Interpretive Study of Matthew's Gospel - Summary.
Jesus Fulfilled God's Law and Proved that He was / is God's Christ.
Chapter links: 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19; 20; 21; 22; 23; 24; 25; 26; 27; 28; God.
Prior Summary ChaptersChapter 15 Summary : True believers versus religious people.
Our chapter starts with the religious leaders starting a doctrinal fight with Jesus
based upon the fact that His disciples did not keep the traditions which they added to God's law. Jesus
responded with: Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition?
He then gave an illustration which is misapplied by religious traditions today. Following this, Jesus
called the multitude
and explained the difference between a heart relationship with God and a vain surface religion. After that, Jesus
departed into the coasts of Tyre and Sidon
and avoided further fights with the religious leaders. While there, Jesus
cast a devil out of the daughter of a Gentile woman and then returned to His home region. Matthew tells us that Jesus
returned to His ministry of healing sick and teaching which resulted in the people glorifying the God of Israel
. And, those people who continued with me (Jesus) now three days
were fed by Jesus
from seven loaves and (a few) fishes
. This was the time that Jesus
fed four thousand men, beside women and children
Our chapter ends with Jesus
going across the lake to minister to other people. Thus, our chapter started with the religious leaders picking a doctrinal fight with Jesus
and Jesus
telling the multitude their error. Then Jesus
left only long enough to avoid a further fight. He returned, after the religious leaders left the area, and continued His ministry. Thus, we see that Jesus
fought when He had to but avoided further fighting when He could and concentrated on ministering to people instead of fighting with self important officials.
Matthew 15 and Mark 7 tell us pretty much the same thing with the account at the end of Matthew 15 being put into the start of Mark 8.
Matthew 15:1-11 and Mark 7:1-16 tell us about scribes and Pharisees
coming to Jesus
and His disciples to pick a doctrinal fight. Matthew 15:1-2 and Mark 7:1-5 have the accusation from the scribes and Pharisees
, which was that the disciples failed to wash their hands before eating and that the failure made the disciples spiritually defiled. The doctrinal correction from Jesus
is in Matthew 15:3-11 and Mark 7:1-16. In this section, Jesus
called the Scribes and Pharisees hypocrites
and quotes Isaiah 29:13 against them. He publicly denounces them for replacing the word of God with their religious doctrines.
Matthew 15:3-11 and Mark 7:1-16 have the doctrinal correction from Jesus
for the religious error that the scribes and Pharisees tried to enforce.
Matthew 15:10-20 and Mark 7:14-23 tell us how Jesus
explained true spiritual defilement.
Matthew 15:12-13 : the disciples report the reaction of the scribes and Pharisees
Matthew 15:14 and Luke 6:39 give us the 'Parable of the Blind Lead the Blind'. The parables is explained by Jesus
in Matthew 15:15-20. It is also found in the Table of Parables in the New Testament. Matthew 23:16-17 also call the religious leaders blind guides
Matthew 15:19; Matthew 19:18 and Matthew 26:59-60 all warn us against false witnesses
. Please see the Doctrinal Study called False things according to the Bible for links to other false things which God warns us against.
Matthew 15:21-28 and Mark 7:24-30 tell us about Jesus
and His disciples going to Tyre where He cast a devil out of the daughter of a Gentile woman. The note for Mark 7:25-26 explains the account as a whole. Please see the Section called Promises in the Significant Gospel Events Study.
Matthew 15:29-39 and Mark 7:31-37 tell us about Jesus
and His disciples going to the sea of Galilee through Decapolis and ministering to people. As part of that ministering, Matthew 15:32-39 and Mark 8:1-9 tell us about Jesus
feeding four thousand men, beside women and children
. The account of this miracle starts with the word Then
, in the first sentence and all other sentences start with the word And
, which means that they all need to be considered as added into one unit which happened after Jesus
returned to the ministry. This miracle is also referenced by Jesus
in: Matthew 16:10 and Mark 8:20. Please see the Doctrinal Study called Miracles in the Gospels for Bible references to other miracles done by Jesus
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides a chapter outline as:
1-9. Christ reproves the Scribes and Pharisees for transgressing God's commandments through their own traditions;
10-20. teaches how that which goes into the mouth does not defile a man.
21-28. He heals the daughter of the woman of Canaan,
29-31. and other great multitudes;
32-39. and with seven loaves and a few little fishes feeds four thousand men, beside women and children'.
- C15-S1 : the
scribes and Pharisees
start a doctrinal fight.- The phrase
Then came to Jesus scribes and Pharisees
means: 'These were the religious leaders of that day. God gave the priests the job of teaching His word to the people. Thescribes
started out as secretaries and worked their way into being teachers of the law.Pharisees
Preached, but did not live, a strict interpretation of the Mosaic law which included many additions by them. They made themselves religious teachers. Thus, each group claimed to take over the job that God restricted to the priests'.Jesus
said: « Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!
in Matthew 23:13-15; Matthew 23:23; Matthew 23:25; Matthew 23:27; Matthew 23:29 and Luke 11:44. - The phrase
which were of Jerusalem
means: 'Since everyone walked then, this trip supposedly took about three (3) hours to walk'. Thus, they went out of their way to pick this doctrinal fight. - The phrase
saying, Why do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders?
means: 'They had to personally wait and followJesus
, and His disciples, or believe gossips, in order to make this accusation. Since they were self proclaimed experts on the law, they knew that they were to not rely on the word of gossips'.
- The phrase
- C15-S2 : the religious complaint.
- The phrase
for they wash not their hands when they eat bread
means: 'Here's why'. Imagine having to wash your hands in a very specific way before you could eat a snack such as a berry or single olive.
- The phrase
- C15-S3 : the response question from
.- Our sentence starts with the word
answered their accusation by throwing their accusation back into their faces. He is continuing the subject of the prior sentence while changing the direction back towards the accusers. - The phrase
But he answered and said unto them
means: 'This answer refused to respond to their accusation as to if it was factual or legal. In stead,Jesus
accused them of doing the very thing which they claimed was illegal. However, instead of claiming that some violated their additions to God's law,Jesus
accused them of violating God's written Mosaic Law'. - The phrase
Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition?
means: 'Notice that His accusation was that theytransgress the commandment of God
and not just their additions to God's Law. And, in the next few sentences,Jesus
provides legal evidence to back His accusation while they had no evidence beyond the word of gossips and hypocrites'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C15-S4 : Paraphrase of scripture. Please see the Section called Jesus and the Ten Commandments in the Significant Gospel Events Study for links to other places in the Bible where God talked about this commandments.
- The phrase
For God commanded, saying
means: 'This is written in God's Mosaic Law'. - The phrase
Honour thy father and mother
means: 'This quotes Exodus 20:12 and Deuteronomy 5:16 '. People teach a wrong definition of the wordhonour
. Some try to make it about giving money. But, the definition is; 'A testimony of esteem; any expression of respect or of high estimation by words or actions; as the honors of war; military honors; funeral honors; civil honors. Also, to revere; to respect; to treat with deference and submission, and perform relative duties to'. Children are commanded to esteem their parents for all that their parents provided for them since conception. This is far more than just 'don't steal the money they set aside for their own retirement years'. - The phrase
and, He that curseth father or mother, let him die the death
means: 'This quotes Exodus 21:17; Leviticus 20:9 and Deuteronomy 27:16 '.
- The phrase
- C15-S5 : the religious lie. Part of understanding this sentence requires knowing some of the history of the Jewish culture and also knowing the related Mosaic law.
- The phrase
But ye say
means: 'These self appointed religious liars who claimed to be experts on the Mosaic law and their religious rules told people to disobey God's Law'. - The phrase
Whosoever shall say to his father or his mother, It is a gift
means: 'This is the excuse for them not taking care of their parents after the parents sacrificed to raise them. By claiming that their money was a gift to the temple, which they would give in the future, the children could deny having the money to support their parents'. - The phrase
by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me
means: 'The children refused to help their parents and used this excuse instead of fulfilling their responsibilities'. - The phrase
And honour not his father or his mother
means: 'The children refused to consider all that their parents sacrificed for them'. - The phrase
he shall be free
means: 'The scribes and Pharisees said that they could be selfish and refuse to honor their parents and refuse to help their parents if they claimed that their money was a future gift to the Temple'.
- The phrase
- C15-S6 : the consequence of the religious lie. Our sentence says:
Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition
. means: 'Their tradition made it so that the commandment of God could not change the heart of selfish people'. God's commandment was designed to make people thankful to parents and then to God. But, their tradition allowed people to remain selfish while they proudly claimed that they were righteous because they planned on giving a gift to the Temple in the future. - C15-S7 : the judgment of God.
- The phrase
Ye hypocrites
means: ''. . . . - The phrase
well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying
means: 'He quotes Isaiah 29:13 '. - The phrase
This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth
means: 'Religious people claim to serve God because they do religious activities'. - The phrase
and honoureth me with their lips
means: 'Religious people sing songs and quote verses and teach religious lessons'. . . . - The phrase
but their heart is far from me
means: 'Their life outside of church does not match their claims in church. God wrote His word to reveal himself to man and commands us to become like Him. But, most people can not tell you whatThe word of God
says is the character of God. LikeThe word of God
warns, they have believed another God and another lord and another Jesus and another Christ'.
- The phrase
- C15-S8 : the religious pretend to worship while disobeying.
- The phrase
But in vain they do worship me
. The wordvain
means: 'Empty; worthless; having no substance, value or importance. The best example of this word, that I've found, is whited sepulchers. They look pretty on the outside, but inside is death'. Therefore, our phrase means: 'Their worship is all an outward show with no spiritually alive substance from their heart'. - The phrase
teaching for doctrines the commandments of men
. means: this phrase proves the prior phrase to be true. The worddoctrine
means: 'religious teaching which claims to be from God'. Thus, this phrase means: 'They teach the commandments of men and claim that those commandments came from God while they actually encourage the disobedience to God'.
- The phrase
- C15-S9 :
explains the spiritual basis for finding the truth.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.Jesus
added a teaching on this subject to themultitudes
. - The phrase
And he called the multitude, and said unto them
means: ''. . . . - The phrase
Hear, and understand
means: 'This is a spiritual truth which is best understood spiritually. However, it is so simple and basic that it can even be understood by the lost who truly consider it and reject any perverted interpretation of this sentence'. - The phrase
Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man
means: 'The scribes and Pharisees claimed that people were spiritually defined by not following their rules for what, when and how to eat. This phrase calls that claim to be a lie and a doctrine from devils'. - The phrase
but that which cometh out of the mouth
means: 'What comes out are our words and our attitudes'. - The phrase
This defileth a man
means: 'Our words and our attitudes prove what is truly in our heart. Matthew 12:36 saysBut I say unto you, that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment
. Since we will be judged based upon ourwords
, they can defile us and condemn us'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C15-S10 : the disciples report the reaction of the
scribes and Pharisees
.- The phrase
Then came his disciples, and said unto him
means: 'The disciples report what they learned toJesus
'. - The phrase
Knowest thou that the Pharisees were offended
means: 'This is what they learned'. - The phrase
after they heard this saying?
means: 'This is when and why the Pharisees were offended'. Religious liars are always offended when you useThe word of God
, or even solid reasoning, to prove their claims to be wrong.
- The phrase
- C15-S11 :
replies with their ultimate end.- Our sentence starts with the word
. In the prior sentence, the disciples reported a concern. In contrast,Jesus
says that it is not a true everlasting concern, in this sentence. - The phrase
But he answered and said
means: 'Jesus
spoke a truth which must be spiritually discerned'. - The phrase
Every plant, which my heavenly father hath not planted
means: 'Several places,Jesus
uses plants to teach a spiritual truth about the relationship between God and man. Thus this phrase identified relationships which are between men and devils who claim to be gods'. - The phrase
shall be rooted up
means: 'God the father will rip out all such relationships'. This sentence identifies the relationship between thescribes and Pharisees
and devils.Jesus
was not concerned about their being offended because God was going toroot up
those relationships. And, we no longer have the scribes nor the Pharisees.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C15-S12 : the 'Parable of the Blind leading the Blind' is in this sentence and the next sentence. Where the prior sentence told us what God the father would eventually do, these sentences tell us what
said to do at that time.- The phrase
Let them alone
means: 'This is what to do'. - The phrase
they be blind leaders of the blind
means: 'This is why.Jesus
was saying that they were spiritually blind and could not see even the obvious spiritual things'.
- The phrase
- C15-S13 :
describes the end result of all who follow them.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence is adding the consequence of following a spiritually blind religious leader. - The phrase
And if the blind lead the blind
means: 'This phrase identifies the conditional requirement'. - The phrase
both shall fall into the ditch
means: 'When an animalfell into the ditch
, it had to be helped out or it died a slow and painful death.Jesus
was saying that this would be the result for everyone who followed spiritually blind religious leaders'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C15-S14 : Peter asks for understanding. Our sentence says:
Then answered Peter and said unto him, Declare unto us this parable
. It means: 'Give us the true spiritual meaning'. The next few sentences give us the spiritual meaning starting with whatJesus
said about true spiritual defilement. - C15-S15 :
wonders at their inability to understand spiritual truth. Our sentence says:And Jesus said, Are ye also yet without understanding?
. This means 'Jesus
thought that they should be able to understand. However, He did not rebuke them but explained the spiritual sayings'. God will not rebuke His children when they seek greater spiritual understanding. - C15-S16 :
tells the true source of spiritual defilement.- The phrase
Do not ye yet understand
means: 'Jesus
questioned if each and every one of them personally had trouble understanding'. - The phrase
that whatsoever entereth in at the mouth goeth into the belly
means: 'Whatentereth in at the mouth
is physically eaten'. - The phrase
and is cast out into the draught?
means: 'Our digestive system breaks food down in several stages to use in replacing the physical cells of our body. What is not used is expelled from the body. This process has nothing to do with our spirit. The attitudes and actions directed by our heart are what affect our spirit'.
- The phrase
- C15-S17 : Why the prior is true.
- Our sentence starts with the word
. While the prior sentence told us what does not affect our heart and our spirit, this sentence tells us what proves the type of heart and spirit we have. - The phrase
But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart
means: 'This phrase identifies our words and our attitudes. It is not just what we say but also includes how we say things'. - The phrase
and they defile the man
means: 'We aredefiled
when we provide legal proof, which will be used when we are judged by God, of our heart's true attitudes'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C15-S18 :
describes examples of true spiritual defilement.- Our sentence starts with the word
and tells us why the prior sentences true. - The phrase
For out of the heart proceed
means: 'This is the true source of the following spiritual attitudes'. - The phrase
evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies
means: 'Every one of these are expressions of spiritual attitudes. All, except the first, usually result in physical actions. However, as we read elsewhere, God counts it a sin even before we act because we sin in our heart'. - The phrase
These are the things which defile a man
means: 'Spiritual defilement occurs in the heart when we accept the wrong spiritual attitude'. - The phrase
but to eat with unwashen hands defileth not a man
means: 'Physical acts do not defile, even when they are expressions of defilement which already occurred in our heart'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C15-S19 :
travelled to where the next incident happened. Our sentence says:Then Jesus went thence, and departed into the coasts of Tyre and Sidon
. - C15-S20 : A Gentile woman begs for mercy.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds whatJesus
found when He arrived there. - The phrase
And, behold
means: 'Pay close attention to the details or you might miss the spiritual lesson'. The report of this incident goes through C15-S28 and all of the sentences need to be considered as a single unit. - The phrase
a woman of Canaan came out of the same coasts
means: 'This woman was a Gentile'. - The phrase
and cried unto him, saying
means: 'She begged loudly'. - The phrase
Have mercy on me
means: 'This is what she begged for'. - The phrase
O Lord
means: 'She acknowledged Him as God in human flesh'. - The phrase
thou Son of David
means: 'She acknowledged Him as God'sChrist
. It is possible that she knew that God promised that HisChrist
would take His message to Gentiles. However, while possible, it is not likely. In spite of that, she had true Biblicalfaith
that He could do what she asked'. - The phrase
my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil
means: 'This was the source of her begging'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C15-S21 :
refuses to answer. Our sentence says:But he answered her not a word
. This is a lesson for God's children when they do not get an answer as soon as they think that God should answer. - C15-S22 : the woman made herself a pest with her continuing.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds the reaction by the disciples. - The phrase
And his disciples came and besought him, saying
means: 'They were beggingJesus
to take care of the problem caused by the woman'. - The phrase
Send her away
means: 'This is what they begged Him to do'. - The phrase
for she crieth after us
means: 'Here's why'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C15-S23 :
answers her that she has no claim on Him.- Our sentence starts with the word
. Where the prior sentence told us that the disciples talked toJesus
, this sentence tell us thatJesus
changed whom He talked to when he answered. - The phrase
But he answered and said
means: 'The next phrase was His answer to the request by the Gentile woman'. - The phrase
I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel
means: 'Notice that he did not tell her NO, but simply said that her request was not within the purpose he was given when God the father sent Him into a human body'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C15-S24 : She worshipped and begged.
- The phrase
Then came she and worshipped him, saying
means: 'Too many of God's people make requests while forgetting to start with true worship'. - The phrase
Lord, help me
means: 'She acknowledged Him as God in Human flesh and that He could do what she requested'.
- The phrase
- C15-S25 :
adds insult to His answer.- Our sentence starts with the word
. Where the prior sentence reports that the woman acknowledged thatJesus
could do what she requested, this sentence tells us whyJesus
wasn't supposed to give her the request. - The phrase
But he answered and said
means: 'The next phrases are His answer to the woman'. - The phrase
It is not meet to take the children's bread
. The wordmeet
means: 'Men define meet as 'come together' but the Biblical meaning of the word is 'Men define meet as 'come together' but the Biblical meaning of the word is 'come together and match in every area'. In addition, the wordbread
is used symbolically for: 'what nourishes spiritually and causes spiritual growth'. Therefore, our phrase means: 'Her request does not completely fit within His purpose of causing the Jews to spiritually mature'. - The phrase
and to cast it to dogs
. What many people fail to realize is that a femaledog
is 'a bitch'. In addition, the Jews used this term as the greatest insult that they could give to a person. Therefore, our phrase means: 'Jesus
gave her the greatest insult that a Jew could give and made it words by recognizing that she was a female. He literally called her a bitch'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C15-S26 : She agrees to anything He says so long
as she gets her request.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds her response to being highly insulted. Her attitude was: 'Insult me any way that you want and demand anything that you want but please fulfill my request'. This is the attitude that God requires from people asking for a miracle. I write this based upon having received several and at more than one time. Refusal to truly take this attitude is why many people are refused their requested to God. - The phrase
And she said
means: 'The following phrases were her response'. - The phrase
means: 'Truth is defined by God. Truth is what God says is truth for this physical reality, the spiritual reality and everything else that is, even if we don't know about it. Truth is personified in Jesus Christ; anything less than 'absolute truth' is a lie. Something that is true matches what God reveals in His unchanging Word'.Truth
is part of the character of God and never changes. This definition is one that you will not find anywhere else but is what is the same every place where any form of this word is used inThe word of God
. Please use this link to access the Word Study which deals with every place where any form of this word is used. - The phrase
means: ''. . . . - The phrase
yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table
means: 'Here she says the basis for her hope of a miracle'. Notice that she acknowledged and accepted the insult. That attitude is why she received her request.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C15-S27 :
grants her request because of her true Biblicalfaith
.- The phrase
Then Jesus answered and said unto her
means: 'This was His answer'. Notice that the basis of His fulfilling this request is the same as when He granted the request from the centurion (Matthew 8:5-13). - The phrase
O woman
means: 'Notice thatJesus
no longer uses insults'. - The phrase
great is thy faith
means: 'This is why He granted her request. This is also the basis for us receiving miracles from God'. - The phrase
be it unto thee even as thou wilt
means: 'He granted exactly what she requested'.
- The phrase
- C15-S28 : Our sentence says:
And her daughter was made whole from that very hour
. Notice that it was not immediate. There are times where God makes a promise but does not grant it immediately. We need to keep our faith until we receive the promise. - C15-S29 :
returns home.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds the report thatJesus
left there and returned near His home. - The phrase
And Jesus departed from thence, and came nigh unto the sea of Galilee
means: 'This is where He started and ended His journey'. - The phrase
and went up into a mountain, and sat down there
means: 'Jesus
prepared to teach'. He had returned to doing ministry.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C15-S30 :
ministered in a way that brought glory to God.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds to report of what happened whenJesus
returned to doing ministry. - The phrase
And great multitudes came unto him
means: 'They came for healing and to see miracles. God the father, andJesus
accepted this because it allowed Him to preach the Gospel and, hopefully, some would get truly saved'. - The phrase
having with them those that were lame, blind, dumb, maimed, and many others
means: 'These were all of the different types of people who needed miraculous healing'. - The phrase
and cast them down at Jesus' feet; and he healed them
means: 'Jesus
took care of their physical needs as a sign that He was God'sChrist
'. - The phrase
Insomuch that the multitude wondered
means: 'Themultitude wondered
if He was truly God'sChrist
and, if not, how He could do so many miracles'. - The phrase
when they saw the dumb to speak, the maimed to be whole, the lame to walk, and the blind to see
means: 'This is when, and why, theywondered
'. - The phrase
and they glorified the God of Israel
means: 'Regardless of what they thought aboutJesus
, they knew that it was God Who provided the power. Therefore,they glorified the God of Israel
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C15-S31 :
has compassion on the people. Seriously consider this sentence and try to imagine people, of today, sticking around a preaching service this long and in these conditions.- The phrase
Then Jesus called his disciples unto him, and said
means: 'Jesus
gave instructions with an explanation of why He gave them'. - The phrase
I have compassion on the multitude
means: 'This is what motivatedJesus
'. - The phrase
because they continue with me now three days
means: 'This is why'. - The phrase
and have nothing to eat
means: 'This is another reason why'. - The phrase
and I will not send them away fasting
means: 'This is whatJesus
refused to do'. - The phrase
lest they faint in the way
means: 'This is why'.
- The phrase
- C15-S32 : the disciples ask Him how the need will be met.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds the response from the disciples. - The phrase
And his disciples say unto him
means: 'This phrase tells us who spoke the rest of this sentence. When you are in the middle of something it is harder to remember everything than it is when you are looking at it from the side. We can say that they should have remembered the last time whenJesus
told them the same thing with a different group. But we have the advantage of looking at it after everything was done'. - The phrase
Whence should we have so much bread in the wilderness
means: 'They saw the physical limit of where they were and what was available'. - The phrase
as to fill so great a multitude?
means: 'They saw the need'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C15-S32 :
asks what is available.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds the response fromJesus
to their prior question. Obviously, He was sending them to see what was available for Him to use as the basis of a miracle. - Our sentence says:
And Jesus saith unto them, How many loaves have ye?
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C15-S34 : the disciples answer. Our sentence says:
And they said, Seven, and a few little fishes
. So, obviously, the disciples went and searched for what was available. - C15-S35 :
commanded that things be done orderly. Our sentence says:And he commanded the multitude to sit down on the ground
. Thus, we see Him doing the same thing as before. And, since God does not change, we can expect a similar response when we have a need and see inThe word of God
how God provided for the need in a prior circumstance. - C15-S36 :
prayed and then provided. Again, our sentence says:And he took the seven loaves and the fishes, and gave thanks, and brake them, and gave to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude
. This is the same as was reported the other time thatJesus
fed a multitude. - C15-S37 : the provision was more than needed to satisfy all. Our sentence says:
And they did all eat, and were filled: and they took up of the broken meat that was left seven baskets full
. Again, we see that God provides an abundance. And, as reported elsewhere, people who claim that can't afford to itihe are wasting God's provision. God provides an abundance but God does not provide enough to be wasteful. - C15-S38 : the number of people fed. Our sentence says:
And they that did eat were four thousand men, beside women and children
. Again, the details are different, such as the numbers of things reported. But, we see the general circumstances are the sameans we seeJesus
providing for them the same way. And, this is our example of what we can expect God to do for us when we are truly saved and truly have dedicated our life to His service. - C15-S39 :
went to the next place of ministry. Our sentence says:And he sent away the multitude, and took ship, and came into the coasts of Magdala
. Once more, we seeJesus
finishing with one group of people and moving to another place and group of people where He will minister again.
Chapter 16 Summary : Starting the Show-Down.
Matthew 16 and Mark 8 tell us pretty much the same thing with the start of Mark 8 actually matching the end of Matthew 15. In addition, we read similar lessons in Luke 9 and Luke 12.
In these chapters, we see arguments over doctrine, which are, basically, arguments over authority. The religious leaders claim that they have the top authority because of religious traditions. Jesus
claims that He has the top authority because He demonstrates approval from God with His miracles. In all related chapters, Jesus
warns His disciples, and us, against The doctrine of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees
, which is religious hypocrisy. While the same lesson is taught in each of these Bible chapters, the lesson was taught at different times and in different circumstances. It should also be obvious that this lesson is a precept
that never changes but has multiple applications. And, it should also be obvious that Jesus
taught certain lessons more than once.
As a result, there is no conflict between the Gospel reports because they are giving us different applications of the basic doctrine. And, in general, the doctrine of this warning is explained in the note for Mark 8:17-LJC. Further, while the context of the account by Luke is totally different, the accounts by Matthew and Mark are similar enough for a comparison of the two accounts.
In Matthew 16:1-4 and Mark 8:11-13; we read that The Pharisees also with the Sadducees came, and tempting desired him that he would shew them a sign from heaven.
(There are similar accounts in Matthew 12:39-40 and Luke 11:29-32.) Jesus told them
: there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas. And he left them, and departed.
In Matthew 16:2-3 and Luke 12:54-57; we read the 'Parable of Clouds and Wind'. It is also found in the Table of Parables in the New Testament.
Matthew 16:5-12; Mark 8:14-21 and Luke 12:1-12 tell us about Jesus
warning His disciples against The doctrine of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees
, which is religious hypocrisy.
Matthew 16:5-12; Mark 8:14-21 and Luke 12:1-12 tell us about Jesus
warning His disciples against The doctrine of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees
is religious hypocrisy.
Matthew 16:13-20; Mark 8:27-30 and Luke 9:18-20 tell us that they came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi
where Jesus
asked His disciples: Whom say the people that I am?
. Peter answered: The Christ of God
. Following this confession, all three (3) Gospel accounts tell us that Jesus
started telling His disciples that He would be crucified and rise again.
Matthew 16:13-20; Mark 8:27-30; Luke 9:18-27; John 4:42; John 6:69 and John 11:27 all contain a profession of faith that Jesus
is Christ
and is The Son of God
Matthew 16:21-28; Mark 8:31-38 and Luke 9:21-27 tell us that Jesus
started teaching His disciples about His death and resurrection and what people must do if they decided to come after me
. These all tell us the requirements, that Jesus
gave, for saved people to receive reward, and not punishment, when He returns to rule this world for 1,000-years. These instructions occur between the time that Peter declaring that Jesus
is the Christ
and the time of the Mount of Transfiguration. In context, all three events (The declaration, the instruction, and the Mount experience) are related.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides a chapter outline as:
1-4. the Pharisees require a sign.
5-12. Jesus warns his disciples of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees.
13-15. the people's opinion of Christ,
16-20. and Peter's confession of him.
21-22. Jesus foretells his death;
23. reproves Peter for dissuading him from it;
24-28. and admonishes those that will follow him, to bear the cross. '.
- C16-S1 : the religious leaders demanded that
do what they demanded.- The phrase
The Pharisees also with the Sadducees came
means: 'They came toJesus
looking to start a fight'. - The phrase
and tempting desired him that he would shew them a sign from heaven
means: 'This is what they asked for. They thought they were being sly by trying to get Him to do this so that they could claim that He did miracles on their demand and that proved that they had authority overJesus
- The phrase
- C16-S2 :
answers their temptation.- The phrase
He answered and said unto them
means: 'Jesus
pointed out that they claimed to be able to tell future weather based upon signs that they could read'. - The phrase
When it is evening, ye say
means: 'This is the time that they read the weather sign'. - The phrase
It will be fair weather
means: 'This is their prediction'. - The phrase
for the sky is red
means: 'Here's why'.
- The phrase
- C16-S3 : A well-known sign from the physical reality.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds another common weather prediction. - The phrase
And in the morning
means: 'This is the time that they read the weather sign'. - The phrase
It will be foul weather to day
means: 'This is their prediction'. - The phrase
for the sky is red and lowring
means: 'Here's why'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C16-S4 : they refuse to use the same methods to know spiritual truths.
- The phrase
O ye hypocrites
means: 'Each and every one of them personally werehypocrites
because they claimed to be the spiritual experts among the Jews but could not provide the proof of this sentence'. - The phrase
ye can discern the face of the sky
means: 'Each and every one of them personally could make a weather prediction'. - The phrase
but can ye not discern the signs of the times?
means: 'None of them could personally make a spiritual prediction'. - This is an important truth to consider. The religious leaders taught people the many applications of
The word of God
, just like preachers do today. And, they referenced lessons from famous religious leaders in their past, just like preachers do today. However, they did not do the job of a prophet, which was to provide the single interpretation of the Law of God. And, preachers of today also do not do that job. And, they claimed that their applications corrected the single interpretation. ButJesus
repeatedly proved them wrong in that claim. When there is a disagreement between the single interpretation and one of many applications, the single interpretation is always right. But, just like these religious leaders did, the preachers of today claim that their application corrects the true single interpretation.
- The phrase
- C16-S5 : the consequence of their attitude of heart.
- The phrase
A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign
means: 'Jesus
tells them God's judgment of their actions and the motivations of their hearts which led to their actions'. - The phrase
and there shall no sign be given unto it
means: 'Jesus
refuses their demand except for the sign given to all men everywhere'. Thus, they can not claim thatJesus
had to do miracles when they demanded. They could not claim that they had authority over Him. - The phrase
but the sign of the prophet Jonas
means: 'This is explained more elsewhere. This is the sign ofJesus
being dead and in Hell for three days and three nights'.
- The phrase
- C16-S6 :
left people with a wrong attitude of heart. He refused to talk further with them. Our sentence saysAnd he left them, and departed
. - C16-S7 : the conditions which are important to understand the next incident.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds the circumstance which caused the disciples to not understand the doctrine whichJesus
gave to them. - The phrase
And when his disciples were come to the other side
means: 'They left the people and the religious leaders whenJesus
did'. - The phrase
they had forgotten to take bread
means: 'This was the source of confusion'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C16-S8 :
warns His disciples against the attitude of heart displayed by the religious leaders.- The phrase
Then Jesus said unto them
means: 'Jesus
did not say this until they reached the other side of the lake. I imagine He waited until He was calmed down after dealing with the religious hypocrites'. - The phrase
Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees
means: 'This was His message which had to be understood spiritually but which they tried to understand physically'.
- The phrase
- C16-S9 : the disciples misunderstand the warning.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds how they tried to figure out the meaning of His message. - The phrase
And they reasoned among themselves, saying
means: 'This is what they did'. - The phrase
It is because we have taken no bread
means: 'This was their wrong conclusion'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C16-S10 :
rebukes their misunderstanding.- The phrase
Which when Jesus perceived
means: 'This is whenJesus
realized that they misunderstood His message'. - The phrase
he said unto them
means: 'Jesus
taught them the right way to figure out spiritual truths'. The next few sentences have to be considered together in order to understand this answer. - The phrase
O ye of little faith
means: 'He said that they hadlittle faith
because He had already, twice, proven that He could provide physical food. Therefore, they should have believed that He could handle their forgetting to bring bread. They should have understood that His message had nothing to do with their forgetting bread'. - The phrase
why reason ye among yourselves
means: 'They should have asked Him for clarification. He had already proven that he would give clarification any time that they asked for it'. - The phrase
because ye have brought no bread?
means: 'They were looking at the wrong thing to try and seek understanding'. And, this is the source of much doctrinal error. People look at the physical when they should understand the spiritual.
- The phrase
- C16-S11 :
reminds them that He does not need to buy physical bread.- The phrase
Do ye not yet understand
means: 'Understanding comes from realizing how different circumstances have the same spiritual lesson'. - The phrase
neither remember the five loaves of the five thousand, and how many baskets ye took up?
means: 'They had an abundance of food left over whenJesus
fulfilled that physical need'. They did not need to worry about physical food.
- The phrase
- C16-S12 :
reminds them of the second evidence that He provided. Our sentence says:Neither the seven loaves of the four thousand, and how many baskets ye took up?
. Between the two, they should have understood that there was not a problem providing physical food. Therefore, they should have understood that His message had to be understood spiritually. - C16-S13 :
asks them how they did not consider the spiritual meaning of His statement.- The phrase
How is it that ye do not understand that I spake it not to you concerning bread
means: 'Jesus
asks them how they did not understand that there was no physical need and, therefore, they were given a spiritual message'. - The phrase
that ye should beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees?
means: 'He was warning them against the spiritual doctrinal error ofThe Pharisees and of the Sadducees
. That is, the error which results when men use natural reasoning to try and discern a spiritual truth'.
- The phrase
- C16-S14 : then the disciples truly considered and understood the message from
.- The phrase
Then understood they
means: 'True understanding came only after they were told the right way to achieve true understanding'. - The phrase
how that he bade them not beware of the leaven of bread
means: 'A spiritual message can not be rightly understood from a physical perspective'. - The phrase
but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees
means: 'The true spiritual message was about doctrine'.
- The phrase
- C16-S15 :
verifies that they are ready for the next level of discipleship.- The phrase
When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi
means: 'Jesus
led His disciples away from the area of their normal ministry so that he could give them a very important lesson in private'. - The phrase
he asked his disciples, saying
means: 'This is how He introduced the subject. He approached it indirectly'. - The phrase
Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?
means: 'First He asked them what others said in order to get them thinking about their own personal belief'.
- The phrase
- C16-S16 : the disciples answer the question asked.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds their answer to the question fromJesus
. - The phrase
And they said
means: 'These are the various answers from other men'. - The phrase
Some say that thou art John the Baptist
means: 'This is what Herod thought'. - The phrase
some, Elias
means: 'He was considered to be the most important of the Old Testament prophets'. - The phrase
and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets
means: 'These are all the other wild guesses'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C16-S17 :
asks for their personal belief.- The phrase
He saith unto them
means: 'Jesus
now asks for their personal belief'. - The phrase
But whom say ye that I am?
means: 'Here He is changing from what others say to what they each personally believe'. He had to verify their personal belief, and level of spiritual maturity, before teaching then spiritual lessons which required more spiritual maturity. And, even after He verified their level of spiritual maturity, they still refused to accept what He taught them.
- The phrase
- C16-S18 : Peter answers for all of them.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds the answer from Peter. - The phrase
And Simon Peter answered and said
means: 'This is who answered'. - The phrase
Thou art the Christ
means: 'This was his answer'. - The phrase
The Son of the living God
means: 'This is what was also part of the answer'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C16-S19 :
says that Peter is blessed for accepting what was spiritually revealed.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds the response fromJesus
. - The phrase
And Jesus answered and said unto him
means: 'Jesus
gave this answer'. - The phrase
Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona
means: 'First He said that Peter was blessed by God'. - The phrase
for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee
means: 'Next He said why'. - The phrase
but my father which is in heaven
means: 'Next He said Who revealed this spiritual truth'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C16-S20 :
gives Peter a new name to reflect his new spiritual role.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds an additional revelation fromJesus
. - The phrase
And I say also unto thee
means: 'Jesus
added this revelation'. - The phrase
That thou art Peter
means: 'He personally was a pebble'. - The phrase
and upon this rock I will build my church
means: 'Jesus
wouldbuild His church
uponThe rock
which wasChrist
'. - The phrase
and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it
means: 'All of the power of Hell would not win against the ongoing personal relationship which isChrist
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C16-S21 :
announces that the disciples will be made apostles.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds a promise fromJesus
as a direct result of Peter's profession of true faith.Jesus
promises to make Peter a true apostle and give him the power of a true ambassador for Heaven. - The phrase
And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven
means: 'This is a promise that many people do not truly consider the implications.Jesus
gave Peter the authority to open the doors of Heaven. This is why God used Peter to preach to the Jews on Pentecost. This is why God did not save the Samaritans (Acts 8) when Philip first preached but saved them when Peter showed up because Peter had the power to open the doors to Heaven in salvation. This is also why God used Peter to open the doors to Heaven in salvation for the Gentiles when Peter was sent to the house of Cornelius (Acts 10). '. - The phrase
and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven
means: 'This is the true power of an ambassador. A true ambassador can make peace for a country that is at war and he can start a war. That is literally the power thatJesus
is given to Peter to represent the kingdom of Heaven on Earth. A true ambassador has to be appointed to his position in a face-to-face meeting with the head of the country. That is why people who claim to be apostles today are lying representatives of Hell and not of Heaven. They have not seen the literal physicalJesus
in a face-to-face meeting where He gave them the power that we read in this sentence'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C16-S22 :
tells the disciples to keep the truth quiet. Our sentence says:Then charged he his disciples that they should tell no man that he was Jesus the Christ
. It means: 'God does not reveal everything to everyone. Some things are revealed to only a few people until God knows that it is time to make everyone aware of the knowledge'. - C16-S23 :
starts to preach a new truth which must be accepted spiritually. Here,Jesus
literally preached to events of the Gospel before they happened.- The phrase
From that time forth began Jesus to shew unto his disciples
means: 'Jesus prophesied the events of the Gospel only to His disciples before they happened. They suffered more than they had to because they refused to believe the prophecies. No, they did not want to hear, nor believe, prophecies of His suffering and death. But, because they rejected those prophecies, they could not accept the prophecies about His future resurrection'. Please see the Prophecies Section of the Significant Gospel Events Study. - The phrase
how that he must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer manythings of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed
means: ''. This is one of several places in the Gospel accounts where we read thatJesus
gave these prophecies. The first part of the Prophecies Section of the Significant Gospel Events Study is references to the 'Suffering and Death of Jesus'. Not only does that section have Old Testament references, but it also has the references in the Gospel accounts for the several times thatJesus
gave these prophecies to His disciples. - The phrase
and be raised again the third day
means: 'This is the prophecy that should have encouraged them. However, they could not accept this prophecy while rejecting the earlier prophecy'.
- The phrase
- C16-S24 : Peter rejects the new teaching. Lots of people preach about this error by Peter while not recognizing when they do the same.
- The phrase
Then Peter took him
means: 'Peter literally laid hands onJesus
because he was so upset that he was not thinking clearly. And, while it is often denied, many other people also let emotions override reason, especially about religious matters'. - The phrase
and began to rebuke him, saying
means: 'Peter had the wrong attitude because of his emotions'. - The phrase
Be it far from thee
means: 'This is what Peter wanted to force the future to be. However, it does not matter what we want nor how emotional we become, when we object to God's determined action, we lose. And, with all of the Old Testament prophecies, whatJesus
prophesied had to happen'. - The phrase
means: 'Here, Peter got the title right but forgot the true relationship which goes with that title. And, many other people do the same. In addition, devils encourage people to disrespect theirLord
and disregard the true aspects of that relationship'. - The phrase
This shall not be unto thee
means: 'Like many other people, Peter declares that his will overcomes the will of God'.
- The phrase
- C16-S25 :
rebukes Peter for his rejection.- Our sentence starts with the word
. The prior sentence told us what Peter wanted, and truly believed was the will of God. Meanwhile, this sentence tells us thatJesus
said that Peter's claim actually represented the desire of Satan. - The phrase
But he turned, and said unto Peter
means: 'Jesus
physically turned to directly confront Peter'. - The phrase
Get thee behind me, Satan
means: 'Jesus
recognized the true source of the doctrine which peter claimed'. - The phrase
thou art an offence unto me
means: 'Jesus
had already defeated Satan three times when Satan tempted Him. It was not yet time for His crucifixion. Therefore, any fight that Satan started, at that time, would be lost by Satan'. - The phrase
for thou savourest not the things that be of God
means: 'Here's whyJesus
said what He did in this sentence. And, we are all guilty, at times, of putting the desires of the flesh aboveThe things that be of God
'. - The phrase
but those that be of men
means: 'This was Peter's, and Satan's, highest priority'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C16-S26 :
states the requirement to be a true disciple.- The phrase
Then said Jesus unto his disciples
means: 'Jesus
said this to the most spiritually mature followers that He had'. - The phrase
If any man will come after me
means: 'This is the condition to not just go to heaven but to also have a high position in Heaven.Jesus
has the highest position other than God the father and part of that was due to what He was willing to suffer for us. That is the attitude that God looks for in His leaders'. - The phrase
let him deny himself
means: 'This is the first step in suffering for the good of others. No one can be willing to suffer for others unless they do this first. And, no one received a God given leadership position without this attitude'. - The phrase
and take up his cross
means: 'This is literally being willing to suffer greatly and even volunteering to step into the position of suffering. This step can only be done after the prior step is completed'. - The phrase
and follow me
means: 'Consider what theSon of God
did when He set aside the power, glory and riches in heaven to be born a weak human being, put up with our attitudes, be criticized, rejected, suffer and literally go to Hell for unthankful people. Accepting that attitude and that type of path through life in what this phrase means'.
- The phrase
- C16-S27 : Here's why the prior sentence should be obeyed. We find the exact phrase of
save his life
in: Matthew 16:25; Mark 8:34; Luke 9:24 and Luke 17:33. Please also see the Message called: Loss of Everlasting Rewards.- The phrase
For whosoever will save his life shall lose it
means: 'whosoever tries to save and enjoy this current physical life will lose the future life with a perfected body. For example, they will not be allowed to return withChrist
to rule this world for 1,000 years'. - The phrase
and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it
means: 'whosoever is willing to give up all of the pleasures of this physical life, and even suffer and die as a martyr, for the sake ofJesus
and the Gospel, will receive the reward of enjoying life in a perfected body. They will be allowed to return withChrist
to rule this world for 1,000 years'.
- The phrase
- C16-S28 : Why the prior sentence is true. We need to consider the long-term results of our lifestyle.
- The phrase
For what is a man profited
means: 'Where is the everlasting reward?'. - The phrase
if he shall gain the whole world
means: 'If someone could own this entire world to only give it up at death'. - The phrase
and lose his own soul?
means: 'If the cost is not receiving the type of thinking and the way of making decisions of the will and the emotional responses which God rewards in heaven?'.
- The phrase
- C16-S29 : Consider the cost to our
own soul
. Our sentence says:or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
this is an alternative to the prior sentence. It asks: 'If a man looses his soul, how will he get it back?'. - C16-S30 : the basis of rewards from God. .
- The phrase
For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his father with his angels
means: 'While this can be mistaken for the return of Christ, that is when He returns with His saints. Also, the next phrase is thejudgment seat of Christ
, which happens while thegreat tribulation
is happening on Earth'. - The phrase
and then he shall reward every man according to his works
means: 'This is a reference tojudgment seat of Christ
'. It is mentioned here in context of followingJesus
in order to save our soul.
- The phrase
- C16-S31 : Prophecy of the 'Transfiguration of Jesus Christ'.
- The phrase
Verily I say unto you
means: 'This is a prophecy which they can rely on'. - The phrase
There be some standing here
means: 'Peter, James and John'. - The phrase
which shall not taste of death
means: 'This will happen before they die'. - The phrase
till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom
means: 'They will experience the 'Transfiguration of Jesus Christ''.
- The phrase
Chapter 17 Summary: Chapter theme: Lessons in Spiritual Maturity
Our chapter starts with the report on the 'Mount of Transfiguration'. It teaches that that the Old Testament Law, represented by Moses
, and the Old Testament prophets, represented by Elias
, were in complete agreement with Jesus
. They appeared in glory, and spake of his decease which he should accomplish at Jerusalem
(Luke 9:30-31). Thus, our first lesson in spiritual maturity is that the Old Testament is in complete agreement with the New Testament and supports it.
Next, we read about Jesus
casting out a devil that His disciples could not cast out. This teaches us that there are different levels of spiritual powers. Some devils are more powerful than other devils and some angels are more powerful than other angels. (Consider Jude 1:9). It should also be obvious that some devils are more powerful than some angels and that some angers are more powerful than some devils. But, as our Gospel accounts report, none are more powerful than our Lord Jesus Christ
. And, the only Being who is more powerful than our Lord Jesus Christ
is God the father.
Next, we are taught that our own level of spiritual power is dependent upon our own level of true Biblical faith
. And, part of having a strong faith
is fasting
. However, that fasting
must be done in the Biblical manner. That is, not letting other people know that you are fasting
and only doing it to draw closer to God, who is the source of all true spiritual power.
Last, our chapter deals with a lesson on how to deal with government employees and others who exercise power in this physical world and abuse it. Jesus
and Peter crossed a border and the border guards demanded payment that they had no right to demand from Jesus
and Peter. We see Jesus
teaching how to deal with such abuse in Matthew 17:24-27. Basically we have a limited amount of time, energy and resources in this physical world. If we spend them on fighting over things of this physical world then we can not spend them on fighting the spiritual battle and doing what God commands us to do in order to build His kingdom. We are to accept the abuse with the true faith
that God will provide if we are truly devoting our life to the service of God.
Matthew 17; Mark 9 and Luke 9 tell us pretty much the same thing. Please also see several Sections in the Significant Gospel Events Study about the incidents of these chapters. That document provides many links where other places in the Gospels provide related doctrines.
Matthew 17:1-13; Mark 9:3-13 and Luke 9:28-36 tells us about the 'Mount of Transfiguration'. It was prophesied in Matthew 16:28; Mark 9:1 and Luke 9:27. Please see the note for Matthew 17:1 for an explanation of the incident and how the three reports fit together. Please see the Prophecies and Prophecies Fulfilled Sections of the Significant Gospel Events Study for more related Bible references.
Matthew 17:9; Mark 9:9 and Luke 9:36 tells us Jesus
commanded the three disciples: Tell the vision to no man, until the Son of man be risen again from the dead
Matthew 17:10-13 and Mark 9:11-13 have a question from Peter, James and John about the prophecy about Elias and the answer from Jesus
which related the prophecy to John the Baptist.
Matthew 17:14-21 and Mark 9:14-27 and Luke 9:37-43 tell us about Jesus
driving out a devil that the twelve couldn't drive out. The Gospel of Mark has the most details about this incident and that Book Study should be seen for those details. Please see the Section called Jesus and Devils; in the Significant Gospel Events Study, about the incidents of this chapter. Please see the Table of Miracles in the Gospels about this, and similar, miracles.
Matthew 17:22-23; Mark 9:30-32 and Luke 9:43-45 tells us that they stayed in Galilee for awhile before returning to Capernaum. While in Galilee, Jesus
, again, prophesied His suffering, death and resurrection but the disciples refused to believe the prophecy.
Matthew 17:24-27 tells us about the government officials demanding tribute
which they were not entitled to receive. In spite of that fact, Jesus
did a miracle to produce the money and old Peter to pay the tribute
. This lets us know that government officials are ministers of God
even when they are being corrupt. In addition, it lets us know that the example from Jesus
is to not waste time arguing with corrupt officials, over non-spiritual matters, but spend our time serving the kingdom of God
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides a chapter outline as:
1-13. the transfiguration of Christ.
14-21. He heals the lunatic,
22-23. foretells his own passion,
24-27. and pays tribute. '.
- C17-S1 : the start of the report on the transfiguration of
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. That means that our sentence and chapter are added to the prior chapter. We can not properly understand the spiritual lessons of this chapter unless we first understand the spiritual lessons of the prior chapter. - The phrase
And after six days Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John his brother
means: 'These are the three disciples whichJesus
referenced in the last sentence of the prior chapter'. - The phrase
and bringeth them up into an high mountain apart
means: 'The other disciples were not allowed to accompany them'. - The phrase
And was transfigured before them
means: 'Thefigure
(outward appearance) ofJesus
was moved from what will be seen as His glorified body, from the spiritual reality, (trans
), and overlaid what is normally seen in this physical reality'. - The phrase
and his face did shine as the sun
. Ourface
is 'The main thing which we use to reveal our character'. The spiritual meaning of our phrase is: 'The face ofJesus
physically revealed His spiritual character'. - The phrase
and his raiment was white as the light
means: 'His clothing revealed His spiritual character also'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C17-S2 : Still living, but physically dead, prophets appeared.
- The phrase
And, behold
means: 'Pay close attention to this addition'. - The phrase
there appeared unto them Moses and Elias talking with him
means: 'The representatives of the Old Testament Law and prophets showed up to show their support ofJesus
'. Please see the note: they were physically dead but could not show up unless they were spiritually alive.
- The phrase
- C17-S3 : Peter spoke foolishly. While lots of people like to preach about his foolishness, many religious people make similar mistakes. Peter, James and John were there to be witnesses and to pass on the spiritual message, when it was time. (Please see note for prior sentence about the spiritual message.) Instead, like lots of religious people do even today, he wanted to make a physical memorial which would cause
people to worship the memorial instead of receiving the spiritual message.
- The phrase
Then answered Peter, and said unto Jesus
means: 'This is what Peter said before he thought about the true spiritual message'. If you look at the reports in all of the Gospel accounts, you will see thatJesus
just ignored Peter's suggestion like a parent sometimes ignores foolishness by their child. - The phrase
means: 'Peter used the right title but his suggestion was not the right one to make'. - The phrase
it is good for us to be here
means: 'This much was true even if he misunderstood why they were there'. - The phrase
if thou wilt
means: 'It was right to ask for permission'. - The phrase
let us make here three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias
means: 'This suggestion was wrong because it would end up with the wrong influence upon others'.
- The phrase
- C17-S4 : God spoke audibly.
- The phrase
While he yet spake
means: 'Like others sometimes do, Peter spoke too soon'. - The word:
means: 'Pay close attention to what follows in this sentence'. - The phrase
a bright cloud overshadowed them
means: 'God the father gave a sign to the Jews, and to us, that He was Whom spoke'. - The phrase
and behold a voice out of the cloud, which said
means: 'Other times, such as Acts 9; others did not understand thevoice from heaven
However, this time God the father made sure that they understood so that they could be witnesses to others about what happened'. - The phrase
This is my beloved Son
means: 'This is the most important part of the message. God the father never said the same for anyone else in an audible voice to witnesses. Therefore, all claims that someone is a greater religious authority thanJesus
is are liars'. - The phrase
in whom I am well pleased
means: 'God said this asJesus
prepared to go to Jerusalem to be crucified. No other so-called god, nor any religious leader, ever paid a similar price for the sins of others.God is love
(1John 4:8; 1John 4:16) andJesus
demonstrated the character of God like no one else has ever done'. - The phrase
hear ye him
means: 'This is a command from the most powerful Being who exists anywhere. Religions and people who claim to represent God while they claim to bypassJesus
, prove that they are liars because God the father will not go around His own personal command'.
- The phrase
- C17-S5 : the disciples react to the audible voice of God.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds the reaction of the disciples to hearing God the father speak in an audible voice. - The phrase
And when the disciples heard it
means: 'This is when they reacted'. - The phrase
they fell on their face
means: 'This is a sign of physical worship'. - The phrase
and were sore afraid
means: 'This is obedience to the command from God, especially when we sin. They surely knew that they had sinned even if they did not know what that sin might have been'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C17-S6 :
provides comfort.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds whatJesus
did after God the father spoke and the disciples reacted. - The phrase
And Jesus came and touched them, and said
means: 'This was so that they knew Who spoke and because there are times when just a physical touch provides comfort'. - The phrase
Arise, and be not afraid
means: 'This is whatJesus
said to comfort them'. They were not there for judgment but to be physical witnesses.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C17-S7 : the spiritual witnesses left. Our sentence adds that the spiritual experience ended. Our sentence says:
And when they had lifted up their eyes, they saw no man, save Jesus only
. - C17-S8 :
instructs them on what to say.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds the follow-up byJesus
. - The phrase
And as they came down from the mountain
means: 'This is whenJesus
spoke'. - The phrase
Jesus charged them, saying
means: 'This is howJesus
spoke'. The wordcharge
means: 'A superior authority gives a formal and legal command to a subordinate which includes the necessary rights and responsibilities to accomplish the assigned task'. - The phrase
Tell the vision to no man, until the Son of man be risen again from the dead
means: 'This is whatJesus
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C17-S9 : the disciples ask about a different, but related, religious claim.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds this question which was prompted by their seeing Elias. - The phrase
And his disciples asked him, saying
means: 'This was their question and it was a matter of curiosity and not something deeply significant'. - The phrase
Why then say the scribes that Elias must first come?
means: 'This was their question about the doctrine which they had been taught'. This question is based upon Malachi 4:5-6.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C17-S10 :
answers the basis of the claim.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds the answer fromJesus
. - The phrase
And Jesus answered and said unto them
means: 'This is the answer fromJesus
'. - The phrase
Elias truly shall first come, and restore all things
means: 'This answer is based upon Malachi 3:1 and Malachi 4:5-6 '.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C17-S11 :
gives a possible application of the claim.- Our sentence starts with the word
is still talking about the return of Elias and changing from a future prophecy to saying that the prophecy has already been fulfilled. - The phrase
But I say unto you
means: 'Jesus
is telling them something different from what they believed'. - The phrase
That Elias is come already
means: 'This is what they did not know and that onlyJesus
realized that the prophecy had been fulfilled'. - The phrase
and they knew him not
means: 'Jesus
said that none of the Jews recognized the fulfillment of the prophecy in John the Baptist'. - The phrase
but have done unto him whatsoever they listed
means: 'They let the king behead him with no protest because he condemned them along with the king and his wife'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C17-S12 :
, again, prophecies His own suffering and death. Our sentence says:Likewise shall also the Son of man suffer of them
Please see the Prophecies Section of the Significant Gospel Events Study for more Bible references related to this prophecy. - C17-S13 : the disciples understood the spiritual meaning of the first prophecy. They also rejected the second prophecy. Our sentence says:
Then the disciples understood that he spake unto them of John the Baptist
. - C17-S14 : A man asked for a miracle.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds whatJesus
and His disciples encountered when they reached the bottom of the mountain. Please also consider the other Gospel accounts which provide details which Matthew chose to not report. - The phrase
And when they were come to the multitude
means: 'This is the time and circumstance whenJesus
had to deal with the problem that these sentences are reporting'. - The phrase
there came to him a certain man
means: 'This man was important for this incident but not in general because we are not told his name'. - The phrase
kneeling down to him, and saying
means: 'He humbled himself before making his request'. - The phrase
means: 'He recognizedJesus
as God in human flesh'. This is the role of theSon of God
which we need to direct all requests to for a miracle. - The phrase
have mercy on my son
means: 'Here is his basic request based upon the character ofJesus
'. - The phrase
for he is lunatick, and sore vexed
means: 'This is the problem that he wants solved'. The wordlunatick
is defined as: 'A person affected by insanity, supposed to be influenced or produced by the moon, or by its position in its orbit; a madman'. - The phrase
for ofttimes he falleth into the fire
means: 'This is the first evidence presented by the father'. - The phrase
and oft into the water
means: 'This is the second evidence presented by the father'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C17-S15 : the man testified that the power given to the disciples was insufficient. Our sentence says:
And I brought him to thy disciples, and they could not cure him
. - C17-S16 :
expresses frustration.- The phrase
Then Jesus answered and said
means: 'HereJesus
reveals His frustration'. - The phrase
O faithless and perverse generation
means: 'He was frustrated that His disciples did not have enough faith the do the job. He was also frustrated with the Jews in general for having so little faith that devils could easily possess them'. - The phrase
how long shall I be with you?
means: 'He knew the answer to this particular question. He asked this question instead of: 'What are you going to do when I am gone?''.
- The phrase
- C17-S17 :
expresses the need for the saved to spiritually mature and the lost to get truly saved. Our sentence says:how long shall I suffer you?
this question is actually different from the prior question.Jesus
had to suffer with their lack of true Biblicalfaith
and with their refusal to accept truth. Mark tell us thatThe scribes (were) questioning with them
. Therefore, part of His frustration was because of them and their insisting on teaching doctrinal error and their questioning true doctrine. - C17-S18 :
commands them what to do. Our sentence says:bring him hither to me
. - C17-S19 :
commands the devil to leave.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds thatJesus
did what the disciples could not do. - The phrase
And Jesus rebuked the devil
means: 'Jesus
told the devil that he was wrong to possess the child and ordered the devil out'. - The phrase
and he departed out of him
means: 'The devil left, but not immediately'. - The phrase
and the child was cured from that very hour
means: 'Notice thatThe child was cured
, but not immediately. The father had to maintain his faith for that hour. Many people lose faith if they don't get immediate results. Such faith is weak and rarely receives miracles from God'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C17-S20 : the disciples seek understanding.
- The phrase
Then came the disciples to Jesus apart, and said
means: 'Notice that they waited until the multitude were no longer present'. We often have to get alone with God in order to receive the answers which we need to understand true spiritual matters. - The phrase
Why could not we cast him out?
means: 'This was the spiritual question which they needed answered. And, this answer applies to us even today'.
- The phrase
- C17-S21 :
explains why the disciples failed. We read the same doctrine in Matthew 21:21 and Luke 17:6.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. . . . - The phrase
And Jesus said unto them
means: 'Jesus
explains why theycould not we cast him out
'. - The phrase
Because of your unbelief
means: 'They thought that they had strong faith, but this answer said that they had moreunbelief
than they thought they had'. - The phrase
for verily I say unto you
means: 'Jesus
is giving them a verified answer in the next phrase'. - The phrase
If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed
means: 'This is the smallest of seeds'. - The phrase
ye shall say unto this mountain
means: 'This is an example of what can be done. This is not to be taken literally because no one would need to do this exact thing to serve God'. - The phrase
Remove hence to yonder place
means: 'This is the action of the example'. - The phrase
and it shall remove
means: 'This is the result of the example'. - The phrase
and nothing shall be impossible unto you
means: 'This is the principal behind the example'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C17-S22 :
explains the difference. Our sentence says:Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting
. That is: 'Some devils require more spiritual power than what was required for the example'. - C17-S23 :
, again, prophecies His own suffering and death.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence starts out telling us that the disciples were homeans the circumstances different from the prior time whenJesus
gave them this prophecy. Therefore, our sentence tells us thatJesus
added another attempt to get them to believe the prophecy. - The phrase
And while they abode in Galilee
means: 'Jesus
and His disciples were homeans, probably, relaxed'. - The phrase
Jesus said unto them
means: 'Jesus
tried, again, to get them to accept the prophecy'. - The phrase
The Son of man shall be betrayed into the hands of men
means: 'This is the part that they rejected'. - The phrase
And they shall kill him
means: 'They also rejected this part and even more strongly than the prior phrase'. - The phrase
and the third day he shall be raised again
means: 'This is the part that should have encouraged them. However, they could not accept this part while rejecting the prior two phrases'. It has been my experience that many saved people, especially preachers, have the same type of problem with doctrine. There is doctrine that would help them greatly but it is rejected because it is dependent upon another doctrine which they refuse to accept no matter how many Bible references they are shown.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C17-S24 : the disciples react but still refuse to believe. Our sentence says:
And they were exceeding sorry
. This lets us know that they never got to the good news because they were too busy rejecting the bad news. - C17-S25 : the start of the next incident.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentences. Our sentence starts the report of the last incident in this chapter. By starting with the wordAnd
, we are to know that this report is related to the rest of the chapter and that all reports of this chapter have a common doctrinal message. That common doctrinal item was reported in the Chapter Summary. - The phrase
And when they were come to Capernaum
means: 'This was the home city ofJesus
and of many of the disciples'. - The phrase
they that received tribute money came to Peter, and said
means: 'These were government officials which we call immigration today'. - The phrase
Doth not your master pay tribute?
means: 'Jesus
and all His disciples went home without paying immigration tribute at the border'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C17-S26 : Peter answers their question. Our sentence says:
He saith, Yes
. He meant: 'Yes,Jesus
and His disciples paid tribute when it was due. However, they did not owe it to those border guards'. - C17-S27 :
gets Peter to consider the truth.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds a doctrinal lesson fromJesus
, which is in all of the remaining sentences of this chapter. - The phrase
And when he was come into the house
means: 'This is whenJesus
spoke to Peter'. - The phrase
Jesus prevented him, saying
means: 'Jesus
stopped Peter just before he entered the house (prevented him
) and said the next phrase'. - The phrase
What thinkest thou, Simon?
means: 'Jesus
wanted Peter to think about what He said and understand the spiritual doctrine behind what He was going to tell Peter to do'.Jesus
calls himSimon
because he was offended in his flesh with these government officials trying to abuse their authority and receive money which was not due to them.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C17-S28 :
points out their error and their attempted abuse of power. Our sentence says:of whom do the kings of the earth take custom or tribute?
this is whatJesus
wanted Peter to think about first. He wanted Peter to know that He understood what the border guards were doing. And, He wanted Peter to learn how to deal with similar abuse of power. Saved people are to trust God to provide for their needs and not worry about such abuse. God knows what they are doing and God will judge them when it is time. However, the saved need to understand that devils use such abuse to distract God's people from doing their job in the ongoing spiritual war between God and devils. Therefore, God's true people are to not be upset by such abuse because it happens all of the time in this corrupt world. God's people are to rely on God to provide them what they need to ignore the abuse and concentrate on what they are to do to serve God. That is the lesson of this incident. - C17-S29 :
points out their true authority. Our sentence says:of their own children, or of strangers?
. This sentence is added to the prior sentence and shows us thatJesus
understood that the border guards had no right to demand the money which they were demanding. - C17-S30 : Peter answers the question. Our sentence says:
Peter saith unto him, Of strangers
. Thus, Pete realized thatJesus
knew what the border guards were trying to do. - C17-S31 :
points out that the government officials are abusing their authority. Our sentence says:Jesus saith unto him, then are the children free
said that they were abusing their power and said it as a prelude to the next sentence. - C17-S32 :
tells Peter to not correct the abuse but trust God to provide.- The phrase
means: 'Don't be upset with the wrong that they are doing'. - The phrase
lest we should offend them
means: 'God gave them their position and tells us to not offend the government officials'. God lets evil people take government positions so that His people learn to not depend upon the government and to depend upon God for their needs. - The phrase
go thou to the sea, and cast an hook, and take up the fish that first cometh up
means: 'This was the action that Peter was to personally take in order to resolve this problem' . - The phrase
and when thou hast opened his mouth, thou shalt find a piece of money
means: 'This was the miraculous provision of God'. Please see the Table of Miracles in the Gospels about this, and similar, miracles. - The phrase
that take, and give unto them for means thee
means: 'Give them what God has provided for their wrong demand'. In these types of circumstances, we are to leave the judgment of others to God and we are to not let devils distract us from our spiritual job to serve God.
- The phrase
Chapter 18 Summary: Additional Lessons on Spiritual Maturity: forgiveness
Our chapter starts out with At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?
. The phrase, At the same time
, connects the doctrine of this chapter to the doctrine of the prior chapter.
answered their question with an example and saying that we must trust God like a little child trusts their parents if we want to enter into the kingdom of heaven
. From there, Jesus
gives doctrine about offenses
. From there, He goes into the fact that He came to this physical reality to seek and save the lost. And, lost and carnal people do not always act right. Therefore, Jesus
next gives the doctrine for how to deal with trespasses by other saved people. This leads to Peter saying: Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him?
. From that question to the end of the chapter, Jesus
is giving us the answer to that question. Unfortunately, His answer is often preached wrong. Therefore, the true student of The word of God
needs to be aware of doctrinal error being taught and make sure that they believe the truth.
Matthew 18:1-35; Mark 9:33-50; Mark 10:42-45; Luke 9:46-48 and Luke 14:7-11; Jesus
gives us a few lessons on spiritual maturity.
Within those lessons, Matthew 18:1-6; Mark 9:33-37; Mark 10:42-45 and Luke 9:46-48 teach a lesson on being greatest in the kingdom of heaven
. In this lesson, Jesus
used a child
as His object lesson.
Matthew 18:6-20 teach about offenses
. The note for Matthew 18:7 explains the doctrine of offenses caused by the world
. And, Matthew 18:15-20 deals with the doctrine of offenses caused by a brother
('another saved person').
In Matthew 18:7-9; Matthew 19:13-15; Mark 10:13-16 and Luke 18:15-17 Jesus
explained God's opinion about little children
. Please see the note for Matthew 18:2 for an analysis of this entire incident and a comparison with the equivalent reports from Mark and Luke.
Matthew 18:10-14 is unique to this Gospel. It teaches about the protection that God places on little children that are 'younger than the age of accountability'. They have guardian angels
in Heaven who get them protection from God. And even if God allows something to happen to the child, Matthew 18:7 warned us: Woe unto the world because of offences!
In Matthew 18:12-14 and Luke 15:3-7; we read 'The Parable of the Lost Sheep'.
Matthew 18:15-35 and Luke 17:1-4 both teach on forgiveness but the circumstances and the specific lessons are different. Matthew 18:21-35 has the well known account of Peter asking Jesus
: Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him?
and Jesus
giving God's answer in 'The Parable of the Lost forgiveness'. That parable is also found in the Table of Parables in the New Testament.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides a chapter outline as:
1-6. Christ warns his disciples to be humble and harmless,
7-9. to avoid offences,
10-14. and not to despise the little ones;
15-20. teaches how we are to deal with our brethren when they offend us,
21-22. and how oft to forgive them;
23-31. which he sets forth by a parable of the king that took account of his servants,
32-35. and punished him who shewed no mercy to his fellow. '.
- C18-S1 : the disciples were worried about their relative positions in the future.
- The phrase
At the same time
means: 'This means that what follows is related to the doctrine of the prior chapter, especially the last incident reported there.Jesus
had told them to not worry about abuses and to concentrate on serving God. As a direct result, the disciples were wondering about their everlasting rewards and their relative positions inThe kingdom of Heaven
. '. - The phrase
came the disciples unto Jesus, saying
means: 'Here we see that they went to the right source for their answer'. - The phrase
Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?
means: 'This was the question that they asked Him'.
- The phrase
- C18-S2 :
started His answer with the required attitude for true Biblical salvation.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds the answer fromJesus
. - The phrase
And Jesus called a little child unto him
means: 'Jesus
used thelittle child
as a physical illustration of His answer'. - The phrase
and set him in the midst of them, And said
means: 'What follows is the start of His answer which goes on for several sentences'. - The phrase
Verily I say unto you
means: 'This has been verified byJesus
and we are to verify this truth for ourselves'. - The phrase
Except ye be converted
means: 'There must be a change if someone has true Biblical salvation'. - The phrase
and become as little children
means: 'The truly saved must trustJesus
like alittle child
trusts their parents'. - The phrase
ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven
means: 'Unless these conditions are met, a person remains lost. It does not matter what prayer they say not whatever religious thing they do. There must be a God caused change or the person remains lost'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C18-S3 :
provides the application of the required attitude.- The phrase
Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child
means: 'This is the attitude that we are to copy'. - The phrase
The same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven
means: 'This is our method for becominggreatest in the kingdom of heaven
- The phrase
- C18-S4 :
gives the basis for His answer. Our sentence says:And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me
. It means: 'We are to accept the humble as true representatives ofJesus
. The proud are the opposite of representatives ofJesus
'. - C18-S5 :
warns against doing the opposite.- Our sentence starts with the word
. While our prior sentence told us how to act right, this sentence tells us the wrong action to take. - The phrase
But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me
means: 'God protects His children, especially the young. Many people believe the doctrinal error of their being exempt from this warning because they are saved. However, the wordwhoso
excludes any claim of exemption'. - The phrase
it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck
means: 'This assures that there is no escape from the punishment'. - The phrase
and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea
means: 'This matches thesin unto death
found in Romans 6:16 '.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C18-S6 :
says that the world does the opposite and will reapWoe!
. Our sentence says:Woe unto the world because of offences!
. - C18-S7 : Why God condemns what He allows.
- The phrase
for it must needs be that offences come
means: 'Think about Judas Iscariot. His betrayal was required for our salvation but God did not force him into that position. He had an attitude that what he thought was right and it did not matter what evidence that God gave to him that he was wrong. Sine he had that attitude, God chose him for his role but it was his choice to maintain that attitude and reap the consequences of it'. - The phrase
but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!
means: 'This is the warning to everyone who has an attitude like Judas Iscariot. God will use such people to test His people, just like God uses Satan. But, just like all devils, being used by God does not negate the consequences of our personal choices'.
- The phrase
- C18-S8 : the first application of the conclusion.
- The phrase
Wherefore if thy hand or thy foot offend thee
means: 'This is what people are to do personally for themselves.Jesus
is using physical examples of our body, but they shouldn't really offend. However, attitudes of our flesh do offend. Therefore, the true spiritual application is to apply this action to the offensive attitudes of our flesh'. - The phrase
cut them off, and cast them from thee
means: 'Completely get rid of any part of us which offends'. - The phrase
it is better for thee to enter into life halt or maimed
means: 'We are better off being saved even with part of us gone'. - The phrase
rather than having two hands or two feet to be cast into everlasting fire
means: 'Than to go to thelake of fire
- The phrase
- C18-S9 : the second application of the conclusion.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence.Jesus
is adding a second example so that we will know that this doctrine is part of God's law which He will use when He judges us. - The phrase
And if thine eye offend thee
means: 'This is what people are to do personally for themselves.Jesus
is using physical examples of our body, but they shouldn't really offend. However, attitudes of our flesh do offend. Therefore, the true spiritual application is to apply this action to the offensive attitudes of our flesh'. - The phrase
pluck it out, and cast it from thee
means: 'Completely get rid of any part of us which offends'. - The phrase
it is better for thee to enter into life with one eye,
means: 'We are better off being saved even with part of us gone'. - The phrase
rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire
means: 'Anyone who is sent into will eventually also go to thelake of fire
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C18-S10 : the warning based upon the conclusion.
- The phrase
Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones
means: 'This is a reference back to the start of the chapter with an application of the prior two sentences. If wedespise one of these little ones
, then we have an attitude of our flesh which needs to be cut out'. - The phrase
for I say unto you
means: 'Here's why'. - The phrase
That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my father which is in heaven
means: 'This is the Biblical basis for claims about guardian angels'.
- The phrase
- C18-S11 : Why God will judge like this. Our sentence says:
For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost
. means: 'If God's people despise little children, then when they are mature enough to be saved, there is a good chance that they will refuse salvation. There, supposedly, was a country leader who said: 'I would become a Christian if it wasn't for Christians'. When we take the name ofChrist
, and then refuse to act like Him, we destroy His reputation and do the work of the devil'. - C18-S12 :
wants us to think. Our sentence says:How think ye?
It means: 'Consider what follows this sentence'. The following parable is about the importance than winning the lost. - C18-S13 : the 'Parable of the Lost Sheep'.
- The phrase
if a man have an hundred sheep
means: 'This is the first part of the circumstances of this parable'. - The phrase
and one of them be gone astray
means: 'This is the second part of the circumstances of this parable'. - The phrase
doth he not leave the ninety and nine
means: 'This is the normal and expected behavior of an owner shepherd'. - The phrase
and goeth into the mountains
means: 'This is where he will search'. - The phrase
and seeketh that which is gone astray?
means: 'This is why he will search'.
- The phrase
- C18-S14 : Finding the lost brings joy.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds the normal response of a owner shepherd finding his sheep. - The phrase
And if so be that he find it
means: 'This is the cause of the reported response'. - The phrase
verily I say unto you
means: 'Jesus
verified this response'. - The phrase
he rejoiceth more of that sheep
means: 'This is the response'. - The phrase
than of the ninety and nine which went not astray
means: 'This is the comparison'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C18-S15 : God reacts the same way. Our sentence says:
Even so it is not the will of your father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish
means: 'God does not want to lose people any more than the owner shepherd wants to lose a sheep'. - C18-S16 : How to treat an offense from a spiritual brother.
- The word
means: 'Going above and beyond the prior lesson'.Jesus
is giving another related lesson which is more important than winning the lost. - The phrase
if thy brother shall trespass against thee
means: 'This is the source of disputes within the family of God'. - The phrase
go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone
means: 'Don't make the dispute public, at least at the beginning'. - The phrase
if he shall hear thee
means: 'This is a possible condition'. - The phrase
thou hast gained thy brother
means: 'This is the result of that condition'.
- The word
- C18-S17 : Another possible result.
- Our sentence starts with the word
. Where the prior sentence talked about a dispute being resolved, this sentence talks about the dispute not being resolved with the first action. - The phrase
But if he will not hear thee
means: 'This is the condition of the dispute not being resolved. Now, the dispute is made partially public'. - The phrase
then take with thee one or two more
means: 'This is what is required, by God, for a dispute to be made legal. This officially makes it something which can end up as part of our judgment by God'. - The phrase
that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established
means: 'This makes the result something which is established before God and available for judgment in His court'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C18-S18 : the third and fourth steps.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds the next steps in proper dispute resolution within the church. - The phrase
And if he shall neglect to hear them
means: 'This person refuses to accept the judgment of several saved people'. - The phrase
tell it unto the church
means: 'Make the dispute public within the church but do not broadcast it outside of the church'. - The phrase
but if he neglect to hear the church
means: 'Now, this person has rejected the second highest human authority on this Earth, lower only thanThe word of God
'. - The phrase
let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican
means: 'Treat him as lost and put him out of the church'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C18-S19 : the rights and responsibilities of apostles.
- The phrase
Verily I say unto you
means: 'Jesus
has verified the truth of this sentence'. - The phrase
Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven
means: 'God will accept the judgment of the church so long as it does not go against whatThe word of God
says literally'.
- The phrase
- C18-S20 : the need for spiritual partners. This tells us the
power of cooperative prayer.
- The phrase
Again I say unto you
means: 'Jesus
is adding a promise'. - The phrase
That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask
means: 'This assumes that what they agree on is within the will of God. Therefore, they must, obviously, verify that their wish is within the will of God'. - The phrase
it shall be done for them of my father which is in heaven
means: 'This is the promised result of cooperative prayer within the will of God'.
- The phrase
- C18-S21 : Why we have this promise.
- The phrase
For where two or three are gathered together in my name
means: 'This is the conditional requirement for receiving the power of cooperative prayer'. - The phrase
there am I in the midst of them
means: 'Obviously, we must accept this promise by faith and be willing to letJesus
direct our prayer'.
- The phrase
- C18-S22 : Peter asks the question which results in 'The Parable of the Lost forgiveness'.
- The phrase
Then came Peter to him, and said
means: 'Peter is asking for a legal decision'. I have heard this preached, several times, as doctrinal error. Preaching which ignores the last two sentences of the following parable is perverting the answer by using the way of Satan. Be careful what you accept as doctrine from the remainder of this chapter. - The phrase
means: 'This is the role ofThe Son of God
which renders binding legal decisions'. - The phrase
how oft shall my brother sin against me
means: 'So, Peter is asking about repeated offenses. This is not asking about the same offense done repeatedly because that does not fit within the lesson of the following parable. In addition, this is asking about clarification for whatJesus
said aboutif thy brother shall trespass against thee
. Preachers have applied the following to felony criminal abuse where a, supposedly, saved person is causing permanent medical damage to their marriage partner and is trying to murder the marriage partner. Such action is not atrespass
said differently in Matthew 5:21-22'. - The phrase
and I forgive him?
means: 'Peter is saying that a saved person does what God requires, but the other saved person continues to offend'.
- The phrase
- C18-S23 : Peter gives a possible answer to his question. Our sentence says:
till seven times?
'This number is often (but not always) used symbolically for completion within the Bible'. - C18-S24 :
tells Peter how far off he is.- The phrase
Jesus saith unto him
means: 'This is the answer fromJesus
'. - The phrase
I say not unto thee, Until seven times
means: 'Jesus
rejects to possible answer from Peter'. - The phrase
but, Until seventy times seven
means: 'This answer means without limit'.
- The phrase
- C18-S25 : the start of 'The Parable of the Lost forgiveness'.
- The word
means: 'This parable is a direct result to the answer fromJesus
in the prior sentence. It is given to teach us whatJesus
meant in a more detailed way'. - The phrase
Therefore is the kingdom of heaven likened unto a certain king
means: 'This is how God will judge the saved when they get to Heaven'. Remember that God did not give usThe word of God
so that we could argue doctrine but so that we could learn the character of God and become like Him (John 5:39). - The phrase
which would take account of his servants
means: 'This parable is teaching us about the judgment that the saved will receive in Heaven (Romans 14:12)'.
- The word
- C18-S26 : What the king discovered.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence is adding more detail to the parable about judgment. - The phrase
And when he had begun to reckon
means: 'The lord was checking his books and judging his servants'. - The phrase
one was brought unto him, which owed him ten thousand talents
means: 'This was a servant who spent what belonged to his lord for his own lusts. That is the only way that servant could owe his lord such a large amount of money'. This servant was, obviously, covetous. He wanted more than he could afford on his own salary. Likewise, when we get to Heaven, even as saved people, we will owe God fort sins done since becomingchildren of God
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C18-S27 : the legal judgment of the king.
- Our sentence starts with the word
. The prior sentence said that the servant owed much more than he could pay. This sentence says what the lord could legally do to collect what was owed to him. - The phrase
But forasmuch as he had not to pay
means: 'This is symbolic of all people. What is owed for sin is not just the immediate results but all of the consequences in the future. Think of all of the results of Adam letting sin into this world. Those far forward consequences are what we have to pay for'. - The phrase
his lord commanded him to be sold, and his wife, and children
means: 'He and all of his family were to be sold into slavery'. - The phrase
and all that he had, and payment to be made
means: 'In addition, all that he possessed were to be sold for payment'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C18-S28 : the pleading of the servant.
- The phrase
The servant therefore fell down, and worshipped him, saying
means: 'The servant recognized the difference in their positions'. - The phrase
Lord, have patience with me, and I will pay thee all
means: 'The servant made a promise that he could not keep but which he made out of desperation, Likewise, none of us can pay the full debt for our sin'.
- The phrase
- C18-S29 : the reaction of the lord. In the parable, the lord represents God the father and shows us how God the father reacts when someone truly repents.
- The phrase
Then the lord of that servant was moved with compassion
means: 'This shows us how God feels'. - The phrase
and loosed him, and forgave him the debt
means: 'This shows us how God reacts'.
- The phrase
- C18-S30 : the different attitude of the forgiven servant.
- Our sentence starts with the word
. The prior sentence told us how the lord acted and this sentence tells us how the servant acted differently. - The phrase
But the same servant went out
means: 'This is how he reacted to mercy by his lord'. - The phrase
and found one of his fellowservants
means: 'This is how he treated his fellow servant instead of acting like his lord'. - The phrase
which owed him an hundred pence
means: 'Where he had owed a great amount, his fellow servant owed a little amount'. - The phrase
and he laid hands on him, and took him by the throat, saying, Pay me that thou owest
means: 'This servant was, obviously, covetous'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C18-S31 : A similar pleading.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence says that his fellow servant ask for the same patience that he had asked for from his lord. - The phrase
And his fellowservant fell down at his feet, and besought him, saying
means: 'The fellow servant acted like this servant had acted'. - The phrase
Have patience with me, and I will pay thee all
means: 'This servant made the same request as he had made'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C18-S32 : A different reaction. This is symbolic of how men treat other men and refuse to consider the mercy which they received from God.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. This sentence is adding how one servant responded to the request by another servant. This, of course, represents how men treat each other even after God grants them mercy. - The phrase
And he would not
means: 'The servant who had received mercy refused to grant mercy'. - The phrase
but went and cast him into prison, till he should pay the debt
means: 'This is how one servant treated another servant'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C18-S33 : the reaction of the
. This is symbolic of saved people praying for God to help another saved person.- The phrase
So when his fellowservants saw what was done
means: 'This is when they reacted'. - The phrase
they were very sorry
means: 'This is how they felt and why they reacted'. - The phrase
and came and told unto their lord all that was done
means: 'This is symbolic of saved people praying andbearing one another's burdens
. (Galatians 6:2)'.
- The phrase
- C18-S34 : the further reaction of the lord.
- The phrase
Then his lord, after that he had called him, said unto him
means: 'This is the type of judgment we should expect from God if we don't forgive our fellow man their trespasses'. - The phrase
O thou wicked servant
means: 'This was his judgment of the character of the servant. God wants us to learn His character and become like Him so that we are not like this servant'. - The phrase
I forgave thee all that debt, because thou desiredst me
means: 'God forgives us of sin when we ask'. - The phrase
Shouldest not thou also have had compassion on thy fellowservant
means: 'God expects us to have compassion on our fellow man'. - The phrase
even as I had pity on thee?
means: 'God expects us to learn to have His character and to become like Him'.
- The phrase
- C18-S35 : the new judgment of the lord. This sentence is what preachers like to skip, just like Satan took scripture out of context when he quoted it to tempt
. The start of our parable told us that this servant could not pay. Therefore, this sentence tell us that he was literally tortured to death. As pointed out in the notes for this parable, this servant did not truly repent and God does not forgive people who refuse to repent. Also, people claim that forgiveness is everlasting and can not be lost, but our sentence shows that claim to be a lie. In addition, an earlier report in this chapter told us that people have to let God change them or they are not truly saved. This parable adds that the change which God requires is for us to become more like Him, especially in our dealing with our fellow man.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds the judgment by the lord. - The phrase
And his lord was wroth
means: 'His lord was angry with an anger which was fierce and refused to be satisfied'. - The phrase
and delivered him to the tormentors
means: 'This phrase makes it clear that doctrine which denies punishment by God is a lie'. - The phrase
till he should pay all that was due unto him
means: 'Since he did not have the money to pay, he was literally tormented to death'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C18-S36 : God will judge us the same way. Pay attention to the word
and make sure that you use the Biblical definition for that word.- The phrase
So likewise shall my heavenly father do also unto you
means: 'We should expect God to judge us this way if we do not fulfill the next phrase'. - The phrase
if ye from your hearts forgive not every one his brother their trespasses
means: 'This is what God demands and the phrasefrom your hearts
means that we must change our thinking, the way that we react emotionally and the way that we make decisions of our will when it comes to the other person'.
- The phrase
Chapter 19 Summary: the Testimony of the Righteous versus the Religious.
Our chapter starts our with the Pharisees picking a doctrinal argument over marriage. And, every religious argument that I have heard on this matter goes against what The word of God
literally says and that includes the 'Good, Godly, fundamental KJV only Baptists'.
First, The word of God
says: Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth
(2Timothy 2:15). The true definition of the word dividing
is: 'A Mathematical function whereby we separate pre-defined units according to a precise procedure which produces a precise result'. In Math, we
separate numbers. In The word of God
, we separate the definitions of words. Almost everyone uses the wrong definitions for the words fornication
(1Corinthians C5S1; Galatians C5S20; Ephesians C5S2) and adultery. I have seen God remove a man from the pastorate for insisting that the definition used by the Pharisees, for the word adultery
was correct and, as a result, he claimed that Jesus
taught doctrinal error.
When two children of God get married, they swear an oath, which is enforced by the court of God, and that sign a contract which is enforced by the courts of man. Divorce is having the court of man set aside that contract but does not affect the oath sworn before God. The word of God
makes a difference between 'divorce' and 'remarriage'. However, most religious doctrines ignore the Biblical distinction and condemn all divorced people as if they were 'remarriage'.
Next, the claim that 'God is always against divorce' is a claim that Jesus
spoke doctrinal error in this chapter when he said: except it be for fornication
(C19-S8). In addition, it is a claim that 'God is against God' because Isaiah 50:1 and Jeremiah 3:8 tell us that God is divorced. Now, it should be obvious that I can not get into that large doctrinal argument in this summary. However, the reader needs to be aware that people still teach doctrinal error on this subject today.
Next, the disciples tried to keep people from bringing their children to Jesus
so that He could bless them and he said: Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven
. After that we have the account of the rich young ruler leaving Jesus
as a lost man because he was not willing to give up things in this world in order to have true Biblical salvation. And our chapter ends with Jesus
explaining the rewards given to people who truly dedicate their lives to serving God.
Thus, it is hoped that the reader understands how the theme of this chapter is derived from the reports of incidents within the chapter.
Matthew 19; Mark 10 and Luke 18 are all similar in that they tell accounts which compare the fruit of a truly saved person, who has a changed life, to the false hope in works of fleshly religion.
In Matthew 19:1-12 and Mark 10:1-12 Jesus
answers questions about divorce. Please see the note for Mark 10:2 about the word divorce
and an extensive discussion on the true Biblical doctrine involved.
In Matthew 19:13-15; Matthew 18:1-6; Mark 10:13-16 and Luke 18:15-17 Jesus
explained God's opinion about little children
In Matthew 19:16-30; Mark 10:17-27; Luke 10:25-37 and Luke 18:18-27 Jesus
explained about inheriting eternal life
Matthew 15:19; Matthew 19:18 and Matthew 26:59-60 all warn us against false witnesses
. Please see the Doctrinal Study called False things according to the Bible for links to other false things which God warns us against.
Please also see the Doctrinal Study called: godly Financial Principals; related to the lesson in Matthew 19:21.
Matthew 19:23-26; Mark 10:23-27 and Luke 18:24-27 tell us the teaching on riches
which is based upon the prior accounts about the rich young ruler who, apparently, choose to go to Hell rather than give up Earthly riches.
In Matthew 19:27-30; Mark 10:28-31 and Luke 18:28-30; Jesus
made a statement which led to Peter asking about our heavenly rewards. The answer given, to that question, is similar to what we read in Luke 22:28-30 and Hebrews 11:24-26; although the details are different.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides a chapter outline as:
1-2. Christ heals the sick;
3-9. answers the Pharisees concerning divorcement;
10-12. shows when marriage is necessary;
13-15. receives little children;
16-19. instructs the young man how to attain eternal life;
20-22. and how to be perfect;
23-26. tells his disciples how hard it is for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God;
27-30. and promises reward to those that forsake anything to follow him. '.
- C19-S1 :
crossed the Jordan, again, and ministered on the far side.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence and chapter are adding a new report to what has already been reported in this Gospel account. - The phrase
And it came to pass
means: 'This is the start of a new account'. - The phrase
that when Jesus had finished these sayings, he departed from Galilee
means: 'Jesus
finished His teaching in His home region and then left there'. - The phrase
and came into the coasts of Judaea beyond Jordan
means: 'This is whereJesus
went next to minister'. - The phrase
And great multitudes followed him; and he healed them there
means: 'This was His reception and what He did for the people so that they would listen to His doctrine'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C19-S2 : the
came back for another doctrinal fight.- The phrase
The Pharisees also came unto him, tempting him
means: 'This is why the Pharisees came'. - The phrase
and saying unto him
means: 'They deliberately picked a doctrinal argument over a subject which was much disputed'. And, this subject is still much disputed even thoughThe word of God
is clear about it. - The phrase
Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause?
means: 'They are asking about divorce. But, notice that they say:for every cause
. Thus, they hope to entangleJesus
in arguments about various causes'.
- The phrase
- C19-S3 :
quoted scripture as the basis of His answer.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds the answer thatJesus
gave them. They wanted to argue aboutcauses
, therefore,Jesus
started them with God's basiccause
for marriage. - The phrase
And he answered and said unto them
means: 'This is the answer fromJesus
'. Supposedly, lawyers are taught to never ask a question, in public, that you do not know what answer will be given. Without a doubt, the Pharisees did not expect this answer or they would not have started a doctrinal dispute in public. - The phrase
Have ye not read
means: 'This references Genesis 1:27 and Genesis 2:24 and that verse is also quoted by Ephesians 5:31 '. - The phrase
that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female
means: 'This is the difference which God created and each has a different function based upon how God created them'. - The phrase
And said, for this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife
means: 'This is how God established the progression of life from one generation to another'. - The phrase
and they twain shall be one flesh?
means: 'Flesh
is different frombody
. The two are to be in agreement about what they will do with their lives and how they will do whatever they wish to accomplish. In this sentence, theflesh
is dealing with the desires, emotions and decisions of the will within this physical reality'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C19-S4 :
gave them the true intention of marriage. Our sentence says:Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh
. It means: 'wherever you look, the two are to be in agreement and working together to achieve the same goals'. - C19-S5 :
gave them the commandment from God about marriage. Our sentence say:What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder
. This is quoted at Christian marriages but forgotten when disagreements occur in life. And, divorce is the result of men thinking their own sinful desires are greater than the law of God. And, just to be clear, it only takes one of the two to have this attitude in order to result in a divorce. - C19-S6 : the
asked about the exception specified by religion.- The phrase
They say unto him
means: 'ThePharisees
said this'. - The phrase
Why did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement, and to put her away?
means: 'This is referencing Deuteronomy 24:1-4 '.
- The phrase
- C19-S7 :
explains the difference between the intention of religion and the intention of God.- The phrase
He saith unto them
means: 'Jesus
gave this answer'. - The phrase
Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives
means: 'This is what religion commanded and God allowed'. - The phrase
but from the beginning it was not so
means: 'It did not fulfill God's original intent'.
- The phrase
- C19-S8 :
states the only non-condemned reason for remarriage.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds the distinction between divorce and remarriage. The prior sentence dealt with divorce. This sentence deals with remarriage. - The phrase
And I say unto you
means: 'Jesus
states this doctrine'. - The phrase
Whosoever shall put away his wife
means: 'This is divorce'. - The phrase
except it be for fornication
means: 'This is the allowed exception that many deny'. By doing so, they claim that their opinion has more authority than God has. - The phrase
and shall marry another
means: 'This is remarriage. This is an addition to divorce that not every divorced person makes. Therefore, the rest of this sentence does not apply to all divorced people but only to those who remarry'. - The phrase
committeth adultery
means: 'This is a spiritual sin which is a violation of the person's vow. This is not sex'. - The phrase
and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery
means: 'This person is committing a sin with the person whom they marry'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C19-S9 : the disciples object to the rule from
.- The phrase
His disciples say unto him
means: 'They are different people from who spoke what was said earlier in this chapter'. - The phrase
If the case of the man be so with his wife
means: 'This is the conditional requirement for the next phrase'. - The phrase
it is not good to marry
means: 'This is what they thought'. Basically, their thought was that if they could not get a divorce then they would be better off staying single. They regarded the threat of divorce as the main way of controlling their wife.
- The phrase
- C19-S10 :
explains that only a few people canreceive
this truth.- Our sentence starts with the word
. The prior sentence told us that the disciples thought that people would be better off remaining single. In this sentence,Jesus
says that not everyone can live without sex. - The phrase
But he said unto them
means: 'Jesus
said this'. - The phrase
All men cannot receive this saying
means: 'Not everyone can live without sex'. - The phrase
save they to whom it is given
means: 'Only the people that God makes able can go without sex'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C19-S11 :
explains that there are three type of men who do not marry.- The phrase
For there are some eunuchs
means: 'These are men who live without sex'. - The phrase
which were so born from their mother's womb
means: 'Some men are born with no desire for sex'. - The phrase
and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men
means: 'Some men are cut so that they can not participate in sex'. - The phrase
and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake
means: 'Some men put their desire to serve God above their desire for sex because having sex means spending time with the woman and they are not willing to take the time away from their service to God'.
- The phrase
- C19-S12 :
says that this command is here for those men who canreceive it
. Our sentence says:He that is able to receive it, let him receive it
. There are a whole lot of 'good, Godly, fundamental KJV only Baptists' who disobey this command. In stead ofletting him receive it
, they harass the single man non-stop about remaining single. - C19-S13 : People sought to have
bless their children.- The phrase
Then were there brought unto him little children
means: 'This is what people did'. - The phrase
that he should put his hands on them, and pray
means: 'This is why'. - The phrase
and the disciples rebuked them
means: 'This is the reaction of the disciples'.
- The phrase
- C19-S14 :
said to allow it.- Our sentence starts with the word
. Where the prior sentence told us the reaction by the disciples, this sentence tells us the different reaction byJesus
. - The phrase
But Jesus said
means: 'This is the reaction byJesus
'. - The phrase
Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me
means: 'This is the commandment ofJesus
'. - The phrase
for of such is the kingdom of heaven
means: 'This is why'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C19-S15 :
blessed the children. Our sentence saysAnd he laid his hands on them, and departed thence
. - C19-S16 : the start of the next incident.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. This sentence starts a new report which is added to the prior reports of this chapter. - The phrase
And, behold
means: 'Pay close attention'. - The phrase
one came and said unto him
means: 'Other Gospel accounts tell us that he was a rich young ruler'. - The phrase
Good Master
means: 'He regardedJesus
as a religious teacher and not as God in human flesh'. - The phrase
what good thing shall I do
means: 'Like many religious people, he thought that true salvation is earned and not a free gift'. There is no conflict betweengrace
. True spiritualworks
are not possible unless we receivegrace
first. However, the person who claims to have receivedgrace
and never produces any true spiritualworks
is mistaken. True spiritualworks
are the direct result ofgrace
. - The phrase
that I may have eternal life?
means: 'This is what he claimed to want. However, he was not willing to accept God's requirement that true salvation was to have a higher priority in life than anything in this world'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C19-S17 :
asks a question to see where this man was spiritually.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. This sentence is adding the question fromJesus
to what the man said. This question is designed to make him think. - The phrase
And he said unto him
means: 'Jesus
said this to the man'. - The phrase
Why callest thou me good?
Most people use the wrong definition of the wordgood
. The true Biblical definition is: 'In the Bible, only what comes from God is called good. Therefore, the Biblical definition ofgood
does not match what men think it should be'.Jesus
asked this question because the man thought that he could accept or reject whateverJesus
told him. He refused to consider whatJesus
said as a message direct from God.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C19-S18 :
answers him from a spiritual perspective.- The phrase
there is none good but one, that is, God
means: 'This is a clarification to the prior sentence. It tells us that only God isgood
. Therefore,good
can only come from God'. - The phrase
but if thou wilt enter into life
means: 'This is speaking of entering everlasting life, which is true spiritual salvation'. - The phrase
keep the commandments
means: 'There is more to this than what most people think.Jesus
explained that true keeping of the commandments is from the heart'. Please see the Jesus and the Ten Commandments Section of the Significant Gospel Events Study for more related Bible references to this truth.
- The phrase
- C19-S19 : the man tries to avoid responsibility. Our sentence says:
He saith unto him, Which?
His question means: 'Which one of the commandments. However, God expects us to keep all from out heart'. - C19-S20 :
gives him several commandments as examples.- The phrase
Jesus said
means: 'This was the answer fromJesus
'. - The phrase
Thou shalt do no murder, thou shalt not commit adultery, thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not bear false witness, Honour thy father and thy mother
means: 'These are several of the ten commandments'. (Please see the Jesus and the Ten Commandments Section of the Significant Gospel Events Study.) - The phrase
and, thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself
means: 'This adds the second greatest commandment, which is a summary of the Ten Commandments'.
- The phrase
- C19-S21 : the man claims doctrinal error which is based upon wrong understanding and wrong judgment.
- The phrase
The young man saith unto him
means: 'This is what he claimed and it is what many people believe'. - The phrase
All these things have I kept from my youth up
means: 'He may have kept them outwardly, but not from his heart likeJesus
explained was required by God. In addition, he claimed obediencefrom my youth up
. However, that does not remove the sins from the age-of-accountability to youth'.
- The phrase
- C19-S22 :
does not correct him but tells him what to do to get a correct understanding and judgment.- The phrase
Jesus said unto him
means: 'Jesus
gives him this answer to show him his true heart'. - The phrase
If thou wilt be perfect
means: 'This is what God requires in order to get into Heaven on our own. Of course, no one can fulfill this standard exceptJesus
'. - The phrase
go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor
means: 'This is what I did and that very few are willing to do'. - The phrase
and thou shalt have treasure in heaven
means: 'This is the promise that I believed. People can claim this promise, but unless they fulfill the prior phrase, God will not give them this promise'. - The phrase
and come and follow me
means: 'This is what most saved people have a very hard time doing'.
- The phrase
- C19-S23 : the man proved that he was not willing to pay the price.
- Our sentence starts with the word
. The prior sentences told us that he asked how to be saved andJesus
answered his question. This sentence changes direction and tells us that he was not willing to pay the price required. He walked away lost. - The phrase
But when the young man heard that saying
means: 'This is when he responded'. - The phrase
he went away sorrowful
means: 'This is how he responded'. - The phrase
for he had great possessions
means: 'This is why he responded this way'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C19-S24 :
explains the source of his wrong decision.- The phrase
Then said Jesus unto his disciples
means: 'This was whenJesus
explained the doctrine to His disciples'. - The phrase
Verily I say unto you
means: 'This is a verified truth'. - The phrase
That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven
means: 'This is not never but very rarely. This is because the rich have a harder time making serving God the top priority of their life'.
- The phrase
- C19-S25 :
gives a comparison to help understanding.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds a figure of speech to illustrate the prior sentence. - The phrase
And again I say unto you
means: ''. . . . - The phrase
It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle
means: 'This is a figure of speech which is debated about the exact meaning'. Please see the Detailed Note for more on this phrase. - The phrase
than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God
means: 'This is notThe kingdom of Heaven
, which speaks about spiritual salvation. No,The kingdom of God
is God's character in you. There are many people who claim to be saved but do not display God's character. Such people will go to Heaven but will not receive everlasting rewards there'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C19-S26 : the disciples are amazed because the doctrine from
directly opposes the doctrine that they were taught.- The phrase
When his disciples heard it
means: 'This is when and why they reacted'. - The phrase
they were exceedingly amazed, saying
means: 'This is how they reacted'. - The phrase
Who then can be saved?
means: 'This is what they reacted about. They misunderstood whatJesus
said, just like lots of people today misunderstand the prior sentence. But the answer fromJesus,
on our next sentence, answered what they thought He said and what He actually said'.
- The phrase
- C19-S27 :
tells them that God can do the impossible.- Our sentence starts with the word
. The prior sentence told us that the disciples did not understand whatJesus
truly said and wereexceedingly amazed
at what they thought He said. Our current sentence tells us thatJesus
had a different reaction. - The phrase
But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them
means: 'Jesus
understood how they felt and gave them an answer without correcting their misunderstanding'. - The phrase
With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible
means: 'Both salvation and sanctification are beyond men's reach. However, both are quite possible for God to do'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C19-S28 : Peter asks a question based upon having a core belief torn away.
- The phrase
Then answered Peter and said unto him
means: 'Since salvation and sanctification were not based upon what they had believed, Peter asked, for all of them, what they could expect to receive when they got to Heaven'. - The phrase
Behold, we have forsaken all
means: 'Pay close attention to what we gave up in order to follow'. - The phrase
and followed thee
means: 'We acted in true faith'. - The phrase
what shall we have therefore?
means: 'What is our everlasting reward?'.
- The phrase
- C19-S29 :
promises His disciples great rewards in eternity.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds the answer fromJesus
to Peter's question. - The phrase
And Jesus said unto them
means: 'This is the answer fromJesus
'. - The phrase
Verily I say unto you
means: 'This is a verified truth'. - The phrase
That ye which have followed me
means: 'This promise is limited to these twelve with Paul replacing Judas Iscariot'. - The phrase
in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory
means: 'This is in the 1,000 years reign ofChrist
'. - The phrase
ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones
means: 'They will be twelve of the twenty-four elders who are just below theLord Jesus Christ
in authority'. - The phrase
judging the twelve tribes of Israel
means: 'This is what they will do'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C19-S30 :
promises all true disciples great rewards in eternity.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds a promise for others who are saved and serving. - The phrase
And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands
means: 'These are the qualifications to receive the following promise'. - The phrase
for my name's sake
means: ''. . . . - The phrase
shall receive an hundredfold
means: 'This part of the promise is for this life. Missionaries have found this to be true in their mission church families'. - The phrase
and shall inherit everlasting life
means: 'This is the most important part of the promise. This is for Heaven'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C19-S31 :
warns that God's standard for judgment is different from what men use. The next chapter continues with doctrine fromJesus
to His disciples. That doctrine continues through Matthew 20:16; which repeats this sentence with another phrase added onto it.- Our sentence starts with the word
. The prior sentence was a promise for all saved and serving. However, this sentence tells us how the rewards of such people will vary. Please see the Detailed Note for other references where this doctrine is found. - The phrase
But many that are first shall be last
means: 'The saved and serving who make themselves most important in this life will have the least reward in Heaven'. - The phrase
and the last shall be first
means: 'People who humble themselves in this life will have the greatest rewards in Heaven'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
Chapter 20 Summary: the Basis of Everlasting Rewards.
Our last chapter told us about 'The Testimony of the Righteous versus the Religious'. There, Jesus
emphasize that we need to have the right testimony or we probably are a religious lost person and not truly saved. Now, in this chapter, Jesus
is going to teach the saved 'The Basis of Everlasting Rewards'. After our salvation, God leaves us here, in this physical reality, to mature spiritually, and to work in His kingdom, and to earn 'Everlasting Rewards'. And, as our chapter teaches, the basis for receiving 'Everlasting Rewards' is working in God's kingdom. However, we must mature beyond being a spiritual babe
before we can go to work in God's kingdom. And, no baby ever truly wants to grow up and become responsible. Therefore, part of the lessons in this chapter are reasons for us to mature spiritually.
In the 'Parable of the Field Laborers', we learn that there is greater reward when we work by hope
compared to when we work by faith
. Yes, we are to live / walk by faith
. But God also wants us to have hope
. Forfaith
, we find the promise of God in the word of God, we find and do what is required by God in order for us to receive the promise, then we wait with the firm conviction that God will keep His promise in His time and in His way. With hope
, we also work and wait. However, we have no promise from God. We know the character of God and work to please God even without any promise.
Next, we see that James, John and their mother asked Jesus
to promise them a position in His kingdom and we see that even people who serve in hope sometimes want assurances. In response, Jesus
explains how to be great in His kingdom. That is, we need to keep serving with the right attitude and keep trusting the character of God.
Our chapter ends with two blind men trusting His character and asking Him to heal them. Thus, we have a demonstration of true hope. And, we see that serving God in hope
requires more spiritual maturity than serving God in faith
Matthew 20:1-16 gives us the 'Parable of the Field Laborers'). It, and other parables, which are found in the Gospels, are listed in the Table of Parables along with links to where the various parables are found within the Book Studies of the Gospel accounts. This parable is only found in Matthew's Gospel account because it is telling us the legal way that Jesus
rewards His servants as Christ
and King
. In addition, we have a related parable called the 'Parable of the Two Sons' in: Matthew 21:28-32. It also deals with the householder (father) sending labourers (two sons) to work in his field.
Matthew 20:17-19 and Mark 10:32-34; Jesus
went to Jerusalem for the final confrontation and prophesied His betrayal, suffering and death while on the way to Jerusalem. Luke 18:31-34 tells the same things, and that the telling happened on the same trip, but may actually be different, repeated, messages from Jesus
to His disciples. This is also just before John 12 starts. In particular, Jesus
prophesized His own betrayal, persecution, death and resurrection, that He would be scourged
and mocked
and crucified
and that He would suffer many other things. Please see the Prophecies Section and the Prophecy Fulfilled Section of the Significant Gospel Events Study for more related Bible references to these prophecies and their fulfillment within the Gospel accounts.
Matthew 20:20-28 and Mark 10:35-45 tell us about James, John and their mother coming to Jesus
and asking to sit on His right hand and left hand in the kingdom. Luke 22:23-30 also tells us the same thing as part of this account. Jesus
explains that it is not His decision to make and then questions them about their resolve in this matter. Please also see the note for Matthew 20:20 which has the report by Matthew compared to the report by Mark.
Please also see the Message called Basic doctrine of Baptism. In C20-S23; Jesus
was baptized
('identified with') fire because He went to Hell to pay for our sins.
In Matthew 20:25-28; Mark 10:42-45 and Luke 22:24-30; Jesus
explained how to be called great in His kingdom. In addition, John 13:12-15 gives us an example of this
doctrine which we are commanded to follow.
Matthew 20:29-43; Mark 10:46-52 and Luke 18:35-43 tell us about Jesus
healing two blind men, one of whom was Bartimaeus.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides a chapter outline as:
1-16. Christ, by the similitude of the labourers in the vineyard, shows that God is debtor unto no man;
17-19. foretells his passion;
20-28. by answering the mother of Zebedee's children, teaches his disciples to be lowly;
29-34. and gives two blind men their sight. '.
- C20-S1 : the start of the 'Parable of the Field Laborers'. This parable is continuing the doctrine that
taught to His disciples about their rewards in Heaven under the New Testament.- The phrase
For the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is an householder
means: 'Thehouseholder
symbolically represents God. God is thehouseholder
of Heaven and this parable is aboutThe kingdom of heaven
'. - The phrase
which went out early in the morning to hire labourers into his vineyard
means: 'This phrase represents how God dealt with the Jews under the Old Testament. In general, God promised the Jews blessings on this Earth if they served Him. The Jews werehired labourers
and thevineyard
was where God expected to get fruit (new spiritual life) in this world'.
- The phrase
- C20-S2 : the symbolism of workers working by faith.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds the symbolism of the covenant which God made with the Jews. - The phrase
And when he had agreed with the labourers for a penny a day
means: 'God's covenant is symbolically represented by the phraseagreed with the labourers for a penny a day
. The Jews agreed to serve God for blessings in this world such as the promised land'. - The phrase
he sent them into his vineyard
means: 'This, symbolically, represents God sending the Jews to take the Gospel to the world'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C20-S3 : the symbolism of workers working by hope.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds the covenant of the New Testament. It requires us to work for God based uponhope
in His character where the Old Testament was based uponfaith
in the promises which were written inThe word of God
. - The phrase
And he went out about the third hour
means: 'This is later in the day and represents a later time in the history of man'. - The phrase
and saw others standing idle in the marketplace
means: 'These people were not serving God nor were they serving Satan'. - The phrase
And said unto them; Go ye also into the vineyard
means: 'God tells believers, in the New Testament, to go into Hisvineyard
with the 'Great Commission''. - The phrase
and whatsoever is right I will give you
means: 'Notice that they did not have an agreed payment but that the workers had to trust the character of thehouseholder
. Likewise, while there are promises in the New Testament, most of the promised rewards, for working in God'svineyard
, are promises which we will not get until we reach Heaven. Thus, we work now for unknown amount of future rewards and we work based uponhope
in the character of God'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C20-S4 : the laborers went to work. Our sentence says:
And they went their way
. These workers represent the early church who worked in God'svineyard
before the New Testament was written with all of the promises that we have today. - C20-S5 : More workers working by hope. Our sentence says:
Again he went out about the sixth and ninth hour, and did likewise
. These represent different times in church history when we read about great revivals and many missionaries going out into the world. - C20-S6 : Last hour hiring.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds that God is hiring workers right up to the time of the 'Rapture'. Many people believe that these workers represent us tday because they expect the 'Rapture' in their lifetime. - The phrase
And about the eleventh hour he went out
means: 'This is the last hour of the day and represents the last years of the 'Church Age''. - The phrase
and found others standing idle, and saith unto them
means: 'God is still looking for lost and carnal people who are not serving devils so that He can send them into Hisvineyard
'. - The phrase
Why stand ye here all the day idle?
means: 'God still asks why we are not working for Him'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C20-S7 : Why they were not working.
- The phrase
They say unto him
means: 'This is the answer that many give to God'. - The phrase
Because no man hath hired us
means: 'Many believe they have not received a 'call'. But,The word of God
makes it clear that all saved are 'called' but devils cause believers to believe the lie that they have to have some overwhelming emotional experience before God calls them'.
- The phrase
- C20-S8 : Last hour workers working by hope.
- The phrase
He saith unto them
means: 'This is what God says even today'. - The phrase
Go ye also into the vineyard
means: 'Each and every one of us has a command. We don't need a so-called 'call''. - The phrase
and whatsoever is right
means: 'God still tells us to work based uponhope
in His character that we will be rewarded in Heaven'. - The phrase
that shall ye receive
means: 'This is our promise. We are not told exactly what we will receive there. We are only promised that we will receivewhatsoever is right
and that is based upon the spiritual results which we produce for God'.
- The phrase
- C20-S9 : All laborers were paid.
- The phrase
So when even was come
means: 'This symbolically represents the time of the 'Rapture''. - The phrase
The lord of the vineyard saith unto his steward
means: 'God the father will command ourLord Jesus Christ
'. - The phrase
Call the labourers, and give them their hire
means: 'This represents thejudgment seat of Christ
'. - The phrase
beginning from the last unto the first
means: 'The New Testament saints will be judged first'.
- The phrase
- C20-S10 : the last hour laborers were paid for a full day of work.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds the payment given to those hired in the last hour. - The phrase
And when they came that were hired about the eleventh hour, they received every man a penny
means: 'This represents the value that God puts on people serving Him, even at the last hour'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C20-S11 : the first hour workers were paid the same.
- Our sentence starts with the word
. The prior sentence told us what the people hired at the last hour received and this sentence tells us what people received who were hired in the first hour. Our sentence starts with the wordBut
because they did not receive what they assumed that they would receive. - The phrase
But when the first came
means: 'This is a different group of workers than the prior sentence dealt with'. - The phrase
they supposed that they should have received more
means: 'They forgot their agreement and made a wrong assumption'. - The phrase
and they likewise received every man a penny
means: 'They received exactly what they agreed to work for'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C20-S12 : the first hour workers
murmured against the owner.
- The phrase
And when they had received it
means: 'This is when the first workers received the wage that they agreed to work for'. - The phrase
they murmured against the goodman of the house, Saying,
means: 'They expressed upset'. - The phrase
These last have wrought but one hour
means: 'They said why they were upset'. - The phrase
and thou hast made them equal unto us
means: 'They compared themselves to other people instead to what they agreed to work for (2Corinthians 10:12)'. - The phrase
which have borne the burden and heat of the day
means: 'They were complaining about conditions which they had agreed to work under'. The problem with that attitude is explained in the Detailed Note.
- The phrase
- C20-S13 : the owner reminded them of their agreement at the time of hire.
- Our sentence starts with the word
. The prior sentence told us about the workers complaining while this sentence tells us that the goodman did not agree with their complaint. - The phrase
But he answered one of them, and said
means: 'This teaches us God's character and how He will answer our complaints'. - The phrase
Friend, I do thee no wrong
means: 'We should not complain when we receive what we agreed to receive'. - The phrase
didst not thou agree with me for a penny?
means: 'This was their agreement'. One lesson is that if we want greater reward from God then we need to become more like God by becoming His friend (2Chronicles 20:7).
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C20-S14 : the owner says that what he does to others does not affect his agreement with them.
- The phrase
Take that thine is, and go thy way
means: 'When we receive what we agreed to, then we have no basis for complaint'. - The phrase
I will give unto this last, even as unto thee
means: 'How God treats others does not affect His treatment of us'. The simple lesson is that we receive greater everlasting rewards from God when we become God's friend and learn to be like Him.Hope
, based upon God's character, receives better rewards thanfaith
, which is based upon a promise. In both cases, the person is working for God in God's kingdom. However, they have two different attitudes of heart and God, mainly, judges our heart.
- The phrase
- C20-S15 : the owner reminds them of his lawful right. Our sentence says:
Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own?
We need to be positive that our judgments are based on God's law and not on our own emotions or beliefs. - C20-S16 : the owner tells them to judge righteously. Our sentence says:
Is thine eye evil, because I am good?
. It means: 'God's goodness does not make us evil. Our own sinful nature does that'. - C20-S17 : the precept that is the basis of this parable.
- The phrase
So the last shall be first, and the first last
means: 'This is a reference to the last sentence of the prior chapter and what started this parable'. By saying the same thing twice,Jesus
is making it clear that this precept is part of God's law and what He will use to judge us. By surrounding the parable with this precept, God is letting us know that the precept is the basis of our parable. The people who humble themselves (The last
) will receive the greatest reward (shall be first
) and the people who make themselves important before men (The first
) will receive the least reward (shall be last
). Thus, God is telling us the type of character to have for the greatest everlasting rewards. - The phrase
for many be called, but few chosen
means: 'Every saved person iscalled
but only afew
will be allowed to return withChrist
when He returns to rule this world ({chosen
} Revelation 17:14)'. - related to this this is an error which some people claim based upon some commentator. They claimed that what comes before and after the word
must be polar opposites. Since allcalled
are saved, that claim would make allchosen
lost. Be careful of what you believe which is based upon someone writing it. Verify everything and make sure that it is true in all circumstances before accepting some claim.
- The phrase
- C20-S18 :
, again, prophesies His own suffering and death.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds the report thatJesus
, again, tried to prepare His disciples for the future by giving them this prophecy. They should have been encouraged by the prophecy of His resurrection but they first had to accept the prophecy of His death. - The phrase
And Jesus going up to Jerusalem took the twelve disciples apart in the way, and said unto them
means: 'Jesus
said the rest of this sentence while He was alone with His disciples'. - The word:
means: 'Pay close attention.Jesus
has tried to give them this prophecy more than once before and they keep rejecting it'. - The phrase
we go up to Jerusalem
means: 'Jesus
knew that He was on His way to be crucified at this time. He is trying to prepare His disciples for what will happen. Please realize that He did not give this prophecy to anyone else'. - The phrase
and the Son of man shall be betrayed unto the chief priests and unto the scribes
means: 'Judas Iscariot was with them, at this time, but had not yet decided to betrayJesus
. They rejected this phrase but much more strongly rejected the next three phrases'. - The phrase
and they shall condemn him to death
means: 'They rejected this phrase very strongly'. - The phrase
And shall deliver him to the Gentiles to mock, and to scourge
means: 'They really rejected this phrase'. - The phrase
and to crucify him
means: 'They absolutely refused to accept this phrase'. - The phrase
and the third day he shall rise again
means: 'This is whatJesus
wanted them to accept but they could not accept it while refusing to accept what had to come before it'. This is the exact same attitude that people have when they reject the Gospel. They would have no problem accepting salvation if they believed that they needed it. However, they absolutely refuse to accept that God will send them to Hell and thelake of fire
for eternity. Many accept a little punishment for a little while. That is why they accept the lie about Purgatory.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C20-S19 : the mother of James and John tried to secure the everlasting place of her children.
- The phrase
Then came to him the mother of Zebedee's children with her sons
means: 'This was James and John with their mother'. Mark has details which Matthew does not include and Mark does not include the report of their mother. So, it is worth while comparing the two reports if you want the details. - The phrase
worshipping him
means: 'This is the correct way to approach God when you want something from God'. - The phrase
and desiring a certain thing of him
means: 'This is why they approached and worshipped'.
- The phrase
- C20-S20 :
asked her what she wanted. Our sentence says:And he said unto her, What wilt thou?
. - C20-S21 : Her request.
- The phrase
She saith unto him
means: 'The mother of James and John made this request'. Mark says that they askedJesus
. Obviously, all three asked with Matthew reporting the mother asking and Mark reporting the men asking. - The phrase
Grant that these my two sons may sit
means: 'This was the request'. If you pay attention to the reports, the other ten were upset with James and John butJesus
was not. God is not upset with our wanting to be in a higher position in Heaven and, as these two reports tell us, God requires us to do more to serve Him if we wish to have a higher position in eternity. - The phrase
The one on thy right hand, and the other on the left, in thy kingdom
means: 'This is also part of the request. Basically, these are the two highest positions underJesus
- The phrase
- C20-S22 : the answer from
.- Our sentence starts with the word
. The prior sentence said that they made the request. This sentence does not directly answer the request. In stead, it lets them, and us, know that there is more required in order to fulfill the request than what they realize. - The phrase
But Jesus answered and said
means: 'This sentence, and the next, are the answer fromJesus
'. - The phrase
Ye know not what ye ask
means: 'Each and every one of you personally do not know all that is required in order to fulfill your request'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C20-S23 :
asked if they were prepared to pay the full price.- The phrase
Are ye able to drink of the cup that I shall drink of
means: 'This is a figure of speech which means experience the problems in life and suffer likeJesus
did'. - The phrase
and to be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with?
means: 'This means be identified with going to Hell to pay for the sins of others'.
- The phrase
- C20-S24 : they said yes Our sentence says:
They say unto him, We are able
. Many people believe they can handle something before they actually experience it. Just look at all of the sports injuries. Each of those people expected to be able to do whatever they tried to do and not experience an injury. - C20-S25 :
explained why that was not sufficient.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds details whichJesus
knew but which James and John did not know. - The phrase
And he saith unto them
means: 'Jesus
prophesied the type of life and death that James and John would experience while serving Him'. - The phrase
Ye shall drink indeed of my cup
means: 'They would experience suffering in their lives. James was the first martyr (Acts 12:2). Reportedly, John was boiled alive in oil and Revelation 1 tells us that he was sent to the island of Patmos to be worked and starved to death'. - The phrase
and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with
means: 'They were both identified with suffering for service theJesus
'. - The phrase
but to sit on my right hand, and on my left, is not mine to give
means: 'Jesus
could not promise them what they asked for'. - The phrase
but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared of my father
means: 'That decision belonged to God the father'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C20-S26 : the other disciples were upset.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds the reaction by the other tem disciples. And, the next sentence gives us the correction byJesus
. - The phrase
And when the ten heard it
means: 'This is when the others reacted'. - The phrase
they were moved with indignation against the two brethren
. The wordindignation
means: 'extreme anger, mingled with contempt, disgust or abhorrence'. Therefore, our phrase means: 'The other ten were extremely angry and upset with James and John'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C20-S27 :
explained how the world determines who will be greatest.- Our sentence starts with the word
. Our prior sentence says that ten of the disciples were extremely upset with James and John. This sentence tells us thatJesus
had a totally different reaction. - The phrase
But Jesus called them unto him, and said
means: 'Jesus
gave them a different perspective. He wanted His disciples not fighting and loving one another. However, He also wanted to correct the attitude that we should not be doing all that we can (rightly do), to advance our own personal position in eternity. God actually wants us to have that as a goal of this life and the next sentence tells us how to accomplish that goal'. - The phrase
Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them
means: 'Jesus
is reminding them that other cultures have different ways of doing things and different priorities than our own culture has. It is easy and natural for anyone in any culture to think that their culture is right and best in all areas of life that it deals with. And, people have the same attitude about their religion. However, that attitude is often proven to be wrong'. - The phrase
and they that are great exercise authority upon them
means: 'People are willing to die for religion and country even when they don't know all that is going on and why they are being sent out to die'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C20-S28 :
explained how to become greatest in thekingdom of heaven
.- Our sentence starts with the word
. The prior sentence told us how the Gentiles used authority. And, this sentence tells us that we are to do otherwise. - The phrase
But it shall not be so among you
means: 'We are to not use the ways of this world'. - The phrase
but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister
means: 'There is nothing wrong with having ambition for eternity. In fact, God commands it and encourages it. However, we must channel our ambition the right way and avoid wrong ways to advance. Here, we are to seek to become the number one servant of God and of God's people'. - The phrase
And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant
means: 'We are to devote our life to the care of others if we want God to give us a higher position in eternity. God honors people who truly devote their life to helping those who are under them instead of demanding that those whore are under them must lift them up higher'. - The phrase
Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister
means: 'Jesus
is our primary example'. (Please see the Doctrinal Study called What Did Jesus Do? for how He provides us an example of how to act in this world.) - The phrase
and to give his life a ransom for many
means: 'Jesus
died for us. God honors His martyrs'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C20-S29 : they continued their journey to Jerusalem.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence is adding another way-mark on the journey ofJesus
on His way to Jerusalem to be crucified. - The phrase
And as they departed from Jericho
means: 'Back in Matthew 19:1; we readhe departed from Galilee, and came into the coasts of Judaea beyond Jordan
. Now He is further on His journey and leaving Jericho'. - The phrase
a great multitude followed him
means: 'There were a lot more people than justJesus
and His disciples'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C20-S30 :
heals two blind men.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds the circumstances for the last incident that is reported in this chapter. - The phrase
And, behold
means: 'Pay close attention'. - The phrase
two blind men sitting by the way side
means: 'These were the men who needed a miracle'. Mark identifiesblind Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus
because he was the main beggar in this incident. Matthew tells us that there were two because Matthew tells us howJesus
fulfilled God's law and accurate reporting is important in legal matters. - The phrase
when they heard that Jesus passed by
means: 'This is when they reacted'. - The phrase
cried out, saying, Have mercy on us
means: 'This is what they asked for'. - The phrase
O Lord
means: 'Here they worshipped Him and recognizedJesus
as God in human flesh. (Pay attention to the capitalization of the titleLord
)'. - The phrase
thou Son of David
means: 'Here, they acknowledged thatJesus
was God'sChrist
Who was sent to offer the Jews God's kingdom. And, healing was one of the things which were to be part of the kingdom'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C20-S31 : the multitude tried to shut them up.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds the reaction ofThe multitude
. Most of the people from that city were used to seeing these beggars and ignoring them. Therefore, the beggars were not accepting being ignored and upset the multitude by not acting as expected. - The phrase
And the multitude rebuked them
means: 'Be careful of mob opinion. It is usually wrong'. - The phrase
because they should hold their peace
means: 'The beggars were not acting like expected and the mob told them to act like expected'. - The phrase
but they cried the more, saying
means: 'They were not willing to remain in the position that they were in. Therefore, they tried to do something about it'. - The phrase
O Lord
means: 'Here they worshipped Him and recognizedJesus
as God in human flesh. (Pay attention to the capitalization of the titleLord
)'. - The phrase
thou Son of David
means: 'Here, they acknowledged thatJesus
was God'sChrist
Who was sent to offer the Jews God's kingdom. And, healing was one of the things which were to be part of the kingdom'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C20-S32 : they cried more for their miracle.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds the reaction byJesus
. - The phrase
And Jesus stood still, and called them
means: 'This is whatJesus
did'. - The phrase
and said
means: 'The next phrase is whatJesus
said'. - The phrase
What will ye that I shall do unto you?
means: 'This is an offer fromJesus
to provide their need'. James 4:2 says:Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not
. They kept crying and asking until they received their request.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C20-S33 : their request. Our sentence says:
They say unto him, Lord, that our eyes may be opened
. - C20-S34 :
granted their request.- The phrase
So Jesus had compassion on them
means: 'Jesus
felt their hurt and knew their need'. - The phrase
and ouched their eyes
means: 'Jesus
fixed their problem'. - The phrase
and immediately their eyes received sight
means: 'They received their request'. - The phrase
and they followed him
means: 'This was their reaction and it should be the reaction of everyone who is blessed by God'.
- The phrase
Chapter 21 Summary: the Start of the Final Religious Conflict.
Our chapter starts out with Jesus
riding into Jerusalem sitting upon an ass, and a colt the foal of an ass
. He did this, and much more starting in this chapter, to fulfill prophecy. Here we see Him offering Himself as their King
. He already knows that they will reject Him as their King
, which is why he has already given spiritual birth to the church and trained the disciples who will become His apostles (except Paul) after He returns to Heaven.
With that basic understanding written, we can look at more of the detail. Our chapter starts with His ride into Jerusalem and the people celebrating because they believe that He will start the 1,000-years reign of Christ
. And, the first thing, which Matthew reports, that He does as their King
, is cleanse the Temple by driving out the money changers, the people selling animals and, in general,
cleaning up the most obvious evidences of a corrupt religion. He then starts offering the benefits of the kingdom by healing The blind and the lame
. As a result of that, Matthew reports: And when the chief priests and scribes saw the wonderful things that he did, and the children crying in the temple, and saying, Hosanna to the Son of David; they were sore displeased
their reaction proves that they had no care for the common Jew beyond how they could help the leaders achieve greater prestige and power.
Our chapter continues with them saying to Jesus
: Hearest thou what these say?
they actually
expected Him to deny His position as God's Messiah / Christ
. (That is what the people were acknowledging when they were saying, Hosanna to the Son of David
After that, He did a miracle which, symbolically, showed God's plan to destroy the Jewish nation / religion because they had all of the outward appearances of life (leaves on the fig tree
) but they had no fruit
('new life'). This was because the religious leaders insisted that only Jews could be saved and even among the Jews, only the ones that they approved of. However, God had used His prophets to tell them that God wanted them to take His plan of salvation to the Gentiles
(Isaiah 11:10; Isaiah 42:1; Isaiah 49:6; Isaiah 49:22; Isaiah 54:3; Isaiah 60:3; Isaiah 60:5; Isaiah 60:11; Isaiah 60:16; Isaiah 61:6; Isaiah 61:69; Isaiah 62:2; Isaiah 66:12; Isaiah 66:19; Malachi 1:11). The Jews refused to obey God's plan, which is why God brought destruction upon them. In this chapter, we read that Jesus
gave them one last chance to truly Biblically repent and serve God and God's King
. In stead, they crucified Him.
After the miracle, which was done on the way to the Temple, and after Jesus
arrived at the Temple, the religious leaders confronted Jesus
and demanded that He answer their question of: By what authority doest thou these things?
their own religion told them that a true prophet worked by the authority of God and Jesus
had done so many miracles that there could be no doubt that He was a prophet from God (John 3:2). However, the religious leaders were determined to ignore all evidence. In stead of arguing with them, Jesus
asked them: The baptism of John, whence was it? from heaven, or of men?
As their answer, the religious leaders proved themselves to be liars when they claimed: We cannot tell
. They either lied when they claimed to be the ultimate authority on all things spiritual and all things from God, or they lied when they claimed We cannot tell
. Either way, they proved themselves to be liars.
then gave them a parable and asked them about it and they replied: He will miserably destroy those wicked men, and will let out his vineyard unto other husbandmen, which shall render him the fruits in their seasons
. In their answer, they proved that they knew that God would destroy them and all of their followers. And, when Jesus
referenced scripture to tell them the judgment of God upon them and the nation which followed them, they sought to kill Jesus
Thus, we see that that men, who are more concerned with their own worldly power and position than they are concerned about spiritual matters, will go to any and all lengths of sin in order to achieve their goals. In this chapter, and continuing through several more chapters, we read that Jesus
offered the Jews the kingdom but they were refused the kingdom because they refused to submit to Him as their King
. Likewise, people who claim to be saved today will not be allowed to be part of the kingdom (1,000-years reign of Christ
), if they personally refused to submit to Jesus
as their King
Starting in Matthew 21:1; Mark 11:1; Luke 19:28 and John 12:12; and continuing through the end of each chapter, we have the sequence of events which start from when Jesus
entered Jerusalem for the final conflict. During His trip to Jerusalem, Jesus
taught His disciples the difference between 'A fruitful religion versus a show religion'. Now, in this chapter, we see the religious leaders argue that the show religion is right and them plot the death of Jesus
because He insisted that God rejected the show religion. While Jesus
was in Jerusalem, He cleansed the Temple and acted like the Jew's King
, which led to His crucifixion. This was because the Jewish leaders realized that His turning the people to God would reduce their religious, and secular authority and power.
Please see the Gospel Time Sequences for the time sequences of incidents reported in this chapter and for references where other Gospel accounts report the same incidents. Please also see the Prophecy Fulfilled Section of the Significant Gospel Events Study for Bible references to this chapter where prophecy was fulfilled.
Matthew 21:1-17; Mark 11:1-11; Luke 19:28-44 and John 12:12-16 all give the basis for what is called 'Palm Sunday'. Please see the note for Matthew 21:1-LJC for a significant explanation of the prophecy and doctrine involved.
In Matthew 21:1-3; Mark 11:1-3 and Luke 19:29-30; we are told that Jesus
prophesied that the disciples would find a colt tied, whereon never man sat. This is a fulfillment of Zechariah 9:9 and Psalms 148 which show us how they praised Him.
Matthew 21:5; Matthew 21:7; Mark 11:7; Luke 19:35-38 and John 12:12 all tell about Jesus
being glorified
Matthew 21:12-13 and Mark 11:15-19; Luke 19:45-48 and John 2:13-16 all tell about Jesus
cleaning the Temple. The chief priests sought to destroy Jesus
over this act.
Matthew 21:15-16 and Luke 19:39-40 tell us that the Pharisees objected to Jesus
being glorified
Matthew 21:18-22; Mark 11:12-14 and Mark 11:20-21 tell us about Jesus
cursing the fig tree because it had no fruit.
Matthew 21:23-27; Mark 11:27-33 and Luke 20:1-7 report that the chief priests and the elders challenged Jesus
as He taught in the Temple. Jesus
responded by asking them if the baptism of
John the Baptist was from Heaven or not. Please see the Doctrinal Study, called John the Baptist; which has links to all of the other references in the Bible for John the Baptist. Please see the notes for Matthew 21:23 and Matthew 21:24 about the doctrine involved in this disagreement.
In Matthew 21:28-31; Jesus
give us the 'Parable of the Two Sons'. This parable was to let the religious leaders know that they were not doing the job that God gave to them and that they were also preventing the Jews from doing the job that God chose the Jews to do. Please see the Table of Parables in the New Testament for links to all parables in the New Testament.
Matthew 21:28-32 : gives us the 'Parable of the Two Sons'. In addition, Matthew 21:31-32 give us the spiritual application from Jesus
Matthew 21:33-46; Mark 12:1-11 and Luke 20:9-19 that Jesus
give us the 'Parable of the Hirelings Killing the Heir'. This is a prophecy by Jesus
about how The chief priests, and the scribes, and the elders
would have Him killed. Matthew 21:33-46 also tells us about the religious leaders killing the prophets. Please see the Table of Parables in the New Testament for links to all parables in the New Testament.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides a chapter outline as:
1-11. Christ rides into Jerusalem upon an ass;
12-16. drives the buyers and sellers out of the temple;
17-22. curses the fig-tree;
23-27. puts to silence the priests and elders,
28-32. and rebukes them by the similitude of the two sons,
33-46. and the husbandmen who slew such as were sent to them. '.
- C21-S1 :
prepares for His triumphant entry.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. The prior two chapters told us aboutJesus
journeying to Jerusalem for the final confrontation with the religious leaders and His crucifixion. This sentence, and chapter, tells us about when he arrived at the place He would stay while He ministered in Jerusalem. - The phrase
And when they drew nigh unto Jerusalem, and were come to Bethphage, unto the mount of Olives
means: 'This is close to the house of Mary, Martha and Lazarus'. - The phrase
then sent Jesus two disciples, Saying unto them
means: 'Jesus
and His disciples have been walking to get where they are.Jesus
had no chance to go by Himself and see what was where he sent the disciples. This is a prophecy, even if people don't recognize it as such'. - The phrase
Go into the village over against you
means: 'This is where He told them to go'. - The phrase
and straightway ye shall find an ass tied, and a colt with her
means: 'This is what He prophesied they would find'. - The phrase
loose them, and bring them unto me
means: 'This is what He told them to do'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C21-S2 : How to answer any challenge.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. . . . - The phrase
And if any man say ought unto you
means: 'Jesus
was not positive if anything would be said'. - The phrase
ye shall say
means: 'Each and every one of you personally shall give the following answer'. - The phrase
The Lord hath need of them
means: 'Notice the capitalization of the titleLord
. God gives us things to hold unto and use, but they belong to Him and He has the right to call for them at any time'. - The phrase
and straightway he will send them
means: 'This is whatJesus
prophesied that the man would do'. He was positive how this man would react. The real question is how many of the people, who claim to be saved, could God rely on this way?
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C21-S3 : this sentence is a continuation of the prior sentence and, together, they are a fulfillment of the prophecies found in Zechariah 9:9 and in Genesis 49:10 and Isaiah 40:9. And, our next sentence directly tells us that it fulfills the prophecy of Zechariah.
- The phrase
All this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying
means: 'Jesus
did manythings to fulfill prophecy and provide proof that He really was God'sChrist
'. - The phrase
Tell ye the daughter of Sion, Behold, thy King cometh unto thee, meek, and sitting upon an ass, and a colt the foal of an ass
means: 'This is the Old Testament prophecy'.
- The phrase
- C21-S4 : the disciples obeyed.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds the report of obedience to the report of the command given. - The phrase
And the disciples went, and did as Jesus commanded them
means: 'This is the first thing that they did'. - The phrase
And brought the ass, and the colt
means: 'This is the next thing that they did'. - The phrase
and put on them their clothes
means: 'This is the next thing that they did'. - The phrase
and they set him thereon
means: 'This is the next thing that they did'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C21-S5 : the multitude honored
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. . . . - The phrase
And a very great multitude spread their garments in the way
means: 'This was an impromptu runner such as a bride or great person is given to walk on and keep their shoes from getting dirty'. - The phrase
others cut down branches from the trees, and strawed them in the way
means: 'The ass would have no trouble walking on these and they would keep down the dust and prevent it from getting onJesus
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C21-S6 : how the multitude honored
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. The prior sentence said what they did and this sentence adds what they said. - The phrase
And the multitudes that went before, and that followed, cried, saying
means: 'Jesus
was surrounded by people praising Him'. - The phrase
Hosanna to the Son of David
means: 'This is a recognition the He was God'sChrist
'. - The phrase
Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord
means: 'This is a recognition the He was sent by God'. - The phrase
Hosanna in the highest
means: 'This is praise to God the father for sendingJesus
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C21-S7 : their praise affected
all the city
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds the reaction of the people in the city to the parade that the people made asJesus
entered the city. - The phrase
And when he was come into Jerusalem
means: 'This is when the people reacted'. - The phrase
all the city was moved, saying
means: 'This is how the people reacted'. - The phrase
Who is this?
means: 'This is why the people reacted. They asked this question because they wanted to know what all of the fuss was about'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C21-S8 :
is identified as the person being honored.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds the answer to the question of the prior sentence. - The phrase
And the multitude said
means: 'This is who answered the question of the prior sentence'. - The phrase
This is Jesus the prophet of Nazareth of Galilee
means: 'This is how they answered. Notice that they named Him, but also that they identified Him as aprophet
. In addition, they said that He was fromNazareth of Galilee
even though the religious leaders insisted that no prophet ever came from there before'. That argument is misleading because many Old Testament prophets came from some place where they were the first prophet from that place. That argument is a claim that God can not do something new and different, which is obvious nonsense. In addition, though the people did not know it, He actually came from Bethlehem.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C21-S9 :
starts to act like God'sKing
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds whatJesus
did when He arrived at the Temple. - The phrase
And Jesus went into the temple of God
means: 'This is whereJesus
reacted against the procedures of a false religion'. This is whatJesus
did at this time. When God's church of Jerusalem changed to preaching a false works salvation, and refused correction from God three times, God had the Temple destroyed. - The phrase
and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple
means: 'These people could have done their business outside of the Temple but devils had them move into the Temple in order to pollute the worship of God both physically and spiritually'. - The phrase
and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers
means: 'These people changed the emphasis from worshipping God to making money'. Money, and all that it represents, is the main thing used by devils to destroy people's relationship with God. - The phrase
and the seats of them that sold doves
means: 'This literally turned the Temple into a barn and, symbolically, reduced God the level of an animal, which is lower than man'. - The phrase
And said unto them, It is written
means: 'This is a reference to Isaiah 56:7 '. - The phrase
My house shall be called the house of prayer
means: 'This is the main purpose of the Temple'. - The phrase
but ye have made it a den of thieves
means: 'This is what they turned it into, according toJesus
'. According toThe word of God
, the priests were to inspect all animals before they could be sacrificed to make sure that they had no blemish. According to history, they would find some small thing to use to reject almost all animals. Then a local would offer to buy the animal, at less than the true value, to save the person from driving the animal home. Then another local would offer to sell them an animal which would pass the priest's inspection, but at an inflated price. After the person making the sacrifice left, the rejected animal would go into the herd of animals which would pass inspection and the profits would be split between the priests and the animal dealers.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C21-S10 :
provides the benefits of God'skingdom
. Our sentence adds that the people who truly worshipped God came toJesus
for healing because that was part of what was promised with God's kingdom. Our sentence says:And the blind and the lame came to him in the temple; and he healed them
. - C21-S11 : the religious leaders
were sore displeased
when they saw true worship.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds the reaction of the religious leaders. - The phrase
And when the chief priests and scribes saw the wonderful things that he did
means: 'They saw the evidence of God the father working throughJesus
in a way that He refused to work through them. They saw evidence of approval by God the father which they did not receive'. - The phrase
and the children crying in the temple, and saying
means: 'The true children of God returned to worshipping God in God's temple'. - The phrase
Hosanna to the Son of David
means: 'They praised God the father for sending then HisChrist
'. - The phrase
they were sore displeased
means: 'This was their reaction. With this reaction, they proved that they did not serve the true God but served devils'. - The phrase
And said unto him
means: 'The next phrase is what thechief priests and scribes
said toJesus
. Where they should have been praising God, they were complaining'. - The phrase
Hearest thou what these say?
means: 'Of courseJesus
heard them praising God and returning the Temple to it's true purpose'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C21-S12 :
answered their displeasure with a quote of scripture.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds the answer fromJesus
, which was based upon scripture. - The phrase
And Jesus saith unto them
means: 'This is the answer fromJesus
'. - The phrase
means: 'This is a stronger affirmative answer than a simpleyes
is basically telling them that He absolutely hears the praise of God's people in the Temple of God'. - The phrase
have ye never read
means: 'This is a quote of Psalms 8:2 '. - The phrase
Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise?
means: 'This is the quote'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C21-S13 :
spent the evening with friends.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds thatJesus
left the religious leaders after He shut their mouths. - The phrase
And he left them
means: 'He had nothing more to say to them'. - The phrase
and went out of the city into Bethany
means: 'This was where Mary, Martha and Lazarus lived'. - The phrase
and he lodged there
means: 'Jesus
stayed with them at this time'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C21-S14 : the circumstances of the next incident. This miracle, like all miracles reported in the Gospel accounts, is a physical demonstration of the doctrine that it is in context with.
- The phrase
Now in the morning as he returned into the city
means: 'Jesus
was going back to Jews who wanted to hear the truth and to religious leaders who hated Him and wanted to promote lies from devils'. - The phrase
he hungered
means: 'This is howJesus
felt physically. It was also symbolic of what God the father felt because His people refused to truly worship Him'.
- The phrase
- C21-S15 :
cursed the tree for having no fruit.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. . . . - The phrase
And when he saw a fig tree in the way
means: 'This is whatJesus
saw. It spiritually represents what God sees when He looks at His people'. - The phrase
he came to it
means: 'This is whatJesus
did. It spiritually represents what God does when He calls His people'. - The phrase
and found nothing thereon
means: 'This is whatJesus
found. It spiritually represents what God finds when He looks at His people and sees no new spiritual fruit in their lives. Lots of people preach this incident as applying to the Jewish nation. And it does. But it also applies to saved people who do not work in God's kingdom the do the 'Great Commission''. - The phrase
but leaves only
means: 'This spiritually represents religious activity which has a show of spiritual life but no true fruit (new life)'. - The phrase
and said unto it
means: 'This is howJesus
reacted to what he found'. - The phrase
Let no fruit grow on thee henceforward for ever
means: 'He cursed it. He did the same thing to the Jewish nation. And, he does the same to saved people who do not work in God's kingdom the do the 'Great Commission''.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C21-S16 : the results of the curse. Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds the result of the curse. Our sentence says:And presently the fig tree withered away
. The same happens to churches and saved people who do not do the 'Great Commission'. - C21-S17 : the witnesses
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds the reaction of the disciples when they saw the tree the next day. - The phrase
And when the disciples saw it
means: 'This is when they reacted'. - The phrase
they marvelled, saying
means: 'This is how they reacted'. - The phrase
How soon is the fig tree withered away!
means: 'This is what they said'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C21-S18 :
gave the spiritual application of this example. We read the same doctrine in Matthew 17:20 and Luke 17:6.- The phrase
Jesus answered and said unto them
means: 'This is Who answered'. - The phrase
Verily I say unto you
means: 'This has been verified byJesus
and we are to verify this truth for ourselves'. - The phrase
If ye have faith, and doubt not
means: 'The critical phrase isand doubt not
'. - The phrase
ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree
means: 'Each and every one of you personally will be able to do the sameans more'. - The phrase
but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea
means: 'This is an extreme example of what God makes possible'. - The phrase
it shall be done
means: 'This is the promise'.
- The phrase
- C21-S19 :
give the promised result of having a fruitful religion. Our sentence adds a second promise. Our sentence says:And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive
. - C21-S20 : the religious leaders demanded that
declare His authority for what He did.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds the challenge byThe chief priests and the elders of the people
to His authority. - The phrase
And when he was come into the temple
means: 'This is where they challengedJesus
'. - The phrase
The chief priests and the elders of the people came unto him
means: 'This is who they challengedJesus
'. - The phrase
as he was teaching, and said
means: 'This is when they challengedJesus
. Notice that they deliberately made the challenge public'. - The phrase
By what authority doest thou these things?
means: 'They had no excuse for not knowing the obvious answer. These were the top professionals of things related to God. They could not deny knowing the evidences of to power of God that were in scripture. They could not deny that He did miracles because the people saw the miracles. The Pharisees had already tried claiming that He used the power of Satan andJesus
proved that to be a lie. They could not deny that the miracles were done by the power of God. They had no excuse but hoped to intimidateJesus
and have Him admit that He had no authority over them and no authority to teach in the Temple. However, scripture made it clear that thechief priests
had their authority from God but that their authority was less than the authority of a prophet and certainly less than theSon of God
. Thescribes
only had the authority given to them by men because of their knowledge of scripture. Therefore, they not only had no authority but their own knowledge told them that they were wrong to challenge a prophet'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C21-S21 : the religious leaders demanded that
declare who gave Him that authority. Our sentence says:and who gave thee this authority?
Since our sentence starts with the wordAnd
, it is added to the prior sentence. The note for the prior sentence explained that they had no excuse for claiming that they did not already know that His authority came from God. However, they chose to ignore the obvious truth and tried to intimidateJesus
. As the following sentences show, that didn't work as they hoped it would. - C21-S22 :
conditionally agreed to answer them.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds the answer fromJesus
. - The phrase
And Jesus answered and said unto them
means: 'The following is the answer fromJesus
to their challenge of His authority'. - The phrase
I also will ask you one thing
means: 'They had to answer His question if they wanted Him to answer their question'. - The phrase
which if ye tell me
means: 'This is the conditional requirement that they had to fulfill in order to receive His answer'. - The phrase
I in like wise will tell you by what authority I do these things
means: 'This is the promise'. While many people deny it, all promises made as part of the New Testament have a requirement for us to fulfill in order to receive the promise.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C21-S23 :
asks His question. His question was:The baptism of John, whence was it?
. In addition, our next sentence adds a qualifying limit to their answer. In addition,Jesus
uses simple sentences so that there is no way that they can claim that they did not understand His question. - C21-S24 :
specifies the two optional answers. Our sentence says:from heaven, or of men?
means: It should be obvious that this sentence is a qualifying limit to the allowed answers to the question fromJesus
. This sentence was explained in the note for the prior sentence. - C21-S25 : the reason why they refused to give one optional answer.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds the fact that the religious leaders got together to figure out a lie which would be accepted. Remember that they deliberately started this fight before an audience. Therefore, the Jews will tell others if they give an obvious lie as their answer. And, with the limit on their answer fromJesus
, any answer other than the two He gave them to choose from will obviously be a lie. - The phrase
And they reasoned with themselves, saying
means: 'All of them got together to try and come up with an acceptable lie'. - The phrase
If we shall say, From heaven
means: 'This was one of the optional answers thatJesus
gave them'. - The phrase
he will say unto us, Why did ye not then believe him?
means: 'This is the obvious result of their choosing that answer'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C21-S26 : the reason why they refused to give the other optional answer.
- Our sentence starts with the word
. This sentence considers the other optional answers thatJesus
gave them. - The phrase
But if we shall say, Of men
means: 'This was one of the optional answers thatJesus
gave them'. - The phrase
we fear the people
means: 'This is the obvious result of their choosing that answer'. - The phrase
for all hold John as a prophet
means: 'This is why they were afraid to claim this lie'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C21-S27 : they refused to answer because they could not avoid condemnation for their own sin. Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds the lie which they chose. Our sentence says:And they answered Jesus, and said, We cannot tell
. Now, I spent over thirty years as a professional and was considered the best in the world in my specialty. These men claimed to be the best in the world in their profession. And, this lie destroys their credibility and causes people to question other answer is that they give and claim that the people should accept without question. This type of loss of credibility occurs in all professions where the professional tells people to accept their answers without question. And, the people who followed their doctrine, after this answer, proved themselves to be fools and brought the judgment of God upon themselves and their children. - C21-S28 :
refused to answer them because they refused to admit truth. Our sentence starts with the wordAnd
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds the refusal byJesus
to answer their question since they refused to answer His question. And, in this we see the character of God. God refuses to give people promises who refuse to fulfill His requirements to receive the promise. Our sentence says:And he said unto them, Neither tell I you by what authority I do these things
. - C21-S29 :
asks them a challenging question. Our sentence starts with the wordBut
. It is continuing the questioning while presenting another question for them to think about Our sentence says:But what think ye?
. Here,Jesus
is starting a parable to show those religious leaders how they looked to God.Jesus
does this with the 'Parable of the Two Sons'. Please see the Table of Parables in the New Testament for links to all parables in the New Testament. - C21-S30 : the start of the 'Parable of the Two Sons'.
- The phrase
A certain man had two sons
means: 'These represent the Jews and the church'. - The phrase
and he came to the first
means: 'Jesus
is first telling us what His church will do'. - The phrase
and said, Son
means: 'God adopts all truly saved people'. - The phrase
go work to day in my vineyard
means: 'This is the command of the 'Great Commission''.
- The phrase
- C21-S31 : the answer and action of the first son. This is how the church responded to the command from God. Our sentence says:
He answered and said, I will not: but afterward he repented, and went
. - C21-S32 : the command to the second son. Our sentence says:
And he came to the second, and said likewise
. Please see the section called 'Other Prophecies' in the Significant Gospel Events Study. The Jews were also commanded to take the Gospel to the world - C21-S33 : the answer and action of the second son. This is how the church responded to the command from God. Our sentence says:
And he answered and said, I go, sir: and went not
. This is how the Jews responded. In stead of taking God's message to everyone, they were filled with pride and claimed that God's choice of the Jews made them better than anyone else. They also claimed the doctrinal error that all Jews were predestined to Heaven and everyone else was predestined to Hell. - C21-S34 : the challenging question. Our sentence says:
Whether of them twain did the will of his father?
. The answer to this question was obvious. The application of the answer, byJesus
, was not obvious to these corrupt lost religious leaders. - C21-S35 : the religious leaders gave the obvious answer. Our sentence says:
They say unto him, the first
. - C21-S36 : the judgment of God that is based upon attitude and action of everyone.
- The phrase
Jesus saith unto them
means: 'This is the application given byJesus
'. - The phrase
Verily I say unto you
means: 'This has been verified byJesus
and we are to verify this truth for ourselves'. - The phrase
That the public and and the harlots go into the kingdom of God before you
means: 'These were the Jews which the religious leaders condemned to Hell for not keeping the religious rules that they added to God's Law'.
- The phrase
- C21-S37 : Why each will be judged as
says.- The phrase
For John came unto you in the way of righteousness
means: 'Here's why the prior sentence is true. Notice that the trueway of righteousness
is different from keeping religious rules. They were told the trueway of righteousness
, and rejected it. This is proven earlier in the chapter where they wanted to deny that John the Baptist was a prophet but were stopped only by their fear of the people'. - The phrase
and ye believed him not
means: 'This also was proven earlier in the chapter'. - The phrase
but the public and and the harlots believed him
means: 'These were the people that the religious leaders feared and they feared the people because they knew that this phrase was true'. - The phrase
and ye, when ye had seen it
means: 'When each and every one of them were personally shown the truth by God's representatives'. - The phrase
repented not afterward
means: 'They refused to turn from their religious lies to obeying God'. - The phrase
that ye might believe him
means: 'They refused to believe the message that God sent through His prophet'.
- The phrase
- C21-S38 : the start of the 'Parable of the Hirelings Killing the Heir'. This is also in the Table of Parables in the New Testament.
- The phrase
Hear another parable
means: 'People know that a parable is an Earthly start with a Heavenly meaning. What most people miss is the second half of the truth about parables.Jesus
deliberately did this so that the used parables to teach spiritual people truth and to lead the lose and carnal into doctrinal error. Yes,Jesus
deliberately did this so that the lost and carnal would be punished for believing doctrinal error while the truly spiritual will be blessed for believing the truth. It also means that there are explanations of parables which are doctrinal error. God's people are to seek the help of God'sHoly Ghost
to separate truth from error'. - God's people also need to separate storied from reports of actual incidents. Devil motivated liars and deceived people call Gospel accounts stories so that God's people will be deceived and believe that their believing those accounts is optional. God does not change (Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 13:8). What God did in those accounts is what we should expect God to do to us when we act the same way as people did in the true account.
- The phrase
There was a certain householder
means: 'He spiritually represents God in this parable'. - The phrase
which planted a vineyard, and hedged it round about, and digged a winepress in it, and built a tower
means: 'This is spiritual expression of what God did in this world to prepare a place of blessing for His true people'. - The phrase
and let it out to husbandmen
means: 'God put the priests in charge of His vineyard'. - The phrase
and went into a far country
means: 'God left the priests alone after telling them what to do'. - The phrase
And when the time of the fruit drew near
means: 'God expected them to produce new spiritual life (fruit
)'. - The phrase
he sent his servants to the husbandmen
means: 'God sent prophets to the Jews and, in particular, to the priests'. - The phrase
that they might receive the fruits of it
means: 'The priests were to show the prophets people who believed and obeyed God's Law'.
- The phrase
- C21-S39 : the treatment of the first messenger by the
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds the reaction of the Jewish leaders to the messages from God's prophets. 1Samuel 8:7 saysAnd the LORD said unto Samuel, Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee: for they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them
. The Jews thought that they were rejecting the messengers (prophets). God said that they actually rejected God. And, people still make this same error today. - The phrase
And the husbandmen took his servants, and beat one, and killed another, and stoned another
means: 'This is how the Jewish leaders treated the prophets from God'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C21-S40 : the treatment of more messengers by the
. Our sentence says:Again, he sent other servants more than the first: and they did unto them likewise
God sent prophets multiple times warning His people about future judgment. The people, foolishly, rejected the message and the messenger and though that God would do nothing more. - C21-S41 : the thought of the
.- Our sentence starts with the word
. Symbolically, God the father did the same thing with theSon of God
as he did with Prophets. This was the last chance the Jews, as a nation, had to do right by their covenant with God. Please see the note: after thegreat tribulation
, all living Jews will be saved in a day when they seeJesus Christ
return to this Earth. All who are living will accept Him as God'sChrist
and any who would not receive Him will be killed during thegreat tribulation
. - The phrase
But last of all he sent unto them his son
means: 'Symbolically, God the father sent HisSon
to receive spiritualfruit
(new life). Since the Jews refused to deliver spiritualfruit
started the church for that purpose'. Please see the note, there are people who claim to be saved and act like the Jewish nation did and they actually expect God to change and reward them personally while He punished the Jewish nation. Hopefully, the reader understands that it is foolish to believe that lie. - The phrase
saying, they will reverence my son
means: 'Actually,Jesus
used this phrase for the Jews and for the church.Jesus
said it in this parable because He wanted those religious leaders to realize, on their own, what God will do to them because of their attitude. He also used this phrase, knowing that it would be recorded for His church after His death. Saved people still have the choice of producing, or not producing, spiritualfruit
. This parable and Gospel account let us know the consequences of acting like the Jewish nation'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C21-S42 : the thoughts of the
.- Our sentence starts with the word
. The prior sentence says what the man, in the parable, thought thehusbandmen
would do while this sentence says what they actually did. God knew what the Jews would actually do and the judgment by the Jewish religious leaders was executed by God. God is waiting to see how each saved person will personally act and their judgment is based upon their attitude and actions related to producing spiritualfruit
. ForGod. - The phrase
But when the husbandmen saw the son
means: 'This is what the Jewish religious leaders (husbandmen
) thought to do withJesus
because they thought that God would do nothing about them turning God's people to following doctrinal error from devils'. - The phrase
they said among themselves
means: 'This is what they thought between themselves because they discounted and ignored the judgment from God'. - The phrase
This is the heir
means: 'This is the person Who will truly inherit to Earth'. - The phrase
come, let us kill him, and let us seize on his inheritance
means: 'They honestly thought that they would rule the Earth in spite of being under Roman rule'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C21-S43 : the treatment of the son by the
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. Our sentence adds the report of their actions based upon their thinking. Today, people who claim to be saved, and act like this, prove that they have the same thinking as the prior sentence no matter what they claim. - The phrase
And they caught him
means: 'This is prophecy. This is symbolic of the mob with Judas Iscariot which arrestedJesus
. It is also symbolic of people today who claim that their religious traditions, or their own opinion, can replace the authority ofThe word of God
'. - The phrase
and cast him out of the vineyard
means: 'This is also prophecy. This is symbolic of the religious leaders who claimed thatJesus
blasphemed. It can also be applied to people who replace the trueword of God
with some man written perversion'. - The phrase
and slew him
means: 'This is also prophecy. Obviously, this is symbolic of the crucifixion. It also applies today to religions and people who claim to be based uponThe word of God
but teach a doctrine which is completely opposed the character of the trueJesus Christ
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C21-S44 :
asked what they believed would be the reaction by the lord?- The phrase
When the lord therefore of the vineyard cometh
means: 'This is symbolic of the death of those Jews and of the death of everyone today who claims to be saved and has not brought any spiritualfruit
to God'. - The phrase
what will he do unto those husbandmen?
means: 'Jesus
asked them for their honest judgment and His word asks everyone what they honestly believe today'.
- The phrase
- C21-S45 : the answer of the religious leaders. Our sentence says:
They say unto him, He will miserably destroy those wicked men, and will let out his vineyard unto other husbandmen, which shall render him the fruits in their seasons
. It means: 'This was their answer. Something similar should be the answer of everyone today who claims to be saved. Not only should people expect this in their personal lives, but churches and countries should expect the same'. Look at how God gave England an empire that spanned the world while they spread the Gospel around the world and took it away when they stopped spreading the Gospel. Look at famous ministries in the U.S. which grew while they spread the Gospel around the world and shrank or were completely destroyed when they stopped spreading the Gospel. And, God does the same in the lives of individuals. - C21-S46 : the reference to scripture.
- The phrase
Jesus saith unto them
means: 'Jesus
pointed them to scripture as the basis of His parable'. - The phrase
Did ye never read in the scriptures
means: 'This sentence quotes Psalms 118:22-23 and references Isaiah 8:14 and Isaiah 28:16 and Zechariah 3:8-9 '. - The phrase
The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes?
means: 'This is the quote'.
- The phrase
- C21-S47 : the concluding judgment of God.
- The phrase
Therefore say I unto you
means: 'This is the concluding prophecy fromJesus
.The kingdom of God
was given to the church because the Jews refused to do their part in their relationship with God'. Likewise, everyone who claims to be saved but refuses to participate in the 'Great Commission' should also expect God to remove His blessings from their life. - The phrase
The kingdom of God shall be taken from you
means: 'Thekingdom of God
is actually God's character in you and it is the change that God brings into the lives of people who are truly saved and serving God while they are in this life. Once we die, there are no more changes possible. And, the more we are like God, the greater will be our position in eternity. Therefore, this is not only a change for today but it also determines what we have in eternity'. - The phrase
and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof
means: 'The emphasis is onbringing forth the fruits thereof
. Our rewards in eternity will be directly according to how much we personallybring forth the fruits thereof
- The phrase
- C21-S48 : Another reference to scripture.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means it is adding another thought to what was said in the prior sentence. This sentence adds another prophecy to the prior sentences. This sentence reference, and indirectly quote, Isaiah 8:14-15. They also indirectly reference Psalms 2:12; Psalms 34:18; Psalms 51:17; Isaiah 57:15 and Isaiah 60:12. They all reference the Old Testament truth that people who serve theSon of God
will be broken from their sinful ways. However, those people who refuse to serve theSon of God
will be utterly destroyed. - The phrase
And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken
means: 'Jesus Christ
will break saved people from their sinful lifestyles'. - The phrase
but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder
means: 'Jesus Christ
will utterly destroy all who reject His rule for their life'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C21-S49 : this sentence adds the realization by the religious leaders. Our sentence says:
And when the chief priests and Pharisees had heard his parables, they perceived that he spake of them
. - C21-S50 : they were too afraid to do what they wanted to do.
- Our sentence starts with the word
. While the prior sentence told us what theyperceived
, this sentence tells us what they wanted to do, as a result, but feared to do. - The phrase
But when they sought to lay hands on him
means: 'This is what they wanted to do'. - The phrase
they feared the multitude
means: 'Remember that they deliberately started this fight in public. Remember their limited options the next time that you want to start a fight in public'. - The phrase
because they took him for a prophet
means: 'The common Jew, especially those listening the teaching ofJesus
in the Temple, believed this aboutJesus
. The people would react violently because they knew that God cursed the nation every time that the religious leaders killed a prophet of God'.
- Our sentence starts with the word