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Interpretive Study of Revelation 13-14

The Revelation of Jesus Christ

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Revelation Chapter 13

links to sentences in this chapter: 
C13-S1 (Verse 1), C13-S2 (Verse 2), C13-S3 (Verse 3), C13-S4 (Verse 4), C13-S5 (Verse 4), C13-S6 (Verse 5), C13-S7 (Verse 6), C13-S8 (Verse 7), C13-S9 (Verse 8), C13-S10 (Verse 9), C13-S11 (Verse 10), C13-S12 (Verse 10), C13-S13 (Verse 11), C13-S14 (Verse 12), C13-S15 (Verse 13-14), C13-S16 (Verse 15), C13-S17 (Verse 16-17), C13-S18 (Verse 18), C13-S19 (Verse 18)'. 
Chapter Summary:

  1. C13-S1 :  John sees Satan's false Holy Spirit.
  2. C13-S2 :  the description of Satan/s false Holy Ghost.
  3. C13-S3 :  One of the heads of this beast  is the beast  that men call 'The Antichrist'.
  4. C13-S4 :  Lost people worshipped the wrong being.
  5. C13-S5 :  additional reason to not fight the devil.
  6. C13-S6 :  Someone spoke for the devil and he remained in power three and a half years.
  7. C13-S7 :  this is the 'trash talk' produced by the beast  who is a devil.
  8. C13-S8 :  this devil was allowed to prove his power.
  9. C13-S9 :  the lost on Earth condemn themselves by worshipping  a being other than God.
  10. C13-S10 :  the first sentence of the message to the saved.
  11. C13-S11 :  the warning to realize that 'You reap what you sow'.
  12. C13-S12 :  We are to have patience and the faith  in God while we wait for Him to cause others to 'reap what they sow'.
  13. C13-S13 :  Satan's beast  that men mistakenly call 'The Antichrist'.
  14. C13-S14 :  this beast  fulfills the plan of Satan.
  15. C13-S15 :  the demonstrated power and doctrine of Satan's second beast.
  16. C13-S16 :  the idol was made to be alive.
  17. C13-S17 :  the mark of the beast.
  18. C13-S18Here is wisdom.
  19. C13-S19 :  the number of the beast.

The first several sentences tell us about Satan's first beast.  The last several sentences tell us about Satan's second beast.  Three sentence between those two sections contain a message to the saved which must be spiritually discerned.

Many people confuse Satan's two beasts  and they confuse the attributes of the two.  Satan's first beast  is a devil who possesses seven heads of government.  Part of the confusion comes from people believing that he is a single man.  The detailed notes for this chapter explain this confusion.

C13-S1 (Verse 1)   John sees Satan's false Holy Spirit.

  1. And I stood upon the sand of the sea,
  2. and saw a beast rise up out of the sea,
  3. having seven heads and ten horns,
  4. and upon his horns ten crowns,
  5. and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.

Our sentence starts with the word And,  while starting this chapter.  It adds this chapter to the prior chapter.  Where the prior chapter told us about Satan making war with the children of Israel (Jews), this chapter is starting the more detailed account of future events within this war.  Both chapters need to be considered together for contextual reasons.

All of the sentences from 13:1 through 13:8 describe the first beast  and need to be considered together as a single unit.  These sentences all need to be compared to Daniel 7; which deals with the same beast.

We have a beast here and another in 13:11.  This one rises up out of the sea  and the other comes up out of the earth.  They are two members of Satan's false trinity and they are easily confused.  Men are born on land but a devil, released from prison, can rises up out of the sea.

Dr. Jeff Wilson calls this one 'The Antichrist'.  However, John 17:12 says: While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name: those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled.  Thus, Jesus  said that Judas Iscariot was The son of perdition.  Then, Revelation 17:8 says: The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.  Judas Iscariot was,  and currently is not  and yet is  in the prophecy.  And, Revelation 17:11 says: And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.  He is one of the kings and not this beast  which has seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns.  (He 'has seven heads of government which rule ten countries'.)  this beast  is not the beast  whom men call 'The Antichrist'.  That beast  is The son of perdition.  This beast  is a devil who controls these heads of countries and is Satan's false Holy Spirit.

All throughout The word of God  we have read about devils possessing men.  This particular devil is second only to Satan in power.  He not only can possess a man but he can control ten heads of government.  Three of the men heading governments die, and yet, the remaining seven remain in control of all ten countries.  That is what is meant by our phrase of: having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns.

A very important phrase, of this sentence, is: and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.  The heads of several governments support Islam and hate Jews and want to destroy the country of Israel.  In the name of the false religion of Islam, they will blaspheme  Israel and the God of Israel.  This devil possesses these heads of governments and uses them to blaspheme  Israel and encourage the world to attack Israel to destroy it and kill all Jews.

Some of what Dr. Jeff Wilson writes, below, matches this beast,  which is Satan's false Holy Ghost.  Som ofit matches the second beast,  which is who men call 'The Antichrist'.  Other than confusing these two beasts,  what he writes is good.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: '  Please reference Daniel 7 so we can compare Daniel's fourth beast with John's beast, which speaks of the same person. Ref Daniel 7:1-8; 15-28.
In Daniel ch7 we are told these four beasts represent 4 kings and their kingdoms (v17), and that the 4th beast is different (diverse) from the other three, for as we see in Revelation, this 4th beast of Daniel's (which speaks of the antichrist) is a combination of the most powerful traits of these others kingdoms. the beast out of the sea is a mishmash, a chimera, an amalgamation of these other beasts, these other kingdoms. So let's look at each of these and see what we can learn about this 4th beast.
LION: the first beast we come to in Daniel (7:4) is a winged lion, a symbol used of the Babylonian empire under the rule of Nebuchadnezzar. In mythology this beast is referred to as a griffon and symbolizes power, strength, great authority, with a voracious appetite for conquest, just as Babylon and Nebuchadnezzar had, who conquered Assyria, Israel and Judah, and most of the known world; they were destructive, they were cruel. they were a powerful, pagan kingdom. And like this beast, John's beast in Revelation has a mouth as a lion, one that hungers for power, for blood, for conquest, it has a great appetite to rule and will do anything to gain such authority, and does not Rev 6:2 state of the antichrist and he went forth conquering, and to conquer. He hungers as a lion, he also roars as a lion, quelling his prey into submission by fear and intimidation, and he bites as a lion, killing all who oppose him, hunting down God's chosen. And did we not see that the antichrist spoke great things, lying wonders, great blasphemies against God? Re 13:5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.6 And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.
Da 7:25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.
This antichrist takes the power of the spoken word and uses it to deceive and to destroy and to devour and to damn. He corrupts the truth into lies in order to fool many into worshiping and following him. this lion's mouth is dangerous in many ways, it is savage and destructive, deceitful, vile and vulgar, it is fearful and consuming, for does not the Bible say that the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour (I Peter 5:8).
BEAR: the second beast we come to is the bear (7:5). the bear is representative of the Medo-Persian Empire. the bear depicts that kingdom's use of brute force for a bear is very strong, very destructive, very dangerous. And we then see the description of John's beast which has the feet of a bear. Now you would think the leader of the known world would be able to afford shoes instead of having bare feet wouldn't you? (get it bare feet vs bear feet, bad joke I know). this refers to the sheer brute force the antichrist will wield against his enemies. the terrors that he lays upon the Jews and believers will be horrifying. fora bear has great large claws with mounds of muscle behind them when it strikes, rending and tearing with its claws and breaking bones with the sheer impact of its swing, the Bible actually has a few verses speaking of the brutality of a bear who has been robbed of her whelps, this is not an animal any one wants to face in its unbridled viciousness. A bear will also relentlessly go after its prey, think of a bee's nest rich with honey, the bear will get its prize despite the stings and harm to itself, it ignores its own pain, for it is tenacious, stubborn, persistent, in getting what it wants, just as the Persi and were in their will to conquer the known world, as well as the antichrist who will not care for the lives he throws away to further his pl and and to wage war against the sun-clothed woman, to gain his prize of world dominion and conquering all who stand in his way. Pr 28:15 As a roaring lion, and a ranging bear; so is a wicked ruler over the poor people.
LEOPARD: And with that we come to Daniel's third beast, the winged leopard (7:6). this beast represents the Grecian empire established by Alexander the Great. A leopard symbolizes ferociousness, swiftness (especially with wings), cunning as it waits in hiding to pounce on its prey which it does very well due to its natural camouflage, its spots. this hunter is on its prey before it realizes it. And with Alexander leading his armies, they were precise and cunning, swift in their maneuvering and engagement, as he was a brilliant tactician. So if we compare this to John's beast, we see that his beast out of the sea is primarily made up of the leopard, it was like unto a leopard, with only the feet of a bear and the mouth of a lion. Here we see the antichrist when he strikes, it will be swift and decisive, it will be ferocious, he will pounce when it is unexpected, he will hide or camouflage himself with words of peace and diplomacy until the time to strike his enemies is prime, and then he will go for the immediate kill. His armies will sweep the world, his hunger for power driving them, his lies filling theirs ears, they will be brutal and unmerciful, swift and strategic, the world will truly see shock and awe. So here we have the antichrist's empire, the revived Roman Empire, being a combination of all three of these mighty previous empires. He has the hunger and power of Babylon with a mighty voice given by the mouth of the lion, he will be strong and stubborn, brutally devastating to the enemies, as the Medes and Persi and were, represented by the feet of the bear, and then he will be swift and cunning, strategic yet ferocious in his attack like the armies of Alexander. Da 7:7 After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns.
But not only do these beasts describe the antichrist's kingdom, they also describe the antichrist himself. He has a powerful mouth, a voice of strength with power to back it up, a mouth that speaks lies and great blasphemies. He is also stubborn and persistent in his conquest like the bear, he kills and destroys all who stand in his way and who speak against him. Great will be his persecution against the Jews and remaining believers. And he is ferocious and cunning like the leopard, he is even swift in his rise to power, and since he is the man of sin, he is spotted with sin, blemished, like a leopard covered with spots. He truly is a beast.
Now if we compare this man to the Lord Jesus we see very contrasting images. the antichrist has a mouth as a lion, while Jesus is called the Lamb of God, the one that taketh away the sins of the world, and this Lamb has a different kind of mouth, in one instance it is meek, Isa 53:7 He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth. But in another instance Jesus' mouth is mighty and victorious Re 19:15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: this Lamb is the Word, the Word of God, that has the power to speak creation into existence, the power to judge men's souls, the power to cure, to heal, to call and to save. His mouth is much more pleasant, much more powerful than the antichrist's.
Then we look at the antichrist's feet, feet like a bear. But John the Baptist says of the Lamb, Lu 3:16 John answered, saying unto them all, I indeed baptize you with water; but one mightier than I cometh, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire: It is at those feet that many fell to the ground to worship this Lamb when he walked upon this earth, and it was those feet that bear the scars from the cross, where he suffered for our sins and died for us. His feet brought him to us, to walk among us, and it is those feet we must follow to our heavenly home. His feet are not scary, not ferocious, but they came in compassion and love.
And finally, the antichrist is as a spotted leopard, but Christ is spotless, sinless. 1Pe 1:19 But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot:
1Jo 3:5 And ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins; and in him is no sin.
Heb 9:14 How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?
So is there any wonder the antichrist is called such, for he is nothing like the true Christ?
Something else to think about: the line of David will defeat the lion and the bear and the man. (Goliath blasphemed, was sinful, was a mutant of sorts since he was a giant, not just a normal man)
1Sa 17:34 And David said unto Saul, thy servant kept his father's sheep, and there came a lion, and a bear, and took a lamb out of the flock: 35 And I went out after him, and smote him, and delivered it out of his mouth: and when he arose against me, I caught him by his beard, and smote him, and slew him. 36 thy servant slew both the lion and the bear: and this uncircumcised Philistine shall be as one of them, seeing he hath defied the armies of the living God. 37 David said moreover, the LORD that delivered me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the paw of the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine. And Saul said unto David, Go, and the LORD be with thee. Christ is of the line of David, having the right to sit upon the throne of David, and just as David defeated all these beasts and blasphemers, so too will Christ defeat the antichrist, proving who the true God is.
So thus far in ch13 we have been looking at the beast out of the sea, the antichrist and his empire that rises forth from the peoples and the nations of the earth. the antichrist will be the ruler of this revived Roman Empire, the head power over the other kingdoms that have allied with him. And we have seen that this empire, as well as the man, would be like the empires and emperors of old, sharing some of their most powerful and outstanding characteristics, like Babylon, with the mouth of a lion that hungered for conquest, how it devoured its enemies, and spoke with power and blasphemy; like the Persian empire that was strong and brutal like the bear; and like the Grecian empire, swift, deadly, cunning, lying in wait to pounce on its prey from hiding like the leopard, as well as being spotted with sin and corruption. this beast, this man, and his system of world wide rule is to be a mixture of the most powerful and terrible traits of all the previous world empires put together. But there is one last thing that makes this empire and this antichrist stick out from all the other would be world conquerors, something that makes him more powerful, more influential for we see in the ending of v2' and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.
We've had the leopard, the bear and the lion, but now we come to one that is mightier and more feared than all, more destructive, more sinister, the great red dragon, that old serpent, Satan himself. And here we see the connection of this portion of the Satanic trinity; for Satan, the dragon, gives to the antichrist, the beast, his power, his strength and influence, this will be unhindered power for the very ones who hindered such power before (The Holy Spirit and the church) have been removed and/or their operation changed. And with such unhindered power the dragon also gives the beast his seat/throne and the authority he wields from such a throne, for remember Satan is the prince of this world, the prince and power of the air, he is a ruler of the darkness of this world, a spiritual wickedness in a high place, the leader of the fallen angels, and the devil here invests his power and influence into this one man, to rule and be worshipped as a god. this man becomes the devil's puppet and Satan is the puppet master, pulling all the strings. the beast is given military power, political power, religious power and economic power, his control will grip the entire world (except for a few select areas). Remember the antichrist ascends out of the pit, Re 11:7 And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them. and this is most likely after he suffers his deadly wound, v3, for it is from this moment that the antichrist's personality changes from a political diplomat to a bloodthirsty killer, for now he is a son, the offspring, of perdition, of damnation, just as Judas was when he betrayed the Lord Jesus, and so he is now consumed by the power and person Satan

The word stood  is the past-tense form of the word stand.  Please see the notes for Romans C14S5 and 1Corinthians C15S1 about the word stand.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'to be upon the feet, as an animal; not to sit, kneel or lie'.  Please also see the note for Philippians 1:18 about the word notwithstanding.  Please also see the note for 1Corinthians C14S2 about the word understand.  Please also see the note for Galatians C5S1 about the phrase stand fast.

Please see the note for Matthew 7:26-27 about the word sand.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Sand is principally produced by the grinding action of waves. this is accompanied by chemical solution, with the result that the more soluble constituents of the rock diminish in amount or disappear and the sands tend to become more or less purely silicious, silica or quartz being a common constituent of rocks and very Insoluble'.

Please see the note for John 6:16-17 about the word sea.  Webster's 1828 dictionary defines this word as: 'A large bason, cistern or laver which Solomon made in the temple, so large as to contain more than six thousand gallons. this was called the brazen sea, and used to hold water for the priests to wash themselves. 1 Kings 7. 2 Chron. 4 2. A large body of water, nearly inclosed by land, as the Baltic or the Mediterranean; as the sea of Azof. Seas are properly branches of the ocean, and upon the same level. Large bodies of water inland, and situated above the level of the ocean, are lakes. the appellation of sea, given to the Caspian lake, is an exception, and not very correct. So the lake of Galilee is called a sea, from the Greek. 3. the ocean; as, to go to sea. the fleet is at sea, or on the high seas. 4. A wave; a billow; a surge. the vessel shipped a sea. 5. the swell of the ocean in a tempest, or the direction of the waves; as, we head the sea. 6. Proverbially, a large quantity of liquor; as a sea of blood. 7. A rough or agitated place or element. In a troubled sea of passion tost. Milton'.  Please also see the note for Hebrews 11:29 about the phrase Red Sea.  Please also see the note for John 21:1 about the phrase sea of Tiberias.

Please see the notes for 1Corinthians C13S9; 2Corinthians 2:17 and Colossians C1S6 about the words see / sight. The New Testament definition is: 'perception of objects by the eye; view. this word is often used symbolically for spiritual understanding'.  Please also see the note for John 6:40-LJC  about the phrase see the Son.  Please also see the note for Acts 2:25 about the words foresee / foresaw.  Please also see the note for Romans C11S10 about the phrase works are seen of men.

Please see the note for Acts 7:42 about the word beast.  The the New Testament definition for this word is: 'Any animal that is not man. Sometimes it means quadrupeds, and not creeping things'.

Please see the note for Colossians C2-S7 about the word rise.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'To move to pass upward in any manner; to ascend; as, a fog rises from a river or from low ground; a fish rises in water; fowls rise in the air; clouds rise from the horizon towards the meridian; a balloon rises above the clouds'.  Please also see the note for John 20:2-LJC about the phrase risen Jesus is Lord.  Please also see the note for Mark 10:1 about the words arise / arose.

Please see the note for Matthew 15:34 about the word seven.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'This number occurs frequently in Scripture, and in such connections as lead to the supposition that it has some typical meaning. On the seventh day God rested, and hallowed it (Ge 2:2-3). the division of time into weeks of seven days each accounts for many instances of the occurrence of this number. this number has been called the symbol of perfection, and also the symbol of rest. "Jacob's seven years' service to Laban; Pharaoh's seven fat oxen and seven lean ones; the seven branches of the golden candlestick; the seven trumpets and the seven priests who sounded them; the seven days' siege of Jericho; the seven churches, seven spirits, seven stars, seven seals, seven vials, and many others, sufficiently prove the importance of this sacred number" (see Le 25:4; 1Sa 2:5; Ps 12:6; 79:12; Pr 26:16; Isa 4:1; Mt 18:21-22; Lu 17:4). the feast of Passover (Ex 12:15-16), the feast of Weeks (De 16:9), of Tabernacles (De 13:15), and the Jubilee (Le 25:8), were all ordered by seven. Seven is the number of sacrifice (2Ch 29:21; Job 42:8), of purification and consecration (Le 27:34,34; 8:11,33; 14:9,51), of forgiveness (Mt 18:21-22; Lu 17:4), of reward (De 28:7; 1Sa 2:5), and of punishment (Le 26:21,24,28; De 28:25). It is used for any round number in such passages as Job 5:19; Pr 26:16,25; Isa 4:1; Mt 12:45. It is used also to mean "abundantly" (Ge 4:15,24; Le 26:24; Ps 79:12'.  Please also see the note for Luke 10:1 about the word seventy.

Please see the note for Colossians C1S4 about the word head.  The New Testament definition for word head  is: 'The uppermost part of the human body, or the foremost part of the body of prone and creeping animals.  Used spiritually for the most important part of anything'.  Please see the note for 1Corinthians 11:3-LJC about the phrase Christ: the head of.  Please also see the note for 2:9 about the word Godhead.  The New Testament definition for the word Godhead  is: 'Godship; deity; divinity; divine nature or essence; applied to the true God'.  Please also see the note for Revelation 7:3 about the word forehead.  The New Testament definition for the word forehead  is: 'The part of the face which extends from the hair on the top of the head to the eyes. Used symbolically for: Impudence; confidence; assurance; audaciousness.  Also, the forehead is made the seat of boldness of speech and act (Eze 3:7- 9). This is one of the places where "the mark of the beast" will be put to show their rebellion against God'.  Please use This link to see the 'Minor Titles of the Son of God' found within the Bible along with links to where the Bible uses those titles.  The title in this sentence is head.

Please see the note for Luke 1:67-75 about the word horn.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'A natural means of defense which has many applications in the word of God'.  Please also see the message called The Prophecy of Zacharias about the seven horns.

Please see the note for James 1:12 about the word crown.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Crowns show that the person wearing them has authority and a special position'.  Some saved people will be in Heaven but will not be allowed to return with Christ,  to this Earth, for His 1,000 years reign.  Anyone with a crown  will be returning with Him and ruling under Him.

Please see the note for Philippians 2:9-11 about the word name.  The New Testament definition is: 'How a person is identified including their power and authority'.  Please also see the note for 1Corinthians C1S4 about the phrase the name.    Please also see the note for Acts 1:23 about the word surname.  The New Testament definition is: 'In scripture this means an additional or added name, not a family name, as the word now implies'.  Please also see the note for 1Peter 4:14-LJC about the phrase name of Christ.  Please also see the note for Luke 13:35 about the phrase name of the Lord.  Please also see the Lord Jesus Christ Overview for the doctrine of the names/roles of the Son of God.

Please see the notes for Mark 2:6-7 about the word blasphemy.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'in its technical English sense, signifies the speaking evil of God and in this sense it is found Ps 74:18; Isa 52:5; Ro 2:24 etc. But according to its derivation it may mean any species of calumny and abuse: see 1Ki 21:10; A 18:6; Jude 1:9 etc. Blasphemy was punished by stoning, which was inflicted on the son of Shelomith. Le 24:11 On this charge both our Lord and St. Stephen were condemned to death by the Jews. the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, Mt 12:32; Mr 3:28 consisted in attributing to the power of Satan those unquestionable miracles which Jesus performed by "The finger of God" and the Power of the Holy Ghost. It is plainly such a state of wilful, determined opposition to God and the Holy Spirit that no efforts will avail to lead to repentance. Among the Jews it was a sin against God answering to treason in our times'.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'upon. Jer 5:22 exp: Re 16:3.  and saw. Re 11:7; 17:8; Da 7:2-3  having. Re 12:3; 17:3,7-12,16; Da 7:7-8,19-20,23-24  ten crowns. Re 12:3  name. or, names.  blasphemy. Re 13:5-6; 17:3,5; Da 7:25; 11:36; 2Th 2:3-4'.

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C13-S2 (Verse 2)   the description of Satan/s false Holy Ghost.
  1. Equivalent Section:  the kingdoms controlled by Satan/s false Holy Ghost.
    1. And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard,
    2. and his feet were as  The feet of a bear,
    3. and his mouth as the mouth of a lion:.
  2. Equivalent Section:  the power and authority of Satan's false Holy Spirit.
    1. and the dragon gave him his power,
    2. and his seat,
    3. and great authority.

Our sentence starts with the word And,  which adds it to the prior sentence.  All of the sentences from 13:1 through 13:8 describe the first beast  and need to be considered together as a single unit.  These all need to be compared to Daniel 7; which deals with the same beast.

In our First Equivalent Section, we read the symbolic representation of the kingdoms controlled by Satan/s false Holy Ghost.  Dr. Jeff Wilson dealt with two of these animals in the note above.  They represent three kingdoms which conquered Israel and that God used to punish His people when they turned away from Him.  This beast,  having body parts which match the symbolic beasts, in Daniel, show us that Satan was behind the conquering countries represented in the vision of Daniel.  Here, they are brought together in one beast  to reveal that Satan was behind all.

In our Second Equivalent Section, we read that the power and authority of Satan's false Holy Spirit  comes from Satan himself (The dragon gave him his power).  Again, this is power, and his seat, and great authority  over the rulers of ten governments.  It takes a very powerful devil to possess so many rulers and the beast,  whom men wrongly call 'The Antichrist', will be a literal physical man.  Satan's two beasts  have matching characters but the main difference between them is that one is a devil and the other is a literal physical man.

Dr. Jeff Wilson wrote about this sentence in the note for the prior sentence.

Please see the note for Acts 7:42 about the word beast.  The the New Testament definition for this word is: 'Any animal that is not man. Sometimes it means quadrupeds, and not creeping things'.

Please see the notes for 1Corinthians C13S9; 2Corinthians 2:17 and Colossians C1S6 about the word see / sight.  The New Testament definition for this word is properly defined as: 'a physical sense which conveys information about the physical world to the brain'.  The spiritual application of these words is: 'understanding a concept'.  Please also see the note for John 6:40-LJC about the phrase see the Son.

Please see the note for Mark 4:16-17 about the word likewise.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'like and wise. In like manner; moreover'.  Please also see the note for Philippians 2:5-8 about about the words like  and likeness.  Please also see the note for Matthew 7:24-25 about the word liken.  Please also see the note for Romans 15:5 about the word likeminded.

We find forms of the word leopard  in: Isaiah 11:6; Jeremiah 5:6; Jeremiah 13:23; Daniel 7:6; Hosea 13:7; Revelation 13:2.  Fausset's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'Famed for swiftness and agility (Hab 1:8); "you would fancy it was flying" (Oppian Cyneg., iii. 76); it climbs trees, and can crawl along the ground. Hence the symbol for Greece and Alexander's rapid victories (Da 7:6; Re 13:2). the prevalence of leopards anciently in Palestine is marked by the many places named from them (namer, Hebrew): Nimrah, Nimrim, Beth Nimrah. "The mountains of the leopard" (Song 4:8), namely, Lebanon and Hermon, where still they are found; "The mountains of prey" (Ps 76:4), symbolizing the rapacious world kingdoms. they spring with successive rapid bounds. they cunningly lie in wait in thickets and often near villages for their prey, as distinguished from the lion's bold, open attack (Jer 5:6; Ho 13:7): "as a leopard by the way, I will observe (lie in wait for) them." Its unalterable spots represent man's inability to change himself (Jer 13:23); yet the leopard in the millennium shall "lie down with the kid" (Isa 11:6)'.

Torrey's Topical Textbook provides links for the word leopard  as: 'Inhabited mountains of Canaan:  Song 4:8.  DESCRIBED AS:  Spotted:  Jer 13:23.  Fierce and cruel:  Jer 5:6.  Swift:  Hab 1:8.  Lies in wait for its prey:  Jer 5:6; Ho 13:7.  ILLUSTRATIVE:  Of God in His judgments:  Ho 13:7.  of the Macedonian empire:  Da 7:6.  Of antichrist:  Re 13:2.  (Tamed,) of the wicked subdued by the gospel:  Isa 11:6'.

Please see the note for Luke 1:76 about the word feet.  The New Testament definition is: 'The plural of foot.  This word is often used symbolically for how the foot is used'.  Please see the note for Matthew 4:5 about the word foot.  Please also see the note for Matthew 18:28 about the phrase trodden under foot.  Please also see the note for Matthew 18:28 about the phrase trodden under foot.  Please also see the note for Hebrews 1:13 about the word footstool.

We find forms of the bear (animal)  in: 1Samuel 17:34; 2Samuel 17:8; Proverbs 17:12; Lamentations 3:10; Daniel 7:5; Hosea 13:8; Amos 5:19; Revelation 13:2.  The Morrish Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'The species which inhabited Palestine is the Syrian Bear (Syriacus Ursus). When young its colour is a dark brown, but this colour gets lighter with age, and when old it is nearly white. they are now comparatively scarce in Palestine, but may still be seen on the mountains of Lebanon, and occasionally farther south. When vegetables and fruits are to be had the bear feeds upon them, but in the winter it lives upon animals. David slew a lion and a bear that had seized a lamb of the flock. 1Sa 17:34-37. the she-bear is regarded as peculiarly fierce and dangerous when robbed of her whelps. 2Sa 17:8; Pr 17:12: cf. 2Ki 2:24. Alas that God should have to compare His fierce judgements on Israel to such a creature, together with the lion and leopard. Ho 13:7-8. In the millennium the cow and the bear shall feed together. Isa 11:7.  In Da 7:5 the Medo-Persian kingdom was compared to a bear, with three ribs in its mouth; and to it was said, "Arise, devour much flesh." In Re 13:2 the beast that represents the still future Roman empire is described as being like a leopard, with feet as the feet of a bear, showing its destructive character, for it is by the strength of its feet the bear destroys its prey by tearing it open'.

Please see the note for Luke 1:64 about the word mouth.  The New Testament definition is: 'the mouth consists of the lips, the gums, the insides of the cheeks, the palate, the saliva glands, the uvula and tonsils. It is sometimes used in Scripture for speaker'.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 2:17 about the word speak.

Please see the note for Revelation 4:7 about the word lion.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'A large cat. The well- known and noble king of beasts, frequently spoken of in Scripture as a physical animal whose character traits are used symbolically for spiritual beings such as The Lion of the tribe of Judah  is Jesus Christ'.

Please see the note for Revelation 12:3 about the word dragon.  The Morrish Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'tannin, δράκων. It may signify any great serpent or sea monster, symbolical of a huge destructive creature. Nations doomed to destruction and desolation, including Jerusalem, are said to become habitations of dragons. Isa 34:13; 35:7; Jer 9:11; 10:22; 51:37. Pharaoh, king of Egypt, is called the great dragon. Eze 29:3. As one of God's creatures the dragon is called upon to praise Jehovah. Ps 148:7. In the N.T. the dragon is a type of Satan and those energised by him. In Re 12:3 the "great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns," is symbolical of Satan's power in the form of the Roman empire: it endeavoured, in the person of Herod, to destroy Christ when born. In Re 13:2,4 it is Satan who gives the resuscitated Roman empire in a future day its throne and great authority. In Re 13:11 the Antichrist, who has two horns like a lamb, speaks as a dragon. In Re 16:13 it is Satan, and in Re 20:2 he is described as "that old serpent, which is the Devil and Satan."'.  Smith's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'The translators of the Authorized Version, apparently following the Vulgate, have rendered by the same word "dragon" the two Hebrew words tan and tannin, which appear to be quite distinct in meaning.  1. the former is used, always in the plural, in:  Job 30:29; Ps 44:19; Isa 34:13; 43:20; Jer 9:11.  It is always applied to some creatures inhabiting the desert, and we should conclude from this that it refers rather to some wild beast than to a serpent. the syriac renders it by a word which, according to Pococke, means a "jackal".  2. the word tannin seems to refer to any great monster, whether of the land or the sea, being indeed more usually applied to some kind of serpent or reptile, but not exclusively restricted to that sense:  Ex 7:9-10,12; De 32:33; Ps 91:13.  In the New Testament it is found only in the Apocalypse:  Re 12:3-4,7,9,16-17.  etc., as applied metaphorically to "The old serpent, called the devil, and Satan."'.

The word gave  is: 'the past-tense form of the word give' along with the word given.  Please see the note for 2Corinthians 9:8-11 about this word.

Please see the note for Romans C13S2 about the word power.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'The primary sense of the verb is to strain, to exert force. 1. In a philosophical sense, the faculty of doing or performing anything; the faculty of moving or of producing a change in something; ability or strength'  Please also see the note for John 5:41 about the phrase power of God.  Please also see the notes for Romans C8S40 and Ephesians C6S8 about the phrase spiritual powers.

Please see the note for Mark 12:38-40 about the word seat.  The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia defines this word as: 'set: this word is used to translate the Hebrew words (moshabh, shebheth, kicce', and tekhunah), once (Job 23:3). It translates the Greek word (kathedra) (Mt 21:12; 23:2; Mr 11:15), and "chief seat" translates the compound word (protokathedria) (Mt 23:6; Mr 12:39; Lu 20:46). In the King James Version it translates (thronos) (Lu 1:52; Re 2:13; 4:4; 11:16; 13:2; 16:10), which the Revised Version (British and American) renders "throne." It denotes a place or thing upon which one sits, as a chair, or stool (1Sa 20:18; Jg 3:20). It is used also of the exalted position occupied by men of marked rank or influence, either in good or evil (Mt 23:2; Ps 1:1)'.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 5:10 about the phrase judgment seat.  Please also see the note for Romans 14:10 and 2Corinthians 5:10 about the phrase judgment seat of Christ.

Please see the note for 2Corinthians 10:8-9 about the word authority.  The New Testament definition for this word is: ' Legal power, or a right to command or to act; as the authority of a prince over subjects, and of parents over children. Power; rule; sway'.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'was like. Jer 5:6; 13:23; Da 7:6-7; Ho 13:7; Hab 1:8  and his feet. 1Sa 17:34-37; 2Ki 2:24; Pr 17:12; 28:15; Da 7:4-5; Ho 13:8; Am 5:19  and his mouth. Ps 22:21; Isa 5:29; Ho 11:10; Am 3:12; 2Ti 4:17; 1Pe 5:8  dragon. Re 12:3-4,9,13,15  gave. Re 16:10; 17:12; 19:20; 20:2'.

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C13-S3 (Verse 3)   One of the heads of this beast  is the beast  that men call 'The Antichrist'.
  1. Equivalent Section:  the deadly wound.
    1. First Step:  John saw the wound.
      1. And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death;
    2. Second Step:  It was healed.
      1. and his deadly wound was healed:.
  2. Equivalent Section:  the result of the healing.
    1. and all the world wondered after the beast.

Our sentence starts with the word And,  which adds it to the prior sentence.  All of the sentences from 13:1 through 13:8 describe the first beast  and need to be considered together as a single unit.  These all need to be compared to Daniel 7; which deals with the same beast.

The First Step, of our First Equivalent Section, tells us that one of his heads  was what was wounded to death.  Remember that this beast  had seven heads,  which makes him a devil who possessed seven leaders of countries.  However, the beast,  whom men call 'The Antichrist', is human.  Therefore he has only one head and it was wounded to death.  The beast,  whom men call 'The Antichrist', also was wounded to death.  This is one of the4 ways that we can separate these two beasts.

Our Second Equivalent Section tells us: and all the world wondered after the beast.  Since our First Equivalent Section was talking about the beast  who was a devil possessing seven heads of government, this beast  is the same beast  which our Second Equivalent Section tells us about.  And, all the world wondered after the beast  because it appeared as if he raised the other beast  from the dead.  Therefore, he deceived men into believing that he had a power which is reserved to God.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'I have already mentioned that this fatal wound the antichrist recovers from is most likely how he will claim to be the Messiah, the one that is raised from the dead, that has defeated death and the grave, trying to rob Christ of the glory of his resurrection. Now whether he actually dies or if it is some deceptive trick, is not important, but what is important is what the people of the world believe. If they believe he has power over death, power to bring himself back to life, does it really matter if he did or didn't die?, as its what the people think is important. But I do believe he actually dies, as the Greek word for wounded here in this verse is the same word that is translated in Rev 5:6 as 'slain' speaking of the death of Christ, who we know died. So again, because Satan is a copycat of God, he will try to mimic the resurrection with the beast in order for him to be adored and worshipped. And as we see in v3, many do believe he is the prophesied messiah, the one that conquers death and the grave, all the world wonders, is in awe, of this man. they can not believe it, yet they do. they will ask themselves questions like 'How did he do that? What power does he have? If he can do that what can't he do? If he is that mighty just think what he can do for us and this world. Who is like this man? Who could stand against him?' and so on and so on, and the world will become enamored with this man, with this leader. the nations and politici and will follow him, the people will love him, the masses will wonder at him, the media will heap adoration upon him, and the religious will worship him. How deluded this world will be. 2Th 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: What a sad state this world is in, they reject the true Savior, yet receive the very opposite of him to their own destruction.
And this lie/delusion will cause all to worship this beast, and not only the beast but the one from which he draws his power from as well, the dragon. Satanism in a very twisted form will be the world wide religion, most likely promoted thru the then fully corrupted Roman Catholic Church, which we'll look at later on in our studies

Please see the notes for 1Corinthians C13S9; 2Corinthians 2:17 and Colossians C1S6 about the word see / sight.  The New Testament definition for this word is properly defined as: 'a physical sense which conveys information about the physical world to the brain'.  The spiritual application of these words is: 'understanding a concept'.  Please also see the note for John 6:40-LJC about the phrase see the Son.

Please see the note for Colossians C1S4 about the word head.  The New Testament definition for word head  is: 'The uppermost part of the human body, or the foremost part of the body of prone and creeping animals.  Used spiritually for the most important part of anything'.  Please see the note for 1Corinthians 11:3-LJC about the phrase Christ: the head of.  Please also see the note for 2:9 about the word Godhead.  The New Testament definition for the word Godhead  is: 'Godship; deity; divinity; divine nature or essence; applied to the true God'.  Please also see the note for Revelation 7:3 about the word forehead.  The New Testament definition for the word forehead  is: 'The part of the face which extends from the hair on the top of the head to the eyes. Used symbolically for: Impudence; confidence; assurance; audaciousness.  Also, the forehead is made the seat of boldness of speech and act (Eze 3:7- 9). This is one of the places where "the mark of the beast" will be put to show their rebellion against God'.  Please use This link to see the 'Minor Titles of the Son of God' found within the Bible along with links to where the Bible uses those titles.  The title in this sentence is head.

Please see the note for 1Corinthians 8:12 about the word wound.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'To hurt by violence; as, to wound the head or the arm; to wound a tree. He was wounded for our transgressions. Isaiah 53'.

Please see the note for Romans C6S4 about the words dead / death / die.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Physical death is separation of soul and spirit from body and the second death is eternal separation from God'.  Please also see the note for Revelation 2:11 about the phrase death, second.

Please see the note for 1Corinthians C12S29 about the word heal.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'To cure of a disease or wound and restore to soundness, or to that state of body in which the natural functions are regularly performed; as, to heal the sick'.  Please also see the note for Acts 27:34 about the word health.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'That state of an animal or living body, in which the parts are sound, well organized and disposed, and in which they all perform freely their natural functions. In This state the animal feels no pain'.  Forms of this word are also used, in this book, in: 13:12 and 22:2.

Please see the notes for Romans C16S33; 1Timothy 1:15; 2Timothy C1S5; 1Corinthians C1S19 and World in 1John about the word world.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'all of the people in the world as a group'.  Please also see the note for John 9:5 about the phrase light of the world.

Please see the note for 2Corinthians 12:12 about the word wonder.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'To be affected by surprise or admiration. I could not sufficiently wonder at the intrepidity of these diminutive mortals. We cease to wonder at what we understand'.  Please also see the note for Matthew 7:22 about the word wonderful.

Please see the note for Acts 7:42 about the word beast.  The the New Testament definition for this word is: 'Any animal that is not man. Sometimes it means quadrupeds, and not creeping things'.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'one. Re 13:1-2,14; 17:10  wounded. Gr. slain.  and his. Eze 30:24  all. Re 17:6,8,13,17; Lu 2:1; Joh 12:19; Ac 8:10-11,13; 2Th 2:9-12 exp: Re 13:8.  General references. exp: Job 34:30; Pr 17:4'.

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C13-S4 (Verse 4)   Lost people worshipped the wrong being.
  1. Equivalent Section:  Who they worshipped.
    1. And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast:
  2. Equivalent Section:  Why.
    1. and they worshipped the beast,
    2. saying,
    3. Who  is like unto the beast?.

Our sentence starts with the word And,  which adds it to the prior sentence.  All of the sentences from 13:1 through 13:8 describe the first beast  and need to be considered together as a single unit.  These all need to be compared to Daniel 7; which deals with the same beast.

Our sentence starts with the word And,  which adds it to the prior sentence and makes the beast,  mentioned in this sentence, the same beast  as was mentioned in the prior sentence.  That is, this beast  is the devil who possesses seven heads of government.

Our next sentence does not start with the word And,  but it still adds to the question found in this sentence.  Both tell us why people worshipped  him and both need to be considered together.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'One thing I want you to notice is that this is split worship, for the satanic trinity is not a true trinity, they are three separate distinct beings, unlike the true Holy Trinity, which are three persons but one being (father, Son, and Spirit), and so what is presented to us here in v4 is a split worship, the dragon is worshipped, and so too is the antichrist, and the Bible clearly states one can not serve two masters, lest you love one and hate the other (Mat 6:24), and that a house divided against itself can not stand (Mark 3:25), and so even as the beast comes to power we already see cracks starting to form in the foundation, this reign will not last, it will fall like all the other past empires, but it will be replaced by one that will never fall, never fail, with the Lord Jesus at its head and as its cornerstone.
But in the mean time, as the beast reigns over the world, he is given a place and a position to speak and influence the world with his lies during the 3 ' years of his demonic rule, the last half of the tribulation

Please see the note for Revelation 12:3 about the word dragon.  The Morrish Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'tannin, δράκων. It may signify any great serpent or sea monster, symbolical of a huge destructive creature. Nations doomed to destruction and desolation, including Jerusalem, are said to become habitations of dragons. Isa 34:13; 35:7; Jer 9:11; 10:22; 51:37. Pharaoh, king of Egypt, is called the great dragon. Eze 29:3. As one of God's creatures the dragon is called upon to praise Jehovah. Ps 148:7. In the N.T. the dragon is a type of Satan and those energised by him. In Re 12:3 the "great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns," is symbolical of Satan's power in the form of the Roman empire: it endeavoured, in the person of Herod, to destroy Christ when born. In Re 13:2,4 it is Satan who gives the resuscitated Roman empire in a future day its throne and great authority. In Re 13:11 the Antichrist, who has two horns like a lamb, speaks as a dragon. In Re 16:13 it is Satan, and in Re 20:2 he is described as "that old serpent, which is the Devil and Satan."'.  Smith's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'The translators of the Authorized Version, apparently following the Vulgate, have rendered by the same word "dragon" the two Hebrew words tan and tannin, which appear to be quite distinct in meaning.  1. the former is used, always in the plural, in:  Job 30:29; Ps 44:19; Isa 34:13; 43:20; Jer 9:11.  It is always applied to some creatures inhabiting the desert, and we should conclude from this that it refers rather to some wild beast than to a serpent. the syriac renders it by a word which, according to Pococke, means a "jackal".  2. the word tannin seems to refer to any great monster, whether of the land or the sea, being indeed more usually applied to some kind of serpent or reptile, but not exclusively restricted to that sense:  Ex 7:9-10,12; De 32:33; Ps 91:13.  In the New Testament it is found only in the Apocalypse:  Re 12:3-4,7,9,16-17.  etc., as applied metaphorically to "The old serpent, called the devil, and Satan."'.

The word gave  is: 'the past-tense form of the word give' along with the word given.  Please see the note for 2Corinthians 9:8-11 about this word.

Please see the note for Romans C13S2 about the word power.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'The primary sense of the verb is to strain, to exert force. 1. In a philosophical sense, the faculty of doing or performing anything; the faculty of moving or of producing a change in something; ability or strength'  Please also see the note for John 5:41 about the phrase power of God.  Please also see the notes for Romans C8S40 and Ephesians C6S8 about the phrase spiritual powers.

Please see the note for Acts 7:42 about the word beast.  The the New Testament definition for this word is: 'Any animal that is not man. Sometimes it means quadrupeds, and not creeping things'.

Please see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word saith.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'lifestyle speaking.  A saying that never changes when said by God'.  Please also see the note for Romans 11:1 about the phrase I say.  The New Testament definition is: 'This phrase expresses a personal opinion, which usually follows the phrase'.  Bible authors uses this phrase when they introduces their own point into an ongoing discussion.  When Jesus  says this phrase, He is giving a personal command.  Please also see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word saith.  Please also see the note for Romans C10S28 about the word gainsaying.  Please also see the note for Matthew 26:1 about the word sayings (plural).  Please also see the notes for Romans C15S15 and 2Corinthians 2:17 about the word speak.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 3:12-14 about the word speech.  Please also see the notes for Ephesians C4S15 and 1Peter 2:1 about the phrase evil speaking.  The words speaketh  and saith  mean that the person 'keeps on keeping on doing the saying'.

Please see the note for Mark 4:16-17 about the word likewise.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'like and wise. In like manner; moreover'.  Please also see the note for Philippians 2:5-8 about about the words like  and likeness.  Please also see the note for Matthew 7:24-25 about the word liken.  Please also see the note for Romans 15:5 about the word likeminded.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'And they. Re 13:2; 9:20; Ps 106:37-38; 1Co 10:20-22; 2Co 4:4  and they. Re 13:12-13,15; Da 11:36-37; 2Th 2:4  Who is like. Re 18:18  General references. exp: Job 34:30; Pr 17:4; Ac 12:22'.

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C13-S5 (Verse 4)   Additional reason to not fight the devil.
who is able to make war with him?

Our sentence starts with the word And,  which adds it to the prior sentence.  All of the sentences from 13:1 through 13:8 describe the first beast  and need to be considered together as a single unit.  These all need to be compared to Daniel 7; which deals with the same beast.

Our sentence does not start with the word And,  but it still adds to the question found in the prior sentence.  Both tell us why people worshipped  The beast  and both sentences need to be considered together.

This beast  appeared to raise the dead.  If someone went to war with him, and his army killed many of the opposing force while he kept resurrecting the dead of his own army, then he would have a force that never diminishes while his opponents would always lose their army.  Since everyone is always assured to be defeated, there will be no use going to war against that devil.

Dr. Jeff Wilson wrote about this sentence in the note for the prior sentence.

Please see the note for Acts 6:10 about the word able.  Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'a'bl. L. habitis 1. Having physical power sufficient; having competent power or strength, bodily or mental; as a man able to perform military service - a child is not able to reason on abstract subjects. 2. Having strong or unusual powers of mind, or intellectual qualifications; as an able minister. Provide out of all Israel able men. Ex. 18. 3. Having large or competent property; or simply have property, or means. Every man shall give as he is able. Deut. 16. 4. Having competent strength or fortitude. He is not able to sustain such pain or affliction. 5. Having sufficient knowledge or skill. He is able to speak French. She is not able to play on the piano. 6. Having competent moral power or qualifications. An illegitimate son is not able to take by inheritance'.

Please see the note for 2Corinthians 10:3-6 about the words warfare / war.  Webster's 1828 dictionary defines this word as: 'war and fare. 1. Military service; military life; war. the Philistines gathered their armies for warfare. 1 Samuel 28. 2. Contest; struggle with spiritual enemies. the weapons of our warfare are not carnal. 2 Corinthi and 10. WARFARE, v.i. to lead a military life; to carry on continual wars. In that credulous warfaring age. Little used'.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'who is able. Re 17:14; De 9:2; 1Sa 17:24  General references. exp: Job 34:30; Pr 17:4; Ac 12:22'.

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C13-S6 (Verse 5)   Someone spoke for the devil and he remained in power three and a half years.
  1. And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies;
  2. and power was given unto him to continue forty  and two months.

Our sentence starts with the word And,  which adds it to the prior sentence.  All of the sentences from 13:1 through 13:8 describe the first beast  and need to be considered together as a single unit.  These all need to be compared to Daniel 7; which deals with the same beast.

Think about how two professional fighters will 'trash talk' about their opponent, even though one of them will, obviously, lose the fight and be proven to be a liar.  That is what this devil will be doing towards God and all of the angels of Heaven.  He had to be made free from where he was bound, which means that he already lost his fight once.  However, he does this to encourage the lost people to run their own mouths and God allows it because the lost are producing the legal evidence that will be used to justify God sending them to Hell and the lake of fire.

Once again, Dr. Jeff Wilson shows that he has not understood the difference between these two beasts  of Satan.  His references are good but where he accuses 'The Antichrist', the accusations need to be made against the beast  who is a devil and possessing seven heads of governments.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'We read in Daniel' Da 7:8 I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things.
Da 7:25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.
This man truly shows that he is anti-Christ, anti-God, anti-salvation, anti-redemption, anti-Christian, as he speaks horrible things against the God of heaven, His tabernacle, His throne, His heavenly abode and the saints and angels that are with Him. the beast is attempting to rob Jehovah of His glory, of His honor, of His holiness and heap it upon himself. He will curse those that believe, he will condemn the 144,000, he will execute the two witnesses, he will try to eradicate all opposition and many will fall before him or fall in line behind him. You may think nobody in their right mind would follow such a man or believe such lies, but just think of the atrocities against the Jews committed by the Germans, or the horrible things world dictators and dominating leaders (Russia, China, Korea, Africa, and many others) have had their people do against their fellow citizens, neighbors, friends, and families who disagreed with them, think of how the liberal left demands rights for all things abominable to God yet robs the very right to exist from unborn children in the womb. they are tolerant of everything except righteousness. Logic and common sense are lost and twisted by the lies of many great thinkers and influential leaders which cause the masses to commit horrible barbaric acts against their fellow man

Please see the note for 2Corinthians 5:5 about the word give.  The New Testament definition is: 'ppr. Bestowing; confering; imparting; granting; delivering. GIV'ING, n. the act of confering'.  Please see the note for 2Corinthians 9:8-11 about the words gave  and given.  The New Testament definition for the words gave  and given  are: 'the past-tense form of the word give'.  Please see the note for 2Corinthians 9:7 about the word giving.  The New Testament definition of giving  is: 'the ongoing form of the word give'.  Please see the note for 2Corinthians 9:7 about the word giveth.  The New Testament definition of giveth  is: 'a life-style of giving'.  Please see the note for 2Corinthians 9:7 about the word giver.  The New Testament definition of the word giver  is: 'the person who gives'.  Please also see the note for 1Corinthians C14S19 about the phrase giving of thanks.

Please see the note for Luke 1:64 about the word mouth.  The New Testament definition is: 'the mouth consists of the lips, the gums, the insides of the cheeks, the palate, the saliva glands, the uvula and tonsils. It is sometimes used in Scripture for speaker'.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 2:17 about the word speak.

Please see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word saith.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'lifestyle speaking.  A saying that never changes when said by God'.  Please also see the note for Romans 11:1 about the phrase I say.  The New Testament definition is: 'This phrase expresses a personal opinion, which usually follows the phrase'.  Bible authors uses this phrase when they introduces their own point into an ongoing discussion.  When Jesus  says this phrase, He is giving a personal command.  Please also see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word saith.  Please also see the note for Romans C10S28 about the word gainsaying.  Please also see the note for Matthew 26:1 about the word sayings (plural).  Please also see the notes for Romans C15S15 and 2Corinthians 2:17 about the word speak.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 3:12-14 about the word speech.  Please also see the notes for Ephesians C4S15 and 1Peter 2:1 about the phrase evil speaking.  The words speaketh  and saith  mean that the person 'keeps on keeping on doing the saying'.

Please see the notes for Mark 2:6-7 about the word blasphemy.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'in its technical English sense, signifies the speaking evil of God and in this sense it is found Ps 74:18; Isa 52:5; Ro 2:24 etc. But according to its derivation it may mean any species of calumny and abuse: see 1Ki 21:10; A 18:6; Jude 1:9 etc. Blasphemy was punished by stoning, which was inflicted on the son of Shelomith. Le 24:11 On this charge both our Lord and St. Stephen were condemned to death by the Jews. the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, Mt 12:32; Mr 3:28 consisted in attributing to the power of Satan those unquestionable miracles which Jesus performed by "The finger of God" and the Power of the Holy Ghost. It is plainly such a state of wilful, determined opposition to God and the Holy Spirit that no efforts will avail to lead to repentance. Among the Jews it was a sin against God answering to treason in our times'.

Please see the note for Romans C13S2 about the word power.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'The primary sense of the verb is to strain, to exert force. 1. In a philosophical sense, the faculty of doing or performing anything; the faculty of moving or of producing a change in something; ability or strength'  Please also see the note for John 5:41 about the phrase power of God.  Please also see the notes for Romans C8S40 and Ephesians C6S8 about the phrase spiritual powers.

Please see the note for Romans C13S2 about the word power.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'The primary sense of the verb is to strain, to exert force. 1. In a philosophical sense, the faculty of doing or performing anything; the faculty of moving or of producing a change in something; ability or strength'  Please also see the note for John 5:41 about the phrase power of God.  Please also see the notes for Romans C8S40 and Ephesians C6S8 about the phrase spiritual powers.

Please see the note for Philippians 1:25-26 about the word continue.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'To remain in a state, or place; to abide for any time indefinitely'.  Please also see the note for James 1:25 about the word continueth.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'A lifestyle of continuing'.  The difference being that we can continue  something once but later cease it while if we continueth  the same thing then we never cease it.  Please also see the notes for 1Corinthians 7:5 about the word incontinent.

Please see the note for Hebrews 3:17 about the word forty.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'This number is symbolically associated with the judgment of God'.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'a mouth. Da 7:8,11,25; 11:36  and power. Re 11:2-3; 12:6,14  to continue. or, to make war. Re 13:7; 11:7  General references. exp: Pr 17:4; Isa 36:14; Mt 15:18'.

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C13-S7 (Verse 6)   this is the 'trash talk' produced by the beast  who is a devil.
  1. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God,
  2. to blaspheme his name,
  3. and his tabernacle,
  4. and them that dwell in heaven.

Our sentence starts with the word And,  which adds it to the prior sentence.  All of the sentences from 13:1 through 13:8 describe the first beast  and need to be considered together as a single unit.  These all need to be compared to Daniel 7; which deals with the same beast.

Our prior sentence told us what this devil was doing.  Our current sentence only adds the details.

Dr. Jeff Wilson wrote about this sentence in the note for the prior sentence.

Please see the note for John 18:20 about the words open / openly.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Unclosed; not shut; as, the gate is open; an open door or window; an open book; open eyes. to unclose; to unbar; to unlock; to remove any fastening or cover and set open; as, to open a door or gate; to open a desk'.

Please see the note for Luke 1:64 about the word mouth.  The New Testament definition is: 'the mouth consists of the lips, the gums, the insides of the cheeks, the palate, the saliva glands, the uvula and tonsils. It is sometimes used in Scripture for speaker'.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 2:17 about the word speak.

Please see the notes for Mark 2:6-7 about the word blasphemy.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'in its technical English sense, signifies the speaking evil of God and in this sense it is found Ps 74:18; Isa 52:5; Ro 2:24 etc. But according to its derivation it may mean any species of calumny and abuse: see 1Ki 21:10; A 18:6; Jude 1:9 etc. Blasphemy was punished by stoning, which was inflicted on the son of Shelomith. Le 24:11 On this charge both our Lord and St. Stephen were condemned to death by the Jews. the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, Mt 12:32; Mr 3:28 consisted in attributing to the power of Satan those unquestionable miracles which Jesus performed by "The finger of God" and the Power of the Holy Ghost. It is plainly such a state of wilful, determined opposition to God and the Holy Spirit that no efforts will avail to lead to repentance. Among the Jews it was a sin against God answering to treason in our times'.

Please see the note for Philippians 2:9-11 about the word name.  The New Testament definition is: 'How a person is identified including their power and authority'.  Please also see the note for 1Corinthians C1S4 about the phrase the name.    Please also see the note for Acts 1:23 about the word surname.  The New Testament definition is: 'In scripture this means an additional or added name, not a family name, as the word now implies'.  Please also see the note for 1Peter 4:14-LJC about the phrase name of Christ.  Please also see the note for Luke 13:35 about the phrase name of the Lord.  Please also see the Lord Jesus Christ Overview for the doctrine of the names/roles of the Son of God.

Please see the note for 2Corinthians 5:1 about the word tabernacle.  Webster's 1828 dictionary defines this word as: 'A tent. Num.24. Matt.17. 2. A temporary habitation. 3. Among the Jews, a movable building, so contrived as to be taken to pieces with ease and reconstructed, for the convenience of being carried during the wanderings of the Israelites in the wilderness. It was of a rectangular figure, thirty cubits long, ten broad, and ten high. the interior was divided into two rooms by a vail or curtain, and it was covered with four different spreads or carpets. It is also applied to the temple. Ps.15. 4. A place of worship; a sacred place. 5. Our natural body. 2 Cor.5. 2 Pet. 1. 6. God's gracious presence, or the tokens of it. Rev.21. 7. An ornamented chest placed on Roman catholic altars as a receptacle of the ciborium and pyxis'.  Forms of this word are used, in this book, in: 13:6; 15:5; 21:3.

Please see the note for Romans C7S24 about the word dwell.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'ppr. Inhabiting; residing; sojourning; continuing with fixed attention. DWELL'ING, n. Habitation; place of residence; abode. Hazor shall be a dwelling for dragons. Jer.49. 1. Continuance; residence; state of life. thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field. Dan.4'.  Please also see the note for John 7:39 about the phrase indwelling Holy Spirit.

Please see the note for Philippians 2:9-11 about the word heaven.  The New Testament definition is: 'According to the Jewish notion there were three heavens, (a) The firmament, as "fowls of the heaven" (Ge 2:19; 7:3,23; Ps 8:8, etc.), "the eagles of heaven" (La 4:19), etc. (b) The starry heavens (De 17:3; Jer 8:2; Mt 24:29). (c) "The heaven of heavens," or "the third heaven" is the home of God (De 10:14; 1Ki 8:27; Ps 115:16; 148:4; 2Co 12:2). The phrase "heaven and earth" is used to indicate the whole universe (Ge 1:1; Jer 23:24; Ac 17:24)'.  Please also see the note for 1Peter 1:2-LJC about the phrase things in Heaven.  Please also see the note for Matthew 3:2 about the phrase kingdom of heaven.  Please also see the note for Luke 3:21-22 about the phrase voice from heaven.  Please also see the note for Revelation 20:9 about the phrase fire from Heaven.  Please also see the note for Revelation 21:4 about 'no tears in heaven is a lie'.  Please also see the note for Hebrews 12:2-LJC about the phrase treasure in Heaven.  Please also see the Message called Laying up Treasure in Heaven.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'he opened. Job 3:1; Mt 12:34; 15:19; Ro 3:13  and his. Re 21:3; Joh 1:14 (Gr) Col 1:19; 2:9; Heb 9:2,11-12,24  and them. Re 4:1,4; 5:13; 7:9; 11:12; 12:12; 18:20; 19:1-6; Heb 12:22-23  General references. exp: Pr 17:4; Isa 36:14; Mt 15:18'.

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C13-S8 (Verse 7)   this devil was allowed to prove his power.
  1. Equivalent Section:  He overcame God's saints.
    1. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints,
    2. and to overcome them:.
  2. Equivalent Section:  He overcame all opposition.
    1. and power was given him over all kindreds,
    2. and ongues,
    3. and nations.

Our sentence starts with the word And,  which adds it to the prior sentence.  All of the sentences from 13:1 through 13:8 describe the first beast  and need to be considered together as a single unit.  These all need to be compared to Daniel 7; which deals with the same beast.

Our sentence has two Equivalent Section which are still telling us about the beast  which is a devil and possesses seven heads of governments.  They actually do the things which he commands them to do.  And they are able to overcome all opposition and to make God's saints  die a martyr's death.  And, remember that he does this for the entire second half of the great tribulation.

Once more I remind the reader that the research and references of Dr. Jeff Wilson are all good except that he does not separate Satan's two beasts.  The beast,  whom men wrongly call 'The Antichrist' is not in this chapter until 13:11.  The beast,  of this sentence, is the devil who possesses seven heads of governments.  Other than identifying the wrong beast,  everything is the following note is good.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'The antichrist will attack heaven with words but he will war against those he can still reach. He will persecute believers greatly, hunting them down, imprisoning them, publically executing them, beheading them. He will attempt to show the world that the real God does not exist, that he is a fairy tale, for if He did exist He would not allow such atrocities to happen to those He supposedly loves. the antichrist will be on an unholy crusade to rid the world of such 'lies'. Da 7:21 I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them; And thru such threats and violence he will be given power and authority to rule the world.
But one thing we should notice here is, in v7 it clearly states And it was given unto him, meaning not that Satan gave the beast power to do all this even though he does empower him, but it means that the antichrist is allowed to do this, for God is the one who is truly in charge, yet he allows antichrist to have his run, allows him to spout his lies, to wage war, to destroy and deceive, just as God allowed Satan to have his go at Job, and Satan made it very rough on that man, just as the antichrist will make it rough for believers and the Jews, yet he will only be allowed to go so far, God will still have the last word, God will have the victory as well as all those who have sided with Him and trusted in Him. But do not be fooled, it will not be easy for any true believer during this time, conversion will mean a death sentence, preaching, testifying, reading the Bible, possession of a Bible, witnessing, attempting to convert some one, just the mention of the name Jesus or Christ will most likely sentence one to death. the voice we have now, the freedom to speak boldly and loudly will be changed to a whisper among most, the spread of the gospel will most likely slow to a crawl, hope will almost altogether disappear, and if not for the preaching of the 144,000 who will do so without fear, public preaching would most likely disappear. But that's why in this time of the age of grace that it is so important to follow Christ's command to go forth and preach to all nations the gospel, he urges us to do it while we still can and while people can respond to it without intimidation and fear of immediate death. Some will ask why does God allow this? But remember the world is being judged for sin and rejection of Christ. God is showing them what that sin and rejection results in if not checked by the grace of God.
Because the sad fact is, that even though God is in control, it will not appear to be that way as He gives the antichrist time to do his thing unhindered, and so the antichrist will fool many, and he will be so adored that he will became as a god to the people, he will be worshipped. People will bow at his feet, they will kiss his hand and his ring, either out of fear or love

Please see the note for 2Corinthians 5:5 about the word give.  The New Testament definition is: 'ppr. Bestowing; confering; imparting; granting; delivering. GIV'ING, n. the act of confering'.  Please see the note for 2Corinthians 9:8-11 about the words gave  and given.  The New Testament definition for the words gave  and given  are: 'the past-tense form of the word give'.  Please see the note for 2Corinthians 9:7 about the word giving.  The New Testament definition of giving  is: 'the ongoing form of the word give'.  Please see the note for 2Corinthians 9:7 about the word giveth.  The New Testament definition of giveth  is: 'a life-style of giving'.  Please see the note for 2Corinthians 9:7 about the word giver.  The New Testament definition of the word giver  is: 'the person who gives'.  Please also see the note for 1Corinthians C14S19 about the phrase giving of thanks.

Please see the note for 2Corinthians 10:3-6 about the words warfare / war.  Webster's 1828 dictionary defines this word as: 'war and fare. 1. Military service; military life; war. the Philistines gathered their armies for warfare. 1 Samuel 28. 2. Contest; struggle with spiritual enemies. the weapons of our warfare are not carnal. 2 Corinthi and 10. WARFARE, v.i. to lead a military life; to carry on continual wars. In that credulous warfaring age. Little used'.

Please see the notes for Matthew 27:51-53; Romans C16S1; 2Corinthians C1S1 and Colossians C1S1 about the word saint.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'a spiritually mature saved person who is actively involved in the ministry of the church'.  The note in Romans has links to every place in the New Testament where this word is used along with a short note for each application.

Please see the note for 2Peter 2:19 about the word overcome.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'To conquer; to vanquish; to subdue; as, to overcome enemies in battle. 2. to surmount; to get the better of; as, to overcome difficulties or obstacles'.  The word overcometh  is: : 'A lifestyle of overcoming.  That is' they overcome  the temptations of this world and never go back to them'.

Please see the note for Romans C13S2 about the word power.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'The primary sense of the verb is to strain, to exert force. 1. In a philosophical sense, the faculty of doing or performing anything; the faculty of moving or of producing a change in something; ability or strength'  Please also see the note for John 5:41 about the phrase power of God.  Please also see the notes for Romans C8S40 and Ephesians C6S8 about the phrase spiritual powers.

Please see the note for Luke 1:61 about the word kindred.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'Related; congenial; of the like nature or properties; as kindred souls; kindred skies'.

Please see the notes for 1Corinthians C12S8; 1Corinthians 14:2 and Philippians 2:9-11 about the word tongue.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'a human language'.  Please also see the note in Acts 2:6 about the word language.

Please see the note for Romans 1:5 about the word nation.  The New Testament definition is: 'A body of people inhabiting the same country, or united under the same sovereign or government'.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'to make. Re 11:7; 12:17; Da 7:21,25; 8:24-25; 11:36-39; 12:1  and power. Re 10:11; 11:18; 17:15; Ex 9:16; Isa 10:15; 37:26; Jer 25:9; 27:6-7; 51:20-24; Da 5:18-23; Lu 4:6; Joh 19:11  General references. exp: Pr 17:4'.

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C13-S9 (Verse 8)   the lost on Earth condemn themselves by worshipping  a being other than God.
  1. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him,
  2. whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

Our sentence starts with the word And,  which adds it to the prior sentence.  All of the sentences from 13:1 through 13:8 describe the first beast  and need to be considered together as a single unit.  These all need to be compared to Daniel 7; which deals with the same beast.

As the note for this sentence, in the Word Study on worship  tells us, this sentence is in the Worship-Applications under 'Worship can be given to things/beings other than God.  This ALWAYS results in punishment and often the punishment is put upon the children and followers of those who worship any being other than the God of the Bible'.  Please use the link in the sentence outline, above, to see links to every place in The word of God  where this word is used along with and explanation of every reverence with consideration of context and a separation according to different applications.

In addition, the link, in the sentence outline, above, for the Lord Jesus Christ Study, provides references and explanation of every place where we find the phrase book of life.  Basically, our sentence is limiting the people who worship  Satan's beast  to the lost.  The truly saved do not do this even with a threat of torture and death.

The phrase: of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world  means: 'Before the world was created, God planned for God the Son to become the Lamb  to pay for all of the sins of the world'.  However, only those people who accept His sacrifice for their sins and accept Him as their personal Lord  get their name written in The book of life.

This sentence ends what this chapter tells us about this beast.  Starting in 13:11 and continuing through the end of the chapter, we are told about Satan's beast  whom men wrongly call 'The Antichrist'.  But, before those sentences, we read a short message to the truly saved.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'What a pitiful picture given to us here, the world will bow to the one who threatens them with violence, who mouths curses and blasphemes, who throws tantrums against those that oppose him, they follow and worship a lie, but they turn their back on the one who is truth. they reject Christ, they oppose him, the one who asks them to trust him, the one who gave his life for them upon the cross of Calvary, that sacrificed himself as a servant, who was an example to be followed, not one that demanded it. they follow a terrible beast and not the Lamb, the Lamb who gave it all, the Lamb whose death was foreordained before creation ever was. they follow a hateful dictator instead of a loving compassionate King. they follow a selfish greedy prideful ruler instead of one who humbly gave it all and offers even more. Man in his ignorance, in his willing blindness, worships the wrong person, he worships a man empowered by Satan instead of the God that became man for us. And so John gives us all a warning''.

Please see the note for Romans C7S24 about the word dwell.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'ppr. Inhabiting; residing; sojourning; continuing with fixed attention. DWELL'ING, n. Habitation; place of residence; abode. Hazor shall be a dwelling for dragons. Jer.49. 1. Continuance; residence; state of life. thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field. Dan.4'.  Please also see the note for John 7:39 about the phrase indwelling Holy Spirit.

Please see the note for Philippians 2:9-11 about the word earth.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: '(1.) In the sense of soil or ground, the translation of the word adamah'. In Ge 9:20 "husbandman" is literally "man of the ground or earth." Altars were to be built of earth (Ex 20:24). Naaman asked for two mules' burden of earth (2Ki 5:17), under the superstitious notion that Jehovah, like the gods of the heathen, could be acceptably worshipped only on his own soil. (2). As the rendering of 'erets, it means the whole world (Ge 1:2); the land as opposed to the sea (Ge 1:10). Erets also denotes a country (Ge 21:32); a plot of ground (Ge 23:15); the ground on which a man stands (Ge 33:3); the inhabitants of the earth (Ge 6:1; 11:1); all the world except Israel (2Ch 13:9). In the New Testament "The earth" denotes the land of Judea (Mt 23:35); also things carnal in contrast with things heavenly (Joh 3:31; Col 3:1-2)'.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 4:7 about the word earthen.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 5:1 about the word earthly.  Please also see the note for Luke 21:10-11 about the word earthquake.  Please also see the note for Luke 21:10-11 about the word earthquake.  Please also see the note for Revelation 1:4 about the phrase kings of the earth.  Please also see the note for Matthew 32-33 about the phrase Judge of all the earth.

Please see the note for Philippians 2:9-11 about the word name.  The New Testament definition is: 'How a person is identified including their power and authority'.  Please also see the note for 1Corinthians C1S4 about the phrase the name.    Please also see the note for Acts 1:23 about the word surname.  The New Testament definition is: 'In scripture this means an additional or added name, not a family name, as the word now implies'.  Please also see the note for 1Peter 4:14-LJC about the phrase name of Christ.  Please also see the note for Luke 13:35 about the phrase name of the Lord.  Please also see the Lord Jesus Christ Overview for the doctrine of the names/roles of the Son of God.

Please see the note for Romans 4:23-25 about the word written.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'a retained record which can be used for judgment in a court of law'.  Please also see the notes for Romans C15S13; 2Corinthians 1:13-14; Galatians C3-S12; John 20:31-LJC about the word write  Please also see the note for Luke 6:3 about the phrases have ye not read  and it is written'.

Please see the note for Luke 3:4 about the word book.  the New Testament definition for this word is: 'A general name of every literary composition which is printed; but appropriately, a printed composition bound; a volume. the name is given also to any number of written sheets when bound or sewed together, and to a volume of blank paper, intended for any species of writing, as for memorandums, for accounts, or receipts.  1. A particular part of a literary composition; a division of a subject in the same volume.  2. A volume or collection of sheets in which accounts are kept; a register of debts and credits, receipts and expenditures'.  Please also see the note for Revelation 13:8-LJC about the phrase book of the life.

Please see the Doctrine of Life about the words lifelivealive  and lively.  The New Testament definition, for the word the word life,  is: 'The cause of all movement, both physically and spiritually.  Physical life ends (is mortal).  Spiritual life is immortal'.  The New Testament definition, for the word the word live,  is: 'the verb form of life'.  The New Testament definition, for the word the word alive,  is: 'Having life'.  The New Testament definition, for the word the word lively,  is: 'Living and energetic'.  In addition, the New Testament definition, for the phrase everlasting life.  is: 'Spiritual life which has a beginning but no end'.  Please also see the Message called Labor for Everlasting Life.  Please see the note for 3:25 about the word live  that note has links to several other places where the doctrine of this word is discussed.  Please see the note for Romans C10S15 about the phrase belief changes life.  Please also see the note for 1Corinthians C6S16.  Please also see the note for about the phrase kingdom of God rejected by lifestyle sins.  Please also see the note for Revelation 13:8-LJC about the phrase book of life.  Please see the note for Romans C9S28 about live / walk by faith.  Please see the note for Romans C11S6 about The just shall live by his faith.  Please see the note for Colossians C3S4 about Christ lives through us.  Please use This link to see other, less important, 'Minor Titles of the Son of God' found within the Bible along with links to where the Bible uses those titles.  This title is eternal life.

Please see the note for Luke 9:22 about the word slain.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'pp. of slay; so written for slayen. Killed'.  Please also see the note for Luke 11:49-51 about the word slay.

Please see the note for 1Corinthians C3S12 about the word foundation.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'The basis of an edifice; that part of a building which lies on the ground; usually a wall of stone which supports the edifice. Also, the basis or ground work, or any thing; that on which any thing stands, and by which it is supported. The basis of true Christian life is the relationship with Christ'.  In this sentence, the application is: 'When God laid the basis of this physical planet'.  Forms of this word are used, in this book, in: 13:8; 17:8; 21:14; 21:19; 21:19.

Please see the notes for Romans C16S33; 1Timothy 1:15; 2Timothy C1S5; 1Corinthians C1S19 and World in 1John about the word world.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'all of the people in the world as a group'.  Please also see the note for John 9:5 about the phrase light of the world.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'all. Re 13:3-4,14-15  whose. Re 3:5,20; 12:15; 21:27; Ex 32:32; Isa 4:3; Da 12:1; Lu 10:20; Php 4:3 exp: Re 17:8.  Lamb. Re 5:6-9,12; Joh 1:29  from. Re 17:8; Eph 1:4; Tit 1:2; 1Pe 1:19-20 exp: Mt 13:35; 25:34.  General references. exp: Ge 22:8; Pr 17:4; Mt 13:9; Ac 15:18; 2Co 2:11'.

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C13-S10 (Verse 9)   the first sentence of the message to the saved.
  1. If any man have an ear,
  2. let him hear.

The phrase: If any man have an ear,  means: 'if you can listen spiritually'.  Most people have physical ears and can listen physically, but relatively few can actually listen spiritually.  Most people who claim to do so are actually listening to what other people say that God says and are not truly listening to God's Holy Spirit.

There are over twenty related reference links provided in the note for Mark 4:9.  In addition, in this book, we find related phrases in: Revelation 2:7; Revelation 2:11; Revelation 2:17; Revelation 2:29; Revelation 3:6; Revelation 3:13; Revelation 3:22 and Revelation 13:9.  In one form or another, all of those references say: let him hear what the Spirit says.  And, as noted elsewhere, the word let  was the command verb used in creation.  Therefore, our command is: 'if you are capable of hearing and understanding spiritual truth then you are commanded to do so and are expected to obey spiritual truth'.

This sentence is, basically, in the middle of a chapter warning us about Satan's two beasts.  Simply put, we are commanded to understand the differences between Satan's two beasts.  Most people can not separate them and many people only know about the beast,  who is called 'The Antichrist'.  The next two sentences also tell us messages which need to be spiritually discerned and, after them, we are told about Satan's second beast,  who is the being which men call 'The Antichrist'.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'Pay attention, hear me out, listen to my warning, and what warning is that?'.

Please see the note for 1Corinthians C12S13 about the word ear.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'The Morrish Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'The organ of hearing is often used symbolically in scripture. When a servant, whose time of service had expired, preferred to stop with his master, saying, "I love my master, my wife, and my children; I will not go out free," his ear was bored with an awl to the door post, and his ear belonged to his master perpetually, he was to hear only that one as master: type of Christ and His love to the church. Ex 21:5-6; De 15:17. Of Christ also it is said, "mine ears hast thou opened." Ps 40:6; quoted in Heb 10:5 from the LXX, "a body hast thou prepared me," both signifying that He was the obedient one. "He that hath ears to hear, let him hear" was said by the Lord to His hearers, and to each of the seven churches in Asia, and also said when the beast, representing the future Roman power, is worshipped, signifying that a spiritual discernment was needed to catch the meaning of what was uttered. Mt 13:9,43; Re 2:7,11,17,29; 3:6,13,22; 13:9'.  As explained elsewhere, man written dictionaries have multiple applications which are presented as definitions.  That belief leads to doctrinal error when people use those applications to build Bible doctrine.  The main Biblical usage of this word is symbolic for the spiritual truth.  Please also see the note for Mark 4:9 about the phrase ears to hear.  Please also see the note for Romans 2:13 about the word hearer.  The New Testament definition, for the word hearer  is: 'One who attends to what is orally delivered by another'.

Please see the note for Galatians C3-S7 about the word hear.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'Perceiving by the ear.  This word is often used symbolically for hearing the spiritual message of the word of God and obeying that message'.  The New Testament definition, for the word heard  is: 'The past-tense form of hear'.  Please pay attention to the word 'obey' within this definition.  That is what most people refuse to do when the Bible says that they do not hear.  Please also see the note for James 2:5 about the word hearken.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'To listen closely'.  Please also see the note for Mark 4:9 about the phrase He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.  Please also see the note for Matthew 13:17 about the phrase have not heard.  Please also see the note for Mark 4:9 about the phrase ears to hear.  Please also see the note for Romans 2:13 about the word hearer.  The New Testament definition, for the word hearer  is: 'One who attends to what is orally delivered by another'.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'General references. Re 2:7,11,17,29 exp: Mt 13:9'.

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C13-S11 (Verse 10)   the warning to realize that 'You reap what you sow'.
    1. Equivalent Section:  Example of making slaves.
      1. He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity:
    1. Equivalent Section:  Example of killing.
      1. he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword.

In his note, below, Dr. Jeff Wilson gives us the applications which are within Revelation.  That is fine.  But, this sentence gives us a truth which applies for all time and all people.  There is a song, and a story, which I can not identify at the moment, of a man who was a captain of a slave ship.  His crew, supposedly, sold him into slavery and, as a slave, he was saved and wrote the famous song.

There is a Bible principal called: 'You reap what you sow'.  The world says it as: 'What comes around goes around'.  Those are two different ways of saying the same message as our sentence.  Even people in the world, who do not know the Bible, know these sayings because they are so true for everyone all of the time.

Our sentence follows a command for us to listen spiritually, if we can.  The spiritual message is very simple.  Consider the end results before you take any attitude or action.  Consider how you would feel if you were receiving the same attitude or action from someone else.

In his note, as I wrote before, Dr. Jeff Wilson confuses Satan's two beasts.  The first beast  is a spirit and a devil.  As Dr. Jeff Wilson acknowledges, the second beast  is a man.  This is the main way that we separate Satan's two beasts.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'The one that leads man into captivity, into bondage will himself be led into captivity. Re 19:20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. these both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone. the one who kills with the sword will die by the sword. At Christ's return at Armageddon Re 19:15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. ' Re 19:21 And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh.
The patience and the faith of the saints are shown by trusting God and waiting on God to do what's right, that judgment will fall and right will be sorted out from wrong, evil doers will get their due reward and the righteous will be rewarded for their faith. Some times it may seem like God is distant or he doesn't care, but in truth He may just want us to trust Him. Remember the martyred saints under the altar that wanted vengeance upon those that killed them were told to be patient and wait, and if they are told such in heaven, we shouldn't expect any different here on earth, for what happens in this short time here will be straightened out in eternity. So we should learn to trust God with what He does and allows to happen, be patient with Him for all will be judged, punishment will be meted out, and the one who is truly worthy of worship will be worshiped by those who truly believe and he will reign from his rightful throne while all those who have opposed him will get what they deserve, what we all deserved if not for God's mercy and grace

Please see the note for Mark 13:11 about the word lead (verb).  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'To guide or conduct by showing the way; to direct; as, the Israelites were led by a pillar of a cloud by day, and by a pillar of fire by night'.  The th,  in the word leadeth,  makes this a 'life-style leading'.  Please also see the note for Matthew 15:14 about the word leaders.

Please see the note for Romans C7S28 about the word captive.  Webster's 1828 dictionary defines this word as: 'n. 1. the state of being a prisoner, or of being in the power of an enemy by force or the fate of war. A state of being under control. 2. Subjection to love. 3. Subjection; a state of being under control. Bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. 2 Cor. 10. 4. Subjection; servitude; slavery. But I see another law in my members--bringing me into captivity to the law of sin. Rom 7. to lead captivity captive, in scripture, is to subdue those who have held others in slavery, or captivity. Psalms 98'.

Please see the note for Romans C13S12 about the word kill.  Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'v.t. 1. to deprive of life, animal or vegetable, in any manner or by any means. to kill an animal or a plant, is to put an end to the vital functions, either by destroying or essentially injuring the org and necessary to life, or by causing them to cease from action. An animal may be killed by the sword or by poison, by disease or by suffocation. A strong solution of salt will kill plants. 2. to butcher; to slaughter for food; as, to kill an ox. 3. to quell; to appease; to calm; to still; as, in seamen's language, a shower of rain kills the wind'.

Please see the note for Romans C8S37 about the word sword.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'of the Hebrew was pointed, sometimes two-edged, was worn in a sheath, and suspended from the girdle (Ex 32:27; 1Sa 31:4; 1Ch 21:27; Ps 149:1; Pr 5:4; Eze 16:40; 21:3-5).
It is a symbol of divine chastisement (De 32:25; Ps 7:12; 78:62), and of a slanderous tngue (Ps 57:4; 64:3; Pr 12:18). the word of God is likened also to a sword (Heb 4:12; Eph 6:17; Re 1:16). Gideon's watchword was, "The sword of the Lord" (Jg 7:20)

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'that leadeth. Ex 21:23-25; Isa 14:2; 33:1; Mt 7:2  he that killeth. Re 16:6; Ge 9:5-6; Isa 26:21; Mt 26:52  General references. exp: Jer 30:16; Lu 21:19'.

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C13-S12 (Verse 10)   We are to have patience and the faith  in God while we wait for Him to cause others to 'reap what they sow'.
Here is the patience and the faith of the saints

Also see the note for 14:12,which says the same thing but in a slightly different context.

Our sentence starts with the phrase, Here is,  which is actually referring back to the message of the prior sentence.  If God's people realize, and keep in mind, that people who are persecuting them will receive the same treatment as they give, then they are commanded to have The patience and the faith of the saints.  (Saints  are 'Fully spiritually mature saved people'.  Therefore, this command requires spiritual maturity to be fully obeyed.)  We are commanded to have true faith  in God's promise that He will make sure that the other person 'reaps what they sow'.  And, we are commanded to prove our true faith  in God by having patience  while we wait for Him to bring about those results.

Please see the notes for Romans C5S2 and Colossians C1S3 about the word patience.  patience as this word as: 'n. pa'shens. L. patientia, from patior, to suffer. 1. the suffering of afflictions, pain, toil, calamity, provocation or other evil, with a calm, unruffled temper; endurance without murmuring or fretfulness. Patience may spring from constitutional fortitude, from a kind of heroic pride, or from Christian submission to the divine will. 2. A calm temper which bears evils without murmuring or discontent. 3. the act or quality of waiting long for justice or expected good without discontent. 4. Perseverance; constancy in labor or exertion. He learnt with patience, and with meekness taught. 5. the quality of bearing offenses and injuries without anger or revenge. His rage was kindled and his patience gone. 6. Sufferance; permission. Not used. 7. A plant, a species of rumen of dock'.  Please also see the note for Romans C12S8 about the word patient.

Please see the notes for 1Corinthians C1S3; 2Corinthians C1S17; Galatians C3S27; Ephesians 6:23-LJC; Philippians 1:25-26 and 2Timothy C1S2 about the word faith.  The New Testament definition is: 'an action word that is based upon a belief in a promise found within the Bible with the action dictated by the Bible and the understanding that our action does not force God to act nor determines when or how God acts but proves that of our own free will we are giving God permission to act in and through our life to do what He promised within His Word'.  Please also see the note for the Word Study on Faith about the word faithful.  The New Testament definition is: 'Firm in adherence to the truth and to the duties of religion.  Full of faith, trustful, and not simply trustworthy.  being true to oneself, to one's nature, to any promise given, and to any trust committed'.  Please also see the note for Hebrews 3:1-LJC about Christ Jesus is faithful.  Please also see the notes for Romans 4 and James 2:21-LJC about Abraham's faith.  Please also see the note for 2Timothy C1S2 about the phrase faith: unfeigned.  Please also see the note for 2Peter 2:3 about the word feign.  Please also see the note for Romans C10S12 about the phrase faith makes us not ashamed.  Please also see the note for Ephesians C1S2 about the phrase just shall live by faith.  Please also see the note for Romans C11S6 about the phrase just shall live by his faith.  Please also see the note for Romans C3S29 about the phrase justification by faith.  Please also see the note for Romans C3S25 about Law and faith.  Please also see the note for Romans C9S28 about live / walk by faith.  Please see the note for James 2:14 for links to every verse in the New Testament where the words faith and works  contained within the same verse.

Please see the notes for Matthew 27:51-53; Romans C16S1; 2Corinthians C1S1 and Colossians C1S1 about the word saint.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'a spiritually mature saved person who is actively involved in the ministry of the church'.  The note in Romans has links to every place in the New Testament where this word is used along with a short note for each application.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'Here. Re 1:9; 2:2,19; 3:3,10; 14:12; La 3:26; Hab 2:3; Lu 18:1-8; 21:19; Col 1:11; Heb 6:12; 10:36-37; 12:3-4; Jas 1:2-4; 5:7-8  General references. exp: Jer 30:16; Lu 21:19'.

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C13-S13 (Verse 11)   Satan's beast  that men mistakenly call 'The Antichrist'.
  1. First Step:  What John watched happen
    1. And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth;
  2. Second Step:  He appeared on way but was actually another way.
    1. and he had two horns like a lamb,
    2. and he spake as a dragon.

Our sentence has two Steps with the First Step telling us that John beheld another beast.  This tells us that Satan has two beasts  and, as I have written, men mistake them.  In fact, many believe that there is only 'The Antichrist' and they want to argue that they are some kind of expert on Revelation while they fail to realize that Satan has two beast.

In our Second Step, we read that he appeared one way while acting in an opposite fashion.  That makes him a liar and a son of Satan.  In addition, this is the only verse in Revelation that uses a lower case for the 'l' of lamb.  That makes him a man and not God.  This verse shows that the beast tries to appear as our Lamb, but fails.  because he talks like Satan (dragon).

The word of God  uses the (capitalized) word Lamb  to identify the role of the Son of God  when he sacrificed himself to pay for our sins and save us (as Jesus)  and when He sacrificed himself to pay for the right to change us after we are truly saved.  That is done through His role as Christ.  The prefix 'anti' means: 'alternative or opposite'.  A true antichrist  gives an 'alternative or opposite' message from ChristChrist  teaches us to spiritually mature and teaches that we get the blessing from God if we fulfill God's requirements to receive the blessing.  However, a true antichrist  promises that people can get the blessings from God while they stay spiritually immature and refuse to fulfill the requirements of God.  In contrast, this beasts  is different.  Our sentence tells us that he spake as a dragon.  He says that blessings come from Satan and not from God.  He says that blessings are for this physical life and physical reality and not for everlasting in the spiritual Heaven.  Yes, he has a character that is similar to true Biblical antichrists,  especially in that all are liars and represent devils.  However, too many people believe the lie that he has the same message and his message is different in that it is focused completely on the physical while true Biblical antichrists  also speak about Heaven.

Again, a lot of what Dr. Jeff Wilson writes in his note below is good.  However, he confuses Satan's two beasts  and he, again, refers to what happens in the 'great church ages'.  As I have explained, that is a religious doctrine and not a Bible doctrine.  So, what he writes happened in those 'ages' actually is applicable all of the time if God's people fulfill the circumstances of the churches mentioned.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'Here we see another beast, the seventh personality of ch12 and 13 as a major player in the end times, but instead of coming up out of the sea, from the people of the world, like the first beast we see this second beast comes forth from the earth, which is symbolic of and refers to religious lifestyle on the earth, more specifically that of the Latin religious world, which of course directs our attention to the Roman Catholic Church. So this beast, this man, comes from a religious background, and we seem to be pointed towards the religion of Catholicism. for this coming forth from the earth can also refer to this beast's humble, impoverished beginnings, that he starts off as a nobody, with nothing all that special about him yet he rises thru the hierarchy of a religious system to a position of great power. And as he ascends in this religious system, especially thinking of how Catholic monks and priests live their celibate and secluded lives, this man, this second beast, will be insulated from the people of the world, thus we see him emerge from a religious realm instead of from the sea of the public masses. So this beast is a religious leader, a man of great religious influence. He is most likely the pope of the Catholic Church, now I'm not saying the one who occupies that office when the antichrist is revealed is the false prophet, but I'm not not saying that either.
But remember Jesus' warnings to the church of Pergamos, a church where the priests and clergy become separated and elevated in power, and were corrupted with false doctrines, where Jesus said to Pergamos that Satan's seat, Satan's throne, his place of authority, was found there, found in the very place this church was located was also the focal point of Satan's influence at that time. Also if you recall, that church had become receptive to the doctrines of Balaam (The church uniting with the world and the state/political power) and the Nicolaitanes (The acceptance of a priestly caste system or hierarchy) (ref Rev 2:12-16). Now what world religion has a seat of power, has a priestly system of varying degrees of authority and teaches the doctrines of men as the doctrines of God?
And then to add to that, think about Jesus' warnings to the church of thyatira (ref Rev. 2:18-24). that church had been corrupted by the teachings of a Jezebel, a woman, and the idea of a continual sacrifice, speaking of the Mass of the Catholic Church where Christ's one time atonement is denied by him having to be offered time and time again every time they participate in the Mass. And thus, when you take the head ship of Christ out and put a man or a woman in charge of the church, when you reduce Jesus to an insufficient sacrifice for sin, what do you expect but error, lies, deceit and corruption? We see such errors escalate and snowball to become what we know as the Catholic Church of today, for we see such false doctrine taught and practiced: the Pope as the vicar (agent or representative) of Christ, the veneration of Mary, worship of images and relics, invention of holy water, canonization of the saints, celibacy of priests, prayer beads, selling of indulgences, confessionals, removal of the communion cup from the laity, doctrine of Purgatory, tradition put on equal standing as the Bible, acceptance of the Apocryphal books as canon, the immaculate conception of Mary, infallibility of the Pope, and many, many more. And what does Jesus tell the church of thyatira in Re 2:22 Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds.
And so it is from both time periods that these churches represent that we have the beginnings of the Catholic Church, with a corrupted seat of power, false doctrine, religious corruption, veneration of Mary, a priestly hierarchy, a uniting with the world and political power, the church having its own great world power and influence. the Vatican is a nation unto itself, its one of the richest places on the planet, they even have a seat at the UN, what other religion has that kind of tie with political power and international diplomacy that says they stand for God but teach erroneous doctrines and practices, that have absorbed paganism into its practices just to please the people?
So we see this second beast is from a corrupted religious background, and then we see this beast has two horns, like the first beast which had 10, which we saw spoke of kingdoms, and so too do these two horns speak of realms of authority, but note there are no crowns upon these horns, meaning there are no kings or true political authority. So what do these two horns speak of? Well If this beast, this man, rises up in the power of Catholicism, these two horns could easily represent the papacy and the clergy of the Roman church, the spiritual and ecclesiastical branches, the separation of believers and those of religious authority, this man has control over both, those with religious power and those of the masses of followers.
And as we continue in v11, we notice that not only does this beast come forth from the earth but it has two horns which cause this beast to have the look and the similarities of a lamb, for two horns on a beast is not unnatural, its quite common. But notice John does not say the beast is a lamb, for we have seen the true Lamb, the Lamb of God, the Lord Jesus, and he is perfect in power and depicted with perfection with the perfect number of seven horns (Re 5:6 And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth.) But this beast out of the earth only has the appearance or the characteristics of a lamb, he seems to be like a lamb, like the Lamb, pure, chaste, innocent, harmless, meek, pious, holy and loving, he seems to be that way, seeming almost as an angel of light, yet he is anything but, for what is inside of this beast comes out, he speaks as a dragon, as Satan himself, he speaks with lies and deception, with seducing words, corrupting words, false doctrines and teachings and promises. this beast is a world wide religious leader, most likely a pope, that leads the world astray with the voice of Satan

The word beheld  is the past-tense form of the word behold.  Please see the note for Colossians C2S3 about the word behold.  Webster's 1828 Dictionary defines this word as: 'to fix the eyes upon; to see with attention; to observe with care. Behold the lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world. John 1. 2. In a less intensive sense, to look upon; to see. When he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived. Num. 21. BEHO'LD, v.i. to look; to direct the eyes to an object. And I beheld, and lo, in the midst of the throne, a lambdas it had been slain. Rev.5. 1. to fix the attention upon an object; to attend; to direct or fix the mind. Behold, I stand at the door and knock. Rev.3.word is much used in this manner for exciting attention, or admiration. It is in the imperative mode, expressing command, or exhortation; and by no means a mere exclamation'.  Please also see the note for Colossians 2:18-19 about the word hold.  Please also see the note for Luke 24:15 about the word holden.

Please see the note for Acts 7:42 about the word beast.  The the New Testament definition for this word is: 'Any animal that is not man. Sometimes it means quadrupeds, and not creeping things'.

Please see the note for Philippians 2:9-11 about the word earth.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: '(1.) In the sense of soil or ground, the translation of the word adamah'. In Ge 9:20 "husbandman" is literally "man of the ground or earth." Altars were to be built of earth (Ex 20:24).  Naaman asked for two mules' burden of earth (2Ki 5:17), under the superstitious notion that Jehovah, like the gods of the heathen, could be acceptably worshipped only on his own soil. (2). As the rendering of 'erets, it means the whole world (Ge 1:2); the land as opposed to the sea (Ge 1:10). Erets also denotes a country (Ge 21:32); a plot of ground (Ge 23:15); the ground on which a man stands (Ge 33:3); the inhabitants of the earth (Ge 6:1; 11:1); all the world except Israel (2Ch 13:9). In the New Testament "The earth" denotes the land of Judea (Mt 23:35); also things carnal in contrast with things heavenly (Joh 3:31; Col 3:1-2)'.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 4:7 about the word earthen.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 5:1 about the word earthly.  Please also see the note for Luke 21:10-11 about the word earthquake.  Please also see the note for Luke 21:10-11 about the word earthquake.  Please also see the note for Revelation 1:4 about the phrase kings of the earth.  Please also see the note for Matthew 32-33 about the phrase Judge of all the earth.

Please see the note for Luke 1:67-75 about the word horn.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'A natural means of defense which has many applications in the word of God'.  Please also see the message called The Prophecy of Zacharias about the seven horns.

Please see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word saith.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'lifestyle speaking.  A saying that never changes when said by God'.  Please also see the note for Romans 11:1 about the phrase I say.  The New Testament definition is: 'This phrase expresses a personal opinion, which usually follows the phrase'.  Bible authors uses this phrase when they introduces their own point into an ongoing discussion.  When Jesus  says this phrase, He is giving a personal command.  Please also see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word saith.  Please also see the note for Romans C10S28 about the word gainsaying.  Please also see the note for Matthew 26:1 about the word sayings (plural).  Please also see the notes for Romans C15S15 and 2Corinthians 2:17 about the word speak.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 3:12-14 about the word speech.  Please also see the notes for Ephesians C4S15 and 1Peter 2:1 about the phrase evil speaking.  The words speaketh  and saith  mean that the person 'keeps on keeping on doing the saying'.

Please see the note for Mark 4:16-17 about the word likewise.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'like and wise. In like manner; moreover'.  Please also see the note for Philippians 2:5-8 about about the words like  and likeness.  Please also see the note for Matthew 7:24-25 about the word liken.  Please also see the note for Romans 15:5 about the word likeminded.

Please see the note for Revelation 12:3 about the word dragon.  The Morrish Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'tannin, δράκων. It may signify any great serpent or sea monster, symbolical of a huge destructive creature. Nations doomed to destruction and desolation, including Jerusalem, are said to become habitations of dragons. Isa 34:13; 35:7; Jer 9:11; 10:22; 51:37. Pharaoh, king of Egypt, is called the great dragon. Eze 29:3. As one of God's creatures the dragon is called upon to praise Jehovah. Ps 148:7. In the N.T. the dragon is a type of Satan and those energised by him. In Re 12:3 the "great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns," is symbolical of Satan's power in the form of the Roman empire: it endeavoured, in the person of Herod, to destroy Christ when born. In Re 13:2,4 it is Satan who gives the resuscitated Roman empire in a future day its throne and great authority. In Re 13:11 the Antichrist, who has two horns like a lamb, speaks as a dragon. In Re 16:13 it is Satan, and in Re 20:2 he is described as "that old serpent, which is the Devil and Satan."'.  Smith's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'The translators of the Authorized Version, apparently following the Vulgate, have rendered by the same word "dragon" the two Hebrew words tan and tannin, which appear to be quite distinct in meaning.  1. the former is used, always in the plural, in:  Job 30:29; Ps 44:19; Isa 34:13; 43:20; Jer 9:11.  It is always applied to some creatures inhabiting the desert, and we should conclude from this that it refers rather to some wild beast than to a serpent. the syriac renders it by a word which, according to Pococke, means a "jackal".  2. the word tannin seems to refer to any great monster, whether of the land or the sea, being indeed more usually applied to some kind of serpent or reptile, but not exclusively restricted to that sense:  Ex 7:9-10,12; De 32:33; Ps 91:13.  In the New Testament it is found only in the Apocalypse:  Re 12:3-4,7,9,16-17.  etc., as applied metaphorically to "The old serpent, called the devil, and Satan."'.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'coming. Re 13:1; 11:7; 17:8  and he had. Mt 7:15; Ro 16:18; 2Co 11:13-15  and he spake. Re 13:17; 12:3-4,17; 17:6; Da 7:8,24-25; 2Th 2:4  General references. exp: Job 34:30'.

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C13-S14 (Verse 12)   this beast  fulfills the plan of Satan.
  1. And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him,
  2. and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast,
  3. whose deadly wound was healed.

Our sentence starts with the word And,  which adds it to the prior sentence.  Everything from 13:11 through the end of the chapter is talking about Satan's second beast,  whom men wrongly claim is 'The Antichrist'.  This beast  is a man where the first beast  is a devil.

Now, this sentence has a phrase which causes people to confuse Satan's two beasts.  Our sentence says: whose deadly wound was healed.  This makes people claim that the first beast  is 'The Antichrist'.  However, they are not considering all of the context.  The first beast  had seven heads  and only one was healed.  However, the beast  who people call 'The Antichrist' is human and has only one head.  Yes, the deadly wound was healed,  but the first beast  is a devil (spirit) who wants to be worshipped  like God.  The wound caused people to doubt his claim to have as much, or more power as God.  When it was healed,  people understood that it took the power of a spirit to do that miracle.  Therefore, the healing was attributed to the spirit (devil) and boosted his claim of having the same power as God.  And while this wound affected the man whose head was wounded, it also affected the claim of the devil who is Satan's first beast.

Hopefully the reader understands that the phrase whose deadly wound was healed  affected the devil who is Satan's first beast.  With that, hopefully, settled we will move on to the rest of our sentence.

Our first phrase says: And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him.  Therefore, this second beast  displays all the power of the first beast.  As a result, neither the all the power of the first beast nor the results of that all the power, can be used to separate these two beasts.  What separates the two is that one is a devil and the other is a man.  In addition to that, the devil wants to be worshipped as God while the man wants to demonstrate power and be highly regarded by men.  Since he is the resurrected Judas Iscariot (The son of perdition),  he wanted to replace Jesus  among men.

Our second phrase says: and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast.  Notice that he is not seeking worship  for himself.  He causes men to worship the first beast  so that The first beast  will let The second beast  use his power (he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him).

Please see the note for Mark 10:42 about the word exercise.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'In a general sense, any kind of work, labor or exertion of body. Hence, 1. Use; practice; the exertions and movements customary in the performance of business; as the exercise of an art, trade, occupation, or profession'.

Please see the note for Romans C13S2 about the word power.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'The primary sense of the verb is to strain, to exert force. 1. In a philosophical sense, the faculty of doing or performing anything; the faculty of moving or of producing a change in something; ability or strength'  Please also see the note for John 5:41 about the phrase power of God.  Please also see the notes for Romans C8S40 and Ephesians C6S8 about the phrase spiritual powers.

Please see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word first.  Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'a. furst. See fare and for.  1. Advanced before or further than any other in progression; foremost in place; as the first man in a marching company or troop is the man that precedes all the rest. Hence,  2. Preceding all others in the order of time. Adam was the first man. Cain was the first murderer. Monday was the first day of January.  3. Preceding all others in numbers or a progressive series; the ordinal of one; as, 1 is the first number.  4. Preceding all others in rank, dignity or excellence. Demosthenes was the first orator of Greece. Burke was one of the first geniuses of his age. Give God the first place in your affections.  FIRST, adv. furst.  1. Before anything else in the order of time.  Adam was first formed, then Eve. 1Tim. 2.  2. Before all others in place or progression.  Let the officers enter the gate first.  3. Before anything else in order of proceeding or consideration. First, let us attend to the examination of the witnesses.  4. Before all others in rank. He stands or ranks first in public estimation.  At first, at the first, as the beginning or origin.  First or last, at one time or another; at the beginning or end.  And all fools and lovers first or last'.  Please also see the note for Hebrews 1:5-LJC about the word firstbegotten.  Please also see the note for Colossians 1:15 about the word firstborn.  Please also see the note for Romans C8S21 about the word firstfruits.  Please also see the note for John 20:1 about the phrase first day of the week.

Please see the note for Acts 7:42 about the word beast.  The the New Testament definition for this word is: 'Any animal that is not man. Sometimes it means quadrupeds, and not creeping things'.

Please see the note for 2Corinthians C2S5 about the word cause.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Basically, the source of a result.  It can also be an action in court, or any legal process whereby someone demands his supposed right. this is a legal, scriptural and popular use of the word, coinciding nearly with case from cado, and action from ago, to urge or drive.  The cause of both parties shall come before the judges. Ex. 22'.  Please also see the note for Romans C1S10 about the word because.  Please notice the legal parts of this definition.  While the word because  is used when we have 'a reason that already exists', that reason does not have to be sufficient to bring legal suit.  Please also see the note for John 15:25 Romans C1S10 about the phrase without cause.  Please also see the note for Romans C8S38 about the phrase dying because of the truth.

Please see the note for Romans C7S24 about the word dwell.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'ppr. Inhabiting; residing; sojourning; continuing with fixed attention. DWELL'ING, n. Habitation; place of residence; abode. Hazor shall be a dwelling for dragons. Jer.49. 1. Continuance; residence; state of life. thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field. Dan.4'.  Please also see the note for John 7:39 about the phrase indwelling Holy Spirit.

Please see the note for Philippians 2:9-11 about the word earth.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: '(1.) In the sense of soil or ground, the translation of the word adamah'. In Ge 9:20 "husbandman" is literally "man of the ground or earth." Altars were to be built of earth (Ex 20:24). Naaman asked for two mules' burden of earth (2Ki 5:17), under the superstitious notion that Jehovah, like the gods of the heathen, could be acceptably worshipped only on his own soil. (2). As the rendering of 'erets, it means the whole world (Ge 1:2); the land as opposed to the sea (Ge 1:10). Erets also denotes a country (Ge 21:32); a plot of ground (Ge 23:15); the ground on which a man stands (Ge 33:3); the inhabitants of the earth (Ge 6:1; 11:1); all the world except Israel (2Ch 13:9). In the New Testament "The earth" denotes the land of Judea (Mt 23:35); also things carnal in contrast with things heavenly (Joh 3:31; Col 3:1-2)'.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 4:7 about the word earthen.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 5:1 about the word earthly.  Please also see the note for Luke 21:10-11 about the word earthquake.  Please also see the note for Luke 21:10-11 about the word earthquake.  Please also see the note for Revelation 1:4 about the phrase kings of the earth.  Please also see the note for Matthew 32-33 about the phrase Judge of all the earth.

Please see the note for Romans C7S24 about the word dwell.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'ppr. Inhabiting; residing; sojourning; continuing with fixed attention. DWELL'ING, n. Habitation; place of residence; abode. Hazor shall be a dwelling for dragons. Jer.49. 1. Continuance; residence; state of life. thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field. Dan.4'.  Please also see the note for John 7:39 about the phrase indwelling Holy Spirit.

Please see the note for Romans C6S4 about the words dead / death / die.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Physical death is separation of soul and spirit from body and the second death is eternal separation from God'.  Please also see the note for Revelation 2:11 about the phrase death, second.

Please see the note for 1Corinthians 8:12 about the word wound.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'To hurt by violence; as, to wound the head or the arm; to wound a tree. He was wounded for our transgressions. Isaiah 53'.

Please see the note for 1Corinthians C12S29 about the word heal.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'To cure of a disease or wound and restore to soundness, or to that state of body in which the natural functions are regularly performed; as, to heal the sick'.  Please also see the note for Acts 27:34 about the word health.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'That state of an animal or living body, in which the parts are sound, well organized and disposed, and in which they all perform freely their natural functions. In This state the animal feels no pain'.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'causeth. Re 13:3,14-17; 17:10-11; 2Th 2:4  General references. exp: Job 34:30'.

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C13-S15 (Verse 13-14)   the demonstrated power and doctrine of Satan's second beast.
  1. First Step:  What he did.
    1. And he doeth great wonders,
    2. so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,
    3. And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by  The means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast;.
  2. Second Step:  What he said.
    1. saying to them that dwell on the earth,
    2. that they should make an image to the beast,
    3. which had the wound by a sword,
    4. and did live.

Our sentence starts with the word And,  which adds it to the prior sentence.  Everything from 13:11 through the end of the chapter is talking about Satan's second beast,  whom men wrongly claim is 'The Antichrist'.  This beast  is a man where the first beast  is a devil.

Our sentence has two Steps with the First Step telling us miracles ( great wonders)  which he did and the Second Step telling us the wrong doctrine which he preached (saying to them that dwell on the earth)  based upon those miracles.

In the First Step, we see him make fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men.  This is in imitation of earlier times which were:

In our third phrase, of the First Step, we read that he did this to deceiveth them that dwell on the earth.  In addition, we read that he did this in the sight of the (first) beast.  I believe that he claimed that he did the miracles with his own power, but that it was actually the power of the first beast  because he had to be in the sight of the (first) beast.  As part of his deception, and in order to get men to worship the first beast,  and his image, he probably promised that if other men worshipped enough, they also might receive similar power.  Since this was all a big deception, he probably gave any lie that was necessary to get men to do false worship.

In our Second Step, we read that he commanded the people to make an image to the beast.  This is idolatry and certainly not from God.

In our Second Step we also read that this beast  had the wound by a sword, and did live.  But, as was explained in the prior sentence, it was one of his heads  which had the wound by a sword, and did live.  This is still speaking about the first beast  who was a devil and appeared to have the power to raise the dead. It is not talking about the single head  who actually received the wound.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'Notice once again Satan is a copy cat, he has no original thoughts, for the false prophet copies the miracles of others in biblical history. He has the ability to call down fire, like Satan did in Job 1:16 While he was yet speaking, there came also another, and said, the fire of God is fallen from heaven, and hath burned up the sheep, and the servants, and consumed them; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee; also like Elijah, like the apostles, like the two witnesses who are killed by the antichrist, so if he can do that and he has defeated the two witnesses he must be greater than they, or at least that's what many will think. Sometimes I don't think we give Satan and his minions enough credit, for he is a very powerful adversary, he has the power to do manythings, things beyond our own power and comprehension, I remind you of Moses' confrontation with the Pharaoh, Moses was given the ability to do wonders, but the sorcerers of Egypt's court was able to do many as well; there are forces out there that are darker and much more powerful than we realize, forces who give men their powers in order to corrupt and destroy mankind. And here we have the pinnacle of such, the false prophet empowered by Satan, the dragon, wielding supernatural powers to point the world to the antichrist. And some of this power is used to bring an image made of the antichrist to life in order for the world to worship it as well'.

Please see the note for 2Corinthians 12:12 about the word wonder.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'To be affected by surprise or admiration. I could not sufficiently wonder at the intrepidity of these diminutive mortals. We cease to wonder at what we understand'.  Please also see the note for Matthew 7:22 about the word wonderful.

Please see the note for James 3:6 about the word fire.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'The primary sense is, to rage, to act with violent excitement. It is also An extremely painful type of injury that is used by God to cleanse and purify. This word is often used symbolically for different purposes which all result in something being consumed'.  Please also see the note for Romans C12S18 about the phrase coals of fire.  Please also see the note for Revelation 20:9 about the phrase fire from Heaven.  Please also see the note for Revelation 19:20 about the phrase lake of fire.

Please see the note for Philippians 2:9-11 about the word heaven.  The New Testament definition is: 'According to the Jewish notion there were three heavens, (a) The firmament, as "fowls of the heaven" (Ge 2:19; 7:3,23; Ps 8:8, etc.), "the eagles of heaven" (La 4:19), etc. (b) The starry heavens (De 17:3; Jer 8:2; Mt 24:29). (c) "The heaven of heavens," or "the third heaven" is the home of God (De 10:14; 1Ki 8:27; Ps 115:16; 148:4; 2Co 12:2). The phrase "heaven and earth" is used to indicate the whole universe (Ge 1:1; Jer 23:24; Ac 17:24)'.  Please also see the note for 1Peter 1:2-LJC about the phrase things in Heaven.  Please also see the note for Matthew 3:2 about the phrase kingdom of heaven.  Please also see the note for Luke 3:21-22 about the phrase voice from heaven.  Please also see the note for Revelation 20:9 about the phrase fire from Heaven.  Please also see the note for Revelation 21:4 about 'no tears in heaven is a lie'.  Please also see the note for Hebrews 12:2-LJC about the phrase treasure in Heaven.  Please also see the Message called Laying up Treasure in Heaven.

Please see the note for Philippians 2:9-11 about the word earth.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: '(1.) In the sense of soil or ground, the translation of the word adamah'. In Ge 9:20 "husbandman" is literally "man of the ground or earth." Altars were to be built of earth (Ex 20:24). Naaman asked for two mules' burden of earth (2Ki 5:17), under the superstitious notion that Jehovah, like the gods of the heathen, could be acceptably worshipped only on his own soil. (2). As the rendering of 'erets, it means the whole world (Ge 1:2); the land as opposed to the sea (Ge 1:10). Erets also denotes a country (Ge 21:32); a plot of ground (Ge 23:15); the ground on which a man stands (Ge 33:3); the inhabitants of the earth (Ge 6:1; 11:1); all the world except Israel (2Ch 13:9). In the New Testament "The earth" denotes the land of Judea (Mt 23:35); also things carnal in contrast with things heavenly (Joh 3:31; Col 3:1-2)'.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 4:7 about the word earthen.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 5:1 about the word earthly.  Please also see the note for Luke 21:10-11 about the word earthquake.  Please also see the note for Luke 21:10-11 about the word earthquake.  Please also see the note for Revelation 1:4 about the phrase kings of the earth.  Please also see the note for Matthew 32-33 about the phrase Judge of all the earth.

Please see the notes for 1Corinthians C13S9; 2Corinthians 2:17 and Colossians C1S6 about the word see / sight.  The New Testament definition for this word is properly defined as: 'a physical sense which conveys information about the physical world to the brain'.  The spiritual application of these words is: 'understanding a concept'.  Please also see the note for John 6:40-LJC about the phrase see the Son.

Please see the notes for Romans C7S15 and 1Corinthians C3S18 about the word deceived.  Webster's 1828 dictionary defines deceived  as 'pp. Misled; led into error; beguiled; cheated; deluded'.  Please also see the note for Galatians C6S3 about the phrase deceiveth himself.

Please see the note for Romans C7S24 about the word dwell.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'ppr. Inhabiting; residing; sojourning; continuing with fixed attention. DWELL'ING, n. Habitation; place of residence; abode. Hazor shall be a dwelling for dragons. Jer.49. 1. Continuance; residence; state of life. thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field. Dan.4'.  Please also see the note for John 7:39 about the phrase indwelling Holy Spirit.

Please see the note for Luke 5:18 about the word means (plural).  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'Means, in the plural, is the instrument of effecting any purpose, be it revenue, resources, substance, estate, or anything else'.

Please see the notes for 1Corinthians 12:28 about the word miracle.  It has links to every place where this word is used in the word of God  and important notes about miracles  which lead to doctrinal errors if people do not understand these things.  Please also see the tables in the Miracles in Gospelsmiracles in OT and the Miracles section of the Significant Events in the New Testament for links to various miracles reported in the word of God.  Please also see the Section called Jesus and Devils in the Significant Gospel Events Study for links to various miracles repoered in the word of God.  Please also see the the Miracles section of the Significant Events in the New Testament.  Forms of this word are also used, in this book, in: 16:14; 19:20.

Please see the note for Romans C13S2 about the word power.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'The primary sense of the verb is to strain, to exert force. 1. In a philosophical sense, the faculty of doing or performing anything; the faculty of moving or of producing a change in something; ability or strength'  Please also see the note for John 5:41 about the phrase power of God.  Please also see the notes for Romans C8S40 and Ephesians C6S8 about the phrase spiritual powers.

Please see the note for Acts 7:42 about the word beast.  The the New Testament definition for this word is: 'Any animal that is not man. Sometimes it means quadrupeds, and not creeping things'.

Please see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word saith.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'lifestyle speaking.  A saying that never changes when said by God'.  Please also see the note for Romans 11:1 about the phrase I say.  The New Testament definition is: 'This phrase expresses a personal opinion, which usually follows the phrase'.  Bible authors uses this phrase when they introduces their own point into an ongoing discussion.  When Jesus  says this phrase, He is giving a personal command.  Please also see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word saith.  Please also see the note for Romans C10S28 about the word gainsaying.  Please also see the note for Matthew 26:1 about the word sayings (plural).  Please also see the notes for Romans C15S15 and 2Corinthians 2:17 about the word speak.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 3:12-14 about the word speech.  Please also see the notes for Ephesians C4S15 and 1Peter 2:1 about the phrase evil speaking.  The words speaketh  and saith  mean that the person 'keeps on keeping on doing the saying'.

Please see the note for 2Corinthians 4:3-4 about the word image.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'A representation or similitude of any person or thing, formed of any substance. Man was made in the image of God but can not match God'.  Please also see the note for Acts 4:25 about the word imagine.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'from imago, image. To form a notion, idea or image in the mind'.  Please also see the note for Luke 1:51 about the word imagination.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'The ability of the mind to imagine'.  Forms of this word are also used, in this book, in: 13:15; 14:9-11; 15:2; 16:2; 19:20; 20:4.

Please see the note for 1Corinthians 8:12 about the word wound.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'To hurt by violence; as, to wound the head or the arm; to wound a tree. He was wounded for our transgressions. Isaiah 53'.

Please see the note for Romans C8S37 about the word sword.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'of the Hebrew was pointed, sometimes two-edged, was worn in a sheath, and suspended from the girdle (Ex 32:27; 1Sa 31:4; 1Ch 21:27; Ps 149:1; Pr 5:4; Eze 16:40; 21:3-5).
It is a symbol of divine chastisement (De 32:25; Ps 7:12; 78:62), and of a slanderous tngue (Ps 57:4; 64:3; Pr 12:18). the word of God is likened also to a sword (Heb 4:12; Eph 6:17; Re 1:16). Gideon's watchword was, "The sword of the Lord" (Jg 7:20)

Please see the Doctrine of Life about the words lifelivealive  and lively.  The New Testament definition, for the word the word life,  is: 'The cause of all movement, both physically and spiritually.  Physical life ends (is mortal).  Spiritual life is immortal'.  The New Testament definition, for the word the word live,  is: 'the verb form of life'.  The New Testament definition, for the word the word alive,  is: 'Having life'.  The New Testament definition, for the word the word lively,  is: 'Living and energetic'.  In addition, the New Testament definition, for the phrase everlasting life.  is: 'Spiritual life which has a beginning but no end'.  Please also see the Message called Labor for Everlasting Life.  Please see the note for 3:25 about the word live  that note has links to several other places where the doctrine of this word is discussed.  Please see the note for Romans C10S15 about the phrase belief changes life.  Please also see the note for 1Corinthians C6S16.  Please also see the note for about the phrase kingdom of God rejected by lifestyle sins.  Please also see the note for Revelation 13:8-LJC about the phrase book of life.  Please see the note for Romans C9S28 about live / walk by faith.  Please see the note for Romans C11S6 about The just shall live by his faith.  Please see the note for Colossians C3S4 about Christ lives through us.  Please use This link to see other, less important, 'Minor Titles of the Son of God' found within the Bible along with links to where the Bible uses those titles.  This title is eternal life.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'he doeth. Re 16:14; 19:20; Ex 7:11-12,22; 8:7,18-19; 9:11; De 13:1-3; Mt 24:24; Mr 13:22; Ac 8:9-11; 2Th 2:9-10  he maketh. Re 11:5; Nu 16:35; 1Ki 18:38; 2Ki 1:10-14; Mt 16:1; Lu 9:54-56; 2Ti 3:8  General references. exp: De 13:2; Job 34:30.
deceiveth. Re 12:9; 18:23; 19:20; 20:3,10; 2Ki 22:20 (margin) Job 12:16; Isa 44:20; Eze 14:9; 2Th 2:9-12  dwell. Re 13:3,8 exp: Re 11:10.  They. Re 13:3-4,11-12,15; 14:9,11; 15:2; 16:2; 19:20; 20:4; 2Ki 20:7; Eze 8:10; 16:17; Da 11:36; 2Th 2:4  General references. exp: Ex 8:7; 20:4; De 13:2; Job 34:30

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C13-S16 (Verse 15)   the idol was made to be alive.
  1. And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast,
  2. that the image of the beast should both speak,
  3. and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

Our sentence starts with the word And,  which adds it to the prior sentence.  Everything from 13:11 through the end of the chapter is talking about Satan's second beast,  whom men wrongly claim is 'The Antichrist'.  This beast  is a man where the first beast  is a devil.

There are many possible ways that men can imagine this happening.  And, no one can say exactly how it will happen.  In addition, before we had the technology of today, people probably imagined it happening several different ways.

One possibility, using technology that exists today, is to build a robot which is then possessed by a devil, even the first beast,  which is a devil who possesses seven heads of government already.  Anyone who does and extensive work on computers to bring glory to God, or who uses sound systems for the same purpose, knows that devils can interfere with electronics.  And, people already build very life-like robots who appear to talk and move like people.  In addition, many science fiction books talk about people becoming partial machines or even transferring their essence into a robot with enough computing capacity to accommodate a brain.  So, this possibility exists today if a devil takes possession of such a robot to activate it and make it appear alive.  And, it this second beast  does build such a robot to be an image of the (first) beast,  and a devil does possess it, then it is possible that he does give life unto the image of the beast.

Again, I am not saying that this is what will happen.  I only write that this is possible with today's proven technology.

Our last phrase reminds us of the image reported in Daniel which the three Hebrew children refused to worship.  Thus, this is not a new strategy for Satan.

In the note below, Dr. Jeff Wilson considers the first and second beasts  to be two men.  However, the first beast  is a devil who possesses seven heads  of government.  Therefore, he definitely is a political power even though he is not a single man.  And, the second beast  very definitely is a religious power.  And, as mentioned more than once, he confuses the two beasts.  It is the second beast  that men wrongly call 'The Antichrist', not the first beast.  Therefore, it is the second beast,  which men wrongly call 'The Antichrist', who makes men worship the image of Satan's false Holy Spirit.  All throughout the Bible, when men worshipped idols, they were actually worshipping the spirits (devils) behind the idol.  And, that is still true here.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'Recall when we were talking about the two witnesses and we showed some similarities of Scripture in the books of Revelation and Zechariah, comparing the olive trees and candlesticks. And in the book of Zechariah we saw two persons that I think may be representative of the two witnesses. Do you remember who they were? Zerubbabel, the governor of Jerusalem and Joshua the High Priest. And I said there existed the possibility of one of the two witnesses being a Jewish political leader and the other being a Jewish religious leader. Well, think about this, I have been showing you how Satan tries to mimic and counterfeit God, to copy cat Him, here he has copied the Holy Trinity with the dragon, the beast and the false prophet, he has copied the resurrection in the raising of the antichrist from the dead, the false prophet copies the actions of the Holy Spirit, so why not copy the two witnesses, the two that stand for God and against the antichrist in Jerusalem, for if the two witnesses are a political and a religious leader, what do we have with the Antichrist and the False Prophet?
A satanic political leader and a satanic religious leader. Coincidence? I think not. Satan copies the witnesses who spoke for God, testified of the truth, but he kills them and has his own counterfeits to take their place, who then speak of Satan as God. the two witnesses after their death are resurrected and ascend to heaven but the antichrist is slain, given a fatal wound, and is resurrected but he stays on the earth to conquer, to take power and be worshipped, all supported by the False Prophet, who supports the antichrist's claims as God.
So here we have political, military, economical, and religious authority united in single purpose, so is there any wonder the world bows to this man? Many will think what choice do they have?, especially when the False Prophet demands that an image be made of the antichrist and for the world to worship it less they die. Here we have the false prophet commanding men to make an image, an icon, a representation, either like a portrait or a statue of the antichrist for the world to worship. Here we have the pinnacle of idol worship introduced. So now we have worship of the dragon, worship of the antichrist, and now idol worship of the image of the antichrist, the one that was raised from the dead, that has power over death. How ignorant man is, for how many times throughout the Bible does God chide idolaters for worshipping something they created instead of worshipping the one who created them? But notice there is something different about this image, the false prophet is able to give life to this image, it moves, it speaks, it might possibly even be able to kill for those who do not worship this image are sentenced to death. (I wonder If this is in mockery of Christ who the apostle Peter refers to as the Living Stone in I Peter ch2?).
The False Prophet commands that those that dwell on the earth make an image, the Greek word for image is 'eikon', meaning a statue or a representation, of the antichrist. this is idolatry at its pinnacle, the very thing that God severely punished His chosen people for doing. this image will be made by the hands of man and yet man will bow down and worship something he has made. this is in direct defiance to God, Ex 20:4 thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:
In Isaiah 44:9-19 we see how absurd God thinks idol worship is. Isa 44:9 they that make a graven image are all of them vanity; and their delectable things shall not profit; and they are their own witnesses; they see not, nor know; that they may be ashamed. 10 Who hath formed a god, or molten a graven image that is profitable for nothing? 11 Behold, all his fellows shall be ashamed: and the workmen, they are of men: let them all be gathered together, let them stand up; yet they shall fear, and they shall be ashamed together. 12 the smith with the tongs both worketh in the coals, and fashioneth it with hammers, and worketh it with the strength of his arms: yea, he is hungry, and his strength faileth: he drinketh no water, and is faint. 13 the carpenter stretcheth out his rule; he marketh it out with a line; he fitteth it with planes, and he marketh it out with the compass, and maketh it after the figure of a man, according to the beauty of a man; that it may remain in the house. 14 He heweth him down cedars, and taketh the cypress and the oak, which he strengtheneth for himself among the trees of the forest: he planteth an ash, and the rain doth nourish it. 15 then shall it be for a man to burn: for he will take thereof, and warm himself; yea, he kindleth it, and baketh bread; yea, he maketh a god, and worshippeth it; he maketh it a graven image, and falleth down thereto. 16 He burneth part thereof in the fire; with part thereof he eateth flesh; he roasteth roast, and is satisfied: yea, he warmeth himself, and saith, Aha, I am warm, I have seen the fire: 17 And the residue thereof he maketh a god, even his graven image: he falleth down unto it, and worshippeth it, and prayeth unto it, and saith, Deliver me; for thou art my god. 18 they have not known nor understood: for he hath shut their eyes, that they cannot see; and their hearts, that they cannot understand. 19 And none considereth in his heart, neither is there knowledge nor understanding to say, I have burned part of it in the fire; yea, also I have baked bread upon the coals thereof; I have roasted flesh, and eaten it: and shall I make the residue thereof an abomination? shall I fall down to the stock of a tree?
There may be two meanings behind this command to make an image. First I think that there will be built one main statue, one image of the beast and we'll talk about that one image in a moment. But I also think, due to the wording of 'saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image' that this seems to indicate everyone on the planet, that this command is to all men everywhere to make an image, so I wonder if not only will there be one main image, but also many personal images that everyone will make or buy in order to have their own smaller image of the antichrist for personal worship or devotion or to place in a household, a church or even village shrines. this would be a smaller version of the main image that men may have a personal attachment to if they can't make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem to worship this one main image. And just think about this, Catholics have shrines to saints and such all over the world. Now I admit this may be me being picky with the wording here, but it is a thought, for how can all men bow to one image?
But speaking of that one main statue, the image, it seems to be an actual constructed object and not a computer or television program or cel phone app or anything where people can see a moving and talking picture, although those may be used to view and worship the actual idol. Because from what I can gather, this image of the beast is an actual statue, now could it be robotic or mechanical or computerized? possibly, your imagination can run wild here trying to figure this out. But let's not speculate too much, instead lets look at what we are told. We are told that the False Prophet, who is endowed by Satan to perform great wonders, to do supernatural acts, to do things that defy logic and science, also causes this image that he commissions man to make to come to life.
The False Prophet has power to give this image of the beast life, he causes it to speak, to move, causes it to possibly kill those who will not worship it. Sounds kind of like a satanic version of the Terminator. the reason I say this idol, this image, can move, talk, interact with humanity, is that some way, some how, the false prophet brings life to this idol, this representation of the antichrist, and it can verify if one is worshipping it or not, and if not it has the ability to kill or more likely to sentence one to be executed, and with today's technology of communication and surveillance, this seems more probable. Maybe this is some form of highly advanced artificial intelligence which can be interacted with across the internet. But the point I'm trying to make is the Greek word John uses for the word 'life' is 'pnuema', meaning spirit, which indicates that just as the false Prophet can do great wonders by the power of Satan, he also can give 'life', a spirit, to this object by the power of Satan. this object, this statue, this robot, whatever it is will have a spirit, a life, a personality.
ow many will say that's outlandish, that's science fiction, that's a fairy tale, but where do you think fairy tales and myth and legend have their roots? In the black arts, in demonic and satanic influences, in possession and empowerment of mankind, in the truth that has tried to remain hidden in the shadows of the fantastical. Remember in the Bible we see things that would bewilder us if they happened in front us, a serpent that talks, a man able to call down plagues upon a nation and others able to mimic some of those, fire being called from heaven, demon possessions, an entire sea parted, people raised from the dead, flaming chariots, supernatural healing, power over the natural elements, and I could go on. Some of those are done with the power of God, but others are not. Like I have stated before there are dark and dangerous powers out there that we underestimate and are not even aware of. So if Satan can revive a man form the dead (The beast) can he not let one of his demonic spirits possess an idol and give it life, what do you think the idol gods the pag and worshipped in the ancient days were, just a mere rock or something more? But at any rate, this image that has 'life' of some sort is most definitely a force, an entity, to be reckoned with, for look at how this image is mentioned throughout Revelation' Re 14:9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,10 the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: 11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
Re 15:2 And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God.
Re 16:2 And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisomeans grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.
Re 19:20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. these both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.
Re 20:4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
So here we see the world's religious leader, the false prophet, says to the people of the earth to make an image of the beast, when it is finished he gives life to that image, and now he commands all to worship that image less they die. Here the false prophet reinstitutes idol worship on a mass scale. Here's idolatry at its worst. fornow the world worships the dragon, the beast and now the image of the beast on threat of death. And does not this remind you of something similar that happened in the book of Daniel? Where the most powerful world leader created an image and demanded all to bow down and worship it less they die? Reference Daniel ch3.
Do you see the similarities in Daniel ch3? Nebuchadnezzar is a type of the antichrist, the golden image a type of the antichrist's image, the herald in v4 a type of the false prophet, Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar's kingdom, a type of the world wide government, the revived Roman Empire, and the three Hebrew children a type of the Jewish remnant in the end times whom God stands by and protects from the ravings of a tyrant king and the wiles of a mad prophet.
Now in addition to all this, many believe that the setting up of this image to be worshipped coincides with the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel and Christ. for this image is most likely going to be placed in the temple of Jerusalem. So from my understanding of the chronological order here, we have the antichrist ascending to power among the nations of the world thru deception, as he does this the two witnesses preach against him and attempt to unveil his true identity, so the antichrist wars against them to no avail, he can't overcome them, everyone he sends against them dies (Rev 11:5), maybe the antichrist confronts the witnesses himself but he is stricken down with a fatal blow, most likely by one of the two witnesses. the antichrist is dead! But behold, the beast arises from the dead, infused with demonic power as the son of perdition and strikes down both the two witnesses Re 11:7 And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them. He leaves their bodies in the streets for all to see and institutes a world wide celebration of his victory. And because of such the False Prophet who has spoken well of this man convinces the world to submit to him, speaking lies and blasphemies about his true identity, claiming him to be the Messiah raised from the dead, that in him hope will be had. and to commemorate the victory this man has had over death and the two so-called false prophets (The two witnesses), the False Prophet orders the construction of an image of this great and wonderful man. When the image is finished, the tide turns, the antichrist reveals his true self, he breaks the peace treaty with Israel, marches his forces into Jerusalem, takes control of the temple and places this image of himself in the holy place to be worshipped. the antichrist stakes his claim as God, as Messiah and demands the world worship him and his master (The dragon) as well as the image of the beast which is now given life by the supernatural powers of the false prophet and will either itself kill or report to the authorities thru world wide surveillance those that refuse to worship it.
So we see that since Satan could not be worshipped in heaven due to him being cast out and barred from there, he now goes to the temple in Jerusalem and sets up an idol that points to him and has the world worship him and his counterfeit Messiah, worship that is supported by his false prophet and the false church. And with such control, such authority and influence over the world, mankind will not have much of an option but to comply to the Satanic trinity's demands. And those that comply with the beast's wishes and worship him will receive a mark.
We have spent time talking about the supernatural powers of the False Prophet, the miracles he performed by the empowerment of Satan, signs and wonders by which he deceives and convinces mankind to worship the antichrist. And v14 states that the False Prophet done those miracles in the sight of the beast. I believe this references that the False Prophet can only do these things when he is in proximity to the Antichrist, who is empowered by Satan. He has to be near Satan to draw power from Satan, and since Satan is most likely sticking with his chosen man, and since he is an angel, he is not omnipresent, so that means he can not be in multiple places at the same time, so the false prophet must be close to his source of power, in sight of the beast, in order to tap into and use that power to perform signs and wonders. And we have seen that one of those wonders that he performs was giving life to an image, a statue, a manmade representation of the antichrist. the false prophet gave life to this image. And I mentioned the Greek word John used for the word 'life' that the prophet gave this image in v15, the Greek word pnuema and that it meant spirit, that this image became an actual living, speaking, moving being of sorts. to add to this, the Latin meaning of pnuema (Latin is similar to the Greek language) means 'breath', which is also an additional meaning of the Greek word. So what we see here is that the False Prophet gave life, gave breath, gave a spirit to this image. And have we not been pointing out the counterfeiting, the mimicking that Satan has been doing of God in this study? Well what does breathing life into a form made out of the materials of the earth sound like? Did not God breathe into the nostrils of man and give him life? Ge 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. What an imitation! the False Prophet mimics God by breathing life into the image. But there is one difference here. When the False Prophet breathes life into the image, man was ordered to worship it on penalty of death, but when God breathed life into man He gave man a choice of whether or not to worship Him, God gave man free will, but the image of the antichrist takes away man's free will to choose by the threat of death. Satan may be a copy cat, but he is a poor imitator. But it is amazing how this image plays a major role in the end times religious world, the one world church, the apostate idolatrous church, for there is worship of three things, the worship of the dragon, Satan himself, of the antichrist, the beast out of the sea, and the idol worship of the image of the antichrist. And all those that bow down to this image, that chose to worship this living idol, this man, this devil, receive a mark in their hand or in their forehead

Please see the note for Romans C13S2 about the word power.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'The primary sense of the verb is to strain, to exert force. 1. In a philosophical sense, the faculty of doing or performing anything; the faculty of moving or of producing a change in something; ability or strength'  Please also see the note for John 5:41 about the phrase power of God.  Please also see the notes for Romans C8S40 and Ephesians C6S8 about the phrase spiritual powers.

Please see the note for 2Corinthians 5:5 about the word give.  The New Testament definition is: 'ppr. Bestowing; confering; imparting; granting; delivering. GIV'ING, n. the act of confering'.  Please see the note for 2Corinthians 9:8-11 about the words gave  and given.  The New Testament definition for the words gave  and given  are: 'the past-tense form of the word give'.  Please see the note for 2Corinthians 9:7 about the word giving.  The New Testament definition of giving  is: 'the ongoing form of the word give'.  Please see the note for 2Corinthians 9:7 about the word giveth.  The New Testament definition of giveth  is: 'a life-style of giving'.  Please see the note for 2Corinthians 9:7 about the word giver.  The New Testament definition of the word giver  is: 'the person who gives'.  Please also see the note for 1Corinthians C14S19 about the phrase giving of thanks.

Please see the Doctrine of Life about the words lifelivealive  and lively.  The New Testament definition, for the word the word life,  is: 'The cause of all movement, both physically and spiritually.  Physical life ends (is mortal).  Spiritual life is immortal'.  The New Testament definition, for the word the word live,  is: 'the verb form of life'.  The New Testament definition, for the word the word alive,  is: 'Having life'.  The New Testament definition, for the word the word lively,  is: 'Living and energetic'.  In addition, the New Testament definition, for the phrase everlasting life.  is: 'Spiritual life which has a beginning but no end'.  Please also see the Message called Labor for Everlasting Life.  Please see the note for 3:25 about the word live  that note has links to several other places where the doctrine of this word is discussed.  Please see the note for Romans C10S15 about the phrase belief changes life.  Please also see the note for 1Corinthians C6S16.  Please also see the note for about the phrase kingdom of God rejected by lifestyle sins.  Please also see the note for Revelation 13:8-LJC about the phrase book of life.  Please see the note for Romans C9S28 about live / walk by faith.  Please see the note for Romans C11S6 about The just shall live by his faith.  Please see the note for Colossians C3S4 about Christ lives through us.  Please use This link to see other, less important, 'Minor Titles of the Son of God' found within the Bible along with links to where the Bible uses those titles.  This title is eternal life.

Please see the note for 2Corinthians 4:3-4 about the word image.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'A representation or similitude of any person or thing, formed of any substance. Man was made in the image of God but can not match God'.  Please also see the note for Acts 4:25 about the word imagine.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'from imago, image. To form a notion, idea or image in the mind'.  Please also see the note for Luke 1:51 about the word imagination.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'The ability of the mind to imagine'.

Please see the note for Acts 7:42 about the word beast.  The the New Testament definition for this word is: 'Any animal that is not man. Sometimes it means quadrupeds, and not creeping things'.

Please see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word saith.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'lifestyle speaking.  A saying that never changes when said by God'.  Please also see the note for Romans 11:1 about the phrase I say.  The New Testament definition is: 'This phrase expresses a personal opinion, which usually follows the phrase'.  Bible authors uses this phrase when they introduces their own point into an ongoing discussion.  When Jesus  says this phrase, He is giving a personal command.  Please also see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word saith.  Please also see the note for Romans C10S28 about the word gainsaying.  Please also see the note for Matthew 26:1 about the word sayings (plural).  Please also see the notes for Romans C15S15 and 2Corinthians 2:17 about the word speak.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 3:12-14 about the word speech.  Please also see the notes for Ephesians C4S15 and 1Peter 2:1 about the phrase evil speaking.  The words speaketh  and saith  mean that the person 'keeps on keeping on doing the saying'.

Please see the note for 2Corinthians C2S5 about the word cause.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Basically, the source of a result.  It can also be an action in court, or any legal process whereby someone demands his supposed right. this is a legal, scriptural and popular use of the word, coinciding nearly with case from cado, and action from ago, to urge or drive.  The cause of both parties shall come before the judges. Ex. 22'.  Please also see the note for Romans C1S10 about the word because.  Please notice the legal parts of this definition.  While the word because  is used when we have 'a reason that already exists', that reason does not have to be sufficient to bring legal suit.  Please also see the note for John 15:25 Romans C1S10 about the phrase without cause.  Please also see the note for Romans C8S38 about the phrase dying because of the truth.

Please see the note for Romans C13S12 about the word kill.  Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'v.t. 1. to deprive of life, animal or vegetable, in any manner or by any means. to kill an animal or a plant, is to put an end to the vital functions, either by destroying or essentially injuring the org and necessary to life, or by causing them to cease from action. An animal may be killed by the sword or by poison, by disease or by suffocation. A strong solution of salt will kill plants. 2. to butcher; to slaughter for food; as, to kill an ox. 3. to quell; to appease; to calm; to still; as, in seamen's language, a shower of rain kills the wind'.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'life. Gr. breath. Ge 2:7; Ps 135:17; Jer 10:14; 51:17; Hab 2:19; Jas 2:26 (Gr)  speak. Ps 115:5; 135:16; Jer 10:5  cause. Re 13:14; 16:2,5; 17:6,14,17; 18:20,24; 19:20; 20:4; Da 7:20,25  General references. exp: Ex 20:4'.

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C13-S17 (Verse 16-17)   the mark of the beast.
  1. Equivalent Section:  Everybody was required to receive the mark of the beast.
    1. And he causeth all,
    2. both small and great,
    3. rich and poor,
    4. free and bond,
    5. to receive a mark in their right hand,
    6. or in their foreheads:.
  2. Equivalent Section:  Nobody could do commerce without it.
    1. And that no man might buy or sell,
    2. save he that had the mark,
    3. or the name of the beast,
    4. or the number of his name.

Our sentence starts with the word And,  which adds it to the prior sentence.  Everything from 13:11 through the end of the chapter is talking about Satan's second beast,  whom men wrongly claim is 'The Antichrist'.  This beast  is a man where the first beast  is a devil.

This sentence has been preached about enough, and is clear enough on the surface, that most people understand it without further explanation.

I spent thirty years as a systems analyst helping to develop things like bar codes, shipping systems, banking systems, and many other technologies related to this sentence.  I also spoke to other professionals who worked on related technologies.  It is against the law to have a national bank, but the U.S. has one.  It is against the law to use the social security number for a National ID, but the U.S. does.  The U.S., reportedly, puts chips into special service soldiers so that they can track them anywhere in the world.  Terrorists kidnap these guys, thinking that they will torture them and all that they do is reveal their own hiding place.  And, the U.S. has learned that the safest place to put a chip is in the hand or in the forehead.  In addition, the chips are small enough to not be detected by sight and yet can hold all of a person's medical, banking and other history.  Thus, the only thing delaying implementing this sentence is assigning numbers to everyone in third-World countries and then installing chips into everyone.

Think of all of the cameras everywhere.  Part of the system already implemented allows reading chips as trucks and trains move.  When implemented, it will be easy for the government to use heat signatures, with other things, and count the number of bodies in a vetches and compare that to the number of registered chips and tell if anyone is traveling along a road, river or other means without the approved chip.  And, this is not something far fetched.  This is with currently implemented technology that i am familiar with as a technology expert.

Yes, there are other perspectives such as religious or spiritual.  And I could go into them but decided to leave those perspectives for others.  I provided this technological perspective because people often think preachers don't k now as much about the technologies as they claim.  So, from someone who has worked on the relevant technologies as an expert, I decided to provide these facts

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'Notice that worship of the beast does not discriminate, much like the love and mercy of God where whosoever can place their faith in Christ, here whosoever wishes to survive must receive a mark. the powerful, the weak, kings, diplomats, politicians, advisors, the leaders, the followers, the rich and famous, the religious, the atheist, the criminal, the soldier, young and old, the poor, the somebody, the nobody, free man, servant, slave, all who bow to worship the beast or his image will receive a mark, a brand of some sort, an image in their right hand or their forehead, for otherwise they will be dead.
And here again is Satan copying God, for did not God mark his chosen, the 144,000 that are currently preaching His Word in their forehead back in ch7? Re 13:7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and ongues, and nations. 8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. Satan just can't come up with an original idea here. the only ones that do not bend the knee to the antichrist and receive his mark are any surviving true believers, those that have not yet been martyred, those of the Israel remnant that have fled and are under God's protection, and the 144,000. Only those that have believed the lie, that do not have their names written in the book of life, submit to the beast in worship and receive this mark. And I agree with John Phillips who writes that some will receive this mark because they are convinced that what the false prophet proclaims is true, that the antichrist is the Messiah or that he has all the answers to all the world's woes and can unite all mankind. Some may even believe this mark will protect them from harm, from all the natural disasters of God's judgment, much like the marks of the 144,000 protect them from the antichrist. Then there will be those that accept the mark because they are careless, they don't care who this guy is, they just want to live their life, they want to survive, they want to be safe and feel secure, and If this guy can do it, fine. they will take the mark without thinking, without researching it, with carelessness.
And then there will be those that receive the mark not because they really want to but because they are craven, they are scared of the threats, of being on the wrong side, they don't want to die, they don't want to have to scavenge and steal and dig thru the trash to survive. they don't want to be tortured or tormented. they fear for themselves, their families, their livelihood and so they submit, maybe not willingly but they still receive the mark of the beast out of fear.
And for anyone who does not do this, that is worship the antichrist and receive his mark, will be executed. You say how can that be? 'Remember this is a revived Roman empire, and if we look back to the old Roman empire, did you know that at one time every citizen of the empire had to offer a pinch of incense on a pagan altar when the Caesar began being claimed and worshipped as a god, this was to be done as a token of one's loyalty or allegiance to the Caesar cult, that was all one had to do, just offer a pinch of what was basically salt to an idol on an altar. Simple, cheap, mundane salt. Yet Christians refused to do this and died by the thousands for their loyalty to Christ, for refusing to do what some may think is small and meaningless' (John Phillips paraphrased). they gave up everything for something that seems so small, yet the antichrist is asking for far more than that, he wants worship, he wants total submission, he wants power over all, and the world gives it to him either because they are convinced he is the 'one', or because they could care less about the whole situation and just want to get on with their lives or they are craven, they are scared of what will happen if they don't, they are scared to die like those who refuse this mark. And the False Prophet makes sure the beast keeps this worship and power, for now with this mark he has control over these people.
Verse 17
Here the religious leader of the world has now branded mankind and with it he is going to bind mankind, make them a slave. forif one does not receive the mark of the beast, one can not buy or sell. Without the mark one can not buy food, clothing, shelter, can not pay for gas or electricity, can not buy any essentials to survive, can not pay one's taxes or debt therefore rendering all property forfeit, can not access any savings or credit or loans, can not have access to health care, can not give or receive from charity, can not make a living, can not receive a pay check, can not care for or raise a family, and I can keep going. this mark will dominate the world economy, from the billionaire to the pauper, nothing in the form of commerce or finances can be done without the mark. Most likely because this mark is tied to the person's finances, accounts, personal information and such, much like a microchip or implant could do. So how bad do you think it will be for those that refuse this mark and try to survive during this time? Many will die of starvation, others by execution, and others in ways we just don't want to contemplate. But notice what v17 says about this mark, it seems to come in three distinct forms. Re 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here we see there is a mark, a name, and a number. Now whether these are all the same, or there are three separate variations of the mark, a logo, a word and a number, I do not know, and again I'm not going to speculate what form this mark will take, if its microchips, implants, a tattoo of some sort ' thinking of the Jews in the German concentration camps, we don't know exactly what it is or what form it will take, but those who are around when this happens will easily recognize this mark, this name, this number, as the mark of the beast. they will easily recognize who is of the antichrist and who is not.
But I don't think its coincidence that we have the Satanic trinity, the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet, and then here we have a mark, a name, a number, and as we all know as v18 tells us this number is 666, three 6's

Please see the note for 2Corinthians C2S5 about the word cause.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Basically, the source of a result.  It can also be an action in court, or any legal process whereby someone demands his supposed right. this is a legal, scriptural and popular use of the word, coinciding nearly with case from cado, and action from ago, to urge or drive.  The cause of both parties shall come before the judges. Ex. 22'.  Please also see the note for Romans C1S10 about the word because.  Please notice the legal parts of this definition.  While the word because  is used when we have 'a reason that already exists', that reason does not have to be sufficient to bring legal suit.  Please also see the note for John 15:25 Romans C1S10 about the phrase without cause.  Please also see the note for Romans C8S38 about the phrase dying because of the truth.

Please see the notes for Romans C11S35 and Colossians C1S6 about the word riches.  Webster's 1828 dictionary defines this word as: 'n. this is in the singular number in fact, but treated as the plural. 1. Wealth; opulence; affluence; possessions of land, good or money in abundance. Riches do not consist in having more gold and silver, but in having more in proportion than our neighbors. 2. Splendid sumptuous appearance. the riches of heav'n's pavement, trodden gold. 3. In Scripture, an abundance of spiritual blessings. Luke 16. the riches of God, his fulness of wisdom, power, mercy, grace and glory, Eph. 1, 2; or the abundance supplied by his works. Ps. 104. the riches of Christ, his abundant fulness of spiritual and eternal blessings for men. Eph. 3. the riches of a state or kingdom, consist less in a full treasury than in the productiveness of its soil and manufactures, and in the industry of its inhabitants'.  The note for Romans has links to every place where forms of this word are used in the New Testament along with a short note about the usage.  Please also see the note for 1Corinthians C1S2 about the word enriched.

Please see the note for Mark 12:42 about the word poor.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'The Mosaic legislation regarding the poor is specially important. (1.) they had the right of gleaning the fields (Le 19:9-10; De 24:19,21). (2.) In the sabbatical year they were to have their share of the produce of the fields and the vineyards (Ex 23:11; Le 25:6). (3.) In the year of jubilee they recovered their property (Le 25:25-30). (4.) Usury was forbidden, and the pledged raiment was to be returned before the sun went down (Ex 22:25-27; De 24:10-13). the rich were to be generous to the poor (De 15:7-11). (5.) In the sabbatical and jubilee years the bond-servant was to go free (De 15:12-15; Le 25:39-42,47-54). (6.) Certain portions from the tithes were assigned to the poor (De 14:28-29; 26:12-13). (7.) they shared in the feasts (De 16:11,14; Ne 8:10). (8.) Wages were to be paid at the close of each day (Le 19:13). In the New Testament (Lu 3:11; 14:13; Ac 6:1; Ga 2:10; Jas 2:15-16) we have similar injunctions given with reference to the poor. Begging was not common under the Old Testament, while it was so in the New Testament times (Lu 16:20-21, etc.). But begging in the case of those who are able to work is forbidden, and all such are enjoined to "work with their own hands" as a Christian duty (1Th 4:11; 2Th 3:7-13; Eph 4:28). this word is used figuratively in Mt 5:3; Lu 6:20; 2Co 8:9; Re 3:17'.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 8:1 about the word poverty.  Webster's 1828 dictionary defines this word as: 'Destitution of property; indigence; want of convenient means of subsistence. the consequence of poverty is dependence. the drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty. Prov.23. 2. Barrenness of sentiment or ornament; defect; as the poverty of a composition. 3. Want; defect of words; as the poverty of language'.

Please see the note for 1Corinthians C7S29 about the word free.  The New Testament definition for this word is: ' Being at liberty; not being under necessity or restraint, physical or moral; a word of general application to the body, the will or mind, and to corporations'.

Please see the note for 1Corinthians C7S16 about the word bond.  Please also see the note for 2Peter 2:19 about the word bondage.  The New Testament definition forboth of these words is: 'Slavery or involuntary servitude; captivity; imprisonment; restraint of a person's liberty by compulsion'.  In John 8:33 we are told that sin  puts us into bondage.  Please also note that our personal relationship with Christ  can make us free.

Please see the notes for Romans C14S1; 1Corinthians C15S1; Colossians C2-S4 about the word receive.  Webster's 1828 dictionary defines this word as: 'v.t. L. recipio; re and capio, to take. 1. to take, as a thing offered or sent; to accept. He had the offer of a donation, but he would not receive it. 2. to take as due or as a reward. He received the money on the day it was payable. He received ample compensation. 3. to take or obtain from another in any manner, and either good or evil. Shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil? Job 2. 4. to take, as a thing communicated; as, to receive a wound by a shot; to receive a disease by contagion. the idea of a solidity we receive by our touch. 5. to take or obtain intellectually; as, to receive an opinion or notion from others. 6. to embrace. Receive with meekness the engrafted word. James 1. 7. to allow; to hold; to retain; as a custom long received. 8. to admit. thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory. Ps. 73. 9. to welcome; to lodge and entertain; as a guest. they kindled a fire and received us every one, because of the present rain and because of the cold. Acts 28. 10. to admit into membership or fellowship. Him that is weak in the faith, receive ye. Rom. 14. 11. to take in or on; to hold; to contain. the brazen altar was too little to receive the burnt-offering. 1Kings 8. 12. to be endowed with. Ye shall receive power after that the Holy Spirit has come upon you. Acts 1. 13. to take into a place or state. After the Lord had spoken to them, he was received up into heaven. Mark 16. 14. to take or have as something ascribed; as, to receive praise or blame. Rev. 4. Rev. 5. 15. to bear with or suffer. 2Cor. 11. 16. to believe in. John 1. 17. to accept or admit officially or in an official character. the minister was received by the emperor or court. 18. to take stolen goods from a thief, knowing them to be stolen'.  In addition, please see the note for Matthew 10:41; which explains that in order to truly receive  a person, we must receive  their character as our own.

We find forms of the word mark (sign)  in Revelation in: Revelation 13:16-17; Revelation 14:9-11; Revelation 15:2; Revelation 16:2; Revelation 19:20; Revelation 20:4.    Please also see the following notes about forms of this word:Romans 16:17; Philippians 3:14 and Philippians 3:17.Please note the separation, in the Word Index, to the references to the person and the references of the sign.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'A visible thing made by drawing one substance on another; as a mark made by chalk or charcoal, or a pen'.

Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'n. L. mercor, the primary sense of which is to go, to pass; Gr. to pass; Eng. fair, and fare.  1. A visible line made by drawing one substance on another; as a mark made by chalk or charcoal, or a pen.  2. A line, groove or depression made by stamping or cutting; an incision; a channel or impression; as the mark of a chisel, of a stamp, of a rod or whip; the mark of the finger or foot.  3. Any note or sign of distinction.  The Lord set a mark upon Cain. Gen.4.  4. Any visible effect of force or agency.  There are scarce any marks left of a subterraneous fire.  5. Any apparent or intelligible effect; proof, evidence.  The confusion of tongues was a mark of separation.  6. Notice taken.  The laws  Stand like the forfeits in a barber's shop,  As much for mock as mark.  7. anything to which a missile weapon may be directed.  France was a fairer mark to shoot at than Ireland.  8. Any object used as a guide, or to which the mind may be directed. the dome of the State house in Boston is a good mark for seamen.  9. anything visible by which knowledge of something may be obtained; indication; as the marks of age in a horse. Civility is a mark of politeness or respect. Levity is a mark of weakness.  10. A character made by a person who cannot write his name, and intended as a substitute for it.  11. A weight of certain commodities, but particularly of gold and silver, used in several states of Europe; in Great Britain, a money of account, equal to thirteen shillings and four pence. In some countries, it is a coin.  12. A license of reprisals. See Marque.
M`ARK, v.t.  1. to draw or make a visible line or character with any substance; as, to mark with chalk or with compasses.  2. to stamp; to impress; to make a visible impression, figure or indenture; as, to mark a sheep with a brand.  3. to make an incision; to lop off a part; to make any sign of distinction; as, to mark sheep or cattle by cuts in their ears.  4. to form a name or the initials of a name for distinction; as, to mark cloth; to mark a handkerchief.  5. to notice; to take particular observation of.  Mark them who cause divisions and offenses. Rom.16.  Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright, for the end of that man is peace. Ps.37.  6. to heed; to regard.  Tomark out, to notify, as by a mark; to point out; to designate. the ringleaders were marked out for seizure and punishment.
M`ARK, v.i. to note; to observe critically; to take particular notice; to remark.
Mark, I pray you,and see how this man seeketh mischief. l Kings 20
'.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'The physical indication that this personhas committed their eternity to the service of the Devil and his beasts'.

We find the exact phrase of The right hand of God  in: Mark 16:19; Acts 2:33; Acts 7:55-56; Romans 8:34; Colossians 3:1; Hebrews 10:12; 1Peter 3:22.  In these references we see that it is only Jesus Christ  who has this position; that He is exalted;  that He has power (angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto him);  and that He maketh intercession for us.  The phrase The right hand  occurs 170 times in 164 verses of the Bible and in 45 verses of the New Testament.  It is used symbolically for: 'The hand of authority and power'.

Please see the note for 1Corinthians C12S12 about the word hand.  That note has the definition from Webster's 1828 Dictionary and also uses that definition to show why we can't use definitions from men's dictionaries when looking for the Biblical meaning of words.  The New Testament for this word is: 'In man, the extremity of the arm, consisting of the palm and fingers, connected with the arm at the wrist; the part with which we hold and use any instrument. Spiritually, It is used as the symbol of human action'.  Please also see the note for Matthew 18:28 about the phrase laid hands.  Please also see the Doctrinal Study on Doctrine of God about the phrase hand of God  and the phrase The right hand of God  Please also see the note for Luke 1:38 about the word handmaid.  The New Testament definition, for this phrase, is: 'a female slave'.  Please also see the note for Matthew 3:1-2 about the phrase at hand.  This phrase is defined as: 'it will happen very soon'.  Please also see the note for Mark 13:11 for the word beforehand.  The New Testament definition of this phrase is: 'In a state of anticipation or preoccupation'.  Please see the note for 1John 1:1-3 about the word handle.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Touched; treated; managed'.  The word handwriting  is: 'writing done with a personal hand'.

Please see the note for Colossians C1S4 about the word head.  The New Testament definition for word head  is: 'The uppermost part of the human body, or the foremost part of the body of prone and creeping animals.  Used spiritually for the most important part of anything'.  Please see the note for 1Corinthians 11:3-LJC about the phrase Christ: the head of.  Please also see the note for 2:9 about the word Godhead.  The New Testament definition for the word Godhead  is: 'Godship; deity; divinity; divine nature or essence; applied to the true God'.  Please also see the note for Revelation 7:3 about the word forehead.  The New Testament definition for the word forehead  is: 'The part of the face which extends from the hair on the top of the head to the eyes. Used symbolically for: Impudence; confidence; assurance; audaciousness.  Also, the forehead is made the seat of boldness of speech and act (Eze 3:7- 9). This is one of the places where "the mark of the beast" will be put to show their rebellion against God'.  Please use This link to see the 'Minor Titles of the Son of God' found within the Bible along with links to where the Bible uses those titles.  The title in this sentence is head.

Please see the note for Revelation 7:3 about the word forehead.  The New Testament definition is: 'The part of the face which extends from the hair on the top of the head to the eyes. Used symbolically for: Impudence; confidence; assurance; audaciousness. Also, the forehead is made the seat of boldness of speech and act (Eze 3:7- 9). This is one of the places where "The mark of the beast" will be put to show their rebellion against God'.  Please use This link to see the 'Minor Titles of the Son of God' found within the Bible along with links to where the Bible uses those titles.  The title in this sentence is head.

Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 10:3-6 about the word might.  .  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Having great physical, spiritual, mental or financial power.  This word is also used for "if possible"'.  Please see the note for Revelation 4:8-LJC about the word Almighty.

Please see the note for 1Corinthians 7:23 about the words bought / buy.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Webster's 1828 dictionary defines buy as: 'v.t. pret. and pp. bought. pron. bawt. 1. to acquire the property, right or title to anything, by paying a consideration or an equivalent in money. It differs from barter only in this, that in barter the consideration or equivalent is some species of commodity; in purchase, the consideration is money paid or promised. to purchase; to acquire by paying a price to the satisfaction of the seller; opposed to sell. 2. to procure by a consideration given, or by something that is deemed worth the thing bought; to procure at a price; as, to buy pleasure with praise; to buy favor with flattery. 3. to bribe; to corrupt or pervert the judgment, by paying a consideration. to buy off, to influence to compliance; to cause to bend or yield by some consideration, as to buy off conscience; to detach by a consideration given, as to buy off one from a party. to buy out, to buy off, or detach from. 1. to purchase the share or shares of a person in a stock, fund, or partnership, by which the seller is separated from the company, and the purchaser takes his place, as, A buys out B. to purchase stock in any fund or partnership, is to buy in. to buy on credit, is to purchase a thing, on a promise in fact or in law, to make payment at a future day. to buy the refusal, is to give money for the right of purchasing at a fixed price at a future time. to buy the small pox, in South Wales, is to receive it by inoculation. In popular language, to buy is to pay dear for, as in Chaucer. BUY, v.i. to negotiate, or treat about a purchase. I will buy with you and sell with you'.

Please see the note for Mark 10:21 about the word sell.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'To transfer property or the exclusive right of possession to another for an equivalent in money. It is correlative to buy, as one party buys what the other sells'.

Please see the note for Philippians 1:19-20 for links to every place in that epistle where we find the word salvation  along with definitions from three different dictionaries and links from other commentators.  The New Testament definition is: 'to exclude.  When used spiritually, it means to exclude from the damned by having God's life in you.  When used physically, it means to exclude from what is endangering physical life'.  As we see in the Bible and in this book, our continuing spiritual growth, and our sanctification  is part of true Biblical salvation.  Please see the note for Main Menu item for Salvation about the word save.  Please also see the notes for 2Thessalonians 2:13-LJC and Hebrews 12:2-LJC about the phrase salvation through sanctification.  Please also see the note for John 8:30 about the phrase non-saving belief  Please also see verses in the New Testament.  Summary on the name / role of Saviour.  Please also see the note for James 1:21 about the phrase save your soul.

Please see the note for Philippians 2:9-11 about the word name.  The New Testament definition is: 'How a person is identified including their power and authority'.  Please also see the note for 1Corinthians C1S4 about the phrase the name.    Please also see the note for Acts 1:23 about the word surname.  The New Testament definition is: 'In scripture this means an additional or added name, not a family name, as the word now implies'.  Please also see the note for 1Peter 4:14-LJC about the phrase name of Christ.  Please also see the note for Luke 13:35 about the phrase name of the Lord.  Please also see the Lord Jesus Christ Overview for the doctrine of the names/roles of the Son of God.

Please see the note for Acts 7:42 about the word beast.  The the New Testament definition for this word is: 'Any animal that is not man. Sometimes it means quadrupeds, and not creeping things'.

Please see the note for Matthew 10:30 about the word number.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Used to count things.  Also used symbolically in the Bible'.  The note from the Morrish Bible Dictionary is extensive and includes 'Numbers are used as Symbols'.  Be very careful about the use of this information.  Much doctrinal error and division has been caused in God's church by preachers claiming that the symbolicl meaning of numbers provided the single interpretation of The word of God  and that the symbolic meaning actually corrected The word of GodAll symbolic meanings provide the many applications, must be understood within the context where they are found, and can vary from one application to another.  Be careful to not use these symbols beyond their God-given purpose.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'both. Re 11:18; 19:5,18; 20:12; 2Ch 15:13; Ps 115:13; Ac 26:22  rich. Job 34:19; Ps 49:2  free. Re 6:15; 19:18; 1Co 12:13; Ga 3:28; Eph 6:8; Col 3:11  receive. Gr. give them.  a mark. Re 14:9-11; 15:2; 19:20; 20:4; Zec 13:6  or. Re 7:3; Ex 13:9; De 6:8; 11:18; Eze 9:4; 2Ti 3:8
mark. Re 13:16  name. Re 3:12; 14:11; 17:5; 22:4  the number. Re 13:18; 15:2

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C13-S18 (Verse 18) Here is wisdom

This sentence is related to thenext sentence but also to tyhe prior sentences.  There are a lot of people who do not understand what is involved with making the things of this chapter come true.  But true spiritual wisdom  says to believe what The word of God  literally says even when you don't understand it.

Please see the note for 1Corinthians C1S12 about the word wisdom.  Webster's 1828 dictionary defines this word as: 'n. s as z. G. See Wise. 1. the right use or exercise of knowledge; the choice of laudable ends, and of the best means to accomplish them. this is wisdom in act, effect, or practice. If wisdom is to be considered as a faculty of the mind, it is the faculty of discerning or judging what is most just, proper and useful, and if it is to be considered as an acquirement, it is the knowledge and use of what is best, most just, most proper, most conducive to prosperity or happiness. Wisdom in the first sense, or practical wisdom, is nearly synonymous with discretion. I differs somewhat from prudence, in this respect; prudence is the exercise of sound judgment in avoiding evils; wisdom is the exercise of sound judgment either in avoiding evils or attempting good. Prudence then is a species, of which wisdom is the genus. Wisdom gained by experience, is of inestimable value. It is hoped that our rulers will act with dignity and wisdom; that they will yield every thing to reason, and refuse every thing to force. 2. In Scripture, human learning; erudition; knowledge of arts and sciences. Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians. Acts 7. 3. Quickness of intellect; readiness of apprehension; dexterity in execution; as the wisdom of Bezaleel and Aholiab. Exodus 31. 4. Natural instinct and sagacity. Job 39. 5. In Scripture theology, wisdom is true religion; godliness; piety; the knowledge and fear of God, and sincere and uniform obedience to his commands. this is the wisdom which is from above. Psalm 90. Job 28. 6. Profitable words or doctrine. Psalm 37. the wisdom of this world, mere human erudition; or the carnal policy of men, their craft and artifices in promoting their temporal interests; called also fleshly wisdom. 1 Corinthians 2. 2 Corinthi and 1. the wisdom of words, artificial or affected eloquence; or learning displayed in teaching. 1 Corinthians 1 and 2 '.  Please also see the notes for Romans C16S23 and 1Corinthians C1S12 about the word wise.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'people who exercise true wisdom'.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'Here. Re 1:3; 17:9; Ps 107:43; Da 12:10; Ho 14:9; Mr 13:14'.

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C13-S19 (Verse 18)   the number of the beast.
  1. Equivalent Section:  We must understand.
    1. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast:
  2. Equivalent Section:  What to understand.
    1. First Step:  every man will have a number as an ID.
      1. for it is the number of a man;
    2. Second Step:  His number.
      1. and his number  is Six hundred threescore  and six.

Once more we see that this beast  is a man while the first beast  is a devil who possesses several heads of government.

Much has been written about this exact number.  I won't go into all of that.  However, our First Equivalent Section tells us tp count the number.  And, it has already been decided that the world-wide ID number will be eighteen digits which have three sections and each section having six digits.  Now, I'm not saying that this is the only interpretation, but it fits within the context and is definitely something to consider.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'This mark is the number of the beast, the number of a man, the antichrist. And the thing about numbers in Scripture is that the higher the value of the number symbolizes a greater intensity of the meaning of that number, and since 666 is greater than 66 or just 6 that means that 666 represents a greater intensity of evil and sin, a greater magnitude of incompleteness and imperfection. forno matter how many 6's we string in a line, they never get to 7. Now in the Bible the number 6 is the number of man, as well as the number of sin, the number of falling short, the number of imperfection and incompleteness. For example, man was created on the 6th day, 6 days a week is the number of man's labor, Goliath a type of antichrist, was 6 cubits tall, wore 6 pieces of armor, his spear weighed 600 shekels. And speaking of the golden image of Nebuchadnezzar it was 60 cubits high, 6 cubits wide, and 6 instruments were played when the call to worship came. And so here in the beast, with his mark, his number, we have the epitome of imperfectness, the pinnacle of the falling short of man even when empowered by Satan, for his number is 666. A 6 for each of the satanic trinity, for they each fall far short of God's glory, they fall short of his power, they are imperfect in intellect and wisdom and authority. they have incomplete victory, for two are mere men, and one has already been defeated on the cross and also cast out of heaven. No matter how powerful they are they still do not compare to the perfectness, holiness, and power of God. forThe number 7 is God's number, the number of perfection. 6 is Satan's number, man's number, and the number of a man ' the antichrist, and none of them are up to snuff when compared to God.
And beyond that I'm not going to delve into what this 666 is, because again we don't know. Buckets of ink have been used in trying to decipher the meaning of this number, but other than it points to the antichrist, that it is a mark (icon or image), a name anda number that one must have to show allegiance to the beast in order to survive, I do not know its meaning beyond that. Yes it could be an implant, a microchip but it could also be something technology has not invented yet.
But there is one thing of interest here that perplexes me. Why does the False Prophet have authority over the mark and therefore power over the world's economy? Why doesn't the first beast have control of this? What religious man could have control over the empire's finances instead of the political leaders and governments having this control? I don't know if I really have an answer for that, but when I was thinking about this, I thought to myself what one religious figure has control over a large portion of wealth right now, and I couldn't help but think of the Vatican and the Pope, and then I ran upon a rather interesting quote' Pope Francis Quote: Growth in justice requires more than economic growth, while presupposing such growth: it requires decisions, programs, mechanisms and processes specifically geared to a better distribution of income, the creation of sources of employment and an integral promotion of the poor which goes beyond a simple welfare mentality.
Here the Pope, and leader of one of the wealthiest places and religions on the planet, has spoken out seemingly against capitalism, and appears to be open to a more equal distribution of wealth to the world's population, a middle path of capitalism and socialism. And if such a religious leader can convince his followers that such a system is a good thing, it may not be that the false prophet is in charge of the economy but thru his influence of the people he can make them more accepting to a system that seems to be fair to all, treats all equally, grants certain rights such as healthcare to all, brings unity and economic corruption to an end, and all one has to do is become part of that system to make it work, and to do that all they must do is receive a mark that has all their information, their life's history in order to participate and connects them to the world wide system. And as a liberal religious leader if you tried to convince the uninformed about this and painted a pretty picture of it, you would have thousands signing up and standing in line to receive such a mark right now.
So if the Pope is going to begin inserting himself in more political, national and economic situations, can we not see that this is paving the way for the False Prophet to institute and possibly oversee the mark of the beast which controls the world's economy?

Please also see the note for 1Corinthians C14S2 about the word understand.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'The sense is to support or hold in the mind. 1. to have just and adequate ideas of; to comprehend; to know; as, to understand a problem in Euclid; to understand a proposition or a declaration'.  Please also see the notes for Romans C14S5 and 1Corinthians C15S1 about the word stand.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'to be upon the feet, as an animal; not to sit, kneel or lie'.  Please also see the note for Philippians 1:18 about the word notwithstanding.  Please also see the note for Galatians C5S1 about the phrase stand fast.

Please see the note for Matthew 10:30 about the word number.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Used to count things.  Also used symbolically in the Bible'.  The note from the Morrish Bible Dictionary is extensive and includes 'Numbers are used as Symbols'.  Be very careful about the use of this information.  Much doctrinal error and division has been caused in God's church by preachers claiming that the symbolicl meaning of numbers provided the single interpretation of The word of God  and that the symbolic meaning actually corrected The word of GodAll symbolic meanings provide the many applications, must be understood within the context where they are found, and can vary from one application to another.  Be careful to not use these symbols beyond their God-given purpose.

Please see the note for Acts 7:42 about the word beast.  The the New Testament definition for this word is: 'Any animal that is not man. Sometimes it means quadrupeds, and not creeping things'.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'count. Re 15:2  the number. Re 21:17; De 3:11; Ro 3:5 exp: Re 13:17'.

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Revelation Chapter 14

links to sentences in this chapter: 
C14-S1 (Verse 1), C14-S2 (Verse 2-3), C14-S3 (Verse 4), C14-S4 (Verse 4), C14-S5 (Verse 4), C14-S6 (Verse 5), C14-S7 (Verse 6-7), C14-S8 (Verse 8), C14-S9 (Verse 9-11), C14-S10 (Verse 12), C14-S11 (Verse 13), C14-S12 (Verse 14), C14-S13 (Verse 15), C14-S14 (Verse 16), C14-S15 (Verse 17), C14-S16 (Verse 18), C14-S17 (Verse 19), C14-S18 (Verse 20)'. 
Chapter Summary:

  1. C14-S1 :  John saw God's Lamb  with His great tribulation  witnesses.
  2. C14-S2 :  John heard the hundred and forty four thousand  sing a unique song.
  3. C14-S3 :  they denied themselves the pleasures of the lusts of the flesh.
  4. C14-S4 :  the unique position of the hundred and forty four thousand.
  5. C14-S5 :  the unique testimony of the hundred and forty four thousand.
  6. C14-S6 :  their testimony of honesty.
  7. C14-S7 :  the last command to be saved.
  8. C14-S8 :  the announcement of a future event.
  9. C14-S9 :  the never-ending consequence of worshipping The beast and his image.
  10. C14-S10 :  the patience of the saints  described.
  11. C14-S11 :  the command from God that all saved are to believe and obey.
  12. C14-S12 :  Our Lord Jesus Christ,  as the Son of man  gets ready to judge the sinners on Earth.
  13. C14-S13 :  this angel  gives the command from God the father.
  14. C14-S14 :  Our Lord Jesus Christ,  as the Son of man  reaped sinners from this Earth.
  15. C14-S15 :  the declaration of a second reaping.
  16. C14-S16 :  the command from God the father to start the reaping.
  17. C14-S17 :  the declaration of what will be described in Chapter 16.
  18. C14-S18 :  the volume of men killed at this time.

Revelation 7 identifies the Hundred and forty four witnesses.  And, Revelation 14:1-5 tells their everlasting reward and their character traits which earned them the reward.

Our chapter starts with the reward given the hundred forty and four thousand  virgin male Jews who stayed pure and maintained their testimony even though each of them suffered a martyr death.  Our chapter ends telling us about our Lord Jesus Christ  bringing a judgment of death and Hell upon those millions of people who opposed His rule.  Therefore, we see two totally different results based upon how people responded to the commands of our Lord Jesus Christ.  In between the start and the end, we read about an angel  flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and ongue, and people.  and, the note for the related sentence explains how that is possible using technology that exists today.  Therefore, the people who claim that God 'is not fair to judge people because there are people who could not possible hear the Gospel', are proven liars.  And, this is not the only time that God sends the gospel  throughout the world.

C14-S1 (Verse 1)   John saw God's Lamb  with His great tribulation  witnesses.

  1. And I looked,
  2. and,
  3. lo,
  4. a Lamb stood on the mount Sion,
  5. and with him an hundred forty  and four thousand,
  6. having his father's name written in their foreheads.

John is not switching subjects to report.  Yes, our sentence starts with the word And,  which adds this chapter to the prior chapter and tells us that this goes on at the same time as other events which are reported by John.  In this chapter, we see that God separates the judgment of the lost from the judgment of the saved.  In the last couple of chapters, we read what Satan and His beasts  were doing to the truly saved including the hundred and forty four thousand.  Now, John is changing the perspective to show us what God is doing.  God wants us to know that Satan doesn't just get his way.  God uses Satan to separate the truly saved from the religious liars.  And, our chapter tells us the difference in judgment that each group receives.

The hundred and forty four thousand  of Revelation have a special relationship to the Lamb.  Among other things, Jesus  is a virgin male Jew like these others are (Revelation 7:4-9; Revelation 14:4).  These men have the father's name written in their foreheads  and Jesus  was specially marked (approved [Matthew 3:17; Matthew 17:5; Mark 1:11; Mark 9:7; Luke 3:22; Luke 9:35; Luke 20:13 ]) by the father.  Together, they sing a worship song that only they (these special Jews and the Lamb) can learn (Revelation 14:2-3).  When we think about the billions of people in earth, hundred and forty four thousand  is a relatively small number.  So, these people are very special in many ways including those described in Revelation 14:4-5Revelation 14 is making a division between those who worship the Lamb  and those who worship Satan and his representatives.  The hundred and forty four thousand  are used as an example of those who stay true to the Lamb  even under the worst of circumstances.

With the exception of sentences which describe the hundred and forty four thousand,  and the sentence which describes The patience of the saints,  every sentence in this chapter starts with the word And.  That makes this chapter a single unit which most be considered completely together for contextual reasons.  14:1 through 14:5 describe the hundred and forty four thousand.  They were first described in Chapter 7.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'Here John says he looks and sees in his vision a Lamb, this figure is very familiar to John, he recognizes who this is instantly, for it is none other than the Lamb of God, the Lord Jesus. this is the same Lamb of ch5 who was found worthy to take the book, the title deed of the earth, the one who opened the seals, the one who was slain and by whose blood redeemed many from every kindred, and ongue, and people, and nation, John here sees the Son of God, the Messiah, the Christ.
And where does John see him? He sees Jesus standing on the Mount Sion. Which is equivalent to Jerusalem, for Jerusalem the holy city was built on Mount Zion, on the Mountains of Moriah. Now we must take note that Zion can also refer to the heavenly Jerusalem as seen in Heb 12:22, so there are some different interpretations of these verses, the main difference being whether what John sees here is a heavenly vision or an earthly vision. But to keep the confusion down I'm going to give you my understanding of these verses and give you reasons why I believe what I believe, but if you disagree I won't argue with you on this as you might be right, but whatever way you interpret this vision it still glorifies God and His victory.
So here John sees Jesus, the Lamb, standing on Mount Zion, and I believe this snapshot that John sees is an earthly vision, a vision of the aftermath of the Great Tribulation and Armageddon, a time when the Lord Jesus has returned and has been victorious of Satan and his forces. forwho is seen standing with the Lord Jesus? 144,000 Jews, the very same 144,000 Jews who were sealed back in ch7, sealed in their foreheads to protect them from all the plagues and divine judgments poured out upon the earth, from the powers of the beast, the false prophet and the dragon. they were not going to be touched during any of the tribulation period, for they were to preach the gospel to man so man would have a last chance to make a choice of whether to receive or reject Christ. And that's one reason why I believe this vision is on earth, for if the 144,000 were to be protected during the tribulation, and preach during this time, wouldn't they yet be alive when Jesus returns, for nothing could kill them, they were invulnerable to the enemy's attacks, so I think they have survived, all 144,000 unscathed thru the tribulation.
And if they survived all the way to Armageddon when the Lord returns why would they be in heaven? unless for some unknown reason God has called them home or let them be defeated(which is possible), but this seems to contradict the point of them being sealed and protected in the first place. forin v1 we see they are still sealed with God's name on their forehead, they are still protected, still covered, so why would this protection be removed or be temporary?
Think about this, I think maybe the ministry of these 144,000 is only beginning, as they are now experienced preachers, immersed in the word of truth, they have seen the vilest assaults of the devil, they have lived thru the toughest of times, they have seen the results of sin and the wrath of God, they have seen many perish, so they will be able to tell those who are born during the Millennial Reign of the results of sin and the destructive power of Satan and how God saved those who would believe. And I think the last part of v4 supports this view it says of the 144,000, these were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb. these 144,000 are most likely the longest living believers upon the earth, for most all other believers have been martyred during this time, especially those who had believed in the earlier part of the tribulation. So these 144,000 are the firstfruits of a great harvest of believers upon the earth who survived the tribulation, these 144,000 are most likely the first ones in line, they made it thru it all. Sure there will be other believers who survive but they most likely came to faith after the 144,000, possibly even being converted by these Jewish preachers. that's why I think this is an earthly vision, the tribulation is over, Christ has returned, and he stands upon Mount Zion victorious, with these preachers who have survived the worst events this world has ever seen all because of God's seal upon them, and they are the firstfruits of a great harvest of souls. Another reason I think this is an earthly vision is in v2

Please see the note for Philippians 2:4 about the word look.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'To direct the eye towards an object, with the intention of seeing it'.  The primary sense is nearly the same as that of seek.  Therefore, please also consider the meaning of toe word seek.  The th,  of the word looketh  makes this a 'life-style looking'.  Please also see the note for Galatians C6S6 about the phrase LORD looketh on the heart.

Please see the note for Luke 1:44 about the word lo.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'This word is used to excite particular attention in a hearer to some object of sight, or subject of discourse'.

The word stood  is the past-tense form of the word stand.  Please see the notes for Romans C14S5 and 1Corinthians C15S1 about the word stand.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'to be upon the feet, as an animal; not to sit, kneel or lie'.  Please also see the note for Philippians 1:18 about the word notwithstanding.  Please also see the note for 1Corinthians C14S2 about the word understand.  Please also see the note for Galatians C5S1 about the phrase stand fast.

Please see the note for John 6:3 about the word mountain.  The New Testament definition is: 'A large mass of earth and rock, rising above the common level of the earth or adjacent land, but of no definite altitude.  The word is applied to a single elevation, or to an extended range.'.  The word of God  usually uses the word mount  for a single point of elevation.    Please also see the note for Matthew 17:1-LJC about the phrase Mount of Transfiguration.  Please also see the note for John 8:1 about the phrase Mount of Olives / Mount of Olivet.

Please see the note for Hebrews 3:17 about the word forty.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'This number is symbolically associated with the judgment of God'.

Please see the note for Hebrews 1:5 about the word father.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'God or the man who passes his character to the son'.

Please see the note for Philippians 2:9-11 about the word name.  The New Testament definition is: 'How a person is identified including their power and authority'.  Please also see the note for 1Corinthians C1S4 about the phrase the name.    Please also see the note for Acts 1:23 about the word surname.  The New Testament definition is: 'In scripture this means an additional or added name, not a family name, as the word now implies'.  Please also see the note for 1Peter 4:14-LJC about the phrase name of Christ.  Please also see the note for Luke 13:35 about the phrase name of the Lord.  Please also see the Lord Jesus Christ Overview for the doctrine of the names/roles of the Son of God.

Please see the note for Romans 4:23-25 about the word written.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'a retained record which can be used for judgment in a court of law'.  Please also see the notes for Romans C15S13; 2Corinthians 1:13-14; Galatians C3-S12; John 20:31-LJC about the word write  Please also see the note for Luke 6:3 about the phrases have ye not read  and it is written'.

Please see the note for Colossians C1S4 about the word head.  The New Testament definition for word head  is: 'The uppermost part of the human body, or the foremost part of the body of prone and creeping animals.  Used spiritually for the most important part of anything'.  Please see the note for 1Corinthians 11:3-LJC about the phrase Christ: the head of.  Please also see the note for 2:9 about the word Godhead.  The New Testament definition for the word Godhead  is: 'Godship; deity; divinity; divine nature or essence; applied to the true God'.  Please also see the note for Revelation 7:3 about the word forehead.  The New Testament definition for the word forehead  is: 'The part of the face which extends from the hair on the top of the head to the eyes. Used symbolically for: Impudence; confidence; assurance; audaciousness.  Also, the forehead is made the seat of boldness of speech and act (Eze 3:7- 9). This is one of the places where "the mark of the beast" will be put to show their rebellion against God'.  Please use This link to see the 'Minor Titles of the Son of God' found within the Bible along with links to where the Bible uses those titles.  The title in this sentence is head.

Please see the note for Revelation 7:3 about the word forehead.  The New Testament definition is: 'The part of the face which extends from the hair on the top of the head to the eyes. Used symbolically for: Impudence; confidence; assurance; audaciousness. Also, the forehead is made the seat of boldness of speech and act (Eze 3:7- 9). This is one of the places where "The mark of the beast" will be put to show their rebellion against God'.  Please use This link to see the 'Minor Titles of the Son of God' found within the Bible along with links to where the Bible uses those titles.  The title in this sentence is head.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'I looked. Re 14:14; 4:1; 6:8; 15:5; Jer 1:11; Eze 1:4; 2:9; 8:7; 10:1,9; 44:4; Da 12:5; Am 8:2; Zec 4:2  a Lamb. Re 5:5-9,12-13; 7:9-17  mount. Ps 2:6; 132:13-14; Isa 49:14; Joe 2:32; Mic 4:7; Ro 9:33; Heb 12:22-24 exp: Isa 24:23.  an. Re 7:4-8  having. Re 3:12; 7:3; 13:16-17; Lu 12:8'.

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C14-S2 (Verse 2-3)   John heard the hundred and forty four thousand  sing a unique song.
  1. Equivalent Section:  John heard God's voice.
    1. And I heard a voice from heaven,
    2. as the voice of many waters,
    3. and as the voice of a great thunder:
  2. Equivalent Section:  John heard the musicians.
    1. and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps:
  3. Equivalent Section:  John heard the hundred and forty four thousand  sing.
    1. And they sung as it were a new song before the throne,
    2. and before the four beasts,
    3. and the elders:.
  4. Equivalent Section:  John realized that God kept everyone else from learning this unique song.
    1. and no man could learn that song but the hundred  and forty  and four thousand,
    2. which were redeemed from the earth.

With the exception of sentences which describe the hundred and forty four thousand,  and the sentence which describes The patience of the saints,  every sentence in this chapter starts with the word And.  That makes this chapter a single unit which most be considered completely together for contextual reasons.  14:1 through 14:5 describe the hundred and forty four thousand.  They were first described in Chapter 7.

In his note below, Dr. Jeff Wilson writes: 'Some believe they are the 144,000 themselves, but I don't think that's quite right'.  In my note for Chapter 7:1; I described my experience with Jehovah's Witnesses who believed that lie and how Satan had these deceived people avoid me ever since.  Dr. Jeff Wilson may believe this but I can write that The word of God  makes is absolutely cleat that the hundred and forty four thousand  are: 'virgin male Jews who are martyred during the great tribulation'.  No Gentile who is alive today will be part of this unique group.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'Where does John hear a voice come from? 'From heaven'. If he is upon earth in his vision and he now hears such a sound from heaven, that makes me think heaven is above for John's attention is now directed towards the point this voice emanates from. But what is this voice from heaven? John says its as a voice of many waters and of great thunder. this voice is a roaring booming earth shaking voice. It is thousands of Niagara Falls all at once. this is most likely the voice of God whose words are not recorded for us here for His voice is described as such throughout the Bible. But this voice is then followed (notice the colon separating the voices) by the voice of a multitude of harpers singing and playing their harps before the throne of God, before the four beasts, before the 24 elders (who also have harps 5:8). Now the question is who are these harpers, who are those singing such a powerful new song?
Some believe they are the 144,000 themselves, but I don't think that's quite right, for v3 tells us the 144,000 learn this song, which means they understand/comprehend/identify with the meaning of this song like no other. they learn this new song that John hears. So who is singing this song to begin with that only the 144,000 can truly deeply understand and learn to sing? I think it is those who were martyred during the tribulation, those mentioned in ch6:9-11, those who had prayed to God how long would it be until they were avenged? the very ones martyred during the tribulation who had most likely heard the preaching of the 144,000, especially if they were of Jewish descent, and had died horrible deaths, had suffered, and the 144,000 had been witness to it all. these Jewish preachers had seen their loved ones, their friends, their people, their brothers and sisters of faith die tormented and ortured deaths, their heart had went out to them, they had felt for them, had compassion upon them but could not save those martyred saints from their deaths. So if it is these martyred saints singing this new song around the throne of God with their own harps, it is the 144,000 who truly understand the meaning of their hymn, for no mere man will have suffered for their faith like those martyred saints yet the 144,000 saw it all for they were right there in the midst of it, possibly even right beside some of them when they left this world, but the 144,000 had remained untouched for they were redeemed, saved and sealed, from the earth, from its sin, its destruction, its demonic rulers, all by the blood of the Lamb who they now stand with upon Mount Zion in triumph. the martyred stand in victory around the throne of God and sing a new song, and the 144,000 stand on Mount Zion around the Lamb and empathize with that song, they understand the depths of its meaning, they learn it, they know it and I believe they then join their brothers and sisters of the tribulation in singing that new hymn of redemption only they could truly understand.
Then in the next two verses John tells us how the 144,000 obtained their victory and was allowed to stand on Mount Zion, in Jerusalem the holy city, with the Lamb. forjust as God expects us to serve and live and grow and mature as followers of Christ, He expects the same of all His servants; He did not just hand the victory to these 144,000 Jews, they had responsibilities to fulfill. they had to live a pure life before men, for they wore the name of God upon their forehead. they had to truly live their faith for it was literally written on them (on their forehead), they were unmistakably identified with God and thus did not wish to bring one morsel of reproach upon Him. their testimony had to be of supreme blamelessness, complete holiness, absolutely pure. So John gives us some characteristics or virtues of these 144,000 preachers, virtues they clung to in order to remain blameless, unblemished and uncontaminated by the corruption of the beast, to stand out from among the masses, so others could see they spoke the truth

Please see the note for Galatians C3-S7 about the word hear.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'Perceiving by the ear.  This word is often used symbolically for hearing the spiritual message of the word of God and obeying that message'.  The New Testament definition, for the word heard  is: 'The past-tense form of hear'.  Please pay attention to the word 'obey' within this definition.  That is what most people refuse to do when the Bible says that they do not hear.  Please also see the note for James 2:5 about the word hearken.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'To listen closely'.  Please also see the note for Mark 4:9 about the phrase He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.  Please also see the note for Matthew 13:17 about the phrase have not heard.  Please also see the note for Mark 4:9 about the phrase ears to hear.  Please also see the note for Romans 2:13 about the word hearer.  The New Testament definition, for the word hearer  is: 'One who attends to what is orally delivered by another'.

Please see the note for 1Corinthians C14S11 about the word voice.  Webster's 1828 dictionary defines this word as: 'n. L. vox; voco. the sense of the verb is to throw, to drive out sound; and voice is that which is driven out. 1. Sound or audible noise uttered by the mouth, either of human beings or of other animals. We say, the voice of a man is loud or clear; the voice of a woman is soft or musical; the voice of a dog is loud or harsh; the voice of a bird is sweet or melodious. the voice of human beings is articulate; that of beasts, inarticulate. the voices of men are different, and when uttered together, are often dissonant. 2. Any sound made by the breath; as the trumpet's voice. 3. A vote; suffrage; opinion or choice expressed. Originally voice was the oral utterance of choice, but it now signifies any vote however given. Some laws ordain, and some attend the choice of holy senates, and elect by voice. I have no words; my voice is in my sword. 4. Language; words; expression. Let us call on God in the voice of his church. 5. In Scripture, command; precept. Ye would not be obedient to the voice of the Lord your God. Deut. 8. 6. Sound. After the fire, a still small voice. 1Kings 19. Canst thou thunder with a voice like him? Job. 40. the floods have lifted up their voice. Ps. 93. 7. Language; tone; mode of expression. I desire to be present with you now, and to change my voice. Gal. 4. 8. In grammar, a particular mode of inflecting or conjugating verbs; as the active voice; the passive voice.
VOICE, v.t. 1. to rumor; to report. It was voiced that the king purposed to put to death Edward Plantagenet. Little used. 2. to fit for producing the proper sounds; to regulate the tone of; as, to voice the pipes of an organ. 3. to vote
'.  Please also see the note for Luke 3:21-22 about the phrase voice from heaven  Please also see the note for Revelation 20:9 about the phrase fire from heaven.

Please see the note for Philippians 2:9-11 about the word heaven.  The New Testament definition is: 'According to the Jewish notion there were three heavens, (a) The firmament, as "fowls of the heaven" (Ge 2:19; 7:3,23; Ps 8:8, etc.), "the eagles of heaven" (La 4:19), etc. (b) The starry heavens (De 17:3; Jer 8:2; Mt 24:29). (c) "The heaven of heavens," or "the third heaven" is the home of God (De 10:14; 1Ki 8:27; Ps 115:16; 148:4; 2Co 12:2). The phrase "heaven and earth" is used to indicate the whole universe (Ge 1:1; Jer 23:24; Ac 17:24)'.  Please also see the note for 1Peter 1:2-LJC about the phrase things in Heaven.  Please also see the note for Matthew 3:2 about the phrase kingdom of heaven.  Please also see the note for Luke 3:21-22 about the phrase voice from heaven.  Please also see the note for Revelation 20:9 about the phrase fire from Heaven.  Please also see the note for Revelation 21:4 about 'no tears in heaven is a lie'.  Please also see the note for Hebrews 12:2-LJC about the phrase treasure in Heaven.  Please also see the Message called Laying up Treasure in Heaven.

Please see the note for Luke 3:16 about the word water.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'The basic liquid of life.  It is used symbolically for more than one meaning.  Consideration of the context is required in order to determine the usage in any Bible reference'.  Please also see the note for John 4:10 about the phrase living waters.  Please also see the note for John 7:38 about the phrase rivers of living water.

Please see the note for John 12:29 about the word thunder.  The American Tract Society Dictionary defines this word as: 'And lightning are significant manifestations of the power of God, and emblems of his presence, Ex 19:16; 1Sa 2:10; 12:17; Ps 18:13. thunder is poetically called "The voice of the Lord" in the sublime description of a thunder-storm in Ps 29:11; "The voice of the Lord is upon the waters; the God of glory thundereth; the Lord is upon many waters. the voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is full of majesty. the voice of the Lord breaketh the cedars; Yea, the Lord breaketh the cedars of Lebanon," etc. See also Job 37:1-5; 40:9; Jer 10:13. In illustration of Ps 29:9, Moffat, while describing the thunder-storms of South Africa, say that the antelopes flee in consternation; and that he has observed the Bechuanas starting off early on the morning following such a storm in quest of young antelopes prematurely born. In Ps 78:48, "hot thunderbolts" means lightning'.

Please see the note for Revelation 5:8 about the word harp.  The New Testament definition for word harp  is: 'A stringed musical instrument used in Heaven. The national instrument of the Hebrews. It was invented by Jubal (Ge 4:21)'.

Please see the note for Matthew 26:30 about the words sing / sang / sung.  The words sang  and sung  are the past-tense forms of the word sing  Webster's 1828 defines sing  as: 'v. i. pret. sung, sang; pp. sung. 1. to utter sounds with various inflections of melodious modulations of voice, as fancy may dictate, or according to the notes of a song or tune the noise of them that sing do I hear Ex. 32. 2. to utter sweet or melodious sounds, as birds. It is remarkable that the female of no species of birds ever sings. And singing birds in silver cages hung. 3. to make a small shrill sound; as, the air sings in passing through a crevice. O'er his head the flying spear sung innocent, and spent its force in air. 4. to tell or relate something in numbers of verse. Sing of human hope by cross event destroy'd.
SING, v. t. 1. to utter with musical modulation of voice. And they sing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb. Rev. 15. 2. to celebrate in song; to give praises to in verse. the last, the happiest British king, whom thou shalt paint or I shall sing. 3. to relate or rehearse in numbers, verse or poetry. Arms and the man I sing. While stretch'd at ease you sing your happy loves

Please see the note for Revelation 5:9 about the word song.  Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'n.  1. In general, that which is sung or uttered with musical modulations of the voice, whether of the human voice or that of a bird.  2. A little poem to be sung, or uttered with musical modulations; a ballad. the songs of a country are characteristic of its manners. Every country has its love songs, its war songs, and its patriotic songs.  3. A hymn; a sacred poem or hymn to be sung either in joy or thanksgiving, as that sung by Moses and the Israelites after escaping the dangers of the Arabian gulf and of Pharaoh; or of lamentation, as that of David over the death of Saul and Jonathan. Songs of joy are represented as constituting a part of heavenly felicity.  4. A lay; a strain; a poem. the bard that first adorn'd our native tongue, tun'd to his British lyre this ancient song.  5. Poetry; poesy; verse. this subject for heroic song pleas'd me.  6. Notes of birds. See Def. 1.  7. A mere trifle. the soldier's pay is a song. Old song, a trifle. I do not intend to be thus put off with an old song'.

Please see the note for Colossians C1S3 about the word throne.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'a royal chair or seat of dignity (De 17:18; 2Sa 7:13; Ps 45:6); an elevated seat with a canopy and hangings, which cover it. It denotes the seat of the high priest in 1Sa 1:9; 4:13, and of a provincial governor in Ne 3:7; Ps 122:5. the throne of Solomon is described at length in 1Ki 10:18-20'.

The four beasts  of Revelation are described in Revelation 4:6-8.  Please see the notes for those sentences about their descriptions and the symbolism involved in those descriptions.

Please see the note for Acts 7:42 about the word beast.  The the New Testament definition for this word is: 'Any animal that is not man. Sometimes it means quadrupeds, and not creeping things'.

Please see the note for 1Timothy 5:1 about the word elder.  The true Biblical definition for this word is: 'An older saved person within the church who has Godly wisdom and is accepted as a leader in the church even if he has no formal position within the church'.  Please be careful about this definition as there are several wrong religious definitions which are strongly held by people including 'Good, Godly, fundamental, KJV only Baptists'.  In addition, many man-written dictionaries have different definitions, and many of those have parts that did not match the Biblical usage.

Please see the note for 1Corinthians 14:24-25 about the words learn  and unlearn.  The New Testament definition, for the word learn,  is: 'To gain knowledge of; to acquire knowledge or ideas of something before unknown'.  The New Testament definition, for the word unlearn,  is: 'Not learned; ignorant; not gained by study'.  The Jews used the phrase having never learned  to mean 'having never received a formal education'.

Please see the note for Hebrews 3:17 about the word forty.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'This number is symbolically associated with the judgment of God'.

Please see the notes for Colossians 4:5; Romans C8S21 and Ephesians 5:15-16 about the word redeem.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'To purchase back; to ransom; to liberate or rescue from captivity or bondage, or from any obligation or liability to suffer or to be forfeited, by paying an equivalent'.

Please see the note for Philippians 2:9-11 about the word earth.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: '(1.) In the sense of soil or ground, the translation of the word adamah'. In Ge 9:20 "husbandman" is literally "man of the ground or earth." Altars were to be built of earth (Ex 20:24). Naaman asked for two mules' burden of earth (2Ki 5:17), under the superstitious notion that Jehovah, like the gods of the heathen, could be acceptably worshipped only on his own soil. (2). As the rendering of 'erets, it means the whole world (Ge 1:2); the land as opposed to the sea (Ge 1:10). Erets also denotes a country (Ge 21:32); a plot of ground (Ge 23:15); the ground on which a man stands (Ge 33:3); the inhabitants of the earth (Ge 6:1; 11:1); all the world except Israel (2Ch 13:9). In the New Testament "The earth" denotes the land of Judea (Mt 23:35); also things carnal in contrast with things heavenly (Joh 3:31; Col 3:1-2)'.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 4:7 about the word earthen.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 5:1 about the word earthly.  Please also see the note for Luke 21:10-11 about the word earthquake.  Please also see the note for Luke 21:10-11 about the word earthquake.  Please also see the note for Revelation 1:4 about the phrase kings of the earth.  Please also see the note for Matthew 32-33 about the phrase Judge of all the earth.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'a voice. Re 10:4; 11:12,15; 19:1-7  of many. Re 1:15; 19:6; Ps 93:4; Isa 17:13; Eze 43:2  of a. Re 1:10; 8:7-13; 9:1; 10:3-4; 11:15; Ex 19:16; 20:18; Zec 9:14  harpers. Re 5:8; 15:2; 18:22; 2Sa 6:5; 1Ch 25:1-7; Ps 33:2; 43:4; 57:8; 92:3; 98:5; 147:7; 149:3; 150:3-6  General references. exp: Ps 98:5.
a. Re 5:9; 15:3; Ps 33:3; 40:3; 96:1; 98:1; 144:9; 149:1; Isa 42:10  throne. Re 4:2-11  no. Re 14:1; 2:17; Ps 25:14; Mt 11:25-27; 1Co 1:18; 2:14  redeemed. Re 5:9  General references. exp: Ps 98:5

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C14-S3 (Verse 4)   they denied themselves the pleasures of the lusts of the flesh.
  1. First Step:  Something unique to this group.
    1. These are they which were not defiled with women;
  2. Second Step:  Why.
    1. for they are virgins.

With the exception of sentences which describe the hundred and forty four thousand,  and the sentence which describes The patience of the saints,  every sentence in this chapter starts with the word And.  That makes this chapter a single unit which most be considered completely together for contextual reasons.  14:1 through 14:5 describe the hundred and forty four thousand.  They were first described in Chapter 7.

There are people who pervert the meaning of the word virgin.  I think of one president of the United States, and all like him, who claimed that he did not have sex with a woman because he did not penetrate her viginia even though he did many other sexual acts and penetrated he body other places.  Such perverts do not fulfill the true meaning of virgins.

Roman Catholics, and other religions, have their religious special people take vows of celibacy.  However, we hear many evidences of those people failing to keep their vows.  This is because they do so for religious reasons.  However, these hundred and forty four thousand  do it to prevent distractions from their service to God during the great tribulation.  One of the reasons that men make other men eunuchs to avoid such distractions.  And, I believe, God gave these hundred and forty four thousand  special help to keep their vows as they concentrated on serving God during a very trying time.

In his note below, Dr. Jeff Wilson misses the meaning of the word virgins.  And, like many people, he misses what Jesus  said in Matthew 19:12 : For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.  Yes, saved people who restrict all sexual activity to the marriage bed are undefiled.  But that does not make them virgins.  These hundred and forty four thousand  fulfilled the phrase, from Jesus,  which was there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake.

Religion has always put special emphasis upon being a virgin  and claimed that such have special spiritual powers.  This verse says that these were not defiled with women.  While most married people would not agree that sex makes them defiled, this verse says differently.  In general, what this verse means by defiled  is most likely different than what those people think because we can not be right and reject what the Bible clearly says.  For example, there are, reportedly, many people who imagine that they are having sex with a different person than they are actually having sex with.  That is a form of defilement.

According to this verse, there is more going on in the relationship between sex and the spirit than I know how to define.  Definitely, there are fundamental Bible believing Baptists that indirectly teach that women's main function is to be a mother when they insist that all married people are supposed to have children.  In many churches and religions (including non-Baptist ones) guilt and other feelings are used to make people feel as if they are failing God if they don't use all means, including months and years at attempting artificial insemination, in order to have a child.  However, one pastor preached on six Biblical reasons for marriage, of which producing children is only one of them.  That means that the Bible provides 5 reasons for marriage that have nothing to do with producing children.

God made woman to be a help meet  to the man and there are certain jobs, such as being a missionary in a dangerous land, that a man needs help but where he can not do the job properly while worrying about the safety and needs of children.  There are other reasons why God does not give children to some couples and these churches / religions who make people feel so guilty about not having children are ignoring the teaching about being content  as found in Philippians 4:11; 1Timothy 6:8 and Hebrews 13:5.

Just to be very clear, there are people who are not virgins  but that also are not defiled.  And, Jesus  said that only some people can remain virgins  for the kingdom of heaven's sakeJesus  finished His statement with; He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.  Not all saved people are able to receive it,  but all saved people can remain undefiled  with the help of God.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'First John says they are undefiled with women, meaning they have not committed the sins of fornication or adultery. It is not saying here that any association with women corrupts men, but that the temptation and the lure of fleshly desires can taint one's standing if acted on in an impure way. We can think of many examples where the lure of the opposite sex has led to one's downfall, Adam and Eve, David and Bathsheba, Samson and Delilah. But these men have resisted such temptation and have remained pure, unspotted from sexual sin. And that's what I believe John is getting across with his added statement that these 144,000 are virgins. they have had purity and holiness in all their relationships. Now this does not necessarily mean, like some believe, that these men are unmarried and chaste and have abstained from marriage. formarriage by God's dictate is pure, and intimacy between a husband and his wife is pure, Heb 13:4 Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: '. that actually states that those involved in intimacy within a marriage are undefiled, just as these 144,000 are undefiled in their relationships. So it is possible some of these preachers are or were married, but all their relationships have been pure in the sight of God. they have lived separated lives, clean lives, faithful lives. the emphasis here is not on their moral sexual activity but on their relational purity. Just as we are to have a pure relation with our bridegroom, as Paul writes in 2Co 11:2 forI am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ.3 But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.
The reason I say that its possible some of these preachers were married and had families is because the False Prophet and the Antichrist will be in charge of a worldwide religion, which I believe comes forth out of Catholicism, and what do the Catholics believe about priests and marriage? they are not allowed, they are to be celibate, no marriage. Yet in the Bible, the Jewish priests were allowed to marry and have children, some of the apostles were married (Jesus healed Peter's mother-in-law), preachers and elders and deacons are allowed to have wives, and even Jesus the Bridegroom is coming to get his bride, the church. So I don't see the need of these 144,000 necessarily being virgins in a sexual sense, even though they very well could be, but again the emphasis is on their relationships with God and man which has been completely and utterly pure. they are an example of purity to be followed by those who are saved during the tribulation.
And they are an example to be followed because look who they follow after. these are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. they lived a life dedicated to Christ. their people had rejected Jesus, falsely accused Jesus, tortured Jesus, crucified Jesus, yet they had received and now followed Jesus, they have God's name written upon them, they served Christ, preached Christ and now they stand with Christ in victory on Mt Zion. God sealed them, Christ saved them, they lived their life for Him, experiencing the worst of holocausts this world has ever seen, they walked thru the deepest darkest valleys of the shadows of death, they walked into the teeth of the dragon, into the most dangerous situations imaginable, yet the Lord led them thru by His marvelous light unscathed all the way to victory. I even suspect these 144,000 lived a life more dedicated than most of those who live during the church age, possibly equaling or even excelling Paul's devotion to the Lord, who himself wrote in 1Co 11:1 Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ. this should challenge us Christians, for during the age of grace we too are sealed, sealed by the Spirit, we too are followers of Christ and are encouraged to walk as children of light, and we don't face half of the despair and devastation these Jewish preachers will face, or the unbridled unrestrained fury of the dragon. We should take courage to follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth, wherever he leads/guides/directs, for we too will stand in victory with the Lamb one day.
Next John says these 144,000 were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits to God and the Lamb. Now I've touched on this a little, but to complete my thought, we know in the Bible Israel kept a feast of firstfruits, every year the Jewish farmers would go and bring as an offering the first portion of the harvest and dedicate it to God. And that's what the 144,000 are, the first offerings of a great harvest, of an Israel rededicated to God. Ro 11:26 And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, there shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob:
Then John says there was no guile, no lying found in their mouth. they spoke the truth. their speech was pure. they speak the truth about sin and Satan, about the antichrist and the false prophet, about the world church, the world system, about judgment, God, hell, salvation and Christ. they do not have the luxury of time to beat around the bush, they are direct, honest and clear in their preaching and conduct.
And all these virtues of purity in their conduct and their relationship with Christ, in their calling, in their conversation and in their character makes them faultless, spotless, blameless before the throne of God, for they are without fault before the throne of God. So is it any wonder they stand with the Lamb in Jerusalem victorious over all those that opposed them, all those that railed against them, all those that cursed them and threatened them. they now stand with the King in the holy city utterly triumphant. What a different picture given to us here than what we saw in ch13 where the antichrist had risen to power and the false prophet had deceived mankind to worship the false Messiah and image. In the last chapter it looked like Satan had won, all his pieces and pawns were in place, but here in ch14 we get a glimpse of the victory that those who stand firm and cling to the Lord will experience over Satan. forin this picture we see Christ has returned, has defeated his enemies, and now stands in the holy city of Jerusalem with the faithful 144,000 who have made it thru it all because of the special sealing of God upon their foreheads. And with that we now come to the next three snapshots that John sees, each introduced by an angelic messenger. And the first angel we see has a message

Please see the notes for 1Corinthians 3:17 and James 3:6 about the word defile.  Webster's 1828 dictionary defines this word as: 'to make unclean; to render foul or dirty; in a general sense. 2. to make impure; to render turbid; as, the water or liquor is defiled. 3. to soil or sully; to tarnish; as reputation, etc. He is among the greatest prelates of the age, however his character may be defiled by dirty hands. they shall defile thy brightness. Ezek. 28. 4. to pollute; to make ceremonially unclean. that which dieth of itself, he shall not eat, to defile himself therewith. Lev. 22. 5. to corrupt chastity; to debauch; to violate; to tarnish the purity of character by lewdness. Schechem defiled Dinah. Gen. 34. 6. to taint, in a moral sense; to corrupt; to vitiate; to render impure with sin. Defile not yourselves with the idols of Egypt. Ezek. 20. He hath defiled the sanctuary of the Lord. Numb. 19'.  Please also see the note for Psalms 119 about the word undefiled.

Please see the note for Galatians C4-S2 about the word woman.  The Morrish Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'It is evident from scripture that women were anciently held in much more honour and esteem in Eastern countries than they are now. Solomon, speaking of women, said that such as his soul sought for he did not find one in a thousand. Ec 7:28. this tells of fallen human nature; but the true thought of woman is that she is the glory of the man, his true helpmeet. this is fulfilled in the relationship of the church to Christ.
In the N.T. the true place of the woman in subjection to the man is plainly stated, as indicated in creation; and in the assembly the woman is to be silent, and not to teach. Her bearing and deportment are expressive of what she learns as taught of Christ. 1Co 11:3-15; 14:34-35; 1Ti 2:11. 12. Nevertheless women were greatly honoured in ministering to the Lord, and are accredited as helping on the work of the Lord in the gospel and among the saints. Lu 8:2-3; 23:27,55-56; Ro 16:1,3,6; Php 4:2-3; 2Jo 1:10

Please see the note for 2Corinthians 11:2 about the word virgin.  Morrish Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'Used symbolically for those in separation from evil. Paul had espoused the saints at Corinth to one husband to 'present them as a chaste virgin to Christ.' 2Co 11:2: cf. Re 14:4. In their natural application the words apply to both sexes, and in 1Co 7:36-37 it is perhaps better translated 'his virginity''.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'for. Ps 45:14; Song 1:3; 6:8; Mt 25:1; 1Co 7:25-26,28; 2Co 11:2; 1Ti 4:3 exp: Heb 9:15.  General references. exp: Le 21:13; Nu 3:40; De 4:4'.

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C14-S4 (Verse 4)   the unique position of the hundred and forty four thousand.
These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth

With the exception of sentences which describe the hundred and forty four thousand,  and the sentence which describes The patience of the saints,  every sentence in this chapter starts with the word And.  That makes this chapter a single unit which most be considered completely together for contextual reasons.  14:1 through 14:5 describe the hundred and forty four thousand.  They were first described in Chapter 7.

In history, kings, and other leaders had certain people who always stayed around the leader to take care of any little thing that the leader needs.  And, we see that today with most government leaders.  This is the special function which the hundred forty and four thousand  are given.

Dr. Jeff Wilson wrote about this sentence in the note for 14:4.

Please see the note for 1Corinthians C4S16 about the word follow.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'To go after or behind; to walk, ride or move behind, but in the same direction. Soldiers will usually follow a brave officer'.  That note has the definition from Webster's 1828 dictionary and it provides several more applications, if they will help the reader to understand this word.  Please also see the note for Romans C14S25 about the phrase follow after.  Please also see the note for Mark 2:14 about the phrase follow me.  Please also see the Message called Follow Me As I Follow Christ for the application of these verses in the life of the believer.  Please see the note for Matthew 3:11 about the phrase come after me.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'follow me to do things the same way as I do'.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'which follow. Re 3:4; 7:15-17; 17:14; Mt 8:19; Lu 9:57-62; Joh 8:12; 10:27; 12:26; 13:37  General references. exp: Le 21:13; Nu 3:40; De 4:4'.

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C14-S5 (Verse 4)   the unique position of the hundred and forty four thousand.
  1. These were redeemed from among men,
  2.  being the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb .

With the exception of sentences which describe the hundred and forty four thousand,  and the sentence which describes The patience of the saints,  every sentence in this chapter starts with the word And.  That makes this chapter a single unit which most be considered completely together for contextual reasons.  14:1 through 14:5 describe the hundred and forty four thousand.  They were first described in Chapter 7.

These are called: The firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb.  They obviously are not the first saved time wise.  Therefore they are firstfruits  in the Biblical sense that firstfruits  were a special offering (Exodus 23:16; Exodus 23:19; Exodus 34:22; Exodus 34:26; Leviticus 2:12; Leviticus 2:14; Leviticus 23:10; Leviticus 23:17; Leviticus 23:20; Numbers 18:12; Deuteronomy 28:26; Deuteronomy 18:4; Deuteronomy 26:10; 2Kings 4:42; 2Chronicles 31:5; Nehemiah 10:35; Nehemiah 10:37; Nehemiah 12:44; Nehemiah 13:31; Proverbs 3:9; Jeremiah 2:3; Ezekiel 20:40; Ezekiel 44:30; Ezekiel 48:14).  In addition, firstfruits  have a special meaning in the New Testament.  Please see the note for Romans 8:23 has links to every verse in the New Testament which uses the word firstfruits  along with a small note about the use of firstfruits  within each verse.  In addition, the note for Romans 1:13 has an has links to places where Romans uses fruits  along with an explanation.

I never heard of a firstfruits  offering until I stayed in the Philippines.  Those people are some of the poorest in the world and, yet, are usually happy.  Yet, people in the U.S. do not know about a firstfruits  offering, they do not participate in one, and some preachers and teachers even confuse the firstfruits  offering with tithing.  as a result, many saved people in the U.S. are not happy and even those who are do not have the same general level of happiness that is found among the poorer people.

The firstfruits  offering is required by God as an act of faith.  Those saved people who participate in this act of faith receive the blessing from it.  Those saved people who do not participate in this act of faith, do not receive the blessings from it.

In a farming culture, especially one without the modern means of food preservation and without the shipping of fresh food from other regions on the Earth, go without certain foods and only have non-fresh versions of other foods.  So, when the first fresh foods mature enough to be eaten, it is a sacrifice to give those to God.  However, God demands it in order for us to prove that we have faith that God will bless the rest of the crop.  Think of Elijah and the widow of Zarephath (1Kings 17:9-24).  The widow and her son were ready to starve to death and the prophet demanded that she feed him first.  She obeyed and God provided for her and her son from then on.  This is a Biblical example of the results of a firstfruits  offering.

In our chapter, we see that these hundred and forty four thousand  devoted their life to the service of God and His kingdom.  By calling them the firstfruits,  the word of God  is letting us know that there will be many more to do the same when our Lord Jesus Christ  returns to rule this world and impose the laws of the kingdom of God  on this Earth.  In spite of what many preach and teach, there will be many saved people in Heaven who will not be allowed to return and rule with Christ  because, while they were alive on this Earth, they refused to devote their life to the service of God and His kingdom.  Just as God promised to bless the rest of the crop when God's people gave a firstfruits  offering, so also does God the father promise our Lord Jesus Christ  that the rest of the people who return to rule with Him will be blessed and act like these hundred and forty four thousand  when it comes to serving in the kingdom of God.

Dr. Jeff Wilson wrote about this sentence in the note for 14:4.

Please see the notes for Colossians 4:5; Romans C8S21 and Ephesians 5:15-16 about the word redeem.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'To purchase back; to ransom; to liberate or rescue from captivity or bondage, or from any obligation or liability to suffer or to be forfeited, by paying an equivalent'.

Please see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word first.  Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'a. furst. See fare and for.  1. Advanced before or further than any other in progression; foremost in place; as the first man in a marching company or troop is the man that precedes all the rest. Hence,  2. Preceding all others in the order of time. Adam was the first man. Cain was the first murderer. Monday was the first day of January.  3. Preceding all others in numbers or a progressive series; the ordinal of one; as, 1 is the first number.  4. Preceding all others in rank, dignity or excellence. Demosthenes was the first orator of Greece. Burke was one of the first geniuses of his age. Give God the first place in your affections.  FIRST, adv. furst.  1. Before anything else in the order of time.  Adam was first formed, then Eve. 1Tim. 2.  2. Before all others in place or progression.  Let the officers enter the gate first.  3. Before anything else in order of proceeding or consideration. First, let us attend to the examination of the witnesses.  4. Before all others in rank. He stands or ranks first in public estimation.  At first, at the first, as the beginning or origin.  First or last, at one time or another; at the beginning or end.  And all fools and lovers first or last'.  Please also see the note for Hebrews 1:5-LJC about the word firstbegotten.  Please also see the note for Colossians 1:15 about the word firstborn.  Please also see the note for Romans C8S21 about the word firstfruits.  Please also see the note for John 20:1 about the phrase first day of the week.

Please see the note for Romans C8S21 about the word firstfruits.  That note has links to where this word is used in the Bible along with a note for each usage.  The New Testament definition is: 'The first new life from plant or animal or God's Holy Spirit.  The firstfruits were a special offering whereby God's people were to offer the first fruits of everything based upon the promise of God to bless the rest of their harvest'.  God demanded that people offer their firstfruits,  even though they had gone almost a year since the previous harvest, in order to demonstrate that they put their service to God before their physical needs and desires.  Please also see the note for James 3:18 about the phrase fruit of righteousness.  Please use This link to see other, less important, 'Minor Titles of the Son of God' found within the Bible along with links to where the Bible uses those titles.  The title in this sentence is Firstfruits.  Please also see the Message called Firstfruits Offering.

Please see the notes for 1Corinthians C9S10 about the word fruit.  Please see the note for James 3:18 about the phrase fruit of righteousness.  The note for James has every verse that contains the fruit of righteousness.  The note for Philippians has an extensive doctrinal discussion and shows that the fruit of righteousness  is only by Christ.  Please see the Study called Relational Prepositions fror more about what is by Christ.  Please also see the note for Romans C8S21 about the word firstfruits.  In Matthew 12:34-37 and Luke 6:44-45; Jesus  tells us how our fruit  will be used to judge us.  Forms of this word are also used, in this book, in: 22:2.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'These were. Re 5:9  redeemed. Gr. bought. Ps 74:2; Ac 20:28; 1Co 6:20; Eph 1:14; 1Pe 2:9 (margin)  the firstfruits. Jer 2:3; Am 6:1 (margin) 1Co 16:15; Jas 1:18 exp: Le 23:10; 2Ch 31:5.  General references. exp: Le 21:13; Nu 3:40; De 4:4'.

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C14-S6 (Verse 5)   their testimony of honesty.
  1. Equivalent Section:  their testimony.
    1. And in their mouth was found no guile:
  2. Equivalent Section:  the results.
    1. for they are without fault before the throne of God .

With the exception of sentences which describe the hundred and forty four thousand,  and the sentence which describes The patience of the saints,  every sentence in this chapter starts with the word And.  That makes this chapter a single unit which most be considered completely together for contextual reasons.  14:1 through 14:5 describe the hundred and forty four thousand.  They were first described in Chapter 7.

This testimony does not mean that they said everything that they knew.  God hides things until people are able to accept them.  However, when they did speak, everything that they said was true and was designed to bless and not hurt, if possible.

Dr. Jeff Wilson wrote about this sentence in the note for 14:4.

Please see the note for Luke 1:64 about the word mouth.  The New Testament definition is: 'the mouth consists of the lips, the gums, the insides of the cheeks, the palate, the saliva glands, the uvula and tonsils. It is sometimes used in Scripture for speaker'.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 2:17 about the word speak.

Please see the note for 2Corinthians 12:16 about the word guile.  Webster's 1828 dictionary defines this word as: 'Craft; cunning; artifice; duplicity; deceit; usually in a bad sense. We may, with more successful hope, resolve to wage by force or guile eternal war. Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile. John.1.
GUILE, v.t. to disguise craftily
'.  Please also see the note for Colossians 2S2 about the word beguile.

Please see the note for James 5:16 about the word fault.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Properly, an erring or missing; a failing; hence, an error or mistake; a blunder; a defect; a blemish; whatever impairs excellence; applied to things'.

Please see the note for Colossians C1S3 about the word throne.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'a royal chair or seat of dignity (De 17:18; 2Sa 7:13; Ps 45:6); an elevated seat with a canopy and hangings, which cover it. It denotes the seat of the high priest in 1Sa 1:9; 4:13, and of a provincial governor in Ne 3:7; Ps 122:5. the throne of Solomon is described at length in 1Ki 10:18-20'.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'in. Ps 32:2; 34:13; 55:11; Pr 8:8; Isa 53:9; Zep 3:13; Mt 12:34; Joh 1:47; 1Pe 3:10  without. Song 4:7; Da 6:4; Ho 10:2; Lu 23:4; Eph 5:27; Col 1:22; Jude 1:24'.

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C14-S7 (Verse 6-7)   the last command to be saved.
  1. Equivalent Section:  Everyone is told to obey the true Biblical gospel.
    1. First Step:  the command given.
      1. And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven,
      2. having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth,
      3. and to every nation,
      4. and kindred,
      5. and ongue,
      6. and people,
      7. Saying with a loud voice,
      8. Fear God,
      9. and give glory to him;.
    2. Second Step:  why.
      1. for the hour of his judgment is come:.
  2. Equivalent Section:  Detailed requirement of the command.
    1. and worship him that made heaven,
    2. and earth,
    3. and the sea,
    4. and the fountains of waters.

With the exception of sentences which describe the hundred and forty four thousand,  and the sentence which describes The patience of the saints,  every sentence in this chapter starts with the word And.  That makes this chapter a single unit which most be considered completely together for contextual reasons.  14:1 through 14:5 describe the hundred and forty four thousand.  They were first described in Chapter 7.

I believe that this is the last command to be saved which is given from God.  After this, we see the wrath of God  coming on the lost people of Earth.  One of the lies of devils is: 'you can get saved at any time'.  However, God's word says: And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years  (Genesis 6:3).  Pharaoh is a Biblical example who was condemned to Hell before he died physically.

As explained in the note for this sentence, within the Word Study on Worship; this is one of 11 gospel  that are defined in the Bible and explained in the Study on the Gospel.  The true gospel  always delivers the same message but the different gospel  emphasize different parts of the true gospel.  In this sentence, we see the emphases on the requirement to truly worship  God if we truly get Biblically saved.  In addition, the Gospel Flowchart shows the relationship between this gospel  and other gospel  of the Bible.  In this sentence we see that me are to always (everlastingworship  in response to receiving the 'Good News' of God's gospel.

In his note, below, Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about several of the true Biblical gospels  and the differences in them.  The main difference between his note and what is published on this web site is that he covers some of them and I cover them all.

There are people who believe the lie that: 'God can't condemn me for not believing the gospel.  There are people in deepest darkest Africa who have never heard and God would not be right to condemn them.  Therefore, God can not condemn me for acting like them'.  First, imagine someone taking a gun and blow the brains out of someone else, before a dozen witnesses, and the police catch them with the smoking gun in your hand with their finger prints all over it.  Then, when they show up in court, they tell the judge: 'You can't condemn me.  There are many unsolved murders.  Therefore, you can not condemn me until you condemn everyone else who have committed a murder'.  Now, do you honestly believe that an honest judge will accept that argument?  In addition, I have shown on this web site that God sent His gospel  into all the world  more than once.  If we don't take the gospel  into all the world,  then that is on us, not on God.

I can not say exactly how this angel  will accomplish this sentence, but that does not mean that we should deny the literal meaning.  I have already explained how that the system is being built, with technology available today, to track the movement of everyone and to control all commerce.  And, we also see communication technology everywhere, including in third-World countries.  So, it is quite imaginable that Satan, and his beasts,  will make sure that the communication means can reach everyone.  Therefore, If this angel  hijacks that communication network, he can give the everlasting gospel  to everyone.

In our Second Equivalent Section, we see the requirement to truly worship  God as part of the true gospel.  Many religions proclaim a 'false gospel' which claims that you can do some religious act and that is all which is required to go to Heaven.  Our sentence tells us that true Biblical worship  is required.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'Here this angel is seen flying in the midst of heaven, in the sky or atmosphere of the earth, as it is preaching and proclaiming a message to the world. And what is that message? the everlasting gospel. this is the first instance in the Bible that an angel has ever preached the gospel, and it is eager to do so, for it flies in the midst of the heavens, in the skies above the earth, to excitedly give this message; it speeds around the world to give the good news to those who are about to face the worst of God's wrath upon this earth. the 144,000 have done their job, but they could only be in so many places at once, so here again we see the mercy of God in the proclaiming of the gospel, for now all those upon the earth are given one last chance, every nation and kindred and ongue and people are given the message of the everlasting gospel By this angel before the second coming of Christ, they are given an informed choice, one last choice, to choose the beast, the antichrist, the one who proclaims himself as god, or to choose the true and living God, Jehovah God, the Creator of all things. this is the last call to respond to the news of the gospel for the end is drawing near. Notice that for two thousand years the world has had the church bringing it the gospel thru the great commission, then the rapture occured removing the church and the 144,000 Jewish preachers are then sent out to preach the gospel, then the two witnesses appear in the streets of Jerusalem to stand against the beast and preach, and now we are down to one angel, yet the same message is preached throughout. So we can see time is running out for mankind, for it is not the day of judgment that is at hand, but the very hour of judgment that is come and the chance to respond to God's call is almost passed.
But notice John's choice of words here, he does not simply call what the angel preaches 'The gospel', but he calls it the everlasting gospel in v6. Here we see a distinct and different aspect of the gospel than the portion of the gospel that is emphasized to us in the church age, yet the portion of the gospel that is proclaimed By this angel is still part of the whole gospel, part of the same gospel message that has been preached since the very beginning, and let me try to explain that. We all know that the word 'gospel' means good news, well there are different aspects of that good news that applies to specific ages such as our age of grace or the time before Christ or even the time of the Great Tribulation, and notice I said aspects of one gospel, not different gospels, there is only one true gospel message but that one message does have several parts that make up the whole. Let me give you some examples'
During the church age we have the gospel of the grace of God so titled in Ac 20:24 But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God. What Paul refers to here is the aspect of the gospel we are most familiar with, the good news (gospel) that Jesus Christ died on the cross for the sins of the world and was resurrected from the dead for our justification, and that thru faith in him we are saved by being partakers of the grace of God, in which we shall not perish but have everlasting life. this aspect of the gospel, the gospel of grace, is referred to in Romans 1:1 as the 'gospel of God' for it originates from His love, in II Cor 10:14 as the 'gospel of Christ' because it comes forth from Jesus' sacrifice, and we also see it referred to in multiple other verses which pertain to the events that surround Christ's death, burial and resurrection. this aspect of the gospel is what we think of when we refer to saving grace, hence the title the gospel of the grace of God.
Now before Christ's atoning death there was another aspect of the gospel that was focused on and preached from the very beginning, this is known as the gospel of the kingdom. this aspect of the gospel was preached in the past unto Abraham, as mentioned in Ga 3:8 And the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, In thee shall all nations be blessed.
Ro 4:3 forwhat saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness.
This gospel of the kingdom refers to the good news that God would set up a kingdom on the earth, in fulfillment to the Abrahamic and Davidic covenant; a kingdom in which the Son of God, David's heir, would rule sitting as King upon its throne for 1000 years. thus this kingdom gospel looks forward to the millennial reign of Christ. this was extremely good news to the Jews and those who followed Jehovah God, as it would be the fulfillment of God' promise to Abraham. But the thing about this gospel is it is preached in two parts or two dispensations, the first part was preached in the past, beginning with the time of the patriarchs and possibly before that and then continued on up to and even includes the gospel that John the Baptist preached, the gospel which was also preached by the Lord Jesus and his disciples but ended with the Jewish rejection of Christ. this gospel of the kingdom is evidenced by the words 'Repent for the kingdom is at hand!' the king is it will happen very soon, he is coming to rule and to reign! Israel was looking for that Messiah, but after they rejected Christ, this portion of the gospel was interrupted with the gospel of grace and the church age. But later on the second part of the preaching of this gospel of the kingdom reoccurs during the tribulation period, it is preached by the two witnesses and the 144,000, repent for the kingdom is at hand!
And then a third aspect of the gospel is what we see here in v6-7, the everlasting gospel that this angel preaches. this is the gospel that will be preached immediately preceding the end of the great tribulation, right before it is all over. forit's the last chance that mankind has to enter into everlasting life, for this gospel speaks of judgment to come. the angel calls out for mankind to fear God, to worship God, to glorify God before its too late for the hour of judgment is near. the heavenly message here is to fear God, where the beast is saying fear me, worship me, glorify me, this angel proclaims the true gospel, the truth, that man should fear God, not this mere corrupted man. Lu 12:5 But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him.
Pr 9:10 the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom:
This angel proclaims that the Creator God is the one who is truly in control, so fear Him, reverence Him, accept Him, and then one can worship and glorify Him. In order to do what the angel says one will have to accept Christ as part of the triune God, as the Son of God, who gave himself for mankind. So fear God, reverence Christ, the judge, is the message. this is man's last chance to receive Christ before the judgment of God falls, before they face His full wrath. So we see in just these three aspects of the gospel they still all focus upon the good news of Christ, Christ the King, Christ the Savior, Christ the judge. And the core challenge of each aspect and the gospel as a whole is belief. Believe the truth, believe God, believe the good news, believe the word, Ac 16:31 'Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, So that's the message of the first angel, the only good news this world will see from here on out. We then see the second angelic messenger in v8, and this angel brings not a message, but an announcement

Please see the notes for 1Corinthians C13S9; 2Corinthians 2:17 and Colossians C1S6 about the words see / sight. The New Testament definition is: 'perception of objects by the eye; view. this word is often used symbolically for spiritual understanding'.  Please also see the note for John 6:40-LJC  about the phrase see the Son.  Please also see the note for Acts 2:25 about the words foresee / foresaw.  Please also see the note for Romans C11S10 about the phrase works are seen of men.

Please see the notes for 1Corinthians C13S1; Significant Gospel Events; Significant New Testament Events about the word angel.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Literally, a messenger; one employed to communicate news or information or do a job for God'.  Please also see the note for Jude 1:7 about the word archangel.

Please see the note for Revelation 4:7 about the word fly.  Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'FLYING, ppr.  1. Moving in air by means of wings; passing rapidly; springing; bursting; avoiding.  2. a. Floating; waving; as flying colors.  3. a. Moving; light, and suited for prompt motion; as a flying camp.  Flying colors, a phrase expressing triumph'.

Please see the note for John 20:19 about the word midst.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'In the middle'.

Please see the note for Philippians 2:9-11 about the word heaven.  The New Testament definition is: 'According to the Jewish notion there were three heavens, (a) The firmament, as "fowls of the heaven" (Ge 2:19; 7:3,23; Ps 8:8, etc.), "the eagles of heaven" (La 4:19), etc. (b) The starry heavens (De 17:3; Jer 8:2; Mt 24:29). (c) "The heaven of heavens," or "the third heaven" is the home of God (De 10:14; 1Ki 8:27; Ps 115:16; 148:4; 2Co 12:2). The phrase "heaven and earth" is used to indicate the whole universe (Ge 1:1; Jer 23:24; Ac 17:24)'.  Please also see the note for 1Peter 1:2-LJC about the phrase things in Heaven.  Please also see the note for Matthew 3:2 about the phrase kingdom of heaven.  Please also see the note for Luke 3:21-22 about the phrase voice from heaven.  Please also see the note for Revelation 20:9 about the phrase fire from Heaven.  Please also see the note for Revelation 21:4 about 'no tears in heaven is a lie'.  Please also see the note for Hebrews 12:2-LJC about the phrase treasure in Heaven.  Please also see the Message called Laying up Treasure in Heaven.

The phrase ever and ever  has the same application as the word everlasting  except that it seems to never end as opposed to actually never ending.  Please see the note for Luke 16:9 about the word everlasting.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'ever and lasting. Lasting or enduring for ever; eternal; existing or continuing without end; immortal'.  Please see the note for 1:6 for links to where this phrase and this word are used in this Bible book.

Please see the notes for Romans C16S33; 1Corinthians C15S1; Galatians C1-S4; 2Timothy 4:1-LJC about the word preach.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Webster's 1828 dictionary defines preach as 'v.i. L. proeco, a crier; precor. 1. to pronounce a public discourse on a religious subject, or from a subject, or from a text of Scripture. the purpose of preaching is to get people to obey God's word. this is the modern sense of preach. 2. to discourse on the gospel way of salvation and exhort to repentance; to discourse on evangelical truths and exhort to a belief of them and acceptance of the terms of salvation. this was the extemporaneous manner of preaching pursued by Christ and his apostles. Matt.4. 10. Acts 10. 14'.  Please also see the note for Romans 10:14 about the word preacher.

Please see the note for Romans C7S24 about the word dwell.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'ppr. Inhabiting; residing; sojourning; continuing with fixed attention. DWELL'ING, n. Habitation; place of residence; abode. Hazor shall be a dwelling for dragons. Jer.49. 1. Continuance; residence; state of life. thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field. Dan.4'.  Please also see the note for John 7:39 about the phrase indwelling Holy Spirit.

Please see the note for Philippians 2:9-11 about the word earth.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: '(1.) In the sense of soil or ground, the translation of the word adamah'. In Ge 9:20 "husbandman" is literally "man of the ground or earth." Altars were to be built of earth (Ex 20:24). Naaman asked for two mules' burden of earth (2Ki 5:17), under the superstitious notion that Jehovah, like the gods of the heathen, could be acceptably worshipped only on his own soil. (2). As the rendering of 'erets, it means the whole world (Ge 1:2); the land as opposed to the sea (Ge 1:10). Erets also denotes a country (Ge 21:32); a plot of ground (Ge 23:15); the ground on which a man stands (Ge 33:3); the inhabitants of the earth (Ge 6:1; 11:1); all the world except Israel (2Ch 13:9). In the New Testament "The earth" denotes the land of Judea (Mt 23:35); also things carnal in contrast with things heavenly (Joh 3:31; Col 3:1-2)'.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 4:7 about the word earthen.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 5:1 about the word earthly.  Please also see the note for Luke 21:10-11 about the word earthquake.  Please also see the note for Luke 21:10-11 about the word earthquake.  Please also see the note for Revelation 1:4 about the phrase kings of the earth.  Please also see the note for Matthew 32-33 about the phrase Judge of all the earth.

Please see the note for Romans 1:5 about the word nation.  The New Testament definition is: 'A body of people inhabiting the same country, or united under the same sovereign or government'.

Please see the note for Luke 1:61 about the word kindred.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'Related; congenial; of the like nature or properties; as kindred souls; kindred skies'.

Please see the notes for 1Corinthians C12S8; 1Corinthians 14:2 and Philippians 2:9-11 about the word tongue.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'a human language'.  Please also see the note in Acts 2:6 about the word language.

Please see the note for Revelation 5:9 about the word people.  Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'n. L. populus.  1. the body of persons who compose a community, town, city or nation. We say, the people of a town; the people of London or Paris; the English people. in this sense, the word is not used in the plural, but it comprehends all classes of inhabitants, considered as a collective body, or any portion of the inhabitants of a city or country.  2. the vulgar; the mass of illiterate persons.  The knowing artist may judge better than the people.  3. the commonalty, as distinct from men of rank.  Myself shall mount the rostrum in his favor,  And strive to gain his pardon from the people.  4. Persons of a particular class; a part of a nation or community; as country people.  5. Persons in general; any persons indefinitely; like on in French, and man in Saxon.  People were tempted to lend by great premiums and large interest.  6. A collection or community of animals.  The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer. Prov.30.  7. When people signified a separate nation or tribe, it has the plural number.  Thou must prophesy again before many peoples. Rev.10.  8. In Scripture, fathers or kindred. Gen.25.  9. the Gentiles.  --To him shall the gathering of the people be. Gen.49.
PEOPLE, v.t. to stock with inhabitants. Emigrants from Europe have peopled the United States

Please see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word saith.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'lifestyle speaking.  A saying that never changes when said by God'.  Please also see the note for Romans 11:1 about the phrase I say.  The New Testament definition is: 'This phrase expresses a personal opinion, which usually follows the phrase'.  Bible authors uses this phrase when they introduces their own point into an ongoing discussion.  When Jesus  says this phrase, He is giving a personal command.  Please also see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word saith.  Please also see the note for Romans C10S28 about the word gainsaying.  Please also see the note for Matthew 26:1 about the word sayings (plural).  Please also see the notes for Romans C15S15 and 2Corinthians 2:17 about the word speak.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 3:12-14 about the word speech.  Please also see the notes for Ephesians C4S15 and 1Peter 2:1 about the phrase evil speaking.  The words speaketh  and saith  mean that the person 'keeps on keeping on doing the saying'.

Please see the note for 1Corinthians C14S11 about the word voice.  Webster's 1828 dictionary defines this word as: 'n. L. vox; voco. the sense of the verb is to throw, to drive out sound; and voice is that which is driven out. 1. Sound or audible noise uttered by the mouth, either of human beings or of other animals. We say, the voice of a man is loud or clear; the voice of a woman is soft or musical; the voice of a dog is loud or harsh; the voice of a bird is sweet or melodious. the voice of human beings is articulate; that of beasts, inarticulate. the voices of men are different, and when uttered together, are often dissonant. 2. Any sound made by the breath; as the trumpet's voice. 3. A vote; suffrage; opinion or choice expressed. Originally voice was the oral utterance of choice, but it now signifies any vote however given. Some laws ordain, and some attend the choice of holy senates, and elect by voice. I have no words; my voice is in my sword. 4. Language; words; expression. Let us call on God in the voice of his church. 5. In Scripture, command; precept. Ye would not be obedient to the voice of the Lord your God. Deut. 8. 6. Sound. After the fire, a still small voice. 1Kings 19. Canst thou thunder with a voice like him? Job. 40. the floods have lifted up their voice. Ps. 93. 7. Language; tone; mode of expression. I desire to be present with you now, and to change my voice. Gal. 4. 8. In grammar, a particular mode of inflecting or conjugating verbs; as the active voice; the passive voice.
VOICE, v.t. 1. to rumor; to report. It was voiced that the king purposed to put to death Edward Plantagenet. Little used. 2. to fit for producing the proper sounds; to regulate the tone of; as, to voice the pipes of an organ. 3. to vote
'.  Please also see the note for Luke 3:21-22 about the phrase voice from heaven  Please also see the note for Revelation 20:9 about the phrase fire from heaven.

Please see the note for Romans C11S25 about the word fear.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'A painful emotion or passion excited by an expectation of evil, or the apprehension of impending danger. Fear expresses less apprehension than dread, and dread less than terror and fright. the force of This passion, beginning with the most moderate degree, may be thus expressed, fear, dread, terror, fright. Fear is accompanied with a desire to avoid or ward off the expected evil. Fear is an uneasiness of mind, upon the thought of future evil likely to befall us. the saved are commanded to "fear the Lord"'.  Please see the Study called The Fear of the Lord.  Please also see the note for Matthew 10:26 about the phrase fear them not.  Please also see the note for John 6:19 about the word afraid.

There is an extremely popular doctrinal error which claims that the fear of the lord  means 'deep abiding respect'.  The true Biblical definition is: 'The absolute assurance that God will hurt us more than we can imagine if we continue in sin'.  This doctrinal error causes many of God's children to suffer the wrath of God in this life and to lose many everlasting rewards.  Please also see Colossians 3:8 about children of wrath.

Please see the note for 2Corinthians 5:5 about the word give.  The New Testament definition is: 'ppr. Bestowing; confering; imparting; granting; delivering. GIV'ING, n. the act of confering'.  Please see the note for 2Corinthians 9:8-11 about the words gave  and given.  The New Testament definition for the words gave  and given  are: 'the past-tense form of the word give'.  Please see the note for 2Corinthians 9:7 about the word giving.  The New Testament definition of giving  is: 'the ongoing form of the word give'.  Please see the note for 2Corinthians 9:7 about the word giveth.  The New Testament definition of giveth  is: 'a life-style of giving'.  Please see the note for 2Corinthians 9:7 about the word giver.  The New Testament definition of the word giver  is: 'the person who gives'.  Please also see the note for 1Corinthians C14S19 about the phrase giving of thanks.

Please see the note for Romans C15S14 about the word glory.  There is a lot of information about this word in that note.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Brightness, splendor, luster'.  The New Testament for the word glorified  is: 'past-tense form of the word glory'.  The New Testament for the word glorifying  is: 'applying the word glory in an ongoing manner'.  The New Testament for the word Glorious  is: 'Illustrious; of exalted excellence and splendor; resplendent in majesty and divine attributes; applied to God'.  Please also see the note for Matthew 17:1 about the phrase Jesus Christ return in glory.  Please also see the Minor Titles of the Son of God to see the title of: hope of glory.  All true Biblical hope  is based in Him.  Think about what was revealed in the 'Mount of transfiguration'.

Please see the note for John 2:4 about the word hour.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'a short period of time relative to the perspective'.  Thus, a thousand years  can be considered to be an 'a short period of time relative to the perspective'. from the perspective of eternity.

Please see the note for 1Corinthians 1:10 about the word judge.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'To compare facts or ideas, and perceive their agreement or disagreement, and thus to distinguish truth from falsehood'.  Please see the note for Philippians 1:9 about the word judgment.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 5:10 about the phrase judgment seat.  Please also see the notes for Romans C14S16 and 2Corinthians 5:10 about the judgment Seat of Christ  Please also see the note for Matthew 32-33 about the phrase Judge of all the earth.  Please also see the note for 2Thessalonians 1:9-LJC about the phrase judgment without mercy.  Please also see the note for 1Corinthians C4S5 about the phrase we are to judge.  Please also see the note for 1Corinthians 4:5 about the phrase judge nothing.  Please also see the note for Romans 8:1-LJC about the phrase judged by works.  Please also see the note for Ephesians C5S6 about the phrase judgment by us.  The New Testament definition is: 'To compare facts or ideas, and perceive their agreement or disagreement, and thus to distinguish truth from falsehood'.  Please also see the Section called: 'Minor Titles of the Son of God' in the Doctrinal Study called: Significant Gospel Events with the title of: Judge.

Please see the note for John 6:16-17 about the word sea.  Webster's 1828 dictionary defines this word as: 'A large bason, cistern or laver which Solomon made in the temple, so large as to contain more than six thousand gallons. this was called the brazen sea, and used to hold water for the priests to wash themselves. 1 Kings 7. 2 Chron. 4 2. A large body of water, nearly inclosed by land, as the Baltic or the Mediterranean; as the sea of Azof. Seas are properly branches of the ocean, and upon the same level. Large bodies of water inland, and situated above the level of the ocean, are lakes. the appellation of sea, given to the Caspian lake, is an exception, and not very correct. So the lake of Galilee is called a sea, from the Greek. 3. the ocean; as, to go to sea. the fleet is at sea, or on the high seas. 4. A wave; a billow; a surge. the vessel shipped a sea. 5. the swell of the ocean in a tempest, or the direction of the waves; as, we head the sea. 6. Proverbially, a large quantity of liquor; as a sea of blood. 7. A rough or agitated place or element. In a troubled sea of passion tost. Milton'.  Please also see the note for Hebrews 11:29 about the phrase Red Sea.  Please also see the note for John 21:1 about the phrase sea of Tiberias.

Please see the note for James 3:11 about the word fountain.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'source of water'.  The main application for this phrase is: 'source of drinking water'.

Please see the note for Luke 3:16 about the word water.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'The basic liquid of life.  It is used symbolically for more than one meaning.  Consideration of the context is required in order to determine the usage in any Bible reference'.  Please also see the note for John 4:10 about the phrase living waters.  Please also see the note for John 7:38 about the phrase rivers of living water.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'another. Re 8:13; Isa 6:2,6-7; Eze 1:14; Da 9:21  in. Ge 1:6  everlasting. 2Sa 23:5; Ps 119:142; 139:24; 145:13; Isa 40:8; 45:17; 51:6,8; Eph 3:9-11; 2Th 2:16; Tit 1:1-3; Heb 13:20  preach. Mt 10:27; Mr 16:15; Ro 16:25; Col 1:23  every. Re 10:11; 13:7; Da 4:1; 6:25-26; Eph 3:9  General references. exp: Ps 96:3; Mr 13:10.
with. Isa 40:3,6,9; 44:23; 52:7-8; 58:1; Ho 8:1  Fear. Re 11:18; 15:4; 19:5; Ge 22:12; Ps 36:1; 89:7; Ec 12:13-14 exp: Lu 12:5.  give. Re 4:9; 16:9; Jos 7:19; 1Sa 6:5; Isa 42:12; Mal 2:2; Lu 17:18  hour. Re 11:18; 15:4; 18:10,17,19; Eze 7:2,6; Da 8:19; Mt 25:13; Joh 5:25-29; 1Pe 4:7  worship. Re 4:11; Ex 20:11; Ne 9:6; Ps 33:6; 95:5; 124:8; 146:5-6; Pr 8:22-31; Jer 10:10; Ac 14:15; 17:23-25 exp: Re 19:10.  General references. exp: Ps 96:3

Home  Overview of Revelation  Chapter Summary Start of Chapter
C14-S8 (Verse 8)   the announcement of a future event.
  1. And there followed another angel,
  2. saying,
  3. Babylon is fallen,
  4. is fallen,
  5. that great city,
  6. because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.

With the exception of sentences which describe the hundred and forty four thousand,  and the sentence which describes The patience of the saints,  every sentence in this chapter starts with the word And.  That makes this chapter a single unit which most be considered completely together for contextual reasons.  14:1 through 14:5 describe the hundred and forty four thousand.  They were first described in Chapter 7.

Our sentence starts with the word And  the next sentence starts with the word And,  which ties these three sentences very closely together.  The prior sentence told us about an angel  with the everlasting gospel  the next sentence told us about an angel  with the warning to not worship the beast and his image.  Thus, our sentence is surrounded by sentences which deal with worship and make this sentence , and Babylon  involved in worship.  However, the other references to Babylon,  in Revelation (use the links in the Word Study, below), mainly show Babylon  as the economic center of the world with merchants an men of money as the main people crying at its fall.  Therefore, in this future, the economy of the world will be tightly tied to religion and false worship.  The mark of the beast  will be used the control the economy but it will also be tied to religion and false worship.

Many have tied Rome to false worship in this Bible book.  And, yes, there are symbolic indications that Rome is tied to false worship.  However, the center of the world religion will be Jerusalem and the rebuilt temple because Satan wants to prove that he can take everything that belongs to God and the center of worship, to the Jews as the children of God,  was and is Jerusalem.  And, while Jerusalem will be the center of false worship, the economic center of the World will be a different city.

Different people have speculated that different current cities will become the Babylon  of this Bible book.  However, we are not told enough to actually nail it down to any certain city.  Future references indicate that it will be destroyed by a tidal wave, which would require it to be on the side of an ocean, but we do not have a lot more for identifying the location.

As we have seen elsewhere in this Bible book, we see the announcement before the actual event.  The actual event will be in future chapters and at a future time from this announcement.  The truly saved will accept the announcement as an accomplished event by true faith.  Others will wait until it actually happens and, thereby, prove that they refuse to live by faith.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'The announcement in this verse foreshadows the events of ch17 and 18, where we will study Babylon and its fall in depth. But needless to say this announcement refers to the future destruction of the one world system of the beast and the one world religion led by the false prophet, it speaks of the total collapse of the ecclesiastical and political realms. What the angel announces to the world is that what many have placed their faith in (The antichrist, the false prophet, the dragon, the living idol, the one world system) has failed, they are all fallen, defeated. Like so many empires and corrupt rulers of old, they are defeated and are going to fade and disappear into history. this great fall is connected with the 7th vial judgment that is soon to be poured out. But what John sees here is that God will have victory. this is why the first angel proclaimed that men should fear God and not the beast for God will stand and the beast and his power will fall. God will have the victory. God's judgment will reign down and destroy Babylon for it has corrupted the world, it has caused many to sin, and now they all will suffer the wrath of God for their spiritual (and physical) fornication, for their sin, for their idolatry, for their worshipping of a false god: the poor imitation, the false Christ. Babylon has mocked and spurned God, blasphemed, committed untold heresies, has caused man to sin and has tried to pollute and corrupt the name of Christ, but no more. Babylon will fall! Babylon is as good as fallen, in the eyes of God Babylon has already fallen, has already been destroyed, we are just waiting for the clock to catch up to God.
And then we come to the third angel of John's vision, and where the first angel had a message and the second had an announcement, this third angel has a warning to all upon the earth

Please see the note for 1Corinthians C4S16 about the word follow.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'To go after or behind; to walk, ride or move behind, but in the same direction. Soldiers will usually follow a brave officer'.  That note has the definition from Webster's 1828 dictionary and it provides several more applications, if they will help the reader to understand this word.  Please also see the note for Romans C14S25 about the phrase follow after.  Please also see the note for Mark 2:14 about the phrase follow me.  Please also see the Message called Follow Me As I Follow Christ for the application of these verses in the life of the believer.  Please see the note for Matthew 3:11 about the phrase come after me.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'follow me to do things the same way as I do'.

Please see the notes for 1Corinthians C13S1; Significant Gospel Events; Significant New Testament Events about the word angel.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Literally, a messenger; one employed to communicate news or information or do a job for God'.  Please also see the note for Jude 1:7 about the word archangel.

Please see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word saith.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'lifestyle speaking.  A saying that never changes when said by God'.  Please also see the note for Romans 11:1 about the phrase I say.  The New Testament definition is: 'This phrase expresses a personal opinion, which usually follows the phrase'.  Bible authors uses this phrase when they introduces their own point into an ongoing discussion.  When Jesus  says this phrase, He is giving a personal command.  Please also see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word saith.  Please also see the note for Romans C10S28 about the word gainsaying.  Please also see the note for Matthew 26:1 about the word sayings (plural).  Please also see the notes for Romans C15S15 and 2Corinthians 2:17 about the word speak.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 3:12-14 about the word speech.  Please also see the notes for Ephesians C4S15 and 1Peter 2:1 about the phrase evil speaking.  The words speaketh  and saith  mean that the person 'keeps on keeping on doing the saying'.

We find Babylon  occurring 294 times in 260 verses of the Bible and, in the New Testament, in: Matthew 1:11-12; Matthew 1:17; Acts 7:43; 1Peter 5:13; Revelation 14:8; Revelation 16:19; Revelation 17:5; Revelation 18:2; Revelation 18:10; Revelation 18:21.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'The Greek form of BABEL; Semitic form Babilu, meaning "The Gate of God." In the Assyrian tablets it means "The city of the dispersion of the tribes." the monumental list of its kings reaches back to B.C. 2300, and includes Khammurabi, or Amraphel (q.v.), the contemporary of Abraham. It stood on the Euphrates, about 200 miles above its junction with the Tigris, which flowed through its midst and divided it into two almost equal parts. the Elamites invaded Chaldea (i.e., Lower Mesopotamia, or Shinar, and Upper Mesopotamia, or Accad, now combined into one) and held it in subjection. At length Khammu-rabi delivered it from the foreign yoke, and founded the new empire of Chaldea (q.v.), making Babylon the capital of the united kingdom. this city gradually grew in extent and grandeur, but in process of time it became subject to Assyria. On the fall of Nineveh (B.C. 606) it threw off the Assyrian yoke, and became the capital of the growing Babylonian empire. Under Nebuchadnezzar it became one of the most splendid cities of the ancient world.  After passing through various vicissitudes the city was occupied by Cyrus, "king of Elam," B.C. 538, who issued a decree permitting the Jews to return to their own land (Ezr 1). It then ceased to be the capital of an empire. It was again and again visited by hostile armies, till its inhabitants were all driven from their homes, and the city became a complete desolation, its very site being forgotten from among men.  On the west bank of the Euphrates, about 50 miles south of Bagdad, there is found a series of artificial mounds of vast extent. these are the ruins of this once famous proud city. these ruins are principally (1) the great mound called Babil by the Arabs. this was probably the noted Temple of Belus, which was a pyramid about 480 feet high. (2) the Kasr (i.e., "The palace"). this was the great palace of Nebuchadnezzar. It is almost a square, each side of which is about 700 feet long. the little town of Hillah, near the site of Babylon, is built almost wholly of bricks taken from this single mound. (3) A lofty mound, on the summit of which stands a modern tomb called Amran ibn-Ali. this is probably the most ancient portion of the remains of the city, and represents the ruins of the famous hanging-gardens, or perhaps of some royal palace. the utter desolation of the city once called "The glory of kingdoms" (Isa 13:19) was foretold by the prophets (Isa 13:4-22; Jer 25:12; 50:2-3; Da 2:31-38).
The Babylon mentioned in 1Pe 5:13 was not Rome, as some have thought, but the literal city of Babylon, which was inhabited by many Jews at the time Peter wrote.
In Re 14:8; 16:19; 17:5; 18:2, "Babylon" is supposed to mean Rome, not considered as pagan, but as the prolongation of the ancient power in the papal form. Rome, pagan and papal, is regarded as one power. "The literal Babylon was the beginner and supporter of tyranny and idolatry...This city and its whole empire were taken by the Persi and under Cyrus; the Persi and were subdued by the Macedonians, and the Macedoni and by the Romans; so that Rome succeeded to the power of old Babylon. And it was her method to adopt the worship of the false deities she had conquered; so that by her own act she became the heiress and successor of all the Babylonian idolatry, and of all that was introduced into it by the immediate successors of Babylon, and consequently of all the idolatry of the earth." Rome, or "mystical Babylon," is "that great city which reigneth over the kings of the earth" (Re 17:18)
'.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'The original city was Assyrian, and the name meant "The city of the dispersion of the tribes."  In Revelation, it identifies the city which is the center of government joined to religion'.

Nave's Topical Bible provides links for Babylon  as: 'CITY OF:  Built by Nimrod Ge 10:10.  In the land of Shinar:  Ge 10:10; 11:2.  Tower of:  Ge 11:1-9.  Capital of the kingdom of Babylon:  Da 4:30; 2Ki 25:13; 2Ch 36:6-7,10,18,20.  Gates of:  Isa 45:1-2; Jer 51:58.  Walled:  Jer 51:44,58.  Splendor of:  Isa 14:4.  Peter writes from:  1Pe 5:13.  Prophecies concerning:  Ps 87:4; 137:8-9; Isa 13; 14:4-26; 21:1-10; 46:1-2; 47; 48:14,20; Jer 21:4-10; 25:12-14; 27:1-11; 28:14; 32:28; 34:2-3; 42:11-12; 43; 46:13-26; 49:28-30; 50; 51; Eze 21:19; 26; 29:17-20; 30:10; 32:11; Da 2:21-38; 4:10-26; 5:25-29; 7; Hab 1:5-11; Zec 2:7-9 FIGURATIVE:  Re 14:8; 16:19; 17; 18.  2. EMPIRE OF:  Founded by Nimrod:  Ge 10:10.  Called LAND OF SHINAR:  Ge 10:10; 11:2; 14:1,9; Isa 11:11; Da 1:2; Zec 5:11.  SHESHACH:  Jer 25:26; 51:41.  MERATHAIM:  Jer 50:21.  Divisions of:  2Ki 17:24; 24:7; Isa 23:12-13; Da 3:1; Ac 7:4.  Extent of, at the time of Nebuchadnezzar:  Da 2:37-38; 4:1; 6:1.  At the time of Ahasuerus:  Es 1:1; 8:9; 9:30.  Armies of, invade ancient Canaan:  Ge 14.  Samaria:  2Ki 17:5-24.  Judah:  2Ki 24:1-16.  Jews carried to:  2Ki 25; 1Ch 9:1; 2Ch 33:11; 36:17-21; Jer 32:2; 39; 52.  Colonists from, sent to Samaria:  Ezr 4:9-10; 2Ki 17:29-32.  Conquest of Egypt by:  2Ki 24:7.  Prophecies of conquests by:  2Ki 20:16-19; Jer 20:4-7; 21; 22; 25:1-11; 27; 28; 29; 32:28-29; 34; 36:29; 38:17-18; 43:8-13; 46:13-26; Eze 12; 17; 19; 21; 24; 26; 29:18-20; 30; 32.  Prophetic denunciations against:  Ps 137:8-9; Isa 13; 14:21; 43:14-17; 47; Jer 50; 51.  GOVERNMENT OF:  A limited monarchy:  Es 1:13-19; 8:8; Da 6:8,14,17.  Tyrannical:  Es 3:7-15; Da 3'.

Torrey's Topical Textbook provides links for Babylon  as: 'Origin of:  Ge 10:8,10 (marg.) Origin of the name:  Ge 11:8-9.  WAS CALLED:  Land of the Chaldeans:  Eze 12:13.  Land of Shinar:  Da 1:2; Zec 5:11.  Land of Merathaim:  Jer 50:1,21.  Desert of the sea:  Isa 21:1,9.  Sheshach:  Jer 25:12,26.  Lady of kingdoms:  Isa 47:5.  Situated beyond the Euphrates:  Ge 11:31; Jos 24:2-3.  Formerly a part of Mesopotamia:  Ac 7:2.  Founded by the Assyrians, and a part of their empire:  2Ki 17:24; Isa 23:13.  Watered by the rivers Euphrates and Tigris:  Ps 137:1; Jer 51:13.  Composed of many nations:  Da 3:1; 4:29.  Governed by Kings:  2Ki 20:12; Da 5:1.  With Media and Persia divided by Darius into one hundred and twenty provinces:  Da 6:1.  Presidents placed over:  Da 2:48; 6:1.  Babylon the chief province of:  Da 3:1.  BABYLON the CAPITAL OF:  Its antiquity:  Ge 11:4,9.  Enlarged by Nebuchadnezzar:  Da 4:30.  Surrounded with a great wall and fortified:  Jer 51:53,58.  Called the golden city:  Isa 14:4.  Called the glory of kingdoms:  Isa 13:19.  Called beauty of Chaldees, etc:  Isa 13:19.  Called the city of merchants:  Eze 17:4.  Called Babylon the great:  Da 4:30.  REMARKABLE FOR:  Antiquity:  Jer 5:15.  Naval power:  Isa 43:14.  Military power:  Jer 5:16; 50:23.  National greatness:  Isa 13:19; Jer 51:41.  Wealth:  Jer 50:37; 51:13.  Commerce:  Eze 17:4.  Manufacture of garments:  Jos 7:21.  Wisdom of senators:  Isa 47:10; Jer 50:35.  In HABITANTS OF:  Idolatrous:  Jer 50:38; Da 3:18.  Addicted to magic:  Isa 47:9,12-13.  Profane and sacrilegious:  Da 5:1-3.  Wicked:  Isa 47:10.  AS A POWER WAS:  Arrogant:  Isa 14:13-14.  Secure and self-confident:  Isa 47:7-8.  Grand and stately:  Isa 47:1,5.  Covetous:  Jer 51:13.  Oppressive:  Isa 14:4.  Cruel and destructive:  Isa 14:17; 47:6; Jer 51:25; Hab 1:6-7.  An instrument of God's vengeance on other nations:  Jer 51:7; Isa 47:6.  Languages spoken in:  Da 1:4; 2:4.  Armies of, described:  Hab 1:7-9.  REPRESENTED BY:  A great eagle:  Eze 17:3.  A head of gold:  Da 2:32,37-38.  A lion with eagle's wings:  Da 7:4.  Ambassadors of, sent to Hezekiah:  2Ki 20:12.  NEBUCHADNEZZAR KING OF:  Made Jehoiakim tributary:  2Ki 24:1.  Besieged Jerusalem:  2Ki 24:10-11.  Took Jehoiachin, etc. captive to Babylon:  2Ki 24:12,14-16; 2Ch 36:10.  Spoiled the temple:  2Ki 24:13.  Made Zedekiah king:  2Ki 24:17.  Rebelled against by Zedekiah:  2Ki 24:20.  Besieged and took Jerusalem:  2Ki 25:1-4.  Burned Jerusalem, etc:  2Ki 25:9-10.  Took Zedekiah, etc. captive to Babylon:  2Ki 25:7,11,18-21; 2Ch 36:20.  Spoiled and burned the temple:  2Ki 25:9,13-17; 2Ch 36:18-19.  Revolt of the Jews from, and their punishment illustrated:  Eze 17.  The Jews exhorted to be subject to, and settle in:  Jer 27:17; 29:1-7.  Treatment of the Jews in:  2Ki 25:27-30; Da 1:3-7.  Grief of the Jews in:  Ps 137:1-6.  Destroyed by the Medes:  Da 5:30-31.  Restoration of the Jews from:  2Ch 36:23; Ezr 1:1-2:67.  The gospel preached in:  1Pe 5:13.  A type of Antichrist:  Re 16:19; 17:5.  PREDICTIONS RESPECTING:  Conquests by:  Jer 21:3-10; 27:2-6; 49:28-33; Eze 21:19-32; 29:18-20.  Captivity of the Jews by:  Jer 20:4-6; 22:20-26; 25:9-11; Mic 4:10.  Restoration of the Jews from:  Isa 14:1-4; 44:28; 48:20; Jer 29:10; 50:4,8,19.  Destruction of:  Isa 13; 14:4-22; 21:1-10; 47; Jer 25:12; 50-51.  Perpetual desolation of:  Isa 13:19-22; 14:22-23.  Preaching of the gospel in:  Ps 87:4'.

Please see the note for 1Timothy 3:6 about the word fall.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'To drop from a higher place; to descend by the power of gravity alone. Rain falls from the clouds; a man falls from his horse; ripe fruits fall from trees; an ox falls into a pit. I beheld Satan as lightning fall from Heaven. Luke 10. 2. to drop from an erect posture. I fell at his feet to worship him. Rev. 19'.  The words fell  and fallen  are the past-tense forms of the word fall.

Please see the note for Mark 11:19 about the word city.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'An area where many people live together and have a local government rule over them'.  Please also see the note for Romans C13S12 about the phrase city of refuge.  Please also see the note for Matthew 4:5 about the phrase holy city.

Please see the note for Romans C1S10 about the word because.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'provides a effect where the cause and effect are both in the past'.  This is opposed to the use of the word for,  which has a New Testament definitionof: 'provides a effect where the effect is in the past but the effect is in the future'.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians C2S5 about the word cause.  Please also see the note for John 15:25 Romans C1S10 about the phrase without cause.  Please also see the note for Romans C8S38 about the phrase dying because of the truth.

Please see the note for Romans 1:5 about the word nation.  The New Testament definition is: 'A body of people inhabiting the same country, or united under the same sovereign or government'.

Please see the note for Mark 14:23 about the words drink / drank.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'The drinks of the Hebrews were water, wine, "strong drink," and vinegar. their drinking vessels were the cup, goblet or "basin," the "cruse" or pitcher, and the saucer. to drink water by measure (Eze 4:11), and to buy water to drink (La 5:4), denote great scarcity. to drink blood means to be satiated with slaughter. the Jews carefully strained their drinks through a sieve, through fear of violating the law of Le 11:20,23,41-42. (See Mt 23:24. "Strain at" should be "strain out.")'.  The symbolic meaning was well understood in the ancient cultures and is still considered significant by many religions of today.

Please see the note for Mark 15:23 about the word wine.  That note had a large definition and men argue that there were six original language words which are rendered wine.  Therefore, there are many arguments about the symbolic meaning of this word.  Some of those arguments are perversions of the truth which are intended to justify sin.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'A basic drink of people where the Bible was written.  It was also used for medicine'.  Please also see the note for Luke 7:34 about the word winebibber.  Please also see the note for Matthew 21:33-34 about the word winepress.

Please see the notes for Romans C4S16; Galatians C5S20; Ephesians 4:26-27 and Colossians C3S6 about the word wrath.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Violent anger; vehement exasperation; indignation'.

Please see the note for 1Corinthians C5S1 about the word fornication.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'A violation of a sanctified relationship. It includes all wrongful sex which includes the emotional and mental aspects. However, it also goes beyond sex since giving worship to anyone other than God is spiritual fornication thus, while all sexual sin is fornication, fornication is not limited to sexual sin but also includes other violations of a sanctified relationship'.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'Babylon. Re 16:19; 17:5,18; 18:2-3,10-11,18-21; Isa 21:9; Jer 51:7-8,64 exp: Jer 50:2.  because. Re 11:8; 17:2-5; 18:3,10,18,21; 19:2; Jer 51:7; Eze 16:15-22; Na 3:19  wrath. Re 13:15-17; 17:6  General references. exp: Jer 25:16; Re 17:2'.

Home  Overview of Revelation  Chapter Summary Start of Chapter
C14-S9 (Verse 9-11)   the never-ending consequence of worshipping The beast and his image.
  1. Equivalent Section:  the warning from God.
    1. First Step:  the announcement.
      1. And the third angel followed them,
      2. saying with a loud voice,
      3. If any man worship the beast and his image,
      4. and receive  his mark in his forehead,
      5. or in his hand,
      6. The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God,
      7. which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation;.
    2. Second Step:  the promised result.
      1. and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels,
      2. and in the presence of the Lamb :.
  2. Equivalent Section:  the warning of never-ending torment.
    1. And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever:
  3. Equivalent Section:  the never-ending consequence.
    1. and they have no rest day nor night,
    2. who worship the beast and his image,
    3. and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.

With the exception of sentences which describe the hundred and forty four thousand,  and the sentence which describes The patience of the saints,  every sentence in this chapter starts with the word And.  That makes this chapter a single unit which most be considered completely together for contextual reasons.  14:1 through 14:5 describe the hundred and forty four thousand.  They were first described in Chapter 7.

As mentioned in the note for the prior sentence, the message of this sentence is tied to the message of the prior sentence.  There we saw the announcement that God will destroy the economic center of the Earth during the great tribulation.  It is separate from the worship center (Jerusalem) but tied to it.  The mark of the beast,  as has already been explained, will be a chip implanted in the forehead or the right hand.  It can be read at a distance and can contain all of a person's vital statics.  (I worked as a professional systems analyst in the banking and medical records industries and have personal technical expert ice as the basis of these comments.)

No one will be able to buy nor sell nor travel on public ways without the mark of the beast  and the only way to get the mark of the beast  is to worship Satan's beast  (The devil who possesses the seven heads  of countries).

In our sentence, we see three Equivalent Sections.  The First Equivalent Section gives us the warning from God.  The Second Equivalent Section tells us how long the consequences will last.  The third Equivalent Section tells us what those consequences will be.

The Second and third Equivalent Section are fairly clear on their surface but people need to understand that The mark of his name  means: 'The power and authority of his name, which is the power and authority to buy, sell and travel'.

Our First Equivalent Section has two Steps with the Second Step telling us that such people will be tormented with fire and brimstone.  This is in Hell.  We are also told that it will be in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the LambIsaiah 66:23-24 says: And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the LORD. And they shall go forth, and look upon the carcases of the men that have transgressed against me: for their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched; and they shall be an abhorring unto all flesh.  We can not see people in hell (right now) in our flesh.  After the lost are thrown into the lake of fireGod shall wipe away all tears from their eyes,  and we will no longer see God punish the lost.  However, those who are in Heaven and the angels  and The Lamb  see that now, for an average of mote than twice a week, and will do so until the great white throne  judgment when God will have everyone in Hell throne into the lake of fire.

In the First Step, of our First Equivalent Section, we see many details which are explained in the Word Studies, below.  The phrase of: The wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation  is speaking of these people going through the seven vials of God's wrath,  while in this life, in addition to ending up in Hell.  Such people are warned but refuse to believe the warning.  People believe the doctrines of devils  that: 'God is love and he won't do that to people because God loves the whole world'.  The number one reason why people refuse to respond to warnings from The word of God  is because they believe the doctrines of devils.  And the really sad thing is that 'Good, Godly, fundamental, Bible believing, KJV only' people fall into accepting the same type of lies so long as their preachers are deceived.  Very few people actually read The word of God,  for themselves, using the help of God's Holy Spirit  and also using the way of God to understand His word.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'This angel warns all the worshippers of the beast and the living idol, those who have received the mark of the beast, as well as any who may have not yet received it and are still deciding whether or not to do so. Where the antichrist has threatened mankind to worship him or be doomed, this angel warns that mankind should turn and worship God or be damned. for this angel warns those upon the earth that since they have rejected the cup of salvation offered by the Lord Jesus and have received the false Christ, they will now instead be given the cup of wrath, which refers to God's judgment. they will bear the full force of God's anger and hatred upon sin, idolatry and spiritual fornication brought about by Babylon, which will also face God's wrath as the 2nd angel proclaimed in v8. the third angel goes on to say that God's wrath will not be watered down or diluted, it will be without mixture, as it is poured out upon the world, God's anger will not be held back, mercy will not exist in the pouring out of the cup of wrath upon the earth. God's righteous indignation will rain down upon these worshippers of the beast and rejecters of God with full brutal force. We will see much of this judgment in the pouring out of the 7 vials in ch16.
Now V10 says that those who ignore this angel's warning will be tormented with fire and brimstone, much like Sodom and Gomorrah, when those cities were judged for their sin. Now I don't think this is referring just to the excruciating torment and pain that will be suffered upon the earth, as I believe what God is saying here is that these beast worshippers and rejecters of Christ will suffer greatly during the tribulation, but that they will then die in their sin, their unbelief, their rejection of God, during such judgment, and then be cast into hell and later into the lake of fire where they will face fire and brimstone in the presence of or before the angels and the Lamb, the judge of all the earth. the reason I say that is given in v11. Here it says the smoke of their torment, the residue of the suffering of those who are engulfed by the wrath of God, will ascend up for ever and ever. this will be constant, continual smoke from the fiery undying torment these unforgiven sinners suffer, which will rise into the air forevermore. And we know there are only two places of eternal existence, heaven or hell, that's why I think we see more than just the suffering of the tribulation here. these people were given chance after chance to make the right choice, to choose God or choose the beast, mercy was bestowed but it was rejected, these people rejected the truth, rejected all the evidence, rejected the demonstrated power of God, rejected the miraculous preaching of so many, even rejected the preaching of an angelic being, and so God's patience has ran out, He has reached out to each of them with a loving hand yet they have snubbed his mercy and love, and so mankind must now face their sin head-on forever and ever. they will perish in the pressing out of the wine and the reaping of the harvest, and then lift up their eyes in hell and then be cast into the lake of fire after the great white throne judgment, where there is no rest day or night, no peace, no hope, only shame, guilt, and horrible pain and suffering, with an absolute absence of God which will mean their cries for help and mercy will fall on deaf ears. they have had their chance. So this is the warning to those who have chosen the beast, chosen to worship him, his image, and to receive his mark, a warning to those who have chosen to be visibly identified with the antichrist. the warning is damnation awaits.
But the marvelous thing is, this final warning here makes me think there is still hope for those who hear this angel, since they have heard the first angel preach the gospel of the kingdom, calling them to worship God, and the second has told them that who and what they have placed their faith in will fail and fall and now this third angel warns them of their eternal future, that gives me some hope that maybe, just maybe, some may change their minds and believe and be saved. that instead of reacting with anger and outrage their hard hearts will instead be melted and they will realize the folly of their ways and turn to God. Maybe that's possible or maybe they have gone too far beyond the point of no return. But I think if any do repent it will be very few, but I hope it is possible. And if so, all we can say is thank God for Him being a merciful God all the way to the point His mercy is exhausted.
Now in v12-13 this angel changes his message, he goes from a warning to exhortation, for he now speaks to those who have chosen God instead of the beast

Please see the notes for 1Corinthians C13S1; Significant Gospel Events; Significant New Testament Events about the word angel.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Literally, a messenger; one employed to communicate news or information or do a job for God'.  Please also see the note for Jude 1:7 about the word archangel.

Please see the note for 1Corinthians C4S16 about the word follow.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'To go after or behind; to walk, ride or move behind, but in the same direction. Soldiers will usually follow a brave officer'.  That note has the definition from Webster's 1828 dictionary and it provides several more applications, if they will help the reader to understand this word.  Please also see the note for Romans C14S25 about the phrase follow after.  Please also see the note for Mark 2:14 about the phrase follow me.  Please also see the Message called Follow Me As I Follow Christ for the application of these verses in the life of the believer.  Please see the note for Matthew 3:11 about the phrase come after me.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'follow me to do things the same way as I do'.

Please see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word saith.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'lifestyle speaking.  A saying that never changes when said by God'.  Please also see the note for Romans 11:1 about the phrase I say.  The New Testament definition is: 'This phrase expresses a personal opinion, which usually follows the phrase'.  Bible authors uses this phrase when they introduces their own point into an ongoing discussion.  When Jesus  says this phrase, He is giving a personal command.  Please also see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word saith.  Please also see the note for Romans C10S28 about the word gainsaying.  Please also see the note for Matthew 26:1 about the word sayings (plural).  Please also see the notes for Romans C15S15 and 2Corinthians 2:17 about the word speak.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 3:12-14 about the word speech.  Please also see the notes for Ephesians C4S15 and 1Peter 2:1 about the phrase evil speaking.  The words speaketh  and saith  mean that the person 'keeps on keeping on doing the saying'.

Please see the note for 1Corinthians C14S11 about the word voice.  Webster's 1828 dictionary defines this word as: 'n. L. vox; voco. the sense of the verb is to throw, to drive out sound; and voice is that which is driven out. 1. Sound or audible noise uttered by the mouth, either of human beings or of other animals. We say, the voice of a man is loud or clear; the voice of a woman is soft or musical; the voice of a dog is loud or harsh; the voice of a bird is sweet or melodious. the voice of human beings is articulate; that of beasts, inarticulate. the voices of men are different, and when uttered together, are often dissonant. 2. Any sound made by the breath; as the trumpet's voice. 3. A vote; suffrage; opinion or choice expressed. Originally voice was the oral utterance of choice, but it now signifies any vote however given. Some laws ordain, and some attend the choice of holy senates, and elect by voice. I have no words; my voice is in my sword. 4. Language; words; expression. Let us call on God in the voice of his church. 5. In Scripture, command; precept. Ye would not be obedient to the voice of the Lord your God. Deut. 8. 6. Sound. After the fire, a still small voice. 1Kings 19. Canst thou thunder with a voice like him? Job. 40. the floods have lifted up their voice. Ps. 93. 7. Language; tone; mode of expression. I desire to be present with you now, and to change my voice. Gal. 4. 8. In grammar, a particular mode of inflecting or conjugating verbs; as the active voice; the passive voice.
VOICE, v.t. 1. to rumor; to report. It was voiced that the king purposed to put to death Edward Plantagenet. Little used. 2. to fit for producing the proper sounds; to regulate the tone of; as, to voice the pipes of an organ. 3. to vote
'.  Please also see the note for Luke 3:21-22 about the phrase voice from heaven  Please also see the note for Revelation 20:9 about the phrase fire from heaven.

Please see the note for Acts 7:42 about the word beast.  The the New Testament definition for this word is: 'Any animal that is not man. Sometimes it means quadrupeds, and not creeping things'.

Please see the note for 2Corinthians 4:3-4 about the word image.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'A representation or similitude of any person or thing, formed of any substance. Man was made in the image of God but can not match God'.  Please also see the note for Acts 4:25 about the word imagine.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'from imago, image. To form a notion, idea or image in the mind'.  Please also see the note for Luke 1:51 about the word imagination.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'The ability of the mind to imagine'.

Please see the notes for Romans C14S1; 1Corinthians C15S1; Colossians C2-S4 about the word receive.  Webster's 1828 dictionary defines this word as: 'v.t. L. recipio; re and capio, to take. 1. to take, as a thing offered or sent; to accept. He had the offer of a donation, but he would not receive it. 2. to take as due or as a reward. He received the money on the day it was payable. He received ample compensation. 3. to take or obtain from another in any manner, and either good or evil. Shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil? Job 2. 4. to take, as a thing communicated; as, to receive a wound by a shot; to receive a disease by contagion. the idea of a solidity we receive by our touch. 5. to take or obtain intellectually; as, to receive an opinion or notion from others. 6. to embrace. Receive with meekness the engrafted word. James 1. 7. to allow; to hold; to retain; as a custom long received. 8. to admit. thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory. Ps. 73. 9. to welcome; to lodge and entertain; as a guest. they kindled a fire and received us every one, because of the present rain and because of the cold. Acts 28. 10. to admit into membership or fellowship. Him that is weak in the faith, receive ye. Rom. 14. 11. to take in or on; to hold; to contain. the brazen altar was too little to receive the burnt-offering. 1Kings 8. 12. to be endowed with. Ye shall receive power after that the Holy Spirit has come upon you. Acts 1. 13. to take into a place or state. After the Lord had spoken to them, he was received up into heaven. Mark 16. 14. to take or have as something ascribed; as, to receive praise or blame. Rev. 4. Rev. 5. 15. to bear with or suffer. 2Cor. 11. 16. to believe in. John 1. 17. to accept or admit officially or in an official character. the minister was received by the emperor or court. 18. to take stolen goods from a thief, knowing them to be stolen'.  In addition, please see the note for Matthew 10:41; which explains that in order to truly receive  a person, we must receive  their character as our own.

Please see the note for Revelation 13:16-17 about the word mark (sign).  Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'n. L. mercor, the primary sense of which is to go, to pass; Gr. to pass; Eng. fair, and fare.  1. A visible line made by drawing one substance on another; as a mark made by chalk or charcoal, or a pen.  2. A line, groove or depression made by stamping or cutting; an incision; a channel or impression; as the mark of a chisel, of a stamp, of a rod or whip; the mark of the finger or foot.  3. Any note or sign of distinction.  The Lord set a mark upon Cain. Gen.4.  4. Any visible effect of force or agency.  There are scarce any marks left of a subterraneous fire.  5. Any apparent or intelligible effect; proof, evidence.  The confusion of tongues was a mark of separation.  6. Notice taken.  The laws  Stand like the forfeits in a barber's shop,  As much for mock as mark.  7. anything to which a missile weapon may be directed.  France was a fairer mark to shoot at than Ireland.  8. Any object used as a guide, or to which the mind may be directed. the dome of the State house in Boston is a good mark for seamen.  9. anything visible by which knowledge of something may be obtained; indication; as the marks of age in a horse. Civility is a mark of politeness or respect. Levity is a mark of weakness.  10. A character made by a person who cannot write his name, and intended as a substitute for it.  11. A weight of certain commodities, but particularly of gold and silver, used in several states of Europe; in Great Britain, a money of account, equal to thirteen shillings and four pence. In some countries, it is a coin.  12. A license of reprisals. See Marque.
M`ARK, v.t.  1. to draw or make a visible line or character with any substance; as, to mark with chalk or with compasses.  2. to stamp; to impress; to make a visible impression, figure or indenture; as, to mark a sheep with a brand.  3. to make an incision; to lop off a part; to make any sign of distinction; as, to mark sheep or cattle by cuts in their ears.  4. to form a name or the initials of a name for distinction; as, to mark cloth; to mark a handkerchief.  5. to notice; to take particular observation of.  Mark them who cause divisions and offenses. Rom.16.  Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright, for the end of that man is peace. Ps.37.  6. to heed; to regard.  Tomark out, to notify, as by a mark; to point out; to designate. the ringleaders were marked out for seizure and punishment.
M`ARK, v.i. to note; to observe critically; to take particular notice; to remark.
Mark, I pray you, and see how this man seeketh mischief. l Kings 20
'.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'The physical indication that this person has committed their eternity to the service of the Devil and his beasts'.

Please see the note for Revelation 7:3 about the word forehead.  The New Testament definition is: 'The part of the face which extends from the hair on the top of the head to the eyes. Used symbolically for: Impudence; confidence; assurance; audaciousness. Also, the forehead is made the seat of boldness of speech and act (Eze 3:7- 9). This is one of the places where "The mark of the beast" will be put to show their rebellion against God'.  Please use This link to see the 'Minor Titles of the Son of God' found within the Bible along with links to where the Bible uses those titles.  The title in this sentence is head.

Please see the note for Colossians C1S4 about the word head.  The New Testament definition for word head  is: 'The uppermost part of the human body, or the foremost part of the body of prone and creeping animals.  Used spiritually for the most important part of anything'.  Please see the note for 1Corinthians 11:3-LJC about the phrase Christ: the head of.  Please also see the note for 2:9 about the word Godhead.  The New Testament definition for the word Godhead  is: 'Godship; deity; divinity; divine nature or essence; applied to the true God'.  Please also see the note for Revelation 7:3 about the word forehead.  The New Testament definition for the word forehead  is: 'The part of the face which extends from the hair on the top of the head to the eyes. Used symbolically for: Impudence; confidence; assurance; audaciousness.  Also, the forehead is made the seat of boldness of speech and act (Eze 3:7- 9). This is one of the places where "the mark of the beast" will be put to show their rebellion against God'.  Please use This link to see the 'Minor Titles of the Son of God' found within the Bible along with links to where the Bible uses those titles.  The title in this sentence is head.

Please see the note for 1Corinthians C12S12 about the word hand.  That note has the definition from Webster's 1828 Dictionary and also uses that definition to show why we can't use definitions from men's dictionaries when looking for the Biblical meaning of words.  The New Testament for this word is: 'In man, the extremity of the arm, consisting of the palm and fingers, connected with the arm at the wrist; the part with which we hold and use any instrument. Spiritually, It is used as the symbol of human action'.  Please also see the note for Matthew 18:28 about the phrase laid hands.  Please also see the Doctrinal Study on Doctrine of God about the phrase hand of God  and the phrase The right hand of God  Please also see the note for Luke 1:38 about the word handmaid.  The New Testament definition, for this phrase, is: 'a female slave'.  Please also see the note for Matthew 3:1-2 about the phrase at hand.  This phrase is defined as: 'it will happen very soon'.  Please also see the note for Mark 13:11 for the word beforehand.  The New Testament definition of this phrase is: 'In a state of anticipation or preoccupation'.  Please see the note for 1John 1:1-3 about the word handle.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Touched; treated; managed'.  The word handwriting  is: 'writing done with a personal hand'.

Please see the note for Mark 14:23 about the words drink / drank.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'The drinks of the Hebrews were water, wine, "strong drink," and vinegar. their drinking vessels were the cup, goblet or "basin," the "cruse" or pitcher, and the saucer. to drink water by measure (Eze 4:11), and to buy water to drink (La 5:4), denote great scarcity. to drink blood means to be satiated with slaughter. the Jews carefully strained their drinks through a sieve, through fear of violating the law of Le 11:20,23,41-42. (See Mt 23:24. "Strain at" should be "strain out.")'.  The symbolic meaning was well understood in the ancient cultures and is still considered significant by many religions of today.

Please see the note for Mark 15:23 about the word wine.  That note had a large definition and men argue that there were six original language words which are rendered wine.  Therefore, there are many arguments about the symbolic meaning of this word.  Some of those arguments are perversions of the truth which are intended to justify sin.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'A basic drink of people where the Bible was written.  It was also used for medicine'.  Please also see the note for Luke 7:34 about the word winebibber.  Please also see the note for Matthew 21:33-34 about the word winepress.

Please see the notes for Romans C4S16; Galatians C5S20; Ephesians 4:26-27 and Colossians C3S6 about the word wrath.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Violent anger; vehement exasperation; indignation'.

Please see the note for Matthew 26:12 about the word pour.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'To throw, as a fluid in a stream, either out of a vessel, or into it; as, to pour water from a pail, or out of a pail; to pour wine into a decanter. Pour is appropriately but not exclusively applied to fluids, and signifies merely to cast or throw'.  Forms of this word are used, in this book, in: 14:10; 16:1; 16:2; 16:3; 16:4; 16:8; 16:10; 16:12; 16:17.

We find forms of the word mixture  in: Psalms 75:8; John 19:39; Revelation 14:10.  Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'different substances.  1. A mass or compound, consisting of different ingredients blended without order. in this life there is a mixture of good and evil. Most wines in market are base mixtures.  2. the ingredient added and mixed. Cicero doubted whether it is possible for a community to exist without a prevailing mixture of piety in its constitution.  3. In pharmacy, a liquid medicine which receives into its composition not only extracts, salts and other substances dissolvable in water, but earths, powders and other substances not dissolvable.  4. In chimistry, mixture differs from combination. In mixture, the several ingredients are blended without an alteration of the substances, each of which still retains its own nature and properties. In combination, the substances unite by chimical attraction, and losing their distinct properties, they form a compound differing in its properties from either of the ingredients'.

Please see the note for John 18:11 about the word cup.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Used for drinking (Ge 40:11); for divination (Ge 44:5), practiced by dropping gold, silver, or jewels into the water, and examining their appearance; or looking into the water as a mirror'.  Forms of this word are used, in this book, in: 14:10; 16:19; 17:4; 18:6.

Please see the note for Mark 14:4 about the word indignation.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'Anger or extreme anger, mingled with contempt, disgust or abhorrence'.

Please see the note for Luke 8:28 about the word torment.  Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'Extreme pain; anguish; the utmost degree of misery, either of body or mind. the more I see pleasure about me, so much I feel torment within me. Lest they also come into this place of torment. Luke 16. Rev.9. 14. 2. that which gives pain, vexation or misery. they brought to him all sick people that were taken with divers diseases and orments. Matt. 4'.

Please see the note for James 3:6 about the word fire.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'The primary sense is, to rage, to act with violent excitement. It is also An extremely painful type of injury that is used by God to cleanse and purify. This word is often used symbolically for different purposes which all result in something being consumed'.  Please also see the note for Romans C12S18 about the phrase coals of fire.  Please also see the note for Revelation 20:9 about the phrase fire from Heaven.  Please also see the note for Revelation 19:20 about the phrase lake of fire.

Please see the note for Luke 17:28-29 about the word brimstone.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'an inflammable mineral substance found in quantities on the shores of the Dead Sea. the cities of the plain were destroyed by a rain of fire and brimstone (Ge 19:24-25). In Isa 34:9 allusion is made to the destruction of these cities. this word figuratively denotes destruction or punishment (Job 18:15; Isa 30:33; 34:9; Ps 11:6; Eze 38:22). It is used to express the idea of excruciating torment in Re 14:10; 19:20; 20:10'.

Please see the note for 1Peter 2:4-5 about the word stone.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'he same composition as a rock or a pebble but with a size between them'.  Please also see the note for Luke 17:28-29 about the word brimstone.  Please also see the note for Ephesians 2:20 about the phrase corner stone.  Please also see the note for Luke 17:2 about the word millstone.  Please also see the note for 1Corinthians C3S13 about the phrase precious stones.  Please see the Minor Titles of the Son of God in the Significant Gospel Events Study for the title of stone.

Please see the note for 1Peter 1:7 about the word precious.  Webster's 1828 dictionary defines this word as: 'Of great price; costly; as a precious stone. 2. Of great value or worth; very valuable. She is more precious than rubies. Prov.3. 3. Highly valued; much esteemed. the word of the Lord was precious in those days; there was no open vision. 1 Sam.3. 4. Worthless; in irony and contempt. Precious metals, gold and silver, so called on account of their value'.

Please see the note for Philippians 2:12 about the word presence.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'The existence of a person or thing in a certain place; opposed to absence'.

Please see the note for Romans 7:12 about the word holy.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'Properly, whole, entire or perfect, in a moral sense.  Hence, pure in heart, temper or dispositions; free from sin and sinful affections'.  Please see the note for Luke 1:67-75 about the word holiness.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'The state of being holy; purity or integrity of moral character; freedom from sin; sanctity. Applied to the Supreme Being, holiness denotes perfect purity or integrity of moral character, one of his essential attributes'.  Please also see the Word Study on the Word Study on Holy Ghost.  Basically, since we have the indwelling Holy Spirit,  He is trying to make us holy  by teaching us how to act like God acts.  Please also see the note for John 7:39 about the phrase indwelling Holy Spirit.  Please also see the note for 1John 2:20 about the phrase Holy One.  Please also see the Minor Titles of the Son of God about this title.  Please also see the note for Matthew 4:5 about the phrase holy city.  There is a Biblical doctrinal difference between the use of the phrase Holy Ghost  and God's Holy Spirit,  with the Bible using Holy Ghost  when He affects this physical world and the Bible using Holy Spirit  when he affects spiritual things like our spirit.  Both are identifiers of the third Person within the Trinity.  The phrase Holy Ghost  only occurs within the New Testament.

Please see the note for Matthew 12:20 about the word smoke.  Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'n. 1. the exhalation, visble vapor or substance that escapes or is expelled in combustion from the substance burning. It is paricularly applied to the volatile matter expelled from vegetable matter, or wood coal, peat, etc. the matter expelled from metallic substances is more generally called fume,fumes. 2. Vapor; water exhalations'.

Please see the note for John 6:62 about the word ascend.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'To move upwards; to mount; to go up; to rise, whether in air or water, or upon a material object upon, as to ascend a hill or ladder; or to climb, as to ascend a tree'.

The phrase ever and ever  has the same application as the word everlasting  except that it seems to never end as opposed to actually never ending.  Please see the note for Luke 16:9 about the word everlasting.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'ever and lasting. Lasting or enduring for ever; eternal; existing or continuing without end; immortal'.  Please see the note for 1:6 for links to where this phrase and this word are used in this Bible book.

Please see the note for 2Corinthians 2:12-13 about the word rest.  The New Testament definition for this word is: ' Cessation of motion or action of any kind, and applicable to any body or being; as rest from labor; rest from mental exertion; rest of body or mind.  Also ceasing the action of separation'.

Please see the note for Luke 1:5 about the word day.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'The Jews reckoned the day from sunset to sunset (Le 23:32). It was originally divided into three parts (Ps 55:17). "The heat of the day" (1Sa 11:11; Ne 7:3) was at our nine o'clock, and "The cool of the day" just before sunset (Ge 3:8). Before the Captivity the Jews divided the night into three watches, (1) from sunset to midnight (La 2:19); (2) from midnight till the cock-crowing (Jg 7:19); and (3) from the cock-crowing till sunrise (Ex 14:24). In the New Testament the division of the Greeks and Romans into four watches was adopted (Mr 13:35). (See Watches.) the division of the day by hours is first mentioned in Da 3:6,15; 4:19; 5:5. this mode of reckoning was borrowed from the Chaldeans. the reckoning of twelve hours was from sunrise to sunset, and accordingly the hours were of variable length (Joh 11:9).  The word "day" sometimes signifies an indefinite time (Ge 2:4; Isa 22:5; Heb 3:8, etc.). In Job 3:1 it denotes a birthday, and in Isaiah 2:12; Acts 17:31; 2Timothy 1:18; the great day of final judgment'.  The New Testament definition, of the phrase last day  is: '(end of the) Church Age.  Please see the Sections on Minor Titles of the Son of God in the Doctrinal Study called Significant Gospel Events for the titles of day star  and the dayspring. However, in the life of the individual, it can be used for the day that he dies'.  Please see the note for Hebrews 3:13 about the word today. The New Testament definition is: 'obey immediately'.  Please also see the note for Matthew 26:55 about the word daily.  Please also see the notes for Philippians 1:6-LJC and 1Thessalonians 5:2 about the phrase day of.  Please also see the note for 1Thessalonians 5:2 about the phrase day of the Lord.  Please also see the note for John 20:1 about the phrase first day of the week.

Please see the note for John 11:10 about night.  The New Testament definition is: 'The time of darkness within a day'.  That note also lists various symbolic usages of this word.  Please also see the note for Matthew 25:6 about the word midnight.  This was naturally the closing of the day, for God called the light 'day'.  Please also see the note for John 20:19 about the word evening.  Please also see Mark 4:35 about the phrase the even.  Please also see Mark 11:11 about the word eventide.  Please also see the note for Matthew 25:6 about the word midnight.  Please also see the note for 1Thessalonians 5:2 about the phrase the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.  Please see the note for John 20:19 about the phrase evening.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'The period from sunset till night'.  Please see the note for Mark 4:35 about the phrase The even.  Today, the phrase the even,  would be called 'sunset' and would be considered to be a particular part of evening.  Please also see the note for Luke 1:5 about the word day.  Please also see the note for John 21:4 about the word morning.  Please also see the note for Matthew 25:6 about the word midnight.

Please see the note for Philippians 2:9-11 about the word name.  The New Testament definition is: 'How a person is identified including their power and authority'.  Please also see the note for 1Corinthians C1S4 about the phrase the name.    Please also see the note for Acts 1:23 about the word surname.  The New Testament definition is: 'In scripture this means an additional or added name, not a family name, as the word now implies'.  Please also see the note for 1Peter 4:14-LJC about the phrase name of Christ.  Please also see the note for Luke 13:35 about the phrase name of the Lord.  Please also see the Lord Jesus Christ Overview for the doctrine of the names/roles of the Son of God.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'The third. Re 14:6-8; Jer 44:4  If. Re 14:11; 13:3-6,11-17  General references. exp: Ex 20:4.
drink. Re 16:19; 18:3; Job 21:20; Ps 11:6; 60:3; 75:8; Isa 29:9; 51:17,21-22; Jer 25:15-17,27; 51:57  into. Re 18:6; Ps 73:10; Isa 51:17; Jer 49:12; La 4:21; Hab 2:16; Mt 20:22; 26:39  be. Re 9:17-18; 19:20; 20:10; 21:8; Ge 19:24; De 29:23; Job 18:15; Ps 11:6; Isa 30:33; 34:9; Mt 25:41; Jude 1:7 exp: 2Th 1:9.  In the. Ps 37:34; 52:6; 91:8; Eze 20:48; Mt 13:41-42,49-50; 2Th 1:8-9  General references. exp: Ge 19:28; Ex 20:4; Jer 25:16.
smoke. Re 18:18; 19:3; Ge 19:28; Isa 33:14; 34:10; Joe 2:30; Lu 16:23  for. Re 4:9-10; 5:13-14; 7:12; 11:15; 20:10; 22:5; Ex 15:18; Ps 10:16; 145:1; Mt 25:41,46; Heb 1:8 exp: Lu 16:24.  no. De 28:65; Isa 57:20; Mt 11:28; Mr 9:43-49; Lu 16:24  General references. exp: Ge 19:28; Ex 20:4

Home  Overview of Revelation  Chapter Summary Start of Chapter
C14-S10 (Verse 12)   the patience of the saints  described.
  1. Equivalent Section: The statement of a definition.
    1. Here is the patience of the saints:
  2. Equivalent Section:  the definition.
    1. here  are they that keep the commandments of God,
    2. and the faith of Jesus .

With the exception of sentences which describe the hundred and forty four thousand,  and the sentence which describes The patience of the saints,  every sentence in this chapter starts with the word And.  That makes this chapter a single unit which most be considered completely together for contextual reasons.  14:1 through 14:5 describe the hundred and forty four thousand.  They were first described in Chapter 7.

Also see the note for 13:10; which says the same thing but in a different context.  True Biblical patience  requires true Biblical faith  that God will keep His promises in His time in the future.  Our sentence says that this is The patience of the saints.  because only a true Biblical saint  has the spiritual maturity to endure during the great tribulation.  (Please see the Doctrinal Study called What is Your Level of Spiritual Maturity? for the distinction between a true Biblical saint  and the spiritual maturity of other types of saved people.)

Our Second Equivalent Section tells us that true Biblical saint  do two things.  They keep the commandments of God  and they keep...The faith of Jesus.  Most preachers claim that anyone who has made a profession of faith is a saint,  and receives the blessings for being one.  However, honest people must admit that very few people, who claim to be saved, also fulfill the requirements of these two statements.  In particular, The faith of Jesus  shows us how to live in the flesh in order to please God no matter what circumstances we find ourselves in.  (Please see the Doctrinal Studies called: Jesus Used the Power of the Holy Ghost and What Did Jesus Do?.)

Revelation 14 starts out comparing the 144,000 to the false church and ends with "reaping the earth" and a winepress that is a type of all of the blood that will be shed by lost people.  In the middle Revelation 14:12 says that The patience of the saints  is they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.  Since keep  is equated to patience  by the colon, we can know that those who really have The patience of the saints  keep on keeping The commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus  no matter what the circumstances are and no matter how long it takes for God to fulfill His promises.  James 5:11 tells us Behold, we count them happy which endure.  Ye have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen the end of the Lord; that the Lord is very pitiful, and oftender mercy.  In Hebrews 11 we read of saints who are used as examples of those who had faith.  Hebrews 11:39 tells us And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise.  There are many other places that we could reference in the Bible but these examples show us that someone who quits this side of Heaven does not have the true Bible faith that is used as examples.  Beyond that, in this chapter of Revelation, we have God making a very clear distinction and comparison between the 144,000 virgin Jews and those that are condemned.  (Please see other notes for this chapter.) If we consider how hard it would to stay virgin and pure while the whole world is given over to lust and sin, and then throw in the torment and orture that will come upon Jews at that time, we have a picture of people who keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus  which matches the Biblical examples already given.  In addition, the examples from Hebrews and Job were from before the church age: before they had the help of the indwelling Holy Spirit.  Since saved people living today have the help of the indwelling Holy Spirit, they will find it hard to explain their having less faith than these example saints had.

The faith of Jesus, of course, means the faith  that belongs to / comes from JesusRomans 3:22; Galatians 2:16; Galatians 3:22 and Revelation 14:12 are the only verses that have the phrase faith of Jesus  with Romans 3:22; Galatians 2:16 and Galatians 3:22 actually say faith of Jesus Christ.  Those verses say that we are justified by the faith of Jesus Christ  when His faith is evident in our lives.  The difference between the faith of Jesus Christ  and the faith of Jesus  is that the faith of Jesus  is what it takes to get us saved initially while the faith of Jesus Christ  not only gets us saved but also helps us to mature spiritually after our initial profession.  (See all of the verses and associated notes that deal with Jesus; Christ; Jesus Christ and Christ Jesus in the Verses section of this study.)  that is, the ministry of Christ  is added to the lives of the saved.  However, this chapter in Revelation is talking about a time after the 'Rapture' and the ministry of Christ  is no longer available on Earth.  People will have to believe but then keep the commandments of God  without the help of Christ  after the 'Rapture' if they want to go to Heaven.  We need to praise God that we received salvation while the ministry of Christ  was available to help us.  As mentioned above, our Biblical examples were from before the church age when men served the Lord  and did not know His Christ  because a personal relationship with Christ  was not available.  After the church age, which ends at the 'Rapture', Christ  will again be no longer available.  Notice that the next verse says Blessed are the dead which die in the   Lord   from henceforth.  This chapter started talking about the 144,000 virgin male Jews.  Jesus  also died as a virgin male Jew who lived under the Mosaic Law and had a testimony that He keep the commandments of God.  That is The faith of Jesus  which people in this time, especially the Jews, will also have to keep without the aid of a personal relationship with Christ.  Yes, Revelation 12:17 said that they have the testimony of Jesus Christ.  However, that is dealing with the fact that the Jews rejected Jesus  as their Christ  and at this time they will accept Him as the true Christ  even though they won't have the help of Christ  in their personal lives like we do today.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'The angel encourages these last tribulation saints to endure (The meaning of patience), they must endure pain and suffering for only a little while longer, they must keep the faith, keep the commandments, fight the good fight, for its almost over, keep keeping on, refuse the mark of the beast, do not bow to his image, even if one faces death, for when one of these saints are martyred they will immediately step into glory, while the worshippers of the beast, who may seem to be prospering at the moment, will have to endure torment forevermore when death takes them. the angel says the saints must endure the tribulation as they follow God's guidance and keep the faith, the must put up with the beast and his minions for a short while, before Babylon falls they must suffer temporarily, they may face the grave, may even be casualties of war in God's battle with the world, but they will have glory to look forward to. these saints must take consolation and encouragement in the fact that there will come a time when all of mankind upon the earth will enter into their eternal reward: everlasting life for the saints, eternal hell for the beast worshippers'.

Please see the notes for Romans C5S2 and Colossians C1S3 about the word patience.  patience as this word as: 'n. pa'shens. L. patientia, from patior, to suffer. 1. the suffering of afflictions, pain, toil, calamity, provocation or other evil, with a calm, unruffled temper; endurance without murmuring or fretfulness. Patience may spring from constitutional fortitude, from a kind of heroic pride, or from Christian submission to the divine will. 2. A calm temper which bears evils without murmuring or discontent. 3. the act or quality of waiting long for justice or expected good without discontent. 4. Perseverance; constancy in labor or exertion. He learnt with patience, and with meekness taught. 5. the quality of bearing offenses and injuries without anger or revenge. His rage was kindled and his patience gone. 6. Sufferance; permission. Not used. 7. A plant, a species of rumen of dock'.  Please also see the note for Romans C12S8 about the word patient.

Please see the notes for Matthew 27:51-53; Romans C16S1; 2Corinthians C1S1 and Colossians C1S1 about the word saint.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'a spiritually mature saved person who is actively involved in the ministry of the church'.  The note in Romans has links to every place in the New Testament where this word is used along with a short note for each application.

Please see the note for 1Timothy 5:22 about the word keep.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'To hold; to retain in one's power or possession; not to lose or part with'.  Please also see the note for Matthew 8:33 about the word kept.  The word kept  is the past-tense form of the word keep.  The word keepeth  is 'life-style keeping'.  Please also see the note for Matthew 28:3-4 about the word keeper.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'One who retains anything or anyone in custody'.  Please also see the note for 1John 5:2 about the phrase keep his commandments.

Please see the note for Romans 7:8 about the word commandment.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'a mandate; an order or injunction given by authority; charge'.  Please note that a commandment  is not always written down and often comes through the human person that God has placed in authority over us.  Please see the note for Psalms 119:4 for the use of the word commandment  within this Psalm and considerations from several other places within the Bible.  Please see the note for Romans C7S11 about the word commandment.  Please see the Doctrinal Study on the use Ten Commandments for links to where they are dealt with in the word of God.  Please use This link to see the 'Ten (10) Commandments' and references to them in the New Testament.  Please also see the note for 1John 5:2 about the phrase keep his commandments.

Please see the notes for 1Corinthians C1S3; 2Corinthians C1S17; Galatians C3S27; Ephesians 6:23-LJC; Philippians 1:25-26 and 2Timothy C1S2 about the word faith.  The New Testament definition is: 'an action word that is based upon a belief in a promise found within the Bible with the action dictated by the Bible and the understanding that our action does not force God to act nor determines when or how God acts but proves that of our own free will we are giving God permission to act in and through our life to do what He promised within His Word'.  Please also see the note for the Word Study on Faith about the word faithful.  The New Testament definition is: 'Firm in adherence to the truth and to the duties of religion.  Full of faith, trustful, and not simply trustworthy.  being true to oneself, to one's nature, to any promise given, and to any trust committed'.  Please also see the note for Hebrews 3:1-LJC about Christ Jesus is faithful.  Please also see the notes for Romans 4 and James 2:21-LJC about Abraham's faith.  Please also see the note for 2Timothy C1S2 about the phrase faith: unfeigned.  Please also see the note for 2Peter 2:3 about the word feign.  Please also see the note for Romans C10S12 about the phrase faith makes us not ashamed.  Please also see the note for Ephesians C1S2 about the phrase just shall live by faith.  Please also see the note for Romans C11S6 about the phrase just shall live by his faith.  Please also see the note for Romans C3S29 about the phrase justification by faith.  Please also see the note for Romans C3S25 about Law and faith.  Please also see the note for Romans C9S28 about live / walk by faith.  Please see the note for James 2:14 for links to every verse in the New Testament where the words faith and works  contained within the same verse.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'is. Re 13:10  here are. Re 12:17  the faith. Re 3:8,10; 2Ti 4:7 exp: Ac 24:24; Jas 2:1.  General references. exp: Lu 21:19'.

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C14-S11 (Verse 13)   the command from God that all saved are to believe and obey.
  1. Equivalent Section: What John is commanded to write.
    1. And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me,
    2. Write,
    3. Blessed  are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth:.
  2. Equivalent Section:  the assured results of obedience to this command.
    1. First Step:  the promise from God's Holy Spirit.
      1. Yea,
      2. saith the Spirit,
      3. that they may rest from their labours;.
    2. Second Step:  the assurance that rewards are proportional to our works.
      1. and their works do follow them.

With the exception of sentences which describe the hundred and forty four thousand,  and the sentence which describes The patience of the saints,  every sentence in this chapter starts with the word And.  That makes this chapter a single unit which most be considered completely together for contextual reasons.  14:1 through 14:5 describe the hundred and forty four thousand.  They were first described in Chapter 7.

Our sentence starts with the word And,  which means it is adding to the prior sentence where we were given a definition for the patience of the saints.  And, our sentence has two Equivalent Sections with the First Equivalent Section giving us a further definition on how much patience  is required by God and the Second Equivalent Section assuring us of the reward for having that level of patience.

The phrase: The dead which die in the Lord  means that God expects His true saints  to have enough patience  to wait until they get to Heaven before they receive their reward.  Notice that they are promised to be blessed,  but nothing more specific.  And even in future chapters where there are more details about their being blessed,  those details are still general and not specific.  And, yes, our phase does add the qualifier of from henceforth.  So, this particular promise is limited to tribulation martyrs.  However, without going into the other less explicate promises, we see similar promises to all true martyrs.  In particular, John was told, in this Equivalent Section, to write  because God wanted all saved to know of this promise.

Further, our First Equivalent Section says Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord.  In context, this blessing is to those that obey The Lord  and this blessing is denied to those that disobey The Lord.  Every chapter from here to the end of Revelation reference the role of Lord  except Revelation 20.  Revelation 20 is talking about the 1,000 years reign of Christ.  These chapters use Lord  because the people on the Earth refused salvation that includes a personal relationship, and help of, Christ.  Salvation requires faith in God and these people will still have to have faith in God, but they must show that faith by keeping the laws of the Lord  where people that are saved during the church age show their faith by following the personal leading of Christ  in their lives.  The way of salvation never changes but the things that God requires of people to prove that they are saved does change.  Abraham was saved by faith and proved it by offering his son as a burnt sacrifice.  (The fact that God stopped Abraham does not change the fact that he had offered Isaac in his heart and had gone about to provide physically visible proof.) King David was saved by faith and proved it by keeping the Mosaic Law and obeying the Lord  like these people will have to do after the church age.  During the church age people are saved by faith and prove it by having a personal relationship with Christ  whereby He works through their lives to do good works  (Ephesians 2:10).

In our Second Equivalent Section, we see two Steps with the First Step telling us that God's Holy Spirit  saith...that they may rest from their labours.  This is because the saved are supposed to refuse to rest from their labours  before they get to Heaven.  Until then, we are to continue working for the promised rewards.

Next, our Second Step promises rewards which are according to works.  This is a Second Step because the rewards are not given until after the works  of the First Step are complete.  The phrase which says and their works do follow them  is consistent with what we see through all ages where people receive eternal rewards for their labours/works  that they do for God (1Corinthians 3:8; 1Corinthians 15:58).  Basically, when they die in the Lord  they rest from their labours  and receive the rewards that come because their works do follow them.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'A voice from heaven reinforces what this angel is trying to get across, a voice which speaks directly to John of what to write down about this. I believe it is God who speaks here to further encourage those who are attempting to endure in those last days and hours of the great tribulation. God says blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth, that die for Him, that die for their faith from this moment on. this will be Satan's last stand, and he will bring all his horrors to bear upon any believers he finds, he will hunt you down, you will suffer, he will kill you, but blessed are you that die in the Lord, that die for Him, for your faith in Him. forsuch believers will be blessed by God Himself for their stand and will be given an eternal rest from their labors. Where the worshippers of the beast will receive no rest day or night, these last tribulation saints will receive rest, meaning an eternal refreshing and rejuvenating. their efforts here on earth will be over, but they will get to enter into the arms of Christ who they will then serve and labor for and with forevermore; but that service will not be burdensome or wearisome, but instead it will bring joy and accomplishment, fulfillment, such labor will not be like work or a great effort at all but instead will cause one to praise the Lord even more, for the believer has now entered into his eternal reward.
But until the final judgment when rewards are finally given, what earthly work these saints have done for God will continue to add to their reward, their works will follow them to heaven even after their death that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them. this is much like any saint of God who is alive today and yet may die tomorrow, as what that saint has done for God in this lifetime will continue to live on and work in people's lives and possibly bring others to Christ, even though that saint may be dead, his work lives on and so his rewards for those works will follow him into heaven. Ex. think of preachers that have passed on that have written about their faith or have had their sermons or lessons recorded but are still played for others to hear, the work of that departed saint is still going on, and so they are still receiving rewards for their efforts. So what these tribulation saints do to endure til the end, they will be rewarded for, even after their martyrdom, for their stand will encourage others not to give in or give up

Please see the note for Galatians C3-S7 about the word hear.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'Perceiving by the ear.  This word is often used symbolically for hearing the spiritual message of the word of God and obeying that message'.  The New Testament definition, for the word heard  is: 'The past-tense form of hear'.  Please pay attention to the word 'obey' within this definition.  That is what most people refuse to do when the Bible says that they do not hear.  Please also see the note for James 2:5 about the word hearken.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'To listen closely'.  Please also see the note for Mark 4:9 about the phrase He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.  Please also see the note for Matthew 13:17 about the phrase have not heard.  Please also see the note for Mark 4:9 about the phrase ears to hear.  Please also see the note for Romans 2:13 about the word hearer.  The New Testament definition, for the word hearer  is: 'One who attends to what is orally delivered by another'.

Please see the note for 1Corinthians C14S11 about the word voice.  Webster's 1828 dictionary defines this word as: 'n. L. vox; voco. the sense of the verb is to throw, to drive out sound; and voice is that which is driven out. 1. Sound or audible noise uttered by the mouth, either of human beings or of other animals. We say, the voice of a man is loud or clear; the voice of a woman is soft or musical; the voice of a dog is loud or harsh; the voice of a bird is sweet or melodious. the voice of human beings is articulate; that of beasts, inarticulate. the voices of men are different, and when uttered together, are often dissonant. 2. Any sound made by the breath; as the trumpet's voice. 3. A vote; suffrage; opinion or choice expressed. Originally voice was the oral utterance of choice, but it now signifies any vote however given. Some laws ordain, and some attend the choice of holy senates, and elect by voice. I have no words; my voice is in my sword. 4. Language; words; expression. Let us call on God in the voice of his church. 5. In Scripture, command; precept. Ye would not be obedient to the voice of the Lord your God. Deut. 8. 6. Sound. After the fire, a still small voice. 1Kings 19. Canst thou thunder with a voice like him? Job. 40. the floods have lifted up their voice. Ps. 93. 7. Language; tone; mode of expression. I desire to be present with you now, and to change my voice. Gal. 4. 8. In grammar, a particular mode of inflecting or conjugating verbs; as the active voice; the passive voice.
VOICE, v.t. 1. to rumor; to report. It was voiced that the king purposed to put to death Edward Plantagenet. Little used. 2. to fit for producing the proper sounds; to regulate the tone of; as, to voice the pipes of an organ. 3. to vote
'.  Please also see the note for Luke 3:21-22 about the phrase voice from heaven  Please also see the note for Revelation 20:9 about the phrase fire from heaven.

Please see the note for Philippians 2:9-11 about the word heaven.  The New Testament definition is: 'According to the Jewish notion there were three heavens, (a) The firmament, as "fowls of the heaven" (Ge 2:19; 7:3,23; Ps 8:8, etc.), "the eagles of heaven" (La 4:19), etc. (b) The starry heavens (De 17:3; Jer 8:2; Mt 24:29). (c) "The heaven of heavens," or "the third heaven" is the home of God (De 10:14; 1Ki 8:27; Ps 115:16; 148:4; 2Co 12:2). The phrase "heaven and earth" is used to indicate the whole universe (Ge 1:1; Jer 23:24; Ac 17:24)'.  Please also see the note for 1Peter 1:2-LJC about the phrase things in Heaven.  Please also see the note for Matthew 3:2 about the phrase kingdom of heaven.  Please also see the note for Luke 3:21-22 about the phrase voice from heaven.  Please also see the note for Revelation 20:9 about the phrase fire from Heaven.  Please also see the note for Revelation 21:4 about 'no tears in heaven is a lie'.  Please also see the note for Hebrews 12:2-LJC about the phrase treasure in Heaven.  Please also see the Message called Laying up Treasure in Heaven.

Please see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word saith.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'lifestyle speaking.  A saying that never changes when said by God'.  Please also see the note for Romans 11:1 about the phrase I say.  The New Testament definition is: 'This phrase expresses a personal opinion, which usually follows the phrase'.  Bible authors uses this phrase when they introduces their own point into an ongoing discussion.  When Jesus  says this phrase, He is giving a personal command.  Please also see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word saith.  Please also see the note for Romans C10S28 about the word gainsaying.  Please also see the note for Matthew 26:1 about the word sayings (plural).  Please also see the notes for Romans C15S15 and 2Corinthians 2:17 about the word speak.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 3:12-14 about the word speech.  Please also see the notes for Ephesians C4S15 and 1Peter 2:1 about the phrase evil speaking.  The words speaketh  and saith  mean that the person 'keeps on keeping on doing the saying'.

Please see the note for Romans 4:23-25 about the word written.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'a retained record which can be used for judgment in a court of law'.  Please also see the notes for Romans C15S13; 2Corinthians 1:13-14; Galatians C3-S12; John 20:31-LJC about the word write  Please also see the note for Luke 6:3 about the phrases have ye not read  and it is written'.

Please see the notes for Galatians C3-S10 about the word bless.  In particular, please see the note for Galatians which explains why the commonly accepted dictionary definition is wrong.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'receiving, or wishing another to receive, the spiritual good from God which produces spiritual joy even while it might make us less happy in the flesh'.

Please see the note for Romans C6S4 about the words dead / death / die.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Physical death is separation of soul and spirit from body and the second death is eternal separation from God'.  Please also see the note for Revelation 2:11 about the phrase death, second.

Please see the note for 2Corinthians 5:14-15 about the word henceforth.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'from this time forward'.  Please also see the note for Matthew 5:13 about the word thenceforth.  It has a similar, but different, definition.

Please see the notes for Philippians 2:17 and Luke 24:22-23 about the word yea.  The New Testament definition for this word is: ' 'Yes; a word that expresses affirmation or assent. Yea is used only in the sacred and solemn style. It affirms much more strongly than a simple Yes'.

Please see the note for 2Corinthians 2:12-13 about the word rest.  The New Testament definition for this word is: ' Cessation of motion or action of any kind, and applicable to any body or being; as rest from labor; rest from mental exertion; rest of body or mind.  Also ceasing the action of separation'.

Please see the note for 1Corinthians C3S9 and Please see the note for Luke 10:2 about the word labour.  The New Testament definition is: 'This is work done, for reward. God promises everlasting rewards to His servants who do work in His kingdom in obedience to our Lord Jesus Christ. However, labor done for religious reasons, and not in obedience to our Lord Jesus Christ, is not rewarded by God'.  Please also see the note for Luke 10:2 about the word labourer.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'The person who does the labor'.  Please also see the note for Philippians 4:3 about the word fellowlabourers.The New Testament definition is: 'This is work done, for reward. God promises everlasting rewards to His servants who do work in His kingdom in obedience to our Lord Jesus Christ. However, labor done for religious reasons, and not in obedience to our Lord Jesus Christ, is not rewarded by God'.  Please also see the Messages called Labor for Everlasting Life; Labourers for the Harvest-1; and Labourers for the Harvest-2.

Please see the notes for Romans C9S8; 1Corinthians C3S13; 2Corinthians 4:8-12; Galatians C2-S10 and Philippians 1:1 about the word works.  The New Testament definition for this word is: ' In a general sense, to move, or to move one way and the other; to perform'.  Please also see the note for Romans C11S10 about the phrase works are seen of men.  Please also see the note for Psalms 119:23 about the phrase according to works.  Please also see the note for Philippians 3:2 about the phrase evil workers.  Please also see the note for Hebrews 4:12 about the phrase evil heart.  Please also see the note for Romans 8:1-LJC about the phrase judged by works.Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 6:1 about the word workers.  Please also see the note for Matthew 10:9-10 about the word workman.

Please see the note for 1Corinthians C4S16 about the word follow.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'To go after or behind; to walk, ride or move behind, but in the same direction. Soldiers will usually follow a brave officer'.  That note has the definition from Webster's 1828 dictionary and it provides several more applications, if they will help the reader to understand this word.  Please also see the note for Romans C14S25 about the phrase follow after.  Please also see the note for Mark 2:14 about the phrase follow me.  Please also see the Message called Follow Me As I Follow Christ for the application of these verses in the life of the believer.  Please see the note for Matthew 3:11 about the phrase come after me.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'follow me to do things the same way as I do'.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'a voice. Re 11:15,19; 16:17; Mt 3:17  Write. Re 1:11; 2:1; 10:4; 19:9; 21:5 exp: Hab 2:2.  Blessed. Re 20:6; Ec 4:1-2; Isa 57:1-2; 2Co 5:8; Php 1:21-23 exp: Lu 12:37.  die. Ro 14:8; 1Co 15:18; 1Th 4:14,16; 5:10  from henceforth: Yea saith the Spirit. or, from henceforth saith the Spirit, Yea.  rest. Re 6:11; 7:14-17; Job 3:17-19; Isa 35:10; 57:2; Lu 16:25; 2Th 1:6-7; Heb 4:9-11 exp: Da 12:13.  and their. Ps 19:11; 85:13; Mt 25:35-40; Lu 16:9; 1Co 15:58; Ga 6:7-8; Php 2:17; 2Ti 4:7-8; Heb 6:10-11'.

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C14-S12 (Verse 14)   Our Lord Jesus Christ,  as the Son of man  gets ready to judge the sinners on Earth.
  1. And I looked,
  2. and behold a white cloud,
  3. and upon the cloud  one sat like unto the Son of man,
  4. having on his head a golden crown,
  5. and in his hand a sharp sickle.

With the exception of sentences which describe the hundred and forty four thousand,  and the sentence which describes The patience of the saints,  every sentence in this chapter starts with the word And.  That makes this chapter a single unit which most be considered completely together for contextual reasons.  14:1 through 14:5 describe the hundred and forty four thousand.  They were first described in Chapter 7.

Please use the link, in the sentence outline above, to access the note for this sentence in the Lord Jesus Christ Study.  It provides many links to Bible references where we are told that our Lord Jesus Christ  will use His role as the Son of man  to judge this Earth because He personally lived and died as a literal physical man.  He has personal experiences which allow Him to judge righteously.

As explained in that note, the white cloud.  represents His purity and the given purity of all that saints  who accompany Him when he judges and takes rule of this Earth.  The golden crown  shows His position as Lord of lords and King of kings  and His right to rule this Earth.  He is reaping  all things that offend  (Matthew 13:41) out of His kingdom.

Please see 1:14 for references to every place where the word white  is used in this book.  With the exception of the being on a white  horse, who was sent to deceive lost people, every other reference to the word white  is used for spiritually pure and associated with spiritually clean.

In his note, below, Dr. Jeff Wilson writes that 'As in this vision we are given two scenarios of such judgment, both with Christ pictured as the judge of the earth'.  I disagree, but can not prove the disagreement other than indirectly.  The first angel  (14:14), to reap  the Earth, is clearly The Son of man  and His judgment is of men who reject Him.  The second angel  (14:14), to reap  the Earth, is another angel  (14:17).  John does not write: 'again', nor anything similar and does not leave it ambiguous but deliberately uses the word another.  Remember that devils have been let lose on the Earth.  They are leading this war by using lost men but the real, spiritual, war is not the rebellion of men but the rebellion of angels who became devils.  While John concentrates his report on what happens to men, these devils need to be gathered, defeated and bound in a spiritual prison.  Remember that we had the seven thunders  (Chapter 10), which were prophecies of judgments which John was told to not write down because they were not revealing how our Lord Jesus Christ  deals with rebellious men.  personally, I believe that this another angel  (14:17) is the reaping of devils from the Earth and that God the father allows angels  to deal with their rebellious fellow angels  who became devils.  Again, it can not be definitely said who is right on this second reaping of the Earth.

In his note, below, Dr. Jeff Wilson writes that the first reaping is of men and that the second reaping is of the world's system.  However, Revelation reports the reaping of the world's system as happening before the reaping is of men.  So, the order is reversed from what Dr. Jeff Wilson writes.  In addition, the world's system is based upon The mark of the beast  (The devil who possesses seven heads of government).  The reaping of the world's system will destroy the control of devils over commerce and travel.  It will also separate people who really want to fight against Christ,  and who join the armies of the world, from those who merely went along with the system to survive.  The armies are all destroyed and sent to hell when our Lord Jesus Christ  returns to this Earth.  The second group are dealt with in the 'Sheep and Goat Judgment' (Matthew 25:31-46).  Therefore, the order of things, in Revelation, is that the control of Devils on the world's system is destroyed before the last battle where the armies are killed by our Lord Jesus Christ.

What I am writing here is that these are two different reaping's  and I believe that they are done by two different groups.  Hum and who reject our Lord Jesus Christ  are reaped,  and sent to Hell by our Lord Jesus Christ  and the saints  who return with Him.  I believe that the second reaping's  is of devils, who are on the Earth, and is done by God the father and His angels.

Dr. Jeff Wilson writes about this sentence: 'First I want you to notice that since we moved on from the snapshot of Jesus standing with the 144,000 in victory on Mt Zion at the beginning of the chapter we have been reading more and more about judgment, the first angel said the hour of judgment was at hand (v7), the second angel said judgment had fallen on Babylon (v8), and the third angel warned of eternal judgment upon the worshippers of the beast (v10-11) and now in this last portion of John's parenthetical vision, the final judgment upon earth has arrived. As in this vision we are given two scenarios of such judgment, both with Christ pictured as the judge of the earth.
First we are given a picture of the harvest of the earth and secondly we are given a picture of the vintage, the gathering in of the vine and grapes of the earth for the making of wine in the winepress, for now the worldly grapes are full and ready to be pressed or squished or trodden under foot to remove the juices. Now in the Old Testament the harvest and vintage times preceded the Feast of Tabernacles, which was a feast of joy and jubilation, and we see the same thing happening here. forThe harvest of the wheat and the tares is almost over, the trodding out of the grapes in the winepress of the wrath of God is almost over, and then the Lord Jesus will return to set up his kingdom which will be a time of great rejoicing, but first the judgment pictured in this harvest and the gathering of the vine must come. So do not be confused here, the harvest spoken of here in ch14 is not speaking of believers, but of nonbelievers, those upon the earth to be judged, to go thru and experience the wrath of God upon the earth. The first scenario of such judgment is the harvest given to us in v14-16. What John describes here seems to be connected to Jesus' parable in'
Mt 13:24 Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, the kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field: 25 But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. 26 But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also. 27 So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares? 28 He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. the servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up? 29 But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn'.
Mt 13:36 then Jesus sent the multitude away, and went into the house: and his disciples came unto him, saying, Declare unto us the parable of the tares of the field. 37 He answered and said unto them, He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man;38 the field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one;39 the enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels.40 As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world. 41 the Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; 42 And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.43 then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.
At first we see in that parable that the wheat and the tares grew together, but as time passes and the harvest time arrives, the difference between the two becomes very apparent, the type of seed and its fruit, for good or for bad, can be easily determined, which means the wheat and the tares can now be separated with no trouble at all. the wheat (believers) is to be gathered into the Lord's barn but the tares (nonbelievers) are to be bundled together for the fire. And that's exactly what is about to happen upon the earth. forin this vision in Rev ch14 John sees the Son of Man, the Lord Jesus himself, sitting upon a cloud, surrounded by the glory and majesty of God, with a golden crown (signifying his authority and royalty ' King of Kings) with a sharp sickle, a tool used for cutting/separating and gathering the harvest v14. Jesus was the Sower in Matthew 13 but now He is the reaper, not the grim reaper but the glorious reaper, the godly reaper, the grand reaper.
And we see that He is ready and prepared and waiting to do the father's bidding. And permission is delivered by an angelic messenger from the temple of heaven and the Lord Jesus does not tarry but reaps the earth. Ref v15-16. the harvest of the earth, the harvest of the wicked commences, the worshippers of the beast are cut down, separated and gathered together to be later cast into the fire, in one quick motion it is all over. Jer 51:33 forthus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; the daughter of Babylon is like a threshingfloor, it is time to thresh her: yet a little while, and the time of her harvest shall come.
How does this happen? Well lets look at the second scenario for more explanation'
The second scenario is given in v17-20. v17 I believe describes again the Lord Jesus, the one with the sickle, ready to gather in the grapes of the vine of the earth, gathering them to be trodden underfoot. Now to be clear here we must understand the meaning of the vine used in these verses. to paraphrase Warren Wiersbe 'in Scripture we are given three different types of vines. First, Israel is God's vine, planted in the land to bear fruit for God's glory, but unfortunately the nation failed and had to be cut down (for a time). Second, Christ is the true vine and saved believers are branches in Him. And thirdly, the world system is also a vine, the vine of the earth which we see in these verses, which has ripened for judgment, again tying into v8 and v10 of this same chapter.' So the vine mentioned here is the third type of vine, the world system. Let me give you a few Old Testament Scriptures that seem to point to this time'
Joel 3:11 Assemble yourselves, and come, all ye heathen, and gather yourselves together round about: thither cause thy mighty ones to come down, O LORD. 12 Let the heathen be wakened, and come up to the valley of Jehoshaphat: for there will I sit to judge all the heathen round about. 13 Put ye in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe: come, get you down; for the press is full, the fats overflow; for their wickedness is great. 14 Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision. Speaking of Jesus in his return' Isa 63:1 Who is this that cometh from Edom, with dyed garments from Bozrah? this that is glorious in his apparel, travelling in the greatness of his strength? I that speak in righteousness, mighty to save. 2 Wherefore art thou red in thine apparel, and thy garments like him that treadeth in the winefat? 3 I have trodden the winepress alone; and of the people there was none with me: for I will tread them in mine anger, and trample them in my fury; and their blood shall be sprinkled upon my garments, and I will stain all my raiment.
Where the harvest in v14-16 depicted more of the separation of the false from the true (wheat from the tares), the vintage describes God's wrath and vengeance upon the false, we even get a glimpse of the final battle of Armageddon here, where Christ the judge tramples down the beast and his armies in the final conflict of this age in v20. forwhen Christ returns to the earth in victory, with one blow, with the sword of his mouth, he defeats the armies gathered against him and his followers. His enemies, the wicked of the earth, the grapes of the earth, are gathered in the valley of Megiddo for the final battle, which forms the great winepress of God's wrath, Christ the King of Kings and Lord of Lords crushes those grapes, he consumes them in victory at his triumphant return. Re 19:11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.12 His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.13 And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called the Word of God.14 And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. 15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. 16 And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.
These followers of the beast are truly the grapes of wrath, the grapes that suffer God's wrath. forin v20 we see they are trodden down outside the city, what city? the city we had a picture of at the first part of the chapter, the holy city of Jerusalem, where Jesus will soon stand in victory with the 144,000. forin the lands surrounding Jerusalem, a city where world events have always revolved, is where the Lord will have absolute victory, and the world reign of Satan will end. And it will not be wine that is trod out from those vile and wicked grapes, but blood, blood of the enemies of Christ will be pressed out as they are trod underfoot and will stain his vesture. Christ shed his blood for the sinner, yet those here have rejected him and have received the false Christ, and so they pay with their own blood, and so great a slaughter will this be that the trail of blood will be long and deep, for 1600 furlongs or 200 miles it will flow at a depth up to a horses' bridal, a gory picture of utter defeat for the enemies of the Lord. Re 19:17 And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God;18 that ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great.19 And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army.20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. these both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.21 And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh.
Mt 25:31 When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory:32 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: 33 And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left. 34 then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: 35 forI was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: 36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.37 then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? 38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee? 39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? 40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. 41 then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: 42 forI was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: 43 I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not. 44 then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee? 45 then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal

Please see the note for Philippians 2:4 about the word look.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'To direct the eye towards an object, with the intention of seeing it'.  The primary sense is nearly the same as that of seek.  Therefore, please also consider the meaning of toe word seek.  The th,  of the word looketh  makes this a 'life-style looking'.  Please also see the note for Galatians C6S6 about the phrase LORD looketh on the heart.

Please see the note for Colossians C2S3 about the word behold.  Webster's 1828 Dictionary defines this word as: 'to fix the eyes upon; to see with attention; to observe with care. Behold the lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world. John 1. 2. In a less intensive sense, to look upon; to see. When he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived. Num. 21. BEHO'LD, v.i. to look; to direct the eyes to an object. And I beheld, and lo, in the midst of the throne, a lambdas it had been slain. Rev.5. 1. to fix the attention upon an object; to attend; to direct or fix the mind. Behold, I stand at the door and knock. Rev.3.word is much used in this manner for exciting attention, or admiration. It is in the imperative mode, expressing command, or exhortation; and by no means a mere exclamation'.  Please also see the note for Colossians 2:18-19 about the word hold.  Please also see the note for Luke 24:15 about the word holden.

Please see the note for Matthew 5:36 about the word white.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as 'a symbol of purity (2Ch 5:12; Ps 51:7; Isa 1:18; Re 3:18; 7:14). Our Lord, at his transfiguration, appeared in raiment "white as the light" (Mt 17:2, etc.)'.

Please see the note for Luke 9:34 about the word cloud.  The New Testament definition for this word is: '"A covering," because clouds cover the sky.  The word is used as a symbol of the Divine presence'.

Please see the note for Mark 4:16-17 about the word likewise.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'like and wise. In like manner; moreover'.  Please also see the note for Philippians 2:5-8 about about the words like  and likeness.  Please also see the note for Matthew 7:24-25 about the word liken.  Please also see the note for Romans 15:5 about the word likeminded.

Please see the note for Colossians C1S4 about the word head.  The New Testament definition for word head  is: 'The uppermost part of the human body, or the foremost part of the body of prone and creeping animals.  Used spiritually for the most important part of anything'.  Please see the note for 1Corinthians 11:3-LJC about the phrase Christ: the head of.  Please also see the note for 2:9 about the word Godhead.  The New Testament definition for the word Godhead  is: 'Godship; deity; divinity; divine nature or essence; applied to the true God'.  Please also see the note for Revelation 7:3 about the word forehead.  The New Testament definition for the word forehead  is: 'The part of the face which extends from the hair on the top of the head to the eyes. Used symbolically for: Impudence; confidence; assurance; audaciousness.  Also, the forehead is made the seat of boldness of speech and act (Eze 3:7- 9). This is one of the places where "the mark of the beast" will be put to show their rebellion against God'.  Please use This link to see the 'Minor Titles of the Son of God' found within the Bible along with links to where the Bible uses those titles.  The title in this sentence is head.

Please see the note for 1Corinthians C3S13 about the word gold.  Webster's 1828 dictionary defines this word as: 'A precious metal of a bright yellow color, and the most ductile and malleable of all the metals. It is the heaviest metal except platina; and being a very dense, fixed substance, and not liable to be injured by air, it is well fitted to be used as coin, or a representative of commodities in commerce. Its ductility and malleability render it the most suitable metal for gilding. It is often found native in solid masses, as in Hungary and Peru; though generally in combination with silver, copper or iron. 2. Money. forme, the gold of France did not seduce-- 3. Something pleasing or valuable; as a heart of gold. 4. A bright yellow color; as a flower edged with gold. 5. Riches; wealth. Gold of pleasure, a plant of the genus Myagrum. GOLD, a. Made of gold; consisting of gold; as a gold chain'.

Please see the note for James 1:12 about the word crown.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Crowns show that the person wearing them has authority and a special position'.  Some saved people will be in Heaven but will not be allowed to return with Christ,  to this Earth, for His 1,000 years reign.  Anyone with a crown  will be returning with Him and ruling under Him.

Please see the note for 1Corinthians C12S12 about the word hand.  That note has the definition from Webster's 1828 Dictionary and also uses that definition to show why we can't use definitions from men's dictionaries when looking for the Biblical meaning of words.  The New Testament for this word is: 'In man, the extremity of the arm, consisting of the palm and fingers, connected with the arm at the wrist; the part with which we hold and use any instrument. Spiritually, It is used as the symbol of human action'.  Please also see the note for Matthew 18:28 about the phrase laid hands.  Please also see the Doctrinal Study on Doctrine of God about the phrase hand of God  and the phrase The right hand of God  Please also see the note for Luke 1:38 about the word handmaid.  The New Testament definition, for this phrase, is: 'a female slave'.  Please also see the note for Matthew 3:1-2 about the phrase at hand.  This phrase is defined as: 'it will happen very soon'.  Please also see the note for Mark 13:11 for the word beforehand.  The New Testament definition of this phrase is: 'In a state of anticipation or preoccupation'.  Please see the note for 1John 1:1-3 about the word handle.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Touched; treated; managed'.  The word handwriting  is: 'writing done with a personal hand'.

Please see the note for Acts 15:39 about the word sharp.  Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'a. 1. Having a very thin edge or a fine point; keen; acute; not blunt. thus we may say, a sharp knife, or a sharp needle. A sharp edge easily severs a substance; a sharp point is easily made to penetrate,it. 2. Terminating in a point or edge; not obtuse; as, a hills terminates in a sharp peak, or a sharp ridge. 3. forming an acute or too small angle at the ridge; as a sharp roof. 4. Acute of mind; quick to discern or distinguish; penetrating; ready at invention; witty; ingenious. Nothing makes men sharper than want. Addison. Many other things belong to the material world, wherein the sharpest philosophers have not yet obtained clear ideas. Watts. 5. Being of quick or nice perception; applied to the senses or org and of perception; as a sharp eye; sharp sight. 6. Affecting the org and of taste like fine points; piercing; penetrating; shrill; as sharp vinegar; sharp tasted citrons. 7. Affecting the org and of hearing like sharp points; poercing; penetrating; shrill; as a sharp sound or voice; a sharp not or tone; opposed to a flat note or sound. 8. Severe; harsh; biting; sarcastic; as sharp words; sharp rebuke. -Be thy words severe'.

Please see the note for Mark 4:29 about the word sickle.  Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'n. Gr. Vaiclh, Vagclon; L. sicula, from the root of seco, to cut. A reaping hook; a hooked instrument with teeth; used for cutting grain. thou shalt not move a sickle to thy neighbor's standing corn. Deut. 23'. Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'of the Egyptians resembled that in modern use. the ears of corn were cut with it near the top of the straw. there was also a sickle used for warlike purposes, more correctly, however, called a pruning-hook (De 16:9; Jer 50:16, marg., "scythe;" Joe 3:13; Mr 4:29)'.  Forms of this word are used, in this book, in: 14:14; 14:15; 14:16; 14:17; 14:18; 14:19.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'behold. Re 14:15-16; 1:7; 10:1; 20:11; Ps 97:2; Isa 19:1; Mt 17:5; Lu 21:27  like. Re 1:13; Eze 1:26; Da 7:13  a golden. Re 6:2; 11:17; 19:12; Ps 21:3; Heb 2:9  a sharp. Re 14:15-17; Joe 3:12-13; Mt 13:30; Mr 4:29'.

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C14-S13 (Verse 15)   this angel  gives the command from God the father.
  1. Equivalent Section:  the angel  delivered the command.
    1. And another angel came out of the temple,
    2. crying with a loud voice to him that sat on the cloud,
    3. Thrust in thy sickle,
    4. and reap:.
  2. Equivalent Section:  Why the command is given at that time.
    1. First Step:  the time had arrived according to God the father.
      1. for the time is come for thee to reap;
    2. Second Step:  What it was time for.
      1. for the harvest of the earth is ripe.

With the exception of sentences which describe the hundred and forty four thousand,  and the sentence which describes The patience of the saints,  every sentence in this chapter starts with the word And.  That makes this chapter a single unit which most be considered completely together for contextual reasons.  14:1 through 14:5 describe the hundred and forty four thousand.  They were first described in Chapter 7.

Our sentence has two Equivalent Sections which tell us that God the father had determined that it was time to reap  the sinners from the Earth and send them to Hell.  This is so that our Lord Jesus Christ  can set up a righteous kingdom which obeys the laws of God and so that He can repair the damage done to this world through sin.  For example, Isaiah 65:25 says: The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock: and dust shall be the serpent's meat. they shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, saith the LORD.  Again, Romans 8:19-22 says: For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God. forThe creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope, Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. forwe know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.  And, there are many more references, in The word of God,  which tell us how our Lord Jesus Christ  will correct the damage done by sin and restore this Earth to what was initially created.

Anyone who has ever had to repair damage or clean up a mess knows that you have to get the trash out before you can repair of clean up what is left.  Our sentence is telling us that God the father had determined that it was time to start that process.  And, like other places in this Bible book, we see the announcement made before the actual work is described.  Our next chapter describes a ceremony that happens before we are told that the work is actually done.  That ceremony celebrates the results which will be produced and, once more, we see things done by true Biblical faith  because the beings in Heaven celebrate the results before the work is even started.  In addition, when we read about the work starting, it is done with The vials of the wrath of God.  That is, it is God the father Who is ordering these judgments, not our Lord Jesus Christ.  Therefore, these judgments are against all of the enemies of God the father, including devils, even though John mainly reports the judgments brought against man.

Dr. Jeff Wilson wrote about this sentence in the note for 14:14.

Please see the notes for 1Corinthians C13S1; Significant Gospel Events; Significant New Testament Events about the word angel.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Literally, a messenger; one employed to communicate news or information or do a job for God'.  Please also see the note for Jude 1:7 about the word archangel.

Please see the note for 1Corinthians 3:16 about the word temple.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'first used of the tabernacle, which is called "The temple of the Lord" (1Sa 1:9). In the New Testament the word is used figuratively of Christ's human body (Joh 2:19,21). Believers are called "The temple of God" (1Co 3:16-17). the Church is designated "an holy temple in the Lord" (Eph 2:21). Heaven is also called a temple (Re 7:5). We read also of the heathen "temple of the great goddess Diana" (Ac 19:27).
This word is generally used in Scripture of the sacred house erected on the summit of Mount Moriah for the worship of God. It is called "The temple" (1Ki 6:17); "The temple [R.V., 'house'] of the Lord" (2Ki 11:10); "thy holy temple" (Ps 79:1); "The house of the Lord" (2Ch 23:5,12); "The house of the God of Jacob" (Isa 2:3); "The house of my glory" (Isa 60:7); an "house of prayer" (Isa 56:7; Mt 21:13); "an house of sacrifice" (2Ch 7:12); "The house of their sanctuary" (2Ch 36:17); "The mountain of the Lord's house" (Isa 2:2); "our holy and our beautiful house" (Isa 64:11); "The holy mount" (Isa 27:13); "The palace for the Lord God" (1Ch 29:1); "The tabernacle of witness" (2Ch 24:6); "Zion" (Ps 74:2; 84:7). Christ calls it "my father's house" (Joh 2:16)
'.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 6:16 about the phrase temple of God.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 6:16 about the phrase temple of the Lord.  Please also see the note for Mark 15:38 about the phrase veil of the Temple.

The word cried  is the past-tense form of the word cry.  Please see the note for Mark 1:3 about the word cry.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Loud notorious exclamation as a crying sin or warning'.  The word cried  is the past-tense form of the word cry.

Please see the note for 1Corinthians C14S11 about the word voice.  Webster's 1828 dictionary defines this word as: 'n. L. vox; voco. the sense of the verb is to throw, to drive out sound; and voice is that which is driven out. 1. Sound or audible noise uttered by the mouth, either of human beings or of other animals. We say, the voice of a man is loud or clear; the voice of a woman is soft or musical; the voice of a dog is loud or harsh; the voice of a bird is sweet or melodious. the voice of human beings is articulate; that of beasts, inarticulate. the voices of men are different, and when uttered together, are often dissonant. 2. Any sound made by the breath; as the trumpet's voice. 3. A vote; suffrage; opinion or choice expressed. Originally voice was the oral utterance of choice, but it now signifies any vote however given. Some laws ordain, and some attend the choice of holy senates, and elect by voice. I have no words; my voice is in my sword. 4. Language; words; expression. Let us call on God in the voice of his church. 5. In Scripture, command; precept. Ye would not be obedient to the voice of the Lord your God. Deut. 8. 6. Sound. After the fire, a still small voice. 1Kings 19. Canst thou thunder with a voice like him? Job. 40. the floods have lifted up their voice. Ps. 93. 7. Language; tone; mode of expression. I desire to be present with you now, and to change my voice. Gal. 4. 8. In grammar, a particular mode of inflecting or conjugating verbs; as the active voice; the passive voice.
VOICE, v.t. 1. to rumor; to report. It was voiced that the king purposed to put to death Edward Plantagenet. Little used. 2. to fit for producing the proper sounds; to regulate the tone of; as, to voice the pipes of an organ. 3. to vote
'.  Please also see the note for Luke 3:21-22 about the phrase voice from heaven  Please also see the note for Revelation 20:9 about the phrase fire from heaven.

Please see the note for Luke 9:34 about the word cloud.  The New Testament definition for this word is: '"A covering," because clouds cover the sky.  The word is used as a symbol of the Divine presence'.

Please see the note for Luke 4:28-29 about the word thrust.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'To push or drive with force; as, to thrust anything with the hand or foot, or with an instrument'.  Forms of this word are used, in this book, in: 14:15; 14:16; 14:18; 14:18.

Please see the note for Mark 4:29 about the word sickle.  Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'n. Gr. Vaiclh, Vagclon; L. sicula, from the root of seco, to cut. A reaping hook; a hooked instrument with teeth; used for cutting grain. thou shalt not move a sickle to thy neighbor's standing corn. Deut. 23'. Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'of the Egyptians resembled that in modern use. the ears of corn were cut with it near the top of the straw. there was also a sickle used for warlike purposes, more correctly, however, called a pruning-hook (De 16:9; Jer 50:16, marg., "scythe;" Joe 3:13; Mr 4:29)'.

Please see the note for Matthew 6:26 about the word reap.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'To receive the fruit of labor or works.  They that sow in tears, shall reap in joy. Ps. 126'.  Please also see the notes for 2Corinthians 9:6; Galatians C6S7 and Colossians C3S17 about the phrase sowing and reaping.

Please see the note for Revelation 1:3 about the word time.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'The fourth dimension of this physical reality'.  Please also see the note for Hebrews 3:13 about the word today.  Please also see the note for Galatians C4-S17 about the word birthday.  Please also see the note for Luke 1:5 about the word day.  Please also see the notes for Philippians 1:6-LJC and 1Thessalonians 5:2 about the phrase day of.  Please also see the note for 1Thessalonians 5:2 about the phrase day of the Lord.  Please also see the note for John 20:1 about the phrase first day of the week.  Please also see the note for Mark 2:28-LJC about the phrase Good Friday.

Please see the note for John 4:35 about the word harvest.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'The time of gathering the results of labor. Within the Bible we see several different types of harvest and several different times of harvest.  The harvest is used symbolically in the N.T. for the gathering of souls to God'.

Please see the note for Philippians 2:9-11 about the word earth.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: '(1.) In the sense of soil or ground, the translation of the word adamah'. In Ge 9:20 "husbandman" is literally "man of the ground or earth." Altars were to be built of earth (Ex 20:24). Naaman asked for two mules' burden of earth (2Ki 5:17), under the superstitious notion that Jehovah, like the gods of the heathen, could be acceptably worshipped only on his own soil. (2). As the rendering of 'erets, it means the whole world (Ge 1:2); the land as opposed to the sea (Ge 1:10). Erets also denotes a country (Ge 21:32); a plot of ground (Ge 23:15); the ground on which a man stands (Ge 33:3); the inhabitants of the earth (Ge 6:1; 11:1); all the world except Israel (2Ch 13:9). In the New Testament "The earth" denotes the land of Judea (Mt 23:35); also things carnal in contrast with things heavenly (Joh 3:31; Col 3:1-2)'.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 4:7 about the word earthen.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 5:1 about the word earthly.  Please also see the note for Luke 21:10-11 about the word earthquake.  Please also see the note for Luke 21:10-11 about the word earthquake.  Please also see the note for Revelation 1:4 about the phrase kings of the earth.  Please also see the note for Matthew 32-33 about the phrase Judge of all the earth.

Please see the note for Revelation 14:18 about the word ripe.  Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'a.  1. Brought to perfection in growth or to the best state; mature; fit for use; as ripe fruit; ripe corn.  2. Advanced to perfection; matured; as ripe judgment, or ripe in judgment.  3. Finished; consummate; as a ripe scholar.  4. Brought to the point of taking effect; matured; ready; prepared; as things just ripe for war.  5. Fully qualified by improvement; prepared; as a student ripe for the university; a saint ripe for heaven.  6. Resembling the ripeness of fruit; as a ripe lip.  7. Complete; proper for use.  When time is ripe.  8. Maturated; suppurated; as an abscess or tumor.
RIPE, v.i. to ripen; to grow ripe; to be matured. Not used. See Ripen

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'came. Re 16:17 exp: Re 14:17.  crying. Re 6:10; Isa 62:1,6-7  thrust. Re 14:14  harvest. Re 13:12; Jer 51:33; Joe 3:13; Mt 13:30,39  ripe. or, dried. Re 14:18; Ge 15:6; Zec 5:6-11; Mt 23:32; 1Th 2:16  '.

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C14-S14 (Verse 16)   Our Lord Jesus Christ,  as the Son of man  reaped sinners from this Earth.
  1. First Step:  He started the work.
    1. And he that sat on the cloud thrust in his sickle on the earth;
  2. Second Step:  He ended the work.
    1. and the earth was reaped.

With the exception of sentences which describe the hundred and forty four thousand,  and the sentence which describes The patience of the saints,  every sentence in this chapter starts with the word And.  That makes this chapter a single unit which most be considered completely together for contextual reasons.  14:1 through 14:5 describe the hundred and forty four thousand.  They were first described in Chapter 7.

Our sentence has two Steps and, of course, you must start a work before you can end it.  And, again, like noted for the prior sentence, this is the declaration of what will be described in more detail later on in this Bible book.

Dr. Jeff Wilson wrote about this sentence in the note for 14:14.

Please see the note for Luke 9:34 about the word cloud.  The New Testament definition for this word is: '"A covering," because clouds cover the sky.  The word is used as a symbol of the Divine presence'.

Please see the note for Luke 4:28-29 about the word thrust.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'To push or drive with force; as, to thrust anything with the hand or foot, or with an instrument'.

Please see the note for Mark 4:29 about the word sickle.  Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'n. Gr. Vaiclh, Vagclon; L. sicula, from the root of seco, to cut. A reaping hook; a hooked instrument with teeth; used for cutting grain. thou shalt not move a sickle to thy neighbor's standing corn. Deut. 23'. Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'of the Egyptians resembled that in modern use. the ears of corn were cut with it near the top of the straw. there was also a sickle used for warlike purposes, more correctly, however, called a pruning-hook (De 16:9; Jer 50:16, marg., "scythe;" Joe 3:13; Mr 4:29)'.

Please see the note for Philippians 2:9-11 about the word earth.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: '(1.) In the sense of soil or ground, the translation of the word adamah'. In Ge 9:20 "husbandman" is literally "man of the ground or earth." Altars were to be built of earth (Ex 20:24). Naaman asked for two mules' burden of earth (2Ki 5:17), under the superstitious notion that Jehovah, like the gods of the heathen, could be acceptably worshipped only on his own soil. (2). As the rendering of 'erets, it means the whole world (Ge 1:2); the land as opposed to the sea (Ge 1:10). Erets also denotes a country (Ge 21:32); a plot of ground (Ge 23:15); the ground on which a man stands (Ge 33:3); the inhabitants of the earth (Ge 6:1; 11:1); all the world except Israel (2Ch 13:9). In the New Testament "The earth" denotes the land of Judea (Mt 23:35); also things carnal in contrast with things heavenly (Joh 3:31; Col 3:1-2)'.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 4:7 about the word earthen.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 5:1 about the word earthly.  Please also see the note for Luke 21:10-11 about the word earthquake.  Please also see the note for Luke 21:10-11 about the word earthquake.  Please also see the note for Revelation 1:4 about the phrase kings of the earth.  Please also see the note for Matthew 32-33 about the phrase Judge of all the earth.

Please see the note for Matthew 6:26 about the word reap.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'To receive the fruit of labor or works.  They that sow in tears, shall reap in joy. Ps. 126'.  Please also see the notes for 2Corinthians 9:6; Galatians C6S7 and Colossians C3S17 about the phrase sowing and reaping.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'he. Re 14:14; Mt 16:27; Joh 5:22-23  thrust. Re 14:19; 16'.

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C14-S15 (Verse 17)   the declaration of a second reaping.
  1. And another angel came out of the temple which is in heaven,
  2. he also having a sharp sickle.

With the exception of sentences which describe the hundred and forty four thousand,  and the sentence which describes The patience of the saints,  every sentence in this chapter starts with the word And.  That makes this chapter a single unit which most be considered completely together for contextual reasons.  14:1 through 14:5 describe the hundred and forty four thousand.  They were first described in Chapter 7.

In my note, just before the note from Dr. Jeff Wilson, for 14:14; I explained why I believe this is a separate reaping  by God the father and that this constitutes the declaration of God removing all devils from the Earth, who are also His enemies.  Other than Satan, All devils are bound in their eternal prison as a result of this particular judgment.

Dr. Jeff Wilson wrote about this sentence in the note for 14:14.

Please see the notes for 1Corinthians C13S1; Significant Gospel Events; Significant New Testament Events about the word angel.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Literally, a messenger; one employed to communicate news or information or do a job for God'.  Please also see the note for Jude 1:7 about the word archangel.

Please see the note for 1Corinthians 3:16 about the word temple.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'first used of the tabernacle, which is called "The temple of the Lord" (1Sa 1:9). In the New Testament the word is used figuratively of Christ's human body (Joh 2:19,21). Believers are called "The temple of God" (1Co 3:16-17). the Church is designated "an holy temple in the Lord" (Eph 2:21). Heaven is also called a temple (Re 7:5). We read also of the heathen "temple of the great goddess Diana" (Ac 19:27).
This word is generally used in Scripture of the sacred house erected on the summit of Mount Moriah for the worship of God. It is called "The temple" (1Ki 6:17); "The temple [R.V., 'house'] of the Lord" (2Ki 11:10); "thy holy temple" (Ps 79:1); "The house of the Lord" (2Ch 23:5,12); "The house of the God of Jacob" (Isa 2:3); "The house of my glory" (Isa 60:7); an "house of prayer" (Isa 56:7; Mt 21:13); "an house of sacrifice" (2Ch 7:12); "The house of their sanctuary" (2Ch 36:17); "The mountain of the Lord's house" (Isa 2:2); "our holy and our beautiful house" (Isa 64:11); "The holy mount" (Isa 27:13); "The palace for the Lord God" (1Ch 29:1); "The tabernacle of witness" (2Ch 24:6); "Zion" (Ps 74:2; 84:7). Christ calls it "my father's house" (Joh 2:16)
'.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 6:16 about the phrase temple of God.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 6:16 about the phrase temple of the Lord.  Please also see the note for Mark 15:38 about the phrase veil of the Temple.

Please see the note for Philippians 2:9-11 about the word heaven.  The New Testament definition is: 'According to the Jewish notion there were three heavens, (a) The firmament, as "fowls of the heaven" (Ge 2:19; 7:3,23; Ps 8:8, etc.), "the eagles of heaven" (La 4:19), etc. (b) The starry heavens (De 17:3; Jer 8:2; Mt 24:29). (c) "The heaven of heavens," or "the third heaven" is the home of God (De 10:14; 1Ki 8:27; Ps 115:16; 148:4; 2Co 12:2). The phrase "heaven and earth" is used to indicate the whole universe (Ge 1:1; Jer 23:24; Ac 17:24)'.  Please also see the note for 1Peter 1:2-LJC about the phrase things in Heaven.  Please also see the note for Matthew 3:2 about the phrase kingdom of heaven.  Please also see the note for Luke 3:21-22 about the phrase voice from heaven.  Please also see the note for Revelation 20:9 about the phrase fire from Heaven.  Please also see the note for Revelation 21:4 about 'no tears in heaven is a lie'.  Please also see the note for Hebrews 12:2-LJC about the phrase treasure in Heaven.  Please also see the Message called Laying up Treasure in Heaven.

Please see the note for Acts 15:39 about the word sharp.  Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'a. 1. Having a very thin edge or a fine point; keen; acute; not blunt. thus we may say, a sharp knife, or a sharp needle. A sharp edge easily severs a substance; a sharp point is easily made to penetrate,it. 2. Terminating in a point or edge; not obtuse; as, a hills terminates in a sharp peak, or a sharp ridge. 3. forming an acute or too small angle at the ridge; as a sharp roof. 4. Acute of mind; quick to discern or distinguish; penetrating; ready at invention; witty; ingenious. Nothing makes men sharper than want. Addison. Many other things belong to the material world, wherein the sharpest philosophers have not yet obtained clear ideas. Watts. 5. Being of quick or nice perception; applied to the senses or org and of perception; as a sharp eye; sharp sight. 6. Affecting the org and of taste like fine points; piercing; penetrating; shrill; as sharp vinegar; sharp tasted citrons. 7. Affecting the org and of hearing like sharp points; poercing; penetrating; shrill; as a sharp sound or voice; a sharp not or tone; opposed to a flat note or sound. 8. Severe; harsh; biting; sarcastic; as sharp words; sharp rebuke. -Be thy words severe'.

Please see the note for Mark 4:29 about the word sickle.  Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'n. Gr. Vaiclh, Vagclon; L. sicula, from the root of seco, to cut. A reaping hook; a hooked instrument with teeth; used for cutting grain. thou shalt not move a sickle to thy neighbor's standing corn. Deut. 23'. Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'of the Egyptians resembled that in modern use. the ears of corn were cut with it near the top of the straw. there was also a sickle used for warlike purposes, more correctly, however, called a pruning-hook (De 16:9; Jer 50:16, marg., "scythe;" Joe 3:13; Mr 4:29)'.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'came. Re 14:14-15,18; 15:5-6; 16:1'.

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C14-S16 (Verse 18)   the command from God the father to start the reaping.
  1. First Step:  An angel  is sent from God the father with this command.
    1. And another angel came out from the altar,
    2. which had power over fire;.
  2. Second Step:  the angel  delivers the command from God the father.
    1. and cried with a loud cry to him that had the sharp sickle,
    2. saying,
    3. Thrust in thy sharp sickle,
    4. and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth;.
  3. Third Step:  Why it is time.
    1. for her grapes are fully ripe.

With the exception of sentences which describe the hundred and forty four thousand,  and the sentence which describes The patience of the saints,  every sentence in this chapter starts with the word And.  That makes this chapter a single unit which most be considered completely together for contextual reasons.  14:1 through 14:5 describe the hundred and forty four thousand.  They were first described in Chapter 7.

Prior to this, we saw two angels  with sickles.  But, this sentence, and the next two sentences, only tell us about one angel,  Who is the Son of man.  And, as I already explained, while God the father is harvesting all of His enemies, He only lets John report what is done to man.  The angel  who represented the harvesting of devils is not directly reported again.

Dr. Jeff Wilson wrote about this sentence in the note for 14:14.

Please see the notes for 1Corinthians C13S1; Significant Gospel Events; Significant New Testament Events about the word angel.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Literally, a messenger; one employed to communicate news or information or do a job for God'.  Please also see the note for Jude 1:7 about the word archangel.

Please see the note for 1Corinthians C9S22 about the word altar.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'any structure of earth (Ex 20:24) or unwrought stone (Ex 20:25) on which sacrifices were offered. Also used symbolically for a heart attitude of dedicating a life to the service of God. Used in Heb 13:10 for the sacrifice offered upon it--The sacrifice Christ offered'.

Please see the note for Romans C13S2 about the word power.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'The primary sense of the verb is to strain, to exert force. 1. In a philosophical sense, the faculty of doing or performing anything; the faculty of moving or of producing a change in something; ability or strength'  Please also see the note for John 5:41 about the phrase power of God.  Please also see the notes for Romans C8S40 and Ephesians C6S8 about the phrase spiritual powers.

Please see the note for James 3:6 about the word fire.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'The primary sense is, to rage, to act with violent excitement. It is also An extremely painful type of injury that is used by God to cleanse and purify. This word is often used symbolically for different purposes which all result in something being consumed'.  Please also see the note for Romans C12S18 about the phrase coals of fire.  Please also see the note for Revelation 20:9 about the phrase fire from Heaven.  Please also see the note for Revelation 19:20 about the phrase lake of fire.

The word cried  is the past-tense form of the word cry.  Please see the note for Mark 1:3 about the word cry.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Loud notorious exclamation as a crying sin or warning'.  The word cried  is the past-tense form of the word cry.

Please see the note for Luke 4:28-29 about the word thrust.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'To push or drive with force; as, to thrust anything with the hand or foot, or with an instrument'.

Please see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word saith.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'lifestyle speaking.  A saying that never changes when said by God'.  Please also see the note for Romans 11:1 about the phrase I say.  The New Testament definition is: 'This phrase expresses a personal opinion, which usually follows the phrase'.  Bible authors uses this phrase when they introduces their own point into an ongoing discussion.  When Jesus  says this phrase, He is giving a personal command.  Please also see the note for Revelation 1:8 about the word saith.  Please also see the note for Romans C10S28 about the word gainsaying.  Please also see the note for Matthew 26:1 about the word sayings (plural).  Please also see the notes for Romans C15S15 and 2Corinthians 2:17 about the word speak.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 3:12-14 about the word speech.  Please also see the notes for Ephesians C4S15 and 1Peter 2:1 about the phrase evil speaking.  The words speaketh  and saith  mean that the person 'keeps on keeping on doing the saying'.

Please see the note for Acts 15:39 about the word sharp.  Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'a. 1. Having a very thin edge or a fine point; keen; acute; not blunt. thus we may say, a sharp knife, or a sharp needle. A sharp edge easily severs a substance; a sharp point is easily made to penetrate,it. 2. Terminating in a point or edge; not obtuse; as, a hills terminates in a sharp peak, or a sharp ridge. 3. forming an acute or too small angle at the ridge; as a sharp roof. 4. Acute of mind; quick to discern or distinguish; penetrating; ready at invention; witty; ingenious. Nothing makes men sharper than want. Addison. Many other things belong to the material world, wherein the sharpest philosophers have not yet obtained clear ideas. Watts. 5. Being of quick or nice perception; applied to the senses or org and of perception; as a sharp eye; sharp sight. 6. Affecting the org and of taste like fine points; piercing; penetrating; shrill; as sharp vinegar; sharp tasted citrons. 7. Affecting the org and of hearing like sharp points; poercing; penetrating; shrill; as a sharp sound or voice; a sharp not or tone; opposed to a flat note or sound. 8. Severe; harsh; biting; sarcastic; as sharp words; sharp rebuke. -Be thy words severe'.

Please see the note for Mark 4:29 about the word sickle.  Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'n. Gr. Vaiclh, Vagclon; L. sicula, from the root of seco, to cut. A reaping hook; a hooked instrument with teeth; used for cutting grain. thou shalt not move a sickle to thy neighbor's standing corn. Deut. 23'. Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'of the Egyptians resembled that in modern use. the ears of corn were cut with it near the top of the straw. there was also a sickle used for warlike purposes, more correctly, however, called a pruning-hook (De 16:9; Jer 50:16, marg., "scythe;" Joe 3:13; Mr 4:29)'.

Please see the note for 2Corinthians 8:13-15 about the word gather.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Collected; assembled; contracted; plaited; drawn by inference'.  The New Testament definition for the word gathered  is: 'The past-tense of the word gather'.  The New Testament definition for the word gathereth  is: 'A life-style of gathering'.  The New Testament definition for the word gathering  is: 'Ongoing action of gather'.  Please also see the parable of the 'Parable of the Wheat and Tares' (Matthew 13:24-30), which uses this word.  Forms of this word are also used, in this book, in: 14:19; 16:14; 16:16; 19:17; 19:19; 20:8.

We find forms of the word cluster  in: Genesis 40:10; Numbers 13:23-24; Deuteronomy 32:32; 1Samuel 25:18; 1Samuel 30:12; Song 1:14; Song 7:7-8; Isaiah 65:8; Micah 7:1; Revelation 14:18.  Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'n.  1. A bunch; a number of things of the same kind growing or joined together; a knot; as a cluster of raisins.  2. A number of individuals or things collected or gathered into a close body; as a cluster of bees; a cluster of people.  3. A number of things situated near each other; as a cluster of governments in Italy.
CLUSTER, v.i.  1. to grow in clusters; to gather or unite in a bunch, or bunches; as, clustering grapes.  2. to form into flakes; as, clustering snow.  3. to collect into flocks or crowds.
CLUSTER, v.t. to collect into a bunch or close body

Please see the note for Hebrews 9:1 about the words vine / vineyard.  Webster's 1828 dictionary defines this word as: 'n. L. vinca. See Wine. 1. A plant that produces grapes, of the genus Vitis, and of a great number of varieties. 2. the long slender stem of any plant, that trails on the ground, or climbs and supports itself by winding round a fixed object, or by seizing any fixed thing with its tendrils or claspers. thus, we speak of the hop vine, the bean vine, the vines of melons, squashes, pumpkins, and other encurbitaceous plants'.

Please see the note for Philippians 2:9-11 about the word earth.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: '(1.) In the sense of soil or ground, the translation of the word adamah'. In Ge 9:20 "husbandman" is literally "man of the ground or earth." Altars were to be built of earth (Ex 20:24). Naaman asked for two mules' burden of earth (2Ki 5:17), under the superstitious notion that Jehovah, like the gods of the heathen, could be acceptably worshipped only on his own soil. (2). As the rendering of 'erets, it means the whole world (Ge 1:2); the land as opposed to the sea (Ge 1:10). Erets also denotes a country (Ge 21:32); a plot of ground (Ge 23:15); the ground on which a man stands (Ge 33:3); the inhabitants of the earth (Ge 6:1; 11:1); all the world except Israel (2Ch 13:9). In the New Testament "The earth" denotes the land of Judea (Mt 23:35); also things carnal in contrast with things heavenly (Joh 3:31; Col 3:1-2)'.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 4:7 about the word earthen.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 5:1 about the word earthly.  Please also see the note for Luke 21:10-11 about the word earthquake.  Please also see the note for Luke 21:10-11 about the word earthquake.  Please also see the note for Revelation 1:4 about the phrase kings of the earth.  Please also see the note for Matthew 32-33 about the phrase Judge of all the earth.

Please see the note for Luke 6:44 about the word grape.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'The fruit of the vine. Used symbolically, by God, to represent His people. The grapes of Palestine were very fine, of great size and high flavor, Nu 13:24. The fruit of the wild vine is called oenanthes, of the flower of wine. They never ripen, and are good only for verjuice'.

Please see the note for Romans 1:29 about the word fill.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Properly, to press; to crowd; to stuff. Hence, to put or pour in, till the thing will hold no more'.  Please see the note for 4:18 about the word full.  The New Testament definition is: 'Replete; having within its limits all that it can contain'.

We find forms of the word ripe  in: Genesis 40:10; Exodus 22:29; Nunbers 18:13; Jeremiah 24:2; Joel 3:13; Revelation 14:18; Revelation 14:18.  Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'a.  1. Brought to perfection in growth or to the best state; mature; fit for use; as ripe fruit; ripe corn.  2. Advanced to perfection; matured; as ripe judgment, or ripe in judgment.  3. Finished; consummate; as a ripe scholar.  4. Brought to the point of taking effect; matured; ready; prepared; as things just ripe for war.  5. Fully qualified by improvement; prepared; as a student ripe for the university; a saint ripe for heaven.  6. Resembling the ripeness of fruit; as a ripe lip.  7. Complete; proper for use.  When time is ripe.  8. Maturated; suppurated; as an abscess or tumor.
RIPE, v.i. to ripen; to grow ripe; to be matured. Not used. See Ripen

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'came. Re 6:9-10 exp: Re 14:17.  which. Re 16:8  and cried. Re 14:15-16  thrust. Joe 3:13'.

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C14-S17 (Verse 19)   the declaration of what will be described in Chapter 16.
  1. And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth,
  2. and gathered the vine of the earth,
  3. and cast  it into the great winepress of the wrath of God .

With the exception of sentences which describe the hundred and forty four thousand,  and the sentence which describes The patience of the saints,  every sentence in this chapter starts with the word And.  That makes this chapter a single unit which most be considered completely together for contextual reasons.  14:1 through 14:5 describe the hundred and forty four thousand.  They were first described in Chapter 7.

Again, our chapter is declaring what will happen before it actually happens.  And, we see a celebration of faith, in heaven, before things actually happen.

Our current sentence calls this The great winepress of the wrath of GodChapter 16 tells us about angels  pouring out The vials of the wrath of God.  Thus, that chapter tells us what is done, using symbolic language, and this sentence tells us the results, also using symbolic language.  The winepress  produces what is called The blood of grapes  (Genesis 49:11; Deuteronomy 32:14).  Genesis 49:8-12 is the prophecy from Jacob about our Lord Jesus Christ  being a descendent from Judah and is part of the prophecy that Jacob gave about each of his sons.

In addition, our next sentence starts with the word And,  which adds it to this sentence.  It reports that blood came out of the winepress,  which gives us a detail explanation of the symbolic language in this sentence.

Dr. Jeff Wilson wrote about this sentence in the note for 14:14.

Please see the notes for 1Corinthians C13S1; Significant Gospel Events; Significant New Testament Events about the word angel.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Literally, a messenger; one employed to communicate news or information or do a job for God'.  Please also see the note for Jude 1:7 about the word archangel.

Please see the note for Luke 4:28-29 about the word thrust.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'To push or drive with force; as, to thrust anything with the hand or foot, or with an instrument'.

Please see the note for Mark 4:29 about the word sickle.  Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'n. Gr. Vaiclh, Vagclon; L. sicula, from the root of seco, to cut. A reaping hook; a hooked instrument with teeth; used for cutting grain. thou shalt not move a sickle to thy neighbor's standing corn. Deut. 23'. Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'of the Egyptians resembled that in modern use. the ears of corn were cut with it near the top of the straw. there was also a sickle used for warlike purposes, more correctly, however, called a pruning-hook (De 16:9; Jer 50:16, marg., "scythe;" Joe 3:13; Mr 4:29)'.

Please see the note for 2Corinthians 8:13-15 about the word gather.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Collected; assembled; contracted; plaited; drawn by inference'.  The New Testament definition for the word gathered  is: 'The past-tense of the word gather'.  The New Testament definition for the word gathereth  is: 'A life-style of gathering'.  The New Testament definition for the word gathering  is: 'Ongoing action of gather'.  Please also see the parable of the 'Parable of the Wheat and Tares' (Matthew 13:24-30), which uses this word.

Please see the note for Hebrews 9:1 about the words vine / vineyard.  Webster's 1828 dictionary defines this word as: 'n. L. vinca. See Wine. 1. A plant that produces grapes, of the genus Vitis, and of a great number of varieties. 2. the long slender stem of any plant, that trails on the ground, or climbs and supports itself by winding round a fixed object, or by seizing any fixed thing with its tendrils or claspers. thus, we speak of the hop vine, the bean vine, the vines of melons, squashes, pumpkins, and other encurbitaceous plants'.

Please see the note for Philippians 2:9-11 about the word earth.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: '(1.) In the sense of soil or ground, the translation of the word adamah'. In Ge 9:20 "husbandman" is literally "man of the ground or earth." Altars were to be built of earth (Ex 20:24). Naaman asked for two mules' burden of earth (2Ki 5:17), under the superstitious notion that Jehovah, like the gods of the heathen, could be acceptably worshipped only on his own soil. (2). As the rendering of 'erets, it means the whole world (Ge 1:2); the land as opposed to the sea (Ge 1:10). Erets also denotes a country (Ge 21:32); a plot of ground (Ge 23:15); the ground on which a man stands (Ge 33:3); the inhabitants of the earth (Ge 6:1; 11:1); all the world except Israel (2Ch 13:9). In the New Testament "The earth" denotes the land of Judea (Mt 23:35); also things carnal in contrast with things heavenly (Joh 3:31; Col 3:1-2)'.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 4:7 about the word earthen.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 5:1 about the word earthly.  Please also see the note for Luke 21:10-11 about the word earthquake.  Please also see the note for Luke 21:10-11 about the word earthquake.  Please also see the note for Revelation 1:4 about the phrase kings of the earth.  Please also see the note for Matthew 32-33 about the phrase Judge of all the earth.

Please see the note for Luke 1:29 about the word cast.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'In general "to throw," with various degrees of violence; usually, with force, but not so necessarily, as e.g. in cast a net," cast lots'.  Please also see the note for Romans C11S19 about the phrase cast away.  Please also see the note for 2Corinthians 4:8-10 about the phrase cast down.  Please also see the note for Mark 9:28 about the phrase cast out.  Please also see the note for Romans C11S1 about the phrase God will not cast away his people.

Please see the note for Mark 15:23 about the word wine.  That note had a large definition and men argue that there were six original language words which are rendered wine.  Therefore, there are many arguments about the symbolic meaning of this word.  Some of those arguments are perversions of the truth which are intended to justify sin.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'A basic drink of people where the Bible was written.  It was also used for medicine'.  Please also see the note for Luke 7:34 about the word winebibber.  Please also see the note for Matthew 21:33-34 about the word winepress.

Please see the notes for Romans C4S16; Galatians C5S20; Ephesians 4:26-27 and Colossians C3S6 about the word wrath.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'Violent anger; vehement exasperation; indignation'.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'and cast. Re 19:15-21; De 32:32-33'.

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C14-S18 (Verse 20)   the volume of men killed at this time.
  1. And the winepress was trodden without the city,
  2. and blood came out of the winepress,
  3. even unto the horse bridles,
  4. by the space of a thousand  and six hundred furlongs.

With the exception of sentences which describe the hundred and forty four thousand,  and the sentence which describes The patience of the saints,  every sentence in this chapter starts with the word And.  That makes this chapter a single unit which most be considered completely together for contextual reasons.  14:1 through 14:5 describe the hundred and forty four thousand.  They were first described in Chapter 7.

Our current sentence starts with the word And,  which adds it to the prior sentence.  It reports the detail explanation of the symbolic language in the prior sentence.

This distance is converted to modern measurements and people declare a furlong.  So, the reader can choose the length that they want.  But, this is a great length and, with a depth of: even unto the horse bridles,  we have a volume which probably required the bleeding out on millions of men.  Everyone who is alive and fighting against our Lord Jesus Christ  is killed at this time.

Dr. Jeff Wilson wrote about this sentence in the note for 14:14.

Please see the note for Mark 15:23 about the word wine.  That note had a large definition and men argue that there were six original language words which are rendered wine.  Therefore, there are many arguments about the symbolic meaning of this word.  Some of those arguments are perversions of the truth which are intended to justify sin.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'A basic drink of people where the Bible was written.  It was also used for medicine'.  Please also see the note for Luke 7:34 about the word winebibber.  Please also see the note for Matthew 21:33-34 about the word winepress.

Please see the note for Hebrews 10:28-29 about the word trod.  Webster's 1828 dictionary defines this word as: 'pp. of tread. Jerusalem shall be trodden down by the Gentiles. Luke 21'. the King James Bible Companion defines this word as: 'Walked on; trampled. De 1:36'.

Please see the note for Mark 11:19 about the word city.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'An area where many people live together and have a local government rule over them'.  Please also see the note for Romans C13S12 about the phrase city of refuge.  Please also see the note for Matthew 4:5 about the phrase holy city.

Please see the note for Colossians C1S3 about the word blood.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'The fluid which circulates through the arteries and veins of the human body, and of other animals, which is essential to the preservation of life'.  Please also see the note for Matthew 26:28 about the phrase blood of Christ.  Please also see the note for 1Corinthians 10:16-LJC about the phrase Christ and blood.

Please see the note for Revelation 6:2 about the word horse.  The New Testament definition, for this word, is: 'An animal used for war. In the Revelation also there are horses and riders thereon, representing various spiritual powers'.  Please also see this chapter summary for a symbolic summary of the colored horses of Revelation.

Please see the note for James 1:26 about the word bridle.  The New Testament definition for this word is: 'a muzzle or halter or bridle, by which the rider governs his horse (Ps 39:1)'.

Please see the note for Revelation 2:21 about the word space.  Webster's 1828 defines this word as: 'n. L. spatium, space; spatior, to wander. this word is probably formed on the root of pateo.  1. Room; extension. Space in the abstract, is mere extension. Pure space is capable neither of resistance nor motion.  2. Any quantity of extension. In relation to bodies, space is the interval between any two or more object' as the space between two stars or two hills the quantity of space or extent between bodies, constitutes their distance form each other.  3. the distance or interval between lines; as in books. the space in music are named as well as the lines.  4. Quantity of time; also, the interval between two points of time. Nine times the space that measures day and God may defer his judgment for a time, and give a people a longer space for repentance.  5. A short time; a while. to stay your deadly strife a space. this sense is nearly obsolete.
SPACE, v.t. Among printers, to make space or wider intervals between lines

Please see the note for John 6:19 about the word furlong.  Easton's Bible Dictionary defines this word as: 'a stadium, a Greek measure of distance equal to 606 feet and 9 inches (Lu 24:13; Joh 6:19; 11:18; Re 14:20; 21:16)'.  Please also see the note for John 6:7 about measurements.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge provides Bible references for this sentence as: 'The winepress. Isa 63:1-3; La 1:15  without. Re 11:8; Heb 13:11-12  and blood. Re 19:14-21; Isa 34:5-7; 66:24; Eze 39:17-21'.

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