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Word Studies found on this Site.

Please note:'  There is a variety of completeness in the Word and Phrase Studies on this site.  Most of the Studies reached by the links on this page are a 'Work in Progress'.

While these Studies are not complete, they still are a help to many.  A full Study of a word or phrase will deal with every occurrence of the word / phrase, and show how it is applied within the context where it is found, and show how it still matches the central definition.  Any Study found through these links which has less than this still needs more work to provide the full Biblical definition.  However, the partial Studies still provide a proper application of the word / phrase within the section of the Bible which is studied and should still be helpful.  While these partial Studies do not provide the Biblical definition, they do provide a Bible based application which is usually more accurate than the false 'definitions' provided by other means.

People forget that dictionaries, even Webster's 1828 and the 'Greek Dictionary', are books of definitions used by men which may include definitions not used in the Bible and even, sometimes, oppose the definition used by God in the Bible.  Therefore, while dictionary definitions can be very helpful, they also could very easily lead to doctrinal error which is far greater than any error which might result from the partial Word Studies presented below.

The Bible teaches a lot about God's way  and how the way  that we do something is directly tied to the result which we receive.  That said, there is not enough room here to explain the difference between the proper way  to do a Word Study and the erroneous way  which claims that the definitions from dictionaries of men are true Biblical definitions.  I will only say that that is the way  used by 'Bible Correctors' and that Romans 2 warns believers against condemning the way  used by sinners and then using the same way.  :-)

That said, it must also be noted that this site concentrates upon the interpretation of the Bible, while the application of the Bible is treated very lightly or completely ignored, on this web site.  The primary job of a preacher is to provide the application of the word of God to the lives of people.  Therefore, it is easy for a preacher to think that the application is so important that he starts to believe that his application is the interpretation.  This leads to the erroneous type of thinking which led to men claiming that 'they had proved that the world was flat because holy men of God revealed this truth from God'.  Holy men of God do give us the application of a Biblical word but the Scientific Method must be used to produce the true Biblical definition.

Please look at what is provided for the word or phrase that you are looking at and do not judge what is available for each word by what is available for another.  In addition, since these word definitions can be at the end of a large note for a particular sentence, Please page down or do a find ([ctrl]-F) to get to the details for the particular word within the note where it is found.

In addition, to definitions, this web page has Bible Word Counts.  This page has counts of the most popular words within each chapter and for the entire Bible.  Knowing the most used words within a chapter or book is a strong indication (but not an absolute identifier) of the theme of the book or chapter.  Thus, these counts are useful at times.

Please use this link to see the less important, 'Titles for Jesus' found within the Bible along with links to where the Bible uses those titles.  These titles may not be found in the list below.

  1. Aaron:  Hebrews 5:4
  2. abase:  Philippians 4:12
  3. abhor:  Romans C12S7
  4. abide:  1Corinthians C7S9
  5. ability:  Matthew 25:15
  6. Abel:  Hebrews 11:4
  7. abolish:  2Corinthians 3:12-14
  8. abomination:  Mark 13:14-16
  9. Word Study on abound
  10. Abraham:  Hebrews 2:16
  11. abroad:  Romans C16S22
  12. absent / absence:  Philippians 1:27-28; Philippians 2:12
  13. abstain:  1Thessalonians 5:22
  14. abundant:  Philippians 1:25-26
  15. abuse:  1Corinthians 7:31
  16. accept:  2Corinthians 5:9
  17. acceptable:  Romans C12S1
  18. access:  Romans C5S1
  19. accomplish:  John 19:28
  20. accord:  Philippians 2:1
  21. according to works:  Psalms 119:23
  22. accompany:  Hebrews 6:9
  23. account:  1Corinthians C4S1
  24. accuse him (Jesus):  John 8:3
  25. accuser:  Titus 2:3
  26. Achaia
  27. acknowledge:  1Corinthians C16S17
  28. Adam:  Jude 1:14-15
  29. add:  Matthew 6:27
  30. added:  Luke 12:31
  31. adjure:  Mark 5:7
  32. administration:  1Corinthians C12S5
  33. admiration:  Jude 1:16
  34. admonish:  Romans C15S12; Ephesians C6S3
  35. admonition:  Romans C15S12; Ephesians C6S3
  36. ado:Mark 5:39
  37. adoption:  Romans 8:15
  38. adorn:  1Timothy 2:9
  39. adultery
  40. advantage:  Jude 1:16
  41. adversaries:  Philippians 1:27-28
  42. adversity:  Hebrews 13:3
  43. advocate:  1John 2:1
  44. affairs:  Philippians 1:27-28
  45. affect
  46. afflictions:  2Timothy C4S3; Philippians 1:15-17
  47. affirm:  Titus 3:8
  48. aforetime:  Romans 15:4
  49. afraid:  John 6:19
  50. after the flesh:  Romans C8S7
  51. Agar / Hagar:  Galatians 4:24
  52. age (singular):  John 9:20-21
  53. ages:  Colossians C1S6
  54. air:  Matthew 6:26
  55. agree:  2Corinthians 6:16
  56. alabaster:  Luke 7:37-38
  57. alienated:  Colossians C1S6
  58. all Israel shall be saved:  Romans C11S30
  59. allegory:  Galatians 4:24
  60. allow:  Romans 7:15
  61. Almighty:  Revelation 4:8-LJC
  62. alms:  Luke 11:41
  63. aloes:  John 19:39
  64. alone:  Matthew 4:4
  65. altar:  1Corinthians C9S22
  66. alter:  Luke 9:29
  67. alway / always:  Matthew 28:19
  68. amazed / amazement:  Mark 1:27
  69. ambassador,  2Corinthians 5:20
  70. anchor:  Hebrews 6:17-20
  71. ancle:  Acts 3:7
  72. and:  Romans intro
  73. Andrew:  John 6:8
  74. angel:  1Corinthians C13S1
  75. archangel:  Jude 1:7
  76. anger:  Ephesians C4S11; Colossians C3S6
  77. anguish:  2Corinthians C2S4
  78. apart:  Mark 6:31
  79. Apostle
  80. amend:  John 4:52
  81. amiss:  Luke 23:41
  82. Annas:  John 18:12-13
  83. anoint:  2Corinthians C1S15
  84. anon:  Matthew 13:20
  85. answer:  2Corinthians 5:12
  86. antichrist:  Covered in the Study called False things according to the Bible.
  87. Antioch:  2Timothy 3:11.
  88. Apollos:  1Corinthians 1:12
  89. apparel:  Luke 7:25
  90. appear:  2Corinthians 5:10
  91. appoint:  Luke 3:13
  92. approach:  Luke 12:33
  93. approve:  Philippians 1:9-11
  94. apt:  1Timothy 3:2
  95. Aquila and Priscilla:  Romans 16:3-4
  96. Arabia:  Galatians C1-S12
  97. ark:  Luke 17:27
  98. Aristarchus:  2Corinthians 8:18-21
  99. arise / arose:  Mark 10:1
  100. arm:  Luke 1:51
  101. armour:  2Corinthians 6:7; 1Thessalonians 5:8
  102. army / armies:  Luke 21:20
  103. array:  Luke 12:27
  104. ascend:  John 6:62
  105. ashamed:  Romans C5S2; 1Corinthians C6S7; Philippians 1:19-20
  106. Asher / Aser:  Luke 2:36-37
  107. ashes:  Luke 10:13
  108. Asia:  2Timothy C1S9
  109. aside:  Luke 9:10
  110. ask:  Matthew 7:7
  111. ass:  John 12:14-14
  112. assembled:  Mark 14:53
  113. assembly:  Hebrews 10:23-25
  114. assurance:  Colossians C2S1; Assurance, True Biblical
  115. assure / assuredly:  Acts 2:36
  116. astonished:  Mark 1:22
  117. astray:  Matthew 18:12
  118. asps / adder:  Romans 3:13
  119. asunder:  Mark 5:2-4
  120. at hand:  Matthew 3:1-2
  121. attain:  Philippians 3:4-6
  122. attendance:  1Timothy 4:13
  123. atonement:  Romans C5S8
  124. audience:  Luke 7:1
  125. austere:  Luke 19:20-21
  126. author:  Hebrews 5:9
  127. authority:  2Corinthians 10:8-9
  128. avail:  Galatians C5-S5
  129. avenge:  Acts 7:24
  130. avoid:  1Timothy 6:20
  131. awake:  1Corinthians C15S31
  132. aware:  Luke 11:44
  133. away:  James 1:10
  134. axe:  Matthew 3:10
  135. babe:  Luke 1:41-42
  136. babbling:  2Timothy 2:16
  137. backbiter
  138. bad:  Matthew 22:10
  139. bag:  Luke 12:33
  140. Balaam:  Jude 1:11
  141. band:  Mark 15:16
  142. bank:  Luke 19:22-23
  143. baptism:  Baptism; Romans C6S5; Colossians C2S7; John 1:25-LJC
  144. Barabbas:  John 18:40
  145. barbarian:  1Corinthians C14S12
  146. bare:  John 12:17
  147. barley:  John 6:9
  148. barn:  Luke 12:18
  149. Barnabas:  1Corinthians C9S8
  150. barren:  Galatians C4-S24
  151. Bartholomew:  Matthew 10:3
  152. base:  2Corinthians 10:1
  153. basin / bason:  John 13:5
  154. basket:  Luke 9:17
  155. bastard:  Hebrews 12:8
  156. beam:  Luke 6:41
  157. bear:  Romans C15S1
  158. beast:  Acts 7:42
  159. beat:  Mark 12:5
  160. beaten:  Mark 13:9
  161. beautiful:  Matthew 23:27
  162. because:  Romans C1S10
  163. beckon:  Luke 5:7
  164. bed:  John 5:10
  165. Beelzebub:  Mark 3:22
  166. beg / beggar:  Mark 10:46
  167. begat / beget:  James 1:18
  168. beginning:  John 1:1
  169. begotten:  Hebrews 1:5
  170. begotten son, only:  Holy Ghost
  171. beguile:  Colossians 2S2
  172. behaviour:  Titus 2:3
  173. beheaded:  Matthew 14:10
  174. behold:  Colossians C2S3
  175. behoved:  Luke 24:45-47
  176. Belial:  2Corinthians 6:15
  177. belief, non-saving:  John 8:30
  178. belief (true) changes life:  Romans C10S15
  179. belief (true) requires us to do:  Romans C4S21
  180. believe:  Romans C10S15; 1Corinthians C14S25; Galatians C3-S8
  181. believeth:  John 3:16
  182. believe in Jesus / Christ:  Romans 3:26-LJC; John 20:31-LJC
  183. believe on / believe in:  John 6:42; John 12:40
  184. belly:  Philippians 3:18-19
  185. beloved:  Romans C9S23; Colossians C3S8
  186. beloved Son:  Matthew 17:5
  187. benefit:  2Corinthians C1S9
  188. beneath:  Mark 14:66-67
  189. Benjamin:  Philippians 3:4-6
  190. beseech:  Romans C12S1
  191. besought:  2Corinthians 12:8
  192. beside:  2Corinthians 5:13
  193. bestow:  1Corinthians 13:3
  194. Bethlehem:  Matthew 2:1
  195. Bethany:  Mark 11:1
  196. Bethsaida:  Mark 6:45
  197. betray:  John 6:64
  198. bewail:  2Corinthians 12:20-21
  199. beware:  Colossians 2S5
  200. bewitched:  Galatians C3-S1
  201. bewray:  Matthew 26:73
  202. bidden:  Luke 7:39
  203. bier:  Luke 7:14
  204. bind:  Mark 3:27
  205. bill:  Luke 16:6
  206. bird:  Luke 9:58
  207. birth / birthright / birthday:  Galatians C4-S17
  208. bishop:  Philippians 1:1
  209. bite:  Galatians C5-S16
  210. bitter / bitterly:  Matthew 26:75
  211. bitterness:  Ephesians C4S15; Colossians C3S14
  212. black / blackness:  Hebrews 12:18-24
  213. blameless:  Philippians 2:14-16
  214. blasphemy:  Mark 2:6-7; Colossians C3S6
  215. blemish:  Ephesians 5:27
  216. bless:  Romans C12S9; 1Corinthians C10S13; Galatians C3-S10
  217. blew / blow:  Matthew 7:24-25
  218. blind:  2Corinthians 3:12-14
  219. blood:  Colossians C1S3
  220. blood of Christ:  Matthew 26:28
  221. blot:  Colossians 2S8
  222. boast:  Romans C3S21
  223. boasters:  Romans C1S16; Romans C3S21
  224. body:  Romans C7S30; 1Corinthians C6S20; Ephesians 4:5-LJC; Colossians C1S4
  225. body of Christ:  Ephesians C3S1; Colossians C1S6
  226. bold:  Romans C15S13; Philippians 1:19-20
  227. bond:  1Corinthians C7S16; Galatians C2-S3; Philippians 1:3-7
  228. bondage:  1Corinthians 7:15; 2Peter 2:19
  229. bone:  Luke 24:39
  230. book:  Luke 3:4
  231. book of the law:  Galatians 3:10
  232. border:  Mark 7:24
  233. born:  Matthew 1:16
  234. born of God:  1John 3:9
  235. borne:  Luke 11:46
  236. borrow:  Matthew 5:42
  237. bosom:  John 1:18
  238. bought / buy:  1Corinthians 7:23
  239. bottle:  Luke 5:37
  240. bound:  Luke 8:29
  241. bounty:  2Corinthians 9:5
  242. bow:  Philippians 2:9-11
  243. bowels:  Colossians C3S8; Philippians 1:8
  244. box:  Luke 7:37-38
  245. bramble:  Luke 6:44
  246. branch:  John 12:12
  247. brass:  Matthew 10:9-10
  248. brawl:  Titus 3:2
  249. bread:  2Corinthians 9:8-11; symbolic usage in John 6:48
  250. break / brake / broke:  Matthew 5:19
  251. breast:  Luke 23:48
  252. breath:  John 20:22-23
  253. brethren:  1Corinthians C2S1; Galatians C1-S1
  254. Britches
  255. bride / bridegroom:  John 3:29; Matthew 9:15
  256. bridle:  James 1:26
  257. bright / brightness:  Matthew 17:5
  258. brimstone:  Luke 17:28-29
  259. broad:  Matthew 7:13-14
  260. broken:  Luke 12:39
  261. broken off:  Romans C11S21
  262. brother:  1Corinthians C6S10; Galatians C1-S1
  263. brotherly:  Romans C12S8
  264. bruise:  Romans 16:20
  265. buffet:  1Corinthians C4S13
  266. build / built:  Matthew 7:24-25
  267. builder:  1Corinthians C3S10; 1Peter 2:7-8
  268. building:  1Corinthians C3S9
  269. bundle:  Matthew 13:30
  270. burden:  2Corinthians 5:4; Galatians 6:2
  271. burial:  Matthew 26:12
  272. buried:  Colossians 2:10-12
  273. bury:  Mark 14:8
  274. burn:  Luke 24:32
  275. bush:  Mark 12:26
  276. bushel:  Mark 4:21
  277. business:  Romans C12S8
  278. busybody:  1Peter 4:15
  279. but:  Romans intro
  280. Caesar:  Mark 12:14; Luke 2:1
  281. Caesarea:  Mark 8:27
  282. Cain:  Jude C1S11
  283. Caiaphas:  John 11:49-50
  284. calf:  Luke 15:22-24
  285. call:  Romans C1S1; 1Corinthians C1S3; 1Timothy 6:12
  286. call upon the Lord:  Romans 10:13; 2Thessalonians 3:1-LJC; Ephesians 5:8-LJC; 1John 4:14-LJC
  287. calm:  Luke 8:24
  288. Calvary:  Luke 23:33
  289. camel:  Luke 18:25
  290. Cana:  John 2:1
  291. Canaan:  Matthew 15:22
  292. canker:  2Timothy 2:17
  293. candle:  Luke 8:16
  294. candlestick:  Mark 4:21
  295. canker:  2Timothy 2:17-18; James 5:3
  296. Capernaum:  John 6:16-17
  297. captain:  Luke 22:4
  298. captive:  Romans C7S28
  299. carcase:  Hebrews 3:17
  300. care:  Philippians 2:28
  301. carnally:  Romans C8S5
  302. carpenter:  Mark 6:3
  303. carry / carried:  Acts 3:2
  304. case:  Matthew 5:20
  305. cast:  Luke 1:29
  306. cast away:  Romans C11S19
  307. cast down:  2Corinthians 4:8-10
  308. cast out:  Mark 9:28
  309. catch:  Luke 5:10
  310. cattle:  Luke 17:7
  311. cause:  2Corinthians C2S5
  312. cave:  John 11:38
  313. cease:  Hebrews 10:2
  314. Cenchrea:  Romans C16S1
  315. censer:  Hebrews 9:4
  316. centurion:  Mark 15:39
  317. Cephas:  1Corinthians 1:12
  318. certify:  Galatians 1:11
  319. chaff:  Luke 3:15-17
  320. chamber:  Matthew 24:26
  321. chambering:  Romans 13:13
  322. chance:  Luke 10:31
  323. chaste:  2Corinthians 11:2
  324. chasten:  1Corinthians 11:32
  325. chastisement:  1Corinthians C11S36; Hebrews 12:5-LJC
  326. chain:  Mark 5:2-4
  327. charity:  Romans 14:15; 1Corinthians 8:1; Colossians 3:14
  328. chariot:  Acts 8:28
  329. charge:  1Timothy 1:3-4
  330. charger:  Mark 6:25
  331. cheek:  Luke 6:29
  332. cherish:  Ephesians 5:29
  333. cheer:  Romans C12S5
  334. chief:  2Corinthians 11:5
  335. child:  Galatians C4-S1
  336. children of Abraham:  Galatians C3S9
  337. children of the bridechamber:  Mark 2:19
  338. children of disobedience  Colossians 3:8
  339. children of God:  Romans C8S14; God in RomansRomans C4S12; 1Peter 2:1
  340. children of Israel:  2Corinthians 3:7-8
  341. children of wrathColossians 3:8
  342. my little children:  Galatians 4:19-20
  343. choke:  Mark 4:19
  344. choose / chosen:  2Timothy 2:4
  345. Christ:  Verses in the New Testament.  Summary on the name / role.  Significant Gospel Events for links to places in all of the Bible where we are told about Christ.
  346. Christ: two applications:  1Corinthians-LJC
  347. Christ and blood:  1Corinthians 10:16-LJC
  348. Christ Jesus:  Verses in the New Testament.  Summary on the name / role.
  349. Christ Jesus is faithful:  Hebrews 3:1-LJC
  350. Christ lives through us:  Colossians C3S4
  351. Christ, the:  John 7:31-LJC
  352. Christ: the head of:  1Corinthians 11:3-LJC
  353. Christian:  1Peter 4:16
  354. church:  1Corinthians 11:22
  355. church(es) of God:  2Thessalonians 1:4
  356. churches (plural):  Hebrews 12:18-24
  357. Cilicia:  Galatians 1:21-23
  358. circumcise:  Galatians C2-S3; Colossians C2S7
  359. circumcision:  Romans C4S13; gospel of the circumcision
  360. citizen:  Luke 15:15
  361. city:  Mark 11:19
  362. city of refuge:  Romans C13S12
  363. clamour:  Ephesians C4S15
  364. clay:  Romans 9:21
  365. cleanse:  2Corinthians 7:1; James 4:8
  366. clear / clearly:  Mark 8:25
  367. cleave:  Romans C12S7
  368. climb:  Luke 19:4
  369. cloke:  1Thessalonians 2:5-6
  370. closet:  Luke 12:3
  371. clothed:  2Corinthians 5:2-3
  372. cloud:  Luke 9:34
  373. coals of fire:  Romans C12S18
  374. coast:  Mark 5:17
  375. coat:  Luke 3:11
  376. cock:  John 13:38
  377. cold:  John 18:18
  378. colt:  Mark 11:1
  379. come after me:  Matthew 3:11
  380. comely or comeliness:  1Corinthians C11S13; 1Corinthians C12S20
  381. comfort:  Philippians 2:1; 2Corinthians C1S2
  382. commandment:  Romans C7S11; 1Corinthians C7S6; Psalms 119
  383. commend:  Romans C16S1; 2Corinthians 3:1
  384. commit:  1Corinthians C9S26
  385. common:  1Corinthians C10S10
  386. commonly:  1Corinthians 5:1
  387. commotion:  Luke 21:9
  388. communion:  1Corinthians 10:16
  389. communicate:  Galatians C2-S2
  390. companion:  Philippians 2:25
  391. company:  John 6:5
  392. compare / comparison:  Mark 4:30
  393. compass:  Luke 19:43-44
  394. compassion:  Romans C9S13
  395. compel:  2Corinthians 12:11
  396. complain:  Jude 1:16
  397. complete:  Colossians 2:10-12
  398. comprehend:  Romans C13S12
  399. conceit:  Romans C12S13
  400. conceived:  Luke 1:24-25
  401. concern:  Romans 1:1
  402. conclude:  Romans 3:28
  403. concord:  2Corinthians 6:15
  404. concupiscence:  Romans C7S11
  405. condemn:  Romans C8S1
  406. condemnation of fools:  Romans C9S28
  407. condescend:  Romans C12S12
  408. confess:  Romans 10:9-LJC; Philippians 2:9-11; 2John C1S7
  409. confession:  1Timothy 6:13-16
  410. confer:  Galatians C1-S12
  411. conflict:  Philippians 1:29-30
  412. confide:  2Corinthians C1S9
  413. confident:  Philippians 1:3-7
  414. confidence:  Hebrews 3:6
  415. confirm:  Galatians C3-S16
  416. conform:  Romans 8:29
  417. confound:  1Peter 2:6
  418. confusion:  1Corinthians C14S35
  419. conscience:  Romans C9S1
  420. consecrate:  Hebrews 10:20
  421. consent:  Romans 7:16
  422. consist:  Colossians C1S3
  423. consider:  John 11:49-50
  424. consolation:  Romans C15S5
  425. consult:  John 12:10
  426. consume:  Galatians C5-S16
  427. contain:  1Peter 2:6
  428. contempt:  Psalms 119:22
  429. continue:  Philippians 1:25-26
  430. continueth:  James 1:25
  431. contrariwise:  Gallatians 2:6-9
  432. contrary:  Gallatians 5:17
  433. contradiction:  Hebrews 12:3
  434. constrain:  Galatians C6-S12
  435. content / contentment:  1Timothy 6:6
  436. contentious / contention / contend:  1Corinthians C11S16; Philippians 1:15-17
  437. Core:  Jude C1S11
  438. correction:  2Timothy C3S10
  439. corrupt:  1Corinthians C9S36
  440. couch:  Acts 5:15
  441. council:  Mark 13:9
  442. counsel:  John 11:53
  443. counseller:  Romans C11S38
  444. covenant:  Galatians C3-S16
  445. covenant breakers:  Romans C1S16
  446. convenient:  Philemon 1:8
  447. convert:  James 5:19-20
  448. conversation:  Galatians C1-S11
  449. convict:  John 8:9
  450. convince:  1Corinthians C14S25
  451. corn:  Luke 6:1
  452. corner:  Mark 12:10-11
  453. corner stone:  Ephesians 2:20
  454. countenance:  2Corinthians 3:7-8
  455. country:  Mark 12:1
  456. course:  Luke 1:5
  457. court:  Luke 7:25
  458. courteous:  1Peter 3:8
  459. cover:  1Corinthians 11:15
  460. covet:  Romans C13S12
  461. covetousness:  Romans C1S16
  462. crafty:  1Corinthians C3S21
  463. create:  Colossians 1:9-17
  464. creation:  Romans 1:20-21
  465. Creator:  1Peter 4:19
  466. creature:  Colossians 1:9-17
  467. creep:  2Timothy 3:6
  468. Crete:  Titus 1:5
  469. crooked:  Philippians 2:14-16
  470. cross:  Galatians C5-S12
  471. cross, take up:  Mark 10:21
  472. crow / crew:  Matthew 26:34
  473. crown:  James 1:12
  474. crucify / crucified:  1Corinthians 1:13
  475. cruel:  Hebrews 11:36
  476. crumb:  Luke 16:19-21
  477. cry:  Mark 1:3
  478. cubit:  Luke 12:25
  479. cumbered:  Luke 10:40
  480. cunning:  2Peter 1:16
  481. cup:  John 18:11
  482. cure:  Luke 7:21
  483. curse:  Galatians C1-S4
  484. custom:  Romans C13S10
  485. cut:  Luke 12:45-46
  486. cut off:  Galatians C5-S13
  487. Cyprus:  Acts 4:36
  488. Cyrene / Cyrenian:  Luke 23:26
  489. daily:  Matthew 26:55
  490. Damascus:  Galatians C1-S12
  491. damsel:  Mark 5:40
  492. dance:  Luke 7:32
  493. danger:  Matthew 5:21
  494. damn / damnation:  Romans C13S3
  495. dare:  Romans C15S15
  496. dart:  Hebrews 12:18-24
  497. dash:  Matthew 4:5
  498. daughter:  John 12:14-15
  499. darkness:  John 8:12
  500. dawn / dawning:  2Peter 1:19
  501. day:  Luke 1:5
  502. day of:  Philippians 1:6-LJC; 1Thessalonians 5:2
  503. day of the Lord:  1Thessalonians 5:2-LJC
  504. deacon:  1Timothy 3:8
  505. dead / death / die:  Romans C6S4; 2Corinthians 2:15; Philippians 1:19-20; Colossians C1S4
  506. deaf:  Mark 7:32
  507. dear:  2Corinthians 7:1
  508. dearth:  Acts 7:11
  509. death, second:  Revelation 2:11; Revelation 20:6; Revelation 20:14; Revelation 21:8
  510. debate:  Romans C1S16
  511. debt / debtor:  Romans C8S12
  512. Decapolis:  Mark 5:20
  513. decease:  Luke 9:30
  514. deceit:  Romans C1S16; Matthew 13:22
  515. deceived:  Romans C7S15; 1Corinthians C3S18
  516. deceiveth himself:  Galatians C6S3
  517. declare:  1Corinthians 1:11
  518. decree:  1Corinthians 7:37
  519. dedicate:  Hebrews 9:18
  520. dedication:  John 10:16
  521. deed:  2Corinthians 12:12
  522. deep:  Luke 5:4; Matthew 13:22
  523. defame:  1Corinthians C4S13
  524. defend:  Acts 7:24
  525. defense / defence:  Philippians 1:3-7
  526. defile:  1Corinthians 3:17; James 3:6
  527. defraud:  Mark 10:19; 1Corinthians 6:7
  528. degree:  Luke 1:52
  529. delay:  Luke 12:45-46
  530. delicately:  Luke 7:25
  531. delight:  Psalms 119:16
  532. delivered:  Mark 9:31
  533. delusion:  2Thessalonians 2:11
  534. demand:  Luke 3:14
  535. den:  Luke 19:45-46
  536. deny / denial:  2Timothy 2:11-13
  537. depart:  2Corinthians 12:8
  538. depth:  Romans C11S35
  539. deride:  Luke 16:14
  540. descend:  Mark 15:32
  541. describe:  Romans 4:6-7
  542. desert:  Mark 6:31
  543. desire:  Romans C10S1; 2Corinthians 5:2-3; Galatians 4:9; Philippians 1:23-24
  544. desolate:  1Timothy 5:5
  545. desolation:  Mark 13:14-16
  546. despair:  2Corinthians C1S6
  547. despite:  Hebrews 10:28-29
  548. despiteful:  Romans C1S16
  549. despise:  Romans C2S4
  550. destitute:  James 2:15
  551. destroy:  Romans C14S22; 1Corinthians C3S17
  552. destroyer:  1Corinthians 10:10
  553. destruction:  1Timothy 6:9
  554. determinate:  Acts 2:22-24
  555. determine:  2Corinthians 2:1
  556. device:  2Corinthians 2:10-11
  557. devise:  2Peter 1:16
  558. devil:  Please see the section called Jesus and Devils, in the Study called Significant Gospel Events, for links to every place where Jesus  dealt with devils.  Please also see the Word Study on Spirit for links to every place in the Bible where we find 'Other Spirits', which are devils.
  559. devour:  Galatians 5:15
  560. devout:  Luke 2:25
  561. different:  Romans 12:6-8
  562. diligence:  2Corinthians 8:7
  563. dine:  Luke 11:37
  564. dinner:  Luke 11:38
  565. dip:  Mark 14:20
  566. direct:  1Thessalonians 3:11
  567. disallow:  1Peter 2:4
  568. disannulleth:  Galatians C3S16
  569. discern:  1Corinthians C11S33
  570. disciple:  John 1:35-36
  571. discreet:  Titus 2:3-5
  572. disease:  John 6:2
  573. dishonesty:  2Corinthians 4:1-2
  574. dishonour:  Romans C12S8
  575. disobedient:  Romans C1S16
  576. disobedient to parents:  Romans C1S16
  577. disobedience:  Romans C6S12
  578. dissolved:  2Corinthians 5:1
  579. disperse:  2Corinthians 9:8-11
  580. displeased:  Matthew 21:15
  581. disposed / disposition:  Acts 7:53
  582. dispute:  Mark 9:33; Romans C14S1; Philippians 2:14-16
  583. dissimulation:  Romans C12S6
  584. distract:  1Corinthians 7:35
  585. distress:  Romans C8S37
  586. distressed:  2Corinthians 4:8-10
  587. dispensation:  1Corinthians C9S26
  588. distribute:  Romans C12S8
  589. ditch:  Luke 6:39
  590. divers:  Hebrews 1:1
  591. Dividing:  The definition and how we are to be rightly dividing the Word of truth.  Please also see Romans C16S20 about the word division.
  592. divide:  1Corinthians C1S7
  593. divider:  Luke 12:14
  594. division:  Romans C16S20
  595. divine:  Hebrews 9:1
  596. divorce:  Mark 10:4
  597. do it:  Luke 8:21
  598. doctor:  Luke 2:46
  599. doctrine:  1Corinthians C14S6; 2Timothy C3S10
  600. doctrine of Christ:  Lord Jesus Christ Overview
  601. dog:  Philippians 3:2
  602. dominion:  Romans C6S14
  603. door:  2Corinthians 2:12-13
  604. doting:  1Timothy 6:3
  605. doubtful:  Romans C14S1
  606. doubtless:  2Corinthians 12:1
  607. dove:  Mark 1:10-11
  608. draw / drawn:  Matthew 15:7-8
  609. draught:  Matthew 15:17
  610. dream:  Matthew 1:20
  611. dressed:  Hebrews 6:7
  612. drew:  Matthew 15:7-8
  613. drink / drank:  Mark 14:23
  614. drive:  Mark 1:12
  615. drunk / drunkenness:  Romans C13S16; Galatians C5S2
  616. due:  Matthew 18:34
  617. dull:  Matthew 13:15
  618. dumb:  1Corinthians C12S2
  619. dung:  Luke 13:8-9
  620. durst:  Romans C15S15
  621. dust:  Luke 9:5
  622. duty:  Luke 17:10
  623. dwell:  Romans C7S24
  624. dying because of the truth:  Romans C8S38
  625. ear:  1Corinthians C12S13
  626. ears to hear:  Mark 4:9
  627. early:  Matthew 20:1
  628. earnest:  Romans C8S18
  629. earth:  Philippians 2:9-11
  630. earthen:  2Corinthians 4:7
  631. earthly:  2Corinthians 5:1
  632. earthquake:  Luke 21:10-11
  633. ease:  2Corinthians 8:13-15
  634. east:  Matthew 2:1
  635. easy:  Matthew 11:30
  636. eat:  Romans C14S2; 1Corinthians C11S37; Hebrews 13:10
  637. edification:  Romans C14S25; Romans C15S2
  638. edify:  Romans C14S25; Ephesians C4S7
  639. effect:  Galatians 4:17
  640. Egypt:  Hebrews 3:16
  641. elder:  1Timothy 5:1
  642. elect:  Colossians C3S8; 1Timothy 4:10-LJC; Titus 1:1-LJC; 1Peter 1:2-LJC; (Also see predestine)
  643. element:  Galatians C4-S2
  644. eleven:  Luke 24:8-9
  645. Elias:  Matthew 11:14
  646. empty:  Luke 1:53
  647. end:  2Corinthians 11:15
  648. endeavour / endeavor:  1Thessalonians 2:17
  649. endure:  Hebrews 6:15
  650. enemy:  1Corinthians C15S19
  651. enjoin:  Philemon 1:8
  652. enjoy:  1Timothy 6:17-19
  653. enlarge:  Psalms 119:32
  654. enlightened:  Hebrews 6:4
  655. Enoch:  Hebrews 11:5
  656. enough:  Matthew 24:9
  657. entreat:  Luke 18:32-33
  658. embrace:  Hebrews 11:13
  659. ensue:  1Peter 3:10-11
  660. emulation:  Romans C11S18; Galatians C5S20
  661. engrave:  2Corinthians 3:7-8
  662. enmity:  Romans C8S6
  663. enriched:  1Corinthians C1S2
  664. entangled:  Galatians C5-S1
  665. enter:  John 10:9
  666. entice:  1Corinthians C2S4
  667. envy:  Romans C13S16; Galatians C5S20
  668. Epaphras:  Colossians C1S2
  669. Ephesus:  Ephesians 1:1
  670. epistle:  1Corinthians C5S8
  671. equal:  Colossians 4:1
  672. error:  Hebrews 9:7-10
  673. Esau:  Hebrews 11:20
  674. escape:  Matthew 23:33
  675. eschew:  1Peter 3:10-11
  676. especially / specially:  1Timothy 5:8
  677. espouse:  2Corinthians 11:2
  678. establish:  Matthew 18:16
  679. estate:  Romans C12S12
  680. esteem:  Romans C14S7
  681. eternal:  2Corinthians 4:17-18
  682. eternal life:  Life in 1John.  Please use this link to see other, less important, 'Titles for Jesus' found within the Bible along with links to where the Bible uses those titles.  This title is eternal life.
  683. Ethiopia:  Acts 8:27
  684. eunuchs:  Matthew 19:12
  685. evangelist:  Ephesians 4:11
  686. evening:  John 20:19.  Please also see Mark 4:35 about the phrase the even.  Please also see Mark 11:11 about the word eventide.
  687. everlasting:  Luke 16:9
  688. every word:  explained in Romans C13S12; used in Deuteronomy 8:3; Matthew 4:4; Matthew 18:16 and Luke 4:4
  689. evil:  Romans 7:19
  690. evildoer:  1Peter 4:15
  691. evil speaking:  Ephesians C4S15; 1Peter 2:1
  692. evil heart:  Hebrews 4:12
  693. evil workers:  Philippians 3:2
  694. evidence / evidently:  Galatians C3-S1
  695. exact:  Luke 3:13
  696. exalt:  2Corinthians 10:3-6
  697. examine:  1Corinthians C9S6
  698. example / ensample:  1Corinthians C10S3
  699. exceed:  Ephesians C2S2
  700. excel:  1Corinthians C14S13
  701. excellent:  Philippians 1:9-11
  702. excess:  Matthew 23:25
  703. except:  John 6:44
  704. exchange:  Mark 8:37
  705. exclude:  Galatians 4:17
  706. excuse:  2Corinthians 12:19
  707. execute:  John 5:27
  708. exercise:  Mark 10:42
  709. exhort:  1Corinthians C14S3
  710. expectation:  Romans C8S18
  711. expedient:  1Corinthians C6S18
  712. experience:  Romans C5S2
  713. experiment:  2Corinthians 9:13
  714. expire:  Acts 7:30
  715. express:  1Timothy 4:1
  716. expound:  Mark 4:34
  717. extort:  1Corinthians C5S8
  718. eye:  1Corinthians C12S13
  719. eyes to see:  John 12:45
  720. fable:  2Peter 1:16
  721. face:  2Corinthians 4:6
  722. fade:  James 1:10
  723. fail:  Luke 12:33
  724. fair:  Matthew 16:2
  725. faith:  Romans C3S25; 1Corinthians C1S3; 2Corinthians C1S17; Galatians C3S27; Ephesians 6:23-LJC; Philippians 1:25-26; 2Timothy C1S2
  726. faith: Abraham's:  Romans 4; James 2:21-LJC
  727. faith makes us not ashamed:  Romans C10S12
  728. faith: unfeigned:  2Timothy C1S2
  729. faithful:  Colossians 1:1; Titus 1:1
  730. faint:  2Corinthians 4:1-2
  731. fame:  1Corinthians C4S13
  732. fare:  Luke 16:19-21
  733. farewell:  Luke 9:61
  734. farm:  Matthew 22:4
  735. farthing:  Luke 12:6
  736. fashion:  Philippians 2:5-8
  737. fall:  1Timothy 3:6
  738. false:  Luke 3:14; Also see the Study called False things according to the Bible.
  739. famine:  Romans 8:35
  740. fan:  Matthew 3:12
  741. fast:  Philippians 1:27-28; Matthew 11:19
  742. fasten:  Luke 4:20
  743. fat:  Luke 15:22-24
  744. fatling:  Matthew 22:4
  745. father:  Hebrews 1:5
  746. fault:  James 5:16
  747. favor / favour:  Luke 1:28
  748. fear:  Romans C11S25; Philippians 1:12-14; Fear The Lord
  749. fear them not:  Matthew 10:26
  750. feast:  John 4:45
  751. feeble:  1Corinthians C12S20
  752. feed:  John 21:15
  753. feel / felt:  Mark 5:29
  754. feet:  Luke 1:76
  755. feign:  2Peter 2:3
  756. fellow:  Matthew 11:16-17
  757. fellowhelper:  2Corinthians 8:23
  758. fellowlabourers:  Philippians 4:3
  759. fellowship:  Ephesians C5S7; Philippians 1:3-7; Philippians 2:1
  760. female:  Mark 10:6
  761. fervent:  Romans C12S8
  762. fetters:  Luke 8:29
  763. fever:  John 4:52
  764. field:  Luke 15:15
  765. fierce:  2Timothy 3:3.
  766. fig:  James 3:13
  767. fight:  2Corinthians 7:5
  768. figure:  1Corinthians C4S6
  769. fill:  Romans C15S11
  770. filth:  1Corinthians C4S13
  771. filthiness:  2Corinthians 7:1
  772. find:  John 1:41
  773. finish:  Matthew 19:1
  774. finger:  John 8:6
  775. fire:  James 3:6
  776. first day of the week:  John 20:1
  777. firstbegotten:  Hebrews 1:5-LJC
  778. firstborn:  Colossians 1:15
  779. firstfruits:  Romans C8S21
  780. fish:  John 21:3
  781. fisher:  Matthew 4:18
  782. fit:  Luke 9:62
  783. flame:  Hebrews 1:7
  784. flatter:  1Thessalonians 2:5
  785. flax:  Matthew 12:20
  786. flee / fled:  Luke 8:34
  787. flesh:  Romans C8S1; 2Corinthians C1S7; Galatians C6S8; Philippians 1:22; Colossians C1S6
  788. flight:  Mark 13:18
  789. flock:  1Corinthians C9S11
  790. flood:  Luke 6:47-48
  791. floor:  Matthew 3:12
  792. flower:  James 1:9-10.
  793. foal:  Matthew 21:5
  794. foam:  Luke 9:39
  795. foes:  Acts 2:35
  796. follow:  1Corinthians C4S16
  797. follow after:  Romans C14S25
  798. follow me:  Mark 2:14
  799. fold:  John 10:16
  800. folly:  2Corinthians 11:1
  801. food:  2Corinthians 9:8-11
  802. fool:  2Corinthians 11:16
  803. foolish:  Titus 3:3
  804. foot:  Matthew 4:5
  805. footstool:  Hebrews 1:13
  806. for:  Romans intro
  807. forbearance:  Romans C2S4; Romans C3S20
  808. forbid:  1Timothy 4:1
  809. force:  John 6:15
  810. foreknow:  Romans C11S4
  811. foresee / foresaw:  Acts 2:25
  812. forewarn:  Luke 12:5
  813. forget:  Psalms 119:16
  814. forgive:  2Corinthians 2:7; Colossians C1S3
  815. form:  Galatians C4-S17
  816. former:  Acts 1:1
  817. fornication:  1Corinthians C5S1; Galatians C5S20; Ephesians C5S2
  818. forsake:  2Corinthians 4:8-10
  819. forthwith:  Matthew 13:5
  820. forty:  Hebrews 3:17
  821. forward:  2Corinthians 8:8
  822. foul:  Mark 9:25
  823. foundation:  1Corinthians C3S12
  824. fountain:  James 3:11
  825. fowl:  Mark 4:2
  826. fox:  Luke 9:58
  827. fragment:  John 6:12
  828. frame:  Hebrews 11:3
  829. frankincense:  Matthew 2:11
  830. fraud:  1Corinthians C6S13
  831. free:  1Corinthians C7S29
  832. friend:  John 3:29
  833. fruit:  Romans C1S5; 1Corinthians C9S10
  834. fruit of righteousness:  Philippians 1:9-11; James 3:18
  835. frustrate:  Galatians C2-S16
  836. full:  Philippians 4:18
  837. fulfill:  Romans C15S11; Galatians C5-S15
  838. fullness:  Colossians 2:9
  839. furlong:  John 6:19
  840. furnace:  Matthew 13:41-42
  841. furnished:  Mark 14:15
  842. further:  Philippians 1:25-26
  843. Gadarenes, Girgesenes, Gerasenes:  Mark 5:1
  844. gain:  Philippians 1:21
  845. gainsaying:  Romans C10S28
  846. Gaius:  2Corinthians 8:18-21
  847. Galilee:  John 1:43
  848. gall:  Matthew 27:33-34
  849. garden:  John 19:41
  850. garment:  Matthew 9:16
  851. garnish:  Luke 11:25
  852. garner:  Luke 3:15-17
  853. gate:  Luke 13:23-24
  854. gates of hell:  Matthew 16:18
  855. gather:  2Corinthians 8:13-15
  856. Gaza:  Acts 8:26
  857. gaze / gazing:  Acts 1:11
  858. gender:  Galatians 4:24
  859. generation:  Colossians C1S6
  860. Gennesaret:  Mark 6:53
  861. Gentile:  Romans C15S13; Galatians C2-S4
  862. gentleness:  Galatians C5-S21
  863. ghost (lower-case):  Mark 15:37
  864. gift:  Romans C5S9; 1Corinthians C12S4
  865. gift of God:  John 4:10
  866. gird:  Luke 12:35-36
  867. girdle:  Matthew 3:4
  868. give:  2Corinthians 5:5; Philippians 4:15
  869. given:  2Corinthians 9:8-11
  870. giver:  2Corinthians 9:7
  871. giving of thanks:  1Corinthians C14S19; Ephesians C5S2
  872. glad:  Hebrews 1:9
  873. glass:  James 1:23
  874. glister:  Luke 9:29
  875. glory:  Romans C15S14; 1Corinthians C15S36; Ephesians C1S2; 2Corinthians 10:14-LJC; Colossians C1S6
  876. glory, Jesus Christ return in:  Matthew 17:1
  877. glutton:  Luke 7:34
  878. gnashing:  Luke 13:28
  879. go away:  John 6:67
  880. go before:  Luke 1:76
  881. go ye:  1Corinthians 15:31-LJC
  882. goat:  Matthew 25:31-33
  883. God:  God in Romans; God in 1Corinthians; God in 2Corinthians; God in Galatians; God in Ephesians; God in Philippians; God in Colossians; God in 1Thessalonians; God in 2Thessalonians; God in 1Timothy; God in 2Timothy; God in Titus; God in 1Peter; God in 2Peter; God in 1John; God in 2John; God in 3John; God in Jude
  884. God in us:  Matthew 16:18
  885. God created us:  Revelation 4:11-LJC
  886. God does not change:  Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 13:8
  887. God Forbid:  Romans C3S6; Galatians C3S25
  888. God is able:  Romans C11S27
  889. God will not cast away his people:  Romans C11S1
  890. godly:  2Corinthians 11:2; 2Peter 2:9-LJC
  891. gods (lower-case):  Acts 7:40
  892. gold:  1Corinthians C3S13
  893. Golgotha:  Mark 15:27
  894. Gomorrha:  Jude 1:7
  895. good:  Romans C7S16; Romans C11S26; 2Corinthians 5:10
  896. Good Friday:  Mark 2:28-LJC
  897. goodman:  Mark 14:14
  898. goodness:  Romans C11S26
  899. goods (plural):  Matthew 12:29
  900. gorgeous:  Luke 7:25
  901. Gospel
  902. Gospel Flowchart.
  903. gospel of Christ:  Word Study on Gospel; Galatians 1:6-LJC
  904. governor:  Luke 2:2
  905. grace:  Romans C4S5; Romans C4S17; Galatians 1:1; Ephesians C1S2
  906. grace through Christ:  Galatians C5S4; Galatians C6S18
  907. graff / graft:  Romans C11S23
  908. grain:  Mark 4:31
  909. grant:  Mark 10:37
  910. grape:  Luke 6:44
  911. grass:  Matthew 6:30
  912. grave:  John 11:17
  913. Great Commission:  Please see the Appearances of Jesus Christ After the Resurrection Section within the Time Sequence of Gospel Events Study.
  914. greed:  Ephesians 4:19
  915. Grecian:  Acts 6:1
  916. Greek:  Colossians 3:9-11
  917. green:  Luke 23:31
  918. greet:  Luke 20:45-47
  919. grief:  1Peter 2:19
  920. grieve:  Romans 14:15
  921. grievous:  Philippians 3:1
  922. grind:  Luke 20:18
  923. gross:  Matthew 13:15
  924. groan:  Romans 8:26; 2Corinthians 5:2
  925. ground:  Colossians C1S6
  926. grow:  Mark 4:26-27
  927. grudge:  2Corinthians 9:7
  928. guest:  Luke 19:7
  929. guestchamber:  Mark 14:14
  930. guilt:  Romans 3:19
  931. guiltless:  Matthew 12:7
  932. guide:  John 16:13
  933. guile:  2Corinthians 12:16
  934. gush:  Acts 1:18
  935. habitation:  Luke 16:9
  936. hale:  Luke 12:58
  937. halt:  Mark 9:45-46
  938. hair:  Luke 7:37-38
  939. hall:  Luke 22:55
  940. hand:  1Corinthians C12S12; Colossians C2S7
  941. hand of God:  1Peter 5:6-7
  942. handle:  1John 1:1-3
  943. handmaid:  Luke 1:38
  944. hanged:  Galatians C3-S15
  945. happy:  1Peter 3:14
  946. hard:  John 6:60
  947. harden:  Hebrews 3:13
  948. harlot:  1Corinthians 6:15
  949. harm:  1Peter 3:13
  950. harmless:  Philippians 2:14-16
  951. harvest:  John 4:35
  952. haste / hastily:  John 11:31
  953. hate:  John 15:18
  954. hatred:  Galatians C5S20
  955. have ye not read:  Luke 6:3
  956. havock:  Acts 8:3
  957. hay:  1Corinthians C3S13
  958. head:  Colossians C1S4
  959. heal:  1Corinthians C12S29
  960. heap:  James 5:3
  961. hear:  1Corinthians C12S14; Galatians C3-S7
  962. heart:  Romans C10S6; 2Corinthians C2S4; Colossians C2S1
  963. hearken:  James 2:5
  964. heat:  Matthew 20:11-12
  965. heathen:  Galatians C1-S12
  966. Heaven:  Philippians 2:9-11
  967. Heaven, things in:  1Peter 1:2-LJC
  968. heaviness:  Romans C9S1
  969. heavy:  Mark 14:33-34
  970. Hebrew:  John 5:2
  971. hedge:  Mark 12:1
  972. heed:  1Timothy 4:16
  973. heir:  Romans C8S16
  974. hell:  James 3:6
  975. help:  1Corinthians C12S24; Also see holpen
  976. hem:  Matthew 9:20-21
  977. hen:  Matthew 23:37
  978. hence:  Matthew 17:20
  979. henceforth:  2Corinthians 5:14-15
  980. herb:  Romans C14S2
  981. herd:  Matthew 8:30
  982. heresies:  Galatians C5S20
  983. heretic:  Titus C3S7
  984. heritage:  1Peter 5:3
  985. Herod:  Matthew 2:1
  986. Herodians:  Mark 3:6
  987. hewn:  Luke 3:9
  988. high priest:  Mark 14:63
  989. highest:  Luke 1:32
  990. highminded:  Romans 11:20; 1Timothy 6:17; 2Timothy 3:4.
  991. highway:  Mark 10:46
  992. hill country:  Luke 1:65
  993. hinder:  Romans C15S17
  994. hired:  Mark 1:20
  995. hither:  Matthew 8:29
  996. hold:  Colossians 2:18-19
  997. holden:  Luke 24:15
  998. hole:  Luke 9:58
  999. holpen:  Luke 1:54-55
  1000. holy:  Romans C7S16; 1Corinthians C3S17; Philippians 1:3-7; Colossians C1S6
  1001. holy city:  Matthew 4:5
  1002. Holy Ghost:  Please see the Word Study on the Holy Ghost for links to every place in the Bible where we find the phrase Holy Ghost.
  1003. Holy One:  1John 2:20
  1004. Holy Spirit, indwelling:  John 7:39
  1005. home:  Mark 5:19
  1006. honest:  Romans C12S15
  1007. honey:  Luke 24:42
  1008. honeycomb:  Luke 24:42
  1009. honour:  Romans C12S8
  1010. hope:  Romans C4S18; 1Corinthians C13S10; Philippians 1:19-20
  1011. horn:  Luke 1:67-75
  1012. Hosanna:  John 12:12
  1013. hospitality:  Romans C12S8
  1014. host:  Luke 10:35
  1015. hour:  John 2:4
  1016. house:  2Corinthians 5:1
  1017. house of David:  Luke 1:26-27
  1018. house of God:  1Peter 4:17
  1019. house of Jacob:  Luke 1:32-33
  1020. household / householder:  Matthew 10:25
  1021. Howbeit:  Matthew 17:21
  1022. humble:  Philippians 2:5-8
  1023. humility:  Colossians 2S10
  1024. husband / husbandman / husbandry:  1Corinthians 3:9
  1025. hunger:  Romans C12S18
  1026. hundredfold:  Matthew 19:29
  1027. hurt:  Mark 16:17-18
  1028. hymn:  Mark 14:26
  1029. hypocrisy / hypocrite:  1Timothy 4:1
  1030. hyssop:  John 19:29
  1031. I am (said by God):  John 8:58
  1032. I say:  Romans C11S1
  1033. I Paul:  Colossians C1S6
  1034. idle:  Luke 24:11
  1035. idol:  1Corinthians C8S1
  1036. idolater:  1Corinthians C5S8
  1037. idolatry:  Galatians C5S20
  1038. if:  Romans intro
  1039. ignorant:  1Corinthians C14S42; 2Corinthians 2:10-11
  1040. ill:  Romans C13S13
  1041. immediate:  Mark 1:42
  1042. immortality:  Romans C2S5
  1043. image:  2Corinthians 4:3-4
  1044. imagine:  Acts 4:25
  1045. imagination:  Luke 1:51
  1046. impart:  Luke 3:11
  1047. implacable:  Romans C1S16
  1048. impotent:  John 5:3
  1049. impossible:  Mark 10:27
  1050. imprisonment:  2Corinthians 6:3
  1051. impute:  Romans C4S8
  1052. imputeth righteousness:  Romans C4S7
  1053. in Christ
  1054. in the flesh:  Romans C8S7
  1055. incense:  Luke 1:10
  1056. increase:  Colossians 2S10
  1057. incontinent:  1Corinthians 7:5; 2Timothy 3:3.
  1058. incorruptible:  Romans 1:22-23
  1059. indeed:  Luke 3:11
  1060. indignation:  Mark 14:4
  1061. inferior:  2Corinthians 12:13
  1062. infirmity:  Romans C8S24
  1063. inherit:  Luke 10:25
  1064. inheritance:  Galatians C3-S20
  1065. iniquity:  James 6:6
  1066. ink:  2Corinthians 3:3
  1067. inn:  Luke 10:33-34
  1068. innocent:  Matthew 27:4
  1069. innumerable:  Luke 12:1
  1070. inquire:  2Corinthians 8:23
  1071. inspiration:  2Timothy 3:16-17
  1072. instantly:  Luke 2:38
  1073. instruct:  Philippians 4:12
  1074. instrument:  Romans C6S13
  1075. insurrection:  Mark 15:7
  1076. intend:  Luke 14:28
  1077. intent:  1Corinthians C10S3
  1078. intercession:  Romans C8S25
  1079. interpret:  1Corinthians C12S8
  1080. intreat:  1Corinthians C4S13
  1081. invisible:  1Timothy 1:17
  1082. inventors of evil thing:  Romans C1S16
  1083. inward:  2Corinthians 7:15
  1084. Isaac:  Galatians C4-S25
  1085. Israel:  Luke 1:16
  1086. issue:  Mark 5:25-27
  1087. it is written:  Luke 6:3-4; the Study called Prove; Ephesians C1S3; Romans C3S15
  1088. Jacob:  Hebrews 11:9
  1089. James the son of Alphaeus:  Matthew 10:1
  1090. James the Lord's brother:  Mark 1:19
  1091. James the son of Zebedee:  Mark 1:19
  1092. jealousy:  Romans C11S16
  1093. jeopardy:  Luke 8:23
  1094. Jericho:  Mark 10:46
  1095. Jerusalem:  Galatians C1-S12
  1096. Jesus:  Verses in the New Testament.  Summary on the name / role.
  1097. Jesus Christ:  Verses in the New Testament.  Summary on the name / role.
  1098. Jesus Christ is Lord:  Revelation 1:1-LJC
  1099. Jesus is Christ and Messiah:  Luke 22:70
  1100. Jesus is greater than religion:  John 5:1-LJC
  1101. Jesus is our light:  John 1:9; John 8:12; John 11:9-LJC
  1102. Jewry / Judaea / Judea / Judah:  John 7:3
  1103. Joanna:  Luke 8:3
  1104. John 3:16:  John 3:16-LJC
  1105. John the Baptist
  1106. join:  1Corinthians C6S26
  1107. joints:  Colossians 2S10
  1108. Jonah / Jonas:  Luke 11:29
  1109. Jordan:  Mark 3:7-8
  1110. journey:  Titus 2:13
  1111. joy:  John 1:4 lists 16 attributes of joyJohn 15:11; Romans C14S23; 1John C1S2
  1112. Judas Iscariot:  John 12:4
  1113. judge:  Romans 8:1-LJC; 1Corinthians 1:10; Revelation 19:1-LJC
  1114. Judge of all the earth:  Matthew 32-33
  1115. judge, we are to:  1Corinthians 4:5; Ephesians C5S6
  1116. judged by works:  Romans 8:1-LJC; Galatians C5-S6; Revelation 19:2-LJC
  1117. judgment:  Romans C2S2; Philippians 1:9-11; Psalms 119
  1118. judgment seat:  2Corinthians 5:10
  1119. judgment seat of Christ:  Romans 14:10; 2Corinthians 5:10
  1120. judgment without mercy:  Romans 14:8-LJC; 2Thessalonians 1:9-LJC
  1121. jurisdiction:  Luke 23:7
  1122. just:  Romans C7S16; Galatians 2:16-LJC; 2Peter 2:9-LJC
  1123. just shall live by faith:  Ephesians C1S2
  1124. just shall live by his faith:  Romans C11S6
  1125. justification by faith:  Romans C3S29
  1126. justify:  Romans 3:20
  1127. keep:  1Timothy 5:22
  1128. keep his commandments:  1John 5:2
  1129. keeper:  Matthew 28:3-4
  1130. key:  Matthew 16:19
  1131. kid:  Luke 15:29-30
  1132. kill:  Romans C13S12
  1133. kindle:  Luke 12:49
  1134. kindly:  Romans C12S8
  1135. kindness:  Colossians C3S8
  1136. kindred:  Luke 1:61
  1137. kinds of laws that apply to us today:  Romans C3S31; 1Corinthians 9:21-LJC
  1138. King:  Verses in the New Testament.  Summary on the name / role.
  1139. kings of the earth:  Revelation 10:11-LJC
  1140. King of kings:  Revelation 14:14-LJC
  1141. King of the Jews:  John 18:33-LJC
  1142. kingdom of God:  1Corinthians C4S20; 1Corinthians C15S46; Galatians C5S20; Doctrinal Study
  1143. kingdom of Christ:  Ephesians 5:5; 2Timohy 4:1; 2Peter 1:11
  1144. kingdom of God rejected by lifestyle sins:  1Corinthians C6S16
  1145. kingdom of Heaven:  Matthew 3:2
  1146. kinsman / kinsmen:  Romans C16S6
  1147. kiss:  Romans C16S18
  1148. knee:  Philippians 2:9-11
  1149. kneeling:  Mark 1:40
  1150. knit:  Colossians C2S1
  1151. knock:  Luke 11:11
  1152. know:  Romans C10S25; 1Corinthians C1S11; 2Corinthians C1S5; Galatians C3-S9; Colossians C1S3; know in 1John
  1153. Know ye not:  Romans 6:3
  1154. knowledge:  2Peter 1:2-LJC; 2Peter 2:20-LJC; Philippians 1:9-11
  1155. labour:  1Corinthians C3S9; 1Corinthians C4S13
  1156. labourer:  Luke 10:2
  1157. lade:  Luke 11:46
  1158. laden:  Matthew 11:28
  1159. lack:  2Corinthians 8:13-15
  1160. lake:  Luke 5:1
  1161. lake of fire:  Romans 1:3-LJC
  1162. laid hands:  Matthew 18:28
  1163. Lamb:  Verses in the New Testament.  Summary on the name / role; Revelation 5:6 -LJC for other applications.
  1164. land:  Mark 10:30
  1165. language:  Acts 2:6
  1166. lame:  Luke 7:22
  1167. lament:  John 16:20
  1168. lamp:  Matthew 25:1
  1169. Laodicea:  Colossians C2S1
  1170. lasciviousness:  Galatians C5S20
  1171. laugh:  Mark 5:40
  1172. laughter:  James 4:9
  1173. launch:  Luke 5:4
  1174. law defined:  1Corinthians C6S1; Galatians C2-S10; Psalms 119
  1175. law of works:  Romans C3S27
  1176. law and faith:  Romans C3S25
  1177. law and love:  Romans 13:8
  1178. law and the prophets:  John 1:45
  1179. lawyer:  Luke 14:3
  1180. lay hold:  1Timothy 6:17-19
  1181. lay up:  1Timothy 6:17-19
  1182. lead (verb):  Mark 13:11
  1183. leaders:  Matthew 15:14
  1184. leaf / leaves:  Mark 13:28-29
  1185. leap:  Luke 1:41-42
  1186. learn:  1Corinthians 14:31
  1187. least:  Luke 7:28
  1188. leave:  Acts 2:27
  1189. leaven:  1Corinthians C5S5
  1190. Lebbaeus / Jude the son of Alphaeus:  Mark 1:19
  1191. legion:  Mark 5:9
  1192. letter:  Romans C7S6
  1193. lend:  Luke 6:34
  1194. leper / Leprosy:  Mark 1:40
  1195. let him hearMark 4:9
  1196. Levite:  Luke 10:32
  1197. liar:  Galatians C1-S15
  1198. liberty:  1Corinthians 8:9
  1199. liberal:  2Corinthians 9:12-14
  1200. lick:  Luke 16:19-21
  1201. life:  2Corinthians 2:15; Philippians 1:19-20; Life in 1John
  1202. life everlasting:  Hebrews 1:8-LJC
  1203. lift:  Matthew 12:11
  1204. light:  Romans C13S15; 2Corinthians 4:3-4; Ephesians C5S6
  1205. light and darkness:  Light and Darkness in 1John; Romans C13S15; Hebrews 12:18-24
  1206. light of the world:  John 9:5
  1207. lightning:  Luke 17:24
  1208. likeminded:  Romans 15:5-6
  1209. likeness:  Philippians 2:5-8
  1210. liken:  Matthew 7:24-25
  1211. likewise:  Mark 4:16-17
  1212. lily:  Luke 12:27
  1213. linen:  Luke 16:19-21
  1214. lips:  Mark 7:7
  1215. list:  Matthew 17:12
  1216. live:  Romans C14S11; Galatians C2-S14; Philippians 1:21
  1217. live / walk by faith:  Romans C9S28
  1218. lo:  Luke 18:28
  1219. loaves:  Mark 6:38
  1220. locusts:  Matthew 3:4
  1221. lodge:  Mark 4:32
  1222. loins:  Mark 1:6-7
  1223. longsuffering:  Romans 9:22
  1224. look:  Philippians 2:4
  1225. loose:  Mark 11:4
  1226. Lord:  Verses in the New Testament.  Summary on the name / role.
  1227. Lord Christ:  Verses in the New Testament.  Summary on the name / role.
  1228. Lord Jesus:  Verses in the New Testament.  Summary on the name / role.
  1229. Lord Jesus Christ:  Verses in the New Testament.  Summary on the name / role.
  1230. Lord of all:  Romans 10:12
  1231. Lord of Lords:  Revelation 14:14-LJC
  1232. LORD looketh on the heart:  Galatians C6S6
  1233. Lord's Supper:  Matthew 26:26-30; Mark 14:22-46; Luke 22:17-20 and 1Corinthians 11:23-34.  Also see 1Corinthians 11:25 about the word sup.
  1234. Lord and call:  Romans 10:13
  1235. lordship:  Luke 22:25
  1236. lose:  John 12:25
  1237. lost:  John 6:12
  1238. Lot:  Luke 17:28-29
  1239. lots:  Acts 1:26
  1240. lowliness:  Philippians 2:3
  1241. lowly:  Matthew 11:29
  1242. love:  Romans 8:39-LJC; Galatians C5-S14; Philippians 1:9-11; love in 1John; 2John 1:3-LJC
  1243. love of God:  John 5:42
  1244. love one another:  1John C3S26
  1245. love thy neighbour:  Matthew 19:18-19
  1246. Luke:  2Timothy 4:11
  1247. lucre:  1Peter 5:1-3
  1248. lunatick:  Matthew 4:24
  1249. lust:  Romans 13:14; Galatians C5-S18
  1250. Macedonia
  1251. mad:  John 10:20
  1252. magistrate:  Titus 3:1
  1253. magnified:  Philippians 1:19-20
  1254. maid:  Mark 14:66-67
  1255. maiden:  Luke 8:51
  1256. maimed:  Mark 9:43-44
  1257. maintain:  Titus 3:14
  1258. Majesty:  Hebrews 1:3
  1259. male:  Mark 10:6
  1260. malefactor:  John 18:30
  1261. malice:  1Corinthians C5S7; Colossians C3S6
  1262. maliciousness:  Romans C1S16
  1263. malignity:  Romans C1S16
  1264. mammon:  Luke 16:9
  1265. manifest:  Romans C3S20; Romans C16S33; 1John-Manifest
  1266. manifold:  Luke 18:30
  1267. manger:  Luke 2:7
  1268. manna:  John 6:31
  1269. manner:  (singular) 1Peter C1S4
  1270. manners:  (plural) 1Corinthians C15S30
  1271. mansion:  John 14:5-LJC
  1272. Mark:  2Timothy 4:11
  1273. market:  Mark 7:4
  1274. marketplace:  Luke 7:32
  1275. marriage / wedding:  Mark 10:11; Revelation 19:7-LJC
  1276. marry:  Mark 10:11
  1277. marrow:  Hebrews 4:12
  1278. marvel:  Galatians C1-S3
  1279. master:  1Peter 2:18
  1280. Matthew:  Matthew 9:9
  1281. mean (singular) / meant:  Luke 15:26
  1282. means (plural):  Luke 5:18
  1283. measure:  John 3:34
  1284. meal:  Luke 13:21
  1285. meats:  1Corinthians 6:13; Hebrews 13:8; Hebrews 13:9
  1286. mediator:  Galatians C3S22
  1287. meditate:  1Timothy 4:15
  1288. meek:  Galatians C6S1
  1289. meet:  Romans 1:27
  1290. Melchizedek / Melchisedec:  Hebrews 7:1; Hebrews 7:22-LJC
  1291. melody:  Ephesians 5:19
  1292. member:  Romans C12S4; 1Corinthians C12S9
  1293. memorial:  Mark 14:9
  1294. mention:  1Thessalonians 1:2
  1295. merchandise:  Matthew 22:5-6
  1296. merchant:  Matthew 13:45-46.
  1297. mercy:  Romans C12S1; Colossians C3S8
  1298. merry:  Luke 12:19
  1299. message:  1John 1:5
  1300. messenger:  Philippians 2:25
  1301. Messiah / Messias:  John 1:41; Matthew 26:62-LJC
  1302. mete:  Mark 4:24
  1303. Michael:  Jude 1:7
  1304. midst:  John 20:19
  1305. midnight:  Matthew 25:6
  1306. might:  2Corinthians 10:3-6
  1307. milk:  1Corinthians C3S2
  1308. millstone:  Luke 17:2
  1309. mind:  Romans C11-S37; Romans C12-S2; 2Corinthians C1S9
  1310. mind Jesus:  Philippians 2:5-8
  1311. mind of Christ:  1Corinthians 2:16
  1312. mingle:  Matthew 27:33-34
  1313. minister:  Romans C13S6; 1Corinthians C3S5; 2Corinthians 3:3
  1314. ministration:  Luke 1:23
  1315. minstrel:  Matthew 9:23-24
  1316. ministry:  Proverbs 9 Study; Ephesians C4S7
  1317. mint:  Luke 11:42
  1318. miracles:  1Corinthians C12S28; Matthew 14:16-LJC; Luke 4:41-LJC; Miracles in GospelsMiracles in NT; miracles in OT
  1319. miserable / miserably:  Matthew 21:41
  1320. misery:  Romans 3:13
  1321. mite:  Luke 21:2
  1322. mock:  Jude 1:18
  1323. mocker:  Jude 1:18
  1324. money:  Mark 6:7-9; John 6:7
  1325. moon:  Mark 13:24-25
  1326. moon, new:  Colossians C2S9
  1327. morning:  John 21:4
  1328. morrow:  Mark 11:12-13
  1329. mortal:  1Corinthians C15S48
  1330. Mosaic Law added:  Galatians C3S22
  1331. Moses:  Hebrews 3:1
  1332. mote:  Luke 6:42
  1333. moth:  Luke 12:33
  1334. mother:  Mark 1:30
  1335. Mount of Olives / Mount of Olivet:  John 8:1
  1336. Mount of Transfiguration:  Matthew 17:1-LJC
  1337. mountain:  John 6:3
  1338. mourn:  1Corinthians C5S2; 2Corinthians 7:6-7
  1339. mouth:  Luke 1:64
  1340. multiply:  2Corinthians 9:8-11
  1341. multitude:  John 6:2
  1342. murder:  John 8:44; Romans C1S16; Galatians C5S20
  1343. murmur:  1Corinthians C10S7
  1344. muse:  Luke 3:15-17
  1345. music / musick:  Luke 15:25
  1346. must needs:  Romans C13S8
  1347. mustard:  Mark 4:31
  1348. muzzle:  1Timothy 5:18
  1349. mutual:  Romans 1:11-12
  1350. myrrh:  Mark 15:23
  1351. mystery:  Romans C11S29
  1352. nail:  John 20:25
  1353. nakedness:  Romans C8S37
  1354. name:  1Corinthians C1S1; Philippians 2:9-11
  1355. name, the:  1Corinthians C1S4
  1356. name of Christ:  1Peter 4:14-LJC
  1357. name of the Lord:  Luke 13:35
  1358. Nathanael:  1John 1:45
  1359. nation:  Romans 1:5
  1360. napkin:  Luke 19:20-21
  1361. narrow:  Matthew 7:13-14
  1362. nature:  1Corinthians C11S14; Galatians C4-S5
  1363. natural:  Romans 11:20-21
  1364. naughtiness:  James 1:21
  1365. nay:  2Corinthians 1:17
  1366. Nazareth:  Luke 1:26-27
  1367. necessary:  1Corinthians 12:22
  1368. neck:  Luke 17:2
  1369. need:  Philippians 4:19
  1370. needle:  Mark 10:25
  1371. neglect:  Colossians 2S12
  1372. neighbour:  Mark 12:31; Romans 15:2
  1373. nephew:  1Timothy 5:4
  1374. nest:  Luke 9:58
  1375. net:  John 21:6
  1376. Nevertheless:  1Corinthians 11:11; Philippians 1:23-24
  1377. new creatures:  1Corinthians 10:9-LJC
  1378. New Testament replaces only the religious part of the Mosaic Law:  Hebrews 10:28-29
  1379. Nicodemus:  John 3:1
  1380. night:  John 11:10
  1381. no corruption:  John 19:39
  1382. no difference in people:  Romans C10S13
  1383. no respecter of persons:  Acts 10:34; Romans 2:11; Ephesians 6:9; Colossians 3:25 and James 2:1.  Also explained in the notes for Romans 14:10-LJC; Romans C7S3 and Romans C10S13
  1384. Noah:  Hebrews 11:7
  1385. noble:  1Corinthians 1:26
  1386. noise:  Luke 1:65
  1387. none effect:  Matthew 8:10
  1388. notable:  Matthew 27:16
  1389. notwithstanding:  Philippians 1:18
  1390. nought:  Romans C14S15
  1391. nourishment:  Colossians 2:18-19
  1392. now:  Romans intro
  1393. number:  Matthew 10:30
  1394. nurse:  1Thessalonians 2:7
  1395. oath:  Mark 6:26
  1396. obedience:  Romans C6S12; 2Corinthians C2S9
  1397. obey:  Philippians 2:12
  1398. obeying unrighteousness:  Romans C2S5
  1399. observe:  1Timothy 5:21
  1400. obtained:  Romans C11S33
  1401. occasion:  2Corinthians 5:12
  1402. occupy:  Luke 19:13
  1403. odour:  Philippians 4:18
  1404. offence:  Romans C14S27
  1405. offend:  John 6:61
  1406. offer:  1Corinthians C8S7
  1407. office:  Luke 1:8-9
  1408. officer:  John 7:32
  1409. oftentimes:  Luke 8:29
  1410. oil:  Luke 10:33-34
  1411. ointment:  John 11:2
  1412. olive / olive tree:  Romans C11S28
  1413. open / openly:  John 18:20
  1414. operate:  1Corinthians C12S6
  1415. oppose:  2Thessalonians 2:4
  1416. opportunity:  Galatians C6S10
  1417. oppress:  James 2:6
  1418. oracle:  Hebrews 5:12
  1419. ordain / ordinance:  Romans C7S14; Romans C13S3; 1Corinthians C7S20
  1420. order:  Colossians C2-S3
  1421. Onesimus:  Philemon 1:10
  1422. outside:  Luke 11:39
  1423. outer darkness
  1424. outward:  2Corinthians 10:7
  1425. overcharge:  Luke 21:34
  1426. overcome:  2Peter 2:19
  1427. overshadow:  Luke 9:34
  1428. overtaken:  Galatians 6:1
  1429. overthrown / overthrew:  1Corinthians C10S2
  1430. oven:  Luke 12:28
  1431. owe:  Romans C13S11
  1432. own:  Acts 1:7
  1433. ox:  Luke 13:15
  1434. paid / pay:  Matthew 5:26
  1435. pain:  Acts 2:24
  1436. palace:  Mark 14:54
  1437. palsy:  Mark 2:3
  1438. paps:  Luke 23:29
  1439. parable:  Mark 3:23; Table of Parables in the New Testament
  1440. paradise:  2Corinthians 12:3-4
  1441. parent:  Colossians 3:20
  1442. partake:  Romans C15S22
  1443. partakers:  Ephesians C5S5
  1444. partiality:  James 3:17
  1445. partner:  2Corinthians 8:23
  1446. path:  Hebrews 12:12-13
  1447. patience:  Romans C5S2; Colossians C1S3
  1448. patient:  Romans C12S8
  1449. patriarch:  Acts 2:29
  1450. passion:  Acts 1:3
  1451. passed away:  2Corinthians 5:17
  1452. passover:  John 2:13; the separation of three passovers  within the Gospels - John 11:55
  1453. pastor:  Ephesians 4:11
  1454. pasture:  John 10:9
  1455. pattern:  Titus 2:7-8
  1456. Paul:  1Corinthians 1:12
  1457. peace:  Romans C12S16; Galatians C1-S1; Jude 1:1
  1458. peace of God:  Philippians 4:7; Colossians 3:15
  1459. peace with God:  Romans 10:15; Hebrews 12:14-LJC
  1460. pearl:  Matthew 7:6
  1461. peculiar:  1Peter 2:9
  1462. pence:  Luke 10:35
  1463. penny:  John 6:7
  1464. Pentecost:  Acts 2:1
  1465. perceive:  John 4:19
  1466. perdition:  Philippians 1:27-28
  1467. perfect:  1Corinthians C2S5; 2Timothy C3S10
  1468. perfect love:  1John 4:12
  1469. perform:  Romans C15S23
  1470. peril:  Romans C8S37
  1471. perish:  2Corinthians 2:15-16; 2Corinthians 4:16
  1472. perplex:  2Corinthians 4:8-10
  1473. persecute:  Romans C8S37; Galatians C1-S11
  1474. persecution:  Romans C8S37
  1475. perseverance:  Ephesians 6:18
  1476. person:  Mark 12:14
  1477. persuade:  Romans C8S40
  1478. pertain:  Romans 4:1
  1479. perverse:  Philippians 2:14-16
  1480. pervert:  Galatians C1-S3
  1481. pestilence:  Luke 21:10-11
  1482. Peter:  Galatians C2-S6
  1483. petition:  1John 5:15
  1484. Pharisee:  John 3:1
  1485. Pharaoh:  Romans 9:17
  1486. Philip:  John 6:5
  1487. Philippi:  Philippians 4:15
  1488. philosophy:  Colossians 2S5
  1489. phylacteries:  Matthew 23:5-7
  1490. physician:  Mark 2:17
  1491. pierce:  1Timothy 6:10
  1492. pigeon:  Luke 2:22-24
  1493. Pilate:  John 18:29
  1494. pilgrim:  Hebrews 11:13
  1495. pinnacle:  Luke 4:9
  1496. piped:  Luke 7:32
  1497. pit:  Luke 14:4-5
  1498. pitcher:  Mark 14:13
  1499. pity / pitiful:  1Peter 3:8
  1500. plague:  Mark 3:10
  1501. plain:  2Corinthians 3:12-14
  1502. plant:  Matthew 15:13
  1503. planted:  Luke 13:6
  1504. platter:  Luke 11:39
  1505. please:  2Timothy 2:4; Galatians 1:10-LJC
  1506. pleasure:  Luke 8:14
  1507. plenty:  Luke 12:16-17
  1508. plough / plow:  Luke 9:62
  1509. pluck:  Mark 5:2-4
  1510. poison:  Romans 3:13
  1511. pool:  John 5:2
  1512. poor:  Mark 12:42
  1513. porch:  Matthew 26:71
  1514. porter:  John 10:3
  1515. portion:  Luke 12:42
  1516. possible:  Mark 10:27
  1517. possess:  Mark 1:32
  1518. possession:  Acts 2:44-45
  1519. poverty:  2Corinthians 8:1
  1520. potter:  Matthew 27:7
  1521. pound:  Luke 19:13
  1522. pour:  Matthew 26:12
  1523. powder:  Matthew 21:44
  1524. power:  Romans C13S2
  1525. power of God:  John 5:41
  1526. praise:  1Corinthians C11S2
  1527. praise the Lord:  Romans C15S9
  1528. prating:  3John 1:10
  1529. pray:  Romans C15S25; 2Corinthians C1S6; Pray - Links to papers on prayer.
  1530. preach:  Romans C16S33; 1Corinthians C15S1; Galatians C1-S4; 2Timothy 4:1-LJC.
  1531. preacher:  Romans 10:14.
  1532. precept:  Psalms 119
  1533. precious:  1Peter 1:7
  1534. precious stones:  1Corinthians C3S13
  1535. predestine:  1Timothy 4:10-LJC; (Also see elect).
  1536. preeminence:  Colossians C1S4
  1537. prefer:  Romans C12S8
  1538. prepare / preparation:  John 19:31
  1539. presence:  Philippians 2:12
  1540. present:  2Corinthians 4:13-14
  1541. preserved:  Jude 1:1
  1542. press:  Mark 5:30
  1543. presume:  2Peter 2:10
  1544. pretense / pretence:  Philippians 1:18
  1545. prevail:  John 12:19
  1546. prevent:  1Thessalonians 4:15-LJC
  1547. price:  1Corinthians C7S30
  1548. prick:  Acts 2:37
  1549. pride:  Mark 7:21-23
  1550. priest:  Hebrews 4:14
  1551. prince:  1Corinthians C2S5
  1552. principles:  Hebrews 6:1
  1553. principalities:  Romans C8S40; Ephesians C6S8
  1554. print:  John 20:25
  1555. prison:  Matthew 4:12
  1556. prisoner:  Philemon 1:1
  1557. privately:  Mark 13:3-4
  1558. privy:  Acts 5:1
  1559. proceed:  John 15:26-7
  1560. proclaim:  Luke 12:3
  1561. profane:  1Timothy 1:8-11
  1562. profess:  2Corinthians 9:12-14
  1563. profit:  1Corinthians C13S3; 2Timothy C3S10
  1564. promise:  Romans C4S15; Galatians C3-S15; 1Timothy 4:8; Titus 1:2
  1565. proper:  Hebrews 11:23
  1566. prophecy / prophesy:  Romans C12S5; 1Corinthians C11S4; 1Thessalonians 5:20
  1567. Prophecies Fulfilled in the Gospels; Prophecies Fulfilled in the Epistles
  1568. prophet:  Luke 1:76; Romans C16S33; Romans C12S5; Jude; false prophets are covered in the Study called False things according to the Bible
  1569. propitiation:  Romans C3S20; 1John C2S2
  1570. proselyte:  Matthew 23:15
  1571. prosper:  1Corinthians 16:2
  1572. protest:  1Corinthians C15S27
  1573. proud:  Romans C1S16
  1574. Prove:  It provides the Biblical method to prove  something.  This method eliminate input from men and is different from persuasion,  which most people think proves  their beliefs.  Please also see 2Corinthians 2:9 about where the word proof  is used in the Bible.
  1575. proverb:  Luke 4:23
  1576. provide:  Romans C12S15
  1577. provoke:  1Corinthians C13S4
  1578. prudence:  Ephesians 1:8
  1579. prudent:  Luke 10:21
  1580. publican:  Mark 2:15
  1581. publish:  Mark 1:45
  1582. puffed:  Colossians C2S10
  1583. punish:  2Corinthians 2:6
  1584. punishment:  Matthew 25:46
  1585. purchase:  Ephesians 1:14
  1586. pure:  Romans C14S27
  1587. purify / purification:  Luke 2:22-24
  1588. purge:  1Corinthians 5:7
  1589. purse:  Mark 6:7-9
  1590. purple:  John 19:2
  1591. purpose:  Matthew 26:8
  1592. put away:  Matthew 19:3
  1593. put off:  Ephesians 4:22; Colossians C3S7
  1594. put on:  Romans 13:12; Romans 13:14; 1Corinthians 15:53-54; Ephesians 4:24; Ephesians 6:11; Colossians 3:10-14; Colossians 3:12; Galatians 3:27
  1595. put on Christ:  Galatians 3:27
  1596. quake:  Matthew 27:51-53
  1597. quarter:  Mark 1:45
  1598. quarrel:  Mark 6:19-20
  1599. queen:  Matthew 12:42
  1600. quench:  1Thessalonians C5-S18
  1601. question:  Mark 1:27
  1602. quicken:  Romans C8S11; Ephesians C2S1; Colossians C2S8; 1Peter 3:18-LJC
  1603. quickly:  Matthew 5:25
  1604. quiet:  1Timothy 2:1-2
  1605. Rabbi:  John 1:38
  1606. rage:  Acts 4:25
  1607. raging:  Luke 8:24
  1608. rail:  1Corinthians C5S9
  1609. raiment:  Luke 9:29
  1610. rain:  Matthew 5:44-45
  1611. raise:  1Corinthians C15S32; John 6:39
  1612. Rama / Ramah:  Matthew 2:17
  1613. rank:  Mark 6:40
  1614. ransom:  Mark 10:45
  1615. rather:  Luke 12:31
  1616. raven:  Luke 12:24
  1617. ravening:  Luke 11:39
  1618. reach:  John 20:27
  1619. read:  1Timothy 4:13
  1620. reap:  Matthew 6:26
  1621. rear:  John 2:20
  1622. reason:  2Corinthians 3:10
  1623. rebuke:  Titus 2:15
  1624. receipt:  Matthew 9:9
  1625. receive:  Romans C14S1; 1Corinthians C15S1; Colossians C2-S4.  In addition, please see the note for Matthew 10:41, which explains that in order to truly receive  a person, we must receive  their character as our own.
  1626. reckon:  Romans C8S17
  1627. recon:  Romans C8S17
  1628. reconcile:  Romans C5S7
  1629. recompence / recompense:  Romans C11S14
  1630. record:  2Corinthians 1:23; Philippians 1:8
  1631. recover:  2Timothy 2:26
  1632. red:  Matthew 16:2
  1633. Red Sea:  Hebrews 11:29
  1634. redeem:  Colossians 4:5; Romans C8S21; Ephesians 5:15-16
  1635. reed:  Luke 7:24
  1636. reform:  Hebrews 9:7-10
  1637. refrain:  1Peter 3:10
  1638. refresh:  Philemon 1:7
  1639. refuse:  1Timothy 4:7
  1640. regard:  Romans C14S9; Philippians 2:29-30
  1641. regeneration:  Titus 3:4-7
  1642. region:  2Corinthians 10:14-16
  1643. reign:  Romans C6S12
  1644. reject:  John 12:48
  1645. rejoice:  Romans C12S8; Galatians C4-S24; Philippians 4:4-LJC
  1646. release:  John 18:39
  1647. relieve:  1Timothy 5:9-10
  1648. religious / religion:  James 1:26
  1649. religious part of Mosaic Law:  Hebrews 19:29-LJC
  1650. remain:  Hebrews 4:6-7
  1651. remember / remembrance:  1Corinthians C11S28
  1652. remission:  Hebrews 9:22
  1653. remnant:  Romans C11S9
  1654. remove:  Mark 11:23
  1655. rend / rent:  Matthew 26:65
  1656. render:  Romans C13S10
  1657. renew:  Colossians 3:9-11
  1658. repay:  Luke 10:35
  1659. repentance:  Romans C11S32
  1660. report:  Hebrews 11:2
  1661. reproach:  1Timothy 3:7
  1662. reprobate:  2Timothy C3S4
  1663. reproof:  2Timothy C3S10
  1664. reprove:  Ephesians C5S7
  1665. reputation:  Philippians 2:5-8
  1666. require:  Luke 11:49-51
  1667. requite:  1Timothy 5:4
  1668. resemble:  Luke 13:18
  1669. reserve:  1Peter 1:4
  1670. resist:  Romans C9S18
  1671. restitution:  Acts 3:19-21
  1672. restore:  Galatians 6:1
  1673. resolved:  Luke 16:4
  1674. resort:  John 10:41
  1675. respect:  Philippians 4:11
  1676. rest:  2Corinthians 2:12-13
  1677. resurrection:  1Peter C1S2
  1678. resurrection of Christ:  Romans C8S11
  1679. resurrection of Jesus:  Romans C8S11
  1680. retain:  John 20:22-23
  1681. return:  Acts 1:12
  1682. reveal:  Galatians C1-S10
  1683. revelation:  Romans C16S33; 2Corinthians 12:1
  1684. revellings:  Galatians C5S20
  1685. revenge:  2Corinthians 10:3-6
  1686. revenger:  Romans C13S7
  1687. reverence:  Hebrews 12:9
  1688. revile:  1Corinthians C4S13
  1689. revive:  Romans C14S13
  1690. reward:  1Corinthians C9S26
  1691. riches:  Romans C11S35; Colossians C1S6
  1692. right hand of God:  Mark 16:19
  1693. righteous / righteousness:  Romans C1S10; Galatians C2-S16
  1694. righteousness of the Law:  Ephesians 4:7-LJC
  1695. rightly:  Luke 7:43
  1696. ring:  Luke 15:22-24
  1697. rioting:  Romans C13S16
  1698. rise:  Colossians C2-S7
  1699. risen Jesus is Lord:  John 20:2-LJC
  1700. rob / robbery:  Philippians 2:5-8
  1701. robe:  John 19:2
  1702. rock:  Luke 6:47-48; Please also see the Minor Titles of the Son of God Section, of the Significant Gospel Events Study, for links to other titles and their related Bible references.
  1703. Rock is Christ:  John 1:42-LJC
  1704. rod:  2Corinthians 11:25
  1705. roof:  Mark 2:4
  1706. room:  Mark 12:38-40
  1707. root:  Romans C11S22; Romans C14S27; 1Timothy 6:10
  1708. rough:  Luke 3:5-6
  1709. rudiments:  Colossians 2S5
  1710. ruin:  Luke 6:49
  1711. rule:  2Corinthians 10:14-16
  1712. ruler:  John 7:26
  1713. rumor / rumour:  Mark 13:7
  1714. run:  1Peter 4:4
  1715. rush:  Acts 2:2
  1716. rust:  Matthew 6:19-21
  1717. sabbath:  Matthew 12:8-LJC; Colossians 2:16-17
  1718. sacrifice:  1Corinthians C10S16
  1719. sacrilege:  Romans C2S11
  1720. sackcloth:  Luke 10:13
  1721. sad:  Mark 10:22
  1722. Sadducees:  Luke 20:27-28
  1723. safe:  Philippians 3:1
  1724. sail:  Luke 8:23
  1725. saint:  Matthew 27:51-53; Romans C16S1; 2Corinthians C1S1; Colossians C1S1
  1726. sake:  Romans C15S25; 1Corinthians C9S16; 2Corinthians 2:10-11
  1727. sake, for His:  Philippians 1:29-30
  1728. salt:  Mark 9:49; Colossians 4:6
  1729. salute / salutation:  Philippians 4:21
  1730. salvation:  Philippians 1:19-20
  1731. salvation through sanctification:  2Thessalonians 2:13-LJC; Hebrews 12:2-LJC
  1732. Samaria:  John 4:4
  1733. Samaritan:  Matthew 10:5-6
  1734. sanctified:  Jude 1:1; Please see the Book Study on 2Timothy and then use the browser FIND function to find the usage of the word sanctified
  1735. sanctuary:  Hebrews 8:2
  1736. sand:  Matthew 7:26-27
  1737. SANHEDRIN:  Acts 5:21
  1738. Sarah:  Hebrews 11:11
  1739. Satan:  2Corinthians 2:10-11
  1740. save your soul:  James 1:21
  1741. Saviour:  Verses in the New Testament.  Summary on the name / role.
  1742. savor / savour:  2Corinthians 2:14
  1743. sayings (plural):  Matthew 26:1
  1744. scapegoat:  Luke 20:15
  1745. scarcely:  1Peter 4:18
  1746. scarlet:  Matthew 27:32
  1747. scatter:  John 16:32
  1748. sceptre:  Hebrews 1:8
  1749. schoolmaster:  Romans 14:6-LJC; Galatians C3S28; Ephesians C6S5
  1750. scorch:  Mark 4:5-6
  1751. scorn:  2Peter 3:1
  1752. scourge:  Hebrews 12:5-6
  1753. scribe:  1Corinthians 1:20
  1754. scrip:  Mark 6:7-9
  1755. scripture:  Romans C16S33; Galatians C3-S10; 2Timothy C3S10
  1756. sea:  John 6:16-17
  1757. sea of Tiberias:  John 21:1
  1758. season:  Mark 12:2
  1759. seal:  1Corinthians C9S5
  1760. search:  Romans C11S36
  1761. seat:  Mark 12:38-40
  1762. secret:  Romans C16S33
  1763. secure:  Matthew 28:14
  1764. seditions:  Galatians C5S20
  1765. seduce:  1Timothy 4:1
  1766. see / sight:  1Corinthians C13S9; 2Corinthians 2:17; Colossians C1S6
  1767. see the Son:  John 6:40-LJC
  1768. seed:  Galatians C3-S17
  1769. seek:  1Corinthians C10S24; The S and P's of 2Timothy 1
  1770. seize:  Matthew 21:38
  1771. sell:  Mark 10:21
  1772. senate:  Acts 5:21
  1773. sensual:  Jude 1:19 and James 3:15
  1774. separate:  Romans 1:1
  1775. sepulchre:  John 19:41
  1776. serpent:  2Corinthians 11:3
  1777. servant:  Romans C14S4; 1Corinthians C7S27; Ephesians C6S4
  1778. servant and lord / master:  John 15:20
  1779. serve:  Romans C16S21; 2Timothy C1-S2
  1780. service:  Philippians 2:17
  1781. settle:  Colossians C1S6
  1782. seven:  Matthew 15:34
  1783. seventy:  Luke 10:1
  1784. sever:  Matthew 13:49-50
  1785. shadow:  Colossians 2S9
  1786. shake:  Luke 6:47-48
  1787. shame:  1Corinthians 6:5
  1788. shear:  Acts 8:32
  1789. shed:  Mark 14:24
  1790. shed abroad:  Romans C5S2
  1791. sheep:  John 5:2
  1792. shepherd:  1Peter 2:25
  1793. shew:  Colossians 2S8
  1794. shewbread:  Matthew 12:4
  1795. shine:  Matthew 5:16
  1796. ship:  John 6:16-17
  1797. shoe:  Luke 3:16
  1798. shore:  Matthew 13:2
  1799. shoulder:  Matthew 23:4
  1800. short:  Romans 3:23
  1801. shorten:  Mark 13:20
  1802. shun:  2Timothy 2:16
  1803. shut:  Matthew 25:10
  1804. sick:  Acts 5:15
  1805. sickly:  1Corinthians C11S34
  1806. sickle:  Mark 4:29
  1807. Sidon / Zidon:  Luke 10:13
  1808. sift:  Luke 22:31
  1809. sign:  2Corinthians 12:12
  1810. signify:  Hebrews 9:7-10
  1811. silence:  Matthew 22:34
  1812. silly:  2Timothy 3:6.
  1813. silver:  1Corinthians C3S13
  1814. Simeon:  Luke 2:25
  1815. similitude:  Romans 5:14
  1816. Simon:  2Peter 1:1
  1817. simple:  Romans C16S21
  1818. sin:  Romans C7S26; especially Sin in 1John
  1819. sin unto death:  We find this exact phrase in 1John 5:16; Romans 6:16.  We see this doctrine dealt with in: Acts 5; Romans 5; 1Corinthians 8:11-LJC; Galatians C3-S26 and James 1:15.
  1820. Sinai:  Galatians C4-S21
  1821. sincerity:  1Corinthians C5S7; 2Corinthians 2:17
  1822. sing / sang / sung:  Matthew 26:30
  1823. single:  Matthew 6:22
  1824. sink:  Luke 5:7
  1825. sinners:  Matthew 9:10
  1826. Sion / Zion:  John 12:14-15
  1827. sir:  Matthew 21:30
  1828. sister:  Romans C16S1
  1829. skill / unskilful:  Hebrews 5:13
  1830. skull:  Matthew 27:33-34
  1831. sky:  Luke 12:56
  1832. slack:  2Peter 3:9
  1833. slain:  Luke 9:22
  1834. slay:  Luke 11:49-51
  1835. slander:  Romans C3S11
  1836. slaughter:  Acts 8:32
  1837. sleep:  Mark 4:26-27
  1838. sleep is physically dead but spiritually alive:  1Corinthians C11S34
  1839. slew:  Matthew 2:16
  1840. slothful:  Romans C12S8
  1841. slow:  Luke 24:25-26
  1842. slumber:  Matthew 25:5
  1843. smell:  1Corinthians C12S15
  1844. smite:  John 18:23
  1845. smoke:  Matthew 12:20
  1846. smooth:  Luke 3:5-6
  1847. snare:  1Timothy 3:7
  1848. soberly:  Romans C12S3
  1849. Sodom:  Jude 1:7
  1850. soft:  Matthew 11:8
  1851. sojourn:  Hebrews 11:9
  1852. sold:  Acts 2:44-45
  1853. soldier:  Luke 3:14
  1854. solitary:  Mark 1:35
  1855. Solomon:  Acts 3:11
  1856. Son:  Verses in the New Testament.  Summary on the name / role.
  1857. Son, beloved:  John 8:18
  1858. Son of David:  Verses in the New Testament.
  1859. Son of God:  Verses in the New Testament.  Summary on the name / role.
  1860. Son of man (upper-case=Son of God):  Verses in the New Testament.  Summary on the name / role.
  1861. son of man (lower-case = man):  Hebrews 2:5
  1862. sons of God:  Romans 8:14-LJC; Galatians C4S3; 1Timothy 1:2-LJC
  1863. sop:  John 13:26
  1864. sorcery:  Acts 8:9
  1865. sore:  Mark 14:33-34
  1866. sorrow:  Philippians 2:27
  1867. sorry:  Mark 6:26
  1868. sort:  1Corinthians C3S13
  1869. soul:  Romans C13S1; Psalms 119:20
  1870. sound:  1Corinthians C13S1
  1871. Sovereign:  The S and P's of 2Timothy 1
  1872. sower:  2Corinthians 9:8-11
  1873. sowing and reaping:  2Corinthians 9:6; Galatians C6S7; Colossians C3S17
  1874. spare:  Romans C11S25
  1875. sparrow:  Luke 12:6
  1876. speak:  Romans C15S15; 2Corinthians 2:17
  1877. speech:  2Corinthians 3:12-14
  1878. speed / speedily:  Luke 18:8
  1879. spend / spent:  2Corinthians 12:15
  1880. spices:  Luke 23:56
  1881. spies / spy:  Luke 20:20
  1882. Spirit:  Word Study on SpiritRomans C8S1; Galatians C6S8; Hebrews 8:10-LJC
  1883. spirit of the Lord:  links to every usage in the Bible
  1884. spirit of slumber:  Romans C11S13
  1885. spiritual:  Galatians 6:1 in Word Study on Spirit
  1886. spiritual powers:  Romans C8S40; Ephesians C6S8
  1887. spiritual verses physical:  1Peter C1S11
  1888. spin:  Luke 12:27
  1889. spit:  Mark 8:23
  1890. spite:  Luke 18:32-33
  1891. spoil:  Colossians 2:8
  1892. spot:  James 1:27
  1893. sprang:  Luke 8:7
  1894. spread:  Matthew 9:31
  1895. spring:  Mark 4:26-27
  1896. sprinkle:  Hebrews 9:13-14
  1897. sprung:  Luke 8:6
  1898. stable / unstable:  James 1:8.
  1899. stablish:  Romans 16:25; 1Thessalonians 3:13; 2Thessalonians 2:17; 2Thessalonians 3:3; James 5:8-LJC
  1900. staff:  Mark 6:7-9
  1901. stagger:  Romans C4S19
  1902. stanched:  Luke 8:44
  1903. stand:  Romans C14S5; 1Corinthians C15S1
  1904. stand fast:  Galatians C5S1
  1905. star:  Matthew 2:2
  1906. state:  Philippians 2:19
  1907. stature:  Luke 2:52
  1908. statute:  Psalms 119
  1909. stave:  Mark 14:43
  1910. stead:  2Corinthians 5:20
  1911. steal:  Romans 13:9
  1912. stealth:  Romans C13S12
  1913. stedfast:  1Corinthians C15S54
  1914. steep:  Matthew 8:32
  1915. Stephen:  Acts 6:5
  1916. Stephanas:  1Corinthians 16:15
  1917. steward:  1Corinthians C4S1
  1918. step:  2Corinthians 12:18
  1919. stiffnecked / stiff necked:  Acts 7:51
  1920. stir:  2Peter 1:13
  1921. stock:  Philippians 3:5
  1922. stone:  1Peter 2:4-5
  1923. stopped:  Romans 3:19
  1924. stoop:  Luke 24:12
  1925. storm:  Luke 8:23
  1926. straight / straightway:  Mark 1:18
  1927. strait:  Philippians 1:23-24
  1928. straiten:  2Corinthians 6:12
  1929. strange:  1Peter 4:4
  1930. strangers:  1Timothy 5:9-10; 1Peter 1:1-LJC
  1931. strawed:  Matthew 25:24-25
  1932. stream:  Luke 6:47-48
  1933. street:  Luke 10:10-11
  1934. stretch:  2Corinthians 10:14-16
  1935. strength:  2Corinthians C1S6
  1936. stricken:  Luke 1:7
  1937. strife:  Romans C13S16; Galatians C5S20
  1938. strike / struck:  John 18:22
  1939. strip:  Luke 10:30
  1940. stripe:  2Corinthians 6:3
  1941. strive:  Romans C15S25
  1942. strong:  2Corinthians 10:3-6
  1943. stubble:  1Corinthians C3S13
  1944. study:  2Timothy 2:15
  1945. stuff:  Luke 17:31
  1946. stumble:  Romans C9S32; 1John C2S11
  1947. stumblingblock:  1Corinthians C1S20
  1948. subdue:  1Corinthians 15:28
  1949. subject:  Romans 13:1
  1950. subjection:  Hebrews 2:5; Romans C4S13
  1951. submit:  Romans 13:1; Colossians 3:18
  1952. suborn:  Acts 6:11
  1953. substance:  Hebrews 11:1
  1954. subtilty / subtilly:  2Corinthians 11:3
  1955. subvert:  2Timothy 2:14
  1956. succour:  Romans C16S1
  1957. suck:  Luke 21:23
  1958. suckling:  Matthew 21:16
  1959. sudden / suddenly:  Acts 2:2
  1960. suffer:  Romans C8S17; 1Corinthians C4S13
  1961. suffering of Jesus Christ:  Mark 8:31-LJC
  1962. sufficient:  2Corinthians 2:6
  1963. summer:  Luke 21:29-30
  1964. sumptuous:  Luke 16:19-21
  1965. sun:  Matthew 5:45
  1966. superscription:  Matthew 22:20
  1967. superfluous:  2Corinthians 9:1
  1968. supplication:  Ephesians 6:18; Philippians 4:6
  1969. supper:  John 12:2
  1970. surety:  Hebrews 7:20-22
  1971. surmisings:  1Timothy 6:3
  1972. surname:  Acts 1:23
  1973. sustenance:  Acts 7:11
  1974. symbols of the Lord's Supper in Passover:  Luke 22:7
  1975. supply:  Philippians 1:19-20
  1976. suppose:  Luke 24:37
  1977. swaddling:  Luke 2:7
  1978. swallow:  2Corinthians 5:4
  1979. swear / sware:  James 5:12
  1980. sweat:  Luke 22:44
  1981. swell:  2Corinthians 12:20-21
  1982. sweep / swept:  Luke 11:25
  1983. sweet:  Philippians 4:18
  1984. swine:  Mark 5:11
  1985. sword:  Romans C8S37
  1986. sworn:  Acts 2:30
  1987. sycomore:  Luke 19:4
  1988. synagogue:  John 6:59
  1989. Syria:  Galatians 1:21-23
  1990. tabernacle:  2Corinthians 5:1
  1991. table:  Luke 1:63
  1992. tale:  Luke 24:11
  1993. talent:  Matthew 18:24
  1994. talk:  Matthew 22:15
  1995. tame:  Mark 5:4
  1996. tarry:  1Corinthians 11:33
  1997. tares:  Matthew 13:25
  1998. taste:  Colossians C2S11
  1999. tax:  Luke 2:2
  2000. teach:  1Corinthians C12S27
  2001. teacher:  John 3:2
  2002. tears:  Luke 9:39
  2003. teareth / tear / torn:  Luke 9:39
  2004. tears:  2Corinthians C2S4
  2005. teeth:  Luke 13:28
  2006. tell / told:  Matthew 18:31
  2007. tender:  Mark 13:28-29
  2008. tenth:  Hebrews 7:5-6
  2009. temperate / temperance:  1Corinthians C9S35
  2010. tempest:  Matthew 8:24
  2011. temple:  1Corinthians 3:16
  2012. temple of God:  2Corinthians 6:16
  2013. temple of the Lord:  2Corinthians 6:16
  2014. temporal:  2Corinthians 4:18
  2015. tempt:  1Corinthians C10S6
  2016. tempt God:  Luke 4:12
  2017. tempter:  1Thessalonians 3:5
  2018. temptation:  Galatians C4-S11
  2019. Ten Commandments
  2020. terrify:  2Corinthians 10:8-9
  2021. terror:  2Corinthians 5:11
  2022. testament:  1Corinthians C11S29
  2023. testament, new / new covenant:  Hebrews 9:15
  2024. testify:  Galatians 5:3
  2025. testimony / testimonies:  Psalms 119; Testimony of God
  2026. testimonies of the LORD:  Matthew 19:21
  2027. tetrarch:  Luke 3:1
  2028. thank:  1Corinthians C14S19; Ephesians C5S2
  2029. the Christ:  Matthew 26:63
  2030. theft:  Matthew 15:19-20
  2031. thenceforth:  Matthew 5:13
  2032. therefore:  Romans intro
  2033. Thessalonica:  Philippians 4:16
  2034. thief:  1Peter 4:15
  2035. things due to GodRomans C11S40
  2036. think:  Philippians 3:4-6
  2037. thirst:  Romans C12S18; 1Corinthians C4S13
  2038. thistles and thorns:  Matthew 7:16
  2039. Thomas:  John 11:16
  2040. thorn:  John 19:2
  2041. thorn in the flesh:  2Corinthians 12:7
  2042. thought:  2Corinthians 10:3-6
  2043. threat:  1Peter 2:21-24
  2044. throat:  Romans 3:13
  2045. throng:  Mark 3:9
  2046. throne:  Colossians C1S3
  2047. thrown down:  Luke 21:5-6
  2048. thrust:  Luke 4:28-29
  2049. thunder:  John 12:29
  2050. tidings:  Luke 1:19
  2051. Tiberias, sea of:  John 21:1
  2052. Timothy / Timotheus:  Romans C16S27; Philippians 2:19
  2053. tithe:  Hebrews 7:5-6
  2054. tittle:  Luke 16:17
  2055. Titus:  Galatians C2-S1
  2056. today:  Hebrews 3:13
  2057. toil:  Mark 6:8
  2058. tolerable:  Mark 6:11
  2059. token:  Mark 14:44
  2060. tomb:  Mark 5:2-4
  2061. tongue:  1Corinthians C12S8; 1Corinthians 14:2; Philippians 2:9-11.  Also see   language  in Acts 2:6.
  2062. tooth:  Matthew 5:38
  2063. touch:  Colossians C2-S11
  2064. torment:  Luke 8:28
  2065. toss:  Matthew 14:24
  2066. tower:  Luke 14:28
  2067. town:  Mark 8:23
  2068. trade / trading:  Luke 19:15
  2069. tradition:  Galatians C1-S11
  2070. trample:  Matthew 7:6
  2071. transfigured:  Matthew 17:1
  2072. transgress:  1John 3:4
  2073. translate:  Colossians C1S3
  2074. traitor:  2Timothy 3:3.
  2075. travail:  Galatians C4-S17
  2076. travel:  Matthew 25:14
  2077. treasure:  2Corinthians 4:7
  2078. treasure in Heaven:  Hebrews 12:2-LJC; Laying up Treasure in Heaven
  2079. treasury:  John 8:20
  2080. tremble:  Mark 5:33
  2081. tree:  Mark 11:13
  2082. trench:  Luke 19:43-44
  2083. trespass:  Colossians 2S8
  2084. trial:  2Corinthians 8:1
  2085. tribe:  Matthew 24:29
  2086. tribute:  Romans C13S9
  2087. tribulation:  Romans C5S2; Romans C8S37
  2088. trimmed:  Matthew 25:7
  2089. triumph:  Colossians 2S8
  2090. trod:  Hebrews 10:28-29
  2091. trouble:  Galatians C5-S10
  2092. trumpet:  1Corinthians C14S8
  2093. trust:  Romans C15S18; Philippians 3:4-6
  2094. trieth / try:  1Thessalonians 2:4
  2095. truth:  Word Study on Truth; 2John 1:3-LJC
  2096. tumult:  2Corinthians 6:3
  2097. turtledoves:  Luke 2:22-24
  2098. twelve:  Luke 2:42
  2099. twelve disciples / apostles:  John 6:67
  2100. Tychicus:  2Timothy 4:12
  2101. Tyre:  Mark 7:24
  2102. unbelief:  Romans C3S4; Romans C3S5; Hebrews 3:7-12
  2103. unblamable:  Colossians C1S6
  2104. uncircumcised:  Acts 7:51
  2105. uncircumcision:  Romans C4S13; gospel of the uncircumcision
  2106. unclean:  Hebrews 9:13-14
  2107. unclean spirits:  Word Study on Spirit; Romans C14S20; Colossians C3S5
  2108. uncleanness:  Galatians C5S20; Colossians C3S5
  2109. uncorruptible:  Romans 1:22-23
  2110. undefiled:  Psalms 119
  2111. understand:  1Corinthians C14S2
  2112. understood:  Matthew 13:32
  2113. ungodly:  Romans 4:5; 2Peter 2:9-LJC
  2114. unjust:  2Peter 2:9-LJC
  2115. unlearned:  1Corinthians C14S25
  2116. unleavened:  Matthew 26:17
  2117. unprofitable:  Matthew 25:30
  2118. unrighteousness:  Romans C3S7; Romans C1S16
  2119. unruly:  James 3:8
  2120. unsearchable:  Romans C11S36
  2121. unwise:  Romans 1:14
  2122. upbraid:  Mark 16:14
  2123. uppermost:  Matthew 23:6
  2124. uproar:  Mark 14:2
  2125. urge:  Luke 11:53-54
  2126. usury:  Luke 19:22-23
  2127. utter:  Matthew 13:34-35.
  2128. utterance:  1Corinthians 1:4-8
  2129. uttermost:  Matthew 5:26
  2130. vail:  2Corinthians 2:17
  2131. vain:  1Corinthians C15S1; Galatians C2-S16
  2132. value:  Luke 12:7
  2133. vanish:  Luke 24:31
  2134. vapour:  Acts 2:19
  2135. variance:  Galatians C5S20
  2136. vehement:  Luke 6:47-48
  2137. veil of the Temple:  Mark 15:38
  2138. vengeance / revenge:  Romans C12S17
  2139. verily:  Matthew 16:28
  2140. vessel:  2Corinthians 4:7
  2141. vesture:  Matthew 27:35
  2142. vex:  Matthew 15:22
  2143. vigilant:  1Timothy 3:2; 1Peter 5:8
  2144. village:  Mark 6:6
  2145. victuals:  Luke 9:12
  2146. victory:  Matthew 12:20
  2147. vile:  Philippians 3:20-21
  2148. vine / vineyard:  1Corinthians C9S10
  2149. violence:  Acts 5:26
  2150. violent:  Mark 5:13
  2151. viper:  Luke 3:7
  2152. virgin:  2Corinthians 11:2
  2153. vinegar:  John 19:29
  2154. virtue:  Philippians 4:8
  2155. visible:  Colossians C1S3
  2156. vision:  Luke 1:22
  2157. visit:  Luke 1:67
  2158. voice:  1Corinthians C14S11
  2159. voice from heaven:  Luke 3:21-22
  2160. void:  Romans 3:31
  2161. volume:  Hebrews 10:7
  2162. voluntary:  Colossians 2S10
  2163. wag:  Matthew 27:39
  2164. wages:  Luke 3:14
  2165. wail:Mark 5:38
  2166. wait:  Acts 1:1
  2167. waiting:  Luke 2:25
  2168. walk:  Romans C8S1; Ephesians C4S1
  2169. wallow:  Mark 9:20
  2170. wander:  1Timothy 5:13
  2171. want:  2Corinthians 8:14
  2172. wanton:  Romans C13S16
  2173. warm:  Mark 14:54
  2174. warn:  Colossians C1S6
  2175. warfare / war:  2Corinthians 10:3-6
  2176. wars:  James 4:1
  2177. washing:  Titus 3:4-7
  2178. waste:  Mark 14:4
  2179. water:  Luke 3:16
  2180. waters: living:  John 4:10
  2181. waters: rivers of living water:  John 7:38
  2182. watch:  Colossians C4S2
  2183. wave:  Jude 1:12-13
  2184. waxed:  Luke 2:40
  2185. way:  John 14:6; 1Corinthians C4S17; Psalms 119
  2186. way of the Lord:  Mark 1:3.
  2187. way side:  Matthew 13:4.
  2188. weak:  Romans C14S2; 1Corinthians C4S12
  2189. weapon:  2Corinthians 10:3-6
  2190. wear:  Luke 9:12
  2191. weary / wearied:  John 4:6
  2192. weather:  Matthew 16:2
  2193. weep:  John 20:11-12
  2194. weights - measurements:  John 6:7
  2195. weighty:  2Corinthians 10:10
  2196. well pleased:  1Corinthians C10S2
  2197. west:  Matthew 8:11
  2198. whale:  Matthew 12:39-40
  2199. What is man:  Romans C9S19
  2200. What then?:  Romans C11S12
  2201. what we have in Christ:  Ephesians 1:3-LJC
  2202. wheat:  Luke 16:7
  2203. whence:  Luke 13:25-26
  2204. wherefore:  Romans intro
  2205. whereupon:  Hebrews 9:18
  2206. whether:  Matthew 9:5
  2207. whisperers:  Romans C1S16
  2208. whit:  2Corinthians 11:5
  2209. white:  Matthew 5:36
  2210. Whither:  John 13:36
  2211. whole:  Mark 10:52
  2212. wholesome:  1Timothy 6:3
  2213. whoremonger / whoremaster:  Ephesians 5:5
  2214. wicked:  Romans C1S16; Colossians 1:9-17; 1Corinthians 5:8; Ephesians 6:12
  2215. wicked heart:  Ephesians C4S8
  2216. wide:  Matthew 7:13-14
  2217. widow:  Mark 12:38-40
  2218. wife / wives:  Colossians C3S13
  2219. wild:  Matthew 3:4
  2220. wilderness:  John 3:14
  2221. will:  Philippians 1:15-17
  2222. will of God:  1Peter 2:15
  2223. wilt:  Matthew 15:28
  2224. wind:  Luke 7:24
  2225. window:  2Corinthians 11:33
  2226. wine:  Mark 15:23
  2227. winebibber:  Luke 7:34
  2228. winepress:  Matthew 21:33-34
  2229. wing:  Matthew 23:37
  2230. winter:  Mark 13:18
  2231. wiped:  Luke 7:37-38
  2232. wisdom:  1Corinthians C1S12
  2233. wise:  Romans C16S23; 1Corinthians C1S12
  2234. wist / wit:  Luke 2:49
  2235. witchcraft:  Galatians C5S20
  2236. withal:  1Timothy 5:13
  2237. withdraw / withdrew:  Galatians C2-S7
  2238. withered:  Mark 3:1
  2239. withhold:  2Thessalonians 2:6
  2240. without cause:  John 15:25
  2241. witness:  Hebrews 11:4
  2242. witnesses, two or three:  John 8:17; 2Corinthians 13:1; Colossians C3S13
  2243. witnesses given by Jesus to show that He is God:  John 5:1
  2244. wolf / wolves:  Luke 10:3
  2245. woman:  Galatians C4-S2
  2246. womb:  Luke 1:15
  2247. wonder:  2Corinthians 12:12
  2248. wonderful:  Matthew 7:22
  2249. wont:  Luke 22:39
  2250. wood:  1Corinthians C3S13
  2251. wool:  Hebrews 9:19
  2252. Word (capitalized):  John 1:1
  2253. word:  Colossians 2S2
  2254. word counts
  2255. word of God:  Romans C10S22; Word in 1John
  2256. word of the Lord:  1Thessalonians 1:8
  2257. worm:  Mark 9:44
  2258. worse:  Luke 11:26
  2259. Worship
  2260. workman:  Matthew 10:9-10
  2261. works:  Romans C9S8; 1Corinthians C3S13; 2Corinthians 4:8-12; Galatians C2-S10; Philippians 1:1
  2262. works are seen of men:  Romans C11S10
  2263. workers:  2Corinthians 6:1
  2264. world:  Romans C16S33; 1Timothy 1:15; 2Timothy C1S5; 1Corinthians C1S19; World in 1John
  2265. worth / worthily:  1Corinthians C11S31
  2266. worthy:  Acts 5:41
  2267. woe:  Mark 13:17
  2268. wot:  Romans C11S5
  2269. wound:  1Corinthians 8:12
  2270. wrap:  Luke 2:7
  2271. wrath:  Romans C4S16; Galatians C5S20; Ephesians 4:26-27; Colossians C3S6.
  2272. wrest:  Ephesians C6S8
  2273. write:  Romans C15S13; 2Corinthians 1:13-14; Galatians C3-S12; John 20:31-LJC
  2274. written:  Romans 4:23-25
  2275. wrong:  Colossians 3:25; 1Corinthians 6:7
  2276. wroth:  Matthew 2:16
  2277. wrought:  2Corinthians 5:5
  2278. yea:  Philippians 2:17; Luke 24:22-23
  2279. year:  Luke 1:7
  2280. yield:  Romans C6S18
  2281. yoke:  Galatians C5-S1.
  2282. yonder:  Matthew 17:20
  2283. young:  Luke 15:11-12
  2284. younger:  Romans 9:10-12
  2285. youth:  Mark 10:20
  2286. Zabulon / Zebulun:  Matthew 4:12-16
  2287. Zebedee:  Mark 1:20
  2288. zeal:  Romans C10S2

Contact:  Webmaster@LJC1611KJV.com.  Member of Bible Baptist Church in La Carlota, Philippines.  Copyright 2009 Lord Jesus Christ in the 1611KJV.  All rights reserved. Revised: 04/21/23.