Interpretive Study of John's Gospel - Summary
Jesus is the Son of God
Chapter links: 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19; 20; 21; God.
Chapter 15 Summary:
Last Supper: Jesus Explains Abiding Love.
The theme of this chapter is abiding love
. It gives promises to all saved who truly abide
in the love
of Jesus Christ
. Such saved people prove so by letting Him cause them to love
The brethren and understand, and react properly, to the persecution from The world
. This requires the saved to mature spiritually. Therefore, people who claim to be saved, but do not manifest spiritual maturity, are not abiding in love
, as Jesus
commands the saved to do in this chapter. Such people can not 'claim' the promises of this chapter.
It is said that hate is love twisted by rejection. The end of our chapter speaks about the judgment of The world
because they rejected and hated Jesus Christ
and God the father. People reading the end of this chapter, without considering the context of the rest of the chapter, might miss this truth. So, even though it speaks about persecution, hate and rejection, the end of the chapter is still speaking about abiding love
and the reaction to it.
John 15:1-27 tells us that Jesus
said: I am the true vine, and my father is the husbandman
and tells us our responsibilities.
In John 15:3 Jesus
promised Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you
. However, this promise has limits as to whom can claim it. Please see the note for this sentence, within the Book Study on the gospel of John, to find those limits
In John 15:5 Jesus
promised that saved people would bringeth forth much fruit
if they abideth in me (Jesus)
In John 15:6 Jesus
promised that saved people would not bringeth forth much fruit
would be cast forth as a branch, and is withered...and they are burned
In John 15:7-8 Jesus
promised that saved people who personally abide in me, and my words abide in you
would get their prayers answered because their life caused God the father to be glorified
In John 14:13-15; John 15:7 and John 15:16-17 and John 16:23-24 we read promises of answered prayer along with some requirements that must be met in order to receive the answer to prayers. Please see the note for Luke 11:9 to see an overview of the requirements which are associated with these promises. We will not receive the promise if we do not fulfill God's requirements for receiving the promise.
In John 15:10 Jesus
promised that saved people who personally keep my commandments
shall abide in my love
In John 15:11 Jesus
promised that saved people who personally fulfilled the requirements of that chapter would have full joy
In John 15:14 Jesus
promised that saved people who personally fulfilled the requirements of that chapter would be considered to be the friend
of Jesus
In John 15:15 Jesus
promised He would reveal things to His friends
In John 14:16-18 Jesus
promises the Comforter
. The same promise is found in John 14:26; John 15:26-27 and John 16:7. Those references also tell us that He is The Spirit of truth
In John 15:16 Jesus
promised that our fruit should remain
and that people who produced fruit that remains
had the promise that: whatsoever ye shall ask of the father in my name, he may give it you
In John 15:18-19 Jesus
promised that the saved people who received the promises of this chapter would be hated by the world
Matthew 10:17-23 and John 15:20 present the prophecy by Jesus
that true preachers of God's word would be persecuted.
In John 15:20 Jesus
promised that the saved people who received the promises of this chapter would be persecuted by the world
but believed by saved people who truly believed Jesus
In John 15:25 we are told that Jesus
fulfilled a prophesy found in Psalms 7:4; Psalms 35:19; Psalms 69:4 and Psalms 109:3. Those prophesied that judgment would come on They hated me without a cause
Below is a summary of each sentence within this chapter with a link to the note providing the detailed analysis and contextual requirements of each sentence. These sentence summaries also show the basis for the chapter summary provided above.
- C15-S1 : Identify God's role in the symbolic relationship that will be described. Please see the Table of Parables in the New Testament for references to other parables given by
.- The phrase
I am the true vine
means: 'Jesus
is using a vine to illustrate that He is the source of spiritual nutrition'. Please see the Table of Parables in the New Testament for links to other parables. - The phrase
and my father is the husbandman
means: 'Thehusbandman
is the farmer who takes care of the vine and helps it to produce fruit'. This parable teaches how God makes His church spiritually fruitful.
- The phrase
- C15-S2 : What God the father does with the saved.
- The phrase
Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away
means: 'The spiritually unfruitful saved people can die an early death'. - The phrase
and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it
means: 'God cuts away the things of this Earth that hinder the fruitful saved person from producing more spiritual fruit'. - The phrase
that it may bring forth more fruit
means: 'God does this so that the fruitful saved person can produce more spiritual fruit'.
- The phrase
- C15-S3 : God's word makes us
.- The word
means: 'After you understand what was said prior'.Jesus Christ
spiritually cleanses us in order to make us more fruitful spiritually speaking. - The phrase
ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you
means: 'Jesus
uses theword of God
, as properly interpreted by God'sHoly Spirit
, to clean us spiritually'.
- The word
- C15-S4 : Command to
. Our sentence says:Abide in me, and I in you
the wordabide
means: 'To continue; to be; to dwell, rest, continue, stand firm, or be stationary for anytime indefinitely'. We are commanded to not be in and out, up and down, but to remain continually in our relationship withJesus Christ
so that He can deal with the problems which come up in our life. - C15-S5 : We must
in order to produce fruit.- The phrase
As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself
. The wordas
means: 'in a similar fashion'. Therefore, our phrase means: 'Jesus
is giving us a physical illustration of how spiritual nutrition is obtained'. - The phrase
except it abide in the vine
means: 'The only way that a branch receives the nutrition it needs for life is through the vine'. - The phrase
no more can ye, except ye abide in me
means: 'Likewise, the only way that the saved receive the spiritual nutrition, that they need to live spiritually, is throughJesus
- The phrase
- C15-S6 :
explains the parable and declares the spiritual relationship.- The phrase
I am the vine
means: 'Jesus
is the only source of spiritual nutrition'. The wordthe
means: 'there is only one and here it is'. - The phrase
ye are the branches
means: 'Each and every saved person is an extension ofJesus
'. - The phrase
He that abideth in me, and I in him
means: 'Each and every one of us personally mustabide
with the definition of the wordabide
provided above'. - The phrase
The same bringeth forth much fruit
means: 'This is a promise that we will be spiritually fruitful if we trulyabide
'. - The phrase
for without me ye can do nothing
means: 'Here's why'.
- The phrase
- C15-S7 : Realize the results of failure.
- The phrase
If a man abide not in me
means: 'This is why the saved person is declared to be 'backslidden''. - The phrase
he is cast forth as a branch
means: 'Jesus Christ
stops having anything to do with him'. He stops receiving blessings and directions in life fromJesus
. - The phrase
and is withered
means: 'He becomes sickly, spiritually speaking'. - The phrase
and men gather them, and cast them into the fire
means: 'Devil motivated men are allowed to destroy them and spiritual men allow it so that they do not lead others into their error'. - The phrase
and they are burned
means: 'God makes sure that they suffer, and possibly are destroyed, in this physical reality'. Remember that this parable is set in the physical reality. This is not talking about spiritual burning such as being put into Hell.
- The phrase
- C15-S8 : Realize the results of success.
- The phrase
If ye abide in me
means: 'This is the first requirement'. - The phrase
and my words abide in you
means: 'This is the second requirement'. Many people 'claim' that they fulfill the first requirement even while they fail to fulfill the second requirement. Such people are deceived and do not receive the promise found in the remainder of this sentence. - The phrase
ye shall ask what ye will
means: 'Each and every one of you personally will ask God for what you want'. What is not directly stated, but is true if the prior requirements are fulfilled, is that this saved person will be asking for things which will allow him to be more fruitful in the work of God. - The phrase
and it shall be done unto you
means: 'Jesus Christ
will fulfill our requests which will make us to be more fruitful in the work of God'.
- The phrase
- C15-S9 : What God gets out of the relationship.
- The phrase
Herein is my father glorified
means: 'God the father is glorified when the rest of this sentence is true in our personal life'. - The phrase
that ye bear much fruit
means: 'God is glorified when each and every one of us personallybear much (spiritual) fruit
'. - The phrase
so shall ye be my disciples
means: 'This is how each and every one of us personally become true disciples ofJesus Christ
- The phrase
- C15-S10 : Love is part of the relationship.
- The phrase
As the father hath loved me
means: 'In The same way as God the father has shown His love toJesus
'. - The phrase
so have I loved you
means: 'Jesus
has also shown His love to us in the same way'. - The phrase
continue ye in my love
means: 'We are commanded to continue to abide in His love'. If this were not optional then He would not command it. Saved people become 'backslidden' because they disobey this command.
- The phrase
- C15-S11 : How to have
abiding love
.- The phrase
If ye keep my commandments
means: 'This is the conditional requirement'. - The phrase
ye shall abide in my love
means: 'Each and every one of you personally absolutely willabide
in the love ofJesus Christ
'. - The phrase
even as I have kept my father's commandments
means: 'Our keeping His commandments is as important as it was for Him to keep the commandments of God the father'. The obedience ofJesus
produced our salvation and sanctification. Our obedience is used by God to provide for the salvation and sanctification of other people. - The phrase
and abide in his love
means: 'Jesus
in the love of God the father in spite of God commanding Him to suffer and die for our salvation and sanctification'. Likewise, we are commanded toabide
in the love ofJesus Christ
in spite of any suffering or death which he commands for us.
- The phrase
- C15-S12 : How to have
full joy
.- The phrase
These things have I spoken unto you
means: 'Jesus
gave usThe word of God
so that we can have the results described in the remainder of this sentence'. Please see the note for C16-S25, below, for links to every place where this phrase is reported. - The phrase
that my joy might remain in you
means: 'This is the desired result. It is not enough that we havejoy
but that itremain
in us'. - The phrase
and that your joy might be full
means: 'It is not enough that we havejoy
wants us to havefull joy
- The phrase
- C15-S13 : Demonstrated
is commanded.- The phrase
This is my commandment
means: 'In context,Jesus
is giving thiscommandment
so that we can have full and remainingjoy
'. - The phrase
That ye love one another
means: 'This is what we are to do so that we can have full and remainingjoy
'. - The phrase
as I have loved you
means: 'This is the measure which we are to strive to meet if we want to have full and remainingjoy
- The phrase
- C15-S14 : the definition of greatest
.- The phrase
Greater love hath no man than this
means: 'We can not demonstrate a greater love thanJesus
demonstrated'. Martyrs demonstrate a similar love but the spiritual results of their sacrifice is less than the spiritual results ofJesus
giving His physical life for our salvation and sanctification. - The phrase
that a man lay down his life for his friends
means: 'This is the demonstrated level of love given byJesus
- The phrase
- C15-S15 : Requirement to be a
.- The phrase
Ye are my friends
means: 'Each and every one of you personally have this result if you fulfill the next phrase'. - The phrase
if ye do whatsoever I command you
means: 'This is the requirement'.
- The phrase
- C15-S16 : the changed relationship between
and the saved.- The word
means: 'from this time forward'. - The phrase
I call you not servants
means: 'Jesus
is saying what relationship they do not have'. - The phrase
for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth
means: 'Here's why'. - The phrase
but I have called you friends
means: 'Jesus
is saying what relationship they do have'. - The phrase
for all things that I have heard of my father I have made known unto you
means: 'Here's why'.
- The word
- C15-S17 : the
of the saved.- The phrase
Ye have not chosen me
means: 'None of you personally choseJesus
'. This is one of the lies from Satan. He has preachers claiming that someone can choose to be saved at any time, even on their death bed. The truth ofThe word of God
is that everyone is promised one chance to be saved but no one is promised more than one. It is by God's mercy that we get more than one chance and we can not demand mercy. Isaiah 53:1 and 2Corinthians 6:2 say:(For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation)
. People who ignore the warning thatbehold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation
, and claim that they will accept another day are not promised another day to be saved. - The phrase
but I have chosen you
means: 'God chooses who to offer salvation and sanctification to. God chooses who receives certain spiritual gifts and, as the rest of our sentence says, whom He willordain
'. - The phrase
and ordained you
. The wordordained
means: 'Properly, to set; to establish in a particular office or order; hence, to invest with a ministerial function or sacerdotal power'. God chooses whom receives spiritual power to do His work. - The phrase
that ye should go and bring forth fruit
means: 'This is why God chooses and ordains certain people'. - The phrase
and that your fruit should remain
means: 'Too many people are counting professions when the people who make the profession are never seen again'. - The phrase
that whatsoever ye shall ask of the father in my name
means: 'This is why we should desire fruit which remains'. - The phrase
he may give it you
means: 'God rewards those people who work in His kingdom but does not promise rewards to lazy people'.
- The phrase
- C15-S18 : Why
gave these commands.- The phrase
These things I command you
means: 'What has been said byJesus
, in all of the chapters telling us what He said at His 'Last Supper', are commands'. - The phrase
that ye love one another
means: 'This is the desired result'.
- The phrase
- C15-S19 : the world does the opposite of
.- The phrase
If the world hate you
means: 'This is the conditional requirement for the next phrase to be applied'. - The phrase
ye know that it hated me before it hated you
means: 'The disciples whomJesus
was talking to had each devoted their life to serve Him. They all were known to be His disciples. This sentence assumes that the world hates a disciple for being likeJesus
and not for some other reason. That relationship must be applied for this sentence and for all of the sentences in the rest of this chapter'.
- The phrase
- C15-S20 : the reaction of
The world
.- The phrase
If ye were of the world, the world would love his own
means: 'This is the result of people who are trulyof the world
, regardless of what they claim'. - The phrase
but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world
means: 'Pay attention to the phraseout of the world
. You can not be using the reasoningof the world
and beout of the world
. Since our phrases identify people whomJesus
has chosen out of the world
, they must believe whatJesus
says even when it makes no sense according to the reasoning of the world. Acting on that type of belief is calledliving by faith
. Therefore, the true test is if you can show whereThe word of God
is the basis of your belief and action or is it based upon your own reasoning?'. - The phrase
therefore the world hateth you
means: 'The world hates people who say thatThe word of God
is always right even though they can not explain it to the satisfaction of worldly reasoning'.
- The phrase
- C15-S21 : Warning to help us in time of persecution.
- The phrase
Remember the word that I said unto you
means: 'This is a reference to John 13:16 '. - The phrase
The servant is not greater than his lord
means: 'Jesus
said this right after He had washed their feet and taught them to be humble enough that God can demand that they do any service for His people'. Now, in this context,Jesus
is telling them, and us, that the world will not treat them any better than the world treated Him. We are to be willing for the world to make us suffer and to even die, if that is what is required in order to remain a true servant toJesus Christ
and to show His character and His doctrine to the world.
- The phrase
- C15-S22 : Expect to be treated like
. As written for an earlier sentence in this chapter, the sentences in this part of the chapter only apply to saved people who truly have a relationship withJesus
which causes the lost world to identify them withJesus
.- The phrase
If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you
means: 'This is true for true disciples but will not be true for people who claim to be saved while they live worldly'. - The phrase
if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also
means: 'This is true for true disciples who keep and obey the commandments ofJesus
. But, this phrase is contrasted with the first Step of this sentence'.
- The phrase
- C15-S23 : Why the world persecutes the true
.- The phrase
But all these things will they do unto you for my name's sake
means: 'As written previously, this phrase is true only if our life truly displays the character and doctrine ofJesus
'. - The phrase
because they know not him that sent me
means: 'Here's why. The religious people claim to know God the father but our sentence says that they do not. If they truly knew God the father they would act like Him. However, according to John 8:44; their actions proved that their true spiritual father was the devil'.
- The phrase
- C15-S24 : the results of
coming.- The phrase
If I had not come and spoken unto them
means: 'This is the conditional requirement which makes the next phrase impossible. They could have claimed the next phrase ifJesus
had not done what He did and that our current phrase says that He did'. - The phrase
they had not had sin
means: 'They would not have been condemned for deliberate sin ifJesus
had not done the prior phrase'. - The phrase
but now they have no cloke for their sin
means: 'Now the religious people can not hide their sin. They can not claim ignorance sinceJesus
came and told them the truth and provided undisputable proof, in the form of miracles, that He spoke for God the father'.
- The phrase
- C15-S25 : the
that applies here. This is the first application of the precept found in this sentence and it is evidence that God will use when He judges the religious leaders. Our sentence says:He that hateth me hateth my father also
. The precept is: 'God counts how you treat His messenger as how you treat Him. If you honor His messenger, then God counts that as honoring Him. If you mistreat and hate His messenger, then God counts that as mistreating and hating Him'. - C15-S26 : the judgment from evidence. This is a second application of the prior precept and further evidence that God will use when He judges the religious leaders. Please see the Doctrinal Study called Jesus Used the Power of the Holy Ghost related to this sentence.
- The phrase
If I had not done among them the works which none other man did
means: 'Jesus
did miracles in number and type that no other man ever came close to matching. The precept here is that when someone does things which bring glory to God and which no other man can match and he tells you that it is not him but God working through him, then, if you reject the message and the evidence, God counts that as rejecting Him'. - The phrase
they had not had sin
means: 'They would not have been condemned for deliberate sin ifJesus
had not done the prior phrase'. - The phrase
but now have they both seen and hated both means my father
means: 'The religious leaders saw the evidence that could only come from God's power and they rejected it in favor of the lie which they preached. That is whatJesus
calls evidence of hate. And, since their hate was directed at the evidence from God, God counts it as hatred of Him'.
- The phrase
- C15-S27 : the condemnation from scripture.
- The phrase
But this cometh to pass, that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their law
means: 'The religious people who hatedJesus
fulfilled a prophesy found in Psalms 7:4; Psalms 35:19; Psalms 69:4 and Psalms 109:3 '. - The phrase
They hated me without a cause
means: 'This is the prophecy which was fulfilled'.
- The phrase
- C15-S28 : the enduring testimony left by
. In John 14:16-17; John 14:26; John 15:26-27 and John 16:7;Jesus
promises theComforter
. Those references also tell us that He isThe Spirit of truth
.- The word
, which starts this sentence, is continuing the subject of judgment for how we act towardsJesus
while changing direction from those religious people who receive punishment to those saved disciples who are blessed. - The phrase
But when the Comforter is come
means: 'This is a prophesied future event which was also a promise to the disciples'. - The phrase
whom I will send unto you from the father
means: 'Jesus
had God the father send Him afterJesus
returned to Heaven'. - The phrase
even the Spirit of truth
is found in John 14:17; John 15:26; John 16:13 and 1John 4:6. Please see the Detailed Notes for each of those references in order to see the doctrine of this phrase. - The phrase
which proceedeth from the father
means: 'God the father is the source of all truth'. - The phrase
he shall testify of me
means: 'God'sHoly Spirit
willtestify of Jesus Christ
to all truly saved people'. - The phrase
And ye also shall bear witness
means: 'Each and every one of the eleven disciples absolutely positively willbear witness
'. - The phrase
because ye have been with me from the beginning
means: 'Here's why'.
- The word
Chapter 16 Summary:
Last Supper: Jesus Explains our need for the Holy Spirit.
Please see the Doctrinal Study called Significant Gospel Events for links to prophecies found in the Gospels.
This chapter warns of future persecution but also tells about the work of the Holy Spirit and His help in times of need.
in this chapter we see Jesus
prophesy a couple of failures by His disciples. We also see Him say that he is not upset by their failures because He relied upon God the father. He also promises God's Holy Spirit
to indwell believers. Just as he relied upon God the father, the saved are to rely upon God's Holy Spirit
. What is acceptable without the help of God's Holy Spirit
is not acceptable after people receive the indwelling.
In addition, to the prophecies, Jesus
tells of changes that will come in the 'Church age'. Therefore, a lot of this chapter is telling us about changes that God will bring in as a result of the death and resurrection of Jesus
. Please see the Section on Prophecies; found in the Study called Significant Gospel Events for links to prophecies found in the Gospels.
In general, John 16 has prophesies of tribulation and sorrow
for all believers during the 'Church Age'. Mixed in with those prophecies are promises of hope for help and comfort. These include:
- In John 16:4 He said that they would remember His prophecy.
- In John 16:7 He said that he would send the Comforter, which is God's Holy Spirit.
- In John 16:7-11 He said that God's Holy Spirit would
reprove the world
, which means that God's Holy Spirit would fight for them. - In John 16:13 we read that
The Spirit of truth...will guide you into all truth
. that means that they will have comfort from the assurance of being in God's truth. - In John 16:15 we are told that God's Holy Spirit will show the things of God the father to people who are serving God in spite of persecution. this means that those people (not all saved) will see the promise of future reward which is given in proportion to the amount of sacrifice made for the service of God while we are in this flesh.
- In John 16:20 we read:
your sorrow shall be turned into joy
and John 16:22 says:your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you
. While the interpretation of these two promises apply to the disciples who saw the risen savior, we can also expect some application to us because of John 20:29. - In John 16:23-24 we have a promise of answered prayer
that your joy may be full
. - In John 16:33 we read
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
John 16:1-16 tells us about the Comforter
and why the saved need Him.
In John 16:2 Jesus
prophesied that the disciples would be rejected and killed by people who thought themselves to be the children of God
In John 7:33-36; John 8:21-24; John 12:35; John 13:33; John 16:5-7; John 16:16-22; John 17:11-13; Matthew 9:15; Luke 5:35 and Luke 13:35; we have a prophecy which is similar to what we find in Luke 17:22. Please see the Prophecies Section in the Significant Gospel Events Study for references to other Gospel prophecies.
In Joel 2:28-32; we are told that God gave us better promises
. In John 16:7; Jesus
tells us that this will happen right after he goes away
. In Acts 2:14-21; at Pentecost, Peter says that these prophecies were fulfilled with the coming of the Holy Ghost.
In John 16:8-15 Jesus
prophesied the ministry of the Holy Ghost.
In John 14:16-18 Jesus
promises the Comforter
. The same promise is found in John 14:26; John 15:26-27 and John 16:7. Those references also tell us that He is The Spirit of truth
In John 16:16 Jesus
told His disciples A little while, and ye shall not see me: and again, a little while, and ye shall see me, because I go to the father.
His death fulfilled the first part of this prophecy (A little while, and ye shall not see me
). (Please see the section called Harmony for those references.) John 20:19 fulfills the second part of this prophecy (and again, a little while, and ye shall see me, because I go to the father
). The Chapter Summary notes for Chapters 20 within the Book Study on the Gospel of John show the sequence of events which proves that Jesus
had already gone to the father
John 16:17-33 tells us that true witness in this world will have sorrow but also have help.
In John 6:62; John 12:24; John 16:20 and John 16:22-23 and John 16:16; Jesus
prophesied the future results of His death, resurrection and ascension.
In John 16:20 Jesus
prophesied of future tribulation
and the solution to it.
In John 14:13-15; John 15:7 and John 15:16-17 and John 16:23-24 we read promises of answered prayer along with some requirements that must be met in order to receive the answer to prayers. Please see the note for Luke 11:9 to see an overview of the requirements which are associated with these promises. We will not receive the promise if we do not fulfill God's requirements for receiving the promise.
In John 16:23-27 Jesus
promises that we can ask God the father in His name after His ascension. However, many people 'claim' this promise without considering the context. It was given after the disciples had such a spiritually maturing experience that no man taketh from you
. (Please see the note in the Book Study on the gospel of John for the true meaning of this phrase.) In addition, this promise is given that your joy may be full
. As also explained in the note in the Book Study on the gospel of John, joy
is from a spiritual perspective of 'bad' circumstances. This promise can not be used to claim the lusts of the flesh, pride, not any of the many other false applications which many people claim it can be applied to.
In John 16:25 Jesus
promised that He would shew you plainly of the father
. This occurs after the promise of the indwelling Holy Spirit and after the promise of ask, and ye shall receive
. The requirements to receive the prior promise also hold true for this promise which basically says that God will reveal clearly the things of God to those spiritually mature people who fulfill His requirements.
Matthew 26:33-35; Mark 14:29-31; Luke 22:31-34; John 13:37-38 and John 16:32 present the prophecy by Jesus
that Peter, and the rest, would deny knowing Jesus or otherwise be offended and scatter. Matthew 26:56 and Mark 14:50 say Then all the disciples forsook him, and fled
. In addition, Peter's denial is in Matthew 26:69-75; Mark 14:66-72; Luke 22:56-62 and John 18:17, 25-27.
Below is a summary of each sentence within this chapter with a link to the note providing the detailed analysis and contextual requirements of each sentence. These sentence summaries also show the basis for the chapter summary provided above.
- C16-S1 :
explains why He told them the things which He said.- The phrase
These things have I spoken unto you
means: 'Jesus
is referring to what He has said at the 'Last Supper' and what He said in private to the eleven disciples. These things were said after Judas left to betray Him. This shows that there are some things reserved for the saved and serving only.Jesus
excluded the lost and excluded those who believed on Him but were not serving Him'. - The phrase
that ye should not be offended
means: 'His words were given to help us avoid being offended by the things which will happen to us in this world'. When circumstances of life offend us, we are instructed to seek comfort in scripture and the knowledge that God allowed whatever happened so that we will receive good and He will receive glory from our life.
- The phrase
- C16-S2 :
explains why they will feel offended.- The phrase
They shall put you out of the synagogues
means: 'This also applies to being excommunicated from a church'. - The phrase
yea, the time cometh
means: 'This is a prophecy'. - The phrase
that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service
means: 'Our next sentence says why they do this'. The books of Christian History tell the fulfillment of this prophecy.
- The phrase
- C16-S3 :
explains why people will do this.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds why people will do what the prior sentence says that they will do. - The phrase
And these things will they do unto you
means: 'He is not speaking about people who claim to serve other gods.Jesus
is identifying those people who claim to serve the God of the Bible'. - The phrase
because they have not known the father
means: 'They have not learned the true character of God the father. 1John 4: says:He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love
. 1John 4:16 says:And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him
. The people thatJesus
is identifying are not displaying the love of God the father. We are to studyThe word of God
to learn the character of God. We do not study in order to argue doctrine. That results in people refusing to berightly dividing the word of truth
. If all were doing that then there would by no arguing'. - The phrase
nor me
means: 'Such religious people are not truly saved'. Matthew 7:23 says:And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity
. Luke 13:27 tells us the same thing.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C16-S4 :
reminds them why He explained things.Jesus
said these things to proved that He was a prophet and the messenger from God.- Our sentence starts with the word
. It is still talking about how people will treat you because of your religious beliefs. However, where the prior sentence spoke of mistreatment, this sentence tells us thatJesus
gives the truth. - The phrase
But these things have I told you
means: 'Jesus
is identifying the prophecies which he spoke'. Please see the note for C16-S25, below, for links to every place where this phrase is reported. - The phrase
that when the time shall come
means: 'This is identifying when the prophecy is fulfilled'. Please see the section on Prophecies Fulfilled; found in the Study called Significant Gospel Events for links to other prophecies which were fulfilled in Gospel times. - The phrase
ye may remember that I told you of them
means: 'The main purpose of prophecy is to prove that the God of the Bible is the most powerful being that exists. This truth is proven by all of the fulfilled prophecies where God challenged all devils and all men to try and prevent Him from fulfilling His prophecy. He then gives them plenty of time to try and stop Him before He does exactly as prophesied. The world wants to look at unfulfilled prophecy so that they can try to stop God. Our sentence tells us thatJesus
said to look at fulfilled prophecy and put our trust in Him and in God the father because of the fulfilled prophecies'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C16-S5 :
says why He waited to tell them.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.Jesus
is adding why He is changing what He tells His disciples. - The phrase
And these things I said not unto you at the beginning
means: 'The things said at the 'Last Supper' are different from whatJesus
told them earlier in His ministry'. - The phrase
because I was with you
means: 'He was teaching them things that could see and understand that way'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C16-S6 :
says He will return to God the father.- The word
means: 'He is continuing the same subject as the prior sentence while changing directions'.Jesus
is still describing the type of things that he tells them but now saying why He switched to prophecy where in His earlier ministry He did not use prophecy as much. - The phrase
But now I go my way to him that sent me
means: 'Jesus
is returning to Heaven very soon'. - The phrase
and none of you asketh me, Whither goest thou?
means: 'They did not ask because they were in denial of the prophecies which He had given them'.
- The word
- C16-S7 : their reaction to what
said.- The word
means: 'He is continuing the same subject as the prior sentence while changing directions'.Jesus
is still describing prophecy but now is describing their reaction to prophecy just given. - The phrase
But because I have said these things unto you
means: 'Jesus
gave prophecy'. - The phrase
sorrow hath filled your heart
means: 'This is their reaction to the specific prophecy given'.
- The word
- C16-S8 : Why it is better for them if He leaves.
- The
means: 'Not the less; notwithstanding; that is, in opposition to anything, or without regarding it'. It does not matter how they react to His prophecy, He is giving it for their good. - The phrase
I tell you the truth
means: 'What follows is truth even if you don't believe it'. - The phrase
It is expedient for you that I go away
means: 'This is the best thing for you'. I've heard preachers deny the truth of this sentence and claim that they wished they liked during the ministry ofJesus
. First of all, they were not Jews and would have been rejected by the Jews and not accepted byJesus
. Next, they would not have had the indwellingHoly Spirit
to help them to understand spiritual things. I could go on but those two reasons alone should be sufficient for any Gentile to not wish such a thing. - The phrase
for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you
means: 'This is very clear on the surface and our current relationship with God is dependent upon God's indwellingHoly Spirit
'. - The phrase
but if I depart, I will send him unto you
means: 'Jesus
is Who had God the father send God's indwellingHoly Spirit
- The
- C16-S9 : What God's Holy
will do.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Here,Jesus
is adding the ministry of God'sHoly Spirit
. - The phrase
And when he is come
means: 'This is when this prophecy will be fulfilled'. Please see the Prophecies Section in the Significant Gospel Events Study for references to other prophecies in this chapter and in all chapters of the Gospel accounts. - The phrase
he will reprove the world
. The wordreprove
means: 'To blame; to censure; to prove again that deeds are wrong'. Our sentence tells us that he will tell the world that their doctrines, in these three areas, are wrong. And, if we accept the doctrine of the world in these three areas, we not only are wrong but we are sinning becauseJesus
told us this. (See the notes for C9-S50 and C15-S24. - The phrase
of sin
means: 'He will tell them they tell lies about what true sin is'. 1John 3:4 says:Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law
. Many people, including many so-called Christians, define this word the wrong way. - The phrase
and of righteousness
. The wordrighteousness
is defined as: 'doing the right thing, the right way, at the right time and for the right reason'. If any of those are wrong then the person is notrighteous
. Most people use a wrong definition for this word also. - The phrase
and of judgment
means: 'The word of God
tells us tojudge righteous judgment
, which is God's way of judgment (John 7:24; Romans 2:5; 2Thessalonians 1:5)'. . . . - The phrase
Of sin, because they believe not on me
means: 'Here's why God'sHoly Spirit
will reprove the world, and us, of sin'. - The phrase
Of righteousness, because I go to my father, and ye see me no more
means: 'Here's why God'sHoly Spirit
will reprove the world, and us, of righteousness'.Jesus
fulfilled prophecy and proved whatrighteousness
really is. - The phrase
Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged
means: 'Here's why God'sHoly Spirit
will reprove the world, and us, of judgment'. SinceThe prince of this world (Satan) is judged
, all who follow him will share in his judgment.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C16-S10 : Why some things can not be revealed until later.
- The phrase
I have yet manythings to say unto you
means: 'God only reveals truth to us when we are spiritually mature enough to handle it'. - The phrase
but ye cannot bear them now
means: 'These things wee revealed later and we have some of them in the Epistles.
- The phrase
- C16-S11 : the job of What God's Holy
.- The word
is defined as: 'adv. how, be, and it. Be it as it may; nevertheless; notwithstanding; yet; but; however'. - The phrase
Howbeit, when he, the Spirit of truth, is come
means: 'It does not matter what he does with the world, this is what He will do with you'. - The phrase
he will guide you into all truth
means: 'Truth only comes fromThe word of God
as interpreted by God'sHoly Spirit
'. Please see the Word Study on Truth for a note on ever place whereThe word of God
uses this word and for the true Biblical definition which is not written in any man written dictionary. - The phrase
for he shall not speak of himself
means: 'Just likeJesus
was the messenger of God the father, so is God'sHoly Spirit
the messenger of ourLord Jesus Christ
'. - The phrase
but whatsoever he shall hear
means: 'He only gives messages from ourLord Jesus Christ
'. - The phrase
that shall he speak
means: 'He delivers every message that He is given to deliver'. - The phrase
and he will shew you things to come
means: 'He will show the saved everything that ourLord Jesus Christ
tells Him to show us. This includes any prophecy that ourLord Jesus Christ
wants us to understand'.
- The word
- C16-S12 : the purpose that God's Holy
has.- The phrase
He shall glorify me
means: 'God's HolySpirit
will not glorify Himself in spite of what some religions say'. - The phrase
for he shall receive of mine
means: 'His job is to be the messenger of ourLord Jesus Christ
'. - The phrase
and shall shew it unto you
means: 'He shall receive
what ourLord Jesus Christ
gives to Him and He will deliver those things to us'.
- The phrase
- C16-S13 : the source of spiritual gifts.
- The phrase
All things that the father hath are mine
means: 'These religions which claim to be based on the Bible and also claim to bypassJesus
are lying'. - The phrase
therefore said I
means: 'This is whyJesus
said what He did in the prior sentence'. - The phrase
that he shall take of mine
means: 'God'sHoly Spirit
will take what ourLord Jesus Christ
gives to Him'. - The phrase
and shall shew it unto you
means: 'He will deliver it to the correct person'. Our sentence uses the wordshew
because the main thing that he gives to us in knowledge and understanding found inThe word of God
- The phrase
- C16-S14 : What will happen in the near future.
- The phrase
A little while
means: 'Jesus
will be crucified and buried within less than 24 hours'. - The phrase
and ye shall not see me
means: 'He will be buried'. - The phrase
and again, a little while
means: 'After three days He will rise'. - The phrase
and ye shall see me
means: 'Each and every one of the eleven personally will see the resurrectedJesus
'. - The phrase
because I go to the father
means: 'He will return to Heaven after finishing His spiritual work'.
- The phrase
- C16-S15 : Our sentence tells us that the disciples were confused because they tried to understand prophecy by discussing it among themselves using their own natural reasoning. They could not understand the prophecy that way. The same is true for people today.
- The phrase
Then said some of his disciples among themselves
means: ''. . . . - The phrase
What is this that he saith unto us
means: 'They tried to use their own natural reasoning to understand the prophecy thatJesus
told them'. - The phrase
A little while
means: 'This means that they were trying to understand unfulfilled prophecy'. - The phrase
and ye shall not see me
means: 'This prophecy was about His burial, which followed His death. They had trouble understanding the truth because they were rejecting the truth'. Many people of today have wrong interpretations of different doctrines because they refuse to accept the truth. Then, when what they want to believe is in conflict with whatThe word of God
literally says, they call it a 'Problem Verse' and blame God's perfect word for the problem while denying that it is their own rejection of truth which causes the problem. - The phrase
and again, a little while
means: 'This was a second unfulfilled prophecy. This second prophecy was about His resurrection. Again, they had trouble with this prophecy because they rejected the prophecy of His suffering and death'. - The phrase
and ye shall see me
means: 'Each and every one of the eleven disciples would personally see the resurrectedJesus
'. - The phrase
and, Because I go to the father?
means: 'This is whyJesus
gave these prophecies. However, like the prophecies of His suffering and death, they rejected the prophecies of His leaving them to return to Heaven'.
- The phrase
- C16-S16 : Some are confused about the time factor. Our sentence says:
They said therefore, What is this that he saith, A little while?
means: 'Jesus
was giving a future prophecy and they could not understand with their own natural reasoning'. - C16-S17 : Our sentence says:
we cannot tell what he saith
. This was because they were trying to understand unfulfilled prophecy using their own natural reasoning while also denying the truth. - C16-S18 :
called them on asking each other.- The phrase
Now Jesus knew that they were desirous to ask him
means: 'He understood that they wanted to understand the prophecy while also holding unto their denial of truth'. - The phrase
and said unto them
means: 'Jesus
said this as a question so that they would think about what they did. They talked among themselves rather than asking Him, even though they knew that he knew the truth. They went to the wrong source for answers because they refused to accept all of the truth'. - The phrase
Do ye inquire among yourselves of that I said
means: 'Jesus
identified their seeking answers from the wrong source'. - The phrase
A little while, and ye shall not see me
means: 'This was the prophecy of His suffering and death which they rejected'. Please see the Prophecies Section in the Significant Gospel Events Study for other prophecies of His suffering and death. - The phrase
and again, a little while, and ye shall see me?
means: 'This was a prophecy of His resurrection which they also rejected because they refused to believe that He would suffer and die for our sins'. Again, there are many references to the 'Resurrection from the Dead' in the reference work just identified for the prior phrase.
- The phrase
- C16-S19 :
predicts the reaction to His death.- The phrase
Verily, verily, I say unto you
means: 'This has been verified twice and will be used when God judges these people and others who act like them'. - The phrase
That ye shall weep and lament
means: 'Each and every one of you personally absolutely, positively willweep and lament
'. I've had several preachers deny this phrase because they claim that there are 'no tears in heaven' and that allweeping and lamenting
only happens in Hell. This will happen whenJesus
suffers and dies. - The phrase
but the world shall rejoice
means: 'The world will believe the lie of Satan that they have won the spiritual war with God and forced God to accept that things have to go their way'. This will happen whenJesus
suffers and dies. - The phrase
and ye shall be sorrowful
means: 'This will be their emotional reaction to the suffering and death ofJesus
'. - The phrase
but your sorrow shall be turned into joy
means: 'This will happen with His resurrection'.
- The phrase
- C16-S20 :
provides an analogy.- The phrase
A woman when she is in travail hath sorrow
means: 'This is speaking about the experience of Labour in birth'. - The phrase
because her hour is come
means: 'This is because of the physical pain and suffering'. - The phrase
but as soon as she is delivered of the child
means: 'As soon as the child is out of the mother'. - The phrase
she remembereth no more the anguish
means: 'She forgets all of the suffering and pain'. - The phrase
for joy that a man is born into the world
means: 'This is why'.
- The phrase
- C16-S21 : the application of the analogy.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. In our sentence,Jesus
is adding the application of the analogy of the prior sentence. - The phrase
And ye now therefore have sorrow
means: 'This was how they were feelings because of the prophecies which they did not want to accept'. - The phrase
but I will see you again
means: 'This is another prophecy of the resurrection'. - The phrase
and your heart shall rejoice
means: 'This will be their future emotional response to the resurrection'. - The phrase
and your joy no man taketh from you
means: 'This will be their ongoing emotional response to the resurrection'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C16-S22 : First result of their future sorrow and joy. Our sentence says:
And in that day ye shall ask me nothing
. 'They will be so full of wonder, joy and fear that they won't be able to say anything'. They would have wonder and joy at His resurrection and with the hope for their own promised resurrection. They would have fear that their own personal rejection of the prophecies fromJesus
would cause them to lose their promise. God does not ace that way and, when they realized it, that truth would increase their honor of God for His mercy. - C16-S23 : Second result of their future sorrow and joy.
- The phrase
Verily, verily, I say unto you
means: 'This has been verified twice and will be used when God judges these people and others who act like them'. - The phrase
Whatsoever ye shall ask the father in my name, he will give it you
means: 'This is a promise of answered prayer in the future'. This promise was given to the eleven in a private meeting where most of the followers were excluded. This promise was given because they devoted their life to His service.
- The phrase
- C16-S24 : Ask in the name of
.- The phrase
Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name
means: 'In the past and up until that time, none of them had personally prayed to God the father in the power and authority ofJesus
'. - The phrase
ask, and ye shall receive
means: 'Start doing it and believe that God will answer'. - The phrase
that your joy may be full
means: 'This is the expected result'.
- The phrase
- C16-S25 : Teaching by
.- The phrase
These things have I spoken unto you
means: 'Jesus
is referring to what He has said at the 'Last Supper' and what He said in private to the eleven disciples'. These things were said after Judas left to betray Him. This shows that there are some things reserved for the saved and serving only.Jesus
excluded the lost and excluded those who believed on Him but were not serving Him. We find this exact phrase in:- John 14:25 where
said that He was telling themthese things
before His return to Heaven. He was sayingthese things
while He spoke as a literal physical man and not asLord Jesus
, after He took back His own power and authority as God. - John 15:11 where
said that His words were to give usjoy
which was full and which remained. - John 16:1 where
said that His words were given to help us avoid being offended by the things which will happen to us in this world. - Our current sentence where
said that His words were in proverbs before but in the future He will speak more plainly. That is, what he said to us through His ministers and in the epistles will be plainer and easier to understand
- John 14:25 where
- The phrase
have I spoken unto you in proverbs
means: 'This is howJesus
taught when there were many people around and some of them were carnal and some were lost and some were religious leaders who were actively looking to dispute withJesus
'. People believe, and quote, that aproverb
is 'a physical story which is used to teach a spiritual truth'. And it is. But that description leaves out part of the true description and lets people believe doctrinal error. The missing part of the description is: 'Jesus
taught in parables so that only the spiritually mature would receive the truth and the carnal and lost would be led into doctrinal error'. The spiritually mature would receive the truth because they received it spiritually from God. The carnal and lost would be led into doctrinal error because they used natural reasoning to try to figure out what the proverb meant. Thus, we need to be careful what we believe that a proverb says because there are wrong interpretations of each proverb that are published by the carnal and lost. - The phrase
but the time cometh
means: 'This is a prophecy of the future'. - The phrase
when I shall no more speak unto you in proverbs
means: 'Jesus
speaks to the spiritually mature in private through God'sHoly Spirit
as they pray and truly seek the truth found inThe word of God
'. - The phrase
but I shall shew you plainly of the father
means: 'The main thing thatThe word of God
teaches is the character of God'.The word of God
warns us that people will preach another god and another Jesus and another Christ and another Lord. The only way to separate truth from error is to know the true character of our God.
- The phrase
- C16-S26 : A new way to pray.
- The phrase
At that day ye shall ask in my name
means: 'This is a prophecy and promise of what true disciples will do in the future'. - The phrase
and I say not unto you, that I will pray the father for you
means: 'We will not need Mary, saints, priests not evenJesus
to pray for us because of the rest of this sentence'. - The phrase
For the father himself loveth you
means: 'This is why we do not need someone else to pray for us'. - The phrase
because ye have loved me
means: 'Here's why'. - The phrase
and have believed that I came out from God
means: 'Here's the second reason why'.
- The phrase
- C16-S27 : the summary of the physical life of
.- The phrase
I came forth from the father
means: 'God the father sentThe Son of God
from himself to deliver the message of salvation from God the father and to pay the price for our true salvation'. - The phrase
and am come into the world
means: 'The Son of God
came here to do the work that God the father gave Him to do'. - The phrase
means: 'Jesus
has given this prophecy before several times'. - The phrase
I leave the world
means: 'Jesus
will return to Heaven'. - The phrase
and go to the father
means: 'That is where God the father is at'.
- The phrase
- C16-S28 : the reaction by the disciples.
- The phrase
His disciples said unto him
means: 'This is who spoke and whom they spoke to'. - The word
means: 'exclaim. Look; see; behold; observe. this word is used to excite particular attention in a hearer to some object of sight, or subject of discourse'. - The phrase
now speakest thou plainly, and speakest no proverb
means: 'They claimed to understand the prior several sentences but were still in denial of the truth'. We can deny even the most clearly stated truth if we wish to. However, our denial does not change the truth and it only proves that we are insisting on acting as a fool.
- The phrase
- C16-S29 : the results from faith.
- The phrase
Now are we sure that thou knowest all things
means: 'Only God knows all things. Men can reveal spiritual mysteries only if God first reveals the mysteries to the man'. - The phrase
and needest not that any man should ask thee
means: 'Asking was, and is, a way of teaching. In this phrase, they were saying that no man needed to teachJesus
anything'. (Yes, there are people who will disagree with what I just wrote but they do not have a better explanation. They just want to tear down the authority of someone else without providing a better answer.) - The phrase
By this we believe that thou camest forth from God
means: 'They said that theybelieve that thou camest forth from God
gave answers which could only have come from God'.
- The phrase
- C16-S30 : Question based upon prior profession. Our sentence says:
Jesus answered them, Do ye now believe?
. It means: 'Do you really?.Jesus
truly doubted their claim and we see this by His giving them another prophecy, in the next sentence, which they each rejected'. - C16-S31 :
prophesies the scattering of the disciples.- The word
means: 'Pay close attention'. - The phrase
The hour cometh
means: 'This future time continues to get closer'. - The phrase
means: 'A stronger form of the wordyes
'. This word is notOld English' as perverts of the trueword of God
claim. - The phrase
is now come
means: 'The time is so close thatJesus
can saynow
. And, the fact is that they had already done this in their minds because they denied prophecy, which they did not want to believe. And, they replaced truth with their own thoughts in their minds'. - The phrase
that ye shall be scattered, every man to his own
means: 'People preach about Peter but he was not the only disciple who abandoned, and denied,Jesus
'. - The phrase
and shall leave me alone
means: 'This is what He prophesied that they would do'. - The phrase
and yet I am not alone
means: 'Here is the exception to what people thought was the result'. - The phrase
because the father is with me
means: 'People discount the presence of God the father because they can not see Him'.
- The word
- C16-S32 : Where we are to put our trust.
- The phrase
These things I have spoken unto you
means: 'Jesus
prophesied unpleasant truth because the time will come when they can no longer deny it'. - The phrase
that in me ye might have peace
means: 'He did this so that they will turn to Him, and their personal relationship with Him, in order to receive the truepeace of God
- The phrase
- C16-S33 : Prophecy of future
and the solution to it.- The phrase
In the world ye shall have tribulation
means: 'This absolutely, positively will happen to true believers in this world which rejects God and the truth'. - The phrase
but be of good cheer
means: 'Here is how we are commanded to react'. - The phrase
I have overcome the world
means: 'Jesus
will help us to react this way if we turn to Him in the time of trouble'.
- The phrase
Chapter 17 Summary:
Last Supper: the Lord's prayer for His disciples.
This chapter has the true 'Lord's prayer for His disciples'. Probably the most important part of this prayer, for the saved of today, is 17:20-21 which tells us Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; that they all may be one; as thou, father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us
. Not only does this sentence include the saved of today in this prayer, but it makes it clear that the saved of today are included That they all may be one; as thou, father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us
. If the saved of today are not one; as thou, father, art in me, and I in thee
, and have the same doctrine and practices as the early church (that they also may be one in us
), then the saved of today are not fulfilling the purpose that Jesus Christ
had in saving them.
If the reader looks at the sentence summaries they should see a pattern in this prayer. First, Jesus
prays for His disciples who will become His Apostles. Second He limits His prayers to the saved and deliberately
excludes the lost from this prayer. Next He prays that the ministry be turned over to these disciples. Next He recognizes the steps following His handing over the ministry. Then Jesus
prays for their future needs in order to do the ministry. After these items have been prayed for Jesus
prays for future believers who will take over the ministry.
Please notice that this entire prayer is centered on the ministry and the spiritual needs to advance the ministry. Even though Jesus
is going to the cross, He does not pray about that in public but waits until He is praying in private. The example is that public prayer should be for spiritual needs and should be centered on the ministry while personal needs are dealt with in private prayer. We not only see this truth in this chapter but an examination of Paul's recorded prayers will reveal the same pattern.
John 17:1-26 is the true Lord's prayer.
In John 17:12 and John 18:8-9 we are told that Jesus
fulfilled a prophesy that those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition
. No commentator, that I found, could say exactly which scripture this fulfilled. The best that I could find was Deuteronomy 33:3 or Ezekiel 34. However, in addition to those verses, there are 25 places in the Old Testament which use the words Lord
and preserve
and promises that the Lord
will preserve
those people who dedicate their life to His service. Please see the note for John 17:12 for those references.
John 17:12 gives a prophecy from Jesus
that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition
. it is fulfilled in the third Equivalent Section of John 18 8-9:.
In John 7:33-36; John 8:21-24; John 12:35; John 13:33; John 16:5-7; John 16:16-22; John 17:11-13; Matthew 9:15; Luke 5:35 and Luke 13:35; we have a prophecy which is similar to what we find in Luke 17:22. Please see the Prophecies Section in the Significant Gospel Events Study for other references to Gospel prophecies.
Below is a summary of each sentence within this chapter with a link to the note providing the detailed analysis and contextual requirements of each sentence. These sentence summaries also show the basis for the chapter summary provided above.
- C17-S1 : Prayer for future glory based upon prior power.
- The phrase
These words spake Jesus
means: 'This is the start of the prayer which fills this chapter. This is the true 'Lord's Prayer'. It is what He prayed for His disciples, including us'. - The phrase
and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said
means: 'Jesus
did this action as a visual sign, to His disciples, of Whom He was praying to'. - The phrase
means: 'Here He verbally addressed Whom He was praying to'. The Jews had fits because He called God the father His father. - The phrase
The hour is come
means: 'Jesus
recognizes that it is time for His sacrifice'. - The phrase
glorify thy Son
means: 'God the father will do this with His resurrection but He must first suffer and die to prove that the worst which devils and men do can not match His proven power'. - The phrase
that thy Son also may glorify thee
means: 'Jesus
does this by causing the truly saved to change their character to be more like God the father. Since God the father provides the power, He gets the glory'. - The phrase
As thou hast given him power over all flesh
means: 'God the father gaveJesus
power over all flesh
. He uses thatpower
to help His followers to overcome the temptations of the flesh'. - The phrase
that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him
means: 'Here is the desired end result. It is not enough for us to go to Heaven because we will be miserable if our personal character is not changed to enjoy the things of Heaven and to not miss the sinful things of the flesh'. God gives us an ongoing personal relationship with Him, as explained for the next sentence.
- The phrase
- C17-S2 : Add the true reason for giving
life eternal
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds an explanation to the prior phrase. - The phrase
And this is life eternal
means: 'As a man is given to his wife for an ongoing personal relationship, and as the wife is given to her husband, so is God given to the truly saved for an ongoing personal relationship'. (Please see the note for Ephesians 5:32.) What we are given for ourselves iseverlasting life
because our spiritual life has a starting point. Only God haseternal life
has no start. Thus, we are giveneternal life
in that we are given the relationship which has just been explained. - The phrase
that they might know thee the only true God
means: 'We are given this relationship for the reason stated in this phrase'. - The phrase
and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent
means: 'This is the second reason'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C17-S3 : the work that
did.- The phrase
I have glorified thee on the earth
means: 'Jesus
taught people what God the father was truly like. This is opposed to the teaching of religion'. - The phrase
I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do
means: 'at this point He had not yet died for our sins but He had taught His disciples and would work through them to teach the church'.
- The phrase
- C17-S4 : the reward that
expects.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.Jesus
adds what God the father will do. - The phrase
And now, O father
means: 'He is praying to God the father after acknowledging that He did His part'. . . . - The phrase
glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was
means: 'Jesus
is praying, for the benefit on the listening disciples, what God will do as a reward to Him'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C17-S5 : What
did with the people that God the father gave to Him.- The phrase
I have manifested thy name unto the men which thou gavest me out of the world
means: 'Jesus
revealed God's power and authority in every possible way to His disciples'. - The phrase
thine they were, and thou gavest them me
means: 'God the father chose them and oldJesus
who to pick as disciples'. - The phrase
and they have kept thy word
means: 'The eleven did what God the father commanded'.
- The phrase
- C17-S6 : the results in the lives of the disciples. Our sentence says:
Now they have known that all things whatsoever thou hast given me are of thee
means: 'The disciples knew that everything whichJesus
gave to them had originated with God the father'. - C17-S7 : Why the disciples had changed lives.
- The phrase
For I have given unto them the words which thou gavest me
means: 'Jesus
preached and taught what God the father told Him to do. He did not preach His own opinion nor His own message'. - The phrase
and they have received them
means: 'The eleven disciples accepted, believed and acted on the message from God the father'. - The phrase
and have known surely that I came out from thee
means: 'They had no doubt thatJesus
came from God the father'. - The phrase
and they have believed that thou didst send me
means: 'They had no doubt that the message whichJesus
delivered came from God the father'.
- The phrase
- C17-S8 :
only prays for the saved.- The phrase
I pray for them
means: 'Jesus
prated for the eleven disciples'. - The phrase
I pray not for the world
means: 'Jesus
made a point that He did not pray for everyone in general and deliberately refused to pray for those who rejected the message from God the father'. - The phrase
but for them which thou hast given me
means: 'Jesus
is still naming people in His prayer but making the distinction between whom He prayed for and whom He deliberately excluded from His prayer' - The phrase
for they are thine
means: 'Here's why'.
- The phrase
- C17-S9 : Joint ownership of the saved.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Here,Jesus
is adding the spiritual relationship between God and the people who He prayed for. - The phrase
And all mine are thine
means: 'Anyone who truly belongs toJesus
also belongs to God the father'. - The phrase
and thine are mine
means: 'Anyone who truly belongs to God the father also belongs toJesus
'. - The phrase
and I am glorified in them
means: 'Anyone who is truly saved will glorifyJesus
with their life'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C17-S10 : Turnover of who is the tool of God
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. . - The phrase
And now I am no more in the world
means: 'God does not count time like we count time. This will not happen for several days. However, since there is no stopping what will happen,Jesus
, and God the father, count the events as done'. - The phrase
but these are in the world
means: 'WhileJesus
is returning to Heaven, He is leaving the elevenin the world
'. - The phrase
and I come to thee
means: 'Jesus
is returning to God the father'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C17-S11 : Prayer for protection by God the father.
- The phrase
Holy father
means: 'This is WhomJesus
is directing His prayer to and a major character trail of God the father. The eleven, and all true Christians, will also need to beholy
in order to beone
with God the father and withJesus
'. - The phrase
keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me
means: 'This is whatJesus
prays for the saved people who remainholy
. He does not pray for protection of people who claim to be saved but refuse to remainholy
'. - The phrase
that they may be one, as we are
means: 'Jesus
prays for the people of this sentence to be completely united with God the father in character, purpose and other things'.
- The phrase
- C17-S12 : Protection of saved. by
.- The phrase
While I was with them in the world
means: 'Jesus
is still there, at the moment, but He will soon be arrested and no longer be staying with the disciples and protecting them. As already mentioned in this chapter, God's measurement of time is different than ours. Therefore,Jesus
prays this phrase because he counts all that can not be stopped as already done'. - The phrase
I kept them in thy name
means: 'Jesus
kept the eleven by the power and authority of God the father'. - The phrase
those that thou gavest me I have kept
means: 'God the father personally gave The eleven toJesus
and He kept them'. - The phrase
and none of them is lost
means: 'None of the eleven left and none went to Hell'. - The phrase
but the son of perdition
means: 'Judas Iscariot was the only exception'. This identifier is also found in 2Thessalonians 2:3. - The phrase
that the scripture might be fulfilled
means: ' Please see the Detailed Note about this phrase'.
- The phrase
- C17-S13 : Immediate pl and by
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.Jesus
is adding what He will do to what He has done. - The phrase
And now come I to thee
means: 'Again,Jesus
uses God's sense of time and states what He will do while ignoring any time interval because what He says can not be stopped'. - The phrase
and these things I speak in the world
means: 'Jesus
said these things while He was here and acting as a literal physical man'. - The phrase
that they might have my joy fulfilled in themselves
means: 'Here's the desired result which the eleven will have in the future'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C17-S14 : A changed life due to the word of God.
- The phrase
I have given them thy word
means: 'Jesus
gave the eleven the word which came from God the father personally'. - The phrase
and the world hath hated them
means: 'The world reacted this way to their changed life'. - The phrase
because they are not of the world
means: 'Here's why'. - The phrase
even as I am not of the world
means: 'Here is the example that they personally followed'.
- The phrase
- C17-S15 : Prayer for future protection.
- The phrase
I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world
means: 'Jesus
did not pray for this because His followers have a job in this world'. - The phrase
but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil
means: 'He prayed that God the father would keep their character like God's character and not let them turn to be like Satan'.
- The phrase
- C17-S16 : Recognition of saved having the character of
. Our sentence says:They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world
means: 'The truly saved do not belong to this world just likeJesus
did not belong to this world'. - C17-S17 : Prayer for future sanctification. Our sentence says:
Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth
means: 'Jesus
prayed that God would useThe word of God
to set the truly saved aside from this world and set to be used in His work'. - C17-S18 : Passing on the job.
- The phrase
As thou hast sent me into the world
means: 'In the exact same way as God the father sentJesus
into the world in order to save and sanctify people'. - The phrase
even so have I also sent them into the world
means: 'with equal importanceJesus
has sent His true disciples into the world so that He can use them to save and sanctify people'. The wordeven
means: 'having equal weight. when the two sides of a balancing scale are even, the two sides have equal weight'.
- The phrase
- C17-S19 :
is the example of sanctification.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds howJesus
made Himself our example. - The phrase
And for their sakes I sanctify myself
means: 'Jesus
did this for the sake of all true disciples'. - The phrase
that they also might be sanctified through the truth
means: 'We are to follow His example in order to achieve this result'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C17-S20 : Prayer for future believers.
- The phrase
Neither pray I for these alone
means: 'NowJesus
includes future believers in His prayer'. - The phrase
but for them also which shall believe on me through their word
means: 'We are included when we believe on the person ofJesus
through theword of God
which was passed to us from these eleven or those that they taught or Paul, who was personally taught byJesus
'. - The phrase
That they all may be one
means: 'We are to all be singular in our doctrine and our character and our ministry which are to all be centered on doing and being what God desires'. - The phrase
as thou, father, art in me, and I in thee
means: 'Our unity is to be the same as the unity ofJesus
and God the father'. - The phrase
that they also may be one in us
means: 'Our unity with God's church affects our unity with God'. - The phrase
that the world may believe that thou hast sent me
means: 'Our unity is required for us to do the work of God'.
- The phrase
- C17-S21 :
prays for ongoing unity.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds what God gives the saved who devote their life to service like the eleven did. - The phrase
And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them
means: 'The eleven received glory because of their devotion'. - The phrase
that they may be one, even as we are one
means: 'This is the desired result'. - The phrase
I in them, and thou in me
means: 'This is the ongoing personal relationship which produces the results in the rest of the sentence'. - The phrase
that they may be made perfect in one
means: 'This speaks of spiritual maturity'. - The phrase
and that the world may know that thou hast sent me
means: 'We are to be witnesses forJesus
and for the fact that He represents God the father'. - The phrase
and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me
means: 'We are to be witnesses of God's love'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C17-S22 : the eternal future of future believers.
- The phrase
means: 'This is Whom this prayer request is directed to'. - The phrase
I will that they also, whom thou hast given me
means: 'This is whomJesus
is praying for'. - The phrase
be with me where I am
means: 'This is a prayer that the saved go to Heaven'. - The phrase
that they may behold my glory, which thou hast given me
means: 'This is a prayer for what the saved will see in Heaven'. - The phrase
for thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world
means: 'This is why'.
- The phrase
- C17-S23 : Righteousness shows knowledge of God.
- The phrase
O righteous father
means: 'Jesus
is recognizing the results of spiritual relationship. This is part of His prayer and should be part of our prayers'. - The phrase
The world hath not known thee
means: 'This is truth and the reason why the world rejects the truth about God'. - The phrase
but I have known thee
means: 'This is why God the father worked throughJesus
'. - The phrase
and these have known that thou hast sent me
means: 'This is the result of God the father working throughJesus
- The phrase
- C17-S24 : the results of the righteousness of God.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds the results of the relationship described in the prior sentence. - The phrase
And I have declared unto them thy name
means: 'Jesus
told His disciples the power and authority that God the father has'. - The phrase
and will declare it
means: 'Jesus
does the same today for true saved disciples'. - The phrase
that the love wherewith thou hast loved me may be in them
means: 'He does this so that we can receive the love of God the father'. - The phrase
and I in them
means: 'He also does this so that we can have a proper relationship with Him'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
Chapter 18 Summary:
The Betrayal of Jesus.
This chapter has the betrayal of Jesus
by Judas Iscariot, the denial by Peter and the rejection by the Jewish people.
Please see the Table of Miracles in the Gospels and several Sections within the Significant Gospel Events for links to similar Bible references. In addition, please see the Sequence of the Betrayal of Jesus and the Sequence of the Crucifixion of Jesus Sections within the Gospel Time Sequence Study for references to this chapter and for links to related reports within the Bible. Please also see the note for the Sequence of the Betrayal of Jesus found in the Study called Significant Gospel Events to find links to where the other Gospels report parallel accounts of this chapter.
Our chapter quickly moves from Jesus
dealing with His disciples to His betrayal without going into the details of what happens in between like the other Gospels report. However, our chapter does report some aspects of His betrayal which the other Gospels also report while also reporting some aspects of His betrayal which the other Gospels do not report. Therefore, the details of this chapter are important to the Bible student who wishes to know the details.
The significant message of this chapter is that Jesus
was betrayed by The son of perdition
, the Jewish Rulers, the servants of the Jewish Rulers, and the Jewish people in general. In addition, He was denied by Peter, abandoned by the other disciples and the Roman government went along with a 'murder by abuse of the law'. Thus, all people of the world are represented and no group can honestly point their finger at another group while declaring their own group innocent.
The events of this chapter have parallel accounts in the other Gospels but the details vary between the various Gospels because the different authors present different points of view. There are no conflicts between the Gospels on these events. Please see the section called the Sequence of the Betrayal of Jesus; found in the Study called Significant Gospel Events to find links to these events within the Gospels.
Matthew 26:47; Mark 14:43; Luke 22:47 and John 18:3 report the
fulfillment of the prophecy found in Matthew 26:46 and Mark 14:42 about the arrival of Judas Iscariot and the mob to arrest Jesus
The phrase I am he
, meaning that Jesus
was the promised Messiahs
or Christ
is found in John 8:24; John 8:28; John 13:19; John 18:5; John 18:6; John 18:8.
In John 17:12 and John 18:8-9 we are told that Jesus
fulfilled a prophesy that those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition
. No commentator, that I found, could say exactly which scripture this fulfilled. The best that I could find was Deuteronomy 33:3 or Ezekiel 34. However, in addition to those verses, there are 25 places in the Old Testament which use the words Lord
and preserve
and promises that the Lord
will preserve
those people who dedicate their life to His service. Please see the note for John 17:12 for those references.
In John 18:8-9 we are told that Jesus
commands His arrestors (Jesus answered...let these go their way
) in order to fulfill prophecy.
In John 18:10-11; Matthew 26:51-54; Mark 14:47-49 and Luke 22:50-51; Jesus
Heals the ear of Malchus.
John 18:10 tells us that the servant, whose ear was cut off, was named Malchus
. Please see the note in the Book Study on the Gospel of John for comments from commentators about this event.
John 18:12-24 tells us that Jesus
is taken before Annas the high priest.
John 18:15 tells us that John followed Jesus
just like Peter did.
John 18:15-18 and John 18:25-27 give us details about the stumbling of Peter which are not in the other Gospels. In addition, John 18:15-18 also tells us that John followed with Peter and that John was the person who got Peter into the high priest's house.
Matthew 26:33-35; Mark 14:29-31; Luke 22:31-34; John 13:37-38 and John 16:32 present the prophecy by Jesus
that Peter, and the rest, would deny knowing Jesus or otherwise be offended and scatter. Matthew 26:56 and Mark 14:50 say Then all the disciples forsook him, and fled
. In addition, Peter's denial is in Matthew 26:69-75; Mark 14:66-72; Luke 22:56-62 and John 18:17, 25-27.
John 18:19-23 has questioning of Jesus
which was done by the high priest and which is only recorded in John. This questioning was done either was before or after the seeking of false witnesses recorded in Matthew 26:59-61 and in Mark 14:55-59.
Only John 18:22 reports that: one of the officers which stood by struck Jesus with the palm of his hand, saying, Answerest thou the high priest so?
this action by the guard is in response to the question of John 18:19 and the answer of John 18:20-21. We see a similar action by others in Matthew 26:67-68; Mark 14:65 and Luke 22:63-64; however that was different men and at a different time. Please see the
Detailed Chapter note about the prophecies that this fulfills.
John 18:25-26 tells us about Peter's third denial. What is unique to John's Gospel is the identification of the person who asked the third time.
We find the fulfillment of Jesus
prophesying that Peter would deny knowing Jesus in Matthew 26:74-75 and Mark 14:68-72 and Luke 22:60-61 and John 18:27.
John 18:29-39 Jesus
was sent to Pilate for a judgment of death since it was not lawful for the Jews to give a death sentence. Pilate asks for a specific charge against Jesus
. We also have the discussion between Pilate and the Jewish religious leaders which is not reported elsewhere.
In John 18:31-32 we are told that the Jews demanded death by crucifixion to fulfill the prophecy by Jesus
that he would die this way.
John 2:19; John 2:22; John 3:14; John 8:28; John 10:11-19 John 12:32-33 and John 18:32 all
tell us about the betrayal, persecution, death and resurrection of Jesus
. Please see the Detailed Chapter Note for more Bible references to this doctrine.
The trial of Jesus
by Pilate and Herod found in Matthew 27:1-34; Mark 15:1-20; Luke 23:1-26 and John 18:28-19:16. This trial fulfills Psalms 2; especially Psalms 2:2.
Only in John 18:34 do we read that Pilate asked Jesus
if He was a (lower-case) king
, which meant 'a human king on this Earth'.
Only in John 18:34 do we read that Jesus
asked Pilate if he believed that Jesus
was the King of the Jews
. In the other Gospels we only read that Jesus
repeated his answer back to him.
Below is a summary of each sentence within this chapter with a link to the note providing the detailed analysis and contextual requirements of each sentence. These sentence summaries also show the basis for the chapter summary provided above.
- C18-S1 :
is done with the private ministry to the disciples.- The phrase
When Jesus had spoken these words
means: 'Jesus
finished His sayings which were for serving disciples only and now went to be betrayed'. - The phrase
he went forth with his disciples over the brook Cedron
means: 'This is where He went and who went with Him'. - The phrase
where was a garden, into the which he entered
means: 'This is the exact place where He prayed while waiting for Judas and the mob'. - The phrase
and his disciples
means: 'They were with Him but did not know what would soon happen because they were in denial of the prophecies'.
- The phrase
- C18-S2 : Judas knew where to find
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds why Judas knew where to findJesus
. - The phrase
And Judas also
means: 'Judas was included in the people who knew where to findJesus
'. - The phrase
which betrayed him, knew the place
means: 'Judas used his knowledge to betrayJesus
'. - The phrase
for Jesus ofttimes resorted thither with his disciples
means: 'Here's why'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C18-S3 : Judas came with a band to arrest
.- The phrase
Judas then
means: 'After Judas assured the religious leaders that he knew where to findJesus
'. - The phrase
having received a band of men and officers from the chief priests and Pharisees
means: 'Judas had a mob with him who supported the devil motivated religious leaders'. - The phrase
cometh thither with lanterns and orches and weapons
means: 'This is how they came. They were prepared for a fight'.
- The phrase
- C18-S4 :
bold went to meet His arrestors.- The phrase
Jesus therefore
means: 'As a direct result of how they came,Jesus
acted as described in this sentence'. - The phrase
knowing all things that should come upon him
means: 'This is why He acted like He did'. - The phrase
went forth, and said unto them
means: 'Jesus
met them and said the following question'. - The phrase
Whom seek ye?
means: 'He knew the answer but they had to say it themselves to be guilty when judged by God'.
- The phrase
- C18-S5 : the arrestors answered
. Our sentence says:They answered him, Jesus of Nazareth
means: 'They were looking for a literal physical man who came from the region regarded by the Jews as being low class'. - C18-S6 :
identified Himself. Our sentence says:Jesus saith unto them, I am he
means: 'Jesus
made it very clear that He was Whom they were looking for'. - C18-S7 : Judas identified himself with the arrestors.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds that Judas was with the mob. - The phrase
And Judas also, which betrayed him
means: 'This identifies Judas and what he did'. - The phrase
stood with them
means: 'This tells us that he identified himself with the servants of Satan'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C18-S8 : the miraculous power of
.- The phrase
As soon then as he had said unto them
means: 'As a direct result of whatJesus
said'. - The phrase
I am he
means: 'Jesus
identified Himself as Whom they were looking for but He also caused this result as a warning that they would face the judgment from God for their actions'. - The phrase
they went backward, and fell to the ground
means: 'This was the miraculous display of His power. He chose to accept God's will for Him. They did not force Him and He displayed the proof that it was His choice' Please see the Table Of Miracles in the Gospels for references to other miracles done byJesus
- The phrase
- C18-S9 :
repeats His question after displaying Godly power. Therefore, they could not deny that they were warned when they each faced judgment by God. Our sentence says:Then asked he them again, Whom seek ye?
means: 'This is their second chance to leave and not be involved in the work of Satan'. - C18-S10 : the foolish people repeat their answer. Our sentence says:
And they said, Jesus of Nazareth
. It means: 'For the second time they identify that they were seeking a literal physical man who came from the region regarded by the Jews as being low class, in spite of the display of Godly power'. - C18-S11 :
commands His arrestors in order to fulfill prophecy.- The phrase
Jesus answered
means: 'He told them a second time only added to His answer in this sentence'. He is no longer giving a warning but is looking out for the welfare of His disciples. - The phrase
I have told you that I am he
means: 'HereJesus
tells them that He is repeating His answer'. - The phrase
if therefore ye seek me
means: 'This is the conditional basis for the rest of this sentence'. - The phrase
let these go their way
means: 'They had no reason to arrest the disciples'. - The phrase
That the saying might be fulfilled
means: 'Here's whyJesus
said that'. - The phrase
which he spake
means: 'This is a reference to John 17:12 '. - The phrase
of them which thou gavest me have I lost none
means: 'This is the prophecy which He was fulfilling'.
- The phrase
- C18-S12 : Peter tries to prevent the arrest.
- The phrase
Then Simon Peter having a sword drew it
means: 'Peter acted in the flesh the exact way that the mob expected and were prepared for. IfJesus
had not acted like is reported, the disciples would have been hurt and possibly killed'. There are times when we think we are serving God and are actually serve the purpose of Satan. We need to be very careful about what we say and do while we are emotionally upset. - The phrase
and smote the high priest's servant
means: 'Peter tried to cut off his head but the servant ducked'. - The phrase
and cut off his right ear
means: 'That is all that Peter cut'.
- The phrase
- C18-S13 : Identity of the one hurt. Our sentence says:
The servant's name was Malchus
. - C18-S14 :
commands Peter to cease his efforts.- The phrase
Then said Jesus unto Peter
means: 'Jesus
first stopped Peter from any more foolish acts'. - The phrase
Put up thy sword into the sheath
means: 'This is a command to stand down and not fight what is happening'. - The phrase
The cup which my father hath given me
means: 'Here's why. God the father was causing what was happening'. - The phrase
shall I not drink it?
means: 'Jesus
accepted the plan of God no matter what it cost Him in the flesh'. He is our example for how to act in the flesh and God wants us to follow His example with the faith that God will reward us in Heaven with everlasting rewards.
- The phrase
- C18-S15 :
was arrested and taken to Annas.- The phrase
Then the band and the captain and officers of the Jews took Jesus
means: 'These phrases identify the different types of people in the mob that arrestedJesus
'. - The phrase
and bound him
means: 'Even though He went willingly, they acted like he would try to escape'. - The phrase
And led him away to Annas first
means: 'Even though Annas was not supposed to be the highest authority, the religious Jews gave him that position because of politics'. - The phrase
for he was father in law to Caiaphas
means: 'This was his relationship to the man who was supposed to be the true highest authority among Jews'. - The phrase
which was the high priest that same year
means: 'This was the position of Caiaphas'.
- The phrase
- C18-S16 : Who Caiaphas was.
- The phrase
Now Caiaphas was he, which gave counsel to the Jews
means: 'The prior sentence told us his position and this sentence tells us what he did with that position'. - The phrase
that it was expedient that one man should die for the people
means: 'Notice that, like many religious people, he encouraged the death of another even while he personally was not willing to die. Such is not the character of God sinceGod is love
. Such is the character of Satan. His advice, and the willingness of the Jewish religious leaders to follow it, is evidence thatJesus
spoke true when He saidYe are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it
(John 8:44)'.
- The phrase
- C18-S17 : Peter and John were where
was tried.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds that two of the disciples followeda far off
. Please see the Sequence of Gospel Events for links to the different Gospel reports about events from this time forward. Those links are in a time sequence. - The phrase
And Simon Peter followed Jesus, and so did another disciple
means: 'The phrase used here is how John identifies himself in his writings'. - The phrase
that disciple was known unto the high priest
means: 'Where Peter and Andrew were common fishermen, John's parents were rich and owned several fishing boats. As such, they were considered higher society among Jews and the household of the high priest knew John from his family visits to the family of the high priest'. - The phrase
and went in with Jesus into the palace of the high priest
means: 'John was let in while Peter was kept out due to the difference in their social standings'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C18-S18 : Peter couldn't get into the palace. Our sentence says:
But Peter stood at the door without
. This was explained in the note for the prior sentence. Our sentence starts with the wordbut
, which means it is continuing the subject, from the prior sentence, of who was received while showing a contrast of the treatment of the two disciples. - C18-S19 : John had Peter brought into the palace.
- The phrase
Then went out that other disciple, which was known unto the high priest
means: 'This identifies John'. - The phrase
and spake unto her that kept the door
means: 'The servant could get into trouble, and possibly beat, if she upset common guests of her employer's household'. - The phrase
and brought in Peter
means: 'John convinced the maid to let peter into the outer courtyard'.
- The phrase
- C18-S20 : Peter was recognized the first time.
- The phrase
Then saith the damsel that kept the door unto Peter
means: 'She asked Peter because he was not a known visitor to the household. She did not ask John because she would be aware of each disciple's relative social standing'. - The phrase
Art not thou also one of this man's disciples?
means: 'This is the question which led to peter's first denial'. Since it took John to get him through the door, he was probably worried about being thrown back out and figured a little lie could not hurt. That is how Satan gets us to sin. He makes us imagine that the consequences are far smaller than they actually are.
- The phrase
- C18-S21 : Peter's first denial. Our sentence says:
He saith, I am not
. - C18-S22 : Peter warmed himself by the world's fire.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. This sentence adds the circumstances of the second denial. Please see the Book titled SbS-Preacher Missionaries for an explanation of Peter's denials and the consequences of them. - The phrase
And the servants and officers stood there
means: 'This was the next group who had the same social standing as Peter'. - The phrase
who had made a fire of coals
means: 'This is what they had done'. - The phrase
for it was cold: and they warmed themselves
means: 'Here's why'. - The phrase
and Peter stood with them, and warmed himself
means: 'Peter was also cold and would have felt accepted in that social group'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C18-S23 : Meanwhile, the trial of
started.- The phrase
The high priest then asked Jesus of his disciples
means: 'He asked about the disciples hoping that he could use something about them to condemnJesus
'. - The phrase
and of his doctrine
means: 'This is what the religious leaders really objected to'.
- The phrase
- C18-S24 :
answers their challenge.- The phrase
Jesus answered him
means: 'Notice that this answer is about the doctrine but nothing about His disciples. To thevery end,Jesus
protected His disciples'. - The phrase
I spake openly to the world
means: 'This is howJesus
spake'. - The phrase
I ever taught in the synagogue, and in the temple, whither the Jews always resort
means: 'This is where He taught the Jews. These were places where it was expected for Him to teach doctrine. These were also places controlled by the religious leaders. Therefore, they could get reports from their own people who supported their religious doctrine'. - The phrase
and in secret have I said nothing
means: 'Jesus
did not hide any of His doctrine'. Yes, He spoke in parables, which led the lost and carnal into doctrinal error. However, He did not hide His doctrine.
- The phrase
- C18-S25 :
gives His own challenge. Our sentence says:Why askest thou me?
[points out that they have their own preferred sources. Therefore, they did not need to hear Him say what His doctrine was. However, asJesus
knew, they were hoping to trip Him up and get Him to say something that they could use as an excuse to legally murder Him. - C18-S26 :
challenges them to use legal methods to verify truth.- The phrase
ask them which heard me
means: 'The testimony of two or more witnesses was to be determined to be true. However, they did not want truth and did not want to know whatJesus
taught. They wanted Him to say something that they could use'. And, most people have a hard time not defending themselves. Here,Jesus
shows us how to rightly deal with these types of people. - The phrase
what I have said unto them
means: 'The others could say whatJesus
had really said'. - The phrase
behold, they know what I said
means: 'Pay close attention.Jesus
was letting them know that they were wasting their time by trying to trip Him up'.
- The phrase
- C18-S27 : Illegal emotional response to a legal challenge.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. This sentence adds the wrong reaction of a officer. - The phrase
And when he had thus spoken
means: 'Our sentence is telling us the reaction to whatJesus
just said'. - The phrase
one of the officers which stood by struck Jesus with the palm of his hand
means: 'The officer, who should have known the law, assaultedJesus
'. The Jewish people, and all of God's people, were to be respectful of God's priests and of all others whom God put into a position of authority. However,Jesus
was not being disrespectful. Yes, He was calling them on their attempt to trap Him in an error. But, it was the high priest who was doing wrong. And, we are not disrespectful simply because we object to an authority abusing their position and power. Yes, we can be disrespectful when we call them on such action. However, that depends on how we challenge their abuse. The challenge alone is not disrespectful andJesus
was not being disrespectful. He did not do wrong. - The phrase
saying, Answerest thou the high priest so?
means: 'This is what the officer said. He should have known the difference between disrespect and a challenge to abuse of office'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C18-S28 :
demands justification for illegal action.- The phrase
Jesus answered him
means: 'This is whatJesus
said to the man who hit him. Some people abuse their position and such people tend to attract others who will support them in their abuse. That is what this man did and he was just as wrong as the high priest who abused his position'. - The phrase
If I have spoken evil, bear witness of the evil
means: 'Give a testimony that will be accepted in court that what He (Jesus
) said was evil'. - The phrase
but if well, why smitest thou me?
means: 'If you can't prove that his words were evil, then why did you do wrong and smite Him?'.
- The phrase
- C18-S29 : Annas passes off
.- The phrase
Now Annas had sent him bound unto Caiaphas the high priest
means: 'This was where most of the reported action happened'.Jesus
was first taken to the house of Annas, but we are not told what happened there.
- The phrase
- C18-S30 : Meanwhile, Peter was still at the world's fire. Our sentence says:
And Simon Peter stood and warmed himself
. Our account switched to telling us what happened toJesus
, while Peter was at the file, but now it returns to the account of Peter. - C18-S31 : Peter questioned a second time.
- The phrase
They said therefore unto him
means: 'Peter was trying to hide but did something to make the others around him realize that he was not from their area. Matthew 26:73 says:And after a while came unto him they that stood by, and said to Peter, Surely thou also art one of them; for thy speech bewrayeth thee
. So, all it took was for Peter to open his mouth and say only something little'. - The phrase
Art not thou also one of his disciples?
means: 'This is a very simple and clear question'. Now, lots want to get on Peter's case. But, how many of us failed to be the witness that God wanted when we were in frightening circumstances.
- The phrase
- C18-S32 : Peter's second denial. Our sentence says:
He denied it, and said, I am not
. - C18-S33 : Peter is questioned the third time.
- The phrase
One of the servants of the high priest
means: 'This person was in the mob that arrestedJesus
'. - The phrase
being his kinsman whose ear Peter cut off, saith
means: 'He had a reason to remember Peter'. - The phrase
Did not I see thee in the garden with him?
means: 'He, effectively, called Peter a liar'.
- The phrase
- C18-S34 : Peter's third denial. Our sentence says: means: 'Peter then denied again: and immediately the cock crew'. Another Gospel reports that this was the second time that a
cock crew
. Liars use that difference to try and claim that there are errors inThe word of God
. And, yes, this saysimmediately the cock crew
, but nowhere does it say that 'The cock crew for the first time that night'. - C18-S35 : Who went into Rome's
judgment hall
.- The phrase
Then led they Jesus from Caiaphas unto the hall of judgment
means: 'This was whereJesus
was taken next'. Other Gospel accounts report other things happening at the house of the high priest. John's failure to report those events is not an error. We each have reported less than every little detail when we gave a report, at some time, and we were not lying. - The phrase
and it was early
means: 'This was possibly before dawn'. Remember that the Jews counted the hours of the day, and the days of the year, differently than we do today. - The phrase
and they themselves went not into the judgment hall
means: 'The Jewish religion put a big emphasis on physical things controlling spiritual things. This is applies in our next phrase'. - The phrase
lest they should be defiled
means: 'They believed that going into a physical place owned by a Gentile (The Roman Government) would make them spiritually defiled'. - The phrase
but that they might eat the passover
means: 'They believed that God would curse them, and refuse to forgive their sins, if they broke a religious rule'.
- The phrase
- C18-S36 : Rome's governor asked about their presence.
- The phrase
Pilate then went out unto them, and said
means: 'Pilate knew the beliefs of the Jews, even if he did not share them. Therefore,Pilate then went out unto them
'. - The phrase
What accusation bring ye against this man?
means: 'Pilate understood that the Jewish leaders would only come with a prisoner if they had a serious accusation, especially when they believer that they could not enter the judgment hall at that time'.
- The phrase
- C18-S37 : the non-answer from the Jews.
- The phrase
They answered and said unto him
means: 'The Jewish religious leaders gave this answer to Pilate'. - The phrase
If he were not a malefactor, we would not have delivered him up unto thee
means: 'Notice that they did not answer the question asked'. They were hoping that Pilate would just accept that He was a major criminal needing crucifixion (a malefactor
) without asking for details. They broughtJesus
to Pilate because they were not allowed to put someone to Death. And, God made sure that judgment was set up this way so that no group of people could claim that all of the blame fell on another group of people. God made sure that all groups of people were represented in the crucifixion.
- The phrase
- C18-S38 : Pilate tries to avoid entanglement.
- The phrase
Then said Pilate unto them
means: 'This was his answer'. . . . - The phrase
Take ye him, and judge him according to your law
means: 'Pilate wanted nothing to do with the crucifixion, yet he could not avoid it'.
- The phrase
- C18-S39 : the death demand which fulfills prophecy.
- The phrase
The Jews therefore said unto him
means: 'The Jewish religious leaders, and the others with them, answered Pilate'. - The phrase
It is not lawful for us to put any man to death
means: 'This was Roman law and the Roman Government was very strict on it'. - The phrase
That the saying of Jesus might be fulfilled, which he spake
means: 'Jesus
prophesied this'. - The phrase
signifying what death he should die
means: 'Not only didJesus
prophesy this but other prophets did also'. Please see the section on Prophecies; found in the Study called Significant Gospel Events for links to other prophecies about the 'Suffering and Death of Jesus'.
- The phrase
- C18-S40 : Pilate questioned
about rumors which he had heard.- The phrase
Then Pilate entered into the judgment hall again
means: 'Pilate returned to the place where he was acting in his official capacity'. - The phrase
and called Jesus, and said unto him
means: 'Pilate questioned the accusations brought againstJesus
'. - The phrase
Art thou the King of the Jews?
means: 'Obviously, the Jews accusedJesus
of claiming this in order to justify crucifying Him under Roman law. They claimed thatJesus
was leading a rebellion against Rome. This is the way that Satan has men pervert the truth'.
- The phrase
- C18-S41 :
questions Pilate about the basis of his question.- The phrase
Jesus answered him
means: 'Jesus
answered his question with a question. He was asking Pilate, for the official Heavenly record, if Pilate was personally making the accusation or if he was merely reporting the accusation from the Jews'. - The phrase
Sayest thou this thing of thyself, or did others tell it thee of me?
means: 'Who truly made the accusation?'.
- The phrase
- C18-S42 : Pilate answers with a retort. Our sentence says:
Pilate answered, Am I a Jew?
. This means that it should have been obvious that it was a Jewish accusation. - C18-S43 : Pilate asks his next question.
- The phrase
Thine own nation and the chief priests have delivered thee unto me
means: 'This is who accusedJesus
and demanded His death'. - The phrase
what hast thou done?
means: 'In more than one place, even in this Gospel at the 'Last Supper',Jesus
made it clear that the world and the ministers of Satan would hate the true people of God'.
- The phrase
- C18-S44 :
answers an honest question.- The phrase
Jesus answered
means: 'Jesus
gave Pilate the truth'. - The phrase
My kingdom is not of this world
means: 'Hiskingdom
was, and is, spiritual'. - The phrase
if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight
means: 'This would be the result if the condition were fulfilled. And, whenJesus Christ
returns to rule and reign this world, that will be true. However, it was not that time then but was the time forJesus
to sacrifice himself to pay for our sins'. - The phrase
that I should not be delivered to the Jews
means: 'The Jews were sinning but they were also accomplishing the purpose of God the father. Therefore, God allowed them to do their sinful desire'. And, this is a warning to us. Just because God allows us to do something, that does not mean that we will not be punished for doing it if it is truly a sin. God allows men to sin because He gave them a free will and will not take the free will away. However, God also warns us of the punishment that He will bring if we willfully sin. - The phrase
but now is my kingdom not from hence
means: 'The kingdom ofJesus Christ
was / is not from this corrupt world but is from Heaven'.
- The phrase
- C18-S45 : Pilate asks a question to better understand the answer from
. Our sentence says:Pilate therefore said unto him, Art thou a king then?
. This means that Pilate really wanted to know the truth. - C18-S46 :
points out that Pilate knows the truth. Our sentence says:Jesus answered, thou sayest that I am a king.
Ministers of Satan pervert the meaning of this answer and claim thatJesus
really did not know the truth. However, many places in the Gospel accounts make it clear that He was not confused and actually understood much more that other men because He understood what was happening spiritually. No, this is a figure of speech that means: 'This truth is so well known that even you personally, a foreign representative of a foreign government knows it'. - C18-S47 :
explains His purpose.- The phrase
to this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world
means: 'Thetruth
is not what this world gives to us. Neither does the reasoning method of this world help us find thetruth
. They, along with the doctrines of devils, lead us to lies. Everyone knows that the world is full of liars. Therefore, God had to send Hisonly begotten Son
to act differently and tell us differently from the lies of this world'. - The phrase
that I should bear witness unto the truth
means: 'This is why God had to send Hisonly begotten Son
into this world'.
- The phrase
- C18-S48 :
adds the test of true salvation. Our sentence says:Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice
means: 'SinceJesus
is The Truth;very one that is of the truth
is saved and that is why theyhear his voice
'. - C18-S49 : Pilate confesses his own ignorance. Our sentence says:
Pilate saith unto him, What is truth?
. If Pilate had truly askedJesus
, with a desire to know the truth, thenJesus
would have told him. But Pilate did not really want his question answered. - C18-S50 : Pilate declares
not guilty.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds what Pilate said to the Jews after he spoke toJesus
. - The phrase
And when he had said this
means: 'This is when Pilate addressed the Jews'. - The phrase
he went out again unto the Jews, and saith unto them
means: 'Pilate tried to bypass the religious leaders and address the common Jews'. - The phrase
I find in him no fault at all
means: 'This is what Pilate told them'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C18-S51 : Pilate offers the people a way to avoid the decision of their leaders.
- The phrase
But ye have a custom
means: 'Pilate is still talking to the Jews and offering the common Jews a way to releaseJesus
without their actually rejecting the authority of the religious leaders'. - The phrase
that I should release unto you one at the passover
means: 'This was their custom'. - The phrase
will ye therefore that I release unto you the King of the Jews?
means: 'Pilate asks them to chooseJesus
- The phrase
- C18-S52 : the people reject
. Our sentence says:Then cried they all again, saying, Not this man, but Barabbas
. They chose to follow their religious leaders into an error which brought a curse on their entire nation. - C18-S53 : the people prefer
a robber
. Our sentence says: means: 'Now Barabbas was a robber'.
Chapter 19 Summary:
The Crucifixion.
This chapter tells us about the trial, by Pilate, and the crucifixion of Jesus
Please see the section on the Sequence of the Crucifixion of Jesus; found in the Study called Significant Gospel Events to find links to where the other Gospels report parallel accounts of this chapter.
in this chapter we have many details, some of which are also in other Gospels and some of which are not in the other Gospels. In addition, the other Gospels have some details which are not here. This is not a conflict. Each Gospel writer had a reason for writing his Gospel and an intended audience. Each author choose details which would support his message and left out details which could interfere with a clear presentation of the basic message. Please see the section on the Sequence of the Crucifixion of Jesus; found in the Study called Significant Gospel Events to find links to where the other Gospels report parallel accounts of this chapter.
This Gospel was written to Gentiles with the purpose of: that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name
. Therefore, the details included within this Gospel all support that purpose.
John 19:1-5 tells us about the Roman soldiers mocking and scourging Jesus
between times when Pilate tried to release Him. This is different from what happens after Pilate condemns Jesus
to be crucified.
In Matthew 20:19; Jesus
prophesized that He would be scourged
. Matthew 27:26; Mark 15:15 and John 19:1 report that this prophecy was fulfilled.
John 19:7 tells us that, after Pilate told the crowd Take ye him, and crucify him: for I find no fault in him
they replied with: We have a law, and by our law he ought to die, because he made himself the Son of God
John 19:8-9 then tells us that When Pilate therefore heard that saying, he was the more afraid; And went again into the judgment hall, and saith unto Jesus, Whence art thou?
this led to a discussion between Pilate and Jesus
that is only recorded in John's Gospel.
In John 19:8-12 Pilate finally realized that Jesus
was more than 'just a human man' but it was too late for his personal salvation.
In John 19:15 the chief priests answered, We have no king but Caesar
. They deliberately used a lower-case king
in response to the question from Pilate of Shall I crucify your King?
Pilate used an upper-case King
, which was a difference which the religious rulers understood but deliberately perverted their answer.
Luke 23:34; Mark 15:24 and John 19:23 tell us that the soldiers parted the clothes of Jesus
among themselves as prophesied in Psalms 22:18.
We are told that Jesus
chose when to die - (see those notes for more references) in: John 19:30; Mark 15:37; Mark 15:39 and Luke 23:46. He prophesied that He would do this in: John 10:15 and John 10:17-18.
In John 19:31-37 we are told about the Jewish religious leaders requesting that Pilate have the legs of the crucified broken so that they would die quicker and be taken off the crosses before the sabbath. This reference in John tells us that the legs of Jesus
were not broken but that His side was pierced, in order to fulfill scripture. These sentences fulfill the prophecies of Exodus 12:46; Numbers 9:12; Psalms 22:14; Psalms 22:16-17; Psalms 34:20 and Zechariah 12:10.
Matthew 26:54; Matthew 26:56; Mark 15:28; Luke 21:22; Luke 24:27; Luke 24:32; Luke 24:45-47; John 2:22; John 19:29; John 19:24; John 19:28; John 19:36; John 19:37; Acts 3:18; Acts 8:38; Acts 13:27-33; Acts 17:2-3; Acts 18:27-28; 1Corinthians 15:3-4 and 1Peter 1:11 all tell us about the fulfillment of the prophecy that Jesus Christ
. would die.
The 'Eight Sayings from the Cross' are in the note for John 19:26.
Below is a summary of each sentence within this chapter with a link to the note providing the detailed analysis and contextual requirements of each sentence. These sentence summaries also show the basis for the chapter summary provided above.
C19-S1 : Pilate tried to satisfy the Jews with a lesser punishment. This sentence and the next three sentences tell us how Pilate provided a lesser punishment but the religious leaders refused the lesser punishment and cried
Crucify him, crucify him.
Our sentence says:Then Pilate therefore took Jesus, and scourged him
. - C19-S2 : the soldiers expressed their contempt for the religion of the Jews.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. It adds what the soldiers did on their own. - The phrase
And the soldiers platted a crown of thorns, and put it on his head
means: 'They made a mockery crown which was designed to torture'. - The phrase
and they put on him a purple robe, And said, Hail, King of the Jews!
means: 'The put a robe with the color of royalty onJesus
and then mocked His true spiritual position'. They did not realize the difference between the spiritual and the physical.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C19-S3 : the soldiers expressed their hatred for all Jews. Our sentence says:
and they smote him with their hands
. Remember that these are professional soldiers who are paid to fight and hurt others and to kill. In addition, Judaea was considered to be a bad posting because of the attitudes of the Jews. Mainly the most vicious and trouble makers were sent there and they were now allowed to physically vent on someone who was considered to be a leader among the Jews. - C19-S4 : Pilate tries to get the Jews to accept the lesser punishment.
- The phrase
Pilate therefore went forth again, and saith unto them
means: 'Pilate then addressed the mob again'. - The phrase
Behold, I bring him forth to you
means: 'He displayed what they had done toJesus
and hoped that the people would agree that He had been punished enough'. - The phrase
that ye may know that I find no fault in him
means: 'Pilate tells them, again, thatJesus
was not guilty of any crime'.
- The phrase
- C19-S5 : Pilate demonstrates the punishment already given.
- The phrase
Then came Jesus forth
means: 'Pilate displayedJesus
'. - The phrase
wearing the crown of thorns
means: 'He displayed the physical punishment'. - The phrase
and the purple robe
means: 'He displayed the insult'.
- The phrase
- C19-S6 : Pilate tells them to take a good look. Our sentence says:
And Pilate saith unto them, Behold the man!
. It means: 'Take a close look at how we already punished Him and agree that He has been punished enough'. Matthew 27:18 and Mark 15:10 say:For he (Pilate) knew that the chief priests had delivered him for envy
. Pilate was trying to get the people to do right in spite of their leaders leading the entire nation into sin. - C19-S7 : the
chief priests
get the people to reject the lesser punishment.- The phrase
When the chief priests therefore and officers saw him
means: 'This is what the workers for the religious leaders did'. - The phrase
they cried out, saying
means: 'They drowned out any other voice'. - The phrase
Crucify him, crucify him
means: 'This is what devils had them demand'.
- The phrase
- C19-S8 : Pilate tries to avoid responsibility.
- The phrase
Pilate saith unto them
means: 'Pilate tried to avoid personal responsibility'. Like Pilate, many people try to avoid responsibility for their decisions. But, God does accept such lies. - The phrase
Take ye him, and crucify him
means: 'Pilate told them to do what was not lawful for them to do under Roman law'. - The phrase
for I find no fault in him
means: 'Here's why'. Pilate should have freedJesus
, but he was concerned about losing his position in this world.
- The phrase
- C19-S9 : the Jews give their religious reason for their demand.
- The phrase
The Jews answered him
means: 'This is the answer from the religious leaders, even if others spoke for them'. - The phrase
We have a law
means: 'This is where Pilate should have told them that he was not there to enforce their law but was there to enforceRoman law'. And, theRoman Government even allowed them to have their own laws and to enforce them short of death. - The phrase
and by our law he ought to die
means: 'They should have petitioned the Roman Gevernment to allow that punishment, but they did not. Therefore, they made a law which they had no right to make. And, their law was an addition to God's law. '. - The phrase
because he made himself the Son of God
means: ''. . . .
- The phrase
- C19-S10 : Pilate reacts to their claim.
- The phrase
When Pilate therefore heard that saying
means: 'The saying made him forget all of the points of law and become concerned about himself'. - The phrase
he was the more afraid
means: 'This was his emotional reaction'. - The phrase
And went again into the judgment hall, and saith unto Jesus
means: 'He returned to where they were holdingJesus
'. - The phrase
Whence art thou?
means: 'Where are you personally from?'.
- The phrase
- C19-S11 : Pilate had already passed-up his chance for salvation. Our sentence says:
But Jesus gave him no answer.
means: ''. . . . - C19-S12 : Pilate found it incredible that
refused to answer his prior question.- The phrase
Then saith Pilate unto him
means: 'Pilate reacted toJesus
refusing to answer his question'. Pilate had enough power among men that others did not refuse to answer him. - The phrase
Speakest thou not unto me?
means: 'Pilate finds the refusal to answer incredible. And, he adds the next sentence so thatJesus
knows why he finds it incredible'.
- The phrase
- C19-S13 : Pilate gave the reason why
should answer. Our sentence says:knowest thou not that I have power to crucify thee, and have power to release thee?
this was his power in the physical world. Matthew 10:28 says:And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell
. With what he had been told, Pilate should have thought about this truth. However, he was so used to people thinking that his power was ultimate power. Therefore, he really did not consider this type of power. - C19-S14 : there are degrees of power and of sin.
- The phrase
Jesus answered
means: 'Jesus
now told him the truth'. - The phrase
Thou couldest have no power at all against me
means: 'Pilate personally could do nothing unless God allowed it. However, God allowing it did not mean that he was free from a judgment of sin'. - The phrase
except it were given thee from above
means: ''. . . . - The phrase
therefore he that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin
means: 'The Jewish religious leaders would have greater pain in thelake of fire
- The phrase
- C19-S15 : Why Pilate could not release
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. It adds what Pilate tried to convince the Jews to do but they refused. - The phrase
And from thenceforth Pilate sought to release him
means: 'This is what Pilate tried to do'. - The phrase
but the Jews cried out, saying
means: 'This was the source of his opposition'. - The phrase
If thou let this man go, thou art not Caesar's friend
means: 'They threatened his position in this life'. Like all people who die lost, he was more concerned about the things of this physical life than he was of eternity. - The phrase
whosoever maketh himself a king speaketh against Caesar
means: 'This is the message that they threatened to send to Rome'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C19-S16 : Pilate submitted to save his position.
- The phrase
When Pilate therefore heard that saying
means: 'The saying, which threatened his place in this physical world, motivated Pilate to act in his official capacity'. Unfortunately, most people end up in Hell because they are not willing to lose something in this physical world in order to gain a greater placer in eternity. - The phrase
he brought Jesus forth
means: 'Pilate hadJesus
brought out to hear His official sentence'. - The phrase
and sat down in the judgment seat in a place that is called the Pavement, but in the Hebrew, Gabbatha
means: 'Pilate sat in the official place to render official judgment. God made sure that no one could claim that the judgment ofJesus
was illegal or improper'. Too many people blame the Jews for the death ofJesus
. And, yes, they were guilty but so were the Gentiles.
- The phrase
- C19-S17 : the importance of the decision.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds the importance of the time of year when this happened.Jesus
is ourPassover Lamb
and He had to be offered on passover. - The phrase
And it was the preparation of the passover
means: 'This was the time of year'. - The phrase
and about the sixth hour
means: 'This was the time of day. Their time to properly prepare was limited'. - The phrase
and he saith unto the Jews
means: 'Pilate made sure that the Jews knew the consequence of their demands'. - The phrase
Behold your King!
means: 'By demanded that their God given King be crucified, they rejected the kingdom that God had promised. They rejected the possibility of participating in the 1,000 years reign ofChrist
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C19-S18 : the fanatical decision. Our sentence says:
But they cried out, Away with him, away with him, crucify him
. There was no question of the sentence which they demanded. - C19-S19 : Pilate reminds them of the spiritual significance. Our sentence says:
Pilate saith unto them, Shall I crucify your King?
. This means: 'Do you testify before God that you reject your God given King, and the possibility of His kingdom?'. - C19-S20 :
The chief priests
give an answer based upon the physical. Our sentence says:The chief priests answered, We have no king but Caesar
this answer means: 'They chose the physical over the spiritual and all of the people, who were there, supported their claim'. - C19-S21 : Pilate accepts their decision and officially renders the condemnation which they demanded. our sentence says:
Then delivered he him therefore unto them to be crucified
. - C19-S22 : the Jews and the Romans acted on the decision. Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds the action which fulfilled the official judgment. Our sentence says:And they took Jesus, and led him away
. - C19-S23 :
was crucified.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence is adding details about His crucifixion. - The phrase
And he bearing his cross went forth into a place called the place of a skull, which is called in the Hebrew Golgotha
means: 'This is where He was crucified and how He arrived there'. - The phrase
Where they crucified him
means: 'This was the type of death demanded. It is reported as the most painful way of dying ever imagined by men'. - The phrase
and two others with him, on either side one, and Jesus in the midst
means: 'This fulfilled prophecy'. Please see the detailed Note for the references to prophecy.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C19-S24 : Pilate posted His crime on the cross. Our sentence says:
And Pilate wrote a title, and put it on the cross
means: 'Pilate wanted everyone to know what the Jews demanded'. Our second next sentence tells us how he did this. - C19-S25 : What was posted. Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds the details of the sign. Our sentence says:And the writing was, JESUS OF NAZARETH the KING of the JEWS
. - C19-S26 : Pilate made sure that everyone understood what he posted.
- The phrase
This title then read many of the Jews
means: 'Many Jews could not miss reading it'. - The phrase
for the place where Jesus was crucified was nigh to the city
means: 'They passed that way entering or leaving the city and natural curiosity made them go see who was crucified and why'. - The phrase
and it was written in Hebrew, and Greek, and Latin
means: 'These were the three main languages of that day which were used in that area'.
- The phrase
- C19-S27 :
The chief priests
demanded a lie.- The phrase
Then said the chief priests of the Jews to Pilate
means: 'This is who demanded the lie and who they demanded support their lie'. - The phrase
Write not, the King of the Jews; but that he said, I am King of the Jews
means: 'This was the lie that they demanded'.
- The phrase
- C19-S28 : Pilate refused. Our sentence says:
Pilate answered, What I have written I have written
. - C19-S29 : the soldiers divided the spoils.
- The phrase
Then the soldiers, when they had crucified Jesus
means: 'This is who acted and when'. - The phrase
took his garments, and made four parts
means: 'This was considered part of the pay for soldiers'. - The phrase
to every soldier a part
means: 'Each soldier receive part of the garments ofJesus
'. Cloth was hand woven, at that time, and had far more relative value at that time. - The phrase
and also his coat
means: 'The coat is mentioned separately because it was treated differently'. - The phrase
now the coat was without seam, woven from the top throughout
means: 'This is why it was treated differently'.
- The phrase
- C19-S30 : How and why the spoils were divided.
- The phrase
They said therefore among themselves
means: 'This was the agreement that the soldiers arrived at about His coat'. - The phrase
Let us not rend it, but cast lots for it, whose it shall be
means: 'This was their reasoning'. - The phrase
that the scripture might be fulfilled, which saith
means: 'This is the result which God made sure happened'. - The phrase
They parted my raiment among them, and for my vesture they did cast lots
means: 'This verse was prophesized in Psalms 22:18 '.
- The phrase
- C19-S31 : Who did the dividing. Our sentence says:
These things therefore the soldiers did
. God used them to fulfill prophecy. - C19-S32 : Who stayed to support
.- The phrase
Now there stood by the cross of Jesus his mother
means: 'No matter what a child may or may not have done, and no matter how old they are, they remain a child of the mother'. - The phrase
and his mother's sister, Mary the wife of Cleophas
means: 'This was her relationship and position in life'. - The phrase
and Mary Magdalene
means: 'She was the only person who believed the prophecies fromJesus
about His suffering and death'.
- The phrase
- C19-S33 :
tells Mary to stay with John. There is a famous preaching called: 'Seven Sayings From the Cross'. The problem is that there are actually eight. That preacher combined whatJesus
said to hos mother, and whatJesus
said to John and claimed that they were one saying. He did this becauseJesus
said:It is finished
(John 19:30) and he claimed that the symbolic number of completion is seven. Therefore, he perverted whatThe word of God
actually says and tried to force it to fulfilled his belief. And, his error was in believing that symbolic meaning are the same all acrossThe word of God
. However, symbolic meanings differ in different context and the context is what truly determines what the symbolic meaning is. That written, be careful of what you accept as a true Biblical meaning and verify everything which you are told before you accept it as true.- The phrase
When Jesus therefore saw his mother
means: 'This is a result of His being crucified andlifted up
'. - The phrase
and the disciple standing by, whom he loved
means: 'Jesus
also saw John there'. - The phrase
he saith unto his mother
means: 'This is the first person thatJesus
said something to, from the cross, as far as the reports provide'. - The phrase
Woman, behold thy son!
means: 'This is whatJesus
- The phrase
- C19-S34 :
tells John to care for His mother.- The phrase
Then saith he to the disciple
means: 'This is the second person thatJesus
said something to, from the cross, as far as the reports provide'. - The phrase
Behold thy mother!
means: 'This is whatJesus
- The phrase
- C19-S35 : they obey. Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds the results of the commandments fromJesus
while He was on the cross. Our sentence says:And from that hour that disciple took her unto his own home
. - C19-S36 :
expresses physical pains from loss of blood.- The phrase
After this
means: 'After dealing with his mother and John'. - The phrase
Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the scripture might be fulfilled
means: 'Jesus
made sure that He fulfilled all prophecy about Him'. - The phrase
saith, I thirst
means: 'This was the next thing that He said'.
- The phrase
- C19-S37 : the reaction to what
said.- The phrase
Now there was set a vessel full of vinegar
means: 'The only thing in The vessel was vinegar'. - The phrase
and they filled a spunge with vinegar
means: 'This was how they got the drink to the mouth ofJesus
while He was on the cross and, supposedly, above the reach of their arms'. - The phrase
and put it upon hyssop
means: 'This is what they used to reach the spunge to His mouth '. - The phrase
and put it to his mouth
means: 'They gave the vinegar to Him to drink'. - Matthew 27:34 says:
They gave him vinegar to drink mingled with gall: and when he had tasted thereof, he would not drink
that was a different time whileJesus
was on the cross. Notice that Matthew reports that they offeredvinegar to drink mingled with gall
. Thegall
, reportedly, lessened the physical pain.Jesus
refused that but accepted the drink that was onlyvinegar
- The phrase
- C19-S38 : the last living action on the cross. Please see the Table Of Miracles in the Gospels for references to other miracles done by
.- The phrase
When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar
means: ''. . . . - The phrase
he said, It is finished
means: 'This truth is denied by Mormons. They claim thatJesus
failed to finish the job of providing our salvation and had to return to South America and create a physical family to finish the job of saving our soul and spirit. A few years ago they excommunicated two of the top scientific experts in the world because they devoted their professional life to use DNA to prove the Mormon doctrine. However, the undisputable scientific evidence was that the Mormon doctrine is a lie'. - The phrase
and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost
means: 'Jesus
died physically'.
- The phrase
- C19-S39 : the religious concerns of the Jews.
- The phrase
The Jews therefore, because it was the preparation
means: 'They had to finish their preparation for the holy day of passover'. - The phrase
that the bodies should not remain upon the cross on the sabbath day
means: 'That would bring a curse upon the entire land'. Deuteronomy 21:23 says:His body shall not remain all night upon the tree, but thou shalt in any wise bury him that day; (for he that is hanged is accursed of God;) that thy land be not defiled, which the LORD thy God giveth thee for an inheritance
. - The phrase
for that sabbath day was an high day
means: 'Pay attention to this phrase'. Ahigh day
was a 'non-Saturday sabbath'. Please see the note of Mark 2:28-LJC; about 'Good Friday'. - The phrase
besought Pilate that their legs might be broken
means: 'They had to ask Pilate since the crucifixion was w punishment of the Roman Government'. - The phrase
and that they might be taken away
means: 'The Jews wanted the bodies removed from the crosses so that God would not curse the entire land'.
- The phrase
- C19-S40 : the soldiers did as requested.
- The phrase
Then came the soldiers
means: 'After Pilate approver the request from the Jewish religious leaders'. - The phrase
and brake the legs of the first, and of the other which was crucified with him
means: 'They broke the legs of the two who were crucified withJesus
so that they would die quicker and, as a result, could be removed from their crosses before the end of the day as Jews figured the day at that time'.
- The phrase
- C19-S41 : they treated
differently.- The phrase
But when they came to Jesus, and saw that he was dead already
means: 'They saw that their ordered result was already achieved'. - The phrase
they brake not his legs
means: 'They did not have to do what would hurry death'. - The phrase
But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side
means: 'They verified that appearances were in deed fact'. - The phrase
and forthwith came there out blood and water
means: 'I am not a medical professional but have heard that this result only comes from a literal physical broken heart. Regardless if that claim is true or not, this was sufficient evidence to professional killers thatJesus
was literally physically dead'.
- The phrase
- C19-S42 : the basis of this Gospel.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. . - The phrase
And he that saw it bare record
means: 'John was there to the end and was personally a witness to these events'. - The phrase
and his record is true: and he knoweth that he saith true
means: 'John knew that The wrote the truth and that he would answer to God personally if any part of his Gospel account was not true. The fact that God has preserved this account, while causing others to be lost, is evidence that God verifies the truth of this account'. - The phrase
that ye might believe
means: 'This is why John wrote this sentence and the prior sentences. They eliminate any claim thatJesus
never really died and He had to die before He could rise from the dead'. In addition, this sentence could be applied to this Gospel account.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C19-S43 : Why things were done as reported in this chapter.
- The phrase
For these things were done
means: 'Here's why things were done as reported in this account'. - The phrase
that the scripture should be fulfilled, A bone of him shall not be broken
means: 'These sentences fulfill the prophecies of Exodus 12:46; Numbers 9:12; Psalms 22:14; Psalms 22:16-17; Psalms 34:20 and Zechariah 12:10'. Please see the Prophecies Section in the Significant Gospel Events Study for other prophecies of His suffering and death.
- The phrase
- C19-S44 : Further fulfilled
scripture. Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another scriptural reference to the references given in the prior sentence. our sentence says:And again another scripture saith, they shall look on him whom they pierced
. means: 'This particular sentence fulfill the prophecies of Psalms 22:16-17 and Zechariah 12:10 '. - C19-S45 : the permission to remove the body of
from the cross.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. It adds how the body ofJesus
was cared for after His physical death. There were other things which happened between the prior sentence and this sentence, but John does not report them because he dies not want a distraction from what he is reporting. Please see the Sequence of Gospel Events for links to the different Gospel reports about events which happened treated to the crucifixion and death ofJesus
. - The phrase
And after this Joseph of Arimathaea, being a disciple of Jesus, but secretly for fear of the Jews
means: 'We see here that he overcame his fear and it was probably shame'. - The phrase
besought Pilate that he might take away the body of Jesus
means: 'There was no reason for Pilate to hold the body and the Jewish religious leaders threatened a riot if he left the bodies on the crosses'. - The phrase
and Pilate gave him leave
means: 'Pilate just wanted to be done with the entire thing'. Unfortunately for him and every other person alive then and born since, the death and resurrection ofJesus
, and how we deal with that truth, are the most important events of all life.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C19-S46 : the action to remove the body of
from the cross. Our sentence says:He came therefore, and took the body of Jesus
. - C19-S47 : Nicodemus also helped.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. - The phrase
And there came also Nicodemus
means: 'Nicodemus was a Pharisee whom, I believe, tried to work within the Jewish religious leaders to keep them from excesses such as crucifyingJesus
. With this action, Nicodemus clearly broke from the rest of the Jewish religious leaders'. - The phrase
which at the first came to Jesus by night
means: 'This is a reference to John 3 '. . . . - The phrase
and brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about an hundred pound weight
means: 'These spices were wrapped around a dead body to delay decay'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C19-S48 : the preparation for burial. Our sentence says:
Then took they the body of Jesus, and wound it in linen clothes with the spices, as the manner of the Jews is to bury
. - C19-S49 : Where
was buried.- The word
means: 'After you understand what was just said. Our chapter explained that, because of religious reasons, they had very little time to deal with His dead body'. - The phrase
Now in the place where he was crucified there was a garden; and in the garden a new sepulchre
means: 'God made sure that this sepulchre was available'. - The phrase
wherein was never man yet laid
means: 'God made sure that this sepulchre was in this condition so that there was no source of corruption to attack the body of Jesus while He was dead for three days and three nights'.
- The word
- C19-S50 : the grave was chosen for convenience. This sentence tells us the human reasons why men chose what God had prepared. Our sentence says:
There laid they Jesus therefore because of the Jews' preparation day; for the sepulchre was nigh at hand
Chapter 20 Summary:
The Resurrection and Meeting Disciples.
This chapter tells us about the resurrection and the events immediately following it when the resurrected Lord Jesus
presented himself to His disciples. The Bible does not call Him Lord Jesus
before the resurrection, even though different people called Him Lord
. He also did not act in that office, before the resurrection, other than to make promises about future judgment. In this chapter we see Him presenting Himself as Lord
, which He did not do before the resurrection.
To the best that I can find, the resurrected Lord Jesus
only revealed himself to the
saved after the resurrection. Before His death and resurrection, He put up with insults and more from lost people because He was acting as the messenger for God the father, After His resurrection, He was no longer in that role. In this chapter, He sends the saved to fulfill that role.
in this chapter, we see that He has returned to His role as Lord
and is making a clear difference between the saved and the lost. After His resurrection, He only deals with the saved. He will judge the saved at the judgment seat of Christ
. The lost will face God the father at the great white throne
judgment and, there, they can expect no mercy from God the father because they rejected His salvation.
This chapter deals with how the Lord Jesus
dealt with the church when they were assembled together in the upper room. It shows how He deals with the church as a whole. The last chapter deals with Peter and others back-sliding. It shows how the Lord Jesus
deals with us individually, especially when the saved mess up and try to stop serving Him.
The events of the Resurrection of Jesus have parallel accounts in all of the Gospels but the details vary between the various Gospels because the different authors present different points of view. There are no conflicts between the Gospels on these events. Please see the note for the Sequence of the Resurrection of Jesus; found in the Study called Significant Gospel Events to find links to where the other Gospels report parallel accounts of this chapter.
Lazarus was in the grave four (4) days and he stinketh
. (John 11:39). He saw corruption
but Jesus
did not because Jesus
was in the grave only three days and three nights
(Matthew 12:40; Matthew 26:61; Matthew 27:40; Matthew 27:63; Mark 14:58; Mark 15:29; John 2:19; John 2:20 all tell us that Jesus
would be in the grave three days and three nights
. We are told about this prophecy being fulfilled in Matthew 28; Mark 16; Luke 24 and John 20.
In John 20:1-18; Matthew 28:6; Mark 16:6 and Luke 24:6; Jesus
rose from the dead.
Matthew 28:9-10 tells us that Jesus
met the other women and gave them a similar message as the angel gave to them at the sepulchre
. This appearance was after He dealt with Mary Magdalene. Please see the note for John 20:17 for the explanation of this truth.
How Jesus
dealt with Mary Magdalene in a personal way, as recorded in John 20:10-18 are only found in that Gospel.
John 20:24-25 tells us that thomas refused to believe. Then John 20:26 tells us Jesus
returned after eight days
and dealt with thomas.
In John 20:19; John 20:26; Mark 16:14 and Luke 24:36; Jesus
appears in closed room twice.
In John 16:20 we read: your sorrow shall be turned into joy
and John 16:22 says: your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you
. While the interpretation of these two promises apply to the disciples who saw the risen savior, we can also expect some application to us because of John 20:29.
Please see the Detail Note for John 20:31 to see links where we are told that the Son of God
is Christ
We see the exact phrase of: The Christ
in Matthew 16:16; Matthew 16:20; Matthew 26:63; Mark 8:29; Mark 14:61; Luke 3:15; Luke 9:20; Luke 22:67; John 1:20; John 1:41; John 3:28; John 4:29; John 4:42; John 7:41; John 10:24; John 10:27; John 20:31; 1John 2:22; 1John 5:1. One of the most common usages of this phrase is to associate The Christ
with The Son of God
. Thus we see that a major part of the argument here was over the Deity of Jesus
. The main reason for that argument was that the rulers of the Jews were denying this truth because it threatened their personal power and position. Please see the section on Prophecies Fulfilled; found in the Study called Significant Gospel Events for links to this truth including links to the Old Testament.
Below is a summary of each sentence within this chapter with a link to the note providing the detailed analysis and contextual requirements of each sentence. These sentence summaries also show the basis for the chapter summary provided above.
- C20-S1 : the women return to finish the preparations for
- The phrase
The first day of the week cometh Mary Magdalene early
means: 'The movement of Mary Magdalene, and of the other women, and of Peter and of John; can be confusing'. Please see the section called the Sequence of the Resurrection of Jesus; found in the Study called Significant Gospel Events to understand the time sequence of these events within the Gospels. - The phrase
when it was yet dark, unto the sepulchre
means: 'This was the time of day when she first went'. - The phrase
and seeth the stone taken away from the sepulchre
means: 'Jesus
had already risen from the dead'.
- The phrase
- C20-S2 : Mary Magdalene runs to tell others about a problem.
- The phrase
Then she runneth, and cometh to Simon Peter, and to the other disciple, whom Jesus loved
means: 'Mary Magdalene ran to Peter and John'. - The phrase
and saith unto them
means: 'She told them what she believed, which was more than she saw'. - The phrase
They have taken away the Lord out of the sepulchre
means: 'The body ofJesus
was gone and she did not believe that He rose. Therefore, she believed that someone stole His body'. - The phrase
and we know not where they have laid him
means: 'She did not know where He was'.
- The phrase
- C20-S3 : Peter and John ran to verify the report. Our sentence says:
Peter therefore went forth, and that other disciple, and came to the sepulchre
. - C20-S4 : Peter and John ran.
- The phrase
So they ran both together
means: 'They ran, not walked because of their emotional response'. - The phrase
and the other disciple did outrun Peter
means: 'John ran faster'. - The phrase
and came first to the sepulchre
means: 'John looked first'.
- The phrase
- C20-S5 : John arrived.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds what John saw. - The phrase
And he stooping down, and looking in
means: 'This is how John looked'. - The phrase
saw the linen clothes lying
means: 'This is what John saw'. - The phrase
yet went he not in
means: 'This is what John did not do'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C20-S6 : Peter arrived.
- The phrase
Then cometh Simon Peter following him
means: 'What happened next'. - The phrase
and went into the sepulchre
means: 'What Peter did to verify what he actually saw'. - The phrase
and seeth the linen clothes lie, And the napkin, that was about his head, not lying with the linen clothes, but wrapped together in a place by itself
means: 'What Peter actually saw'. The fact thatThe napkin, that was about his head, (was) not lying with the linen clothes, but wrapped together in a place by itself
, is important. People stealing a body would not take the time to do that. They would not take the time to unwrap the body. But even more so, they would not take the time towrap together
the head cloth and put itin a place by itself
- The phrase
- C20-S7 : John entered and believed.
- The phrase
Then went in also that other disciple
means: 'John overcame his fear and followed Peter into the sepulchre'. - The phrase
which came first to the sepulchre
means: 'This phrase identifies John'. - The phrase
and he saw, and believed
means: 'John understood the meaning of what he saw even though Peter and others did not understand. Johnbelieved
the prophecies of resurrection because only a resurrectedJesus
would leave the clothes like they found them. And, the evidence matched His character. The evidence was enough for those who believed while still allowing non-believers to conclude error'.
- The phrase
- C20-S8 : John believed before knowing scripture.
- The phrase
For as yet they knew not the scripture
means: 'John believed the prophecies thatJesus
gave to them, even though he did not, at that time, know the matching prophecies in the Old Testament'. Please see the Prophecies Section in the Significant Gospel Events Study for prophecies of His Resurrection from the Dead including Old Testament references. - The phrase
that he must rise again from the dead
means: 'This is the specific subject of prophecies which our sentence is speaking about'.
- The phrase
- C20-S9 : the disciples left. Our sentence says:
Then the disciples went away again unto their own home
means: 'This indicates that they did not return to the upper room until later in the day'. - C20-S10 : Mary Magdalene received a blessing for staying and weeping. Please see the Table Of Miracles in the Gospels for references to other miracles done in the Gospel accounts.
- The phrase
But Mary stood without at the sepulchre weeping
means: 'While Peter and John left, Mary stayed'. Apparently, they felt that they couldn't do anything. Mary also did not know what to do but she stayed and tried to figure out what to do. - The phrase
and as she wept, she stooped down, and looked into the sepulchre
means: 'This is what she did to try and figure things out'. - The phrase
And seeth two angels in white sitting, the one at the head, and the other at the feet
means: 'This is what she saw as a result of being diligent in trying to understand'. God rewards people who are diligent in seeking God (Hebrews 11:6) in ways that God does not reward the less diligent. Mary received a message of truth while Peter and John did not. - The phrase
where the body of Jesus had lain
means: 'This was where they sat'. Religious men often claim some special spiritual reward associated with the physical place where something spiritual happened. That type of thinking is worldly and wrong. If it were true, then the angels would not have sat where they sat.
- The phrase
- C20-S11 : the angels asked Mary a question after she sees them. Our sentence says:
And they say unto her, Woman, why weepest thou?
means: 'Their question is designed to make her think about the source of her emotions. Those emotions were due to a wrong assumption about what happened toJesus
'. - C20-S12 : Mary answers the question.
- The phrase
She saith unto them
means: 'Mary was so upset that she didn't even consider that she was talking to angels'. - The phrase
Because they have taken away my Lord
means: 'This is what she believed'. - The phrase
and I know not where they have laid him
means: 'She did not know what to do to correct what she believed was a wrong'.
- The phrase
- C20-S13 : Mary saw
but did not realize Who she saw.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds what she did next. This shows that she did not consider whom she talked to or she would have asked them what really happened. As angels, they would know things which she did not know. - The phrase
And when she had thus said, she turned herself back
means: 'She stopped considering them as a source of information and started to go elsewhere for answers'. - The phrase
and saw Jesus standing, and knew not that it was Jesus
means: 'She only realized that a man was standing there but did not realize who the man was'. She was too upset to really pay attention to what was around her.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C20-S14 :
asks the same question as the angels. Our sentence says:Jesus saith unto her, Woman, why weepest thou?
means: 'Jesus
repeated the question to get her beyond an emotional response and to start thinking'. - C20-S15 :
asks Mary another question. Our sentence says:whom seekest thou?
. This question required her to get past responding and actually think. - C20-S16 : Mary asks to receive the body of
.- The phrase
means: 'This is the response from Mary'. - The phrase
supposing him to be the gardener, saith unto him
means: 'This was her answer based upon a wrong assumption'. Many times people suffer needlessly because of a similar wrong assumption. We need to truly verify what we believe to be true. - The phrase
Sir, if thou have borne him hence
means: 'Mary is still seeking the dead body ofJesus
'. - The phrase
tell me where thou hast laid him, and I will take him away
means: 'As people often do when reacting emotionally, she did not think how impossible her claim was. Very few women can carry a well built man andJesus
would have been well built, physically, after years of carpenter work'.
- The phrase
- C20-S17 :
lets Mary know Whom she is talking to. Our sentence says:Jesus saith unto her, Mary
means: 'His saying the name alone would not cause the reaction reported in the next sentence. The way that He said her name let her know whom she spoke to'. - C20-S18 : Mary recognizes
. Our sentence says:She turned herself, and saith unto him, Rabboni; which is to say, Master
. - C20-S19 :
uses Mary as His messenger.- The phrase
Jesus saith unto her
means: 'Jesus
gave her a message and a command which shows His love for all of His followers'. - The phrase
Touch me not
means: 'This shows us the corruption that is in all of this world due to sin.Jesus
rose from the grave uncorrupted, but even a touch would have corrupted Him. Even so, He risked it to show His love'. - The phrase
for I am not yet ascended to my father
means: 'Here's whyJesus
commanded no touch. We are not told why the possibility of a touch corrupting Him existed at this time, but not after He went to heaven and returned to visit the disciples. However, instead of arguing about what can not be answered, we need to accept truth by faith and move on'. - The phrase
but go to my brethren, and say unto them
means: 'Jesus
sent a message to His disciples and to His lost physical family'. - The phrase
I ascend unto my father, and your father; and to my God, and your God
means: 'This is whereJesus
was going to. Our phrases also tell us that we have the same type of relationship with God the father asJesus
had. We are not as close as He was, but we have the same relationship because of Him'.
- The phrase
- C20-S20 : Mary delivers the message along with the other women. Please see the Table Of Miracles in the Gospels for references to other miracles done by
.- The phrase
Mary Magdalene came and told the disciples that she had seen the Lord
means: 'Mary testified of the resurrection ofJesus
'. - The phrase
and that he had spoken these things unto her
means: 'Mary delivered the message as she was commanded to do'.
- The phrase
- C20-S21 :
appears in the upper room for the first time.- The phrase
Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week
means: 'This was Sunday evening'. - The phrase
when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews
means: 'This was the circumstances which the disciples were in'. We seeJesus
do this again in C20-S29. - The phrase
came Jesus and stood in the midst
means: 'Jesus
suddenly appeared in the middle of a locked room'. This is a different type of miracle that He did before His crucifixion. As mentioned for other miracles, a miracle is a physical demonstration of the doctrine which it is in context of. This miracle proves the doctrine of resurrection. It also proves that resurrected people will have powers which they did not have before their resurrection. Please see the Table Of Miracles in the Gospels for links to all miracles found in the Gospels. - The phrase
and saith unto them, Peace be unto you
means: 'Jesus
usually (always?) offerspeace
as the first thing offered when he appears in an upsetting situation'. This is why we need to turn toJesus
any time that circumstances make us upset.
- The phrase
- C20-S22 :
proved that He was real and that He was really physically risen.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds thatJesus
gave them physical evidence that He was really risen from the dead and with them and not some fake. - The phrase
And when he had so said
means: 'AfterJesus
told them to havepeace
'. - The phrase
he shewed unto them his hands and his side
means: 'Jesus
proved that He was whom had been crucified'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C20-S23 : the disciples were glad. Our sentence says:
Then were the disciples glad, when they saw the Lord
. Before His death, He was justJesus
, 'a literal human man'. After His resurrection, He wasLord Jesus
, 'God in human flesh' because He took back His power and authority while in Hell so that He could bind and rob Satan and all devils. He rose asLord Jesus
, (Luke 24:3), and will never give up His power and authority as God again. This sentence used the title ofLord
in recognition of His power and authority as God and that power was demonstrated by His miracle of suddenly appearing in a closed and locked room. - C20-S24 :
greets the people assembled.- The phrase
Then said Jesus to them again
means: 'After they had calmed down realized that they were seeing the resurrectedJesus
and not a ghost'. - The phrase
Peace be unto you
means: 'Now they were calm enough to think about what He said and truly understand what the message actually entailed'. - The phrase
as my father hath sent me
means: 'In just the same way and importance as God the father had in sendingJesus
for our own salvation and sanctification'. - The phrase
even so send I you
means: 'Our being sent out to give the Gospel is just as important as it was for God to sendJesus
for our own salvation and sanctification'. The wordeven
means: 'Having the same weight. When the sides of a balancing scale are even, the two sides have the same weight in them'.
- The phrase
- C20-S25 :
enabled them to do the job.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.Jesus
adds their new position as apostles. Apostles are given the authority to be ambassadors for Heaven. The liars who are alive today and claim to be apostles today truly represent the kingdom of Satan. - The phrase
And when he had said this
means: 'AfterJesus
calmed them down again'. - The phrase
he breathed on them
means: 'This is what He did'. - The phrase
and saith unto them
means: 'This is what He said was the meaning of His action'. - The phrase
Receive ye the Holy Ghost
means: 'This is the source of spiritual power that works in the physical reality'. - The phrase
Whose soever sins ye remit
means: 'Whose soever sins any of you personally declare to be forgiven'. - The phrase
they are remitted unto them
means: 'God will wipe out the record of their sins in Heaven'. - The phrase
and whose soever sins ye retain
means: 'Whose soever sins any of you personally declare to be not forgiven'. - The phrase
they are retained
means: 'God assures that they remain on the criminal law books of Heaven'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C20-S26 : Identify a problem that needs correcting.
- The phrase
But thomas, one of the twelve, called Didymus
means: 'This identifies one of the eleven disciples who were made apostles'. - The phrase
was not with them when Jesus came
means: 'He did not get his position as apostle until later because hewas not with them when Jesus came
- The phrase
- C20-S27 : the call to believe.
- The phrase
The other disciples therefore said unto him
means: 'This is what the other ten reported when they saw him'. - The phrase
We have seen the Lord
means: 'Just as in C20-S23; the use the title ofLord
for God in human flesh'.
- The phrase
- C20-S28 : the failure to believe.
- The phrase
But he said unto them
means: 'He specified the evidence which he required before he believed'. It is right and good to verify but we need to accept valid evidence even if it is not the exact evidence that we want. - The phrase
Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side
means: 'This is the exact evidence that he demanded'. - The phrase
I will not believe
means: 'This was his stand until he received the evidence which he demanded'.
- The phrase
- C20-S29 : Correction must be done correctly.
- The phrase
And after eight days again his disciples were within
means: 'It was at least Tuesday of the next week but could have been later'. - The phrase
and thomas with them
means: 'This time,Jesus
made sure thatThomas (was) with them
'. - The phrase
then came Jesus, the doors being shut
means: 'He, again, appeared in a shut and locked room'. We sawJesus
do this first in C20-S20. Please see the Table Of Miracles in the Gospels for links to all miracles found in the Gospels. - The phrase
and stood in the midst, and said
means: 'Jesus
addressed all of them because Hestood in the midst
'. - The phrase
Peace be unto you
means: 'Again, be calm'.
- The phrase
- C20-S30 : Correct the problem. This is one of many places in the Bible where we see that God believes in: 'Put Up Or Shut UP'.
- The phrase
Then saith he to thomas
means: 'Thomas, here is your demanded proof'. - The phrase
reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side
means: 'Go ahead and verify the evidence that you demanded'. - The phrase
and be not faithless
means: 'Do not refuse to believe what you can not understand with natural reasoning, if Godly men give you a message from God'. - The phrase
but believing
means: 'Accept as truth spiritual messages sent from God'.
- The phrase
- C20-S31 : Receive acknowledgement of correction.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds the response from thomas. - The phrase
And thomas answered and said unto him
means: 'He responded to the provided proof'. - The phrase
My Lord and my God
means: 'He would obey and believe anything demanded byJesus
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C20-S32 : Instruct in how to avoid the problem in the future.
- The phrase
Jesus saith unto him
means: 'Jesus
said this to thomas but meant it to all believers'. - The phrase
Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed
means: 'You personally only believed because you personally saw evidence in the physical reality'. - The phrase
blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed
means: 'God blesses saved people more when they believe spiritual messages from God which have not been proven by our physical senses'.
- The phrase
- C20-S33 : Provide future application of lesson in belief. Please see the Table Of Miracles in the Gospels for references to other miracles done by
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. John is adding to the evidence of the resurrection why he wrote this Gospel account. - The phrase
And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples
means: 'There were eye witnesses who testified of far more than John wrote in this Gospel account'. John did not try to provide an all-inclusive account. - The phrase
which are not written in this book
means: 'There was far more evidence that what John presented here'. Forhim to try and present more would take a lot more space. And, anyone who refuses to believe, in spite of the evidence presented, would be like the Pharisees and refuse to believe no matter what type of evidence was presented and no matter how much was presented. - The phrase
But these are written
means: 'Like God did withThe word of God
, John put his Gospel account into writing so that his Gospel account could be preserved as he wrote it and so that we could verify what people claim that he wrote'. - The phrase
that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ
means: 'This is the main purpose of John's Gospel account'. - The phrase
The Son of God
means: 'This is the main identifier of God'sChrist
'. - The phrase
and that believing ye might have life through his name
means: 'This is the main thing that God'sChrist
provides for men'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
Chapter 21 Summary:
The Restoration of Backslidden.
This chapter has the restoration of Peter and the other disciples who felt that they had failed Jesus
so much that they returned to their prior profession. When they went fishing
, they caught nothing
. Then Jesus
proved that He could provide for them and commanded them to follow me
regardless of circumstances. Jesus
also dealt with Peter's failure which was motivating him to feel inadequate and want to quit. When Peter tried to turn the conversation to others, Jesus
refused to allow the change. He stayed with Pete until everything was dealt with.
In the almost last thing dealt with in this chapter, John corrects an error believed by many saved people.
The last thing which John deals with is the fact that God will use this Gospel to judge people because it is truth
The events of this chapter have no parallel accounts in the other Gospels. This account is unique to this Gospels.
John 21 is a fulfillment of the prophecy found in Matthew 26:32 and Mark 14:28.
John 21:18 : Jesus
prophesied the type of death that Peter would experience. This was fulfilled before John wrote his Gospel because John gives us the true interpretation of the prophecy.
John ends his Gospel with And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.
(John 21:25). Therefore, even the record, found in all of the Gospel accounts, is incomplete as there are miracles, done by Jesus
which were not put into a written record.
Below is a summary of each sentence within this chapter with a link to the note providing the detailed analysis and contextual requirements of each sentence. These sentence summaries also show the basis for the chapter summary provided above.
- C21-S1 : where this account took place.
- The phrase
After these things Jesus shewed himself again to the disciples at the sea of Tiberias
means: 'WhatJesus
did and when and where'. - The phrase
and on this wise shewed he himself
means: 'Following are the details of what He did'.
- The phrase
- C21-S2 : the disciples who were there.
- The phrase
There were together Simon Peter, and thomas called Didymus, and Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, and the sons of Zebedee, and two other of his disciples
means: 'This identifies seven of the eleven disciples. That is over half. We do not live to ourselves nor do we die to ourselves. What we do, especially when we backslide, we affect others'.
- The phrase
- C21-S3 : Peter made his announcement.
- The phrase
Simon Peter saith unto them, I go a fishing
means: 'Peter announced his intention to return to his profession which he had before he was called to be a disciple'.
- The phrase
- C21-S4 : the other disciples said that they would join him. Our sentence says:
They say unto him, We also go with thee
means: 'They were following Peter personally'. Sometimes people will follow us because of a personal relationship when they would not follow otherwise. - C21-S5 : the results of their decision.
- The phrase
They went forth, and entered into a ship immediately
means: 'They acted without hesitation'. - The phrase
and that night they caught nothing
means: 'As we see in the rest of this chapter, this was God controlling things in order to teach them a lesson'.
- The phrase
- C21-S6 :
came to restore them.- The phrase
But when the morning was now come
means: 'The wordbut
continues the subject of activity, from the prior sentence, wile changing who is acting and when'. - The phrase
Jesus stood on the shore
means: 'This is the Who of this sentence'. - The phrase
but the disciples knew not that it was Jesus
means: 'This is describing their lack of understanding'.
- The phrase
- C21-S7 :
got their attention.- The phrase
Then Jesus saith unto them
means: 'Jesus
spoke to get their attention'. - The phrase
Children, have ye any meat?
means: 'This was what they had tried to do all night and had no success'.
- The phrase
- C21-S8 : they bluntly answered His question. Our sentence says:
They answered him, No
means: 'No professional wants to admit failure in his profession after much effort'. Without a doubt, Peter ad the others felt that they were professional fishermen, yet they failed at fishing. - C21-S9 :
gave them instructions. Please see the Table Of Miracles in the Gospels for references to other miracles done byJesus
.- The phrase
And he said unto them
means: 'Jesus
said this to the disappointed and embarrassed men'. - The phrase
Cast the net on the right side of the ship
means: 'He told them which physical side to cast it on but He was also telling them to look in the correct place'. The saved can not do things right while they try to act without the guidance fromJesus
. - The phrase
and ye shall find
means: 'Here is the promise for obeyingJesus
, even when it makes no sense to our flesh'. Jesus
also set up this situation, as God, and said what he said in this sentence, to remind them of their call to discipleship. They had made a lifetime commitment and now, with their current actions, they had left that commitment. Our second sentence uses the wordtherefore
to let us know that John realized whyJesus
said what He did in this sentence. John realized what they had done wrong.
- The phrase
- C21-S10 : they did as instructed and received unexpected results.
- The phrase
They cast therefore
means: 'They did as instructed'. . . . - The phrase
and now they were not able to draw it for the multitude of fishes
means: 'This was the result'. God delights in doing the unexpected when His children obey, especially when the results bring then closer to God.
- The phrase
- C21-S11 : John realized who spoke to them.
- The phrase
Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved saith unto Peter
means: 'John said this to Peter'. - The phrase
It is the Lord
means: 'This title is recognition that He has taken back His power and authority as God'.
- The phrase
- C21-S12 : Peter reacted to the announcement.
- The phrase
Now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord
means: ''. . . . - The phrase
he girt his fisher's coat unto him
means: 'This is a separate garment from what was around his privates'. Religious people take what God told His priests to do and tell women to fulfill that requirement while they refuse to obey even while they claim to be the representatives of God. God told His priests to be covered from neck to knees and old His preachers to be an example. (1Timothy 4:12). Religious hypocrites lay rules on their followers which they personally are not willing to follow. - The phrase
(for he was naked)
means: 'God says that he was naked even though his privates were covered. Our sentence literally says that he was not wearing his coat, his chest was not covered, and that is what made himnaked
'. - The phrase
and did cast himself into the sea
means: 'Peter went toJesus
without waiting for the others'.
- The phrase
- C21-S13 : the others also came to the shore.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds what the other disciples did at the same time. - The phrase
And the other disciples came in a little ship
means: 'They left the larger fishing ship in deeper water'. They would have dropped an anchor to keep it in place. - The phrase
(for they were not far from land, but as it were two hundred cubits)
means: 'This is why they came like they did in the little ship'. - The phrase
dragging the net with fishes
means: 'They brought the provision with them'. When we report to God, we are to bring the record of what God provided for us and through us.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C21-S14 : they saw what
had prepared for them.- The phrase
As soon then as they were come to land
means: 'This is when they saw the provision'. We usually do not see God's provision until after we obey God. - The phrase
they saw a fire of coals there
means: 'This is howJesus
provided'. Again, we usually do not understand how God can keep His promise and provide for our needs until after we submit and obey, by faith, the commands which we can not understand in our natural reasoning. They were to wait, but did not wait. They, and we, must learn that God can provide even while we are just waiting. - The phrase
and fish laid thereon, and bread
means: 'This was their basic needs being met'. No, it was not fancy but it fulfilled the promise of God.
- The phrase
- C21-S15 :
gave them further instructions.- The phrase
Jesus saith unto them
means: 'He was speaking as a literal physical man but was also letting them know that God recognized their efforts'. - The phrase
Bring of the fish which ye have now caught
means: 'We are not told if those fish were cooked up then or not. However, we do see that God recognizes our efforts whether those efforts are required of not for the final result'.
- The phrase
- C21-S16 : the reaction to a further command from
.- The phrase
Simon Peter went up, and drew the net to land full of great fishes
means: 'He had swam to shore to verify the proclamation by John but did not approachJesus
because of his shame at how he and deniedJesus
and how he had led others away from waiting like they were supposed to do'. - The phrase
and hundred and fifty and three
means: 'This is how many fish were in the net'. - The phrase
and for all there were so many, yet was not the net broken
means: 'If the net was threatened to be broken, then we can believe that all of the fish were large'. - Please note that someone counted the number of fish even though John does not report it being done. There is a foolish attitude taken by Bible deniers who claim that if some action was not reported then it could not have been done. Then when they read a subsequent action, they claim that the
word of God
has errors because the subsequent action could not have been done without the first action. In stead of admitting that their first claim was in error, they claim that their opinion is more correct than the writtenword of God
- The phrase
- C21-S17 :
invites them to partake of His provision. Our sentence says:Jesus saith unto them, come and dine
. There are messages and at least one song which provide applications of this simple sentence. - C21-S18 : the disciples were afraid to ask any questions. Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds the reaction of the disciples because they recognized the resurrectedLord Jesus
. Our sentence says:And none of the disciples durst ask him, Who art thou?
. - C21-S19 : Why they were careful. Our sentence says:
knowing that it was the Lord
means: 'They knew that He was now acting as God in human flesh and that nothing that He said or did could be challenger or questioned'. - C21-S20 :
reminded them of His feeding the multitudes, twice, and of the 'Last Supper'.- The phrase
Jesus then cometh, and taketh bread, and giveth them, and fish likewise
means: 'This is to remind them of His promise to provide for them. They did not need to go fishing. In addition, He is reminding them of the prophecies which He made, at the 'Last Supper', and which they did not believe'. Those prophecies were of His suffering and death to pay for our sins. As Paul wrote,For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's
(1Corinthians 6:20). and again,Ye are bought with a price; be not ye the servants of men.
(1Corinthians 7:23). Therefore, with this meal,Jesus
is reminding them that they belong to Him and they are to not return to the world but are to serve Him, including waiting when He says to wait.
- The phrase
- C21-S21 : the place in the sequences of the appearances of the resurrected
Lord Jesus
.- The phrase
This is now the third time that Jesus shewed himself to his disciples
Please see the Appearances of Jesus Christ After the Resurrection for links to where the various Gospel accounts deal with this subject. - The phrase
after that he was risen from the dead
means: 'This limits the time being written about and also lets us know that it is after He took back His own power and authority as God. Before His death,Jesus
only did and said what God the father commanded. Now, He is dealing with the disciples using His own power and authority. In this chapter,Jesus
reveals His own character and His own love for the saved and what He commands His disciples to do'.
- The phrase
- C21-S22 :
questions Peter for the first time.- The phrase
So when they had dined
means: 'This is after they had taken His provision'. - The phrase
Jesus saith to Simon Peter
means: 'Jesus
talked to Simon Peter but made sure that the others were listening and understood that they were included in what He said'. - The phrase
Simon, son of Jonas
means: 'This is the name used when he was acting in the flesh. His physical father was namedJona
(different name).Jesus
was making the point that Simon Peter, and the other disciples, were acting in the character of the prophet who ran away from the ministry that God gave him. God blessed final obedience. However, the last that we read, he was pouting under a gourd plant'. - The phrase
lovest thou me more than these?
means: 'Our sentence is still speaking about the provision byJesus
, which was the meal'. Lots of people want to argue that the wordthese
refers to lots of different things. But, any application which is not the provision byJesus
is taking the word out of context and using the method of Satan to pervert theword of God
. That written, whenJesus
asks a very similar question two more times, He left out the phrasemore than these
. Therefore, there is a valid argument thatJesus
was no longer referring to His provision.
- The phrase
- C21-S23 : Peter answers
. Our sentence says:He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee
. Later we are told thatPeter was grieved
. However, while Peter claimed tolove Jesus
, his actions did not back his mouth. And, yes, we can talk about the three times of denial, but this time is directly following Peter leading over half of the disciples back into the world. Therefore, this was not just about the three times of denial but also dealt with a deeper problem. Peter felt inadequate to serve. And, while that was true, his feelings did not determine if God commanded him to serve or not. Nor did his failure end his service. And, the same is true for all of us. In addition, none of us lives nor dies alone. We influence others, just like this chapter told us that Peter did. In addition, all of the others also ran and also felt inadequate. Therefore, this chapter is not just about peter but is about the restoration to service of all of the disciples. And, God will do the same for us when we mess up, no matter how bad we mess up. Yes, there are certain sins which come with permanent consequences. And, while God may not be able to restore us to the same position and job as before, He can still restore us to His service. - C21-S24 :
instructs Peter. Our sentence says:He saith unto him, Feed my lambs
. means: 'Provide spiritual food to the spiritual babies'. The next two timesJesus
says:Feed my sheep
. A pastor should spend twice as much time giving spiritual nutrition to spiritual adults as he does feeding spiritual babies. Unfortunately, most churches appear to be spiritual nurseries. And, it appears as if the pastors keep God's people that way rather than having to answer questions from spiritual teens or spiritual adults. - C21-S25 :
questions Peter for the second time. Our sentence says:He saith to him again the second time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me?
the notes for sentences before and after this sentence give the relevant doctrine. One of the most important things to do, when reading or studyingThe word of God
, is to pay attention to context. - C21-S26 : Peter answers
. Our sentence says:He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee
. - C21-S27 :
instructs Peter. Our sentence says:He saith unto him, Feed my sheep.
means: ''. . . . - C21-S28 :
questions Peter for the third time.- The phrase
He saith unto him the third time
means: 'Jesus
said this same thing three times. Most people who accept what the Bible truly says accept that this number is directly related to the number of times that Peter deniedJesus
'.- In John 18:17; we read:
Then saith the damsel that kept the door unto Peter, Art not thou also one of this man's disciples? He saith, I am not.
thus he denied being a disciple and many others have done the same. - In John 18:25; we read:
And Simon Peter stood and warmed himself. they said therefore unto him, Art not thou also one of his disciples? He denied it, and said, I am not
. . - In John 18:26-27; we read:
One of the servants of the high priest, being his kinsman whose ear Peter cut off, saith, Did not I see thee in the garden with him? Peter then denied again: and immediately the cock crew
- In John 18:17; we read:
- The phrase
Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me?
means: 'The doctrine of this question was explained above'. We should expect similar treatment at thejudgment seat of Christ
if we refuse to serve no matter what the circumstances are. In this chapter, we see the character of ourLord Jesus Christ
. There are a lot of liars who claim that he will act with a different character, at that judgment, than He displays in this chapter and throughoutThe word of God
- The phrase
- C21-S29 : Peter gets upset with the repeated question. Our sentence says:
Peter was grieved because he said unto him the third time, Lovest thou me?
As explained in the prior note, a lot of saved people will be shocked to receive the same type of treatment at thejudgment seat of Christ
. - C21-S30 : Peter answers
.- The phrase
And he said unto him
means: 'This was Peter's answer in spite of being grieved'. - The phrase
Lord, thou knowest all things
means: 'He recognized that he was speaking to God in human flesh and that he could not lie nor even give a partially true answer'. - The phrase
thou knowest that I love thee
means: 'I believe that part of this was to get rid of how Peter's guilt was interfering with his service and part of it was to help Peter to always remember, especially when he was tempted to sin, again, in a similar manner'.
- The phrase
- C21-S31 :
instructs Peter. Our sentence says:Jesus saith unto him, Feed my sheep
. The doctrine of this sentence was dealt with in prior notes for this chapter. - C21-S32 :
prophesies Peter's future.- The phrase
Verily, verily, I say unto you
means: 'This has been verified twice and will be used when God judges these people and others who act like them'. - The phrase
When thou wast young, thou girdedst thyself, and walkedst whither thou wouldest
means: 'This was your past'. - The phrase
but when thou shalt be old, thou shalt stretch forth thy hands, and another shall gird thee, and carry thee whither thou wouldest not
means: 'This is your future. Regardless of this truth, do not fail again'.
- The phrase
- C21-S33 : the interpretation of the prophecy. Our sentence says:
This spake he, signifying by what death he should glorify God
means: 'The proper death of a saint of God, especially a martyr death, brings glory to God because it proves that God has changed them enough to stay true no matter what circumstances they experience'. - C21-S34 : Command to follow regardless of circumstances.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds a commandment to the prophecy of the second prior sentence. - The phrase
And when he had spoken this
means: 'Jesus
had just told Peter that he would die a martyr death.Jesus
follows that revelation with a command to follow no matter where it leads'. Yes, Peter would have a martyr death, but it would not be as painful as the death whichJesus
accepted for our salvation. So, yes,following Jesus
might require as much from us. - The phrase
he saith unto him, Follow me
means: 'This command is a reminder of the commitment that Peter, and the others made when they became disciples'. They made a life-time commitment and their life is not over. Regardless of how we feel, God is not allowing the truly saved to quit short of death.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C21-S35 : Peter tried to change the conversation away from himself and owards another. Please see the Detailed Note for links to many Bible references, including in the Old Testament, which deal with the betrayal of
.- The phrase
Then Peter, turning about, seeth the disciple whom Jesus loved following
means: 'Peter is desperate to change the subject of the conversation. Seeing John gives Peter inspiration for a change of subject'. - The phrase
which also leaned on his breast at supper, and said, Lord, which is he that betrayeth thee?
means: 'Peter had signed John, at the 'Last Supper', to ask about the prophecy of the betrayal ofJesus
'. In our next sentence, Peter asks for a prophecy about someone else besides himself. This was to distract from the unpleasant prophecy whichJesus
had just given about Peter.
- The phrase
- C21-S36 : Peter tried to change the conversation to another disciple. Our sentence says:
Peter seeing him saith to Jesus, Lord, and what shall this man do?
the answer, in the next two sentences, makes it clear that Peter had no right to ask what he did. What God chooses to do with someone else has nothing to do with our personal command tofollow Jesus
. Therefore, we should not worry about such things and, instead, concentrate on our own life of obedience. - C21-S37 :
refused to change away from Peter. Our sentence says:Jesus saith unto him, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee?
means: 'Basically, no matter whatJesus
decides to do with another of His disciples, it is not our business'. We need to mind our own business and let God deal with others unless God makes us responsible for the other like a parent is responsible for the behavior of their child. - C21-S38 :
repeats His command. Our sentence says:follow thou me
means: 'This is a clear, simple and plain command with nothing added for us to use as an excuse for disobedience'. - C21-S39 : Misunderstanding of doctrine based upon carelessness.
- The phrase
Then went this saying abroad among the brethren, that that disciple should not die
means: 'Saved people perverted what was actually said'. That is why we need to be careful about history and other sources of information which are maintained by men. Many people claim that John never experienced a martyr death even though history tells us that he was boiled alive in oil and Revelation 1:9 says that Johnwas in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ
. People were sent there to be literally worked and starved to death. Su, we can't say that John never experienced a martyr death, and was resurrected. - The phrase
yet Jesus said not unto him, He shall not die
means: 'All of these things are due to people accepting as fact things which they did not, or could not, verify'. - The phrase
but, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee?
means: 'This is the true message fromJesus
and it really was:' 'Don't stick your nose in business that belongs only to God'.
- The phrase
- C21-S40 : John's Gospel can be used by God to judge people. Our sentence says:
This is the disciple which testifieth of these things, and wrote these things: and we know that his testimony is true
means: 'John wrote this Gospel account and others testified that his account was true'. - C21-S41 : John did not write everything that
did.- The phrase
And there are also many other things which Jesus did
means: 'John did not write every little thing'. - The phrase
The which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written
means: 'It would be impossible to write every little thing'.
- The phrase
- C21-S42 : Our sentence says:
. This means: 'It is doubling the last sentence for legal purposes'. TheAmen
is always used to double what was written prior to it and to provide the legal requirement oftwo or three witnesses
(John 8:17; 2Corinthians 13:1; Colossians C3S13) for any doctrine which all believers are to accept.