Interpretive Study of Hebrews - Summary
Epistle theme: How God the father Deals with His sons
God's Way to Study His Word:
In 2Timothy 2:15 we read: Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth
. The true definition of the word dividing
is: 'a Mathematical function whereby we separate pre-defined units according to a precise procedure which produces a precise result'. However, while most people understand that 'there is one interpretation but many applications of The word of God
', they fail to separate the procedures of each. And, as a result, they fail to separate the 'one interpretation of The word of God
' from the 'many applications of The word of God
'. This leads to many errors which people blame on the perfect word of God
instead of their using the wrong procedure.
The result, of men using the wrong way, is that men claim that there are errors and conflicts in God's word. In Isaiah 28; God tells us how to understand His word. In addition, God preserved the message of His word; He preserves every word of His sentences; and God preserves every punctuation mark (jot and title
) of His sentences. Therefore, God preserved what He wanted us to understand and God told us how to understand His word so that we have no errors and no conflicts. Unfortunately, for at least one hundred and fifty (150) yeare, men have been taught to use the wrong way to interpret God's word instead of using God's way.
In Isaiah 55:9 we are told For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts
. Thus, God warns us that our ways are wrong and that using God's way
produces better results, which have no errors and no conflicts.
In addition, 1Corinthians 2:14 tells us: But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned
. Therefore, we can not properly understand the spiritual word of God
using man's way. We must use God's way to understand God's preserved word of God
. And, the basics of God's way is to understand His preserved word of God
using the sentence format and true Biblical definitions for Bible words.
This Study follows the Biblical Way to understand God's Word. It applies precepts
('truths that never change for any circumstance'). It then goes through the epistle sentence-upon-sentence (line upon line
[Isaiah 28 ]). This is different from the ways of men which use verse-upon-verse or some other method which generates errors. God's sentence-upon-sentence method also pays attention to what 'The word of God' tells us that God preserved, which are the true Biblical meanings of words and the Biblical usage of punctuation. (These two are the components of sentences and do not give us verses.) the 'The word of God' tells us that God preserved punctuation (one jot or one tittle
) in Matthew 5:18 and Luke 16:17. And 'The word of God' tells us that God preserved every word
when he wrote: Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God
(Deuteronomy 8:3; Matthew 4:4 and Luke 4:4).
The summary of the epistle comes from the summary of each chapter and each chapter summary within that book. Every chapter summary comes from the summary of each sentence within that chapter. And, the sentence summaries come from analysis using the punctuation and true word definitions, as already explained. As a result, we have what God literally had written and see that there are no conflicts even when we consider the smallest part of a sentence compared to the entire Bible book. God is consistent from the start of a Bible book to the end and is consistent in His doctrines and word definitions across the entire Bible. What we have is an integrated whole (single) message, with no errors and no conflicts. This particular book Study is part of a detailed analysis of the entire New Testament which shows this truth.
Other than cults, all claims of errors and conflicts are based upon the New Testament. This Study is part of a series which interprets the preserved word of God
using God's way and proving that there are no errors, nor any conflicts, if we obey God and use His way to interpret His word. And, this series concentrates on the New Testament, since that is the basis of these lies about the perfect word of God
I have read, or at least skimmed, every book which has been written in the last hundred and fifty (150) years and which claims to teach people how to study and understand The word of God
. In every case, they use a method which comes from man and do not use God's way (Isaiah 55:8) to study and understand The word of God
. And, while there are variations from one man-written method to another man-written method, every one of them ends up with problems. The end result of those problems is that people blame God's perfect word for their own problems and either turn to a man-written 'bible' or skip verses. (By skipping the interpretation of certain verses, they can hide the conflict which their method has produced.)
Now, many people find that the Detail Studies to be overwhelming because they have everything required to prove that there are NO errors in The perfect word of God
. This summary level is easier to understand for most people. At the same time, if someone has an argument with what is presented here, the matching Detail Study provides all of the proof required in order to show that what is here matches exactly what God wrote in His word. Again, this is not a matter of my opinion versus their opinion. I have over thirty (30) years’ experience as a professional Systems Analyst with an international reputation for accuracy in how to prove things. And, this series of books are the result of using recognized methods of analysis to prove what God actually wrote. This series does not present a religious opinion. Therefore, a religious opinion, which was arrived at from using wrong methods, is not superior to a true analysis of what God wrote.
People have looked for over twenty (20) years and failed to find any other work that covers everything this series cover. In addition, no one has found any other work which covers the level of detail found in the Detail Studies. Further, the Detail Studies literally have several million Bible references to support the interpretation provided and to show that The perfect word of God
is consistent all across it for word definitions and doctrines. Again, no one has found any other work which has this quantity of Bible references supporting what is presented. I do not write this to brag but to inform the reader the depth of study which supports what is presented in this series.
Let any who disagree show their method and the results of their method and try to explain how their method, which produces errors, is greater that God's way
which produces no errors and no conflicts.
Overview of Hebrews
Epistle theme: How God the father Deals with His sons
The Son of God
is used to provide better things in the New Testament. In the New Testament, we are made The sons of God
. Therefore, we should serve God more than people did in the Old Testament.
Click on the following links to jump to a chapter within this study: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10; 11; 12; 13; God.
Other people have written all kinds of commentaries on this epistle. You can find many disagreements between these commentaries. The commentaries that teach doctrinal error ignore the context as they try to justify their doctrine. Such action is motivated by devils and the resulting doctrinal error can bring the judgment of God upon His people instead of the blessings that God wants to give. 1John 4:1 tells us Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world
. The commentaries which do base their comments upon what is actually written, with consideration of context and proper methods of interpretation, will agree on doctrine even while presenting different views of that doctrine.
Many people claim that this epistle was written by Paul in spite of the fact that 2Thessalonians 3:17 says, The salutation of Paul with mine own hand, which is the token in every epistle: so I write.
this epistle
does not have The salutation of Paul
. The fact is that the doctrine in this epistle causes more problems, for most people, than any other book of the New Testament. So, many people start an argument over who the author is in order to hide their problems with the doctrine of this epistle.
Paul trained many preachers and had three that he called son
, which means that they had the same character as Paul. All of the reasons which people give for claiming that Paul wrote this epistle are based upon the characteristics of writing which we see in this epistle. All three of the men that Paul called son
would have the same characteristics in the ministry and of writing. that leaves us with four (4) men who could have possibly written this epistle and used the writing style found in this epistle.
However, all of the arguments don't matter and are used by the devil to distract from the message of this epistle. All of these arguments ignore the fact that God is the true author of all of The word of God
. And, God deliberately hid who was the true author. Therefore, the argument that Paul is the author amounts to someone, in fleshly pride, claiming to know, and be an expert, on something that God deliberately hid. And, the Bible makes it clear that such fleshly pride is from Satan.
We are to not add to God's Word and there is no author named in this epistle. Therefore, God deliberately had that information hid and all arguments about who the author is are adding to God's Word what He deliberately kept out of His word. God did not name the author and He does not want us wasting out time on this distraction which will keep us from focusing on the message which God has for us.
The most used non-prepositional words in a chapter or epistle often gives a strong indication of the theme of the chapter or epistle. The most used non-prepositional word in Hebrews is God. After that the most used prepositional words are not helpful in telling us the theme of this epistle. This epistle was written to reveal the character of God, which is the character which God wants all saved to accept so that they become a true Biblical son of God
Many people claim that the theme of this epistle is: 'God's Son is greater'. However, that puts the emphasis on the Son of God while the word God occurs 72 times within this epistle. All combinations of the words: Lord
, Jesus
, Christ
, Son
, Saviour, King
, Lamb
(matching capitalization) only occur 58 times in 47 verses. Therefore, our epistle is speaking more about what God the father did than it speaks about God the Son. In addition, capitalized Son
(God the Son) occurs 11 times while lowercase son
(saved) occurs 7 times. The actual theme of this epistle is: 'How God the father deals with His sons', with God the Son used as our primary example.
In a lot of detail, the author explains how the New Testament, and our relationship with God through faith
, is much better than the Mosaic Law and keeping of religious rules. He explains that we have access to much more but that if we don't act in faith
then we won't receive these blessings. That's why this epistle has the famous chapter on faith
where he uses Old Testament saints to show us how they acted in faith
even when they did not have all that we have in our relationship to God. Based upon all of this explanation, the author finishes this epistle with specific commands that we are to obey in order to show our true faith
This epistle has many quotes from the Old Testament to show that what is revealed here is based upon established scripture and not something completely new. Almost every sentence in the first chapter, which provides the basis for our epistle, references an Old Testament truth. Thus, while the author explains how the New Testament is better than the Old Testament, he also shows that the New Testament is based upon promises found within the Old Testament.
In our first chapter (1:4) we are told in detail how that the Son of God is much greater than any angel. He created everything and has a position far above angels that was given to Him by God the father and more. That makes the Son of God greater than any other being other than God the father. That includes all spiritual beings. However, in spite of His high position, our second chapter tells us that God the father made the Son of God a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death
(2:7). He became a man to suffer death
, to pay for our sin, and to experience being a weak man so that he could able to succour them that are tempted
. He became like us so that He might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people
. Thus, we see that the Son of God gave up everything for our sakes.
In our third chapter (3:3) we are told that Christ
is much greater than Moses. Therefore, our relationship with God the father, through God the Son, is much greater than keeping religious rules such as the Mosaic Law or things spoken by angels. God the father brought severe judgment upon people who disobeyed the angels and who disobeyed the Mosaic Law. Therefore, since we have a greater relationship with God the father, through our Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus
, we should Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God
. That is, since we have a better relationship which is based upon faith
, we should be careful to maintain our faith
and not let anything interfere with it.
Also, in our third chapter we are warned against unbelief
because of how God dealt with it in the past and our chapter tells us how He still deals with it. Later, we will be told to live by faith
and faith
requires going beyond just getting rid of unbelief
. However, you can not have faith
until after you get rid of unbelief
. Therefore, the author presents this step before going unto the next step.
Our fourth chapter starts with Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of you should seem to come short of it
. It ends with Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need
. Between the two the author explains that certain blessings are only given to people who enter God's rest
and that people who act in unbelief
are not allowed into God's rest
. Therefore, we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need
only if we continue to live by faith
. Thus, the author is instructing us on our responsibility within this better relationship
Chapter 5 starts with the word For
and explains why the prior chapter is true. Here, we are told basic facts about the office of a priest
. Then the author explains that God made Christ
a new type of priest
. He is the priest
for God's people and especially those who have entered into God's rest
and live by faith
. The error that too many of God's people believe is that Christ
makes everything OK while they go on living in sin, but that is a lie of the devil. This truth is not understood by most of God's people and we see it when the author says Of whom we have manythings to say, and hard to be uttered, seeing ye are dull of hearing
. After acknowledging that most of God's people will not listen because they are spiritual babes
, the author admits that this truth can only be accepted by those saved people who have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil
. Again, the author is instructing us on our responsibility due to our having a better priesthood
Chapter 6 starts out telling us that it is going to go beyond basic doctrines which we should already understand. Our chapter ends by telling us how that Jesus
is our forerunner
and that we should follow His example,
even if circumstances include a cross like He endured. We should do this because we have two immutable things
from God upon which we are to rest our hope
. Between the beginning of this chapter and the end we are told that our life is to produce better things
than the lives of lost people because of our salvation. Their lives are rejected
but our life should bring blessings
and we should continue to produce these better things
until the end of our life, regardless of circumstances, because of our salvation and the basis of our hope
Chapter 7 tells us about Melchisedec
, who was a 'Christophany'. He was the priest who blessed Abraham and our chapter explains how that he also represented a better priesthood than the Levitical priesthood. We are also told that his priesthood was a type of the eternal priesthood that Jesus Christ
now has and uses to represent us. Our chapter gives us several ways that this priesthood is better, and how we are more blessed by it. That is, 7:9 tells us that we have a better hope
. Since hope
is an action verb within the Bible, God expects better attitudes and actions from us as a result of this better hope
. In particular, we are more enabled to serve God and produce the better things
(6:9) that our prior chapter talked about. In particular, we are told that Jesus made a surety of a better testament
(7:22), which is the basis of our better hope
and the reason that God expects better
things from us.
Chapter 8 transitions from telling us about a better testament
to telling us about a better covenant, which was established upon better promises
(8:6). Here we learn about the fault
that God found with the First Covenant. Namely, God's people did not maintain their relationship with Him. God improved things in the New Covenant in hopes that more of God's people will maintain their ongoing personal relationship with Him.
Based upon the prior chapter, Chapter 9 explains how He also has a better ordinances of divine service
, which are done in a greater and more perfect tabernacle
(9:11) which also has better sacrifices
(9:23). Our chapter also explains the relationship between the testament and death with the shedding of blood.
Our prior chapter explained how the Levitical priesthood and sacrifices were not sufficient because they did not make anyone perfect
. Now our chapter explains how Jesus Christ
did what was needed to give us the Holy Ghost and make us perfect
. He did this in order to make us sanctified
('set aside for God's holy use'). With this change we now have The Holy Ghost also is a witness to us
because under the new covenant
God will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them
In 10:34: we are told that the saved people who meet God's requirements ye have in heaven a better and an enduring substance.
After that, 11:16 says, that such people desire a better country, that is, an heavenly
and 11:35 says, that such people did what they did that they might obtain a better resurrection
. Finally, 12:24 says, that we have come to a better place
and that we need to act right because the new covenant
speaketh better things than that of Abel
. Yes, everything that we have is better
, but God also expects that our response will also be better
Because of these changes we are told to have boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus...with a true heart in full assurance of faith
. However, we are also to have our life cleaned up and to 'Stop our Sinning'. With that in mind, the last half of our chapter warns us of the consequences of returning to sin after we receive all that God has done to change our life. Here is where we read the famous verse of: It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
We are to live by faith
and know that God will punish backsliders.
Chapter 11 is the famous chapter on faith
. There are times when I listen to people and am convinced that they are sure that they 'know' what it says and, when they read it, they see what they have been told to see and not what it really says. As the Bible says in some places: Selah
('Think about it!').
True Biblical faith
is an action verb which produces works
. If people really read what this chapter says then they will see that every person mentioned here did action. In addition, we are judged by our works
because our works
are the evidence of true Biblical faith
. James 2 talks about faith without works
, but that is not true Biblical faith
, as even James 2 explains. The definition from our chapter is: Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen
. As I explain to Bible Students and others, evidence
is something that is used in court and can be separated from the person presenting it so that it can be examined independent of that person. What is in your head and in your heart can not be separated from you. That is a belief
, and not true Biblical faith
. In addition, something that has substance
can be sensed with our physical senses. Another person can not sense what is in your head and in your heart. Thus, what James 2 calls faith without works
is in fact only a belief
and does not match what is truly reported within our chapter.
Please prayerfully read what this chapter truly says about true Biblical faith
PS: Hebrews 11:6 is the verse that God used to start me on this Study and the creation of this web site. It has the promise that a rewarder of them that diligently seek him
. I started by seeking
God by studying through every book in the New Testament (at least 24 times each book) to find how the Bible truly uses the various roles of the Son of God. The result is in the Lord Jesus Christ Study on this site. The rest of this site came after that because God rewarded me by showing me how to interpret His Word so that there are NO conflicts. While many people believe this, neither I nor anyone that I know of has provided the proof
required by God to back up such a belief. True proof
requires proving a thing to be true in every circumstance. Since all claims of 'error in the Bible' are based upon claims about the New Testament, with God's help I will finish this Study for the entire New Testament and prove
that there are NOerrors in the Bible' but that all such claimed 'errors' are due to men refusing to use God's way to interpret the Bible while they use the way of men. (There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
Proverbs 14:12; Proverbs 16:25)
Chapter 12 starts with Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us
. It continues from there but we are reminded that when we start to think our circumstances are hard and that we are not receiving the help which we think we deserve, we have all of these witnesses
who had worse circumstances and less help and yet were faithful. We are also told how to be faithful when we are told to lay aside
what will hinder us and to concentrate on running The race
. Further, If this was not enough, our first sentence then reminds us of Jesus
and all He did and of His motivation. Jesus
is our main example for how to live in the flesh using the power of the Holy Ghost.
With this basis our chapter tells us that our circumstances aren't as bad as we imagine them to be. In addition, what we think is bad may be The chastening of the Lord
which is designed to help us. from this admonition to fix our attitude we are told to worship God (Wherefore lift up the hands
), seek God's healing and do right by other people. We are also warned against bitterness
and becoming like Esau. We are also reminded that we have a better deal than people in the Old Testament and since they did not escape punishment then we also will not escape punishment for sin. With these admonishments, we are told Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and Godly fear: forour God is a consuming fire.
In our final chapter we are told how to apply, in our daily life, what has been told to us. First, we are to treat others right. Then we are to keep our doctrine and service to God right. Then we are to keep our eyes on the heavenly goal and remember that we are here to represent God, not to fight for things of this world. Finally, we are to encourage the brethren.
If you look a the summary of each chapter above you should see a logical progression that supports the summary of this epistle provided at the start of this section. That Summary supports the two sentence theme for this epistle found at the start of this Study. Below you will find the summary of each sentence followed by the summary of that chapter and you will be able to see that the chapter summary is derived from the sentence summaries. If you follow the link provided for each sentence summary, you will find a detailed note which deals with each sentence in the context which it is found in, the sentence structure based upon consistent Biblical usage of punctuation, word studies which show how the word definitions come from the Biblical usage of those words. Also, you will find links to other Studies, where appropriate. The combination shows that the Bible is consistent in its message from the theme of an epistle down to every word and punctuation park used within it. It is also consistent across the Bible in the usage of words, punctuation, messages and more. There are NO conflicts within the Bible if we use God's way to understand God's Word.
Please see these Doctrinal Studies which reference this epistle. The doctrines explained are based upon, or related to, truths found in this epistle. Please see: Godly Financial principals; Jesus Used the Power of the Holy Ghost; What Did Jesus Do?; Significant Gospel Events; Significant New Testament Events; Relational Prepositions Study; John the Baptist. (As the last Old Testament prophet, some of his doctrine is explained in Hebrews.)
In addition, please also see the following Messages which rely upon the doctrine of this epistle: True Biblical Assurance; Basic doctrine of Baptism; Hebrews 2:1-5; Jesus; Spiritual Maturity Levels according to the Bible; Stewards Must Act and Why be Loyal to Church.
Chapter 1 Summary:
Chapter theme: God's Son
is greater than all other beings except God the father.
As a result of the theme of this chapter, we are to not listen to anyone who disagrees with God's Son
. God's Son
has obtained a more excellent name than they
. (The Biblical doctrine associated with the word name
is: 'power and authority'.) He has a better position since He is seated on the right hand of the Majesty on high
. He has a better relationship being called Son
, which no angel has been called. He has more power since He is the Creator. He has more authority because where God used angels as His messengers in the past, God the father has replaced them and hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son
. Further, God the father saith, And let all the angels of God worship him
and Thy throne, of God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom
. Notice that God the father called His Son God
- C1-S1 : God made His Son greater than any other beings except God the father.
- The word
means: 'The most powerful being Who exists anywhere'. No other being can challenge His authority and power. Therefore, no other being can challenge His word. - The word
means: 'many and diverse'. God delivered His message several time and in many different ways so that no one can claim that God did not make Himself clear (who at sundry times and in divers manners
). - The phrase
spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets
means: 'God used Hosprophets
to tell the religious leaders what God wanted them to know and do'. In the Old Testament there were three ordained positions of:prophet
. While some men had two of these offices, onlyJesus
has ever been given all three offices. In addition, many preachers of today claim that they have the office ofprophet
. However, like thepriests
of the Old Testament, they teach religious doctrine and God does not use them to reveal Biblical truth which has been forgotten. As in the Old Testament, a trueprophet
, of today, reveals truth inThe word of God
which is not a new revelation but is a forgotten truth. - The phrase
Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son
means: 'What theSon of God
said came from God the father'. We findThis is my beloved Son
, said aboutJesus
, in: Matthew 3:17; Matthew 17:5; Mark 1:11; Mark 9:7; Luke 3:22; Luke 9:35 and 2Peter 1:17. We findhear ye him
, said aboutJesus
, in: Matthew 17:5 and John 10:20. Thus, this phrase is supported by several other Bible references. - The phrase
whom he hath appointed heir of all things
is doctrinal truth which is also found in: Galatians 3:29. Hebrews 6:17-29. In addition, the references from the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, in the Detailed Study, has many more Bible references for this truth. - The phrase
by whom also he made the worlds
means: 'God the father had the plan and Power, God the Son directed God the Holy Spirit to create all of this physical reality'. We find the wordCreator
in: Ecclesiastes 12:1; Isaiah 40:28; Isaiah 43:15; Romans 1:25; 1Peter 4:19. We also find this doctrine in John 1:3. In addition, the references from the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, in the Detailed Study, has many more Bible references for this truth. - The phrase
Who being the brightness of his glory
means: 'All of the glory of God the father was displayed inJesus
at the Mount of Transfiguration'. - The phrase
and the express image of his person
means: 'God the Son
shows us the character of God the father, which is meant byimage of his person
'. The wordexpress
means: 'God the Son
shows us what God the father wanted us to know about Him'. - The phrase
and upholding all things by the word of his power
means: 'God the Son
has the power which is used to keep all of creation together'. (Matthew 28:18). - The phrase
when he had by himself purged our sins
means: 'God the Son
is Who personally completely removedour sins
, and not just the penalty forour sins
'. - The phrase
sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high
means: 'God the Son
is more powerful than any other being except God the father and He is Who does everything that God the father wants done because He ison the right hand of the Majesty on high
'. - The phrase
Being made so much better than the angels
means: 'God the Son
is better than any other being except God the father. Therefore, what He says is what is done and no other being can oppose Him'. - The phrase
as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they
. In the Bible, the wordname
means: 'The power and authority represented by the name'. TheLord Jesus Christ
has more power and authority than any other being except God the father. (The phrasea more excellent
means: 'greater'.)
- The word
- C1-S2 : No angel has received the same recognition and glory from God.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. That is: why ourLord Jesus Christ
is greater than any angel. - The phrase
unto which of the angels said he at any time
gives us the comparison which proves the claim made in the prior sentence '. '. . . - The phrase
Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee?
is a quote of Psalms 2:7 and is also referenced in Acts 13:33.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C1-S3 : God has not given His character to any other like He gave it to His Son.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The word
means: 'This is another quote of scripture'. - The phrase
I will be to him a father, and he shall be to me a Son
is a reference to: 2Samuel 7:14; 1Chronicles 17:13; 1Chronicles 22:10; 1Chronicles 28:6; Psalms 89:26-27.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C1-S4 : God commanded angels to worship Him.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The word
means: 'This is another quote of scripture'. - The phrase
when he bringeth in the first begotten into the world
tells us when this worship started. - The phrase
he (God the father) saith, And let all the angels of God worship him (Jesus Christ)
is a reference to: Luke 2:9-14; 1Peter 3:22; Revelation 5:9-12.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C1-S5 : Angels are far greater than us.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
of the angels he saith
means: 'This is the being that God is speaking about'. - The phrase
Who maketh his angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire
is a quote of Psalms 104:4. - We also find this doctrine in John 1:3. In addition, the references from the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, in the Detailed Study, has many more Bible references for this truth.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C1-S6 : God's Son reigns over all beings
for ever and ever
.- The word
means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction. - The phrase
unto the Son he saith
means: 'God the father said this sentence to theSon of God
'. This sentence quotes Psalms 103:19-22 (for the throne) and Psalms 110:2 (for the sceptre). - The phrase
Thy throne
means: 'This sentence is speaking aboutSon of God
ruling and reigning'. This will not be just this physical Earth for 1,000-years but also thenew heaven and new earth
(Isaiah 65:17; Isaiah 66:22; 2Peter 3:13; Revelation 21:1). - The phrase
O God
means: 'God the father is recognizing that theLord Jesus Christ
is God'. As written in the prior sentence, no being in creation has the power or authority to challenge Him. - The phrase
is for ever and ever
means: 'His rule will never end'. - The phrase
a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom
means: 'This is the type of rule that He will give'. The word:sceptre
means: 'As a symbol of authority, the use of the sceptre originated in the idea that the ruler was as a shepherd of his people'. The word:righteousness
means: 'doing the right thing at the right time and doing it the right way and for the right reason'.
- The word
- C1-S7 : God's Son
hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity
more than any other being. The wordhast
means: 'This is a lifestyle doing'.- The phrase
Thou hast loved righteousness
. The word:righteousness
means: 'doing the right thing at the right time and doing it the right way and for the right reason'. This phrase means that theLord Jesus Christ
always doesrighteousness
. - The word
means that the following phrase is added to the prior phrase. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
and hated iniquity
means that theLord Jesus Christ
always 'hates lifestyle sins'. - The phrase
therefore God, even thy God
means: 'There can be absolutely no doubt that this is God the father'. WhenThe word of God
has something literally written twice it is part of the law of God which will be used to judge us. - The phrase
hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows
means: 'Not only will theLord Jesus Christ
have moregladness
literally than anyone else, but others will sense it like we sense oil of perfume on people'.
- The phrase
- C1-S8 : God's Son will outlast Creation.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. This truth also applies to the otherand
found within this sentence. - The phrase
Thou, Lord
means: 'TheLord Jesus Christ
personally did the things of this sentence and the truths of this sentence are applied to Him personally' for other titles which help us to understand Him. - The phrase
in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth
means: 'TheLord Jesus Christ
is the Creator'. Please see the Doctrinal Study called Significant Gospel Events for the section called: Minor Titles of the Son of God. - The phrase
and the heavens are the works of thine hands
means: 'Not only did He create this world but He created all of the planets and stars and everything in the physical reality'. - The phrase
They shall perish; but thou remainest
is giving us a contrast between this physical reality which is limited by time and theLord Jesus Christ
Who is eternal. - The phrase
and they all shall wax old as doth a garment
means: 'Everything in the physical reality gets old over time'. - The phrase
And as a vesture shalt thou fold them up
means: 'This physical reality will be replaced'. - The phrase
and they shall be changed: but thou art the same
is giving us a comparison of the basic nature of creation to the basic nature of theLord Jesus Christ
. - The phrase
and thy years shall not fail
means: 'TheLord Jesus Christ
will never die'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C1-S9 : No angel has received the reward given to God's Son.
- The word
means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction. - The phrase
to which of the angels said he at any times
identifies the beings which this sentence is to be applied to. - The phrase
Sit on my right hand
means: 'No angel received the position of power and authority given to theLord Jesus Christ
'. - The phrase
until I make thine enemies thy footstool?
means: 'God the father is Who will defeat all of the enemies'. Foolish religions claim that their god is greater than theLord Jesus Christ
, but no being can defeat God the father.
- The word
- C1-S10 : Angels are God's
.- The phrase
Are they not all ministering spirits
means: 'The angels are all servants (ministering spirits
)'. - The phrase
sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?
means: 'The angels are to serve the saved, not rule over them'.
- The phrase
Chapter 2 Summary:
Chapter theme: Jesus
is able to succour them that are tempted.
The theme of this chapter is in the last sentence where we were told that Jesus is able to succour
us because of His experience as a man. The first sentence of our chapter starts with Therefore
, which means we are to do what this chapter tells us because of what we were told in the prior chapter. That is: the last chapter proved that we have the most powerful being is all of existence, short of God the father, Who became man and understands our infirmities and is willing and able to succour
us. No other being can do anything to us unless He allows it. With this powerful of an allay, we have no excuse for failure.
Our chapter starts out telling us that since God the father raised Jesus
above all other beings (except for God the father), then we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip
. The author then reminds us of the consequences in the past which people received when they let slip
the commandments of God and disobeyed.
Our chapter quotes Psalms to remind us of the great differences between God and us. We are to be honored that God considers us and we are to do all we can to obey because of that. Since God has His Son become human and made Him The captain of (our) salvation
for the express purpose that He would bring many sons unto glory
, we are to obey and let Him do this for us.
The author reminds us that God used angels to send messages to men, but angels are not like us and do not understand our weaknesses nor do they understand how difficult it might be for us to obey. However, since the Son of God set aside His personal power and became a weak human being, He does understand our weaknesses and the limits of our abilities. Since He went to all of this effort to understand what we are going through, we need to recognize His understanding and accept that when He tells us to do something it is something we can do. Thus, we should understand the conclusion of this chapter which is: For in that he himself hath suffered being tempted, he is able to succour them that are tempted.
Please also see the Message called: Hebrews 2:1-5. That Message gives a more detailed explanation of how the first five (5) verses fir together, in context, to deliver the message that God wants us to receive.
- C2-S1 : Hold onto truth to avoid losing it.
- The word
means: 'what follows thetherefore
is a future result that is based upon what came before thetherefore
and only seenthere
'. That is, we are to obey the commandments of this sentence and of this chapter based upon the doctrinal truths which were given in the prior chapter. - The word
means: 'Ardent in the pursuit of an object; eager to obtain; having a longing desire; warmly engaged or incited'. The phrasewe ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard
. The wordheed
means: 'To mind or regard with care and take proper action because of a warning'. The phrasewe ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard
means: 'We need to work hard to understand and obey the lessons from scripture'. - The phrase
lest at any time we should let them slip
means: 'This is the consequence of disobedience'. Our human nature actively fights against the things of God. Therefore, unless we actively pay attention and obeyto the things which we have heard
, our human nature will make us forget them and disobey them.
- The word
- C2-S2 : Based upon history, we will be punished for failing this task.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The word
makes this a conditional sentence. All who fulfill the condition receive the result and no one who fails to fulfill the condition receives the result. - The phrase
if the word spoken by angels was stedfast
means: 'The messages delivered by angels were always reliable' We are told about angels dealing with Lot and with different prophets. We are also told that prophets receivedThe word of the Lord
, but often are not told how. Therefore, while God sometimes talked to His prophets in visions and dreams, God could also have used angels, at times, to deliver His word. - The phrase
and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompence of reward
means: 'All throughout the Old Testament we see that deliberate disobedience by God's people was punished if they did not repent after receiving mercy'. - The phrase
How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation
means: 'How can you believe that God will treat you differently?'. Goddoes not change
and God isno respecter of persons
. Therefore, there is no basis for this foolish belief. - The phrase
which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord
means: 'It isThe Lord
Who promised salvation'. We can not find a more reliable source of a promise. - The phrase
and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him
means: 'We also have the testimony of Godly people'. - The phrase
God also bearing them witness
means: 'The testimony of Godly people was supported by evidence from God of His approval'. - The phrase
both with signs and wonders, and with divers miracles
means: 'These are the evidences from God of His approval. - The phrase
and gifts of the Holy Ghost
means: 'God'sHoly Ghost
works through the lives of Godly people in an ongoing basis'. - The phrase
according to his own will?
means: 'We receive these things so tat we can do God's will and God determines who receives each of the things mentioned in this sentence'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C2-S3 : Angels were not given the rule of this world.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The phrase
unto the angels hath he not put in subjection the world to come
means: 'Angels will not ruleThe new heaven and new earth
, but theLord Jesus Christ
will'. Therefore, the angels do not have the same level of authority. - The phrase
whereof we speak
means: 'Theword of God
tells us aboutThe new heaven and new earth
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C2-S4 : Yet man is far below God.
- The word
means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction. - The phrase
one in a certain place testified, saying
tells us that this sentence, and the next two sentences, are a quote of Psalms 84:4-5. - The phrase
What is man, that thou art mindful of him?
means: 'This phrase is posed as a question but testifies that man has nothing of value which should cause God to notice him'.
- The word
- C2-S5 : Man should be beneath God's notice. This sentence, and the prior sentence, and the next sentence, are a quote of Psalms 84:4-5.
- The word
connects this sentence to the prior sentence and gives us an alternative to consider. Both sentences tell us that man is so far below God that it is incomprehensible why God even considers man. - The phrase
or the son of man
this sentence uses a lowercaseson
, which means: 'a human son'. This is opposed to the phraseSon of God
, which the Bible always capitalizes. - The phrase
that thou visitest him?
means: 'God wants to have fellowship with man and the psalmists writes that even just a visit is beyond comprehension'.
- The word
- C2-S6 : Yet God lifted up man. This sentence, and the prior two sentences, are a quote of Psalms 84:4-5.
- The word
means: 'you personally'. The wordmadest
means: 'God made and continues to make the same way'. The phraseThou madest him a little lower than the angels
means: 'God personally continues to make all men to have less power and authority than angels have'. - The phrase
thou crownedst him with glory and honour
means: 'God personally continues to give menglory and honour
'. - The phrase
and didst set him over the works of thy hands
means: 'God personally continues to give men power and authority over all of this physical reality'. - The phrase
Thou hast put all things in subjection under his feet
means: 'God personally made all of creation subject to man'.
- The word
- C2-S7 : God's
is made ruler ofThe world to come
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The phrase
in that he put all in subjection under him, he left nothing that is not put under him
repeats the prior sentence, using different words, just in case someone misunderstood the prior sentence.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C2-S8 : Some creatures don't obey God's
yet.- The word
means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction. - The phrase
now we see not yet all things put under him
means: 'Even though God has declared that the prior sentence will be true, we do not see it yet'.
- The word
- C2-S9 : Jesus was made a man to die for all men. Jesus is our
example of how God the father will treat all true
sons of God
.- The word
means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction. - The phrase
we see Jesus
means: 'He is our God given example'. - The phrase
who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death
means: 'Jesus
had to set aside His power and authority as God so that He could be made a literal physical manfor the suffering of death
. He could not die while He kept His power asThe Resurrection
'. - The phrase
crowned with glory and honour
means: 'Jesus
was rewarded for obeying God the father and He is our example of the rewards which we can expect to also receive'. - The phrase
that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man
means: 'He paid the price for the sins ofevery man
- The word
- C2-S10 : therefore, Jesus is our captain of salvation. Even
had to experiencesuffering
so that He could completely understand us and represent us before God the father. This truth is explained more in the next sentence.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The phrase
it became him
means: 'Jesus
received understanding through His experience'. - The phrase
for whom are all things
means: 'Everything that was made was made for His pleasure'. - The phrase
and by whom are all things
means: 'He made everything as theCreator
'. - The phrase
in bringing many sons unto glory
means: 'He suffered like He did in order to change us into truesons
. and then bring usunto glory
'. - The phrase
to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings
means: 'Jesus
became ourcaptain of salvation
because He experienced the things which we experience'. Please see the Doctrinal Study called Significant Gospel Events for the section called: Minor Titles of the Son of God
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C2-S11 : Jesus is not ashamed to be identified with the sanctified. This is a direct quote of Psalms 22:22,25. The Detailed Study has more on this sentence.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The phrase
both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one
means: 'We are to have the same character, goals and desires asJesus
'. - The phrase
for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren
means: 'Jesus
is not ashamed of those who accept His character but is ashamed of saved people who refuse to accept His character'. - The phrase
means: 'Here is His message and example of the message we are to have'. - The phrase
I will declare thy name unto my brethren
means: 'He is a public witness for God and the truth of God'. - The phrase
in the midst of the church will I sing praise unto thee
means: 'He is faithful in church worship'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C2-S12 : Jesus put His trust in God the father.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
And again, I will put my trust in him
means: 'This is another quote (again
) from scripture'. The references from the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, in the Detailed Study, has many more Bible references for this truth. This is referencingJesus
putting His trust in God the father while He suffered and died for our sins. Again, He is our example and we are to trust God the father like He did.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C2-S13 : the sanctified are the
children which God hath given
to Jesus.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
again, Behold I and the children which God hath given me
means: 'This is another quote (again
) from scripture'. The references from the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, in the Detailed Study, has many more Bible references for this truth. This is referencingJesus
teaching His children to be like Him. Again, He is our example and we are to obey God the father like He did.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C2-S14 : Jesus became human like us to
destroy him that had the power of death
.- The phrase
Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood
means: 'Jesus
considered the main source of our weakness, which is our flesh'. - The phrase
he also himself likewise took part of the same
means: 'Jesus
took on the same form of weakness in order to be like us'. - The phrase
that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death
means: 'Jesus
did what was necessary to free us from fear'. - The phrase
that is, the devil
means: 'Satan hadThe power of death
defeated him'. In Revelation 1:18;Jesus
says:I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death
took this power away from Satan whenJesus
defeated Satan. - The phrase
And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage
means: 'Jesus
made it s that the saved never have to be inbondage
- The phrase
- C2-S15 : Jesus did not become an angel but became a man.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The phrase
For verily he took not on him the nature of angels
means: 'Jesus
did not take the nature of the stronger and greater being'. - The phrase
but he took on him the seed of Abraham
means: 'Jesus
took our nature so that He would be like us'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C2-S16 : Jesus did this to
be a merciful and faithful high priest
.- The word
means: 'what follows the wherefore is a future result that is based upon what came before the wherefore and it to be seen wherever you look'. - The phrase
in all things it behoved him to be made like unto his brethren
means: 'It is important that people understand thatJesus
was completely human'. - The phrase
that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God
means: 'This is why'.Jesus
could not truly represent us unless He was like us and understood all of our weaknesses and temptations. - The phrase
to make reconciliation for the sins of the people
means: 'One of the main jobs ofJesus
, at this time, is to bring us back into fellowship (make reconciliation
) with God'.
- The word
- C2-S17 : Jesus is able to
us because of His experience as a man.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The word
means: 'Literally, to run to, or run to support; hence, to help or relieve when in difficulty, want or distress; to assist and deliver from suffering; as, to succor a besieged city; to succor prisoner'. This is whatJesus
does for the saved who are also serving. - The phrase
in that he himself hath suffered being tempted
means: 'Jesus
suffered the same things which we experience'. - The phrase
he is able to succour them that are tempted
means: 'Because of His personal experience, Her can help us with our temptations'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
Chapter 3 Summary:
Chapter theme: Christ
is much greater than Moses.
in this chapter the author tells us about The Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus
. Therefore, our relationship with God the father, through God the Son, is much greater than keeping religious rules such as the Mosaic Law or things spoken by angels. God the father brought severe judgment upon people who disobeyed the angels and who disobeyed the Mosaic Law. Therefore, since we have a greater relationship with God the father, through our Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus
, we should Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God
. That is, since we have a better relationship which is based upon faith
, we should be careful to maintain our faith
and not let anything interfere with it.
in this chapter we are warned against unbelief
because of how God dealt with it in the past and our chapter tells us how He still deals with it. Later, we will be told to live by faith
and faith
requires going beyond just getting rid of unbelief
. However, you can not have faith
until after you get rid of unbelief
. Therefore, the author presents this step before going unto the next step.
- C3-S1 :
consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus
.- The word
means: 'what follows the wherefore is a future result that is based upon what came before the wherefore and it to be seen wherever you look'. - The phrase
holy brethren
means: 'Saved and serving people who live a holy life'. - The phrase
partakers of the heavenly calling
means: 'These people are taking part in the blessings which come from the life they live and from their answering thecalling
from God'. (Please also see the Messages called; Call Upon the Lord and Called to be Saints.) - The phrase
consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession
means: 'Christ Jesus
is the source of all of their doctrine and He represents these people before God the father for all of their requests and for any sin that Satan accuses them of'. (Please see the Doctrinal Study called Significant Gospel Events for the section called: Minor Titles of the Son of God). - The phrase
Christ Jesus
means: 'He is available to fulfill these roles for all saved but only does so for saved people who have spiritually matured enough to work for God's kingdom'. - The phrase
Who was faithful to him that appointed him
means: 'Christ Jesus
to get His children to obey God the father'. . . - The phrase
as also Moses was faithful in all his house
means: 'We can use what scripture reports about Moses for an example of howChrist Jesus
to God the father'. In Deuteronomy 18:15 and Deuteronomy 18:18; Moses prophesied:The LORD thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me; unto him ye shall hearken
. In Hebrews 3:1-2; we are told thatChrist Jesus
fulfilled this promise. (Please see the Doctrinal Study called Significant Events in the New Testament for the section called: Prophecy Fulfilled).
- The word
- C3-S2 : He is
worthy of more glory than Moses
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The phrase
This man was counted worthy of more glory than Moses
means: 'The author is reminding us thatChrist Jesus
lived as a literal physical man during the time of the Gospels'. He started His church during the time of the Gospels and He did what was necessary to build it to continue until His return. - The phrase
inasmuch as he who hath builded the house hath more honour than the house
means: 'Why the prior phrase is true'. This sentence is explained more in the following sentences.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C3-S3 : the difference between God and man.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The phrase
every house is builded by some man
means: 'literal physical buildings'. - The phrase
but he that built all things is God
means: 'All things, both physical and spiritual'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C3-S4 :
is the builder and greater than a servant.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
Moses verily was faithful in all his house
means: 'This is the testimony of Moses'. - The phrase
as a servant
means: 'Even with this testimony, Moses was still just a servant of God'. - The phrase
for a testimony of those things which were to be spoken after
means: 'This is why Moses had this testimony'. His testimony was a form of prophet for howChrist Jesus
would act. (Please see the prior note which prophesieda unto me
). - The phrase
But Christ as a son over his own house
means: 'Christ
has a different relationship and role than Moses had'.Christ
, as aSon
, inherits, among other differences, where a servant does not inherit. - The phrase
whose house are we
means: 'Our physical bodies are supposed to be the abiding place of God'. However, the next phrase limits who fulfills this design of God. - The word
makes the following phrase a conditional phrase. The prior phrase only applies to those saved people who fulfil the following condition. - The phrase
we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end
means: 'This is the requirement for us (our body) to be considered to be ahouse of God
'. Our life must display ourconfidence
in the promises of God and we must be continuouslyrejoicing
in our relationship with God if we want to personally have a testimony that God abides in us.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C3-S5 : Tells us to be careful to not have
an evil heart of unbelief
that rejects God's Son to follow religious leaders. This sentence has a large included section. The included section has three (3) separate sentences. (What is between parenthesis, in theword of God
, is the included section.) Since these sentences are included, they are part of the original message given in the outer sentence. Proper interpretation is 'Message-to-Message and not what devil motived men claim which is different'. when this sentence was interpreted into English from the original Greek, the interpreters added the included section in order to keep the same message since a verse-to-verse or a word-to-word interpretation would not deliver the same message and would be doctrinal error. With that in mind, we can look at the outer sentence and then add in the included sentences and see how they increase our understanding. The outer sentence says:.- The word
means: 'what follows the wherefore is a future result that is based upon what came before the wherefore and it to be seen wherever you look'. - The phrase
Take heed
means: means: 'To mind or regard with care and take proper action because of a warning'. Please notice that, without the included section, many people would consider this to be just the opinion of the author and would disregard the warning. - The phrase
means: 'The saved people who are also serving'. Saved people who are carnal and not serving God will disregard this warning like they disregard other warnings. Saved people who truly pay attention to warnings inThe word of God
are also serving because the two actions are directly linked. - The phrase
lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief
means: 'This is what causes people to disregard warnings'. Ourheart
is defined as: 'The short-term way we think (mind), the way we emotionally respond to circumstances (emotions) and the method we use to make decisions (will)'. Ournatural heart
(anevil heart
), always leads us into sin. - The phrase
in departing from the living God
means: 'We leave our ongoing personal relationship with God by refusing to fulfill our responsibilities in the relationship'. God said:I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee
(See references for Hebrews 13:5.) However, as our sentence says, we can leave Him. And, if we do that, we lose all of the blessings from the relationship. - With that outer sentence considered, we see that God's people can, and have, and still do, leave their ongoing personal relationship with God. We also see that the included section reminds us of historical facts which should convince people to fulfill their responsibilities and that, without the included section, many of God's people would ignore the message of the outer sentence. Therefore, the included section is a critical part of the message delivered by the author and that message was in the original language, but would be dropped by using wrong methods of interpretation. The included section tells us:
- The phrase
(as the Holy Ghost saith
means: 'This warning comes directly from God and is not the opinion of the author'. Therefore, ignoring the warning is rejecting a message from God and will result in punishment similar to what we read in this sentence. - The word
makes the following phrase a conditional phrase. The prior phrase only applies to those saved people who fulfil the following condition. - The phrase
To day if ye will hear his voice
means: 'Pay attention to the warnings soon as you hear, or read, it'. Any saved person who chooses to ignore, or put off, paying attention to the warning is refusing tohear his (God's ) voice
. This is the first of seven times that this phrase is used in this epistle. We find this phrase in: Hebrews 3:7; Hebrews 3:13; Hebrews 3:15; Hebrews 4:7; Hebrews 5:5; Hebrews 13:8. - The phrase
Harden not your hearts
means: 'Don't close your mind, your will and your emotions to God so that you choose to ignore the message from God'. - The phrase
as in the provocation, in the day of temptation in the wilderness
is a reference to the forty (40) years that God's people wandered in the wilderness and God killed every member of the generation which refused to go into the promised land, except Caleb and Joshua. God had promised to fight for them and Caleb and Joshua were the only adult Jews who believed God's promise. The rest saw only their own inadequacy to do God's job and refused to believe that God would keep His promise to fight for them. - The phrase
When your fathers tempted me
means: 'Their refusal to believe God, effectively, called God a liar. Thattempted
God to kill them immediately'. In stead of doing that, God gave them a warning and only killed them after they repeated their act of unbelief while they wandered in the wilderness. - The phrase
proved me
is added to the prior phrase. 'They made Godprove
that He really would kill them over their sin'. - The phrase
and saw my works forty years
means: 'God worked many miracles while they wandered and, still, they refused to believe God's promises'. - The phrase
Wherefore I was grieved with that generation
means: 'God was grieved because God's children refused to believe God's word even after He gave them miracles to prove that He would do as He said'. - The phrase
and said
means: God added the next phrase after God's children kept refusing to believe God. - The phrase
They do alway err in their heart; and they have not known my ways
means: 'When God's people refuse to learn and remember God'sways
, theydo alway err in their heart
'. It is not a lack of information. Nor is it a lack of mental ability. It is aheart
problem. - The phrase
So I sware in my wrath, they shall not enter into my rest.)
means: 'God swore that He would not provide for them, nor protect them, because they refused to turn theirheart
towards truefaith
in God'.
- The word
- C3-S6 : Beware of
The deceitfulness of sin
.- The word
means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction. Here we are told to not act like those Jews and we are told how to act instead. - The phrase
exhort one another daily
means: 'Encourage each other to serve God with a right attitude'. - The phrase
while it is called to day
means: 'Do it now and don't put it off'. This is the second of seven times that this phrase is used in this epistle. - The phrase
lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin
means: 'This will happen if we do not obey the commandment of this sentence'. Notice thatsin
('cause us to believe that a lie is truth') us. And, after we hold onto oursin
, we willharden our heart
and make it almost impossible for God to get us to accept the truth.
- The word
- C3-S7 : We must continue with
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The phrase
we are made partakers of Christ
means: 'We can receive the promised blessing which only come throughChrist
'. - The word
makes the following phrase a conditional phrase. The prior phrase only applies to those saved people who fulfil the following condition. - The phrase
if we hold the beginning of our confidence stedfast unto the end
means: 'This is the requirement for receiving these blessings'. There are lots of people who claim that they keep 'backsliding'. As one preacher said: 'You must fore-slide before you can backslide. Most people who claim that they keep backsliding never truly received God's salvation and they only keep showing their true nature'. Regardless of what people claim, if they are notstedfast
in their God caused changed life, they can not expect God to give them these blessings. - The phrase
While it is said
means: 'Base your claims on what scripture truly says'. - The phrase
To day if ye will hear his voice
means: 'Do it now and don't put it off'. This is the third of seven times that this phrase is used in this epistle. - The phrase
harden not your hearts, as in the provocation
means: 'Don't do like God's children did when they caused God to kill them'. As the context shows, this is a reference to the forty (40) years that the Jews wandered in the wilderness because they refused to believe the promise of God. God killed all of the adults of that generation except Caleb and Joshua.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C3-S8 : Some people who are with God's people do not belong to God.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. %This sentence, and the rest of the chapter, explain why the author writes:harden not your hearts, as in the provocation
. - The phrase
means: 'Not everyone'. Joshua, Caleb, Moses and the next generation were excluded from this statement. - The phrase
when they had heard
means: 'These people heard the promises of God but refused to believe them'. - The phrase
did provoke
means: 'They said things to make Moses so mad that Moses lost his blessings'. - The phrase
howbeit not all that came out of Egypt by Moses
means: 'There were non-believing non-Jews. The Jews did not completely separate themselves and the others caused many Jews to be deceived and to believe lies from devils'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C3-S9 : God was
grieved forty years
with His children who followed the unbelievers. This is a very important statement that most people fail to truly understand. God was notgrieved
at lost people acting like they were lost. God wasgrieved
at His people acting like they were lost.- The word
means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction. - The phrase
with whom was he grieved forty years?
means: 'This is asked as a question to cause the reader to really think about the true answer'
- The word
- C3-S10 : God killed His children who sinned. Our sentence says:
was it not with them that had sinned, whose carcases fell in the wilderness?
. We are told about God killing His children but are not told about God killing to lost. And, elsewhere we see God leaving the lost alive because His children did not obey God and remove the lost from their assembly. - C3-S11 : God denied them His promises.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
to whom sware he that they should not enter into his rest
means: 'This is the reaction of God to His people who refuse to believe His promise and fulfill His requirements in order to receive His promise'. - The phrase
but to them that believed not?
means: 'Notice that this -phrase only applies to people who have sworn to accept God as their God'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C3-S12 :
causes us to lose everything from God. Our sentence says:So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief
. This is the conclusion of the entire chapter.
Chapter 4 Summary:
Chapter theme: God's rest
Our chapter starts with the phrase Let us therefore
, which tells us that Chapter 4 is a future result which we are to produce based upon what was said in the prior chapter and in all that came before this within out epistle. (That is the meaning of the word therefore
.) As we see in several other epistles, each chapter is dependent upon the prior and we can not get a true interpretation while ignoring the context.
Our chapter talks about God's rest
and many people misunderstand this chapter because they use the wrong definition for the word rest
. In The word of God
, rest
means: 'Stop working to supply your own physical needs and trust God to supply them while you concentrate on doing the work required to build the kingdom of God'. We see this based upon C4-S9.
Our prior chapter told us how we have a better Apostle and High Priest
than people had in the Old Testament. It reminded us of the judgment that God brought down upon people who acted in unbelief
and warned us that we could expect the sameans more if we acted in unbelief
because God gave us a better relationship. With this as our basis we can look at our chapter which explains that receiving God's promises (getting the profit
) requires our responding to the gospel
with faith
. The response of true faith
allows us to enter into his (God's ) rest
, which is where we cease from (our) own works
. We must labour therefore to enter into that rest
by doing the work God gives us while having faith
that God will meet our physical needs. Our chapter ends with Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need
. We must have faith
that Jesus the Son of God
will properly represent us and get what we need if we are busy doing the work of God.
- C4-S1 : Be afraid of doing wrong so that you don't miss God's
.- The word
means: 'what follows thetherefore
is a future result that is based upon what came before thetherefore
and only seenthere
'. That is, we are to obey the commandments of this sentence and of this chapter based upon the doctrinal truths which were given in the prior chapter. - The phrase
Let us therefore fear
means: 'Let us be positive that God will deny us His blessing if we do not fulfil His requirement to receive the blessing'. - The phrase
lest, a promise being left us of entering into his rest
means: 'we have a promise but we might not receive the promise'. - The phrase
any of you should seem to come short of it
means: 'We will not receive the promise if we do not fulfill the requirement'.
- The word
- C4-S2 : the
does not profit if not mixed withfaith
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The phrase
unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them
means: 'We were given God's good news just like they were'. - The phrase
but the word preached did not profit them
means: 'They did not respond properly'. - The phrase
not being mixed with faith in them that heard it
means: 'The proper response requires true Biblicalfaith
as part of the response'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C4-S3 :
is required to enter God'srest
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The phrase
we which have believed do enter into rest
means: 'God'srest
is given to saved people who trulybelieve
'. - The phrase
as he said
means: 'God told us the promise and the consequence of not fulfilling the requirement to receive the promise'. The original incident was recorded in Numbers 14:20-38. We also see the same message, but slightly different words, recorded in: Psalms 95:11; Isaiah 28:12 and Jeremiah 6:16. Thus, we can see that our First Equivalent Section tells us 'We will enter into God's rest if we truly believe' and those who do not trulybelieve
can not enter God'srest
. - The phrase
although the works were finished from the foundation of the world
means: 'God prepared His blessing before creation but will not give the blessing to people who refuse to fulfill His requirements'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C4-S4 : God is found in His
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The phrase
he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise
means that our sentence is referring to Genesis 2:1-2; Exodus 20:11 and Exodus 31:17. - The phrase
And God did rest the seventh day from all his works
means: 'God set us an example to follow'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C4-S5 : God's blessings are in His
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
in this place again, If they shall enter into my rest
means: 'God gave the commandment but they misunderstood'. Exodus 20:11 and Exodus 31:17 report that God told His people that He rested on the seventh day and that they were to do the same. While they obeyed physically, and even added to God's requirement in the physical sense, they completely missed the spiritual meaning.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C4-S6 : God's
is available to us tday.- The word
means: 'what follows thetherefore
is a future result that is based upon what came before thetherefore
and only seenthere
'. That is, the doctrine found in this sentence is based upon the truths found earlier in this chapter. In addition, the wordseeing
is often used, symbolically, for: 'understanding'. and, that is the meaning given the word in this sentence. Therefore, the phraseSeeing therefore
means: 'Here is understanding which is based upon the truths found earlier in this chapter'. - The phrase
it remaineth that some must enter therein
means: 'This promise of God still had to be given at the time that this epistle was written'. - The phrase
and they to whom it was first preached entered not in because of unbelief
means: 'Here is why the Jews did not receive the promise'. Therefore, we must avoid their error in order to receive the promise. - The phrase
Again, he limiteth a certain day
means: 'Our sentence continues with the phraseto day
'. Thus, we must act quickly when God gives the opportunity to receive the promise. - The phrase
saying in David
means: 'The author is referencing the Psalms'. - The phrase
To day, after so long a time
means: 'Do it now and don't put it off'. This is a reference to Psalms 95:7. And, this promise was not available for a long time and God can remove the promise again if we do not act while the promise is available. - The phrase
as it is said
means: 'Do exactly what the scripture commands'. - The phrase
To day if ye will hear his voice
means: 'Act while the promise is available. Also, the promise is only given to saved people who personallywill hear his voice
'. - The phrase
harden not your hearts
means: 'This is what is required in order to receive the promise. '. . .
- The word
- C4-S7 : Evidence that is still available today.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The word
makes this a conditional sentence. All who fulfil the condition receive the result and no one who fails to fulfil the condition receives the result. - The phrase
For if Jesus had given them rest
means: 'This is the conditional truth which proves the truth of the prior sentence'. They did not receive God'srest
. However many people misunderstand this sentence and this chapter because they use the wrong definition for the wordrest
. InThe word of God
means: 'Stop working to supply your own physical needs and trust God to supply them while you concentrate on doing the work required to build the kingdom of God'. The Jews rarely did the required service to God, which is why they experienced famines, captivity and other punishments. - The phrase
then would he not afterward have spoken of another day
means: 'This additional speaking is found Psalms, Isaiah and Jeremiah, as already referenced'. And, as also already referenced, the original promise is recorded in Numbers.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C4-S8 : says:
There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God
. This is the conclusion which is based upon what was just written. - C4-S9 : gives us the basic definition of God's
. We mustcease
from our own work to enter God'srest
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. The Jews failed to stop trying to provide for themselves and rely on God for their provision and protection, which is why the prior sentence saidThere remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God
. - The phrase
he that is entered into his rest
means: 'This is the result of the rest of this sentence'. - The phrase
he also hath ceased from his own works
means: 'This is the required action. God's people mustcease
from working for their own provision and protection in this physical reality'. - The phrase
as God did from his
means: 'God made the example for us to follow when Godceased
His work on this physical reality'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C4-S10 : Work to enter God's
.- The phrase
Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest
means: 'We mustlabour
in God's kingdom if we want God to provide for us in the physical reality'. Our phrase saystherefore
because what the Jews did failed. As a result, we must act different if we want a different result. Think about the saying of: 'Insanity is defined as doing the same thing and expecting different results'. - The phrase
lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief
means: 'If we act like the Jews then we will get the same results as the Jews received'.
- The phrase
- C4-S11 :
The word of God
tells us how to do this. This sentence is often preached as a precept which is independent of the context. And, that is not wrong since it is a precept. However, we will consider the application within this context.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The phrase
The word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword
means: 'is giving us a comparison with the most deadly weapon known at the time of writing'. Basically, sinceThe word of God
is spiritually alive and backed by God and the power of God, it can do things that nothing in this physical world can match. - The phrase
piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit
means: 'The only way that anyone can tell the difference between thesoul
and thespirit
is by whatThe word of God
says since neither can be detected by our physical senses'. However, while neither can be detected by our physical senses, the results of each affecting this physical reality can be detected. Consider John 3:8 whereJesus
said:The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit
. That is how we detect the working of thesoul
and of thespirit
. Please see the Detailed Study for the true Biblical definitions of these words. Theword of God
tells us how we are to deal with everything in the spiritual life. - The phrase
and of the joints and marrow
means: 'Thejoints
allow our muscles to move our bones and produce visible work in this physical reality. Themarrow
is in the middle of our bones and produce our blood, which is the basic holder of our physical life'. Thus, the author identifies the smallest and the largest evidence of physical life and, thereby, identifies everything in between. Theword of God
tells us how we are to deal with everything in this physical life. - The word
is defined as: 'Distinguishing; seeing; discovering; knowing; judging'. The phraseand is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart
means: 'Theword of God
can separate the physical from the spiritual and can separate different spiritual things and different physical things and can even separate sinful motivations from obedient responses to God'. - In context, our sentence is telling us that
The word of God
can let us know everything that we need to know including if God will provide for us, and protect us, in this physical reality or not. Thus, we need to searchThe word of God
for any true answer that we desire to have.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C4-S12 : We are
to God. Some apply this sentence toThe word of God
, which is spiritually alive. However, when we consider the full context of this sentence, we see that it is actually speaking about God.- The phrase
Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight
means: 'God can see everything about any creature and He can see those things in every possible way'. - The phrase
but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do
means: 'All creatures must deal with God and none can hide anything from God'.
- The phrase
- C4-S13 :
Jesus the Son of God
is representing us to God.- The phrase
Seeing then
means: 'With the understanding which is the result of what was just explained'. - The phrase
that we have a great high priest
means: 'We havea great high priest
Who can and will intercede with God the father for us'. - The phrase
that is passed into the heavens
means: 'He is in Heaven and not representing us from Earth'. - The phrase
Jesus the Son of God
means: 'He is the closest Being to God the father and the most loved by God the father and can get more and better things from God the father than any other being'. - The phrase
let us hold fast our profession
means: 'Don't let anything make you deny your ongoing personal relationship withLord Jesus Christ
- The phrase
- C4-S14 :
Jesus Christ
understands our weaknesses and feelings.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The phrase
we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities
means: 'Jesus Christ
understands our infirmities'. - The phrase
but was in all points tempted like as we are
means: 'Jesus Christ
understands our temptations'. - The phrase
yet without sin
means: 'Jesus Christ
did not sin. Therefore, He can teach us how to stop our sinning'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C4-S15 : therefore, go to God for
help in time of need
.- The word
means: 'what follows thetherefore
is a future result that is based upon what came before thetherefore
and only seenthere
'. That is, we are to obey the commandment of this sentence and of this chapter based upon the doctrinal truths which were given earlier in the chapter. - The phrase
Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace
means: 'We can go toJesus Christ
based upon His understanding'. - The phrase
that we may obtain mercy
means: 'We can get forgiveness for our sins'. - The phrase
and find grace to help in time of need
means: 'We can get help which we do not deserve so that we can doe the work of God'.
- The word
Chapter 5 Summary:
Chapter theme: the office of high priest.
Our prior chapter told us that we only get certain blessings is we enter God's rest
and live by faith
. Our current chapter starts with the word For
and explains why this is true. Here, we are told basic facts about the office of a priest
. Then the author explains that God made Christ
a new type of priest
. He is the priest
for God's people and especially those who have entered into God's rest
and live by faith
. The error that too many of God's people believe is that Christ
makes everything OK while they go on living in sin, but that is a lie of the devil. This truth is not understood by most of God's people and we see it when the author says Of whom we have manythings to say, and hard to be uttered, seeing ye are dull of hearing
. After acknowledging that most of God's people will not listen because they are spiritual babes
, the author admits that this truth can only be accepted by those saved people who have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil
- C5-S1 : the purpose of the priesthood.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The phrase
every high priest taken from among men is ordained for men in things pertaining to God
means: 'This is the purpose and job of ahigh priest
'. Notice that thehigh priest
istaken from among men
. Notice also that he things pertaining to God
. He is not supposed to be representing human religion. - The phrase
that he may offer both gifts and sacrifices for sins
means: 'His main job is to make things right with God after peoplesin
'. - The phrase
Who can have compassion on the ignorant
means: 'He can have feelings towards people who sin without realizing it'. He is not supposed to berate such people but instruct them on how they are to stop sinning. - The phrase
and on them that are out of the way
means: 'He is supposed to help people get back into God'sway
so that they can get blessings and avoid punishment'. - The phrase
for that he himself also is compassed with infirmity
means: 'He is to consider his owninfirmities
when dealing with other people'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C5-S2 : the priest offers sacrifices for sins.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
by reason hereof he ought
means: 'By the reason given in this sentence (hereof
)'. - The phrase
as for the people, so also for himself
means: 'The priest is not different nor better than the people whom he represents'. - The phrase
to offer for sins
means: 'Everyone sins and there must be anoffering
because of the sin'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C5-S3 : God chooses who is a priest.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
no man taketh this honour unto himself
is a truth which is ignored by many religions. They claim that they can appoint someone aspriest
but if God refuses to accept them in that position then their religious activities only deceive people, which makes them ministers of devils. - The phrase
but he that is called of God
means: 'Only God can say who is acceptable in This position'. - The phrase
as was Aaron
means: 'He is our historical example'. Aaron was not better than other people and he led people into false worship and, yet, was chosen by God.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C5-S4 : God choose
.- The phrase
So also Christ glorified not himself to be made an high priest
means: 'Christ
did not violate this law of God but submitted to it'. - The phrase
but he that said unto him
means: 'God the father said this toJesus Christ
'. - The phrase
Thou art my Son
references Psalms 2:7; Mark 1:11; Luke 3:22. - The phrase
To day if ye will hear his voice
means: 'Do it now and don't put it off'. - The phrase
to day have I begotten thee
is a reference to Micah 5:2. Also, 2Peter 3:8 says:But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day
. Therefore, the entire life ofJesus Christ
fits within what God callsto day
- The phrase
- C5-S5 : God made
a priest.- The phrase
As he saith also in another place
means that this sentence is quoting Psalms 110:4. - The phrase
Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec
means: 'Jesus Christ
is an everlasting priest'. Please see the next sentence about him. Please see the detail note for Hebrews 7:1 about what dictionaries and commentators say about Melchisedec. Please see the note for Hebrews 7:22-LJC for a link to every verse in this epistle which tells about him and a summary of what each verse says. Please also see the Doctrinal Study called Significant Gospel Events for the section called: Minor Titles of the Son of God.
- The phrase
- C5-S6 :
suffered so that He could represent people who suffer.- The phrase
Who in the days of his flesh
means: 'Is speaking aboutJesus
, as made clear in the next phrase'. - The phrase
when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death
means: 'This is speaking about the experience in Gethsemane thatJesus
had'. Our phrase tells us thatJesus
prayed to God the father. - The phrase
and was heard in that he feared
means: 'Jesus
feared as any human would who knew what He was about to experience'. His fear did not saveJesus
from the experience and our fear will not save us from an experience which will teach us something that God wants us to know. - The phrase
Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered
means: 'As God,Jesus
had neversuffered
. Because of His experience, He can understand our weaknesses and fears'. - The phrase
And being made perfect
means: 'He became spiritually mature through what He learned through His experience'. - The phrase
he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him
means: 'Hesuffered
so that He couldbecame the author of eternal salvation
'. However, pay attention to the phrasethat obey him
. Religious liars claim that He has to save anyone who says the magic prayer even if they always refuse to obey. - The phrase
Called of God an high priest after the order of Melchisedec
means: 'God the father madeJesus
a priest and specified what type of priest He is'. Please see the detail note for Hebrews 7:1 about what dictionaries and commentators say about Melchisedec. Please see the note for Hebrews 7:22-LJC for a link to every verse in this epistle which tells about him and a summary of what each verse says.
- The phrase
- C5-S7 : People refuse to listen to certain truths about
.- The phrase
Of whom we have manythings to say
means: 'The author, and others in the early church, knew things which have been lost through time'. - The phrase
and hard to be uttered
means: 'The things that the author knew were hard to explain, especially to spiritually immature people'. - The phrase
seeing ye are dull of hearing
means: 'The people that the author is writing to were spiritually immature'.
- The phrase
- C5-S8 : this is because of spiritual immaturity.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The phrase
when for the time ye ought to be teachers
means: 'The author was addressing people like most people who claim to be saved today'. Consider what Paul wrote to The church in Corinth with his first letter and the source of their divisions. Then consider the divisions in the people who claim to all be 'Good, Godly, fundamental, Bible believing, KJV only, Baptists'. - The phrase
ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God
means: 'They were like 'Sunday morning only church members''. They could not handle any doctrine stronger than the basic message of salvation which is preached to the lost. - The phrase
and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat
means: 'This is the only form of doctrine that they were willing to accept'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C5-S9 : Spiritual babes can handle only milk.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The phrase
every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness
means: 'These people could not handleThe word of righteousness
'. They were upset when the preacher corrected their unrighteousness. - The phrase
for he is a babe
means: 'Anyone who gets upset when the preacher corrects their unrighteousness is a spiritualbabe
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C5-S10 : We must exercise our spiritual senses in order to spiritually mature.
- The word
means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction. - The phrase
strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age
means: 'The preacher must determine the spiritual maturity level of his audience before he decides what doctrine to preach or teach'. When people are not spiritually mature enough to handle a doctrine, they will choke on it instead of swallowing it. . . - The phrase
even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil
means: 'Here is how people spiritually mature'. People who refuse to obey and do the commandments ofThe word of God
do not mature spiritually.
- The word
Chapter 6 Summary:
Chapter theme: Our life should produce better results.
Our chapter starts out telling us that it is going to go beyond basic doctrines which we should already understand. Our chapter ends by telling us how that Jesus
is our forerunner
and that we should follow His example, even if circumstances include a cross like He endured. We should do this because we have two immutable things
from God upon which we are to rest our hope
Between the beginning of this chapter and the end we are told that our life is to produce better things
than the lives of lost people because of our salvation. Their lives are rejected
but our life should bring blessings
and we should continue to produce these better things
until the end of our life, regardless of circumstances, because of our salvation and the basis of our hope
- C6-S1 : Go past the
principles of the doctrine of Christ
.- The word
means: 'what follows thetherefore
is a future result that is based upon what came before thetherefore
and only seenthere
'. That is, we are to obey the commandments of this sentence and of this chapter based upon the doctrinal truths which were given in the prior chapter. - The phrase
leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ
means: 'The author is going to go into applications which require people to already understandThe principles of the doctrine of Christ
'. He dealt with thoseprincipals
in earlier chapter and names more of theprincipals
in the rest of this sentence. - The phrase
let us go on unto perfection
means: 'Let us continue with lessons which bring spiritual maturity'. - The phrase
not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works
means: 'Not going again into how religious works which do not bring spiritual rewards'. Religious works are spirituallydead
and it takes acting in true Biblicalfaith
in order to receive true spirituallife
. - The phrase
and of faith toward God
means: 'All true Biblicalfaith
istoward God
'. Faith in anything else is not true Biblicalfaith
. - The phrase
of the doctrine of baptisms
means: 'True Biblicalbaptism
is identification'. Religiousbaptisms
identify people with the religion and not with God. - The phrase
and of laying on of hands
means: 'This is symbolically attaching your ownfaith
, and relationship with God, to the other person'. - The phrase
and of resurrection of the dead
means: 'OnlyThe word of God
promises trueresurrection of the dead
'. - The phrase
and of eternal judgment
means: 'This is the basic doctrine of the Gospel. Those people who personally acceptJesus Christ
as their personalLord
are eternally saved. All others are eternally damned to thelake of fire
- The word
- C6-S2 : Get God's permission.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
This will we do, if God permit
means: 'The author is going to move past basic doctrines and deal with doctrines which require more spiritual maturity'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C6-S3 : the dangers of claiming that you backslid, and then were restored, or to claim that you lost salvation and then were saved again. Both are doctrines from Satan which this sentence says is
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The phrase
it is impossible for those who were once enlightened
requires us to pay close attention to the conditions of this sentence since it says that these conditions areimpossible
. The phrasewho were once enlightened
means: 'these people were saved and received true spiritual understanding from God'sHoly Spirit
'. Now, pay attention to the phrases in this sentence which follow the wordand
because all of these conditions must be true in order to fulfill the condition which the author says isimpossible
. - The phrase
and have tasted of the heavenly gift
means: 'This phrase must be added to the prior phrases. They had a spiritual gift from God and used it to do spiritual work'. - The phrase
and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost
means: 'This phrase must be added to the prior phrases. They personally experienced theHoly Ghost
working in and through their life'. - The phrase
And have tasted the good word of God
means: 'This phrase must be added to the prior phrases. They have personally experienced receiving the promises of God found inThe good word of God
'. - The phrase
and the powers of the world to come
means: 'This phrase must be added to the prior phrases. They have personally experienced miracles'. - The phrase
If they shall fall away
means: 'This is the conditional phrase. The people who meet all of the prior conditions and also claim to fulfill this conditional phrase find the next phrase to be impossible'. - The phrase
to renew them again unto repentance
means: 'They can never be restored to salvation, if that is what they claim to have lost. Also, they can never be restored to the same position of service to God'. - The phrase
seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh
means: 'This is what would be required in order to truly restore such a person'. Think about Lot, who was a saved man but was never restored to the service of God after he entered Sodom. - The phrase
and put him to an open shame
means: 'We are commanded to glorify ourLord Jesus Christ
. Such people do the exact opposite'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C6-S4 : Evidence of this truth from nature. Pay attention to this illustration. The result is not what a man wants but what God does. That is why the prior sentence is true.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The phrase
The earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it
tells us about the provision from God. - The phrase
and bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed
tells us the desired result. - The phrase
receiveth blessing from God
means: 'Men praise God for receiving these blessings'. - The phrase
But that which beareth thorns and briers is rejected
means: 'Men do not use most plants whichbeareth thorns and briers
'. And even those plants whichbeareth thorns and briers
, but also have fruit, find the fruit used and the rest of the plant rejected. - The phrase
and is nigh unto cursing
means: 'This is what men want to do about these plants even if they restrain themselves'. - The phrase
whose end is to be burned
means: 'This not only happens to the physical plant but also happens to the soul in eternity'. Even the saved soul is warned by 1Peter 1:7.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C6-S5 : Truly saved produce
better things
.- The word
means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction. - The word
is used for people who not only are saved but are also serving in God's kingdom. - The phrase
we are persuaded better things of you
is true of serving saved people but is not true for lost people nor for saved but carnal people. - The phrase
and things that accompany salvation
means: 'The author expects the saved people, who are also serving, to havebetter things that accompany salvation
'. This is because God blesses obedience and those who work in His kingdom. - The phrase
though we thus speak
means: 'The author is not direction the prior sentences at these people'.
- The word
- C6-S6 : Why saved are supposed to produce
better things
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The phrase
God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love
means: 'People who do not rewardyour work and labour of love
'.God is not unrighteous
and we can be assured of our everlasting rewards in Heaven. - The phrase
which ye have shewed toward his name
means: 'Onlyyour work and labour of love
which istoward God's name
will be rewarded'. Other works, such as religious works, will not be rewarded. - The phrase
in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister
means: 'This is how we are toshew works toward God's name
. It is byministering to the saints
'. God gives us spiritual gifts and tells us to use them first to help His people.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C6-S7 : How we are to act and show that we are saved.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
we desire that every one of you do shew the same diligence to the full assurance of hope unto the end
means: 'Keep on keeping on serving God and God's kingdom until you die. Don't give up and don't let up'. - The phrase
That ye be not slothful
means: 'Don't be lazy. God never uses nor blesses lazy people'. - The phrase
but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises
means: 'Pay attention to who was blessed by God in the past, and to what they did the receive the blessings, and you do the same'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C6-S8 : God gave a promise to Abraham and, as spiritual children of Abraham, we can rely on the same promise.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The phrase
when God made promise to Abraham
means: 'We need to understand the true scriptural account and why God did this'. - The phrase
because he could swear by no greater
means: 'Men swear by someone who is greater but there is no one greater than God'. - The phrase
he sware by himself
means: 'This is what God did to give Abraham, and us, a firm assurance'. - The phrase
Saying, Surely blessing I will bless thee, and multiplying I will multiply thee
means: 'This is the promise made to Abraham and to all of his spiritual children'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C6-S9 : Abraham
obtained the promise
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
And so, after he had patiently endured
means: 'Abraham went through a major test first'. We will also be given tests to prove our truefaith
in the promise of God. - The phrase
he obtained the promise
means: 'Abraham received the promise and we can be sure that we will also receive the promise if we act like Abraham'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C6-S10 : Men swear
an of all strife
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The phrase
men verily swear by the greater
is referencing the truth already covered for C6-S8. Please see that note. - The phrase
and an oath for confirmation is to them an end of all strife
means: 'God's sworn oath is supposed to end all questions about our receiving the promise if we fulfill God's requirements'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C6-S11 : God swore an oath to give us greater assurance of the promise. This sentence concludes the chapter and summarizes everything that we need to believe the promises of God.
- The phrase
Wherein God, willing more abundantly to shew unto the heirs of promise the immutability of his counsel
means: 'God did this for us. Look at the phraseto shew unto the heirs of promise
'. The wordimmutable
means: 'unalterable; not capable or susceptible of change'. What God tells us to do will never change because God does not change (Malachi 3:6 and Hebrews 13:8). - The phrase
confirmed it by an oath
means: 'God deliberately doubled the assurance that He gave to us'. - The phrase
That by two immutable things
means: 'Anything that is literally in the Bible twice is part of God's never changing law and backed by God's character and power'. - The phrase
in which it was impossible for God to lie
means: 'This is our first assurance'. - The word
is defined as: 'Comfort; alleviation of misery, or distress of mind; refreshment of mind or spirits'. The phrasewe might have a strong consolation
means: 'God has given us a basis of hope that nothing can shake so long as we believe God's promise'. - The phrase
who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us
means: 'We can findrefuge
in what God gave us which is backed by His character (hope
)'. - The phrase
Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul
means: 'Ananchor
allows a boat to move and adjust to circumstances but keeps it from moving far'. The circumstances of life are used to increase our spiritual maturity andhope
in God. Yes, oursoul
will move and grow with the circumstances of life but our truehope
will never let us be moved far from God. - The phrase
both sure and stedfast
means: 'Ouranchor of the soul
) isboth sure and stedfast
'. - The phrase
and which entereth into that within the veil
means: 'We can approach the throne of God because of our relationship with ourLord Jesus Christ
'. - The phrase
Whither the forerunner is for us entered, even Jesus
means: 'OurLord Jesus Christ
is already in Heaven'. He is ourforerunner
and is representing us to God the father. - The phrase
made an high priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec
means: 'This is His position from which He represents us to God the father'. Please see the detail note for Hebrews 7:1 about what dictionaries and commentators say about Melchisedec. Please see the note for Hebrews 7:22-LJC for a link to every verse in this epistle which tells about him and a summary of what each verse says.
- The phrase
Chapter 7 Summary:
Chapter theme: Jesus
is a priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec.
Our chapter tells us about Melchisedec
, who was a 'Christophany'. He was the priest who blessed Abraham and our chapter explains how that he also represented a better priesthood than the Levitical priesthood. We are also told that his priesthood was a type of the eternal priesthood that Jesus Christ
now has and uses to represent us. Our chapter gives us several ways that this priesthood is better, and how we are more blessed by it. In particular, this better priesthood does a better job of enabling us to serve God and produce the better things
that our prior chapter talked about.
- C7-S1 :
is a type ofpriest continually
.- The phrase
This Melchisedec
means: 'Our sentence is identifying him and telling us traits that he had'. Please see the detail note for Hebrews 7:1 about what dictionaries and commentators say about Melchisedec. Please see the note for Hebrews 7:22-LJC for a link to every verse in this epistle which tells about him and a summary of what each verse says. - The phrase
king of Salem
means: 'This was his main physical position on Earth at that time'. - The phrase
priest of the most high God
means: 'This was his main spiritual position on Earth at that time'. - The phrase
who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings
is a quote from Genesis 14:18-19. - The phrase
and blessed him
means: 'Melchisedec gave God's blessing to Abraham'. - The phrase
To whom also Abraham gave a tenth part of all
means: 'Abraham paid tithes to Melchisedec'. - The phrase
first being by interpretation King of righteousness
means: 'This identified the moral character of Melchisedec'. - The phrase
and after that also King of Salem, which is, King of peace
means: 'This identified the results produced by Melchisedec'. - The phrase
Without father, without mother, without descent
means: 'This tells us that he was not a normal human being but was a Christophany'. - The phrase
having neither beginning of days, nor end of life
means: 'This tells us that he was eternal'. - The phrase
but made like unto the Son of God
means: 'This describes his character'. - The phrase
abideth a priest continually
means: 'This describes his position'.
- The phrase
- C7-S2 : Consider how important he was.
- The word
means 'after we understand what was written earlier'. That is: after we understand what was just said about Melchisedec. - The phrase
consider how great this man was
means: 'Use your brain and actually think about this truth'. - The phrase
unto whom even the patriarch Abraham gave the tenth of the spoils
means: 'Abraham paid tithes to him'. When we claim to be the 'spiritual children of Abraham', in order to also claim the blessings that God promised to Abraham and his children, we must act like Abraham. This means that we are to also pay tithes to the spiritual priest that represents us before God.
- The word
- C7-S3 : He was a greater than any priest of Levi.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God.
v - The word
is defined as: 'In truth; in fact; certainly. 2. Really; truly; with great confidence. This has been verified'. The phraseverily they that are of the sons of Levi
means: 'The physical descendants of Abraham'. - The phrase
who receive the office of the priesthood
means: 'They were the official priests to God for the Jews'. - The phrase
have a commandment to take tithes of the people according to the law
is very clear on the surface. - The phrase
that is, of their brethren
means: 'They received tithes from the Jews'. - The phrase
though they come out of the loins of Abraham
means: 'Even though they were not better than the other Jews'. - The phrase
But he whose descent is not counted from them received tithes of Abraham
means: 'But Melchisedec received tithes from Abraham'. - The phrase
and blessed him that had the promises
means: 'This proves that Melchisedec was greater than Abraham even though Abraham received the promises from God which we all rely upon'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C7-S4 : Melchisedec was greater than Abraham.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
without all contradiction the less is blessed of the better
means: 'This proves that Melchisedec was greater than Abraham'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C7-S5 : He was an early manifestation of
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
here men that die receive tithes
means: 'Everyone who receives tithes is human and no better than other men'. - The phrase
but there he receiveth them
means: 'Melchisedec was proven to be better than other men'. - The phrase
of whom it is witnessed that he liveth
means: 'Melchisedec did not die'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C7-S6 : Levi paid tithes to Him through Abraham.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
as I may so say, Levi also
means: 'The author is explaining the Jewish thinking about family connections'. This type of thinking comes from the Bible and is the basis of our salvation and all blessings. Therefore, we must accept it. - The phrase
who receiveth tithes, payed tithes in Abraham
means: 'The son is considered to be responsible for the actions of the father'. The son receives blessings and cursing's from the actions of the father to the third and fourth generation.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C7-S7 : says:
For he was yet in the loins of his father, when Melchisedec met him.
this means that Levi is a son of Abraham who paid tithes toMelchisedec
. - C7-S8 : the Mosaic Law could not bring
.- The word
makes this a conditional sentence. All who fulfil the condition receive the result and no one who fails to fulfil the condition receives the result. - The phrase
If therefore perfection were by the Levitical priesthood
means: 'This is the conditional requirement to be accepted by God'. God commands us to beperfect
if we want to go to His personal home called Heaven and avoid an eternity in thelake of fire
. The question then becomes: 'How do we become perfect?'. - The phrase
(for under it the people received the law,)
means: 'People received the Mosaic Law under the Levitical priesthood'. - The phrase
what further need was there that another priest should rise after the order of Melchisedec
means: 'This is a different type of priesthood'. Please see the detail note for Hebrews 7:1 about what dictionaries and commentators say about Melchisedec. Please see the note for Hebrews 7:22-LJC for a link to every verse in this epistle which tells about him and a summary of what each verse says. - The phrase
and not be called after the order of Aaron?
means: 'This is posed as a question but proves that the Levitical priesthood did not make people perfect'. The Levitical priesthood could not get people into Heaven.
- The word
- C7-S9 : the law is subject to the priesthood. This is an incredible statement which is overlooked. The New Testament is based upon the New Covenant and it is based upon the new priesthood of
Jesus Christ
. We are being told thatJesus Christ
can not be ourHigh Priest
if our religion holds onto the Old Testament Law, like many religions do. And, we can not have the New Testament, nor the New Covenant, unless we acceptJesus Christ
as ourHigh Priest
. Therefore, religions which pray to so-called saints and the devil who claims to be Mary do not receive any part of the New Testament, nor the New Covenant.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The phrase
The priesthood being changed
means: 'Jesus Christ
became ourHigh Priest
as a replacement to the Levitical priesthood'. - The phrase
there is made of necessity a change also of the law
means: 'Since the law is subject to the priesthood, it also must change'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C7-S10 : Our new priest is not from Levi.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The phrase
he of whom these things are spoken pertaineth to another tribe
means: 'As our next sentence says, it is evident that our Lord sprang out of Juda'. - The phrase
of which no man gave attendance at the altar
means: 'No one from Juda was part of the Levitical priesthood'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C7-S11 :
Our Lord sprang out of Juda
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The phrase
it is evident that our Lord sprang out of Juda
is backed up by the genealogy in Matthew and Luke. - The phrase
of which tribe Moses spake nothing concerning priesthood
can be verified with study of the Old Testament.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C7-S12 : Our Lord is a
priest...after the power of an endless life
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
it is yet far more evident
means: 'The rest of this sentence gives more evidence for this claim', - The phrase
for that after the similitude of Melchisedec there ariseth another priest
means: 'The author has already proven that there is another priesthood and that it matches Melchisedec'. - Please see the detail note for Hebrews 7:1 about what dictionaries and commentators say about Melchisedec. Please see the note for Hebrews 7:22-LJC for a link to every verse in this epistle which tells about him and a summary of what each verse says.
- The phrase
Who is made, not after the law of a carnal commandment
means: 'Jesus Christ
did not receive His priesthood from any man'. People who claim to be priests need to be told this and old that their so-called priesthood is inferior to that ofJesus Christ
. - The phrase
but after the power of an endless life
means: 'God gaveJesus Christ
His priesthood because only God can giveendless life
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C7-S13 : is quoting Psalms 110:4.
- C7-S14 : Why God changed things.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The phrase
there is verily a disannulling of the commandment going before for the weakness and unprofitableness thereof
means: 'God removed the Old Testament Law because it wasweak and unprofitable
to God'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C7-S15 : this is why the Law was
weak and unprofitable
to God.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The phrase
The law made nothing perfect
means: 'Only what came toperfection
to God'. - The phrase
but the bringing in of a better hope did
means: 'abetter hope
to God because ourbetter hope
is inJesus Christ
and He makes usperfect
'. - The phrase
by the which we draw nigh unto God
means: 'We candraw nigh unto God
becauseJesus Christ
makes usperfect
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C7-S16 :
Jesus made a surety of a better testament
. This sentence has a large included section. The included section has several separate phrases. (What is between parenthesis, in theword of God
, is the included section.) Since these phrases are included, they are part of the original message given in the outer sentence. Proper interpretation is 'Message-to-Message and not what devil motived men claim which is different'. when this sentence was interpreted into English from the original Greek, the interpreters added the included section in order to keep the same message since a verse-to-verse or a word-to-word interpretation would not deliver the same message and would be doctrinal error. With that in mind, we can look at the outer sentence and then add in the included phrases and see how they increase our understanding. The outer sentence says:.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The word
, of this sentence, is actually adding it to what was written in C7-S13 with the two sentences between that sentence and this sentence explaining why C7-S13 is true. And, with the exception of one sentence starting with the wordif
, every sentence since C7-S13 has started with the wordAnd
or the wordFor
. In addition, the sentence in the rest of this chapter start with the wordAnd
or the wordFor
except one sentence which starts with the word the wordWherefore
. Thus, it should be obvious to everyone that this entire chapter is a single argument where nothing can be considered outside of the3 context of the entire chapter without producing doctrinal error. - The phrase
inasmuch as not without an oath he was made priest
means: 'Jesus Christ
wasmade priest
byan oath
made by God'. The Levitical priests, and all other so-called priests, did not receivean oath
made by God. - The phrase
By so much was Jesus made a surety of a better testament
means: 'Jesus
personally guaranteed everything that is written inThe word of God
in the New Testament'. Many religions pervert what is truly written andJesus
does not back their perversions. But He personally backs the truth. - The phrase
(For those priests were made without an oath
starts the inserted part and means: 'those priests
did not personally back the promises of the Mosaic Law'. - The phrase
but this with an oath by him that said unto him
means: 'God the father sware an oath, for our benefit, that He would give this position toThe Son of God
'. - The phrase
The Lord sware and will not repent
means: 'There is not changing this oath'. - The phrase
Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec
means: 'TheSon of God
will always be ourHigh Priest
'. Please see the detail note for Hebrews 7:1 about what dictionaries and commentators say about Melchisedec. Please see the note for Hebrews 7:22-LJC for a link to every verse in this epistle which tells about him and a summary of what each verse says.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C7-S17 : Jesus has
an unchangeable priesthood
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
they truly were many priests
means: 'This is contrasted toJesus
being a single man'. - The phrase
because they were not suffered to continue by reason of death
means: 'This is contrasted toJesus
not dying'. . . - The phrase
But this man
means: 'This points out the doctrine of the humanity ofJesus
'. - The phrase
because he continueth ever
means: 'This is contrasted to the limited time of each Levitical priest'. - The phrase
hath an unchangeable priesthood
means: 'With the changing priests of the Levitical priesthood, their service before God also changed'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C7-S18 : Jesus provides a salvation that does not end. One preacher took this phrase out of context to make a message called 'From the Uttermost to the Gutter most' and caused people to think this sentence gave a wrong meaning. Our sentence is not speaking of our relative position in the society of men but is saying that the salvation, and priesthood, of
will last all of out life. This sentence is truly giving us another reason to be assured of our eternal security as a saved person. The truly saved can not lose their salvation. We need to be careful of popular preaching which perverts the true message fromThe word of God
.- The word
means: 'what follows the wherefore is a future result that is based upon what came before the wherefore and it to be seen wherever you look'. - The phrase
he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him
means: 'The truly saved can not lost their salvation'. - The phrase
seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them
means: 'Jesus
is always representing the truly saved before God the father'. God the father leaves the judgment of the truly saved toJesus Christ
and does not send them to Hell nor does He send them to thelake of fire
- The word
- C7-S19 : Jesus made a sacrifice that does not have to be repeated.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The phrase
such an high priest became us
means: 'Consider the personal attributes of ourhigh priest
'. - The phrase
who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens
means: 'These personal attributes all speak of His Deity'. We just saw His humanity and now we see His Deity.Jesus
is both. - The phrase
Who needeth not daily, as those high priests, to offer up sacrifice
means: 'This provides the basic contrast of the priesthood ofJesus
when compared to the priesthood of the Levitical priests'. - The phrase
first for his own sins, and then for the people's
means: 'These were the type of sacrifices that the Levitical priests had to continually bring'. - The phrase
For this he did once, when he offered up himself
means: 'The sacrifice ofJesus
only had to be done once'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C7-S20 : God's consecrated for evermore
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The phrase
The law maketh men high priests which have infirmity
means: 'No other human man is perfect in his body, soul nor spirit'. - The phrase
but the word of the oath
means: 'This is contrasted to the Levitical priesthood which was inherited and not based upon the personal characteristic of the priest'. - The phrase
which was since the law
means: 'Theoath
gives us the New Testament while the Levitical priesthood gave the Old Testament'. - The phrase
maketh the Son, who is consecrated for evermore
means: 'Jesus
is our High Priestfor evermore
- Our sentence starts with the word
Chapter 8 Summary:
Chapter theme: A better covenant and a better testament.
This chapter transitions from telling us about a better priesthood to telling us about a better covenant and a better testament which are ministered by our high priest
. Here we learn about the fault
that God found with the First Covenant. Namely, God's people did not maintain their relationship with Him. God improved things in the New Covenant in hopes that more of God's people will maintain their ongoing personal relationship with Him.
Remember that C7-S9 told us: For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the law
. A covenant
is: 'a legal contract'. When the law changes, everything that is based upon that law must also change. Thus, our author is going to tell us about the change from the Old Covenant to the New Covenant, in this chapter. Then, in the next chapter, our author is going to tell us about the change from the Old Testament to the New Testament and the change from the Old Tabernacle, with those priestly services, to the New Tabernacle, with the priestly services of Jesus
. Then, in Chapter 10, the author will tell us about hoe our relationship with God is changed as a result of the New Tabernacle, with the priestly services of Jesus
. This changed relationship id from one based upon religious traditions to a relationship based upon true Biblical faith
. And, that leads to Chapter 11 which is called 'The Faith Chapter'. And, all of this leads into Chapters 12 and 13 where we are given the true and proper applications of these doctrines.
Thus, once more, we see that everything in this epistle is built one chapter upon the prior chapters just like a building is built one floor upon the lower floors.
- C8-S1 : Our
high priest
is inheaven
.- The word
means 'after we understand what was written earlier'. That is: after we understand what was just said about the perfect and eternal priesthood ofJesus
, which is contrasted to the Levitical priesthood. - The phrase
of the things which we have spoken this is the sum
means: 'What follows is a summary of the doctrine which preceded this chapter'. - The phrase
We have such an high priest
means: 'The author has proven that no other priest, nor any other claimed representative of men, can match ourHigh Priest
in any way other than lusts and other sinful methods'. - The phrase
who is set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens
means: 'No other representative can come close to having as powerful of a position with God the father'. - The phrases:
A minister of the sanctuary, and of the true tabernacle
means: 'No other representative can come close to having as important of a position to serve God the father'. - The phrase
which the Lord pitched, and not man
means: 'Our Lord Jesus Christ
serves in the place created by God the father while all others have no place to serve or serve in a place made by man'.
- The word
- C8-S2 : Every priest must have a gift to offer.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The phrase means: '. '. . .
- The word
means: 'what follows the wherefore is a future result that is based upon what came before the wherefore and it to be seen wherever you look'. - The phrase
every high priest is ordained to offer gifts and sacrifices
means: 'No being can approach God without a gift or sacrifice'. Every being who is not ahigh priest
, and claims to represent people before God, is a liar and a minister of Satan. In addition, thehigh priest
can not approach God withoutgifts and sacrifices
. - The phrase
wherefore it is of necessity that this man have somewhat also to offer
means: 'Our Lord Jesus Christ
also has to bringgifts and sacrifices
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C8-S3 : He was not a priest on Earth.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The word
makes this a conditional sentence. All who fulfil the condition receive the result and no one who fails to fulfil the condition receives the result. - The phrase
if he were on earth
is: the conditional statement which must be true in order for the following phrase to be true. - The phrase
he should not be a priest
means: 'As already explained by the author,Jesus Christ
did not fulfil the requirements to be a priest on this Earth'. - The phrase
seeing that there are priests that offer gifts according to the law
means: 'There are already priests who fulfilled that role'. - The phrase
Who serve unto the example and shadow of heavenly things
means: 'The Earthly priests were not the true priests of God because they were on this Earth'. Just as there is a difference between your picture and you, and just as your picture is not the true you, so also are Earthly priests not the true Heavenly priests of God. - The phrase
as Moses was admonished of God when he was about to make the tabernacle
means: 'Moses was ordered to make an accurate picture of Heavenly things'. - The phrase
for, See, saith he, that thou make all things according to the pattern shewed to thee in the mount
means: 'God commanded Moses to make everything related to the worship and service to God, exactly as God showed Moses so that the Earthly things would beThe example and shadow of heavenly things
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C8-S4 : He makes everything
.- The word
means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction. - The phrase
now hath he obtained a more excellent ministry
means: 'Our Lord Jesus Christ
hasa more excellent ministry
than any human being and than any other claimed representative before God'. - The phrase
by how much also he is the mediator of a better covenant
means: 'The New Covenant is better and made possible by the ministry of ourLord Jesus Christ
'. - The phrase
which was established upon better promises
means: 'The promises which we have in 'The Church Age' are better'. Please see the section called Promises in the Doctrinal Study called Significant New Testament Events.
- The word
- C8-S5 : the
first covenant
had faults.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The word
makes this a conditional sentence. All who fulfil the condition receive the result and no one who fails to fulfil the condition receives the result. - The phrase
if that first covenant had been faultless
means: 'This is the condition which would have rendered the entire New Testament not necessary'. - The phrase
then should no place have been sought for the second
means: 'This is the statement of the result that would have happened if the condition had been fulfilled'. . .
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C8-S6 : God's people did not keep the Mosaic covenant.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The phrase
finding fault with them
means: 'This phrase explains why the Old Testament was replaced'. - The phrases:
he saith, Behold, the days come, saith the Lord
means: 'give us the first two, of three, phrases in this sentence which tell us that God the father said this'. Most of this sentence is a direct quote of Jeremiah 31:31-34. The Detailed Note also provides Bible references to similar promises in other places of the Bible. - The phrase
when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah
means: 'This promise was given to the Jews and God let the Gentiles in on a promise which was actually not made to them'. - The phrase
Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt
means: 'This new covenant will be different from the old covenant'. - The phrase
because they continued not in my covenant
means: 'Here is why God made the change'. The Old Testament is said to, symbolically, contain all of the New Testament. However, most of the Jews did not understand the symbols. Therefore, they concentrated on what they understood of the physical requirements and completely missed the spiritual requirements. And, that is why this phrase is true. God's covenant was a spiritual covenant. However, no one can fulfil a spiritual covenant with physical actions. - The phrase
and I regarded them not
means: 'This is the result of their failure to fulfil their end of the spiritual covenant'. - The phrase
saith the Lord
means: 'This is the third time that we read this in this sentence'. The author wants us to understand that this is not his words but that these words come fromThe Lord
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C8-S7 : the basic statement of the New Covenant.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The phrase
This is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days
means: 'The Bible uses the word Israel for when Jacob, and his descendants, were responding spiritually. God made this spiritual covenant with a spiritual people and not with fleshly people acting in the physical reality'. The wordcovenant
is defined as: 'a spiritual contract which is enforced by the court of God'. This entire sentence must be understood spiritually. - The phrase
saith the Lord
means: 'This is a repeat of the prior sentence'. The author wants no doubt as to who said this covenant. - The phrase
I will put my laws into their mind
means: 'We must get God's word into our mind first'. This is why we are ordered to read, to study, to memorize and to meditate onThe word of God
. - The phrase
and write them in their hearts
means: 'This second step is added to the first. God can not getThe word of God
into ourheart
until after it is clearly and truly in ourmind
'. - The phrase
and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people
means: 'This is the end result of gettingThe word of God
into ourheart
and into ourmind
'. - The phrase
And they shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother
means: 'You don't need to teach people the principals that they are truly living by'. - The phrase
saying, Know the Lord
means: 'This is not just a head knowledge but the result of an ongoing personal and intimate relationship withThe Lord
'. - The phrase
for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest
means: 'This is what is truly meant by the wordunction
in 1John 2:20 '.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C8-S8 : God promises mercy and forgiveness with the new covenant. This promise is only made to those people who are doing their part to maintain their ongoing personal relationship with God. This promise is not made to the lost people nor to the carnal saved people. And, while this is a great promise that all people like to claim, we are not told what God will do this. I personally believe that this is a promise for the 1,000-years reign of
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The phrase
I will be merciful to their unrighteousness
means: 'God will give mercy when the attitude of His people is wrong'. - The phrase
and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more
means: 'God will forget the sins and the iniquities of His people'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C8-S9 says:
In that he saith, A new covenant, he hath made the first old
. This means that God replaced theold
covenant with thenew
. - C8-S10 : says:
Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away
. God is ready to let theold
vanish away. Many religions are trying to hang onto what is in the Old Covenant. Please notice that this does not say everything from Genesis through Malachi. Only the Old Covenant ('The religious part of the Mosaic Law') is replaced. {Please see the next chapter where the author gives a more detailed explanation of the truth found in this sentence.}
Chapter 9 Summary:
Chapter theme: Christ
shed His blood to give a better testament.
Our prior chapter told us how Christ
has a better priesthood
than what was provided under the Mosaic Law. Now this chapter explains how He also has a better ordinances of divine service
in a better temple and that the better ordinances
are related to a better testament
. Our chapter also explains the relationship between the testament and death with the shedding of blood.
- C9-S1 : says:
Then verily the first covenant had also ordinances of divine service, and a worldly sanctuary
. This lets us know that thefirst covenant
was dealing with religious service to God. - C9-S2 : there were things used in that service.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The phrase
there was a tabernacle made
means: 'is speaking about the building that the servicer to God was performed in'. - The phrases:
The first, wherein was the candlestick, and the table, and the shewbread
means: 'are speaking about the physical items used in the service to God'. - The phrase
which is called the sanctuary
means: 'is telling us that it had a special purpose because it also had special name'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C9-S3 : the tabernacle also had the
Holiest of all
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
after the second veil
means: 'There was a separation within thesanctuary
, which represented a separation within the access to God the father'. - The phrase
The tabernacle which is called the Holiest of all
means: 'The more separated part of thesanctuary
had the most access to God the father'.Jesus Christ
removed this separation with His death and it was signified by God when theveil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom
(Matthew 27:51; Mark 15:38 and Luke 23:45). - The phrase
Which had the golden censer, and the ark of the covenant overlaid round about with gold, wherein was the golden pot that had manna, and Aaron's rod that budded, and the tables of the covenant, And over it the cherubims of glory shadowing the mercyseat
means: 'These items were in theHoliest of all
, but the author is not dealing with their spiritual significance, at this time'. - The phrase
of which we cannot now speak particularly
means: 'There is doctrine related toThe cherubims of glory shadowing the mercyseat
, but that doctrine is a distraction from the doctrine which the author is telling currently'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C9-S4 : Regular priests only went into part of the tabernacle.
- The word
means 'after we understand what was written earlier'. That is: after we understand what was just said about the tabernacle. - The phrase
when these things were thus ordained
means: 'This was how God ordered things to be'. - The phrase
The priests went always into the first tabernacle
means: 'The priests were restricted to the first part in their service'. - The phrase
accomplishing the service of God
means: 'This is why they wentinto the first tabernacle
- The word
- C9-S5 : Only
The high priest alone once every year
into theHoliest of all
.- The word
means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction. - The phrase
into the second went the high priest alone once every year, not without blood
tells us the restrictions which God placed on entering the second part of the tabernacle. - The phrase
which he offered for himself, and for the errors of the people
means: 'tells us what God required and why'. - The phrases:
The Holy Ghost this signifying, that the way into the holiest of all was not yet made manifest
means: 'tell us the symbolic meaning'. - The phrase
while as the first tabernacle was yet standing
means: 'Tells us the time period'. - The phrase
Which was a figure for the time then present
means: 'Tells us that all of this was just a picture of the true spiritual meaning'. - The phrase
in which were offered both gifts and sacrifices, that could not make him that did the service perfect, as pertaining to the conscience
means: 'tells us the limit on the picture'. - The phrases:
Which stood only in meats and drinks, and divers washings, and carnal ordinances
means: 'tells us what was done physically which was supposed to teach the spiritual lesson'. - The phrase
imposed on them until the time of reformation
means: 'tells us when God planned to replace the symbolic ceremony with the true spiritual representation'.
- The word
- C9-S6 : how the service of
is better.- The word
means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction. - The phrase
Christ being come an high priest of good things to come
means: 'We will receivegood things
because of the priestly ministry ofChrist
'. - The phrases:
by a greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this building
means: 'are describing thetabernacle
that is in Heaven'. - The phrase
Neither by the blood of goats and calves
means: 'Christ
is not offering animal sacrifices'. - The phrase
but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place
means: 'Christ
offers His own blood as payment for our sins'. - The phrase
having obtained eternal redemption for us
means: 'Christ
paid the debt for our sins and gained useternal redemption
- The word
- C9-S7 : the work of
is topurge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The word
makes this a conditional sentence. All who fulfil the condition receive the result and no one who fails to fulfil the condition receives the result. - The phrase
if the blood of bulls and of goats, and the ashes of an heifer sprinkling the unclean, sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh
means: 'describes the Old Testament sacrifices and their results'. - The phrase
How much more shall the blood of Christ
means: 'Describes the much better New Testament sacrifice'. - The phrase
who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God
means: 'tells us why the New Testament sacrifice is much better'. - The phrase
purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?
means: 'tells us the results of the New Testament sacrifice'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C9-S8 : Additional work of
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
For this cause he is the mediator of the new testament
means: 'Jesus Christ
is the legal representative who is negotiating peace between God the father and saved people for their sins'. - The phrase
that by means of death
means: 'This is the payment that He made for our sins'. - The phrase
for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first testament
means: 'Jesus Christ
not only represents us tday but He also paid for the sins of people who were under the Old Testament'. - The phrase
they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance
means: 'SinceJesus Christ
paid for all of our sins, the Old Testament saints could leave paradise and go to Heaven'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C9-S9 :
Jesus Christ
died to put the New Testament into effect.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The phrase
where a testament is
means: 'This is the legal document known as a 'Last Will and Testament''. - The phrase
there must also of necessity be the death of the testator
means: 'A 'Last Will and Testament' does not come into effect until after thedeath of the testator
'. Our next sentence also says this truth.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C9-S10 : says:
For a testament is of force after men are dead: otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator liveth
. This sentence explains the truth of the prior sentence. - C9-S11 : says:
Whereupon neither the first testament was dedicated without blood
. This means that blood was also shed to putThe first testament
into effect - C9-S12 : Moses sprinkled everything with blood.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The phrase
when Moses had spoken every precept to all the people according to the law
means: 'Moses first made sure that the people understood everything that was in the Old Testament'. - The phrase
he took the blood of calves and of goats, with water, and scarlet wool, and hyssop, and sprinkled both the book, and all the people
means: 'Moses then took shed blood to symbolically represent the death which was required to put the Old Testament into effect'. - The phrase
Saying, this is the blood of the testament which God hath enjoined unto you
means: 'Moses explained the symbolic meaning so that the people understood why he did what he did'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C9-S13 : says:
Moreover he sprinkled with blood both the tabernacle, and all the vessels of the ministry
. This, symbolically, made them part of the Old Testament. - C9-S14 : Why blood was required.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
almost all things are by the law purged with blood
is true because life is in the blood (Genesis 9:4). A life must be given in order to pay forremission
. - The phrase
and without shedding of blood is no remission
tells us why the prior phrase is true.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C9-S15 : heavenly things were also purified with a better blood.
- The phrase
It was therefore necessary that the patterns of things in the heavens should be purified with these
means: 'God required Moses to teach His people the symbolic meaning of the ceremony and to tell them the cost of their sin'. - The phrase
but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these
means: 'However, the purification in Heaven required a better sacrifice than animal sacrifices'.
- The phrase
- C9-S16 :
offered His blood once for all time.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The phrase
Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands
means: 'Christ
did not make His sacrifice in any Earthly place'. - The phrase
which are the figures of the true
means: 'That is because they are not the true place of sacrifices made to God'. - The phrase
but into heaven itself
means: 'The true place of sacrifices made to God is in Heaven'. - The phrase
now to appear in the presence of God for us
means: 'After making the required sacrifice,Jesus Christ
now represents the saved before God the father'. - The phrase
Nor yet that he should offer himself often, as the high priest entereth into the holy place every year with blood of others
means: 'This is a major difference between the sacrifices made by Jewish high priests and the sacrifice made byJesus Christ
'. - The phrase
For then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world
means: 'If there3 was not this difference thenJesus Christ
would have to keep on making the sacrifice'. - The phrase
but now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself
means: 'Jesus Christ
does not have to repeat His sacrifice'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C9-S17 :
tothem that look for him
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
as it is appointed unto men once to die
is speaking about our dying and staying dead. People who are resurrected are not counted as finally dead until they die without resurrection. This is why the saved are promised to live forever. - The phrase
but after this the judgment
means: 'The judgment is for all that we did and the attitudes which we had that motivated what we did'. The judgment of the saved is atThe judgment seat of Christ
and the judgment of the lost is at thegreat white throne
. - The phrase
So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many
means: 'Christ
took our judgment so that we do not have to suffer for the sins which we do'. - The phrase
and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation
means: 'Christ
willappear without sin
and the saved will be judged to bewithout sin
, which provides theirsalvation
- Our sentence starts with the word
Chapter 10 Summary:
Chapter theme: We have a better relationship with God.
Please also see the Message called: Why be Loyal to Church.
Our prior chapter explained how the Levitical priesthood and sacrifices were not sufficient because they did not make anyone perfect
. Now our chapter explains how Jesus Christ
did what was needed to give us the Holy Ghost and make us perfect
. He did this in order to make us sanctified
('set aside for God's holy use'). With this change we now have The Holy Ghost also is a witness to us
because under the new covenant
God will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them
Because of these changes we are told to have boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus...with a true heart in full assurance of faith
. However, we are also to have our life cleaned up and to 'Stop our Sinning'. With that in mind, the last half of our chapter warns us of the consequences of returning to sin after we receive all that God has done to change our life. Here is where we read the famous verse of: It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
We are to live by faith
and know that God will punish backsliders.
- C10-S1 : the Mosaic Law could not provide the
good things to come
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior chapter is true. - The phrase
The law having a shadow of good things to come
means: 'What the Mosaic Law had was not sufficient'. - The phrase
and not the very image of the things
means: 'The Mosaic Law did not have what was required'. - The phrase
can never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually make the comers thereunto perfect
means: 'The Mosaic Law could never produce what was required'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C10-S2 : says:
For then would they not have ceased to be offered?
Our sentence is presented as a question to make us think. But, if the Mosaic Law could make someoneperfect
. Then they would not need further sacrifices. - C10-S3 : says:
because that the worshippers once purged should have had no more conscience of sins
. - C10-S4 : Ongoing sacrifices are for ongoing sins.
- The word
means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction. - The phrase
in those sacrifices there is a remembrance again made of sins every year
means: 'The sacrifices did not eliminate the sin'.
- The word
- C10-S5 : Animal sacrifices can not pay for sins.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The phrase
it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins
means: 'Since the animals did not sin, their blood could not take away the sin'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C10-S6 : Animal sacrifices can not satisfy God. This sentence is a paraphrase of Psalms 40:6.
- The word
means: 'what follows the wherefore is a future result that is based upon what came before the wherefore and it to be seen wherever you look'. - The phrase
when he cometh into the world
means: 'Tells us what theSon of God
did and when He did it'. - The phrase
he saith, Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not
means: 'TheSon of God
recognized the inadequacy of sacrifices made under the Mosaic Law'. - The phrase
but a body hast thou prepared me
means: 'TheSon of God
recognized what sacrifice would be required'. - The phrase
In burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin thou hast had no pleasure
means: 'TheSon of God
recognized why the sacrifices made under the Mosaic Law were inadequate'.
- The word
- C10-S7 : Obedience satisfies God. This sentence is a paraphrase of Psalms 40:7. The
Son of God
recognized what would satisfy God the father. - C10-S8 : the Son of God gave the sacrifice which satisfies God. Our current sentence adds thoughts found in Psalms 50:8-23; Isaiah 1:11; Isaiah 7:14; Jeremiah 6:20; Jeremiah 31:22; Amos 5:21-22; Malachi 1:10 and other places within the Old Testament.
- C10-S9 : God replaced the first type of sacrifice with the second type of sacrifice. Our sentence says:
He taketh away the first, that he may establish the second
. - C10-S10 : the
that satisfied God.- The phrase
By the which will
is referencing the second prior sentence, and the ones before that, where the author quoted scripture which told us that God the father would not accept animal sacrifices but that God wanted a life of obedience. This is thewill
of God for everyone. - The phrase
we are sanctified
means: 'We are set aside from doing the things of this world and from satisfying the lusts of the flesh and are set aside for the service of God'. And, as the rest of our sentence makes clear, thissanctification
is to be for the rest of our life (once for all
). - The phrase
through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all
means: 'Jesus Christ
offered His body so that we could have everlasting changes in our lives'.
- The phrase
- C10-S11 : Human priests keep making sacrifices but
Jesus Christ
is done making sacrifices. Please note that Catholic priests claim to make a new sacrifice in every Mass.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
every priest standeth daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices
means: 'tells us what is the same for all human priests'. - The phrase
which can never take away sins
means: 'Their efforts are wasted because their efforts can not accomplish what they claim'. - The phrase
But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever
means: 'Jesus Christ
, in His humanity, made one sacrifice which was so effective that on further sacrifices are ever required'. - The phrase
sat down on the right hand of God
means: 'Jesus Christ
is now our representative before God the father since His prior work is accomplished for ever'. - The phrase
From henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his footstool
means: 'God the father promised to makeJesus Christ
Lord of lords and King of kings
, but it is not yet time for that to happen'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C10-S12 : His offering provides perfection
for ever
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The phrase
by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified
means: 'Jesus Christ
did what no other priest, religion nor sacrifice could do'. His sacrifice makes peopleperfect
. And, because the result isperfect
, it is acceptable to God the father and does not have to be repeated (for ever
). Finally, His sacrifice is applied tothem that are sanctified
. People who claim to be saved, but refuse to be trulysanctified
, do not have the assurance fromJesus Christ
that is given to those saved people who are also trulysanctified
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C10-S13 : the Holy Ghost is our witness of this truth.
- The phrase
means: 'Oursanctification
, which was the subject of the prior sentence, is what this sentence is also speaking about'. . . - The phrase
The Holy Ghost also is a witness to us
means: 'God'sHoly Ghost
uses our truesanctification
as awitness
to us that we are truly saved and going to Heaven after we physically die'. . . - The phrase
for after that he had said before
is a shorter quote of what was quoted in Hebrews 8:8-11 and is referencing Jeremiah 31:31-34. Please see the Detailed Note for more related Bible references. - The phrase
This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days
means: 'This is the spiritual contract that God offers to people when He saves them during the new Testament'. - The phrase
saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts
means: 'Truly saved people will let what God wrote inThe word of God
to tell them how to live their daily lives'. - The phrase
and in their minds will I write them
means: 'Truly saved people will remember the commandments that God wrote inThe word of God
'. - The phrase
And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more
means: 'This is the final result of saved people living asanctified
life'. People who claim to be saved, but who also refuse to live asanctified
life, can not truly 'claim' this promise from God.
- The phrase
- C10-S14 : We no longer have to make offerings for sin.
- The word
means 'after we understand what was written earlier'. That is: after we understand the changes that God wants to cause in the truly saved. - The phrase
where remission of these is
means: 'In people who have hadJesus Christ
has held back (remission
) our sins by changing our character to be like God'. - The phrase
there is no more offering for sin
means: '. 'Jesus Christ
does not have to pay (there is no more offering
) for sins that we no longer do.
- The word
- C10-S15 : We can not approach God when we clean up our life.
- The phrase
Having therefore
means: 'We have the rest of this sentence as a direct result of what our prior sentence said'. That is: ifJesus Christ
has changed your life so that you are no longer deliberately sinning. - The phrase
means: 'This is written to saved people who are also serving in God's kingdom'. - The phrase
boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus
means: 'This is how we can not approach God becauseJesus
shed His blood to pay for our sins and our legal record in Heaven is now clean'. - The phrase
By a new and living way
means: 'We are living anew
way and no longer seeking to do sin'. Our new life is alsoliving
because we have God's life controlling our physical life. - The word
means: 'Made sacred by ceremonies or solemn rites; separated from a common to a sacred use; devoted or dedicated to the service and worship of God; made venerable'. The phrasewhich he hath consecrated for us
means: 'Jesus Christ
made ournew and living way
sacred before God'. - The phrase
through the veil
means: 'We can now enter the Holiest of all'.Jesus Christ
removed the separation between the two parts of the sanctuary, in the Temple, with His death and it was signified by God when theveil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom
(Matthew 27:51; Mark 15:38 and Luke 23:45). - The phrase
that is to say, his flesh
means: 'This was accomplished whenJesus Christ
offeredhis flesh
and physically died'. - The phrase
And having an high priest over the house of God
means: 'This is His current position in Heaven'. - The phrase
Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith
means: 'If we are truly serving God to the best of our ability (havinga true heart
) and have thefull assurance of faith
thatJesus Christ
has taken care of any sin that we did, we can approach the throne of God the father'. - The phrase
having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience
means: 'We have accepted that we have been forgiven of our sins because we stopped doing them'. - The phrase
and our bodies washed with pure water
means: 'We are serving God with our bodies (whatwashed with pure water
means symbolically) and doing our service in obedience to God'sHoly Ghost
- The phrase
- C10-S16 : Hold on. This sentence is based upon the prior even though the author did not start it with a connecting word. We always need to consider the context when reading and trying to understand
The word of God
this sentence tells us how to act in this physical world and it follows the prior sentence where we were told how to act in the spiritual reality and both sentences are based upon the everything said earlier in this chapter.- The phrase
Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering
means: 'We will go through many storms in life. Never let a storm of life cause you to lose, or evenwaver
in yourprofession of faith
'. - The phrase
(for he is faithful that promised;)
was added in by the interpreters because it was in the message of the Greek but the interpretation of word-by-word would leave out this critical doctrine. This phrase tells us that we are tohold fast the profession of our faith without wavering
based upon whatJesus Christ
is doing. The circumstances of life don't matter. The lies of this world and of devils don't matter. Our own failures don't matter. All that matters is whatJesus Christ
is doing with us and for us andhe is faithful
. Therefore, His power is greater than any other power and that is all that matters. - The phrase
And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works
means: 'This commandment is added to the prior phrase. If we don't do this commandment then we can not rely onJesus Christ
providing for our needs because removing either side of a wordand
, in the Bible, changes the message from God'. Thus, we are to do all that we can to cause other saved people to keep on serving God. - The phrase
Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together
means: 'Don't skip church. Don't skip fellowship meetings. Don't skip work and ministry activities'. - The phrase
as the manner of some is
means: 'Others doing wrong is not an excuse for you to do wrong'. - The phrase
but exhorting one another
means: 'Contact those church members who are missing and do all you can to get them to faithfully participate in the service to God'. - The phrase
and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching
means: 'You are getting older and so are others. The day that you, and they, leave this physical life and face your judgment is getting closer'. Therefore, do all you can to serve God while you can because your everlasting rewards depend upon your level of service and that can not be changed after physical death.
- The phrase
- C10-S17 : If we willfully sin then we must expect judgment.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The word
makes this a conditional sentence. All who fulfil the condition receive the result and no one who fails to fulfil the condition receives the result. - The phrase
if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth
means: 'The belief that we can keep backsliding and then getting right with God is a lie'. - The phrase
there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins
means: 'We will each live with the consequences of willful sin done after we are truly saved'. - The phrase
But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation
means: 'Those consequences can be terrible'. - The phrase
which shall devour the adversaries
means: 'When we sin willfully we become anadversary
of God because we are fighting against His work to get others to stop their sin'. when this is true, our sentence, and phrase, says that we will receivejudgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C10-S18 : We should expect worse punishment than people had under the Mosaic Law.
- The phrase
He that despised Moses' law died without mercy under two or three witnesses
is a reference to Numbers 16:33. - The phrase
Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy
means: 'Think about this historical example and spiritually consider the attitude that others demonstrate'. - The phrase
who hath trodden under foot the Son of God
means: 'From a spiritual perspective, people treatSon of God
, and all of His sacrifice and His high current position, as if it was just the waste from an animal which was left on the path they are traveling'. - The phrase
and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified
means: 'In addition, he totally insulted the spiritual life from God and what it took to give him spiritual life and to pay for his ongoing sins'. - The phrase
an unholy thing
means: 'This is how this person treated all of these precious spiritual things'. - The word
means 'To contemn; to scorn; to disdain; to have the lowest opinion of'. The phraseand hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace?
means: 'This person did the same as spitting in the face of God'sHoly Spirit
when He offered God'sgrace
'. Such a person has done terrible violations to a personal relationship with God that was denied to men for thousands of years.
- The phrase
- C10-S19 : the
promised vengeance.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why we should truly consider the reaction of God to people who act like the prior sentence describes. - The phrase
we know him that hath said, Vengeance belongeth unto me
means: 'This was said by God, Who is the most powerful Being that exists anywhere'. - The phrase
I will recompense, saith the Lord
means: 'God will take care of the vengeance if we turn all wrongs over to God to deal with and refuse to do anything ourselves about wrongs done to us'. I can testify from several personal experiences that this is absolutely true. Sometimes God gives people several years to repent and sometimes God even blesses the other person. But when God brings hurt on them, it is far more than anything which we can do. In addition, if we are truly trusting God for our physical needs while we devote our life to the service of God, then God more than restores what we lost.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C10-S20 says:
And again, the Lord shall judge his people
. This is always true and this is when we receive rewards as well as punishments for doing wrong. Ignore the doctrinal lie which claims that the judgment of God's people, at thejudgment seat of Christ
is only a reward judgment (Bema Seat
). - C10-S21 says:
It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God
. Doctrinal error says that this only applies to the lost. But the truth is that this was written to the saved people who were also serving. This truth is written to encourage the saved and serving to never stop. - C10-S22 : Remember your past.
- The word
means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction. - The phrase
call to remembrance the former days, in which
means: 'Remember experiences of this particular type'. . . - The phrase
after ye were illuminated, ye endured a great fight of afflictions
means: 'Remember the devil motivated attacks by people right after you received salvation and after you received greater spiritual understanding'. - The phrase
Partly, whilst ye were made a gazingstock both by reproaches and afflictions
means: 'Remember how people mocked and insulted you'. - The phrase
and partly, whilst ye became companions of them that were so used
means: 'Remember the people who were also treated the sameans befriended you'.
- The word
- C10-S23 : You had joy in losing physical things to gain spiritual.
- This sentence is one that people use to claim that Paul wrote this epistle. However, we know from history that many others were also put in
and martyred. Therefore, this sentence does not really support the claim that Paul was the author of this epistle. As written at the start of this Study, devils get God's people arguing about who the author was, which we can not know, so that they are distracted from the true doctrine in this epistle. - Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. The author knew this was true because of the way that these people treated him when he was inbonds
. - The phrase
ye had compassion of me in my bonds, and took joyfully the spoiling of your goods, knowing in yourselves that ye have in heaven a better and an enduring substance
means: 'True saved and serving people are willing to lose things in the physical reality in order to gain spiritual rewards'.
- This sentence is one that people use to claim that Paul wrote this epistle. However, we know from history that many others were also put in
- C10-S24 says:
Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward
. Please pay attention to the face that it is ourconfidence
in ourLord Jesus Christ
which hasgreat recompence of reward
. Thisconfidence
is what truly causes us to act in true Biblicalfaith
and it is a lack inconfidence
in Him which prevents our acting in true Biblicalfaith
. - C10-S25 : Have patience and faith.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The phrase
ye have need of patience
means: 'Each and every one of you personally needs patience'. God will fulfill His promise in His time. However, He determines when that will be and, if we lackpatience
, we mightCast away our confidence
, like the prior sentence warned us to not do. - The phrase
that, after ye have done the will of God
means: 'This is why the saved and serving needpatience
. They did what was required in order to receive the promise, but they can stillCast away their confidence
'. - The phrase
ye might receive the promise
means: 'The wordmight
means it is not guaranteed'. We must also havepatience
in order to receive the promise. The morepatience
, which is required, the more proof we have of our true Biblicalfaith
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C10-S26 says:
For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry
. This is another prophecy of the 'Rapture'. Formore Bible references to prophecies in the New Testament, please see the sections on Prophecy in the Doctrinal Studies called Significant Gospel Events and Significant New Testament Events. - C10-S27 : Remember that God is not pleased with backsliders.
- The word
means 'after we understand what was written earlier'. That is: after we understand what was just said about Melchisedec. - The phrase
The just shall live by faith
is a partial quote of Habakkuk 2:4. Please also see the Detailed Note for more Bible references. - The phrase
but if any man draw back
means: 'This is what people call backsliding'. - The phrase
my soul shall have no pleasure in him
means: 'The pastor is not happy with this person nor is ourLord Jesus Christ
Nor is God the father'. In this sentence4, the pastor is giving us a message from ourLord Jesus Christ
and from God the father.
- The word
- C10-S28 : Don't be a backslider.
- The word
means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction. This sentence gives us the contrast between people who please God and those who displease God. In addition, the entire next chapter is giving us Bible references to people who pleased God and to the accounts of how they pleased God - The word
means: 'Entire loss or ruin; utter destruction. If we reject the truth, we seal our own perdition'. The main application is: 'up to and including acting like Judas Iscariot'. (The Bible calls himThe son of perdition
.) the phrasewe are not of them who draw back unto perdition
means: 'We do not have the attitudes, nor the actions, of people who receiveperdition
from God'. The true Bible believer avoids this doctrinal error by having the truefear of the Lord
. - The phrase
but of them that believe to the saving of the soul
means: 'The people who trulybelieve to the saving of the soul
have different attitudes and actions than those people whodraw back unto perdition
'. Remember that thesoul
is defined as: 'The long-term result of the short-term actions of our heart in deciding how we will think, how we will act emotionally to circumstances of life and how we will decide the issues of life'. Thus, long-term, truly saved and serving people avoid the attitudes and actions ofthem who draw back unto perdition
and they learn to think, make decisions and react emotionally likeJesus Christ
- The word
Chapter 11 Summary:
Chapter theme: Faith
This is the famous chapter on faith
. There are times when I listen to people and am convinced that they are sure that they 'know' what it says and, when they read it, they see what they have been told to see and not what it really says. As the Bible says in some places: Selah
('Think about it!'.
True Biblical faith
is an action verb which produces works
. People like to preach the first verse as if it were independent but it is a summary of the chapter that is at the start of the chapter. Thus, all of the rest of the chapter provides the details of what the author is really saying within that first verse. In addition, it starts with the word Now
, which means 'After you understand what was just said'. Too many people ignore the first 10 chapters which are the basis of this chapter. In particular, understanding Chapter 10 is critical to truly understanding what this chapter says about faith
. It explained the difference between saved-and-obedient people and saved-and-disobedient people. Too many of the last group like to identify themselves with the heroes of this chapter when the prior chapter excluded them.
If people really read what this chapter they will see that every person mentioned here did action. In addition, we are judged by our works
because our works
are the evidence of true Biblical faith
. James 2 talks about faith without works
, but that is not true Biblical faith
, as even James 2 explains. The definition from our chapter is: Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen
. As I explain to Bible Students and others, evidence
is something that is used in court and can be separated from the person presenting it so that it can be examined independent of that person. What is in your head and in your heart can not be separated from you. That is a belief
, and not true Biblical faith
. In addition, something that has substance
can be sensed with our physical senses. Another person can not sense what is in your head and in your heart. Thus, what James 2 calls faith without works
is in fact only a belief
and does not match what is truly reported within our chapter.
While there is a difference between belief
and true Biblical faith
, there is also a difference between true Biblical faith
, and works
. If someone was told to run a paler to the main office, the paper in the office would be the works
and their running would be the act of faith
. If they gave the paper to another to deliver then the works
would be done but they would not have done the action of faith
. In addition, as explained below, true Biblical faith
has a proper attitude to go with the action. Their doing the action, but with a wrong attitude, would be faith
, but not true Biblical faith
Please prayerfully read what this chapter truly says about true Biblical faith
PS: Hebrews 11:6 is the verse that God used to start me on this Study and the creation of this web site. It has the promise that a rewarder of them that diligently seek him
. I started by seeking
God by studying through every book in the New Testament (at least 24 times each book) to find how the Bible truly uses the various roles of the Son of God. The result is in the Lord Jesus Christ Study on this site. The rest of this site came after that because God rewarded me by showing me how to interpret His Word so that there are NO conflicts. While many people believe this, neither I nor anyone that I know of has provided the proof
required by God to back up such a belief. True proof
requires proving a thing to be true in every circumstance. Since all claims of 'error in the Bible' are based upon claims about the New Testament, with God's help I will finish this Study for the entire New Testament and prove
that there are NOerrors in the Bible' but that all such claimed 'errors' are due to men refusing to use God's way to interpret the Bible while they use the way of men. (There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
Proverbs 14:12; Proverbs 16:25)
in this chapter we are taught the 'Attitudes' of faith
which are:
- 11:3 : True Biblical
controls our understanding of all things. - 11:7 : True Biblical
knows that is anheir
of God and acts like it. - 11:11 : True Biblical
believes the promise of God that this world says is impossible. - 11:13 : True Biblical
believes the promise of God even while dying. - 11:15 : True Biblical
ignores the 'facts' of this world. - 11:16 : True Biblical
devotes everything to preparing to live inheaven
. - 11:20 : True Biblical
blesses others by their life. - 11:24-26 : True Biblical
Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in
this world. - 11:29-30 : True Biblical
expects the impossible when the promise of God becomes impossible according to the things of this world. - 11:31 : True Biblical
separates from unbelievers in this world. - 11:39-40 : True Biblical
waits for God to keep His promise in His time.
in this chapter we are taught the 'Actions' of faith
which are:
- 11:1 :
. True Biblicalfaith
produces these. - 11:2 :
obtained a good report
. True Biblicalfaith
continues until God and this lost worldreport
the person'sfaith
. - 11:4 : True Biblical
offers unto God a more excellent sacrifice
. - 11:5 : True Biblical
Please s
God. - 11:6 : True Biblical
and looks to Him as therewarder
. - 11:6 : True Biblical
diligently seeks him (God)
. - 11:7 : True Biblical
acts on God'swarning
. - 11:8 : True Biblical
even without knowing the result. - 11:9 : True Biblical
acts on God's promise even while giving up security in this world. - 11:17 : True Biblical
obeys God even when told to do what religion says is wrong (human sacrifice). - 11:23 : True Biblical
obeys God even at risk of own death. - 11:24-26 : True Biblical
chooses rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season
. - 11:28 : True Biblical
obeys God in religious symbolic things (like theLord's supper
Our chapter has sub-groupings within it which deal with different aspects of faith
. The first 6 sentences tell us things that everyone must have in their life if they have true Biblical faith
. Then from C11-S7 through C11-S15 we see the way that these laws of faith
are to be applied in the lives of all who are truly saved. C11-S15 directly states the doctrine of this section of the chapter. In C11-S16 through C11-S29 we are told examples of different people who show us faith
in ways that we probably will not have to do the same but which teach us what we are to be willing to do. After that we only have our last sentence which provides the conclusion of this chapter.
PS: Hebrews 11:6 is the verse that God used to start me on this Study and the creation of this web site. It has the promise that a rewarder of them that diligently seek him
. I started by seeking
God by studying through every book in the New Testament (at least 24 times each book) to find how the Bible truly uses the various roles of the Son of God. The result is in the Lord Jesus Christ Study on this site. The rest of this site came after that because God rewarded me by showing me how to interpret His Word so that there are NO conflicts. While many people believe this, neither I nor anyone that I know of has provided the proof
required by God to back up such a belief. True proof
requires proving a thing to be true in every circumstance. Since all claims of 'error in the Bible' are based upon claims about the New Testament, with God's help I will finish this Study for the entire New Testament and prove
that there are NOerrors in the Bible' but that all such claimed 'errors' are due to men refusing to use God's way to interpret the Bible while they use the way of men. (There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
Proverbs 14:12; Proverbs 16:25)
- C11-S1 : the main Biblical definition of
.- The word
means 'after we understand what was written earlier'. That is: after we understand all of the doctrine which preceded this chapter. - The word
means: 'In a general sense, being; something existing by itself; that which really is or exists; equally applicable to matter or spirit. thus, the soul of man is called an immaterial substance, a cogitative substance, a substance endued with thought. We say, a stone is a hard substance, tallow is a soft substance'. The phrasefaith is the substance of things hoped for
means: 'True Biblicalfaith
takes what ishoped for
and turns it into truesubstance
'. True Biblicalsubstance
can be detected directly or indirectly in this world. Just asJesus
used the wind to illustrate thatevery one that is born of the Spirit
produces results which allow indirect evidence that they have beenborn of the Spirit
(John 3:8), so also can thesubstance
of true Biblicalfaith
be detected directly or indirectly by our physical senses. - The word
, in this sentence, means: 'The record that is kept in Heaven, and that will be used at thejudgment seat of Christ
, to prove our true Biblicalfaith
, or lack thereof'. God keeps an accurate record, in Heaven, of all of our attitudes and actions. The phraseThe evidence of things not seen
means: 'What we do not see with our physical senses but what God has recorded as our heart motivations and attitudes'.
- The word
- C11-S2 : It takes
to geta good report
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The phrase
by it
means: 'By true Biblicalfaith
, which was the subject of the prior sentence'. - The phrase
The elders obtained a good report
means: 'God reported their attitudes, actions and results received from God. These things were reported, and are reported in this chapter, so that we are encouraged to follow their example'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C11-S3 :
teaches us about creation.- The word
means: 'You enter one side of an obstacle and continue within the obstacle until you come out on the other side'. The phraseThrough faith
means: 'Our lack of true Biblicalfaith
is an obstacle to our receiving the reward from God. We must enter the attitudes and actions of true Biblicalfaith
, and continue in them, until we come out on the other side and receive the reward from God'. - The phrase
we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God
means: 'It takes true Biblicalfaith
to believe, and act upon, the account of creation found inThe word of God
'. People think that 'Evolution' was the start of religious attacks on the Genesis account, but our phrase lets us know that it is just the latest such attack. - The phrase
so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear
means: 'Everything in the physical reality was made from substances of the spiritual reality'.
- The word
- C11-S4 :
.- The phrase
By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain
means: '. '. This is a reference to Genesis 4. - The phrase
by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts
means:The word of God
has thegood report
from God thathe was righteous
. - The phrase
and by it he being dead yet speaketh
means: 'Since his act of true Biblicalfaith
is reported inThe word of God
, his recordyet speaketh
and is used to encourage others to act in a similar way'.
- The phrase
- C11-S5 :
.- The phrase
By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death
is reported in We find the name ofEnoch
in the Bible in: Genesis 4 and Genesis 5. Jude 1:14 tells us that he was a prophet (was probably the first) who prophesied the return ofChrist
to rule and reign on this Earth. Although not a correct definition of the wordtranslate
, A definition from one dictionary does give us the true application found in this sentence, which is: 'To remove or convey to heaven, as a human being, without death'. - The phrase
and was not found, because God had translated him
is a precursor of the 'Rapture'. - The phrase
for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God
gives is the testimony that: 'God rewards those people who please Him'.
- The phrase
- C11-S6 : God only responds positively to
. This is the sentence which God used to command me to start this entire Bible Study and to prove that there are no errors inThe word of God
, but we must use God'sway
, with the guidance from God'sHoly Spirit
, if we wish to achieve these results.- The word
means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction. The prior sentence told us a specific example aboutEnoch
, and the one before that told us a specific example aboutAble
. Now, our current sentence is switching from telling us specific examples to telling us the general rule about true Biblicalfaith
. - The phrase
without faith it is impossible to please him
means: 'God can not be pleases with anything other than true Biblicalfaith
'. The problem that many people have with the truth of this phrase is that they believe a religious definition for the wordfaith
, which is not true Biblicalfaith
. Thus, while religious people believe that theyPlease God
, in truth they do not. As a result, they do not receive the blessings that they desire. And, our chapter continues with examples of true Biblicalfaith
, so that people can verify if their attitudes and actions match whatThe word of God
. reports is true Biblicalfaith
. - The phrase
for he that cometh to God must believe that he is
means: 'We must believe that God is Who is reported inThe word of God
and that the character, which we believe, matches what is reported inThe word of God
'. The Bible warns us that people preachanother god
andanother Jesus
and anantichrist
. Therefore, the character that we believe in must match what is reported inThe word of God
or we do not fulfill this requirement. - The phrase
and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him
is the main requirement, of this sentence, which most people fail to fulfill. I kept actual records and I started studyingThe word of God
a minimum of 20 hours per week (average) at the start of the year 2000 and increased that to an average minimum of 40 hours per week starting in the year 2013. (It is now 2022.) that should help the reader understand whatThe word of God
means by the phrasediligently seek him
- The word
- C11-S7 :
.- The phrase
By faith Noah
means: 'Our sentence gives us an example of how Noah acted in true Biblicalfaith
'. - The phrase
being warned of God of things not seen as yet
means: 'Noah had to believe God even though all of his experiences in life went against what God said would happen'. - The phrase
moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house
means: 'Noah understood the truefear of the Lord
and acted upon it'. - The phrase
by the which he condemned the world
means: 'Noah was apreacher of righteousness
(2Peter 2:5)'. It is computed that he preached for 100 years and, yet, no one believed him and got on the ark with Noah and his family. When Noah and his family acted but all others refused, they werecondemned
. - The phrase
and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith
means: 'Noah received everlasting rewards in heaven (heir
) because of his act of true Biblicalfaith
'. This is presented as an example for us to believe and follow.
- The phrase
- C11-S8 :
.- The phrase
By faith Abraham
means: 'Our sentence gives us an example of how Abraham acted in true Biblicalfaith
'. - The phrase
when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed
is easily overlooked. Paul wantedTo preach the gospel in the regions beyond you, and not to boast in another man's line of things made ready to our hand
(2Corinthians 10:16). The people who caused problems in the Jerusalem Church and had Paul's head cut off never wanted to be a missionary but wanted to take over a church which Paul had started. Our phrase says that Abraham had a missionary call. How many young men claim to have a call like Abraham and like Paul but want to get a position on the staff of an existing church and refuse to go to the mission field? - The phrase
and he went out, not knowing whither he went
tells us that Abraham had to fully trust God for his protection and provision since he could not know how he would protect and provide in an unknown place.
- The phrase
- C11-S9 :
lived byfaith
and taught the same to Isaac and Jacob.- The phrase
By faith he sojourned in the land of promise
means: 'God promised the land to Abraham and his descendants, but did not give it during the life of Abraham nor during the life of several generations of descendants'. - The phrase
as in a strange country
means: 'While Abraham was alive, the land was controlled by a people and culture which treated the family of Abraham as aliens'. - The phrase
dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob
means: 'Abraham never had a house not a fixed piece of land to live on'. - The phrase
The heirs with him of the same promise
means: 'Abraham, Isaac and Jacob all believed the promise even though they did not see God fulfill it during their lives'. - The phrase
For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God
means: 'Here is why Abraham had faith'. The cities and culture in the land did not serve God. Abraham refused to act like Lot and change to fit into the local culture but kept serving God even though it was only his household that did so.
- The phrase
- C11-S10 :
.- The phrase
Through faith also Sara herself
means: 'Our sentence gives us an example of how Sarah acted in true Biblicalfaith
'. She proved herfaith
by believing a promise when it was no longer physically possible. - The phrase
received strength to conceive seed, and was delivered of a child when she was past age
is reported in Genesis 17:17. - The phrase
because she judged him faithful who had promised
means: 'This is why Sarah had faith and the only reason for anyone to have true Biblicalfaith
'. Ourfaith
must be based upon the character of God an on nothing else.
- The phrase
- C11-S11 : A multitude came from the child received by
.- The word
means: 'what follows thetherefore
is a future result that is based upon what came before thetherefore
and only seenthere
'. That is, Sarah gives us an example of receiving what is physically impossible because she had true Biblicalfaith
. - The phrase
sprang there even of one, and him as good as dead
means: 'Abraham and Sarah were each too old to conceive a child'. - The phrase
so many as the stars of the sky in multitude
is a reference to the promise that God made to Abraham in Genesis 22:17. Thus, we see the conclusion (Therefore
) that God honorsfaith
and that God keeps Hispromises
. - The phrase
and as the sand which is by the sea shore innumerable
tells us that God fulfilled this promise. This is reported in: Deuteronomy 1:10; Deuteronomy 10:22 and Deuteronomy 28:62.
- The word
- C11-S12 : All held their
through death.- The phrase
These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off
means: 'This shows that they believed they would return withChrist
and receive the promise then'. Even though they did not receive them in their physical life, they continued to believe. Thus, they had to believe that they would return in order to receive the promises. - The phrase
and were persuaded of them, and embraced them
means: 'They never lostfaith
but told others that God gave them the promises'. - The phrase
and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth
means: 'They refused to become part of the local culture because they believe God would replace it with a culture of righteousness'.
- The phrase
- C11-S13 : All looked for reward in the future.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The phrase
they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country
means: 'They have to give a reason for rejecting the local culture even though they live in the land'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C11-S14 : None returned to former life because focus was on heaven.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
And truly, if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out
is a conditional phrase which was not fulfilled. That is why the next phrase never occurred. - The phrase
they might have had opportunity to have returned
means: 'Since they rejected the culture of the land they were in, their flesh would have desired to return to their original culture'. However, they never returned because neither culture were from God and the sought a culture that served God.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C11-S15 : God prepared a city for them in heaven.
- The word
means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction. - The word
means 'after we understand what was written earlier'. That is: after we understand what was just said about Melchisedec. - The phrase
they desire a better country
means: 'They wanted something better than hum and can create'. - The phrase
that is, an heavenly
means: 'They desired what matches the laws and culture of Heaven'. - The word
means: 'what follows the wherefore is a future result that is based upon what came before the wherefore and it to be seen wherever you look'. - The phrase
wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God
means: 'Because of their attitudes and actions, God accepted them'. - The phrase
for he hath prepared for them a city
means: 'God has prepared a city for the people who are truly saved and serving'. The saved, but carnal, are not promised to have a part in that city.
- The word
- C11-S16 : Abraham proved his
when he offered up Isaac. This sentence is referencing the incident recorded in Genesis 22:1-10.- The phrase
By faith Abraham
means: 'Our sentence gives us another example of how Abraham acted in true Biblicalfaith
'. - The phrase
when he was tried, offered up Isaac
means: 'Abraham had to pass several tests in this incident'. - The phrase
and he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten son
means: 'God could not keep His promise if Isaac died, but Abraham believed that God would keep His promise'. - The phrase
Of whom it was said, that in Isaac shall thy seed be called
means: 'This was the promise that God gave to Abraham'. - The phrase
Accounting that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead
means: 'This is how Abraham thought that God would keep His promise'. Notice that this proves that Abraham believed in resurrection. - The phrase
from whence also he received him in a figure
means: 'Abraham receivedChrist
in a figure
'. TheSon of God
only acted in His role asChrist
after He rose from the dead. (Before His resurrection,Christ
was paying the dowry.) Likewise, Abraham expected God to resurrect Isaac like God resurrectedChrist
- The phrase
- C11-S17 : Isaac proved his
when he prophesied of future.- The phrase
By faith Isaac
means: 'Our sentence gives us an example of how Isaac acted in true Biblicalfaith
'. . . - The phrase
blessed Jacob and Esau concerning things to come
means: 'Isaac gave prophecy'. This sentence is referencing the incident recorded in Genesis 27. This sentence shows that it takesfaith
to be a true prophet of God.
- The phrase
- C11-S18 : Jacob did the same.
- The phrase
By faith Jacob
means: 'Our sentence gives us an example of how Jacob acted in true Biblicalfaith
'. This sentence combines two different events, one from Genesis 47:31 and one from Genesis 48:5-22. - The phrase
when he was a dying
means: 'tells us when Jacob did this'. - The phrase
blessed both the sons of Joseph
means: 'Jacob gave them a special blessing beyond what was given to the brothers of Joseph'. - The phrase
and worshipped
means: 'Part of true prophecy involvesworship
, which acknowledges God as the true source of the prophecy'. - The phrase
leaning upon the top of his staff
speaks of his physical weakness. 2Corinthians 12:9 says:And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me
- The phrase
- C11-S19 : Joseph did the same.
- The phrase
By faith Joseph
means: 'Our sentence gives us an example of how Joseph acted in true Biblicalfaith
'. This sentence references Genesis 50:24-26. - The phrase
when he died
tells us when this happened. - The phrase
made mention of the departing of the children of Israel
means: 'This was a prophecy by Joseph'. As we already saw, it takes truefaith
to give a true prophecy from God. - The phrase
and gave commandment concerning his bones
tells us that Joseph wanted nothing of him left where people worshipped false gods.
- The phrase
- C11-S20 : the parents of Moses proved their
when they hid him.- The phrases:
By faith Moses, when he was born, was hid three months of his parents
means: 'Our sentence gives us an example of how the parents of Moses acted in true Biblicalfaith
'. This sentence is referencing the account found in Exodus 2:2-10. - The phrase
because they saw he was a proper child
means: 'They realized that God gave their child and that God had a plan for their child'. This is in opposition to what foolish women are taught about abortion. - The phrase
and they were not afraid of the king's commandment
means: 'People with truefaith
do not worry about threats of violence and death'.
- The phrases:
- C11-S21 : Moses proved his
when he choose God's people.- The phrases:
By faith Moses
means: 'Our sentence gives us an example of how Moses acted in true Biblicalfaith
'. This sentence is referencing the account found in Exodus 2:11-15. - The phrase
when he was come to years
tells us when this account happened. - The phrase
refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter
means: 'Moses rejected the chance to be at the top of the Egyptian society'. - The phrase
Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God
tells us what Moses made chose instead. - The phrase
than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season
means: tells us what Moses gave up in his choice. - The phrase
Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt
means: 'Moses saw the spiritual rewards as greater than the loss of physical rewards and even including suffering in the flesh'. - The phrase
for he had respect unto the recompence of the reward
tells us why Moses made this choice. Moses understood the rewards of each choice and chose the everlasting rewards, which came later, over the immediate physical rewards.
- The phrases:
- C11-S22 : Moses choose God over the king.
- The phrase
By faith he forsook Egypt
means: 'Our sentence gives us an example of how Moses acted in true Biblicalfaith
'. This sentence is referencing the account found in this sentence is referencing the account found in Exodus 10:28; 11:8; 12:37-42; 13:17-21. Many might think that this is referencing the first time that Moses left Egypt but, at that time, he didfear the wrath of the king
. - The phrase
not fearing the wrath of the king
is referencing Exodus 14:10-13. - The phrase
for he endured, as seeing him who is invisible
means: 'Moses endured because he believed in God and did what he was told that God required'.
- The phrase
- C11-S23 : the Jews proved their
when they kept the first Passover. This sentence is referencing the account found in Exodus 12.- The phrase
Through faith he kept the passover
is referencing Moses but, actually, all of the Jews did this. - The phrase
and the sprinkling of blood
means: 'They obeyed even when they did not understand the symbolic spiritual meaning'. - The phrase
lest he that destroyed the firstborn should touch them
means: 'They had a truefear of the Lord
- The phrase
- C11-S24 : the Jews proved their
when they went through the Red Sea. This sentence is referencing the account found in Exodus 14.- The phrase
By faith they passed through the Red sea as by dry land
means: 'Our sentence gives us an example of how the Jews acted in true Biblicalfaith
'. Moses had to deal with their fear before he lifted his rod and parted the sea. - The phrase
which the Egyptians assaying to do were drowned
lets us know that God does not give unbelievers the same protections and blessings that he gives to believers.
- The phrase
- C11-S25 : the walls of Jericho fell by
. This sentence, and the next, speak of the same account which is found in Joshua 2 and Joshua 6.- The phrase
By faith the walls of Jericho fell down
means: 'Our sentence gives us an example of the result of true Biblicalfaith
'. Imagine going out and marching around the city every day for seven days and nothing happens for the first six days. How many people had to think that their actions were foolish? - The phrase
after they were compassed about seven days
tells us when God acted. truefaith
requires obedience even when what God commands seems foolish.
- The phrase
- C11-S26 : Rahab proved her
when she hid the spies. This sentence, and the prior, speak of the same account which is found in Joshua 2 and Joshua 6.- The phrase
By faith the harlot Rahab perished not with them that believed not
means: 'Our sentence gives us an example of how Rahab the harlot acted in true Biblicalfaith
'. What we see here is that her truebelief
, which resulted in the action of truefaith
, saved her. The lesson here is failure to act in truefaith
can result in destruction and death while acting in truefaith
can save. - The phrase
when she had received the spies with peace
means: 'She proved which side of the conflict she chose and proved it with her actions'.
- The phrase
- C11-S27 says:
And what shall I more say?
. It means: 'How much more evidence is required?'. The next sentence explains why the author writes this sentence. The sentence after that tells us how people acted in general without naming specific people. And, the final sentence gives the summary for the sentence. Thus, the author has included many examples of how true Biblicalfaith
works and we are to use these examples for doing works of truefaith
in our life with the expectation that God will reward such in His time and in His way. - C11-S28 : Lots of others in the Bible proved their
by their actions.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The phrases:
for the time would fail me to tell of Gedeon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthae; of David also, and Samuel, and of the prophets
tells us of how many others acted in true Biblicalfaith
. - The phrases:
Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword
tells the active works of truefaith
which can be found in the Bible record but which the author did not list. - The phrase
out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens
tells us how truefaith
allowed God to work through their lives and do what was not humanly possible.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C11-S29 : Lots of others not mentioned in the Bible did the same.
- The phrase
Women received their dead raised to life again
means: 'Our sentence gives us an example of how others acted in true Biblicalfaith
'. Forlinks to miracles in the Bible, please see the Doctrinal Studies called: Table Of Miracles in the Old Testament; Table Of Miracles in the Gospels asnd the Miracles section of the Significant Events in the New Testament. - The phrase
and others were tortured, not accepting deliverance; that they might obtain a better resurrection
tells us something that most people don't realize and that many people deny. That is: the more that you suffer for God's kingdom, the greater your everlasting reward is. - The phrase
And others had trial of cruel mockings and scourgings
tells us that devil motivated people first triedcruel mockings
, and when that didn't stop God's people from witnessing the truth, they triedscourgings
. - The word
means: 'yes very positively with no doubt'. The phrasemoreover of bonds and imprisonment
means: 'These devil motivated people put God's witnesses intobonds and imprisonment
whencruel mockings and scourgings
were not enough to get them to stop witnessing for God'. - The phrase
They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword
means: 'These were just some of the methods used to murder God's witnesses when nothing less than death shut their mouths'. - The phrase
they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, tormented
means: 'This is the type of physical life that God's true witnesses accepted in order to prove that they were willing to suffer in the flesh in order to have a greater and everlasting spiritual reward'. - The phrase
(Of whom the world was not worthy:)
is a phrase added by the interpreters in order to keep the same message in the English as was delivered in the Greek language. - The phrase
they wandered in deserts, and in mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth
means: 'God's witnesses went everywhere to deliver God's Gospel and to avoid persecution when they could'.
- The phrase
- C11-S30 : they all had a
good report
but haven't received thepromise
yet.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
these all, having obtained a good report through faith
means: 'Our sentence gives us an example of the result of true Biblicalfaith
in thatthese all
are still waiting for their reward'. True Biblicalfaith
waits for God's time in order to receive their rewards. - The phrase
received not the promise
means: 'They are still waiting for thejudgment seat of Christ
, which is when they will receive their rewards'. It will not happen until after the 'Rapture' so that all saved, of the 'Church Age', will be in Heaven. - The phrase
God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect
means: 'All saved will get their rewards at the same time'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
Chapter 12 Summary:
Chapter theme: Serve God righteously.
Our chapter starts with Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us
. It continues from there but we are reminded that when we start to think our circumstances are hard and that we are not receiving the help which we think we deserve, we have all of these witnesses
who had worse circumstances and less help and yet were faithful. We are also told how to be faithful when we are told to lay aside
what will hinder us and to concentrate on running The race
. Further, If this was not enough, our first sentence then reminds us of Jesus
and all He did and of His motivation. Jesus
is our main example for how to live in the flesh using the power of the Holy Ghost.
With this basis our chapter tells us that our circumstances aren't as bad as we imagine them to be. In addition, what we think is bad may be The chastening of the Lord
which is designed to help us. from this admonition to fix our attitude we are told to worship God (Wherefore lift up the hands
), seek God's healing and do right by other people. We are also warned against bitterness
and becoming like Esau. We are also reminded that we have a better deal than people in the Old Testament and since they did not escape punishment then we also will not escape punishment for sin. With these admonishments, we are told Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and Godly fear: forour God is a consuming fire.
- C12-S1 : Conclusion of how we should also do the same as the people reported in the prior chapter did.
- The word
means: 'what follows the wherefore is a future result that is based upon what came before the wherefore and it to be seen wherever you look'. - The phrase
seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses
is a reference to the entire prior chapter. When saved people start trying to make excuses for not working for God's kingdom, God will call on thesewitnesses
to testify against any claim of not being able to do what God commanded us to do. - The phrase
let us lay aside every weight
means: 'Things which are not sin, but which hinder us from serving God, canso easily beset us
'. These are things like what is considered to be good in this life or commitments to things that take up our time like politics. We are told tolay them aside
so that they stop hindering our service to God. - The phrase
and the sin which doth so easily beset us
warns us thatsin which doth so easily beset us
. Sin is always attractive and pleasurable at first, but then becomes addictive. Devils want us involved in sin so that we do not spend time serving God. - The phrase
and let us run with patience the race that is set before us
means: 'God has a plan for each of our lives and fulfilling that plan can be as exhausting as running a long distance race'. And, as we read in the prior chapter, we need to serve God withpatience
because that is part of our test which will increase our everlasting rewards. - The phrase
Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith
means: 'Jesus
is Who gave us thegrace
to be saved and to serve God. He is also our example of how to serve God'. (Please also see the Doctrinal Study called: What Did Jesus Do?). - The phrase
who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame
means: 'Jesus
did everything that God required in order to receive everlasting spiritual rewards'. We are to do the same. - The phrase
and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God
means: 'Jesus
is now in Heaven representing us. Therefore, we need to go to Him for help in time of need'.
- The word
- C12-S2 : Consider Jesus Christ when getting
.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence tells us toLook unto Jesus
. - The phrase
consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself
means: 'Really take time to consider how people, even the saved, treatJesus
and how He responds'. - The phrase
lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds
means: 'Here's why'. No matter how frustrating life can be and no matter what we suffer, it is not as much asJesus
puts up with.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C12-S3 says:
Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin
. Even if we have been beaten bloody, we are still alive and have not been martyred. That is what this sentence means. - C12-S4 : Remember that
The chastening of the Lord
is done in love.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
ye have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children
is a reference to Deuteronomy 8:4; Revelation 3:19 and several other places inThe word of God
. (Please see the Detailed Note for more reference). - The phrase
My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of him
means: 'The Lord
chastens and rebukes to correct our sin nature'. Since our sin nature is so strong in us, it takes strong correction to get it out of us. - The phrase
For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth
means: 'This is why'. - The phrase
and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth
means: 'God continues our punishment until we fix our attitude and character'. It is our own stubbornness which increases our punishment which is meant to correct.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C12-S5 : Chastening proves that we are God's children.
- The word
makes this a conditional sentence. All who fulfil the condition receive the result and no one who fails to fulfil the condition receives the result. - The phrase
If ye endure chastening
is the conditional phrase which must be fulfilled in order for the rest of the sentence to apply to us. - The phrase
God dealeth with you as with sons
means: 'This is the true reason forchastening
. God is trying to change our character to be like His character, which will make us a trueson of God
'. - The phrase
for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not?
is common practice among all humans.
- The word
- C12-S6 : People who claim to be God's people, but who are not chastened, are
.- The word
means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction. - The word
makes this a conditional sentence. All who fulfil the condition receive the result and no one who fails to fulfil the condition receives the result. - The phrase
if ye be without chastisement
means: 'God never spanks you for doing wrong'. - The phrase
whereof all are partakers
means: 'Everybody gets spanked by loving parents. '. Anyone who never was spanked never had a loving parent (Proverbs 13:24). - The phrase
then are ye bastards
means: 'Your personal spiritual mother is the church and your personal spiritual father is a devil'. - The phrase
and not sons
means: 'You personally are not ason of God
'. You personally do not have the character of God. (See C12-S8 where the author writes this literally.)
- The word
- C12-S7 : We should reverence God more than our fleshly fathers.
- The word
means: 'Going further along this line of reasoning and adding more to what was already said'. - The phrase
we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us
means: 'God uses the physical to teach us spiritual lessons'. The lovingfathers of our flesh
are to teach us how our loving spiritual father will treat us when we do wrong. Notice that the motivation is not to hurt but is tocorrect
. - The word
means: 'Fear mingled with respect and esteem'. The phraseand we gave them reverence
means: 'We had this attitude towards ourfathers of our flesh
'. - The phrase
shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the father of spirits, and live?
means: 'We should have this attitude more towards God the father because He gives spiritual life and increases our spiritual life'.
- The word
- C12-S8 : God has a better motivation for chastening us.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The phrase
they verily for a few days chastened us after their own pleasure
means: 'Our human fatherschastened
us so that we would please them, even if what they taught us did not profit us'. - The phrase
but he for our profit
means: 'Godchastens
us for our own profit. The more that we learn from God the greater our own everlasting rewards'. - The phrase
that we might be partakers of his holiness
means: 'Holiness
is the main character trait of God that God wants us to make our own character trait'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C12-S9 : Look at the long-term results.
- The word
means 'after we understand what was written earlier'. That is: after we understand the purpose ofchastening
by God. - The phrase
no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous
means: 'No body enjoys beingchastened
'. - The phrase
but grievous
means: 'Allchastening
'. - The phrase
nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby
means: 'Some things are only learned through personal experience. Onlychastening
produces these results'. - Everybody wants
. Everybody wants thepeace of God
. Everybody wantspeace
. with God. No body wants to experience what is required in order to have truepeace
- The word
- C12-S10 : Act right to get the blessing.
- The word
means: 'what follows the wherefore is a future result that is based upon what came before the wherefore and it to be seen wherever you look'. - The phrase
lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees
means: 'Fix your understanding and attitude so that you stop being discouraged'. - The phrase
And make straight paths for your feet
means: 'Know where you are going in life. Stop wandering around with no purpose'. - The phrase
lest that which is lame be turned out of the way
means: 'People who are having a hard time (lame
) will tend to try and seek an easier way to go'. Help them to serve God. - The phrase
but let it rather be healed
means: 'Truehealing
only comes from God'. This is especially true forhealing
of thespirit
and of thesoul
. (I have personally had multiple times where lost doctors said that I had 'undeniable multiple miracles of physical healing'. And, I was emotionally abused for years until I ended up in the hospital bleeding to death. Thus, I write from personal experience about multiple types of healing from God.) therefore, helping others to seek God is the best way to help them to heal.
- The word
- C12-S11 : Act morally right.
- The phrase
Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord
is the primary command for finding truepeace
. It is not enough toFollow peace with all men
, because some will require you to live in sin in order to havepeace
. However, what they offer is not truepeace
. OnlyThe Lord
can give truepeace
and He requires us to haveholiness
first. Therefore, make sure that you do both sides of theand
which is in our phrases, if you want the promised result. - The phrase
Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God
means: 'Never ley your eyes, and main goal of life, stray from pleasingThe Lord
'. Only obedience toThe Lord
will get us moregrace
. - The phrases:
lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled
means: 'Satan designs the problem of this world to cause God's people to becomebitter, and thereby many be defiled
'. The only way to avoid Satan's design is trusting thatThe Lord
has a purpose for our suffering, that will bring Him glory and give us everlasting rewards. Therefore, keep your eyes onThe Lord
and your truefaith
in Him, like the people did who were reported in the prior chapter. - The word
means: 'Someone who violates their covenant relationship'. The wordprofane
means: 'Irreverent to anything sacred; applied to persons. A man is profane when he treats sacred things with abuse and irreverence'. The phrases:Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright
means: 'Here is our example of someone who disobeyed the command of this sentence'. Our next sentence tells us that he was never forgiven. This proves that the claim: 'God is a God of unlimited chances to repent', is a lie.
- The phrase
- C12-S12 : God does not always accept repentance.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The phrases:
ye know how that afterward, when he would have inherited the blessing, he was rejected: for he found no place of repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears
summarizes the experience of Esau. Please see the Detailed note for Bible references and further explanation of this sentence. As explained in the note above, our sentence tells us that he was never forgiven. This proves that the claim: 'God is a God of unlimited chances to repent', is a lie.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C12-S13 : We have a better relationship with God.
- The phrases:
ye are not come unto the mount that might be touched, and that burned with fire
these phrases are explained in the Detailed note. Please see it for the Bible references to this sentence. - The phrases:
nor unto blackness, and darkness, and tempest, And the sound of a trumpet, and the voice of words
are also explained in that note. In addition, this experience can be viewed as a type of prophecy for what people will experience just before the return ofJesus Christ
. - The phrase
which voice they that heard intreated that the word should not be spoken to them any more
means: 'People were afraid of the voice of God and wanted a priest between them and God'. - The phrases:
(For they could not endure that which was commanded, And if so much as a beast touch the mountain, it shall be stoned, or thrust through with a dart
means: 'People had a truefear of the Lord
when they truly understood the consequences of disobedience'. - The phrases:
And so terrible was the sight, that Moses said, I exceedingly fear and quake:)
tells us that even Moses, who had a unique relationship with God, also has a truefear of the Lord
. - The phrase
But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, to the general assembly and church of the firstborn
means: 'We are no longer under the Mosaic Law but now approach everything in Heaven through the New Testament'. - The phrase
which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect
means: 'God keeps a true and accurate record in Heaven. There will be no error nor misrepresentation of our life, and our attitudes and deeds, when we are judged'. - The phrase
and to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant
means: 'OnlyJesus
can remove the record of our sins and we must do what He says before He alters our legal record in heaven'. - The phrase
and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel
means: 'Jesus Christ
shed Hisblood
our heavenly record with the payment for our sins and to give usbetter things than that of Abel
'. Many people, foolishly, want to return to a former time but they fail to realize that the New Testament gives us the best relationship with God.
- The phrases:
- C12-S14 says:
See that ye refuse not him that speaketh
. This command is given with the assumption that we understand all that was written in the prior sentence. In addition, our next sentence gives us another reason why we need to obey this command. - C12-S15 : Old Testament people were judged and they had less of a relationship than we have.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The word
makes this a conditional sentence. All who fulfill the condition receive the result and no one who fails to fulfill the condition receives the result. - The phrase
if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth
means: 'This is the example that we need to consider because God does not change (Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 13:8). Therefore, we need to pay attention to the Biblical examples and expect the same from God'. These examples include God dropping whole families into Hell alive and God marching His people in the wilderness for forty (40) years while God killed the entire generation for ongoing disobedience and a wrong attitude towards God. - The phrase
much more shall not we escape, if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven
means: 'They only heard from Moses, and other prophets, who passed on the message from God'. However, we have God'sindwelling Holy Spirit
Who usesThe word of God
to speak directly to our spirit. - The phrase
Whose voice then shook the earth
reminds us of the reported experience of God's people. Please see the Detailed note for Bible references and further explanation of this phrase. - The phrase
but now he hath promised, saying
means: 'We have promises in the New Testament which were not given before'. Please see the section called Promises in the Doctrinal Study called Significant New Testament Events. - The phrase
Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven
is a prophecy ofThe day of the Lord
, which is also calledThe great tribulation
. (Please see the Doctrinal Study called Significant Events in the New Testament and the section called: Prophecies for other Bible references to this event). As terrible as the experience of God's people was in the Old Testament, we are warned of much worse in the future because we are given much more in the New Testament.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C12-S16 : God removes what can't last and leaves what is permanent.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrases:
This word, Yet once more
means: 'The prophecies references in this chapter are given again so that we can not miss them'. - The phrase
signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made
means: 'All of creation will be shaken, destroyed and replaced'. People who are trying to live forever, in this physical reality, are pursuing a foolish goal. They can not stop the destruction of all of the physical reality. Neither can they survive it. - The phrase
that those things which cannot be shaken may remain
means: 'Only the spiritual reality will survive the destruction ofThe heavens and the earth
(2Peter 3:7)'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C12-S17 : Conclusion:
serve God acceptably with reverence and Godly fear
.- The word
means: 'what follows the wherefore is a future result that is based upon what came before the wherefore and it to be seen wherever you look'. - The phrase
we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved
means: 'The truly saved are part of God's spiritual kingdom. As a result, theycannot be moved
when God destroys all of the physical reality'. - The phrase
let us have grace
means: 'Accept whatever God gives you'. We like to think thatgrace
is something that we will enjoy here in our flesh and in this physical reality. However, God givesgrace
to His people that He lets be martyred. So, even if that is the future that God gives to you, accept it. Please reread the prior chapter, and associated notes, to remind yourself of this truth. - The word
means: 'What God finds to beacceptable
and not what our flesh or the world claims isacceptable
'. The wordreverence
'Fear mingled with respect and esteem'. The true Biblical definition of the Godlyfear
'an absolute knowledge that God will hurt me if I deliberately disobey His command'. We are not tofear
anything except God. The phrasewhereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and Godly fear
means: 'We need to have the true attitudes described by these words as we serve God'. - The phrase
For our God is a consuming fire
means: 'Here is why the prior phrase is true'. More than one preacher has preached on this phrase. The lost will beconsumed
in thelake of fire
. The saved but carnal will beconsumed
inouter darkness
after they get to heaven. The saved and serving will have their physical lifeconsumed
in the service to God so that theymight obtain a better resurrection
(Hebrews 11:38).
- The word
Chapter 13 Summary:
Chapter theme: Have a righteous life.
In our final chapter we are told how to apply, in our daily life, the doctrines which were in the prior chapters. First, we are to treat others right. Then we are to keep our doctrine and service to God right. Then we are to keep our eyes on the Heavenly goal and remember that we are here to represent God, not to fight for things of this world. Finally, we are to encourage the brethren.
- C13-S1 says:
Let brotherly love continue
. This might seem to be a simple and straight forward command, but the evidence within many churches is that it is not easy to obey. - C13-S2 : Entertain strangers.
- The phrase
Be not forgetful to entertain strangers
is our second of several commands given in this chapter. - The phrase
for thereby some have entertained angels unawares
means: 'This is why we should obey this command'.
- The phrase
- C13-S3 : Remember those who suffer.
- The word
means: 'what follows the wherefore is a future result that is based upon what came before the wherefore and it to be seen wherever you look'. - The phrase
Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them
means: 'Think about how you would feel if you were locked up for preaching the Gospel. Do for such people as you would want someone to do for you'. - The phrase
and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body
means: 'Treatthem which suffer adversity
, for the sake of the Gospel, the same way'. Keep this attitude towards all who suffer for he Gospel.
- The word
- C13-S4 : Keep sex to the marriage bed.
- The phrase
Marriage is honourable in all
means: 'God created marriage and those whoforbid to marry
are preaching adoctrine of devils
(1Timothy 4:3)'. - The phrase
and the bed undefiled
means: 'All natural sex is allowed by God'. - The phrase
but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge
means: 'Violations of God's restrictions on sex will be judged by God'.
- The phrase
- C13-S5 : Do not covet.
- The word
means: 'Your way of life. How we live speaks louder that what comes out of our mouth and if the two disagree, we prove ourselves to be a liar'. The phraseLet your conversation be without covetousness
means: 'Don't letcovetousness
be in any part of your life'. - Our phrase starts with the word
, which means that it is added to the prior phrase. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. The phraseand be content with such things as ye have
means: 'Do not wish for what God has not given nor promised, if it is for any purpose other than the service to God'. Anything that we want in order to increase our service to God comes from God. - The phrase
for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee
means: 'Jesus
said this and the only way that He will not provide for us is if we leave Him by refusing to fulfill our responsibilities in our ongoing personal relationship with Him'. Thus, if we are right with Him, and He does not provide what we desire, then it is not yet time for us to have it or whatever we desire will harm us. Therefore, thank Him for protecting us from harm and let it go unless He keeps bring it to our mind as something to serve God. And, in that case, wait until He lets us know that it is time for us to have the thing.
- The word
- C13-S6 : Rely upon help from
The Lord
.- The phrase
So that we may boldly say
means: 'We are to have the attitude specified in the prior sentence in order to be able to do the rest of this sentence'. - The phrase
The Lord is my helper
means: 'We have to do our part beforeThe Lord
steps in and does the true spiritual work'. We work for Him but He isour helper
only in that we must act inrighteousness
first. - The phrase
and I will not fear what man shall do unto me
means: 'We must truly trustThe Lord
for our protection'. Nothing can happen to us unlessThe Lord
allowed it. If we are hurt then He allowed it to give us a better everlasting reward. If we die, then He determined that our race is over.
- The phrase
- C13-S7 : Treat church leaders right.
- The phrase
Remember them which have the rule over you
means: 'This is not just pastors but all who hold a position of authority within the church'. - The phrase
who have spoken unto you the word of God
means: 'This phrase is what limits this command to people in the church'. - The phrase
whose faith follow
means: 'Look at their life and do the same as what caused God to bless them'. - The phrase
considering the end of their conversation
means: 'Think about how Godly preachers will be rewarded in Heaven. And, think about someone who served God, and then turned from God, will be punished'.
- The phrase
- C13-S8 says:
Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever
. This is a precept that can be, and is, used independent of the context. This sentence, and Malachi 3:6; tell us that 'God does not change'. And, because of this truth, it is the basis of our confidence and the reason why we should believe, and obey, everything in this epistle. SinceJesus Christ
does not change, we can be sure that we will receive the same rewards, an punishments, as the people reported in this epistle. - C13-S9 : Don't get caught up in strange doctrines.
- The phrase
Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines
tells us the same thing as Ephesians 4:14.
- The phrase
- C13-S10 : choose
over religion.- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. - The phrase
it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace
means: 'The best thing to spend our life seeking is God'sgrace
'. - The phrase
not with meats
, symbolically, means: 'Not with religious rules and concerns of the flesh and of this world'. Those are the concerns of people who trust their religion and such concerns keep them from receiving God'sgrace
. - The phrase
which have not profited them that have been occupied therein
means: 'There is no spiritual profit in being concerned with religious rules or things of the flesh or things of this world'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C13-S11 : We have access to God which other religions don't have.
- The word
is used symbolically, in our sentence, for: 'serving religious rules with the hope of blessings from God for doing so'. Our sentence says:We have an altar, whereof they have no right to eat which serve the tabernacle
. It means: 'Saved people who dedicate their lives to obeying religious rules, instead of maintaining their ongoing personal relationship withJesus Christ
will not be allowed to attend themarriage supper of the Lamb
- The word
- C13-S12 : the bodies of animals used for sin offerings were burned outside of the camp.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is giving us the reason why the prior sentence is true. The next two sentences are also part of this reason why the prior sentence is true. Understanding this reason requires understanding what is being done spiritually and explained symbolically. - The phrase
The bodies of those beasts
means: 'Everything that was not blood and certain parts of fat which were burned on the altar'. - The phrase
whose blood is brought into the sanctuary by the high priest for sin
means: 'Only theblood
was offered as payment for sin'. - The phrase
are burned without the camp
means: 'The rest of the body wasburned without the camp
, which, symbolically, showed that nothing else from our flesh is acceptable to God'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C13-S13 : that's why
also suffered outside of religion.- The word
means: 'what follows the wherefore is a future result that is based upon what came before the wherefore and it to be seen wherever you look'. - The phrase
Jesus also
means: 'This is whyJesus
had to suffer where He did'. - The phrase
that he might sanctify the people with his own blood
means: 'Only theblood of Jesus
was offered to pay for our sins and save us'. - The phrase
suffered without the gate
means: 'Golgotha was outside of the city'.
- The word
- C13-S14 : We heed to also go outside of religion to be identified with Him. Our sentence says:
Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp, bearing his reproach
. While we are in this world, we are still in sinful flesh, which was represented by the body of the beast which was destroyed outside of the camp. We are still sinful, which is whyJesus
had to become sin for us and do it outside of Jerusalem. And, as He took ourreproach
, while He lived in the flesh, so also should webear his reproach
while we live in the flesh. - C13-S15 : Our reward isn't here but comes later. Our sentence says:
For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come.
this means that we will not be here in this physical reality forever (no continuing city
), but will be in the spiritual reality for ever (but we seek one (continuing city) to come
. Therefore, we need to concentrate on providing for our stay in the spiritual reality. And, we do that by obeying the prior sentence with this sentence giving us the reason why we want to obey. - C13-S16 : We need to thank and praise God
.- The phrase
By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually
means: 'We can approach the throne of God because of our relationship (by Him
) toJesus
'. We are to approach the throne of God,continually
, so that we canoffer the sacrifice of praise to God
. - The phrase
that is
means: 'The next phrase explains the prior phrase'. - The phrase
The fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name
means: 'This is how we are tooffer the sacrifice of praise to God continually
We dopraise
by recognizing what God did for us and then we are tothank
God for what He did for us'.
- The phrase
- C13-S17 : Keep doing good.
- The word
means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction. - The Biblical usage of the word
is: 'In the Bible, only what comes from God is called good. Therefore, the Biblical definition ofgood
does not match what men think it should be'. The phraseto do good
means: 'Do what God gave you to do'. - The word
means that this phrase is added to the prior phrase. The wordcommunicate
is used to mean that we are to feel what the less fortunate feel and help them the what that we would want to be helped if we were in their circumstances. The phraseand to communicate forget not
means: 'We are to not forget to do either. We are to do what God gives us to do and we are to help others as if we were in their circumstances'. - The phrase
for with such sacrifices God is well pleased
means: 'Obeying this command will hurt us personally, which is what the wordsacrifice
means'. However, we are also told thatGod is well pleased
when we do these things and, whenGod is well pleased
, we receive everlasting spiritual rewards.
- The word
- C13-S18 : Follow your spiritual leaders.
- The phrase
Obey them that have the rule over you
means: 'Obey your spiritual leaders'. - The phrase
and submit yourselves
means: 'Keep an attitude of truesubmission
towards your spiritual leaders'. - The phrases:
for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account
means: 'This is why. They will answer to God for their influence on your soul and how much they obeyed their command to teach you to spiritually mature your soul'. - The phrases:
that they may do it with joy, and not with grief
means: 'You want them to receive reward and not punishment'. - The phrase
for that is unprofitable for you
means: 'This is why. The more you help them do their job the greater your own everlasting spiritual rewards will be'.
- The phrase
- C13-S19 : Pray for church leaders.
- The phrase
Pray for us
is quite clear. We are to pray for each other but we are to especially pray for our spiritual leaders. - The phrase
for we trust we have a good conscience
means: 'The author had only acted towards them to help them be right with God'. - The phrase
in all things willing to live honestly
means: 'The author had always treated other people honestly'.
- The phrase
- C13-S20 : Pray for the author's return.
- The word
means that this phrase is continuing the subject of the prior phrase while changing direction. - The phrase
I beseech you the rather to do this
means: 'The author begged for their prayers more than any other effort'. - The phrase
that I may be restored to you the sooner
indicates that he was in prison. This happened to many church leaders in the early church.
- The word
- C13-S21 : Blessing from God.
- The word
means 'after we understand what was written earlier'. That is: after we understand what was just said about obeying the commandments of God. - The phrase
The God of peace
identifies the most powerful being that exists and what He gives to all who truly serve Him. - The phrase
that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus
means: 'This is what He did in the past and this is what we can expect Him to do for us'. - The phrase
that great shepherd of the sheep
means: 'our Lord Jesus
is ourgreat shepherd
. He guides us and protects us'. - The phrase
through the blood of the everlasting covenant
means: 'He paid for our sins and deserves our life-long obedience'. - The phrase
Make you perfect in every good work to do his will
means: 'He will bring spiritual maturity to all who stay close to Him and obey Him'. - The phrase
working in you that which is wellpleasing in his sight
means: 'The changes that Heworks in us
iswellpleasing in his sight
and gets us everlasting Heavenly rewards'. - The phrase
through Jesus Christ
means: 'God does everything with thee savedthrough Jesus Christ
. We must do our part to maintain our ongoing personal relationship that is through Him if we want to continue to receive blessings from God'. - The phrase
to whom be glory for ever and ever
means: 'We are to always give the glory to God'.
- The word
- C13-S22 :
. This doubles the prior sentence. - C13-S23 : Listen to exhortation.
- Our sentence starts with the word
, which means that it is added to the prior sentence. This word represents 'The Mathematical function of addition'. If you drop either side of an addition problem, you change the answer. Likewise, if you drop either side of anand
, inThe word of God
, then you change the message from God. - The phrase
I beseech you, brethren
means: 'The author is begging people who are saved and serving'. - The phrase
suffer the word of exhortation
means: 'Accept and obey the commandments and doctrine of this epistle even if it makes you uncomfortable'. - The phrase
for I have written a letter unto you in few words
means: 'The author could have written much more'.
- Our sentence starts with the word
- C13-S24 says:
Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty; with whom, if he come shortly, I will see you
. This means that Timothy was set free and had been with the author. Timothy would bring more messages from the author. - C13-S25 says to salute God's people.
- C13-S26 : says that greetings from Italy.
- C13-S27 gives a final blessing.
- C13-S28 :
. This doubles the prior sentence.
God in Hebrews
God is the Son: | 1:8 |
Son of God: | 4:14; 6:6; 7:3; 10:29 |
of God | |
Angels | 1:6 |
grace | 2:9 |
people | 4:9; 11:25 |
word | 4:12; 6:5; 11:3; 13:7 |
things | 5:1 |
called | 5:4; 5:10 |
oracles | 5:12 |
priest | 7:1 |
service | 9:6 |
presence | 9:24 |
will | 10:7; 10:9; 10:36 |
right hand | 10:12 |
house | 10:21 |
warned | 11:7 |
throne | 12:2 |
grace | 12:15 |
God did | |
spake | 1:1; 1:8 |
anointed | 1:9 |
bore witness | 2:4; 11:4 |
built | 3:4; 11:10 |
rest | 4:4 |
ceased own work | 4:10 |
can not lie | 6:18 |
admonish | 8:5 |
enjoin | 9:20 |
translated | 11:5 |
provided | 11:40 |
God is | |
not unrighteous | 6:10 |
living | 9:14; 10:31; 12:22 |
not ashamed | 11:16 |
able to raise the dead | 11:19 |
a consuming fire | 12:29 |
well pleased | 13:16 |
from God | |
blessings | 6:7 |
promise | 6:13 |
confirmation | 6:17 |
judgment | 13:4 |
peace | 13:20 |
God gave | |
children | 2:13 |
to God | |
all things | 2:17 |
Christ offered Himself | 9:14 |
God - man | |
do not depart | 3:12 |
faith toward | 6:1 |
do what God permit | 6:3 |
draw nigh | 7:19 |
is able to save all | 7:25 |
personal relationship | 8:10 |
Able offered | 11:4 |
pleased God | 11:5 |
cometh to God | 11:6 |
their God | 11:16 |
deals with as sons | 12:7 |
come to God | 12:22-23 |
we may serve God | 12:28 |
let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God | 13:15 |