, adds the fact thatJesus
ended the test to the prior sentence which told us about the test. Luke 8:24 tells us the same thing as this sentence, and the next sentence, only with slightly different words. Even though Mark and Luke use slightly different words, that difference does not constitute a conflict nor is either reporting in error. The differences increase our understanding. - The phrase
he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still
means: 'Jesus
ended the test. He stopped everything physical which caused them to fear'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C4-S36 says:
And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm
. This sentence is added to the prior sentence and the note above dealt with this sentence also. - C4-S37 : tells us that
questions them about their reaction to the test. After every test we receive an evaluation of our performance. This is not meant to belittle us but is to identify our area of failure so that we can do better on the next test. And, we need to expect another test every time we fail. Our sentence says:And he said unto them, Why are ye so fearful?
In addition, our next sentence says:how is it that ye have no faith?
then, the matching sentence in Luke says:And he said unto them, Where is your faith?
there should be no doubt thatJesus
asked all of these questions trying to get them to evaluate their failure of the test. Their failure to use truefaith
is what allowed them to react infear
did not ask these questions to make them think bad about themselves. He asked these questions so that they would remember and, hopefully, do better on the next test. - C4-S38 says:
how is it that ye have no faith?
. This sentence was dealt with in the note for the prior sentence. - C4-S39 : the disciples wonder at the reaction of
to the test.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, we see here that, after the test, they continued with the ministry. At an unknown time in the future, they would be retested on theirfaith
. - The phrase
they feared exceedingly
means: 'This was their emotional reaction'. - The phrase
and said one to another, What manner of man is this
means: 'They looked to each other for understanding'.Jesus
had just proven that He was more than just an average human being and they wanted comfort from others who had just experienced the same thing that they had experienced. - The phrase
that even the wind and the sea obey him?
means: 'This was the proof thatJesus
was God in human flesh and more than just a man'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
Chapter 5 Summary:
Theme: Our Level of Belief Determines our Level of Blessings.
Please see the Study called Miracles in the Gospels about the second and third account in this chapter. That Table has links to every place in the Gospels where there is a report of Jesus
doing a miracle. Please also see the Study called Significant Gospel Events for where the accounts of this chapter are related to accounts of other Gospels, including the Section called Jesus and Devils. The notes for this account by Matthew compare the three Gospel reports and prove that there are no conflict in spite of the differences. The differences are due to the different perspectives of each Gospel author and give us additional understanding while not being a conflict.
Mark 5:1-20; Matthew 8:28-34 and Luke 8:26-39 tell us about Jesus
freeing the mad man of Gadara from many devils. . (Matthew tells us that there were two men but the second man was less involved in the ministry. Therefore, he was less important, which is why Mark and Luke do not report him. If we want to be important to God then we need to work for God.) Please also see the Miracles in the Gospels; which provides links to all miracles which are reported in the Gospels.
Mark 5:21-43; Matthew 9:18-26 and Luke 8:40-56 tell us about Jesus
raising the daughter of Jairus from the dead. Please see the note for each sentence within this account for contextual requirements and links to related Studies. The sequence of earlier events is straight-forward and do not need a special outline. The note for Luke 8:51 has the time sequence of the events in the last part of this miracle account. The notes for the account by Matthew compare the different Gospel. The differences are due to each Gospel author having a different perspective and the reports and prove that there is no conflict. In addition, those differences give us a better understanding than when we only consider one account.
Mark 5:25-34; Matthew 9:20-22 and Luke 8:43-48 tell us about Jesus
healing a woman with an issue of blood while on the way to heal the daughter of Jairus. The notes for the account by Matthew compare the different Gospel. The differences are due to each Gospel author having a different perspective and the reports and prove that there is no conflict. In addition, those differences give us a better understanding than when we only consider one account.
After the mad man of Gadara was freed from the devils, he wanted to go with Jesus
but was forbidden and old to be a witness where he was. The people who saw Jesus
raise the daughter of Jairus from the dead were told to not tell anyone else. The woman who was healed from an issue of blood was simply told that her faith had made her whole. We do not hear about her telling others and the way that she sneaked up, it is reasonable to believe that she only told a select few friends, which she probably didn't have many of. The ongoing issue of blood would have caused other Jews to avoid her with the thought that she was spiritually tainted as well as having a physical ailment.
In our account from Mark, we are told that Jesus
instructed people about witnessing after these miracles. Matthew does not tell us anything about these instructions and Luke only mentions instructions after the raising of the daughter of Jairus. While the gospel accounts do not make it clear why there was this difference, in what Jesus
told people to do after each miracle, I will speculate. In Gadara, Jesus
had just arrived when He was asked to leave. He never really had a chance to do anything much nor to teach. Therefore, He left a witness in case there was anyone interested in salvation who didn't get a chance to receive it because Jesus
was asked to leave too quickly. However, the people at the house of Jairus were from His home region. Therefore, they had plenty of witness and did not need more in order to make their own decision about believing in Him. In addition, as told in our prior chapter, Jesus
had started preaching in parables because so many, in that area, refused to really believe Him in spite of all of the evidence showing who He was. The main people causing other people to not believe Jesus
were the religious rulers. Therefore, by helping one of the rulers of the synagogue
, Jesus
was causing a division in the ranks of His main religious opposition.
With the woman who had the issue of blood, we are not told that she was instructed to do anything. However, it is doubtful if she was from the same social class as the ruler of the synagogue. In truth, she was probably from the class considered to be public and and sinners
. Since they were the most receptive to the teaching of Jesus
, I believe He let her decide who to tell with the belief that anyone whom she told would probably believe. Therefore, I conclude that the difference in audience, and their reception to God's truth, determined the difference in further testimonies.
In each of these incidents we see people demonstrate true Biblical faith
. Even the mad man had to have true Biblical faith
to overcome the legion of devils possessing him and go meet Jesus
. In each of these cases, we also see others doubting the true faith. In Gadara, the people did not react like the people in Samaria (John 4). In stead of seeking Jesus
and the blessings of God, these people begged Him to leave. With the woman who was healed, the disciples did not know the details but commented how Jesus
asked an unreasonable question when He demanded that the woman confess the truth of her healing. And, the people at the home of Jairus laughed him to scorn
. Thus, we see the pattern of this chapter. The type of witness that Jesus
told people to have was directly related to the type of people that they had to witness to.
Please note, the account given by Mark might lead people to think that the daughter of Jairus was not dead but only appeared to be so. However, Luke 8:55 says: And her spirit came again
. Therefore, since this is the Biblical definition of death, she was actually raised from the dead.
- C5-S1 : Add the account of another group of Jews who rejected
. Please see the start of the Chapter Summary for references to the same incident found in other Gospel accounts.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, this sentence and chapter is added to the prior chapter and the last incident reported there. That incident was a test of the faith of the disciples, which they failed. - The phrase
they came over unto the other side of the sea, into the country of the Gadarenes
tells us where they landed.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C5-S2 :
was met by the mad man.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, our sentence is adding what happened as soon asJesus
arrived in that place. - The phrase
when he was come out of the ship, immediately there met him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit
means: 'This man was possessed by a devil'. Matthew reportsthere met him two possessed with devils, coming out of the tombs, exceeding fierce, so that no man might pass by that way
. Mark and Luke do not report the second man because he was not important to their perspective. Matthew mentions him in order to be legally accurate. - The phrase
Who had his dwelling among the tombs
means: 'This man did not live with other people because of the devils who possessed him'. - The phrase
and no man could bind him, no, not with chains: Because that he had been often bound with fetters and chains, and the chains had been plucked asunder by him, and the fetters broken in pieces
means: 'The devils gave him supernatural abilities'. Therefore, no one could control him and they had to go around him. In addition, I imagine that they could no longer use the graveyard. - The phrase
neither could any man tame him
means: 'Further statement that he could not be controlled'. Hollywood likes to make pictures of religious people controlling devils and casting devils out of possessed people. However, that is a lie. OnlyJesus
has that power and He gives it to only some of His servants who are faithful in their service to Him.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C5-S3 : how the man normally acted.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, Our prior sentence told us what the devils made this man do and our current sentence tells us what He did as a result of being possessed. While the world refuses to recognize the truth, I believe many suicides are the result of the influence of devils. - The phrase
always, night and day, he was in the mountains, and in the tombs, crying, and cutting himself with stones.
means: 'This tells us how the man reacted to being possessed'. Devils entice people by offering them more power than they naturally have. However, fools fail to realize that they are agreeing to be possessed and that they will not like the additional parts of such a condition. Devils lie to people by leaving out part of the truth. What they tell people is true, but only a partial truth. And, a partial truth is always a lie.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C5-S4 : how the man acted when he saw
.- The word
means the following phrases are continuing the subject of the prior phrases while changing direction. - The phrase
when he saw Jesus afar off
means: 'This is what motivated the man to react'. - The phrase
he ran and worshipped him
means: 'This is what the man did'. We see here that the man still had some control over his actions in spite of being possessed. - The phrase
And cried with a loud voice, and said, What have I to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of the most high God?
means: 'This is what the devils did'.
- The word
- C5-S5 Tells us that the devils possessing the man said:
I adjure thee by God, that thou torment me not
.- The phrase
I adjure thee by God
means: 'They were calling on the power and authority of God the father'. The devils knew that they had to do whateverJesus
commanded including going to Hell until the time of thegreat tribulation
. They also knew that God the father was a higher authority thanJesus
. That is why they started their statement with:I adjure thee by God
. They were legally calling on the authority of God the father, WhomJesus
always obeyed. - The phrase
that thou torment me not
is their request to not be sent to Hell. We can not know if they truly had the right to call on the authority of God the father, but we know thatJesus
did not do what they believed He had the authority to do.
- The phrase
- C5-S6 : How
responded.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. That is: this sentence tells us why the devils made the statement found in the prior sentence. - The phrase
he said unto him
means: 'Jesus
said this'. This sentence must be understood spiritually with the realization thatJesus
said this with the power and authority of 'God in human flesh'. The devils had to obeyJesus
because He had authority over them. - The phrase
Come out of the man, thou unclean spirit
means: 'Jesus
was talking to the devils personally and commanding them toCome out of the man
'. Acts 19:13-17 tells us about people trying to command devils when they did not have the true authority to do so. In every report ofJesus
dealing with devils, they had to obey Him. Please see the Section called Jesus and Devils in the Significant Gospel Events Study.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C5-S7 : What
asked the devils.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, this sentence uses pronouns which can only be correctly understood in reference to the prior sentence. - The phrase
he asked him
means: 'Jesus
asked this question'. The devils had to answer because of His authority over them. - The phrase
What is thy name?
means: 'This is important for understanding what follows this sentence'. I know of no other place where we have a report ofJesus
asking this question. However, this incident lets us know that more than one devil can possess a man. Please also see Matthew 12:43-45.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C5-S8 says:
And he answered, saying, My name is Legion: for we are many
. That is, the devils answered using the man's mouth to do so. - C5-S9 : the devils asked to stay in the same country.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, this was an additional request from the devils which was added to their answer toJesus
. - The phrase
he besought him much that he would not send them away out of the country
means: 'The man said the words but the request came from the devils'. They were comfortable in that country and did not want to go where it would be harder to possess people. This is one reason why we should pray for our political leaders. It is better to live in a land where devils are not comfortable than to live in a land where they are comfortable.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C5-S10 : the near-by conditions.
- The word
means: 'After you u8nderstand what came before this sentence'. Understanding what follows is directly dependent upon what came before. - The phrase
there was there nigh unto the mountains a great herd of swine feeding
means: 'The Jews were raising a food animal which they were forbidden to eat'. This tells us that the local Jews ignored the commandments from God, which is why devils were comfortable in their country.
- The word
- C5-S11 : the request from
all the devils
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, this request, from the devils, is based upon the facts reported in the prior sentence. - The phrase
all the devils besought him, saying
means: 'All of the devils who possessed this man made the same request'. - The phrase
Send us into the swine, that we may enter into them
means: 'Devils would rather possess an animal that to not possess anything physical'. Apparently, possession makes it easier for devils to operate in this physical reality.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C5-S12 : the response from
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, this response byJesus
is directly linked to the request by the devils. - The word
means: 'immediately'. The phraseforthwith Jesus gave them leave
means: 'Jesus
allowed their request because He could use it for a physical demonstration of the doctrine which would result from this incident'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C5-S13 :
allowed their request.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, what is reported in this sentence is a direct result of whatJesus
granted in the prior sentence. - The phrase
The unclean spirits went out, and entered into the swine
means: 'This is what the devils did'. - The phrase
and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the sea, and were choked in the sea
means: 'Even the swine had better sense than to be possessed by devils. They preferred death'. - The phrase
(they were about two thousand;)
lets us know that there had to be at least this many devils in the man so that each swine was possessed by least one devil. - The doctrine demonstrated By this miracle is that even swine have better sense than to be possessed. Anyone who messes with a devil proves themselves to be fools. Many people believe that they can control the relationship, but only
can control devils. In addition, people choose leaders who are motivated by, and directed by, devils. They do this because of the promises to fulfill the lusts of the people's lusts. However, what people fail to realize is that there is a lot of evil which accompanies such political leaders. Therefore, the people suffer because they choose to believe the partial truths told to them by lying politicians. In this case, the people had not suffered enough because they askedJesus
to leave their country.Jesus
did as they requested, but He left to formerly possessed man as a witness. Thus, we see that God sends His witnesses into even the most evil countries in order to offer salvation to those who will receive it.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C5-S14 says:
And they that fed the swine fled, and old it in the city, and in the country
. The workers reacted in fear and old everyone so that they would not be blamed. - C5-S15 says
And they went out to see what it was that was done.
this means that all of the people reacted to the report from the swine herdsmen. This report would be considered good gossip. We can know that was what the people were interested in because of their request toJesus
. When we hear something, we need to verify what we are told in order to avoid being deceived.Jesus
was not the problem. The people wanting to continue their sinful lifestyle was the problem. - C5-S16 : the people reacted to the results.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, the reaction of the people, in this sentence, is a direct result ofwhat they went out to see
, as reported in the prior sentence. - The phrase
they come to Jesus
means: 'He was the man they went to see'. No doubt, many were angry, especially the owners of the swine, and they planned to tell Him off. - The phrase
and see him that was possessed with the devil, and had the legion, sitting, and clothed, and in his right mind
means: 'They saw indisputable evidence thatJesus
had more power than all of them combined. This was because He did what no combination of men could do. In addition, they knew that the devils gave the man supernatural power. Therefore, the evidence included the fact thatJesus
was more powerful than the combined might of at least 1,000 devils'. - The phrase
and they were afraid
means: 'This is the natural reaction when people realize that they may have offended someone who could make devils obey Him'. There is enough warning just in the Psalms to make these people careful of what God might do to them.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C5-S17 : personal witnesses testified to others.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, this sentence is a report which was added to what the prior sentence says that they saw. Thus, they could not deny the power thatJesus
displayed. - The phrase
they that saw it told them how it befell to him that was possessed with the devil
means: 'The people heard how the devil possessed man was changed'. - The phrase
and also concerning the swine
means: 'They also heard how the swine committed suicide'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C5-S18 says:
And they began to pray him to depart out of their coasts
. This was their reaction to the evidence and reports of whatJesus
did. They didn't dare offend Him. Yet, they were not willing to give up their sinful lifestyles. Therefore, they asked Him to leave their country. - C5-S19 : the mad man wanted to go with
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, our prior sentence says thatJesus
was asked to leave and the natural reaction of a newly saved person is to want to be withJesus
. - The phrase
when he was come into the ship
means: 'Jesus
was leaving as they had requested'. God does not force His will on anyone. He won't do it even to save someone from an eternity in thelake of fire
. - The phrase
he that had been possessed with the devil prayed him that he might be with him
means: 'The newly saved man wanted to go withJesus
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C5-S20 :
told him to stay and be a witness where he was.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, this sentence is adding a warning to the command in the prior sentence to listen spiritually. The warning is that if we fail to listen spiritually, we will likewise fail to receive spiritual rewards. - The phrase
Howbeit Jesus suffered him not
means: 'Jesus
refused his request'. There are many times that God answers a prayer withNO
. God is not being mean but God has a better plan for us. - The phrase
but saith unto him, Go home to thy friends
means: 'Jesus
told him where to go and who to talk to'. Many more people would be missionaries if all of God's people would obey this way. - The phrase
and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee, and hath had compassion on thee
means: 'Jesus
told him to go be a witness to the lost people around him'. I tell Bible School students that people can argue against your religious doctrine. However, people can argue against your interpretation of scripture. People can not argue about your personal testimony of salvation and of other ways that God worked in your life. Lots of people reject what I tell them about what the Bible says. They can not argue against my testimony of receiving miracles, especially when I also tell them how they can verify my testimony. And, this man had a testimony that no one could dispute.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C5-S21 : the mad man became a testimony for
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. In addition, the wordDecapolis
means: 'Ten (10) cities'. The prior sentence told us whatJesus
commanded and this sentence tells us that this man obeyed to the point of reaching all of the people in Ten (10) cities. - The phrase
he departed, and began to publish in Decapolis how great things Jesus had done for him
means: 'He obeyed and gave his testimony all around'. - The phrase
and all men did marvel
means: 'No one could dispute his testimony. Their reaction showed that they understood that it took the power of God to give him that testimony'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C5-S22 :
returned to His home region. Please see the start of the Chapter Summary for references to the same incident found in other Gospel accounts.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, this sentence is adding a parable to the warning given in the prior sentence. Saved people who have spiritual results from their spiritual gifts will receive greater everlasting rewards. However, people who refuse to produce results will lose even the spiritual gifts which God gave to them. - The phrase
when Jesus was passed over again by ship unto the other side
means: 'Jesus
returned to the area where He lived'. - The phrase
much people gathered unto him: and he was nigh unto the sea
means: 'People were watching and waiting because they were there when the boat landed'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C5-S23 : A desperate father begs for a miracle.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. The prior sentence told us that people were waiting forJesus
to land and this sentence names one of them while also introducing the next report of an incident. - The phrase
behold, there cometh one of the rulers of the synagogue, Jairus by name
means: 'Pay attention because this man was important in society and in the religious community. He was actually part of the class of people who were trying to destroyJesus
'. By helping him,Jesus
would split the forces representing devils and false religious doctrine. - The phrase
and when he saw him, he fell at his feet, And besought him greatly
means: 'This man humbled himself and recognizedJesus
as God in human flesh'. - The phrase
saying, My little daughter lieth at the point of death
means: 'This is why he acted like he did'. Sometimes, God has to make us desperate in order to get us to do what we need to do. - The phrase
I pray thee, come and lay thy hands on her
means: 'This was the action that he askedJesus
to do'. - The phrase
that she may be healed; and she shall live
means: 'This was the results which he expected fromJesus
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C5-S24 : A crowd followed
towards the house of the ruler.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, this sentence is adding a parable onThe kingdom of God
to the warning, in the prior sentence, that we have limited time to bring a spiritual harvest to God. - The phrase
Jesus went with him
means: 'Jesus
went because He intended to fulfill the request ofThe ruler of the synagogue
'. - The phrase
and much people followed him, and thronged him
means: 'There were lots of people following and they were unruly'. The people pushed and shoved each other and even did it toJesus
. at this point, most of the people were not there for His doctrine but to increase their social standing by claiming that they had seenJesus
do some miracle. People criticize methods used to draw crowds. However,Jesus
did it and then preached the truth to them. And, the truth is that these things are Biblical if the purpose is to preach the Gospel to lost people.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C5-S25 : A crowd followed
towards the house of the ruler. Please see the start of the Chapter Summary for references to the same incident found in other Gospel accounts.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. WhileJesus
and everyone were doing one thing, this other incident happened. Therefore, the report of it is added to the report of the first incident. - The phrase
a certain woman, which had an issue of blood twelve years, And had suffered manythings of many physicians
describes the woman and her condition. - The phrase
and had spent all that she had
tells us that she did everything that she could in order to get better. - The phrase
and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse
describes the results that she had. - The phrase
When she had heard of Jesus
means: 'This is what motivated her to act like she did'. - The phrase
came in the press behind, and ouched his garment
describes what she did. - There are other incidents in the Bible where we are told that God let one of His people suffer for years so that
could do a miracle and bring glory to God. Without evidence of the power of God, most people would considerThe word of God
to be: 'just another book'. And, many people claim that is all thatThe word of God
is, in spite of all of the evidence to the contrary. And, unless it is obvious, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the person is in a condition that no human power can get them out of, people refuse to believe that it is God working. And even in those cases, people still refuse to believe. However, one soul is so precious to God that he will allow His people to suffer for years if the evidence of His healing will cause one soul to believe and be saved. Therefore, regardless of the number of doubters, we are to pay attention to those who truly believe and are saved.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C5-S26 : She spoke her faith to herself.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. That is: this sentence tells us her level of belief which caused her to act. - The phrase
For she said
means: 'This wasn't just a passing thought. Her thought was so sincere that she said it, if only to herself'. - The phrase
If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole
means: 'This was her plan of action which was based upon a true and sincere belief'. - Please notice that C5-S32 says:
And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague
. We do not have true Biblicalfaith
until ourbelief
causes us to act. That is what the report of this incident is teaching us.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C5-S27 : the woman was healed.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, this sentence is telling us the immediate result of the prior sentences. - The phrase
straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up
means: 'She was healed'. - The phrase
and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague
means: 'She knew that she was healed'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C5-S28 :
knew all.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, this reaction byJesus
is directly tied to the action of the prior sentence. - The phrase
means: 'This is Who reacted'. Here, He is acting as 'God in human flesh'. Now, think about a preacher doing this in certain cultures such as America. In America, they talk to people in private who want to be saved or lead them in a prayer while no one is looking. There is no public acknowledgement of salvation in spite of Romans 10:10 saying;For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation
. The end result, in America, is that a lot of people doubt their salvation. And, God gets no glory for saving the person. In this report, we see thatJesus
made her publicly confess so that God received the glory. In addition, this demonstrated, to Jairus, thatJesus
could do miracles. And, he would need that level of faith because his daughter would die and he would seeJesus
raise her from the dead. Therefore, the public acknowledgement of God working is critical for many reasons. - The phrase
immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him
means: 'Jesus
knew that He had healed her'.Jesus
acts, like the rest of the sentence tells us, for the reasons just explained. - The phrase
turned him about in the press, and said, Who touched my clothes?
means: 'Jesus
demanded that she publicly acknowledge her healing'. Many times our flesh, and even devils, make us afraid to admit when God does something for us. But that is our sin nature and if we overcome it, our spiritual victory is much greater.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C5-S29 : the disciples didn't understand His question.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, this sentence tells us that the question byJesus
, in the prior sentence, seemed unreasonable. And, often when God does a miracle, there are going to be people who think any report about the miracle is unreasonable. - The phrase
his disciples said unto him
means: 'This is what the disciples said toJesus
in response to His question'. - The phrase
Thou seest the multitude thronging thee
means: 'This is why they thought His question was not reasonable'. - The phrase
and sayest thou, Who touched me?
means: 'This is how they questionedJesus
'. Now, before anyone criticizes them, remember that most of the time,Jesus
was acting like any other human being. Therefore, it is reasonable for them to forget, at times, that He was actually 'God in human flesh'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C5-S30 :
looked at the healed woman.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, our sentence tells us thatJesus
did not bother answering their question, because that was a distraction. In stead, He concentrated on the spiritual need of the moment. - The phrase
he looked round about to see her that had done this thing
means: 'Jesus
let her know that He knew who she was'. He let her know that she knew that she was not hid. He wanted her to publicly confess for her good and for a witness to the others who were there and to give glory to God.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C5-S31 : the woman confessed the truth.
- The word
means the following phrases are continuing the subject of the prior phrases while changing direction. Her feelings were the opposite of the feelings ofJesus
- The phrase
The woman fearing and trembling
means: 'This is how she felt'. She was not sure what would happen to her since she had tried to be sneaky. She knew what she had suffered for years and knew that she had been healed. Her natural sinful flesh made her fear thatJesus
would take away her healing or punish her some other way. But, this type of fear is not from God. And, unless she overcame her fear, she would not have the complete victory. As it was, I believe she had the courage to witness to all of her friends and acquaintances. - The phrase
knowing what was done in her
means: 'She had no doubt that she had received a miracle'. Please see the Table Of Miracles for references to other places where the Gospels tell us about this miracle and other miracles. - The phrase
came and fell down before him, and old him all the truth
means: 'She confessed the truth as was required'. Many people don't receive a promise from God, or don't receive a miracle, simply because they refuse to do what God requires.
- The word
- C5-S32 :
honored her faith.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, this answer fromJesus
is a direct response to the action by the women as reported in the prior sentence. - The phrase
he said unto her, Daughter
means: 'Jesus
addressed her this way, (daughter
), which means that she was not only physically cured but was spiritually saved'. - The phrase
thy faith hath made thee whole
means: 'God responds to true Biblicalfaith
'. - The phrase
go in peace, and be whole of thy plague
means: 'Thepeace
from God is only given to the saved. Thebe whole of thy plague
means complete physical healing'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C5-S33 : the encouragement to give up on faith.
- The phrase
While he yet spake
means: 'This was whileJesus
was speaking to the woman and Satan tried to sneak in discouragement withoutJesus
noticing'. - The phrase
there came from the ruler of the synagogue's house certain which said
means: 'This message came from his own home. Therefore, he would believe it'. And, while it was true, it denied the results of true faith inJesus
. - The phrase
Thy daughter is dead: why troublest thou the Master any further?
means: 'Satan tries to discourage us any way he can, especially just before we receive a spiritual victory from God'.
- The phrase
- C5-S34 : the encouragement to display true Biblical
.- The phrase
As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken
means: 'Jesus
responded immediately'. When the devil tries to discourage us,Jesus
will encourage us if we will listen to Him. - The phrase
he saith unto the ruler of the synagogue
means: 'Jesus
said encouragement to the man who was attacked by a message from a devil'. - The phrase
Be not afraid, only believe
means: 'These are the words of encouragement'. Our natural self fights against this type of command but this is what is required in or5der to get help from God.
- The phrase
- C5-S35 : Elimination of distracting unbelievers.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise,Jesus
added action to His words in the prior sentence. Words, with out accompanying action, are rarely useful. - The phrase
he suffered no man to follow him
means: 'Jesus
restricted the people in attendance to the few with the greatest true Biblicalfaith
'. Doubters can interfere with the work of God. Even when that does not happen, they can be used by devils to claim that the work of God was something else. Therefore, there will be times when we need to restrict who is part of the work of God. - The phrase
save Peter, and James, and John the brother of James
means: 'These three are the inner circle ofJesus
'. They received special privileges because they were closest toJesus
. Likewise, the closer we get toJesus
the more blessing that we can expect to receive from God.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C5-S36 : the presence of more unbelievers.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. This sentence is added to the last two sentences. It tells us whatJesus
found as the result of religion and devils. This occurrence is contrasted to thebelief
told the father to have and which the three (3) disciples had. Thus, the sentences are added together to give us the contrast. - The phrase
he cometh to the house of the ruler of the synagogue
means: 'WhenJesus
, and the father and the three (3) disciples came to the house'. - The phrase
and seeth the tumult, and them that wept and wailed greatly
means: 'This is what they found'. Supposedly, this was part of the culture at that time. Rich people would hire professionals towept and wail greatly
. Their culture, like most cultures of today, was concentrated on the physical reality and they had no real hope for anything good after death. Thus, they regarded death as a tragedy and reacted this way within the culture.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C5-S37 :
questioned the people in the home of Jairus.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, this sentence tells us howJesus
responds to the reported action of the prior sentence. - The phrase
when he was come in, he saith unto them
means: 'This is whenJesus
spoke and to whom and why'. - The phrase
Why make ye this ado, and weep?
means: 'They were acting according to the physical andJesus
was asking them why they did not, rather, view the incident from the spiritual perspective'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C5-S38 says:
The damsel is not dead, but sleepeth
. Here,Jesus
tells them the situation was different from what they believed. This sentence is added to the prior and both need to be considered together because of contextual requirements. In addition, our next sentence tells us the reaction of the people to whatJesus
told them. Again, they had their attitude because they only looked at the physical whileJesus
tried to tell them the spiritual perspective. That is what is meant by the wordsleepeth
, in this sentence. Yes, she was physically dead but not spiritually. Somehow, earlier in her life, she had been saved, which is whyJesus
saidThe damsel is not dead
. - C5-S39 : the people insulted
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, this sentence adds the reaction of the people, especially of the professional mourners, to whatJesus
said in the prior sentence. - The word:
means: 'Extreme contempt; that disdain which springs from a person's opinion of the meanness of an object, and a consciousness or belief of his own superiority or worth. Scorn is strongly related to scoffers. However, where the one is an internal attitude, the other is an outward expression of that attitude'. The phrasethey laughed him to scorn
means: 'They didn't just disagree, and they didn't just speak against whatJesus
said but they claimed thatJesus
was a fool'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C5-S40 :
threw out the unbelievers and helped the believers. Remember that our chapter theme is: 'Our Level of Belief Determines our Level of Blessings'. Thesescorners
were bringing down the level of belief of the audience which was there. Therefore,Jesus
had to get ride of them before He raised up the dead. Now, ascorners
would ask: 'Couldn't He have raised the dead in spite of the scorners being there?'. And the answer is 'He chose to not do so. God acts like He chooses to act and, NO, we do not get to dictate how God chooses to act'. God refuses to act when scorners are present because they refuse to believe no matter what evidence God provides. Therefore, God refuses to satisfy a fool.- The word
means the following sentence is continuing the subject of the prior sentence while changing direction.Jesus
ignored theirscorning
Him andput them all out
. He refused to react in the expected manner. - The phrase
when he had put them all out
means: 'AfterJesus
got rid of the unbelievingscorners
'. This is an important thing to do when we really want to see God do a miracle. We need to get together only with true believers and separate ourselves from unbelievers. - The phrase
he taketh the father and the mother of the damsel
means: 'They believed and truly hoped for a miracle'. - The phrase
and them that were with him
means: 'This is Peter, James and John'. - The phrase
and entereth in where the damsel was lying
means: 'This was where the miracle would happen'.
- The word
- C5-S41 :
commanded the girl to arise.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, the action of this sentence follows the action of the prior sentence. - The phrase
he took the damsel by the hand
means: 'Jesus
physically touched her'. Now, religion claims that the physical touch is required butJesus
did other miracles without even being present. So, be careful about what you believe and verify all religious claims. In this case, I believe thatJesus
did this for the benefit of the parents. - The phrase
and said unto her, Talitha cumi; which is, being interpreted, Damsel, I say unto thee, arise
means: 'Jesus
told the dead girl toarise
'. Obviously, her spirit had to return to her body for this to happen.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C5-S42 : She was completely healed.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, this immediate response shows that this sentence is the direct result of the prior sentence. - The phrase
straightway the damsel arose, and walked
means: 'She immediately proved that she was physically alive again'. - The phrase
for she was of the age of twelve years
shows, as far as I can tell, that this included so that people wouldn't claim that she was a baby or something else as an excuse to deny the resurrection from the dead.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C5-S43 : the people react to the miracle.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, this sentence adds the reaction of the scorners to the evidence of the miracle. - The phrase
they were astonished with a great astonishment
means: 'Everyone who was there reacted this way'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C5-S44 :
gave final commands.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, this sentence adds instructions fromJesus
on how to witness after scorners were proven wrong. - The phrase
he charged them straitly that no man should know it
means: 'This is whatJesus
commanded because of the scorners who were present'. If the parents testified, people could argue about what they believed. However, if they only told of all of the witnesses who saw her dead, and then showed her alive, people could not argue with proven facts. - The phrase
and commanded that something should be given her to eat
means: 'Jesus
told them to take care of her physical needs'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
Chapter 6 Summary:
Theme: Keep Doing the Ministry in Spite of Discouragement.
Please see the Study called Miracles in the Gospels about the miracles recorded in this chapter. Please also see the Study called Significant Gospel Events for where the accounts of this chapter are related to accounts of other Gospels. More than one of the events reported in this chapter are referenced in those two documents.
Mark 6:1-6 and Matthew 13:54-58 tell us about Jesus
teaching near His homeans the people refusing to believe. Their unbelief restricted the works He could do there. In Mark 6:3; Matthew 13:55 and Luke 4:22 they said Is not this the carpenter's son? is not his mother called Mary? and his brethren, James, and Joses, and Simon, and Judas?
Here we see Jesus
rejected by His own family and neighbors who saw Him grow up. 'familiarity breeds contempt'.
Mark 6:4; Matthew 13:54-58 and Luke 4:14-31 and John 4:43-45 all tell about Jesus
teaching in the town where He grew up and the people refused to believe the truth that He told them. Their unbelief restricted the works He could do there. Every one of these Bible references tell us that Jesus
said: No prophet is accepted in his own country
, when people refused to believe His doctrine. These other references may be different (but similar) incidents to this incident. What we really have in these reports is the same truth being taught more than once. This, this is a precept which is true in many applicable circumstances. We see Jesus
react to this by sending the twelve to other towns to preach, heal and cast our devils.
The twelve were commissioned to be sent out as reported in Mark 3:14-19 and Matthew 10:1-4. In those places, we read that Jesus
giving power to The twelve
and sending them out to heal the sick, cast out devils and to preach repentance
. We are told that they were actually sent in: Matthew 10:5-42; Mark 6:7-13 and Luke 9:1-6. In addition, Mark 6:30-31 report them returning and giving their report. 6:30-31 has their report after they returned and is the only place in the Gospel of Mark where they are called apostles
. A similar account is found in the Gospel of Luke in Luke 10:1-24. There, Jesus
sent out seventy.
Mark 6:14-29; Matthew 14:1-12 and Luke 9:7-9 report the beheading of the John the Baptist. Please use the link provided to see the full Study on John the Baptist, including links to notes which deal with every place in the Bible where he is named. Several references in this account mention king Herod
. In these references we see a lowercase king
used for the role of Herod Because the Bible reserves the uppercase King
for Jesus Christ
. In all of these references we see king Herod
. using his power and position in this Earth to do his own will, which was sinful. Herod is contrasted to a Spirit led man, with no earthly power, named Jesus
who did God's will instead of his own will.
In Mark 6:29 and Matthew 14:12 we are told that the disciples of John the Baptist buried his body then went to Jesus
. Some of these may have been the disciples of Jesus
who had been the disciples of John the Baptist before and these may have included some disciples of John the Baptist who now became disciples of Jesus
Mark 6:31-33; Matthew 14:13; Luke 9:19 and John 6:15-21 all tell us that Jesus
tried to take His disciples to a private place to mourn the death of John the Baptist, but the people followed them and refused to give them time to mourn his death.
When the people followed, Jesus...was moved with compassion toward them, because they were as sheep not having a shepherd and he began to teach them manythings
and he healed their sick
. (Mark 6:34; Matthew 14:14 and Luke 9:11.) Please also see the Table Of Miracles for references to other places where the Gospels tell us that Jesus
did many miracles without naming the specifics.
Mark 6:35-44; Matthew 14:15-21 and Luke 9:12-17 and John 6:1-14 report the feeding of five thousand men, beside women and children
with five (5) loaves and two (2) fishes. This event is one of the few accounts that is in all four Gospels. Therefore, it is very important to understand. The details reported by each Gospel writer are slightly different even while they report the same event. Please see the detail notes for each sentence in order to see the places where the various accounts and similar and where they are different. In Mark 8:14-21 and Matthew 16:8-11 Jesus
makes reference to this miracle and asks His disciples How is it that ye do not understand?
Mark 6:45-53; Matthew 14:23-34 and John 6:15-21 report the testing of the disciples after the feeding of five thousand men, beside women and children
. He sent them across the lake without Him and they were in a storm when he came to them walking on the water.
Mark 6:45-53; Matthew 14:23-34 and John 6:15-21 report the testing of the disciples after the feeding of five thousand men, beside women and children
. He sent them across the lake without Him and they were in a storm when he came to them walking on the water.
Mark 6:45-56; Matthew 14:22-36 and John 6:19-21 report Jesus
walking on water. In addition, Matthew 14:28-33 reports Peter also walking on water.
in this chapter we see Jesus
going through a time of discouragement. The people near His home reject His teaching. His closest human friend is murdered because of the ministry. He feeds 5,000 knowing that this will cause people to seek Him for the miracles even while ignoring His teaching. His closest disciples fail their test of faith. And, when He goes to another place the people mob Him for miracles even while ignoring His teaching which could help them to not need the miracles. The general attitude is: 'Let us continue in our life of sin and you keep removing the consequences of our sin'.
One lesson of this chapter is that everyone, including Jesus
, who serves God and deals with sinful people will go through times of deep discouragement during their ministry. The example of Jesus
is that we must 'keep on keeping on' regardless of circumstances. In this chapter we see Jesus
praying, as He also did at other times. I imagine that God the father was giving Him encouragement because both knew that the disciples would fail their test, and yet He had to continue with the ministry given to Him.
- C6-S1 :
, and His disciples, returned home. Please see the start of the Chapter Summary for references to the same incident found in other Gospel accounts.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, this sentence says thatJesus
left the country of the last chapter andcame into his own country
. - The phrase
he went out from thence, and came into his own country
means: 'Jesus
left where He was and went home'. - The phrase
and his disciples follow him
is clear.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C6-S2 : the people were astonished at the demonstrated knowledge and wisdom of
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, the action of this sentence happened in the country of the prior sentence. - The phrase
when the sabbath day was come
means: 'This is the day of His teaching'. - The phrase
he began to teach in the synagogue
means: 'This is the action whichJesus
did'. - The phrase
and many hearing him were astonished
means: 'This is the reaction of His listeners'. - The phrase
saying, From whence hath this man these things?
means: 'This is how the listeners expressed their feelings'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C6-S3 : the people questioned His demonstrated power of God.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, the Jews not only recognized that the power of God was used byJesus
, but that He also displayedwisdom
that could only come from God. - The phrase
what wisdom is this which is given unto him
means: 'Jesus
knew more ofThe word of God
, and how it was interpreted, and how it was to be applied to this life, than anyone else'. In addition, He never went to Bible School. Therefore, according to their religious leaders, He should not have been able to do what he did. - The phrase
that even such mighty works are wrought by his hands?
means: 'They realized the relationship between someone having the wisdom of God and God using them to do miracles'. This was the recognized sign of a prophet and doing more signs than any other prophet was what they were to look for in order to identify God'sChrist
. - Notice that they recognized His
. And, they recognized Hismighty works
. And, they recognized that these things only came throughJesus
and no one else. In addition, they were thinking aboutThe word of God
because they were at the synagogue. Further,The word of God
told them that these were their signs of God'sChrist
. Yet, because of their religious teaching and their own prejudices about someone who grew up around them, they rejected the truth from God. And, people still do the same thing for the same reasons today.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C6-S4 : the people looked at His known physical family. Our sentence says:
Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of James, and Joses, and of Juda, and Simon?
. This means that they were looking at the physical and ignoring the spiritual evidences which they had just acknowledged in the prior sentence. They looked at what He did before He started His ministry. They looked at His family even though the physical family of a preacher do not deter his relationship with God. They emphasized the physical over the spiritual whileThe word of God
tells us to emphasize the spiritual over the physical.
Please also see the note in the Detailed Study, and in the Lord Jesus Christ Study, for more references to this doctrinal error. These people made the same error as the Roman Catholic Church teaches that it is the physical family, and not His spiritual family, that matters. However, in Mark 3:31-35;Jesus
made it clear that the spiritual was what mattered and not the physical. - C6-S5 : they knew His sisters. Our sentence says:
and are not his sisters here with us?
this sentence is an extension of the prior and the doctrine was dealt with in the prior note. - C6-S6 says:
And they were offended at him
. This is their reaction which was based upon their own prejudices and not on the true evidences which they saw and acknowledged. In fact, the true evidences which showed their prejudices to be wrong are what truly caused the offences. The fool says in his heart: 'I know what I believe!! Don't confuse me with the facts'. And, most religious fools end up in Hell. - C6-S7 :
explained their wrong reaction. Please see the start of the Chapter Summary for references to the same incident found in other Gospel accounts.- The word
means the following sentence is continuing the subject of the prior sentence while changing direction.Jesus
provided true Biblicalwisdom
to counter their foolishness. - The phrase
Jesus said unto them
means: 'Jesus
said this'. This sentence must be understood spiritually with the realization thatJesus
said this with the power and authority of 'God in human flesh'. Many fools ignore whatThe word of God
tells them. And, God allows them to do so because God gave each of us a free will. However, we live with the consequences of our decisions and we will face everlasting judgment for those decisions. - The phrase
A prophet is not without honour, but in his own country, and among his own kin, and in his own house
is a precept that applies to more people than justJesus
. It also applies to people today who are doing the job ofa prophet
and telling people whatThe word of God
truly says.
- The word
- C6-S8 : their wrong reaction restricted what
could do.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, the result in this sente3nce is directly tied to their refusal to truly believe, as reported in the prior sentence. - The phrase
he could there do no mighty work
means: 'Their refusal to believe restricted the work of God'. Think about this. Think about how many people truly refuse to believe in God until a disaster and then they ask: 'Where was God? Why didn't He prevent this?'. And, beyond unbelief restricting the work of God, the true question should be: 'Why should God do anything for people who have repeatedly rejected Him?'. - The phrase
save that he laid his hands upon a few sick folk, and healed them
means: 'This is a minor work and, even with that,Jesus
could only do it fora few sick folk
'. We saw the same type of thing whenJesus
drove away almost everyone before He raised the daughter of Jairus from the dead.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C6-S9 : their reaction made
marvel. Our sentence says:And he marvelled because of their unbelief
. After all of the evidence provided, it was amazing that they still refused to believe. - C6-S10 :
continued to do what He could. Our sentence says:And he went round about the villages, teaching
. Even though His ministry was restricted, He still persisted. This is His example for us to follow when discouraged and feeling like we are wasting our time. Please also see the Doctrinal Study called: What Did Jesus Do?. - C6-S11 :
sent the twelve to preach and live by faith. Please see the start of the Chapter Summary for references to the same incident found in other Gospel accounts.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, Our sentence tells us whatJesus
did in response to people refusing to believe. He sent the Gospel into other areas. Please also see the Doctrinal Study called: What Did Jesus Do?. - The phrase
he called unto him the twelve, and began to send them forth by two and two
means: 'When the Gospel is rejected in one area, go to another area'. This is the minimal number of people who could go preaching. Devils get people to try and trap the man of God into a situation where they can lie about him. The second person minimizes those possibilities. - The phrase
and gave them power over unclean spirits
means: 'Notice that the disciples could do miracles and cast out devils before the crucifixion'. - The phrase
And commanded them that they should take nothing for their journey, save a staff only; no scrip, no bread, no money in their purse: But be shod with sandals; and not put on two coats
means: 'This is how they were to preach in the Jewish society of their day'. Just before His crucifixionJesus
changed these rules for going into other societies because the provision for preachers actually depends upon the society that the preacher goes to. The basic Gospel never changes. However, the application has to consider the societal rules where it is preached and the way that a missionary reaches people also can change from one society to another society.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C6-S12 :
told them how to depend for shelter.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, the report of the instructions fromJesus
are added to the report of His sending the disciples. A good leader always instructs people about the expected results when he sends them to do a task. - The phrase
he said unto them
means: 'Jesus
gave the instructions found in this sentence and the next two sentences'. - The phrase
In what place soever ye enter into an house, there abide till ye depart from that place
means: 'Stay in the first place where God has people providing for your physical needs. Don't go looking for better physical accommodations but be a blessing where God sends you'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C6-S13 :
told them how to deal with rejection.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, the prior sentence told them how to deal with acceptance and this sentence tells them how to deal with rejection. - The phrase
whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear you, when ye depart thence, shake off the dust under your feet for a testimony against them
means: 'Do nothing personally about rejection but call on God to deal with those people'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C6-S14 :
told them the consequences of rejection.- The word
means: 'Jesus
verified this statement and you should also verify the truth of it'. - The phrase
I say unto you
means: 'Jesus
said this with the full authority of God in human flesh'. - The phrase
It shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment
means: 'They did not have the writtenword of God
like the Jews had. Therefore, their responsibility for obedience was less'. Likewise, the Jews did not have the written New Testament. Therefore, their responsibility was less than our responsibility. - The phrase
than for that city
means: 'This is whomJesus
is comparingSodom and Gomorrha
- The word
- C6-S15 : the twelve did as commanded. Our sentence says:
And they went out, and preached that men should repent
. - C6-S16 : the twelve experienced the power of God. Our sentence says:
And they cast out many devils, and anointed with oil many that were sick, and healed them
. Remember that they were dealing with Jews and Jews were told to look for these signs in order to verify that someone was a true prophet from God. - C6-S17 : How Herod reacted to the accounts about
. Please see the start of the Chapter Summary for references to the same incident found in other Gospel accounts.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, the reputation reported in this sentence is a direct result of the actions reported in the prior sentences. - The phrase
king Herod heard of him
means: 'The reputation ofJesus
reached the head of the government'. - The phrase
(for his name was spread abroad:)
means: 'This is why'. - The phrase
and he said, that John the Baptist was risen from the dead
means: 'His guilty conscience made him believe this error'. - The phrase
and therefore mighty works do shew forth themselves in him
means: 'John the Baptist did not do these types of miracles but Herod believed his guilty conscience more than the facts'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C6-S18 : Others believed a different error. Our sentence says:
Others said, that it is Elias
. They believed this because their religious traditions said that Elias would return in the role that John the Baptist had (Matthew 11:14; Matthew 17:11-12; Mark 9:12-13). - C6-S19 : Still more believed a third error. Our sentence says:
And others said, that it is a prophet, or as one of the prophets
. They knew the signs but expressed an opinion which they did not bother to verify. This is exactly how we end up with so many doctrinal errors. - C6-S20 : What Herod said.
- The word
means the following sentence is continuing the subject of the prior sentence while changing direction. Herod refused to believe any report that disagreed with his guilty conscience. - The phrase
when Herod heard thereof, he said, It is John, whom I beheaded: he is risen from the dead
means: 'This was what Herod insisted in believing'.
- The word
- C6-S21 : Herod's fear made him adamant.
- The word
means: 'This sentence is explaining the prior sentence'. - The phrase
Herod himself had sent forth and laid hold upon John, and bound him in prison for Herodias' sake
means: 'He did this because of a woman'. - The phrase
his brother Philip's wife: for he had married her
means: 'This is what fulfilling the lust of the flesh will do'.
- The word
- C6-S22 : What John the Baptist said to make them mad.
- The word
means: 'This sentence is explaining the prior sentence'. - The phrase
John had said unto Herod
means: 'John the Baptist publicly rebuked the king for his public sin'. - The phrase
It is not lawful for thee to have thy brother's wife
means: 'This was his public sin'.
- The word
- C6-S23 : the reaction of Herod and the woman.
- The phrase
Therefore Herodias had a quarrel against him, and would have killed him; but she could not
means: 'The woman plotted the murder and did not care that John was a prophet of God'. - The phrase
For Herod feared John, knowing that he was a just man and an holy
means: 'The king had better sense but let his lust rule him'. - The phrase
and observed him; and when he heard him, he did manythings, and heard him gladly
means: 'The king wanted truth but was not willing to obey'. He was like most religious people throughout history.
- The phrase
- C6-S24 : how the problem happened.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, this sentence tells why Herod went against his better judgment, which the prior sentence told us about. - The phrase
when a convenient day was come, that Herod on his birthday made a supper to his lords, high captains, and chief estates of Galilee
means: 'This was the occasion'. - The phrase
And when the daughter of the said Herodias came in, and danced, and pleased Herod and them that sat with him
means: 'There should be no doubt that they were all drunk and that she danced a sexy dance like her mother taught her to do'. - The phrase
The king said unto the damsel, Ask of me whatsoever thou wilt, and I will give it thee
means: 'This was his vow'. He would not have remained as king if he was normally this stupid. There should be no doubt that this is the result of being drunk. And, this should be a warning to everyone else about getting drunk.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C6-S25 : the error.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, this sentence adds more detail to the prior sentence. - The phrase
he sware unto her, Whatsoever thou shalt ask of me, I will give it thee, unto the half of my kingdom
means: 'This is how foolish he was'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C6-S26 : the girl asked her mother for advice.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, this is how the girl responded to the vow in the prior two sentences. Our sentence says:And she went forth, and said unto her mother, What shall I ask?
. This shows us that the mother planned all of this.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C6-S27 : the mother sought vengeance. Our sentence says:
And she said, the head of John the Baptist
. - C6-S28 : the girl obeyed her mother.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, the prior sentence told us that the daughter asker her mother what reward she should ask from the king. This sentence adds that she asked for what her mother wanted, which was John the Baptist beheaded. - The phrase
she came in straightway with haste unto the king, and asked, saying
means: 'she did what her mother commanded'. - The phrase
I will that thou give me by and by in a charger the head of John the Baptist
means: 'This was what the mother demanded'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C6-S29 : the follow-up on the error.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, this reaction is a direct result of the prior sentence. - The phrase
And the king was exceeding sorry
means: 'Sorrow is not sufficient to get people to act right'. - The phrase
yet for his oath's sake, and for their sakes which sat with him, he would not reject her
means: 'He chose to do wrong because of his prior foolish oath'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C6-S30 : the short-term results.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, the action of this sentence is a direct result of the request which is reported in the prior sentences. - The phrase
immediately the king sent an executioner, and commanded his head to be brought
means: 'Herod gave the command'. - The phrase
and he went and beheaded him in the prison, And brought his head in a charger
means: 'John the Baptist beheaded'. - The phrase
and gave it to the damsel
means: 'his head brought to the girl'. - The phrase
and the damsel gave it to her mother
means: 'The girl gave it to her mother'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C6-S31 : the reaction by the disciples of John. Please see the start of the Chapter Summary for references to the same incident found in other Gospel accounts.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, the reaction of this sentence is added to the action of the prior sentence. - The phrase
when his disciples heard of it
means: 'Word spread through the servants of the palace'. - The phrase
they came and took up his corpse, and laid it in a tomb
means: 'The executioner threw John's corpse on the trash heap for wild animals to maul and eat. John's disciples showed proper respect for his body'. This would include disciples who left John forJesus
and who were out preaching and doing miracles.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C6-S32 : the twelve report back to
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, the action of this sentence followed the action of the prior sentence. - The phrase
The apostles gathered themselves together unto Jesus, and old him all things, both what they had done, and what they had taught
means: 'They reported back toJesus
and that report would have included their burial of the body of John the Baptist'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C6-S33 :
takes them apart for a rest.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, the response of this sentence is directly tied to the report of the prior sentence. - The phrase
he said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while
means: 'Jesus
said that they needed a break from the ministry torest a while
'. - The phrase
for there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat
means: 'This is why they needed a rest'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C6-S34 says:
And they departed into a desert place by ship privately
. Notice that they tried to hide their action from the general public. - C6-S35 : the people refused to let them have a rest. Our sentence says:
And the people saw them departing, and many knew him, and ran afoot thither out of all cities, and outwent them, and came together unto him
. Imagine living with people who are so selfish that they won't even give you time to morn the murder of your best friend in this world. - C6-S36 : How
reacted. Please see the start of the Chapter Summary for references to the same incident found in other Gospel accounts.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, this reaction byJesus
is directly tied to the selfish action of the people in the prior sentence. - The phrase
Jesus, when he came out, saw much people, and was moved with compassion toward them
means: 'How and whyJesus
reacted like He did'. - The phrase
because they were as sheep not having a shepherd
means: 'He saw their spiritual need and gave it a higher priority than their selfish action and higher than the need of Him and His disciples for a time to rest'. - The phrase
and he began to teach them manythings
means: 'Their true spiritual need wasThe word of God
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C6-S37 : how the twelve reacted. Please see the start of the Chapter Summary for references to the same incident found in other Gospel accounts.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, this reaction by the disciples is added to the reaction byJesus
. - The phrase
when the day was now far spent
means: 'This is when they reacted'. - The phrase
his disciples came unto him, and said, this is a desert place, and now the time is far passed
means: 'This is their reasoning'. - The phrase
Send them away, that they may go into the country round about, and into the villages, and buy themselves bread: for they have nothing to eat
means: 'This is their suggested solution to the problem'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C6-S38 : the response from
. Our sentence says:He answered and said unto them, Give ye them to eat
. - C6-S39 : their response to the demand by
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, this answer from the disciples is a response to the command fromJesus
in the prior sentence. - The phrase
they say unto him, Shall we go and buy two hundred pennyworth of bread, and give them to eat?
means: 'They were saying that it would take the average daily worker's wage, for 200 days, in order to buy enough bread to feed the people who were there'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C6-S40 says:
He saith unto them, How many loaves have ye?
. This means thatJesus
asks them what they have to work with. The note at the start of the Chapter Summary gives the references to the other Gospel accounts where we read about the feeding offive thousand men, beside women and children
with five (5) loaves and two (2) fishes. The notes for the account by Matthew compare the various reports and tell how they all fit together without any conflict. What Mark does not tell us, but other Gospel accounts do, is that Andrew found, and brought, a little boy who had the only food. Our second next sentence describes his lunch. As of this sentence,Jesus
knew that they had food but not how much. And, the other Gospel accounts tell us that He knew this because Andrew had reported finding a boy with a little lunch but, apparently,Jesus
was not told what it contained. Thus, we read the question of this sentence and the command of the next sentence. - C6-S41 says:
go and see
. This means thatJesus
told them to verify their answer. - C6-S42 : the twelve report their answer.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, this sentence adds the answer to the command of the prior sentence. - The phrase
when they knew, they say, Five, and two fishes
means: 'This is what was available forJesus
to work with'. I believe that this incident is, or could be, the basis of the song which claims: 'Little is much when God is in it'.Jesus
didn't need much, as proven By this incident. I seriously doubt if God needs to work through men, but He chooses to do so. Therefore, we need to take our little, admit that it is not sufficient in the physical reality, and then pray for God to do a miracle. That is what we see happen in this incident.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C6-S43 :
commands the people.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, this command, and resulting action, were added to the basis of the miracle being provided. - The phrase
he commanded them to make all sit down by companies upon the green grass
means: 'Jesus
commanded that things be done orderly'. God always wants things to be done orderly.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C6-S44 : how they were to sit.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, the obedience of this sentence is added to the command of the prior sentence. - The phrase
they sat down in ranks, by hundreds, and by fifties
means: 'This is the order that they sat in'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C6-S45 :
prepares for the miracle.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, the prior sentence told us that people obeyedJesus
and this sentence adds that He did a miracle to meet their need. The disobedient have no right to expect miracles from God. - The phrase
when he had taken the five loaves and the two fishes
means: 'Jesus
took what was provided so that was no doubt what He was thanking God the father for providing'. - The phrase
he looked up to heaven, and blessed
means: 'Jesus
thanked God the father first as an example for us to follow'. Please also see the Doctrinal Study called: What Did Jesus Do?. - The phrase
and brake the loaves, and gave them to his disciples to set before them; and the two fishes divided he among them all
means: 'The disciples walked away with a little piece each and the food was multiplied as it was passed out'. All throughout the Bible, we see God demand obedience in an impossible situation, such as this, before God does the miracle. Think about the Jews crossing the Jordan River on dry ground. The priests carrying the Ark had to step as if they were stepping into the water before it receded.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C6-S46 says:
And they did all eat, and were filled
. God met their need only after obedience in true faith. - C6-S47 : the residue was collected.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, this result was added to the rest of the miracle. Someone said: imagine the mother sending her high-energy son to spend the day withJesus
so that she could have a little peace. Then, he was late coming home, and she started worrying about what he got into that held him up. Finally, he comes in and says: 'Mom! Look at whatJesus
did!'. And, behind him come twelve men carrying fragments of food. She, and her neighbors, probably ate for a week while the boy went around telling everyone whatJesus
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C6-S48 says:
And they that did eat of the loaves were about five thousand men
. In addition to having all of that left over, there wereabout five thousand men
. However, when you consider the normal balance between men, women and children, in most large religious gatherings, there were probably up to fifteen thousand (15,000) people total who were fed. Think about God feeding the Jews with Manna in the wilderness. - C6-S49 :
starts the test of the disciples. Please see the start of the Chapter Summary for references to the same incident found in other Gospel accounts.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, this test from God immediately follows a great victory offaith
. - The word
is defined as: 'compel with irresistible force. (2Kings 4:8)'. Therefore, what happens next is becauseJesus
forced them into the circumstance. They were obeying and willing to serve in spite of not getting a rest to mourn the death of John the Baptist. They were doing everything right and the following happened to the disciples. - The phrase
straightway he constrained his disciples to get into the ship, and to go to the other side before unto Bethsaida
means: 'Jesus
forced them to do this'. - The phrase
while he sent away the people
means: 'They didn't even get to finish up for the day becauseJesus
took care of that'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C6-S50 says:
And when he had sent them away, he departed into a mountain to pray
prayed for them and their test. Likewise, we can rely on Him looking out for us as we go through a test from God. - C6-S51 says:
And when even was come, the ship was in the midst of the sea, and he alone on the land
means: 'They started out during the day and everything looked pleasant. They probably watched the sun set and were half way across when it set'. - C6-S52 :
observed them in their test.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, while they were going into a test,Jesus
was watching and praying. - The phrase
he saw them toiling in rowing
means: 'Jesus
saw this in spite of the distance, the dark and the storm'. This was a miracle. - The phrase
for the wind was contrary unto them
means: 'Here's why the disciples were toiling in rowing'. - The phrase
and about the fourth watch of the night he cometh unto them
means: 'Reportedly, 3AM when they started before 6PM the prior night'. - The phrase
walking upon the sea, and would have passed by them
means: 'The lesson is to look for God in the midst of any storm of our life'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C6-S53 : the disciples reacted when they saw
.- The word
means the following sentence is continuing the subject of the prior sentence while changing direction. That is:Jesus would have passed by them
but they saw him walking upon the sea
. - The phrase
when they saw him walking upon the sea
means: 'This is the time of their reaction'. - The phrase
they supposed it had been a spirit, and cried out
means: 'This was their reaction'. - The phrase
For they all saw him, and were troubled
means: 'This is why they reacted like they did'.
- The word
- C6-S54 :
calmed their fears.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, comfort fromJesus
is added immediately during a test when we see Him. - The phrase
immediately he talked with them, and saith unto them
means: 'Jesus
immediately dealt with their very real fear'. God always helps His children when they have real fears. - The phrase
Be of good cheer: it is I; be not afraid
means: 'This is how He gave them comfort'. That is: we need to listen to the voice ofJesus
during our trials if we want comfort. - The phrase
Be of good cheer: it is I; be not afraid
means: 'This was the message fromJesus
'. He lets us know that He is there during our trials.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C6-S55 : the results of the presence of
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise,Jesus
added His presence to the words of comfort. - The phrase
he went up unto them into the ship
means: 'Jesus
got into their place of testing with them'. Notice that the storm did not cease until after this happened. - The phrase
and the wind ceased
means: 'Jesus
made the storm stop'. Other Gospel accounts tell us more about what happened, but Mark not mentioning those details does not constitute a conflict. - The phrase
and they were sore amazed in themselves beyond measure, and wondered
means: 'They reacted, this way, at the miracle because they were concentrating on the physical circumstances and not looking for spiritual intervention from God'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C6-S56 says:
For they considered not the miracle of the loaves: for their heart was hardened
. This is how the disciples failed the test. They had just seenJesus
do a miracle and prove that He could provide. He proved that He was not limited by the rules of this physical world. However,their heart was hardened
because they did not consider the evidence that God gave to them. They went about serving God without thought about what God showed them and what it meant for God working in their lives. And, unfortunately, the same happens to many saved people who serve God. - C6-S57 : the end of the test.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, after they failed their test and were corrected, God had them move on to the next event of their lives. - The phrase
when they had passed over, they came into the land of Gennesaret, and drew to the shore
means: 'They came to shore on the same side of the sea as where they lived but further along the shore to be in the next area of government'. That is: they did not go home.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C6-S58 : the people on shore react to the presence of
. Please see the start of the Chapter Summary for references to the same incident found in other Gospel accounts.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, the reaction of the people happened as soon asJesus
landed. - The phrase
when they were come out of the ship, straightway they knew him, And ran through that whole region round about, and began to carry about in beds those that were sick, where they heard he was
means: 'People brought those needing a miracle of healing but, as we read earlier, they refused the teaching that would change their lives and save their souls'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C6-S59 :
healed all who sought healing.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, we read that the same thing happened everywhere thatJesus
went. - The phrase
whithersoever he entered, into villages, or cities, or country, they laid the sick in the streets, and besought him that they might touch if it were but the border of his garment
means: 'Everybody came to Him for healing'. - The phrase
and as many as touched him were made whole
means: 'they all received physical healing'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
Chapter 7 Summary:
Theme: Searching for Rest While in the Ministry.
Please see the Study called Miracles in the Gospels about the miracles recorded in this chapter. Please also see the Study called Significant Gospel Events for where the accounts of this chapter are related to accounts of other Gospels. Please also see the Table of Parables in the New Testament for links to where parables in this chapter are related to parables in the other Gospels.
Matthew 15 tells us pretty much the same as Mark tells us in this chapter. However, the end of Matthew 15 matches the start of the next chapter in Mark.
Mark 7:1-16 and Matthew 15:1-11 tell us about scribes and Pharisees
coming to Jesus
and His disciples to pick a doctrinal fight. Mark 7:1-5 and Matthew 15:1-2 have the accusation from the scribes and Pharisees
, which was that the disciples failed to wash their hands before eating and that the failure made the disciples spiritually defiled. The doctrinal correction from Jesus
is in Mark 7:1-16 and Matthew 15:3-11.
Mark 7:14-23 and Matthew 15:10-20 tell us how Jesus
explained true spiritual defilement.
Mark 7:17 and tells us that, when they were private, the disciples asked Jesus
to give them understanding of the things which He said to The Pharisees, and certain of the scribes
Mark 7:18-23 give us the explanation from Jesus
Mark 7:24-30 and Matthew 15:21-30 tell us that Jesus
went to another place and tried to hide but could not hide. In stead He cast out a devil plaguing the daughter of a Syrophenician
. Then He went to Decapolis where He healed a deaf man. Please also see section called Jesus and Devils in the Doctrinal Study called Significant Gospel Events for similar references within the Gospels.
Mark 7:31-37 tells us that Jesus
healed a man that was deaf and dumb. This was the same general area where He cast the devils out of 'The Mad Man of Gadara'. Here we see the effect of that changed man in the changed reception that Jesus
received in this area.
What we see throughout this chapter is that Jesus
was searching for rest while He was in the ministry. However, He found no rest but kept finding more people who needed help. Basically, God's ministers can expect to rest after they get to Heaven. When they find rest in this life, they need to thank God for it.
Now, the theme of this chapter might seem strange in you don't consider the context. In the prior chapter, Jesus
heard that John the Baptist was murdered. So, He tried to get some time alone, with His disciples, to mourn the death. Several of His disciples had been disciples of John the Baptist before becoming disciples of Jesus
. Therefore, the disciples also wanted to mourn the death of John the Baptist.
Before the murder of John the Baptist, Jesus
. had sent His disciples out to preach and do miracles in the villages and owns. When the disciples heard about the beheading of John the Baptist, they went and buried his body then returned to Jesus
and old Him. That was the start of the prior chapter when Jesus
and His disciples tried to take some time alone to mourn, as our prior chapter told us.
Our prior chapter also told us that Jesus
and His disciples were chased to a desert place
which they reached by ship privately
, which should have prevented their being followed. Jesus
ministered to the people who chased them and then tried, once more, to get some private time, but He was mobbed in the new place where they went. That is the starting of our current chapter. Not only does He have selfish worldly people demanding that He take care of their fleshly desires while they refuse to accept His teaching, but not He also is attacked, doctrinally, by the religious leaders. Then, when Jesus
and His disciples were alone, they asked Him to explain His teaching. He had to be discouraged by their lack of learning how to understand things spiritually. After that, Jesus
and His disciples went to the borders of the Jewish area to try and be alone, but he could not be hid
. In stead, He cast out a devil hat was in the daughter of a Greek (woman), a Syrophenician by nation
. Finally, giving up on finding rest, He returned to His area of ministry where He healed a man that was deaf.
With all of these continuous interruptions to Jesus
trying to find rest, I hope the reader can now understand why this chapter has the theme that it does.
- C7-S1 : the Pharisees and scribes came to pick a doctrinal fight. Please see the start of the Chapter Summary for references to the same incident found in other Gospel accounts.
- The word
means: 'After the events of the prior sentence and chapter'.Jesus
and His disciples had tried to go thea desert place
to be alone and rest and morn the murder of John the Baptist. But the people would not leave them alone. So they returned homeans were ministering to people who wanted the miracles even while rejecting the doctrine whichJesus
taught. Now, Satan is adding to the discouragement by sending his religious leaders to start a doctrinal fight which was based upon their additions to God's law. - The phrase
Then came together unto him the Pharisees
means: 'These were self-appointed religious leaders'. God did not give them any position. Yet, they insisted that everyone had to follow their religious doctrine. - The phrase
and certain of the scribes
means: 'These people had a God given position to teach what God's law actually said. In stead, they focused on the religious additions to God's law'. - The phrase
which came from Jerusalem
means: 'BoThe of these groups had the official backing of the top religious leaders'.
- The word
- C7-S2 : they found the excuse to start their doctrinal fight.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, the prior sentence told us that these religious leaders came looking for an excuse to start a doctrinal fight and the current sentence adds the basis that they used for their fight. - The phrase
when they saw some of his disciples eat bread
means: 'This is what they saw'. They had no problem with this much but with what comes next in our sentence. - The phrase
with defiled, that is to say, with unwashen, hands
means: 'They were perverting theword of God
by using a religious definition for the worddefile
, which directly contradicts the truth fromword of God
'. However, many 'good, godly, fundamental, Bible believing, Baptists' do the same thing. The true Biblical definition of a word, found in theword of God
, is only determined by looking at every usage, in theword of God
, and seeing what is the same in every place. In stead, many 'good, godly, fundamental, Bible believing, Baptists' look at a man-written dictionary which gives many applications of the word and declares them to be many definitions. And, as in most doctrinal errors from religion, the religious looked at the application in this physical reality for what they knew was a spiritual concept.Jesus
gives us the true doctrine in Mark 7:1-16 and Matthew 15:3-11. There we read that truedefilement
is based upon what comes out of a man from his spirit. - The phrase
they found fault
means: 'They condemned the innocent'. Romans 14:4 says:Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand
. This is another error which is common among religious people. They insist upon taking a position which God has reserved for Himself and believe that God will never condemn them for doing so.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C7-S3 : the religious practice of the Jews. The first part of our sentence says what they do and the last phrase explains why. Notice that this doctrine is not based upon
The word of God
but is based uponThe tradition of the elders
.- The word
means: 'This sentence is explaining the prior sentence'. - The phrase
The Pharisees
means: 'There are the self-proclaimed religious experts among the Jews'. - The phrase
and all the Jews
means: 'all the Jews obeyed the religious rules which came from the Pharisees'. - The phrase
except they wash their hands oft, eat not
means: 'This was their religious rule'. - The phrase
holding the tradition of the elders
means: 'This was the basis of their rule'.
- The word
- C7-S4 says:
And when they come from the market, except they wash, they eat not
. This is a second religious practice. - C7-S5 : Further religious practices.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, this sentence is added to the two prior sentences. - The phrase
many other things there be
means: 'There were far more religious rules beyond those mentioned here'. - The phrase
which they have received to hold
means: 'The Jews were told that their religion required them to always do these things without exception for any reason'. - The phrase
as the washing of cups, and pots, brasen vessels, and of tables
means: 'These are examples of the additional rules'. Notice that while these rules are good for health in this physical world, they do not affect the spiritual. In order for something that we do in the physical world to affect the spiritual, it must fulfill a requirement of God to receive a promise of it must violate a true law of God. These religious leaders equatedThe tradition of the elders
toThe word of God
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C7-S6 : they ask their question to start the fight.
- The word
means: 'Afar the actions reported in the prior sentences'. - The phrase
The Pharisees and scribes asked him
means: 'The religious leaders who were there questionedJesus
'. - The phrase
Why walk not thy disciples according to the tradition of the elders
means: 'This is what they asked'. This question is true and valid. - The phrase
but eat bread with unwashen hands?
means: 'This is what the disciples did'. - Mark does not, directly, report their doctrinal error, but the context makes it clear. They equated
The tradition of the elders
toThe word of God
, and that is doctrinal error.
- The word
- C7-S7 :
quotes scripture to start His answer.- The phrase
He answered and said unto them
means: 'This is the answer fromJesus
'. - The phrase
Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written,
means: 'Jesus
is giving them a reference to scripture'. This sentence, and the next sentence, paraphrase Isaiah 29:13. - The phrase
This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me
means: 'This is what God said before He brought the punishment of seventy years in Babylon'.
- The phrase
- C7-S8 : Further quote of scripture. This sentence, and the prior sentence, paraphrase Isaiah 29:13
- The phrase
Howbeit in vain do they worship me
means: 'Their worship was all an outward show and not from the heart'. - The phrase
teaching for doctrines the commandments of men
means: 'Instead of teaching whatThe word of God
truly said, they taughtThe commandments of men
- The phrase
- C7-S9 : the condemnation from
.- The word
means: 'This sentence is explaining the prior sentence'. - The
- The phrase
laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men
means: 'This was their religious traditions which they taught instead ofThe commandment of God
'. - The phrase
as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do
means: 'This was their religious actions which they taught instead of obeyingThe commandment of God
- The word
- C7-S10 : Why they
lay aside the commandment of God
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise,Jesus
added this sentence to the prior sentences and none of them can be ignored. - The phrase
And he said unto them
means: 'Jesus
said this as an addition to the prior sentences'. - The phrase
Full well ye reject the commandment of God
means: 'Their actions proved that they did this'. - The phrase
that ye may keep your own tradition
means: 'They were doing this because they really believed that their religious opinions, and traditions, were more authoritative thanThe word of God
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C7-S11 : how they
lay aside the commandment of God
.- The word
means: 'This sentence is explaining the prior sentence'. - The phrase
Moses said, Honour thy father and thy mother; and, Whoso curseth father or mother, let him die the death
means: 'Jesus
is quoting the Mosaic Law'. Please see the note in the Detailed Study for the Bible references. - The phrase
But ye say, If a man shall say to his father or mother, It is Corban, that is to say, a gift
means: 'The religious leaders claimed that if someone promised to give to the Temple what their parents had saved to support them in their old age, the children could kick out their parents and refuse to provide for them'. In the Jewish culture, of those days, the parents would divide all of their goods between their children before they died. As a result, there was no arguments over inheritance after the parents died. And, the parents would divide their goods into one more segment than they had children. Each child would receive a portion and the extra portion was to be used to support the parents in their old age. However, the religious leaders told the Jews that they could take what was to support the parents, promise it to the Temple when they died, use that portion for themselves, and put their parents into the street to beg or starve. - The phrase
by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me
means: 'They claimed that their duty to their parents was aprofit
'. - The phrase
he shall be free
means: 'The religious leaders claimed that the children no longer had to provide for their parents'. - Now, religious people of today still pervert the truth of
The word of God
. Preachers claim that this was all about the money and use that to justify claiming that they should have a salary which is double the average church member. However, the wordhonour
means: 'publicly recognize what the other person has done for you'. People who listened to the religious leaders refused to recognize that the parents had provided the money for their own old age. They also refused to recognize all that the parents did for them before they became adults. They also refused to recognize how the parents trained the children to do things to make a living in this world. They also refused to recognize all that the parents did to help the children when they first started working and when they messed up and needed help after becoming adults. And, finally, they failed to recognize how their attitude and actions would be judged by God.
- The word
- C7-S12 : they destroy the effect of God.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise,Jesus
is adding another judgment to their doctrine of the prior sentence. - The phrase
ye suffer him no more to do ought for his father or his mother
means: 'Many people would know that the prior practice was wrong. Therefore, the religious leaders got powerful and selfish people to help them enforce their rule (ye suffer him no more
)'. - The phrase
Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition
means: 'They made it so thatThe word of God
could not change peoples' hearts and lives (of none effect
)'. - The phrase
which ye have delivered
means: 'They claimed that their religious lies were whatThe word of God
actually commanded'. - The phrase
and many such like things do ye
means: 'They taught other religious lies the same way'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C7-S13 :
publicly corrects the doctrine fromThe Pharisees, and certain of the scribes
. The Table of Parables in the New Testament for this, and other, parables.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, this sentence tells us whatJesus
said to the general Jew in addition to what He told the religious leaders in the prior sentence. - The phrase
when he had called all the people unto him
means: 'Jesus
publicly corrected the doctrinal error from the religious leaders'. - The phrase
he said unto them, Hearken unto me every one of you, and understand
means: 'Pay close atte4ntion so that you will understand the truth'. - The phrase
There is nothing from without a man, that entering into him can defile him
means: 'What you physically eat can not spirituallydefile
you. Even if someone forces something into you physically, it can not spirituallydefile
you'. - The phrase
but the things which come out of him, those are they that defile the man
means: 'What comes from inside your ownheart
areThe things which come out of you
and those are the things which candefile you
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C7-S14 says:
If any man have ears to hear, let him hear
. This means: 'If you can hear spiritual truth then listen to the prior sentences spiritually'. Please see the note for this sentence in the Detailed Study for other Bible references to this doctrine. - C7-S15 : the disciples asked for clarification when in private.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, WhenJesus
finished talking to others, He and His disciples entered the house and that was when they asked this question in private. - The phrase
when he was entered into the house from the people
means: 'The disciples waited until they were in private'. - The phrase
his disciples asked him concerning the parable
means: 'They asked for spiritual understanding'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C7-S16 :
finds their question to be incredible.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise,Jesus
asked this question because of their request in the prior sentence. - The phrase
he saith unto them
means: 'Jesus
asked this question'. - The phrase
Are ye so without understanding also?
means: 'Jesus
expected His disciples to start being able to understand spiritual truths'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C7-S17 : Something entering physically can not cause spiritual defilement.
- The word
means: 'come to understand'. The phraseDo ye not perceive
means: 'Have you not yet learned how to understand spiritual truths?'. - The phrase
that whatsoever thing from without entereth into the man, it cannot defile him
means: 'This is the spiritual truth / precept'. When we truly understand spiritual precepts, we can use them to deal with religious arguments which are based upon error. Anything which goes against a spiritual precept, fromThe word of God
, is wrong. - The phrase
Because it entereth not into his heart, but into the belly
means: 'What we eat does not go into ourheart
'. From thebelly
it can affect us physically but can not change our attitude and, therefore, can not affect us spiritually. - The phrase
and goeth out into the draught, purging all meats?
means: 'What your body does not use gets passed out of the body. It does not have a permanent effect upon our soul'.
- The word
- C7-S18 : What
cometh out
reveals theheart
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise,Jesus
added clarification, of the prior sentence, in this sentence and the next sentence. - The phrase
he said, that which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man
means: 'What comes out of us reveals ourheart
. When we reveal internal corruption, that is whatdefiles
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C7-S19 : Examples of internal corruption which causes
. The Table of Parables in the New Testament for this, and other, parables.- The word
means: 'This sentence is explaining the prior sentence'. - The phrase
from within, out of the heart of men
means: 'This is the true source of what comes out of us'. - The phrase
proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness
means: 'These are the types of sins which defile us'. - The phrase
All these evil things come from within, and defile the man
means: 'This is the spiritual results of the prior mentioned sins'.
- The word
- C7-S20 :
tried to hide.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, After the doctrinal fight with the religious leaders, and with people failing to understand spiritual truths,Jesus
tried to take a break and get a rest. - The phrase
from thence he arose, and went into the borders of Tyre and Sidon
means: 'This is whereJesus
went for a rest'. - The phrase
and entered into an house, and would have no man know it
means: 'This is what he tried to do'. - The phrase
but he could not be hid
means: 'This was the result that God-caused to happen'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C7-S21 :
could not ignore a spiritual need.- The word
means: 'This sentence is explaining the prior sentence'. - The phrase
a certain woman, whose young daughter had an unclean spirit, heard of him
means: 'This is who soughtJesus
and what motivated her to seek Him'. - The phrase
and came and fell at his feet
means: 'She started out by humbling herself'. She had as proper attitude as opposed to all of the Jews whomJesus
was seeking a break from. - The phrase
The woman was a Greek, a Syrophenician by nation
means: 'She was not a Jew and, according to society in general, had a better citizenship than any Jew includingJesus
'. - The phrase
and she besought him that he would cast forth the devil out of her daughter
means: 'She was seeking what only the Son of God could do'.
- The word
- C7-S22 :
refused her at first.- The word
means the following sentence is continuing the subject of the prior sentence while changing direction. That is:Jesus
refused her request. - The phrase
Jesus said unto her
means: 'He answered her personally'. - The phrase
Let the children first be filled
means: 'Wait until all of the Jews receive all of the spiritual blessings that they want'. Remember, the Jews w3anted miracles while they rejected spiritual truths. - The phrase
for it is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it unto the dogs
means: 'It is not proper to give to non-Jews what belongs to Jews'. Notice the worddogs
. A femaledog
is called a 'bitch'. In addition, the Jews deliberately used this term as the worst insult that they could give to non-Jews. Therefore,Jesus
was deliberately insulting her.
- The word
- C7-S23 : the woman's answer was humble and full of faith.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, this sentence is a direct response to the prior sentence. - The phrase
she answered and said unto him
means: 'This was her response to the deliberate insult'. - The phrase
Yes, Lord
means: 'She agreed withJesus
and also called HimLord
'. (Notice the capitalization.) She was recognizing Him as 'God in human flesh'. - The phrase
yet the dogs under the table eat of the children's crumbs
means: 'This was her reason why she should receive her request'. While it was major to her and her daughter, she recognized that it was only acrumb
to 'God in human flesh'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C7-S24 :
gave her the request.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, this answer was added to her statement of truefaith
. - The phrase
he said unto her
means: 'Jesus
gave her this answer'. - The phrase
For this saying go thy way
means: 'Jesus
honored her demonstrated faith'. There are times that God will only give us a miracle after we demonstrate true faith in God before others. - The phrase
The devil is gone out of thy daughter
means: 'Jesus
gave her the request'. Notice thatJesus
never met the girl and still did the miracle at a distance. The so-called faith healers claim that a physical touch is required and there is at least one religion which claims that you can't get saved unless you are touched by the right person. Hopefully, the reader sees the error in such claims.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C7-S25 : She found what
said she would find.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, this result verified the statement fromJesus
which was reported in the prior sentence. - The phrase
when she was come to her house
means: 'This is when she verified the results'. - The phrase
she found the devil gone out, and her daughter laid upon the bed
means: 'This is the result found. Apparently, the girl had to recover from what the devil did before it departed'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C7-S26 :
goes to another place.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, this sentence tells us whatJesus
did after driving the devil out of the girl. - The phrase
again, departing from the coasts of Tyre and Sidon
means: 'Jesus
left where He tried to hide and get a rest'. - The phrase
he came unto the sea of Galilee, through the midst of the coasts of Decapolis
means: 'Jesus
returned to where the mad man of the Gadarenes lived and was a witness'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C7-S27 : People met Him needing healing. Please see the Table of Miracles for more this and other miracles.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, this sentence tells us how the people reacted afterJesus
returned to their country. - The phrase
they bring unto him one that was deaf, and had an impediment in his speech
means: 'This time, they askedJesus
to heal the man instead of asking Him to leave'. - The phrase
and they beseech him to put his hand upon him
means: 'This was their request'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C7-S28 :
healed him.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, this response byJesus
was added to the request reported in the prior sentence. - The phrase
he took him aside from the multitude
means: 'Jesus
separated the man from unbelievers in the crowd'. - The phrase
and put his fingers into his ears, and he spit, and ouched his tongue
means: 'This is whatJesus
did physically'. This is different from whatJesus
did physically for other miracles. Thus, we see that no particular physical action is required for a particular miracle. These actions were to show the people that He did something, even though physical action was not required. This was strictly to help the faith of people. - The phrase
And looking up to heaven
means: 'Jesus
was physically showing people that He was relying on the power of God the father'. - The phrase
he sighed, and saith unto him, Ephphatha, that is, Be opened
means: 'Jesus
said this to help the belief of people'. Remember, the prior driving out of a devil did not require Him to be present. Nor did He have to be present for the healing of the centurion's servant. However,Jesus
did what He had to in order to increase the faith of His audience.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C7-S29 says:
And straightway his ears were opened, and the string of his tongue was loosed, and he spake plain
. This result is added to the report in the prior sentence. - C7-S30 : the people ignored the command to not testify.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise,Jesus
added these instructions to His doing the miracle. - The phrase
he charged them that they should tell no man
is clear but the reason is open to speculation. I think it was because people were coming toJesus
for miracles even while refusing to accept His teaching. He would have wanted a different response in this different area. But, I can not say for sure that that was whyJesus
gave these instructions. - The phrase
but the more he charged them, so much the more a great deal they published it
means: 'People refused to obey'. And, religious people are the same today. They expect miracles from God even while they refuse to obey. - The phrase
And were beyond measure astonished, saying
means: 'This was their reaction'. - The phrase
He hath done all things well: he maketh both the deaf to hear, and the dumb to speak
means: 'This is what they published'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
Chapter 8 Summary:
Theme: Starting the Show-down.
Matthew 16 tells the same thing as this chapter with the exception that the start of this chapter matches the end of Matthew 15. Please study the two chapters together in order to understand what happened using different perspectives. Please also see the Study called Miracles in the Gospels about the miracles recorded in this chapter. Please also see the Study called Significant Gospel Events for where the accounts of this chapter are related to accounts of other Gospels.
Mark 8:1-9 and Matthew 15:30-39 tell about Jesus
feeding 4,000. The prior chapter told us that he did this in: The midst of the coasts of Decapolis
He then went to another place on the west of the sea of Gennesaret, which Mark reports was The parts of Dalmanutha
. However, Matthew reports that it is The coasts of Magdala
. Therefore, it was apparently in the country between the two cities. Once Jesus
was there, we read: and the Pharisees came forth, and began to question with him, seeking of him a sign from heaven, tempting him
(Mark 8:11-13 and Matthew 16:1-5). Rather than continuing the fight with The Pharisees also with the Sadducees
, Jesus
crossed the lake by boat.
In the boat trip across the lake, Jesus
warns them about The leaven of the Pharisees
. This discussion is presented in Mark 8:14-21; Matthew 16:4-12 and in Luke 12:1-12. The leaven of the Pharisees
, is religious hypocrisy.
Mark 8:22-26 let us know that Jesus
healed a blind man in Bethsaida. This miracle is only reported by Mark.
Then Mark 8:27 and Matthew 16:13 tell us that they came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi
where Jesus
asks the disciples who do people say that He is. This is back on the east side of the lake at the north part of the lake where the river comes into the lake.
Mark 8:27-30; Matthew 16:13-20; Luke 9:18-27; John 4:42; John 6:69 and John 11:27 all contain a profession of faith that Jesus
is Christ
and is The Son of God
This is when Peter says that Jesus
is The Christ
(Mark 8:28-30; Matthew 16:16 and Luke 9:18-20).
Following this declaration, he (Jesus) began to teach them
that He would suffer and be crucified and rise again after three days. (Mark 8:31-32; Matthew 16:21 and Luke 9:21-22).
As a result of the prior teaching, Peter rebuked Jesus
(Mark 8:32 and Matthew 16:22-23).
This is when He says: Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me
. (Mark 8:34-38; Matthew 16:24-26 and Luke 9:23-26).
In the prior chapter Jesus
was trying to get alone and rest. Not any more. In this chapter, He is starting to prepare His disciples for the end, which He knows is coming. However, He is not going to let it be a complete surprise and shock to His disciples if He can help it. In this chapter He starts preparing them for the shocking future. Please notice that he is not trying to avoid His own future but is concerned about how His disciples will react. He is also starting the warning about what is in their own future. We should all be prepared for a similar future if we truly serve the Lord Jesus Christ
- C8-S1 : the start of feeding 4,000. Matthew 15:30 tell us about the same incident and it says that the crowd came for the miracles.
- The phrase
In those days the multitude being very great, and having nothing to eat
means: 'This is the start of the circumstances whichJesus
was dealing with'. Imagine a crowd sticking around to hear preaching today, with nothing to eat. - The phrase
Jesus called his disciples unto him, and saith unto them
means: 'Jesus
told His helpers what He would do about the problem'. - The phrase
I have compassion on the multitude
means: 'This is the feeling which motivatedJesus
'. - The phrase
because they have now been with me three days, and have nothing to eat
means: 'This is why He felt that way'. - The phrase
And if I send them away fasting to their own houses, they will faint by the way: for divers of them came from far
means: 'This was His concern'.
- The phrase
- C8-S2 : the physically impossible situation. Matthew 15:31 tell us about the same thing using slightly different words. It is reasonable to believe that more than one of the disciples of
answered Him with the same message but with different words. There are no conflicts in these Gospel reports.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, this answer is added to the concern expressed byJesus
in the prior sentence. - The phrase
his disciples answered him
means: 'This is who spoke'. - The phrase
From whence can a man satisfy these men with bread here in the wilderness?
means: 'This was their concern'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C8-S3 :
asks what there is to work with.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise,Jesus
answered their concern with a question of what was available. - The phrase
he asked them
means: 'Jesus
asked this question'. - The phrase
How many loaves have ye?
is a clear question.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C8-S4 says:
And they said, Seven
. Matthew 15:34 reports that they also said:and a few little fishes
. Mark also reports this in a couple more sentences. Anyone who claims that this is a conflict, because Mark and Matthew reported things in a slightly different order, is a lying minister of Satan. - C8-S5 :
and the disciples fed the people. Matthew 15:35-36 reports the same thing with slightly different words.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise,Jesus
used what was reported in the prior sentence to feed the people. - The phrase
he commanded the people to sit down on the ground
means: 'Jesus
always obeyed the command of God to do things orderly'. - The phrase
and he took the seven loaves, and gave thanks, and brake, and gave to his disciples to set before them
means: 'As always,Jesus
thanked God for provision and for the miracle'. - The phrase
and they did set them before the people
means: 'The disciples did their part in this work of the ministry'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C8-S6 : the use of additional provision.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, this sentence adds to the food given to the people. - The phrase
they had a few small fishes
means: 'The additional type of food'. - The phrase
and he blessed, and commanded to set them also before them
means: 'Jesus
blessed the fishes and shared them'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C8-S7 : the results. Matthew 15:37 reports the same thing with slightly different words.
- The phrase
So they did eat, and were filled
means: 'Everyone had enough to eat'. - The phrase
and they took up of the broken meat that was left seven baskets
means: 'As with the other feeding, God provided an abundance'.
- The phrase
- C8-S8 : the number of people fed.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, we have the conclusion added to the telling of this account. - The phrase
they that had eaten were about four thousand
. Matthew 15:38 reportsfour thousand men, beside women and children
. As we see elsewhere in the Bible, often counts of people only report the men. However, not reporting thewomen and children
does not constitute a conflict.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C8-S9 : Moving on.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Our sentence adds the statement ofJesus
and His disciples also leaving. Matthew reports them going to a slightly different place. Apparently, they went to the country between the two places and the land could be attributed the either place. - The phrase
straightway he entered into a ship with his disciples, and came into the parts of Dalmanutha
means: 'They crossed the sea again'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C8-S10 : the attack.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer.Jesus
just returned to the area near His homeans the religious leaders attacked Him again. Matthew 16:1 reports the same but adds thatThe Sadducees
were also there. These differences between Matthew and Mark are due to perspectives. Matthew gives us a legal perspective and, therefore, is more concerned with full disclosure. Mark is giving us the perspective of a servant and, therefore, only mentions the most important people. - The phrase
The Pharisees came forth, and began to question with him
means: 'They started a religious and doctrinal argument'. - The phrase
seeking of him a sign from heaven
means: 'They demanded what they could not produce themselves'. They did not have the evidence of God's approval, likeJesus
did, and yet they still insisted that they had greater authority from God. And, religious people still do The same today. - The phrase
tempting him
means: 'They were trying to getJesus
to do a miracle when they demanded so that they could claim that He submitted to them and proved that they had greater authority'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C8-S11 says:
And he sighed deeply in his spirit, and saith, Why doth this generation seek after a sign?
this is the response fromJesus
. They were asking for whatJesus
had already provided many times. They had already proven that it did not matter how manysigns
were provided, they refused to believe. Therefore, their request was, obviously, not so that they could believe but so that they could claim thatJesus
had to perform when they demanded. They were trying to claim that they had greater authority than . had. - C8-S12 says:
verily I say unto you, there shall no sign be given unto this generation
this is the response from God. Matthew 16:4 reports the same but addsA wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas
. They were givenThe sign of the prophet Jonas
, but they rejected it. Therefore, they not given asign
which they would accept. - C8-S13 says:
And he left them, and entering into the ship again departed to the other side
. Therefore,Jesus
leaves without answering their attack. Please also see the Doctrinal Study called What Did Jesus Do? for this instance, and many more, whereJesus
shows us how to deal with different circumstances. - C8-S14 : the circumstances of the trip.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means: 'after you understand what came before'. In this case, it includes the actions of the prior chapter. - The phrase
The disciples had forgotten to take bread, neither had they in the ship with them more than one loaf
tells us the physical circumstance which led to the confusion by the disciples.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C8-S15 : the teaching from
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, this sentence is added to the prior, which caused the confusion. - The phrase
he charged them, saying
means: 'Jesus
gave them a spiritual command that they would be judged for how well they obeyed'. - The phrase
Take heed, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, and of the leaven of Herod
means: 'This is what they werecharged
was speaking spiritually and symbolically while they thought He spoke physically because they had no bread.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C8-S16 : the misunderstanding by the disciples.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, this sentence is added to the prior in order to explain the confusion. - The phrase
they reasoned among themselves
means: 'They talked to each other trying to figure out whatJesus
was talking about'. - The phrase
saying, It is because we have no bread
means: 'This is what they concluded because they were only considering the physical and not the spiritual nor the symbolic'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C8-S17 : the correction from
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, this sentence tells us whatJesus
said in response to the prior sentence. - The phrase
when Jesus knew it, he saith unto them
means: 'As soon asJesus
knew their error, He corrected it'. - The phrase
Why reason ye, because ye have no bread?
means: 'Jesus
first corrected their perception. He made it clear that the physical was not important'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C8-S18 says:
perceive ye not yet, neither understand?
. They had been with Him long enough that they should have understood when He was speaking about spiritual matters. - C8-S19 says:
have ye your heart yet hardened?
because they were not considering the spiritual meaning. - C8-S20 says:
Having eyes, see ye not?
means: 'Can't you see what is happening spiritually?'. - C8-S21 says:
and having ears, hear ye not?
means: 'Can't you hear what is being said spiritually?'. - C8-S22 says:
and do ye not remember?
means: 'Can't you remember whatJesus
did the last time that they needed food?'. - C8-S23 says:
When I brake the five loaves among five thousand, how many baskets full of fragments took ye up?
asks this question to make them think and remember. - C8-S24 says:
They say unto him, Twelve
. It should have been obvious thatJesus
was not worried about physical food. - C8-S25 : tells us that
then asked:And when the seven among four thousand, how many baskets full of fragments took ye up?
. This means that they have been given this lesson twice. - C8-S26 says:
And they said, Seven
. Therefore, they remembered the lessons but did not consider the application in their lives. - C8-S27 says:
And he said unto them, How is it that ye do not understand?
. And it means: 'Jesus
wants them to explain why they were not considering the application to their life, especially when it came to provision'. Unfortunately, most people who claim to be saved also do not consider God's promise of provision if they dedicate their life to serve Him. - C8-S28 : the greeting upon arrival.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, Jesus had crossed the lake to get away from the religious leaders who picked a doctrinal fight. This sentence adds where He landed. - The phrase
And he cometh to Bethsaida
means: 'Where He landed'. - The phrase
and they bring a blind man unto him
means: 'How He was greeted'. - The phrase
and besought him to touch him
means: 'What they begged Him to do'. Think about this incident and people who try to deny miracles. You have a man standing on the shore of a lake with no equipment, no supplies and nothing else. Yet He restores sight with a touch. And, since it took two steps, He did not replace the bad eyes but fixed the broken eyes. Please see the Doctrinal Study called: Table of Miracles in the Gospels about this miracle and others.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C8-S29 : the start of the miracle.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, this sentence adds whatJesus
did to them bringing the man toJesus
. - The phrase
he took the blind man by the hand, and led him out of the town
means: 'Again,Jesus
separated the man from unbelievers'. - The phrase
and when he had spit on his eyes, and put his hands upon him, he asked him if he saw ought
means: 'This is whatJesus
did even though it is hard to say why other than making a show for the Jews who believed that something physical had to be done even for a miracle'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C8-S30 :nbsp; says:
And he looked up, and said, I see men as trees, walking
. The man answered the question fromJesus
. He did not have clear sight at first and it took more work fromJesus
before he could see clearly. Likewise, the context tells us that the disciples could not understand things spiritually (represented by sight) yet and that they needed more work fromJesus
before He could take them to the next level of their spiritual understanding. - C8-S31 :
produced a better result. This action also needs to be understood within the context and whatJesus
was doing with His disciples spiritually.- The phrase
After that he put his hands again upon his eyes
means: 'Symbolically,Jesus
would work on the spiritual understanding of the disciples again'. - The phrase
and made him look up
means: 'Symbolically,Jesus
made the disciples look to God again'. - The phrase
and he was restored, and saw every man clearly
means: 'Symbolically, this shows that the disciples would, eventually, understand spiritual things clearly'. And, just as we have varying abilities of sight, so also did they have varying abilities to understand spiritual matters.
- The phrase
- C8-S32 :
instructed the man who was healed.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. AfterJesus
restored his sight, He told the man to not tell other men. Likewise,Jesus
does not want us bragging to men about our spiritual understanding but we are to use it to help others. - The phrase
he sent him away to his house, saying
means: 'Symbolically, this means go where God put you and do the job that God gave to you'. - The phrase
Neither go into the town, nor tell it to any in the town
means: 'Symbolically, this means don't seek fame based upon what God did for you'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C8-S33 :
asked a leading question when He was private with His disciples.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, our sentence is adding the spiritual lesson thatJesus
was preparing His disciples to receive. Just like the blind man, they did not see spiritual things clearly at first. They refused to accept, and believe, the prophecy of His death before it happened. As a result, they suffered much more than they would have if they accepted and understood the truth of what God was doing. - The phrase
Jesus went out, and his disciples, into the towns of Caesarea Philippi
means: 'They went to a place where they had not been before in order to have some privacy'. - The phrase
and by the way he asked his disciples
means: 'Jesus
asked this question while they were walking and while there were, effectively, no other distractions'. - The phrase
saying unto them, Whom do men say that I am?
means: 'This question was to get them thinking along to lines that they needed in order to understand what he was about to reveal to them'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C8-S34 : the answer.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, this sentence adds to answer to the question of the prior sentence. - The phrase
they answered, John the Baptist: but some say, Elias; and others, One of the prophets
means: 'This was the answer to the prior question'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C8-S35 says:
And he saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am?
this question was the main question but was added only after they were thinking along the likes of this spiritual truth. - C8-S36 says:
And Peter answereth and saith unto him, thou art the Christ
. Please notice the wordthe
in the answer from Peter.Christ
is not a personal name but is a role and a position and describes a relationship which we have with God. (Philippians 4:13 says:I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me
. It used the wordwhich
, instead of the wordwho
, because it is speaking of the relationship and not of the person.) - C8-S37 says:
And he charged them that they should tell no man of him
. Thus, we see here thatJesus
told them to keep the answer private, for now. 1Corinthians 3:1 says:And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ
. Both places tell us that certain spiritual truths can not be revealed to people until they have the spiritual maturity which is required to properly understand the spiritual truth. - C8-S38 :
starts lessons which require spiritual maturity to receive.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, the teaching of this sentence is added to their passing the test which was in the prior sentences. - The phrase
he began to teach them
means: 'Jesus
started to teach'.Preaching
are two different procedures and they produce two different results. There are preachers who proclaim: 'Preach!, Preach! Preach! It's all about Preaching'. And I've even heard them condemn Bible teachers, which means that they condemnJesus
and many others. Be careful of popular doctrine which you repeat. First, verify that it does not go against whatThe word of God
literally instructs us to do. - The phrase
that the Son of man must suffer manythings
means: 'Jesus
had to suffer as theSon of man
because that role dealt with His humanity and He could not do so in His roles asChrist
or asLord
'. Please also see the note in the Lord Jesus Christ Study for more details on this truth. Many people get caught up in the doctrinal error which treat the different roles of theSon of God
as interchangeable. However, the truth is that each role has a unique doctrine attached to it and they are not interchangeable. - The phrase
and be rejected of the elders, and of the chief priests, and scribes, and be killed
means: 'These are other things which He will suffer in order to pay for our sins'. Devil motivated men, and some good but deceived people, try to deny that this was required in order to pay for our sins. Please see the Sections called: Prophecies and Prophecy Fulfilled in the Significant Gospel Events Study for Bible references to other prophecies from God about the suffering, death and resurrection of theSon of God
. - The phrase
and after three days rise again
means: 'Speaks about His resurrection'. The disciples missed this source of joy because they were too bust denying what had to happen before the resurrection. And, we also lose out on promises and other blessings when we refuse to accept something that God is trying to tell us.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C8-S39 says:
And he spake that saying openly
stopped hiding things from them. All young people want to grow up because they see the rights and privileges but ignore, or do not understand, the responsibilities. The same is true spiritually. And, the objection which we see in the remainder of the chapter is due to this objection. In addition, everybody blames Peter butJesus
spoke His correction to all of them. Yes, Peter was the one to open his mouth, but, like many other places in the Bible, we need to realize that the others who were part of whatever also felt the same even if they did not open their mouths. - C8-S40 says:
And Peter took him, and began to rebuke him
. This is because Peter has a wrong understanding and a wrong reaction. Peter, and the others, are still acting like they did at the start of the chapter where they looked at the physical and did not consider the spiritual. That is why Mark put these two incidents in the same chapter and put them into context of each other. And, while people condemn Peter, they are trying to distract others from their similar acts. - C8-S41 :
responds to Peter's error.- The word
means the following sentence is continuing the subject of the prior sentence while changing direction. That is:Jesus
changed from listening to Peter to speaking to them all even while His words were directed at Peter. - The phrase
when he had turned about and looked on his disciples
means: 'Jesus
looked at all of them to be sure that they understood that His remarks were meant for them all even while He spoke them to Peter'. Most people ignore this phrase to claim thatJesus
only rebuked Peter. However, our phrase makes it clear thatJesus
spoke to them all. And, this message is for us also when we have the same attitude. - The phrase
he rebuked Peter, saying
means: 'Jesus
will rebuke anyone who makes this doctrinal error'. - The phrase
Get thee behind me, Satan
means: 'Jesus
spoke to Satan because he was who taught this doctrinal error to the disciples and still teaches it to men today'. Yes, physically, the saying was directed at Peter but, as they understood and as men understand oday, spiritually, this saying was directed at Satan. - The phrase
for thou savourest not the things that be of God
means: 'Here's why. He did not haveThe things that be of God
give him the same pleasure as eating his favorite food'. - The phrase
but the things that be of men
means: 'The things of this physical world were what gave him this type of pleasure'.
- The word
- C8-S42 :
gives an open invitation.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, our sentence tells us thatJesus
added a message to everyone to the message that He just gave to His disciples. - The phrase
when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them
means: 'This message is for everyone'. - The phrase
Whosoever will come after me
means: 'If you want to go to Heaven and receive some reward when you get there'. - The phrase
let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me
means: 'Refuse to do what your sinful flesh wants, be willing to suffer and die in the flesh, and, daily, ask God what He wants you to do that day'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C8-S43 : Why people should accept the invitation from
.- The word
means: 'This sentence is explaining why the prior sentence is true'. - The phrase
whosoever will save his life shall lose it
means: 'Whosoever tries to get the most out of this physical life will lose their everlasting spiritual rewards which will make eternity enjoyable. In addition, they probably will not be allowed to return withChrist
for His 1,000-year reign but will be put intoouter darkness
(in Heaven) until thegreat white throne judgment
'. - The word
means: the next phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase (spiritual judgment) while changing direction. - The phrase
whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel's, the same shall save it
means: 'whosoever will give up everything desirable in this life and even be willing to suffer and die,for my (Jesus) sake and the gospel's
shall save their everlasting spiritual rewards which will make eternity enjoyable. In addition, they probably will be allowed to return withChrist
for His 1,000-year reign and enjoy physical life at that time'.
- The word
- C8-S44 : An additional consideration.
- The word
means: 'This sentence is explaining the prior sentence'. - The phrase
For what shall it profit a man
means: 'What increased spiritual gain will this person receive?'. - The phrase
if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
means: 'This is a conditional (if) statement'. Yoursoul
is: 'The long-term result of the short-term actions of our heart in deciding how we will think, how we will act emotionally to circumstances of life and how we will decide the issues of life'. This is the main thing that you take with you to Heaven. If you don't receiveThe mind of Christ
then you won't understand what happens in Heaven and that will be for eternity. If you don't receive the love and feelings of God, as your own, then you will keep being upset with how things go. If you don't learn to give up your will and receive God's will, then you will keep being disappointed by how things go. That is what it means by:lose your own soul
and having all physical things, for a short time, will not make up for the loss.
- The word
- C8-S45 says:
Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
. Satan will give you anything you want, for a short time, if you give up everlasting happiness. No, you won't have tears but that does not guarantee happiness. - C8-S46 :
explains the consequence of this error.- The phrase
Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of means of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation
means: 'identifies a certain set of saved people by their attitude'. - The phrase
of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed
means: 'Jesus
will not want to claim such a person as belonging to Him'. - The phrase
when he cometh in the glory of his father with the holy angels
means: 'This is the return ofChrist
to rule and reign for 1,000-year. Such saved people will be left in Heaven and not be allowed to return becauseof him also shall the Son of man be ashamed
'. Please see the Section called: Prophecy Fulfilled in the Significant Gospel Events Study for Bible references to the return ofChrist
to rule and reign for 1,000-year. - This sentence also has another application. The word
means: 'identification'. When we arebaptized
, we are 'being identified with our Lord Jesus Christ'. People who are truly saved, but refuse to be baptized, prove that they arebe ashamed of me (Jesus Christ) and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation
. Therefore, when Satan goes to God and accuses such people of sin, and God the father looks toJesus Christ
,of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed
and Satan is given permission to hurt such people until they get an attitude adjustment.
- The phrase